Programme Oxford Spotlight 3º-4º ESO Destaca…  · Web viewOxford Spotlight includes...


Transcript of Programme Oxford Spotlight 3º-4º ESO Destaca…  · Web viewOxford Spotlight includes...

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DESCRIPTION OF CENTRE AND ORGANISATION OF ENGLISH DEPARTMENT......................................3THEORETICAL JUSTIFICATION FOR THE PROJECT.......................................................................................9OBJECTIVES..........................................................................................................................................................10CONTENTS.............................................................................................................................................................13ASSESSMENT CRITERIA.....................................................................................................................................14KEY COMPETENCES............................................................................................................................................17ATTENTION TO DIVERSITY...............................................................................................................................30PROGRAMME OF UNITS: 3RD YEAR - COMPULSORY SECONDARY EDUCATION................................31PROGRAMME OF UNITS: 4TH YEAR - COMPULSORY SECONDARY EDUCATION................................59CLASSROOM PROGRAMME –OXFORD SPOTLIGHT 3: YEAR 2010/2011*................................................88CLASSROOM PROGRAMME –OXFORD SPOTLIGHT 4: YEAR 2010/2011*..............................................114

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1st cycle ESO



Town Province Post Code








Level Number of pupils Number of groups


(The department should describe the profile of the students using the following areas as a guide :)

– General characteristics

– Characteristics of different groups

– Characteristics of one particular group

(Give details of basic objectives for dealing with these groups, prioritising the groups’ needs and outlining strategies

to be used and their timing.)


(Omit those which are not relevant)

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Social level High Medium Low Mixed



City Centre Suburb Small town Rural

Nº of students with

Special needs:


V. Learning characteristics of the different groups

(Omit those which are not relevant)


Group A

Pupils like learning through play.

Pupils show a lot of/little creativity and imagination.

The curiosity of pupils is easily/not easily engaged.

Pupils like/don’t like expressing their emotions.

Pupils are capable/incapable of organising and analysing their own learning.

Pupils are/are not conscious of the advantages of group work in class.

Pupils express themselves coherently/incoherently and correctly/incorrectly in their own language.

Pupils need/don’t need to understand all the words in a text to understand it.

Pupils like/don’t like reading at home.


Group B

Pupils like learning through play.

Pupils show a lot of/little creativity and imagination.

The curiosity of pupils is easily/not easily engaged.

Pupils like/don’t like expressing their emotions.

Pupils are capable/incapable of organising and analysing their own learning.

Pupils are/are not conscious of the advantages of group work in class.

Pupils express themselves coherently/incoherently and correctly/incorrectly in their own language.

Pupils need/don’t need to understand all the words in a text to understand it.

Pupils like/don’t like reading at home.


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Group C

Pupils like learning through play.

Pupils show a lot of/little creativity and imagination.

The curiosity of pupils is easily/not easily engaged.

Pupils like/don’t like expressing their emotions.

Pupils are capable/incapable of organising and analysing their own learning.

Pupils are/are not conscious of the advantages of group work in class.

Pupils express themselves coherently/incoherently and correctly/incorrectly in their own language.

Pupils need/don’t need to understand all the words in a text to understand it.

Pupils like/don’t like reading at home.


Group D

Pupils like learning through play.

Pupils show a lot of/little creativity and imagination.

The curiosity of pupils is easily/not easily engaged.

Pupils like/don’t like expressing their emotions.

Pupils are capable/incapable of organising and analysing their own learning.

Pupils are/are not conscious of the advantages of group work in class.

Pupils express themselves coherently/incoherently and correctly/incorrectly in their own language.

Pupils need/don’t need to understand all the words in a text to understand it.

Pupils like/don’t like reading at home.



(To be completed by teachers)

General needs

Specific needs of different groups

Group A

Group B

Group C

Group D

Specific individual needs

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Group A Pupil

Group B Pupil

Group C Pupil

Group D Pupil


(To be completed by teachers)

a) With pupils

b) With teachers

c) With parents and tutors


(omit those which are not relevant)

Human resources

Support teachers



Alphabetical order

Flexible grouping (specify what type and give reasons)

Small support groups within/outside the mainstream class

Pupils with special sensory needs in different groups/classes


Material resources available in the school

(omit those which are not relevant)

Video - DVD


Radio cassette/ CD player

Video camera

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Pizarra Digital Interactiva

Internet connection (WiFi, others…)

(Note here any observations about how, when and why these resources are used for English classes.)

Spaces available in the school

(omit those which are not relevant)

Multi-use areas

Language laboratory

Computer room





Criteria for use of common spaces(Note here any observations about when, how and why these spaces are used for English classes.)

Distribution of classroom space

(omit those which are not relevant)

Pupils’ desks arranged in rows

Pupils’ desks arranged in “U”

Specific corners: Class library, transversal topics, games, crafts, etc.



(Note here any educational or other outings planned.)

Group/s Teachers Term/


Outing and activity



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Teacher’s name and position:

TIME Monday Tuesday Wed. Thursday Friday

Teacher’s name and position:

TIME Monday Tuesday Wed. Thursday Friday

Teacher’s name and position:

TIME Monday Tuesday Wed. Thursday Friday

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The demands and needs of 21st-century society have brought changes to the school

environment, preparing pupils to live in an ever more international, multicultural, multilingual and

technologically more advanced world. As a member of the European Union, our country is

committed to the promotion of the knowledge of other community languages as is reflected in

one of the objectives of the Lisbon Strategy. Meanwhile, the Council of Europe in the European

Common Reference Framework for the learning of foreign languages establishes directives for

both the learning of languages as well as for the assessment of competence in different

languages. These guidelines have been a key reference in the elaboration of the curriculum.

The Royal Decree of Minimum Education states that Secondary Education will help develop in

students the skills that will enable them to:

a) Assume responsibility for their duties, know and exercise their rights with respect to others,

evidence tolerance, cooperation and solidarity towards other individuals and groups, engage in

dialogue cementing human rights as common values within a plural society and prepare

themselves for the exercise of democratic citizenship.

b) Develop and consolidate habits of discipline, study and individual and team work as

prerequisites for the efficient completion of learning tasks and as means of personal


c) Value and respect the differences between the sexes and equal rights and opportunities for

both. Reject stereotypes which encourage discrimination between men and women.

d) Reinforce their emotional capacity in every aspect of their personality and in their

relationships with others, and reject violence, any kind of prejudice or sexist behaviour, and

resolve conflicts peacefully.

e) Develop basic skills in the use of sources of information in order to employ their

discrimination and acquire new knowledge. Acquire a basic preparation in the field of

technology, particularly in information and communication.

f) Consider scientific knowledge as an integrated skill, organised into different disciplines, and

know and apply methods to identify problems in diverse fields of knowledge and experience.

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g) Develop an entrepreneurial spirit and self-confidence, participation, critical sense, personal

initiative and the capacity to learn to learn, plan, take decisions and assume responsibility


h) Understand and correctly express, orally and in writing, in Spanish and, when it exists, the

co-official language of their Autonomous Community, complex texts and messages, and initiate

the process of learning, reading and studying literature.

i) Understand and express themselves in one or two foreign languages in an appropriate


j) Know, value and respect the basic features of their own culture and history and those of

others, as well as cultural and artistic heritage.

k) Know and accept the functioning of their own bodies and those of others, respect differences,

consolidate habits of health and hygiene and engage in physical exercise and sport to assist

personal and social development. Know and value the human dimension of sexuality in all its

diversity. Critically assess social habits related to health, consumption, the care of animals and

the environment, contributing to their conservation and improvement.

l) Appreciate artistic creation and understand the language of different art forms, employing

diverse methods of expression and representation.


Objectives of the area of foreign language and their integration within our project

The objective of the subject in the phase of Compulsory Secondary Education is the learning of

discursive skills which may be necessary in different fields. On completing Primary Education,

students should be able to use the target language to express themselves and interact orally

and in writing in simple and everyday situations. In Compulsory Secondary Education the

process of learning the target language continues, the objective at the end of this phase being

the consolidation of productive skills and the capacity to communicate and be understood in a

variety of situations, such as offering and requesting personal opinions in an informal debate,

expressing one’s ideas in an understandable form, employing a wide and simple vocabulary to

explain what one wants, understanding the main points in texts in standard language, albeit with

obvious pauses for a degree of grammatical and lexical planning. In short, on completing this

stage, they should be able to tackle in a flexible manner everyday oral and written

communication problems, such as participating in normal conversations, making complaints,

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describing experiences or plans, explaining something or requesting clarification. In conclusion,

this phase should constitute a solid foundation in order to continue, with gradually greater

autonomy, the learning process of a complete lifetime.

On the other hand, the learning of a foreign language transcends the limits of linguistic learning,

and goes beyond learning the language to using it in communication contexts. Its knowledge

contributes to the preparation of pupils in an integral sense in that it encourages respect for,

interest in and communication with speakers of other languages develops intercultural

awareness and is a vehicle for understanding global issues and problems and for the

acquirement of different learning strategies. The process of teaching and learning a foreign

language in this phase of education involves an evident reference to attitude, in that it

contributes to the development of positive and receptive attitudes towards other languages and

cultures and, at the same time, to better understanding and appreciation of one’s own language

or languages.

The aim, as far as is possible, is to globalise experiences without forgetting the specific stage of

learning in which pupils find themselves.

The editorial project is intended for the first cycle of Compulsory Secondary Education in the

area of foreign languages (English). Its goal is the development of pupils’ communicative skills,

ensuring that they assimilate the grammatical rules of English and acquire the basic vocabulary

necessary in order to communicate. This general principle is broken down into the following

specific objectives:

Provide Secondary students with a useful and necessary vocabulary in order to be able to communicate in English.. To achieve this, each unit presents, practises and

recycles vocabulary related to a particular topic.

Explain typically English expressions via dialogues between pupils of the same age as

the students

Help pupils to understand English grammar and use the language correctly, by means

of clear explanations and gradual practice progressing from simple to other more complex


Exhibit to students aspects of British culture and encourage comparison with their own culture via specific culture sections

Enable students to focus on the everyday life and customs of British teenagers, observing how they behave in different contexts illustrated both in the Student’s Book and in

the DVDs included in the course.

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Give expression to the real world beyond the classroom with the help of texts and

informative sections, within the units

Provide students with tools to express themselves, both orally and in writing, with regard to topics which they find interesting and motivating. They are offered not only

the necessary practice, but also help in preparing both oral and written texts.

Give students the opportunity to recycle and revise the vocabulary and structures they are learning in the revision sections

Enable students to assess their own progress using the different self-assessment

exercises in all the units.

Make it possible for students to become better and more independent language students. They are encouraged to use the reference sections (grammar section,

vocabulary lists), and the multimedia components to practise at home.

Help Secondary students to enjoy English classes thanks to highly motivating material:

real songs, exercises including games, word searches, crosswords etc. And multimedia

material incorporating various games.

Thanks to the balance struck between the demands of the course and the assistance provided,

all pupils will have the opportunity to develop their capacities to the full

The objective of teaching the foreign language during this phase will be the development of the

following abilities:

1. Read and understand general and specific information in oral texts in various communicative

situations, adopting a respectful and cooperative attitude.

2. Express oneself and interacting orally in typical communication situations in an

understandable and appropriate manner, with a certain degree of autonomy.

3. Read and understand diverse texts of a level appropriate to pupils’ abilities and interests in

order to extract specific and general information, and use reading as a source of pleasure

and personal enhancement.

4. Write simple texts with diverse purposes about different topics using appropriate resources

of cohesion and coherence.

5. Use correctly the basic phonetic, lexical, structural and functional components of the target

language in real communication contexts.

6. Develop autonomy in learning, reflect upon learning processes, and transfer to the target

language knowledge and communication strategies acquired in other languages.

7. Use learning strategies and all the means at their disposal, including information and

communication technology, to obtain, select and present information orally and in writing.

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8. Value the target language as a means of accessing information and as a tool for learning

diverse contents.

9. Value the target language and languages in general as a means of communication and

understanding between people of diverse origins, languages and cultures, avoiding any kind

of discrimination or linguistic and cultural stereotypes.

10. Show a receptive and self confident attitude in one’s ability to learn and use the target



The contents have been grouped in blocks to sort the elements of analysis of a complex reality,

in relation to four key competences with specific characteristics and needs in terms of the

teaching and learning process: oral language; written language; the constituents of the linguistic

system, their functioning and relationships, and the social and cultural dimension of the foreign


Although oral and written language are two different manifestations of the same capacity, each

requires different skills and knowledge and is therefore dealt with separately.

Block 1- Listening, speaking and conversingThe language model provided by the school is the first source of knowledge and learning of the

language. Discourse employed in the classroom is at the same time both vehicle for and object

of learning, so the curriculum focuses on both the knowledge of linguistic elements and the

ability to use them to perform communicative tasks..

.In addition, the linguistic model provided should come from a certain number of speakers, to

reflect the variety of speech, habitual expressions, phonetic and prosodic nuances typical of

different real communicative situations, Hence the presence in the Curriculum in our project of

the use of conventional audiovisual material and information and communication technology.

Block 2- Reading and writingThe aim of this section is discursive competence in writing. In the target language written texts

are also a model for textual composition and practice and acquirement of linguistic elements.

The progressive use of written language will depend on the level of knowledge of the code,

which is directly related to the degree of security which the said text offers in the graphic

representation of the sounds of the language. To overcome this lack of security, the Curriculum

and our Project include strategies and resources such as the use of dictionaries and other

conventional or digital means of consultation for the comprehension and composition of all kinds

of texts.

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Block 3– Knowledge of the language

Contact with the target language and its use enable those learning it to elaborate an elementary

conceptual regarding its functioning. The starting point will be practical situations which

encourage the acquisition of rules regarding the workings of the language, in order that students

may establish which elements of the foreign language function in a similar way to their own

tongue, gaining confidence in their ability to use the second language.

This block is divided into linguistic knowledge and reflection upon learning...

Block 4- Socio-cultural features and intercultural awarenessThe contents of this block help the students learn customs, forms of social relationships, and

specific features of countries that speak the target language; in other words, lifestyles different

from their own. This knowledge will promote respect and interest in the knowledge of different

social and cultural realities and facilitate intercultural communication.


The Royal Decree of Minimum Education establishes the following assessment criteria for the

second cycle of Secondary Education in the area of foreign language:

3rd year

1. Understand general and specific information, the main idea and some relevant details of oral texts about specific and familiar topics and of simple messages clearly delivered via audiovisual means This criterion aims to measure the ability to follow instructions, understand warnings, dialogues or brief explanations face-to-face related to familiar themes like leisure and free time, preferences, personal experiences, classroom organisation and those involving identifying the speaker’s intentions. It also seeks to measure the ability to understand the general and specific meaning of oral texts delivered via the media with standard pronunciation.

2. Participate in brief conversations and simulations, related to normal situations or personal interest and with different communicative purposes, using conventions of conversation and strategies necessary to resolve difficulties during interaction.This criterion evaluates the ability to engage in conversation using strategies required to understand and be understood in order to express likes, needs, feelings, give and receive information, give opinions and relate experiences. The conversations will be conducted with classmates or native speakers accustomed to speaking with foreign students.The communicative exchanges may include certain errors which do not impede communication.

3. Understand the overall meaning and relevant details of original and adapted written texts, of varying length differentiating between facts and opinions and identifying when appropriate the author’s intentions.This criterion assesses the ability to understand different kinds of written texts (stories, descriptions, opinions) of general interest, or related to other subjects on the curriculum, applying familiar reading strategies and other new ones such as the identification of theme via textual or para-textual elements.

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This criterion also assesses the ability to read in an autonomous fashion books, news, instructions, explanations, etc., of a certain length, in different formats and with differing purposes: obtain or communicate information to complete a specific task, learn contents of other subjects and read for pleasure or entertainment.4. Write diverse supervised texts in different formats, using appropriate structures, simple connectors and vocabulary, paying attention to form and obeying basic rules of spelling and punctuation so the reader understands them and they are reasonably correct.This criterion assesses the ability to communicate in writing, to prepare and revise drafts and to choose the correct register. The texts will reflect a simple syntax at least and be readily understandable, with a limited but appropriate vocabulary, and correct spelling and punctuation. These will reflect the most usual communication needs and different communicative intentions. In the writing, clean and tidy presentation will also be assessed, and skill in the use of IT to prepare and prepare texts.

5. Use the knowledge acquired regarding the linguistic system of the target language, in different communication contexts, as a tool for learning and correcting one’s own oral and written output and to understand that of others.This criterion assesses their ability to apply their knowledge of the linguistic system and reflect upon the need for formal correction which makes it possible to understand their work and that of others.

6. Identify, use and explain orally certain basic strategies used to progress in learning.This criterion aims to assess whether strategies are being employed which assist the learning process: such as the ability to evaluate their progress, reflection upon their own learning, the use of different methods of storing, memorising and revising vocabulary; the correct use of dictionaries to identify correct meaning in context; the use of bibliographical, IT and digital resources to obtain information, extend or revise aspects covered in the classroom, participation in the evaluation of their own learning, and the use of certain methods of self-correction.

7. Use IT and communication technology with increasing autonomy to find information, produce texts using models, send and receive e-mails, and to establish oral and written relationship, showing interest in their use.This criterion assesses the ability to use information and communication technology as a tool for

information and learning, in typical classroom activities and to establish personal relationships.

The communications established will relate to previously studied and familiar topics and will be

based upon models. There will also be evaluation of the attitude towards the target language,

attempts to use it and the appreciation of linguistic diversity as an enriching element


8. Identify the most relevant cultural features of the countries where the target language is spoken, highlight the most significant characteristics of those customs, rules, attitudes and values of the society whose language is being studied, and value positively cultural patterns different to their own .This criterion assesses whether pupils are able to identify in oral or written texts certain significant features and characteristics of the general culture of the countries where the target language is spoken, whether they can describe them clearly and simply and show respect towards the values and behaviour of other societies , thus avoiding certain stereotypes

4th year

1. Understand general and specific information, the main idea and most relevant details of oral texts emitted in interpersonal communication situations or via audiovisual media, about topics which do not require specialist knowledge.

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This criterion assesses the ability to understand messages emitted face-to-face related to material needs and social relationships, physical sensations and feelings or opinions. This criterion also seeks to measure the ability to understand chats, news and presentations broadcast by the media in a clear, brief and organised manner.

2. Participate in conversations and simulations using appropriate strategies to initiate, maintain and conclude communication, producing understandable discourse and adapting to the characteristics of the situation and communicative intention.This criterion assesses the ability to participate in conversations with diverse communicative purposes (establishing relationships, explaining, narrating and arguing, describing and giving instructions), using strategies and resources which ensure communication with classmates or native speakers. The communicative exchanges will contain elements of coordination and basic subordination which may include errors that do not impede communication3. Understand general and specific information from diverse original and adapted texts, of varying length, identifying data, opinions, arguments, implicit information and the author’s communicative intention.This criterion assesses the ability to understand the commonest and most useful texts in written communication, or literary and other texts reflecting the culture and society of the countries where the target language is spoken and studied, applying the strategies acquired and advancing in new ones such as direct inference. This criterion assesses the ability toRead with autonomy longer texts in order to consult or find information about diverse contents, to learn, for pleasure or curiosity making correct use of dictionaries and other sources of information on paper or in digital format

4. Write with a degree of autonomy diverse texts with a logical structure, using basic conventions appropriate to each genre, vocabulary appropriate to the context and the necessary elements of cohesion and coherence, in a manner which the reader can easily understand. This assesses the ability to communicate in writing and in an ordered fashion, initiating the production of free texts (warnings, correspondence, instructions, descriptions, accounts of experience, news), with an appropriate logical structure and paying special attention to planning the writing process. All writing, on paper or in digital format, will involve the assessment of progressive use of basic conventions appropriate to each genre and also clear and tidy presentation.

5. Use the knowledge acquired regarding the linguistic system of the target language, in different communication contexts, as a tool for learning and correcting one’s own oral and written output and to understand that of others. This criterion assesses their ability to apply their knowledge of the linguistic system and reflect upon the need for formal correction which makes it possible to understand their work and that of others

6. Identify, use and explain learning strategies employed, give examples of other posible ones and decide on the most suitable for the learning goal in question.This criterion aims to assess whether strategies are being employed which assist the learning process: Such as the ability to evaluate their progress, reflection upon their own learning, the use of different methods of storing, memorising and revising vocabulary; the correct use of dictionaries to identify correct meaning in context; the use of bibliographical, IT and digital resources to obtain information, extend or revise aspects covered in the classroom, participation in the evaluation of their own learning, and the use of certain methods of self-correction.

7. Use IT and communication technology con certain autonomy to find information, produce texts using models, send and receive e-mails and to establish oral and written relationships, showing interest in their use. This criterion assesses the ability to use information and communication technology as a tool for

information and learning, in typical classroom activities and to establish personal relationships.

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The communications established will relate to previously studied and familiar topics and will be

based upon models. There will also be evaluation of the attitude towards the target language,

attempts to use it and the appreciation of linguistic diversity as an enriching element


8. Identify and describe the most relevant cultural features of the countries where the target language is spoken and establish relationships between the most significant characteristics of the customs, uses, attitudes and values of the society whose language is being studied and those of their own, and respect for them.This criterion seeks to ascertain whether students know certain significant aspects and characteristics of the general culture of the countries where the target language is spoke , and can establish similarities and difference between some of these and their own and appreciate and respect cultural patterns different to their own.


In the Ley Orgánica de Education (LOE) definition of the curriculum, we find both the traditional

components (objectives, contents, teaching methods and assessment criteria) as well as key

competences. This is one of the guiding elements of the curriculum as a whole and,

consequently, a guide in the processes of teaching and learning. In second grade of secondary

school pupils have to participate in the so-called diagnostic assessment, in which they have to

demonstrate the acquirement of certain skills. This assessment does not have academic

consequences for students, but the fact that the results help guide centres to take decisions

regarding students’ learning gives us some idea as to how educational processes are

conditioned by this element in the sense of being much more functional. In forth grade of

secondary school the decision as to whether pupils are promoted to the subsequent stage is

partly based on whether or not they have acquired the key competences, as a result of which

they become a reference for student assessment.

As opposed to an educational model focused upon the acquirement of more or less theoretical

knowledge, often unrelated, an educational process based upon the acquirement of skills

emphasises, above all, the acquirement of some vital know-how, practical and integrated, know-

how which students will have to demonstrate (this is rather more than functional training). In

brief, a skill is the putting into practice and demonstration of the capacity to integrate knowledge,

abilities and attitudes to resolve problems and situations in different contexts. In a very graphic

and succinct manner, there is a definition of the putting into practice of acquired knowledge,

knowledge in action, in other words, mobilising knowledge and skills in a specific situation (real

and different from the one in which these were learned), activating existing resources or

knowledge (although one thinks they are absent because they have been forgotten).

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There is one aspect which should be highlighted, regarding what might be called the combined

character of the skill: the pupil, via what he knows, must demonstrate what he can apply, but

also what he can be. In this way we see how a skill integrates the different contents which are

worked on in the classroom (concepts, procedures and attitudes), an example of integral

training of the pupil. To summarise, we are acknowledging that the academic institution will not

only prepare students in the knowledge of technical and scientific know-how, but also as

citizens, so they should evince a series of civic and intellectual attitudes which imply respect

towards others, being responsible, team-work...

Another aspect is also important: acquiring competences allows one to tackle the constant

renewal of knowledge which occurs in any area of learning. The student’s academic training

takes place in school over a limited number of years, but the need for personal and/or

professional preparation never ends, so that a competence in the use, for example, of

information and communication technology, will enable access to this tool to obtain the

information necessary at any given moment (obviously, after analysing its quality). If we also

bear in mind that it is often impossible to consider in depth all the contents of the curriculum, it is

clear that the student must acquire this competence, that of learning to learn.

In our educational system, the key competences regarded as those which students should

possess when they finish their obligatory education in order to deal with the demands of their

personal and working lives are as follows:

Competence in linguistic communication

Mathematical competence.

Competence in knowledge of and interaction with the physical world.

Data processing and digital competence.

Social and civic competence.

Cultural and artistic competence.


Autonomy and personal initiative.

But, what do we understand by each of these competences? In essence, and concentrating on

the most important aspect of the school curriculum, each of them contributes the following to the

student’s personal and intellectual preparation:


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This competence involves using the language as a spoken and written

communication tool, and as a means of learning and self regulation of thought, emotions

and behaviour. It contributes to the creation of a positive self-image and encourages

constructive relationships with others and with the environment. Learning to communicate

meaning establishing links with other people and cultures. It is fundamental in resolving

conflict and for peaceful coexistence. Acquiring this competence involves a command of oral

and written language in a variety of contexts and the functional use of at least one foreign


MATHEMATICAL COMPETENCEThis competence consists, above all, of the ability to use numbers and basic mathematical

operations, symbols and mathematical reasoning to produce and express information.

Students learn about quantitative and spatial features and resolve everyday problems. The

acquisition of this competence means applying skills and attitudes which allow for

mathematical reasoning, understanding of mathematical arguments, and the ability to

express oneself and communicate in mathematical language integrating mathematical

concepts with other types of knowledge.


This involves the ability to interact with the physical world in its natural state and see how it

has been affected by human intervention. It helps to understand events and the

consequences of different activities designed to improve and preserve conditions for life, of

other people, and other living things. This competence implies the acquisition of scientific

rational thought which enables the student to interpret information and make decisions with

autonomy and personal initiative, and to use ethical values in personal and social decisions.

DATA PROCESSING AND DIGITAL COMPETENCESearching, finding, and processing skills are developed in this competence, as are the

communication of information and its transformation into knowledge. Aspects such as the

access to, and selection of information are included, and the transmission of this information

in different formats. Students learn to use ITC as an essential media for information and

communication. The acquisition of this competence involves use of technology to solve

problems efficiently and having a critical attitude towards the information available.


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This competence involves understanding the social reality of the world in which we live and

being a democratic citizen in the today’s plural society. It incorporates individual behaviour

patterns that allow us to function and coexist in society, have contact with others, cooperate,

assume commitments and deal with conflict. Acquiring this competence means knowing

how put oneself in the place of others, accept differences, be tolerant and respect their

values, beliefs, cultures and the culture and personal history. To summarise, it implies an

understanding of the social reality we live in, the ability to deal with conflict applying ethical

values and understanding of the rights and obligations we have as citizens, showing

solidarity and responsibility.

CULTURAL AND ARTISTIC COMPETENCEThis competence involves learning about, appreciating, understanding and evaluating a

variety of cultural and artistic statements, and treating them as a source of pleasure and

personal enrichment and as part of the cultural patrimony of different societies. Appreciation

and enjoyment of art and other cultural statements and an open and receptive attitude to the

variety of art forms lead to the conservation of a common cultural legacy and encourages

the student’s own creative capacity.

LEARNING-TO-LEARNThis competence involves on the one hand starting the learning process, and on the other

hand being capable of continuing the process in an autonomous fashion. It implies the

acceptance of a variety of possible answers to the same problem, and motivation to search

for these answers using different means. To sum up, it implies an organisation of the

student’s own capacity to efficiently manage resources and intellectual processes.

AUTONOMY AND PERSONAL INITIATIVEThis competence refers to the ability to decide using one’s own criteria and to successfully

take the necessary initiatives to develop and take responsibility for the chosen option, both

at a personal and social level and in the workplace or school.

The acquisition of this competence implies creativity, innovation, responsibility and a critical

approach to the development of individual or group projects.

How is each key competence attained by using this material?

We are going to explain in brief the most relevant aspects of our project, subject to the demands

of daily teaching practice at any given time.

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In essence and reflecting the most significant elements of the school curriculum, each

competence contributes the following to the student’s personal and intellectual preparation:


COMPETENCE IN LINGUISTIC COMMUNICATIONThis competence involves using the language as a spoken and written communication tool, and

as a means of learning and self regulation of thought, emotions and behaviour. It contributes to

the creation of a positive self-image and encourages constructive relationships with others and

with the environment. Learning to communicate meaning establishing links with other people

and cultures. It is fundamental in resolving conflict and for peaceful coexistence. Acquiring this

competence involves a command of oral and written language in a variety of contexts and the

functional use of at least one foreign language.

Foreign language learning contributes directly to the development of this competence,

completing, enriching and adding new aspects of comprehension and expression to the general

communicative competence of the student. All textbooks published by Oxford University Press

offer a wide range of activities which encourage authentic communication in the classroom, with

a systematic development of written and oral skills and opportunities for personalisation

The sections of Everyday English provide pupils with an opportunity to develop their knowledge

in a context of real oral communication.

The writing sections provide supervised activities to enable pupils to compose written texts with

different purposes (describe, narrate, and write a letter...). For example SB3 59, 60.


