Programme Surprise 1º-2º Primaria Destaca…  · Web viewpage 151- Word skills (Stand up and say...


Transcript of Programme Surprise 1º-2º Primaria Destaca…  · Web viewpage 151- Word skills (Stand up and say...







Oxford University Press – Surprise 1-2 2

DESCRIPTION OF CENTRE AND ORGANISATION OF ENGLISH DEPARTMENT.........................3OBJECTIVES..............................................................................................................................................10CONTENTS.................................................................................................................................................14ASSESSMENT CRITERIA........................................................................................................................17KEY COMPETENCES...............................................................................................................................19TREATMENT OF DIVERSITY.................................................................................................................32PROGRAMME OF UNITS: 1ST YEAR - COMPULSORY PRIMARY EDUCATION..........................34PROGRAMME OF UNITS: 2ND YEAR - COMPULSORY PRIMARY EDUCATION.........................57CLASSROOM PROGRAMME -SURPRISE! 1: YEAR 2010/2011*........................................................80CLASSROOM PROGRAMME -SURPRISE! 2: YEAR 2010/2011*......................................................137


1st cycle primary



Town Province Post Code








Level Number of pupils Number of groups


(The department should describe the profile of the students using ther following areas as

a guide:)

– General characteristics

– Characteristics of different groups

– Characteristics of one particular group

(Give details of basic objectives for dealing with these groups, prioritising the groups’

needs and outlining strategies to be used and their timing.)



Social level High Medium Low Mixed


City Centre Suburb Small town Rural

Nº of students with

Special needs:



(omit those which are not relevant)


Group A Pupils like learning through play.

Pupils show a lot of/little creativity and imagination.

The curiosity of pupils is easily/not easily engaged.

Pupils like/don’t like expressing their emotions.

Pupils are capable/incapable of organising and analysing their own learning.

Pupils are/are not conscious of the advantages of group work in class.

Pupils express themselves coherently/incoherently and correctly/incorrectly in their

own language.

Pupils need/don’t need to understand all the words in a text to understand it.

Pupils like/don’t like reading at home.


Group B Pupils like learning through play.

Pupils show a lot of/little creativity and imagination.

The curiosity of pupils is easily/not easily engaged.

Pupils like/don’t like expressing their emotions.

Pupils are capable/incapable of organising and analysing their own learning.

Pupils are/are not conscious of the advantages of group work in class.

Pupils express themselves coherently/incoherently and correctly/incorrectly in their

own language.

Pupils need/don’t need to understand all the words in a text to understand it.

Pupils like/don’t like reading at home.


Group C Pupils like learning through play.

Pupils show a lot of/little creativity and imagination.

The curiosity of pupils is easily/not easily engaged.

Pupils like/don’t like expressing their emotions.

Pupils are capable/incapable of organising and analysing their own learning.

Pupils are/are not conscious of the advantages of group work in class.

Pupils express themselves coherently/incoherently and correctly/incorrectly in their

own language.

Pupils need/don’t need to understand all the words in a text to understand it.

Pupils like/don’t like reading at home.


Group D Pupils like learning through play.

Pupils show a lot of/little creativity and imagination.

The curiosity of pupils is easily/not easily engaged.

Pupils like/don’t like expressing their emotions.

Pupils are capable/incapable of organising and analysing their own learning.

Pupils are/are not conscious of the advantages of group work in class.

Pupils express themselves coherently/incoherently and correctly/incorrectly in their

own language.

Pupils need/don’t need to understand all the words in a text to understand it.

Pupils like/don’t like reading at home.



(To be completed by teachers)

General needs

Specific needs of different groups

Group AGroup BGroup CGroup D

Specific individual needs

Group A Pupil

Group B Pupil

Group C Pupil

Group D Pupil


(To be completed by teachers)

a) With pupils

b) With teachers

c) With parents and tutors


(omit those which are not relevant)

Human resourcesSupport teachers


CriteriaAlphabetical order

Flexible grouping (specify what type and give reasons)

Small support groups within/outside the mainstream class

Pupils with special sensory needs in different groups/classes


Material resources available in the school(omit those which are not relevant)

Video - DVD


Radio cassette/ CD player

Video camera


Pizarra Digital Interactiva

Internet connection(WiFi, others…)

(Note here any observations about how, when and why these resources are used for

English classes.)

Spaces available in the school(omit those which are not relevant)

Multi-use areas

Language laboratory

Computer room





Criteria for use of common spaces(Note here any observations about when, how and why these spaces are used for

English classes.)

Distribution of classroom space(omit those which are not relevant)

Pupils’ desks arranged in rows

Pupils’ desks arranged in “U”

Specific corners: Class library, transversal topics, games, crafts, etc.




(Note here any educational or other outings planned.)

Group/s Profesores Term/


Outing and





Teacher’s name and position:

TIME Monday Tuesday Wed. Thursday Friday

Teacher’s name and position:

TIME Monday Tuesday Wed. Thursday Friday

Teacher’s name and position::

TIME Monday Tuesday Wed. Thursday Friday


The demands and needs of 21st-century society have brought changes to the school

environment, preparing pupils to live in an ever more international, multicultural,

multilingual and technologically more advanced world. As a member of the European

Union, our country is committed to the promotion of the knowledge of other community

languages as is reflected in one of the objectives of the Lisbon Strategy. Meanwhile, the

Council of Europe in the European Common Reference Framework for the learning of

foreign languages establishes directives for both the learning of languages as well as for

the assessment of competence in different languages. These guidelines have been a

key reference in the elaboration of the curriculum.

The Royal Decree of Minimum Education states that Primary Education will help develop in children the skills that will enable them to:

a). Know and appreciate the values and norms of coexistence and prepare for active

citizenship and respect for the human rights and pluralism inherent in a democratic


b). Develop habits of individual and team work, effort and responsibility as well as

attitudes of self-confidence, critical sense, personal initiative, curiosity, creativity and

interest in learning

c) Acquire skills for the prevention and peaceful resolution of conflict, enabling them to

function independently in the family and household, as well as in the social groups with

which they will relate.

d) Know, understand and respect different cultures and differences between people,

equal rights and opportunities for men and women and the non-discrimination of disabled


e) Know and make appropriate use of the Spanish language and, in its case, the co-

official language of the Autonomous Community and develop reading habits

f) Acquire, in at least one foreign language, skills to enable them to express and understand simple messages and function in everyday situations.

g) Develop basic Maths skills and initiative in solving problems that require elementary operations of calculation, geometry and estimates, as well as in being able to apply them to situations in everyday life.

h) Get to know and appreciate their natural environment both social and cultural, as well as the possibilities for action and care of it.

i) Get started in the use of information and communication technology to develop a critical mind to the messages they receive and produce.

j) Use representation and artistic expression and start to build visual proposals.

k) Value the importance of hygiene and the acceptance of one’s own body as well as that of others, respecting differences and using physical education and sport to encourage both personal and social development.

l) Know and appreciate those animals closest to us and adopt forms of behaviour that contribute to their preservation and care.

m) Develop emotional skills in all areas of personality in their relations with others and an attitude opposed to violence, prejudice and gender stereotype.

n) Promote road safety education and respectful attitudes for the prevention of traffic accidents.


Objectives of the area of foreign language

The area of foreign language is designed to train students to understand, speak and talk,

read and write. Most of the learning opportunities are in the school environment. This

circumstance demands the inclusion of diverse contents removed from the academic

world such as those of social relations, mass media and the literary world (properly


The axis of the area of foreign language, in the curriculum and in our project, is the

achievement of an effective oral and written communicative competence in meaningful

social contexts which will enable students to express themselves more and more

efficiently and correctly encompassing all possible uses and registers as well as the use

of communication strategies both verbal and non verbal.

The Royal Decree of Minimum Education establishes that the objective of the teaching of

a foreign language during this stage will be the development of the following abilities:

1. Listening to and understanding verbal messages in various kinds of interactions,

using the information provided for the execution of diverse specific tasks related to

students’ experience.

2. Expressing themselves orally and interacting in simple and routine within a given

content and development, using procedures and verbal and non verbal language

and adopting a rspectful and co-operative attitude.

3. Producing short simple texts with various purposes on topics covered in class with

the aid of patterns.

4. Reading and understanding various texts, related to their experience and hobbies,

texts to extract general and specific information in accordance with a specific


5. Learning to use with increasing autonomy all the means at their disposal,

including new technology, to obtain information and to communicate in the foreign


6. Valuing the foreign language, and languages in general, as a means of

communication and understanding between people of diverse origins and

cultures and as a tool for learning different contents.

7. Expressing a receptive and confident attitude vis-à-vis their own ability to learn

and use the foreign language.

8. Using knowledge and prior experience of other languages for a faster, more

efficient and independent acquisition of the target language.

9. Identifying the phonetic aspects of rhythm, intonation and pronunciation, as well

as linguistic structures and lexical aspects of the target language, using them as

basic elements of communication.

Objectives of the area of foreign language and its integration within our projectThe aim of the area of foreign language is to prepare people who can use it to

understand, speak, converse, read and write, so its use should be the starting point from

the moment teaching begins. The introduction of English in the first year of Primary

Education is an experience which is currently being adopted in numerous schools, and

stems from the premise that learning a second language at an early age contributes to

the development of basic abilities. Primary education begins with a very elementary

competence in the target language, so, throughout this stage, the knowledge, ability and

experience in the languages the children know will be extremely important in order to

understand and construct meanings, structures and strategies when participating in acts

of communication.

The elaboration of our project, which affects the organisation and contents of the

programme, is closely linked to the psycho pedagogic principles which serve as a

foundation for the curricular design of Primary Education. It is our aim that our pupils

acquire communicative competence in English via games and motivating activities, which

at the same time promote effective learning. Whilst engaged in these activities they use

the language to obtain information, express their own opinions and relate with others in a

natural way. It is a question of reinforcing the students’ ability to perceive the knowledge

of a foreign language not just as one more subject, but as the reflection of an outside

world of which we all form a part. The objective, insofar as is possible, is to globalise

experiences whilst not forgetting the specific stage of learning in which students find


Methodological bases that inspire our work are as follows

The starting point in the students’ learning is their previous knowledge; focusing on

this may seem close and familiar to the students but with an aspect of fantasy to strike a

balance between safety/well-being and interest/imagination. The student can transfer

learned concepts and strategies to build meaning and attribute meaning to what he/she

learns (Starting with what he knows and making hypotheses to make rules to help

interiorize the new system) thus, enhancing their personal growth, development and


Communicative situations that include humour and play capture the motivation of students and facilitate learning; It is therefore important to take into account the

importance of songs and stories, the features of the characters, illustrations and even

sound effects

Children learn in different ways and at different speeds; for this reason our project is

devised to be used with flexibility so that all group members can take part and find

activities to which they can apply know-how and aptitude, facilitating the development of

one's own daily awareness of achievement and progress. Our project provides extra

support for those who need it, taking into account those cases in which progress does not

respond to expectancy as well as those who may excel in their goal achievement and,

due to lack in programmed activities, lose interest and become unmotivated. To remedy

these situations the programme includes extension activities for the more advanced and

reinforcement for those who may get bogged down at any time. These activities are in the

Activity Book (at the end of the book: ’Extra Writing’ for each unit), in the photocopiable

materials and the Resources Pack and notes in the Teacher’s Book.

Children’s learning is more intense and effective when they are active; they need to

exercise their action skills. Each of the units in our project provides a wide range of

activities and teaching resources for participation. The student is the keystone in the

learning/teaching process but his/her constructive attitude depends on the teacher’s

intervention. This intervention must be both active and reflective and adapt to the

student’s level using input to help the student interaction and feedback to contextualise

activities and render meaningful answers with a view to promoting communication

strategies, consolidating those already acquired and the admission of errors.

Consider both progress and the error as something natural in the learning process.

Errors occur as a result of the underlying dynamism in comprehension and progressive

mastering of the new language. We understand that errors occur when the child tries to

anticipate the functioning of the language or when he transfers rules from his mother

tongue in a natural process of acquisition. It is important to note the difference between

error and mistake. Errors are believed to be systematic failings due to lack of knowledge.

These errors will be dealt with when finishing oral interactions, in groups, taking into

account that they take time to correct. A mistake is an occasional failure due to lack of

attention which may even befall native speakers. Mistakes are not worthwhile correcting

since they are not relevant to the teaching/learning process.

The Assessment of individual and collective progress is an important factor in ensuring quality; We have provided an English language portfolio with photocopiable

Self Assessment sheets (Teacher’s Book) which will enable teachers to monitor their

students’ progress. It is devised so that it can be adapted by teachers to their own

specific needs

Globalised learning will generate an apprehension of reality as a whole. Our project

takes this into account offering activities related with other areas in the curriculum

beginning with learning about the child, then moving on to the world around him; house,

school, environment and society in general. In each unit, this development is reflected in

those topics related to other areas in the curriculum; Environmental Education, Artistic

Education, Mathematics, Physical Education, etc.


The contents have been grouped in blocks to sort the elements of analysis of a complex

reality, in relation to four key competences with specific characteristics and needs in

terms of the teaching and learning process: oral language; written language; the

constituents of the linguistic system, their functioning and relationships, and the social

and cultural dimension of the foreign language.

Although oral and written language are two different manifestations of the same capacity,

each requires different skills and knowledge and is therefore dealt with separately.

Block 1. Listening, speaking and conversing, acquires, in this stage, particular

relevance. The limited presence of foreign languages in the social context means

that the language model provided by the school is the first source of knowledge

and learning of the language,. This model should reflect the variety of speech,

habitual expressions, phonetic and prosodic nuances typical of different real

communicative situations, and will be reinforced by the use of conventional

audiovisual media and information technology. Discourse employed in the

classroom is at the same time both vehicle for and object of learning, so the

curriculum focuses on both the knowledge of linguistic elements and the ability

to use them to perform communicative tasks..

Block 2. Reading and writing, in coherence with the previous block, aims at

knowledge of written language. The progressive use of written language will

depend on the degree of knowledge of written forms and increasing security in the

graphic representation of the sounds of the language, usually different from the

students’ own. To overcome lack of security, the curriculum and our project

include strategies and resources such as the use of dictionaries and other

consulting facilities, conventional and digital, for the understanding and

composition of all kinds of texts.

Block 3. Knowledge of the language, iincludes both linguistic knowledge and

contents of reflection upon learning. The starting point will be practical situations

which encourage the acquisition of rules regarding the workings of the language,

in order that students may establish which elements of the foreign language

function in a similar way to their own tongue, gaining confidence in their ability to

use the second language..

Block 4. Socio-cultural features and intercultural awareness. The contents of

this block help the students learn customs, forms of social relationships, and

specific features of countries that speak the target language; in other words,

lifestyles different from their own. This knowledge will promote respect and

interest in the knowledge of different social and cultural realities

Block 1. Listening, speaking and conversingThe language model provided by the school is the first source of knowledge and learning

of language. Classroom discourse is both a vehicle and an object of learning. Therefore

both the curriculum and our project have provided for the learning elements as well as the

capacity to use them in communicative tasks.

On the other hand, the language model must come from a large enough number of

speakers to reflect changes and nuances both in phonetic and prosodic aspects as in the

election of idiomatic expressions in well-defined communicative situations. Hence the use

of conventional media and ITC is present both in the curriculum and in our project.

The contents of this block for the first cycle in the area of foreign language according to

the Royal Decree of Minimum Education are as follows::

Comprehension of simple oral messages for classroom tasks.

Understanding of simple messages from different audiovisual and IT sources.

Oral interaction in real or fake situations through verbal and non-verbal responses

in communicating routines.

Production of previously studied oral texts through active participation in shared

performances, songs, recitations and dramatization.

Development of basic strategies to support comprehension and oral expression;

transfer of visual and non-verbal context and of previous knowledge of the subject

or situation from the languages the student is already familiar with.

Appreciation of the target language as an instrument of communication.

Block 2. Reading and writingThe aim is competence in discursive writing. Foreign-language texts are also textual

composition patterns and practice for the acquisition of linguistic elements.. The

progressive use of written language will depend on the degree of knowledge of the code,

which is directly related to the degree of security that the code provides in the graphic

representation of the sounds of the language. To overcome lack of security, the

curriculum and our project include strategies and resources such as the use of

dictionaries and other consulting facilities, conventional and digital, for the understanding

and composition of all kinds of texts.

The contents of this block for the first cycle in the area of foreign language according to

the Royal Decree of Minimum Education are as follows::

Reading of previously studied simple words and sentences through active

participation in real or fake situations.

Initiation in reading strategies; transfer of visual and non-verbal context and of

previous knowledge of the subject or situation from the languages the student is

already familiar with.

Writing of previously studied words and sentences through active participation in

oral interactions to be used in sharing or transmitting information or in play


Initiation in the use of educational computer programmes to read and write simple


Interest in the careful presentation of written texts.

Block 3. Knowledge of the language

Contact with the foreign language and its use enables those who are learning it work out

a basic conceptual system on its functioning. The starting point will be situations that

encourage the inference of language rules so as to gain confidence in their own abilities.

This content block is divided into knowledge and reflection on learning.

The contents of this block for the first cycle in the area of foreign language according to

the Royal Decree of Minimum Education are as follows::

Linguistic knowledge:

o Introduction to phonetic aspects, rhythm and stress of the foreign language

and use for comprehension and oral production.

o Identification and use of previously used vocabulary and basic structures

of the target language.

o Global association in spelling, pronunciation and meaning from written

forms representing well-known oral expressions.

o Familiarisation with the use of basic strategies in text production from

different patterns; selection of target, purpose and content.

o Interest in using the target language in different situations

Reflection upon learning.

o Use of skills and procedures such as repetition, memorization, word

association, words and expressions containing gestural and visual

elements, pattern observation etc. for the acquisition of vocabulary, form

and structure.

o Progressive use of graphic means for information and consultation

regarding new possibilities opened up by new technology.

o Confidence in student’s own ability to learn a foreign language and

enjoyment of teamwork.

Block 4. Socio-cultural features and intercultural awareness

This block helps the students learn customs, forms of social relationships, and specific

features of countries that speak the target language, in other words, lifestyles different

from their own. This knowledge will promote tolerance and acceptance, increase interest

in the knowledge of different social and cultural realities and facilitate intercultural


The contents of this block for the first cycle in the area of foreign language according to

the Royal Decree of Minimum Education are as follows:

Acknowledgement and learning of basic forms of social relations in the target


Positive attitude towards people who speak another language and have a different

culture to the student’s own.


The Royal Decree of Minimum Education establishes the following assessment criteria for

the first cycle of primary education in the area of foreign language:

1. Participate in controlled oral interactions on familiar topics in easily predictable

communicative situations.

This is a means of assessing the ability to respond in a simple way to requests

and instructions, or to give information. The interactions will involve familiar topics,

previously studied or related to immediate communicative needs, such as

greetings or farewells , introductions, talking about likes, within communicative

situations recognised as routine, habits, classroom language, dramatisations,

recitations or songs. The capacity to participate actively in classroom activities will

also be valued positively.

2. Grasp the overall meaning and identify some specific elements in oral texts, using

linguistic and non-linguistic context elements

This criterion evaluates whether or not students are able gradually to grasp the

overall meaning of an oral message, in situations of face-to-face communication,

using gestures and mime and the necessary repetition, and to recognise and

understand key words and basic expressions, related to classroom activities or the

school context.

3. Read and identify simple words and phrases previously introduced in oral form

concerning family and hobbies.

This criterion evaluates the ability to read, aloud too, words and phrases first

encountered in oral form via all kinds of activities. Reading will be supported by

visual and verbal elements related to the context in which these expressions

appear and will form a part of games and communicative activities

4. Write words, familiar expressions and phrases employing models and with a

specific purpose.

This criterion evaluates the ability to write words and simple sentences repeatedly

and frequently used in oral fashion in diverse activities.

Writing should begin with the observation of a model and form part of the

execution of a specific task such as writing a note, making a poster, composing a

birthday card or completing a song or poem.

5. Recognise and reproduce the sound, rhythm, stress and intonation of expressions

which appear in everyday communicative contexts.

This criterion seeks to evaluate whether or not students recognise and are

capable of reproducing sounds, rhythm, stress and intonation when actively

participating by listening to, repeating and anticipating expressions and when

reading aloud, always employing models.

6. Use basic strategies for learning-to-learn, such as asking for help, communication

with accompanying gestures, using visual dictionaries and identifying personal

features which will help them to learn better.

This criterion aims to evaluate the use of basic strategies which enhance the

learning process, such as the use of visual resources and gestures, asking for

help and clarification, the use of visual dictionaries and assessment, albeit

elementary, of their own progress.

7. Show interest and curiosity regarding learning a foreign language and recognise

linguistic diversity as as an enriching characteristic.

This criterion assesses participation, effort and interest in learning the target


It also evaluates awareness of the importance of knowing languages in order to

communicate with people from different countries and the appreciation of linguistic

diversity as an enriching quality for one and all..

The section Programme of Units of this document lists the criteria and means of

assessment specific to each teaching unit.


In the Ley Orgánica de Educación (LOE) definition of the curriculum, we find both the

traditional components (objectives, contents, teaching methods and assessment criteria)

as well as key competences. This is one of the guiding elements of the curriculum as a

whole and, consequently, a guide in the processes of teaching and learning. In fourth

grade of primary school pupils have to participate in the so-called diagnostic assessment,

in which they have to demonstrate the acquirement of certain skills. This assessment

does not have academic consequences for students, but the fact that the results help

guide centres to take decisions regarding students’ learning gives us some idea as to

how educational processes are conditioned by this element in the sense of being much

more functional. In sixth grade of primary school the decision as to whether pupils are

promoted to the subsequent level is partly based on whether or not they have acquired

the key competences, as a result of which they become a reference for student


As opposed to an educational model focused upon the acquirement of more or less

theoretical knowledge, often unrelated, an educational process based upon the

acquirement of skills emphasises, above all, the acquirement of some vital know-how,

practical and integrated, know-how which students will have to demonstrate (this is rather

more than functional training). In brief, a skill is the putting into practice and

demonstration of the capacity to integrate knowledge, abilities and attitudes to resolve

problems and situations in different contexts. In a very graphic and succinct manner,

there is a definition of the putting into practice of acquired knowledge, knowledge in

action, in other words, mobilising knowledge and skills in a specific situation (real and

different from the one in which these were learned), activating existing resources or

knowledge (although one thinks they are absent because they have been forgotten).

There is one aspect which should be highlighted, regarding what might be called the

combined character of the skill: the pupil, via what he knows, must demonstrate what he

can apply, but also what he can be. In this way we see how a skill integrates the different

contents which are worked on in the classroom (concepts, procedures and attitudes), an

example of integral training of the pupil. To summarise, we are acknowledging that the

academic institution will not only prepare students in the knowledge of technical and

scientific know-how, but also as citizens, so they should evince a series of civic and

intellectual attitudes which imply respect towards others, being responsible, team-work...

Another aspect is also important: acquiring competences allows one to tackle the

constant renewal of knowledge which occurs in any area of learning. The student’s

academic training takes place in school over a limited number of years, but the need for

personal and/or professional preparation never ends, so that a competence in the use,

for example, of information and communication technology, will enable access to this tool

to obtain the information necessary at any given moment (obviously, after analysing its

quality). If we also bear in mind that it is often impossible to consider in depth all the

contents of the curriculum, it is clear that the student must acquire this competence, that

of learning to learn.

In our educational system, the key competences regarded as those which students

should possess when they finish their obligatory education in order to deal with the

demands of their personal and working lives are as follows:

Competence in linguistic communication

Mathematical competence.

Competence in knowledge of and interaction with the physical world.

Data processing and digital competence.

Social and civic competence.

Cultural and artistic competence.


Autonomy and personal initiative.

But, what do we understand by each of these competences? In essence, and

concentrating on the most important aspect of the school curriculum, each of them

contributes the following to the student’s personal and intellectual preparation:

COMPETENCE IN LINGUISTIC COMMUNICATIONThis competence involves using the language as a spoken and written

communication tool, and as a means of learning and self regulation of thought,

emotions and behaviour. It contributes to the creation of a positive self-image and

encourages constructive relationships with others and with the environment. Learning

to communicate meaning establishing links with other people and cultures. It is

fundamental in resolving conflict and for peaceful coexistence. Acquiring this

competence involves a command of oral and written language in a variety of contexts

and the functional use of at least one foreign language.


This competence consists, above all, of the ability to use numbers and basic

mathematical operations, symbols and mathematical reasoning to produce and

express information. Students learn about quantitative and spatial features and

resolve everyday problems. The acquisition of this competence means applying skills

and attitudes which allow for mathematical reasoning, understanding of mathematical

arguments, and the ability to express oneself and communicate in mathematical

language integrating mathematical concepts with other types of knowledge.


This involves the ability to interact with the physical world in it’s natural state and see

how it has been affected by human intervention. It helps to understand events and the

consequences of different activities designed to improve and preserve conditions for

life, of other people, and other living things. This competence implies the acquisition

of scientific rational thought which enables the student to interpret information and

make decisions with autonomy and personal initiative, and to use ethical values in

personal and social decisions.

DATA PROCESSING AND DIGITAL COMPETENCESearching, finding, and processing skills are developed in this competence, as are the

communication of information and its transformation into knowledge. Aspects such as

the access to, and selection of information are included, and the transmission of this

information in different formats. Students learn to use ITC as an essential media for

information and communication. The acquisition of this competence involves use of

technology to solve problems efficiently and having a critical attitude towards the

information available.

SOCIAL AND CIVIC COMPETENCEThis competence involves understanding the social reality of the world in which we

live and being a democratic citizen in today’s plural society. It incorporates individual

behaviour patterns that allow us to function and coexist in society, have contact with

others, cooperate, assume commitments and deal with conflict. Acquiring this

competence means knowing how to put oneself in the place of others, accept

differences, be tolerant and respect their values, beliefs, cultures and the culture and

personal history. To summarise, it implies an understanding of the social reality we

live in, the ability to deal with conflict applying ethical values and understanding of the

rights and obligations we have as citizens, showing solidarity and responsibility.

CULTURAL AND ARTISTIC COMPETENCEThis competence involves learning about, appreciating, understanding and evaluating

a variety of cultural and artistic statements, and treating them as a source of pleasure

and personal enrichment and as part of the cultural patrimony of different societies.

Appreciation and enjoyment of art and other cultural statements and an open and

receptive attitude to the variety of art forms lead to the conservation of a common

cultural legacy and encourage the student’s own creative capacity.

LEARNING-TO-LEARNThis competence involves on the one hand starting the learning process, and on the

other hand being capable of continuing the process in an autonomous fashion. It

implies the acceptance of a variety of possible answers to the same problem, and

motivation to search for these answers using different means. To sum up, it implies an

organisation of the student’s own capacity to efficiently manage resources and

intellectual processes.

AUTONOMY AND PERSONAL INITIATIVEThis competence refers to the ability to decide using one’s own criteria and to

successfully take the necessary initiatives to develop and take responsibility for the

chosen option, both at a personal and social level and in the workplace or school.

The acquisition of this competence implies creativity, innovation, responsibility and a

critical approach to the development of individual or group projects.

How is each key competence attained by using this material?

We are going to explain in brief the most relevant aspects of our project, subject to the

demands of daily teaching practice at any given time.:

In essence and reflecting the most significant elements of the school curriculum, each

competence contributes the following to the student’s personal and intellectual



COMPETENCE IN LINGUISTIC COMMUNICATIONThis competence involves using the language as a spoken and written communication

tool, and as a means of learning and self regulation of thought, emotions and behaviour.

It contributes to the creation of a positive self-image and encourages constructive

relationships with others and with the environment. Learning to communicate meaning

establishing links with other people and cultures. It is fundamental in resolving conflict

and for peaceful coexistence. Acquiring this competence involves a command of oral and

written language in a variety of contexts and the functional use of at least one foreign


Foreign language learning contributes directly to the development of this competence,

completing, enriching and adding new aspects of comprehension and expression to the

general communicative competence of the student. All textbooks published by Oxford

University Press offer a wide range of activities which encourage authentic

communication in the classroom, with a systematic development of written and oral skills

and opportunities for personalisation

Lessons 4 in Surprise! 1 and Lessons 5 in Surprise! include communicative games and

both the cutout cards in the Class Book, and the story cards in the AB, enable students to

engage in other interactive activities with fellow students. E.g.: Surprise 1 CB p.18

Surprise 2 CB p. 9 / 69 Surprise 1 CB p. 69


Searching, finding, and processing skills are developed in this competence, as are the

communication of information and it’s transformation into knowledge. Aspects such as the

access to, and selection of information are included, and the transmission of this

information in different formats. Students learn to use ITC as an essential medium for

information and communication. The acquisition of this competence involves use of

technology to solve problems efficiently and having a critical attitude towards the

information available.

Information and communication technology offers the possibility to communicate

in real time with any part of the world, as well as simple and immediate access to

a constant flow of information which increases every day. Knowledge of a foreign

language offers the possibility to communicate using new technology real,

functional contexts for communication.. This competence consists of having the

ability to obtain, process and communicate information and turn it into knowledge.

The Surprise! Series has its own website where students will be able to communicate,

via e-cards, with children from other parts of the world. The interactive games and

stories offer the opportunity for processing information and reinforcing knowledge. The

teacher's website ( provides links to other websites for real

time online activities. The MultiROM offers interactive games to practise the language.

SOCIAL AND CIVIC COMPETENCEThis competence involves understanding the social reality of the world in which we live

and being a democratic citizen in today’s plural society. It incorporates individual

behaviour patterns that allow us to function and coexist in society, have contact with

others, cooperate, assume commitments and deal with conflict. Acquiring this

competence means knowing how to put oneself in the place of others, accept

differences, be tolerant and respect their values, beliefs, culture and personal history. To

summarise, it implies an understanding of the social reality we live in, the ability to deal

with conflict applying ethical values and understanding of the rights and obligations we

have as citizens, showing solidarity and responsibility.

Languages are used for social communication, but also as a vehicle for cultural

communication and transmission. Learning a foreign language involves an understanding

of cultural features and information related to the communities which speak the language.

This favours an understanding of the society we live in through respect and acceptance of

different cultures. Tolerance and integration are developed and an appreciation of

features of, and differences in, cultural identity.

The cultural section at the end of the CB addresses festivities in English-speaking

countries. E.g.: Surprise! 1 CB pages 64-65

The DVD includes traditional rhymes and dialogues/scenes acted out by British children.

CULTURAL AND ARTISTIC COMPETENCEThis competence involves learning about, appreciating, understanding and evaluating a

variety of cultural and artistic statements, and treating them as a source of pleasure and

personal enrichment and as part of the cultural patrimony of different societies.

Appreciation and enjoyment of art and other cultural statements and an open and

receptive attitude to the variety of art forms lead to the conservation of a common cultural

legacy and encourages the student’s own creative capacity.

Learning a foreign language helps to develop this competence if the linguistic models

contain, even in the limited way possible at this level, cultural information. This

competence, then, encourages expression and communication in order to perceive and

understand different realities and products of the artistic and cultural world.

Artistic competence involves a basic understanding of techniques, resources and

conventions related to the different artistic idioms, music, literature, visual and stage arts

or different aspects of so-called popular culture.

All through the course, children will be using the language of music (songs and chants),

drawings, etc. In Lesson 5, a paper craft with cutout cards. In Lesson 7, the story is

dramatized. E.g.: Surprise! 1 CB p.77 and p.42. The cross-curricular lesson (Lesson 6)

deals with subjects such as music, art,, etc. E.g.: Surprise! 2 CB p. 20, p.30

LEARNING-TO-LEARNThis competence involves on the one hand starting the learning process, and on the other

hand being capable of continuing the process in an autonomous fashion. It implies the

acceptance of a variety of possible answers to the same problem, and motivation to

search for these answers using different means. To sum up, it implies an organisation of

the student’s own capacity to efficiently manage resources and intellectual processes.

Learning a foreign language is far more effective if it includes contents directly

related to reflection upon one’s own learning, so that each child identifies how to

learn better and which strategies to use to improve.

This involves the awareness of those capacities which form a part of learning,

such as attention, concentration, memory, comprehension, linguistic expression

and motivation, for example.

Every 2 units in the AB, students complete a dictionary/summary with the vocabulary to

use as reference. E.g.: Surprise 1 AB p.32-33

The Assessment Booklet in each level contains Portfolio (Self Assessment)

photocopiable material in the style of the European Language Portfolio.


MATHEMATICAL COMPETENCEThis competence consists, above all, of the ability to use numbers and basic

mathematical operations, symbols and mathematical reasoning to produce and express

information. Students learn about quantitative and spatial features and resolve everyday

problems. The acquisition of this competence means applying skills and attitudes which

allow for mathematical reasoning, understanding of mathematical arguments, and the

ability to express oneself and communicate in mathematical language integrating

mathematical concepts with other types of knowledge.

Using numbers and basic operations,symbols and forms of expression and mathematical

reasoning to produce and interpret information, to know more about quantitative and

spatial aspects of reality and to resolve problems related to daily life. Part of mathematical

competence is the ability to interpret and express with clarity and precision information,

data and arguments.

There are many activities throughout the course that offer the opportunity of developing

mathematical competence with number sequencing , counting and ordering exercises.

E.g.: Surprise 1 CB p.15, 29. or CB 2 p. 3, 41.


This involves the ability to interact with the physical world in it’s natural state and see how

it has been affected by human intervention. It helps to understand events and the

consequences of different activities designed to improve and preserve conditions for life,

of other people, and other living things. This competence implies the acquisition of

scientific rational thought which enables the student to interpret information and make

decisions with autonomy and personal initiative, and to use ethical values in personal and

social decisions.

Interacting with the physical world, both in its natural aspects and those generated by

human action, in such a way that facilitates the understanding of events, the prediction of

consequences and activity directed towards the improvement and preservation of the

conditions of one’s own life, that of other people and of all other living creatures.

Taking as a starting point knowledge of the human body, nature, and the interaction of

mankind with nature, this competence allows students to discuss rationally the

consequences of different lifestyles and take decisions about a healthy physical and

mental way of life in a healthy and safe environment. The responsible use of natural

resources, environmental conservation, and preservation of individual and collective

health are recognised as key to quality of life.

Some cross-curricular lessons address “Social and Environmental Studies” (Social and

Environmental Studies) as a subject . E.g.: Surprise! 1 CB p.60.

AUTONOMY AND PERSONAL INITIATIVEThis competence refers to the ability to decide using ones own criteria and to successfully

take the necessary initiatives to develop and take responsibility for the chosen option,

both at a personal and social level and in the workplace or school.

The acquisition of this competence implies creativity, innovation, responsibility and a

critical approach to the development of individual or group projects.

Decisions which result from reflection on the learning process favour autonomy. As

autonomy and personal initiative often involve others, this competence necessitates

social skills such as cooperation, flexibility, negotiation, teamwork, seeing others’ points

of view, dialogue, and the assertiveness to explain one’s own decisions. Autonomy and

personal initiative involve being able to imagine, begin, develop and evaluate one’s

actions or individual or group projects with creativity, confidence, responsibility and a

critical attitude. In this sense it requires the ability to revise previous ideas or create new

ones, finding solutions and putting them into practice.

The Guide proposes a great number of activities to do in pairs or teams that are

specially focused on diversity and promote confidence and self-esteem by means of

projects, games, etc. E.g.: Surprise! 1 Didactic Guide p.23, 129 (Additional Activities)

Continuous learning

In a competence there is no knowledge which is only acquired in and valid for a

particular subject (especially in and for this one). Everything students learn in different

subjects (and not only at school) forms a background of culture and information which

should serve them throughout their lives, which they should be able to use at specific

moments and in different situations (language is, in this sense, paradigmatic) . For this

reason, any of these competences may be achieved if not in all, certainly in most

curriculum subjects and for that reason too these competences can be used and applied

in all these subjects, regardless of in which one they have been acquired (transversality).

Being competent should guarantee the completion of determined learnings, but also

permit the attainment of others, both at school itself and beyond, a guarantee of

continuous learning (or, in this case, the capacity to communicate in very diverse

situations, some of which pupils themselves may not yet even perceive as likely in the


Nevertheless, clearly there is an obvious interrelation between the different elements of

the curriculum, one which we must highlight in order to make suitable use of all the

curriculum subjects employed in the teaching-learning process. When in a didactic

programme like this one the objectives of a unit are indicated formulated ( like the

assessment criteria, in terms of abilities), we know that these determine the choice of

contents, in the same way that we should employ assessment criteria which demonstrate

whether or not pupils attain them. Thus, assessment criteria allow for a double

interpretation: on the one hand, those related to the pupils’ learning as a whole, in other

words, there will be some assessment criteria specifically linked to concepts, others to

procedures and others to attitudes, as all of these contents need to be assessed

because they were worked on in class and are those which are assessed at different

stages during application of continuous assessment; and on the other, there will be

assessment criteria which have been formulated more with regard to their relationship

with key competences.

The assessment of key competences is an assessment model which differs from that of

assessment criteria, both because it is applied at different stages of other assessments,

and because its purpose, though complementary, is different. If we assume that key

competences involve a real and practical application of knowledge, abilities and

attitudes, the way of checking or assessing whether the pupil has acquired them is to

reproduce application situations which are as real as possible, and in these situations it is

customary for the pupil to use this accumulated background (all kinds of contents) but to

respond, above all, to practical situations. In this way, when we assess competences we

are essentially, though not exclusively, assessing procedures and attitudes, which is why

we relate them to assessment criteria that are more procedural and attitudinal.


The competences by their very nature are generic. To use them as a reference for

pedagogical actions and to really demonstrate the competences acquired by the

students, they need to be broken down into more specific objectives related to other

elements of the curriculum. We have called these objective subcompetences, and without

covering all the possibilities, they do include those most closely related to the subject

curriculum and most prominent in all subjects on account of their interdisciplinary nature.

In foreign language learning, these subcompetences are as follows (there are other

competences/subcompetences which are also acquired in the area of Foreign Language–

English, though not in this grade):

Competence in linguistic communication Express thoughts, emotions, experiences and opinions orally and simply.

Adapt spoken style to a variety of communicative contexts, taking into account non-

verbal features and respecting norms of communicative exchanges.

Understand social and cultural conventions when producing texts

Understand a variety of texts types typical of the academic setting and understanding

the communicative intention and formal features.

Take pleasure in reading and use reading to discover other places, languages and


Be conscious of the need to respect spelling rules in the production of written texts

Understand principles of word formation as a means of extending vocabulary

Use a sufficient range of vocabulary to be able to express oneself orally and in writing

in specific situations.

Compose texts typical of the academic environment, appropriate to the

communicative objective.

Write texts to express ideas, feelings and experiences

Data processing and digital competence Search for, obtain, process and communicate information in the foreign language,

transforming it into knowledge, using the computer or the internet.

Analyse critically the information obtained

Social and civic competence Use dialogue as a basic tool for interpersonal communication and in the resolution of


Understand the values which characterise a democratic society: freedom, solidarity,

participation, citizenship, tolerance.

Value linguistic diversity as a cultural advantage.

Cultural and artistic competence Appreciate cultural diversity as seen though artistic statements.

Learning-to-learn Understand and habitually use the main techniques and strategies which favour the

intellectual process (summary, note taking, concept maps...).

Use a variety of sources for finding and processing information

Autonomy and personal initiative Show initiative and personal creativity

Develop social skills.

Mathematical competence Apply logical reasoning to chains of argument, identifying the fundamental ideas.

Competence in knowledge of and interaction with the physical world

Recognise geographical spaces and conditions where other cultures are located or

come from and which may determine and influence the development of these


Identify questions or problems and obtain conclusions based on evidence.

All these competentes and subcompetences bring into play different strategies and

different linguistic and discursive skills are employed in a contextualised manner.

Therefore, the activities in which the foreign language is used are set within fields which

may be public (everything related to daily social interaction), personal family relationships

and individual social habits), professional or educational. Students will use

communication strategies in a natural and systematic manner in order to make effective

the communication activities performed by means of communicative skills. The skills

developed will be: productive (speaking and writing), receptive (listening and reading) and

based on interaction or mediation.

Learning tasks or activities will constitute the core of didactic planning, and will integrate

objectives, contents and assessment, making up units of programming. Amongst other

criteria, the design of activities and tasks has taken into account the stages to be followed

in their development, prior knowledge, integrated treatment of linguistic components,

skills and strategies, proposed final objectives and the classroom’s potential for

adaptation and diversity.

