Program Administration Memorandum (PAM) Volume 4 - … · 2014-09-29 · Program Administration...

Program Administration Memorandum (PAM) Volume 4 - Supplementary Appendixes The program administration memorandum is an active document, progressively updated and revised as necessary, particularly following any changes in project or program costs, scope, or implementation arrangements. This document, however, may not reflect the latest project or program changes. Ministry of Public Works BAPPENAS State Ministry of Environment Ministry of Health Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Forestry Project Number: 37049 Multitranche Financing Facility (MFF) Number 0027 Loans: 2500 - INO OCR (Registration Number: 10788801) 2501 - INO ADF (Registration Number: 10789501) Technical Assistance 7189 - INO Global Environment Facility Grant 2 September 2009 Republic of Indonesia: Integrated Citarum Water Resources Management Investment Program

Transcript of Program Administration Memorandum (PAM) Volume 4 - … · 2014-09-29 · Program Administration...

Page 1: Program Administration Memorandum (PAM) Volume 4 - … · 2014-09-29 · Program Administration Memorandum (PAM) Volume 4 - Supplementary Appendixes The program administration memorandum

Program Administration Memorandum (PAM) Volume 4 - Supplementary Appendixes

The program administration memorandum is an active document, progressively updated and revised as necessary, particularly following any changes in project or program costs, scope, or implementation arrangements. This document, however, may not reflect the latest project or program changes.

Ministry of Public Works

BAPPENAS State Ministry of Environment Ministry of Health Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Forestry

Project Number: 37049 Multitranche Financing Facility (MFF) Number 0027 Loans: 2500 - INO OCR (Registration Number: 10788801)

2501 - INO ADF (Registration Number: 10789501) Technical Assistance 7189 - INO Global Environment Facility Grant 2 September 2009 Republic of Indonesia: Integrated Citarum Water Resources Management Investment Program

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CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS (as of 19 June 2008)

Currency Unit – Indonesian rupiah (IDR)

IDR1.00 = $0.00011 $1.00 = IDR 9,300




ABBREVIATIONS ADB – Asian Development Bank ADF – Asian Development Fund AMAP – adaptation and mitigation action plan AWP – annual work plan BAPPENAS – National Planning and Development Agency BBWSC – Balai Besar Wilayah Sungai Citarum BER – bid evaluation report BPKP – Badan Pengawasan Keuangan and Pembangunan CCAM – climate change adaptation and mitigation CDD – community driven development CRB – Citarum River basin CSO – civil society organization CSP – country strategy and program CSR – corporate social responsibility DGSP – Directorate General of Spatial Planning DGWR – Directorate General of Water Resources DMF – design and monitoring framework DMI – domestic, manufacturing, and industrial DWRI Directorate of Water Resources and Irrigation DWRM Directorate of Water Resources Management EA – executing agency EARF – environmental assessment and review framework EIA – environmental impact assessment EIRR – economic internal rate of return FFA – framework financing agreement FMS – financial management system GDP – gross domestic product GEF – Global Environmental Facility GIS – geographic information system GOI – Governement of Indonesia IA – implementing agency ICB – international competitive bidding IDR – iindonesian rupiah IEE – initial environmental examination IMEU – independent monitoring and evaluation unit IP – investment program IPPMS – investment program performance management system IPS – international person staff IWRM – integrated water resources management JSM – Java spatial model

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LIBOR – London interbank offered rate LIFS – loan information financial system MCV – model conservation village MDG – Millennium Development Goal MFF – multitranche financing facility MIS – management information system MOA – Ministry of Agriculture MOE – Ministry of Environment MOF – Ministry of Finance MOFr – Ministry of Forestry MOH – Ministry of Health MPW – Ministry of Public Works NCB – national competitive bidding NGO – non government organization NPS – national person staff NSCWR – National Steering Committee for Water Resources OCR – ordinary capital resources PA – protected area PCMU – program coordination and management unit PFR – periodic financing request PIU – project implementation unit PJT 2 – Perum Jasa Tirta 2 (CRB operator) PPTA – project preparation technical assistance RBO – river basin organization RCMU – road map coordination and management unit RCWR – Research Center for Water Resources RDA – Research Development Agency RP – resettlement plan RPMS – road map performance management system SEA – strategic environmental assessment SOE – statement of expenditure SRC – staff review committee SRI – system rice intensification TA – technical assistance TACC – technical assistance coordination committee USD – United States Dollar WFPF – Water Financing Partnership Facility WRC – water resources council WRM – water resources management WTC – West Tarum Canal ADB – Asian Development Bank ADF – Asian Development Fund AMAP – adaptation and mitigation action plan AWP – annual work plan BAPPENAS – National Planning and Development Agency BBWSC – Balai Besar Wilayah Sungai Citarum BER – bid evaluation report BPKP – Badan Pengawasan Keuangan and Pembangunan CCAM – climate change adaptation and mitigation CDD – community driven development CRB – Citarum River basin CSO – civil society organization