Searching, finding, and processing skills are developed in this competence, as are the

communication of information and it’s transformation into knowledge. Aspects such as the

access to, and selection of information are included, and the transmission of this information in

different formats. Students learn to use ITC as an essential medium for information and

communication. The acquisition of this competence involves use of technology to solve

problems efficiently and having a critical attitude towards the information available.

Information and communication technology offers the possibility to communicate in real

time with any part of the world, as well as simple and immediate access to a constant

flow of information which increases every day. Knowledge of a foreign language offers

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the possibility to communicate using new technology real, functional contexts for

communication... This competence consists of having the ability to obtain process and

communicate information and turn it into knowledge.

The Oxford Spotlight series has its own web page ( where interactive

games provide the opportunity to process information and consolidate knowledge. With the links

to other web pages they can perform activities in real time. All students have a Multi-ROM

where they can practise English in an interactive manner via games and dialogues.

SOCIAL AND CIVIC COMPETENCEThis competence involves understanding the social reality of the world in which we live and

being a democratic citizen in today’s plural society. It incorporates individual behaviour patterns

that allow us to function and coexist in society, have contact with others, cooperate, assume

commitments and deal with conflict. Acquiring this competence means knowing how put

oneself in the place of others, accept differences, be tolerant and respect their values, beliefs,

culture and personal history. To summarise, it implies an understanding of the social reality we

live in, the ability to deal with conflict applying ethical values and understanding of the rights and

obligations we have as citizens, showing solidarity and responsibility.

Languages are used for social communication, but also as a vehicle for cultural communication

and transmission. Learning a foreign language involves an understanding of cultural features

and information related to the communities which speak the language. This favours an

understanding of the society we live in through respect and acceptance of different cultures.

Tolerance and integration are developed and an appreciation of features of, and differences in,

cultural identity.

Throughout the course the texts provide topics of social and cultural interest.

Levels 1 and 2 of the sections Spotlight on the World give students information about how

different cultures compare with their own. For example: SB3 p 94 a 103.

CULTURAL AND ARTISTIC COMPETENCEThis competence involves learning about, appreciating, understanding and evaluating a variety

of cultural and artistic statements, and treating them as a source of pleasure and personal

enrichment and as part of the cultural patrimony of different societies. Appreciation and

enjoyment of art and other cultural statements and an open and receptive attitude to the variety

of art forms lead to the conservation of a common cultural legacy and encourages the student’s

own creative capacity.

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Learning a foreign language helps to develop this competence if the linguistic models contain,

even in the limited way possible at this level, cultural information. This competence, then,

encourages expression and communication in order to perceive and understand different

realities and products of the artistic and cultural world.

Artistic competence involves a basic understanding of techniques, resources and conventions

related to the different artistic idioms, music, literature, visual and stage arts or different aspects

of so-called popular culture.

Throughout the course, various topics are covered, including written or oral texts about music,

the cinema, art, etc. All this adds to the students’ artistic and cultural development. Every unit

has a lesson (Song) dedicated to music with biographies, song lyrics, etc. For example: SB3 p

104 to 108.

LEARNING-TO-LEARNThis competence involves on the one hand starting the learning process, and on the other hand

being capable of continuing the process in an autonomous fashion. It implies the acceptance of

a variety of possible answers to the same problem, and motivation to search for these answers

using different means. To sum up, it implies an organisation of the student’s own capacity to

efficiently manage resources and intellectual processes.

Learning a foreign language is far more effective if it includes contents directly related to

reflection upon one’s own learning, so that each child identifies how to learn better and

which strategies to use to improve.

This involves the awareness of those capacities which form a part of learning, such as

attention, concentration, memory, comprehension, linguistic expression and motivation,

for example.

The multimedia material (Student’s Multirom) helps students to develop autonomous learning,

with the aid of self-corrected exercises, and the student’s web page

( The Solutions Pack includes a CD with printable self-assessment

material similar to the European Languages Portfolio, related to each unit of the SB, where

students may reflect upon their learning strategies.


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MATHEMATICAL COMPETENCEThis competence consists, above all, of the ability to use numbers and basic mathematical

operations, symbols and mathematical reasoning to produce and express information. Students

learn about quantitative and spatial features and resolve everyday problems. The acquisition of

this competence means applying skills and attitudes which allow for mathematical reasoning,

understanding of mathematical arguments, and the ability to express oneself and communicate

in mathematical language integrating mathematical concepts with other types of knowledge.

Using numbers and basic operations, symbols and forms of expression and mathematical

reasoning to produce and interpret information, to know more about quantitative and spatial

aspects of reality and to resolve problems related to daily life. Part of mathematical competence

is the ability to interpret and express with clarity and precision information, data and arguments.

Many units present data which students must analyse to reach their own conclusions and use

the information obtained in a manner appropriate to the task in question. For example, analysing

information in the Reading sections and presenting data/arguments in the Writing tasks. In the

first cycle, students learn to do calculations with different currencies. For example SB3 p72, 16.


This involves the ability to interact with the physical world in its natural state and see how it has

been affected by human intervention. It helps to understand events and the consequences of

different activities designed to improve and preserve conditions for life, of other people, and

other living things. This competence implies the acquisition of scientific rational thought which

enables the student to interpret information and make decisions with autonomy and personal

initiative, and to use ethical values in personal and social decisions.

Interacting with the physical world, both in its natural aspects and those generated by human

action, in such a way that facilitates the understanding of events, the prediction of

consequences and activity directed towards the improvement and preservation of the conditions

of one’s own life, that of other people and of all other living creatures.

Taking as starting point knowledge of the human body, nature, and the interaction of mankind

with nature, this competence allows students to discuss rationally the consequences of different

lifestyles and take decisions about a healthy physical and mental way of life in a healthy and

safe environment. The responsible use of natural resources, environmental conservation, and

preservation of individual and collective health are recognised as key to quality of life.

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Throughout the course different topics are covered related to knowledge of and interaction with

the physical world, such as responsible consumption and care of the environment and climate.

For example SB3 p 58

AUTONOMY AND PERSONAL INITIATIVEThis competence refers to the ability to decide using ones own criteria and to successfully take

the necessary initiatives to develop and take responsibility for the chosen option, both at a

personal and social level and in the workplace or school.

The acquisition of this competence implies creativity, innovation, responsibility and a critical

approach to the development of individual or group projects.

Decisions which result from reflection on the learning process favour autonomy. As autonomy

and personal initiative often involve others, this competence necessitates social skills such as

cooperation, flexibility, negotiation, teamwork, seeing others’ points of view, dialogue, and the

assertiveness to explain one’s own decisions. Autonomy and personal initiative involve being

able to imagine, begin, develop and evaluate one’s actions or individual or group projects with

creativity, confidence, responsibility and a critical attitude. In this sense it requires the ability to

revise previous ideas or create new ones, finding solutions and putting them into practice.

It is possible for students, with tools Such as the web page ( and the

Student’s Multirom, to perform regular self-assessment without the teacher’s help.

Continuous learning

In a competence there is no knowledge which is only acquired in and valid for a particular

subject (especially in and for this one). Everything students learn in different subjects (and not

only at school) forms a background of culture and information which should serve them

throughout their lives, which they should be able to use at specific moments and in different

situations (language is, in this sense, paradigmatic). For this reason, any of these competences

may be achieved if not in all, certainly in most curriculum subjects and for that reason too these

competences can be used and applied in all these subjects, regardless of in which one they

have been acquired (transversality). Being competent should guarantee the completion of

determined learnings, but also permit the attainment of others, both at school itself and beyond,

a guarantee of continuous learning (or, in this case, the capacity to communicate in very

diverse situations, some of which pupils themselves may not yet even perceive as likely in the


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Nevertheless, clearly there is an obvious interrelation between the different elements of the

curriculum, one which we must highlight in order to make suitable use of all the curriculum

subjects employed in the teaching-learning process. When in a didactic programme like this one

the objectives of a unit are indicated formulated ( like the assessment criteria, in terms of

abilities), we know that these determine the choice of contents, in the same way that we should

employ assessment criteria which demonstrate whether or not pupils attain them. Thus,

assessment criteria allow for a double interpretation: on the one hand, those related to the

pupils’ learning as a whole, in other words, there will be some assessment criteria specifically

linked to concepts, others to procedures and others to attitudes, as all of these contents need

to be assessed because they were worked on in class and are those which are assessed at

different stages during application of continuous assessment; and on the other, there will be

assessment criteria which have been formulated more with regard to their relationship with key


The assessment of key competences is an assessment model which differs from that of

assessment criteria, both because it is applied at different stages of other assessments, and

because its purpose, though complementary, is different. If we assume that key competences

involve a real and practical application of knowledge, abilities and attitudes, the way of checking

or assessing whether the pupil has acquired them is to reproduce application situations which

are as real as possible, and in these situations it is customary for the pupil to use this

accumulated background (all kinds of contents) but to respond, above all, to practical situations.

In this way, when we assess competences we are essentially, though not exclusively, assessing

procedures and attitudes, which is why we relate them to assessment criteria that are more

procedural and attitudinal.

SUBCOMPETENCESThe competences by their very nature are generic. To use them as a reference for pedagogical

actions and to really demonstrate the competences acquired by the students, they need to be

broken down into more specific objectives related to other elements of the curriculum. We have

called these objective subcompetences, and without covering all the possibilities, they do

include those most closely related to the subject curriculum and most prominent in all subjects

on account of their interdisciplinary nature.

In foreign language learning, these subcompetences are as follows (there are other

competences/subcompetences which are also acquired in the area of Foreign Language–

English, though not in this grade):

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Competence in linguistic communication Express thoughts, emotions, experiences and opinions orally and simply.

Adapt spoken style to a variety of communicative contexts, taking into account non-verbal

features and respecting norms of communicative exchanges.

Understand social and cultural conventions when producing texts

Understand a variety of texts types typical of the academic setting and understanding the

communicative intention and formal features.

Take pleasure in reading and use reading to discover other places, languages and cultures.

Be conscious of the need to respect spelling rules in the production of written texts

Understand principles of word formation as a means of extending vocabulary

Use a sufficient range of vocabulary to be able to express oneself orally and in writing in

specific situations.

Compose texts typical of the academic environment, appropriate to the communicative


Write texts to express ideas, feelings and experiences

Data processing and digital competence Search for, obtain, process and communicate information in the foreign language,

transforming it into knowledge, using the computer or the Internet.

Analyse critically the information obtained

Social and civic competence Use dialogue as a basic tool for interpersonal communication and in the resolution of


Understand the values which characterise a democratic society: freedom, solidarity,

participation, citizenship, tolerance.

Value linguistic diversity as a cultural advantage.

Cultural and artistic competence Appreciate cultural diversity as seen though artistic statements.

Learning-to-learn Understand and habitually use the main techniques and strategies which favour the

intellectual process (summary, note taking, concept maps...).

Use a variety of sources for finding and processing information

Autonomy and personal initiative

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Show initiative and personal creativity

Develop social skills.

Mathematical competence Apply logical reasoning to chains of argument, identifying the fundamental ideas.

Competence in knowledge of and interaction with the physical world

Recognise geographical spaces and conditions where other cultures are located or come

from and which may determine and influence the development of these cultures.

Identify questions or problems and obtain conclusions based on evidence.

All these competences and subcompetences bring into play different strategies and different

linguistic and discursive skills are employed in a contextualised manner. Therefore, the activities

in which the foreign language is used are set within fields which may be public (everything

related to daily social interaction), personal family relationships and individual social habits),

professional or educational. Students will use communication strategies in a natural and

systematic manner in order to make effective the communication activities performed by means

of communicative skills. The skills developed will be: productive (speaking and writing),

receptive (listening and reading) and based on interaction or mediation.

Learning tasks or activities will constitute the core of didactic planning, and will integrate

objectives, contents and assessment, making up units of programming. Amongst other criteria,

the design of activities and tasks has taken into account the stages to be followed in their

development, prior knowledge, integrated treatment of linguistic components, skills and

strategies, proposed final objectives and the classroom’s potential for adaptation and diversity.

Learning English will not only provide students with competences in order to communicate, but

also with cultural and social knowledge of the culture whose language they are studying, which

will help them develop a personality which is open and tolerant towards what is different.. In this

way one achieves the integral preparation of the individual

As we have noted, one of the characteristics of the key competences is that they allow for and

encourage transversality in the learning with which they are associated, in other words, that

which can and should be achieved, though from a different but complementary perspective, via

the development of the curriculum of the various areas of the same educational stage. In this

grade, these areas are Science, Art, P.E., Spanish Language, Foreign Language, Mathematics,

Music and, optionally, Religion.

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For the overall work required of teachers in this grade, we indicate in the table below the key

competences which, as a minimum, should also be attained in other areas, in some with more

interrelation and in others with less:


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Natural Sciences X X X X X X X

Social Sciences 4X X X X X X X X

P.E. X X X X X X

Spanish Language X X X X X X

Foreign Language X X X X X X

Mathematics X X X X X X X X

Technology X X X X X X X


1. Linguistic communication.

2. Mathematics.

3. Knowledge of and interaction with the physical world.

4. Data processing and digital competence.

5. Social and civic...

6. Cultural and artistic.

7. Learning-to-learn.

8. Autonomy and personal initiative.

As can be seen, the transversality of the key competences is evident, so within the framework of

the centre’s educational standard criteria should be formulated for their collective treatment.


One of the elements upon which the LOE places most emphasis is attention to diversity. It is

clear that the same educational method employed with a single group of students has differing

results depending on each pupil’s knowledge and previous experience, their intellectual capacity

and their interests and motivation with regard to teaching.

This is why, on many occasions, we have to modify. or adapt contents or methodology in order

that all pupils may attain the objectives established. Similarly, we should offer extension

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activities for more able or receptive students. attention to diversity should always be practised in

both directions. Therefore, these differences should always be catered for, by presenting the

same activities in different ways by means of the activities included in the students’ book and

the workbook... Teachers need to evaluate towards whom they should direct one type of activity

or the other, and need to be constantly aware of these differences, not only when assessing, but

also when teaching and planning the process of teaching-learning.

Oxford Spotlight includes reinforcement and extension activities which allow for individualised

attention to pupils, depending on their needs and learning rhythm. Every lesson in our project

includes ideas to help teachers respond to the different situations which arise in the classroom

The Teacher’s Book suggests reinforcement and consolidation activities for students as well as

notes for the teacher, teaching advice, better to deal with different types of student.

In one of the components of the Teacher’s Resource Pack, the Photocopy Masters Book, the

teacher will find photocopiable consolidation and extension pages for each unit.

Criteria and procedures adopted for the development of special curricular adaptation for students with special educational needs

(The department can describe and detail these criteria and procedures here if necessary. If this

is not the case then this section can be omitted)

Adaptations will focus on:

1- The time and rhythm of learning

2- A more personalised methodology

3- A reinforcement of study skills

4- The improvement of procedures, habits and attitudes

5- Ways of increasing amount of counselling

a) For the more gifted students, extension materials will be provided

b) For pupils with serious learning problems, as sufficient progress in the conceptual

contents of the course is more difficult to attain, procedures and attitudes will be the priority, with

social integration being the overall aim. Core instrumental skills need to be the key content of

the adapted curriculum. Modifications to the curriculum may be quite significant (they will

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probably entail the elimination of contents, objectives and consequently of the assessment

criteria which might otherwise be considered essential).

When such adaptations are not enough, the alternative is to have the pupil study part of the

core curriculum in special groups, with different contents and educational activities. This

learning can take place in the mainstream classroom with special support, or in a separate

physical space. This pupil will have the general objectives of this stage of secondary education

as a reference, but will work towards those aims through different contents and activities.


This programming and scheduling constitutes a model of timed learning for 3rd year of Secondary Education and taking into account the specific objectives of English as a subject.

This is an adaptable timetable which may be adjusted to the group-class profile as it may be

used simultaneously with students who struggle to learn languages as well as with those who

have slightly superior knowledge. It may also be adapted to the teacher’s and students’ own

tastes and initiatives and the evolution of the course.

This is a guiding and extendable programme, with numerous optional possibilities suggested in

the Teacher’s Guide and the Photocopy Masters Book. The teacher may introduce these

activities at the appropriate moment, according to students’ needs and attitudes, bearing in mind

learning speed – individual and collective – and teaching hours available.


1.- TEACHING OBJECTIVES Revise vocabulary learnt previously . Listen to and understand oral and written texts of different characteristics and styles. Perform communicative exchanges using the expressions and structures studied in the unit. Produce oral texts regarding the exchange of personal information. Apply grammatical aspects Duch as the verbs be and have got, the present simple, present

continuous and the auxiliary can, Establish a socio-cultural relationship with regard to the theme of the group of equals. Evaluate participation and progress in the learning process.


BLOCK 1 - Listening, speaking and conversing PROCEDURES Listening Listen to a conversation and say which sentence is false (p.. 8 ex.6)

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Listen again and repeat the exercise with new sentences correcting the incorrect information (p.. 8 ex.7)

Speaking Listen, practise aloud and repeat the expressions from a dialogue (p.. 8, ex.2) Read, listen to and complete a dialogue with the words from a table (p... 8, ex.1). Practise the dialogue aloud, write a similar one and perform it in front of the class (p... 8, ex.

3, 4and 5).

BLOCK 2 - Read and write PROCEDURES

BLOCXK 3 - Reflection on and knowledge of the language through use CONCEPTS FUNCTIONS OF THE LANGUAGE Introduce oneself and others and describe people and habits Ask for and give information about abilities

STRUCTURES-GRAMMARBe and have got; affirmative, negative and interrogative forms CanPresent continuous

VOCABULARY Theme: Revision PHONETICSRevision

PROCEDURES Grammar Complete various texts using be and have got (p. 6 ex.. 2,3) Ask and answer questions about abilities using can (p.. 6 ex.4) Communicate to others the abilities of a third person (p.. 6 ex.5)

Vocabulary Order words putting them in the right column in a table. Add two words to each column (p...

5, exs... 4 and 5). Describe each student’s town or city using the vocabulary in the exercise 4 (p... 5, ex.6). Write descriptions of characters in the book or classmates (p... 5, exs... 6and 7).

BLOCK 4 - Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness CONCEPTS Learn about a superstar; Jamelia

PROCEDURES Fill gaps in the song lyrics then listen and check (p.. 104 ex. 1 ) Find expressions in the song and match them to their meanings (p.. 104 ex.2) Say whether some statements are true or false according to the data on a form (p.. 104



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See in the introduction the general features of the contribution of learning the target language to the basic competences and in particular how they are reflected in this unit

ii. learning-to-learn ; Pupils reflect upon and increase personal initiative expressing an opinion on different questions and learn to manage their resources via different learning techniques.

iii. data processing and digital competence , See in the introduction the general features of the contribution to this competence.

Students, via the target language, create real and functional communication contexts using new information and communication technology.

Iv social and civic competence As learning a language implies the knowledge of social features and cultural aspects linked to speakers of the language and which may be studied in parallel fashion in the unit. Peace education : the importance of knowing and accepting other realities in the world. Moral and civic education: reflection upon city life and knowledge of other people.

v. artistic and cultural competence Linguistic output contains artistic and cultural components.

4. RELATIONSHIP WITH OTHER AREAS OF THE CURRICULUM The whole unit concentrates on different interdisciplinary themes, transferring the vocabulary and structures to a real-life context and encouraging development of knowledge of the world beyond the English class.

5.- TREATMENT OF DIVERSITYReinforcement activities Optional activities TG pp.. T6, T7Grammar Bank section , SB page. 109-110Extra Practice section , SB p.. 111Irregular verbs section, SB p... 137Word Bank section , SB pp. 130-134Expression Bank section, SB p.. 135 Words to learn, Workbook pp. 61-64Workbook p.s. 3-6RB activities MultiROM activitiesExtension activities Try this! section SB p.. 7RB activities MultiROM activities

6.- ASSESSMENT Initial assessment Diagnostic test, RB and Assessment CD Unit Focus section , SB p.. 4Formative assessment Student assessment form , TG/GD


1.- TEACHING OBJECTIVES Use vocabulary related to hobbies.

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Listen to and understand oral and written texts of different characteristics and styles . Perform communicative exchanges using the expressions and structures studied in the unit . Produce written texts duch as self-description, Apply grammatical aspects Duch as the present simple. Practise the pronunciation of stress in words. Establish a socio-cultural relationship with regard to the enjoyment of leisure and free time. Evaluate participation and progress in the learning process.


BLOCK 1 - Listening, speaking and conversing PROCEDURES Listening Complete a telephone conversation with typical expressions to make and cancel

appointments, (p.. 13 ex.10) Complete a questionnaire about cancelling an appointment (p.. 15 ex.7)

Speaking Practise aloud expressions which appear in a dialogue (p.. 15 ex.2) Listen to and read a dialogue about an appointment and decide what kind of appointment it

is. (p.. 15 ex.1)

BLOCK 2 - Read and write PROCEDURES Reading Identify the person in the photo (p.. 14 ex.1) Answer questions using the information in a text about football (p.. 14 ex.2) Find words in the text which match certain meanings (p.. 14 ex.3and 4)

Writing Read a text and answer questions (p.. 16 ex.1and 2) Write a text in which the student describes himself with the help of an outline (p.. 16 ex.4)

BLOCXK 3 - Reflection on and knowledge of the language through use CONCEPTS

FUNCTIONS OF THE LANGUAGE Exchange information about hobbies Ask for and give information about how to make and cancel an appointment.

STRUCTURES-GRAMMARPresent simpleAdverbs of frequencyContrast between present simple and present continuous

VOCABULARY Theme : Leisure time LEXICON: Hobbies Similar words (word help)

PHONETICSWord stress


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Grammar Study table of formation of Present simple in affirmative, interrogative and negative and

short answers (p.. 12 ej 1) Complete the rules for forming the present (p.. 12 ex.2) Complete a text (p.. 12 ex.5) Make affirmative and negative sentences, questions and answers using the Present simple

(p.. 12 exs..4and 6) Complete a text (p.. 12 ex.5) Order the adverbs of frequency in a list according to intensity (p.. 13 ex.7)

Vocabulary Listen to, repeat and match a list of hobbies with photos. (p.. 9 ex.1) Listen to an oral text and match people with corresponding hobbies. (p.. 9 ex.4) Translate the words in table and the desinences – ation and –ity, (p.. 19 exs.. 5–6) Complete sentences with words ending in – ation and –ity, (p.. 17 ex.7)

Pronunciation Practise the pronunciation of words ending in –ation and –ity, identifying the rules (p.. 11,

exs.. 1and 2).

BLOCK 4 - Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness CONCEPTS Talk about young people (Teen time).

PROCEDURES Express opinions of a report on young people and answer a series of questions (p.. 94,

exs.. 1,2and 3).

3.- CONTRIBUTION OF THE AREA OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF BASIC COMPETENCESSee in the introduction the general features of the contribution of learning the target language to the basic competences and in particular how they are reflected in this unit:

ii. learning-to-learn ; Pupils reflect upon and increase personal initiative expressing an opinion on different questions and learn to manage their resources via different learning techniques, For example making a questionnaire.

iii. data processing and digital competence, See in the introduction the general features of the contribution to this competence.

Students, via the target language, create real and functional communication contexts using new

information and communication technology.

Iv social and civic competence As learning a language implies the knowledge of social features and cultural aspects linked to speakers of the language and which may be studied in parallel fashion in the unit. Peace education : conocimiento de realidades distintas a las propias para favorecer el entendimiento entre pueblos.Moral and civic education: reflexión en torno a la importancia del respeto a unas normas básicas de conductaand convivencia.

v. artistic and cultural competence Linguistic output contains artistic and cultural components;

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Learn how young people in other countries enjoy themselves

4. RELATIONSHIP WITH OTHER AREAS OF THE CURRICULUM The whole unit concentrates on different interdisciplinary themes, transferring the vocabulary and structures to a real-life context and encouraging development of knowledge of the world beyond the English class.

5.- TREATMENT OF DIVERSITYReinforcement activities Optional activities TG p.s. T10, T12, T13Grammar Bank section , SB page. 112Extra Practice section , SB p.. 113Irregular verbs section, SB p. 137Word Bank section , SB p.s. 130-134Expression Bank section, SB p.. 135 Words to learn, Workbook p.s. 61-64 Workbook p.s. 7-11RB activities MultiROM activities

Extension activities Try this! section SB p.. 13Optional activities , TG p.. T14RB activities MultiROM activities

6.- ASSESSMENT Initial assessment Unit Focus section , SB p.. 9Diagnostic test, RB and Assessment CD Formative assessment Student assessment form , TG/GD Summative assessmentTest Unit 1, RB and Assessment CD Self-assessment Progress Check 1, workbook p.. 12


1.- TEACHING OBJECTIVES Use adjectives to express moods. Understand different kinds of oral and written texts Perform communicative exchanges using the expressions and dialogues studied in the unit . Produce oral and written texts about holidays. Work on the structure verb + noun, the auxiliary could, the Past simple and the forms was/were of the

verb be. Practise the pronunciation of the past of irregular verbs Establish a socio-cultural reflection upon the theme of personal relationships. Evaluate participation and progress in the learning process.


BLOCK 1 - Listening, speaking and conversing PROCEDURES

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Listening Complete information in a table from an oral text about holidays (p.. 23 ex.6) Say whether some sentences about a previous oral text are true or false, correcting the

false ones (p.. 23 ex.7)

Speaking Alter listening, repeat and translate expressions in a dialogue, and read it (p.. 23 exs.. 2, 3) Listen to and read a dialogue answering some comprehension questions (p.. 23 ex.1)

BLOCK 2 - Read and write PROCEDURES Reading Read a text (Bethany surfs again) and answer comprehension questions (p.. 22 ex.3) Find adjectives in the text and match them with their corresponding meanings (p.. 22 ex.4)

Writing Learn and apply adverbs of time using them as connectors. (p.. 24 ex.3) Write a text about a day at school following an outline (p.. 24 exs.. 4and 5)

BLOCXK 3 - Reflection on and knowledge of the language through use CONCEPTS

FUNCTIONS OF THE LANGUAGE Describe a holiday. Ask for and give information about different moodsSTRUCTURES-GRAMMARPresent simple affirmative, negative, interrogative and short answers

VOCABULARY Theme: Moods LEXICON: Adjectives expressing mood Noun + verb (Word help)

PHONETICSThe past of irregular verbs.

PROCEDURES Grammar Study table of completion of Past simple and complete rules of use (p. 20 exs.1, 2) Complete a text with the simple past affirmative and rewrite it in negative form (p.. 20 exs..

4–5) Write true sentences about previous day (p.. 20 ex.6) Read some sentences and ask questions about them (p.. 20 ex.7)

Vocabulary Listen to, repeat and translate the adjectives in a table (p.. 17 ex.1) Choose the right adjective in some sentences (p.. 17 ex.2) Add a series of words to a table and translate the resulting expressions (p.. 19 ex.6) Complete sentences using expressions from the previous exercise (p.. 19 ex.7)

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Pronunciation Listen to and practise the pronunciation of the past tenses ending in -ed (p.. 19 ex.1) After listening to the pronunciation of some verbs in the past, decide which group they

belong to (p.. 19 ex.2)

BLOCK 4 - Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness CONCEPTS Find out about an artist and his song (Crashed the Wedding; Busted)

PROCEDURES Complete the song (p.. 105 ex.1) Choose the sentence(s) which best summarise(s) the lyrics of the song (p.. 105 ex.2) Complete a text about the song and the artist.(p.. 105 ex.3)

3. - CONTRIBUTION OF THE AREA OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF BASIC COMPETENCESSee in the introduction the general features of the contribution of learning the target language to the basic competences and in particular how they are reflected in this unit:

ii. learning-to-learn ; Pupils reflect upon and increase personal initiative expressing an opinion on different questions and learn to manage their resources via different learning techniques.

iii. data processing and digital competence , See in the introduction the general features of the contribution to this competence.

Students, via the target language, create real and functional communication contexts using new information and communication technologyIv social and civic competenceAs learning a language implies the knowledge of social features and cultural aspects linked to speakers of the language and which may be studied in parallel fashion in the unit. Moral and civic education: reflection upon the importance of showing solidarity towards our peers.Peace education : knowledge of the realities of other parts of the world .

v. artistic and cultural competence Linguistic output contains artistic and cultural components; learn about the music in the unit.

4. RELATIONSHIP WITH OTHER AREAS OF THE CURRICULUM The whole unit concentrates on different interdisciplinary themes, transferring the vocabulary and structures to a real-life context and encouraging development of knowledge of the world beyond the English class.Alternative studies or religionLearn to empathise with and understand people’s feelings.

