PROGRAMME - · processes controlling carbonate systems and reservoirs via Stefan Schmid...

PROGRAMME GeoTirol 2016 Annual Meeting DGGV | 25–28 September 2016 Innsbruck | Austria Annual Meeting hosting: Bodenseetagung Photo: Martin Reiser

Transcript of PROGRAMME - · processes controlling carbonate systems and reservoirs via Stefan Schmid...

Page 1: PROGRAMME - · processes controlling carbonate systems and reservoirs via Stefan Schmid (ETH Zürich, Switzerland) ... as well as experimental rock deformation and microfabrics.


GeoTirol 2016Annual Meeting DGGV | 25–28 September 2016

Innsbruck | Austria

Annual Meeting hosting:


Photo: Martin Reiser

Page 2: PROGRAMME - · processes controlling carbonate systems and reservoirs via Stefan Schmid (ETH Zürich, Switzerland) ... as well as experimental rock deformation and microfabrics.


Annual Meeting DGGV | 25–28 September 2016


Annual Meeting DGGV | 25–28 September 2016

Greetings 4

Plenary lectures 5

Awards 6

Public event 9

Social events, Conference dinner, side events, assemblies 10

Field trips 11

Topics / Sessions 12

Programme at a glance 14

Detailed programme Monday 16

Detailed programme Tuesday 22

Detailed programme Wednesday 28

Poster exhibition 34

Conference committees 43

General information 44

Next DGGV and PANGEO Austria meetings 44

Conference venue / Floor plan 45

ContentSupporting Societies

1. Annual Meeting der DGGV

2. PANGEO Austria

3. Bodenseetagung

Page 3: PROGRAMME - · processes controlling carbonate systems and reservoirs via Stefan Schmid (ETH Zürich, Switzerland) ... as well as experimental rock deformation and microfabrics.

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Annual Meeting DGGV | 25–28 September 2016 Annual Meeting DGGV | 25–28 September 2016

Gregor Eberli

(University of Miami, USA)

Carbonates as faithful recorders of sea level and ocean currentsMonday 26 September 13:00 SOWI Aula

Gregor Eberli is a marine geologist who is interested

in seismic stratigraphy, carbonate platform evolution

and architecture as well as in basin analysis and the

petrophysics of carbonates. He heads the Comparative

Sedimentology Laboratory of the University of Miami. This

research facility aims at an improved understanding of the

processes controlling carbonate systems and reservoirs via

Stefan Schmid

(ETH Zürich, Switzerland)

The Alps as a part of the Mediterranean collision zone from a geological-geophysical perspectiveTuesday 27 September 13:00 SOWI Aula

Stefan Schmid is a geologist with a broad interest in struc-

tural geology, tectonics and the deep structure of the Alps,

as well as experimental rock deformation and microfabrics.

His research contributions have significantly improved our

current understanding of the geodynamic and tectonic

evolution of the Alpine orogen and its deep crustal struc-

ture. Several of his geological/geophysical transects across

Nele Meckler

(University of Bergen, Norway)

Clumped isotope thermometry as new tool for palaeocea-nography (young scientist plenary speaker)Wednesday 28 September 13:00 SOWI Aula

Nele Meckler is a paleoclimatologist and geochemist focu-

sing on climate reconstructions from marine sediments

and stalagmites using a variety of geochemical methods.

Currently, she explores novel techniques to reconstruct

past temperature variations, most importantly clumped

isotope thermometry applied to foraminifera. With her

ERC Starting grant “C4T” and a grant from the Bergen

Plenary lecturesGreetings

an integrated research approach that combines sedimen-

tology, stratigraphy, geochemistry and geophysics. Gregor

Eberli was co-chief scientist of several International Ocean

Discovery Program Expeditions and received amongst other

awards, the Inaugural Johannes Walther Medal (IAS, 2012)

and the Grover E. Murray Memorial Distinguished Educator

Award (AAPG, 2014).

the Alps are now used in the textbook literature. Stefan

Schmid received several awards, amongst others, the

Humboldt Forschungspreis (2008, Humboldt Foundation),

the Gustav-Steinmann-Medaille (DGGV, 2007) and the

Stephan Müller Medal (EGU, 2009).

Research Foundation she is working towards an improved

understanding of how global climate changed during major

climate reorganizations during the Cenozoic. Nele Meckler,

who is the mother of two young children, received the

Marie Heim-Vögtlin Award (2015, SNF) for the exceptional

quality of her research work and progress in her career.

Welcome to the GeoTirol 2016 Annual DGGV Meeting(hosting PANGEO Austria and Bodenseetagung)

Dear participant,

We would like to welcome you to the DGGV annual meeting, to the University of Innsbruck and to the city of Innsbruck

right within the Alps. Despite a long record of ever-more detailed geological investigations, the Alps continue to abundantly

provide new questions and duties for Earth science research. In addition, with continued development of mountain habitats,

Applied Geology, Education and Hazard Assessment have to cope with a widening spectrum of challenges that even reach

out to questions of ethics.

We hope that the conference program reflects at least many of these facets of Basic and Applied Geosciences. We wish you a

stimulating meeting and a comfortable visit,

Hannah Pomella & Bernhard Fügenschuh

Institute of Geology, University of InnsbruckOn behalf of the Organisers

Page 4: PROGRAMME - · processes controlling carbonate systems and reservoirs via Stefan Schmid (ETH Zürich, Switzerland) ... as well as experimental rock deformation and microfabrics.

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Annual Meeting DGGV | 25–28 September 2016 Annual Meeting DGGV | 25–28 September 2016

Gustav-Steinmann-Medaille der DGGV an

André Freiwald(Wilhelmshaven)

Herr Prof. Dr. André Freiwald erhält die Gustav-Steinmann-

Medaille des Jahres 2016 der Deutschen Geologischen

Gesellschaft – Geologische Vereinigung (DGGV) für seine

Pionierleistungen auf dem Gebiet der Kaltwasser-Karbonat-

forschung. Er hat bereits im Rahmen seiner Dissertation mit

der Untersuchung der weißen Korallenstrände von Tromsø

nördlich des Polarkreises wissenschaftliches Neuland

betreten. Er hat diese Forschungsrichtung konsequent

ausgebaut und, neben der anfänglichen Fokussierung auf

sedimentäre und fazielle Forschungsaspekte, sich zuneh-

mend der biologischen Seite dieses hochinteressanten

Leopold-von-Buch-Plakette der DGGV an

Brian Frederic Windley (Leicester)

Herr Prof. Dr. Brian Frederic Windley, Leicester, United

Kingdom, erhält die Leopold-von-Buch-Plakette des Jahres

2016 der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft – Geolo-

gische Vereinigung (DGGV) für seine Arbeiten zum Aufbau

der kontinentalen Kruste. Er hat sich mit den Prozessen

der Entstehung von Gebirgen, dem Wachstum von Konti-

nenten und der Bildung von Kratonen über alle Zeiträume

hinweg auseinandergesetzt und mehrere Generationen

von Geologen mit seinen Ideen beeinflusst. Die DGGV

würdigt einen Geowissenschaftler, der ohne Zweifel zu

den einflussreichsten Tektonikern unserer Zeit gehört.

Eduard-Suess-Medaille der ÖGG an

Werner E. Piller (Graz)

Werner E. Piller, Jahrgang 1951, o. Univ.-Prof für Paläon-

tologie und Historische Geologie an der Universität Graz,

schließt 1975 das Studium der Paläontologe an der Univer-

sität Wien mit der Dissertation ab. Das Thema, „Mikro-fazies, Lithostratigraphie und Ökologie im gebankten Dachsteinkalk am Nordrand des Toten Gebirges (S Grünau/Almtal, O.Ö.), unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Foraminiferen“, zeichnet seine Forscherkarriere als Mittler

zwischen Paläontologie, Biologie und Geologie vor. Mehr

als 40 Jahre später ist er ein, neuen Themen stets aufge-

schlossener, international anerkannter Experte, Lehrer

und Netzwerker im umfassenden Sinne der Earth System

Sciences. Eckpunkte seiner geologisch-paläontologischen

Serge-von-Bubnoff-Medaille der DGGV an

Andreas Hoppe (Freiburg)

Die Serge-von-Bubnoff-Medaille des Jahres 2016 der

Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft – Geologische

Vereinigung (DGGV) wird Herrn Prof. Dr. Andreas

Hoppe, Freiburg, für seine herausragenden Verdienste

um die Weiterentwicklung der Zeitschrift der Deutschen

Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften (ZDGG) als eine der

führenden geowissenschaftlichen Fachzeitschriften zur

Geologie Mitteleuropas verliehen. Dank seiner mustergül-

tigen Arbeit als Chefredakteur der ZDGG, die er neben

seiner hochgeschätzten geowissenschaftlichen Lehr- und

Forschungstätigkeit als Professor für Geo-Ressourcen

Hans-Cloos-Preis der DGGV an

Tobias Goldhammer (Berlin)

Herr Dr. Tobias Goldhammer erhält den Hans-Cloos-Preis

des Jahres 2016 der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft

– Geologische Vereinigung (DGGV) für seine Forschungen

auf dem Gebiet der globalen biogeochemischen Kreis-

läufe. Seine Arbeiten stellen einen herausragenden Beitrag

zur Erforschung des sedimentären Phosphorkreislaufs

dar. Er verknüpft Methoden der klassischen aquatischen

und sedimentären Geochemie mit mikrobiologischen

Verfahren und kombiniert die Analyse von natürlichen

Proben mit systematischen Laborexperimenten und


Karbonatökosystems zugewandt. Sein wissenschaftliches

Werk umfasst über einhundert Publikationen in den

unterschiedlichsten Fachjournalen. Pionierhaft konnte er

zeigen, dass Kaltwasserkorallen-Ökosysteme für zahlreiche

Kontinentalhänge des globalen Ozeans kennzeichnend

sind. Durch die konsequente Verbindung von biologischen

(genetischen) und taxonomischen mit geologischen und

sedimentologischen Fragestellungen ist André Freiwald

ein herausragender, intellektueller Brückenbauer zwischen

den Lebenswissenschaften und den Erdwissenschaften.

In diesem Zusammenhang ist auch sein unermüdlicher

Einsatz zum Schutz dieser einzigartigen Ökosysteme zu

bewerten, der dahin geführt hat, dass er maßgeblich an

der Entstehung eines UN-Berichtes über die Kaltwasserko-

rallenriffsysteme der Welt beteiligt war.

Seine Forschungen in Grünstein- und Granulitgürteln,

in Ophiolithkomplexen und in Orogenen auf der ganzen

Erde haben unser gegenwärtiges Verständnis über die

Entwicklung der kontinentalen Kruste maßgeblich beein-

flusst. Er hat das Paradigma der modernen Plattentektonik

konsequent auf Präkambrische Akkretionskeile und Kolli-

sionsorogene angewandt. Seine Erkenntnisse hat er 1977

in seinem heute als Standardwerk geltenden Buch „The

Evolving Continents“ dargelegt und in mehreren hundert

Publikationen in höchst anspruchsvollen Fachzeitschriften

publiziert. Sie werden heute vielfach zitiert und in weiter-

führenden Publikationen und Lehrbüchern verwendet.

Mit der Leopold-von-Buch-Plakette ehrt die DGGV einen

begeisterten Wissenschaftler, der sich der kontinentalen

Kruste sowohl in zeitlicher als auch in räumlicher und

prozessualer Dimension verschrieben hat.

Arbeit, quer über das Phanerozoikum sind Stratigraphie,

Fazieskunde, Sedimentologie und Aktuopaläontologie.

1994 habilitiert er sich über „The Northern Bay of Safaga (Red Sea, Egypt): An Actuopalaeontological Approach“.

Seine Forschungen führen ihn nicht nur nach Berkeley

(1991/92: Max-Kade-Stipendium), sondern auch in den

Oman, in das Amazonasbecken oder nach Indien, um nur

wenige Orte zu nennen.

In nationalen (z.B. Vorsitz: Österreichisches Nationalko-

mitee für Geowissenschaften; Wirkliches Mitglied der

Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften) wie in

internationalen Gremien (z.B. IODP, RCMNS) wird er nie

müde, die Bedeutung der Geowissenschaften prominent

zu vertreten. Er selbst stellt sich nie in den Vordergrund.

Wenn es um die Sache geht, macht er die Nacht zum Tag;

Unterstützung und Verständnis findet er bei seiner Frau


und Geo-Risiken an der TU Darmstadt leistete, hat sich

die ZDGG in einer durch mediale Umbrüche gekennzeich-

neten Zeit behaupten und sowie inhaltlich und technolo-

gisch weiterentwickeln können. Gestützt auf ein kleines

Redaktionsteam konnte diese sehr positive Entwicklung

nur durch das großartige persönliche Engagement von

Andreas Hoppe, seine geowissenschaftliche und soziale

Kompetenz und Umsicht erreicht werden. Mit inter- und

transdisziplinären Projekten sowie der Förderung des

Dialogs zwischen Forschung und Anwendung hat Andreas

Hoppe zudem mustergültige Brücken in die Gesellschaft


numerischer und analytischer Modellierung. Zum einen

konnte er den Nutzen der Sauerstoffisotopensignatur im

Phosphatmolekül als Signatur für mikrobielle Aktivität

in marinen Sedimenten belegen, zum anderen mit einer

experimentellen Radioisotopenstudie den Nachweis für

die Beteiligung von lebenden Mikroorganismen bei der

Bildung von Phosphoriten führen. Mit dem Hans-Cloos-

Preis ehrt die DGGV einen außergewöhnlich selbstständig

und innovativ arbeitenden Nachwuchswissenschaftler, der

sich auf seinem Gebiet international bereits einen Namen

gemacht hat.

Page 5: PROGRAMME - · processes controlling carbonate systems and reservoirs via Stefan Schmid (ETH Zürich, Switzerland) ... as well as experimental rock deformation and microfabrics.

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Annual Meeting DGGV | 25–28 September 2016 Annual Meeting DGGV | 25–28 September 2016

Bernd-Rendel-Preis der DFG an

Max Frenzel (Freiberg)

Herr Frenzel hat in jungen Jahren bereits Außergewöhn-

liches in mehreren Bereichen der Geowissenschaften

geleistet. Er hat in sehr verschiedenen Wissenschaftsge-

bieten wie der Biomineralogie, der Lagerstättenkunde,

der Strukturgeologie und der Geochemie gearbeitet und

es geschafft, die Ergebnisse seiner wissenschaftlichen

Arbeiten international hochrangig zu publizieren, und

zwar in allen Subdisziplinen. Seine Arbeiten zeichnen sich

Bernd-Rendel-Preis der DFG an

Andreas Schweiger (Bayreuth)

Andreas Hubert Schweiger studierte von 2005 bis 2010 das

Fach „Umweltsicherung“ an der Hochschule Weihenste-

phan-Triesdorf. In seiner originellen Diplomarbeit befasste

er sich mit der Nahrungsökologie des Steinadlers Aquila chrysaetos im Werdenfelser Land. Es folgte ein Studium des

Masters „Biodiversität“ an der Universität Bayreuth, das er

2013 mit der ausgezeichneten Masterarbeit abschloss. Seit

außerdem nicht nur durch Originalität und hohe Qualität

aus, sondern auch durch ihre hohe gesellschaftliche Rele-

vanz, insbesondere im Bereich der Rohstoffversorgung. Das

Auswahlgremium für den Bernd Rendel-Preis bescheinigt

ihm demzufolge ein außergewöhnliches Potential, um

erfolgreich wissenschaftlich arbeiten und eine Wissen-

schaftskarriere machen zu können.

2013 arbeitet Herr Schweiger an der Universität Bayreuth

an seiner Promotion In der Promotionsbearbeitungszeit

hat er bereits sieben Publikationen in renommierten

Fachjournalen als Erstautor veröffentlicht. Die innovativen

Forschungsansätze und Forschungsarbeiten von Herrn

Schweiger sind durch eine außergewöhnlich hohe Qualität

und Originalität gekennzeichnet.

Opening event andpublic lecture

Monday, 26 September, 19:00 SoWi Aula

Greetings by Deputy Governor Josef Geisler and Vice Rector Bernhard Fügenschuh followed by a public lecture by Konrad Bergmeister on the topic „Brenner Basistunnel – von der Geologie bis zum Tunnelbau“

As part of the conference opening event Konrad Berg-

meister, CEO of the BBT SE, will give a public lecture in

German, presenting insights into the planning and ongoing

construction of the Brenner Base Tunnel (BBT).