Learning English will not only provide students with competences in order to

communicate, but also with cultural and social knowledge of the culture whose language

they are studying, which will help them develop a personality which is open and tolerant

towards what is different.. In this way one achieves the integral preparation of the


As we have noted, one of the characteristics of the key competences is that they allow

for and encourage transversality in the learning with which they are associated, in other

words, that which can and should be achieved, though from a different but

complementary perspective, via the development of the curriculum of the various areas of

the same educational stage. In this grade, these areas are Conocimiento del Medio, Art,

P:E., Spanish Language, Foreign Language, Mathematics, Music and, optionally,


For the overall work required of teachers in this grade, we indicate in the table below the

key competences which, as a minimum, should also be attained in other areas, in some

with more interrelation and in others with less:


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Science X X X X X X X X

Art X X X X X X

P.E. X X X X X X

Spanish Language X X X X X X

Foreign Language X X X X X X

Mathematics X X X X X X X X


1. Linguistic communication.

2. Mathematics.

3. Knowledge of and interaction with the physical world.

4. Data processing and digital competence.

5. Social and civic..

6. Cultural and artistic.

7. Learning-to-learn.

8. Autonomy and personal initiative.

As can be seen, the transversality of the key competences is evident, so within the

framework of the centre’s educational standard criteria should be formulated for their

collective treatment.


One of the elements upon which the LOE places most emphasis is TREATMENT OF

DIVERSITY. It is clear that the same educational method employed with a single group

of students has differing results depending on each pupil’s knowledge and previous

experience, their intellectual capacity and their interests and motivation with regard to


This is why, on many occasions, we have to modify. or adapt contents or methodology in

order that all pupils may attain the objectives established. Similarly, we should offer

extension activities for more able or receptive students. TREATMENT OF DIVERSITY

should always be practised in both directions. Therefore, these differences should always

be catered for, by presenting the same activities in different ways by means of the

activities included in the students’ book and the workbook.. Teachers need to evaluate

towards whom they should direct one type of activity or the other, and need to be

constantly aware of these differences, not only when assessing, but also when teaching

and planning the process of teaching-learning.

Surprise! includes reinforcement and extension activities which allow for individualised

attention to pupils, depending on their needs and learning rhythm. Every lesson in our

project includes ideas to help teachers respond to the different situations which arise in

the classroom

The Teacher’s Book suggests reinforcement and consolidation activities for students as

well as notes for the teacher, teaching advice, better to deal with different types of


In one of the components of the Teacher’s Resource Pack, , the Photocopy Masters

Book, the teacher will find photocopiable consolidation and extension pages for each


Criteria and procedures adopted for the development of special curricular adaptation for students with special educational needs

(The department can describe and detail these criteria and procedures here if necessary.

If this is not the case then this section can be omitted)

Adaptations will focus on:

1- The time and rhythm of learning

2- A more personalised methodology

3- A reinforcement of study skills

4- The improvement of procedures, habits and attitudes

5- Ways of increasing amount of counselling

a) For the more gifted students, extension materials will be provided

b) For pupils with serious learning problems, as sufficient progress in the conceptual

contents of the course is more difficult to attain, procedures and attitudes will be the

priority, with social integration being the overall aim. Core instrumental skills need to be

the key content of the adapted curriculum. Modifications to the curriculum may be quite

significant (they will probably entail the elimination of contents, objectives and

consequently of the assessment criteria which might otherwise be considered essential).

When such adaptations are not enough, the alternative is to have the pupil study part of

the core curriculum in special groups, with different contents and educational activities.

This learning can take place in the mainstream classroom with special support, or in a

separate physical space. This pupil will have the general objectives of this stage of

primary education as a reference, but will work towards those aims through different

contents and activities.


This programming and scheduling constitutes a model of timed learning for 1st year of Primary Education and taking into account the specific objectives of English as a


This is an adaptable timetable which may be adjusted to the group-class profile as it may

be used simultaneously with students who struggle to learn languages as well as with

those who have slightly superior knowledge. It may also be adapted to the teacher’s and

students’ own tastes and initiatives and the evolution of the course.

This is a guiding and extendable programme, with numerous optional possibilities

suggested in the Teacher’s Guide and the Photocopy Masters Book. The teacher may

introduce these activities at the appropriate moment, according to students’ needs and

attitudes, bearing in mind learning speed – individual and collective – and teaching hours



1.- TEACHING OBJECTIVESStudents will be able to: Recognise the characters: Annie, Leo, Dougie and Uncle Harry. Identify and practise simple greetings and farewells. Introduce themselves and say their name. Sing the Annie and Leo song, performing the suitable actions. Read and learn words/expressions in new and revision vocabulary. Identify different kinds of weather. Write words from the vocabulary in the unit. Make finger puppets of the characters .

2.- CONTENTSBLOCK 1- Listening, speaking and conversingPROCEDURES Listen to and sing the song. Stick the picture stickers in their matching silhouette (CB p 2). Make the finger puppets on page 67. Play a game with them, guessing which of the

characters is waving (CB p. 2) Listen to a text about a new character (Uncle Harry) and identify the expressions in the book

as you hear them. Repeat. (CB p. 3). Play at guessing and talking about the weather (CB p. 3).

BLOCK 2- Reading and writing PROCEDURES Read the greetings in the speech bubbles and match them with the person who says them

(AB p 2). Write their names and draw their faces. (AB p 2). Follow the directions that go from from the pictures (related to the weather) to their

corresponding descriptions , tracing the line. (AB p. 3).

BLOCK 3- Reflection upon learning and knowledge of language through use

CONCEPTSBasic Vocabulary:: Hello, Bye bye!Receptive: girls and boysRevision: rain, car, teddy, boat, apples, bananas, melon. T-shirt, trousers, socks. One, two,

three. Red, blue, green, yellow, pink, orange.

Communicative Structures Basic language: I’m …(Annie)It’s raining, It’s sunny, It’s hot, It’s windy, It’s snowing, It’s cold.Receptive language : This is (Dougie), What’s your name?, It’s time for English now, It’s time for us to go.

BLOCK 4- Socio-cultural features and intercultural awareness

CONCEPTS Relate the English language with their own reality through greetings and farewells

3.- CONTRIBUTION TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE KEY COMPETENCES IN THIS UNIT See the Introduction for the general aspects of the contribution of learning a foreign language to basic competences, and particularly how they reflect in this unit. and civic competence since knowing a language implies the knowledge of specific features and social facts linked to speakers of the said language, and can be worked on alongside the unit . Education for peace Developing a positive attitude in personal relationships, valuing friendship and cooperation in our personal development .Moral and civic education The importance of greeting and introducing one another correctly. v. artistic and cultural competence By creating a Portfolio (Assessment Booklet). Making the finger puppets from the CB page 67.

4.- TREATMENT OF DIVERSITYAdditional activities (Reinforcement and extension)TRP1 Photocopy Master 1:

Cut and fold. Colour and write your name (children make a label with their name) Musical hugs (children dance and hug one another).

DG page 31 (Find Annie).page 31 (Finger puppet game)page 33 (Pass the action).page 33 (Today it’s…).


1.- TEACHING OBJECTIVESStudents will be able to: Identify and name six parts of the body. Chant and act out a dance to reinforce new vocabulary Listen to and sing the Dinosaur, dinosaur song to introduce and practise key vocabulary in

this unit: Listen to, understand, and act out the Where's my baby? story Listen to and sing the Ten big dinosaurs song to practise the additional vocabulary in the unit . Count (dinosaurs) Read and write vocabulary and the key and revision expressions in this unit . Engage in short communication exchanges through a cutout activity.

Learn in what parts of the body animals carry or hold their young, thus transferring classroom language to a real life context.

Draw their favourite dinosaur, personalising acquired knowledge. Choose their favourite activity in this unit Get to know phonetic aspects of rhythm, intonation and pronunciation. Self-evaluate their own progress and reflect on the work accomplished.

2.- CONTENTSBLOCK 1- Listening, speaking and conversingPROCEDURES Go through the opening class routines at the beginning of each lesson (Didactic Guide). Listen to, and identify the parts of the body as they are heard. Listen to and follow the

instructions of a chant (Dinosaur, dinosaur); saying out loud what they hear and repeating the actions. Paste the picture stickers in their matching silhouette. (CB p. 4).

Listen and understand the picture story: Where’s my baby?. Match and colour dinosaurs with the different parts of their body. Orally express the parts of the body that appear in the pictures. (CB p. 5).

Listen to the picture story in this unit and participate in the actions and key vocabulary. Find the differences between the story cards and the picture frames in the CB (CB p. 6 and

7). Listen to and sing a song. Play at counting dinosaurs. (CB p 8) Look closely at a picture, listen and count the different dinosaurs of each kind. Write the figure

in its corresponding place.(CB p. 9). Make the dinosaur mini cards and play with them in order to practise communication and

language in this unit (CB p. 69). Listen to a text about animals, learn in what part of their body they carry their young. Play a

game to practise the cross-curricular aspect of the unit (Action game) (CB p. 10). Match some animals with their young and draw them where specified. (CB p. 11). Act out the picture story in this unit (CB p. 12). Listen to a text in order to revise key vocabulary in the unit (parts of the body) and number

the drawings with them. Paste the vocabulary stickers in their corresponding silhouette. (CB p 12).

Draw their favourite dinosaur (CB p. 13). Choose their favourite activity in this unit and copy the symbol that represents it. (CB p. 13).

BLOCK 2- Reading and writingPROCEDURES Colour a dinosaur with the help of the specific instructions given for each part of the body

(AB p. 4). Look closely at the pictures and choose the right word for naming the parts of the body out of

the three options proposed. Trace over the words again. (AB p. 5). Read and match the numbers with the word and corresponding symbol. (AB p. 6). Count the dinosaurs that appear in the pictures, write the figure, and select the correct written

expression from the three options (AB p 6). Match words that are the same, written in different formats. (AB p.7) Look closely at the pictures of different parts of the body and complete the phrases following

the proposed model. (AB p. 7).

BLOCK 3- Reflection upon learning and knowledge of language through use CONCEPTSBasic Vocabulary: body, head, arms, legs, feet, tail. Yes/no, read, green, tree,

big, small, long, back, pouch. Numbers from 1 to 10.Receptive: dinosaur, dance, monkey, kangaroo, elephant, penguin.Revision: It’s sunny.

Communicative structures Basic language: Where’s (my baby)?, It’s got (four legs).Receptive language : Today is (Monday), It’s (windy), Turn around, sit down, move your…, Is that (your baby)?, Look at my (feet)!

Phonetics (rhythm, stress and intonation)PROCEDURES Orally reproduce and act out the picture story in this unit (CB pages 6 and 7) Listen to, sing and act out a song (CB p. 8). Engage in the activities of the DG Initial sounds/Act out a body chant, p.36

BLOCK 4- Socio-cultural features and intercultural awareness

CONCEPTS Relate the English language with their own reality through animals; contributing in this way to the knowledge of customs, forms of social relationships, and special features of countries that speak the target language.

3.- CONTRIBUTION OF THE AREA OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF KEY COMPETENCES See the Introduction for the general aspects of the contribution of learning a foreign language to basic competences, and particularly how they reflect in this unit.

ii. learning-to- learn competence; a revision will be completed after every two units (Uncle Harry’s Review) learning how to classify, memorize, read and write the acquired vocabulary in a small dictionary. Units 1 and 2, AB pages 12 and 13.

iv. social and civic competence, since knowing a language implies the knowledge of features and social facts linked to speakers of the said language and can be worked on alongside the unit. Moral and civic education The importance of caring for and respecting animals and nature.

v. artistic and cultural competence By means of the creation of a Portfolio (Assessment Booklet Unit 1) Lesson 8 (Thank you CB p. 13) draw your favourite dinosaur. CB, Lesson 5, p 9 (CB, p. 69) carry out a simple artistic activity like making the dinosaur cards Make a dinosaur egg with papier maché (DG p 39).

4.- RELATION WITH OTHER AREAS OF THE CURRICULUMSocial and Environmental Studies (Conocimiento del medio)Getting them to learn how animals carry their babies. (CB p 10)

5.- TREATMENT OF DIVERSITY Additional Activities (Reinforcement and extension)TRP 1 Photocopy Master 1:

Cut and fold.Colour and write your name (make a label with your name) Musical hugs (children dance and hug one another) Photocopy Master 2: Join the dots. Match (Complete and match the parts of the body) Who’s got it? (say the name of the child that has the corresponding flashcard ) Make a papier maché dinosaur egg Photocopy Master 3 y 4 Make a Mini book Photocopy Master 5 Cut, fold and stick (make an animal merry-go-round) Carrying animal babies (act out using cuddly toy animals to show how they carry

their young) Photocopy Master 6 Colour and cut. Play (Colour, cut and play at forming the seven parts of a

tyrannosaurus) . Words skills (Board Pelmanism with word cards and flashcards)

DG page 36 pronunciation drill (Initial sounds/Act out a body chant)

page 42 (Make a pastosaur)page 45 (Number actions/How many fingers?)page 47 (Snap!/Point and guess, playing with the cutout) page 53 (Listen and follow the story with the mini book/dinosaur dictation/draw a dinosaur)


Assessment tools Summative Assessment Test Unit 1 Assessment Booklet, p. 10End of term examination , Assessment Booklet, p. 16Global Test , Assessment Booklet, p. 19

Formative Assessment Review (Uncle Harry’s), Units 1 and 2 (AB pages. 12 and 13 and TRP poster.Creation of a Portfolio to evaluate continuous progress of pupil (Assessment Booklet, pages 20 to 23).Continuous Assessment in the Assessment Sheet , Assessment Booklet , p. 5).

Self-Assessment CB page 13 (Choose your favourite activity)

Assessment Criteria Identifies and names six parts of the body (Test Unit 1 Assessment Booklet, p. 10) Reads the vocabulary and key expressions and revision of the unit and relates it with the

picture. (Test Unit 1 Assessment Booklet, p. 10) Writes vocabulary and key expressions in the unit. (AB p.7) Participates in oral interactions through a cutout activity. (CB p. 69) Self-evaluates own progress and reflects on the work accomplished. (Portfolio Materials ,

Assessment Booklet, pages 20 and 21)



Students will be able to: Identify and name six toys. Repeat a chant and act out a dance to reinforce new vocabulary. Listen to, and sing the Toy song to introduce and practise key vocabulary in the unit. Listen, understand and act out the Fly, kite, fly? story. Count (toys ) to present and practise key vocabulary in the unit Listen and sing the Kite song to practise the additional vocabulary in the unit. Read and write the vocabulary and key and revision expressions in the unit. Carry out short communicative exchanges by means of a cutout activity. Learn when and why a rainbow appears, as well as the order of its colours, transferring in this

way, the classroom language to a real life context. Draw their favourite toy, personalising acquired knowledge Choose their favourite activity in the unit. Grasp phonetic aspects of rhythm, intonation and pronunciation. Self-evaluate their own progress and reflect on the work accomplished.

2.- CONTENTSBLOCK 1- Listening, speaking and conversingPROCEDURES Go through the opening class routines at the beginning of each lesson (Didactic Guide, p.

54) Listen and identify the name of six toys as you hear them. Listen to and follow the instructions

of a chant; expressing aloud what they hear and repeating the actions. Paste the unit's picture stickers in their matching silhouettes (CB p.14).

Listen to and understand a picture story: Fly, kite, fly!. Find and count the toys. Express orally the name of the toys that appear in the pictures (CB p. 5).

Listen to the picture story in the unit and participate in the actions and key vocabulary. Find the differences between the story cards and the frames in the CB (CB pages.16 and 17).

Listen to and sing a song (CB page.18) Listen to and match the children with the right coloured kite. Count the ribbons on the kite

strings.. (CB page 19). Make a toy spinning top and play with it to practise communication and language in the unit

(CB page. 71). Listen to a text about when and why the rainbow appears.(CB p.20) Listen, colour and learn the number and order of the colours of the rainbow (CB page. 21). Act out the story in the unit (CB page. 22). Listen to a text to revise the key vocabulary in the unit (toys) and number drawings with it.

Paste the vocabulary stickers in place. (CB page. 22). Draw your favourite toy. (CB p. 23). Choose your favourite activity in the unit and copy the symbol that represents it. (CB p. 23).

BLOCK 2- Reading and writingPROCEDURES Figure out and draw the toy that comes next in a series of toys. (AB p.. 8). Look closely at the picture of a toy, read the words and trace the one that matches the one in

the drawing (AB p. 9). Follow the roads that join two equal colours with the indicated colour. Finish tracing the

words. (AB p. 10). Colour the toys with the help of the descriptive phrases about them (AB p. 10). Read the words that appear and separate them in a line of letters (AB p.11). Complete the phrases with the help of the pictures (AB p.11).

BLOCK 3- Reflection about learning and knowledge of language through use CONCEPTSBasicVocabulary: kite, skateboard, ball, scooter, bike, doll, pink, blue, green, red, yellow, purple,

rainbow.Receptive: balloon, too, indigo, violet. Revision: three, four, It’s sunny, It’s raining.

Communicative structures Basic language : It’s a (kite), I’ve got a (scooter), It’s (pink).Receptive language: Fly, kite, fly!, Fly up in the sky, When it’s sunny and it’s raining, there’s a rainbow.

Phonetics (rhythm, stress and intonation )

PROCEDURES Reproduce orally and act out the picture story in the unit (CB pages 16 and 17) Listen to, sing and dramatize a song. (CB p. 18). Carry out the activities in the DG, Intonation/Do the action, p. 56.

BLOCK 4- Socio-cultural features and intercultural awareness

CONCEPTS Relate the English language with their own reality through toys and games, contributing in this way to the knowledge of customs, forms of social relationships and specific features of countries where the target language is spoken.

3.- CONTRIBUTION OF THE AREA OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF KEY COMPETENCES See the Introduction for the general aspects of the contribution of learning a foreign language to basic competences, and particularly how they reflect in this unit.

ii. learning-to-learn competence ; A revision will be completed every two units (Uncle Harry’s Review) learning how to classify, memorize, read and write the acquired vocabulary in a small dictionary. Units 1 and 2, AB pages 12 and 13.

iv. social and civic competence since knowing a language implies knowing features and social facts linked to speakers of the said language and can be worked on alongside the unit. Moral and civic education The importance of caring for and respecting toys, as well as sharing them with other children. .Health educationTry to instil in children the idea of how healthy it is to play and do sports outdoors.

v. artistic and cultural competence By creating a Portfolio (Assessment Booklet Unit 2). Lesson 8 (Thank you CB p. 23) make a drawing of their favourite toy . CB, Lesson 5, p.. 19 (CB, p.. 71) carry out a simple artistic activity, like making a spinning top. Create a collage with pictures in the colours of the rainbow (Didactic Guide, p.73)

4.- RELATION WITH OTHER AREAS OF THE CURRICULUMSocial and Environmental Studies (Science)Explaining rainbow formation as from a combination of rain and sun (CB p 20)

5.- TREATMENT OF DIVERSITY Additional Activities (Reinforcement and extension)TRP 1 Photocopy Master 8:

Follow and draw (follow a line and draw in the boxes) Musical flashcards (passing the flashcards and saying aloud the name of the object

when the music stops). Be a kite (play at being a kite and follow instructions )Photocopy Master 9 and 10 Make a Mini book Photocopy Master 11: Colour. Cut and stick (Making a rainbow kite) Make your own rainbow (try to reflect a rainbow with a glass of water on a sheet of

paper, facing a window, )Photocopy Master 12 Play with the Photocopy Master word and picture cards, DG p. 71)

DG page 56 to practise pronunciation (Intonation/Do the action)page 62 (Kim’s game)page 65 (Design your own kite/Guess the colour of the balloon)page 67 (Sing and spin/Draw,spin and circle, to play with cutout )page 71 (Word skill: Very good! With word cards of toys) page 73 (Listen and follow with the mini book/Rainbow collage/Odd one out!).


Assessment tools Summative Assessment Test Unit 2, Assessment Booklet , p.11End of term examination, Assessment Booklet, p. 16Global Test, Assessment Booklet, p. 19

Formative Assessment Review (Uncle Harry’s), Units 1 and 2 (AB pages. 12 and 13 and the TRP poster ).Creation of a Portfolio to evaluate the continuous progress of the student (Assessment Booklet, pages 20 to 23).Continuous Assessment in the Assessment Sheet, (Assessment Booklet, p. 5).

Self-AssessmentCB page 23 (Choose your favourite activity)

Assessment criteria Identifies and says the name of six toys (Test Unit 2 Assessment Booklet, p. 11) Reads the vocabulary and key and revision expressions in the unit and relates them with the

illustration (Test Unit 2 Assessment Booklet, p. 11) Writes vocabulary and key expressions in the unit. (AB p 11) Participates in oral interactions by means of a cutout activity. (CB p. 71) Self-evaluates own progress and reflects on the work accomplished. (Portfolio materials,

Assessment Booklet, pages 20 and 21)



Students will be able to : Identify and say the names of the members of the family. Repeat a chant and act out a dance to reinforce new vocabulary. Listen to and sing the Family song. Listen to, understand, and act out The enormous carrot story. Listen to and sing the Mouse aerobics song in order to practise the additional vocabulary in

the unit. Read and write the vocabulary and key and revision expressions in the unit. Carry out short communicative exchanges by means of a cutout activity. Learn about three famous paintings, and learn to appreciate and distinguish different styles of

painting, transferring in this way the classroom language to a real life context. Draw their family, personalising acquired knowledge. Choose their favourite activity in the unit. Grasp the phonetic aspects of rhythm, intonation and pronunciation. Self-evaluate their own progress and reflect on the work accomplished.

2.- CONTENTSBLOCK 1- Listening, speaking and conversingPROCEDURES Practise the opening class routines at the beginning of each lesson . (Didactic Guide). Listen to and identify the members of the family as you hear them named. Listen to and follow

the instructions of a chant; expressing out loud what they hear and repeating the actions. Paste the picture stickers of the unit in their corresponding silhouettes. (CB p. 24).

Listen to and understand The enormous carrot picture story. Go through the maze counting and drawing the carrots you see on the way. Express orally the members of the family depicted in the pictures. (CB p.25)

Listen to the story in the unit and participate in the key actions and vocabulary. Find the differences between the story cards and the frames in the CB (CB pages. 26 and 27).

Listen to, and sing a song . Play imitating the actions (CB p. 28) Listen to and draw the mouse that goes next in a sequence of mice. (CB p. 29). Make the finger puppets of the family and play with them to practise communication and

language in the unit (CB p. 73). Look closely at three famous paintings and choose their favourite. (CB p. 30). Relate the fragments of paintings with their corresponding whole, learning in this way, to

distinguish different painting styles. (CB p. 31). Act out the story in the unit (CB pages 26 and 27) Listen to a text to revise the members of the family, and number the pictures with what they

hear. Read and paste the vocabulary stickers in place. (CB p. 32). Draw their family (CB p. 33). Choose their favourite activity in the unit and copy the symbol that represents it. (CB p. 33).

BLOCK 2- Reading and writing

PROCEDURES Look closely at the pictures of the members of the family. Guess what member of the family

each silhouettes belongs to and number them. Indicate what two members are missing a silhouette. (AB p.14).

Read the name of three members of the family and distinguish the right one for each photo. Trace over the words. (AB p. 15).

Join the dots in the pictures and trace over the words that express the activity depicted. (AB p. 16).

Find the indicated words in a series of letters and write down the number of times they are repeated (AB p. 12).

Relate words that are the same, written in different format (AB p. 17) Complete the name of the members of the family that appear in the picture. (AB p.17).

BLOCK 3- Reflection upon learning and knowledge of language through use CONCEPTSBasicVocabulary: granddad, granny, daddy, mummy, sister, brother. Apple.

Rabbit. Run, jump, swim, skip. Well done!Receptive: enormous, carrot, Thank you. Review: kite, one, two, three.

Communicative structures Basic language : Let’s (run)!, (Granddad) pulls and pulls.Receptive language : Standing in a row, waving hello, Time to go!, The carrot grows and grows, That’s no good!, Show me you muscles!, Great muscles!

Phonetics (rhythm, stress and intonation)

PROCEDURES Repeat orally and act out the story in the unit (CB pages 26 and 27) Listen to, sing and dramatize a song (CB p. 28)

BLOCK 4- Socio-cultural features and intercultural awareness

CONCEPTS Relate English with their own reality, through the members of the family, contributing thus to the learning of customs, forms of social relationships and specific features of countries that speak the target language.

3.- CONTRIBUTION OF THE AREA OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF KEY COMPETENCES See the Introduction for the general aspects of the contribution of learning a foreign language to basic competences, and particularly how they reflect in this unit. Iii. learning-to-learn competence; a review will be completed after every two units (Uncle Harry’s Review) learning to classify, memorize, read and write the acquired vocabulary in a small dictionary. . Units 3 and 4, AB pages 22 and 23.

iv. social and civic competence since knowing a language implies the knowledge of features and social facts linked to speakers of said language and can be worked on alongside the unit.Moral and civic education The importance of assuming and respecting different types of families, without discriminating those that are less conventional. Education for peace Getting students to grasp the importance that cooperation and effort have in every scope of our life, particularly within the family.

v. artistic and cultural competence By creating a Portfolio (Assessment Booklet, Unit 3). Lesson 8 (Thank you CB p. 33) make a drawing of the family .

CB, Lesson 5, p. 29 (CB, p. 73) engage in a simple artistic activity such as making the finger puppets of the family

4.- RELATION WITH OTHER AREAS OF THE CURRICULUM Art education (Art)The family represented in famous paintings. (CB p. 30)

5.- TREATMENT OF DIVERSITY Additional activities (Reinforcement and extension)TRP 1 Photocopy Master 13:

Find and circle. Match (find the members of a family in a picture). My family (introduce members of a family with photos) Family collage (create a collage with family photos).Photocopy Master 14 and 15 Make a mini book Photocopy Master 16 Find and write the number (solve and number a jigsaw with members of the family) . Wax drawing (Make a Picasso-style drawing ).Photocopy Master 17 Play with Photocopy Master word and picture cards (DG p. 91).

DG page 76 to drill pronunciation (Sound shapes/Make a Russian doll family)page 82 (Hello)page 85 (Yes/No board game- No-lose musical chairs)page 87 (Snap!/Sing the Family song to play with the cutout)page 91- Word skills (Bit by bit) page 93 (Number one is../Family feely box)


Assessment tools Summative Assessment Test Unit 3 Assessment Booklet, p. 12End of Term Examination , Assessment Booklet , p. 17Global Test, Assessment Booklet, p. 19

Formative Assessment Review (Uncle Harry’s), Units 3 and 4 (AB pages. 22 and 23 and the TRP poster)Creation of a Portfolio to evaluate continuous progress of the pupil (Assessment Booklet , pages 20 to 23).Continuous Assessment in Assessment Sheet, Assessment Booklet, p. 5).

Self-Assessment CB page 33 (Choose your favourite activity)

Assessment criteria Identifies and says the name of six members of the family (Test Unit 3 Assessment Booklet, p.

12) Reads the vocabulary and key and review expressions in the unit and relates them with an

illustration. . (Test Unit 3 Assessment Booklet, p. 12) Writes the vocabulary and key expressions in the unit (AB p. 17) Participates in oral interactions by means of a cutout activity (CB p. 73) Self-evaluates own progress and reflects on work accomplished . (Portfolio materials,

Assessment Booklet, pages 20 and 22)


1.- TEACHING OBJECTIVESStudents will be able to : Identify and say the names of six animals.. Recite a chant and practise a dance, to reinforce new vocabulary Listen to and sing the Walking through the jungle song to present and practise key

vocabulary in the unit . Listen, understand and act out The king of the jungle story. Listen to and sing the How about you? song to practise additional vocabulary in the unit. . Read and write the vocabulary and the key and review expressions in the unit. Engage in short communicative exchanges through a cutout activity. Learn to recognise the sound of different musical instruments and start appreciating a piece

of music, thus transferring the classroom language to a real life context. Draw their favourite animal, personalising acquired knowledge. Choose their favourite activity in the unit . Grasp the phonetic aspects of rhythm, intonation and pronunciation . Self-evaluate their own progress and reflect on the work accomplished.

2.- CONTENTSBLOCK 1- Listening, speaking and conversingPROCEDURES Practise the opening class routines at the beginning of every lesson (Didactic Guide). Listen to and identify the name of six animals as they are named. Listen to and follow the

instructions of a chant, expressing out loud what they hear and repeating the actions. Paste the picture stickers of the unit in their corresponding silhouette. (CB p.34)

Listen to and understand a picture story: The king of the jungle. Relate and colour the faces of the animals with their bodies. Express orally the name of the animals that appear in the pictures. (CB p.35)

Listen to the picture story of the unit and participate in the actions and key vocabulary. Find the differences between the story cards and the frames in the CB (CB pages 36 and 37). Listen to and sing a song. Act out animal actions (CB p. 38) Listen to a text and observe animal pictures. Indicate which actions each of the animals can

do. (CB p.39) Make the animal mini cards and play with them to practise communication and language in

this unit (CB p. 75). Listen to a text with different instruments and learn to recognize them, matching them to the

suitable picture in the CB (CB p. 40). Listen to a music piece and relate instruments with animals. Complete the drawing of the

instruments (CB p. 41). Act out the story in the unit (CB p. 42). Listen to a text to revise animal vocabulary and number the drawings with what you hear.

Stick the vocabulary stickers in the right place. (CB p. 42). Draw their favourite animal (CB p. 43). Choose their favourite activity in the unit and copy the symbol that represents it. (CB p. 13).

BLOCK 2- Reading and writingPROCEDURES

Draw on the dotted line to complete the drawings of animals. Read and colour each animal as indicated. (AB p.18).Match the animal drawings with their corresponding word written inside the animal footprints Trace these words again. (AB p. 19).Read the actions of the animals and find the word in a series. Trace over these actions (AB p. 20).Find the animal names in a letter snake (AB p. 21).Fill in the missing letters in the animal words and then complete the phrases with them (AB p.21).

BLOCK 3- Reflection and knowledge of language through use

CONCEPTSBasicVocabulary: tiger, monkey, elephant, snake, turtle, crocodile. The monkey and the tiger meet a

(turtle). Cake, spider. Jump, swim, run, roar, birds, fish.Receptive: too, piano, glockenspiel, flute, double bass.Review: orange, purple, kangaroo.

Communicative structures Basic language: I can (jump). Receptive language : walking through the jungle, What can you see?, The (turtle) is scared, I’m the king of the jungle, How about you?.

Phonetics (rhythm, stress and intonation)PROCEDURES Reproduce orally and act out the story in the unit (CB pages 36 and 37 Listen to, sing and act out a song (CB p. 38). Do the activities in the DG , Word stress/Do the action, p. 96.

BLOCK 4- Socio-cultural features and intercultural awareness

CONCEPTS Relate the English language with their own reality through the animals; thus contributing to the knowledge of customs, forms of social relationships and specific features of countries that speak the target language.

3.- CONTRIBUTION OF THE AREA OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF KEY COMPETENCES See the Introduction for the general aspects of the contribution of learning a foreign language to basic competences, and particularly how they reflect in this unit.

ii. learning-to-learn competence ; a review will be completed every two units (Uncle Harry’s Review) learning to classify, memorize, read and write the acquired vocabulary in a small dictionary . Units 3 and 4, AB pages 22 and 23.

iv. social and civic competence since knowing a language implies the knowledge of specific features and social facts linked to the speakers and they can be worked on alongside the unit.

v. artistic and cultural competence By means of the creation of a Portfolio (Assessment Booklet, Unit 4). Lesson 8 (Thank you CB p. 43) make a drawing of their favourite animal CB, Lesson 5, p.39 (CB, p. 75) engage in a simple artistic activity like designing animal cards .

4.- RELATION WITH OTHER AREAS OF THE CURRICULUM Artistic education (Music)Get to know several instruments and how they sound. (CB p. 40).

5.- TREATMENT OF DIVERSITY Additional activities (Reinforcement and extension )TRP 1 Photocopy Master 18:

Match and draw (match animals' tails) Making binoculars (make binoculars and play with them). What am I? (using mime to guess which animal you are) .Photocopy Master 19 y 20 Make a mini book Photocopy Master 21 Find and count. Write the number (solve and number a jigsaw with instruments ). Musical statues (use mime to represent the instruments)Photocopy Master 27 Make the animal masks. Act out the story (Colour and cut the masks. Play with

them ).

Photocopy Master 23 Play with Photocopy Master word and picture cards (DG p.111)..

DG page 96 to practise pronunciation (Word stress/Do the action)page 102 (Walking in the jungle).page 105 (Animal TPR activity/Line by line)page 107 (Animal families/Snap!, to play with the cutout)page 111- Word skills (Point and guess)page 113 (Say the number/Flashcard snake)


Assessment tools Summative AssessmentTest Unit 4 Assessment Booklet, p. 13End of Term Examination, Assessment Booklet , p. 17Global Test , Assessment Booklet, p. 19

Formative Assessment Review (Uncle Harry’s), Units 3 and 4 (AB pages. 22 and 23 and TRP poster).Creation of a Portfolio to evaluate continuous progress of the student (Assessment Booklet , pages 20 to 23).Continuous Assessment in the Assessment Sheet, Assessment Booklet, p. 5).

Self-Assessment CB page 43 (Choose their favourite activity)

Assessment criteria Identifies and says the name of six animals (Test Unit 4 Assessment Booklet, p. 13) Reads vocabulary and the key and revision expressions in the unit and relates it with an

illustration. . (Test Unit 4 Assessment Booklet, p. 13) Writes vocabulary and key expressions in the unit (AB page 21) Participates in oral interactions by means of a cutout activity. (CB p. 75) Self-evaluates own progress and reflects on work accomplished. (Portfolio materials

Assessment Booklet , p. 20 and 22)


1.- TEACHING OBJECTIVESStudents will be able to : Identify and say the name of six items of clothing. Say a chant and practise a dance to reinforce new vocabulary Listen and sing the Clothes song to introduce and practise the key vocabulary in the unit . Listen to, understand and act out the story of Chuck’s new clothes Listen and sing the Yippee! Yahoo! song to practise additional vocabulary in the unit Read and write vocabulary and key and review expressions in the unit Engage in small communicative exchanges by means of a cutout activity. Learn where cotton and wool come from and for what type of clothes each one is used,

transferring in this way classroom language to a real life context. Draw their favourite clothes, personalising acquired knowledge Choose their favourite activity in this unit . Grasp phonetic aspects of rhythm, intonation and pronunciation. Self-evaluate own progress and reflect on the work accomplished.

2.- CONTENTSBLOCK 1- Listening, speaking and conversingPROCEDURES Practise the opening class routines at the beginning of each lesson (Didactic Guide ). Listen and identify the name of six clothing items as they are named. Listen to and follow the instructions of a chant; saying out loud what they hear and repeating

the actions. Paste the picture stickers of this unit in the corresponding silhouette (CB p. 44).

Listen to and understand a picture story : Chuck’s new clothes. Find and colour Chuck's clothes correctly. Express orally the name of the clothing items depicted in the drawings. (CB p. 45).

Listen to the story in the unit and participate in the actions and key vocabulary. Find the differences between the story cards and the frames in the CB (CB pages. 46 and

47). Listen to and sing a song. Play at guessing how the horses feel by interpreting their

expression. (CB p. 48) Find the differences between the two pictures (CB p. 49). Make a cowboy spinning top and play with it to practise communication and language in the

unit. (CB p. 77). Order drawings following the sequence of production and learning where wool and cotton

come from. (CB p. 50). Indicate the material clothing items are made of and distinguish between two options. Draw

and classify these clothing items according to whether they are suitable for hot or cold weather. (CB p. 51).

Act out the story in this unit (CB p. 52). Listen to a text in order to review clothing items and number the drawings accordingly. Paste

the vocabulary stickers in their corresponding place. (CB p. 52). Draw their favourite clothes (CB p. 53). Choose their favourite activity in the unit and copy the symbol that represents it (CB p. 13).

BLOCK 2- Reading and writingPROCEDURES Match the words with the clothing item in the same colour. Finish the drawings and colour

them as indicated. (AB p. 24). Say the number for each clothes item as it appears in the numbering of the picture. Trace

over the words. (AB p.25). Read and relate the pictures expressing the same idea. Trace over the phrases. (AB p. 26). Match the two parts of the words with the clothes item the word represents. (AB p. 27). Complete the phrases with the help of the pictures (AB p. 27).

BLOCK 3- Reflecting upon learning and knowledge of language through use

CONCEPTSBasicVocabulary: shirt, jeans, hat, sweater, jacket, boots

hungry, tired, angry, sad, happy. I’m sorry!. Apple, sandwich. Cotton, wool, T-shirt.

Receptive: scarf, cap. Review: ten, seven, snake, ball, doll, tail, feet, red, blue, yellow, green,

Purple, pink, orange, black, white, brown, hot, cold.

Communicative structures Basic language : Look at my (shirt)!, I’m (hungry), Look at my (blue) (jeans)!

Receptive language : I’m a cowboy, Chuck the cowboy and Hank the horse are in the desert. Chuck puts up his tent and goes to sleep. The sheriff is eating (a sandwich). There’s a (hat).

Phonetics (rhythm, stress and intonation)PROCEDURES Repeat orally and act out the story in the unit (CB pages 46 and 47) Listen to, sing and dramatize the song, (CB p. 8). Do the activities in the DG, Sound shapes/Kim’s game, p. 116.

BLOCK 4- Socio-cultural features and intercultural awareness CONCEPTS Relate English with their own reality through clothing items, thus contributing to the knowledge of customs, forms of social relationships, and specific features of the countries where the target language is spoken.

3.- CONTRIBUTION OF THE AREA OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF KEY COMPETENCES See the Introduction for the general aspects of the contribution of learning a foreign language to basic competences, and particularly how they reflect in this unit.

ii. learning-to-learn competence ; a review will be completed after every two units (Uncle Harry’s Review) learning to classify, memorize, read and write the acquired vocabulary in a small dictionary. . Units 5 and 6, AB pages 32 and 33.

iv. social and civic competence since knowing a language implies the knowledge of specific features and social facts linked to speakers of the language and can be worked on alongside the unit. Health education The importance of dressing according to the season or time of the year in order to avoid feeling cold or too hot. v. artistic and cultural competence By creating a Portfolio (Assessment Booklet Unit 5). Lesson 8 (Thank you CB p. 53) draw their favourite clothes. CB, Lesson 5, p. 49 (CB, p. 77) engage in a simple artistic activity such as making a cowboy

spinning top .

4.- RELATION WITH OTHER AREAS IN THE CURRICULUM Social and Environmental Studies (Social Sciences )Get to learn what materials clothes are made of, using as examples wool and cotton and their different uses. (CB p. 50)

5.- TREATMENT OF DIVERSITY Additional activities (Reinforcement and extension)

TRP 1 Photocopy Master 24: Read and colour. Colour by number (read and paint using the colour code) Pass the action (repeat and use mime of clothing items) Which number? (guess the photos as they are being described) Photocopy Master 25 and 26 Make a mini book Photocopy Master 27 Look and draw (draw the right clothes on the children ) Clothes collages (Design a collage with the right clothes for the right season using

magazines and brochures) Photocopy Master 28 Play with Photocopy Master word and picture cards (GD p. 131).

DG page 116 to drill pronunciation (Sound shapes/Kim’s game)page 122 (What have I got?)page 125 (Blow me a feeling/The football wave)page 127 (Look at me…/Listen and find to play with the cutout )page 131- Word skills (Board slam) page 133 (Board Pelmanism/Fashion show)


Assessment tools Summative Assessment Test Unit 5 Assessment Booklet, p. 14End of Term Examination , Assessment Booklet , p. 18Global Test, Assessment Booklet, p. 19

Formative Assessment Review (Uncle Harry’s), Units 5 y 6 (AB pages 32 y 33) and the TRP poster.Creation of a Portfolio to evaluate continuous progress of the students. (Assessment Booklet pages 20 to 23).Continuous Assessment in the Assessment Sheet, Assessment Booklet, p. 5).

Self-AssessmentCB page 53 (Choose their favourite activity)

Assessment criteria Identifies and says the name of six clothing items (Test Unit 5 Assessment Booklet p. 14) Reads the vocabulary and key and review expressions in the unit and relates it with a picture.