5.- TREATMENT OF DIVERSITYReinforcement activities Optional activities TG p.s. T17, T19, T21, T22Grammar Bank section , SB page. 114Extra Practice section , SB p.. 115Irregular verbs section, SB p. 137Word Bank section , SB p.s. 130-134Expression Bank section, SB p.. 135 Words to learn, Workbook p.s. 61-64 Workbook p.s. 13-17RB activities

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MultiROM activities

Extension activities Try this! section SB p.. 21Optional activities , TG p.. T17, T18RB activities MultiROM activities

6.- ASSESSMENT Initial assessment Unit Focus section , SB p.. 17Diagnostic test, RB and Assessment CD Formative assessment Student assessment form , TG/GD Summative assessmentTest Unit 2, RB and Assessment CD Self-assessment Progress Check 2, workbook p.. 18


1.- TEACHING OBJECTIVES Use vocabulary related to names of shops and compound nouns. Understand different kinds of oral and written texts. Perform communicative exchanges using the expressions and dialogues studied in the unit . Produce oral and written texts Duch as a police interrogation. Apply grammatical aspects Duch as the past continuous and adverbs. Practice the pronunciation of the desinence in the sounds /eə/and /ɜ:/ Establish a socio-cultural relationship with regard to delinquency. Evaluate participation and progress in the learning process.


BLOCK 1 - Listening, speaking and conversing PROCEDURES Listening Listen to a dialogue (in a supermarket) and identify where it takes place (p.. 31, ex.6) Answer comprehension questions choosing between three options (p.. 31, ex.7).

Speaking Practice aloud the expressions from a dialogue (p.. 31 ex.2) Listen to and read a conversation about how to find your way around a city (p.. 31 ex.1) Read the dialogue and act it out in front of the class (p.. 31 exs.. 3, 5)

BLOCK 2 - Read and write PROCEDURES Reading Read a newspaper article (about a robbery) and decide whether it’s about a murder or a

robbery and order some pictures chronologically (p.. 30 exs.. 1and 3) Find words in the text and match them with their meanings (p.. 30 ex.4)

Writing Listen to and read a police interrogation, ask questions and complete sentences using

connectors (p.. 32 exs.. 1, 2and 3)

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Write a police interview following an outline (p.. 32 ex.4)

Listening Listen to a dialogue and identify where it takes place (p.. 31 exs.. 6) Answer some multiple choice questions (p.. 31 ex.7)

BLOCK 3 - Reflection on and knowledge of the language through use CONCEPTS

FUNCTIONS OF THE LANGUAGE Describe an event Ask for and give information about an event.

STRUCTURES-GRAMMARPast continuousAdverbs

VOCABULARY Theme : Crime and delinquencyLEXICON: Shops Compound nouns (word help)

PHONETICSThe sounds /ea/and /3/

PROCEDURES Grammar Complete a table, a text and some sentences with verbs in past continuous (p.. 28 exs.. 1,3,

4) Write some questions, answer them and complete answers (p.. 29 exs.. 5–6) Complete some sentences using adverbs (p.. 29 exs..7and 8 )

Vocabulary Give a name to each shop in pictures of a shopping centre, pronounce the names aloud

and translate them (p.. 25 exs.. 1, 2) Match the articles on a shopping list with the shops where they can be bought (p.. 25 ex.3) Combine the words in two columns to make compound words (p.. 27 ex.5) Find compound words using definitions (p.. 27 ex.6)

Pronunciation Listen to and practise the pronunciation of both sounds (p.. 27 ex.1) Distinguish between both sounds in different words (p.. 27 ex.2)

BLOCK 4 - Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness CONCEPTS Talk about juvenile delinquency (Report 2)

PROCEDURES Order the words in a list of crimes according to seriousness and match with some photos

(p.. 96 exs.. 1and 2) Read a report, choose the right answers and decide which answers are true or false (p.. 96

exs.. 3, 4and 5)

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3.- CONTRIBUTION OF THE AREA OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF BASIC COMPETENCESSee in the introduction the general features of the contribution of learning the target language to the basic competences and specifically how they are reflected in this unit:

ii. learning-to-learn ; Pupils reflect upon and increase personal initiative expressing an opinion on different questions and learn to manage their resources via different learning techniques.

iii. data processing and digital competence , See in the introduction the general features of the contribution to this competence.

Students, via the target language, create real and functional communication contexts using new information and communication technology.

Iv social and civic competenceAs learning a language implies the knowledge of social features and cultural aspects linked to speakers of the language and which may be studied in parallel fashion in the unit. Consumer education : reflection upon our consumer habits.Moral and civic education: reflection upon crime.Peace education : knowledge of the reality of other parts of the world.

v. artistic and cultural competence Linguistic output contains artistic and cultural components;

4. RELATIONSHIP WITH OTHER AREAS OF THE CURRICULUM The whole unit concentrates on different interdisciplinary themes, transferring the vocabulary and structures to a real-life context and encouraging development of knowledge of the world beyond the English class.

5.- TREATMENT OF DIVERSITYReinforcement activities Optional activities TG p.s. T26, T28, T30, T31, T32Grammar Bank section , SB page. 116Extra Practice section , SB p.. 117Irregular verbs section, SB p. 137Word Bank section , SB p.s. 130-134Expression Bank section, SB p.. 135 Words to learn, Workbook p.s. 61-64 Workbook p.s. 19-23RB activities MultiROM activities

Extension activities Try this! section SB p.. 29RB activities MultiROM activities

6.- ASSESSMENT Initial assessment Unit Focus section , SB p.. 25Diagnostic test, RB and Assessment CD Formative assessment

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Student assessment form , TG/GD Summative assessmentTest Unit 3, RB and Assessment CD Self-assessment Progress Check 3, workbook p.. 24Build Up section , Units 1-3, SB p.. 36


1.- TEACHING OBJECTIVES Use vocabulary related to housework. Understand different kinds of oral and written texts . Perform communicative exchanges using the expressions and dialogues studied in the unit . Produce oral and written texts like the description of a bedroom. Study the verb have to, countables and uncountables. Practice the intonation of the stress in the sentence. Establish a socio-cultural reflection upon a universal theme: false appearances. Evaluate participation and progress in the learning process..


BLOCK 1 - Listening, speaking and conversing PROCEDURES Listening Listen to a conversation (Kelly and her mum)and answer a series of questions (p.. 43 exs..

6and 7)

Speaking Practice aloud and translate expressions from a dialogue (p.. 43 ex.2) Listen to a dialogue about plans for the near future and answer some questions (p.. 43

ex.1) Practise the dialogue aloud, write another from various possibilities and act it out in class

(p.. 43 exs.. 3, 4and 5)

BLOCK 2 - Read and write PROCEDURES Reading Read a text (The room of love)and answer comprehension questions (p.. 42 ex.3)Writing Read a description and give a heading to each paragraph correcting some mistakes (p.. 44

exs.. 1and 2) Write a text describing a room following an outline (p.. 44 ex.4)

BLOCXK 3 - Reflection on and knowledge of the language through use CONCEPTS

FUNCTIONS OF THE LANGUAGE Describe a room Prepare an interview Ask for and give information about housework


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Some/anyMuch/many/a lot of

VOCABULARY Theme : The house LEXICON: Housework Make and do (world help)

PHONETICSThe stress in sentences

PROCEDURES Grammar After completing a table with forms of have to in affirmative, negative, interrogative and

short answers, write sentences about daily obligations (p.. 40 exs.. 1, 2) Complete a quiz and ask and answer questions about it (p.. 40 exs.. 3–4) Complete the rules for using some and any and complete the gaps in a conversation (p.. 41

exs.. 5and 6) Complete the rules for using much, many and a lot of with countable and uncountable

nouns (p.. 41 ex.7) Referring to a picture, complete questions with how much and how many and answer them

(p.. 41 exs.. 8, 9)

Vocabulary Listen to, practice aloud and translate the words in a table. (p.. 37 ex.1) Listen to and decide the chronological order of certain household chores (p.. 37 ex.2) Write sentences about the housework the pupil does or doesn’t do (p.. 37 ex.3) Complete a table using make and do (p.. 39 ex.5) Complete some sentences using expressions from the previous exercise (p.. 39 ex.6)

Pronunciation Listen to and practise the intonation of different sentences (p.. 39 ex.1) Listen to and underline the stressed syllable in each sentence (p.. 39 ex.2)

BLOCK 4 - Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness CONCEPTS Find out about an artist and his/her work (Sorry seems to be he hardest word, Blue)

PROCEDURES Find words or expressions which respond to certain meanings (p.. 106 ex.1) After reading information about the song and the artist, answer a series of questions (p..

106 exs.. 3, 4and 5)

3.- CONTRIBUTION OF THE AREA OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF BASIC COMPETENCESSee in the introduction the general features of the contribution of learning the target language to the basic competences and specifically how they are reflected in this unit:

ii. learning-to-learn ; Pupils reflect upon and increase personal initiative expressing an opinion on different questions and learn to manage their resources via different learning techniques.

iii. data processing and digital competence ,

Page 44: Programme Oxford Spotlight 3º-4º ESO Destaca…  · Web viewOxford Spotlight includes reinforcement and extension activities which allow for individualised attention to pupils,

See in the introduction the general features of the contribution to this competence.

Students, via the target language, create real and functional communication contexts using new information and communication technology.

Iv social and civic competence As learning a language implies the knowledge of social features and cultural aspects linked to speakers of the language and which may be studied in parallel fashion in the unit. Education in gender equality : reflection upon equal participation and responsibility in housework. Peace education : knowledge of the realities of other parts of the world to assist understanding between nations.

v. artistic and cultural competence Linguistic output contains artistic and cultural components

4. RELATIONSHIP WITH OTHER AREAS OF THE CURRICULUM The whole unit concentrates on different interdisciplinary themes, transferring the vocabulary and structures to a real-life context and encouraging development of knowledge of the world beyond the English class.

5.- TREATMENT OF DIVERSITYReinforcement activities Optional activities TG p.s. T37, T38, T40, T41,T42,T43,T44Grammar Bank section , SB page. 118Extra Practice section , SB p.. 113Irregular verbs section, SB p. 137Word Bank section , SB p.s. 130-134Expression Bank section, SB p.. 135 Words to learn, Workbook p.s. 61-64 Workbook p.s. 25-29RB activities MultiROM activities

Extension activities Try this! section SB p.. 40RB activities MultiROM activities

6.- ASSESSMENT Initial assessment Unit Focus section , SB p.. 37Diagnostic test, RB and Assessment CD Formative assessment Student assessment form , TG/GD Summative assessmentTest Unit 4, RB and Assessment CD Self-assessment Progress Check 4, workbook p.. 30


1.-TEACHING OBJECTIVES Use vocabulary related to personality

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Understand different kinds of oral and written texts . Perform communicative exchanges using the expressions and dialogues studied in the unit . Produce oral and written texts such as the description of somebody’s personality. Apply grammatical aspects like the comparative and superlative. Practice the pronunciation of the sounds /ʌ/and /ǽ/ Establish a socio-cultural relationship with regard to celebrations in different countries. Evaluate participation and progress in the learning process.


BLOCK 1 - Listening, speaking and conversing PROCEDURES Listening After hearing three oral texts about people you know, complete a table and decide which

adjectives may be applied to the people in the texts (p.. 51, exs.. 6and 7)

Speaking Practice aloud the expressions from a dialogue and translate them (p.. 51 ex.2) Read and Listen to a dialogue about likes and dislikes and practise it aloud (p.. 51 exs..

1and 3) Write a dialogue and act it out in class (p.. 51 exs.. 4and 5)

BLOCK 2 - Read and write PROCEDURES Reading Answer some questions, read a magazine article and answer a questionnaire about the

order of birth and personality (p.. 50 exs.. 1,2and 3) Decide which sentences from the previous exercise are applicable to students (p.. 50 ex.4)

Writing Read a model text about a description of a personality and decide to which person

certain adjectives may be applied (p.. 52 exs.. 1and 2) Write a description of two people using the Lexicon and an outline (p.. 52 ex.3) Study a table about the order of adjectives and reorder the adjectives in some sentences

(p.. 52 ex.3)

BLOCXK 3 - Reflection on and knowledge of the language through use CONCEPTS

FUNCTIONS OF THE LANGUAGE Describe people Ask for and give information about dates of birth.

STRUCTURES-GRAMMARComparative and superlative adjectivesToo and enough

VOCABULARY Theme: Personality LEXICON: Adjectives which describe personality Negative prefixes

PHONETICSThe sounds /v/and /ae/

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PROCEDURES Grammar Alter completing a table with adjectives, comparatives and superlatives, confirm the rules

of formation (p.. 48 exs.. 1and 2) Compare cities or people in a story using comparatives and superlatives (p.s. 48and 49

exs.. 3and 5) Answer the questions in a quiz about general culture (p.. 48 ex.4) Study example sentences and complete sentences with be + too or enough (p.. 49 exs..

6and 7)

Vocabulary Listen to, Practice aloud and translate some adjectives (p.. 45 ex.1) Match some adjectives with their opposites (p.. 45 ex.2) Write sentences describing different people (p.. 45 exs.. 3and 4) Copy a table with headings in-, un-, im-and complete it with the adjectives in a table (p.. 47

ex.5) Complete some sentences with adjectives with a prefix and decide which apply to the pupil

(p.. 45 ex.6)

Pronunciation Listen to and practise the sounds aloud (p.. 47 ex.1) Distinguish between words differentiated only by these sounds (p.. 47 ex.2)

BLOCK 4 - Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness CONCEPTS Talk about young trends(Report 3).

PROCEDURES Identify lifestyles from different eras and match them with photos (p.. 48 ex.1) Read a report, associate it with previous photos (p.. 48 ex.2) Read the descriptions of four contemporary fashions and match them with different parts of

an oral text (p.. 49 exs.. 4, 5and 6)

3.- .- CONTRIBUTION OF THE AREA OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF BASIC COMPETENCESSee in the introduction the general features of the contribution of learning the target language to the basic competences and specifically how they are reflected in this unit:

ii. learning-to-learn ; Pupils reflect upon and increase personal initiative expressing an opinion on different questions and learn to manage their resources via different learning techniques.

iii. data processing and digital competence , See in the introduction the general features of the contribution to this competence.

Students, via the target language, create real and functional communication contexts using new information and communication technology.

Iv social and civic competence As learning a language implies the knowledge of social features and cultural aspects linked to speakers of the language and which may be studied in parallel fashion in the unit. Moral and civic education: reflection upon respect for our peersPeace education : knowledge of the realities of other parts of the world to assist understanding between nations.

Page 47: Programme Oxford Spotlight 3º-4º ESO Destaca…  · Web viewOxford Spotlight includes reinforcement and extension activities which allow for individualised attention to pupils,

v. artistic and cultural competence Linguistic output contains artistic and cultural components;

4. RELATIONSHIP WITH OTHER AREAS OF THE CURRICULUM The whole unit concentrates on different interdisciplinary themes, transferring the vocabulary and structures to a real-life context and encouraging development of knowledge of the world beyond the English class

5.- TREATMENT OF DIVERSITYReinforcement activities Optional activities TG p.s. T46, T48,T50,T51,T52Grammar Bank section , SB page. 120Extra Practice section , SB p.. 113Irregular verbs section, SB p. 137Word Bank section , SB p.s. 130-134Expression Bank section, SB p.. 135 Words to learn, Workbook p.s. 61-64 Workbook p.s. 31-35RB activities MultiROM activities

Extension activities Try this! section SB p.. 49Optional activities , TG p.. T47,T49RB activities MultiROM activities

6.- ASSESSMENT Initial assessment Unit Focus section , SB p.. 45Diagnostic test, RB and Assessment CD Formative assessment Student assessment form , TG/GD Summative assessmentTest Unit 5, RB and Assessment CD Self-assessment Progress Check 5, workbook p.. 36


1.-TEACHING OBJECTIVES Use vocabulary of extreme sports. Understand different kinds of oral and written texts . Perform communicative exchanges using the expressions and dialogues studied in the unit . Produce oral and written texts such as the account of a personal experience. Work on the present perfect. Practice the pronunciation of the contractions of the present perfect. Establish a socio-cultural reflection about a universal theme: the Olympics. Evaluate participation and progress in the learning process.


BLOCK 1 - Listening, speaking and conversing PROCEDURES

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Listening Listen to an oral text about a dangerous experience and answer some questions (p.. 59

exs.. 6and 7

Speaking Listen, practise aloud and repeat expressions in a dialogue (p.. 59 ex.2) After listening to and reading a dialogue , answer some questions (p.. 59 exs.. 1and 3) Write a dialogue about extreme sports and act it out in class (p.. 59 exs.. 4, 5)

BLOCK 2 - Read and write PROCEDURES Reading Identify a sport fro some photos (p.. 58 ex.1) Read a text, the description of a personal experience, order some sentences and find words

in the text which correspond to certain meanings (p.. 58 exs..2, 3and 4)

Writing Alter reading a text in two parts and matching it with two photos, choose sentences which

appear in the text, correcting the incorrect ones (p.. 60 exs.. 1,2 and 3) Write about a personal experience following a plan (p.. 60 ex.4)

BLOCXK 3 - Reflection on and knowledge of the language through use CONCEPTS

FUNCTIONS OF THE LANGUAGE Recount a personal experience Ask for and give information about extreme sports Prepare an interview STRUCTURES-GRAMMARPresent perfect, affirmative and negative form Present perfect with just

VOCABULARY Theme : Emotions of danger and riskLEXICON: Extreme sports. Get (word help).

PHONETICSContractions of the present perfect

PROCEDURES Grammar Study the table of formation of the present perfect and complete another table with irregular

participles (p.. 56 exs.. 1, 2) Complete and write sentences using the present perfect in affirmative and negative (p.. 56

exs.. 3and 4) Complete a table about sports and answer a question in affirmative and negative (p.. 57

exs.. 5and 6) Look at photos and write sentences with present perfect using just in the affirmative

sentences (p.. 57 ex.7)


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Match the words in a table with some photos, practise them aloud and translate them (p.. 53 exs.. 1 and 2)

Answer questions about where certain sports are played (p.. 53 ex.3) Study a table of meanings of the verb get and decide the meaning of these in different

sentences (p.. 55 ex.5) Make questions with get and answer them in pairs (p.. 55 ex.6)

Pronunciation After listening to and practising aloud the contracted and full forms, decide which forms

reproduce an oral text (p.. 65, exs. 1and 2).

BLOCK 4 - Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness CONCEPTS Find out about a singer and her work (Pieces of me; Ashlee Simpson).

PROCEDURES Listen and decide which sentence best summarises the song (p.. 107 ex.1) Find words in the song which correspond to certain meanings (p.. 107ex.2) After reading information about the song and the artist, answer some questions (p.. 107


3.- CONTRIBUTION OF THE AREA OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF BASIC COMPETENCESSee in the introduction the general features of the contribution of learning the target language to the basic competences and specifically how they are reflected in this unit:

ii. learning-to-learn ; Pupils reflect upon and increase personal initiative expressing an opinion on different questions and learn to manage their resources via different learning techniques.

iii. data processing and digital competence , See in the introduction the general features of the contribution to this competence.

Students, via the target language, create real and functional communication contexts using new information and communication technology.

Iv social and civic competence As learning a language implies the knowledge of social features and cultural aspects linked to speakers of the language and which may be studied in parallel fashion in the unit. Education in gender equality: reflection upon sexual equality in sport.Moral and civic education: reflection upon the importance of solidarity in difficult moments.

v. artistic and cultural competence Linguistic output contains artistic and cultural components;

4. RELATIONSHIP WITH OTHER AREAS OF THE CURRICULUM The whole unit concentrates on different interdisciplinary themes, transferring the vocabulary and structures to a real-life context and encouraging development of knowledge of the world beyond the English class.Physical education(sport))Learn about sports and the risks and benefits they involve

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5.- TREATMENT OF DIVERSITYReinforcement activities Optional activities TG p.s. T54, T55,T56,T58,T59Grammar Bank section , SB page. 122Extra Practice section , SB p.. 113Irregular verbs section, SB p. 137Word Bank section , SB p.s. 130-134Expression Bank section, SB p.. 135 Words to learn, Workbook p.s. 61-64 Workbook p.s. 37-41RB activities MultiROM activities

Extension activities Try this! section SB p.. 57Optional activities , TG p.. T57,T58RB activities MultiROM activities

6.- ASSESSMENT Initial assessment Unit Focus section , SB p.. 53Diagnostic test, RB and Assessment CD Formative assessment Student assessment form , TG/GD Summative assessmentTest Unit 6, RB and Assessment CD Self-assessment Progress Check 6, workbook p.. 36Build Up section , Units, 4-6, p.. 64

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UNIT 7: FAME!1.- TEACHING OBJECTIVES Use vocabulary related to the cinema. Understand different kinds of oral and written texts . Perform communicative exchanges using the expressions and dialogues studied in the unit . Produce oral and written texts such as the biography of a famous person. Apply grammatical aspects like present perfect with for and since. Practice the intonation of interrogative sentences. Establish a socio-cultural relationship with the theme of success and fame. Evaluate participation and progress in the learning process.


BLOCK 1 - Listening, speaking and conversing PROCEDURES Listening Listen to a conversation in the Tube between three people and identify the problem (p.. 71

ex. 6) Listen again and complete a questionnaire (p.. 71 ex.7)

Speaking Practice aloud the expressions from a dialogue and translate them (p.. 71 ex.2) Read and listen to a dialogue about the Tube in London and find on an underground map

where the dialogue takes place (p.. 71 ex.1) Practise the dialogue aloud, write a similar one and perform it in front of the class (p.. 71

exs.. 3, 4and 5)

BLOCK 2 - Read and write PROCEDURES Reading Try to identify the people in the photo, read a magazine article about children in Hollywood,

and match the people with the descriptions (p.. 70 exs.. 1and 2) Answer questions and find the noun form of adjectives in the text (p..70 exs.. 3/4).

Writing Try to identify a person from some photos, Read a text and answer some questions (p.. 72

exs.. 1and 2) Replace the nouns in some sentences with the corresponding pronouns to avoid repeating

them (p.. 72 ex.3) Write a biography of a famous person following the information in a guide (p.. 72 ex.4)

BLOCXK 3 - Reflection on and knowledge of the language through use CONCEPTS

FUNCTIONS OF THE LANGUAGE Give directions to get somewhere Ask for and give information about the development of an activity

STRUCTURES-GRAMMARPresent perfect interrogativeFor and sinceHow long?


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Theme : FameLEXICON: The cinema False friends (word help)PHONETICSIntonation in interrogative sentences

PROCEDURES Grammar Copy and complete a table, ask and answer questions (p.. 68 exs.. 1and 2) Repeat the previous exercise with the student’s activities that day (p.. 68 ex.3) Alter completing the rules, fill the gaps in a text using both words. p.. 68 exs.. 4and 5) Rewrite in the present perfect with for and since sentences with the structure …ago (p..

69 ex.6) In pairs , write and answer questions with How long? And the present perfect (p.. .69


Vocabulary Listen to, repeat and a set of words connected with the cinema (p.. 65 ex.1) Divide the words into two groups and complete sentences containing one word from each

group (p.. 65 exs.. 2 and 3) Try to translate the words in a table and then check their real meaning with the help of the

dictionary or the teacher (p.. 67 exs.. 4and 5) Complete a series of sentences with words from exercise 4 (p.. 67 ex.6)

Pronunciation Listen to and repeat some interrogative sentences concentrating on intonation (p.. 67

ex.1) Read some questions and check that the intonation is the same as on the recording (p.. 67


BLOCK 4 - Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness CONCEPTS Find out about young people’s music (Report 4).

PROCEDURES Read an article, answer some questions and Complete some sentences with words from

the text (p.. 100 exs.. 1, 2 , 3and 4) In pairs, answer a quiz and compare answers with a classmate (p.. 101 ex.5)

3.- CONTRIBUTION OF THE AREA OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF BASIC COMPETENCESSee in the introduction the general features of the contribution of learning the target language to the basic competences and specifically how they are reflected in this unit:

ii. learning-to-learn; Pupils reflect upon and increase personal initiative expressing an opinion on different questions and learn to manage their resources via different learning techniques, for example, in this unit answer a questionnaire and a quiz .

iii. data processing and digital competence , See in the introduction the general features of the contribution to this competence.

Students, via the target language, create real and functional communication contexts using new information and communication technology

Page 53: Programme Oxford Spotlight 3º-4º ESO Destaca…  · Web viewOxford Spotlight includes reinforcement and extension activities which allow for individualised attention to pupils,

Iv social and civic competence As learning a language implies the knowledge of social features and cultural aspects linked to speakers of the language and which may be studied in parallel fashion in the unit. Peace education reflection upon music as an instrument for greater understanding between young people from different nations.Consumer education: reflection upon information and audiovisual piracy.

v. artistic and cultural competence Linguistic output contains artistic and cultural components; Learn about different music and culture throughout the world

4. RELATIONSHIP WITH OTHER AREAS OF THE CURRICULUM The whole unit concentrates on different interdisciplinary themes, transferring the vocabulary and structures to a real-life context and encouraging development of knowledge of the world beyond the English class.MusicLearn about music and musicians.

5.- TREATMENT OF DIVERSITYReinforcement activities Optional activities TG p.s. T66,T68,T70,T71,T72Grammar Bank section , SB page. 124Extra Practice section , SB p.. 113Irregular verbs section, SB p. 137Word Bank section , SB p.s. 130-134Expression Bank section, SB p.. 135 Words to learn, Workbook p.s. 61-64 Workbook p.s. 43-47RB activities MultiROM activities

Extension activities Try this! section SB p.. 66Optional activities , TG p.. T69RB activities MultiROM activities

6.- ASSESSMENT Initial assessment Unit Focus section , SB p.. 65Diagnostic test, RB and Assessment CD Formative assessment Student assessment form , TG/GD Summative assessmentTest Unit 7, RB and Assessment CD Self-assessment Progress Check 7, workbook p.. 48


1.- TEACHING OBJECTIVES Use vocabulary related to verbs of action. Understand different kinds of oral and written texts . Perform communicative exchanges using the expressions and dialogues studied in the unit . Produce oral and written texts such as predictions for the future.

Page 54: Programme Oxford Spotlight 3º-4º ESO Destaca…  · Web viewOxford Spotlight includes reinforcement and extension activities which allow for individualised attention to pupils,

Study the future and conditional sentences . Practice the pronunciation of the sound /əʊ/ Establish a socio-cultural reflection about a universal theme: commitment. Evaluate participation and progress in the learning process.


BLOCK 1 - Listening, speaking and conversing PROCEDURES Listening Listen to a text (talking about tickets for a disco), answer some questions (p.. 79, exs.. 6and


Speaking Listen to, repeat and translate expressions from a dialogue; (p.. 79 ex.2) Read and describe a dialogue, practise it aloud, write a similar one and act it out in class

(p.. 79 exs.. 1, 3, 4and 5)

BLOCK 2 - Read and write PROCEDURES Reading Discuss the benefits of technology (p.. 78 ex.1) Read a text about nanotechnology and answer some questions (p.. 78 exs.. 2and 3) Find words in the text and match them with certain meanings (p.. 78 ex.4)

Writing Read a model text and answer some questions (p.. 80 exs.. 1and 2) Study the expressions in a table and use them in a series of sentences (p.. 80 exs.. 3and 4) Write a text predicting their own future following an outline (p.. 80 ex.5)

BLOCXK 3 - Reflection on and knowledge of the language through use CONCEPTS

FUNCTIONS OF THE LANGUAGE Predict the future Give and ask for advice Prepare an interview

STRUCTURES-GRAMMARWillFirst conditional

VOCABULARY Theme: The future LEXICON: Verbs of action Phrasal verbs (word help)

PHONETICS The sound /əʊ/


Page 55: Programme Oxford Spotlight 3º-4º ESO Destaca…  · Web viewOxford Spotlight includes reinforcement and extension activities which allow for individualised attention to pupils,

Alter studying a table about the use of will, in affirmative, interrogative and negative and short answers, write sentences using will and won´t,and make predictions (p.. 68 exs.. 1, 2, 3and 4)

Ask and answer questions (p.. 78 exs.. 5and 6) Complete the first part of an interview and match the second part with some pictures (p.. 77

exs.. 7and 8) Study some examples and complete the rules of use (p.. 77 ex.9) Alter writing some sentences based on a series of pictures, rewrite the sentences to mean

the opposite (p.. 77 exs..10and 11)

Vocabulary Match the verbs in a table with some drawings, practise them aloud and translate them (p..

73 exs.. 1and 2) Complete sentences with verbs from the previous exercise (p.. 73 ex.3) Match some phrasal verbs with some drawings, find pairs of verbs with opposite meanings

and translate them (p.. 75 exs.. 5and 6) Complete sentences using the phrasal verbs from the previous exercise (p.. 75 ex.7)

Pronunciation Listen to and practise words containing this sound (p.. 75 ex.1) Listen to a series of words and say if they include this sound (p.. 75 ex.2)

BLOCK 4 - Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness CONCEPTS Find out about an artist and her work (I promise I will, Stacie Orrico).