The Brenner Base Tunnel is a straight, flat railway tunnel

between Austria and Italy. It runs for 64 km between

Tulfes/Innsbruck and Franzensfeste/Fortezza, making it the

longest underground railway stretch in the world. From a

geological point of view the BBT is very interesting – as

it crosscuts a key area of Alpine Geology: the Tauern


Konrad Bergmeister has been CEO of BBT SE since August

2006. He was previously the technical director and head

engineer of the company managing the Brenner highway

and was responsible for the planning and construction of

new infrastructure and for maintenance of the existing

structures. For the past 20 years, he has taught construc-

tion engineering at the University of Natural Resources and

Applied Life Sciences in Vienna. He has been the President

of the Free University in Bolzano since 2010. Bergmeister

has published over 350 papers and books and is a member

of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and of the

Leopoldina Academy of Natural Research in Halle.

Public event

Page 6: PROGRAMME - · processes controlling carbonate systems and reservoirs via Stefan Schmid (ETH Zürich, Switzerland) ... as well as experimental rock deformation and microfabrics.

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Annual Meeting DGGV | 25–28 September 2016 Annual Meeting DGGV | 25–28 September 2016

Sunday, 25 September

Icebreaker (18:00 - ~21:00, at the venue)Snacks and two drinks are included in the conference fee

Monday, 26 September

Assembly FS Sedi/SEPM-CES(12:00 - 13:00 SR1)

Plenary lecture by Gregor Eberli and ÖGG Award Eduard-Suess medal to Werner Piller(13:00 - 14:30, SoWi Aula)Talk Gregor Eberli, University of Miami:

Carbonates as faithful recorders of sea level and ocean currents

Opening Event: Greetings by Deputy Governor Josef Geisler and public talk by Konrad Bergmeister(from 19:00, Sowi Aula)Talk Konrad Bergmeister, CEO of BBT-SE:

Brenner Basistunnel - von der Geologie bis zum Tunnelbau

Tuesday, 27 September

General assembly Österreichische Paläontologische Gesellschaft ÖPG(12:00 - 13:00, UR3)

Plenary lecture by Stefan Schmid and DGGV Award Gustav-Steinmann medals to André Freiwald and Brian Windley(13:00 - 14:30 Sowi Aula)Talk: Stefan Schmid, ETH Zürich:

The Alps as a part of the Mediterranean collision zone from a geological-geophysical perspective

Panel discussion ÖGG2020(17:30 - 19:00 HS1)Junge ÖGG (Mathias Bichler)

The plenary discussion shall provide a platform to all members

of the Austrian Geological Society (ÖGG) to express their

vision of a modern ÖGG. Participants are invited to bring in

ideas about how the ÖGG could develop in the near and

middle-term future and to propose new paths and aims of

the society.

Side events – Social events - Assemblies

The session is open to everybody (members and non-members

of the ÖGG). The discussion will be held in German.

General assembly DGGV(17:30 - 19:00 Kaiser Leopold Saal Theologie)

Conference Dinner (19:00 - 24:00, Salzlager Hall)The conference dinner will take place in the SALZLAGER, an

industrial monument and event location in Hall, close to Innsbruck.

Please register online or at the registration desk. The fee

includes transport from/to Innsbruck by bus, dinner and two

drinks. The shuttle will start in front of the venue at 19:00 and

return to Innsbruck around 23:00 and 24:00. Additionally there

is a public bus line operation approximately every 30 minutes;

the timetable will be on display at the venue and the Salzlager.

Wednesday, 28 September

Plenary lecture by Nele Meckler, DGGV Hans-Cloos Awards to Tobias Goldhammer and Andreas Hoppe, DFG Bernd-Rendel Awards to Max Frenzel and Andreas Hubert Schweiger(13:00 - 14:30, Sowi Aula)Talk Nele Meckler, University of Bergen (young scientist plenary


Clumped isotope thermometry as new tool for palaeoceano-graphy

Forum: GeoThermal systems, heat- and gas-storage(15:45 - 16:45, HS3)Hans-Gert Linzer (RAG-Energy), Birgit Müller (KIT Karlsruhe),

Frank Schilling (KIT Karlsruhe):

Predicting subsurface reservoir quality is the main challenge in

drilling economic geothermal wells or storage wells. Reservoir

quality is also a key issue of injection wells to avoid high

injection pressures with risk of induced seismicity. What are

the research needs for geothermal reservoir prediction and

environmentally safe artificial reservoir improvement?

Closing event and DGGV Poster Awards(16:45, Sowi Aula)

General assembly Österreichische Vereinigung für Hydrogeologie ÖVH

(18:00, HS1)

Field trips

Pre-Congress Excursions

E1 Pulses of Neotethys Rifting in the Permo-Mesozoic of

the Dolomites (3 days)

Rainer Brandner, Alfred Gruber, Corrado Morelli Departure: 23 Sept. 8:00 / Return: 25 Sept. evening

E3 Metamorphic transect through the Eastern Alps: the

tectonometamorphic evolution of the Western

Austroalpine and Southalpine basement (2 days)

Peter Tropper, Bernhard Fügenschuh Departure: 24 Sept. 8:00 / Return: 25 Sept. ~ 18:00

E4 Deep water sedimentation on top of a growing

orogenic wedge-interaction of thrusting, erosion and

deposition in the Cretaceous Northern Calcareous

Alps (3 days)

Hugo Ortner Departure: 23 Sept. 7:00 / Return: 25 Sept. evening

E6 Engineering Geology - Current hydroelectric power

projects and deep-seated rockslides in the surroun-

dings of large dam reservoirs (1 day – Field Trip of the


Klaus Schretter, Michael Holzmann Departure: 25 Sept. 8:00 / Return: 25 Sept. ~18:00

E7 Engineering Geology - Brenner Base Tunnel: the Wolf

construction lot and the Padastertal disposal site (1/2

day - Field Trip of the Bodenseetagung)

Ulrich Burger, Georg Orsi Departure: 25 Sept. 9:00 / Return: 25 Sept. ~14:00

E8 Innsbruck‘s geology in a nutshell - from the Hafelekar

to the Hötting Breccia (1/2 day)

Michael Meyer, Diethard Sanders Departure: 25 Sept. 9:00 / Return: 25 Sept. ~15:00

Post-Congress Excursions

E10 Subduction, collision and indentation in the Tauern

Window (3 days)

Mark Handy, Phillip Groß, Ralf Schuster Departure: 29 Sept. 8:30 / Return: 01 Oct. evening

E12 Large-scale catastrophic rock slope failures in the

Oetz–Inn–Loisach Valley region (2 days)

Marc Ostermann, Christoph Prager Departure: 29 + 30 Sept. 8:30 / Return: 29 + 30 Oct. ~18:00

E13 Inner gorge-slot canyon system produced by

repeated major base-level changes (Northern

Calcareous Alps) (1 day)

Diethard Sanders, Alfred Gruber Departure: 29 Sept. 9:00 / Return: 29 Sept. ~18:00

E14 Brenner Base Tunnel: The Wolf construction lot, the

Padastertal disposal site, and the hydrogeological risk

analysis for the Natura 2000 area in the Valsertal

(1 day)

Roland Arnold, Ulrich Burger Departure: 29 Sept. 9:00 / Return: 29 Sept. ~17:00

All field trips will depart from and return to the coach parking bay

on the back side of the SoWi building (venue).

See floor plan on page 45 for the exit.

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Annual Meeting DGGV | 25–28 September 2016 Annual Meeting DGGV | 25–28 September 2016

Topics / Sessions

A - Natural Hazards

A1 - Deep seated gravitational slope deformations (incl. rocks-

lides, rock avalanches, ...)

Anja Dufresne (University of Freiburg) – Tuesday, 10:30, HS2

A2 - Shallow landslides and rockfalls

Martin Mergili (BOKU Wien), Michael Mölk (WLV - Wildbach

u. Lawinenverbauung Österreich) – Tuesday, 08:30, HS2

A3 - Debris flows

Johannes Hübl (BOKU Wien), Axel Volkwein (Swiss Federal

Research Institute WSL) – Tuesday, 16:00, HS2

A5 - Seismic hazards

Wolfgang Lenhardt (ZAMG) – Wednesday, 08:30, HS2

B - Palaeontology: Environments, Ecosystems and Events

B1 - The marine world: biodiversity, stratigraphy and turnovers

Patrick Grunert (University of Graz), Mathias Harzhauser (NHM Wien), David Lazerus (Museum für Naturkunde Berlin)

– Tuesday, 08:30, HS3

B2 - Terrestrial ecosystems: palaeoecology and evolution of

land-based biotas

Massimo Bernardi (MUSE Trento), Evelyn Kustatscher (Naturmuseum Bozen) – Tuesday, 10:30, HS3

B3 - Biotic and chemostratigraphic events in Earth history

Christoph Korte (University of Copenhagen), Wolfgang Mette

(University of Innsbruck) – Tuesday, 16:00, HS3

B4 - Marine benthic ecosystems under low oxygen conditions

Marie-Emilie Clemence (University of Innsbruck) – Tuesday, 16:00, HS3

C - Petrology & Mineralogy

C1 - The geology-petrology-geochronology connection: the

P-T-t-d paths of metamorphic rocks

Peter Tropper (University of Innsbruck), Armin Zeh (KIT Karls-

ruhe) – Wednesday, 08:30, UR3

C3 - Magmatic and metamorphic evolution of pre-Alpine

basement units

Bernhard Schulz (University of Freiberg) – Wednesday, 08:30, UR3

C4 - Ophiolites in space and time

Walter Kurz (University of Graz) – Monday, 16:00, HS3

C5 - From ore to metal: mineralogy and petrology of ore


Frank Melcher (MU Leoben), Peter Tropper (University of

Innsbruck) – Monday, 08:30, HS3

D - TectonicsD1 - From rift to drift

Niko Froitzheim (University of Bonn), Gianreto Manatschal (University of Strasbourg) – Wednesday, 08:30, SoWi Aula

D2 - Accretionary vs. collisional orogens

Harald Fritz (University of Graz), Franz Neubauer (University

of Salzburg), Lothar Ratschbacher (TU Freiberg), Wenjiao Xiao

(Chinese Academy of Sciences) – Wednesday, 15:00, SoWi Aula

D3 - Structure, geodynamics and evolution of the Alps and

the Mediterranean

Götz Bokelmann (University of Vienna), Claudio Facenna (Roma3), Ralf Schuster (GBA Vienna) – Tuesday, 08:30, SoWi Aula

D4 - Tectonics, climate and erosion

Christoph Glotzbach (University of Hannover), Bernhard Salcher (University of Salzburg), Fritz Schlunegger (University

of Bern) – Monday, 10:30, SoWi Aula

D5 - Orogenic sedimentary basins

Liviu Matenco (University of Utrecht), Hugo Ortner (University

of Innsbruck), Philip Strauss (OMV Vienna), Michael Wagreich (University of Vienna) – Monday, 08:30, SoWi Aula

D6 - Fabrics of geological bodies: Bruno Sander‘s legacy

Jan Behrmann (GEOMAR Kiel), Bernhard Grasemann (Univer-

sity of Vienna), Claudia Trepmann (University of Munich)

– Monday, 16:00, SoWi Aula

E - Sedimentology

E1 - Sedimentation and tectonism: from sand grains to moun-

tain building

Hilmar von Eynatten (University of Göttingen), Matthias Hinderer (TU Darmstadt) – Tuesday, 08:30, HS1

E2 - Sedimentary records of events and environments

Robert Bussert (TU Berlin), Jens Herrle (University of Frankfurt,

University of Toronto) – Monday, 08:30, HS1

E3 - Sediments as products and records of life (Geobiology)

Gernot Arp (University of Göttingen), Werner Piller (University

of Graz) – Monday, 16:00, HS1

E4 - Young sedimentologists

Ulrich Heimhofer (University of Hannover), Michaela Spiske (University of Trier) – Tuesday, 10:30, HS1

F - Bodenseetagung - Engineering Geology (sessions on Monday 26th Sept.)

F1 - Putting numbers to geology / Quantifizierung in der Geologie

Gert Furtmüller (Pöyry Infra GmbH) – Monday, 14:30, HS2

F2 - Challenges in tunnelling / Herausforderungen im


Kurosch Thuro (TU Munich) – Monday, 08:30, HS2

F3 - Stability of natural and artificial slopes / Stabilität von

natürlichen und künstlichen Böschungen und Hängen

Roland Wyss (Dr. Roland Wyss GmbH, Frauenfeld), Ewald Tentschert (TU Vienna) – Monday, 10:30, HS2

F4 - Engineering Geology - open topic / Ingenieurgeologie -

Freie Themen

Christian Zangerl (BOKU Vienna), Steinacher Reinhold (Sekretär

ÖGG Fachsektion Ingenieurgeologie) – Monday, 16:30, HS2

G - Geophysics

Edi Kissling (ETH Zürich) – Monday, 16:00, UR3

H - Hydrogeology and Environmental Geology

Ralf Benischke (Joanneum Research), Sylke Hilberg (University

of Salzburg), Martin Kralik (University of Vienna), Gerfried Winkler (University of Graz) – Wednesday, 08:30, HS1

I - Geo-environmental monitoring using remote- and close-range-sensing techniques

Martin Rutzinger (Austrian Academy of Science), Romy Schlögel (European Academy of Bozen) – Tuesday, 16:00, HS1

K - GeoEnergy: Geothermal systems, heat- and gas-storage

Hans-Gert Linzer (RAG-Energy), Birgit Müller (KIT Karlsruhe),

Frank Schilling (KIT Karlsruhe) – Wednesday, 09:00, HS3

L - Advances in scientific drilling

Jochen Erbacher (BGR), Patrick Grunert (University of Graz),

Ulrich Harms (GFZ Potsdam), Werner Piller (University of Graz)

– Wednesday, 10:30, HS2

M - LandesGeologie in der Praxis: von der Katastrophe bis zum Friedhof

Thomas Figl (Landesgeologie Tirol), Hermann Michael Konrad

(Landesgeologie Steiermark) – Wednesday, 10:30, UR3

N - Open Session

Diethard Sanders (University of Innsbruck) – Tuesday, 08:30, UR3

Geowissenschaften und Schule

Bernhard Hubmann (University of Graz), Magnus Lantschner (Natopia Innsbruck), Manfred Pfeifer (ARGE Biologie AHS

Tirol), Christoph Spötl (University of Innsbruck) – Monday, 09:00, UR3

Page 8: PROGRAMME - · processes controlling carbonate systems and reservoirs via Stefan Schmid (ETH Zürich, Switzerland) ... as well as experimental rock deformation and microfabrics.

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Annual Meeting DGGV | 25–28 September 2016 Annual Meeting DGGV | 25–28 September 2016

Programme at a glance

Foyer SOWI Sowi Aula450 seats

Sowi HS 1160 seats

Sowi HS 3140 seats

Sowi HS 280 seats

Sowi UR 370 seats UG1

SOWI SR 01 35 seats 1. Stock

Theo KLS 180 seats

17:00 Registration

18:00 Icebreaker

08:00 Registration


D5: Orogenic sed. basins E2: Sed. records C5: From ore to metal F2: Bodenseetagung09:00 Geologie & Schule


10:30 D4: Tect., climate, erosion E2: Sed. records C5: From ore to metal F3: Bodenseetagung Geologie & Schule

12:00 Lunch break FS Sedi/SEPM-CES Treffen

13:00 Plenary lecture by Gregor Eberli (Univ. of Miami) | ÖGG award: Eduard-Suess Medaille to Werner Piller Geologie & Schule

14:30 Poster session of topics: C4, C5, D5, E1, E2, E4, D4, D5, D6, F-Bodensee, G, N | coffee break F1: Bodenseetagung Geologie & Schule


16:00 D6: Bruno Sander legacy E3: Geobiology C4: Ophiolites F4: Bodenseetagung G: Geophysics

19:00 Opening and lecture by Konrad Bergmeister

08:00 Registration

08:30 D3: Alps & Mediterranean E1: Sedim. & tectonism B1: Marine world A2: Landslides N: Open session

10:00 Coffee break

10:30 D3: Alps & Mediterranean E4: Young Sedim. B2: Terr. ecosystems A2: Shallow + A1: Deep N: Open session

12:00 Lunch break ÖPG assembly ÖGG board meeting

13:00 Plenary lecture by Stefan Schmid (ETH Zürich) | DGGV award: Gustav-Steinmann-Medaille to André Freiwald and Brian Windley

14:30 Poster session of topics: A1, A2, A3, A5, B1, B2, B3+B4, C1, C2, C3, D1, D2, D3, H, I, K, L

16:00 D3: Alps & Mediterranean I: Monitoring B3+B4: Events+Ecosyst. A3: Debris flows

17:30 ÖGG 2020 (Junge ÖGG) DGGV gen. assembly

19:00 Conference dinner (at Salzlager)

08:00 Registration

08:30 D1: From rift to drift H: Hydro & Env. geol. 9:00 K: GeoEnergy A5: Seismic hazards C1+C3: Chron. + Magm.