(Test Unit 5 Assessment Booklet , p. 14) Writes vocabulary and key expressions in the unit (AB page 27) Participates in oral interactions carrying out a cutout activity (CB p. 77) Self-evaluates own progress and reflects on the work accomplished. (Portfolio materials,

Assessment Booklet, pages 20 and 23)


1.- TEACHING OBJECTIVESStudents will be able to: Identify and say the name of six types of fruit. Repeat a chant and practise a dance to reinforce new vocabulary. Listen to and sing the Fruit song to present and practise key vocabulary in the unit . Listen to, understand and act out the story of Aziza’s hat. Listen to and sing the Chocolate cake song to practise additional vocabulary in the unit. Read and write vocabulary and key and review expressions in the unit Perform small communication exchanges by means of a cutout activity. Learn how vegetables and fruit grow, thus transferring classroom language to a real life

context.. Draw their favourite fruit ,personalizing acquired knowledge Choose their favourite activity in the unit . Grasp phonetic aspects of rhythm, intonation and pronunciation. Self-evaluate their own progress and reflect on the work accomplished

2.- CONTENTSBLOCK 1- Listening, speaking and conversingPROCEDURES Practise the opening class routines at the beginning of each lesson Listen to and identify the name of six types of fruit as they are named. Listen to and follow

instructions of a chant; expressing out loud what they hear and repeating the actions. Paste the unit picture stickers in the matching silhouette. (CB p. 54).

Listen to and understand a picture story: Aziza’s hat. Relate each fruit with its corresponding animal and draw Aziza's hat. Express orally fruits depicted in the pictures. (CB p. 55).

Listen to the picture story in the unit and participate in the actions and key vocabulary. Find the differences between the story cards and the frames in the CB (CB pages. 56 and 57).

Listen to, and sing a song. Play at expressing likes and dislikes with different foods (CB p.58). Listen to a text and complete the expression of the animals with the symbol that represents

liking food or the contrary. Draw favourite food in the indicated place (CB p. 59). Make Aziza's hat and play with it to practise communication and language in the unit. (CB p.

79). Listen to a text and learn about how fruit and vegetables grow and number drawings as they

are heard. (CB p. 60). Listen to and indicate the picture of fruits and vegetables in the CB as they are named. Draw

them in their suitable place. (CB p. 61). Act out the story in the unit (CB p. 62). Listen to a text to review fruit and number drawings. Paste vocabulary stickers in their place

(CB p. 62). Order and number toys. Listen and check (CB p. 63). Choose your favourite story in the book (CB p. 63).

BLOCK 2- Reading and writingPROCEDURES Join the dots following the numbers until you complete the fruits' drawing. Read their name out

loud and colour as indicated. (AB p. 28). Look closely at the drawing of the hats garnished with fruits. Read a list of fruits and say which

of them appear in the drawing and which don't. Trace over the words (AB p. 29). Complete the missing half in the drawing of food items (AB page 30). Read a list of different foods and say which you like (AB p. 30). Fill in the missing letters in the words and find them in a letter soup (AB p.31). Complete the phrases with the help of the drawings (AB p. 31).

BLOCK 3- Reflection upon learning and knowledge of language through use

CONCEPTSBasicVocabulary: bananas, watermelon, plums, cherries, oranges, apples. giraffe,

chocolate cake, chicken, salad, potatoes, pineapple, milkshakeReceptive: too Review:: red, yellow, purple, pink, monkey, elephant, snake, turtle, shirt,

Yes, no, carrots.

Communication structures Basic language: I like (bananas), (red) (cherries), Do you like (chocolate cake)?, Look at my lovely hat!.

Receptive language : How about you?, Aziza and Kito are going to a party, Are you ready?, An (elephant) takes the (red) (cherries), Can we come to the party?(Potatoes) grow under the ground, (Bananas) grow on trees, (Pineapples) grow on plants.

Phonetics (rhythm, stress and intonation )PROCEDURES Repeat orally and act out the story in the unit (CB pages 56 and 57 Listen to, sing and dramatize a song (CB p. 58). Do activities in the DG, Initial sounds and word stress, p. 136.

BLOCK 4- Socio-cultural features and intercultural awareness

CONCEPTS Relate English to their own reality through fruit and vegetables, contributing in this way to learn about habits, forms of social relationships and specific features of the countries where the target language is spoken.

3.- CONTRIBUTION OF THE FOREIGN LANGUAGE AREA TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF KEY COMPETENCES See the Introduction for the general aspects of the contribution of learning a foreign language to basic competences, and particularly how they reflect in this unit.

ii. learning-to-learn competence; a review will be completed every two units (Uncle Harry’s Review) learning how to classify, memorize, read and write the acquired vocabulary in a small dictionary. . Units 5 and 6, AB pages 32 and 33.

iv. social and civic competence since knowing a language implies the knowledge of social facts and features linked to speakers of the mentioned language and can be worked on alongside the unit. Health education The importance of including a good amount of fruit and vegetables in our diet making it nutritious and varied.

v. artistic and cultural competence Creating a Portfolio (Assessment Booklet, Unit 6). Lesson 8 (Thank you CB p. 63) make a drawing of your favourite story . CB, Lesson 6, p. 59 (CB, p. 79) engage in a simple artistic activity such as making the hat in

Aziza's game.

4.- RELATION WITH OTHER AREAS OF THE CURRICULUM Social and Environmental Studies natural (Science)Getting to know how fruit and vegetables grow. (CB page 60)

5.- TREATMENT OF DIVERSITY Additional activities (Reinforcement and extension)TRP 1 Photocopy Master 29:

Count and write the number. Draw (Count the fruit and put dow the number in the corresponding fruit bowl. Draw the missing fruit).

Pass the word (repeat the indicated fruit as many times as the number marking the child's position ). l

Yes! (repeat the fruits and mime the song).Photocopy Master 30 and 31 Make a mini book Photocopy Master 32 Follow and draw (follow a path and draw the right fruit or vegetable). Where does our fruit come from? (Talk about the origin of fruit in your country ).Photocopy Master 33 Play with Photocopy Master word and picture cards (DG p. 151)..

DG page 136 to practise pronunciation (Initial sounds and word stress)page 142 (Lucky dip)page 145 (Party food/I like…)page 147 (Bingo!/Guess what?/Make a hat or play with the cut-out page 151- Word skills (Stand up and say your word) page 153 (Making fruit salad/Odd one out)


Assessment tools Summative Assessment Test Unit 6 Assessment Booklet , p. 15End of term examination , Assessment Booklet, p. 18Global Test , Assessment Booklet, p. 19

Formative Assessment Review (Uncle Harry’s), units 5 and 6 (AB pages. 32 and 33 and the TRP. Poster.Creation of a Portfolio to evaluate continuous progress of the student (Assessment Booklet pages 20 to 23).Continuous Assessment in the Assessment Sheet , Assessment Booklet, p. 5).

Self Assessment CB page 63 (Choose your favourite activity)

Assessment criteria Identifies and says the name of six fruits (Test Unit 6 Assessment Booklet, p. 15) Reads the vocabulary and key and review expressions in the unit and relates it with an

illustration. (Test Unit 6 Assessment Booklet, p. 15) Writes vocabulary and key expressions in the unit (AB p 31) Participates in oral interactions through a cutout activity. (CB p. 79) Self-evaluates own progress and reflects on work accomplished. (portfolio materials,

Assessment Booklet, p. 20 and 23)

FESTIVALS - HAPPY HALLOWEEN1.- TEACHING OBJECTIVESStudents will be able to : Learn about Halloween. Listen to and sing the Halloween song. Identify and practise Halloween vocabulary. Review and say the colours. Review numbers from 1 to 10 Make the Halloween cards and play with them.

2.- CONTENTSBLOCK 1- Listening, speaking and conversingPROCEDURES Listen to and sing a song . Identify and practise topic related vocabulary. Count the objects in

the box that you see in the picture and write the corresponding number figure. Colour the drawings of the counted objects. (CB p. 64).

BLOCK 2- Reading and writingPROCEDURES Play a game in pairs: you cast the dice and draw the part of a cat that is on the dice. The first

one to finish the cat wins. Trace over the words. (AB p. 34).

BLOCK 3- Reflection upon learning and knowledge of language through use CONCEPTSVocabularyOrange, brown, black, white,Pumpkin, bat, cat, witch, ghostShow me the (pumpkin), Colour (the bat), Cut out (the cat), Happy Halloween!

BLOCK 4- Socio-cultural features and intercultural awareness Learn about features of Anglo-Saxon culture, for example, how they celebrate Halloween and compare it to the celebration in your country.

3.- CONTRIBUTION OF THE FOREIGN LANGUAGE AREA TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF KEY COMPETENCES See the Introduction for the general aspects of the contribution of learning a foreign language to basic competences. .

4.- TREATMENT OF DIVERSITY Additional activities (Reinforcement and extension )TPR Photocopy Master 34Make Halloween mini cards and play with them (DG p. 156 and 157)DG

GD page 155 (Trick or treat game).page 157 (Make a Halloween hat and play “Pass the hat”

Dice and hat game)


1.- TEACHING OBJECTIVESThe students will be able to: Learn about Christmas . Listen to and sing the Christmas song. Identify and practise Christmas vocabulary. Review and say the colours . Review numbers from 1 to 10. Review and practise toy vocabulary. Design the pyramid Christmas tree.

2.- CONTENTSBLOCK 1- Listening, speaking and conversingPROCEDURES Listen to and sing a song. Identify and practise topic-related vocabulary. Practise the toy and

numbers vocabulary. Colour the toys with the colours indicated in the Christmas glass balls. (CB p. 65).

BLOCK 2- Reading and writingPROCEDURES Play a game in pairs: paint the toys as they appear on the dice you cast. The first e to colour

all the toys, wins.. Trace over the words. (AB p. 35).

BLOCK 3- Reflection upon learning and knowledge of language through use CONCEPTSVocabularyChristmas tree, presents- star, skateboard, camera drum, bike, ball, trumpet.Red, blue, yellow, green, pink, purple.Look at (the Christmas tree), Merry Christmas!

BLOCK 4- Socio-cultural features and intercultural awareness Get to know aspects of Anglo-Saxon culture, for example, how Christmas is celebrated and compare it to the celebration in your own country.

3.- CONTRIBUTION OF THE FOREIGN LANGUAGE AREA TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF KEY COMPETENCES See the Introduction for the general aspects of the contribution of learning a foreign language to basic competences.

4.- TREATMENT OF DIVERSITY Additional activities (Reinforcement and extension )DG page 159 (Guess the present/Pass the parcel).

page 161 (Decorate the tree/A class Christmas tree)


1.- TEACHING OBJECTIVESThe students will be able to : Learn about Carnival. Listen to and sing the Carnival song. Identify and practise Carnival vocabulary. Find Annie and Leo. Draw their Carnival fancy dress outfit. Make the Carnival puppets and play with them.


BLOCK 1- Listening, speaking and conversingPROCEDURES Listen to and sing a song . Identify and practise the topic-related vocabulary. Find Annie and

Leo in the picture. Draw their carnival fancy dress outfit in the box.. (CB p. 66).

BLOCK 2- Reading and writingPROCEDURES Play a game in pairs: throw the dice and complete the drawing of one of the outfits as it

appears on the dice. Trace over the words. (AB p. 36).

BLOCK 3- Reflection upon learning and knowledge of language through use CONCEPTSVocabularyClown, doll, dinosaur, mouse, pirateCan you see (the dinosaur)?, Coming through the town, Happy Carnival!

BLOCK 4- Socio-cultural features and intercultural awareness Get to know aspects of Anglo-Saxon culture, for example, how Carnival is celebrated and compare it to the way it is celebrated in your country.

3.- CONTRIBUTION OF THE AREA OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF KEY COMPETENCES See the Introduction for the general aspects of the contribution of learning a foreign language to basic competences.

4.- TREATMENT OF DIVERSITY Additional activities (Reinforcement and extension )GD page 163 (New carnival song/No-lose musical chairs)

page 165 (Snap!/Carnival research, playing with the cutout )


This programming and scheduling constitutes a model of timed learning for 2nd year of Primary Education and taking into account the specific objectives of English as a


This is an adaptable timetable which may be adjusted to the group-class profile as it may

be used simultaneously with students who struggle to learn languages as well as with

those who have slightly superior knowledge. It may also be adapted to the teacher’s and

students’ own tastes and initiatives and the evolution of the course.

This is a guiding and extendable programme, with numerous optional possibilities

suggested in the Teacher’s Guide and the Photocopy Masters Book. The teacher may

introduce these activities at the appropriate moment, according to students’ needs and

attitudes, bearing in mind learning speed – individual and collective – and teaching hours



1.- TEACHING OBJECTIVESThe students will be able to : Introduce themselves and saying their name. Practise greeting others Revise vocabulary and the characters in Surprise 1! Annie, Leo, Dougie and Uncle Harry. Practise classroom language Write words of vocabulary in the unit . Revise numbers from 1 to 10 and learn numbers from 11 to 20. Sing a number song . Read and learn words/expressions of new and revision vocabulary.

2.- CONTENTSBLOCK 1- Listening, speaking and conversingPROCEDURES Listen to and sing a song to review vocabulary. Paste the stickers in their matching silhouette.

(CB p. 2) Listen to a text and identify the expressions in the book as you hear them, in order to practise

new vocabulary. Listen to and sing a song. Say and follow numbers 1 to 20 in the CB(CB p. 3).

Look closely at the picture . Count the objects and write the number figure where designated. (CB p. 3).

Make the number cards and play a game to practise . : Higher or lower (CB p. 67-Didactic Guide p. 33).

BLOCK 2- Reading and writingPROCEDURESRead and indicate which word does not belong in a family. Write the word in the instructed. (AB p. 2).

Count the fruit and write the number graphic and the right word under each drawing (AB p. 3).

Classify and write the words in a box in the corresponding word category (AB p. 3).

BLOCK 3- Reflection upon language and knowledge of language through use CONCEPTSBasicVocabulary: Hello, Bye bye!, pencil, glue, scissors, girls and boys.

Numbers from 11 to 20.

Receptive: head, feet, tail, legs, arms, body, kite, scooter, bike, ball, doll, skateboard, granddad, granny, daddy, mummy, sister, brother, Tiger, monkey, elephant, turtle, snake, crocodile, hat, shirt, jeans, boots, jacket, sweater, watermelon, bananas, plums, cherries, oranges, apples. Review: numbers from 1 to 10.

Communication structures Basic language: How are you?, I’m fine, thanks, See you next time. It’s cloudy, It’s foggy.Review language: I’m (Annie).Receptive language : What’s your name?, Let’s count together from 1 to 10, from 10 to 20, Then start again!.

BLOCK 4- Socio-cultural features and intercultural awareness CONCEPTS Relate English with your own reality through greetings and farewells.

3.- CONTRIBUTION OF THE AREA OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF KEY COMPETENCES See the Introduction for the general aspects of the contribution of learning a foreign language to basic competences, and particularly how they reflect in this unit.

iv. social and civic competence because knowing a language implies the knowledge of social facts and features linked to the speaker and can be worked on alongside the unit. E ducation for peace Develop positive attitudes in personal relationships, valuing friendship and cooperation in our personal development.. Moral and civic educationThe importance of greeting each other and introducing oneself correctly v. artistic and cultural competence By creating a Portfolio (Assessment Booklet). CB, Lesson 3, page 3, make number cards and play a game to practise them (CB p. 67)

4.- TREATMENT OF DIVERSITY Additional activities (Reinforcement and extension)TRP1 Photocopy Master 1:

Look and write (fill in a crossword) Poster making (design a poster ) Poster game (review vocabulary playing with the poster)

Photocopy Master 2: Complete the Number song (complete the words of a song ) Odd one out (say which are not related). Photocopy Master 3: Time capsule ( exercises with a photograph )

GD page 33 (Listen and order) to play with the cutout .


1.- TEACHING OBJECTIVESStudents will be able to : Identify and say the name of six clothing items Say what the weather is like. Say a chant and perform a dance to reinforce new vocabulary Listen to and sing the Let’s play football song to introduce and practise the key vocabulary in

the unit . Listen to, understand and act out The sun and the wind. story. Listen to and sing the Come on, Alex!, song to practise additional vocabulary in the unit Read and write the vocabulary and key and review expressions in the unit. Engage in short communication exchanges through a cutout activity. Learn about the life-cycle of trees and facts about each season, transferring in this way the

classroom language to a real life context. Draw their favourite sports' clothes and write about it . Choose their favourite activity in the unit. Grasp phonetic aspects of rhythm, intonation and pronunciation. Self-evaluate their own progress and accomplishments .

2.- CONTENTSBLOCK 1- Listening, speaking and conversingPROCEDURES Practise the opening class routines at the beginning of each lesson Listen to and identify the clothing items as they are named. Listen to and follow the

instructions of a chant; saying out loud what they hear and repeating the actions. Play a game (Action game). Past the picture stickers in the unit in their matching silhouette. (CB p. 4).

Listen to and understand a picture story: The sun and the wind,. Read and say out loud the clothes' vocabulary. Complete some drawings with their corresponding clothes (CB p. 5).

Listen to the story, follow it reading from the book and repeat it orally. Find the differences between the story cards and the frames in the CB. Find and circle the clothing vocabulary in the story as a way to to practise reading. (CB pages. 6 and 7).

Listen to, and sing a song. Listen to, and number the members of the family in the CB as you hear them. Colour their clothes with the help of the code (CB p. 8).

Make a cutout of clothing items and play with it, practising vocabulary and structures in the unit (CB p. 69).

Practise reading and writing, pasting vocabulary stickers in the right picture and writing the word in the other. (CB p. 9).

Listen to a text about the life-cycle of trees and the seasons and follow the frames. Choose your favourite season (CB p. 10).

Complete the drawing and colouring of trees in the four seasons. Observe objects and relate them with the right tree. (CB p. 11).

Act out the story in the unit (CB p. 12). Listen to a text and number the pictures as you hear them. Complete the phrases under each

picture with the vocabulary in the box. (CB p. 12). Draw your favourite sports clothes and label your drawing with clothing items vocabulary. (CB

p. 13). Choose your favourite activity in the unit (CB p. 13).

BLOCK 2- Reading and writingPROCEDURES Read descriptions and colour a drawing accordingly (AB p. 4). Look closely at the pictures and distinguish the right word between two options (AB p. 5). Fill in a crossword with the help of visual clues (AB p. 5). Match characters with their corresponding word (AB p. 6). Make a drawing of your family and write a short text. (AB p. 6). Complete a text and the colour of a drawing following instructions (AB p.7) Complete the drawing about yourself and write a text describing clothing items following the

model. (AB p. 7).

BLOCK 3- Reflection upon language and knowledge of the language through use CONCEPTSBasicVocabulary: tracksuit, scarf, T-shirt, shorts, trainers, socks, football strip

Granny, granddad, aunty, uncle, daddy, mummy, autumn, winter, spring, summer.

Receptive: chestnuts, Easter eggs, chick, rabbit, beach, snowman.Review:: hat, shirt, jeans, boots, sweater, jacket, green, brown, red, yellow,

Orange, blue, black, Halloween, Christmas tree, cherries, plums.

Communication structures Basic language : I’m wearing (a tracksuit/trainers). Thank you.Review language: It’s cold/windy/sunny/hot, Bye bye!Receptive language : Alex puts on his (tracksuit). Alex is wearing his (shorts and T-shirt), I’m (very strong/the winner), You’re (clever), Now it’s my turn, It’s easy, Watch!, (Granny) is wearing (a scarf).

Phonetics (rhythm, stress and intonation)PROCEDURES Practise pronunciation with the flashcards in the unit (Initial blends and sounds, Didactic

Guide , page 36) Reproduce orally and act out the story in the unit (CB pages 6 y 7) Listen to, sing and dramatize a song (CB p. 8).

BLOCK 4- Socio-cultural features and intercultural awareness

CONCEPTS Relate English with their own reality through clothing, contributing in this manner to the knowledge of habits, forms of social relationships, specific features of the countries where the target language is spoken.

3.- CONTRIBUTION OF THE AREA OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF KEY COMPETENCES See the Introduction for the general aspects of the contribution of learning a foreign language to basic competences, and particularly how they reflect in this unit.

ii. learning-to-learn competence ; a review will be completed every two units (Uncle Harry’s Review) learning to classify, memorize, read and write acquired vocabulary in a small dictionary. Units 1 and 2, AB pages 12 and 13.

iv. social and civic competence since knowing a language implies knowledge of social facts and features linked to the speaker and they can be worked on alongside the unit Health education The importance of dressing ourselves according to the seasons and the weather.

v.artistic and cultural competence By the creation of a Portfolio (Assessment Booklet Unit 1). Lesson 8 (Dear Uncle Harry, CB p. 13) make a drawing of your favourite sports clothes CB, Lesson 5, p. 9 (CB, p. 69) engage in a simple artistic activity such as making a cutout of

clothing items and playing with it .

4.- RELATION WITH OTHER AREAS OF THE CURRICULUM Social and environmental studies (Conocimiento del medio)Getting to know the seasons of the year and how they affect nature. (CB p.10)

5.- TREATMENT OF DIVERSITY Additional activities (Reinforcement and extension)TRP 1 Photocopy Master 4:

Colour and cut. Play (colour and cut. Play at relating vocabulary with illustrated mini cards).

Design a football scarf (make a scarf out of paper ).Photocopy Master 5 y 6 Cut and play. Make a mini book Photocopy Master 7 Make a seasons spinner . Seasons poster project (design a poster with a tree for each season ).Photocopy Master 8 Word skill. Complete the Let’s play football song .

DG page 36 to practise pronunciation (Initial blends)page 36 Vocabulary review (Surprise 1 and 2): Say the 42 (Musical cards)page 46 (Find your partner/Dress and describe Alex)page 51 (Board Pelmanism)page 53 (Listen and follow with the mini book/ Show and tell/(Pass the parcel)


Assessment tools Summative Assessment Test Unit 1 Assessment Booklet, p. 10End of term examination, Assessment Booklet p. 16Global Test, Assessment Booklet, p. 19

Formative Assessment Review (Uncle Harry’s), Units 1 and 2 (AB pages. 12 and 13 and the TRP poster.Creation of a Portfolio to evaluate continuous progress of the student (Assessment Booklet , pages 20 to 23).Continuous Assessment in the Assessment Sheet. (Assessment Booklet, , p. 5).

Self-Assessment CB page 13 (Choose your favourite activity)

Assessment criteria Identifies and says the name of six clothing items (Test Unit 1 Assessment Booklet, p. 10) Reads the vocabulary and key and review expressions in the unit and gives the right word

between two proposed options. (Test Unit 1 Assessment Booklet, p. 10) Writes the vocabulary and key expressions in the unit. (AB pages. 5 and 7). Participates in oral interactions with a cutout activity (CB p. 69) Self-evaluate their own progress and reflect abut work accomplished. (Portfolio materials ,

Assessment Booklet, pages 20 and 21)


1.- TEACHING OBJECTIVESStudents will be able to : Identify and say the name of six parts of the face . Render short descriptions . Say a chant and dramatize a dance to reinforce new vocabulary . Listen to and sing the Face song to present and practise the key vocabulary in the unit . Listening to, understanding and act out the Neon the fish story. Listen to and sing the I’m special, story to practise additional vocabulary in the unit . Read and write the vocabulary and the key and review expressions in the unit. Perform small communication exchanges through a cutout activity. Learn about three portraits of famous painters: Da Vinci, Picasso and Arcimboldo transferring

in this way the classroom language to a real life context, Draw their face and label the drawing with face vocabulary. Choose their favourite activity in the unit . Grasp phonetic aspects of rhythm, intonation and pronunciation. Self-evaluate their own progress and accomplishments..

2.- CONTENTSBLOCK 1- Listening, speaking and conversingPROCEDURES Practise the opening class routines at the beginning of each lesson Listen to and identify the name of six parts of the face as they are named. Listen to and follow instructions of a chant; saying out loud what you hear and repeating the

actions. Play a game (Who’s got it). Paste the picture stickers in the unit in their matching silhouette. (CB p. 14).

Listen to and understand a picture story : Neon the fish. Read and say out loud the vocabulary of the parts of the face. Relate missing parts of the face with their corresponding sea creature. Complete the drawings. (CB p. 15).

Listen to the story, follow it reading from the book and reproduce it orally. Find the differences between the story cards and the frames in the CB. Find and circle the parts of the face vocabulary in the story in order to practise reading (CB pages. 16 and 17).

Listen to and sing a song . Listen to and number in the CB the parts of the body as you hear them. Complete drawings and describe orally the parts of the body (CB p.18).

Make the finger puppets of sea creatures and play with them to practise vocabulary and structures in the unit (CB p. 71).

Practise reading and writing, paste the vocabulary stickers in the corresponding drawing and write the word in the other. (CB p. 19).

Look at three famous portraits and learn about them. Choose their favourite painting. (CB p. 20).

Look carefully at different fragments of the previous paintings and relate them to the original artwork. (CB p. 21).

Act out the story in the unit (CB p. 22). Listen to a text and number the drawings as you hear them. Complete the descriptions under

each drawing with the vocabulary in the box. (CB p. 22). Draw the face of the student and label his drawing with the parts of the face vocabulary (CB p.

23). Choose your favourite activity in the unit (CB p. 23).

BLOCK 2- Reading and writingPROCEDURES Match the parts of the body in the drawings with the correct written word. Read the word out

loud (AB p. 8). Find the words of the previous exercise about parts of the body in letter soup (AB p. 8). Match the parts of the face with their corresponding word. Write the name of the parts of the

face (AB p. 9). Relate the written adjectives with the suitable drawing expressing these adjectives (AB p.


BLOCK 3- Reflection on learning and knowledge of language through use CONCEPTSBasicVocabulary: hair, mouth, eyes, teeth, nose, ears, mobile.Receptive: mermaid, whale, fish, shark, swordfish, sea lion, octopus, seahorseReview: long, short, small, big, happy, sad, fruit, vegetables.

Communication structures Basic language: I haven’t got (legs), I’ve got (two arms). Review language: (Neon) is sad, What’s this? (a mouth).Receptive language : Look at my (hair)!, I’m a (mermaid), Neon sees two (whales), Where are you going?, Can I come?, You haven’t got (a big mouth/ big teeth), I can’t (see), I live in the sea, I’m special, I’m me! This painting is called (Vertumno), It was painted by Arcimboldo, Look at her (eyes).

Phonetics (rhythm, stress and intonation)

PROCEDURESPractise pronunciation with the flashcards in the unit (Initial sounds, Didactic Guide, page 56)Reproduce orally and act out the story in the unit (CB pages 16 and 17)Listen to, sing and , dramatize a song (CB p. 18).

BLOCK 4- Socio-cultural features and intercultural awareness CONCEPTS Relate English with your own reality through other faces and human models, thus contributing to the knowledge of customs,, forms of social relationships and specific features of countries that speak the target language.

3.- CONTRIBUTION OF THE AREA OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF KEY COMPETENCES See the Introduction for the general aspects of the contribution of learning a foreign language to basic competences, and particularly how they reflect in this unit.

ii.earning-to-learn competence; a review will be completed every two units (Uncle Harry’s Review) learning how to classify, memorize, read and write the acquired vocabulary in a small dictionary. . Units 1 and 2, AB pages 12 and 13. and civic competence since knowing a language implies the knowledge of social facts and features linked to the speaker and can be worked on alongside the unitMoral and civic education The importance of not discriminating people for their physical appearance, face, etc. and respecting and accepting them instead.

v. artistic and cultural competence By the creation of a Portfolio (Assessment Booklet, Unit 2). Lesson 8 (Dear Uncle Harry CB p. 23) draw faces . CB, Lesson 5, p. 19 (CB, p. 71) make finger puppets of sea creatures and play with them .

4.- RELATION WITH OTHER AREAS OF THE CURRICULUM Art appreciationGetting students to know and appreciate specific paintings and artists. (CB page 20)

5.TREATMENT OF DIVERSITY Additional activities (Reinforcement and extension )TRP 1 Photocopy Master 9:

Colour and cut. Play (cut out the vocabulary mini cards and associate with the illustrated mini cards )

Funny face consequences game (try not to laugh until someone sends a smile. The one who laughs, pays a forfeit ).

Photocopy Master 10 and 11 Make a mini book Face dictation (Describe and draw the corresponding face).Photocopy Master 12 Colour . Read and match (colour portraits with codes). Self-portraits (Draw self-portraits using a mirror).Photocopy Master 13 Word skills: Complete the Face song

DG page 56 to practise pronunciation (Initial sounds)page 56 Vocabulary review (Surprise 1 and 2): Bend down! Stand up!page 64 (Senses game/Make a sea mobile)page 67 (Finger puppet Snap!/Finding Neon)page 71- Word skills (Nose to nose) page 73 (Make Neon the fish/Burst the bubble)


Assessment tools Summative Assessment Test Unit 2 Assessment Booklet , p. 11End of term examination, Assessment Booklet , p. 16Global Test, Assessment Booklet, p. 19

Formative AssessmentReview (Uncle Harry’s), units 1 y 2 (AB pages. 12 and 13 and the TRP poster).Creation of a Portfolio to evaluate continuous progress of the student (Assessment Booklet , pages 20 a 23).Continuous Assessment in the Assessment sheet. Assessment Booklet , p. 5).

Self-Assessment CB page 23 (Choose your favourite activity)

Assessment criteria Identifies and says the name of six parts of the face (Test Unit 2 Assessment Booklet p. 11) Reads the vocabulary and key and review expressions in the unit and indicates the right word

between two proposed options . (Test Unit 2 Assessment Booklet, p. 11) Writes the vocabulary and key expressions in the unit.. (AB pages. 10 and 11). Participates in oral interactions with a cutout activity (CB p. 71) Self-evaluate their own progress and reflect about work accomplished. (Portfolio materials,

Assessment Booklet , pages 20 and 21)


1.- TEACHING OBJECTIVESStudents will be able to : Identify and name six hobbies. Express likes and dislikes . Say a chant and act out a dance to reinforce new vocabulary. Listen to and sing the I like painting song to introduce and practise key vocabulary in the unit. Listen to, understand and dramatise the What a mess! story Listen to and sing the I’m Dizzy the dog song, to practise additional vocabulary in the unit. Read and write the vocabulary and key and revision expressions in the unit. Participate in brief communication exchanges through a cutout activity. Learn about instruments and dancing music from all over the world, transferring classroom

language to a real life context. Draw their favourite hobbies and write about them.

Choose their favourite activity in the unit. Grasp phonetic aspects of rhythm, intonation and pronunciation. Self-evaluate their own progress and the work accomplished.

2.- CONTENTSBLOCK 1- Listening, speaking and conversingPROCEDURES Practise the opening class routines at the beginning of each lesson Listen to, and identify the name of six hobbies as you hear them. Listen to and follow the

instructions of a chant; saying out loud what you hear and repeating actions. Paste the unit picture stickers in their matching silhouette. (CB p. 24).

Listen to and understand the story : What a mess!. Read and say aloud the hobbies vocabulary Relate missing objects with the pictures of hobbies. Complete the drawings. (CB p. 25).

Listen to the story, follow it reading from the book and reproduce orally. Find the differences between the story cards and the frames in the CB . Find and circle the hobby vocabulary in the story to practise reading (CB pages. 26 and 27).

Listen to and sing a song. Listen to and number in the CB the hobbies as they hear them. Practise saying aloud the hobbies or activities they like or don't like (CB p. 28).

Make a cutout of the hobbies machine and play with it, to practise vocabulary and structures in the unit (CB p. 73).

Practise reading and writing, paste the vocabulary stickers in the corresponding drawing and write the word in the other (CB p. 29).

Listen to a text and learn about instruments and dance music of the world and number the frames. Choose their favourite dance (CB p. 30).

Relate a style of dance with the right musical instrument. Complete the drawing of musical instruments (CB p. 31).

Act out the story in the unit (CB p. 32). Listen to a text and number drawings as you hear them . Fill in the phrases under each

drawing using the vocabulary in the box. (CB p. 32). Write a short description of your hobbies and make a descriptive drawing (CB p. 33). Choose their favourite activity in the unit (CB p. 33).

BLOCK 2- Reading and writingPROCEDURES Look closely at the pictures and relate them with their corresponding activity. Find objects in

mentioned pictures and colour them (AB p.14). Find the name of several activities or hobbies in the letter soup and write the names of your

favourites on the line. (AB p. 15). Fill in the two parts of words and relate them to the picture. (AB p. 16). Fill in the bubbles with the help of the drawings (AB p. 16). Read a short text and show the hobbies the character likes in the drawing. Look closely at the picture and write the text as in the previous model. (AB p. 17) Draw and write about the activities you like and those you don't like (AB p.17).

BLOCK 3- Reflecting upon learning and knowledge of language through use CONCEPTSBasicVocabulary: painting, dancing, reading, rollerskating, swimming, singing

Paints, jigsaws, stickers, board games, computer games, Drum, accordion, guitar, bagpipes.

Receptive: musicReview: It’s raining, mummy, Thank you, piano, flute, double bass, glockenspiel.

Communication structures Basic language : I like (dancing), I don’t like (jigsaws).Review language : I like…Receptive language : Come on, everyone, Come and see, Tom and his dog Dizzy are at home, I’m bored, Come quickly!, Dizzy is (painting), Don’t be silly!, Dogs can’t (paint), Tidy up!, What a mess!, Well done, Tom!, I’m Dizzy the dog.

Phonetics (rhythm, stress an intonation)

PROCEDURES Practise pronunciation with the flashcards in the unit (Initial sounds, Didactic Guide , page

76) Reproduce orally and act out the story in the unit (CB pages 26 y 27) Listen to, sing and dramatise a song (CB p. 18).BLOCK 4- Socio-cultural features and intercultural awareness

CONCEPTS Relate English with their own reality through hobbies and recreational activities such as dance and folklore, contributing in this manner to the knowledge of customs, forms of social relationships and specific features of the countries that speak the target language. 3.- CONTRIBUTION OF THE AREA OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF KEY COMPETENCES See the Introduction for the general aspects of the contribution of learning a foreign language to basic competences, and particularly how they reflect in this unit. learning-to-learn competence ; a review will be completed every two units (Uncle Harry’s Review) learning to classify, memorize, read and write the acquired vocabulary in a small dictionary. . Units 3 and 4, AB pages 22 and and civic competence since knowing a language implies the knowledge of social facts and features linked to speakers of said language and can be worked on alongside the unit. Education for leisure The importance of knowing, respecting and valuing customs and folkloric traditions from everywhere in the world as a form of culture and enjoyment. Health education Get students to understand the importance of participating in physical and/or cultural activities to keep our mind and our body alert.

v. artistic and cultural competence By the creation of a Portfolio (Assessment Booklet Unit 3). Lesson 8 (Dear Uncle Harry CB p. 33) draw your favourite hobbies. CB, Lesson 5, p. 29 (CB, p. 73) engage in a simple artistic activity like making a cutout of a hobby machine and playing with it.

4.- RELATION WITH OTHER AREAS O THE CURRICULUM Musical education A small approach to instruments related with folkloric dances. (CB p. 30)

5.- TREATMENT OF DIVERSITY Additional Activities (Reinforcement and extension)TRP 1 Photocopy Master 14:

Colour and cut. Play (Cut out the mini cards, play with them as well as with the vocabulary mini cards ).

Stand up! (stand up when you hear the name of the group's hobbies. Use corresponding mime)

Photocopy Master 15 and 16 Make a mini book

Photocopy Master 17 Draw and write (draw the instruments in the right table and write their name). Home-made instruments (make instruments with waste material)Photocopy Master 18 Word skills: Complete the I like painting song (complete the words in the song ).

DG page 76 to drill pronunciation (Initial sounds)page 76 Vocabulary review (Surprise 1 and 2): Line by line page 82 (Musical flashcards)

page 84 (Dizzy likes…/Personalization)page 86 (The teacher likes…/Other variations on the hobby machine game)page 89 (Find out about traditional music)page 91- Word skills (Stand up and say your word)page 93 (Show and tell/Design a T-shirt)


Assessment tools Summative Assessment Test Unit 3 Assessment Booklet, p. 12End of term examination , Assessment Booklet , p. 17Global Test , Assessment Booklet , p. 19

Formative Assessment Review (Uncle Harry’s), units 3 and 4 (AB pages. 22 and 23 and the TRP poster) Creation of a Portfolio to evaluate continuous progress of the student (Assessment Booklet , pages 20 a 23).Continuous Assessment in the Assessment Sheet, Assessment Booklet , p. 5).

Self-Assessment CB page 33 (Choose your favourite activity)

Assessment criteria Identifies and says the name of six hobbies (Test Unit 3 Assessment Booklet, p. 12) Reads vocabulary and key and review expressions in the unit and select the right word

between two proposed options . (Test Unit 3 Assessment Booklet, p. 12) Writes the vocabulary and key expressions in the unit (AB pages 16 and 17). Participates in oral interactions through a cutout activity. (CB p. 73) Self-evaluates own progress and reflect s work accomplished. (Portfolio materials,

Assessment Booklet, pages 20 and 22)


1.- TEACHING OBJECTIVESStudents will be able to : Identify and say the name of six food items. Express preferences regarding food. Repeat a chant and dramatise a dance to reinforce new vocabulary . Listen to and sing the Let’s make lunch song to introduce and practise key vocabulary in the

unit . Listen to, understand and act out the story of the :City mouse and country mouse .. Listen to and sing the I like trees, song to practise additional vocabulary in the unit . Read and write the vocabulary and key and review expressions in the unit . Engage in small communication exchanges through a cutout activity. Learn where the food we have at breakfast comes from; the process from wheat to bread,

thus transferring classroom language to a context in real life. Draw and write about their favourite food . Choose their favourite activity in the unit . Grasp phonetic aspects of rhythm, intonation and pronunciation . Self-evaluate own progress and achievement .

2.- CONTENTSBLOCK 1- Listening, speaking and conversingPROCEDURES Practise the opening class routines at the beginning of each lesson Listen to and identify the name of six items of food as they hear them . Listen to and follow

the instructions of a chant; expressing out loud what they hear and repeating actions. Paste the unit picture stickers in the matching silhouette. (CB p. 34).

Listen to and understand a picture story: City Mouse and Country Mouse. Read and say the food vocabulary out loud. Relate food with the tastes of each mouse (CB p. 35).

Listen to the story, follow it by reading in the book and reproduce it orally. Find the differences between the story cards and the frames in the CB. Find and mark with a circle the vocabulary related to food in the story, as reading practice (CB pages. 36 and 37).

Listen to and sing a song. Listen to and number in the CB the order in which the mice speak. Draw and say the things they like. (CB p. 38).

Make a cutout about food and play with it to drill vocabulary and structures in the unit (CB p. 75).

Practise reading and writing pasting vocabulary stickers in their corresponding picture and writing the word in the other (CB p. 39).

Listen to a text about the origin of the food they have for breakfast. Follow the frames and number them (CB p. 40).

Listen to a text that explains the bread making process and number the drawings with them (CB p. 41).

Act out the story in the unit (CB p. 42). Listen to a text and number drawings as they hear them. Complete the phrases under each

picture with the vocabulary from the box. (CB p. 42). Write a short text about the food they like and don't like. Make a representative drawing.

(CB p. 43). Choose their favourite activity in the unit (CB p. 43).

BLOCK 2- Reading and writingPROCEDURESRead small menus and match them with their corresponding picture (AB p.18).Look closely at the pictures and decide the name of the food they stand for, choosing between two options. (AB p. 19).Fill in a crossword with the help of the drawings (AB p. 19).Count the number of objects that appear in the illustrations and write the correct figure. (AB p. 20).Find six words in a letter soup and write them. (AB p. 20).Read a short text and point out in the drawing the food that the character likes. Look closely at the drawing and write the suitable text as in the previous model. (AB p. 21)Draw and write about food items you like and don't like (AB p. 21).

BLOCK 3- Reflecting upon learning and knowledge of language through use CONCEPTSBasicVocabulary: bread, tomatoes, cheese, ham, pizza, ice cream,

hats and aprons, trees, cars, flowers, country, shops, city, oranges, wheat, cocoa beans, corn, orange juice, chocolate, cornflakes.

Receptive: delicious, farmer, factory. Review: cherries, bananas, plums, watermelon, apples, oranges,

Hello!, run, small, big, mummy, daddy.

Communication structures Basic language : I like (trees), I don’t like (cars). Review language : I’m hungry, (Oranges) grow on a tree.Receptive language : Let’s make lunch, Come on, everybody!, We eat (pizza and ice cream), This is my house, Come in, It’s fantastic!, It’s lunchtime, I’m going home, It’s quiet/noisy, (Orange juice) comes from (oranges).

Phonetics (rhythm, stress and intonation)

PROCEDURESPractise pronunciation with the flashcards in the unit (word stress, Didactic Guide , page 96).

Reproduce orally and act out the story in the unit (CB pages 36 and 37)Listen to, sing and dramatise the song (CB p. 38).

BLOCK 4- Socio-cultural features and intercultural awareness

CONCEPTS Relate English with their own reality through food and diet, thus contributing to the knowledge of habits, forms of social relationships and specific features of countries that speak the target language.