PROCEDURES Complete the song with the words from a table (p.. 108 ex.1) Find words in the song which correspond to certain meanings (p.. 108 ex.2) Read an information sheet about the song and artist and answer some questions (p.. 108


3.- CONTRIBUTION OF THE AREA OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF BASIC COMPETENCESSee in the introduction the general features of the contribution of learning the target language to the basic competences and specifically how they are reflected in this unit:

ii. learning-to-learn ; Pupils reflect upon and increase personal initiative expressing an opinion on different questions and learn to manage their resources via different learning techniques.

iii. data processing and digital competence , See in the introduction the general features of the contribution to this competence.

Students, via the target language, create real and functional communication contexts using new information and communication technology.

Iv social and civic competenceAs learning a language implies the knowledge of social features and cultural aspects linked to speakers of the language and which may be studied in parallel fashion in the unit. Peace education : reflection upon music as an instrument for greater understanding between young people from different nations.Environmental education: reflection upon the impact of technology upon nature.

v. artistic and cultural competence Linguistic output contains artistic and cultural components;

Page 56: Programme Oxford Spotlight 3º-4º ESO Destaca…  · Web viewOxford Spotlight includes reinforcement and extension activities which allow for individualised attention to pupils,

Learn about technology

4. RELATIONSHIP WITH OTHER AREAS OF THE CURRICULUM The whole unit concentrates on different interdisciplinary themes, transferring the vocabulary and structures to a real-life context and encouraging development of knowledge of the world beyond the English class

5.- TREATMENT OF DIVERSITYReinforcement activities Optional activities TG p.s. T74,T76,T78,T79,T80Grammar Bank section , SB page. 126Extra Practice section , SB p.. 127Irregular verbs section, SB p. 137Word Bank section , SB p.s. 130-134Expression Bank section, SB p.. 135 Words to learn, Workbook p.s. 61-64 Workbook p.s. 49-53RB activities MultiROM activities

Extension activities Try this! section SB p.. 77RB activities MultiROM activities

6.- ASSESSMENT Initial assessment Unit Focus section , SB p.. 73Diagnostic test, RB and Assessment CD Formative assessment Student assessment form , TG/GD Summative assessmentTest Unit 8, RB and Assessment CD Self-assessment Progress Check 8, workbook p.. 12


1.-TEACHING OBJECTIVES Use vocabulary related to food. Understand different kinds of oral and written texts . Perform communicative exchanges using the expressions and dialogues studied in the unit . Produce oral and written texts such as a questionnaire about eating habits. Apply grammatical aspects like the passive voice. Practice the pronunciation of the rhythm of a sentence. Establish a socio-cultural relationship regarding the composition of the UK. Evaluate participation and progress in the learning process.


BLOCK 1 - Listening, speaking and conversing PROCEDURES Listening

Page 57: Programme Oxford Spotlight 3º-4º ESO Destaca…  · Web viewOxford Spotlight includes reinforcement and extension activities which allow for individualised attention to pupils,

Listen to an oral text about disco music and attribute opinions to different people (p.. 87 ex. 6)

Listen again and order a series of events chronologically (p.. 87 ex.7)

Speaking Listen and Practice aloud the expressions from a dialogue and translate them (p.. 87 ex.2) Read, listen to and complete a dialogue with the words from a table (p.. 87 ex.1) Practise the dialogue aloud, write a similar one and perform it in front of the class (p.. 87

exs.. 3,4and 5)

BLOCK 2 - Read and write PROCEDURES Reading Read a text (A question of good taste) and match food with where it comes from (p.. 86

exs.. 1and 2) Answer some questions about the text and find words which correspond to certain

meanings (p.. 86 exs.. 3and 4)

Writing Read a questionnaire and Complete some sentences (p.. 88 exs.. 1and 2) Insert commas in sentences (p.. 88 ex.3) Copy the questions in a questionnaire and answer them (p.. 88 ex.4)

BLOCXK 3 - Reflection on and knowledge of the language through use CONCEPTS

FUNCTIONS OF THE LANGUAGE Give and receive information about food Describe a poem

STRUCTURES-GRAMMARThe present passive voice: affirmative, interrogative and negative

VOCABULARY Theme: Food LEXICON: Food Homophones (word help)

PHONETICSThe rhythm of the sentencePROCEDURES Grammar Alter studying the formation table of the passive voice, establish the rule and relationship

between the active and passive voices (p.. 84 exs.. 1, 2and 3) Transform some active sentences into passive (p.. 85 ex.4) Complete some sentences about an industrial process (p.. 85 ex.5) Complete a text with affirmative and negative passive (p.. 86 ex.6) Answer a questionnaire and Answer some questions (p..86 exs.. 7and 8)

Vocabulary Match the words in a table with some pictures, practise them aloud and translate them (p..

81 exs.. 1, 2) Divide vocabulary into categories (p.. 81 ex.3)

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Ask and Answer about likes and dislikes (p.. 81 ex.4) Alter reading examples of homophones, try to find others (p.. 83 ex.5)

Pronunciation Listen to and repeat a limerick concentrating on rhythm (p.. 83, ex.1)

BLOCK 4 - Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness CONCEPTS Talk about young people in the UK (Report 5).

PROCEDURES Read the report and Answer some questions (p.. 102 exs.. 1,2and 3) Complete some definitions with the words from a table and sentences with true

information (p.. 103 exs.. 4and 5) Match some photos with the four countries of the UK and answer some questions (p.. 103

exs.. 6and 7)

3.- CONTRIBUTION OF THE AREA OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF BASIC COMPETENCESSee in the introduction the general features of the contribution of learning the target language to the basic competences and specifically how they are reflected in this unit:

ii. learning-to-learn ; Pupils reflect upon and increase personal initiative expressing an opinion on different questions and learn to manage their resources via different learning techniques, for example, answering a questionnaire.

iii. data processing and digital competence , See in the introduction the general features of the contribution to this competence.

Students, via the target language, create real and functional communication contexts using new information and communication technology

Iv social and civic competence As learning a language implies the knowledge of social features and cultural aspects linked to speakers of the language and which may be studied in parallel fashion in the unit. Health education: reflection upon the advantages of a healthy diet. Peace education : knowledge of realities different to one’s own to further understanding between nations.

v. artistic and cultural competence Linguistic output contains artistic and cultural components; Learn about the interests of young people in other parts of the world

4. RELATIONSHIP WITH OTHER AREAS OF THE CURRICULUM The whole unit concentrates on different interdisciplinary themes, transferring the vocabulary and structures to a real-life context and encouraging development of knowledge of the world beyond the English class.

5.- TREATMENT OF DIVERSITYReinforcement activities Optional activities TG p.s. T82,T83,T84,T86,T87,T88

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Grammar Bank section , SB page. 128Extra Practice section , SB p.. 129Irregular verbs section , SB p.. 137Word Bank section , SB p.s. 130-134Expression Bank section, SB p.. 135 Words to learn, Workbook p.s. 61-64 Workbook p.s. 55-59RB activities MultiROM activitiesRevision Units 7-9, SB p.. 89-92

Extension activities Try this! section SB p.. 85Optional activities , TG p.. T85RB activities MultiROM activities

6.- ASSESSMENT Initial assessment Unit Focus section , SB p.. 81Diagnostic test, RB and Assessment CD Formative assessment Student assessment form , TG/GD Summative assessmentTest Unit 9, RB and Assessment CD Self-assessment Progress Check 9, workbook p.. 60


This programming and scheduling constitutes a model of timed learning for 4th year of Secondary Education and taking into account the specific objectives of English as a subject.

This is an adaptable timetable which may be adjusted to the group-class profile as it may be

used simultaneously with students who struggle to learn languages as well as with those who

have slightly superior knowledge. It may also be adapted to the teacher’s and students’ own

tastes and initiatives and the evolution of the course.

This is a guiding and extendable programme, with numerous optional possibilities suggested in

the Teacher’s Guide and the Photocopy Masters Book. The teacher may introduce these

activities at the appropriate moment, according to students’ needs and attitudes, bearing in mind

learning speed – individual and collective – and teaching hours available.

Page 60: Programme Oxford Spotlight 3º-4º ESO Destaca…  · Web viewOxford Spotlight includes reinforcement and extension activities which allow for individualised attention to pupils,


1.- TEACHING OBJECTIVES Use and revise vocabulary learnt previously. Produce oral texts regarding the exchange of personal information. Understand different kinds of oral and written texts . Perform communicative exchanges using the expressions and dialogues studied in the unit . Apply grammatical structures like the present simple, present continuous and past simple. Establish a socio-cultural reflection upon the Theme of sentimental relationships. Evaluate participation and progress in the learning process.


BLOCK 1 - Listening, speaking and conversing PROCEDURES Listening and speaking Listen to an oral text and identify the main theme (p..5 ex.6) Listen again and decide if sentences are true or false (p.. 8 ex.7) Read and Listen to a dialogue identifying the main Theme (p.. 8 ex.1) Write a similar dialogue and perform it in front of the class (p.. 8 exs.. 4and 5)

BLOCK 2 - Read and write PROCEDURES Reading and writing Read a text and match words with meanings (p.. 5, ex.6). Read and Listen to a dialogue identifying the main theme (p.. 8 ex.1) Write a similar dialogue and perform it in front of the class (p.. 8 exs.. 4and 5)

BLOCK 3 - Reflection on and knowledge of the language through use CONCEPTS

FUNCTIONS OF THE LANGUAGE Introduce people Agree upon and make an appointment STRUCTURES-GRAMMARPresent simplePresent continuousPast simpleQuestion words

VOCABULARY Theme : FriendsLEXICON: Revision

PROCEDURES Grammar Study some sentences, Complete some sentences with verbs and fill the gaps in some

questions (p.. 6 exs.. 1,2and 3 ) Complete a rule, write sentences about a photo and order the words in some sentences (p..

6 exs.. 5,6and 7 ) Alter deciding if some verbs are regular or irregular, and checking the past forms, Complete

a text using past simple in affirmative, interrogative and negative (p..7 exs.. 8, 9and 11)

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Complete rules of use and complete some questions (p.. 7 exs.. 12and 13)

Vocabulary Read a text and match words and meanings (p.. 5 ex.6) alter classifying the words in a table according to grammatical category, Complete some

sentences using these words (p..5 exs.. 7and 8) Find expressions in a story and write sentences using them (p.. 5 exs.. 4and 5) Listen to, repeat and translate some expressions (p.. 8 ex.2)

BLOCK 4 - Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness CONCEPTS Find out about an artist and his work (Leave right now; Will Young).

PROCEDURES Listen to the song and identify the main theme (p.. 9 ex.1) Find certain words or sentences in the lyrics and match them with meanings (p.. 9 ex.2) After reading an information sheet about the song and artist , decide if a series of

affirmations are true or false (p.. 9 ex.3)

3.- CONTRIBUTION OF THE AREA OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF BASIC COMPETENCESSee in the introduction the general features of the contribution of learning the target language to the basic competences and in particular how they are reflected in this unit:

ii. learning-to-learn ; Pupils reflect upon and increase personal initiative expressing an opinion on different questions and learn to manage their resources via different learning techniques.

iii. data processing and digital competence , See in the introduction the general features of the contribution to this competence.

Students, via the target language, create real and functional communication contexts using new information and communication technology.

Iv social and civic competence As learning a language implies the knowledge of social features and cultural aspects linked to speakers of the language and which may be studied in parallel fashion in the unit. . Peace education : knowledge of the realities of other parts of the world . v. artistic and cultural competence Linguistic output contains artistic and cultural components;

4. RELATIONSHIP WITH OTHER AREAS OF THE CURRICULUM The whole unit concentrates on different interdisciplinary themes, transferring the vocabulary and structures to a real-life context and encouraging development of knowledge of the world beyond the English class.

5.- TREATMENT OF DIVERSITYReinforcement activities Optional activities TG p.s. T4,T6,T8Grammar Bank section SB p.. 109-110Extra Practice section SB, p.. 111Irregular verbs section, SB p. 136Word Bank section , SB p.s. 130-134

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Expression Bank section, SB p.. 135 Workbook p.s. 3-6RB activities MultiROM activities

Extension activities Try this! section SB p.. 7RB activities MultiROM activities

6.- ASSESSMENT Initial assessment Unit Focus section , SB p.. 4 Diagnostic test, RB and Assessment CD Formative assessment Student assessment form , TG/GD Summative assessmentTest unit, RB and Assessment CD


1.- TEACHING OBJECTIVES Use vocabulary related to apariencia personal adjectives terminados en -ing and -ed. Understand different kinds of oral and written texts . Perform communicative exchanges using the expressions and dialogues studied in the unit . Produce oral and written texts duch as personal description.

Study the difference between the present tenses. Verbs such as likeand dislike and questions about el the subject and object.

Practice the pronunciation of stress and intonation. Establish a socio-cultural reflection upon the theme of image in society. Evaluate participation and progress in the learning process.


BLOCK 1 - Listening, speaking and conversing PROCEDURES Listening After listening to an oral text (Shall we meet?), decide what kind of date is being made and

Answer some questions (P.,15, exs.. 6and 7).

Speaking Find words in a text which correspond to certain meanings and rewrite sentences using

them (p.. 11 exs.. 4and 5) Listen to, Practice aloud and translate some expressions from an oral text (p..15 ex.2) Read and Listen to an oral text and complete it with the words from a table (p.. 15 ex.1) Practise the text aloud, write a similar one and perform it in front of the class (p.. 15 exs.. 3,

4and 5)

BLOCK 2 - Read and write PROCEDURES Reading Read a text (about playing to win) and decide whether a series of sentences are true or

false (p.. 14 ex.3)

Page 63: Programme Oxford Spotlight 3º-4º ESO Destaca…  · Web viewOxford Spotlight includes reinforcement and extension activities which allow for individualised attention to pupils,

Find some words in the text and match them with meanings (p.. 14 ex.4)

Writing Read a model text and decide whether some sentences are true or false . (p.. 16 ex.2) Choose between various possible contrasting words/phrases to Complete some sentences

(p.. 16 ex.3) Write a self-description (about physical appearance) following an outline (p.. 16 ex.4)

BLOCXK 3 - Reflection on and knowledge of the language through use CONCEPTS

FUNCTIONS OF THE LANGUAGE Describe people Make a date over the phone

STRUCTURES-GRAMMARContrast between present tensesLike/Dislike + gerundSubject and object questions

VOCABULARY Theme : Image and appearances LEXICON: Physical appearance Adjectives ending in –ed/-ing (word help)

PHONETICSStress and number of syllables

PROCEDURES Grammar Establish rules of use with help of Grammar Bank (p.. 12 ex. 1) Choose the correct form of the verb, Complete some sentences and a conversation (p..12

exs.. 2,3and 4) Complete some sentences with the gerund (p.. 13 ex.5) In pairs, do an exercise with questions and answers (p.. 13 ex.6) Write questions with Who or what (p.. 13 ex.7 ) Write questions the information missing in some sentences and answer them (p.. 13

exs..8and 9)

Vocabulary Match the words in a table with some pictures and write sentences describing self and

family (p.. 9 exs.. 1and 2) Listen to, Practice aloud and Translate the words in a table (p.. 9 ex.3) Listen to the description and choose from various pictures. Describe people in the other

photos (p.. 9 exs.. 4 and 5) Copy and complete a table (p.. 11 ex.6) Choose the correct adjective in some sentences (p.. 11 ex.7)

Pronunciation Listen to and practise the pronunciation of various words, deciding whether they contain 2

or 3 syllables (p.. 11 ex.1) Listen again and identify the stressed syllable (p.. 11 ex.2)

Page 64: Programme Oxford Spotlight 3º-4º ESO Destaca…  · Web viewOxford Spotlight includes reinforcement and extension activities which allow for individualised attention to pupils,

BLOCK 4 - Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness CONCEPTS Talk about multicultural Great Britain (Report 1).

PROCEDURES Read a report and establish similarities and differences between Great. Britain and one’s

own country (p.. 94 exs.. 1and 2) Answer some questions , find words in the text and put them in sentences (p.. 95 exs..

3,4 y5) Listen to an oral text, identify people, choose the correct answers and discuss some topics

with the rest of the group .(p.. 95 exs. 5, 6and 7 )

3.- CONTRIBUTION OF THE AREA OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF BASIC COMPETENCESSee in the introduction the general features of the contribution of learning the target language to the basic competences and in particular how they are reflected in this unit ii. learning-to-learn ; Pupils reflect upon and increase personal initiative expressing an opinion on different questions and learn to manage their resources via different learning techniques, For example making a questionnaire

iii. data processing and digital competence , See in the introduction the general features of the contribution to this competence.

Students, via the target language, create real and functional communication contexts using new information and communication technology.Iv social and civic competence As learning a language implies the knowledge of social features and cultural aspects linked to speakers of the language and which may be studied in parallel fashion in the unit. . Moral and civic education: reflection upon showing solidarity towards our peers. Peace education : knowledge of cultural aspects of very different countries.

v. artistic and cultural competence Linguistic output contains artistic and cultural components; Learn about British culture.

4. RELATIONSHIP WITH OTHER AREAS OF THE CURRICULUM The whole unit concentrates on different interdisciplinary themes, transferring the vocabulary and structures to a real-life context and encouraging development of knowledge of the world beyond the English class

5.- TREATMENT OF DIVERSITYReinforcement activities Optional activities , TG p.s. T10, T12, T13, T16Grammar Bank section SB p.s. 112Extra Practice section SB p.. 113Irregular verbs section, SB p. 136Word Bank section , SB p.s. 130-134Expression Bank section, SB p.. 135Workbook p.s. 7-11RB activities MultiROM activities

Extension activities

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Try this! section SB p.. 13Optional activities , GD/TGRB activities MultiROM activities

6.- ASSESSMENT Initial assessment Unit Focus section , SB p.. 9 Diagnostic test, RB and Assessment CD Formative assessment Student assessment form , TG Summative assessmentTest unit 1, RB and Assessment CD Self-assessment Progress Check 1, Workbook p.. 12


1.- TEACHING OBJECTIVES Use vocabulary related to urban landscapes and absolute adjectives. Understand different kinds of oral and written texts . Perform communicative exchanges using the expressions and dialogues studied in the unit . Produce oral and written texts about the city. Apply grammatical structures of past simple and continuous. Practice the pronunciation of stress and intonation . Establish a socio-cultural reflection upon the theme of life in cities. Evaluate participation and progress in the learning process.


BLOCK 1 - Listening, speaking and conversing PROCEDURES Listening Listen to a dialogue (about similar tastes) and Answer some questions (p.. 23 exs.. 6and


Speaking Listen to, Practice aloud and translate some expressions from an oral text (p.. 23 ex.2 ) Listen to and read a dialogue, identifying the main theme (p.. 23 ex.1) Practise the dialogue aloud , write a similar one and perform it in front of the class (p.. 23

exs.. 3, 4and 5).

BLOCK 2 - Read and write PROCEDURES Reading Read a text (about Liverpool) and determine the importance of certain dates and decide if

some sentences are true or false correcting the false ones (p.. 22 ex.2and 3 ) Find words in the text and match them with certain meanings (p.. 21 ex.4).

Writing Read a text, answer some questions and words and sentences in a table according to

whether they are past or present. (p.. 24 exs.. 1and 2) Produce a written text about the student’s city/town in the past and the present, following

an outline (p..24 exs..3and 4 )

Page 66: Programme Oxford Spotlight 3º-4º ESO Destaca…  · Web viewOxford Spotlight includes reinforcement and extension activities which allow for individualised attention to pupils,

BLOCXK 3 - Reflection on and knowledge of the language through use CONCEPTS

FUNCTIONS OF THE LANGUAGE Describe one’s environment in past and present Ask for and give information about tastes and opinions

STRUCTURES-GRAMMARPast simple and past continuousUsed to

VOCABULARY Theme : The city and its changesLEXICON: Urban landscapes Absolute adjectives (word help).

PHONETICSStress and intonation

PROCEDURES Grammar Distinguish between the past simple and past continuous, consult Grammar Bank and

Complete some sentences (p..20 exs.. 1,2and 3 ) Listen to an oral text and write sentences using the expressions in a table (p..20 ex.4) Complete some sentences and a text, using Esther of the two forms (p.. 20 exs.. 5and 6) Complete some sentences using used to in affirmative and negative and el present simple

(p.. 21 ex.7) Write sentences about a person’s childhood (p..21 ex.8 ) Write sentences comparing there is/there used to be (p.. 21ex.9)

Vocabulary Listen to, Practice aloud and Translate the words in some pictures (p.. 17 ex.1) Complete some sentences and write others about one’s own town/city (p.. 17 exs..2and 3 ) Match adjectives of variable intensity with the corresponding absolutes (p.. 19 ex.6) Answer questions using absolute adjectives (p.. 19 ex.7) Find expressions in a text which correspond to certain meanings and use them to rewrite

some sentences (p.. 19 exs.. 4and 5)

Pronunciation Listen to and Practice aloud some sentences, paying special attention to Stress and

intonation (p.. 19ex.1) Underline the stressed syllables in some sentences, practise them aloud, Listen to an oral

text and check mistakes (p.. 19 ex.2).

BLOCK 4 - Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness CONCEPTS Find out about a group and their music (Friday Night, The Darkness).

PROCEDURES Complete the lyrics with the words from a table, listen and check (p.. 105 ex.1) Find some words and sentences in the lyrics. Answer some questions (p.. 105 exs.. 2and


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3.- CONTRIBUTION OF THE AREA OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF BASIC COMPETENCESSee in the introduction the general features of the contribution of learning the target language to the basic competences and in particular how they are reflected in this unit:


ii. learning-to-learn ; Pupils reflect upon and increase personal initiative expressing an opinion on different questions and learn to manage their resources via different learning techniques.

iii. data processing and digital competence , See in the introduction the general features of the contribution to this competence.

Students, via the target language, create real and functional communication contexts using new information and communication technologyIv social and civic competence As learning a language implies the knowledge of social features and cultural aspects linked to speakers of the language and which may be studied in parallel fashion in the unit. . Moral and civic education: reflexión about la ciudad/pueblo como marco de convivenciaand de relación humana. Peace education : conocimiento de las realidades de otros lugares para respetar culturas distintas a la nuestra.

v. artistic and cultural competence Linguistic output contains artistic and cultural components;

4. RELATIONSHIP WITH OTHER AREAS OF THE CURRICULUM The whole unit concentrates on different interdisciplinary themes, transferring the vocabulary and structures to a real-life context and encouraging development of knowledge of the world beyond the English class.

5.- TREATMENT OF DIVERSITYReinforcement activities Optional activities , TG p.s. T18,T20,T21,T22,T23and T24Grammar Bank section SB p.s. 114Extra Practice section SB p.. 115Irregular verbs section, SB p. 136Word Bank section , SB p.s. 130-134Expression Bank section, SB p.. 135Workbook p.s. 13-17RB activities MultiROM activities

Extension activities Try this! section SB p.. 21RB activities MultiROM activities

6.- ASSESSMENT Initial assessment Unit Focus section , SB p.. 17Diagnostic test, RB and Assessment CD

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Formative assessment Student assessment form , TG Summative assessmentTest unit 2, RB and Assessment CD Self-assessment Progress Check 2, Workbook p.. 18


1.- TEACHING OBJECTIVES Use vocabulary related to the senses. Understand different kinds of oral and written texts . Perform communicative exchanges using the expressions and dialogues studied in the unit . Produce oral and written texts about memories . Apply grammatical structures like the present perfect with already, yet and just. Practice the pronunciation of consonant groups. Establish a socio-cultural reflection upon the theme of American culture Evaluate participation and progress in the learning process.


BLOCK 1 - Listening, speaking and conversing PROCEDURES Listening Listen to an oral text (about emergencies)and answer some questions (p.. 31 exs.. 6and 7)

Speaking Listen to, Practice aloud and translate some expressions from an oral text (p.. 31 ex.2) Read and Listen to a dialogue answering a question (p.. 31 ex.1) Practise the dialogue aloud, write a similar one and perform it in front of the class (p.. 31

exs.. 3, 4and 5)

BLOCK 2 - Read and write PROCEDURES Reading Read the text (about sinestesia) and check the truth of the affirmations and Answer some

questions (p.. 30 exs. 1and 2) Find words in the text and match them with their meanings (p.. 30 ex.3).

Writing Read the text and match it with two lists of words. (p.. 32 ex.2) Write a text about sensorial experiences following an outline (p.. 32 exs.. 3and 4)

BLOCXK 3 - Reflection on and knowledge of the language through use CONCEPTS

FUNCTIONS OF THE LANGUAGE Recount personal memories Describe physical sensations

STRUCTURES-GRAMMARPresent perfectAlready/yetJust

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VOCABULARY Theme: Feelings and sensations LEXICON: Feelings Nombresand verbos indistintamente (word help)

PHONETICSConsonant groups

PROCEDURES Grammar Complete the rule of formation, write the participles of some regular and irregular verbs and

Complete some sentences (p.. 28 exs..1, 2and 3 ) Complete the rule and Answer some questions using already (p.. 29 exs..7and 8 ) Write negative sentences in present perfect using yet (p.. 29 ex.9 ) Write present perfect sentences using just (p.. 29 ex.10) Vocabulary Listen to, repeat and translate the names of different senses, matching them with some

sentences (p.. 25 exs..1and 2) Complete sentences and ask and answer questions (p.. 25 exs.. 3,4and 5) Alter deciding whether some verbs act as nouns or verbs in some sentences, do an

exercise completing others (p.. 27 exs.. 5and 6) Find expressions in a text which correspond to certain meanings and use them to rewrite

sentences (p.. 27 exs.. 3and 4 ).

Pronunciation Listen to and Practice aloud words in these groups (p.. 27 ex.3) Listen to, repeat and practise some tongue-twisters (p. 27 ex.2).

BLOCK 4 - Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness CONCEPTS Find out about North American culture (Teen USA)

PROCEDURES Brainstorm about North American culture, read the report and Answer some questions (p..

96 exs.. 1and 2) (p.. 97 ex.3) Match some words with their definitions (p.. 97 ex.4 ) Listen to an oral text, match it with some photos, Complete a table and choose the right

answer to questions (p.. 95 exs.. 5, 6, 7and 8)

3.- CONTRIBUTION OF THE AREA OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF BASIC COMPETENCESSee in the introduction the general features of the contribution of learning the target language to the basic competences and in particular how they are reflected in this unit::

ii. learning-to-learn ; Pupils reflect upon and increase personal initiative expressing an opinion on different questions and learn to manage their resources via different learning techniques, for example, brainstorming.

iii. data processing and digital competence , See in the introduction the general features of the contribution to this competence.

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Students, via the target language, create real and functional communication contexts using new information and communication technology.

Iv social and civic competence As learning a language implies the knowledge of social features and cultural aspects linked to speakers of the language and which may be studied in parallel fashion in the unit. . Peace education: making young people aware of other parts of the world.Health education: reflection upon the importante of medicine for a healthy life.

v. artistic and cultural competence Linguistic output contains artistic and cultural components; Learn about North American culture

4. RELATIONSHIP WITH OTHER AREAS OF THE CURRICULUM The whole unit concentrates on different interdisciplinary themes, transferring the vocabulary and structures to a real-life context and encouraging development of knowledge of the world beyond the English class.

5.- TREATMENT OF DIVERSITYReinforcement activities Optional activities , TG p.s. T25,T26,T28,T30,T31,T32Grammar Bank section SB p.s. 116Extra Practice section SB p.. 117Irregular verbs section, SB p. 136Word Bank section , SB p.s. 130-134Expression Bank section, SB p.. 135Workbook p.s. 19-23RB activities MultiROM activities

Extension activities Try this! section SB p.. 29RB activities MultiROM activities

6.- ASSESSMENT Initial assessment Unit Focus section , SB p..25 Diagnostic test, RB and Assessment CD Formative assessment Student assessment form , TG Summative assessmentTest unit 3, RB and Assessment CD Self-assessment Progress Check 3, Workbook p.. 24Build Up section , units 1-3, SB p.. 36


1.- TEACHING OBJECTIVES Use vocabulary related to relationships and meetings. Understand different kinds of oral and written texts .

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Perform communicative exchanges using the expressions and dialogues studied in the unit . Produce oral and written texts about the history of a relationship. Apply grammatical structures such as present perfect con for, since and past simple con ago. Practice the pronunciation of verbs ending in -aught and -ought. Establish a socio-cultural reflection upon the theme of personal relationships. Evaluate participation and progress in the learning process.


BLOCK 1 - Listening, speaking and conversing PROCEDURES Listening Listen to three oral texts (Waiter!) and match them with different items (p.. 43 ex.6) Listen again and answer some questions (p.. 43 ex.7 )

Speaking Listen to, repeat and translate some expressions from an oral text (p.. 43 ex.2) Read, listen to and complete a dialogue with the words from a table (p.. 43 ex.1) Practise the dialogue aloud , write a similar one and perform it in front of the class (p.. 43

exs.. 3, 4and 5).