10:00 Coffee break

10:30 D1: From rift to drift H: Hydro & Env. geol. K: GeoEnergy L: Scientific drilling M: Landesgeologie

12:00 Lunch break

13:00 Plenary lecture by Nele Meckler (Uni of Bergen) | DGGV awards: Hans-Cloos-Preis to Tobias Goldhammer and Andreas Hoppe | DFG Bernd-Rendel Awards to Max Frenzel and Andreas Schweiger

14:30 Coffee break

15:00 D2: Accr. vs. coll. orogens H: Hydro & Env. geol. K: GeoEnergy + Disc. L: Scientific drilling M: Landesgeologie

16:45 Closing + poster awards

18:00 ÖVH assembly

SUNDAY, 25.9.2016

MONDAY, 26.9.2016

TUESDAY, 27.9.2016

WEDNESDAY, 28.9.2016

Page 9: PROGRAMME - · processes controlling carbonate systems and reservoirs via Stefan Schmid (ETH Zürich, Switzerland) ... as well as experimental rock deformation and microfabrics.

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Annual Meeting DGGV | 25–28 September 2016 Annual Meeting DGGV | 25–28 September 2016

Detailed programme Monday, 26 Sept. 2016

Sowi Aula Sowi HS 1 Sowi HS 3 Sowi HS 2 Sowi UR 3


D5 - Orogenic sedimentary basins chairs: L. Matenco & H. Ortner & M. Wagreich

E2 - Sedimentary records of events and environments chair: R. Bussert

C5 - From ore to metal: mineralogy and petrology of ore deposits chairs: F. Melcher & P. Tropper

F - Bodenseetagung - Engineering GeologyF2: Challenges in Tunnelling chair: Kurosch Thuro

Geologie & Schule

chair: Christoph Spötl

08:30 Meeßen, C.; Sippel, J.; Scheck-Wenderoth, M.; Strecker, M.R.: Density variations in the upper mantle: impact of s-wave derived density and temperature distributions on the gravity and thermal field

Meinhold, Guido et al.: Changes of sediment composi-tion at the dawn of animal life: Insights from the Ediacaran–Cam-brian boundary section of the Digermulen Peninsula (Finnmark, Arctic Norway)

Angerer, Thomas; Hagemann, Steffen: Geochemical constraints on the giant BIF-hosted hematite system in the Hamersley Province, Western Australia

08:30 Begrüßung

08:45 Lee, Eun Young; Wagreich, Michael: 3D visualization of the sedi-mentary infill and polyphase subsidence evolution in the northern and central parts of the Vienna Basin (Miocene)

Franz, Matthias; Kustatscher, Evelyn: Eustatic cycles across the P-T boundary: Evidence from the NW Tethyan shelf (Werfen Formation) and the peri-Tethyan realm (Buntsandstein)

Boch, R. et al.: Aragonite-calcite vein mineraliza-tions from the „Erzberg“ iron-ore mine: Radiometric dating, hydrogeochemical & neotectonic constraints

08:40 Meyer, Anna-Maria: Der Albaufstieg, jurassische Schichtstufen mit ganz spezifischen geologisch-geotechnischen Herausforderungen beim Bau des Steinbühl- und Boßlertunnels

09:00 Grobe, A.; von Hagke, C.; Littke, R.; Urai, J.L.: Multiphase structural and thermal evolution of a conti-nental margin during obduction orogeny: insights from the Jebel Akhdar dome, Oman Mountains

Hofmann, Mandy; Voigt, Thomas; Gärtner, Andreas; Zieger, Johannes; Bittner, Lucas; Linnemann, Ulf: Reworked Middle Jurassic sandstones as a marker for late Cretaceous basin inversion in Central Europe?

Hoffmann, Marie Christin; Kauf-mann, Felix; Hecht, Lutz: The petrology of contact zones between magmatic chromitite layers in the lower critical zone of the Bushveld Complex, South Africa

09:00 Wilfing, Lisa; Thuro, Kurosch: Penetration prediction in TBM-tunneling – improved prognosis with the modified Gehring model (‘Alpine model’)

09:00 Hubmann, Bernhard: Wieviel Geologie wird in der Lehramts-ausbildung „Biologie und Umweltkunde“ angeboten?

09:15 Voigt, T.; Kley, J.; Voigt, S.; Hellwig, A.; Frisch, K.: Extremely slow, continuous growth of basement folds– observations from synorogenic deposits of the Cenozoic Ili Basin (Central Tian Shan/southern Kazakhstan)

Hellwig, A.; Voigt, S.; Mulch, A.; Gerdes, A.; Pross, J.; Voigt, T.: Regional seasonality increase vs. global aridification – paleocli-matic implications from Central Asian late Oligocene-early Miocene paleosol sequences

Kaufmann, Felix Emil David; Hoff-mann, Marie Christin; Hecht, Lutz: From crystallization to post-cumulus recrystallization – Chro-mitites in layered intrusions

09:30 Ortner, Hugo: Impact of escape tectonics on the evolution of the Austrian-German Alpine foreland basin

Bussert, Robert; Brocke, Rainer; Steemans, Philippe: Post-Hirnantian (latest Ordovi-cian-early Silurian) environments in Ethiopia: First evidence from sedimentology and palynology

Schwabl, Sonja; Melcher, Frank; Grill, Hans: Platinum-group element-bearing copper-nickel-cobalt mineraliza-tion in the Habach Group, Tauern Window, Salzburg

09:20 Burger, Ulrich: Hydrogeologische Aspekte beim Bau des Brenner Basistunnels

09:20 Burghard, Sandra & Hubmann, Bernhard: Wieviel Geologie ist im Schulunterricht zu vermitteln? Eine Analyse der Lehrpläne seit 1849

09:45 Palzer-Khomenko, M.; Knierzinger, W.; Wagreich, M.; Meszar, M.-E.; Gier, S.; Soliman, A.; Kallanxhi, M.-E.: A new Litho- and Chemostra-tigraphical Concept for the Miocene Lower Austrian Molasse Basin (LAMB)

Cina, Aleksander; Cina, Lea: Hedleyite from Albanian Ophioli-tic Complex

09:40 Schreiber, Ulrich Christoph; Ewert, Thomas: “Unter dem Salz” – Ein alternatives Konzept zur Endlagerung wärmeentwickelnder radio-aktiver Abfälle

09:40 Kaiser, Markus & Hubmann, Bernhard: Wieviel Geologie wird im Schulunterricht umgesetzt? Aktuelle Befragungen in der Steiermark

10:00 Coffee break 10:00 Coffee break 10:00 Coffee break

Page 10: PROGRAMME - · processes controlling carbonate systems and reservoirs via Stefan Schmid (ETH Zürich, Switzerland) ... as well as experimental rock deformation and microfabrics.

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Annual Meeting DGGV | 25–28 September 2016 Annual Meeting DGGV | 25–28 September 2016

Sowi Aula Sowi HS 1 Sowi HS 3 Sowi HS 2 Sowi UR 3


D4 - Tectonics, climate and erosion chairs: C. Glotzbach & B. Salcher & F. Schlunegger

E2 - Sedimentary records of events and environments | chair: R. Bussert

C5 - From ore to metal: mineralogy and petrology of ore deposits | chairs: F. Melcher & P. Tropper

F - Bodenseetagung - Engineering GeologyF3: Stability of natural and artificial slopes | chair: Ewald Tentschert & Roland Wyss

Geologie & Schule

chair: Bernhard Hubmann

10:30 Keynote: Wittmann, H.; Malusà, M.; Resentini, A.; Garzanti, E.; Niedermann, S.: The cosmogenic record of moun-tain erosion transmitted across a foreland basin: source-to-sink analysis of in situ 10Be, 26Al and 21Ne in sediment of the Po river catchment

Storck, Julian-Christopher; Brack, Peter; Wotzlaw, Jörn-Frederik; Ulmer, Peter: Timescales and geochemical evolution of mid-Triassic magmatism in the Southern Alps: A high resolution zircon petrochronology study

Keynote: Melcher, Frank: Tantalum mineralization in time and space

10:30 Neumann, Peter; Bauer, Markus; Davies, Daniel: Methodik einer ingenieurgeologischen Geo-risikoanalyse am Isarhochufer im Münchener Süden

10:30 Bookhagen, Britta: Was steckt im Handy? - Rohstoffe im Schulun-terricht am Beispiel Mobiltelefone

10:50 Pfeifer, Manfred: Geologie-Online-Quiz. Lernzielkontrolle mit Spaßfaktor

10:45 Draganits, E.; Gier, S.; Hofmann, C.-C.; Janda, C.; Bookhagen, B.; Grasemann, B.; Preh, A.: Comparison between Holocene and modern erosion rates in the catchment of the 300 MW Baspa II hydroelectric power plant (India, NW Himalaya)

Gawlick, Hans-Jürgen; Missoni, Sigrid: Triassic radiolarite components from the mélange complexes of the western Tethyan realm and their provenance

10:50 Orsi, Georg; Rapp, Michael; Burger, Ulrich: Errichtung und Überwachung hoher Böschun-gen von Tunnelausbruchdeponien beim Bau des Brenner Basistunnels

11:10 Spötl, Christoph & Pfeifer, Manfred: Geologische Lehrkoffer für die Tiroler Schulen: Konzeption und praktische Erfahrungen

11:30 Bucher-Spielmann, Petra: Geologie-Rallye durchs Dorf – Eine Lernzielkon-trolle der anderen Art (7. Schulstufe)

11:00 Trost, G.; Neubauer, F.; Robl, J.: Core-complex formation as dri-ving force in landscape evolution

Missoni, S.; Onoue, T.; Gawlick, H.-J.: Some biogeochemical aspects of the Late Norian Hallstatt Limestones

Hakim, A.Y. Al; Melcher, F.: The Sallu Bulo Mesothermal Gold Deposit in South Sulawesi, Indonesia

11:10 Wyss, Roland; Liniger, Markus: Untersuchungen zur Verbesserung der Hang-murenbeurteilung

11:50 Lunch break

chairs: Manfred Pfeifer & Magnus Lantschner

11:15 Robl, Jörg Christian; Prasicek, Günther; Hergarten, Stefan: Tectonics, Climate and Earth’s highest peaks

Missoni, S.; Krystyn, L.; Gawlick, H.-J.; Bucur, I.I.; Lein, R.: Late Triassic fore-reef evolution of the Dachstein Carbonate Platform – ion-exchange and biostratigraphic aspects

Wallner, Daniela; Raith, Johann; Paar, Werner: Polyphase Au-Ag-As-Cu-Bi minera-lization in the orogenic gold deposit Rotgülden, Austria

11:30 Mohr, Hans: Die Rolle des Geologen bei der Überwachung von grossen Stauanlagen in der Schweiz

13:10 Riedl, Wolfgang: Geowissen und Populärwissenschaft

11:50 Ahmadabadi, Morteza; Preh, Alexander; Fleris, Manolis: Difficulties in using the Distinct Element Method (3DEC) for analyzing WEDGE- Failures

13:30 Lantschner, Magnus: Geologie in der Schule

13:50 Seidl, Sabine: IESO | International Earth Science Olympiad – Internationale Erdwissenschaftsolympiade

11:30 Moosdorf, N.; Cohen, S.; von Hagke, C.: An index to estimate sediment production potential of different rock types at large spatial scales

Rödel, Tim: Prospecting for prehistoric copper – field observations from a geoarcheological survey in SE Bulgaria

12:10 Lunch break 14:10 Schober, Andrea: Die Österreichische Geologische Gesellschaft

13:00 Plenary Lecture in der Sowi Aula 14:30 Summesberger, Herbert: Ein Preis für die beste Vorwissenschaftliche Arbeit auf dem Gebiet der Geowissenschaften

11:45 Mair, D.; Lechmann, A.; Schlunegger, F.: High-resolution 3D structural modelling of a tectonically com-plex setting discloses the details of the lithological controls on the shape of the Eiger north face (Jungfrau area, Switzerland)

Onuk, Peter; Melcher, Frank: Trace element content of sphalerite from Eastern Alpine Paleozoic sediment-hosted lead-zinc-copper deposits

F1: Putting numbers to geology |chair: Gert Furtmüller

14:40 Döme, Tibor: Die Dynamik der Plattentektonik in der japa-nischen Inselregion - Schwerpunkt: Tōhoku-Katastrophe 201114:30 Weinert, Sebastian; Rühaak, Wolfram; Bär, Kristian;

Sass, Ingo: Hydromechanisch gekoppelte numerische Simulation und vergleichende Thermo-Triaxial Versuche an Sandstein

14:55 Stüwe, Teja: Methanhydrat - die neue Energiequelle

13:00 Plenary / Awards - Gregor Eberli 14:50 Strauhal, Thomas; Zangerl, Christian; Prager, Christoph; Perzlmaier, Sebastian: Systematische Trennflächenaufnahme in geklüfteten Granodioritgneisen zur Gebirgs-charakterisierung und Ermittlung von In-Situ Blockgrößenverteilungen

15:10 Schadl, Patrick: Sand wars

14:00 Awards: ÖGG Eduard-Suess Medaille (Werner Piller) 15:10 Menschik, Florian; Thuro, Kurosch; Käsling, Heiko: Presentation of a web-based database design for documentation and analysis of rock properties

15:25 Schlussworte

14:30 Poster Session

15:30 Coffee break 15:30 Coffee break 15:30 Coffee break

MONDAY, 26.9.2016

Page 11: PROGRAMME - · processes controlling carbonate systems and reservoirs via Stefan Schmid (ETH Zürich, Switzerland) ... as well as experimental rock deformation and microfabrics.

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Annual Meeting DGGV | 25–28 September 2016 Annual Meeting DGGV | 25–28 September 2016

Sowi Aula Sowi HS 1 Sowi HS 3 Sowi HS 2 Sowi UR 3


D6 - Fabrics of geological bodies: Bruno Sander‘s legacy | chairs: J. Behrmann, C. Trepmann & B. Grasemann

E3 - Sediments as products and records of life (Geobiology) | chairs: G. Arp & W. Piller

C4 - Ophiolites in space and time | chair: W. Kurz

F - Bodenseetagung - Engineering GeologyF4: Open topic | chairs: Steinacher Reinhold & Christian Zangerl

G - Geophysics | chair: E. Kissling

16:00 Dabrowski, M.; Szczepański, J.; Grasemann, B.; Rogowitz, A.: The Jegłowa metaconglomerate (“Dattelquarzit”, SW Poland): a source of conflicting microstruc-tural interpretations since the advent of modern fabric analysis by Bruno Sander

Harzhauser, Mathias; Djuricic, Ana; Mandic, Oleg; Neubauer, Thomas A.; Zuschin, Martin; Pfeifer, Norbert: Miocene oyster reefs as major carbonate factories

Zirner, Aurelia Lucretia Katharina; Ballhaus, Chris; Münker, Carsten; Fonseca, Raúl O.C.: Fluid driven processes in the crust - the formation of anorthositic dykes in the Troodos Ophiolite Cyprus

16:00 Ruch, Clemens: Ingenieurgeologische Aspekte des Gipskeupers (Grabfeld-Formation) von Baden-Württemberg

16:00 Gerner, A.; Grasemann, B.; Lenhardt, W.:A Cluster of Repeating Seismicity around Moho-depths in Upper-Austria

16:15 Mayrhofer, Franziska; Schöpfer, Martin P.J.; Grasemann, Bernhard: Scaling and fabrics of opening mode fractures (germ: ‚Rupturen‘ after Bruno Sander)

Auer, G.; Hauzenberger, C.A.; Reuter, M.; Piller, W.E.: Orbitally paced phosphogenesis in Mediterranean shallow marine carbonates during the middle Miocene Monterey event

Micheuz, P.; Quandt, D.; Kurz, W.: Meso- and microscale vein structures within the Izu-Bonin-Mariana fore arc: implications for post-magmatic tectonic deformation

16:20 Ottner, Franz; Wriessnig, Karin; Mayrhofer, Maria: Tonmineralogie und Ingenieurgeologie – Widerspruch oder Ergänzung?