3.- CONTRIBUTION OF THE AREA OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF BASIC COMPETENCE See in the introduction the general aspects of the contribution of learning a foreign language to KEY COMPETENCES and particularly as they are reflected in this unit

ii.learning-to-learn competence ; a review will be completed every two units (Uncle Harry’s Review) learning how to classify, memorize, read and rte the acquired vocabulary in a small dictionary. Units 3 and 4, AB pages 22 and 23. and civic competence since knowing a foreign language implies the knowledge of social facts and features linked to speakers of said language and can be worked on alongside the unit.Health education The importance of learning from a very early age the benefits afforded our health by a nutritious and varied breakfast, providing us with great part of the nutrition we need throughout the day.

v. artistic and cultural competence By creating a Portfolio (Assessment Booklet Unit 4). Lesson 8 (Dear Uncle Harry CB p. 43) make drawings of the food items they like and things

they don't like. CB, Lesson 5, p.39 (CB, p. 75) perform a simple artistic activity like making cutouts of the food

game and playing with them.

4.- RELATION WITH OTHER AREAS OF THE CURRICULUM Social and Environmental StudiesLearn where our breakfast foods come from.(CB p. 40),

5.- TREATMENT OF DIVERSITY Additional Activities (Reinforcement and expansion)TRP 1 Photocopy Master 19:

Colour and cut. Play (Cut the mini cards and play with them and with the Pelmanism vocabulary mini cards )

What’s your favourite food? (play a memory game with food)Photocopy Master 20 y 21 Make a mini book Cat and mouse gamePhotocopy Master 22 Make a zig-zag book Photocopy Master 23 Word skills: Complete the Let’s make lunch song (complete the words of a song ).

DG page 96 to drill pronunciation (word stress)page 96 Vocabulary review (Surprise 1 and 2): Jumpity jumppage 109 (What do you like for breakfast? Survey)page 111- Word skills (Lucky dip) page 113 (Show and tell/Food categories)


Assessment tools Summative Assessment Test Unit 4 Assessment Booklet , p. 13End of term examination , Assessment Booklet , p. 17Global Test, Assessment Booklet, p. 19

Formative Assessment Review (Uncle Harry’s), units 3 and 4 (AB pages. 22 and 23 and TRP poster).Creation of a Portfolio to evaluate continuous progress of the student (Assessment Booklet , pages 20 to 23).Continuous Assessment in the Assessment Sheet, (Assessment Booklet p. 5).

Self- AssessmentCB page 43 (Choose your favourite activity)

Assessment criteria Identifies and says the name of six food items (Test Unit 4 Assessment Booklet, p. 13) Reads the vocabulary and key and review expressions in the unit and selects the right word

between two proposed options . (Test Unit 4 Assessment Booklet p. 13) Writes the vocabulary and key expressions in the unit . (AB pages. 19 and 21). Participates in oral interactions through cutout activities (CB p. 75) Self-evaluates own progress and reflects on work accomplished. (Portfolio materials ,

Assessment Booklet, pages 20 and 22)


1.- TEACHING OBJECTIVESStudents will be able to : Identify and say the name of six pets. Express sizes and position in relation with the rooms of a house. Repeat a chant and act out a dance to reinforce new vocabulary. Listen to and sing the Have you got a pet? song to present and practise the key vocabulary

of the unit Listen, understand and act out the My house is too small! story Listen to and sing the House, song, to practise additional vocabulary in the unit. Read and write vocabulary and key and review expressions in the unit Engage in small communication exchanges through a cutout activity. Learn how country animals build their homes, transferring classroom language to a context of

real life. Draw and write about their favourite pets. Choose their favourite activity in the unit. Grasp phonetic aspects of rhythm, intonation and pronunciation. Self- evaluating own progress and work accomplished.

2.- CONTENTSBLOCK 1- Listening, speaking and conversingPROCEDURES Practise the opening class routines at the beginning of each lesson Listen to and identify the name of six pets as they are spoken. Listen to and follow the

instructions of a chant; saying out loud what you hear and repeating the actions. Stick the unit picture stickers in their corresponding silhouette (CB p. 44).

Listen to and understand a picture story: My house is too small. Read and say out loud the pets vocabulary . Look closely at the picture of animals and decide between three options which is the right word. (CB p.45)

Listen to the story, follow it by reading in the book and reproduce it orally. Find the differences between the story cards and the frames in the CB. Find and circle the pet related vocabulary in the story to practise reading (CB pages.46 and47).

Listen to, and sing a song. Listen to and number in the CB the rooms of the house and the pets as you hear them. Draw some animals in different rooms and say where they are (CB p. 48).

Make a cutout: Mr. Brown's house and play with it, to practise vocabulary and unit structures (CB p. 77).

Practise reading and writing, pasting vocabulary stickers in the corresponding drawing and writing the name in another (CB p. 49).

Listen to a text on how certain animals build their homes and nests. Follow and number the frames (CB p. 50).

Relate animals with their corresponding living space and draw them inside. (CB p. 51). Act out the story in the unit (CB p. 52). Listen to a text and number drawings as you hear them. Complete the phrases under the

pictures using the vocabulary in the box. (CB p. 52). Write a short text describing your favourite pet and make a drawing of it. (CB p. 53). Choose your favourite activity in the unit (CB p. 53).

BLOCK 2- Reading and writingPROCEDURES Read the phrases that the characters say and match them to their corresponding animal.

Read the instructions and colour the mentioned animals as indicated. (AB p. 24). Find the name of animals in a letter soup and write their names under the corresponding

animal (AB p. 25). Read a list with the names of the rooms of a house and match to the place they occupy in the

drawing of the house. Draw some furniture in the suitable room. (AB p. 26). Complete the phrases describing the places where the pets are. (AB p. 26). Read a short text and place the pets in the drawing as instructed.. Look closely at the drawing

of a house with pets and write the corresponding text, following previous model. (AB p. 27) Draw and then write, in what part of the house the pets are (AB p. 27).

BLOCK 3- Reflecting upon learning and knowledge of language through use CONCEPTSBasicVocabulary: dog, hamster, cat, parrot, horse, fish, puppet. Bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, living

room, Stork, squirrel, fox, dormouse. Receptive: too, window, door. Review: tiger, monkey, elephant, snake, turtle, crocodile, Yes, small, big, clever, sad,

happy. Numbers from 1 to 4

Communication structures Basic language : The (parrot) is in the (bedroom). Review language: I’ve got (a dog), under the ground, in trees.Receptive language: Have you got a pet?, Yes, I have, What’s the matter?, My house is too small, Buy a parrot/dog/horse!, Go away!, My house is perfect, Look through my window, Open the door, I’m in the (kitchen)!, Storks/squirrels/ foxes/dormice live in nests/in leaves on the ground.

Phonetics (rhythm, stress and intonation)PROCEDURESPractise pronunciation with the flashcards in the unit (parrot game Didactic Guide, page

116)Reproduce orally and act out the story in the unit (CB pages 46 and 47)Listen to, sing and dramatise a song (CB p. 48).

BLOCK 4- Socio-cultural features and intercultural awareness CONCEPTS Relate English with students' own reality through pets and homes, helping them to learn habits, forms of social relationships and specific features of countries that speak the target language.

3.- CONTRIBUTION OF THE AREA OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF KEY COMPETENCES See the Introduction for the general aspects of the contribution of learning a foreign language to basic competences, and particularly how they reflect in this unit.

ii. learning-to learn competence; a review will be completed every two units (Uncle Harry’s Review) learning how to classify, memorize, read and write the acquired vocabulary in a small dictionary . Units 5 and 6, AB pages 32 and 33.

iv. social and civic competence since knowing a language implies the knowledge of social facts and features linked to speakers of said language and can be worked on alongside the unit. Moral and civic education The importance of thinking over the the responsibility implied in having a pet and learning to take good care of it if we decide to have one .

v. artistic and cultural competence By the creation of a Portfolio (Assessment Booklet Unit 5). Lesson 8 (Dear Uncle Harry CB p. 53) make a drawing of your favourite pets. CB, Lesson 5, p. 49 (CB, p. 77) engage in a simple artistic activity such as making Mr.

Brown's house and playing with it.

4.- RELATION WITH OTHER AREAS OF THE CURRICULUMSocial and Environmental Studies (Conocimiento del medio)Get to know how animals build their homes (CB page 50)

5.- TREATMENT OF DIVERSITY Additional activities (Reinforcement and extension)TRP 1 Photocopy Master 24:

Colour and cut. Play (Cut the mini cards and play with them and with the vocabulary mini cards of Go and find your partner)

What’s your favourite pet? (play a memory game with the animals) Photocopy Master 25 y 26 Make a mini book Have you got a cat? (play at guessing who has the flashcards)Photocopy Master 27 Cut, fold and stick (make pinwheels) Drama activity (practise a rhyme using mime as instructed) Photocopy Master 28 Word skills: Complete the Have you got a pet? song (complete the words of the

song ).

DG page 116 to drill pronunciation (parrot game)page 116 Vocabulary review (Surprise 1 and 2): Animal mimes page 125 (Where’s the dog?/Make a house mural)page 127 (Bingo!/Where’s the hamster?)page 131- Word skills (Bend down! Stand up!page 133 (Go to the… /Complete the house)


Assessment tools Summative Assessment Test Unit 5 Assessment Booklet , p. 14End of term examination, Assessment Booklet , p. 18Global Test, Assessment Booklet, p. 19

Formative Assessment Review (Uncle Harry’s), units 5 and 6 (AB pages. 32 and 33 and TRP poster.Creation of a Portfolio to evaluate continuous progress of the student (Assessment Booklet, pages 20 a 23).Continuous Assessment in the Assessment Sheet, Assessment Booklet p. 5).

Self-AssessmentCB page 53 (Choose your favourite activity)

Assessment criteria Identifies and gives the name of six pets (Test Unit 5 Assessment Booklet , p. 14) Reads the vocabulary and key and revision expressions of the unit and selects the right word

between two proposed options . (Test Unit 5 Assessment Booklet, p. 14)

Writes the vocabulary and key expressions in the unit. . (AB pages. 26, 26 and 27). Participates in oral interactions through cutout activities. . (CB p. 77) Self-evaluates own progress and reflects about accomplishments (Portfolio materials ,

Assessment Booklet, pages 20 and 23)


1.- TEACHING OBJECTIVESStudents will be able to : Identify and say the name of six people and objects related with royalty. Count from 1 to 20. Repeat a chant and act out a dance to reinforce new vocabulary. Listen to and sing the Castle song to present and practise the key vocabulary in the unit. Listen to, understanding and acting out The princess and the pea story. Listen to and sing the Sleep, Sarah, sleep! song to practise additional vocabulary in the unit. Read and write vocabulary and key and revision expressions in the unit Carry out small communication exchanges through cutout activity. Learn about how and how many hours animals sleep, transferring in this way the classroom

language to a real life context. Draw their favourite story Choose their favourite activity in the unit. Learn about phonetic aspects of rhythm, intonation and pronunciation. Self-evaluate their own progress and achievement

2.- CONTENTSBLOCK 1- Listening, speaking and conversingPROCEDURES Practise the opening class routines at the beginning of each lesson Listen to, and identify royal people and objects as they are named. Listen to and follow the

instructions of a chant; expressing out loud what you hear and repeating actions. Paste the stickers of the unit in the corresponding silhouette (CB p. 54).

Listen to and understand a story: The princess and the pea. Read and say out loud the vocabulary related to royalty. Look closely at the drawings and choose the right word between two options. (CB p. 55).

Listen to the story , follow the reading from the book and reproduce orally. Find the differences between the story cards and the frames in the CB. Locate and mark with a circle the royalty vocabulary in the story, to practise reading (CB pages. 56 and 57).

Listen to and sing a song. Listen to and number the royal objects in the CB as they are heard. Count the number of objects in the picture and write the corresponding number (CB p. 58).

Make puppets related with the royal family and play with them to practise vocabulary and structures in the unit (CB p. 79).

Practise reading and writing, pasting vocabulary stickers in the corresponding drawing and write the word in the other (CB p. 59).

Listen to a text about how and how many hours animals sleep. Follow and number the picture frames (CB p. 60).

Look closely at the pictures of human babies and animals and guess how many hours they sleep, choosing a number from the box (CB p. 61).

Act out the story in the unit (CB p. 62). Listen to a text and number the drawings as they hear.them. Complete the phrases under

each drawing with the vocabulary in the box. (CB p. 62). Number the toys. Listen to a text and check the answers. Choose your favourite story; write

and make a drawing about it (CB p. 63).

BLOCK 2- Reading and writingPROCEDURES Relate descriptions with drawing of the corresponding story (AB p. 28). Read the descriptive phrases and make the suitable drawings following the models of the

story in the previous exercise (AB p. 28).

Complete the missing letters in words and relate them with the right royal character or object. (AB p. 29).

Look closely at a picture of a royal family and complete the phrases ( AB p. 29) Match numeric graphics (figures) with their corresponding written number (AB p. 30). Count how many objects there are in the boxes and write the number in words (AB p. 30). Classify a list of words in the right category (AB p. 31).

BLOCK 3- Reflecting upon learning and knowledge of the language through use CONCEPTSBasicVocabulary: King, crown, castle, queen, princess, prince

Numbers from 11 to 20.Chimpanzees, giraffes, hippos, bats.

Receptive: His, her Review: Granddad, granny, daddy, mummy, sister, brother, sad, cold, tired, hungry,

chicken, potatoes, salad, chocolate cake, pea, bedroom, star, mattress, jacket, sock, crown, cat, shark, tree, cave, yellow, pink, football strip, mobile, paints, hats and aprons, puppet, castleNumbers from 1 to 10.

Communication structures Basic language : This is the (king)Revision language : Do you like (Princess Helen)?, (Sarah) can’t (sleep), I don’t like (this bed), Come in!.

Receptive language: Where does he/she live?, He wants to marry a princess, Poor girl!, Are you a princess?, Are you sure?, let’s see! (Prince Robert) and (Princess Sarah) get married. Sleep, Sarah, sleep!, In nests, in trees, standing up, upside down, in water.

Phonetics (rhythm, stress and intonation)

PROCEDURESPractise pronunciation with the flashcards in the unit (Castle chant Didactic guide, page 136)Reproduce and interpret in oral form the picture story in the unit (CB pages 56 and 57)Listen to, sing and dramatise a song (CB p. 58).

BLOCK 4- Socio-cultural features and intercultural awareness

CONCEPTS Relate English with students' own reality contributing, with a traditional story, to the knowledge of habits, forms of social relationships and specific features of the countries that speak the target language.

3.- CONTRIBUTION OF THE AREA OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF BASIC COMPETENCE See in the Introduction the general aspects of the contribution of learning a foreign language to KEY COMPETENCES and particularly those reflected in this unit.

learning-to learn competence ; a review will be completed every two units (Uncle Harry’s Review) learning how to classify, memorize, read and write the acquired vocabulary in a small dictionary . Units 5 y 6, AB pages 32 y and civic competence since knowing a foreign language implies the knowledge of social facts and features linked with the speakers of same and can be worked on alongside the unit.v. artistic and cultural competence By creation of a Portfolio (Assessment Booklet Unit 6). Lesson 8 (Dear Uncle Harry CB p. 63) drawing their favourite story CB, Lesson 6, p. 59 (CB, p. 79) engage in a simple artistic activity such as making the finger

puppets of the royal family and playing with them.

4.- RELATION WITH OTHER AREAS OF THE CURRICULUM Environmental and social studies (Nature) Getting to know about animals' sleeping habits. (CB p. 60)

5.- TREATMENT OF DIVERSITY Additional activities (Reinforcement and extension)TRP 1 Photocopy Master 29:

Colour and cut. Play (Cut out the mini cards and play with them and with the Stop!vocabulary mini cards)

Castle game (play a game in a circle, representing the royals) Photocopy Master 30 and 31 Make a mini book Traditional rhyme adapted to the story (play at acting out the actions of a rhyme) Photocopy Master 32 Complete the bar graph Action game (imitate and act out animals)Photocopy Master 33 Word skills: Complete the Castle song (complete the words in the song ).

DG page 136 to drill pronunciation (Castle chant)page 136 Vocabulary review (Surprise 1 and 2): Find the familypage 144 (Bingo!/Odd one out)page 146 (Sing the Castle song with the royal family puppets/Act out the story)page 151- Word skills (Categories) page 133 (Initial letters/Where’s the queen?)


Assessment toolsSummative Assessment Test Unit 6 Assessment Booklet, p. 15End of term examination , Assessment Booklet, p. 18Global Test, Assessment Booklet, p. 19

Formative Assessment Review (Uncle Harry’s), units 5 and 6 (AB pages. 32 and 33 and TRP poster.Creation of a Portfolio to evaluate the continuous progress of the student (Assessment Booklet , pages 20 to 23).Continuous Assessment in the Assessment sheet, Assessment Booklet p. 5).

Self-AssessmentCB page 63 (Choose your favourite activity)

Assessment criteria Identifies and names six people or things related with royalty (Test Unit 6 Assessment

Booklet, p. 15) Reads the vocabulary and key and revision expressions of the unit and chooses the correct

word between two proposed options. (Test Unit 6 Assessment Booklet, p. 15) Writes the vocabulary and key expressions of the unit (AB pages 29 and 31) Participates in oral interactions through a cutout activity. (CB p. 79) Self-evaluates his own progress and reflects on the work accomplished. (Portfolio materials,

Assessment Booklet, pages 20 and 23)


1.- TEACHING OBJECTIVESStudents will be able to : Learn about Halloween. Sing the Halloween song. Identify and practise the Halloween vocabulary. Revise numbers from 1 to 5. Make Halloween cards and play with them. Design a Halloween decoration .

2.- CONTENTSBLOCK 1- Listening, speaking and conversingPROCEDURES Listen to and sing a song. Identify and practise the topic related vocabulary. Relate

members of a family with the characters wearing a fancy dress outfit in the picture. (CB p. 64).

BLOCK 2- Reading and writingPROCEDURES Look closely at the pictures, read and complete the phrases with this information and the

words in the box. Colour the drawings following instructions in the phrases (AB p. 34).

BLOCK 3- Reflecting upon learning and knowledge of language through use CONCEPTSVocabularyBasic language: wizard, witch, monster, ghost, pumpkin.Revision language : purple, black, green, white, orange, mummy, daddy, granddad, granny, uncle, aunty. Numbers 1 to 5.

BLOCK 4- Socio-cultural features and intercultural awareness Get to know aspects of Anglo-saxon culture , for example how they celebrate Halloween and compare it to the celebration in their own country.

3.- CONTRIBUTION OF THE AREA OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF KEY COMPETENCES See the Introduction for the general aspects of the contribution of learning a foreign language to basic competences.

4.- TREATMENT OF DIVERSITY Additional activities (Reinforcement and extension)

DG page 155 (Make paper chains to decorate the classroom)page 155 (Design a poster)page 157 (Halloween playground game)page 157 (Stop!).


1.- TEACHING OBJECTIVESStudents will be able to: Learn about Christmas Say the presents they want Listening and sing the Christmas song. Identify and practise the Christmas vocabulary . Review and name the toys . Make Christmas cards and play with them Write a simple letter to Father Christmas or the Three Wise Men

2.- CONTENTSBLOCK 1- Listening, speaking and conversingPROCEDURES Listen to and sing a song. Identify and practise topic-related vocabulary. Draw and say the

presents children want for Christmas (CB p. 65).

BLOCK 2- Reading and writingPROCEDURES Read and complete phrases with the help of drawings and the vocabulary in the box. (AB p.


BLOCK 3- Reflecting on learning and knowledge of language through use CONCEPTSVocabularyBasic language : roller-skates, watch, book, computer game, CD, paints, I want (a watch/roller-skates).Revision language: Christmas tree, presents, star, kite, skateboard, doll, ball, scooter, bike, Merry Christmas!.

BLOCK 4- Socio-cultural features and intercultural awareness Learn about features of Anglo-saxon culture, for example, how Christmas is celebrated and compare it with the celebration in their own country.

3.- CONTRIBUTION OF THE AREA OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF KEY COMPETENCES See in the introduction the general aspects of the contribution of learning a foreign language to basic competences.

4.- TREATMENT OF DIVERSITY Additional Activities (Reinforcement and extension )

GD page 159 (Review of Surprise! 1 Christmas song)page 159 (Guessing game)page 161 (Christmas toy posters)page 161 (Design a Christmas stamp).


1.- TEACHING OBJECTIVESStudents will be able to: Learn about Carnival . Listen to and sing the Carnival song. Review and name clothing items. Make the Carnival cutout and play with it .

2.- CONTENTSBLOCK 1- Listening, speaking and conversing PROCEDURES Listen to and sing a song . Identify and practise topic related vocabulary. Colour Annie's and

Leo's clothes following a code. (CB p. 66).

BLOCK 2- Reading and writing PROCEDURES Read and complete a song with the help of pictures and the words in the box. (AB p. 36).

BLOCK 3- Reflecting on learning and knowledge of language through use CONCEPTSVocabularyBasic language : jeans, T-shirt, shorts, boots, socks, hat, trainers, jacket, (green) (hat).

Revision language : Put on your hat, blue, green, white, brown, red, yellow, black, pink.

BLOCK 4- Socio-cultural features and intercultural awarenessLearn about features of Anglo-saxon culture, for example, how Carnival is celebrated and compare it with celebrations in your own country.

3.- CONTRIBUTION OF THE AREA OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF BASIC COMPETENCESSee the Introduction for the general aspects of the contribution of learning a foreign language to basic competences.

4.- TREATMENT OF DIVERSITY Additional activities (Reinforcement and extension)

DG page 163 (The Carnival song)page 163 (Show and tell: Carnival photographs)page 165 (Play with the Carnival book)page 165 (Design your own costume)





Starter Unit 3 2 hours 15 mins

1 Where’s My baby 8 6 hours

Happy Halloween 2 1 hour 30 mins

2 Fly Kite Fly 8 6 hours

Merry Christmas 2 1 hour 30 mins

3 The Enormous Carrot 8 6 hours

Happy Carnival 2 1 hour 30 mins

4 The King of the Jungle

8 6 hours

5 Chuck’s New Clothes 8 6 hours

6 Aziza’s Hat 8 6 hours

Total 57 41 hours 15 mins

Extra activities programmed by the school

*Each centre will have to adapt this programme to its own situation and timetable.



Starter Unit. Hello!Objectives Activities Skill Interaction Material

Session 1

Get students to introduce themselves with a song.

TB p. 28 Lesson begins . Hello! Sing.

L /S T /Ss - Flashcards of characters: Annie, Leo and Duggie- CB p. 2- CD 1 tracks: 1, 2, 3 and 4- Picture Stickers of the characters.

Optional material:- Photocopies of Photocopy Master 1- Scissors and tape - CD 1: 3- AB p. 2

Preparation:Bring to class a Photocopy Master 1 with your name on it,, so children can see a finished label to put on the table.

Get students to know the characters in Surprise! And introduce the class dynamics for the whole course

TB p. 28 / CB p. 2 Lesson continues Listen and sing Annie and Leo’s song.To play the game Hello. Play.

L /S T /Ss

Identify the characters in Surprise! with a sticker and tracing activity.

TB p. 29 / CB p. 2 Lesson continues The Picture stickers activity. . Stick.

R / W T /Ss

Revise vocabulary if the children have already studied English in Pre- school, with activities of “Three in a tree”.

TB p. 29 Lesson continues. Optional review of vocabulary

L / S T /Ss

Finish the lesson and teach the way in which the class will depart throughout the course.

TB p. 29 Lesson ends. . Bye bye. Sing.

Reinforcement and extension Make a label with their names so they can identify one another, taking advantage of introduction of the first day of class.

TRP1 Photocopy Master 1: Cut and fold. Colour and write your nameMusical hugs.

AB p. 2 Read and Match.

R / WL / S

R / W

I WT / Ss



Starter Unit. Hello!Objectives Activities Skill Interaction Material

Session 2

Revise the starting song TB p. 30 Lesson begins. Hello! Sing.

L /S T /Ss -Flashcards of the characters: Annie, Leo and Dougie-CB p. 67-CD 1: tracks 1, 3, 4 and 5-Scissors and glue

Preparation:Bring the three finger puppets(Annie, Leo and Dougie) with you to class so children can see them finished. .

Revise vocabulary and get the children to become familiar with the main characters in Surprise!

TB p. 30 Lesson continues Sing Annie and Leo’s song.

L /S

T /Ss

Practise simple greetings and play at guessing “Hello”.

TB p. 30 Lesson continues The game of guessing who says “Hello”. Listen.

L /S T /Ss

Cut out and make finger puppets. Play with the cutout when finished. .

TB p. 31 / CB p. 67 Lesson continues Make the finger puppets.

TB p. 31For playing with the cutout.

R / W T /Ss

End the class with the farewell routine and the lesson ending.

TB p. 31 Lesson ends. Bye bye! Sing.

Reinforcement and extension Play with finger puppets and play another game with the participation of all the pupils.

TB page 31. Find Annie.Finger puppet game.

L / S T / Ss


Starter Unit. Hello!Objectives Activities Skill Interaction Material

Session 3

Revise the opening song and vocabulary. .

TB p. 32 Lesson begins .Hello! Sing.Sing Annie and Leo’s song.

L / S T / Ss -Flashcards of the characters: Uncle Harry, Annie, Leo and Dougie-Flashcards of the weather : It’s raining, It’s sunny, It’s hot, It’s windy, It’s snowing, It’s cold.-Surprise! Today poster-CB p. 3-CD 1: tracks 1, 3, 4, 6 and 7

Optional material:-AB p. 3

PREPARATION:Put up the Surprise! Today poster where all the children in the class can see it clearly.

Get pupils to meet the new character in the book: Uncle Harry, and to understand what he does and represents in the book.

TB p. 32 / CB p. 3 Lesson continues To meet Uncle Harry. Listen.

L / S

T / Ss

Teach the children the weather vocabulary and have them notice that the climate varies for one person to the next. ?¿

TB p. 32-33 / CB p. 3 Lesson continues. Listen and point. Say the words.

L / S T / Ss

Practise, comprehension and understanding of a class routine on the weather. Learn by play and vocabulary fluency. .

TB p. 33 Lesson continues It’s windy. Play.¿What's the weather like today? Routine.

L / S T / Ss

Establish a farewell routine and end of class.

TB p. 33. Lesson ends. Bye bye! Sing.

L / S T / Ss

Reinforcement and extensionRepetition and recall of weather vocabulary Understand and relate weather concepts. Cover all types of weather. Class participation

TB p. 33. Pass the action. Today it’s…AB p. 3. Follow and trace.

L / S

R / W

T / Ss

Unit 1. Where’s my baby?


Objectives Activities Skills Interaction MaterialSession 1

Revise the opening song. Introducing vocabulary and becoming familiar with it. Introduction and familiarization of vocabulary.

TB p. 34 Lesson begins.Hello! Sing.

L /S T /Ss -Routine material for class opening. -Uncle Harry’s parcel-Flashcards: dinosaur, head, body, arms, legs, feet, tail-CB: p. 4-CD 1: tracks 1, 4, 8, 9, 10 and 11-Picture stickers of the parts of the body

Optional material:-Flashcards: body, head, arms, legs, feet, tail-CD 1: 12

PREPARATION:Before starting the class, mount Uncle Harry’s parcel (the box and top). Next, put the flashcards with the parts of the body inside the box, leaving the dinosaur flashcard at the top

Establish the routine to start the lesson. Familiarization and practice of vocabulary of days of the week and the weather.

TB p. 34 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Today (is…)-Today’s weather

L /S

T /Ss

Understanding the day's lesson, the schedule and sequence throughout the class.

TB p. 34 Lesson begins. -Today’s lesson

L /S T /Ss

Presentation of the context and meaning of the word in the unit. “door”.

TB p. 34 Lesson begins. -Word skills

L / S T /Ss

Introduction of new vocabulary: : “body, head, arms, legs, feet & tail” in a visual and entertaining way for the pupils.

TB p. 35 Lesson continues. What’s in Uncle Harry’s parcel? Guess.Vocabulary presentation with flashcards. Dance and sing.

L /S T /Ss

Drill the new vocabulary by means of a chant, a game, a song and an activity.

TB p. 35 Lesson continues. Surprise! Vocabulary Chant. Sing.Yes / No flashcard game. Play.

TB p. 35-36 / CB, p. 4Dinosaur, dinosaur song. Listen and sing.Picture stickers activity. Stick

L /S

R / W

T /Ss


Finish the class with the farewell routine and the lesson ending.

TB p. 36. Lesson ends. Bye bye. Sing.

L /S T /Ss

Reinforcement and extension Drill pronunciation with initial sounds and following a chant.

TB p. 36. Initial sounds. Listen and sing. Act out a body chant. Listen and dance.

L /S T/Ss

Unit 1. Where’s my baby?Objectives Activities Skills Interaction Material


Session 2

Revise the opening song and familiarisation with vocabulary .

TB p. 38 Lesson begins.Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Material for the routine used to start the lesson -Flashcards: dinosaur, head, body, arms, legs, feet, tail-Story cards.: Story 1-Uncle Harry’s parcel-CB: p. 4 and 5-CD 1: tracks 1, 4, 11 and 13

Optional material:-Photocopies : Photocopy Master, p. 2-Flashcards: body, head, arms, legs, feet, tail-Material for making a dinosaur egg with papier maché -AB: p. 4

Preparation:Before class, put away the flashcards in Uncle Harry’s parcel, putting the dinosaur flashcard at the very bottom.

Continue with the routine to start the class. Show as well the sequence to follow during lessons and memory drill.

TB p. 38 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Today (is…)-Today’s weather-Today’s lesson-Word skills

L / S

T / Ss

Revise vocabulary by means of flashcards and the “Dinosaur” song.

TB p. 38 Lesson continues. Dinosaur, dinosaur song. Sing.

L / S T / Ss

Explain and tell the story in the unit and allow the students contact with the language they learn in context. Recall what the story is about and practise vocabulary

TB p. 37-38 Lesson continues. Listen to the story (Where’s my baby?). Listen.

TB p. 39 / CB p. 5Match and colour. Say the words.

L / S

R / W

T / Ss


Finish the class with the farewell routine and class ending.

TB p. 39. Lesson ends.Bye bye. Sing.

L /S T /Ss

Reinforcement and extensionPractise vocabulary and the parts of the body. Say the name of the child that has the corresponding flashcard Make a craft preparing a dinosaur egg .

TRP 1 Photocopy Master 2 Join the dots. Match. Who’s got it?Make a papier maché dinosaur eggAB p. 4

L /S

R / W

R / W




Unit 1. Where’s my baby?Objectives Activities Skills Interaction MaterialRevise the opening song and familiarisation with vocabulary

TB p. 40 Lesson begins.Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Material for starting the class routine


Session 3

-Story cards: Story 1-CB: p. 6 y 7-CD 1: tracks 1, 4, 11 y 13

Optional material:-Material to make a “pastasaurius”-Photocopies of the pages Photocopy Masters 3 and 4-AB: p. 5, 37 and 38

Preparation:Bring to class a finished mini book from Photocopy Master Book (see the Bank of Ideas, p. 166), so children can see it finished.

Continue with the routine to start the class. Show as well the sequence to follow during lessons and memory drill.

TB p. 40 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Today (is…)-Today’s weather-Today’s lesson-Word skills

L / S

T / Ss

Revise vocabulary with the “Dinosaur, dinosaur song”.

TB p. 40 Lesson continues. Dinosaur, dinosaur song. Sing.

L / S T / Ss

Recall and act out the story in the unit getting them to practise the key language and gain fluency in oral use.

TB p. 40-41 Lesson continues. Story time. Listen, answer and sing.

TB p. 41-42 / CB p. 6-7 Find the differences.

L / S

L / SR / W

T / Ss

T / SsI W

End the class with the farewell routine and end the lesson.

TB p. 42 Lesson ends.Bye bye. Sing.

L /S T /Ss

Reinforcement and extensionMake a fun craft creating a “pastasaurio” build on familiarity with the vocabulary in the story making a mini book that can be taken home to tell the story to the family.

TB p. 42 Make a pastasaur.

TRP 1 Photocopy Master 3 y 4Make a mini book.

AB p. 5, 37 y 38

L /S

R / W

R / W




Unit 1. Where’s my baby?Objectives Activities Skills Interaction Material

Session 4

Revise the greeting song and become familiar with the vocabulary.

TB p. 43 Lesson begins.Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Material for starting the class routine


-Flashcards: numbers from 1 to 10-CB: p. 8 and 9-CD 1: tracks 1, 4, 14 and 15

Optional material:-Flashcards with the parts of the body -AB: p. 6

Continue with the routine to start the class. Show as well the sequence to follow during lessons and memory drill. . Second word of the unit : “window”.

TB p. 43 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Today (is…)-Today’s weather-Today’s lesson-Word skills

L / S

T / Ss

Introduce and present new and supplementary vocabulary through song and dance, as a way of extending the story.

TB p. 43-44 Lesson continues. Ten big dinosaurs song. Listen and sing.

L / S T / Ss

Practise the new vocabulary with a game and with the possibility of playing in pairs or teams.

TB p. 44 / CB p. 8 Lesson continues. Play the game.

TB p. 44 / CB p. 9 Listen and point.Count the dinosaurs.

L / S

L / SL / S

T / Ss

T / SsT / Ss / P W

End the class with the farewell routine and class ending.

TB p. 44 Lesson ends.Bye bye. Sing.

L /S T /Ss

Reinforcement and extension Combine the parts of the body with the numbers from 1 to 10 with these two activities.

TB p. 45 Number actions.How many fingers?

AB p. 6

L /S

R / W



Unit 1. Where’s my baby?Objectives Activities Skills Interaction Material

Session 5

Revise the opening song and become familiar with the vocabulary.

TB p. 46 Lesson begins.Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Material for the starting class routine


-Flashcards: numbers 1 to 10 and head, body, arms, legs,feet, tail-CB: p. 9 and 69-CD 1: tracks 1, 4, 13 and 14-Scissors

PREPARATION:Bring to class a set of picture mini cards of tyrannosaurus babies so the children can see them finished.

Continue with the routine to start the class. Show as well the sequence to follow during lessons and memory drill.

TB p. 46 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Today (is…)-Today’s weather-Today’s lesson-Word skills

L / S

T / Ss

Revise vocabulary TB p. 46 / CB p. 8 Lesson continues. Ten big dinosaurs song. Sing

L / S T / Ss

Promote pupils' confidence in their capacity to understand and make oral use of the language in the unit by means of a cutout activity and a communication game.

TB p. 46 / CB p. 69Make the dinosaur cards. Cut.

TB p. 47Story time. Order.In Order. Play.

L / S T / Ss

Finish the class with the farewell routine and class ending.

TB p. 44 Lesson ends.Bye bye. Sing.

L /S T /Ss

Reinforcement and extensionPupils will be able to visually relating the vocabulary with the mini cards.

TB p. 47 Snap! Play.Point and guess. Play.

L /S

L / S



Unit 1. Where’s my baby?Objectives Activities Skills Interaction MaterialRevise the opening song and familiarization with the vocabulary.

TB p. 48 Lesson begins.Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Material for the routine used to start the lesson


Session 6

-Cross-curricular cards in Unit 1: monkey, kangaroo, elephant, penguin-CB: p. 10 and 11-CD 1: tracks 1, 4, 14 and 16

Optional material:-Photocopies: Photocopy Master, p. 5-Material for making merry-go-rounds -A small ball and a cuddly toy

Preparation:Bring to class the animal merry-go-rounds so the children can see them finished.

Continue with the routine to start the class. Show as well the sequence to follow during lessons and memory drill.

TB p. 48 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Today (is…)-Today’s weather-Today’s lesson-Word skills

L / S

T / Ss

Revise the vocabulary TB p. 48 Lesson continues. Ten big dinosaurs song. Sing.

L / S T / Ss

Introduce animal life context (Science) and CLIL elements in the unit, presenting cross- curricular topic, expanding their knowledge of the world through the English language.

TB p. 48-49 Science: How animals carry their babies. Action game. Play.

L / S T / Ss

Practise the cross-curricular topic / CLIL.

TB p. 49 / CB p. 10Listen and number.

TB p. 49 / CB p. 11Draw the babies. Match.

L / S

R / W

T / Ss


Finish the class with the farewell routine and class ending.

TB p. 49 Lesson ends.Bye bye. Sing.

L / S T / Ss

Reinforcement and extensionMaking a “merry-go-round” and relating it with the animals and their babies as learnt in the class. Act out and play once it is understood how they carry their young.

TRP 1 Photocopy Master 5 Cut, fold and stick.Carrying animal babies. Play.

L / S

L / S

T/ Ss

T / Ss

Unit 1. Where’s my baby?Objectives Activities Skills Interaction MaterialRevise the opening song and become familiar with vocabulary.

TB p. 50 Lesson begins.Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Material for the routine used to start the lesson


Session 7

-Cross-curricular cards from Unit 1-Flashcards and word cards of the parts of the body: feet, legs, head, body, tails, arms-Story cards : Story 1 -CB: p. 12-CD 1: tracks 1, 4, 14 and 18-Vocabulary stickers of the parts of the body

Optional material:-Photocopies : Photocopy Master pages 6 and 7-Cutout cards of the dinosaur from Lesson 5

Continue with the routine to start the class. Show as well the sequence to follow during lessons and memory drill.

TB p. 50 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Today (is…)-Today’s weather-Today’s lesson-Word skills

L / S

T / Ss

Revise the cross-curricular topic / CLIL.

TB p. 50 Lesson continues.Story time. Order.Act out the story.

L / S T / Ss

Revise and drill key language in the unit. .

TB p. 50 / CB p. 12Listen and number.

L / S T / Ss

Familiarization with the written expression of words through an activity with stickers.

TB p. 51 / CB p. 12Stick.

R / W I W

Finish the class with the farewell routine and class ending.

TB p. 51 Lesson ends.Bye bye. Sing.

L / S T / Ss

Reinforcement and extensionColour, cut and play to form the seven parts of a tyrannosaurus. Relate the written words with a board, flashcards and word cards.

TRP 1 Photocopy Master 6 y 7 Colour and cut. Play.Word skills. Board Pelmanism.Play with the dinosaur cards and Photocopy - Master word cards.

R / W

L / S

R / W

I W / T / Ss

T / Ss / P W

T / Ss

Unit 1. Where’s my baby?Objectives Activities Skills Interaction Material


Session 8

Revise the opening song and become familiar with the vocabulary.

TB p. 52 Lesson begins.Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Material for the routine used to start the lesson -Uncle Harry’s parcel-Storycards : Story 1 -Flashcards: parts of the body and numbers from 1 to 10-Word cards: the parts of the body -CB: p. 13-CD 1: tracks 1, 4, 11, 13 and 14-Vocabulary poster (Units 1 and 2)

Optional material:-AB: p. 7

Continue with the routine to start the class. Show as well the sequence to follow during lessons and memory drill. Reinforce what they learned in the unit .

TB p. 52 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Today (is…)-Today’s weather-Today’s lesson-Word skills

L / S

T / Ss

Revise what they learned in the unit and reflect on the activities done throughout this unit.

TB p. 52 Lesson continues.To sing the songs in the unit . Sing.To play with the poster . Play and guess.

L / S T / Ss

Personalise acquired knowledge with creative activities and with the possibility of deciding about their own activity. .

TB p. 53 / CB p. 13Draw your favourite dinosaur.Choose your favourite activity.Story time. Listen and participate.

R / W

L / S


T / Ss

Finish the class with the farewell routine and class ending.

TB p. 53 Lesson ends.Bye bye. Sing.

L / S T / Ss

Reinforcement and extensionUse materials made in previous classes as well as the use of imagination and participation to make a drawing of a dinosaur. To stimulate class participation and teamwork

TB p. 53 Listen and follow with the mini book.Dinosaur dictation. Draw.Draw a dinosaur.

AB p. 7

L / S

R / W

L / S

T / Ss

T / Ss / I W

T / Ss

Happy HalloweenObjectives Activities Skills Interaction Material

Session 1

Introduce the Halloween topic in English, and talk of its history, date and what the different countries do on this day.

TB p. 154 Lesson begins.Halloween Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Material for the routine to start the lesson. -Flashcards: orange, brown, black, white


-CB: p. 64-CD 2: tracks 13 to 17

Optional material:-Material for the Trick or treat game

Continue with the routine to start the class. Show as well the sequence to follow during lessons and memory drill.