BLOCK 2 - Read and write PROCEDURES Reading Read a text (Brad and Jennifer) match a description with each paragraph and Answer

some questions (p.. 42 ex.1,2and 3) Find adjectives in the text using nouns as references (p.. 42 ex.4)

Writing Read the text, answer questions with for and since and fill the gaps in sentences (p.. 44

exs.. 1,2and 3) Complete some sentences using both…and…, neither…nor… (p.. 44 ex.3 ) Write a text using a table of information as a guide (p.. 44 ex.4)

BLOCXK 3 - Reflection on and knowledge of the language through use CONCEPTS

FUNCTIONS OF THE LANGUAGE Order food in a restaurant Describe the development of a relationship

STRUCTURES-GRAMMARPresent perfect with for and sincePast simple with agoPast simple vs. present perfect

VOCABULARY Theme: Relationships LEXICON: Relationships and dates Nouns ending in –ion and –ment (word help)PHONETICSVerbs ending in –aught and –ought.

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PROCEDURES Grammar Alter confirming the rule of use and completing some sentences and a text, write true

sentences using el present perfect with for and since (p.. 40 exs.. 1,2,3and 4 ) Write true sentences using a period of time and ago (p.. 40 ex.5) Alter confirming the rule of use, Complete some sentences and fill gaps in a conversation

using the past simple and the present perfect (p.. 41 exs.. 6,7and 8 )

Vocabulary Listen to, Practice aloud and translate the sentences in a table (p.. 37 ex.1) Match the underlined words in the text with some drawings (p.. 37 ex.2) Write a story based on some picture captions and compare it with the oral text (p.. 37 exs..

3y 4 ) (p.. exs. ) Transform the verbs in a table into nouns using a dictionary if necessary and Complete

some sentences with nouns ending in -ion and -ment (p.. 39 exs.. 6and 7) Find the equivalent of some sentences in a text, translate them and rewrite some sentences

using these expressions (p.. 39 exs.. 4and 5)

Pronunciation Check the participles of some irregular verbs the list of irregular verbs on page 137 (p.. 39

ex.1) Listen to and Practice aloud the pronunciation of these participles (p.. 39 ex.2 ).

BLOCK 4 - Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness CONCEPTS Find out about musician and his music (Real to me; Brian McFadden).

PROCEDURES Insert the words from a table in the lyrics of a song (p.. 106 ex.1 ) Find words and expressions in the text related to certain meanings (p.. 106 ex.3)

3.- CONTRIBUTION OF THE AREA OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF BASIC COMPETENCESSee in the introduction the general features of the contribution of learning the target language to the basic competences and in particular how they are reflected in this unit::

ii. learning-to-learn ; Pupils reflect upon and increase personal initiative expressing an opinion on different questions and learn to manage their resources via different learning techniques

iii. data processing and digital competence , See in the introduction the general features of the contribution to this competence.

Students, via the target language, create real and functional communication contexts using new information and communication technology.

Iv social and civic competence As learning a language implies the knowledge of social features and cultural aspects linked to speakers of the language and which may be studied in parallel fashion in the unit. . Consumer education : reflexión about un hecho social como el consumir algo en una cafetería.Education in gender equality : reflection upon equal rights and responsibilities within a relationship.

Page 73: Programme Oxford Spotlight 3º-4º ESO Destaca…  · Web viewOxford Spotlight includes reinforcement and extension activities which allow for individualised attention to pupils,

v. artistic and cultural competence Linguistic output contains artistic and cultural components;

4. RELATIONSHIP WITH OTHER AREAS OF THE CURRICULUM The whole unit concentrates on different interdisciplinary themes, transferring the vocabulary and structures to a real-life context and encouraging development of knowledge of the world beyond the English class.

5.- TREATMENT OF DIVERSITYReinforcement activities Optional activities , TG p.s. T38, T40,T41,T42and T44Grammar Bank section SB p.s. 118Extra Practice section SB p.. 119Irregular verbs section, SB p. 136Word Bank section , SB p.s. 130-134Expression Bank section, SB p.. 135Workbook p.s. 25-29RB activities MultiROM activities

Extension activities Try this! section SB p.. 41RB activities MultiROM activities

6.- ASSESSMENT Initial assessment Unit Focus section , SB p.. 41Diagnostic test, RB and Assessment CD Formative assessment Student assessment form , TG Summative assessmentTest unit 4, RB and Assessment CD Self-assessment Progress Check 4, Workbook p.. 30


1.- TEACHING OBJECTIVES Use vocabulary related to work and professions. Understand different kinds of oral and written texts . Perform communicative exchanges using the expressions and dialogues studied in the unit . Produce oral and written texts, such as a job application. Work with grammatical structures like comparatives and superlatives. Practice the pronunciation of unstressed vowels. Establish a socio-cultural reflection upon the theme of the work. Evaluate participation and progress in the learning process.


BLOCK 1 - Listening, speaking and conversing PROCEDURES Listening

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Listen to an oral text (in the post office), Complete a table and say whether some sentences are true or false, correcting the false ones (p.. 51 exs.. 6and 7)

Speaking Listen to, Practice aloud and translate some expressions from an oral text (p.. 51 ex.2 ) Listen to a dialogue and answer a question (p.. 51 ex.1) Practise the dialogue aloud , write a similar one and perform it in front of the class (p.. 51

exs.. 3, 4and 5).

BLOCK 2 - Read and write PROCEDURES Reading Alter commenting on the appropriateness of some sentences, Read a text (about a

responsible sixteen-year-old)and answer some questions (p.. 50 exs.. 1,2and 3) Find words in the text and match them with their meanings (p.. 50 ex.4).

Writing After reading an advert for a job and a letter of application, Answer some questions . (p..

52 exs.. 1,2 y3) Write a job application following an outline (p.. 52 ex.4)

BLOCXK 3 - Reflection on and knowledge of the language through use CONCEPTS

FUNCTIONS OF THE LANGUAGE Describe the consequence of a premise or action Request and give information in the post office Make comparisons STRUCTURES-GRAMMARComparatives and superlatives Not as…asSo and such

VOCABULARY Theme: Work LEXICON: Jobs and professions Suffixes –er/-or/ist (word help).

PHONETICSStress and unstressed syllablesPROCEDURES Grammar Complete rule for formation, check spelling and transform various adjectives into

comparatives and superlatives (p.. 48 exs..1and 2) Complete some sentences with comparatives and write others using superlatives (p.. 48

exs.. 3and 4 ) Complete an interview (p.. 48 ex.5 ) Compare two footballers using the information in a table (p.. 49 ex.6) Complete the rules of use and join some sentences using so…that and such…that (p.. 49



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After matching the vocabulary in a table with some photos, listen to the pronunciation and Practice aloud (p..45 exs..1and 2)

Complete some sentences (p.. 45 ex.3) Identify some professions in an oral text (p.. 45 ex.4 ) Study the rule for formation and add a suffix to some roots (p.. 47 ex.6 ) Complete some sentences (p.. 47 ex.7) Find sentences in a text which correspond to certain meanings and use them to rewrite

sentences (p..47 exs.. 4and 5)

Pronunciation After listening to an oral text paying special attention to stressed and unstressed syllables,

mark both types of syllable in some words (p..47 exs.. 1and 2)

BLOCK 4 - Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness CONCEPTS Talk about children’s rights (Report 3)

PROCEDURES Complete the Universal Declaration of Children’s Rights and discuss which are the most

important (p.. 98 exs.. 2and 3) Answer some questions and Find words in the which correspond to certain meanings (p.. 99

exs.. 4and 5) Read a form, Listen to an oral text and answer some questions (p.. 99 exs.. 6, 7and 8 )

3.- CONTRIBUTION OF THE AREA OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF BASIC COMPETENCESSee in the introduction the general features of the contribution of learning the target language to the basic competences and in particular how they are reflected in this unit::

ii. learning-to-learn ; Pupils reflect upon and increase personal initiative expressing an opinion on different questions and learn to manage their resources via different learning techniques; for example, in this unit, learning about and discussing the Declaration of Children’s Rights.

iii. data processing and digital competence , See in the introduction the general features of the contribution to this competence.

Students, via the target language, create real and functional communication contexts using new information and communication technologyIv social and civic competence As learning a language implies the knowledge of social features and cultural aspects linked to speakers of the language and which may be studied in parallel fashion in the unit. . Moral and civic education: reflection upon the importante of childhood in the preparation of the society of the future. Education in gender equality : reflection upon children’s rights and how they affect both sexes equally.

v. artistic and cultural competence Linguistic output contains artistic and cultural components;

4. RELATIONSHIP WITH OTHER AREAS OF THE CURRICULUM The whole unit concentrates on different interdisciplinary themes, transferring the vocabulary and structures to a real-life context and encouraging development of knowledge of the world beyond the English class.

Page 76: Programme Oxford Spotlight 3º-4º ESO Destaca…  · Web viewOxford Spotlight includes reinforcement and extension activities which allow for individualised attention to pupils,

5.- TREATMENT OF DIVERSITYReinforcement activities Optional activities , TG p.s. T46, T48, T50, T51, T52Grammar Bank section SB p.s. 120Extra Practice section SB p.. 121Irregular verbs section, SB p. 136Word Bank section , SB p.s. 130-134Expression Bank section, SB p.. 135Workbook p.s. 31-35RB activities MultiROM activities

Extension activities Try this! section SB p.. 49Optional activities , GD/TG, T49RB activities MultiROM activities

6.- ASSESSMENT Initial assessment Unit Focus section , SB p.. 45Diagnostic test, RB and Assessment CD Formative assessment Student assessment form , TG Summative assessmentTest unit 5, RB and Assessment CD Self-assessment Progress Check 5, Workbook p.. 36


1.- TEACHING OBJECTIVES Use vocabulary related to themes of international importance. Understand different kinds of oral and written texts . Perform communicative exchanges using the expressions and dialogues studied in the unit . Produce oral and written texts Duch as a political pamphlet. Apply grammatical structures such as will and first conditional. Practice the pronunciation of The sounds /j/and /ʤ/ . Establish a socio-cultural reflection upon the theme of the world we live in. Evaluate participation and progress in the learning process.


BLOCK 1 - Listening, speaking and conversing PROCEDURES Listening Listen to a text (about a demonstration), choose one true sentence from three and

complete some multiple choice answers (p..59 exs.. 6and 7 ).

Speaking Listen to, Practice aloud and translate some expressions from an oral text (p.. 59 ex.2) Listen to an oral text whether the affirmations are true, possible or impossible (p.. 59 ex.1)

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Practise the dialogue aloud, write a similar one and act it out in front of the class (p. 59 exs..3, 4and 5)

BLOCK 2 - Read and write PROCEDURES Reading Match some themes and photos, Read a text (about the importance of your

contribution)and decide whether some sentences are true or not (p.. 58 ex.1and 2 ) Explain the meaning of some figures in the text and find words corresponding to certain

meanings (p.. 58 exs.. 3and 4)

Writing Read a model brochure and Answer some questions (p.. 60 exs.. 1and 2) Correct the mistakes in some sentences and write a brochure based on the model (p.. 60

exs.. 3and 4)

BLOCXK 3 - Reflection on and knowledge of the language through use CONCEPTS

FUNCTIONS OF THE LANGUAGE Express different degrees of probability Give and request opinions about general themes

STRUCTURES-GRAMMARWill: offers, promises and decisionsPredictions : going toFirst conditional

VOCABULARY Theme : Themes of global importance LEXICON: Globally important themes Verb + noun (word help)

PHONETICSThe sounds /j/and /dz/

PROCEDURES Grammar After translating some examples, match a series of sentences with other uncompleted ones

(p.. 56 exs.. 1and 2) Complete some sentences with I’ll… (p.56 ex.3) Study some examples and Complete some sentences about some drawings (p.. 56 exs..

4y 5) Study some examples and Complete some sentences (p.. 57 ex.7) Read the rules of use, answer some questions and Complete a text (p.. 57 exs.. 8and 9 )

Vocabulary Match the words in a table with some photos and check the answers in an oral text (p.. 53

exs.. 1and 2) Listen to an oral text and answer some questions (p.. 53 exs.. 3and 4) Listen to an oral text and Complete some sentences with the verbs fro a table (p.. 55 ex.5 ) In pairs , talk about past experiences (p.. 55 ex.6)

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Find expressions in a text which correspond to certain meanings, translate them and use them to rewrite sentences (p.. 55 exs.. 3and 4)

Pronunciation Listen to and repeat the words in an oral text paying special attention to the

sounds /j/and /ʤ/ (p.. 55 ex.1) Listen to and Practice aloud la pronunciation of some tongue-twisters (p..55 ex.2)

BLOCK 4 - Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness CONCEPTS Find out about a singer and her song (The voice within; Christina Aguilera).

PROCEDURES After listening to the song, identify the main theme (p.. 107 ex.1) Match some words or sentences with their meanings and determine the meaning of some

dates after reading an information sheet about the song and the artist (p.. 107 ex.2and 3 ).

3.- CONTRIBUTION OF THE AREA OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF BASIC COMPETENCESSee in the introduction the general features of the contribution of learning the target language to the basic competences and in particular how they are reflected in this unit::

ii. learning-to-learn ; Pupils reflect upon and increase personal initiative expressing an opinion on different questions and learn to manage their resources via different learning techniques, in this Unit for example, the analysis of universal themes such as social events.

iii. data processing and digital competence , See in the introduction the general features of the contribution to this competence.

Students, via the target language, create real and functional communication contexts using new information and communication technology.

Iv social and civic competence As learning a language implies the knowledge of social features and cultural aspects linked to speakers of the language and which may be studied in parallel fashion in the unit. . Environmental education: reflection upon global environmental issues and what we should do to improve the situation.Moral and civic education: reflection upon the respect for Human Rights.

v. artistic and cultural competence Linguistic output contains artistic and cultural components.4. RELATIONSHIP WITH OTHER AREAS OF THE CURRICULUM The whole unit concentrates on different interdisciplinary themes, transferring the vocabulary and structures to a real-life context and encouraging development of knowledge of the world beyond the English class.

5.- TREATMENT OF DIVERSITYReinforcement activities Optional activities , TG p.s. T54, T55,T56,T57,T58,T60Grammar Bank section SB p.s. 122Extra Practice section SB p.. 123Irregular verbs section, SB p. 136Word Bank section , SB p.s. 130-134

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Expression Bank section, SB p.. 135Workbook p.s. 37-41Revision Units 4-6, p.s. 61-63RB activities MultiROM activities

Extension activities Try this! section SB p.. 57Optional activities , GD/TG, T58RB activities MultiROM activities

6.- ASSESSMENT Initial assessment Unit Focus section , SB p.. 53Diagnostic test, RB and Assessment CD Formative assessment Student assessment form , TG Summative assessmentTest unit 6, RB and Assessment CD Self-assessment Progress Check 6, Workbook p.. 42Build Up section , Units 4-6 SB p.. 64


1.- TEACHING OBJECTIVES Use vocabulary related to the world of money. Understand different kinds of oral and written texts . Perform communicative exchanges using the expressions and dialogues studied in the unit . Produce oral and written texts about an imaginary event. Work on grammatical structures like the second conditional. Practice the pronunciation of verbal constructions. Establish a socio-cultural reflection upon the theme of the economy. Evaluate participation and progress in the learning process.


BLOCK 1 - Listening, speaking and conversing PROCEDURES Listening Listen to an oral text (Kylie or Beyoncé)and answer some questions (p.. 71 ex.6) Listen again and answer more questions (p.. 71 ex.7 )

Speaking Find expressions in an oral text, translate them and use them to rewrite sentences (p..

67exs.. 4and 5) Listen to a dialogue and answer a question (p.. 71 ex.1) Practise the dialogue aloud, write a similar one and perform it in front of the class (p..71

exs.. 3 a 5)

BLOCK 2 - Read and write PROCEDURES Reading

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After deciding whether some sentences are true or false, Read a text (which imagines the world as village), Answer some questions and find words which correspond to certain meanings (p.. 70 exs.. 1, 2, 3, 4and 5).

Writing Read a model text, answer some questions, say whether some sentences are true or false

and complete some sentences. (p.. 72 exs.. 1, 2, 3and 4) Write a text about hypothetically spending a fortune, following an outline (p.. 72 ex.4).

BLOCXK 3 - Reflection on and knowledge of the language through use CONCEPTS

FUNCTIONS OF THE LANGUAGE Ask for and give advice Describe a music concert.

STRUCTURES-GRAMMARSecond conditionalShould

VOCABULARY Theme: Money and finance LEXICON: The financial world Related words; nouns and adjectives (word help)

PHONETICSContractions PROCEDURES Grammar Study some sentences about the formation of the Second Conditional and its use (p.. 68

ex. 1) Match two groups of sentences and decide which of the results are true or false (p.. 68

ex.2) Complete sentences with the words from a table and with the pupil’s own ideas (p. 68 exs..

3/ 4) Complete some sentences matching them with some drawings (p.. 69 ex.6) Study a formation table and Complete some sentences (p.. 69 exs.. 7and 8 ).

Vocabulary Match the words in a table with some photos, listen to them, repeat them and check

mistakes (p.. 65 ex.1) Complete some sentences with the words from a table (p.. 65 ex.2) Answer a quiz about money (p.. 65 ex.3) Study the formation of adjectives and transform the nouns in a table into adjectives (p.. 67

ex.6) Complete some sentences (p.. 67 ex.7)

Pronunciation Listen paying particular attention to the difference between an affirmative and negative

sentence (p.. 67 ex.1) Listen to some sentences and decide which are true or false (p.. 67 ex.2)

BLOCK 4 - Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

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CONCEPTS Find out about various young people (Report 4)

PROCEDURES Read a report, match some headings with the different headings of the report and say

whether some sentences are true or false (p.. 100 ex.2and p.. 101 ex.3) Find words in the text and match them with some meanings (p.. 101 ex.4) Listen to oral texts, answer some questions and discuss some affirmations (p..101 exs.. 5,

6and 7)

3.- CONTRIBUTION OF THE AREA OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF BASIC COMPETENCESSee in the introduction the general features of the contribution of learning the target language to the basic competences and in particular how they are reflected in this unit::

ii. learning-to-learn ; Pupils reflect upon and increase personal initiative expressing an opinion on different questions and learn to manage their resources via different learning techniques, in this Unit the subject of wealth will be debated.

iii. data processing and digital competence , See in the introduction the general features of the contribution to this competence.

Students, via the target language, create real and functional communication contexts using new information and communication technology.

Iv social and civic competenceAs learning a language implies the knowledge of social features and cultural aspects linked to speakers of the language and which may be studied in parallel fashion in the unit. . Moral and civic education: reflexión about aspectos de la vida cotidiana como el dinero.

v. artistic and cultural competence Linguistic output contains artistic and cultural components; Learn about social events in other countries.

4. RELATIONSHIP WITH OTHER AREAS OF THE CURRICULUM The whole unit concentrates on different interdisciplinary themes, transferring the vocabulary and structures to a real-life context and encouraging development of knowledge of the world beyond the English class.

5.- TREATMENT OF DIVERSITYReinforcement activities Optional activities , TG p.s. T66, T69, T70, T72Grammar Bank section SB p.s. 124Extra Practice section SB p.. 125Irregular verbs section, SB p. 136Word Bank section , SB p.s. 130-134Expression Bank section, SB p.. 135Workbook p.s. 43-47RB activities MultiROM activities

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Extension activities Try this! section SB p.. 69Optional activities , GD/TG, T68RB activities MultiROM activities

6.- ASSESSMENT Initial assessment Unit Focus section , SB p.. 65Diagnostic test, RB and Assessment CD Formative assessment Student assessment form , TG Summative assessmentTest unit 7, RB and Assessment CD Self-assessment Progress Check 7, Workbook p.. 48


1.- TEACHING OBJECTIVES Use vocabulary related to products and materials. Understand different kinds of oral and written texts . Perform communicative exchanges using the expressions and dialogues studied in the unit . Produce oral and written texts such as the description of a lifestyle, using too/either. Apply grammatical structures such as the passive voice and relative clauses. Practice the pronunciation of the weak forms of the past was/were. Establish a socio-cultural reflection upon the theme of technological advances. Evaluate participation and progress in the learning process.


BLOCK 1 - Listening, speaking and conversing PROCEDURES Listening Listen to a text (on a bus)and answer a question (p.. 79 ex.6) Listen again and answer more questions (p.. 79 ex.7)

Speaking Listen to, Practice aloud and translate some expressions (p.. 79 ex.3) Read , Listen to a dialogue and answer a question (p.. 79 ex.1) Practise the dialogue aloud, write a similar one and perform it in front of the class (p.. 79

exs.. 3, 4and 5)

BLOCK 2 - Read and write PROCEDURES Reading After discussing the importance of some inventions, Read a text about inventions in daily

life and order some events chronologically (p.. 78 exs.. 1and 2) Answer some questions and find some words and sentences in the text matching them with

meanings (p.. 78 exs.. 3and 4)Writing Read a text identifying the main theme and Answer some questions . (p.. 80 exs.. 1and 2) Study a sentence and look for examples in the model text (p.. 80 ex.3)

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Complete some sentences using too or either (p.. 80 ex.4) Write a text following an outline (p.. 80 ex.5)

BLOCXK 3 - Reflection on and knowledge of the language through use CONCEPTS

FUNCTIONS OF THE LANGUAGE Describe a lifestyle Ask for and give information about public transport

STRUCTURES-GRAMMARPassive voiceRelative clauses; who/which/where

VOCABULARY Theme : Inventions and innovations LEXICON: Materials Adjective + preposition (word help)

PHONETICSThe pronunciation of the weak forms of the past was/were; /e/.PROCEDURES Grammar After completing the formation rule, transform some sentences into the passive using by

when necessary (p.. 76 exs.. 1and 2 ) Complete a text using the passive in the past and some sentences and questions con

past simple or present perfect (p.. 76 exs.. 3, 4and 5) After completing the rule, fill the gaps in some sentences with who/which/ where (p.. 77

exs.. 6and 7) Join pairs of sentences (p.. 77 ex.8)

Vocabulary Listen to , practise aloud, translate and match with some drawings the words in a list (p.. 73

exs.. 1and 2) Ask and answer questions In pairs (p.. 73 ex.3) Ask questions for other class members to answer (p.. 74 ex.4) Listen to an oral text and match the prepositions in a table with adjectives in a list (p.. 75

ex.5) Complete some sentences and if they apply to the student (p.. 75 ex.6) Find in a text the expressions equivalent to some sentences and translate them (p.. 75

ex.3) Rewrite some sentences with expressions from the previous exercise (p.. 75 ex.4)

Pronunciation Listen to and practise some sentences paying attention to the pronunciation of was/were

(p..75 exs..1/2)

BLOCK 4 - Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness CONCEPTS Find out about an artist and her work (Left outside alone; Anastacia).

PROCEDURES Complete the lyrics with the words from a table, listen and check (p.. 108 ex.1) Match some words and expressions with their meanings (p.. 108 ex.2)

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After reading an information sheet about the artist and her song, answer some questions .(p.. 108 ex.3)

3.- CONTRIBUTION OF THE AREA OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF BASIC COMPETENCESSee in the introduction the general features of the contribution of learning the target language to the basic competences and in particular how they are reflected in this unit::

ii. learning-to-learn ; Pupils reflect upon and increase personal initiative expressing an opinion on different questions and learn to manage their resources via different learning techniques, For example making a questionnaire.

iii. data processing and digital competence , See in the introduction the general features of the contribution to this competence.

Students, via the target language, create real and functional communication contexts using new information and communication technology.

Iv social and civic competence As learning a language implies the knowledge of social features and cultural aspects linked to speakers of the language and which may be studied in parallel fashion in the unit. . Environmental education: reflection upon the use of public transport.Peace education : knowledge of the realities of other parts of the world to encourage respect for other habits and customs.

v. artistic and cultural competence Linguistic output contains artistic and cultural components;4. RELATIONSHIP WITH OTHER AREAS OF THE CURRICULUM The whole unit concentrates on different interdisciplinary themes, transferring the vocabulary and structures to a real-life context and encouraging development of knowledge of the world beyond the English class.

5.- TREATMENT OF DIVERSITYReinforcement activities Optional activities , TG p.s. T73,T74,T76,T77,T78,T79,T80Grammar Bank section SB p.s. 126Extra Practice section SB p.. 127Irregular verbs section, SB p. 136Word Bank section , SB p.s. 130-134Expression Bank section, SB p.. 135Workbook p.s. 49-53RB activities MultiROM activities

Extension activities Try this! section SB p.. 77RB activities MultiROM activities

6.- ASSESSMENT Initial assessment Unit Focus section , SB p.. 73Diagnostic test, RB and Assessment CD

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Formative assessment Student assessment form , TG Summative assessmentTest unit 8, RB and Assessment CD Self-assessment Progress Check 8, Workbook p.. 54


1.- TEACHING OBJECTIVES Use vocabulary related to the language of gestures . Understand different kinds of oral and written texts . Perform communicative exchanges using the expressions and dialogues studied in the unit . Produce oral and written texts such as informal letters. Apply grammatical structures like indirect speech. Practice the pronunciation of the rhythm of the sentence. Establish a socio-cultural reflection about the theme of body language . Evaluate participation and progress in the learning process.


BLOCK 1 - Listening, speaking and conversing PROCEDURES Listening Listen to an oral text (Abby’s party)and answer some questions (p.. 87 ex.6) Listen again and correct the information in some sentences (p.. 87 ex.7)

Speaking After listening to and reading a dialogue, answer some questions (p.. 87 ex.1) Practise the dialogue aloud, write a similar one and perform it in front of the class (p.. 87

exs. 3, 4and 5)

BLOCK 2 - Read and write PROCEDURES Reading Read a text about body language and answer some questions (p.. 86 exs.. 1, 2and 3) After guessing the meaning of certain gestures, Listen to an oral text and check the

answers comparing similarities and differences in one’s own country (p.. 86 exs.. 4and 5)

Writing Read a model text and Answer some questions . (p.. 88 exs.. 1and 2 ) Identify the different parts of the text (p.. 88 ex.3) Write an informal letter to a friend following an outline (p.. 88 ex.4)

BLOCXK 3 - Reflection on and knowledge of the language through use CONCEPTS

FUNCTIONS OF THE LANGUAGE Describe a lifestyle Ask for and give information about public transport


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Relative clauses; who/which/where

VOCABULARY Theme : Inventions and innovations LEXICON: Materials Adjective + preposition (word help)


PROCEDURES Grammar Study some sentences and check how the verb tense changes in indirect speech (p.. 84

ex.1 ) Transform sentences in direct speech into indirect speech and vice versa (p.. 84 exs.. 2and

3 ) Complete some sentences with say and tell (p.. 84 ex.4 ) Read a conversation and some texts and complete conversations using indirect speech (p..

85 exs.. 5and 6).

Vocabulary Match the expressions in a table with some pictures, listen , Practice aloud and check the

answers (p.. 81 ex.1) Complete some sentences with vocabulary from the previous exercise (p.. 81 ex.2and 3) Check the meaning of the verbs in a table and add more verbs (p.. 83 exs.. 6and 7) Complete some sentences and say if you agree with them (p.. 83 ex.8) Find in a text the equivalent meanings to some sentences and translate them (p.. 83 ex.4) Rewrite what is underlined in some sentences with expressions from the previous exercise

(p.. 83 ex.5)

Pronunciation Listen to and complete a limerick (p.. 83 ex.1) Listen again and repeat aloud paying attention to the rhythm (p.. 83 ex.2)

BLOCK 4 - Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness CONCEPTS Learn about Europe (Report 5)

PROCEDURES Answer a quiz, read a report and find words and sentences in a text (p.. 102 ex.1and 2and

p.. 103 ex.3) Label the countries of Europe on a map (p.. 103 ex.4) Listen to an oral text and answer some questions (p.. 103 exs.. 5and 6) In pairs , discuss whether one agrees with the affirmations (p.. 103 ex.7)

3.- CONTRIBUTION OF THE AREA OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF BASIC COMPETENCESSee in the introduction the general features of the contribution of learning the target language to the basic competences and in particular how they are reflected in this unit::

ii. learning-to-learn ; Pupils reflect upon and increase personal initiative expressing an opinion on different questions and learn to manage their resources via different learning techniques, por ejemplo ser capaz de realizar un debate.

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iii. data processing and digital competence , See in the introduction the general features of the contribution to this competence.

Students, via the target language, create real and functional communication contexts using new information and communication technology.

Iv social and civic competence As learning a language implies the knowledge of social features and cultural aspects linked to speakers of the language and which may be studied in parallel fashion in the unit. . Moral and civic education: reflection upon the reality of Europe as a framework for living together.Peace education : knowledge of the realities of other parts of the world to encourage respect for other habits and customs.

v. artistic and cultural competence Linguistic output contains artistic and cultural components.