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CSP – country strategy and program CSR – corporate social responsibility DGSP – Directorate General of Spatial Planning DGWR – Directorate General of Water Resources DMF – design and monitoring framework DMI – domestic, manufacturing, and industrial DWRI Directorate of Water Resources and Irrigation DWRM Directorate of Water Resources Management EA – executing agency EARF – environmental assessment and review framework EIA – environmental impact assessment EIRR – economic internal rate of return FFA – framework financing agreement FMS – financial management system GDP – gross domestic product GEF – Global Environmental Facility GIS – geographic information system GOI – Governement of Indonesia IA – implementing agency ICB – international competitive bidding IDR – iindonesian rupiah IEE – initial environmental examination IMEU – independent monitoring and evaluation unit IP – investment program IPPMS – investment program performance management system IPS – international person staff IWRM – integrated water resources management JSM – Java spatial model LIBOR – London interbank offered rate LIFS – loan information financial system MCV – model conservation village MDG – Millennium Development Goal MFF – multitranche financing facility MIS – management information system MOA – Ministry of Agriculture MOE – Ministry of Environment MOF – Ministry of Finance MOFr – Ministry of Forestry MOH – Ministry of Health MPW – Ministry of Public Works NCB – national competitive bidding NGO – non government organization NPS – national person staff NSCWR – National Steering Committee for Water Resources OCR – ordinary capital resources PA – protected area PCMU – program coordination and management unit PFR – periodic financing request PIU – project implementation unit PJT 2 – Perum Jasa Tirta 2 (CRB operator) PPTA – project preparation technical assistance RBO – river basin organization

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RCMU – road map coordination and management unit RCWR – Research Center for Water Resources RDA – Research Development Agency RP – resettlement plan RPMS – road map performance management system SEA – strategic environmental assessment SOE – statement of expenditure SRC – staff review committee SRI – system rice intensification TA – technical assistance TACC – technical assistance coordination committee USD – United States Dollar WFPF – Water Financing Partnership Facility WRC – water resources council WRM – water resources management WTC – West Tarum Canal

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GLOSSARY integrated water resources management (IWRM)1

– IWRM is a process to promote coordinated development and management of water, land and related resources in river basins, to maximize the economic benefits and social welfare in an equitable manner without compromising the sustainability of vital ecosystems. IWRM therefore focuses on delivering a triple bottom line of economic, social, and environmental benefits that result from an integrated approach.

river basin organization (RBO)

– A general term referring to any government organization with a mandate in water resources development and/or management with responsibilities covering a single or group of rivers.

balai besar (Balai Besar Wilayah Sungai Citarum-BBWSC)

– A central government river basin organization with a broad mandate that includes aspects of water resource planning, development and management operating within a defined river basin territorial area covering either a single large river catchment or group of smaller river catchments. BBWSC operates in the Citarum River Basin territory.

6 Ci’s River Basin Territory (see Map 1)

– River basin territory comprising three river basin organizations Balai Besar Citarum, Balai Besar Ciliwung-Cisadane, and Balai Besar Cidanau-Ciujung-Cidurian located in West Java, DKI-Jakarta, and Banten Provinces, and including the metropolitan conurbation of Jabodetabek as shown in Map 1.

Perum Jasa Tirta II (PJT-II)

– State owned corporation with a water infrastructure management mandate, operating in the Citarum River Basin

District or local government – The third tier of government below, although independent from, provincial and national governments

Regional government – General term referring to provincial and/or district governments Roadmap – The Roadmap is essentially a strategically planned program of

interventions that will, if successfully implemented by stages, lead to the achievement of the agreed vision through stakeholder consultations

Jabodetabek – The greater Jakarta metropolitan area known as (Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi) and its surrounding area

Pola – A water resources management strategic plan which is the basic framework for planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation for water resources conservation, utilization and control.