TB p. 154 Lesson begins.Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Today (is…)-Today’s weather-Today’s lesson-Word skills

L / S

T / Ss

Identify themselves with the characters in the book and introduction of the vocabulary of this celebration..

TB p. 154-155 / CB p. 64 Lesson continues.Listen and point. Listen and sing.Listen and sing the Halloween song.

L / S T / Ss

Introduction to new colours vocabulary: orange, brown, white and black. Revise the numbers in English and relate them with objects and colours.

TB p. 155 / CB p. 64 Lesson continues.Colour.Count and write.

R / W I W

Finish the class with the farewell routine and class ending.

TB p. 155 Lesson ends.Halloween Bye bye. Sing.

L / S T / Ss

Reinforcement and extensionExplain, about the tradition of this celebration in the different countries that speak English, practise and play.

TB p. 155Trick or treat game. Play

L / S T / Ss

Happy HalloweenObjectives Activities Skills Interaction MaterialContinue with the Halloween topic in English .

TB p. 156 Lesson begins.Halloween Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Material for the routine used to start the lesson


Session 2

-Flashcards: the colours -Photocopies: Photocopy Master, p.34-Scissors-CB: p. 64-CD 2: tracks 13, 14, 17 and 18

Optional material:-Material for making a Halloween hat -AB: p. 34-Dice (one for every 5 or 6 children )

PREPARATION:Take to class a set of Halloween mini cards already cut and coloured so children can see the way they look when they are finished.

Continue with the routine to start the class. Show as well the sequence to follow during lessons and memory drill.

TB p. 156 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Today (is…)-Today’s weather-Today’s lesson-Word skills

L / S

T / Ss

Revise Halloween vocabulary. TB p. 156 Lesson continues.The Halloween game. Play.Sing the Halloween song.

L / S T / Ss

Make a craft of Halloween mini cards that can also be played with afterwards.

TB p. 156-157 / Photocopy Master 34Colour and cut.Play.

R / W

L / S


T / Ss

Finish the class with the farewell routine and class ending.

TB p. 157 Lesson ends.Halloween Bye bye. Sing.

L / S T / Ss

Reinforcement and extensionMaking a Halloween hat to later play with it recalling what they learned in class about this celebration.

TB p. 157Make a Halloween hat and play “Pass the hat”.Dice and hat game

AB p. 34

R / W

L / S

R / W

I W / T / Ss

T / Ss

T / Ss

Unit 2. Fly, kite, fly!Objectives Activities Skills Interaction Material

Session 1

Revise the opening song. Introduction of vocabulary in the 2nd

unit and getting familiar with it.

TB p. 54 Lesson begins.Hello! Sing.

L /S T /Ss -Material for routine used to start the lesson


-Uncle Harry’s parcel-Flashcards: kite, scooter, skateboard, bike, ball, doll-CB: p. 14-CD 1: tracks 1, 4, 8, 18, 19 and 20-Picture stickers of toys

Optional material:-CD 1: 21-Uncle Harry’s parcel-Flashcards: toys

PREPARATION:Before starting the class, put away the flashcards in Uncle Harry’s parcel, placing the flashcard with the kite Uncle Harry sent them at the very top.

Establish the routine to begin the lesson. Familiarisation and practice of vocabulary of the days of the week and the weather.

TB p. 54 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Today (is…)-Today’s weather

L /S

T /Ss

Comprehension of the lessons of the day, their order and sequence throughout the class.

TB p. 54 Lesson begins. -Today’s lesson

L /S T /Ss

Presentation of context and meaning of the word in the 2nd unit: “board”.

TB p. 54 Lesson begins. -Word skills

L / S T /Ss

Introduction of new vocabulary: : “kite, scooter, skateboard, bike, ball and doll” in visual manner, making it entertaining for the students.

TB p. 54 Lesson continues. What’s in Uncle Harry’s parcel? Guess.Vocabulary presentation with flashcards. Dance and sing.

L /S T /Ss

Practise the new vocabulary learned by means of a chant, a game, a song and an activity.

TB p. 55 Lesson continues. Surprise! Vocabulary Chant. Sing.Action game. Play.

TB p. 55 / CB p. 14Listen and sing the Toy song.Picture stickers activity.. Stick

L /S

R / W

T /Ss


Finish the class with the farewell routine and class ending.

TB p. 56. Lesson ends. Bye bye. Sing.

L /S T /Ss

Reinforcement and extensionDrill pronunciation with intonation sounds getting them used to listening to their voice in English and playing a game.

TB p. 56. Intonation. Pronunciation.Do the action. Play.

L /S T/Ss

Unit 2. Fly, kite, fly!Objectives Activities Skills Interaction Material

Session 2

Revise the opening song and become familiar with the vocabulary.

TB p. 58 Lesson begins.Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Material for the routine used at the beginning of the lesson


-Flashcards: kite, scooter, skateboard, bike, ball, doll-Storycards : Story 2 -Uncle Harry’s parcel-CB: p. 14 and 15-CD 1: tracks 1, 4, 20 and 22

Optional material:-Photocopies. Photocopy Master, p. 8-Flashcards: vocabulary you want to drill -AB: p. 8

PREPARATION:Before the class, put away the flashcards in Uncle Harry’s parcel.

Continue with the routine used to start the class. Show as well the sequence to follow during lessons and memory drill.

TB p. 58 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Today (is…)-Today’s weather-Today’s lesson-Word skills

L / S

T / Ss

Revise vocabulary using flashcards and with the “Toy song”.

TB p. 58 Lesson continues. Sing the Toy song.

L / S T / Ss

Explain and tell the story of the 2nd

unit and allow students contact with the language they learn in context. Recall the story.

TB p. 58 / CB p. 14 Lesson continues. Story time. Listen to the story.

TB p. 59To recall the story.

L / S T / Ss

Drill vocabulary . TB p. 59 / CB p. 15Count the toys. Say the words.

L / S T / Ss

Finish the class with the farewell routine and lesson ending.

TB p. 59. Lesson ends.Bye bye. Sing.

L /S T /Ss

Reinforcement and extension Practise vocabulary and the name of the toys with a tracing game, and the use of imagination in “Be a kite”.

TRP 1 Photocopy Master 8 Follow and draw. Musical flashcards.Be a kite.

AB p. 8

R / W

L / S

R / W


T / Ss


Unit 2. Fly, kite, fly!Objectives Activities Skills Interaction Material

Session 3

Revise the opening song and become familiar with the vocabulary.

TB p. 60 Lesson begins.Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Material for the routine starting the class.


-Flashcards: kite, scooter, skateboard, bike, ball, doll-Storycards : Story 2 -CB: p. 16 and 17-CD 1: tracks 1, 4, 20 y 22

Optional material:-Photocopies: Photocopy Masters 9 and 10-AB: p. 9, 39 and 40

PREPARATION:Bring the finished mini book from the Photocopy Master Book (see the Bank of Ideas, p. 166), so the children can see what it looks like.

Continue with the routine used to start the class. Show as well the sequence to follow during lessons and memory drill.

TB p. 60 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Today (is…)-Today’s weather-Today’s lesson-Word skills

L / S

T / Ss

Revise vocabulary with the help of the “Toy song” and recall the story.

TB p. 60-61 Lesson continues. Sing the Toy song.Story time.

L / S T / Ss

Act out the story in the unit getting them to practise key language and gain fluency in their oral use of it.

TB p. 61 Lesson continues. To act out the story with the recording

L / S T / Ss

Do an activity and repeat the story once again to ensure complete understanding of it..

TB p. 62 / CB p. 16 y 17 Find the differences. To listen again to the story.

R / W

L / S


T / Ss

Finish the class with the farewell routine and class ending.

TB p. 62 Lesson ends.Bye bye. Sing.

L /S T /Ss

Reinforcement and extensionbecome even more familiar with the vocabulary of the story making a mini book and doing an activity from the Activity Book.

TB p. 62 Kim’s game. Play.

TRP 1 Photocopy Master 9 y 10 / TB p. 42Make a mini book.AB p. 39 y 40

AB p. 9

L /S

R / W



Unit 2. Fly, kite, fly!Objectives Activities Skills Interaction MaterialRevise the opening song and become familiar with the vocabulary

TB p. 63 Lesson begins.Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Material for the routine used to start the lesson


Session 4

-Flashcards: colours, toys -CB: p. 18 and 19-CD 1: tracks 1, 4, 23 y 24

Optional material:-Material for making a kite -Material for exhibiting the kites -Colour balloons -AB: p. 10

Continue with the routine used to start the class. Show as well the sequence to follow during lessons and memory drill. Second word in the unit : “wall”.

TB p. 63 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Today (is…)-Today’s weather-Today’s lesson-Word skills

L / S

T / Ss

Introduce and present new vocabulary through song and dance, making it possible to extend the story.

TB p. 63 / CB p. 18 Lesson continues. Listen and sing the Kite song.

L / S T / Ss

Practise new vocabulary in the 2nd

unit by means of a game and with activities from the Class Book.

TB p. 64 Lesson continues. Play the game.

TB p. 64 / CB p. 19 Listen and match.Count the ribbons.

L / S

R / W

T / Ss


Finish the class with the farewell routine and lesson ending.

TB p. 64 Lesson ends.Bye bye. Sing.

L /S T /Ss

Reinforcement and extension Make a kite and relate it with other flying objects like balloons and their need for air..

TB p. 65 Design your own kite. Sing and create.Guess the colour of the balloon.

AB p. 10

L /S

R / W

R / W




Unit 2. Fly, kite, fly!Objectives Activities Skills Interaction Material

Session 5

Revise the opening song and become familiar with the vocabulary.

TB p. 66 Lesson begins.Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Material for the routine used to start the lesson


-Flashcards: the colours -Storycards : Story 2 -CB: p. 19 and 71-CD 1: tracks 1, 4, 22 and 23-Material to make spinners

Optional material:-Sheet of paper A4 and dice -CD 1: 20

PREPARATION:Bring to class a finished spinner so the children can see what it looks like when it's finished. .

Continue with the routine used to start the class. Show, as well, the sequence to follow during the lessons and memory drill.

TB p. 66 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Today (is…)-Today’s weather-Today’s lesson-Word skills

L / S

T / Ss

Revise the vocabulary with a song, a cutout activity and a game with the cutout

TB p. 66 Lesson continues. Sing the Kite song.

TB p. 66-67 / CB p. 71Make the toy wheel.Story time.Snap! Play.

L / S

R / W

T / Ss


Finish the class with the farewell routine and lesson ending.

TB p. 67 Lesson ends.Bye bye. Sing.

L /S T /Ss

Reinforcement and extension Play, draw and sing with the cutout

TB p. 67 Sing and spin. Play.Draw, spin and circle. Play.

L /S

R / W


T / Ss

Unit 2. Fly, kite, fly!Objectives Activities Skills Interaction MaterialRevise the opening song and become familiar with the vocabulary

TB p. 68 Lesson begins.Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Material for the routine used to start the lesson


Session 6

-Flashcards: the colours -Cross-curricular cards from Unit 2: sunny, rain, rainbow-CB: p. 20 and 21-CD 1: tracks 1, 4, 23, 25 and 26

Optional material:-Photocopies : Photocopy Master, page 11-Felt pens or colour pencils, string and glue -Material to provoke a rainbow to appear

Continue with the routine used to start the class. Also show the sequence to follow during the lessons and memory drill.

TB p. 68 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Today (is…)-Today’s weather-Today’s lesson-Word skills

L / S

T / Ss

Revise vocabulary. . TB p. 68 Lesson continues. Sing the Kite song.

L / S T / Ss

Introduce a real life context (Science) and CLIL elements in the unit, presenting cross-curricular subject and expanding in this way their knowledge of the world through the English language.

TB p. 69 Sciences:Rainbow .

L / S T / Ss

Practise the cross-curricular topic / CLIL.

TB p. 69 / CB p. 20Listen and number.

TB p. 69 / CB p. 21Listen and point. Colour.

L / S

R / W

T / Ss


Finish the class with the farewell routine and class ending.

TB p. 69 Lesson ends.Bye bye. Sing.

L / S T / Ss

Reinforcement and extension Making a rainbow kite and relating it with an activity represented with a glass of water and a sheet of paper.

TRP 1 Photocopy Master 11 Colour, cut and stick.Make your own rainbow.

R / W I W

Unit 2. Fly, kite, fly!Objectives Activities Skills Interaction MaterialRevision of opening song and familiarization with the vocabulary.

TB p. 70 Lesson begins.Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Material for the routine used to start the lesson


Session 7

-Cross-curricular cards from Unit 2-Flashcards and word cards: toys -Storycards : Story 2-CB: p. 22-CD 1: tracks 1, 4, 22 and 27-Vocabulary stickers of toys

Optional material:-Photocopies : Photocopy Master, page 12

Continue with the routine used to start the lesson. Also show the sequence to follow during lessons and memory drill.

TB p. 70 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Today (is…)-Today’s weather-Today’s lesson-Word skills

L / S

T / Ss

Revise the cross-curricular topic / CLIL.

TB p. 70 Lesson continues.Story time. Order.Act out the story.

L / S T / Ss

Revision of the Unit, practice of the key language in the unit.

TB p. 70-71 / CB p. 22Listen and number.

L / S T / Ss

Initiation to the read and write skills by means of a stickers activity.

TB p. 71 / CB p. 22Stick.

R / W I W

Finish the class with the farewell routine and lesson ending.

TB p. 71 Lesson ends.Bye bye. Sing.

L / S T / Ss

Reinforcement and extension Develop oral and visual skills by means of an activity in pairs in “Go and find your partner”.

TB p. 71 Word skills Very good!

TRP 1 Photocopy Master 12Play with the Photocopy Master word and picture cards.

L / S

R / W

T / Ss

T / Ss / P W

Unit 2. Fly, kite, fly!Objectives Activities Skills Interaction Material

Session 8

Revise the opening song and get acquainted with the vocabulary.

TB p. 72 Lesson begins.Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Material for the routine used to start the lesson. -Uncle Harry’s parcel-Storycards : Story 2 -Word cards: toys and colours -CB: p. 23-CD 1: tracks 1, 4, 20, 22 and 23-Vocabulary poster (Units 1 and 2)

Continue with the routine used to start the class. Also demonstrate the sequence to follow during lessons and memory drill. Reinforce what was learnt in the unit. .

TB p. 72 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Today (is…)-Today’s weather-Today’s lesson-Word skills

L / S

T / Ss

Revise what was learnt in the unit and reflect on the activities done throughout the unit.

TB p. 72 Lesson continues.To sing the songs in the Unit. Sing.To play with the poster . Play and guess.

L / S T / Ss


Optional material:-Material to make the rainbow collage -Flashcards: parts of the body, numbers and toys -AB: p. 11, 12 and 13

Personalize acquired knowledge with creative ideas and with the possibility of deciding about their own activity. .

TB p. 72-73 / CB p. 23Draw your favourite toy.Choose your favourite activity.Story time. Listen and participate.

R / W

L / S


T / Ss

Finish the class with a farewell routine and lesson ending.

TB p. 73 Lesson ends.Bye bye. Sing.

L / S T / Ss

Reinforcement and extension Use the previously made mini book create a collage and play at grouping similar objects.

TB p. 73 Listen and follow with the mini book.Rainbow collage.Odd one out. Play

AB p. 11

L / SR / WL / S

R / W

T / SsT / Ss / I WT / Ss


Merry ChristmasObjectives Activities Skills Interaction Material

Session 1

Introduce the topic of Christmas in English, in addition to its history, date, and what different countries do on that date.

TB p. 158 Lesson begins.Christmas Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Material for the routine used to start the class -CB: p. 65-CD 2: tracks 19-22

Optional material:-Christmas wrapping paper and a blow up of the Photocopy Master page 35

Continue with the routine used to start the class. Also demonstrate the sequence to follow during the lessons and memory drill.

TB p. 158 Lesson begins.Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Today (is…)-Today’s weather-Today’s lesson-Word skills

L / S

T / Ss

Introduce the Christmas topic in English and teach the suitable language of this festivity.

TB p. 158 / CB p. 65 Lesson continues.Listen and do the actions.

L / S T / Ss


-Uncle Harry’s parcel-Flashcards

Revise the toy vocabulary. TB p. 159 Lesson continues.To review toy vocabulary.

L / S T / Ss

Grow familiar with the Christmas topic and the objects related to it in English and do an activity in the Class Book.

TB p. 159 / CB p. 65 Lesson continues.Listen and sing the Christmas song.Look and colour.

L / S

R / W

T / Ss


Finish the class with the farewell routine and lesson ending

TB p. 159 Lesson ends.Christmas Bye bye. Sing.

L / S T / Ss

Reinforcement and extension Play with the surprise of Christmas presents, using the flashcards to do so.

TB p. 159 / Photocopy Master 12Guess the present. Play.Pass the parcel.

L / S T / Ss

Merry ChristmasObjectives Activities Skills Interaction Material

Session 2

Continue with the topic of Christmas in English.

TB p. 160 Lesson begins.Christmas Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Material for the routine used to start the lesson. -Flashcards: toys (Unit 2)-Photocopies: Photocopy Master, page 35-Scissors and glue -CB: p. 65-CD 2: tracks 19, 21-23

Continue with the routine used to start the class. Also demonstrate the sequence to follow during lessons and memory drill.

TB p. 160 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Today (is…)-Today’s weather-Today’s lesson-Word skills

L / S

T / Ss

Practise the language of this festivity with a song and a dramatisation of the story.

TB p. 160-161 Lesson continues.Sing the Christmas song.To act out the song and the story. Act.

L / S T / Ss

Do a cutout activity, making a pyramidal Christmas tree.

TB p. 161 / Photocopy Master 35Colour. Cut, fold and stick.

R / W I W


Optional material:-Flashcards: the numbers, the parts of the body -Uncle Harry’s parcel-Colour chalk -AB: p. 35-Dice

PREPARATION:Bring a Christmas Tree to class so children can see what it will look like when it is finished. Card triangles.

Finish the class with the farewell routine and lesson ending

TB p. 161 Lesson ends.Halloween Bye bye. Sing.

L / S T / Ss

Reinforcement and extension Revision of vocabulary with activities to decorate the Christmas tree.

TB p. 161Decorate the tree.A class Christmas tree.

AB p. 35

L / S

R / W

T / Ss


Unit 3. The enormous carrotObjectives Activities Skills Interaction Material

Session 1

Revision of the opening song. Introduction and familiarization with vocabulary from the 3rd unit

TB p. 74 Lesson begins.Hello! Sing.

L /S T /Ss -Material for the routine used to start the lesson. -Uncle Harry’s parcel-Flashcards:the characters, Russian doll,s granddad, granny, daddy, mummy, sister, brother-CB: p. 24-CD: tracks 1, 4, 8, 28-30

Establish the routine for starting the lessons in the 2nd term. . Familiarisation with and practice of the vocabulary of the days of the week and the weather.

TB p. 74 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Today (is…)-Today’s weather

L /S

T /Ss

Understanding the lessons of the day, their schedule and sequence throughout the class.

TB p. 74 Lesson begins. -Today’s lesson

L /S T /Ss

Presentation of the context and meaning of the word in the 3rd unit: “chair”.

TB p. 74 Lesson begins. -Word skills

L / S T /Ss


-picture stickers of the members of the family

Optional material:-Material for making a family of Russian dolls

PREPARATION:Before starting the class, put away the flashcards in Uncle Harry’s parcel, putting the one with the russian dolls at the very top.

Introduction of new vocabulary : “granddad, granny, daddy, mummy, sister & brother” in a visual manner that is entertaining for the students.

TB p. 75 Lesson continues. What’s in Uncle Harry’s parcel? Guess.Vocabulary presentation with flashcards. Dance and sing.

L /S T /Ss

Practise the new vocabulary learnt with a chant, a game, a song and an activity.

TB p. 75 Lesson continues. Surprise! Vocabulary Chant. Sing.Hello Mummy! Play.

TB p. 75-76 / CB p. 24Listen and sing the Family song.Picture stickers activity. Stick

L /S

R / W

T /Ss

I WFinish the class with the farewell routine and lesson ending.

TB p. 76. Lesson ends. Bye bye. Sing.

L /S T /Ss

Reinforcement and extension Practise pronunciation with an exercise / mimicking sounds and a revision of the vocabulary with the song on track 30.

TB p. 76. Sound shapes. Play.Make a Russian doll family. Create.

L /S T/Ss

Unit 3. The enormous carrotObjectives Activities Skills Interaction Material

Session 2

Revise the opening song and become familiar with the vocabulary

TB p. 78 Lesson begins.Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Material from the starting the class routine -Flashcards: Russian doll, mummy, daddy, brother, sister, granny, granddad-Storycards¨ Story 3-Uncle Harry’s parcel-CB: p. 24 and 25-CD 1: tracks 1, 4, 30 and 31

Optional material:

Continue with the routine used for starting the class in the 2nd term. Also demonstrate the sequence to follow during lessons and memory drill.

TB p. 78 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Today (is…)-Today’s weather-Today’s lesson-Word skills

L / S

T / Ss

Revise vocabulary using the flashcards and the “Family song”.

TB p. 78 Lesson continues. Sing the Family song.

L / S T / Ss

Explain and tell the story of the 3rd

Unit and allow the students contact of the language they learn in context.Recall the story.

TB p. 78 / CB p. 24 Lesson continues. Story time. Listen to the story.

TB p. 79To recall the story..

L / S T / Ss


-Photocopies : Photocopy Master 13-Photographs of your own family -Colour card for making collages -AB: p. 14

PREPARATION:Before the class, put away the flashcards in Uncle Harry’s parcel placing the flashcard of the russian dolls at the very bottom.

Practise the vocabulary TB p. 79 / CB p. 25Follow, count and draw. Say the words.

R / W I W

Finish the class with the farewell routine and class ending.

TB p. 79. Lesson ends.Bye bye. Sing.

L /S T /Ss

Reinforcement and extension practice the vocabulary and identify the characters with a tracing game, photos to personalise the information and an activity that involves the family .

TRP 1 Photocopy Master 13 Find and circle. Match. My family. Personalize.Family collage. Create.

AB p. 14

R / W

L / S

R / W


T / Ss


Unit 3. The enormous carrotObjectives Activities Skills Interaction Material

Session 3

Revise the opening song and become familiar with the vocabulary .

TB p. 80 Lesson begins.Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Material for the starting the class routine -Storycards: Story 3 -CB: p. 26 and 27-CD 1: tracks 1, 4, 30 and 31

Optional material:-Flashcards: the family -Photocopies : Photocopy Master, pages 14 and 15-AB: p. 15, 41 and 42


Continue with the routine used for starting the class in the 2nd term. Also demonstrate the sequence to follow during lessons and memory drill.

TB p. 80 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Today (is…)-Today’s weather-Today’s lesson-Word skills

L / S

T / Ss

Revise the vocabulary with the “Family song” and recall the story

TB p. 80-81 Lesson continues. Sing the Family song.Story time.

L / S T / Ss

Act out the story in the unit getting them to practise the key language and improving their fluency in oral use.

TB p. 81 Lesson continues. To act out the story with the recording.

L / S T / Ss

Do an activity and repeat the story one more time for total comprehension.

TB p. 82 / CB p. 26 y 27 Find the differences. To listen to the story once again

R / W

L / S


T / Ss


Bring a finished mini book from the Photocopy Master Book (see Bank of Ideas, on p. 166), so that the children can see what it looks like when it is finished.

Finish the class with the farewell routine and lesson ending.

TB p. 82 Lesson ends.Bye bye. Sing.

L /S T /Ss

Reinforcement and extension Grow more familiar with the vocabulary in the story making another mini book, which they can take home to their family to tell the story and also doing an activity from the Activity Book.

TB p. 82 Hello. Play.

TRP 1 Photocopy Master 14 y 15 / TB p. 42Make a mini book.AB p. 41 y 42

AB p. 15

L /S

R / W



Unit 3. The enormous carrotObjectives Activities Skills Interaction Material

Session 4

Revise the opening song and become familiar with the vocabulary.

TB p. 83 Lesson begins.Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Material for starting the class routine -CB: p. 28 and 29-CD 1: tracks 1, 4, 32 and 33

Optional material:-Flashcards:the members of the family and, in general, any vocabulary you wish to revise (you'll need one per child to play No-lose musical chairs)-CD 1: tracks 30 and 33-AB: p. 16

Continue with the routine used for starting the class in the 2nd term. Also demonstrate the sequence to follow during lessons and memory drill. Second word in the unit: “desk”.

TB p. 83 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Today (is…)-Today’s weather-Today’s lesson-Word skills

L / S

T / Ss

Introduce and present new supplementary vocabulary by means of song and dance, a way of extending, if you wish, the story.

TB p. 83-84 Lesson continues. Listen and sing the Mouse aerobics song.

L / S T / Ss

Practise the new vocabulary in the 3rd unit by means of a game and activities in the Class Book.

TB p. 84 Lesson continues. Play the game.

TB p. 84 / CB p. 29 Listen and point.Draw.The mouse workout. Exercise.

L / S

R / W

T / Ss


Finish the class with the farewell routine and lesson ending

TB p. 84 Lesson ends.Bye bye. Sing.

L /S T /Ss


Reinforcement and extension Play a couple of games in the classroom with the participation of all the children.

TB p. 85 Yes / No board game. Play.No-lose musical chairs. Play.

AB p. 16

L /S

R / W



Unit 3. The enormous carrotObjectives Activities Skills Interaction Material

Session 5

Revision of the opening song and familiarization with the vocabulary.

TB p. 86 Lesson begins.Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Material for the starting the class routine -CB: p. 29 and 73-CD 1: tracks 1, 4, 31 and 32-Scissors and glue

PREPARATION:Bring the finger puppets already made to class, so children can see them finished.

Continue with the routine used for starting the class in the 2nd term. Also demonstrate the sequence to follow during lessons and memory drill.

TB p. 86 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Today (is…)-Today’s weather-Today’s lesson-Word skills

L / S

T / Ss

Revise vocabulary with a song, a cutout activity and a game with the cutout, in which all the members of the family take part and that is slightly different from the original.

TB p. 86 Lesson continues. Sing the Mouse aerobics song.

TB p. 86-87 / CB p. 73Make the family finger puppets. Cut.Story time. Play.Great muscles! Play.

L / S

R / W

T / Ss


Finish the class with the farewell routine and class ending.

TB p. 87 Lesson ends.Bye bye. Sing.

L /S T /Ss

Reinforcement and extension Play with the cutout of the finger puppets.

TB p. 87 Snap! Play.Sing the Family song with the finger puppets.

L /S T/Ss


Unit 3. The enormous carrotObjectives Activities Skills Interaction Material

Session 6

Revision of the opening song and familiarization with the vocabulary. .

TB p. 88 Lesson begins.Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Material for starting the class routine-Cross-curricular cards from Unit 3:Degas The Bellelli FamilyPicasso Claude drawing Françoise and PalomaTerpning Grandfather speaks-CB: p. 30 and 31-CD 1: tracks 1, 4 and 32

Optional material:-Photocopies. page Photocopy Master p. 16

Continue with the starting the class routine of the 2nd term. Also demonstrate the sequence to follow during lessons and memory drill

TB p. 88 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Today (is…)-Today’s weather-Today’s lesson-Word skills

L / S

T / Ss

Revise the vocabulary. TB p. 88 Lesson continues. Sing the Mouse aerobics song.

L / S T / Ss

Introduce real life context (Art) and CLIL elements in the unit, presenting cross-curricular subject and thus expanding their knowledge of the world through the English language.

TB p. 88-89 Arte: Families in art works.

L / S T / Ss

Practise the cross-curricular topic / CLIL.

TB p. 89 / CB p. 30Colour around your favourite painting.

TB p. 89 / CB p. 31Look and circle.

R / W I W

Finish the class with a farewell routine and lesson ending.

TB p. 89 Lesson ends.Bye bye. Sing.

L / S T / Ss


-crayons, black watercolours and brushes.

Reinforcement and extension Creation of a rainbow kite and relating it with an activity presented with a glass of water and a sheet of paper.

TRP 1 Photocopy Master 16 Find and write the number.Wax resist drawing.

L / S

R / W

T / Ss


Unit 3. The enormous carrotObjectives Activities Skills Interaction Material

Session 7

Revision of opening song and familiarization with vocabulary

TB p. 90 Lesson begins.Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Material for the starting the class routine -Cross-curricular cards from Unit 3-Flashcards and word cards of the members of the family -Story cards: Story 3 -CB: p. 32-CD 1: tracks 1, 4, 31 and 34-Stickers of family vocabulary

Optional material:-Photocopies of: Photocopy Master, p. 17

Continue with the starting the class routine of the 2nd term. Also show the sequence to follow during the lessons and memory drill.

TB p. 90 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Today (is…)-Today’s weather-Today’s lesson-Word skills

L / S

T / Ss

Revise the cross-curricular topic / CLIL.

TB p. 90 Lesson continues.Story time. Order.Act out the story.

L / S T / Ss

Revision of the Unit, practice of key language in the unit.

TB p. 91 / CB p. 32Listen and number.

L / S T / Ss

Initiation in reading and writing skills with a stickers activity.

TB p. 91 / CB p. 32Read and stick.

R / W I W

Finish the class with the farewell routine and lesson ending.

TB p. 91 Lesson ends.Bye bye. Sing.

L / S T / Ss

Reinforcement and extension Have all the children notice how words start and end and how many letters each one has, as well as playing, in the 2nd activity with the picture mini cards.

TB p. 91 Word skills Bit by bit

TRP 1 Photocopy Master 12Play with the Photocopy Master word and picture cards.

L / S

R / W

T / Ss

T / Ss / P W


Unit 3. The enormous carrotObjectives Activities Skills Interaction Material

Session 8

Revision of the opening song and familiarization with vocabulary

TB p. 92 Lesson begins.Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Material for the starting the class routine -Uncle Harry’s parcel-Storycards: Story 3 -Word cards: the members of the family -CB: p. 33-CD 1: tracks 1, 4, 30-32 -Vocabulary poster (Units 3 and 4)

Optional material:-Flashcards: numbers and the members of the family.

Continue with the starting the class routine of the 2nd term. Also demonstrate the sequence to follow during lessons and memory drill. Reinforce what you learned in the unit.

TB p. 92 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Today (is…)-Today’s weather-Today’s lesson-Word skills

L / S

T / Ss

Revise everything learned in the unit and reflect on the activities done in this unit. .

TB p. 92 Lesson continues.To sing the songs in the unit. Sing.To play with the poster. Play and guess.

L / S T / Ss

Personalise acquired knowledge with creative activities and with the possibility of deciding on their own activity.

TB p. 92-93 / CB p. 33Draw your family.Choose your favourite activity.Story time. Listen and participate.

R / W

L / S


T / Ss

Finish the class with the farewell routine and lesson ending.

TB p. 93 Lesson ends.Bye bye. Sing.

L / S T / Ss


-Material for making the Family feely box game-CD 1: tracks 30 and 31-AB: p. 17

Reinforcement and extension Use the mini book previously made and play at relating objects with the different members of the family. Drill the family vocabulary thoroughly in an entertaining way.

TB p. 93 Listen and follow with the mini book.Number one is...Play.Family feely box. Play.

AB p. 17

L / S

R / W

T / Ss


Happy CarnivalObjectives Activities Skills Interaction Material

Session 1

Introduce the topic of Carnival in English and what the different countries do on this date.

TB p. 162 Lesson begins.Carnival Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Material for the starting the class routine -CB: p. 66-CD 2: tracks 24-27

Optional material:-Flashcards with all the vocabulary you would like to revise

Continue with the starting the class routine of the 2nd term. Equally demonstrate the sequence to follow during lessons and memory drill.

TB p. 162 Lesson begins.Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Today (is…)-Today’s weather-Today’s lesson-Word skills

L / S

T / Ss

Introduce the topic of Carnival in English and teach the specific language of this festivity as new vocabulary.

TB p. 162-163 / CB p. 66 Lesson continues.Listen and point.Listen and sing the Carnival song.Find Annie and Leo.Draw your carnival costume.

L / S

R / W

T / Ss

I WFinish the class with the farewell routine and lesson ending.

TB p. 162 Lesson ends.Carnival Bye bye. Sing.

L / S T / Ss

Reinforcement and extension Wear the outfit they made in class and play with it singing a song and playing musical chairs.

TB p. 162New carnival song.No-lose musical chairs. Play.

L / S T / Ss


Happy CarnivalObjectives Activities Skills Interaction Material

Session 2

Continue with the Carnival topic in English

TB p. 164 Lesson begins.Carnival Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Material for the starting the class routine -Photocopies of Photocopy Master, page 36-CB: p. 66-CD 2: tracks 24, 26 and 27

Optional material:-AB: p. 36-Dice

PREPARATION:Bring the Carnival puppets finished so students can see what they look like.

Continue with the starting the class routine of the 2nd term. Equally demonstrate the sequence to follow during lessons and memory drill. .

TB p. 164 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Today (is…)-Today’s weather-Today’s lesson-Word skills

L / S

T / Ss

Practise and revise the vocabulary and language of this celebration with two activities.

TB p. 164-165 Lesson continues.Listen and point.To play the fancy outfit game.

L / S T / Ss / I W

Do a cutout activity creating Carnival puppets.

TB p. 164 / Photocopy Master 36Colour and cut.

R / W I W

Act out the song with the cutout made in class.

TB p. 164-165Play.

L / S T / Ss

Finish the class with the farewell routine and lesson ending.

TB p. 165 Lesson ends.Carnival Bye bye. Sing.

L / S T / Ss

Reinforcement and extension Play with the cutout

TB p. 165Snap! Play.Carnival research. Find.

L / S T / Ss


Unit 4. The king of the jungleObjectives Activities Skills Interaction Material

Session 1

Start the class, revise the “Hello” song.

TB p. 94 Lesson begins.Hello! Sing.

L /S T /Ss -Material for the starting class routine -Uncle Harry’s parcel-Flashcards: the characters, animal masks, monkey, tiger, snake, turtle, elephant, crocodile-CB: p. 34-CD 1: tracks: 1, 4, 8, 35, 36, 37 and 38-Picture stickers of the animals.

Optional material:-CD 1: 38-Flashcards:the animals

PREPARATION:Before starting the class, put away the flashcards in Uncle Harry’s parcel, putting the animal masks at the very top. .

Continue with the starting the class routine of the 2nd term. Familiarization and vocabulary practice of the days of the week and the weather.

TB p. 94 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Today (is…)-Today’s weather

L /S

T /Ss

Comprehension of the day's lesson, the schedule and sequence throughout the class. .

TB p. 94 Lesson begins. -Today’s lesson

L /S T /Ss

Presentation of the context and meaning of the word of the 4th

unit: : “bin”.

TB p. 94 Lesson begins. -Word skills

L / S T /Ss

Introduction of the new vocabulary: “tiger, monkey, elephant, snake, turtle, crocodile” in visual and enjoyable manner for the students.

TB p. 94 Lesson continues. What’s in Uncle Harry’s parcel? Guess.Vocabulary presentation with flashcards. Dance and sing.

L /S T /Ss

Practise the new vocabulary learned with a chant, a game, a song and an activity with stickers.

TB p. 95 Lesson continues. Surprise! Vocabulary Chant. Sing.Action game. Play.

TB p. 95 / CB p. 34Listen and sing the Walking through the jungle song.Picture stickers activity. Stick.

L /S

R / W

T /Ss

I WFinish the class with the farewell routine and class ending. of the class.

TB p. 95. Lesson ends. Bye bye. Sing.

L /S T /Ss

Reinforcement and extension Practise pronunciation with an exercise and a mime activity.

TB p. 96. Word stress. Pronunciation.Do the action.

L /S T/Ss


Unit 4. The king of the jungleObjectives Activities Skills Interaction Material

Session 2

Revise the opening song and become familiar with the vocabulary.

TB p. 98 Lesson begins.Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Material for the starting class routine -Flashcards: animals, masks, monkey, tiger, snake, turtle, elephant, crocodile-Storycards: Story 4 -Uncle Harry’s parcel-CB: p. 34 and 35-CD 1: tracks 1, 4, 37 and 39

Optional material:-Photocopies Photocopy Master, p. 18-Material to make binoculars -AB: p. 18

PREPARATION:Before the class, put away the flashcards in Uncle Harry’s parcel placing the animal masks at the very bottom. Bring to class a finished pair of binoculars so they can see what they look like when they area finished . .

Continue with the starting the class routine of the 2nd term. Equally demonstrate the sequence to follow during lessons and memory drill. .

TB p. 98 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Today (is…)-Today’s weather-Today’s lesson-Word skills

L / S

T / Ss

Revise the vocabulary using flashcards and the “Walking through the jungle” song.

TB p. 98 Lesson continues. Sing the Walking through the jungle song.

L / S T / Ss

Explain and tell the story in the 4th

unit and allow students contact with the language in context. Recall the story .

TB p. 98 / CB p. 34 Lesson continues. Story time. Listen to the story.

TB p. 99To recall the story

L / S T / Ss

Practise the vocabulary. TB p. 99 / CB p. 35Match and colour.

R / W I W

Finish the class with the farewell routine and ending of lesson

TB p. 99. Lesson ends.Bye bye. Sing.

L /S T /Ss

Reinforcement and extension Practise the vocabulary and identify the characters with a tracing activity and a mime game. They will learn to make binoculars to personalise the story.

TRP 1 Photocopy Master 18Match and draw.Making binoculars.What am I? Guess.

AB p. 18

R / W

L / S

R / W





Unit 4. The king of the jungleObjectives Activities Skills Interaction Material

Session 3

Revision of opening song and familiarisation with the vocabulary

TB p. 100 Lesson begins.Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Material for the starting the class routine -Storycards : Story 4 -CB: p. 36 and 37-CD 1: tracks 1, 4, 37 and 39

Optional material:-Flashcards: animals -Photocopies: Photocopy Master p. 19 and 20-AB: p. 19, 43 and 44

PREPARATION:Bring to class a finished mini book from the Photocopy Master Book (see the Bank of Ideas in p. . 166), so children can see it finished.

Continue with the starting the class routine of the 2nd term. Equally demonstrate the sequence to follow during lessons and memory drill.

TB p. 100 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Today (is…)-Today’s weather-Today’s lesson-Word skills

L / S

T / Ss

Review the vocabulary with the “Walking through the jungle” song and recall the story.

TB p. 100-101 Lesson continues. Sing the Walking through the jungle song.Story time.

L / S T / Ss

Act out the story of the 4th unit getting them to practise the key language and gain fluency in its oral use.

TB p. 101 Lesson continues. To act out the story with the recording.

L / S T / Ss

Doing an activity and repeating the story once again in order to fully understand it. .

TB p. 102 / CB p. 36 y 37 Find the differences. To listen to the story once again.

R / W

L / S


T / Ss

Finish the class with the farewell routine and ending of the lesson.

TB p. 102 Lesson ends.Bye bye. Sing.

L /S T /Ss

Reinforcement and extension Grow more familiar with the vocabulary of the story making another mini book and also doing an activity from the Activity Book.

TB p. 102 Walking in the jungle. Play.

TRP 1 Photocopy Master 19 y 20 / TB p. 42Make a mini book.AB p. 43 y 44

AB p. 19

L /S

R / W

R / W




Unit 4. The king of the jungleObjectives Activities Skills Interaction Material


Session 4

Revision of the opening song and familiarization with the vocabulary.

TB p. 103 Lesson begins.Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Material for the starting the class routine -CB: p. 38 and 39-CD 1: tracks 1, 4, 40 and 41

Optional material:-AB: p. 20

Continue with the starting the class vocabulary of the 2nd term. Equally demonstrate the sequence to follow during lessons and memory drill. Second word in the unit. “floor”.

TB p. 103 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Today (is…)-Today’s weather-Today’s lesson-Word skills

L / S

T / Ss

Introduce and present new supplementary vocabulary through song and dance, with the possibility of extending the story. .

TB p. 103 / CB p. 38 Lesson continues. Listen and sing the How about you? song.

L / S T / Ss

Practise new vocabulary in the 4th

unit by means of a game and activities from the Class Book.

TB p. 104 Lesson continues. Play the game.

TB p. 104 / CB p. 39 Listen and point.Look and tick √.

L / S

R / W

T / Ss


Finish the class with the farewell routine and ending of the lesson.

TB p. 104 Lesson ends.Bye bye. Sing.

L /S T /Ss

Reinforcement and extension Do two activities in the classroom for all children to participate and identify with the personality, appearance and features of each animal.

TB p. 105 Animal TPR activity. Act.Line by line. Guess.

AB p. 20

L /S

R / W



Unit 4. The king of the jungleObjectives Activities Skills Interaction MaterialRevision of the opening song and familiarization with the vocabulary.