4. RELATIONSHIP WITH OTHER AREAS OF THE CURRICULUM The whole unit concentrates on different interdisciplinary themes, transferring the vocabulary and structures to a real-life context and encouraging development of knowledge of the world beyond the English class.GeographyLearn about Europe and locate its countries on a map.

5.- TREATMENT OF DIVERSITYReinforcement activities Optional activities, TG p.s. T82, T85, T86, T88 Grammar Bank section SB p.s. 128Extra Practice section SB p.. 129Irregular verbs section, SB p. 136Word Bank section , SB p.s. 130-134Expression Bank section, SB p.. 135Workbook p.s. 55-59RB activities MultiROM activities

Extension activities Try this! section SB p.. 85RB activities MultiROM activities

6.- ASSESSMENT Initial assessment Unit Focus section , SB p.. 81Diagnostic test, RB and Assessment CD Formative assessment Student assessment form , TG Summative assessmentTest unit 9, RB and Assessment CD Self-assessment Progress Check 9, Workbook p..60Build Up section , Units 7-9, SB p.. 92

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The following classroom programme of Oxford Spotlight 3 highlights the priorities and implications of the use of the complementary material which accompanies the project, in the Teacher’s Book, the Student’s book, the Workbook and the Teacher’s Resource Pack. Whilst we recommend following the learning strategies and the teaching tips in the Teacher’s Book, these are only guidelines and it is up to the teachers to decide which activities best adapt to their objectives and what should be the focus of their class. The aim of this programme is to achieve a positive response to language learning. We believe that teachers will certainly be able to adapt the activities include in this programme according to the needs of their students, both the teaching-learning activities and the assessment activities.

The nomenclature employed is as follows:

L Listening IW Individual Work SB Student’s BookR Reading T – Ss Lockstep WB WorkbookS Speaking PW Pair Work TG Teacher’s Guide o Libro del ProfesorW Writing GW Group Work TRP Teacher’s Resource PackAS All skills L1 Mother tongueLC Linguistic CompetenceLT Learner Training

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APROX.1 Assess level of pupils’ previous

knowledge . General revision of minimum concepts acquired in 1st

year of ESO.LT IW TRB p.s. 2-3, Diagnostic test

CD/tape 60’


Anticipate contents of unit.

Introduce the characters of the book: Sarah, Kelly and Harry.

Revise vocabulary acquired previously.

Activate the vocabulary .

Observation of Unit focus and anticipation of contents.

Observe photos, read and listen to the story . Oral practice with repetition of names and questions answered. Find and translate Real English expressions. Carefully read table Teen focus.

General revision of vocabulary .

Extra help with vocabulary Vocabulary extension

Activation of vocabulary by writing brief descriptive texts .





T – Ss


T – SsPW

T – SsIW, PW

SB p.. 4 Unit focus

SB p.. 4 ex.1-3, Teen focusCD/Tape

SB p.. 4 ex.4, 5WB p.. 3 ex.1-4TRB p.. 56, ex.1-6TRB p.. 84, ex.1-5

SB p.. 5 ex.6-8






Revise grammatical aspects : to be, have got and can.

Revise the Present continuous.

Observe examples and consult Grammar bank, if possible. Complete and correct exercises. Oral practice .

Optional activity (all classes): Memory game. Observe and complete the table. Consult the grammar

section. Complete and correct exercises . Oral practice . Complete table Try this!

Optional activity (all classes): Writing sentences





SB p.. 6 ex.1-6Grammar Bank p.s. 109-110TG p..T6

SB p.s. 7, ex.7-10 Try this! Grammar Bank p.. 110

TG p.. T7



4 Consolidate grammatical

aspects : to be, have got, can and present continuous

Complete consolidation and/or extension exercises . Extra help with grammar Grammar extension

G T – SsIW

WB p.s. 4-5, ex.1-7, Translation & DictationTRB p.. 57, ex.1-4TRB p. 85, ex.1-5


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Activate language to give personal information.

Understand oral texts.

Understand the song Superstar.

Dialogue. Repetition and comprehension of expressions from the text. Listen to and repeat model concentrating on pronunciation. Practice in pairs. Preparation and performance of a similar dialogue .

Optional activity: Disappearing dialogue. Listen to the conversation and identify the false sentence.

Listen again, answer questions and correct. . Listen to and sing the song. Do activities .





T – SsIW

T – Ss

CD/tape SB p. 8, ex.1-5WB p. 6, ex.1-3

CD/tape SB p... 8, ex.6, 7

SB p. 104, ex.1-3




Approximate duration: 5 sessions of 60 minutes.

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Anticipate contents of unit.

Assimilate vocabulary related to hobbies and interests .

Familiarisation with contents of the unit ..

Presentation of the theme. Listen to and repeat words . Match words with pictures. Personalisation . Listen to tape/CD and match person with corresponding item.

Extra help with vocabulary Vocabulary extension



T – Ss

T – SsIW, PW

SB p. 9, Unit focus

CD/ tape SB p.9, ex.1-4WB p. 7, ex.1, 2

TRB p. 58 ex.1-5TRB p. 86, ex.3, 4




Follow the photo-story.

Improve learning of vocabulary.

Identify and reproduce stress models : word stress.

Listen to, read and follow the unit story. Complete comprehension exercises. Memorise Real English expressions. Read and discuss the table Teen focus.

Optional activity(all classes): Define it!

Observe examples and compare suffixes used with one’s own language. Study the table Take note! Complete and correct exercises .

Vocabulary extension

Listen to and repeat the models, identifying stress models. Complete the rule.



L, S

T – SsIW, PW

T – SsIW, PW


T – Ss

CD/tape SB p.. 10-11, ex.1-5, Teen focus

TG p..T10

SB p.. 11, ex.6, 7WB p.. 7, ex.3

TRB p.. 86, ex.1, 2

CD/tape SB p.. 11, ex.1, 2





Revise the forms and uses of the present simple.

Study the table, confirm the rules of use and consult the grammar section. Complete and correct exercises.

Optional activity(all classes): Write sentences. Extra help with grammar


T – SsIW, PW

SB p.. 12-13, ex.1-6, Try this!Grammar Bank SB p.. 112WB p.. 8, ex.1, 2TG p.. T12TRB p.. 59 ex.1-3


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Revise the use of adverbs of frequency with the present simple.

Contrast the use of the present simple and the present continuous.

Observe table Take note! Complete and correct exercises.

Optional activity: Frequency adverbs. Extra help with grammar Grammar extension

Carefully read table Watch out! Complete and correct exercises.

Extra help with grammar Grammar extension



T – Ss IW, PW

T – SsIW, PW

SB p.. 13, ex.7, 8WB p.. 8, ex.3-5TG p.. 13

TRB p.. 59, ex.4, 5

TRB p.. 87, ex.1, 2

SB p.. 13, ex.6, 7WB p.. 8, ex.3-5TRB p.. 59, ex.6

TRB p.. 87, ex.3




Identify information in written texts .

Express plans with the present continuous.

Anticipate contents of text . Listen to and read carefully and answer questions. Find words in text and match with corresponding meanings.

Optional activity(stronger classes): Oral presentation Listen to and read dialogue. Observe table Take note!

Translate expressions from conversation. Oral practice . Write and perform dialogues in class.

Optional activity(all classes): Disappearing dialogue



T – SsIW, PW

T – SsIW, PW

CD/Tape SB p.. 14, ex.1- 4

TG p.. T14

CD/Tape SB p.. 15, ex.1-5 WB p.. 10, ex.1-3

TG p.. T15




Understand oral texts.

Structure written work with paragraphs.

Listen to the conversation and Overall comprehension . Listen again and choose correct answer.

Read model text and match themes with corresponding paragraphs. Understand text. Observe table Take note and complete exercises.

Optional actvity(all classes): Dictation Grammar extension: Likes and dislikes




T – SsIW

CD/Tape SB p.. 15, ex.6, 7

SB p.. 16, ex.1-3WB p.s. 10-11, ex.4-7

TG p.. 16TRB p.. 87, ex.4, 5




Prepare a decriptive text .

Consolidate contents presented in this unit.

Complete writing guide and write text. Check spelling and grammar.

General revision of structures introduced in the unit. Practise and correct .




T – SsIW

SB p.. 15, ex.4WB p.. 11, ex.8, 9

CD/Tape WB p.. 9, Translation & Dictation



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8 Learn about cultural aspects of

the UK. Anticipate contents of text and discuss opening

comment. Read and listen to texts and answer questions. Do questionnaire and discuss In pairs .


CD/tape SB p.s. 94-95, ex.1-8



Revise contents before the test .

Update personal dictionary with words from the unit .

Do Progress Check of the unit. Clarify doubts and correct

Translate the expressions in the section Words to learn.





WB p.. 12, ex.1-6

WB p.. 61


5’10 Video Video TD T – Ss


11 Evaluate pupils’ performance . Do unit 1 test. TD IW TRB p.s. 4-6CD/Tape


Approximate duration: 11 sessions of 60 minutes.

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Anticipate contents of unit.

Study vocabulary related to music: musicians and instruments .

Anticipate the contents of the unit .

Listen to, repeat and translate the adjectives introduced. Read and discuss table Watch out! Complete exercises and oral practice .

Optional actvity(weaker classes): Miming Optional activity(stronger classes): -ed / -ing game Extra help with vocabulary Vocabulary extension



T – Ss

T – SsPW, IW


SB p.. 17, Unit focus

CD/Tape SB p.. 17, ex.1-3 WB p.. 13, ex.1TG p..T17TG p..T17TRB p.. 60, ex.1-5TRB p.. 88, ex.3-5, dictionary




Follow the photo-story .

Memorise typical colocations: verb + noun.

Understand and reproduce pronunciation of the ending –ed.

Read and listen to the text. Detailed comprehension. Completion and correction of exercises. Read and discuss Teen focus.

Optional activity (stronger classes): adjectives of feeling

Study the table Take note! And complete exercises to Internalise typical collocations with the verbs have, send, take and do.

Vocabulary extension

Listen to and repeat examples. Identify and check pronunciation.

Optional activity (all classes): Word tennis



L, S

T – SsIW

T – SsIW, PW

T – SsIW, PW

CD/Tape SB p.s.18-19, ex.1-5, Teen focus

TG p..T18

SB p.. 19, ex.6, 7WB p.. 13, ex.2

TRB p.. 88, ex.1,2

CD/Tape SB p.. 19, ex.1,2TG p..T19





Revise the past simple.

Revise the past simple of the verb to be.

Study the table and confirm the rules of use of the past simple. Consult the grammar section . Memorise the table Take note! Complete and correct exercises .

Complete the table and Study the table Watch out! Completion and correction of exercises .

Optional activity: True and false sentences



T – SsIW, PW

T – SsIW, PW

SB p.s. 20-21, ex.1-9, Try this!Grammar Bank p.. 114

SB p.. 21, ex.10-12Grammar Bank p.. 114TG p..T21



4 Consolidate the use of the

simple past. Complete the WB consolidation exercises. Extensive

practice Extra help with grammar Grammar extension

G, W T – SsIW

WB p.s. 14-15, ex.1-7

TRB p.. 61, ex.1-5TRB p.. 89, ex.1-5


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Understand a written text .

Talk about holidays.

Observe and discuss the photo. Read and listen to the text. Completion and correction of exercises .

Optional activity(all classes): True / false sentences

Read and listen to the model . Oral practice . Preparation and performance of a similar dialogue .

Optional activity(all classes): Disappearing dialogue



T – SsIW, PW


SB p.. 22, ex.1-4

TG p.. T22

SB p.. 23, ex.1-5 CD/tape WB p.. 16, ex.1-3




Extract information from an oral conversation .

Internalise the use of the sequencers after, before, later, then and when.

Listening and completion of the table. Listen again and decide whether the affirmations are true. Correct the false sentences.

Anticipate contents of model text . Find and translate sequencers. Comprehension of text and practical exercises.

Optional activity (all classes): Dictation



T – SsIW, PW

T – SsIW

CD/tape SB p.. 23, ex.6, 7

SB p.. 24, ex.1-3WB p.s. 16-17, ex.4-7

TG p.. T24




Describe a day at school.

Revise structures studied in this unit .

Observe the writing guide . Take notes and write the text . Revision and correction of possible errors.

Remember typical sentences and their construction . Translation, dictation and correction .



T – SsIW

IWT – Ss

SB p.. 25, ex.4, 5WB p.. 17, ex.8, 9

CD/tape WB p.. 15, Translation & Dictation




Enjoy the song Crashed the wedding.

Self-assess progress .

Observe the lyrics of the song and choose the right option . Listen and check the answers . Choose the best summary and completion of the Songfile.

Do Progress check and resolve queries if possible .





CD/tape SB p.. 105, ex.1-3

WB p.. 18, ex.1-6





Update personal dictionary with words from the unit .


Translate the expressions in the section Words to learn.



T – Ss

T – SsIW


WB p.. 62



10 Assess performance in this unit . Do test of the unit 2. TD IW TRB p.s. 7-9CD/tape


Approximate duration: 10 sessions of 60 minutes.

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Anticipate contents of unit .

Internalise vocabulary related to shops.

Anticipate the contents of the unit by reading and discussing Unit focus.

Observe the picture and identify the shops. Listen to, repeat and translate the words introduced. Match items with corresponding shops Listen and identify shops mentioned. Personalisation .

Extra help with vocabulary Vocabulary extension



T – Ss


SB p.. 25, Unit focus

CD/tape SB p.. 25, ex.1-5 WB p.. 19, ex.1-3

TRB p..62, ex.1-4TRB p.. 90, ex.3-5, dictionary




Understand the photo-story .

Learn to use compound nouns: two-word nouns.

Identify and reproduce with care the sounds and .

Read and listen to the text Internalise useful expressions, Complete and correct exercises. Read and comment on table Teen focus.

Optional activity (weaker classes): Have to Optional activity (all classes): Memory game

Combine words to make compound nouns. Complete and correct exercises .

Vocabulary extension

Listen to models and repeat correctly. Identify sounds.



L, S

T – SsIW, PW

T – SsIW

T – SsIW

CD/tape SB p.s. 26-27, ex.1-4 , Teen focus

TG p.. T26TG p.. T26

SB p.. 27, ex.5, 6WB p.. 19, ex.4TRB p.. 90, ex.1, 2

CD/tape SB p.. 27, ex.1, 2





Internalise the functioning of the Past continuous.

Revise the formation of adverbs .

Complete the table and read carefully the consultation section and table Take note! Practise and correct in class

Optional activity (all classes): What were you doing at ...?

Study the tables Take note!and Watch out! Completion and correction of exercises .



T – SsIW, PW

T – SsIW

SB p.s. 28-29, ex.1-6, Try this! Grammar Bank, p.s. 110, 116

TG p.. T28

CD/tape SB p.. 29, ex.7, 8Grammar Bank, p.s. 116



4 Consolidate the grammatical

contents of the unit . Complete the WB consolidation exercises . Extra help with grammar Grammar extension


WB p.s. 20-21, ex.1-7TRB p.. 63, ex.1-4TRB p.. 91, ex.1-3


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Understand written texts .

Learn formulas to find one’s way from one place to another.

Anticipate contents of text . Read article and Overall comprehension. Second reading, Complete comprehension exercises and correction .

Optional activity (all classes): Correcting factual mistakes

Listen to and read the dialogue, following the route on the map. Listen to, repeat correctly and translate the expressions. Oral practice. Prepare and perform a dialogue

Optional activity (all classes): Disappearing dialogue.



T – SsIW, PW


CD/tape SB p.. 30, ex.1-4

CD/tape SB p.. 31, ex.1-5WB p.. 22, ex.1-3




Understand oral texts

Employ correctly the connectors and, because, but, or and so

Listen to guess the location of characters. Listen again and answer questions .

Read model text carefully and Find connectors . Complete and correct exercises .

Optional activity (all classes): Dictation



T – SsIW

T – SsIW, PW

CD/ tape SB p.. 31, ex.6, 7

SB p.. 32, ex.1-3 WB p.s. 22-23 ex.4-7TG p.. T32



7 Write an interview. Complete writing guide and prepare text. Check spelling and grammar.


IW SB p.. 31, ex.4WB p.. 23, ex.8, 9



Find out about juvenile crime in the UK.

Revise aspects of the unit .

Match words with pictures . Basic comprehension of information presented. Completion of activities and collective revision.

Translation of sentences provided, dictation and collective correction



T – SsPW


CD/ tape SB p.s. 96-97 ex.1-10

WB p.. 21, Translation & Dictation



9 Self-assess progress .

Update personal dictionary with words from the unit .

Do Progress Check of the unit. Clarify any doubts and correct.

Translate the expressions in the section Words to learn.





WB p.. 24, ex.1-6

WB p.. 62



10 Video Video TD T – Ss VAB 60’

11 Assess knowledge acquired in this unit

Do unit 3 test. TD IW TRB p.s. 10-12CD/ tape


Approximate duration: 11 sessions of 60 minutes.

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1 Revise the vocabulary

introduced in the first three units.

Revise the use of the present tenses

Revision of vocabulary introduced . Completion and correction of exercises .

Completion of Extra Practice exercises . Correct and resolve any queries .




T – SsIW, PW

SB p.. 33, ex.1-7

SB p.. 113, ex.1-6




Revise the use of the past tenses.

Consolidate grammatical contents .

Completion of Extra Practice exercises . Correct and resolve any queries .

Practise and compare results with classmates



T – Ss IW, PW

T – SsIW, PW

SB p.. 115, ex.1-8; p.. 117, ex.1-5

SB p.. 34, ex.1-4



3 Consolidate grammatical

contents .

Self-assess progress .

Practise and compare results with classmates

Completion of summative exercises to Assess one’s own progress .



T – Ss IW, PW

T – SsIW

SB p.s. 34-35, ex.5-12

Build up (1-3), SB p.. 36 ex.1-3



4 Assess progress during first term.

Do End-of-term test 1 TD IW TRB p.. 13-15CD/ tape


Approximate duration: 4 sessions of 60 minutes.

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Anticipate contents of unit .

Learn vocabulary related to housework

Read the contents, activate the vocabulary and formulate hypotheses .

Listen to and repeat the expressions . Listen to the tape and order the tasks. personalisation

Optional activity (all classes): Housework nouns and verbs Extra help with vocabulary Vocabulary extension



T – Ss

T – SsIW, PW


SB p.. 37, Unit focus

SB p.. 37, ex.1-3, CD/tape WB p.. 25, ex.1, 2

TG p.. T37TRB p.. 64, ex.1-5TRB p.. 92, ex.3-5, dictionary




Follow the photo-story .

Differentiate between the use of the verbs make and do.

Identify and carefully reproduce stress models: sentence stress.

Read and listen to the story . Understand the text and Memorise Real English. Expressions. Comment on table Teen focus.

Optional activity (all classes): Define it!

Complete the table and check via listening. Complete and correct sentences .

Vocabulary extension

Listen to and repeat the models . Individual practice and correction .



L, S

T – SsIW, PW


T – SsIW

T – SsIW

CD/tape SB p.s. 38-39,ex.1-4, Teen focus

CD/tape ; SB p.. 39,ex.5, 6WB p.. 25, ex.3, 4TRB p.. 92, ex.1, 2

CD/tape SB p.. 39, ex.1, 2





Use the form have to correctly to express obligation.

Revise the use of some/any and much/many/a lot of with countable and uncountable nouns .

Study and complete the table. Consult the grammar section, Complete and correct exercises .

Optional activity (all classes): Rules Extra help with grammar

Infer grammar rules, Consult the grammar section Complete and correct exercises .

Optional activity (all classes): Countable & uncountable Extra help with grammar


L, S

T – SsIW, PW

T – SsPW

SB p.. 40, ex.1-4, Try this!Grammar bank, p.. 118TG p.. T40TRB p.. 65, ex.1, 2

CD/tape SB p.. 40, ex.3, 4TG p.. T40TRB p.. 65, ex.3, 4



4 Consolidate grammatical contents.

Complete the WB consolidation exercises . Grammar extension

S, G T – SsIW

WB p.s. 26-27, ex.1-7TRB p.. 93, ex.1-4


Page 100: Programme Oxford Spotlight 3º-4º ESO Destaca…  · Web viewOxford Spotlight includes reinforcement and extension activities which allow for individualised attention to pupils,


Understand a written text .

Internalise expressions from a conversation: talking about plans

Anticipate contents of text. Read and listen to the text. Answer comprehension questions and correct collectively.

Optional activity (all classes): True/false sentences

Read, listen to and understand dialogue. Repeat and memorise. Preparation and performance of a similar dialogue in class.

Optional activity (all classes): Disappearing dialogue


L, S

T – SsIW, PW

T – SsPW

CD/tape SB p.. 42, ex.1-4

TG p.. T42

CD/tape SB p.. 43, ex.1-5WB p.. 28, ex.1-3TG p.. T43




Understand oral information.

Learn to take notes before writing a text.

Listen to conversation carefully, answer questions and correct

Read headings and match with paragraphs. Understand model text and Carefully read table Take notes! Exercises and correction .

Optional activity (all classes): Dictation



T – SsIW

T – SsIW

CD/tape SB p.. 43, ex.6, 7

SB p.. 44, ex.1, 2WB p.s. 28-29, ex.4, 5

TG p.. T44




Write a descriptive text from notes .

Revise structures studied in this unit .

Take notes and develop sentences to Write a descriptive text. Check spelling and grammar.

Memorise expressions and dictation.




T – SsIW

SB p.. 43, ex.3, 4WB p.. 29, ex.6, 7

CD/tape WB p.. 27, Translation & Dictation




Listen to the song Sorry seems to be the hardest word.

Self-assess progress .

Listen to song and Overall comprehension . Read the la lyrics, do activities and complete Songfile.

Do Progress check and clarify doubts if possible .





CD/tape SB p.. 105, ex.1-3

WB p.. 30, ex.1-6





Update personal dictionary with words from the unit .


Translate the expressions in the section Words to learn.



T – Ss

T – SsIW


WB p.. 62



10 Assess knowledge acquired in this unit

Do test of the unit 4. TD IW TRB p.s. 16-18CD/ tape


Approximate duration: 10 sessions of 60 minutes.

Page 101: Programme Oxford Spotlight 3º-4º ESO Destaca…  · Web viewOxford Spotlight includes reinforcement and extension activities which allow for individualised attention to pupils,





Identify the contents of the unit .

Learn adjectives to describe personality.

Identify contents and reflect upon previous knowledge.

Listen to and repeat adjectives with careful pronunciation and translate. Match with opposites. Oral and written practice .

Extra help with vocabulary Vocabulary extension



T – Ss


SB p.. 45, Unit focus

SB p.. 45,ex.1, 4, CD/tape WB p.. 31, ex.1-3

TRB p.. 66, ex.1-5TRB p.. 94, ex.3-5, dictionary




Follow the photo story.

Extend vocabulary via the use of negative prefixes : in–, un–, im–.

Identify and reproduce correctly The sounds and .

Anticipate contents of text . Read and listen to the text. Reading comprehension and Memorise Real English expressions. Read and discuss table Teen focus.

Study the table Take note!. Classification of adjectives according to prefix. Practice exercises and correction .

Optional activity (stronger classes): Using prefixes Vocabulary extension Listen to and repeat the models . Listen to words and

Identify the corresponding sound.



L, S

T – SsIW, PW

T – SsIW, PW

T – Ss

CD/tape SB p.s. 46-47, ex.1-4, Teen focus

SB p.. 47, ex.5, 6WB p.. 31, ex.4TG p.. T47TRB p.. 94, ex.1, 2

SB p.. 47, ex.1, 2





Revise the forms of comparative and superlative .

Employ correctly the adverbs too and enough with adjectives.

Complete the table and infer the rules of use. Consult the grammar section if possible. Complete and correct exercises .

Optional activity (all classes): Word tennis

Study the examples and the table Take note! Consult the grammar , Complete and correct exercises .

Optional activity (stronger classes): Rewriting sentences



T – SsIW

SB p.. 48-49, ex.1-5, Try this!Grammar Bank p.. 120

TG p.. T48

SB p.. 49, ex.6, 7Grammar Bank p.. 120TG p.. T49



4 Consolidate grammatical

contents. Complete the WB consolidation exercises. Extra help with grammar Grammar extension

G T – SsIW

WB p.. 32-33, ex.1-6TRB p.. 67, ex.1-6TRB p.. 95, ex.1-5


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Understand written texts .

Express tastes and preferences.

Anticipate the theme of the text . Read and listen to the article . Complete comprehension and revision exercises Personalisation .

Optional activity (all classes): Asking questions

Read and Listen to the dialogue. Reading comprehension. Study the table Take note! Read exercises and practise dialogue in pairs. Perform in class.

Optional activity (all classes): Disappearing dialogue



T – SsIW

T – SsPW

CD/tape SB p.. 50, ex.1-4

TG p.. T50

CD/tape SB p.. 51, ex.1-5 , WB p.. 34 , ex.1-3TG p.. T51




Understand oral information .

Understand the use and order of adjectives in descriptive texts.

Listen to the three recordings separately and complete the tables. Listen again and match adjectives with people

Comprehension and analysis of the text. Study the table Take note!and complete practice exercises.

Optional activity (all classes): Dictation



T – Ss IW

T – SsIW

CD/tape SB p.. 51, ex.6, 7

SB p.. 52, ex.1-3WB p.. 34-35, ex.4-8TG p.. T52



7 Write a descriptive text: A personality description.

Write text following writing guide. Revise text, checking the use of los adjectives .


T – SsIW

SB p.. 52, ex.4WB p.. 35, ex.9, 10



Find out about musical styles and their relationship with fashion

Remember aspects introduced in this Unit .

Observe and discuss pictures. Read the text match pictures with highlighted words. Do activities and correct. Personalisation .

Translate sentences and do dictation.



T – SsIW, PW

T – SsIW

CD/tape SB p.s. 98-99, ex.1-8

CD/tape WB p.. 33, Translation & Dictation



9 Observe progress attained .

Update personal dictionary with words from the unit .

Do Progress Check and clarify any queries.

Translate the expressions in the section Words to learn.





WB p.. 36, ex.1-6

WB p.. 63



10 Video Video TD T – SsIW

VAB 60’

11 Assess knowledge acquired in this unit

Do test of the unit 5. TD IW TRB p.s. 19-21CD/ tape


Approximate duration: 11 sessions de 60 minutos.

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Anticipate contents of unit.

Learn vocabulary related to extreme sports

Read the contents, activate known vocabulary and identify grammatical categories.

Identify sports which appear in the pictures. Listen to and repeat the sports listed. Personalisation .

Extra help with vocabulary. Vocabulary extension.



T – Ss

IW, PWT – Ss

SB p.. 53, Unit focus

CD/ tape ; SB p.. 53, ex.1-4 WB p.. 37, ex.1, 2TRB p.. 68, ex.1-4TRB p.. 96 , ex.3, 4, dictionary




Understand the photo story.

Understand the different meanings of the verb get.

Identify short forms.

Anticipate the contents of the story and read the text . Complete comprehension exercises, correct and Memorise Real English expressions. Discuss table Teen focus.

Optional activity (all classes): Define it!

Study the table Take note! Observe sentences and identify meanings . Oral and written practice .

Vocabulary extension

Listen carefully and distinguish sounds. Identify short forms.

Optional activity(weaker classes): Short forms





T – SsIW, PW

T – SsIW, PW

CD/ tape SB p.s. 54-55, ex.1-4, Teen focus

TG p.. T54

SB p.. 55, ex.5, 6WB p.. 37, ex.3, 4TRB p.. 96, ex.1, 2

SB p.. 55, ex.1, 2

TG p.. T55





Use the present perfect correctly

Understand the use of the Present perfect with just.

Study the table, read carefully tables Take note!and Watch out!, Consult the grammar section and list of irregular verbs, Completion and collective correction of exercises.

Optional activity(all classes): Past participles

Study the table Take note!, Consult the grammar section, Completion and correction of exercises .

Optional activity(stronger classes): Memory game





SB p.. 56-57, ex.1-6Grammar Bank, p.. 122Irregular Verbs List, p.. 137

TG p.. T56

SB p.. 57, ex.7, Try this!

TG p.. T57



4 Consolidate knowledge of the

Present perfect. Complete the WB consolidation exercises. Extra help with grammar Grammar extension.

G T – SsIW

WB p.s. 38-39, ex.1-7TRB p.. 69, ex.1-6TRB p.. 97, ex.1-6


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Understand written texts .

Hablar about experiencias.

Observe the photo and anticipate the theme of the text . Read and listen to the text and complete the comprehension exercises . Collective correction .

Optional activity (all classes): Correcting factual mistakes Optional activity (stronger classes): Asking questions

Listen to the dialogue and comprehension . Study the table Take note! Practice in pairs, preparation and performance of a similar dialogue .