16:15 Kostial, D.; Chwatal, W.; Ribis, M.; Poscher, G.; Perzlmaier, S.: Ausgewählte Kapitel zum Einsatz spezieller bodengeophysikalischer Verfahren

16:30 Nikonow, W.; Rammlmair, D.: Grain Shape Analysis of Mo-nomineralic Aggregates based on Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence Mapping Combined with Automated Image Analysis

Gross, Martin; Piller, Werner E.: Provide foraminifers and ostracods evidence for marine incursions in Western Amazonia during Miocene times?

Parlak, Osman: Subduction Initiation, Meta-morphic Sole Formation and Roll-back Processes for Genesis and Emplacement of Tethyan Ophiolites in Turkey

16:40 Beckhaus, Karsten; Paysen-Petersen, Lukas:Abrasivity of Soil and Rock and its Effect on Special Geotechnical Works

16:30 Dertnig, Florian; Gegenhuber, Nina: Petrographic correlated Model

16:45 Linckens, Jolien; Zulauf, Gernold: Experimental deformation of natural foliated rock salt

Rasser, M.W.; Werner, W.: Repeated lake-level changes recorded by microbial mats in the middle Miocene “Silvana lime-stone” in the Northern Alpine Foreland Basin

Simsek, Emrah; Parlak, Osman; Robertson, Alastair: Crustal Architecture and U-Pb Geochronology of the Kızıldağ (Hatay) Ophiolite, Southern Turkey

16:45 Sladky, T.; Scholger, R.; Bleibinhaus, F.; Galler, R.: Remote Detection of Subsurface Cavities

17:00 Zulauf, Gernold; Zulauf, Janet: Formation of dome and basin structures: Results from scaled experiments using non-linear rock analogues

Tran, H.; Rott, E.; Sanders, D.: Large-crystal calcite spar fabrics controlled by vertical growth and cell division: the green microalga Oocardium stratum (Desmidiacea)

Onuzi, Kujtim; Koller, Friedrich; Gega, Dashamir: Die Ophiolitische Melange der Korca-Region (Albanien)

17:00 Gorka, Torsten; Peters, Stephan: Geotechnical borehole investigations for assessing the influence of UCG on the surroun-ding rock mass

Reimer, A.; Mißbach, H.; Brockmann, P.; Kugel, M.; Arp, G.: Hydrochemistry and biofilm calcification in tufa canal-forming karstic streams (“Steinerne Rinnen”, Southern Germany)

19:00 Opening and public lecture by Konrad Bergmeister

MONDAY, 26.9.2016

Page 12: PROGRAMME - · processes controlling carbonate systems and reservoirs via Stefan Schmid (ETH Zürich, Switzerland) ... as well as experimental rock deformation and microfabrics.

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Annual Meeting DGGV | 25–28 September 2016 Annual Meeting DGGV | 25–28 September 2016

Detailed programme Tuesday, 27 Sept. 2016

Sowi Aula Sowi HS 1 Sowi HS 3 Sowi HS 2 Sowi UR 3


D3 - Structure, geodynamics and evolution of the Alps and the Mediterranean | chair: G. Bokelmann

E1 - Sedimentation and tectonism: from sand grains to mountain building | chairs: H. von Eynatten & M. Hinderer

B1 - The marine world: biodiversity, stratigraphy and turnovers | chairs: P. Grunert, M. Harzhauser & D. Lazarus

A2 - Shallow landslides and rockfalls |chairs: M. Mergili & M. Mölk

N: Open Session | chair: Diethard Sanders

08:30 Keynote: Kissling, Edi: AlpArray collaborative research initiative addressing fundamen-tal questions of Alpine Orogeny

Keynote: Schlunegger, Fritz; Kissling, Edi: Slab rollback orogeny in the Alps inferred from the stratigraphic evolution of the Swiss Molasse basin

Keynote: Lazarus, David B.: Primary controls on the diversity histories of Cenozoic fossil mari-new plankton

Keynote: Dorren, Luuk; Schwarz, Massimiliano: Latest improvements and remaining challenges in tools for rockfall and shallow landslide hazard analysis

Küppers, A.N.: From Exchange to Cloud: The DGGV Library in Times of Digital Revolution

08:45 Hofmann, T.; et al.: Die Bibliothek der Geologischen Bundesanstalt als Quelle zentraler Informationsressourcen

09:00 Kaus, Boris J.P.; Baumann, Tobias; Bauville, Arthur; Becker, Thorsten; Popov, Anton: Geodynamic constraints on mantle flow patterns beneath the Alps

Meinhold, Guido; Bassis, Alexander; Lewin, Anna; Hinderer, Matthias; Berndt, Jasper: Did the Gondwana super-fan system reach Saudi Arabia?

Goldman, D. et al.: High-Resolution Stratigraphic Correlation and Biodiversity Dynamics of Middle and Late Ordovician Marine Fossils from Baltoscandia and Poland

Prager, C.; Zangerl, C.; Ivy-Ochs, S.; Ostermann, M.; Chwa-tal, W.; Krainer, K.: Geological characteristics of the Fernpass rock avalan-che deposits (Tyrol, Austria)

Krenmayr, Hans Georg: Die neue „Geologische Karte der Republik Österreich 1:25.000“ im UTM-System

09:15 Bokelmann, Götz; Qorbani, Ehsan; Bianchi, Irene: Large-Scale Seismic Anisotropy under the Alps

Lewin, A.; Meinhold, G.; Dawit, E.L.; Hinderer, M.: Sediments of the decaying Trans-gondwanan Supermountain: petrography and geochemistry of Palaeozoic sandstones in Northern Ethiopia

Atakul-Ozdemir, Ayse:Conodont biostatigraphy of Famennian-Tournaisian boundary deposits from eastern Taurides, Turkey

Ostermann, Marc; Koltai, Gabriella; Spötl, Christoph; Cheng, Hai: Speleothems date the onset of DSGSDs in crystalline rocks (Vinschgau, South Tyrol)

Menning, Manfred: Wie genau ist die geologische Zeitskala kalibriert?

09:30 Navabpour, P.; Malz, A.; Kley, J.; Siegburg, M.; Ustaszewski, K.: Post-Variscan tectonic events far north of the Alps recorded in brittle structures

Huber, B.; Bahlburg, H.; Drewer, C.: Climate-tectonic interactions in the St. Elias orogen: New geo-chemical and geochronological provenance data from Surveyor Fan sediments, Gulf of Alaska

Vörös, A.; Kocsis, Á.T.; Pálfy, J.: End-Triassic losses and Early Jurassic (Toarcian) extinction of the last two spire-bearing brachiopod orders (Spiriferinida and Athyridida)

Melzner, Sandra et al.: Rockfall and landslide hazard potential at Mount Plassen, Upper Austria (Eastern Alps)

Stribrny, Bernhard: Energie und Klima: Fakten und Trends

09:45 Le Breton, Eline; Handy, Mark R.: New constraints on post-20 Ma counter-clockwise rotation of Adria relative to Europe

Kelemen, P.; Dunkl, I.; Mindszenty, A.; Csillag, G.; von Eynatten, H.: Continental red clays on carbona-te substrate - the complex story of the Late Cenozoic Vöröstó Formation (Southern Bakony Mts., Hungary)

Gebhardt, H. et al.: Slow directional evolution, cryptic speciation, and the impact of environmental changes on assemblage composition in Middle to late Miocene Mediter-ranean and Paratethyan planktic foraminiferal genus Orbulina

Rieder, Benedikt; Mölk, Michael: Hazard zoning for rock-fall: a new and standardized approach for Austria according to ÖREK, demonstrated on a case study

Hofmann, Thomas; Harzhauser, Mathias: Wo die Wiener Mammuts grasten – Naturgeschichte(n) vermitteln als Öffentlichkeitsarbeit

10:00 Coffee break

Page 13: PROGRAMME - · processes controlling carbonate systems and reservoirs via Stefan Schmid (ETH Zürich, Switzerland) ... as well as experimental rock deformation and microfabrics.

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Annual Meeting DGGV | 25–28 September 2016 Annual Meeting DGGV | 25–28 September 2016

Sowi Aula Sowi HS 1 Sowi HS 3 Sowi HS 2 Sowi UR 3


D3 - Structure, geodynamics and evolution of the Alps and the Mediterranean |chairs: H. Pomella & R. Schuster

E4 - Young sedimentologists | chairs: U. Heimhofer & M. Spiske

B2 - Terrestrial ecosystems: palaeoe-cology and evolution of land-based biotas | chairs: M. Bernardi & E. Kustatscher

A2 - Shallow landslides and rockfalls | chair: A. Dufresne & A1 - Deep seated gravitational slope deformations | chairs: A. Dufresne & M. Mergili & M. Mölk

N: Open Session | chair: Diethard Sanders

10:30 Neubauer, Franz; Heberer, Bianca: Late-stage motion of Adria, fragmentation of the Periadriatic fault and the structure of the central Eastern Alps

Löwen, K.; Meinhold, G.; Güngör, T.; Berndt, J.: Provenance of Palaeotethys-related sediments from the Karaburun Peninsula, western Turkey: Insights from detrital zircon geochronology

Kustatscher, E.; Bernardi, M.; Petti, F.M.; Franz, M.; van Konijnenburg-van Cittert, J.H.A.; Kerp, H.: The effect of sea-level changes on fossil preservation: a case study from the Lopingian (late Permian) of the northwestern Tethys

Fleris, Manolis; Preh, Alexander: Wurf_live: Demonstration of a stohastic numerical Rockfall code in 3D

Bichler, M.G.; Lotter, M.; Schober, A.; Reitner, J.M.: Auf dem Weg zur „gleichen Sprache“ im Quartär und bei Massenbewegungen

10:45 Beidinger, Andreas; Decker, Kurt: Paleogene and Neogene kine-matics of the Alpine-Carpathian fold-thurst belt at the Alpine-Carpathian transition

Prinz, L.; McCann, T.; Schäfer, A.; Asmus, S.; Lokay, P.: Three-dimensional modelling of syn- and post-depositional sand bodies in the Miocene-age Frimmersdorf Seam, Garzweiler open-cast mine (NW Germany)

Scholze, F.; Schneider, J.W.: New data on Rossolimnadiopsis from the Ma’in Formation of the eastern Dead Sea region in Jordan and its implications for conchostracan biostratigraphy

Heiss, Christian: Vertical vs. inclined testing of falling rock protection systems

Heinrich, M.; Lipiarski, P.; Rabeder, J.; Reitner, H.; Träxler, B.: InteraktivesRohstoffInformationsSystem IRIS - Nutzbare Locker- und Festgesteine in Österreich

11:00 Balling, P.; Tomljenović, B.; Ustaszew-ski, K.: Kinematic evolution of the Velebit Mountains – A case study from the Croatian segment of the Dinarides fold-and-thrust belt validated by kinematic forward models

Beuscher, Sarah; Arz, Helge Wolf-gang; Ehrmann, Werner; Krüger, Stefan; Schmiedl, Gerhard; Seidel, Martin: Reconstruction of dust input into the Eastern Mediterranean Sea using end member modelling

Lenz, O.K.; Wilde, V.: Short-term changes in Eocene plant biodiversity: The lacustrine archive of Messel (Germany)

Hartmeyer, I.; Keuschnig, M.; Delleske, R.: Five years of TLS rockwall monitoring at the Kitz-steinhorn (3.203 m), Hohe Tauern, Austria: Identifying the influence of glacial thinning on rockfall in glacial headwalls

Pfleiderer, S.; Heinrich, M.; Lipiarska, I.; Rabeder, J.; Reitner, H.; Träxler, B.; Untersweg, T.; Wimmer-Frey, I.: GIS-derived resource quality of alluvial fans, valley fills and debris cones in Austria

11:15 Mandl, Gerhard W.; Brandner, Rainer; Gruber, Alfred: Proposal for a new subdivision of the Nappe Systems of the Nort-hern Calcareous Alps (Eastern Alps, Austria)

Warratz, G.; Henrich, R.; Voigt, I.; Schwenk, T.; Krastel, S.: Variability of intermediate and deep water mass circulation duri-ng the last 20 ka: An approach on mid-slope canyon sediments

Moshayedi, M.; Lenz, O.K.; Wilde, V.; Hinderer, M.: A new terrestrial archive for the Eocene greenhouse of Central Europe: Palynological evidence from lacustrine sediments at “Grube Prinz von Hessen” (Hesse, GER)

Koch, Gerhard; Schober, Andreas: Felssturz an der A9 Pyhrnautobahn, Wald/Schoberpass: Ereignisanalyse, Sicherheitsmanagement und Gefahrenanalyse

Lee, Eun Young; Novotny, Johannes; Wagreich, Michael:

BasinVis 1.0, an open-source software package to visualize sedimentary basin infill and subsidence evolution

11:30 Hintersberger, E.; Iglseder, C.; Schuster, R.; Bayer, I.; Linner, M.; Gruber, A.; Huet, B.; Reischer, J.; Krenmayr, H.-G.: The multifunctional geologic datasets of Austria (1:1.500.000) – including a new classification scheme for “Tectonic Boundaries”

Zuo, F.; Heimhofer, U.; Huck, S.; Erbacher, J.; Wings, O.: Sedimentary characteristics and carbon-isotope chemostratigra-phy of a Late Jurassic carbo-nate ramp: the Kimmeridgian shallow-water deposits of the Lower Saxony Basin (Northern Germany)

Erol, A.S.; Yavuz, A.Y.; Kaya, T.T.; Tarhan, E.; Mayda, S.; Alçiçek, M.C.; van den Hoek Ostende, L.W.:Çorakyerler, The Last Stand of the Turkish Great Apes

Thapa, Prem Bahadur; Hoppe, Andreas; Hergarten, Stefan: Spatial characteristics of landslides triggered by Mw 7.8 Gorkha Earthquake in Nepal 2015

Nikonow, Wilhelm; Rammlmair, Dieter: Automated EDXRF based nomenclature for plutonic rocks

11:45 Kovács, Zsófia; Pálfy, József: Demise of the Dachstein platform in the Transdanubian Range (Hungary) and its relation to the Triassic-Jurassic boundary events

Meyer, Juliane; Wrozyna, Claudia; Leis, Albrecht; Piller, Werner E.: Site specific isotopic values of recent Cytheridella ilosvayi (Ostracoda) from Florida and the seasonal influence of tempera-ture and …

Vecchiotti, F.; Tilch, N.; Haberler, A.: Detection of shallow landslides, triggered by exceptio-nal meteorological events, by means of high resolution multispectral remote sensing: examples based on open data from western Austria

Ridder, Michaela; Song, Wenjia; Hess, Kai-Uwe; Cimarelli, Corrado; Kueppers, Ulrich; Dingwell, Donald B.: Volcanic ashes in jet engines – Analyzing the melting dynamics of volcanic ash

12:00 Lunch break ÖGG board meeting at SOWI SR 01; 1. Stock ÖPG assembly

13:00 Plenary Lecture: Stefan Schmid

14:00 Awards: DGGV Gustav-Steinmann Medaille (André Freiwald & Brian Windley)

14:30 Poster Session

15:30 Coffee break

TUESDAY, 27.9.2016

Page 14: PROGRAMME - · processes controlling carbonate systems and reservoirs via Stefan Schmid (ETH Zürich, Switzerland) ... as well as experimental rock deformation and microfabrics.