TB p. 106 Lesson begins.Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Material for the opening class routine


Session 5

-Story cards: Story 4 -CB: p. 39 and 75-CD 1: tracks 1, 4, 39 and 40-Scissors

Optional material:-CD 1: 37

PREPARATION:Bring the animal mini cards to class, so the children can see them finished.

Continue with the starting the class routine of the 2nd term. Equally demonstrate the sequence to follow during lessons and memory drill. .

TB p. 106 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Today (is…)-Today’s weather-Today’s lesson-Word skills

L / S

T / Ss

Revise the vocabulary with a song, a cutout activity and a communication game with the cutout to encourage students' confidence in their capacity of understanding and using the language orally.

TB p. 106 Lesson continues. Sing the How about you? song.

TB p. 106 / CB p. 39 y75Make the animal cards. Cut.

TB p. 107Story time. Play.Who am I? Play.

L / S

R / W

L / S

T / Ss


T / Ss

Finish the class with a farewell routine and ending of the lesson.

TB p. 107 Lesson ends.Bye bye. Sing.

L / S T / Ss

Reinforcement and extension Play two games with the cutout: the animal mini cards

TB p. 107 Animal families. Guess.Snap! Play.

L / S T / Ss

Unit 4. The king of the jungleObjectives Activities Skills Interaction MaterialRevision of opening song and familiarization with the vocabulary. .

TB p. 108 Lesson begins.Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Material for the starting the class routine


Session 6

-Cross-curricular cards from Unit 4: piano, double bass, flute, glockenspiel-CB: p. 40 and 41-CD 1: tracks 1, 4, 40, 42 and 43

Optional material:-Photocopies : Photocopy Master, p. 21

Continue with the starting class routine of the 2nd term. Equally demonstrate the sequence to follow during lessons and memory drill.

TB p. 108 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Today (is…)-Today’s weather-Today’s lesson-Word skills

L / S

T / Ss

Revise vocabulary.. TB p. 108 Lesson continues. Sing the How about you? song.

L / S T / Ss

Introduce a real life context (Music) and CLIL elements in the unit, presenting cross-curricular theme and expanding in this way their knowledge of the world through the English language.

TB p. 108-109 Music: Recognize the sounds of the instruments. .

L / S T / Ss

Practise the cross-curricular them / CLIL.

TB p. 109 / CB p. 40Listen and number.Colour around your favourite instrument.

TB p. 109 / CB p. 41Listen and match.Draw.

R / W I W

Finish the class with the farewell routine and ending of the lesson.

TB p. 109 Lesson ends.Bye bye. Sing.

L / S T / Ss

Reinforcement and extension Do two activities to better identify instruments, their names and their sounds. .

TRP 1 Photocopy Master 21Find and count. Write the number.Musical statues. Play.

R / W

L / S


T / Ss

Unit 4. The king of the jungleObjectives Activities Skills Interaction MaterialRevision of the opening song and familiarization with the vocabulary

TB p. 110 Lesson begins.Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Material for the starting class routine


Session 7

-Cross-curricular cards from Unit 4-Flashcards and word cards: animals -Storycards : Story 4 -CB: p. 42-CD 1: tracks 1, 4, 39, 43 and 44-Vocabulary stickers of the animals

Optional material:-Photocopies : Photocopy Master p. 22 and 23-Material to make the animal masks

PREPARATION:Bring the finished masks and the Photocopy Master 22.

Continue with the starting class routine of the 2nd term. Also demonstrate the sequence to follow during lessons and memory drill.

TB p. 110 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Today (is…)-Today’s weather-Today’s lesson-Word skills

L / S

T / Ss

Revise the cross-curricular topic / CLIL.

TB p. 110 Lesson continues.Story time. Order.Act out the story.

L / S T / Ss

Revision of Unit 4, key language practice of the unit.

TB p. 111 / CB p. 42Listen and number.

L / S T / Ss

Initiation to reading and writing by means of an activity. With stickers.

TB p. 111 / CB p. 42Read and stick.

R / W I W

Finish the class with the farewell routine and ending of the lesson.

TB p. 111 Lesson ends.Bye bye. Sing.

L / S T / Ss

Reinforcement and extension Make animal masks. Get the children to take notice of the writing of the names of the animals through several activities.

TRP 1 Photocopy Master 22Make the animal masks. Act out the story.

TB p. 111 Word skills Point and guess.

TRP 1 Photocopy Master 23 / TB p. 111Play with the animal cards and Photocopy Master word cards.

R / W

L / SL / S


P WT / Ss

Unit 4. The king of the jungleObjectives Activities Skills Interaction MaterialRevision of the opening song and familiarization with the vocabulary.

TB p. 112 Lesson begins.Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Material for the starting the class routine


Session 8

-Uncle Harry’s parcel-Story cards : Story 4 -Word cards: animals -CB: p. 43-CD 1: tracks 1, 4, 37, 39, 40 -Vocabulary poster (Units 3 and 4)

Optional material:-Flashcards: animals as well as flashcards and word cards you would like to revise. -Dice and a big counter made of card -AB: p. 21, 22 and 23

Continue with the starting the class routine of the 2nd term. Equally demonstrate the sequence to follow during lessons and memory drill. Reinforce what was learnt in the unit. .

TB p. 112 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Today (is…)-Today’s weather-Today’s lesson-Word skills

L / S

T / Ss

Revise what they learned in Unit 4 and reflect on the activities done in the unit.

TB p. 112 Lesson continues.To sing the songs in the unit. Sing.To play with the poster. . Play and guess.

L / S T / Ss

Personalize acquired knowledge with creative activities and reflect on the unit choosing their own activity.

TB p. 112-113 / CB p. 43Draw your favourite animal.Choose your favourite activity.Story time. Listen and participate.

R / W

L / S


T / SsFinish the class with the farewell routine and ending of the lesson.

TB p. 113 Lesson ends.Bye bye. Sing.

L / S T / Ss

Reinforcement and extension Use the mini book previously made and play relating the numbers with the animals learnt in class.

TB gap. 113 Listen and follow with the mini book.Say the number. Play.Flashcard snake. Play.

AB p. 21

L / S

R / W

T / Ss


Unit 5. Chuck’s new clothesObjectives Activities Skills Interaction MaterialStart the lesson, revise the “Hello”song.

TB p. 114 Lesson begins.Hello! Sing.

L /S T /Ss


Session 1

-Material for the starting the class routine -Uncle Harry’s parcel-Flashcards:the characters, cowboy, outfit, hat, shirt, jeans, boots, sweater, jacket-CB: p. 44-CD 1: tracks: 1, 4, 8, 45, 46 and 47-Picture stickers of clothing items.

PREPARATION:Before starting the class, put away the flashcards of the clothing items in Uncle Harry’s parcel and put the flashcard of the cowboy outfit at the very top.

Continue with the starting the class routine of the 3rd term. Familiarization and practice of vocabulary of the days of the week and the weather.

TB p. 114 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Today (is…)-Today’s weather

L /S

T /Ss

Comprehension of the day's lessons, their order and sequence throughout the class. The schedule.

TB p. 114 Lesson begins. -Today’s lesson

L /S T /Ss

Presentation of the context and meaning of the word in the 5th unit: : “cupboard”.

TB p. 114 Lesson begins. -Word skills

L / S T /Ss

Introduction of new vocabulary: “shirt, jeans, hat, sweater, jacket, boots” in a visual and entertaining manner for the students

TB p. 115 Lesson continues. What’s in Uncle Harry’s parcel? Guess.Vocabulary presentation with flashcards. Dance and sing.

L /S T /Ss

Practise the new vocabulary learned with a chant, a game, a song and a stickers' activity. .

TB p. 115 Lesson continues. Surprise! Vocabulary Chant. Sing.Action game. Play.

TB p. 115 / CB p. 44Listen and sing the Clothes song.Picture stickers activity. Stick.

L /S

R / W

T /Ss

I WFinish the class with a farewell routine and end of class.

TB p. 115. Lesson ends. Bye bye. Sing.

L /S T /Ss

Reinforcement and extension Practise pronunciation with a mime exercise and a game about clothes .

TB p. 115. Sound shapes.Kim’s game. Play.

L /S T/Ss

Unit 5. Chuck’s new clothesObjectives Activities Skills Interaction MaterialRevision of the opening song and familiarization with the vocabulary.

TB p. 118 Lesson begins.Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Material for the starting the class routine


Session 2

-Flashcards: the cowboy outfit, hat, shirt, jeans, boots, sweater, -Story cards : Story 5 Uncle Harry’s parcel-CB: p. 44 and 45-CD 1: tracks 1, 4, 47 and 48

Optional material:-Photocopies: Photocopy Master p.24-Photographs and pictures of clothing items from magazines and catalogues. -AB: p. 24

PREPARATION:Before starting the class, put away the flashcards in Uncle Harry’s parcel.

Continue with the starting class routine of the 3rdqua term. Demonstrate as well, the sequence to follow during lessons and memory drill.

TB p. 118 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Today (is…)-Today’s weather-Today’s lesson-Word skills

L / S

T / Ss

Revise the vocabulary using flashcards and singing the “Clothes song”.

TB p. 118 Lesson continues. Pass the parcel (with the Clothes song).(see Note )

L / S T / Ss

Explain and tell the story of the 5th

unit and allow students contact with the language they learn in context. Recall the story .

TB p. 118 / CB p. 44 Lesson continues. Story time. Listen to the story.

TB p. 119To recall the story.

L / S T / Ss

Practise the vocabulary. TB p. 119 / CB p. 45Find and colour Chuck’s clothes. Say the words.

R / W I W

Finish the class with the farewell routine and ending of the lesson.

TB p. 119. Lesson ends.Bye bye. Sing.

L / S T / Ss

Reinforcement and extension Practise the vocabulary and relate it with the colours in an activity related with the real world, using photos.

TRP 1 Photocopy Master 24Read and colour. Colour by number.

TB p. 119Pass the action. Act.Which number?

AB p. 24

R / W

L / S

R / W




Unit 5. Chuck’s new clothesObjectives Activities Skills Interaction Material

Session 3

Revision of the opening song and vocabulary familiarization.

TB p. 120 Lesson begins.Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Material for the starting the class routine -Story cards : Story 5 -CB: p. 46 y 47-CD 1: tracks 1, 4, 47 and 48

Continue with the starting the class routine of the 3rd term. Demonstrate the sequence to follow in lessons and memory drill. .

TB p. 120 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Today (is…)-Today’s weather-Today’s lesson-Word skills

L / S

T / Ss


Optional material:-Flashcards:clothes items -Clothesline for hanging clothes and clothespins -Photocopies: Photocopy Master p.25 and 26-AB: p. 25, 45 and 46

PREPARATION:Bring to class a finished mini book from the Photocopy Master Book (see the Bank of Ideas on p. 166), so that children can see it finished.

Revise the vocabulary with the “Clothes song”.Recall the story.

TB p. 120-121 Lesson continues. Sing the Clothes song.Story time.

L / S T / Ss

Act out the story in the 5th Unit, getting them to practise the key language and improve fluency in its oral use. .

TB p. 121 Lesson continues. To act out the story with the recording.

L / S T / Ss

Carry out an activity and repeat the story once again for full comprehension.

TB p. 122 / CB p. 46 y 47 Find the differences. To listen to the story once again.

R / W

L / S


T / Ss

Finish the class with the farewell routine and the class ending.

TB p. 122 Lesson ends.Bye bye. Sing.

L /S T /Ss

Reinforcement and extension Grow more familiar with the vocabulary in the story with an activity using flashcards, making another mini book and also doing an activity in the Activity Book.

TB p. 122 What have I got?

TRP 1 Photocopy Master 25 y 26 / TB p. 42Make a mini book.AB p. 45 y 46

AB p. 25

L /S

R / W

R / W




Unit 5. Chuck’s new clothesObjectives Activities Skills Interaction Material

Session 4

Revise the opening song and familiarize students with the vocabulary.

TB p. 123 Lesson begins.Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Material for the starting the class routine -CB: p. 48 and 49-CD 1: tracks 1, 4 and 49

Optional material:

Continue with the starting the class routine of the 3rd term. Show, as well the sequence to follow during the lessons and memory drill. Second word of the unit: “shelf”.

TB p. 123 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Today (is…)-Today’s weather-Today’s lesson-Word skills

L / S

T / Ss


-AB: p. 26Introduce and present new supplementary vocabulary through song and dance, with the possibility of extending the story

TB p. 123-124 / CB p. 48 Lesson continues. Listen and sing the Yippee! Yahoo! song.

L / S T / Ss

Practise the new vocabulary in Unit 5 by means of a game and doing an activity in the Class Book.

TB p. 124 Lesson continues. Play the game.

TB p. 124 / CB p. 49 Find the differences.

L / S

R / W

T / Ss

I WFinish the class with the farewell routine and ending of the lesson.

TB p. 124 Lesson ends.Bye bye. Sing.

L /S T /Ss

Reinforcement and extension Do two activities in the classroom to allow for the acting out of the different feelings in the song on page 123 and play an entertaining game.

TB p. 125 Blow me a feeling. Act.The football wave. Play.

AB p. 26

L /S

R / W



Unit 5. Chuck’s new clothesObjectives Activities Skills Interaction Material

Session 5

Revise the opening song and familiarization with vocabulary.

TB p. 126 Lesson begins.Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Material for the starting the class routine -Story cards: Story 5 -CB: p. 49 and 77-CD 1: tracks 1, 4 and 49

Continue with the starting class routine of the 3rd term. .Show, as well, the sequence to follow during lessons and memory drill.

TB p. 126 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Today (is…)-Today’s weather-Today’s lesson-Word skills

L / S

T / Ss


-Scissor, paper staples or clips or clothes' snap buttons

PREPARATION:Bring to class a finished version of the cowboy spinner for the children to see.

Revise the vocabulary with a song, a cutout activity and a communication game with the cutout to promote students' confidence in their capacity to understand and make oral use of the language .

TB p. 126 Lesson continues. Sing the Yippee! Yahoo! song.

TB p. 126 / CB p. 49 y 77Make the cowboy spinner. Cut.

TB p. 126Find the outfit.Look at my shirt.

L / S

R / W

L / S

T / Ss


T / SsP W

Finish the class with the farewell routine and lesson ending.

TB p. 127 Lesson ends.Bye bye. Sing.

L / S T / Ss

Reinforcement and extension Play with the cutout of the spinner .

TB p. 127 Look at my…Play.Listen and find. Play.

L / S

L / S

T / Ss


Unit 5. Chuck’s new clothesObjectives Activities Skills Interaction Material

Session 6

Revise the opening song and become familiar with the vocabulary.

TB p. 128 Lesson begins.Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Material for the starting the class routine -Cross-curricular cards from Unit 5: sweater, sheep, wool, T-shirt, cotton (plant) and cotton

Continue with the starting the class routine of the 3rd term.. Also show the sequence to follow during lessons and memory drill. .

TB p. 128 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Today (is…)-Today’s weather-Today’s lesson-Word skills

L / S

T / Ss


-CB: p. 50 and 51-CD 1: tracks 1, 4 and 49

Optional material:-Photocopies : PhotocopyMaster,p. 27-Material to create collages of clothing items. -Flashcards:clothing items

Sing the “Yippee! Yahoo song” and revise the vocabulary

TB p. 128 Lesson continues. Sing the Yippee! Yahoo! song.

L / S T / Ss

Introduce a real-life context (Social Science) and CLIL elements in the unit, presenting cross-curricular theme and expanding in that way their knowledge of the world through the English language.

TB p. 128-129 Ciencias Sociales: What clothes are made of.

L / S T / Ss

Practise the cross-cultural topic / CLIL.

TB p. 129 / CB p. 50Number the photos in order.

TB p. 129 / CB p. 51Circle.Draw.

R / W I W

Finish the class with the farewell routine and ending of the lesson.

TB p. 129 Lesson ends.Bye bye. Sing.

L / S T / Ss

Reinforcement and extension Do two activities to better identify what is worn or used according to weather conditions. Create a collage.

TRP 1 Photocopy Master 27Look and draw.

TB p. 129Clothes collages. Create.

R / W I W

Unit 5. Chuck’s new clothesObjectives Activities Skills Interaction Material

Session 7

Revise the opening song and become familiar with the vocabulary.

TB p. 130 Lesson begins.Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Material for the starting the class routine -Cross-curricular cards from Unit 5-Flashcards and word cards of clothing items -Storycards : Story 5 -CB: p. 52-CD 1: tracks 1, 4, 48 and 50

Continue with the routine used to begin the class in the 3rd term. Show, as well, the sequence to follow during lessons and memory drill.

TB p. 130 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Today (is…)-Today’s weather-Today’s lesson-Word skills

L / S

T / Ss

Revise the cross-curricular topic / CLIL.

TB p. 130 Lesson continues.Story time. Order.Act out the story.

L / S T / Ss


-Vocabulary stickers of clothing items.

Optional material: Clothing items made of cotton or wool or pictures and photos from magazines. -Scissors-Photocopies : Photocopy Master, p28-Two flyswatters

Revision of Unit 5, practice of key language in the unit.

TB p. 131 / CB p. 52Listen and number.

L / S T / Ss

Initiation to reading and writing skills by means of an activity with stickers.

TB p. 131 / CB p. 52Read, stick and write.

R / W I W

Finish the class with the farewell routine and lesson ending.

TB p. 131 Lesson ends.Bye bye. Sing.

L / S T / Ss

Reinforcement and extension Play with the word cards to identify the written form of the new words learnt.Relate the mini cards with the vocabulary and image of each one of them. .

TB p. 131 Word skillsBoard slam.

TRP 1 Photocopy Master 28 / TB p. 131Play with the Photocopy Master picture and word cards.

R / W

L / S


T / SsP W


Unit 5. Chuck’s new clothesObjectives Activities Skills Interaction Material

Session 8

Revise the opening song and become familiar with the vocabulary.

TB p. 132 Lesson begins.Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Material for the starting the class routine -Uncle Harry’s parcel-Storycards : Story 5 -Word cards: clothing items -CB: p. 53-CD 1: tracks 1, 4, 47-49-Vocabulary poster (Units 5 and 6)

Continue with the routine used at the beginning of the class in the 3rd

term Show likewise, the sequence to follow during lessons and memory drill.

TB p. 132 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Today (is…)-Today’s weather-Today’s lesson-Word skills

L / S

T / Ss

Revise what was learned in Unit 5 and reflect on all the activities done in the unit.

TB p. 132 Lesson continues.To sing the songs in the unit . Sing.To play with the poster . Play and guess.

L / S T / Ss


Optional material:-Flashcards and word cards: clothing items -Music for a fashion show and, if the children wear a uniform, bring additional clothing items . -AB: p. 27

Personalise the knowledge acquired with creative activities and reflect on the unit choosing their own activity.

TB p. 132-133 / CB p. 53Draw your favourite clothes.Choose your favourite activity.Story time. Listen and participate.

R / W

L / S


T / SsFinish the class with the farewell routine and end the lesson.

TB p. 133 Lesson ends.Bye bye. Sing.

L / S T / Ss

Reinforcement and extension Use the mini book they made previously to recall the story, Play and stage a fashion show using the language learnt.

TB p. 133 Listen and follow with the mini book.Board pelmanism. Play.Fashion show. Play.

AB p. 27

L / S

R / W

T / Ss / P W


Unit 6. Aziza’s hatObjectives Activities Skills Interaction Material

Session 1a

Start the class, revise the “Hello” song.

TB p. 134 Lesson begins.Hello! Sing.

L /S T /Ss -Material for the starting the class routine -Uncle Harry’s parcel-Flashcards: the characters, hat, cherries, bananas, plums, watermelon, apples, oranges-CB: p. 54-CD 1: tracks: 1, 4, 8-CD 2: tracks: 1-3

Continue with the starting the lesson routine of the 3rd term. Familiarization and practice of vocabulary: days of the week and the weather .

TB p. 134 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Today (is…)-Today’s weather

L /S

T /Ss

Comprehension of the daily lessons, their chronological order and sequence throughout the class.

TB p. 134 Lesson begins. -Today’s lesson

L /S T /Ss

Presentation of the context and meaning of a word of the 6th unit: “clock”.

TB p. 134 Lesson begins. -Word skills

L / S T /Ss


-Picture stickers of fruits

Optional material:-Flashcards: fruits -CD 2: tracks 3-5-One fourth of a sheet of paper for each child .

PREPARATION:Before starting the class, put away the flashcards in Uncle Harry’s parcel, placing the hat at the very top.

Presentation of new vocabulary: “shirt, jeans, hat, sweater, jacket, boots” in a visual and enjoyable manner for the students

TB p. 134-135 Lesson continues. What’s in Uncle Harry’s parcel? Guess.Vocabulary presentation with flashcards. Dance and sing.Surprise! Vocabulary Chant. Sing.

L /S T /Ss

Practise the new vocabulary by means of a chant, a game, a song and a sticker activity. .

TB p. 135 Lesson continues. Flashcard game. Play.

TB p. 135 / CB p. 54Listen and sing the Fruit song.Picture stickers activity. Stick.

L /S

R / W

T /Ss

I WFinish the class with the farewell routine and end the lesson.

TB p. 135. Lesson ends. Bye bye. Sing.

L /S T /Ss

Reinforcement and extension Practise pronunciation working on stress and rhythm with an exercise and two songs. Draw their favourite fruit.

TB p. 136. Initial sounds and word stress.What’s your favourite fruit?

L /S

R / W



Unit 6. Aziza’s hatObjectives Activities Skills Interaction Material

Session 2

Revise the opening song and familiarize students with vocabulary.

TB p. 138 Lesson begins.Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Material for the starting the class routine -Flashcards: hat, cherries, bananas, plums, watermelon, apples, oranges-Story cards: Story 6 -Uncle Harry’s parcel-CB: p. 54 y 55-CD 1: tracks 1 and 4-CD 2: tracks 3 and 6

Optional material:

Continue with the starting the lesson routine of the 3rd term. Also show the sequence to follow during lessons and memory drill.

TB p. 138 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Today (is…)-Today’s weather-Today’s lesson-Word skills

L / S

T / Ss

Revise the vocabulary using flashcards and the “Fruit song”.

TB p. 138 Lesson continues. Sing the Fruit song.

L / S T / Ss

Explain and tell the story in the 6th

unit and allow the students contact with the language they learn in context. Remember the story.

TB p. 138 / CB p. 54 Lesson continues. Story time. Listen to the story.

TB p. 139To remember the story .

L / S T / Ss


-Photocopies: Photocopy Master, p. 29-Flashcards: fruits-AB: p. 28

PREPARATION:Before starting the class, put away the flashcards in Uncle Harry’s parcel, putting the hat at the very bottom.

Practise vocabulary. . TB p. 139 / CB p. 55Match. Draw Aziza’s hat. Say the words.

R / W I W

Finish the class with the farewell routine and end of lesson.

TB p. 139. Lesson ends.Bye bye. Sing.

L / S T / Ss

Reinforcement and extension practise the vocabulary and relate the fruit with the numbers through an activity and two games.

TRP 1 Photocopy Master 29Count and write the number. Draw.

TB p. 139Pass the word. Play.Yes! Play.

AB p. 28

R / W

L / S

R / W


T / Ss


Unit 6. Aziza’s hatObjectives Activities Skills Interaction Material

Session 3

Revise the opening song and familiarize students with vocabulary.

TB p. 140 Lesson begins.Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Material for the starting the class routine -Story cards of Story 6 CB: p. 56 and 57-CD 1: tracks 1 and 4-CD 2: tracks 3 and 6

Optional material:-Flashcards: colours, fruit and animals -Uncle Harry’s parcel

Continue with the starting class routine of the 3rd term. Show, likewise, the sequence to follow during lessons and memory drill.

TB p. 140 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Today (is…)-Today’s weather-Today’s lesson-Word skills

L / S

T / Ss

Revise the vocabulary with the “Fruit song”.Recall the story.

TB p. 140-141 Lesson continues. Sing the Clothes song.Story time.

L / S T / Ss

Act out the story in the 6th Unit getting the students to practice the key language and gain fluency in the oral use of the language.

TB p. 141 Lesson continues. To act out the story with the recording

L / S T / Ss


-Photocopies Photocopy Master pages 30 and 31-AB: p. 29, 47 and 48

PREPARATION:Bring a ready made mini book from the Photocopy Master Book (see Bank of Ideas on p. 166), so children can see it finished.

Do an activity and repeat the story once again in order to fully understand it.

TB p. 142 / CB p. 56 y 57 Find the differences. To listen to the story once again.

R / W

L / S


T / Ss

Finish the class with the farewell routine and end of lesson.

TB p. 142 Lesson ends.Bye bye. Sing.

L / S T / Ss

Reinforcement and extension Familiarize them further with the story vocabulary using flashcards, making another mini book and also doing an activity in the Activity Book.

TB p. 142 Lucky dip.

TRP 1 Photocopy Master 30 y 31 / TB p. 42Make a mini book.AB p. 47 y 48

AB p. 29

L / S

R / W

R / W

T / Ss



Unit 6. Aziza’s hatObjectives Activities Skills Interaction Material

Session 4

Revise the opening song and familiarize them with the vocabulary.

TB p. 143 Lesson begins.Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Material for the starting the class routine -Flashcards: fruits -CB: p. 58 and 59-CD 1: tracks 1 and 4-CD 2: tracks 7 and 8

Optional material:-Plasticine and tops of shoe boxes -AB: p. 30

Continue with the starting the class routine of the 3rd term. Show, likewise, the sequence to be followed during lessons and memory drill. Second word in the unit: “CD player”.

TB p. 143 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Today (is…)-Today’s weather-Today’s lesson-Word skills

L / S

T / Ss

Introduce and present new supplementary vocabulary through song and dance, making it possible to expand the story. .

TB p. 143-144 / CB p. 58 Lesson continues. Listen and sing the Chocolate cake song.

L / S T / Ss

Practise the new vocabulary in the 6th unit by means of a game and two activities from the Class Book.

TB p. 144 Lesson continues. Play the game.

TB p. 144 / CB p. 59 Listen and draw ∩ or U.Draw your favourite food.

L / S

R / W

T / Ss



Finish the class with the farewell routine and end the lesson.

TB p. 144 Lesson ends.Bye bye. Sing.

L /S T /Ss

Reinforcement and extension Prepare a special dish with plasticine. Memory drill and vocabulary of fruits.

TB p. 145 Party food. Create.I like…

AB p. 30

L / S

R / W

T / Ss / P W


Unit 6. Aziza’s hatObjectives Activities Skills Interaction Material

Session 5

Revise the opening song and make them familiar with the vocabulary.

TB p. 146 Lesson begins.Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Material for the starting the class routine-Story cards of Story 6 -CB: p. 59 and 79-CD 1: tracks 1 and 4-CD 2: tracks 6 and 7-Scissors and colour felt pens

PREPARATION:Bring a finished game of Aziza's hat to the class so the children can see it finished.

Show, likewise, the sequence to be followed during all the lessons and memory drill.

TB p. 146 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Today (is…)-Today’s weather-Today’s lesson-Word skills

L / S

T / Ss

Revise vocabulary with a song, a cutout activity and a communication game with the cutout to promote students' confidence in understanding and using the language orally.

TB p. 146 Lesson continues. Sing the Chocolate cake song.

TB p. 146 / CB p. 59 y 79Make Aziza’s hat game. Cut.

TB p. 147Story time. Remember.Look at my lovely hat! Play.

L / S

R / W

L / S

T / Ss


T / SsP W

Finish the class with the farewell routine and end the lesson.

TB p. 147 Lesson ends.Bye bye. Sing.

L / S T / Ss


Reinforcement and extension Play in pairs and make a paper hat like Aziza's.

TB p. 147 Bingo!Guess what?Make a hat. (CB p. 55)

L / S

L / SR / W

T / Ss


Unit 6. Aziza’s hatObjectives Activities Skills Interaction Material

Session 6

Revise the opening song and make them familiar with the vocabulary.

TB p. 148 Lesson begins.Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Material for the class starting routine -Cross-curricular cards in Unit 6: bananas, potatoes, pineapple-CB: p. 60 and 61-CD 1: tracks 1 and 4-CD 2: tracks 7, 9 and 10

Optional material:-Photocopies : Photocopy Master, p. 32

Continue with the starting the class routine of the 3rd term. Likewise, show, , the class sequence to follow during lessons and the memory drill.

TB p. 148 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Today (is…)-Today’s weather-Today’s lesson-Word skills

L / S

T / Ss

Sing the “Chocolate cake song” and revise the vocabulary.

TB p. 148 Lesson continues. Sing the Chocolate cake song.

L / S T / Ss

Introduce a real life context (Sciences) and CLIL elements in the unit, presenting cross-cultural subject expanding in this way their knowledge of the world through the English language.

TB p. 148-149 Sciences: How fruit and vegetables grow.

L / S T / Ss


-Empty fruit and vegetable boxes coming from Spain, that can be found in a local fruit shop.

PREPARATION:Before the lesson, hide the fruit flashcards in different parts of the classroom.

Practise the cross-cultural topic / CLIL.

TB p. 149 / CB p. 60Listen and number.

TB p. 149 / CB p. 61Listen and point. Draw.

R / W I W

Finish the class with the farewell routine and end the lesson.

TB p. 149 Lesson ends.Bye bye. Sing.

L / S T / Ss

Reinforcement and extension Relate the topic of fruits in English with the subject of farming in Spain in such a way that students can land and personalise their knowledge and combine it with reality.

TRP 1 Photocopy Master 32Follow and draw.

TB p. 149Where does the fruit come from?

R / W

L / S


T / Ss

Unit 6. Aziza’s hatObjectives Activities Skills Interaction Material

Session 7

Revise the opening song and familiarize them with the vocabulary.

TB p. 150 Lesson begins.Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Material for the starting the class routine -Cross-curricular cards from Unit 6-Flashcards and word cards of fruits -Storycards of Story 6-CB: p. 62-CD 1: track 1 and 4-CD 2: track 6 and 11-Fruits vocabulary stickers -Scissors

Continue with the starting the class routine of the 3rd term. Also show the sequence to follow during lessons and memory drill.

TB p. 150 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Today (is…)-Today’s weather-Today’s lesson-Word skills

L / S

T / Ss

Revise the cross-curricular subject / CLIL and act out the story.

TB p. 150 Lesson continues.Story time. Order.Act out the story.

L / S T / Ss

Revision of Unit 6, practice of key language in the unit.

TB p. 150-151 / CB p. 62Listen and number.

L / S T / Ss

Initiation to reading and writing by means of a sticker activity.

TB p. 151 / CB p. 62Read, stick and write.

R / W I W

Finish the class with the farewell routine and end the lesson.

TB p. 151 Lesson ends.Bye bye. Sing.

L / S T / Ss


Optional material:-Flashcards and word cards: fruits-Photocopies: Photocopy Master,p. 33

Reinforcement and extension Practise pronunciation skills paying special attention to intonation. Play with the picture mini cards and the vocabulary mini cards..

TB p. 151 Word skillsStand up and say the word.

TRP 1 Photocopy Master 33 / TB p. 151Play with the Photocopy Master picture and word cards.

R / W

L / S


T / Ss

Unit 6. Aziza’s hatObjectives Activities Skills Interaction Material

Session 8

Revise the opening song and make them familiar with the vocabulary.

TB p. 152 Lesson begins.Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Material for the starting the class routine -Uncle Harry’s parcel-Storycards for Story 6 -Word cards: fruit -CB: p. 63-CD 1: tracks 1 and 4-CD 2: tracks 3, 6, 7 and 12-Vocabulary poster (Units 5 and 6)

Continue with the start the class routine of the 3rd term. Also show the sequence to follow during the lessons and memory drill. Reinforce what they learned in the unit.

TB p. 152 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Today (is…)-Today’s weather-Today’s lesson-Word skills

L / S

T / Ss

Revise what they learned in Unit 6 and reflect on the activities in the unit.

TB p. 152 Lesson continues.To sing the songs in the unit. . Sing.To play with the poster . Play and guess.

L / S T / Ss

Personalize students' acquired knowledge with creative activities and reflect about the unit by choosing their own activity.

TB p. 152-153 / CB p. 63Number the toys in order. Listen and check.Draw your favourite story.Story time.

L / S

R / WL / S

T / Ss

I WT / Ss

Finish the class with the farewell routine and end of lesson .

TB p. 153 Lesson ends.Bye bye. Sing.

L / S T / Ss


Optional material:-Flashcards: fruit and all the vocabulary you want to review -AB: p. 31-33

Reinforcement and extension Use the mini book you made previously to remember the story, play at making a salad and practise grouping objects.

TB p.-. 153 Listen and follow with the mini book.Making fruit salad. Odd one out. Play.

AB p. 31

L / S

R / W

T / Ss / P W







Starter Unit 3 2 hours 15 mins1 The sun and the wind 8 6 hoursHappy Halloween 2 1 hour 30 mins2 Neon the fish 8 6 hoursMerry Christmas 2 1 hour 30 mins3 What a mess! 8 6 hoursHappy Carnival 2 1 hour 30 mins4 City Mouse and Country Mouse

8 6 hours

5 My house is too small! 8 6 hours6 The princess and the pea

8 6 hours

Total 57 41 hours 15 mins

Extra activities programmed by the school

*Each centre will have to adapt this programme to its own situation and timetable.THE SESSIONS ARE APPROXIMATELY 45’ LONG. TEACHERS WILL ADAPT THIS TO THEIR TIMETABLE AND CLASS LEVEL


Starter Unit. Hello again!Objectives Activities Skills Interaction Material

Session 1

Get the students to introduce themselves using a song.

TB p. 28 Lesson begins. Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss - Flashcards in Surprise! 1: Annie, Leo, Dougie, Uncle Harry-Signs in the classroom Surprise! 1-CB: p. 2-CD 1: tracks 1-4-Picture stickers of the classroom objects: pencil, blue, scissors

Optional material:-Photocopies : Photocopy Master 1-Colour card size A2 and paper sheets cut in four, pencils, felt pens, glue, scissors. -A vocabulary poster in Surprise! 1-CD 1: 2

Get students to know the characters in Surprise! (if it is a new group) and introduce the class dynamics for the whole course.

TB p. 28-29 / CB p. 2 Lesson continuesListen and sing the Look, look, remember song.To play the game . Play.

L / S T / Ss

Present the new vocabulary using flashcards.

TB p. 29 / CB p. 2 Lesson continues. Presentation with flashcards. Learn.

L / S T / Ss

Remember the characters in Surprise! with a sticker activity .

TB p. 29 / CB p. 2 Lesson continues The picture sticker activity.. Stick.

R / W T / Ss

Finish the lesson and teach the way in which the class will say farewell during the course.

TB p. 29 Lesson ends. Bye bye. Sing.

L / S T / Ss

Reinforcement and extension Revision of vocabulary doing a crossword, a poster and playing a game with the latter.

TRP1 Photocopy Master 1 Vocabulary Review (Surprise! 1)Look and write. Crossword puzzle.Poster making. Create.Poster game. Play.

R / W

L / S

I WT / Ss

T / Ss


Starter Unit. Hello again!Objectives Activities Skills Interaction Material

Session 2

Revise the opening song of the 1st term. TB p. 30 Lesson begins. Hello! Sing.

L /S T / Ss -Material for the starting class routine in Surprise! 1 and two new flashcards and word cards of the weather in Surprise! 2 Teacher’s Resource Pack: It’s foggy, It’s cloudy-Flashcards in Surprise! 1: the numbers from 1 to 10-Flashcards in Surprise! 2: the numbers from 11 to 20 -CB: p. 3-CD 1: tracks 1, 4-6

Optional material:-Photocopies: Photocopy Master 2-Flashcards in Surprise! 1: all the basic vocabulary -Vocabulary poster in Surprise! 1 (of 1str, 2nd or 3rd term)-AB: p. 2

PREPARATION:Take down all the signs of the previous year if they are still int the classroom. .

Establish the starting the lesson routine. Familiarization and practice of the vocabulary of the days of the week and the weather. Introduction of two new weather conditions: “It’s cloudy, It’s foggy”

TB p. 30 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Today (is…)-Today’s weather

L /S

T / Ss

Comprehension of the daily lessons, chronological order and sequence throughout the class.

TB p. 30 Lesson begins. -Today’s lesson

L /S T / Ss

Show the signs of the school one by one, explaining what they mean and what place in the school they refer to.

TB p. 30 Lesson begins. -Word skills

L / S T / Ss

Present new vocabulary introducing numbers from 11 to 20.

TB p. 31 Lesson continues Listen and point.

L /S T / Ss

Practise and revise the new vocabulary. TB p. 31 / CB p. 3 Lesson continues Listen and sing the Number song.Say the numbers.Count and write the number.TB p. 31Colour.

L / S

R / W

T / Ss

T / Ss

Finish the class with the farewell routine and end the lesson.

TB p. 31 Lesson endsBye bye! Sing.

Reinforcement and extension Revise the numbers with a song and the vocabulary previously learned in Surprise! 1 with a game.

TRP 1 Photocopy Master 2. Vocabulary Review (Surprise! 1)Complete the Number song.Odd one out. PlayAB p. 2

L / S T / Ss

Starter Unit. Hello again!


Objectives Activities Skills Interaction MaterialSession 3

Revise the opening song. TB p. 32 Lesson begins.Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Material for the starting class routine -Flashcards from Surprise! 1: the numbers from 1 to 10-Flashcards from Surprise! 2: the numbers from 11 to 20-CB: p. 3 and 67-CD 1: tracks 1, 4 and 6

Optional material:-Mini cards of numbers from p. 67 of the CB-Photocopies : Photocopy Master, p. 3-Uncle Harry’s parcel-AB: p. 3

PREPARATION:Bring to class the game with number cards from p.67 of the Class Book already cut out.

Continue with the class starting routine of the 1st term.

TB p. 32 Lesson begins Surprise! Today posterWord skills

L / S

T / Ss

Revise the vocabulary with a song, a cutout activity and a game.

TB p. 32 Lesson continues Sing the Number song.

TB p. 32-33 / CB p. 3 y 67Make the number cards. Cut.Play Higher or lower.

L / S

R / W L / S

T / Ss

I WT / Ss

Establish a farewell routine and end of lesson.

TB p. 33. Lesson ends. Bye bye! Sing.

L / S T / Ss

Reinforcement and extension Make a “time capsule” using a photo of the students, taking one at the end of the term to compare the first photos with the latest ones, same with the size of their hands. Play with the cutout

TRP 1 Photocopy Master 3Time capsule. Create.Listen and order. Play.

AB p. 3. Follow and trace.

R / WL / S

R / W

I WT / Ss


Unit 1. The sun and the wind


Objectives Activities Skills Interaction MaterialSession 1

Revise the opening song. Introduction of vocabulary and familiarization with it.

TB p. 34 Lesson begins.Hello! Sing.

L /S T /Ss -Material for the starting the class routine from Surprise! 1 and two new flashcards and word cards of the weather from Surprise! 2 Teacher’s Resource Pack: It’s foggy, It’s cloudy-Uncle Harry’s parcel-Flashcards: football, strip, tracksuit, trainers, T-shirt, socks, short, scarf-Flashcards from Surprise! 1: the characters, the six presents sent by Uncle Harry the dinosaur, the kite, the Russian dolls, the jungle animal masks, the cowboy outfit, the

Establish the starting the class routine of the 1st term. Familiarization and practice of vocabulary: the days of the week and the weather.

TB p. 34 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Today (is…)-Today’s weather

L /S

T /Ss

Comprehension of daily lessons, chronological order and sequences throughout the class.

TB p. 34 Lesson begins. -Today’s lesson

L /S T /Ss

Presentation of the context and meaning of the word of this unit: “our classroom”.

TB p. 34 Lesson begins. -Word skills

L / S T /Ss

Introduction to new vocabulary:: “tracksuit, scarf, T-shirt, shorts, trainers & socks” in a visual and enjoyable way for the students.

TB p. 35 Lesson continues. What’s in Uncle Harry’s parcel? Guess.Vocabulary presentation with flashcards. Dance and sing.Surprise! Vocabulary Chant. Sing.

L /S T /Ss

Practise the new vocabulary by means of a game, a song and an activity with picture stickers.

TB p. 35 Lesson continues. Action game. Play.

TB p. 35-36 / CB p. 4Listen and sing the Let’s play football song.Picture stickers activity.

L /S

R / W

T /Ss

I WFinish the class with a farewell routine and end of lesson.

TB p. 36. Lesson ends. Bye bye. Sing.

L /S T /Ss


hat garnished with fruit )-CB: p. 4-CD 1: tracks 1, 4, 7-10-Picture stickers of the clothing items

Optional material:-Flashcards from Surprise! 1 and 2: clothing items -CD 1: tracks 11 and 12

PREPARATION:Before starting the class, put away the flashcards with the clothing items in Uncle Harry's parcel, leaving the one with the football equipment at the very top.