Optional activity(all classes): disappearing dialogue



T – SsIW

T – SsPW

CD/tape SB p.. 58, ex.1-4

TG p.. T58TG p.. T58

CD/tape SB p.. 59, ex.1-5WB p.. 40, ex.1-3TG p.. T59




Listen to and understand oral information .

Learn to check written work.

Listen to the text, Complete comprehension exercises and correction .

Read model text and Complete comprehension exercises . Study the table Take note! and correct listed sentences following instructions. Extensive practice and collective correction .

Optional activity (all classes): Dictation




T – SsIW, PW

CD/tape SB p.. 59, ex.6, 7

SB p.. 60, ex.1-3WB p.. 40-41, ex.4-7

TG p.. T60



7 Write a text describing a

personal experience.

Remember aspects of this unit.

Write text following writing guide. Reflect upon, revise and correct what has been

Translate sentences and Do dictation.



T – SsIW

T – SsIW

SB p.. 60, ex.4WB p.. 41, ex.8, 9

CD/tape WB p.. 27, Translation & Dictation




Sing the song Pieces of me.

Reflect upon el progreso realizado.

Listen to song and choose best summary. Second listening, if possible, and Complete comprehension exercises .

Do Progress Check and clarify any queries.





CD/ tape SB p.. 107, ex.1-3,

WB p.. 42, ex.1-6



9 Video

Revise the meaning of new words in this Unit .


Note vocabulary in Words to learn section.



T – SsIW



WB p.. 63



10 Assess progress achieved. Do unit 6 test. TD IW TRB p.. 22-24CD/ tape


Approximate duration: 10 sessions de 60 minutos.

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1 Revise vocabulary studied in

the last three units.

Revise grammatical aspects studied during the term.

Remember vocabulary related to housework, make & do, adjectives to describe personality, negative prefixes, adventure sports and get. Correct by comparing with classmate.

Complete revision and extra practice exercises. Correct In pairs supervised by teacher.





SB p.. 61, ex.1-6

SB p.. 62, ex.1, 2, p..119, ex.1-6



2 Consolidate grammatical

contents studied during the term

Complete exercises In pairs with teacher’s supervision G IW, PW SB p.s. 62-63, ex.3-5; p.. 121, ex.1-6 60’

3 Consolidate grammatical

contents studied throughout the term.

General revision of grammar from unit 5 followed by individual completion of Build up exercises as personal Self-assessment .

LC IW, PW SB p.. 63, ex.6, 7SB p.. 123, ex.1-5Build up (1-6), SB p.. 64, ex.1-3


4 Assess progress during second term.

Do End-of-term test 2 TD IW TRB p.. 25-27CD/ tape


Approximate duration: 4 sessions de 60 minutos.

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1 Anticipate contents of unit .

Memorise vocabulary related to the world of the cinema.

Activate vocabulary and previous knowledge and reflect upon contents of the unit .

Listen to, repeat and translate vocabulary introduced. Classify words, listen and complete sentences. Extensive practice .

Extra help with vocabulary Vocabulary extension



T – Ss


SB p.. 65, Unit focus

CD/tape SB p.. 65, ex.1-3 WB p.. 43, ex.1, 2TRB p.. 70, ex.1-4TRB p.. 98, ex.2-4, dictionary




Understand the photo-story .

Identify and distinguish false friends.

Identify and reproduce intonation models .

Anticipate contents of story. Read and listen to the text. Reading comprehension, internalise Real English expressions and correct exercises. Read and discuss table Teen focus.

Optional activity(all classes): Listing

Observe words listed, translate and check meanings in dictionary. Study the table Take note! And discuss what a false friend is. Practise and correct .

Vocabulary extension

Listen to questions concentrating on intonation. Reproduce questions following intonation model.



L, S



T – SsIW

CD/tape SB p.s. 66-67, ex.1-3, Teen focus

TG p.. T66

SB p.. 67, ex.4-6WB p.. 43, ex.3

TRB p.. 98, ex.1

CD/tape SB p.. 67, ex.1, 2





Increase knowledge of the present perfect.

Study interrogative form with the present perfect, the use of for and since and questions con how long ..? Practice exercises and correction

Optional activity (all classes): for & since Optional activity(all classes): How long ...? Optional activity(stronger classes): An interview



SB p.s. 68-69, ex.1-9CD/tape Grammar Bank p.. 124TG p.. T68TG p.. T69TG p.. T69


4 Consolidate the use of the

present perfect. Complete the WB consolidation exercises . Extra help with grammar Grammar Extension


T – SsIW

WB p.s. 44-45, ex.1-6TRB p.. 71, ex.1-6TRB p.. 99, ex.1-4


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Undestand an article about child prodigies in the cinema.

Reproduce a dialogue : at an underground station.

Observe the photos and identify the actors. Read and listen to the text Complete comprehension exercises and correction .

Optional activity (all classes): Factual mistakes

Read and Listen to the dialogue. Find stations on map. Repeat and translate sentences. Practise In pairs, preparation and performance of a similar dialogue .

Optional activity (all classes): Disappearing dialogue




IWT – Ss

CD/tape SB p.. 70, ex.1-4

TG p.. T70

SB p.. 71, ex.1-5WB p.. 46, ex.1-3

TG p.. T71




Grasp oral information.

Use pronouns to avoid repetition in written work.

Listen to the conversation and Overall comprehension . Listen again and choose the correct answers .

Observe and comment on the photos. Read and understand model text. Study the table Take note!and complete exercises designed to eliminate repetition.

Optional activity (all classes): Dictation



T – SsIW

T – SsIW

CD/tape SB p.. 71, ex.6, 7

SB p.. 72, ex.1-3WB p.s. 46-47, ex.4-6

TG p.. T72



7 Write the biography of a film star.

Write biographical text following writing guide. Revision and rewriting, if possible, to avoid repetition


IW SB p.. 71, ex.1, 2 CD/tape WB p.. 46, ex.3, 4



Find out about music and young people.

Remember aspects introduced in this unit.

Comment on sentences and discuss. Read and understand text . Do activities and correction . Personalisation .

Translate sentences and do dictation.



T – SsIW, PW

T – SsIW

SB p.s. 100-101, ex.1-5

CD/tape WB p.. 45, Translation & Dictation



9 Observe progress made.

Update personal dictionary with words from the unit .

Do Progress Check and resolve any queries.

Translate the expressions in the section Words to learn.





WB p.. 48, ex.1-5

WB p.. 63



10 Video Video TD T – SsIW

VAB 60’

11 Evaluate knowledge acquired. Do unit 7 test. TD IW TRB p.s. 28-30CD/ tape


Approximate duration: 11 sessions de 60 minutos.

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1 Anticipate contents of unit. Internalise action verbs.

Anticipate contents via Unit focus.

Match verbs listed with pictures. Listen to, repeat and translate the verbs. Study and discuss table Take note! Practise and correct .

Extra help with vocabulary Vocabulary extension



T – Ss


SB p.. 73, Unit focus

CD/ tape SB p.. 73, ex.1-3WB p.. 49, ex.1-3TRB p.. 72, ex.1-6TRB p.. 100, ex.3-5




Follow the photo-story .

Memorise some phrasal verbs.

Identify and reproduce correctly the sound .

Read and listen to the text. Comprehension , Memorise Real English expressions and correct exercises. Read and discuss table Teen focus.

Optional activity(all classes): Action verbs.

Match phrasal verbs with pictures. Match opposites and complete sentences.

Vocabulary extension

Listen to and repeat words concentrating on the sound . Identify the sound in the words listed. Listen, check and repeat correctly.



L, S

T – SsIW, PW

T – SsIW, PW

T – SsIW

CD/ tape SB p.s. 74-75, ex.1-4; Teen focus

TG p.. T74

SB p.. 75, ex.5-7WB p.. 49, ex.4TRB p.. 100, ex.1, 2, 6, dictionary

CD/tape SB p.. 75, ex.1, 2





Express facts and Predictions about the future: will.

Use the First Conditional correctly

Study the table Take note. Oral and written practice , consulting the grammar section , if possible . Complete table Try this!

Optional activity (all classes): Predictions

Analyse the examples, consult the grammar section and complete the exercises .




T – SsIW, PW

SB p.. 76-77, ex.1-8, Try this!; CD/tape Grammar Bank p.. 126TG p.. T75

SB p.. 77, ex.9-11Grammar Bank p.. 126



4 Consolidate the use of the future

and the conditional. Complete the WB consolidation exercises. Extra help with grammar Grammar extension


T – SsIW

WB p.s. 50-51, ex.1-6TRB p.. 73, ex.1-5TRB p.. 101, ex.1-4


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5 Understand written texts.

Give advice.

Initial discussion about the influence of technology on our world. Read and listen to the article and Overall comprehension . Check the table Watch out! Comprehension and correction exercises.

Optional activity (all classes): True/false sentences

Listen to and read the conversation and identify the theme . Study the table Take note! Oral practice in pairs . Preparation and performance of a similar dialogue .

Optional activity (all classes): Disappearing dialogue




T – SsPW

CD/tape SB p.. 78, ex.1-4

TG p.. T78

CD/tape SB p.. 79, ex.1-5WB p.. 52, ex.1-3TG p.. T79




Understand oral information .

Use formulas to speculate about the future.

Listen to the conversation and Overall comprehension . Listen again and answer questions.

Read the model text and Overall and specific comprehension. Study the table Take note! And find expressions in the text to speculate about the future. Practise and correct .

Optional activity(all classes): Dictation



T – SsIW

T – SsIW, PW

CD/tape SB p.. 79, ex.6, 7

SB p.. 80, ex.1-4WB p.. 52-53, ex.4-8

TG p.. T80




Write a text containing predictions about the future.

Remember aspects introduced in this Unit .

Write the text following the writing guide. Check use of formulae to make predictions . Write, revise and correct , if possible .

Translate sentences and do dictation.




T – SsIW

SB p.. 80, ex.5WB p.. 53, ex.9, 10

CD/tape WB p.. 27, Translation & Dictation




Sing the song I promise I will.

Reflect upon progress attained

Listen to and sing the song. Second listening, if possible and Complete comprehension exercises .

Do Progress Check and clarify any doubts.





CD/ tape SB p.. 108, ex.1-3

WB p.. 54, ex.1-6



9 Video

Revise the meaning of new words in this Unit .


Note vocabulary in Words to learn section.





WB p.. 64



10 Assess progress achieved. Do unit 8 test. TD IW TRB p.. 31-33CD/ tape


Approximate duration: 10 sessions de 60 minutos.

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1 Anticipate contents of unit.

Identify vocabulary via pictures.

Anticipate the vocabulary and identify the grammatical categories.

Observe the pictures and match them with corresponding words. Listen to, repeat and translate words. Classification and practical exercises.

Extra help with vocabulary Vocabulary extension



T – Ss

T – Ss IW

SB p.. 81, Unit focus

CD/tape SB p.. 81, ex.1-4 WB p.. 55, ex.1-3TRB p.. 74, ex.1-5TRB p.. 102, ex.3-5, dictionary




Anticipate the contents of the photo story .

Identify homophones.

Identify and correctly reproduce rhythmic models.

Observe the photos, formulate and check hypotheses by reading text. Reading comprehension , internalise Real English expressions and correct. Discuss table Teen focus.

Study and discuss table Take note! Complete and correct exercises .

Vocabulary extension

Listen to and repeat the poem concentrating on rhythm and rhyme.

Optional activity (all classes): Poem



L, S

T – SsIW

T – SsIW, PW

T – SsIW

CD/tape SB p.. 82, ex.1-3, Teen focus

SB p.. 83, ex.4, 5WB p.. 55, ex.4 TRB p.. 102, ex.1, 2

CD/tape SB p.. 83, ex.1TG p.. T83





Introduce and Practice the passive voice : present passive.

Observe the table, check the rule and study the functioning of the passive voice. Consult the grammar section. Complete and correct exercises . Answer the quiz and check the results .

Optional activity(all classes): Writing passive sentences Optional activity(stronger classes): Quiz questions



SB p.s. 85-86, ex.1-8, Try this!Grammar Bank p.. 128


4 Consolidate the passive voice. Complete the WB consolidation exercises.

Extra help with grammar Grammar extension


T – SsIW

WB p.s. 56-57, ex.1-5TRB p.. 75, ex.1-5TRB p..103, ex.1-4


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Understand written texts .

Make suggestions.

Observe and discuss pictures . Read text, Reading comprehension and correction .

Optional activity (all classes): Factual mistakes

Listening and dialogue . Memorise expressions and repeat dialogue. Write and perform one’s own dialogue.

Optional activity (all classes): Disappearing dialogue




T – SsPW

CD/tape SB p.. 86, ex.1-4TG p.. T86

CD/tape SB p.. 87, ex.1-5WB p.. 58, ex.1-3TG p.. T87




Understand an oral text.

Use appropriate punctuation in written work.

Listen to recording and match opinions with people. Listen again and order sentences.

Read and understand model text. Study the table Take note!, Complete and correct exercises .

Optional activity (all classes): Dictation



T – SsIW

T – SsIW

CD/tape SB p.. 87, ex.1, 2

SB p.. 88, ex.1-3WB p.s. 58-59, ex.4-7TG p.. T88



7 Answer a questionnaire and

write a text about food using correct pronunciation..

Follow writing guide, plan and write text. Revise and correct text, concentrating on punctuation

W IW SB p.. 88, ex.4 WB p.. 59, ex.8, 9



Obtain information about culture and lifestyles in the UK.

Remember aspects introduced in this Unit .

Comment on sentences and discuss . Read and understand text . Do and correct oral and written activities. Personalisation .

Translate sentences and do dictation.



T – SsIW, PW

T – SsIW

CD/tape SB p.s. 102-103, ex.1-8

CD/tape WB p.. 57, Translation & Dictation



9 Observe progress attained .

Update personal dictionary with words from the unit .

Do Progress Check and consult any queries.

Translate the expressions in the section Words to learn.





WB p.. 60, ex.1-5

WB p.. 64



10 Video Video TD T – SsIW

VAB 60’

11 Evaluate knowledge acquired. Do unit 9 test TD IW TRB p.s. 34-36CD/ tape


Approximate duration: 11 sessions of 60 minutes.

Page 112: Programme Oxford Spotlight 3º-4º ESO Destaca…  · Web viewOxford Spotlight includes reinforcement and extension activities which allow for individualised attention to pupils,




1 Revise vocabulary studied in

units 7-9.

Revise the present perfect and its use with since / for and How long...?

Individual completion of WB revision exercises and correction In pairs .

Complete revision and Extra Practice exercises in the corresponding grammar section at the end of the SB.





SB p.. 89, ex.1-6

SB p.. 90, ex.1-6; p.. 125, ex.1-6Grammar Bank, p.. 124.



2 Revision of the future with will

and the First conditional. Complete revision and Extra Practice exercises in the

corresponding grammar section at the end of the SB.G IW, PW SB p.s. 90-91, ex.5-7; p.. 127, ex.1-6

Grammar Bank, p.. 12660’

3 Revise the use of the passive :

present passive. Complete revision and Extra Practice exercises in the

corresponding grammar section at the end of the SB.G IW, PW SB p.. 91, ex.8, 9; p.. 129, ex.1-6

Grammar Bank, p.. 12860’

4 Check contents and clarify general queries.

Individual completion of Build up, correction in class discussing general problems that may arise .

G IWT – Ss

Build up (1-9), SB p.. 92, ex.1-3 60’

5 Assess knowledge of contents. General revision of the contents introduced throughout the course via the End-of-year test 1 or 2.

TD IW TRB p.s. 37-39 / 40-42CD/ tape


Approximate duration: 5 sessions of 60 minutes.

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The following classroom programme of Oxford Spotlight 4 highlights the priorities and implications of the use of the complementary material which accompanies the project, in the Teacher’s Book, the Student’s book, the Workbook and the Teacher’s Resource Pack. Whilst we recommend following the learning strategies and the teaching tips in the Teacher’s Book, these are only guidelines and it is up to the teachers to decide which activities best adapt to their objectives and what should be the focus of their class. The aim of this programme is to achieve a positive response to language learning. We believe that teachers will certainly be able to adapt the activities include in this programme according to the needs of their students, both the teaching-learning activities and the assessment activities.

The nomenclature employed is as follows:

L Listening IW Individual Work SB Student’s BookR Reading T – Ss Lockstep WB WorkbookS Speaking PW Pair Work TG Teacher’s Guide o Libro del ProfesorW Writing GW Group Work TRP Teacher’s Resource PackAS All skills L1 Mother tongueLC Linguistic CompetenceLT Learner Training

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Observe pupils’ level of knowledge .

Anticipate contents of unit .

Introduce the course, the materials, the characters and the vocabulary of Dan’s story.

Overall revision of the concepts acquired in the previous course.

Identification of the contents of the Unit Focus.

Correct pronunciation of the characters’ names and repetition of the vocabulary introduced. Observe the photos and hypothesise orally about what may be happening in the introduction.

Optional activity (all classes): vocabulary





T – Ss

T – Ss, PW

TRB p..2-3, Diagnostic text

SB p..4, Unit Focus

CD/Tape ; SB p.. 4

TG p.. T4





Introduce the theme and the characters of the book and the unit: Rachel, Dan, Hanif and Abby.

Revise vocabulary .

Observe photos, read and listen to the text of the main story. Oral practice with repetition of names and questions answered . Memorise Real English the expressions

Revision of vocabulary related the parts of the body and the family

Optional activity (all classes): Parts of the body. Optional activity (all classes): Family words. Vocabulary extension Introduction extra help with vocabulary





CD/Tape SB p.. 4 ex.1-5

SB p.. 4 ex.6-8WB p.. 3 ex.1-3TG p.. T5TG p.. 5TRB p.. 84, ex.1-5TRB p..56, ej 1-3




Study the present simple and the present continuous .

General introduction of the present simple and present continuous tenses. Check rules and complete exercises.

Optional activity (all classes): talk about yourselves. Optional activity (all classes): write affirmative and

negative sentences. Introduction extra help with Grammar



SB p.. 6, ex.1-7WB p.. 4, ex.1-4Grammar Bank p.. 109TG p.. T6TG p.. T6

TRB p.. 57, ex 1-3


4 Revise the simple past and

reinforce question words. Recognise regular and irregular verbs. Revision of the

use and form of verbs in the simple past in affirmative and negative. Study, memorise and understand question words. Complete and correct exercises .


T – Ss SB p.. 7, ex.8-13WB p.. 5 ex.5-6Grammar Bank p.. 110


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Practice the English language. Read and perform dialogue. Practise and repeat common English expressions. Understand conversation and do dialogue.

Introduction extra help with Grammar



SB p.. 8, ej 1-7 CD/Tape WB p.. 5, Translation & dictationWB p.. 6 , ex.1-3

TRB p.. 57, ex.4-6



Understand the overall meaning of a song.

Revise the contents of the unit .

Understand activities with song Leave right now. Listen to the song .Complete suggested activities. Check answers. Reading comprensión of songfile.

Complete complementary extension or reinforcement exercises.

Introduction vocabulary extension Introduction grammar extension



T – Ss


SB p.. 104, ex.1-3, songfileCD/Tape

TRB p.. 84, ex.1-5TRB p.. 85, ex.1-4


Approximate duration: 6 sessions of 60 minutes.

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1 Familiarise oneself with

contents of the unit .

Assimilate vocabulary related to physical appearance.

Anticipate contents via Unit focus.

Description of physical appearance. Memorise vocabulary , Read and understand the table take note!

Complete and correct exercises . Extra help with vocabulary.



T – Ss


SB p.. 9-16, SB p.. 9 Unit focus

SB p.. 9, ex.1-5; CD/Tape WB p.. 7, ex.1, 2TRB p.. 58, ex.1-5



2 Follow and understand a typical

dialogue when shopping. Observe the photos . Deduce what is happening.

Verbalise text following tape. Read and understand contents.

Optional activity: Identify objects in photographs.


SB p.s. 10-11, ex.1-5, what do you think?CD/Tape TG p.. T10



Identify who or what adjectives refer to according to their ending.

Pronounce words correctly and count the number of syllables they contain.

Recognise the present in context.

Complete the table in the notebook. Study the meaning of the endings–ed, –ing. Practise and correct activities

Listen to the CD or tape, repeat the words and identify stressed syllable. Read words aloud to practise pronunciation and distinguish number of syllables.

Read the text to identify tenses which do or do not appear. Note in workbook.




T – Ss

T – Ss


SB p.. 11, ex.6, 7WB p.. 7, ex.3, 4

CD/Tape SB p.. 11, ex.1, 2

SB p..12, ex.1, p.. 9




4 Study the present tense. Read and study table Watch out! Practise and correct


Optional activity (all classes): five sentences. Extra help with grammar.


SB p.. 12, ex.1-4WB p.. 8, ex.1-3 Grammar Bank p.. 112TG p.. T12TRB p.. 59, ex.1-3




Specify the functioning of the present simple.

Analyse subject and object questions.

Study present in verbs followed by gerund: like, hate, etc. + gerund. Complete exercises and revise.

Optional activity (weaker classes): -ing spelling.

Read the table take note!, demonstration on the board with different examples. Corresponding practice and revision

Extra help with grammar.



T – SsIW, PW

T – SsPW

SB p.. 13, ex.5-6, try this!Grammar Bank p.. 112

TG p.. T13

SB p.. 13, ex.7-9WB p.. 8, ex.5-6TRB p.. 59, ex.4-6



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6 Obtain necessary information by

reading texts. Read and listen to the text. Answer questions correctly . Optional activity (stronger classes): talk about....


SB p.. 14, ex.1-4 CD/Tape WB p.. 9 Translation & dictationTG p.. T14



Practise English in an everyday situation.

Recognise essential information.

Follow dialogue and repeat aloud. Translate and repeat set expressions. Practise their own dialogue.

Listen to a dialogue and extract information needed to Answer questions correctly.





SB p.. 15, ex.1-5 CD/Tape WB p.. 10, ex.1-2

SB p.. 15, ex.6-7 CD/Tape



8 Prepare a personal description. Read the example. Overall comprehension of

information presented. Correct sentences, read and assimilate table Take note! Observe organisation of text

LT T – Ss SB p.. 16, ex.1-3WB p.. 10-11, ex.4-6


9 Use the conjunctions but,

however and although in a personal description

Practise conjunctions with written tasks following a model.

Optional activity (all classes): Dictation


SB p.. 16, ej 4WB p.. 11, ex.7-10TG p.. T16


10 Compare Great Britain with our society.

Read the text, study and compare the information presented with our own customs.

TD PW SB p.. 94-95, ex 1-7 60’

11 Revise the general contents of

the unit . Do Progress check and clarify doubts. Vocabulary extension Grammar extension

T – SsIW, PW

WB p.. 12, ex.1-6TRB p.. 86 ex.1-5TRB p.. 87 ex.1-6

12 Video Video TD T – SsIW

VAB 60’

13 Assess pupils’ progress . Do unit 1 test. TD IW TRB p.s. 4-5 60’Approximate duration: 13 sessions of 60 minutes

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1 Get to know the contents of this

unit . Learn vocabulary related to the

urban landscape

Anticipate the contents of the unit .

Listen to, identify and Study vocabulary related the urban landscape. Complete and correct exercises .

Extra help with vocabulary.



T – Ss


SB p.. 17, Unit focus

CD/Tape ; SB p.. 17, ex.1, 2WB p.. 13, ex.1-3TRB p.. 60, ex.1-5




Match the photos with the general story; explain and understand what is happening.

Memorise the functioning of extreme adjectives.

Read and listen to the text . Identify essential vocabulary and study new expressions. Note new vocabulary in notebook. Overall comprehension and completion of activities

Optional activity (all classes): true/false statements about the photos.

Explanation of qualities of extreme adjectives to strengthen the meaning of some words. Introduction of extreme adjectives, use and correction .



T – SsIW

T – SsIW

CD/Tape SB p.s. 17-18, ex.1-5, what do you think?

TG p.. T18

SB p.. 19, ex.6, 7WB p.. 13, ex.4




Pronounce extreme adjectives correctly.

Contrast the past simple with the past continuous.

Listen to and repeat expressions to learn correct pronunciation of sentences. Listen again and check results

Study the examples. Observe difference in meanings, memorise use of verbal tenses, Practise and correct .



T – SsIW

T – SsIW

CD/Tape SB p.. 19, ex.1, 2

CD/Tape ; SB p.. 20, ex.1-4WB p.. 14, ex.1, 2Grammar Bank p.. 114



4 Revise the differences between

the past simple and the past continuous.

Read and assimilate table Take note!, revise in grammar section, Complete and correct exercises .

Optional activity (all classes): what were you doing...? Extra help with grammar


SB p.. 20, ex.Take note!, 5, 6WB p.. 14, ex.3, 4TG p.. T20TRB p.. 61, ex.1-4


5 Study the meaning and the use

of the expression used to. Read and Study the table take note! Discuss with regard

to grammar, Do memory game if possible, complete and correct exercises

Optional activity (all classes): memory game. Extra help with grammar.


T – SsIW, PW

SB p.. 21, take note!, ex.7-9 , try this!Grammar Bank p.. 114WB p.. 15, ex.5, translationTG p.. T21


6 Hypothesise regarding the

contents of a text and check degree of accuracy.

Observe the photo, formulate hypotheses aloud. Read the text and check accuracy. Note new expressions in notebook. Complete and correct exercises.

Optional activity (all classes): true/false statements

TD T – Ss CD/Tape SB p.. 22, ex.1-4WB p.. 15, dictation

TG p..T22


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Express likes and dislikes.

Understand recorded information.

Observe the photo. Express ideas about where they are, what they are doing, what they are saying , etc. Listen to, read and repeat the dialogue In pairs . Complete and correct the suggested activities .

Optional activity (all classes): practise the dialogue.

Listen to the conversation between Dan and Abby, read the questions, Second listening, answer the questions and correct .



T – SsPW


SB p.. 23, ex.1-5 CD/Tape WB p.. 16, ex.1, 2

TG p.. T23

SB p.. 23, ex.6-7



8 Understand the overall meaning

of a text. General observation of the text . Read the heading,

Overall comprehension and study of the structure and contents. Assimilate the table take note! Complete activities and revise .

Optional activity (all classes): dictation.


SB p.. 24, ex.1-3WB p.. 16-17, ex.4-5

TG p..T24


9 Produce a written text from a model.

General revision of table take note!, revise material from previous session and write text.

W IW SB p.. 24, ex.4WB p.. 17, ex.7-8



Complete the lyrics of a song.

Prepare pupils for the unit test .

Read and complete lyrics Friday night. Listen to song and check. Complete suggested activities and revise.

Do progress check 2and resolve any queries. Vocabulary extension Grammar extension





SB p.. 105, ex.1-3, songfile

WB p.. 18, ex.1-6TRB p.. 88, ej 1-4TRB p.. 89, ex.1-5



11 Video Video TD T – SsIW

VAB 60’

12 Check pupils’ progress. Do unit test. TD IW TRB p.s. 7-9 60’

Approximate duration: 12 sessions of 60 minutes

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1 Identify contents of the unit .

Learn vocabulary related to senses.

General situation of theme within the unit via headings in the Unit focus.

Recognise vocabulary from previous experience and distinguish verbs and nouns. Collective practice and revision

Optional activity (all classes): complete sentences. Extra help with vocabulary



T – Ss

T – Ss

SB p.. 25, Unit focus

SB p.. 25, ex.1-5; CD/Tape WB p.. 19, ex.1, 2

TG p.. T25TRB p.. 62, ex.1-6



2 Follow the photo story. Observe heading, discuss story, recognise vocabulary ,

study new expressions, Complete and correct exercises . Optional activity (all classes): words


T – SsPW

CD/tape SB p.s. 26-27, ex.1-4, what do you think? TG p.. T26



Memorise expressions that are both nouns and verbs.

Improve pronunciation of the consonant groups sp–, sm–, st–, sch– and sl–.

Revise vocabulary learnt in previous sessions, Read the table Take note!, Revise verbs which are also nouns and note in notebook. Recognise and study cases in context .

Listen to and repeat the words and tongue-twister following pronunciation on tape.


L, S

T – Ss

T – SsIW

SB p.. 27, ex.5, 6WB p.. 19, ex.3

CD/Tape SB p.. 27, ex.1, 2



4 Introduce the present perfect

and demonstrate its functioning and meaning in sentences.

Revise the page Rachel’s story and find sentences in present perfect. Read and understand the table take note! Study the past participles, consult grammar bank, Practise and correct in class.

Optional activity (weaker classes): true/false sentences


T – Ss


SB p.. 28, ex.1-6WB p..20, ex.1-4Grammar Bank, p.. 116

TG p.. T28


5 Consolidate the learning of the

present perfect. Introduction of particles just, already and yet with the

present perfect. Oral demonstration of how they work. Practise, Complete and correct exercises .