26 27

Annual Meeting DGGV | 25–28 September 2016 Annual Meeting DGGV | 25–28 September 2016

Sowi Aula Sowi HS 1 Sowi HS 3 Sowi HS 2 Theologie KLS


D3 - Structure, geodynamics and evolution of the Alps and the Mediterranean chairs: B. Fügenschuh & R. Schuster

I - Geo-environmental monitoring using remote- and close-range-sensing techniques chairs: M. Rutzinger & R. Schlögel

B3 - Biotic and chemostratigraphic events in Earth history & B4 - Marine benthic ecosystems under low oxy-gen conditions chairs: C. Korte & W. Mette

A3 - Debris flows chairs: R. Kaitna & A. Volkwein

16:00 Haller, Doria; Haas, Isabella; Eichin-ger, Stefanie; Fritz, Harald; Nievoll, Josef: Polyphase deformation in the Eastern Greywacke Zone

Sterk, H.P.; Seijmonsbergen, A.C.; de Jong, M.G.G.; van Loon, E.E.: Progress in digital mapping of shallow mass movements by using a combination of ortho-photos, LiDAR- and UAV-derived information

Baucon, Andrea; Ferretti, Annalisa; Schoenlaub, Hanspeter: Silurian anoxic events at the Cellon Section (Austria) through an ichnofabric eye

Moser, M.; Janu, S.; Mehlhorn, S.: Critical rainfall conditions triggering shallow landslides or debris flow in torrents - Analysis of debris flow events 2012, 2013 and 2014 in Austria

16:15 Baroň, Ivo; Plan, Lukas; Grasemann, Bernhard; Mitrovic, Ivanka: Speleological evidences of cur-rent tectonic activity along major fault systems of the Eastern Alps

Mayr, Andreas; Rutzinger, Martin; Bremer, Magnus; Geitner, Clemens: Extraction of eroded areas on mountain grassland from ortho-photos at different scales

Friesenbichler, E.; Richoz, S.; Baud, A.; Krystyn, L.; Sahakyan, L.: Microfacies and Carbon Isotope Analyses on Permian-Triassic Boundary Microbialites from Armenia

Janu, Stefan; Mehlhorn, Susanne; Moser, Markus: Analysis and Reconstructed Modeling of the Flow Events 2012, 2013 in Austria with Numerical Simulation Models

16:30 Reiser, M.; Schuster, R.; Spikings, R.; Tropper, P.; Fügenschuh, B.: From nappe stacking to exhuma-tion: Cretaceous tectonics in the Apuseni Mountains (Romania)

Lechner, V.; Adams, M.; Sotier, B.: Detecting and quantifying debris flow-related geomorphologic changes in an alpine catchment using LiDAR and photogramme-try data

Pálfy, József; Kovács, Zsófia: Carbon isotope stratigraphy across the Triassic-Jurassic boundary: Building a global stack for correlation and tracking carbon cycle dynamics

Kaitna, Roland; Moser, Markus; Schraml, Klaus: Parameterization of numerical simulation tools for debris-flows

16:45 Martha, S.O.; Binck, J.J.; Dörr, W.; Gerdes, A.; Linckens, J.; Nowara, P.M.; Xypolias, P.; Zulauf, G.: A Late Cretaceous magmatic arc in the southern Aegean (Crete and Cyclades): Constraints on the tectonometamorphic and mag-matic evolution of the Internal Hellenides

Fey, Christine; Wichmann, Volker; Prager, Christoph; Rett, Heiner; Perzlmaier, Sebastian: Long range terrestrial laser scan-ning (TLS) for the deformation monitoring of alpine slopes

Tanner, Lawrence H.; Richoz, Sylvain; Kyte, Frank T.; Krystyn, Leopold: Iridium and other elemental vari-ations across the Triassic–Jurassic boundary in sections at Kuhjoch and Kendlbach, Northern Calca-reous Alps, Austria

Kessler, Michael; Kuschel, Erik; Hübl, Johannes; Ottner, Franz: Der Einfluss von Salzen auf das Verhalten des Chirleşti Mudflows

17:00 Di Rosa, Maria; Marroni, Michele: Tertiary tectonics in Alpine Corsi-ca (France): three-steps evolution for the exhumation of the Corte Slices

Beiranvand Pour, Amin: Structural geology and topogra-phic mapping of Kelantan river basin using PALSAR-2 remote sensing data for high risk area delineation

Ullmann, C.V.; Hesselbo, S.P.; Korte, C.: Hettangian-Sinemurian macrofossil chemostratigraphy revisited: filling the gaps of understanding post-Triassic environmental change

Nagl, G.; Hübl, J.; Chiari, M.: Ein Vergleich von dynamischen Einwirkungen von Muren an einem starren Bauwerk und einer flexiblen Netzsperre in einem kleinmaßstäblichen Modellversuch

17:15 Frasca, Gianluca; Gueydan, Frédéric; Brun, Jean-Pierre: Structural record of Lower Miocene westward motion of the Alboran Domain in the Western Betics, Spain

Eisank, C.; Hölbling, D.; Albrecht, F.: Semi-automated landslide mapping based on multispectral satellite imagery: two Austrian case studies from the Land@Slide project

Wagreich, M.; Wolfgring E.; Spötl C: Stratigraphic signals around the Santonian-Campanian boundary carbon isotope event

Hübl, Johannes: Muren Monitoring System am Lattenbach

17:30 ÖGG 2020 (Junge ÖGG) Vollversammlung DGGV (Theologie KLS)

19:00 Conference Dinner at Salzlager

TUESDAY, 27.9.2016

Page 15: PROGRAMME - · processes controlling carbonate systems and reservoirs via Stefan Schmid (ETH Zürich, Switzerland) ... as well as experimental rock deformation and microfabrics.

28 29

Annual Meeting DGGV | 25–28 September 2016 Annual Meeting DGGV | 25–28 September 2016

Detailed programme Wednesday, 28 Sept. 2016

Sowi Aula Sowi HS 1 Sowi HS 3 Sowi HS 2 Sowi UR 3


D1 - From rift to drift chairs: N. Froitzheim & G. Manatschal

H - Hydrogeology and Environmen-tal Geology chair: R. Benischke

K - GeoEnergy: Geothermal systems, heat- and gas-storage chairs: G. Linzer, B. Müller & F. Schilling

A5 - Seismic hazards chair: W. Lenhardt

C1-The geology-petrology-geochronology connection chairs: P. Tropper & A. Zeh C3-Magmatic & metamorphic evol. of pre-Alpine basement units chair: B. Schulzs

08:30 Obermüller, G.; Pohl, F.; Tomaschek, F.; Heuser, A.; Froitzheim, N.; Sciunnach, D.; Schröder, O.: Permian detachment faulting and syntectonic magmatism constrained by U-Pb LA-ICP-MS on zircon in the Orobic Anticline, Italy

Kölling, C.; Ribis, M.; Poscher, G.: Erfassung der Hydrogeologie ausgewählter Talflurabschnitte des Oberinntals (Tirol, Austria) mit Hilfe bidirektional gekop-pelter 2D-Oberflächen- und 3D-Grundwasserströmungsmodelle

Lenhardt, W.: Einführung

Zeh, A.: Synchronous formation of garnet, zircon and monazite in amphibolite-facies rocks during prograde fluid infil-tration – an example from the Venetia Klippe, Limpopo Belt, South Africa

08:45 Zieger, J.; Linnemann, U.; Gärtner, A.; Hofmann, M.: U-Pb-ages of magmatic and detrital zircon of the Döhlen Basin - Geological history of a Permian strike-slip basin in the Elbe Zone (Germany)

Pfleiderer, S.; Untersweg, T.; Benold, C.; Leis, A.; Rabeder, J.; Reitner, H.; Heinrich, M.: Hydrogeological investigations in south-eastern Bucklige Welt, Lower Austria

Hahn, F.; Ignacy, R.; Bussmann, G.; Bracke, R.: HT-MTES: Seasonal heat storage in abandoned coal mines

Keynote: Decker, Kurt; Gangl, Georg; Reitner, Jürgen: Constraints on the location of the earthquake 1348 of Carinthia / Friuli / Villach derived from its ESI-2007 environmental intensity

Tropper, P.; Mair, P.; Jestl, S.: P-T snap-shots into the metam. evolution of rocks: forward modelling of orogenic metam. („pocket“ oro-geny) of metapelites using piston cylinder experiments

09:00 Manatschal, G.; Epin, M.E.; Gillard, M.; Nirrengarten, M.; Tugend, J.; Haupert, I.; Chenin, P.; Lescoutre, R.; Petri, B.; Decarlis, A.; Mohn, G.: Up- and down-scaling field and seismic observations from rifted margins

Schreilechner, M.G.; Eichkitz, C.G.; Jud, M.; Morawetz, R.; Poltnig, W.; Schlamberger, J.: Geophysik in der Grundwasserer-kundung

Henkel, S.; Pudlo, D.; Heubeck, C.; Gaupp, R.: Hydrogen/carbon dioxide energy storage in the geological underground – Petrophysical, geo- and fluid chemical effects in the sandstone reservoirs

Schulz, B.: Automated SEM-EDS methods in support of EMP-monazite dating and P-T path reconstruction in the polymetam. garnet micaschists of the Austroalpine Saualpe Eclogite Unit

09:15 Lutz, Rüdiger; Franke, Dieter; Berglar, Kai; Schnabel, Michael: Ocean-continent transition at the magma-poor southern Nansen Basin

Thalheim, Felix; Winkler, Gerfried: Impact of mass movements on hydrogeological systems: An example from Carinthia, Austria

Boch, R.; Mindszenty, A.; Szanyi, J.; Deák, J.; Leis, A.; Kluge, T.; Demeny, A.; Dietzel, M.: Growth dynamics of geothermal carbonate scalings: Forensic studies based on high-resolution mineralogical & geochemical analyses

Hoffmann, Gösta; Gruetzner, Christoph; Preusser, Frank; Schneider, Bastian; Reicherter, Klaus: The hazard potential of the Makran Subduction Zone

Finger, F.; Waitzinger, M.; Förster, H.-J.; Kozlik, M.; Raith, J.: Hinweise auf permische und triassische Metamorpho-sephasen im Tauernfenster durch die chem. U-Th-Pb Datierung von akzess. Uraninit-Mikrokristallen

09:30 Kukla, P.A.; Strozyk, F.; Mohriak, W.U.: South Atlantic salt and salt-free sedimentary basins – witnesses of complex passive margin evolution

Wagner, T.; Pauritsch, M.; Winkler, G.: Discharge behavior of alpine watersheds influenced by relict rock glaciers: Examples of the Niedere Tauern Range, Austria

Schmidt, Christina; Hilgers, Christoph; Busch, Benjamin: Petrophysical heterogeneities in siliciclastic reservoir analogs

Schwarz, Ludwig; Tasdemir, Alper; Yönlü, Önder; Hengish, James: Paleoseimological investigations on the North Anatolian Fault Zone for pipeline fault crossing design purposes

Petri, B.; Mohn, G.; Manatschal, G.: Permian magmatism and metamorphism in the Alps: insights from the Campo unit (Austroalpine nappes, N Italy, SE Switzerland)

09:45 Epin, M.-E.; Manatschal, G.; Amann, M.: Characterisation of an ancient Ocean Continent Transition exposed in the Err-Platta nappes in SE Switzerland: controls on preservation and reactivation

Heldmann, C.-D. J.; Sass, I.; Seehaus, R.; Schäffer, R.: H- und O-Isotopenverhältnisse und Temperaturen von ther-malem Grundwasser im Gneis des Ahornkerns bei Hintertux, Tuxertal, Österreich

Di Sipio, E.; Bertermann, D.: Heat transfer in sedimentary deposits: effect of change in water saturation conditions on the thermal properties of soils interested by very shallow geothermal systems

Woodell, D.R.; Schöpfer, M.: Faulting and fault reactivation in restless caldera volcanoes: First results from Distinct Element Method (DEM) numerical models

Stipp, M.; Appel, P.; Kraus, K.; Fiedrich, A.; Berger, S.; Friedel, C.-H.: Deformation and Metamorphism of the Eckergneiss Complex (Harz mountains, Germany)


Coffee break

Ferrando, S.: Mg-metasomatism during subduction: two examples from UHP crustal lithologies of the Western Alps


Page 16: PROGRAMME - · processes controlling carbonate systems and reservoirs via Stefan Schmid (ETH Zürich, Switzerland) ... as well as experimental rock deformation and microfabrics.

30 31

Annual Meeting DGGV | 25–28 September 2016 Annual Meeting DGGV | 25–28 September 2016

WEDNESDAY, 28.9.2016

Sowi Aula Sowi HS 1 Sowi HS 3 Sowi HS 2 Sowi UR 3


D1 - From rift to drift chairs: N. Froitzheim & G. Manatschal

H - Hydrogeology and Env. Geology chairs: S. Hilberg, M. Kralik

K - GeoEnergy: Geothermal systems, heat- and gas-storage chairs: G. Linzer, B. Müller & F. Schilling

L - Advances in scientific drilling chairs: J. Erbacher & P. Grunert

M - LandesGeologie in der Praxis: von der Katastrophe bis zum Friedhof chairs: T. Figl & H.M. Konrad

10:30 Keynote: Tugend, Julie; Manatschal, Gianreto; Mohn, Geoffroy: The deep structure of Alpine-type orogens: how important is rift-inheritance?

Brandner, K.; Winkler, G.; Hilberg, S.; Fegerl, L.: Konzeptionelles hydrogeolo-gisches Modell rezenter Mas-senbewegungen am Beispiel der Embacher Plaike und Hochebene, Salzburg, Österreich

Keynote: Pichler, M.; Linzer, H.-G.: Underground sun storage - A study on properties of hydrogen admixture in porous under-ground-gas-storage facilities by means of an in-situ experiment

Keynote: Behrmann, Jan H.: New science in the International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP): perspectives, and achievements to date

10:30 Jawecki, Christine; Weil, Jonas; Maslo, Martin: Geologische 3D-Modellierung im Wiener U-Bahn-Bau

10:45 Strauhal, T.; Millen, B.; Spötl, C.; Prager, C.; Zangerl, C.: Groundwater hydrochemistry in metamorphic rocks and Qua-ternary deposits of high-alpine slopes (Upper Kauner Valley, (Austria)

10:50 Heißel, Gunther: Geology “to go“ - Geologische Entscheidungs-findung - rasch und trotzdem richtig

11:00 Froitzheim, Nikolaus; Nagel, Thorsten J.; Fassmer, Kathrin; Weber, Sebastian: Continental slivers in the Zermatt-Saas ophiolite – do they represent extensional allochthons?

Höfer-Öllinger, G.; Gadermayr, W.; Butschek, M.; Zagler, G.: Der Einfluss des Catchments auf das Abflussverhalten beim Hochwasserereignis vom 02. Juni 2013, aufgezeichnet in Höhlen und Karstquellen im Land Salzburg

Würdemann, H.; Lerm, S.; Westphal, A.; Kasina, M.; Halm, H.; Teitz, S.; Seibt, A.; Wolfgramm, M.; Kleyböcker, A.: Long-term monitoring of a geothermal cold store and a heat store located in the North Ger-man Basin: increased abundance of sulfur oxidizing bacteria (SOB) indicated oxygen ingress

Kurz, Walter; Kutterolf, Steffen; Brandstätter, Jennifer: Tectonic evolution of the Cocos Plate during the Miocene: Constraints from IODP Expedition 344

11:10 Einberger, Markus: Felssturzereignisse in den Gemeinden Ober-traun und Ohlsdorf; Sicherungsmaßnahmen und auftretende Umsetzungsschwierigkeiten

11:15 Henrich, Rüdiger: Synsedimentary tectonics and mass wasting along the Alpine margin in Liassic time

Aufdembrinke, L.; Höfer-Öllinger, G.; Schneider, M.; Huemer, H.: Multikomponentensystem einer alpinen Karstquelle am Beispiel der Schwarzen Torren, Bluntautal

Herbert Hofstaetter: Optimized Energy Recovery from Geothermal Wellbores

Brandstaetter, J.; Kurz, W.; Krenn, K.; Richoz, S.: Unraveling the thermal evolution of Site U1414 by stable isotope and fluid inclusion analyses, IODP Expedition 344

11:30 Mohn, G.; Petri, B.; Duretz, T.; Schmalholz, S.; Manatschal, G.: Mechanisms of extreme lithos-pheric thinning in the Alpine Tethys rifted margins: Insights from field observations and numerical modeling

Moosdorf, Nils; Oehler, Till: Upscaling local fresh submarine groundwater discharge obser-vations: Global framework and examples from Java, Indonesia

Sass, Ingo; Bastian, Welsch; Daniel, Schulte; Wolfram, Rühaak: Karst Exploration for Middle Deep Borehole Exchanger Storage Systems

Lee, E.Y.; Kominz, M.A.; Gurnis, M.; Gallagher, S.J.; Fulthor-pe, C.S.; Bogus, K.A.; Levin, E.; Shipboard scientists, IODP Expedition 356: IODP Expedition 356 Indonesian Throughflow and subsidence analysis from the preliminary results

11:30 Fegerl, Ludwig: Sattelkar – Vom Blockgletscher zur Großmas-senbewegung

11:45 Frasca, Gianluca; Gueydan, Frédéric; Brun, Jean-Pierre; Monié, Patrick: Deformation mechanisms in a continental rift up to mantle exhumation. Field evidence from the western Betics, Spain

Sass, Ingo; Weinert, Sebastian; DeWitt, Alica; Biewer, Hendrik; Schäffer, Raffael: Charakterisierung der Thermalwassersysteme des Gonghe-Guide Beckenkomplexes, nordöstliches Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (China)

Matthes, Lars; Alber, Michael: Successful Geothermal Explorati-on using Geomechanic Parameter Analysis of Wellbore and Seismic Data

García-Gallardo, Á.; Grunert, P.; Voelker, A. H.L.; Mendes, I.; Piller, W. E.: Reconstructing the first signs of Mediterranean Outflow in the Gulf of Cadiz using benthic foraminifera and the “elevated epifauna” group

11:50 Goldschmidt, Franz; Schlamberger, Jochen: Kleinere und Größere (Natur)Katastrophen in Kärnten

12:00 Lunch break 12:10 Lunch break

13:00 Plenary lecture - Nele Meckler

14:00 Awards: DGGV Hans-Cloos awards (Tobias Goldhammer & Andreas Hoppe), DFG Bernd-Rendel awards (Max Frenzel & Andreas Schweiger)

14:30 Coffee break 14:30 Coffee break

Page 17: PROGRAMME - · processes controlling carbonate systems and reservoirs via Stefan Schmid (ETH Zürich, Switzerland) ... as well as experimental rock deformation and microfabrics.