Rencana – A comprehensive and integrated water resources management plan required for the implementation of water resources management.

Tugas Pembantuan or Co-administered Task

An assignment from (i) the central government to a region and/or a district, (ii) the provincial government to a district/city, with the obligation to report and account for the implementation of the assignment to the central government or the provincial government.

1ADB. 2006. Water Financing Program 2006-2010 Helping to Introduce IWRM in 25 River Basins in the Asia-Pacific Region. Manila. Available at:

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6. Terms of Reference for Project 1 Sub Components

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Supplementary Appendix 6 - Terms of Reference for Project 1 Sub Components 1.1 - Roadmap Management 1.2 - Roadmap Institutional Strengthening (TA A1) 1.3 - Institutional Strengthening for IWRM in 6 Ci’s River Basin Territory (TA B1) 1.4 - Spatial Planning for The 6 CIs River Basin Territory (TA B2) 2.1 - West Tarum Canal Rehabilitation Project 2.2 - Improved Land and Water Management 2.3 - Support for Community and CSO Driven Initiatives for Improved Water Supply and Sanitation 2.6 - Detailed Engineering Design for Upgrading Bandung Water Sources 3.1 - Development of Key Policies and Strategies for Water Resources Management in CRB (TA B3) 4.1 - Development and Implementation of a Basin River Quality Improvement Strategy and Action Plans 5.1 - Upper Citarum Basin Flood Management (TA C1) 5.2 – Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation (TA E1) 7.1 - Decision Support System for Integrated Water Resources Management in Citarum River Basin (TA D1) 8.1 - Program Management 8.2 - Independent Monitoring and Evaluation

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Supplementary Appendix 6 - Terms of Reference for Project 1 Sub Component 1.1 - Roadmap Management

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Terms of Reference for Project 1 Sub Component 1.1 1






















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Terms of Reference for Project 1 Sub Component 1.1 2


ADB ‐AsianDevelopmentBank

AWP ‐AnnualWorkPlan

Bappeda  ‐ Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah 

Bappenas  ‐ Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional 

BBWSC   ‐ Balai Besar Wilayah Sungai Citarum 

BPLHD   ‐Badan Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hudup Daerah 

CDD ‐CommunityDrivenDevelopment

CDM ‐CleanDevelopmentMechanism

CRB ‐CitarumRiverBasin

CSO ‐CivilSocietyOrganization

CSP ‐CountryStrategyandProgram

CSR ‐CorporateSocialResponsibility

DGSP ‐DirectorateGeneralofSpatialPlanning

DGWR ‐DirectorateGeneralofWaterResources

DCS ‐DocumentControlSystem

DSS ‐DecisionSupportSystem

EA ‐ExcecutingAgency

GIS ‐GeographicInformationSystem

GN‐KPA  ‐ Gerakan Nasional Kemitraan Penyelamatan Air 

GOI ‐GovermentOfIndonesia

ICWRMIP ‐IntegratedCitarumWaterResourcesManagementInvestmentProgram

ICWRM ‐IntegratedCitarumWaterResourcesManagement

IWRM ‐IntegratedWaterResourcesManagement


M&E ‐MonitoringandEvaluation

MFF ‐MultitrancheFinancingFacility

MIS ‐ManagementInformationSystem

MOE ‐MinistryofEnvironment

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Terms of Reference for Project 1 Sub Component 1.1 3

NGO ‐NonGovernmentalOrganization

NSCWR ‐NationalSteeringCommitteeonWaterResources

OPM ‐OfficeProceduresManual

PAM ‐ProgramAdministrationMemorandum

PCMU ‐ProjectCoordinationandManagementUnit

PIU ‐ProjectImplementingUnit

PPMS ‐ProgramPerformanceMonitoringandReportingSystem

PPP ‐PublicPrivatePartnership

P1 ‐Project1

P2 ‐Project2

QA ‐QualityAssurance

QC ‐QualityControl

QMM ‐QualityManagementManual

RCMU ‐RoadmapCoordinationandManagementUnit

TA ‐TechnicalAssistance

TOR ‐TermofReference

WTC ‐WestTarumCanal

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Terms of Reference for Project 1 Sub Component 1.1 4