T – SsIW

SB p.. 29, ex.7-10, try this!WB p.. 21, ex.5-6, translation



Use the present perfect within a context.

Hypothesise regarding possible contents of unit. Read and listen to the text. Confirmation of hypotheses, answer questions and correct .

Optional activity (all classes): correct mistakes Extra help with grammar


CD/tape SB p.. 30, ex.1-3WB p.. 21 dictation

TG p.. T30TRB p.. 63, ex.1-6


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7 Practise dialogues in specific

situations. Observe the photo. Deduce the situation. Listen to and

read the dialogue. Prepare a new dialogue for a similar situation, perform in class.


PW CD/tape SB p.. 31, ex.1-5WB p.. 22, ex.1-3



Understand an oral text.

Understand a written text .

Observe the photo. Listen to the dialogue and answer questions about it .

Overall comprehension of written information, match with corresponding subtitles, answer questions and correct .





CD/Tape SB p.. 31, ex.6, 7

WB p.. 22-23, ex.4, 5



9 Learn how to express facts and

personal memories. Read the sample texts. Comprehension of vocabulary

and new expressions Read the table take note!, note ideas and prepare for next session.

Optional activity (all classes): dictation.

LT T – Ss SB p.. 32, ex.1-3WB p.. 23, ex.6

TG p.. T32



Write a personal text.

Revise the contents of the unit .

Write a text about personal experiences involving senses. Volunteers read some versions aloud in class.

Assessment of knowledge acquired from results of Progress check.





SB p.. 32, ex.4WB p.. 23, ex.7

WB p.. 24, ex.1-6



11 Compare cultural facts in

American society and our own. Read text and answer questions. Associate ideas and oral

defence of the positive or negative impact of American culture upon our own

Vocabulary extension Grammar extension

LT PW SB p.. 96-97, ex.1-8

TRB p..90 ex.1-4TRB p.. 91 ex.1-5


12 Watch a chapter of the video . Video TD T – SsIW

VAB 60’

13 Check pupils’ level of knowledge

Optional completion of del test 3 TD IW TRB p.s. 10- 12 60’

Approximate duration: 13 sessions 60 minutes

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1 Revise the vocabulary

introduced in the first three units .

Revise the use of the present tenses

Revision of vocabulary introduced . Completion and correction of exercises .

Completion of Extra Practice exercises . Correct and resolve any queries .




T – SsIW, PW

SB p.. 33, ex.1-7

SB p.. 113, ex.1-5




Revise the use of the tenses introduced.

Consolidate grammatical contents .

Completion of Extra Practice exercises . Correct and resolve any queries .

Practise and compare results with classmates



T – Ss IW, PW

T – SsIW, PW

SB p.. 115, ex.1-6; p.. 117, ex.1-6

SB p.. 34, ex.1-5




Consolidate grammatical contents .

Self-assess progress .

Practise and complete exercises using particles for specific tenses.

Complete summative exercises to assess one’s own progress .



T – Ss IW, PW

T – SsIW

SB p.s. 35, ex.6-9

Build up (1-3), SB p.. 36 ex.1-3



4 Assess progress during the first term.

Do End-of-term test 1 TD IW TRB p.. 13-15CD/ tape


Approximate duration: 4 sessions of 60 minutes

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1 Identify the contents of the unit .

Study vocabulary related to relationships and dating.

Anticipate contents of this Unit .

Listen to and repeat vocabulary , reconocimiento de expressions and study of compound nouns and phrasal verbs related to the theme . Practise and correct .

Optional activity(all classes): Word stress



T – Ss


SB p.. 37, Unit focus

CD/Tape SB p.. 37, ex.1-4 WB p.. 25, ex.1-3TG p.. T37




Ponder the consequences of lying.

Observe the photos. Establish hypotheses regarding what is happening. Read and listen to the text . Note new expressions in notebook. Answer questions and correct .

Optional activity (all classes): make predictions / summaries.


T – Ss CD/Tape SB p.s. 38-39, ex.1-5, What do you think?

TG p.. T38



Use the suffixes –ion and –ment correctly.

Pronounce correctly the past participle of verbs ending in –aught and -ought

Composition of words from verbs, suffixes and dictionary. Complete and correct sentences collectively.

Study the irregular verbs . Listen to pronunciation of verbs ending in –aught and -ought and correct repetition.



T – Ss


SB p.. 39, ex.6, 7WB p.. 25, ex.4

CD/Tape SB p.. 39, ex.1, 2 SB p.. 137 Irregular verbs list



4 Differentiate between for and

since with the present perfect. Study example sentences. Observe difference in

meaning. Complete and correct sentences .G

LCT – Ss

IWSB p.. 40, ex.1-4WB p.. 26, ex.1, 2SB p.. 118 Grammar Bank


5 Associate ago with the past

simple. Read and Study the table take note!, read the examples,

Completion and correction of exercises in class. Optional activity (all classes): write sentences


T – SsIW

SB p.. 40, ex.5WB p.. 26, ex.3, 4TG p.. T40


6 Recognise the basic differences

between the past simple and el present perfect.

Study the table with the examples. Read the table take note! Reflect upon contents . Completion and correction of exercises .

Optional activity (all classes): correct sentences Extra help with grammar


T – SsIW, PW

CD/tape SB p.. 41, ex.6-8, try this! SB p.. 118, Grammar BankWB p.. 27, translation, dictationTG p.. T41TRB p.. 65, ex.1-6


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7 Match an oral text with a


Answer questions and recognise vocabulary

Identify characters. Read the task to be completed, listen to text and match sentences with characters.

Read text. Understand meaning. Complete tasks and correct .

Optional activity (all classes):write true/false statements




T – Ss

CD/Tape SB p.. 42, ex.1, 2

SB p.. 42, ex.3, 4WB p.. 27, ex.5, 6TG p.. T42



8 Express oneself naturally. Identify vocabulary to complete dialogue. Note new

expressions in notebook. Read and Listen to the dialogue. Complete tasks and correct .

TD PW CD/tape SB p.. 43, ex.1-4 WB p.. 28, ex.1-3



Recognise the main motive behind a conversation.

Find specific information in a written text.

Read the task to be completed. Listen to the three conversations, note difficult expressions in notebook. Identify motives and answer questions .

Read the text and fill gaps according to meaning





CD/Tape SB p.. 43, ex.6, 7

WB p.. 28-29, ex.4-5



10 Use both ... and / neither ...

nor ... correctly. Read and analyse the text . Study the story of a

relationship and translate sentences with both ... and / neither ... nor .... Study their use and meaning . Complete and correct sentences .

LT PW SB p.. 44, ex.1-3WB p.. 29, ex.6-8


11 Write the story of a personal

relationship. Write a text following indications provided . Optional activity (all classes):Dictation Vocabulary extension, grammar extension

W IW SB p.. 44, ex.4; WB p.. 29, ex.9TG p.. T44TRB p.s. 92-93


12 Study the text of a song.

Revise contents studied.

Complete text. Study vocabulary and expressions . Pracise answering questions ; Songfile.

Do Progress Check to evaluate level and ascertain areas to revise .





SB p.. 106, ex.1-3, songfile

WB p.. 30, ex.1-6



13 Watch part of the video Video TD T – SsIW

VAB 60’

14 Assess individual performance of students .

Do unit 4 test. TD IW TRB p.s. 16-18 60’

Approximate duration: 14 sessions de 60 minutos

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1 Familiarise oneself with

contents of the unit .

Learn vocabulary related to work.

Look at contents of Unit focus.

Match words with photos, identify and memorise vocabulary, pronounce names correctly, Complete and correct exercises .

Extra help with vocabulary



T – Ss


SB p.s. 45, Unit focus

SB p.. 45, ex 1-4 CD/Tape WB p.. 31, ex.1, 2

TRB p.. 56, ex.1-5



2 Introduce comparatives and

superlatives via the photo story . Observe the photos. Predict what may be happening.

Read and listen to the text, note new expressions in notebook and study. Completion and correction of exercises .

Optional activity (all classes): words

LT T – Ss CD/tape SB p.s. 46-47, ex.1-5, what do you think?

TG p.. T46



Introduce the suffixes –er, –or and –ist for jobs or activities.

Pronounce the neutral syllable correctly.

Read and note in the notebook the contents of the table take note! Use the dictionary to check existence of these words, practise and correct .

Listen to words and repeat very carefully identifying stressed and unstressed syllables.


L, S

T – SsIW, PW

T – SsIW

SB p.. 47, ex.6, 7DiccionarioWB p.. 31, ex.3

CD/tape SB p.. 47, ex.1, 2



4 Form the comparative and the

superlative. Study the rules for forming the Comparatives and

superlatives. Memorise the table watch out!. Revise the story of Abby in this Unit . Find Comparatives and superlatives . Extensive practice and collective correction .

Optional activity (all classes): word tennis


T – Ss SB p.. 48, ex.1-5SB p.. 120, Grammar BankWB p..32, ex.1-2

TG p.. T48



Study other forms of the comparative like not

Learn to strengthen the meaning of adjectives using so/such..

Revise expressions in photo story. Explain functioning of this structure. Study the table Take note! Practise and correct .

Read Grammar Bank, assimilate examples in table Take note! Practise connecting sentences using these words and correct collectively.

Optional activity (stronger classes): join sentences



T – SsIW, PW

T – SsIW, PW

SB p.. 49, ex.6, try this!WB p.. 32, ex.3, 4

SB p.. 49, ex.7, 8SB p.. 120, Grammar Bank

TG p..T49



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6 Consolidate the structure

so/such. Read the tasks to be completed. Read and understand

text and complete exercises. Extra help with grammar Optional activity (all classes): Ten questions


CD/Tape ; SB p.. 50, ex.1-4 WB p.. 32, ex.5, 6TRB p.. 67, ex.1-5TG p.. T50


7 Learn a typical dialogue to send

parcels or letters. Observe the photo and deduce what is happening. Note

new expressions in notebook. Study dialogue and perform in class.

TD PW CD/Tape SB p.. 51, ex.1-5 WB p.. 34, ex.1-3


8 Increase knowledge regarding

oral expression. Listen to and understand both dialogues. Extract

information and correct incorrect expressions. Translate sentences and do dialogue.

TD T – Ss SB p.. 51, ex.6, 7WB p.. 33, Translation & dictation


9 Accustom students to

understanding general information.

Deduce content of texts from format and title. Study structure of adverts and formal letters. Practise and correct .

Optional activity (all classes): dictation

LT T – Ss SB p.. 52, ex.1-3WB p.. 34, ex.4

TG p.. T52


10 Write a formal letter. Reminder of structure of a formal letter and composition following instructions provided.

LT IW SB p.. 52, ex.4WB p.. 35, ex.5-8


11 Reflect upon children’s rights Read an extract from the declaration of children’s

rights, note new expressions in notebook, Study and complete suggested exercises.

TD PW SB p.s. 98-99, ex.1-9 60’

12 Prepare pupils for the unit test Do Progress Check and resolve any queries.

Vocabulary extension / Grammar extensionTD IW WB p.. 36, ex.1-6

TRB p.s. 94-95


13 Watch a video. Video TD T – SsIW

VAB 60’

14 Assess individual performance of pupils in this unit.

Do unit 5 test. TD IW TRB p.s. 19-21 60’

Approximate duration: 14 sessions de 60 minutos

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1 Anticipate contents of unit .

Learn vocabulary related to global aspects of planet Earth.

Identify main contents of this Unit .

Associate and Memorise vocabulary. Discuss globalisation and pupils’ awareness of it. Study vocabulary , complete exercises and revise.

Extra help with vocabulary Optional activity (all classes): word stress



T – Ss

T – Ss

SB p.s. 53, Unit focus

CD/Tape SB p.. 53, ex.1-4 WB p.. 37, ex.1, 2

TRB p.. 68, ex.1-4TG p.. T53



2 Understand the meaning of the

photo story. Follow the photo story . Observe the photos and discuss

what may be happening. Read and listen to the text. Note new expressions in notebook. Complete exercises and correct.

Optional activity (all classes): Vocabulary


CD/Tape SB p.. 54-55, ex 1-what do you think?

TG p.. T54



Memorise verbs followed by noun.

Differentiate between the sounds and .

Listen to, note and study solutions. Practise expressions in oral and written context. Simultaneous revision.

Simultaneously read and listen to words with the sounds and . Correct pronunciation and clear distinction between sounds.

Optional activity (all classes): tongue twisters


L, S

T – Ss

T – SsIW

CD/Tape ; SB p.. 55, ex.5-6 WB p.. 37, ex.3

CD/Tape SB p.. 55, ex.1-2 TG p.. T55



4 Use will and going to for offers,

promises, predictions and decisions.

Assimilate information contained in Take note! Analyse examples and their meanings. Study differences in each case. Practise and correct exercises.

Optional activity (all classes): will


T – Ss SB p.. 56, ex.1-5WB p.. 38, ex.1-3

TG p.. T56



Contrast will with going to.

Introduce the first conditional.

Study the table Take note! Read Grammar Bank. Identify function of each structure in each case. Complete exercises and correct.

Read and study the table Take note! Consult and discuss Grammar Bank. Practise and correct .

Optional activity (stronger classes): chain sentences



T – SsPW

T – SsIW

SB p.. 57, ex.6, 7, try this!WB p.. 38, ex.4SB p.. 122 Grammar Bank

SB p.. 57, ex.8, 9; WB p.. 39, ex.5, 6SB p.. 122 Grammar BankTG p.. T57



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Make pupils aware of their importance on an individual and group level.

Observe and comment on the photos. Read and listen to the text, reflecting upon contents. Note new expressions. Completion and correction of exercises.

Optional activity (all classes): correct mistakes Optional activity (stronger classes): six questions



SB p.. 58, ex.1-4 CD/Tape WB p.. 39, translation, dictation

TG p.. T58TG p.. T58


7 Talk about possibilities. Ready Listen to the dialogue. Identify theme and

auxiliary verbs. Note new expressions and their meanings. Practise prepared dialogue and other similar ones. Correct in class.

Optional activity (all classes): dialogue


PW CD/Tape , SB p.. 59, ex.1-5 WB p.. 40, ex.1-3

TG p.. T59



Receive and understand information correctly.

Read the task to be completed and suggested answers. Listen to or read text and answer questions .

Extra help with grammar

L IW CD/Tape ; SB p.. 59, ex.6, 7 WB p.. 40-41, ex.4, 5TRB p.. 69, ex.1-6


9 Match contents with subtitles. Read the headings, read the paragraphs, match headings

with paragraphs, complete exercises and revise. Optional activity (all classes): dictation

LT PW SB p.. 60, ex.1, 2WB p.. 41, ex.6, 7TG p.. T60


10 Revise work upon completion. Learn study techniques. Read Take note!, complete tasks, correct and revise.

LT PW, GW SB p.. 60, ex.4WB p.. 41, ex.8


11 Understand the meaning of a


Revise the contents of this unit .

Familiarisation with the text. Associate words, complete exercises and understand Songfile.

Quick completion of Progress Check, consult and revise. Vocabulary extension / Grammar extension




T – SsIW

CD/tape SB p.. 107, ex.1-3

WB p.. 42TRB p.s. 96-97


20’12 Watch a video. Video TD T – Ss


13 Assess pupils’ knowledge . Do test of the unit 6. TD IW TRB p.. 22-24 60’

Approximate duration: 13 sessions of 60 minutes

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1 Revise the vocabulary

introduced in the last three units .

Revise the use of the present perfect and past simple tenses

Revision of vocabulary introduced. Completion and correction of exercises .

Completion of Extra Practice exercises . Correct and resolve any queries .




T – SsIW, PW

SB p.. 61, ex.1-6

SB p.. 119, ex.1-6




Revise the formation of comparative sentences.

Consolidate verbal structures.

Completion of Extra Practice exercises. Correct and resolve any queries .

Practise and compare results with classmates



T – Ss IW, PW

T – SsIW, PW

SB p.. 121, ex.1-6

SB p..62-63, ex.1-11



3 Confirm grammatical contents.

Self-assess progress .

Practise and compare results with classmates

Complete summative exercises to Assess one’s own progress .



T – Ss IW, PW

T – SsIW

SB p.s. 123, ex.1-6

Build up (1-6), SB p.. 64 ex.1-3



4 Assess progress during second term.

Do End-of-term test 2 TD IW TRB p.. 25-27CD/tape


Approximate duration: 4 sessions of 60 minutes

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1 Anticipate contents of unit.

Activate vocabulary related to money.

Familiarisation with and recognition of the items in the unit focus.

Use previous knowledge and write words they know on the board. Observe the photos and match names with pictures . Study and Memorise terms, practise and revise.

Extra help with vocabulary



T – Ss

T – SsIW, PW

SB p.. 65, Unit focus

CD/Tape SB p.. 65, ex.1-3 WB p.. 43, ex.1, 2

TRB p.. 70, ex.1-6



2 Learn vocabulary and new

expressions Observe the photos, formulate hypotheses , Read and

listen to the text, check hypotheses, Completion and correction of exercises .

Optional activity( all classes): words

LT T – Ss CD/Tape SB p.s. 66-67, ex.1-5, what do you think? TG p.. T56



Form adjectives .

Improve pronunciation of short verbs.

Carefully read table Take note! Use the dictionary if possible to check that the words exist. Note new expressions in notebook. Complete exercises and correct.

Repetition of sentences and expressions. Identify and choose verb pronounced.





SB p.. 67, ex.6, 7WB p.. 43, ex.3Dictionary

SB p.. 67, ex.1, 2



4 Study second conditional

sentences. Explain functioning of the structure of the second

conditional. Find examples in the photo story . Analyse verbs used. Study and Memorise the structure . Read the table Take note! Complete exercises and correct.


T – SsIW, PW

SB p.. 68, ex.1-5WB p..44, ex.1, 2


5 Consolidate second conditional

sentences. Revision of the structure of the sentence, Do activities

and correct . Optional activity (stronger classes): five sentences Extra help with grammar


IW, PW SB p.. 69, ex.6, try this!WB p.. 44-45, ex.3-5TG p.. T68TRB p.. 71, ex.1-4


6 Give advice using should. Inroduce examples, careful reading of Take note!

Consult the grammar section . Practise giving advice and correct .

Optional activity (all classes): different options


T – SsIW, PW

SB p.. 69, ex.7, 8WB p.. 45, ex.6, translation, dictation; SB p.. 124, Grammar BankTG p.. T69


7 Answer questions. Observe the photos . Read the sentences. Analyse tenses

with regard to the subject. Read text ,answer questions and correct .

Optional activity (all classes): rewrite a paragraph


PW CD/Tape ; SB p.. 70, ex.1-5 WB p.. 46-47, ex.4, 5

TG p.. T70


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8 Practise dialogues to give

advice. Observe the photo . Carefully read table watch out!

Study and practise the dialogue aloud in class Optional activity (all classes) : disappearing dialogue

LC PW CD/Tape ; SB p.. 71, ex.1-5 WB p.. 46, ex.1-3TG p.. T71



Understand oral information .

Read key words to know the theme of a text.

Listen to the dialogue, twice if possible . Answer questions and check via a third listening.

Quick reading of written text. Find desired information from key words.

Optional activity (all classes): dictation





CD/tape SB p.. 71, ex.6, 7

SB p.. 72, ex.1, 2

TG p.. T72



10 Learn to express reason and

purpose in English. Study connectors because, to and so that and their

function in texts. Understand how they work. Read the table Take note! Practise and correct .

LT T – Ss SB p.. 72, ex.3WB p.. 47, ex.6-8


11 Write a text expressing reasons

and using the second conditional.

Read the sample text. Revise the functioning of the second conditional, prepare outline and write text.

W IW SB p.. 72, ex.4WB p.. 47, ex.9


12 Appreciate the value of money. Reflection upon money and its use. Comparison with

English society. Listen to text and discuss theme.TD PW, GW SB p.s. 100-101, ex.1-7 60’

13 Assess progress made . Do Progress Check, resolve any queries. Vocabulary extension / grammar extension


WB p.. 48, ex.1-5

TRB p.s. 98-99


14 Watch a chapter of the video . Video TD T – SsIW

VAB 60’

15 Evaluate pupils’ performance in this Unit .

Do unit 7 test. TD IW TRB p.s. 28-30 60’

Approximate duration: 15 sessions de 60 minutos

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1 Anticipate contents of unit .

Memorise vocabulary related to materials used to make objects.

Identify headings, anticipate and Find contents of the unit .

Study vocabulary introduced in the Unit. Extension to other subjects. Practise and correct

Optional activity (all classes): Word stress Optional activity (all classes): Guess what it is! Extra help with vocabulary



T – Ss

T – SsGW

SB p.s. 73-80

CD/Tape ; SB p.. 73, ex.1-4 WB p..49, ex.1, 2TG p.. T73TG p.. T73TRB p.. 72, ex.1-5



2 Follow and understand the

meaning of the photo story. Observe the photos . Formulate hypotheses about what

may be happening. Read and listen to the text. Follow the story, Note new vocabulary in notebook , Completion and correction of exercises .

Optional activity (all classes): Words

TD T – Ss CD/Tape SB p.s. 74-75, ex.1- what do you think?

TG p.. T74



Memorise adjectives followed by a preposition.

Optimise pronunciation of the simple past of the verb to be.

Listen to, note and study the adjectives introduced. Practise and revise.

Listen to and repeat the weak forms of the verb to be. Care with the sentences. Careful and precise pronunciation after hearing tape or CD.



T – Ss


SB p.. 75, ex.5-6WB p..49, ex.3

CD/Tape SB p.. 75, ex.1-2



4 Activate the passive voice in the

present and past using models. Study examples, infer functioning, of the rule and the

structure of sentences in passive voice. Carefully read table Take note!. Practise and correct .


T – Ss SB p.. 76, ex.1-4WB p..50, ex.1-3



Practice the passive voice in simple structures.

Revise functioning of the passive voice. Consult the grammar section . Complete and correct exercises .

Optional activity (all classes): write sentences Optional activity(all classes): eight quiz questions Extra help with grammar


T – Ss SB p.. 77, ex.5, Try this!WB p..51, translationSB p.. 126, Grammar BankTG p.. T76TG p.. T77TRB p.. 73, ex.1-5


6 Identify pronouns in relative

clauses. Read the examples. Observe the structure and

functioning of relative clauses. Memorise the pronouns. Read and study of the grammar section . Practise and correct collectively.


T – Ss SB p.. 77, ex.6-8WB p.. 51, ex.4-5, dictationSB p.. 126, Grammar Bank


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7 Agree upon questions

formulated. Read the tasks. Structured discussion giving reasons for

defending one option or the other. Read and listen to the text Complete activities and correct .

Optional activity (all classes): correct false sentences

LC GW CD/Tape SB p.. 78, ex.1-4

TG p.. T78


8 Practise dialogues for using

means of transport. Observe the photo. Deduce what is happening.

Imaginary situation. Note new vocabulary in notebook . practise dialogues and revise.

Optional activity (all classes): Disappearing dialogue.

LC PW CD/Tape SB p.. 79, ex.1-5 WB p.. 52, ex.1-3TG p.. T79


9 Understand oral information .

Understand written information.

Understand basic information and decide which option is correct.

Read text, answer questions and correct .





SB p.. 79, ex.6, 7

WB p.. 52-53, ex.4, 5



10 Obtain essential information

from a written text. Understand tasks to be completed. Read text. Situation of

main indicators. Memorise the structure of the text. Answer questions and correct .


T – Ss SB p.. 80, ex.1, 2 60’


Contrast too and either.

Write a description .

Study Take note! and examples provided Explain on the board. Practise and correct .

Optional activity (all classes): Dictation

Produce original text using ideas presented in text.



T – Ss


SB p.. 80, ex.3, 4WB p.. 53, ex.6, 7TG p.. T80

SB p.. 80, ex.5WB p.. 53, ex.8



12 Complete the lyrics of a song.

Make note of contents learnt and errors.

Read and listen to the lyrics of a song . Correction of sentences and recognition of meanings. Overall comprehension and correction .

Do progress check of the unit . Vocabulary extension / grammar extension





CD/tape SB p.. 108, ex.1-3, songfile

WB p.. 54, ex.1-5 TRB p.s.100-101



13 Watch a chapter of the video . Video TD T – SsIW

VAB 60’

14 Evaluate pupils’ performance in this Unit .

Do test of the unit 8. TD IW TRB p.s. 31-33 60’

Approximate duration: 14 sessions of 60 minutes

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1 Anticipate the contents of this unit .

Study vocabulary related to gestures

Find contents listed and discover what may be studied.

Identify vocabulary and match with pictures. Study words and complete sentences.

Extra help with vocabulary.



T – Ss


SB p.. 81, Unit focus

CD/Tape ; SB p.. 81, ex.1-3 WB p.. 55, ex.1TRB p.. 74, ex.1-5



2 Discover the end of the photo

story. Observe the photos, Comment on what has happened

prior to this Unit . Hypothesise regarding how it ends . Read and listen to text and complete exercises . Collective correction .

Optional activity (all classes): five sentences

LT T – Ss CD/Tape SB p.s. 82-83, ex.1-5, what do you think?

TG p.. T82


3 Internalise the meaning of

verbs followed by preposition.

Pronounce verses with correct rhythm.

Explain collocations and verbs followed by preposition. Practise and correct.

vocabulary extension

Listen to, read, complete and repeat each verse of the poem as correctly as possible.



T – Ss


SB p.. 83, ex.6-8WB p.. 55, ex.2TRB p.. 102, ex.1-4

CD/Tape SB p.. 83, ex.1, 2



4 Contrast reported speech with

direct speech. Observe, study and comprehend the functioning of

reported speech. Read the table Take note! Paying particular attention to table watch out! Note basic exceptions to reported speech in notebook. Completion and correction of exercises .


T – Ss SB p.. 84, ex.1-4WB p.. 56, ex.1-3


5 Memorise the changes involved

in reported speech. Read and study in the grammar section the changes

involved in reported speech. Practice and collective correction.

Optional activity (all classes): reported speech Grammar extension.


PW SB p.. 85. ex.5- try this!WB p.. 57, ex.4- translationSB p.. 128, Grammar BankTG p.. T85TRB p.. 103, ex.1-4


6 Compare the gestures we make

when speaking according to our cultural background.

Reflection upon our behaviour whilst speaking. Read text, complete and correct exercises .

Optional activity (all classes): correct the sentences.

LC PW SB p.. 86, ex.1-5WB p.. 57 dictationTG p.. T86


7 Speak about plans. Read and listen to dialogue. Note new vocabulary in

notebook and study. Practise writing dialogues and perform if possible .

Optional activity (all classes): disappearing dialogue

LT T – Ss CD/Tape SB p.. 87, ex.1-5 WB p.. 58, ex.1-3TG p.. T87


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8 Recognise basic information in

a conversation .

Understand a letter.

Listen to conversation carefully to obtain desired information. Confirm and check details to correct sentences .

Read text and answer questions .





SB p.. 87, ex.6, 7 CD/Tape

WB p.. 58-59, ex.4, 5



9 Learn to write informal letters. Observe layout of formal letter. Analyse vocabulary of

greetings and farewells. Practise and correct .LT IW SB p.. 88, ex.1-4

WB p.. 59, ex.6-860’

10 Learn more information about Europe.

Information about the European Union. Do quiz and learn about member countries.

LC PW SB p.s. 102-103 ex.1-7 60’

11 Assess one’s own progress . Do Progress Check and resolve any queries.

Optional activity (all classes) : dictationLT IW WB p.. 60, ex.1-6

SB p.. 81, ex.6-8TG p.. T88


12 Watch part of a video. Video TD T – SsIW

VAB 60’

13 Assess knowledge acquired in the unit.

Do test of the unit 9. TD IW TRB p.. 34-36 60’

Approximate duration: 13 sessions of 60 minutes.

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1 Revise the vocabulary

introduced in the previous three units .

Revise the second conditional and how to give advice.

Revision of vocabulary introduced . Completion and correction of exercises .

Completion of Extra Practice exercises . Correct and resolve any queries .




T – SsIW, PW

SB p.. 89, ex.1-6

SB p.. 125, ex.1-5




Revise the use of pronouns in relative clauses.

Consolidate grammatical contents .

Completion of Extra Practice exercises . Correct and resolve any queries .

Practise and compare results with classmates



T – Ss IW, PW

T – SsIW, PW

SB p.. 127, ex.1-6; p..129, ex.1-6

SB p.. 90-91, ex.1-5



3 Revise reported speehe.

Self-assess progress .

Practise and compare results with classmates

Complete summative exercises to Assess one’s own progress .



T – Ss IW, PW

T – SsIW

SB p.s. 91, ex.6-8

Build up (1-9), SB p.. 92 ex.1-3



4 Assess progress throughout the year.

Do End-of-year test 1 or 2 TD IW TRB p.s. 37-42CD/ tape


Approximate duration: 4 sessions of 60 minutes .

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