32 33

Annual Meeting DGGV | 25–28 September 2016 Annual Meeting DGGV | 25–28 September 2016

WEDNESDAY, 28.9.2016

Sowi Aula Sowi HS 1 Sowi HS 3 Sowi HS 2 Sowi UR 3


D2-Accretionary vs. collisional orogens chairs: H. Fritz & Y. Liu

H - Hydrogeology and Env. Geology chairs: S. Hilberg & G. Winkler

K - GeoEnergy: Geothermal systems, heat- and gas-storage chairs: G. Linzer, B. Müller & F. Schilling

L - Advances in scientific drilling chairs: W. Piller & U. Harms

M - LandesGeologie in der Praxis: von der Katastrophe bis zum Friedhof

chairs: T. Figl & H.M. Konrad

15:00 Liu, Yongjiang; Li, Weimin; Feng, Zhiqiang; Neubauer, Franz: Paleozoic tectonics of the Great Xing‘an Rang in the NE China, eastern CAOB

Birk, Steffen; Haas, Johannes Christopher: Identification of factors con-trolling groundwater levels in a changing environment

Przybycin, Anna Maria; Kutovaya, Anna; Scheck-Wenderoth, Madgale-na; Schneider, Michael: Predicting the subsurface temperature distribution for the area of Munich: How basin-scale models can provide thermal boundary conditions for reservoir-scale investigations

Sarnthein, M.; Grunert, P.; Khélifi, N.; Frank, M.: Inter-hemispheric teleconnections – Late Pliocene change in Mediterranean Outflow Water linked to changes in Indonesian Throughflow and Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation?

15:00 Konrad, Hermann Michael: Geogene Gefährdungen in Bergbaubetrieben

15:15 Tenczer, V.; Fritz, H.; Hauzenberger, C.; Neubauer, F.; Genser, J.; Bernro-ider, M.: Cooling episodes during two billion years of accretion and collision in Tanzania derived from 40Ar/39Ar thermochronology

Bittner, Daniel; Casper, Markus: A coupled modeling approach to assess the surface water - ground water interactions for the Middle Elbe on regional scale

Frick, Maximilian; Scheck-Wenderoth, Magdalena; Cacace, Mauro; Schneider, Michael: 3D coupled fluid- and heat flow modelling of the subsurface of Berlin, Germany

Freudenthal, Tim; Huhn, Katrin; Wefer, Gerold: Investigation of submarine landslide activity off New Zealand with the sea floor rig MARUM-MeBo200

15:20 Schröttner, Martin: Mitten im Schadenszentrum - die Rolle der (Landes)geologen bei Verdachtsflächenerkun-dung und Altlastensanierung

15:30 Fritz, H.; Hauzenberger, C.; Tenczer, V.: Accretion and Collision in the Neoproterozoic Mozambique Belt of East Africa: Thermal budget and tectonic styles

Kessler, Timo; Heimlich, Klaus; Steiner, Cornelia; Hilberg, Sylke; Höfer-Öllinger, Giorgio: Transient Heat Transport Modeling and its Implications on Design and Operation of Thermal Heat Pumps

Sass, I.; Lehr, C.; Egert, R.; Held-mann, C.-D.; Schäffer, R.: Optimizing Design Parameters for Middle Deep Borehole Exchanger Storage Systems

Koerting, F.; Rogass, C.; Kämpf, H.; Lubitz, C.; Harms, U.; Schudack, M.; Kokaly, R.; Mielke, C.; Boesche, N.; Altenber-ger, U.: The drill core analysis of the future? - by means of the hyperspectral imaging spectrometer HySpex, XRD and ASD in proximity of the Mýtina maar, Czech Republic

15:40 Constantinescu, René: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen GIS-gestützter automatischer Ableitung von Dolinen aus LiDAR-generierten Digitalen Geländemodellen – Erfahrungen aus der Praxis

15:45 Löberbauer, M.; Fritz, H.; Schantl, P.; Hauzenberger, C.: Polyphase deformation in high-grade Varis-can domains of the SE-Bohemian Massif: Implication for tectonic evolution of a deeply eroded collisional belt

Kralik, M.; Benischke, R.; Wyhlidal, S.; Heiß, G.; Leis, A.; Philippitsch, R.: First Water – Isotope – Map (δ 18O, δ 2H, 3H) of Austria: Appli-cations, Extremes and Trends

K - GeoEnergy: Geothermal systems, heat- and gas-storage

Diskussion I

chairs: G. Linzer, B. Müller & F. Schilling

Meima, Jeannet; Rammlmair, Dieter: Application of Scan-ning Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy in Drilling Core Analysis

16:00 Linzer, Hans-Gert: Lateral extrusion in the Eastern Alps revisited: left-lateral transpression structures along the foreland basin of the Eastern Alps

Hobiger, Gerhard: Kohlendioxid in Wasser mit Alkalinität

Rammlmair, Dieter; Schodlok, Martin; Meima, Jeannet; Nikonow, Wilhelm: Advances in Core Characterization by Hyperspectral, LIBS and EDXRF Data Merging

16:00 Kleeberg, Katrin; Cramer, Bernhard; Franke, Daniel: Vom Datenfriedhof zum Wertstoff – Rohstoff-geologische Informationen in der sächsischen Landesgeologie

Wemhoener, U.; Humer, F.; Schubert, G.; Berka, R.; Philippitsch, R.; Hoerhan, T.: Uran im Grundwasser

Burschil, Thomas; Buness, Hermann; Gabriel, Gerald: Shallow P-wave and S-wave seismic imaging of over-deepened alpine structures

16:20 Heissel, Gunther; Mostler, Wolfram; Nittel-Gärtner, Petra; Puschnik, Peter:Reflections on landslides in Western Tyrol

16:45 Closing event + Student Poster Award

18:00 ÖVH assembly

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Poster exhibition

Two poster socials are scheduled: Monday, 26 and Tuesday,

27 September between 14:30 and 16:00. In order to foster

vivid discussions in front of the posters, the poster social will

be held without other parallel sessions and will be featured

with coffee, drinks and snacks.

The posters are numbered consecutively. These numbers

will identify also the assigned poster board. Posters will not

be on display all the time, but are changed once during the

conference on Tuesday lunch time. We kindly ask all Monday

poster presenters to remove their posters before Tuesday

lunch break (12:00) to allow Tuesday presenters to mount

their posters. Helpers will be around to assist you.

Poster Social Monday: Sessions C4, C5, D4, D5, D6, E1, E2, E4, F-Bodensee, G, NPoster Social Tuesday: Sessions A1, A2, A3, A5, B1, B2, B3+B4, C1, C2, C3, D1, D2, D3, H, I, K, L

List of postersAuthor* = presenting

1) Dufresne, Anja*; Prager, Christoph; Bösmeier, Annette

Detailed morpho-lithological mapping of the Tschir-gant rockslide - rock avalanche deposit (Tyrol, Austria) and identification of emplacement processes A1: Deep seated gravitational slope deformations (incl.

rockslides, rock avalanches, ...)

2) Bauer, Christian*; Proske, Herwig

Assessing friction coefficients in forests for rockfall propagation modelling A2: Shallow landslides and rockfalls

3) Gröner, Eberhard; Wendeler, Corinna; Denk, Mathias*

Auslegung einer flexiblen Hangmurenbarriere und deren Betrachtung nach der Belastung durch ein natür-liches Ereignis A2: Shallow landslides and rockfalls

4) Kamiński, Mirosław*

Dimensional geophysical model and dynamics of the active landslide- an example of the Jastrzębia Góra cliff (Northen Poland) A2: Shallow landslides and rockfalls

5) Sanders, Diethard Gerald*; Preh, Alexander; Sausgruber,


Long-runout rock/snow flows: an underrated type of mountain hazard. A2: Shallow landslides and rockfalls

6) Wijaya, I Putu Krishna; Zangerl, Christian*; Straka, Wolfgang

Geology and Geotechnical Aspect of Landslide in Geothermal Field, Study Case; Geothermal Area of Kamojang, Indonesia A2: Shallow landslides and rockfalls Student poster

7) Kaitna, Roland*; Keuschnig, Markus; Fegerl, Ludwig;

Hübl, Johannes

Event documentation of the debris flow event at Sat-telkar, Obersulzbachtal, Sbg. A3: Debris flows

8) Jia, Yan; Weginger, Stefan; Papi Isaba, Maria Del Puy*;

Hausmann, Helmut; Horn, Nikolaus; Lenhardt, Wolfgang

Project of Near-Real-Time Generation of Shakemaps and a New Hazard Map in Austria A5: Seismic hazards

9) Papí Isaba, María del Puy*; Jia, Yan; Weginger, Stephan

Intensity prediction equation and event epicenter determination for Austria A5: Seismic hazards

10) Papi Isaba, Maria del Puy*; Weginger, Stefan; Jia, Yan;

Lenhardt, Wolfgang

Austrian empirical seismic ground motion models and site effects A5: Seismic hazards Student poster

11) Baumann, Karl-Heinz; Donner, Barbara*; Köbrich, Meral

I.; Fischer, Gerhard

Calcareous plankton fluxes in the upwelling area off NW-Africa – dynamics and trends depicted from sedi-ment traps of the past 20 years B1: The marine world: biodiversity, stratigraphy and turnovers

12) Coric, Stjepan*; Rupp, Christian

Egerian calcareous nannofossils and foraminifers (pa-leoecology and biostratigraphy) from the North Alpine Foreland Basin of Upper Austria B1: The marine world: biodiversity, stratigraphy and turnovers

13) Coric, Stjepan*; Rupp, Christian; Peresson, Mandana;

Bieber, Gerhard; Römer, Axel; Gießwein, Sabine; Plank, Günter

Die Stratigraphie und Paläoökologie der Leithakalke im südlichen Wiener Becken aus der Bohrung Bruckneu-dorf EKB02 B1: The marine world: biodiversity, stratigraphy and turnovers

14) Đaković, Martin*; Krystyn, Leopold; Brandner, Rainer;

Horacek, Micha

A Middle Triassic crinoid fauna from Sutorman, Budva Zone (southern Montenegro) B1: The marine world: biodiversity, stratigraphy and turnovers

15) Hornung, Thomas*; Moosleitner, Gero; Wolf, Gerhard;

van der Wielen, Joop

The Norian “fish shales” of the Wiestal („Seefeld-Formation“, Upper Triassic, Salzburg, Austria) B1: The marine world: biodiversity, stratigraphy and turnovers

16) Forte, Giuseppa; Kustatscher, Evelyn*; Preto, Nereo;

Roghi, Guido; Van Konijnenburg – van Cittert, Johanna H.A.;

Kerp, Hans

Changes in floral composition and ∂13C in the Kunguri-an of Tregiovo (Cisuralian, Southern Alps) B2: Terrestrial ecosystems: palaeoecology and evolution of

land-based biotas

17) Krawielicki, Julia*; Magill, Clayton; Willett, Sean;

Eglinton, Timothy

Exploring the Oligocene Paleoenvironment of Ethiopia B2: Terrestrial ecosystems: palaeoecology and evolution of

land-based biotas Student poster

18) Lichtenegger, Sophie; Hofmann, Christa-Ch.; Huet,


A new palynoflora from Austria: Preliminary results of pollen and spores from the clay pit at Schaßbach (Oberaigen), Lavanttal, Carinthia B2: Terrestrial ecosystems: palaeoecology and evolution of

land-based biotas

19) Scanu, Giovanni G.; Costamagna, Luca G.; Kustatscher,


Reconstruction of a terrestrial ecosystem from the Middle Jurassic of Sardinia B2: Terrestrial ecosystems: palaeoecology and evolution of

land-based biotas

20) Scholze, Frank*

New data on the conchostracan fauna of the continen-tal Permian–Triassic transition in the eastern Dead Sea region of Jordan B2: Terrestrial ecosystems: palaeoecology and evolution of

land-based biotas

21) Zwahlen, Peter*

Würmeiszeit und die Rückzugsstadien im Alpenrheintal B2: Terrestrial ecosystems: palaeoecology and evolution of

land-based biotas

22) Wagreich, Michael*; Wolfgring Erik; Spötl Christoph:

Stratigraphic signals around the Santonian-Campanian boundary carbon isotope eventB3: Biotic and chemostratigraphic events in Earth history

23) Ebner, Daniel*; Georgiev, Neven; Mattei, Massimo;

Spikings, Richard; Tropper, Peter; Fügenschuh, Bernhard;

Pomella, Hannah

Tectonometamorphic evolution of the Tschigot Gra-nodiorit (Texel Complex, Italy) C1: The geology-petrology-geochronology connection: the

P-T-t-d paths of metamorphic rocks Student poster

24) Fassmer, Kathrin*; Froitzheim, Nikolaus; Fonseca, Raúl;

Münker, Carsten

First insights into the tectonometamorphic evolution of subducted continental crust – Lu-Hf geochronology of an eclogite sample in the Seve Nappe Complex in Northern Jämtland, Sweden C1: The geology-petrology-geochronology connection: the

P-T-t-d paths of metamorphic rocks Student poster

25) Miladinova, Irena*; Froitzheim, Nikolaus; Nagel, Thor-

sten; Janák, Marian; Münker, Carsten

New constraints for the kinematics of Eoalpine subduc-tion zone from petrology and Lu-Hf garnet geochrono-logy of eclogites C1: The geology-petrology-geochronology connection: the

P-T-t-d paths of metamorphic rocks

26) Rogowitz, Anna*; Huet, Benjamin; Schneider, David;

Grasemann, Bernhard

High strain rate deformation in marbles – does it reset the K/Ar system? C1: The geology-petrology-geochronology connection: the

P-T-t-d paths of metamorphic rocks

27) Hollinetz, Marianne Sophie*; Leichmann, Jaromír; Koller,

Friedrich; Abart, Rainer

Myrmekite formation in ultrapotassic Quartz-Monzo-nites C2: Experimental and theoretical modelling of metamorphic


28) Joachim, Bastian*; Saßmann, Ann-Cathrine; Konzett,

Jürgen; Tribus, Martina

Metamorphic reaction rims: A potential geo-fluido-meter C2: Experimental and theoretical modelling of metamorphic


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48) Iglseder, Christoph*; Huet, Benjamin; Rantitsch, Gerd;

Ratschbacher, Lothar; Pfänder, Jörg

Age and structure of the Stolzalpe nappe – Evidence for Variscan metamorphism, Eoalpine top-to-the-WNW thrusting and top-to-the-ESE normal faulting (Gurktal Alps, Austria) D2: Accretionary vs. collisional orogens

49) Aichholzer, Paul; Lorenzi, Stefano*; Pomella, Hannah;

Fügenschuh, Bernhard; Burger, Ulrich

The kink in the Periadriatic fault system SW of the Tauern Window D3: Structure, geodynamics, and evolution of the Alps and

the Mediterranean Student poster

50) Bianchi, Irene; Bokelmann, Goetz; Chiarabba, Claudio;