1. Background;2. ObjectivesandScopeofWork;

3. ConsultantDetailedTasks;

4. OrganizationandManagement;5. TimeSchedule;6. GeneralReportingRequirement;7. PersonnelDutiesandQualification;

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Terms of Reference for Project 1 Sub Component 1.1 5

Terms of Reference for the 



1. Water resources of the rivers and groundwater systems in the Citarum River Basin are critical tosocialandeconomicdevelopmentof thecountry.Theyareessential forurbanand industrialdevelopment(particularly in Jabodetabek andBandungareas) includingexport industry, agricultural production throughmajor irrigation systems, rural water supplies, electricity generation through hydropower, and fisheries.Whilewater resourcesof theCitarumRiverBasinare relativelyabundant, competition for these resourceshasincreasedsignificantlyoverthepast20yearsleadingtoasituationofacutewaterstressanddepletionofaquifers in some places. Rapid urbanization has significantly increased the exposure to flood risk.Environmentaldegradationhasreachedalevelthatcompromisespublichealthandlivelihoods,particularlyfortheurbanandruralpoor,andincursadditionaleconomicandfinancialcostsrelatedtothesourceofbulkwatersupplyanditstreatment.

2. AmanagementfocusonIntegratedWaterResourcesManagement(IWRM)andsustainabilityofthewater resource has been emphasized in the 2004Water Law. TheWater Law introduces the concept ofmanagement within the boundaries of a river basin and reflects the principles of decentralization anddevolvementofauthoritytolocallevelsaspromotedbytheprogramofregionalautonomy.Preparationsforitsimplementationareatapreliminarystage.3. Water has been a major area of the Asian Development Bank’s (ADB) assistance to Indonesia,totalingover$1.5billioninloansandTechnicalAssistance(TA).Improvingsustainableuseofwaterresourcesin‐linewith the ADB “Water for All” policy, togetherwith a strong commitment to build capacity of localgovernment agencies, are key elements of ADB’s operational partnership. In particular this partnershipstresses the need to continue implementation of policy reforms, overcome weak coordination amongagencies, and develop guidance for cooperativeworking. Sustainability of economic growth and pro‐poordevelopment are key pillars of the Country Strategy and Program (CSP) that will be complemented bystrengtheningcapacityforIWRMinthebasin.4. A “Road map” (Strategic investment plan) has been prepared for basin‐wide IWRM based on a“Vision” of basin stakeholder for Government and community working together for clean, healthy andproductive catchments and rivers, bringing sustainable benefits to all people of the Citarum River Basin(CRB).5. The said Road map is essentially a planned program of interventions that will, if successfullyimplemented,leadtotheachievementofthevision.Inmanycases,projectstobeincludedintheroadmaphadalreadybeenidentifiedbypreviousstudies.Inothercases,itbecameapparentthatinterventionswererequiredthathadnotbeenidentifiedpreviously,butwillbeessentialforachievingtheobjectives.Atotalofalmost 80 interventions were identified in the Road map, with a total base cost of around $3.5 billion,proposedfora15yeartimeframe.6. Strongcoordinationamong the implementingagencies is required,alongwitheffectivemonitoringandreportingmechanismstoallowGovernmentofIndonesia(GOI)andfundingagenciestoensurethatthefunds are being disbursed in accordance with the plans and in a timely way. The information exchangeamong the implementing agencies, and other basin stakeholders, including communities, Civil SocietyOrganizations (CSOs)andtheprivatesector,will improveperformanceoverall,andminimizewastedeffortcausedbyoverlaps.

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Terms of Reference for Project 1 Sub Component 1.1 6