Reinforcement and extension Practise pronunciation with initial sounds from the new vocabulary, blending the sound of initial consonants. Revise the vocabulary.

TB p. 36. Initial blends. Listen and repeat. Say the number.

L /S T/Ss

Unit 1. The sun and the windObjectives Activities Skills Interaction Material

Session 2

Revise the opening song and familiarize students with the vocabulary..

TB p. 38 Lesson begins.Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Material for the starting the class routine -Flashcards and word cards: tracksuit, trainers, T-shirt, socks, shorts, scarf-Story cards of Story 1

Continue with the starting the class routine. Also show the sequence to follow during lessons and memory drills.

TB p. 38 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Word skills

L / S

T / Ss


-Uncle Harry’s parcel-CB: p. 5-CD 1: tracks 1, 4, 10 and 13

Optional material:-One sheet of paper per child -Photocopies : Photocopy Master, p. 4-AB: p. 4

PREPARATION:Before the class, put away the flashcards of clothing items and the one of the football equipment in Uncle Harry’s parcel.

Revise the vocabulary by means of the flashcards and the “Let’s play football” song..

TB p. 38 Lesson continues. Sing the Let’s play football song.

L / S T / Ss

Explain and tell the story of the unit and allow students contact with the language they are learning in context.

TB p. 38 Lesson continues. Story time. Listen to the story.

L / S T / Ss

Remember what the story was about and practise reading.

TB p. 38-39 / CB p. 4 Lesson continues. To remember the story.To practise reading with the word cards.

L / S T / Ss

Practise the acquired vocabulary. TB p. 39 / CB p. 5 To practise vocabulary. Read and draw. Say the words.

R / W I W

Finish the class with the farewell routine and end the lesson.

TB p. 39. Lesson ends.Bye bye. Sing.

L /S T /Ss

Reinforcement and extension Play with the cutout of the mini cards.Design a colourful football scarf.

TRP 1 Photocopy Master 4 / CB p. 4Colour and cut. Play.Design a football scarf.

AB p. 4

L /S

R / W

R / W




Unit 1. The sun and the windObjectives Activities Skills Interaction Material

Session 3

Revise the opening song and familiarize them with the new vocabulary

TB p. 40 Lesson begins.Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Material for the starting the class routine -Story cards: Story 1 -CB: p. 6 and 7-Word cards: clothing items -CD 1: tracks 1, 4, 10 and 13

Continue with the beginning of the class routine. Show, in the same way, the sequence to follow during lessons and memory drills.

TB p. 40 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Word skills

L / S

T / Ss

Revise the vocabulary with the “Let’s play football” song.

TB p. 40 Lesson continues. Sing the Let’s play football song.

L / S T / Ss


Optional material:-Photocopies : Photocopy Masters pages 5 and 6-AB: p. 5-Flashcards from Surprise! 1 and 2: clothing items, colours and the weather -CD 1: tracks 10 and 13

Recall and act out the story in the unit, getting students to practise key language and to improve their fluency in its oral use.

TB p. 40-41 Lesson continues. Story time. Listen and answer.To act out the story with the recording.

TB p. 42 Find the differences.

L / S

R / W

T / Ss


Practise reading and listen to the story once again. .

TB p. 42 Lesson continuesCircle the clothes words in the story.

TB p. 42 / CB p. 6 y 7 To listen again to the story.

R / W

L / S


T / SsFinish the class with the farewell routine and end the lesson.

TB p. 42 Lesson ends.Bye bye. Sing.

L /S T /Ss

Reinforcement and extension Make a mini book, and you could also make the colour mini book from Unit 1 of the AB. Revise the clothing items vocabulary.

TRP 1 Photocopy Master 5 and 6Cut and play. Make a mini book.Musical cards. Play.

AB p. 5

R / WL / S

R / W

I WT / Ss


Unit 1. The sun and the windObjectives Activities Skills Interaction Material

Session 4

Revise the opening song and become familiar with the vocabulary.

TB p. 43 Lesson begins.Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Material for the starting the class routine -CB: p. 8-CD 1: tracks 1, 4, 14 and 15

Optional material:-Family photos -Flashcards from Surprise! 1: members of the family and clothing items -AB: p. 6

Continue with the starting the class routine.

TB p. 43 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Word skills

L / S

T / Ss

Introduce and present new supplementary vocabulary with a song, with the possibility of extending the story.

TB p. 43-44 / CB p. 8Lesson continues. Listen and sing the Come on, Alex! song.

L / S T / Ss

Practise new vocabulary with an oral comprehension exercise and an activity from the Class Book.

TB p. 44 Lesson continues. Listen and number.Colour.

L / SR / W

T / SsI W

Finish the class with the farewell routine and end of lesson.

TB p. 44 Lesson ends.Bye bye. Sing.

L /S T / Ss


Reinforcement and extension Play with photographs, guessing how they are related. Revise all the vocabulary you like by means of the simulation of a football match.

TB p. 44 Family photo game. Play.Football Revision game. Play.

AB p. 6

L / S

R / W

T / Ss


Unit 1. The sun and the windObjectives Activities Skills Interaction Material

Session 5

Revise the opening song. TB p. 45 Lesson begins.Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Material for the starting the class routine -Flashcards and word cards: clothing items -CB: p. 9 and 69-CD 1: tracks 1, 4 and 14-Stickers with clothing items vocabulary

Optional material-The books of clothing items -Scissors and felt pens or colour pencils

Continue with the starting the class routine.

TB p. 45 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.

L / S

T / Ss

Introduce the word from the 5th

lesson: “Playground”.TB p. 45 Lesson begins. -Word skills

Revise the vocabulary with a song and a cutout activity.

TB p. 45 Lesson continues. Act out the Come on, Alex! Song.

TB p. 45-46 / CB p. 9 y 69 Make the clothes game. Cut.

L / S

R / W

T / Ss


Practise reading and writing with the use of flashcards.

TB p. 46Read and stick.Label.

R / W T / Ss

Finish the class with the farewell routine and end of lesson.

TB p. 46 Lesson ends.Bye bye. Sing.

L / S T / Ss


PREPARATION:Make a sample of the clothing items book using page 69 of the Class Book.

Reinforcement and extension Play relating the description of the clothing items with the colours and characteristics. Do an activity in pairs.

TB p. 46 Find your partner. Play.Dress and describe Alex. Play and learn.

L / S

L / S

T / Ss


Unit 1. The sun and the windObjectives Activities Skills Interaction Material

Session 6

Revise the opening song and make them familiar with the vocabulary

TB p. 47 Lesson begins.Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Material for starting the class routine -Cross-curricular cards from Unit 1: tree in autumn, tree in winter, tree in spring , tree in summer. -CB: p. 10 and 11-CD 1: tracks 1, 4 and 16

Continue with the start the class routine as well as the routine of the ‘Word skills’ section of the previous lesson, with the word “Playground”.

TB p. 47 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Word skills

L / S

T / Ss

Introduce the cross-curricular subject (Social and Environmental Studies) and CLIL elements in the unit, presenting the subject and expanding knowledge of the world through the English language.

TB p. 47-48 Environmental knowledge : The seasons of the year .Today’s weather.

L / S T / Ss


Optional material:-Photocopies of Photocopy Master, p. 7-A binder for each child -Scissors-4 Photocopies in A3 sheet of paper of a tree trunk and branches -Tissue paper or colour crepe paper-4 colour sheets of paper size A2

Practise the cross-curricular subject / CLIL.

TB p. 48 / CB p. 10Listen and point.Tick √ your favourite season.

TB p. 48 / CB p. 11Draw and colour.Look and circle.

L / S

R / W

R / W

T / Ss



Finish the class with the farewell routine and end the lesson

TB p. 48 Lesson ends.Bye bye. Sing.

L / S T / Ss

Reinforcement and extension Make a seasons spinner. Engage in an activity in which through a tree, they understand the seasons of the year and the weather changes in nature.

TRP 1 Photocopy Master 7 Make a seasons spinner. Create.Seasons poster project. Cut.

R / W I W

Unit 1. The sun and the windObjectives Activities Skills Interaction Material

Session 7

Revise the opening song. TB p. 50 Lesson begins.Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Material for the starting class routine-Cross-curricular cards from Unit 1-Story cards of Story 1-CB: p. 12-Flashcards and word cards: clothing items -CD 1: tracks 1, 4, 13 and 17

Optional material:

Continue with the starting class routine.

TB p. 50 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Word skills

L / S

T / Ss

Revise the cross-curricular topic / CLIL.

TB p. 50 Lesson continues.Story time. Act out the story.

L / S T / Ss

Revision of the unit and practice of key language

TB p. 50 / CB p. 12Listen and number.

L / S T / Ss

Familiarization with the written expression of words by means of practice.

TB p. 51Look and say.Write.

R / W I W

Finish the class with the farewell routine and end the lesson.

TB p. 51 Lesson ends.Bye bye. Sing.

L / S T / Ss


-Photocopies Photocopy Master, p.8-CD 1: 10-Flashcards and word cards: clothing items

Reinforcement and extension Complete the song used in the unit and perform an activity relating the word with the image in each flashcard.

TRP 1 Photocopy Master 8 Word skillsComplete the Let’s play football song.Board pelmanism. Play.

L / S T / Ss

Unit 1. The sun and the windObjectives Activities Skills Interaction Material

Session 8

Revise the opening song and get familiar with the vocabulary

TB p. 52 Lesson begins.Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Material for the starting the class routine -CB: p. 13-Flashcards: clothing items from Surprise! 1 and Surprise! 2-Story cards of Story 1-Uncle Harry’s parcel-Vocabulary poster (Units 1 and 2)-CD 1: tracks 1, 4, 10, 13 y 14

Continue with the class starting routine. Reinforce the words learnt in the unit.

TB p. 52 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Word skills

L / S

T / Ss

Revise what you learned in the unit and reflect on the activities done all through the unit. .

TB p. 52 Lesson continues.To sing the songs in the unit. Sing.To play with the poster. Play and guess.

L / S T / Ss

Personalize acquired knowledge with creative activities and allowing for the possibility of deciding their own activity.

TB p. 52-53 / CB p. 13 Lesson continues.Draw your favourite sports clothes.

R / W I W

Practise writing of clothing items. TB p. 53 Lesson continues.Label.

R / W I W


Optional material:-Mini book from Unit 1-Flashcards: clothing items from Surprise! 1 and 2-Uncle Harry’s parcel-AB: p. 7

Reflect on Unit 1 and its contents TB p. 53 Lesson continues.Colour around your favourite activity.

R / W I W

Reinforce the story in the unit. TB p. 53 Lesson continues.To listen to the story for the last time.

L / S T / Ss

Finish the class with the farewell routine and end the lesson

TB p. 53 Lesson ends.Bye bye. Sing.

L / S T / Ss

Reinforcement and extension Use the mini book you made previously. Stimulate their confidence to speak in English using the vocabulary they've learnt. Play with the clothing items flashcards. .

TB p 53 Listen and follow with the mini book.Show and tell.Pass the parcel. Play.

AB p. 7

L / S

R / W

L / S

T / Ss

T / Ss / I W

T / Ss

Happy HalloweenObjectives Activities Skills Interaction Material

Session 1

Introduce the topic of Halloween in English, in addition to its history, date and what is done on this date in different countries.

TB p. 154 Lesson begins.Halloween Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Material for the starting the class routine -CB: p. 64-CD 2: tracks 13 to 15

Optional material:-CD 2 from Surprise! 1: 15- A2 Black card-Flashcards from Surprise! 1: head, arms, legs, body, feet, tail

Continue with the starting the class routine. Memory drill.

TB p. 154 Lesson begins.Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Word skills

L / S

T / Ss

Revise the vocabulary of this celebration .

TB p. 154 / CB p. 64 Lesson continues.Listen and point. Listen and sing.

L / S T / Ss

Introduction of the new colours vocabulary:wizards, witches, monsters, ghosts & pumpkins.

TB p. 154-155 / CB p. 64 Lesson continues.To present new vocabulary. Listen and sing the Halloween song.

L / S T / Ss

Practise the new vocabulary and revise family vocabulary

TB p. 155 Lesson continues.Find and write the number.

R / W I W

Finish the class with the farewell routine and class ending.

TB p. 155 Lesson ends.Halloween Bye bye. Sing.

L / S T / Ss


Reinforcement and extension Perform a cutout activity to decorate the class. Revise the parts of the body by drawing a monster. .

TB p. 155Make paper chains to decorate the classroom.Design a monster.

R / W I W

Happy HalloweenObjectives Activities Skills Interaction Material

Session 2

Continue with the Halloween topic in English.

TB p. 156 Lesson begins.Halloween Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Material for starting the class routine-CB: p. 64-CD 2: tracks 13-15-Photocopies from Photocopy Master p.34-A4 card paper, glue, felt pens or colour pencils, scissors

Optional material:-Illustrated Halloween mini cards

Continue with the starting the class routine. Memory drill.

TB p. 156 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Word skills

L / S

T / Ss

Revise and practise Halloween vocabulary..

TB p. 156 Lesson continues.Sing the Halloween song.Halloween actions game. Play.

L / S T / Ss

Craft of Halloween mini cards which you can later play with.

TB p. 156 / Photocopy Master 34Colour and cut. Play.

R / W I W / P W

Make a pop-up decoration for the Halloween class. .

TB p. 157 / Photocopy Master 34Make a pop-up Halloween decoration.

R / W I W / P W

Finish the class with the farewell routine and end the lesson.

TB p. 157 Lesson ends.Halloween Bye bye. Sing.

L / S T / Ss


PREPARATION:Bring an illustrated Halloween pop-up decoration to class so students can see a finished version of it.

Reinforcement and extension Play out in the open air with the students engaging in a Halloween activity.Play with the mini cards.

TB p. 157Halloween playground game.Stop! Play.

AB p. 34

L / S

R / W

T / Ss


Unit 2. Neon the fishObjectives Activities Skills Interaction Material

Session 1

Revise the opening song. Introduction of vocabulary from the 2nd Unit and becoming familiar with it.

TB p. 54 Lesson begins.Hello! Sing.

L /S T /Ss -Material for starting the class routine -Uncle Harry’s parcel-Flashcards: the sea mobile, eyes, hair, mouth, teeth, nose, ears-Flashcards from Surprise! 1: head, body, arms, legs, feet, tail-CB: p. 14-CD 1: tracks 1, 4, 7, 18, 19 and 20-Picture stickers with parts of the face.

Optional material:

Establish the starting the class routine l Presentation of the context and meaning of the word of the 2nd unit. : “toilets”.

TB p. 54 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Word skills

L /S T /Ss

Introduction of new vocabulary. : “hair, mouth, eyes, teeth, nose & ears” in a visual manner, making it enjoyable for the students.

TB p. 54-55 Lesson continues. What’s in Uncle Harry’s parcel? Guess.Vocabulary presentation with flashcards. Dance and sing.

L /S T /Ss

Practise the new vocabulary learning with a game, a song and an activity with stickers.

TB p. 55 Lesson continues. Who’s got it? game. Play.

TB p. 55 / CB p. 14Listen and sing the Face song.Picture stickers activity. Stick.

L /S

R / W

T /Ss

I WFinish the class with the farewell routine and lesson ending.

TB p. 55. Lesson ends. Bye bye. Sing.

L /S T /Ss


-CD 1: 21-Flashcards from Surprise! 1: the parts of the body -CD 1 from Surprise! 1: 11

PREPARATION:Before starting the class, put away the flashcards with the parts of the face in Uncle Harry’s parcel, leaving the one of the mobile on the very top.

Reinforcement and extension Practise pronunciation with initial sounds of the new vocabulary. Revise the vocabulary with the song :“Dinosaur, dinosaur”

TB p. 56. Initial sounds.Vocabulary review. Bend down! Stand up!

L /S T/Ss

Unit 2. Neon the fishObjectives Activities Skills Interaction Material

Session 2

Revise the opening song.. TB p. 58 Lesson begins.Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Material for the starting the class routine -Flashcards and word cards: eyes, hair, mouth, teeth, nose, ears-Uncle Harry’s parcel-Story cards: Story 2-CB: p. 14 and 15-CD 1: tracks 1, 4, 20 and 22

Optional material:-Photocopies Photocopy Master, p. 9-AB: p. 8

Continue with the starting the class routine and carry on with the activity of the signs in the school with the word “toilets”.

TB p. 58 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Word skills

L / S

T / Ss

Revise the vocabulary by means of flashcards and the “Face song”.

TB p. 58 Lesson continues. Sing the Face song.

L / S T / Ss

Explain and tell the story in the 2nd

unit and allow students contact with the language they are learning in context.Remember the story.

TB p. 58 / CB p. 14 Lesson continues. Story time. Listen to the story.

TB p. 59To remember the story.

L / S T / Ss

Practise reading with the word cards on the board, with student interaction.

TB p. 59 Lesson continues.To practise reading with the word cards.

L / S T / Ss


PREPARATION:Put away the sea mobile flashcards in Uncle Harry’s parcel. before the class starts.

Practise vocabulary with a drawing activity.

TB p. 59 / CB p. 15 Lesson continues.Read, match and draw. Say the words.

L / S T / Ss

Finish the class with a farewell routine and end the lesson.

TB p. 59. Lesson ends.Bye bye. Sing.

L /S T /Ss

Reinforcement and extension Practise the vocabulary and the names of the parts of the face through a game. Play with a dynamic of faces and signs.

TRP 1 Photocopy Master 9Colour and cut. Play.Funny face consequences game.

AB p. 8

R / W

L / S

R / W


T / Ss


Unit 2. Neon the fishObjectives Activities Skills Interaction Material

Session 3D

Revise the opening song. TB p. 60 Lesson begins.Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Material for the starting class routine -Storycards of Story 2-CB: p. 16 and 17-Word cards: parts of the face -CD 1: tracks 1, 4, 20 and 22

Optional material:-Photocopies from Photocopy Masters pages 10 and 11

Continue with the starting class routine. Memory drill.

TB p. 60 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Word skills

L / S

T / Ss

Revise vocabulary with the “Face song” and remember the story Recall the story. .

TB p. 60 Lesson continues. Sing the Face song.

TB p. 60-61Story time. Para recordar la historia.

L / S T / Ss

Act out the story in this unit getting students to practise the key language and gaining fluency in their oral expression.

TB p. 61 Lesson continues. To act out the story with the recording.To remember the story.

L / S T / Ss

Do an activity to practise reading and repeat the story once again for total understanding of it.

TB p. 62 / CB p. 16 y 17 Find the differences. Circle the face words in the store.To listen to the story once again.

R / W

L / S


T / Ss


-Sheets of paper, transparencies and colour pencils -AB: p. 9-Flashcards from Surprise! 1

Finish the class with the farewell routine and end the lesson.

TB p. 62 Lesson ends.Bye bye. Sing.

L /S T /Ss

Reinforcement and extension Grow more familiar with the vocabulary in the story by making a mini book and doing an activity from the Activity Book.Do a dictation with instructions for them to draw and reflect on what they've learnt in visual manner.

TRP 1 Photocopy Master 10 y 11Cut and play. Make a mini book.

TB p. 42Face dictation.

AB p. 9

L /S

R / W



Unit 2. Neon the fishObjectives Activities Skills Interaction Material

Session 4

Revise opening song. TB p. 63 Lesson begins.Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Material for the class starting routine -CB: p. 18-Flashcards: the parts of the body from Surprise! 1 and the parts of the face from Surprise! 2-CD 1: tracks 1, 4, 23 and 24

Optional material:-Cups with food

Continue with the starting class routine. Memory drill revising the 3 concepts learnt:. “Our classroom, playground & toilets”.

TB p. 63 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Word skills

L / S

T / Ss

Introduce and present new supplementary vocabulary through song and dance, making it possible to extend the story.

TB p. 63-64 / CB p. 18 Lesson continues. Listen and sing the I’m special song.

L / S T / Ss

Practise new vocabulary of the 2nd

unit by means of two activities: identifying a mermaid, a seahorse and an octopus.

TB p. 64 / CB p. 19 Lesson continues. Listen and number.Complete and say.

L / S

R / W

T / Ss


Finish the class with the farewell routine and end the lesson.

TB p. 64 Lesson ends.Bye bye. Sing.

L /S T /Ss


-Flashcards: vocabulary from Surprise! 1-A4 Paper sheets -Blue colour pencil -Drill-A piece of string or wool -Scissors-Pliers-CD 1: 25-AB: p. 10

Reinforcement and extension Possibility of relating the parts of the body with Conocimiento del medio through the senses each one represents. Craft: a paper sea mobile.

TB p. 64Senses game. Play.

TB p. 65Make a sea mobile. Create.

AB p. 10

L /S

R / W

R / W




Unit 2. Neon the fishObjectives Activities Skills Interaction Material

Session 5

Revise the opening song TB p. 66 Lesson begins.Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Material for the start the class routine -Flashcards and word cards: the parts of the face -CB: p. 19 and 71-CD 1: tracks 1, 4 and 23-Scissors and glue -Stickers with vocabulary of parts of the face.

Continue with the starting class routine and introduce the new concept of the 2ª Unit: “Dining room”.

TB p. 66 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Word skills

L / S

T / Ss

Revise vocabulary with a song and a cutout activity to make finger puppets.

TB p. 66 Lesson continues. Sing the I’m special song.

TB p. 66 / CB p. 71Make the sea creature finger puppets.

L / S

R / W

T / Ss


Practise reading and writing with two activities of sticking and writing the names of the parts of the face.

TB p. 67Read and stick.Label. Write.

R / W I W


Optional material:-Finger puppets

PREPARATION:Make a set of finger puppets as from page 71 of the Class Book.

Finish the class with the farewell routine and end the lesson.

TB p. 67 Lesson ends.Bye bye. Sing.

L / S T / Ss

Reinforcement and extension Play with the cutout establishing, with the first activity, the relation between elements.

TB p. 67 Finger puppet Snap! Play.Finding Neon. Play.

L / S T / Ss

Unit 2. Neon the fishObjectives Activities Skills Interaction Material

Session 6

Revise the opening song. TB p. 68 Lesson begins.Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Material for the start the class routine -Cross-curricular cards from Unit 2: The Mona Lisa, by Da Vinci; Retrato de Dora Maar , by Picasso, 1937; El Vertummo , by Arcímboldo-Colour pencils -CB: p. 20 and 21

Continue with the starting class routine. Memory drill and revision of the concept “Dining room”.

TB p. 68 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Word skills

L / S

T / Ss

Introduce a real life context (Art) and CLIL elements in the unit, presenting cross-curricular topic and thus expanding knowledge of the world through the English language.

TB p. 68-69 Lesson continues.Art appreciation : Faces in paintings

L / S T / Ss


-CD 1: tracks 1 and 4

Optional material:-Photocopies from Photocopy Master 12-Colour pencils -Flashcards Surprise! 1: colours -A mirror or plasticine

Practise the cross-curricular topic / CLIL.

TB p. 69 / CB p. 20 Lesson continues.Colour around your favourite painting.

TB p. 69 / CB p. 21Look and write 1, 2 or 3.

R / W I W

Finish the class with the farewell routine and end the lesson.

TB p. 69 Lesson ends.Bye bye. Sing.

L / S T / Ss

Reinforcement and extension Revise the colours vocabulary while you paint and draw a self-portrait .

TRP 1 Photocopy Master 12 Colour. Read and match.Self-portraits. Draw.

R / W I W

Unit 2. Neon the fishObjectives Activities Skills Interaction Material

Session 7

Revise the opening song. TB p. 70 Lesson begins.Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Material for the starting class routine -Cross-curricular cards from Unit 2-Story cards from Story 2-CB: p. 22-Flashcards and word cards: the parts of the face -CD 1: tracks 1, 4, 22 and 26

Continue with the starting the class routine. . Memory drill .

TB p. 70 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Word skills

L / S

T / Ss

Revise the cross-curricular topic / CLIL.

TB p. 70 Lesson continues.Story time. Act out the story.

L / S T / Ss

Revision of the unit, practise of key language in the unit.

TB p. 70-71 / CB p. 22 Lesson continues.Listen and number.

L / S T / Ss

Practise writing by means of an activity. .

TB p. 71 Lesson continues.Write.

R / W I W

Finish the class with the farewell routine and end the lesson.

TB p. 71 Lesson ends.Bye bye. Sing.

L / S T / Ss


Optional material:-Photocopies from Photocopy Master 13-CD 1: 20-Lively music -Word cards: the parts of the face -Word cards from Surprise! 1: the parts of the body

Reinforcement and extension Revise and sing with the names of the parts of the face. Play with all the children and dance and identify the meaning of the words of parts of the face.

TRP 1 Photocopy Master 13 Word skills Complete the Face song.

TB p. 71Nose to nose. Dance and play.

L / S

R / W

T / Ss

T / Ss / P W

Unit 2. Neon the fishObjectives Activities Skills Interaction Material

Session 8

Revision of the opening song. TB p. 72 Lesson begins.Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Material for starting the class routine -Finger puppets -Flashcards and word cards: parts of the face -Vocabulary poster (Units 1 and 2)-CB: p. 23-Colour pencils -CD 1: tracks 1, 4, 20, 22 and 23-Mini books from Unit 2

Continue with the starting class routine. Memory drill. Reinforce what they learned in this unit.

TB p. 72 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Word skills

L / S

T / Ss

Revise what you learned in the unit singing the songs done throughout the unit. Play with the poster.

TB p. 72 Lesson continues.To sing the songs in the unit. Sing.To play with the poster. Play and guess.

L / S T / Ss

Personalize knowledge acquired with creative ideas and allowing for the possibility of deciding on their own activity.

TB p. 72 / CB p. 23 Lesson continues.Draw your face.

R / W I W

Practise writing. TB p. 72 Lesson continues.Label.

R / W I W


Optional material:-Mini books from Unit 2-Coffee filters, felt pens, aluminium foil, card and scissors. -Liquid to make soap bubbles and the blowing stick. -Flashcards: parts of the face from Surprise! 2 and the parts of the body from Surprise! 1-AB: p. 11

Reflect on what you learned in the Unit and revise the story..

TB p. 73 Lesson continues.Colour around your favourite activity. Story time. To listen to the story for the last time.

R / W

L / S


T / SsFinish the class with the farewell routine and end the lesson.

TB p. 73 Lesson ends.Bye bye. Sing.

L / S T / Ss

Reinforcement and extension Use the mini book you made before, create a handicraft “Neon” and play with soap bubbles to revise at the same time.

TB p-73 Listen and follow with the mini book.Make Neon the fish. Create.Burst the bubble. Play.

AB p. 11

L / SR / WL / S

R / W

T / SsT / I WT / Ss


Merry ChristmasObjectives Activities Skills Interaction Material

Session 1

Introduce the topic of Christmas in English, its history, dates and what is done in different countries.

TB p. 158 Lesson begins.Christmas Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Material for the starting the class routine -Flashcards from Surprise! 1: kite, skateboard, doll, ball, scooter, bike-CB: p. 65-CD 2: tracks 16-18

Optional material:-CD 2 in Surprise! 1: 21

Continue with the starting class routine. Memory drill

TB p. 158 Lesson begins.Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Word skills

L / S

T / Ss

Present new vocabulary and introduce the topic of Christmas in English, teaching the specific language of this festivity. .

TB p. 158 / CB p. 65 Lesson continues.To present new vocabulary

L / S T / Ss

Practise the new vocabulary with three different activities.

TB p. 158 -159 Lesson continues.Listen and sing the Christmas present song.Circle the presents Annie and Leo want.

TB p. 159 / CB p. 65Draw and say.

L / S

R / W

R / W

T / Ss


I W / SsFinish the class with the farewell routine and end the lesson

TB p. 159 Lesson ends.Christmas Bye bye. Sing.

L / S T / Ss


Reinforcement and extension. Remember the Christmas song in Surprise! 1 and do the guessing in pairs activity.

TB p. 159 / Photocopy Master 12Review of Surprise! 1 Christmas song.Guessing game. Play.

L / S

L / S

T / Ss


Merry ChristmasObjectives Activities Skills Interaction Material

Session 2

Continue with the Christmas topic in English.

TB p. 160 Lesson begins.Christmas Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Material for the starting the class routine -CB: p. 65-CD 2: tracks 16-18-Photocopies from Photocopy Master 35-A sheet of paper or card size A4, felt pens or colour pencils and scissors.

Optional material:

Carry on with the start the class routine. Memory drill.

TB p. 160 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Word skills

L / S

T / Ss

Practise the language of this festivity with a song and a cutout activity.

TB p. 160-161 Lesson continues.Sing the Christmas present song.Colour and cut. Play.

L / S

R / W

T / Ss


Practise writing by means of a letter to Father Christmas and/or the Three Wise Men.

TB p. 161Write a letter to Father Christmas or the Three Kings.

R / W I W

Finish the class with a farewell routine and end the lesson

TB p. 161 Lesson ends.Halloween Bye bye. Sing.

L / S T / Ss


-Extra photocopies from Photocopy Master 35 (a letter to Father Christmas or to the Three Wise Men )-Supermarket leaflets and some card

PREPARATION:Bring the Christmas presents' cards game from the Photocopy Master, with you to class so your students can see a finished version of it.

Reinforcement and extension Make a Christmas poster with supermarket leaflets. Design a stamp for the letter previously done for Father Christmas and/or the Three Wise Men.

TB p. 161Christmas toy posters.Design a Christmas stamp.

AB p. 35

R / W

R / W



Unit 3. What a mess!Objectives Activities Skills Interaction Material

Session 1

Revise the opening song. TB p. 74 Lesson begins.Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Material for starting the class routine -Cross-curricular cards from Unit 1-Uncle Harry’s parcel-Flashcards: painting, swimming, dancing, singing, rollerskating, reading-CB: p. 24-CD: tracks 1, 4, 7, 27-29-Painted stickers of hobbies

Optional material:-CD 1: 30

Establish the start the class routine of the 2nd term with the poster.Review vocabulary.

TB p. 74 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.

L / S

T / Ss

Presentation of the context and meaning of the word corresponding to the 3rd unit: : “Library”.

TB p. 74 Lesson begins. -Word skills

L / S T / Ss

Introduction of new vocabulary : “painting, dancing, reading, rollerskating, swimming & singing” in a visual form, enjoyable for the students.

TB p. 74 Lesson continues. What’s in Uncle Harry’s parcel? Guess.Vocabulary presentation with flashcards. Dance and sing.Surprise! Vocabulary Chant. Sing.

L / S T / Ss

Practise the new vocabulary they learned with a game of flashcards, a song and an activity with stickers.

TB p. 75 Lesson continues. Hobbies action game. Play.

TB p. 75 / CB p. 24Listen and sing the I like painting song.Picture stickers activity. Stick.

L / S

R / W

T / Ss



-Flashcard from Surprise! 1: Annie

PREPARATION:Before starting the class, put away the flashcards with the hobbies in Uncle Harry’s parcel, leaving the one with the painting box at the very top.

Finish the class with the farewell routine and end the lesson.

TB p. 76. Lesson ends. Bye bye. Sing.

L / S T / Ss

Reinforcement and extension Practise pronunciation with an exercise that simulates an “echo” and revise the vocabulary you would like to go over once again.

TB p. 76. Initial sounds. Repeat.Vocabulary Review (Surprise! 1 & 2) Line by line. Play.

L / S T / Ss

Unit 3. What a mess!Objectives Activities Skills Interaction Material

Session 2

Revise the opening song. TB p. 78 Lesson begins.Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Material for starting the class routine -Flashcards and word cards: painting, swimming, dancing, singing, rollerskating, reading-Uncle Harry’s parcel-Story cards: Story 3 -CB: p. 24 y 25-CD 1: tracks 1, 4, 29 and 31

Optional material:

Continue with the start the class routine of the 2nd term and with the school signs dynamics. Memory drill.

TB p. 78 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Word skills

L / S

T / Ss

Revise the vocabulary by means of flashcards and the “I like painting” song.

TB p. 78 Lesson continues. Sing the I like painting song.

L / S T / Ss

Explain and tell the story in the 3rd

Unit and allow students to have contact with the language they are learning in context.Remember the story.

TB p. 78-79 / CB p. 24 Lesson continues. Story time. Listen to the story.

TB p. 79To remember the story.

L / S T / Ss

Practise reading with word cards in a board activity .

TB p. 79To practise reading with the word cards.

L / S T / Ss


-Photocopies from Photocopy Master p.14-AB: p. 14

PREPARATION:Before starting the lesson, put away the painting box flashcards in Uncle Harry’s parcel.

Practise vocabulary in the unit. TB p. 79 / CB p. 25Match and draw. Say the words.

R / W I W

Finish the class with the farewell routine and end the lesson.

TB p. 79. Lesson ends.Bye bye. Sing.

L /S T /Ss

Reinforcement and extension Practise vocabulary with an activity that relates the image with the written word from the vocabulary.Play a mime activity in groups.

TRP 1 Photocopy Master 14Colour and cut. Play.Stand up! Play.

AB p. 14

L / S

R / W

T / Ss


Unit 3. What a mess!Objectives Activities Skills Interaction Material

Session 3

Revise the opening class song. TB p. 80 Lesson begins.Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Material for starting the class routine -Story cards for Story 3 Flashcards: hobbies-CB: p. 26 and 27-CD 1: tracks 1, 4, 29 and 31

Optional material:-Photocopies : Photocopy Master 15 and 16-Flashcards from Surprise! 1: fruits -AB: p. 15

Continue with the starting the class routine of the 2nd term.Memory drill .

TB p. 80 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Word skills

L / S

T / Ss

Revise vocabulary with the “I like painting” song and recall the story.

TB p. 80-81 Lesson continues. Sing the I like painting song.Story time. To recall the story.

L / S T / Ss

Act out the story of the unit getting students to practise key language and gain fluency in oral use.

TB p. 81 Lesson continues. To act out the story with the recording.

L / S T / Ss

Do an activity in the Class Book: find the differences

TB p. 81-82 / CB p. 26 y 27 Find the differences.

R / W I W

Repeat the story once more for total comprehension of it.

TB p. 82 / CB p. 26 y 27 To listen to the story again.

L / S T / Ss

Finish the class with the farewell routine and class ending.

TB p. 82 Lesson ends.Bye bye. Sing.

L /S T /Ss


Reinforcement and extension Growing more familiar with the vocabulary in the story making another mini book. Combine the vocabulary learnt about “fruits” in Surprise! 1 with “hobbies”.

TRP 1 Photocopy Master 15 y 16Cut and play. Make a mini book.

TB p. 82Musical flashcards

AB p. 15

R / W

L / S

R / W


T / Ss


Unit 3. What a mess!Objectives Activities Skills Interaction Material

Session 4

Revise the opening lesson song TB p. 83 Lesson begins.Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Material for opening the class routine-CB: p. 28-CD 1: tracks 1, 4, 32 and 33

Optional material:-AB: p. 16

Continue with the starting class routine of the 2nd term. Revision of the 5 acquired concepts : “Our classroom, playground, toilets, dining room & library”.

TB p. 83 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Word skills

L / S

T / Ss

Introduce and present the new supplementary vocabulary in the unit.

TB p. 83 Lesson continues. Listen and sing the I’m Dizzy the dog song.

L / S T / Ss

Practise the new vocabulary of the 3rd unit by means of a song and a drawing activity.

TB p. 83-84 Lesson continues. Listen and number.

TB p. 84 / CB p. 28 Draw and say.

L / S

R / W

T / Ss


Finish the class with the farewell routine and end the lesson.

TB p. 84 Lesson ends.Bye bye. Sing.

L /S T /Ss


Reinforcement and extension Perform a couple of games in the classroom for the total comprehension of vocabulary taught in class.

TB p. 85 Dizzy likes…Play.Personalization. Choose.

AB p. 16

L /S

R / W



Unit 3. What a mess!Objectives Activities Skills Interaction Material

Session 5

Revise the opening song. TB p. 85 Lesson begins.Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Material for starting the class routine -Flashcards and word cards: hobbies-CB: p. 29 and 73-CD 1: tracks 1, 4 and 32-Scissors-Stickers with hobbies vocabulary

Optional material:-Flashcards: numbers and colours in Surprise! 1

Continue with the opening routine of the 2nd term. Memory drill. Introduction of a new concept in the unit: : “Computer room”.

TB p. 85 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Word skills

L / S

T / Ss

Revise vocabulary with a song and a cutout activity to construct a “hobbies” machine. .

TB p. 85 Lesson continues. Sing the I’m Dizzy the dog song.

TB p. 85-86 / CB p. 73Make the hobby machine.

L / S

R / W

T / Ss

I WPractise reading and writing by means of two activities.

TB p. 86 / CB p. 29Read and stick.

TB p. 86Label.

R / W I W

Finish the class with the farewell routine and end the lesson

TB p. 86 Lesson ends.Bye bye. Sing.

L /S T /Ss


Preparation: Bring to class the previously made “hobbies machine”, as from page 73 of the CB, so the students can see a finished version of it.

Reinforcement and extension play with the cutout of the hobbies machine and with other variations of the game, which counts with two possible extensions.

TB p. 86 The teacher likes…Play.Other variations on the hobby machine game. Play

L /S T/Ss

Unit 3. What a mess!Objectives Activities Skills Interaction Material

Session 6

Revise the opening song. TB p. 87 Lesson begins.Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Material for the starting class routine-Cross-curricular cards from Unit 4 in Surprise! 1:The piano, the flute, the bass and and the carillon-Cross-curricular cards from Unit 3: the Spanish guitar and flamenco dancing, bagpipes and Scottish dancing, drums and the Chinese dragon, the accordion and English traditional folk dance, Morris dancing.

Continue with the starting class routine of the 2nd term and with the school “Computer room” sign dynamics. Memory drill

TB p. 87 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Word skills

L / S

T / Ss

Introduce real life context(music) and CLIL elements in the unit, presenting cross-curricular subject, extending in this way their knowledge of the world through the English language.

TB p. 87-88 Music: Instruments associated to different dances.

L / S T / Ss

Practise the cross-curricular topic / CLIL with three activities.

TB p. 88 / CB p. 30Listen and number. Colour around your favourite dance.

TB p. 88 / CB p. 31Match.Draw.

R / W I W


-CB: p. 30 y 31-CD 1: tracks 1, 4, 34 y 35

Optional material:-Photocopies from Photocopy Master 17-Hand-made Instruments and material to make them -CD 1: 35

Finish the class with the farewell routine and end the lesson .

TB p. 88 Lesson ends.Bye bye. Sing.

L / S T / Ss

Reinforcement and extension Carry out an activity with the subject of instruments and make instruments with different types of things you find at home.

TRP 1 Photocopy Master 17Draw and write.Home-made instruments.Find out about traditional music.

L / SR / WL / S

T / SsI WT / Ss

Unit 3. What a mess!Objectives Activities Skills Interaction Material

Session 7

Revise the opening song. TB p. 90 Lesson begins.Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Material for the starting class routine -Cross-curricular cards from Unit 3-Story cards of Story 3-Flashcards and word cards: hobbies-CB: p. 32-CD 1: tracks 1, 4, 31, 35 and 36

Optional material:

Continue with the starting the class routine of the 2nd term. Drill memory and all concepts learnt so far.

TB p. 90 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Word skills

L / S

T / Ss

Revise the cross-curricular / CLIL subject.

TB p. 90 Lesson continues.Review of cross-curricular topic. Story time. Act out the story.

L / S T / Ss

Revision of the unit and practice of the key language in the unit.

TB p. 90-91 / CB p. 32Listen and number.

L / S T / Ss

Practise writing . TB p. 91 / CB p. 32Write.

R / W I W

Finish the class with the farewell routine and end the lesson .

TB p. 91 Lesson ends.Bye bye. Sing.

L / S T / Ss


-Photocopies of Photocopy Master 18-CD 1: 29

Reinforcement and extension Get students to complete a song used previously. Play with the flashcards and word cards.

TRP 1 Photocopy Master 18 Word skillsComplete the I like painting song.

TB p. 91 Stand up and say your word. Play.

L / S

R / W

T / Ss

T / Ss

Unit 3. What a mess!Objectives Activities Skills Interaction Material

Session 8

Review the opening song TB p. 92 Lesson begins.Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Material for the starting class routine -Flashcards and word cards: hobbies-Vocabulary poster (Units 3 and 4)-CB: p. 33-Uncle Harry’s parcel-CD 1: tracks 1, 4, 29, 31 y 32

Optional material:-AB: p. 17

Continue with the starting class routine of the 2nd term. Memory drill. Reinforce what they've learnt in the unit.