Piana Agostinetti, Nicola*; Miller, Meghan; O‘Driscoll, Leland

Structure of the upper mantle beneath the Alps and Apennines as seen by Receiver Functions D3: Structure, geodynamics, and evolution of the Alps and

the Mediterranean

51) Brandner, Rainer*; Krystyn, Leopold; Đaković, Martin;

Horacek, Micha

Middle Triassic palaeotectonic and facial links between Budva Zone (Montenegro) and Southern Alps. D3: Structure, geodynamics, and evolution of the Alps and

the Mediterranean

52) Di Rosa, Maria*; Marroni, Michele

The evolution of the European paleomargin during the closure of the Alpine Tethys: evidence from the Alpine Corsica D3: Structure, geodynamics, and evolution of the Alps and

the Mediterranean Student poster

53) Groß, Philip*; Pleuger, Jan; Handy, Mark

A new, detailed tectonic map of subduction-exhumati-on structures in the central Tauern Window D3: Structure, geodynamics, and evolution of the Alps and

the Mediterranean

54) Klotz, Thomas*; Pomella, Hannah; Burger, Ulrich; Fügen-

schuh, Bernhard; Zattin, Massimiliano; Massironi, Matteo

4D-modelling of fault kinematics along a Periadriatic Fault cross section deduced from (U-Th)/He and fission-track analyses D3: Structure, geodynamics, and evolution of the Alps and

the Mediterranean Student poster

55) Mandl, Gerhard W.*; Brandner, Rainer; Gruber, Alfred

Proposal for a new subdivision of the Nappe Systems of the Northern Calcareous Alps (Eastern Alps, Austria). D3: Structure, geodynamics, and evolution of the Alps and

the Mediterranean

29) Mair, Philipp; Tropper, Peter*

Quench pH modelling of F-Cl-apatite-KCl-H2O solubility experiments at 800°C and 1 GPa C2: Experimental and theoretical modelling of metamorphic

processes Student poster

30) Griesmeier, Gerit E. U.*; Iglseder, Christoph; Schuster,

Ralf; Petrakakis, Konstantin

The Freyenstein Subordinated Fault System – Shear zone and Fault development along the South Bohemi-an Batholith (Austria) C3: Magmatic and metamorphic evolution of pre-Alpine

basement units

31) Ilickovic, Tanja*; Schuster, Ralf; Mali, Heinrich; Petrakakis,

Konstantin; Schedl, Albert; Horschinegg, Monika

Spodumene bearing pegmatites in the Austroalpine unit (Eastern Alps): New field observations and geo-chronological data C3: Magmatic and metamorphic evolution of pre-Alpine

basement units

32) Mandl, Magdalena*; Kurz, Walter; Hauzenberger, Chri-

stoph; Klötzli, Urs

U-Pb zircon ages of the Austroalpine Seckau Nappe basement (Eastern Alps): Hints for pre-Alpine magma-tism C3: Magmatic and metamorphic evolution of pre-Alpine

basement units

33) Oehlke, Mathias*

Der Serpentinit-Komplex beim Weiler Dun und sein tektonischer Rahmen (SW´ Tauernfenster, Pfunderer Tal, Südtirol) C4: Ophiolites in space and time

35) Quandt, Dennis*; Micheuz, Peter; Kurz, Walter; Krenn, Kurt

Fault and fluid systems subsequent to subduction initi-ation in supra-subduction zone ophiolites C4: Ophiolites in space and time

36) Angerer, Thomas*; Gehring, Sebastian; Tropper, Peter;

Tribus, Martina

In-situ minor and trace elements in sulphides of the Ötztal-Stubai units: first results from µXRF and EPMA C5: From ore to metal: mineralogy and petrology of ore


37) Cina, Aleksander*; Cina, Lea

Siegenite from Albanian ophiolitic complex C5: From ore to metal: mineralogy and petrology of ore


56) Mulaj, Sali*; Kelmendi, Rrahim; Raci, Xhavit

Subdivision of Vardar zone in territory of Kosovo D3: Structure, geodynamics, and evolution of the Alps and

the Mediterranean

57) Ortner, Hugo*; Bitterlich, Lukas

The Zugspitze cross section and the structure of the western Northern Calcareous Alps D3: Structure, geodynamics, and evolution of the Alps and

the Mediterranean

58) Oswald, Patrick*; Sieberer, Anna-Katharina; Ortner, Hugo

Testing a buckle fold model in the thrust belt of the Western Northern Calcareous Alps D3: Structure, geodynamics, and evolution of the Alps and

the Mediterranean Student poster

59) Papeschi, Samuele*; Mazzarini, Francesco; Musumeci,


Structure of the Elba Island: constraints for the tectonic evolution of the Northern Tyrrhenian Sea. D3: Structure, geodynamics, and evolution of the Alps and

the Mediterranean Student poster

60) Schmitz, Benjamin*; Biermanns, Peter; Ustaszewski,

Kamil; Reicherter, Klaus

Neogene multidirectional extension in the Adria-Eurasia collision zone of northern Albania D3: Structure, geodynamics, and evolution of the Alps and

the Mediterranean Student poster

61) Winterberg, Sascha O.*; Willett, Sean D.

Dynamic reorganisation of Alpine river catchments analysed with a χ-map D3: Structure, geodynamics, and evolution of the Alps and

the Mediterranean Student poster

62) Pomper, Johannes; Salcher, Bernhard*; Eichkitz, Chri-

stoph; Prasicek, Günther

The glacially overdeepened Salzach Valley: Constraints on its geometry and filling. D4: Tectonics, climate and erosion

145) Salamon, Martin*; Klein, Winfried; Krickel, Bernd;

Riecken, Jens

New data about the uplift of the Eifel-MountainsD4: Tectonics, climate and erosion

146) Meszar, Maria Elisabeth*; Gier, Susanne; Palzer-

Khomenko, Markus; Knierzinger, Wolfgang; Kallanxhi,

Madalina-Elena; Wagreich, Michael

Clay mineralogy of Miocene mudstones of the Molasse Zone, Lower AustriaD5: Orogenic sedimentary basins Student poster

38) Girtler, Daniela; Tropper, Peter*

Petrology and geothermobarometry of the Veitsch Mn-deposit (Styria, Austria) C5: From ore to metal: mineralogy and petrology of ore

deposits Student poster

39) Kropp, Nico*; Kamradt, Andreas

Ore microscopy and cathodoluminescence studies on sandstone-hosted Kupferschiefer-type ore from the Wolfsberg Mine dump, Richelsdorf Mountains C5: From ore to metal: mineralogy and petrology of ore

deposits Student poster

40) Müller, Nina-Luise*; Boschi, Peter; Boschi, Maximilian;

Melcher, Frank; Rantitsch, Gerd; Tscharf, Alexander;

Prochaska, Walter; Meisel, Thomas

The graphite mine of Zettlitz, Drosendorf (Bohemian Massif, Austria) C5: From ore to metal: mineralogy and petrology of ore


42) Neubauer, Franz*

How to correlate middle and lower crust of an inverted passive margin with detached sedimentary units in an orogen? D1: From rift to drift

43) Nilius, Nils-Peter; Froitzheim, Nikolaus*; Nagel, Thorsten

Joachim; Tomaschek, Frank; Heuser, Alexander

From Early Cambrian arc magmatism to Jurassic rifting: Tectonic evolution of the Lower Austroalpine Schwarz-horn Amphibolite (Eastern Rätikon, Austria) D1: From rift to drift Student poster

44) Oyan, Vural*

Magmatic evolution of Mecitli granitoid in the north of Lake Van Basin, East Anatolia, Turkey D1: From rift to drift

45) Ozdemir, Yavuz*; Oyan, Vural

Petrologic evolution of plateau volcanism in the north of Agri, NE Turkey D1: From rift to drift

46) Real, Christophe*; Carosi, Rodolfo; Ferrando, Simona;

Froitzheim, Nikolaus

The Dervio-Olgiasca Zone: a fossil fragment of Permian middle crust recording thermal and rifting events. D1: From rift to drift Student poster

47) Friebel, Anna; Meyer, Nicolas*

Mapping and structural geological study of a meta gabbro nappe at Southern Sweden, Göteborg D2: Accretionary vs. collisional orogens

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81) Zeng, Lingqi*; Yi, Haisheng; Xia, Guoqing

Europium, Cerium anomalies and environmental change from the Triassic-Jurassic boundary in south Qiangtang depression, Northern Tibet E2: Sedimentary records of events and environments Student poster

82) Bąk, Marta; Szczurek, Stanisław*; Chodacka, Sylwia;

Kurowska, Natalia; Górny, Zbigniew; Okoński, Szymon;

Dulemba, Paweł

Radiolarian, belemnites, rynhonellites and aptychi from the Czajakowa Radiolarite Formation in the stratotype section, Pieniny Klippen Belt, Poland E4: Young Sedimentologists Student poster

83) Linsel, Adrian*; Hornung, Jens; Bär, Kristian; Hinderer,


The influence of the post-Variscan non-conformity on posthiatal lithofacies architecture and petrophysical properties of basement and sedimentary cover, Sp-rendlinger Horst, Germany. E4: Young Sedimentologists

84) Mehlhorn, Paul*; Winkler, Laura; Hüneke, Heiko; Rother,


Macro- and micro-structural analysis of Pleistocene sediments from the Jasmund glacigenic thrust- and fold-complex (Streifen 4, Rügen, Germany) E4: Young Sedimentologists Student poster

85) Müller, Katharina; Cors, Jean; Huck, Stefan; Barroso-

Barcenilla, Fernando; Segura, Manuel; Heimhofer, Ulrich*

Investigating the spatial variability in carbon-isotope signatures of bulk rock carbonates – a chemostratigra-phic case study from the Cenomanian-Turonian of the Iberian Trough, Spain E4: Young Sedimentologists Student poster

86) Pohl, Florian*; Eggenhuisen, Joris; de Leeuw, Jan; Sypkens,

Guus; Cartigny, Matthieu; Hermidas, Navid; Tóth, Ferenc

Depositional Pattern associated with Experimental Turbidity Currents going through a Break-of-Slope E4: Young Sedimentologists

87) Reichenbach, Mario*

Der äußere Schelf des Helvetikums östlich der Bregen-zer Ach: Rekonstruktion der Ablagerungsbedingungen der Mittagsspitz-Formation (Barremium-Aptium) in Vorarlberg (Österreich) E4: Young Sedimentologists Student poster

63) Piana Agostinetti, Nicola*; Decker, Kurt; Lenhardt, Wolf-

gang; Grasemann, Bernhard

Bayesian fusion of geophysical data-sets: how to integrate passive and active seismic, structural and bo-rehole data for high-resolution modeling of the Vienna sedimentary basin D5: Orogenic sedimentary basins

64) Sanders, Diethard Gerald*

Neotectonic deformation in Quaternary deposits near Innsbruck (Eastern Alps). D5: Orogenic sedimentary basins

65) Szczepanski, Jacek*; Anczkiewicz, Robert; Buniak, Arka-

diusz; Kedzior, Artur; Paszkowski, Mariusz; Porebski, Szczepan

Petrography and geochemistry of Early Paleozoic silicic-lastics from SW margin of the East European Platform: implications for provenance and tectonic setting D5: Orogenic sedimentary basins

66) Gehrmann, Anna; Hüneke, Heiko; Meschede, Martin*;

Phillips, Emrys

Microstructural mapping at the glaciotectonic Wisso-wer Bach syncline (NE Rügen, Germany) D6: Fabrics of geological bodies: Bruno Sanders legacy

68) Hentschel, Felix*; Trepmann, Claudia

Deformation behaviour of feldspar in greenschist facies granitoid mylonites from the Austroalpine basement to the south of the western Tauern window, Eastern Alps D6: Fabrics of geological bodies: Bruno Sanders legacy

69) Kurzawski, Robert Marek*; Behrmann, Jan Hinrich; Stipp,

Michael; Motra, Hem

Crystals, grains or cracks? Causes for seismic anisotropy in rocks from the Eclogite Zone, Tauern Window, Austria D6: Fabrics of geological bodies: Bruno Sanders legacy

70) Rogowitz, Anna*; Rice, A. Hugh N.; Grasemann, Bern-

hard; Morales, Luiz; Habler, Gerlinde

Microfabric development around garnet inclusions in quartzite D6: Fabrics of geological bodies: Bruno Sanders legacy

71) Seybold, Lina*; Trepmann, Claudia

The lowermost tectonic units of the Cretan nappe pile in the Talea Ori, Crete, Greece - mesoscopic and microscopic deformation record of the HP-LT metamor-phic rocks D6: Fabrics of geological bodies: Bruno Sanders legacy

88) Szczurek, Stanisław*; Bąk, Marta

Visenian foraminiferal assemblage from the eastern part of the Upper Silesian Block (Southern Poland) - preliminary results E4: Young Sedimentologists Student poster

89) Woźniak, Tomasz*

Saccocoma microfacies from the Upper Jurassic carbona-te gravity flow deposits: example from the Nawojowa Góra Quarry, Krzeszowice Graben (Southern Poland). E4: Young Sedimentologists

90) Zeng, Lingqi*; Yi, Haisheng; Simon, Klaus; Thiel, Volker;

Arp, Gernot

Lacustrine stromatolites from the Miocene Wudaoliang Group (Tibetan Plateau, PR China) E4: Young Sedimentologists

91) Offhaus, Hans Eckhard*

Über das stratigraphische Grundgesetz von Steno und das natürlich geschlossene System in der Geologie F1: Putting numbers to geology / Quantifizierung in der


92) Lechner, Heidrun; Preh, Alexander; Strauss, Alfred;

Zangerl, Christian* The impact of reservoir impounding on the stability evolution of deep-seated rock slides: a discrete element modelling approach F3: Stability of natural and artificial slopes / Stabilität von nat.

u. künstl. Böschungen u. Hängen Student poster

93) Schweigl, Theresa*; Nickmann, Marion; Thuro, Kurosch

Ingenieurgeologische Analyse einer Felsgleitung im Steinbruch Frauenmühle bei Metten (Niederbayern) F3: Stability of natural and artificial slopes / Stabilität von nat.

u. künstl. Böschungen u. Hängen

94) Wijaya, I Putu Krishna; Straka, Wolfgang; Zangerl, Christian*

Geological and geotechnical aspects of landslides in a geothermal field (Kamojang, Indonesia) F3: Stability of natural and artificial slopes / Stabilität von nat.

u. künstl. Böschungen u. Hängen

95) Mraz, Elena*; Thuro, Kurosch; Moeck, Inga

Die Verteilung erhöhter permeabler Bereiche im Malm des Bayerischen Molassebeckens F4: Engineering geology - open topic / Ingenieurgeologie -

Freie Themen

72) Trepmann, Claudia A.*; Hsu, Chen; Hentschel, Felix

Recrystallization of quartz after high-stress crystal plasticity in natural shear zones D6: Fabrics of geological bodies: Bruno Sanders legacy

73) Krippner, Anne; Meinhold, Guido*; Morton, Andrew C.;

von Eynatten, Hilmar

Heavy mineral analysis and garnet geochemistry of modern stream sediments from the western Hohe Tauern (Austria) E1: Sedimentation and tectonism: from sand grains to moun-

tain building

74) Löwen, Kersten*; Meinhold, Guido; Güngör, Talip

Evolution of the Palaeotethys in the Eastern Medi-terranean: A multi-method provenance study of Late Palaeozoic sediments from the Karaburun Peninsula and the Konya Complex (Turkey) E1: Sedimentation and tectonism: from sand grains to moun-

tain building

75) Pozsgai, Emília; Józsa, Sándor; Dunkl, István*; Sebe,

Krisztina; Thamó-Bozsó, Edit; Sajó, István; József, Dezsö; von

Eynatten, Hilmar

Provenance of the Upper Triassic siliciclastic assem-blages of the Mecsek Mountains and Villány Hills (Tisza Megaunit, Pannonian Basin): constraints to the Early Mesozoic paleogeography of Tisza E1: Sedimentation and tectonism: from sand grains to moun-

tain building

77) Rittner, Martin*; Vermeesch, Pieter

Combining automated mineralogy and geochronology E1: Sedimentation and tectonism: from sand grains to moun-

tain building

78) Arp, Gernot*; Gropengießer, Sebastian

Die Monotis-Dactylioceras-Bank in der Posidonienschie-fer-Formation (Toarcium, Süddeutschland): Kondensati-onshorizont, Tempestit oder Tsunami-Ablagerung? E2: Sedimentary records of events and environments