OBJECTIVES 7. The objective of these Services is to support the Roadmap Coordination and Management Unit(RCMU)toensureeffectiveandtimely investments intheCitarumRiverBasinwithintheframeworkoftheRoadMap.TheRCMUistheProjectImplementationUnit(PIU)forthiscomponentwithintheDirectorateofWaterand Irrigation,NationalDevelopmentPlanningAgency/Bappenas. It isexpectedthat theConsultingServicesoutputswillbeasdescribedinTable1.8. The RCMU will: (i) ensure effective coordination among road map component projects, (ii) buildknowledge and capacity for River Basin focusedon IWRMplanning andprogramming and sharewith CRBstakeholders and other Basins in Indonesia, (iii) ensure that funding is available in a timely and effectivemannerto implementsubprojectsonschedule,(iv)facilitateconsultationswithstakeholders,(v) liaisewithbilateral and multilateral donors, the private sector &CSO/communities, (vi) coordinate of planning andprogrammingwithgovernmentplanningagencies&sectoralagenciesatnational,provincialanddistrict(vii)Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) of the road map implementation performance focusing on impact andoutcome,(viii)review&coordinateprogrammingoffundsforroadmapprioritizationofactivitiesundertheMultitrancheFinancingFacility(MFF)andnon‐MFFfundingsources.9. In general, the Consulting Serviceswill increase the capacity & capability of the RCMU aswell assupport the following activities: (i). To have effective Roadmaporganizational frameworks, clearly definedresponsibilities andworking partnershipswith other stakeholdersin place for the CRB, encompassing both‘in‐stream’and‘off‐stream’aspects.(ii).Tohaveaneffectiveroadmapplanningcoordinationmechanismforwater resources management. (iii). To have a harmonious and comprehensive legal framework withcoordinated role sharing, adequately financed for effective water resources management. (iv). To havetransparent, effective& holisticwater resources planningmechanisms financed in an effective and timelymannerwith linkages to spatial planning, and inclusive of stakeholder needs and aspirations. (v). SupportagenciesconcernedwithCitarumwatermanagementtohaveaccess&fundingtoappropriatetechnologyforeffectiveandsustainablewater resourcemanagement. (vi). SupportandassistdecisionmakersofCitarumriver basin related institutions, technical experts and other key stakeholders to have the knowledge andcapacitytoeffectivelycarryouttheirresponsibilitieswithregardtowaterresourcesplanning,programmingandmanagementasdescribedintheRoadMap.

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Terms of Reference for Project 1 Sub Component 1.1 7

Table 1 ‐ Expected RCMU Outputs and Schedule1  


Expected Outputs of Consulting Services for The CRB RCMU 


Current Status 


Expected Completion Schedule 

(i) CRBstakeholdersmappingincludingGovernmentagencies,CSOsandprivatesectoratnational,provincialanddistrictlevels;

(ii) GeographicdatabaseforCRBplanningandIntegratedCitarumWaterResources Management Investment Program (ICWRMIP)implementation;

(iii) RoadmapImplementationGuidelinesandProceduresManual;(iv) Roadmapmediacommunicationplan;(v) DatabaseforRoadmapimplementationactivities;(vi) AnnualWorkProgramforRCMUactivities;(vii) Identifyandassistwith themanagementofgrant fundinge.g.Clean

Development Mechanism (CDM), Corporate Social Responsibility(CSR), bilateral and multilateral agency for assisting Road mapimplementation;

(viii) Work with Project Coordination and Management Unit (PCMU)provincialagencies reviewthe inventoryof thecurrent largegroundwater users in CRB and engage in dialogue for surface waterreplacementschemes;

(ix) Prepare a plan defining synergy between Communities, NonGovernmental Organization (NGOs), and public sector agencies inCRB;

(x) Update program implementation procedures and quality assuranceprocesses;

(xi) ReviewoftheprioritizationofactivitiesMFFandotherfunding;(xii) PPPinitiativesdevelopmentstrategyforCRB;(xiii) Review provincial and district government project funding

mechanismsandselectactivitiesforMFFfunding;(xiv) Review of the Road map priority activities in accordance with pola

andrencanaandthefundingGaps;(xv) RoadmapprogressreportsforsubmissiontotheGovernment&ADB;(xvi) Plandefining synergybetweenpublic andprivate sector partners in

CRB;(xvii) Review of the mechanisms of implementation and lessons learned

fromProject1(P1);(xviii) Review andmonitorGerakan Nasional  Kemitraan  Penyelamatan  Air 


InitiatedI. II. InitiatedIII. Drafted1.

Year1IV. V. Year1

VI. Year1Year1

ContinuouslyAnnuallyVII. VIII.