TB p. 92 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Word skills

L / S

T / Ss

Revise what they've learnt by singing the songs and playing with the poster.

TB p. 92 Lesson continues.To sing the songs in the unit. Sing.To play with the poster.

L / S T / Ss

Personalise acquired knowledge with the possibility of deciding about their own activity.

TB p. 92-93 / CB p. 33 Lesson continues.Write. Draw your favourite hobbies.

R / W I W

Reflect on the unit and listen to the story for the last time.

TB p. 93 Lesson continues.Colour around your favourite activity.To listen to the story for the last time.Participate.

R / W

L / S


T / SsFinish the class with a farewell routine and end the lesson.

TB p. 93 Lesson ends.Bye bye. Sing.

L / S T / Ss


-Mini books from Unit 3-Flashcard T-shirt from Unit 1-Photocopies of a sheet of paper with the drawing of a t-shirt on it.

Reinforcement and extension Use the mini book done previously and add a group activity and design a “T-shirt”.

TB p. 93 Listen and follow with the mini book.

TB p.. 93 / CB p. 33Show and tell.Design a T-shirt.

AB p. 17

L / S

R / W

R / W

T / Ss


R / W

Happy CarnivalObjectives Activities Skills Interaction Material

Session 1

Introduce the subject of Carnival in English and what the different countries do on that date.

TB p. 162 Lesson begins.Carnival Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Material for starting the class routine -CB: p. 66-CD 2: tracks 19-21

Optional material:-Flashcards from Unit 5 in Surprise! 1 and from Unit 1 in Surprise! : clothing items -Photos of students in Carnival outfits.

Continue with the starting class routine of the 2nd term. Memory drill.

TB p. 162 Lesson begins.Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Word skills

L / S

T / Ss

Introduce the Carnival vocabulary in English and teach the language pertaining to this festivity as new vocabulary.

TB p. 162-163 / CB p. 66 Lesson continues.Listen and sing the Carnival song.

L / S T / Ss

Practise new vocabulary. TB p. 163 / CB p. 66 Lesson continues.Read and colour.

R / W I W

Finish the class with the farewell routine and end the lesson.

TB p. 163 Lesson ends.Carnival Bye bye. Sing.

L / S T / Ss


Reinforcement and extension Invent new stanzas for the “Carnival” song using names of clothing items. Describe what they are wearing in photos of students in previous years.

TB p. 163The carnival song. Invent.Show and tell: Carnival photographs.

L / S T / Ss

Happy CarnivalObjectives Activities Skills Interaction Material

Session 2

Carry on with the subject of Carnival in English.

TB p. 164 Lesson begins.Carnival Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Material for the starting class routine -CB: p. 66-CD 2: tracks 19, 20 and 21-Surprise! 1 Flashcards:the colours -Photocopies from Photocopy Master 36-Felt pens or colouring pencils, scissors, staplers

Continue with the opening class routine of the 2° term. Memory drill.

TB p. 164 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Word skills

L / S

T / Ss

Practise and revise Carnival vocabulary and language with two activities.

TB p. 164 / CB p. 66 Lesson continues.Stand up! Sit down! Play.To play the fancy dress game.

L / S T / Ss

Perform a cutout activity making a Carnival game to later play with it.

TB p. 165 / Photocopy Master 36Colour. Make the Carnival game.To play with the cutout.

R / W

L / S


T / SsFinish the class with the farewell routine and end the lesson.

TB p. 165 Lesson ends.Carnival Bye bye. Sing.

L / S T / Ss


Optional material:-Sheets of paper

Preparation:Bring a finished Carnival book to class with you, so students can see a finished version of it.

Reinforcement and extension Play with the descriptions of fancy dress outfits and design their own .

TB p. 165Play with the Carnival book. Describe and arrange.Design your own costume.

AB p. 36

L / S

R / W



Unit 4. City Mouse and Country MouseObjectives Activities Skills Interaction Material

Session 1

Begin the class, revise the “Hello” song.

TB p. 94 Lesson begins.Hello! Sing.

L /S T /Ss -Material for the starting class routine-Uncle Harry’s parcel-Flashcards: Annie, Leo, Doughy, Uncle Harry, bread, tomatoes, cheese, ham, pizza, ice cream, hats and cooks' kitchen aprons -CB: p. 34

Continue with the starting class routine of the 2nd term.

TB p. 94 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.

L /S

T /Ss

Presentation of the context and meaning of the word in Unit 4 : “Gym”.

TB p. 94 Lesson begins. -Word skills

L / S T /Ss

Introduction of new vocabulary: “bread, tomatoes, cheese, ham, pizza & ice cream” in visual and enjoyable manner for the students.

TB p. 94 Lesson continues. What’s in Uncle Harry’s parcel? Guess.Vocabulary presentation with flashcards. Dance and sing.Surprise! Vocabulary Chant. Sing.

L /S T /Ss


-CD 1: tracks: 1, 4, 7, 37, 38 and 39-Picture stickers of food.

Optional material:-CD 1: 40-Flashcards from Surprise! 1: cherries, bananas, plums, watermelon, apples, oranges

PREPARATION:Before starting the class, put away the food flashcards in Uncle Harry’s parcel leaving the one with aprons at the very top.

Practise new vocabulary by means of a chant, a game, a song and a sticker activity.

TB p. 95 Lesson continues. Point at the food flashcards.

TB p. 95 / CB p. 34Listen and sing the Let’s make lunch song.Picture stickers activity. . Stick.

L /S

R / W

T /Ss

I WFinish the class with a farewell routine and end the lesson.

TB p. 95. Lesson ends. Bye bye. Sing.

L /S T /Ss

Reinforcement and extension Practise pronunciation with an exercise. Revision of food vocabulary with a game.

TB p. 96. Word stress. Pronunciation.Vocabulary review (Surprise! 1 and 2) Jumpity jump. Play.

L /S T/Ss

Unit 4. City Mouse and Country MouseObjectives Activities Skills Interaction Material

Session 2

Revise the song opening the lesson TB p. 98 Lesson begins.Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Material for the starting class routine-Flashcards and word cards: bread, tomatoes, cheese, ham, pizza, ice cream-Uncle Harry’s parcel-Story cards for Story 4-CB: p. 35-CD 1: tracks 1, 4, 39 and 41

Continue with the starting class routine of the 2nd term. Memory drill and revision of the word “Gym”.

TB p. 98 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Word skills

L / S

T / Ss

Revise vocabulary with flashcards and the “Let’s make lunch” song.

TB p. 98 Lesson continues. Sing the Let’s make lunch song.

L / S T / Ss

Explain and tell the story in Unit 4 and allow students contact with the language they are learning in context. Recall the story.

TB p. 98 / CB p. 34 Lesson continues. Story time. Listen to the story.

TB p. 99 / CB p. 35To remember the story.

L / S T / Ss


Optional material:-Photocopies of page Photocopy Master 19-Flashcards from Surprise! 1:food-AB: p. 18

Preparation:Before starting the lesson, put away the flashcards of hats and the cook's apron in Uncle Harry’s parcel.

Practise reading and vocabulary TB p. 99to practise reading with the word cards.Read and draw. Say the words.

L / S

R / W

T / Ss

I WFinish the class with the farewell routine and class ending

TB p. 99. Lesson ends.Bye bye. Sing.

L /S T /Ss

Reinforcement and extension Practise vocabulary with a game and personalising their knowledge.

TRP 1 Photocopy Master 19Colour and cut. Play.What’s your favourite food?

AB p. 18

R / W

L / S

R / W

I W / P W

T / Ss


Unit 4. City Mouse and Country MouseObjectives Activities Skills Interaction Material

Session 3

Revise the opening song. TB p. 100 Lesson begins.Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Material for starting the lesson routine.-Story cards for Story 4-Flashcards and word cards: food -CB: p. 36 and 37-CD 1: tracks 1, 4, 39 and 41

Optional material:

Continue with the opening class routine of the 2nd term. Memory drill Revise what they've learnt.

TB p. 100 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Word skills

L / S

T / Ss

Revise vocabulary with the “Let’s make lunch” song and recall the story.

TB p. 100-101 Lesson continues. Sing the Let’s make lunch song.Story time.

L / S T / Ss

Act out the story in Unit 4 getting them to practise the key language and gain fluency in using it orally.

TB p. 101-102 Lesson continues. To act out the story with the recording.

L / S T / Ss

Do an activity from the Class Book. TB p. 102 / CB p. 36 y 37 Find the differences.

R / W I W


-Photocopies of Photocopy Master 20 and 21-CD 1: 42-AB: p. 19

Practise reading and listen to the story for the last time in order to fully understand it.

TB p. 102Circle the food words in the story.

TB p. 102 / CB p. 36 y 37To listen to the story once again.

R / W

L /S


T /SsFinish the class with the farewell routine and end the lesson .

TB p. 102 Lesson ends.Bye bye. Sing.

L /S T /Ss

Reinforcement and extension Make a mini book and play with the students in an open air activity.

TRP 1 Photocopy Master 20 y 21Cut and play. Make a mini book.

TB p. 103Cat and mouse game. Play.

AB p. 19

R / W

L / S

R / W


T / Ss


Unit 4. City Mouse and Country MouseObjectives Activities Skills Interaction Material

Session 4

Revise the opening song TB p. 104 Lesson begins.Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Material for starting the class routine-CB: p. 38-CD 1: tracks 1, 4, 43 and 44

Optional material:-AB: p. 20

Continue with the starting class routine of the 2nd term. Memory drill

TB p. 104 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Word skills

L / S

T / Ss

Introduce and present new supplementary vocabulary through song and dance, so you can extend on the story.

TB p. 104-105 / CB p. 38 Lesson continues. Listen and sing the I like trees song.

L / S T / Ss

Practise new vocabulary in Unit 4 by means of an activity numbering events and with the possibility of extending

TB p. 105 Lesson continues. Listen and number.

TB p. 105 / CB p. 38 Draw and say..

R / W T / I W

Finish the class with the farewell routine and end the lesson.

TB p. 105 Lesson ends.Bye bye. Sing.

L /S T /Ss


Reinforcement and extension Carry out an activity in which different objects are related with the city or the countryside. Do a cutout activity in groups.

TB p. 105 / CB p. 38Quiet or noisy?Country and city posters. Cut.

AB p. 20

L /S

R / W

R / W




Unit 4. City Mouse and Country MouseObjectives Activities Skills Interaction Material

Session 5

Revise class opening song and get students to become familiar with vocabulary

TB p. 106 Lesson begins.Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Material for the starting the class routine -Flashcards and word cards: food -CB: p. 39 and 75-CD 1: tracks 1, 4 y 43-Scissors-Food vocabulary stickers

Optional material:-Food games


Continue with the starting class routine of the 2nd term. Memory drill and teach another concept: : “Staff room”.

TB p. 106 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Word skills

L / S

T / Ss

Revise vocabulary with a song, a cutout activity and a communication game with the cutout, to promote students' confidence in their capacity to understand and use the language orally. .

TB p. 106 Lesson continues. Sing the I like trees song.

TB p. 106-107 / CB p. 39 y75Make the food game. Cut.

L / S

R / W

T / Ss


Practise reading and writing with two different activities.

TB p. 107 / CB p. 39Read and stick.Label.

R / W I W

Finish the class with the farewell routine and end the lesson.

TB p. 107 Lesson ends.Bye bye. Sing.

L / S T / Ss


Bring to class a finished food game from page 75 in the CB, so children can see a finished version of the game. .

Reinforcement and extension Perform two games that allow students to work in pairs and play Bingo!

TB p. 107 I don’t like cheese.Bingo!

L / S T / Ss / P W

Unit 4. City Mouse and Country MouseObjectives Activities Skills Interaction Material

Session 6

Revise the opening song. TB p. 108 Lesson begins.Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Material for the starting class routine-Cross-curricular cards from Unit 4: orange juice/orange tree, bread/wheat, cereals/grain, chocolate milk/cacao grains -Flashcards with the history of bread -CB: p. 40 and41-CD 1: tracks1, 4, 45 and 46

Continue with the starting class routine of the 2nd term. Memory drill. Carry on revising the word : “Staff room”.

TB p. 108 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Word skills

L / S

T / Ss

Introduce real life context l (Conocimiento del medio) and CLIL elements in the unit, presenting cross-curricular subject, expanding their knowledge of the world through the English language.

TB p. 108-109 Conocimiento del medio: Where does the food we have for breakfast come from?

L / S T / Ss

Practise cross-curricular subject / CLIL.

TB p. 109 / CB p. 40Listen and number.Listen and point. Number the pictures.

R / W I W

Finish the class with the farewell routine and class ending.

TB p. 109 Lesson ends.Bye bye. Sing.

L / S T / Ss


Optional material:-Photocopies page Photocopy Master 22-Scissors, glue and paper -CD 1: track 46-Sheets of paper

Reinforcement and extensionMake a zig-zag shaped book called “The story of bread”. Organize an activity based on what students like for breakfast and putting them into groups.

TRP 1 Photocopy Master 22Make a zig-zag book.What do you like for breakfast? Survey.

R / W

L / S


T / Ss

Unit 4. City Mouse and Country MouseObjectives Activities Skills Interaction Material

Session 7

Revise opening song. TB p. 110 Lesson begins.Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Material for the starting the class routine-Cross-curricular cards from Unit 4-Storycards from Story 4-Flashcards and word cards: food -CB: p. 42-CD 1: tracks 1, 4, 41 and 47

Continue with the starting class routine of the 2nd term. Memory drill

TB p. 110 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Word skills

L / S

T / Ss

Revise the cross-curricular subject / CLIL.

TB p. 110 Lesson continues.Revision of cross-curricular topic. Story time. Act out the story.

L / S T / Ss

Revision of Unit 4, practice unit key language.

TB p. 111 / CB p. 42Listen and number.

L / S T / Ss

Practise writing and get them to put more attention when they write.

TB p. 111-112Write.

R / W I W

Finish the class with the farewell routine and end the lesson.

TB p. 111 Lesson ends.Bye bye. Sing.

L / S T / Ss


Optional material:-Photocopy page Photocopy Master 23-CD 1: 39-Word cards: Units 1, 2, 3 and 4-Uncle Harry’s parcel

Reinforcement and extension Complete a song to relate it with the names of different food items. Play with the food word cards to build on confidence in their learning.

TRP 1 Photocopy Master 23 Word skillsComplete the Let’s make lunch song.Lucky dip. Play.

L / S T / Ss

Unit 4. City Mouse and Country MouseObjectives Activities Skills Interaction Material

Session 8

Revise the opening song and get familiar with the vocabulary.

TB p. 112 Lesson begins.Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Material for starting the class routine.-Flashcards and word cards: food -Vocabulary poster (Units 3 and 4)-CB: p. 43-Uncle Harry’s parcel-CD 1: tracks 1, 4 39, 41 and 43

Optional material:-Minibus from Unit 4

Continue with the opening routine of the 2nd term. Memory drill and consolidate what they've learnt in the unit.

TB p. 112 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Word skills

L / S

T / Ss

Revise what they've learnt in Unit 4 and reflect on the activities done through the unit.

TB p. 112 Lesson continues.To sing the songs in the unit. Sing.To play with the poster. Play and guess.

L / S T / Ss

Personalize acquired knowledge with creative activities and reflect on the unit choosing their own activity.

TB p. 112-113 / CB p. 43 Lesson continues.Write. Draw the food you like. Draw the food you don’t like.Colour around your favourite activity.Story time. Listen and participate.

R / W

L / S


T / Ss


-Flashcards from Surprise! 1: fruit and from Surprise! 2: food-Envelopes-AB: p. 21

Listen to the story for the last time in order to fully understand it.

TB p. 113 Lesson continues.To listen to the story for the last time.

L / S T / Ss

Finish the class with the farewell routine and end the lesson.

TB p. 113 Lesson ends.Bye bye. Sing.

L / S T / Ss

Reinforcement and extension Use the mini book you made before and guess who did the drawings in the activity on p. 43 of the CB.Group food items in categories.

TB p.. 113 Listen and follow with the mini book.Show and tell.Food categories.

AB p. 21

L / S

R / W

T / Ss


Unit 5. My house is too small!Objectives Activities Skills Interaction Material

Session 1

Start the class, revise the “Hello” song. TB p. 114 Lesson begins.Hello! Sing.

L /S T /Ss -Material for starting the class routine-Uncle Harry’s parcel-Flashcards: dog, hamster, cat, parrot, horse, fish, string puppet of a horse -CB: p. 44-CD 1: tracks: 1, 4, 7, 48-51-Picture stickers of pets

Optional material:-CD 1: 52

Continue with the starting class routine of the 3rd term. Students can make their own classroom activity cards.

TB p. 114 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.

L /S

T /Ss

Presentation of context and meaning of the word: “Hall” in Unit 5.

TB p. 114 Lesson begins. -Word skills

L / S T /Ss

Introduction of new vocabulary: “dog, hamster, cat, parrot, horse, fish” in a visual and enjoyable manner for the students.

TB p. 114-115 Lesson continues. What’s in Uncle Harry’s parcel? Guess.Vocabulary presentation with flashcards. Dance and sing.

L /S T /Ss

Practise the new vocabulary acquired by means of a mime activity, a song and a picture stickers activity.

TB p. 115 Lesson continues. Listen and do the animal actions.

TB p. 115 / CB p. 44Listen and sing the Have you got a pet? song.Picture stickers activity. Stick.

L /S

R / W

T /Ss

I WFinish the class with the farewell routine and end the lesson .

TB p. 116. Lesson ends. Bye bye. Sing.

L /S T /Ss


-Flashcards from Surprise! 1: tiger, monkey, elephant, turtle, snake, crocodile-CD 1 from Surprise! 1: 37

Preparation:Before starting the class, put away the pet flashcards and the string puppet in Uncle Harry’s parcel, leaving the puppet at the very top.

Reinforcement and extension Practise pronunciation with a game and a review activity.

TB p. 115. Parrot game. Play.Vocabulary review (Surprise! 1 and 2) Animal mimes.

L /S T/Ss

Unit 5. My house is too small!Objectives Activities Skills Interaction Material

Session 2

Revise the opening song TB p. 118 Lesson begins.Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Material for starting the class routine.-Flashcards and word cards: dog, hamster, cat, parrot, horse, fish-Uncle Harry’s parcel-Story cards: Story 5 -CB: p. 45-CD 1: tracks 1, 4, 51 and 53

Optional material:-Photocopies : Photocopy Master 24-AB: p. 24

Continue with the starting class routine of the 3rd term. Memory drill and revision of words learnt: “Our classroom, playground, toilets, dining room, library, computer room, gym, staff room and hall”

TB p. 118 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Word skills

L / S

T / Ss

Revise vocabulary with flashcards and the “Have you got a pet?” song.

TB p. 118 Lesson continues. Sing the Have you got a pet? Song.

L / S T / Ss

Explain and tell the story in Unit 5 and allow students contact with the language they are learning in context. Remember the story.

TB p. 118-119 / CB p. 44 Lesson continues. Story time. Listen to the story.

TB p. 119To remember the story.

L / S T / Ss


Preparation:Before starting the class,put the flashcard of the horse puppet inside Uncle Harry’s parcel.

Practise reading getting them to say the names of the pets. .

TB p. 119 Lesson continues. To practise reading with word cards.

L / S T / Ss

Practise vocabulary. TB p. 119 / CB p. 45Read and tick √ . Say the words.

R / W I W

Finish the class with the farewell routine and end the lesson.

TB p. 119. Lesson ends.Bye bye. Sing.

L / S T / Ss

Reinforcement and extension Practise vocabulary with an activity and later play the game of “go and find your partner”.Draw their pet.

TRP 1 Photocopy Master 24Colour and cut. Play.

TB p. 119What’s your favourite pet?

AB p. 24

R / W

L / S

R / W




Unit 5. My house is too small!Objectives Activities Skills Interaction Material

Session 3

Revise the opening song. TB p. 120 Lesson begins.Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Material for starting the class routine.-Storycards of Story 5 -Flashcards and word cards: pets -CB: p. 46 and 47-CD 1: tracks 1, 4, 51 and 53

Optional material:-Photocopies : Photocopy Master 25 and 26-AB: p. 25

Continue with the start the class routine of the 3rd term Memory drill.

TB p. 120 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Word skills

L / S

T / Ss

Revise the vocabulary with the “Have you got a pet?”.songRecall the story.

TB p. 120-121 Lesson continues. Sing the Have you got a pet? song.Story time.

L / S T / Ss

Act out the story in the 5th unit getting them to practise key language and gain fluency in oral use.

TB p. 121 Lesson continues. To act out the story with the recording.

L / S T / Ss

Carry out an activity to find the differences between the story cards and the Class Book.

TB p. 122 / CB p. 46 y 47Find the differences.

R / W I W

Practise reading and listen to the story for the last time in order to fully understand it.

TB p. 121 Lesson continues. Circle the pet words in the store.To listen to the story once again.

R / W

L / S


T / Ss


Finish the class with the farewell routine and end of the lesson .

TB p. 122 Lesson ends.Bye bye. Sing.

L /S T /Ss

Reinforcement and extension Grow more familiar with the vocabulary in the story making another minibus and performing a guessing activity. .

TRP 1 Photocopy Master 25 y 26Cut and play. Make a mini book.

TB p. 123 Have you got a cat?

AB p. 25

R / W

L / S

R / W


T / Ss


Unit 5. My house is too small!Objectives Activities Skills Interaction Material

Session 4

Revise the opening song and get familiar with the vocabulary.

TB p. 124 Lesson begins.Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Material for the start the class routine-CB: p. 48-CD 1: tracks 1, 4, 54 and 55

Optional material:-Home decoration magazines, colour card A2 a cardboard roof, scissors. -AB: p. 26

Continue with the start the class routine of the 3rd term. Memory drill.

TB p. 124 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Word skills

L / S

T / Ss

Introduce and present new supplementary vocabulary through song and dance, thus making it possible to extend the story.

TB p. 124 / CB p. 48 Lesson continues. Listen and sing the House song.

L / S T / Ss

Practise new vocabulary in Unit 5 by means of a numbering activity and a drawing activity.

TB p. 125 Lesson continues. Listen and number.Draw and say.

L / S

R / W

T / Ss


Finish the class with the farewell routine and end the class.

TB p. 125 Lesson ends.Bye bye. Sing.

L /S T /Ss

Reinforcement and extension Place the pets in the different rooms of a house. Create a wall painting of a house with the help of the students.

TB p. 125 Where’s the dog?Make a house mural.

AB p. 26

L /S

R / W

R / W


I W / T



Unit 5. My house is too small!Objectives Activities Skills Interaction Material

Session 5

Revise the opening song TB p. 126 Lesson begins.Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Material for the start the class routine.-Flashcards and word cards: pets-CB: pages 49 and 77-CD 1: tracks 1, 4 and 54-Scissors-Pet vocabulary stickers

Preparation:Bring with you to class a finished version of Mr.Brown's house from p.77 in the Class Book so children can see what it looks like.

Continue with the start the class routine of the 3rd term. Memory drill and introduction of another word: “caretaker”.

TB p. 126 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Word skills

L / S

T / Ss

Revise vocabulary with a song and a cutout activity and play a communication game with the cutout to promote confidence in students' capacity to understand and use language in oral manner.

TB p. 126 Lesson continues. Sing the House song.

TB p. 126-127 / CB p. 49 and 77Make Mr. Brown’s house. Cut.

L / S

R / W

T / Ss


Practise reading and writing. TB p. 127 Lesson continuesRead and stick.Label.

R / W I W

Finish the class with the farewell routine and end the lesson.

TB p. 127 Lesson ends.Bye bye. Sing.

L / S T / Ss

Reinforcement and extension Play Bingo! with the cutout. Play in pairs at guessing what the other student has written.

TB p. 127 Bingo! Play.Where’s the hamster? Play.

L / S

L / S

T / Ss



Unit 5. My house is too small!Objectives Activities Skills Interaction Material

Session 6

Revise the opening song. TB p. 128 Lesson begins.Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Material for the start the class routine.-Cross-curricular cards from Unit 5:the stork/the nest of the stork, the fox/the den,of the fox, the dormouse/the nest of the dormouse, the squirrel/the nest of the squirrel -CB: p. 50 and 51-CD 1: tracks 1, 4 and 56

Optional material:

Continue with the start the class routine of the 3rd term. Memory drill

TB p. 128 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Word skills. School signs “caretaker”

L / S

T / Ss

Introduce a real life context (Natural Science) and CLIL elements in the unit, presenting a cross-curricular subject and expanding their knowledge of the world through the English language.

TB p. 128-129 Lesson continues.Natural Science: Animal habitats

L / S T / Ss

Practise the cross-curricular subject / CLIL.

TB p. 129 / CB p. 50 Lesson continues.Listen and number.

TB p. 129 / CB p. 51Match. Draw the animals.

R / W I W

Finish the class with the farewell routine and end the lesson.

TB p. 129 Lesson ends.Bye bye. Sing.

L / S T / Ss


-Photocopies of Photocopy Master 27-Straws-CD 1: 57

Preparation:Bring to class a finished windmill set .

Reinforcement and extension Make a craft: a windmill. Teach the habitat of other animals.

TRP 1 Photocopy Master 27Cut, fold and stick.

TB p. 129Drama activity.

R / W

L / S


T / Ss

Unit 5. My house is too small!Objectives Activities Skills Interaction Material

Session 7

Revise the opening song and get familiar with vocabulary.

TB p. 130 Lesson begins.Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Material for the start the class routine.-Cross-curricular cards from Unit 5 -Storycards : Story 5 -Flashcards and word cards: pets -CB: p. 52-CD 1: tracks 1, 4, 53 and 58

Optional material:-Photocopies Photocopy Master 28-CD 1: 51-Word cards: pets

Continue with the start the class routine of the 3rd term. Show as well the sequence to be followed during the lessons and memory drill.

TB p. 130 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Word skills

L / S

T / Ss

Revise the cross-curricular topic / CLIL.

TB p. 130 Lesson continues.Revision of cross-curricular topic .Story time. Act out the story.

L / S T / Ss

Revision of Unit 5, key language drill

TB p. 130 / CB p. 52Listen and number.

L / S T / Ss

Practise writing by means of an activity, correcting it when finished.

TB p. 131 / CB p. 52Write.

R / W I W

Finish the class with the farewell routine and end the lesson.

TB p 131 Lesson ends.Bye bye. Sing.

L / S T / Ss

Reinforcement and extension Complete the song in the lesson guided by the pictures. Play with the word cards.

TRP 1 Photocopy Master 28 Word skillsComplete the Have you got a pet? song.

TB p 131Bend down! Stand up! Play.

L / S T / Ss


Unit 5. My house is too small!Objectives Activities Skills Interaction Material

Session 8

Revise the opening song and get familiar with the vocabulary.

TB p 132 Lesson begins.Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Material for the start the class routine.-Flashcards and word cards: pets -Vocabulary poster (Units 5 and 6)-CB: p. 53-Uncle Harry’s parcel-CD 1: tracks 1, 4, 51 and 54

Optional material :-Mini books from Unit 5 -Flashcards: vocabulary you want to

Continue with the start the class routine of the 3rd term. Memory drill and reinforce what we learnt in the unit.

TB p. 132 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Word skills

L / S

T / Ss

Revise what we learnt in Unit 5. TB p. 132 Lesson continues.To sing the songs in the unit. Sing.To play with the poster. Play and guess.

L / S T / Ss

Personalise acquired knowledge with creative activities and reflect on the unit by choosing their own activity.

TB p. 132-133 / CB p. 53 Lesson continues.Write. Draw your favourite pets.Colour around your favourite activity.

R / W I W

Listen to the story for the last time in order to fully understand it.

TB p. 133 Lesson continues.To listen to the story for the last time.

L / S T / Ss

Finish the class with the farewell routine and end the lesson.

TB p. 133 Lesson ends.Bye bye. Sing.

L / S T / Ss


revise from Surprise! 1 and 2-AB: p. 27

Reinforcement and extension Use the mini book you made before to recall the story, play with the different rooms and revise vocabulary to draw a complete house.

TB p. 133 Listen and follow with the mini book.Go to the...Play.Complete the house. Guess.

AB p. 27

L / S

R / W

T / Ss / P W


Unit 6. The princess and the peaObjectives Activities Skills Interaction Material

Session 1

Start the class, revise the “Hello” song.

TB p. 134 Lesson begins.Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Material for the start the class routine.-Uncle Harry’s parcel-Flashcards: king, clown, castle, queen, princess, prince-CB: p. 54-CD 1: tracks: 1, 4, 7-CD 2: tracks: 1-3-Picture stickers of the royals

Optional material :

Continue with the start the class routine of the 3rd term.

TB p. 134 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.

L / S

T / Ss

Presentation of context and meaning of the corresponding word in unit 6: “corridor”.

TB p. 134 Lesson begins. -Word skills

L / S T / Ss

Introduction of new vocabulary: : “king, crown, castle, queen, princess & prince” in a visual manner, making it enjoyable for the students.

TB p. 134-135 Lesson continues. What’s in Uncle Harry’s parcel? Guess.Vocabulary presentation with flashcards. Dance and sing.Surprise! Vocabulary Chant. Sing.

L / S T / Ss

Practise new vocabulary acquired by means of a game, a song and a sticker activity.

TB p. 135 Lesson continues. Action game. Play.

TB p. 135 / CB p. 54Listen and sing the Castle song.Picture stickers activity . Stick.

L / S

R / W

T / Ss

I WFinish the class with the farewell routine and lesson ending.

TB p. 136. Lesson ends. Bye bye. Sing.

L / S T /Ss


-CD 2: track 4Surprise! 1 Flashcards: granddad, granny, daddy, mummy, brother, sister

Preparation:Before you start the class, put the flashcards with the royals inside Uncle Harry’s parcel, placing the flashcard with the toy castle at the very top.

Reinforcement and extension Practise pronunciation with a chant and the vocabulary review..

TB p. 136. Castle chant.Vocabulary review (Surprise! 1 and 2) Find the family.

L / S T / Ss

Unit 6. The princess and the peaObjectives Activities Skills Interaction Material

Session 2

Revise the opening song. TB p. 138 Lesson begins.Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Material for opening the lesson routine.-Flashcards and word cards: king, crown, castle, queen, prince, princess-Uncle Harry’s parcel-Story 6 story cards -CB: p. 54 and 55-CD 1: tracks 1 and 4-CD 2: tracks 3 and 5

Optional material :-Photocopies Photocopy Master 29

Continue with the start the class routine of the 3rd term. Memory drill and revision of “corridor”.

TB p. 138 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Word skills

L / S

T / Ss

Revise the vocabulary by means of flashcards and the “Castle” song.

TB p. 138 Lesson continues. Sing the Castle song.

L / S T / Ss

Explain and tell the story in unit 6 and allow pupils contact with the language they learn in context.Recall the story.

TB p. 138-139 / CB p. 54 Lesson continues. Story time. Listen to the story.

TB p. 139 / CB p. 55To remember the story.

L / S T / Ss

Practise reading with the students. TB p. 139 Lesson continues. To practise reading with the word cards.

L / S T / Ss

Practise vocabulary. . TB p. 139 / CB p. 55Read and circle. Say the words.

R / W I W


-AB: p. 28Finish the class with the farewell routine and end the lesson.

TB p. 139. Lesson ends.Bye bye. Sing.

L / S T / Ss

Reinforcement and extension Play with the cutout mini cards and play with the “Castle” song, forming a circle.

TRP 1 Photocopy Master 29Colour and cut. Play.

TB p. 139Castle game. Play.

AB p. 28

R / W

L / S

R / W

I W / P W

T / Ss


Unit 6. The princess and the peaObjectives Activities Skills Interaction Material

Session 3

Revise the opening song TB p. 140 Lesson begins.Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Material for opening lesson routine.-Story cards of Story 6 -Flashcards and word cards: royalty-CB: p. 56 and 57-CD 1: tracks 1 and 4-CD 2: tracks 3 and 5

Optional material :-Photocopies of pages Photocopy Master 30 and 31 -AB: p. 29-CD 2: 6

Continue with the starting class routine of the 3rd term. Memory drill and word revision .

TB p. 140 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Word skills

L / S

T / Ss

Revise vocabulary with the “Castle” song.Recall the story.

TB p. 140-141 Lesson continues. Sing the Castle song.Story time. To recall the story.

L / S T / Ss

Act out the story in unit 6 getting them to practise key language and gaining fluency in oral use of the language.

TB p. 141-142 Lesson continues. To act out the story with the recording.

L / S T / Ss

Do an activity from the Class Book , finding the differences.

TB p. 142 / CB p. 56 y 57 Find the differences.

R / W I W

Practise reading with a “circle the words” activity.

TB p. 142 Circle the royal family words in the store.

R / W I W

Listen to, and follow the story once again.

TB p. 142 / CB p. 56 y 57To listen to the story again.

L / S T / Ss

End the class with the farewell routine and finish the lesson .

TB p. 142 Lesson ends.Bye bye. Sing.

L / S T / Ss


Reinforcement and extension Familiarize even further with the vocabulary of the story making another mini book and with a new adaptation of the story.

TRP 1 Photocopy Master 30 y 31Cut and play. Make a mini book.

TB p. 142Traditional rhyme adapted to the story.

AB p. 29

R / W

L / S

R / W


T / Ss


Unit 6. The princess and the peaObjectives Activities Skills Interaction Material

Session 4

Revise the opening song TB p. 143 Lesson begins.Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Material for opening lesson routine -CB: p. 58-CD 1: tracks 1 and 4-CD 2: tracks 7 and 8

Optional material:-Flashcards: numbers from 11 to 20 and other vocabulary you would like to revise -AB: p. 30

Continue with the opening class routine of the 3rd term. Memory drill.

TB p. 143 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Word skills

L / S

T / Ss

Introduce and present new and supplementary vocabulary through singing and dancing, making it possible to extend the story.

TB p. 143 / CB p. 58 Lesson continues. Listen and sing the Sleep, Sarah, sleep song.

L / S T / Ss

Practise the new vocabulary of unit 6 by means of two activities using numbers.

TB p. 144 Lesson continues. Listen and point.Find and count. Write the numbers.

L / S

R / W

T / Ss


Finish the class with the farewell routine and end of lesson.

TB p. 144 Lesson ends.Bye bye. Sing.

L /S T /Ss

Reinforcement and extension Play Bingo! Using the number flashcards and revision of vocabulary grouping previously learnt words.

TB p. 144 Bingo! Play.Odd one out. Play

AB p. 30

L / S

R / W

T / Ss



Unit 6. The princess and the peaObjectives Activities Skills Interaction Material

Session 5

Revise the opening song and get familiar with the vocabulary.

TB p. 145 Lesson begins.Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Material for the starting the lesson routine -Flashcards and word cards: royalty-CB: p. 59 and 79-CD 1: tracks 1 and4-CD 2: 7-Scissors-Stickers with royalty vocabulary

Optional material :-CD 2: tracks 3, 5 and 7

Preparation:Bring with you to class the finished puppets of the royal family from p.79 of the Class Book so students can see what they will look like.

Continue with the opening class routine of the 3rd term. Memory drill and introduction of the last word of the unit: “head teacher”.

TB p. 145 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Word skills

L / S

T / Ss

Revise vocabulary with a song and a cutout activity making puppets of the royal family..

TB p. 145-146 Lesson continues. Sing the Sleep, Sarah, sleep song.Make the royal family puppets. Create.

L / S

R / W

T / Ss


Practise reading and writing . TB p. 146 / CB p. 59 y 79Read and stick.Label.

R / W I W

Finish the class with the farewell routine and end of lesson.

TB p. 146 Lesson ends.Bye bye. Sing.

L / S T / Ss

Reinforcement and extension Sing the song with the puppets made in class and act out the story in the lesson .

TB p. 146 Sing the Castle song with the royal family puppets.Act out the story.

L / S T / Ss


Unit 6. The princess and the peaObjectives Activities Skills Interaction Material

Session 6

Revise opening song and get students familiar with the vocabulary.

TB p. 147 Lesson begins.Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Opening class routine material -Cross-curricular cards from Unit 6: chimpanzee/chimpanzee in the nest, giraffe asleep/awake, bat flying/hanging upside down, hippo out of the water/asleep in the water. -CB: p. 60 and 61-CD 1: tracks 1 and 4-CD 2: tracks 9 and 10

Optional material :-Photocopies from Photocopy Master 32.

Continue with opening class routine of the 3rd term. Memory drill.

TB p. 147 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Word skills

L / S

T / Ss

Introduce a real life context (Natural Science) and CLIL elements in the unit, presenting cross-curricular subject and expanding knowledge of the world through the English language. .

TB p. 147-148 Natural Science: The way animals sleep.

L / S T / Ss

Practise the cross-curricular subject / CLIL with 3 different activities.

TB p. 148 / CB p. 60Listen and number.

TB p. 148 / CB p. 61Guess and write the number.Listen and check.

R / W I W

Finish the class with the farewell routine and end of lesson.

TB p. 148 Lesson ends.Bye bye. Sing.

L / S T / Ss

Reinforcement and extensionRelate the animal topic with a drawing activity. Play with the children, imitating animal actions.

TRP 1 Photocopy Master 32Complete the bar graph. Draw.

TB p. 149Action game. Play.

R / W

L / S


T / Ss


Unit 6. The princess and the peaObjectives Activities Skills Interaction Material

Session 7

Revise the opening song that starts the lesson.

TB p. 150 Lesson begins.Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Materials for starting the lesson routine -Cross-curricular cards from Unit 6-Story cards from Story 6-Flashcards and word cards: royalty-CB: p. 62-CD 1: tracks 1 and 4-CD 2: tracks 5 and 11

Optional material :-Photocopies from the Photocopy Master page 33-Word cards: key vocabulary from Units 1 to 6-CD 2: 3

Continue with the opening routine for starting the lesson of the 3rd

term. Also show the sequence to follow during lessons and memory drill. .

TB p. 150 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Word skills

L / S

T / Ss

Revise the cross-curricular subject / CLIL and act out the story .

TB p. 150 Lesson continues.Revision of cross-curricular topic. Act out the story.

L / S T / Ss

Revision of Unit 6, practice of key language in the unit.

TB p. 151 / CB p. 62Listen and number.

L / S T / Ss

Practise writing, TB p. 151 / CB p. 62Write.

R / W I W

End the class with the farewell routine and finish the lesson .

TB p. 151 Lesson ends.Bye bye. Sing.

L / S T / Ss

Reinforcement and extensionUse the pictures as a guide to complete the “Castle” song. Write and practise with the 6 categories learnt: clothing items, parts of the face , hobbies, food, pets and the royal family.

TRP 1 Photocopy Master 33 Word skillsComplete the Castle song.

TB p. 151Categories.

L / S T / Ss


Unit 6. The princess and the peaObjectives Activities Skills Interaction Material

Session 8

Revise the opening song and get students familiar with the vocabulary. .

TB p. 152 The lesson begins. Hello! Sing.

L / S T / Ss -Material for starting the class routine. -Flashcards and word cards: royalty-Flashcards: Uncle Harry's six presents-Vocabulary poster (Units 5 and 6)-CB: p. 63-Uncle Harry’s parcel-CD 1: tracks 1 and 4-CD 2: tracks 3, 7 and 12

Optional material:Unit 6 Mini books Mini cards from Surprise! 2-Paper cutout from Unit 5-AB: p. 31

Continue with the opening routine for starting the lesson of the 3rd

term. Memory drill and reinforce what you learned in the unit : “Our classroom, playground, toilets, dining room, library, computer room, gym, staff room, hall, caretaker, corridor & head teacher”.

TB p. 152 Lesson begins. Surprise! Today poster. Listen and repeat.-Word skills

L / S

T / Ss

Revise what you learned in unit 6 and reflect on the activities performed throughout the unit.

TB p. 152 Lesson continues.To sing the songs in the unit. Sing.To play with the poster. Play and guess.

TB p. 152-153 / CB p. 63Number. Listen and check.

L / S

R / W

T / Ss


Personalise acquired knowledge with a creative activity, allowing them to choose their own activity.

TB p. 153 Lesson continues.Draw your favourite story. Write.

R / W I W

Listen to the story for the last time to fully understand it.

TB p. 153 Lesson begins. To listen to the story for the last time.

L / S

T / Ss

Finish the class with the farewell routine and lesson ending.

TB p. 153 Lesson ends.Bye bye. Sing.

L / S T / Ss

Reinforcement and extensionUse the mini book you made to remember the story, revise using all the mini cards you made before, grouping them by their initial letter. Play at guessing with the royal family mini cards.

TB p.. 153 Listen and follow with the mini book.Initial letters. Review.Where’s the queen? Play.

AB p. 31

L / S

R / W

T / Ss / P W