80) Hauke, Thöle; Heimhofer, Ulrich*; Jochen, Erbacher;

André, Bornemann; Friedrich Wilhelm, Luppold

Sequence stratigraphy and facies variability of the mudstone-dominated Lower Cretaceous succession in the eastern Lower Saxony Basin, Germany E2: Sedimentary records of events and environments

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115) Amato, Gabriele*; Fubelli, Giandomenico; Iasio, Christian

“Multidisciplinary approach to evaluate connection between permafrost degradation and Deep Seated Gravitational Slide Deformation activity: a case study from Schnalstal, South Tyrolean Alps, Italy” I: Geo-environmental monitoring using remote- and close-

range-sensing techniques

116) Buyer, Andreas Anjan*; Schubert, Wulf

Long-term Monitoring of Displacements by Digital Image Analysis I: Geo-environmental monitoring using remote- and close-

range-sensing techniques Student poster

118) Darvishi, Mehdi*; Schlögel, Romy; Thiebes, Benni; Bruzzone,

Lorenzo; Mulas, Marco; Corsini, Alessandro; Mair, Volkmar

Landslide displacement monitoring by multiple-aperture interferometry: a case study in the Italian Dolomites I: Geo-environmental monitoring using remote- and close-

range-sensing techniques

119) Forster, Thilo*; Rutzinger, Martin; Fey, Christine;

Zangerl, Christian

Seasonal Change Detection of the Steinlehnen lands-lide by multi-temporal long-range terrestrial laser scanning (Tyrol, Austria) I: Geo-environmental monitoring using remote- and close-

range-sensing techniques

120) Knaak, Mathias*

Implementation of terrestrial laser scanning as a sup-plementary tool in 3D geological mapping at the State Geological Survey in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany I: Geo-environmental monitoring using remote- and close-

range-sensing techniques

121) Prager, Christoph*; Fey, Christine; Perzlmaier, Sebastian;

Strauhal, Thomas; Wichmann, Volker

Discontinuity analyses using methodically different in-situ and remote sensing measurements (Simmering/Haiming case study, Tyrol) I: Geo-environmental monitoring using remote- and close-

range-sensing techniques

122) Bertermann, David; di Sipio, Eloisa; Bernardi, Adriana;

de Carli, Michele; Bernini, Michele; Pockeleé, Luc; Psyk,

Mario; Vercruysse, Jacques; Müller, Johannes*

EU-project “Cheap-GSHPs“– Reduced installation costs for geothermal heating by using new developed heat baskets and drilling techniques K: GeoEnergy: Geothermal systems, heat- and gasstorage

Student poster

96) Amtmann, Johannes*; Eichkitz, Christoph

Einsatz von Clusteringalgorithmen zur Interpretation von 3D seismischen Daten G: Geophysics

97) Diethart, Elisabeth*; Gegenhuber, Nina

Shear weakening for different lithologies observed at different saturation stages G: Geophysics

98) Diethart, Elisabeth*; Gegenhuber, Nina

The influence of length for the optimal signal to deter-mine the shear wave velocity G: Geophysics

99) Eichkitz, Christoph Georg; Amtmann, Johannes*; Schneider, Sarah

Textural attributes for the description of the naturally fractured Tensleep formation, Teapot Dome, Wyoming G: Geophysics

100) Hofer, Denise*

Influence of depth and clay content for two boreholes from the Vienna Basin; Focusing on the Rock Physics Template G: Geophysics Student poster

101) Hofer, Denise*; Amtmann, Johannes; Gegenhuber, Nina

Construction of typical facies models and the three-dimensional distribution of there petrophysical parame-ters - A Foundation for understanding 3D seismic facies G: Geophysics Student poster

102) Joldic, Amra*; Gegenhuber, Nina

Effects of core cleaning on various properties G: Geophysics

103) Morawetz, Rainer*; Grill, Alexander; Jud, Markus;

Amtmann, Johannes

Vergleich und Beurteilung verschiedener geophysika-lischer Verfahren zur Erkundung von Lockersedimenten G: Geophysics

104) Peters, Katrin*; Sladky, Thomas; Bleibinhaus, Florian

Cavity Detection with full-waveform Inversion atMount Erzberg, AustriaG: Geophysics

105) Ruppel, Antonia Stefanie*; Läufer, Andreas; Crispini,

Laura; Lisker, Frank

Aerogeophysical high-resolution survey over the Lanterman Range: implications for Ross- and post-Ross geodynamics G: Geophysics Student poster

123) Rupprecht, Doris*; Bauer, Helene; Decker, Kurt

The role of fault zones in calcareous rocks and the change in reservoir properties from outcrop to depth K: GeoEnergy: Geothermal systems, heat- and gasstorage

Student poster

124) Brandstaetter, Jennifer*; Kurz, Walter

Microstructural observations on hydrothermal veins of Site U1414, IODP Expedition 344 (CRISP 2) L: Advances in scientific drilling

125) Grunert, Patrick*; Balestra, Barbara; Flores, José-Abel;

Auer, Gerald; Richter, Carl; García Gallardo, Ángela; Röhl,

Ulla; Piller, Werner E.

Mediterranean Outflow Water at the Pliocene/Plei-stocene transition: New stratigraphic constraints from IODP Site U1389 (Gulf of Cadiz, IODP Expedition 339) L: Advances in scientific drilling

126) Harms, Ulrich*; Schwalb, Antje; Wittig, Volker

HiPerCoRig: A Direct Push Coring Tool for extended reach in unconsolidated on- and offshore formations and its availability L: Advances in scientific drilling

127) Rüggeberg, Andres; Flögel, Sascha; Dullo, Wolf-

Christian F A*; Raddatz, Jacek; Liebetrau, Volker

Pleistocene seawater density reconstruction in the northeast Atlantic and its implication for cold-water coral carbonate mounds L: Advances in scientific drilling

128) Engelbrecht, Hubert*

Considerations on the age of the Verrucano Group of Southern Tuscany, Italy N: Open Session

129) Haider, Vicky*; Hörfarter, Christine; Schiegl, Martin

GBA Thesaurus – more than a controlled vocabulary for GBA associates N: Open Session

130) Heinrich, Maria*; Reitner, Heinz; Wimmer-Frey, Inge-

borg; Rabeder, Julia

Eine geologische Reise durch die österreichischen Weinbaugebiete N: Open Session

106) Tauchner, Cornelia*; Fontanini, Francesco; Bleibinhaus,


Improving McMC performance with deterministic constraints G: Geophysics Student poster

107) Zeiß, Jens*; Paschke, Marco; Bleibinhaus, Florian

Visco-elastic full waveform inversion of controlled-source seismic data from the San Andreas Fault Obser-vatory at Depth G: Geophysics

108) Haßler, Kathrin; Nickl, Anna-Leah; Kölling, Martin;

Moosdorf, Nils*

Estimating the provenance of fresh submarine ground-water discharge in French Polynesia: A combination of geochemical methods and GIS H: Hydrogeology and Environmental Geology

109) Hilberg, Sylke*; Strick, Daniela

Thermalwasserregime Klammkalk zwischen Taxenbach und der Liechtensteinklamm H: Hydrogeology and Environmental Geology

110) Hobiger, Gerhard*

Kohlendioxid in Wasser mit Alkalinität H: Hydrogeology and Environmental Geology

111) Humer, Franko*; Brielmann, Heike; Wemhoener, Uta;

Philippitsch, Rudolf

Grundwasseralter - Mittlere Verweilzeiten in ausge-wählten Grundwasserkörpern H: Hydrogeology and Environmental Geology

112) Humer, Franko*; Stadler, Elisabeth

Karstdoku: Literaturdatenbank der karsthydrolo-gischen Untersuchungen in Österreich H: Hydrogeology and Environmental Geology

113) Slawitsch, Veronika*; Birk, Steffen; Herndl, Markus

Quantifizierung des Klimawandeleinflusses auf den Bodenwasserhaushalt an alpinen Grünlandflächen H: Hydrogeology and Environmental Geology Student poster

114) Zankl, Heinrich*; Kus, Günter; Kassebaum, Christian

Grundwassererkundung in den Nördlichen Kalkalpen Bayerns im Hauptdolomit der Obertrias H: Hydrogeology and Environmental Geology

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131) Hörfarter, Christine*; Haider, Vicky; Schiegl, Martin;

Gruber, Alfred

The DataViewer module – a new perspective on spatial data (illustrated by map sheet 88 Achenkirch) N: Open Session

132) Hornung, Thomas*; Teipel, Ulrich; Haas, Ulrich

Neue Ergebnisse zur Geologie und Tektonik des Wet-tersteinmassivs (Neukartierung der Kartenblätter der Geologischen Karte von Bayern 1:25.000, 8531/8631 Zugspitze & 8532/8632 Garmisch-Partenkirchen) N: Open Session

133) Hornung, Thomas*; Teipel, Ulrich; Schwerd, Klaus

Neue Ergebnisse zur Geologie der Allgäuer Alpen (Neu-kartierung der Kartenblätter der Geologischen Karte von Bayern 1:25.000, 8627 Einödsbach und 8727 Biberkopf) N: Open Session

134) Kneuker, Tilo*; Jahn, Steffen; Hammer, Jörg; Zulauf, Gernold

Structure and composition of a fault zone in clay rocks: Constraints from microstructural and geochemical in-vestigations of core samples (Mont Terri, Switzerland) N: Open Session

135) Krenmayr, Hans Georg*

Inhalte und Layout der neuen „Geologische(n) Karte der Republik Österreich 1:25.000“ im UTM-System: Feedback erwünscht! N: Open Session

136) Menning, Manfred*

The Stratigraphic Table of Germany revisited: 2016 N: Open Session

137) Neumair, Andreas*; Waitzinger, Michael; Finger, Fritz

Interesting glass coatings on cobbles and rock frag-ments from the Alpine Foreland, SE-Bavaria, Germany, and their possible origin N: Open Session Student poster

138) Obojes, Ulrich*; Mair, Volkmar; Gärber, Martha; Moser,

Gerold; Domanegg, Paul

Zukunftsweisendes Mineralrohstoffkonzept für Südtirol N: Open Session

141) Pauritsch, Marcus*; Wagner, Thomas; Mayaud, Cyril;

Kellerer-Pirklbauer, Andreas; Thalheim, Felix; Birk, Steffen;

Winkler, Gerfried

Cooling effect of the coarse, blocky top layer at two differently oriented relict rock glaciers, Austrian Alps N: Open Session

142) Raschke, Ulli*

The 2016 expedition to the Beenchime-Salaatin crater structure, Russia. N: Open Session Student poster

143) Schiele, Simone*; Kamradt, Andreas; Gossel, Wolfgang

Characterization of organic compounds in Kupfer-schiefer-type black shales from the former Mansfeld-Sangerhausen mining district; central Germany N: Open Session

144) Schuster, Ralf*; Ottens, Berthold; Krenn, Kurt; Hauzen-

berger, Christoph; Pfänder, Jörg; Wimmer-Frey, Inge

Dating apophyllite from the Deccan Volcanic Province (India) N: Open Session

Conference committees

Organising Committee

» Fügenschuh Bernhard

» Krainer Karl

» Lange Susanne

» Meyer Michael

» Ortner Hugo

» Platzer Claudia

» Pomella Hannah

» Sanders Diethard

Scientific Committee

» Abart Rainer (Universität Wien)

» Bokelmann Goetz (Universität Wien)

» Egger Johann (Geologische Bundesanstalt)

» Fügenschuh Bernhard (Universität Innsbruck)

» Grasemann Bernhard (Universität Wien)

» Krainer Karl (Universität Innsbruck)

» Krautblatter Michael (TU München)

» Kurz Walter (Universität Graz)

» Kustatscher Evelyn (Naturmuseum Bozen)

» Linzer Hans-Gert (RAG Austria)

» Mair Volkmar (Amt für Geologie und Baustoffprüfung Provinz Bozen)

» Melcher Frank (Montanuniversität Leoben)

» Mette Wolfgang (University of Innsbruck)

» Neubauer Franz (Universität Salzburg)

» Ortner Hugo (Universität Innsbruck)

» Ostermann Marc (Universität Innsbruck)

» Piller Werner (Universität Graz)

» Pomella Hannah (Universität Innsbruck)

» Prager Christoph (ILF/alpS)

» Sanders Diethard (Universität Innsbruck)

» Spötl Christoph (Universität Innsbruck)

» Strasser Michael (Universität Innsbruck)

» Thuro Kurosch (TU München)

» Tropper Peter (Universität Innsbruck)

» Zangerl Christian (BOKU Wien)

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Annual Meeting DGGV | 25–28 September 2016 Annual Meeting DGGV | 25–28 September 2016

General information

Conference office / Registration

Opening hours: Sunday 25th, 17:30 – 21:00

Monday 26th to Tuesday 27th, 08:00 – 19:00

Wednesday 28th, 08:00 – 17:00

Phone number: +43 (0)676 872 521 203 reachable from

23th September to 1st October

Before and afterwards please contact the Institute of

Geology: +43 (0)512 507 54300

Please note: - only cash payments are possible at the conference office- there is no cloakroom at the venue


Coffee breaks (included in the fee):

Monday 26th to Wednesday 28th, 10:00 – 10:30 and

14:30 – 15:00

The catering is served in the foyer and in the first and

second floors next to the posters.

Lunch breaks (not included in the fee):

Monday 26th, to Wednesday 28th, 12:00 – 13:00

The SoWi-Lounge located in the foyer of the venue offers

cold and warm dishes. Many restaurants, bistros and take

away restaurants are located in the vicinity of the venue.

WLAN access

There are two ways to connect to the network. Regardless

which one you choose, please make sure that your network

interface card is activated and you are within range of a

router. According to the settings of your operating system

you may be asked for the network key (WEP-Password)

twice while – some computers never ask.

1. WLAN ACCESS – network name “uibk“

Click on the WLAN-symbol in the taskbar, choose network

“uibk“ and type in the required information:

User: c115135

Password: GeoTirol16

Most computers keep this configuration and connect with

the network again automatically when it is within reach.

2. WLAN ACCESS – network name “wl-plug-inn“

Click on the WLAN-symbol in the taskbar, choose network

“wl-plug-inn“. If required, type in the network key


Now open your browser and type in the address ““ and activate your access:

User: c115135

Password: GeoTirol16

Your computer stays connected with the network until

you logout or turn it off. To reconnect you must reactivate

access in the browser.


A public garage is located at the venue (see floor plan).

Parking fees:

1/2 hour: 1.1 E

night fee: 4.5 E

weekly ticket: 56 E


Next DGGV and PANGEO Austriameetings

„The System Earth and its Materials - From Seafloor to Summit“Joint Meeting of DGGV and DMG

University Campus, Bremen, Germany

September 24-28, 2017

PANGEO Austria 2018, ViennaOrganised by University of Vienna & GBA

Conference venue / Floor Plan

universität innsbruckGebäudeplan SoWi / plant layout sowi

1.Obergeschoß / first floor

Seminarräume von Nr. 1-3 / seminar room nr. 1-3




Universität InnsbruckCampus SoWiUniversitätstrasse 156020 InnsbruckT +43 512 507-0

Poster exhibition

universität innsbruckGebäudeplan SoWi / plant layout sowi

Erdgeschoß / groundfloor

Hörsäle von Nr. 1-3 / lecture hall nr. 1-3AulaMeeting office (registration) Einfahrt Tiefgarage / drive in

Öffentliche Garage / public garagePWC






HS 1 HS 2 HS 3

Universität InnsbruckCampus SoWiUniversitätstrasse 156020 InnsbruckT +43 512 507-0

Meeting office

Erste Hilfe / first aid

Portier / porter


Haupteingang Main entrance

Ausgang zum Busparkplatz Exkursionen / Exit to the coach parking bay for field tripsP


s stop

universität innsbruckGebäudeplan SoWi / plant layout sowi

Untergeschoß / basement floor

Unterrichtssaal Nr. 1-3 / classroom nr. 1-3Aula

Einfahrt Tiefgarage / drive inÖffentliche Garage / public garage






Universität InnsbruckCampus SoWiUniversitätstrasse 156020 InnsbruckT +43 512 507-0


U3 U2 U1

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Notes Notes

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Photo: Robbie Shone