Year11. 2. 3. Year2

IX. Annually

1. Year2Year2Year2

X. Continuously

1. AnnuallyYear3


2. Year3



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Terms of Reference for Project 1 Sub Component 1.1 8


10. Inordertofulfilltheobjectives,thefollowingmainactivities(detailtask)willbeundertaken:

 1. Coordination among Road Map Component Projects. 

 11. Coordinationamongcomponentprojectswillincludethefollowingactivities:(i)Preparestakeholdermapping includingGovernmentagencies,CSOsandprivatesectoratnational,provincialanddistrict levels,(ii)Facilitateforcoordinationamongsectorsatnational,provincialanddistrictlevels(verticalandhorizontalintegrationofagencies),(iii)FortheInvestmentProgram,assisttheRCMUindefiningthetaskofeachprojectimplementing agencies, (iv) Facilitate for coordinating loan allocations and support RCMU InvestmentProgram budgeting process, (v) Prepare inventories overlap of tasks, gaps, and facilitate role sharingarrangementsamonggovernmentagenciesandotherstakeholders(RoadmapandInvestmentProgram),(vi)AssistRCMUtodisseminateandfollowupkeyissuestoBappedaatProvincialandDistrictlevelsandacrossBappenasSectoralDivisions,(vii)AssistRCMUforthepreparationofAnnualWorkProgram,(viii)Preparationfor endorsement of theMFF activities, (ix) Prepare an interagency coordination mechanism (Central andRegionalGovernance)informulatingtheInvestmentProgram,(x)Assistthepolicyandprogramcoordinationrelated to ICWRMIP‐P1 program implementation, (xi) Facilitate coordination of Road map Mid‐termdevelopment Plans and monitor forward budget planning at National, provincial and district level. (xii)Identify potential non‐government funding sources (loans and grants) for Roadmap implementation (xiii)Identify grant funding e.g CDM, CSR, bilateral and multilateral agency for assisting Road mapimplementation,(xiv)SupporttheimplementationofRCMUAWP.

2. Studies, Dialogue and Preparation for Future Projects Implementation.   12. Studies, dialogue and preparation for future projects implementation will include the followingactivities: (i) Review prioritization of activities MFF and other funding, (ii) Review the establishment ofprovincial anddistrict governmentproject fundingmechanisms and select activities forMFF andnon‐MFFfunding, (iii) Assist consultations with stakeholders and planners under RCMU coordination, (iv) Reviewpriority activities in accordancewithRencana and fundingGaps, (v) Facilitate the formulationof Project 2conceptactivitiesandProjectImplementingUnit(PIUs)andthosedelayedactivitiesforfutureProjects,(vi)Reviewmechanismsof implementationand lessons learnedfromP1, (vii)Updateprogramimplementationproceduresandquality assuranceprocesses,(viii)UpdatethroughRCMUmanagementinformationsystemfundingprioritiesandgapsfortheRencana(ix)Reviewbudgetsallocationsforsectoralagencyplanningandfeasibilitystudiesdetaileddesign,andadvancepreparation(e.g.environmentalandsocialsafeguards)forRoadmapsubprojects. 

3. Support to the RCMU and its Secretariat Operation.   13. Support to theRCMUand itsSecretariatoperationwill includethe followingactivities: (i)Organizeroutinemeetings,(ii)AssistRCMUforthepreparationofpolicyissuespapersincludingfollowupactionaftermeetings,(iii)SupportthemanagementofRoadmapplanningandimplementationincludingM&Ereporting(vi)ProvidebriefingnotesforandfacilitateNSCWRroutineinvolvementinICWRMIPimplementation. 

4. Funding Allocations Management.  14. Support funding allocations management activities will include (i) Establishment of a fundingdatabase forRoadmap implementation, (ii)Assist inplanningandmanagementof fundingallocations inatimelycoordinatedwayacrossAgencies,includingRPJMmonitoringandcoordination,BlueandGreenbookmanagement, AWPs etc(iii) Facilitate the funding allocations coordination with regional Bappeda, (iv)

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Terms of Reference for Project 1 Sub Component 1.1 9

Supportliaisonwithbilateralandmultilateraldonors,(v)Assistinevaluationoffundinggapsandassessmentof the effect on Road map implementation, (vi) Support financial awareness and fund raising lobbyinginitiative, (vii)MonitoringandevaluatetheeffectivenessofcommunityandCorporateSocialResponsibility(CSR)financingandpromoteappropriateCSRactioninCRB,(viii) Identifyandfacilitatethedevelopmentofprivate sector funding inputs to the Roadmap (ix) identify and facilitate the development of communitydrivendevelopmentandfinancingforRoadmapimplementation,and(x)developmechanismsforevaluationofmosteffectfinancingandimplementationarrangementsforcostefficientRoadmapimplementation. 

5. Assistance with Capacity Building for Road map Management.  15. Assistance with capacity building for Road map management activities will cover planning,programming,finance,budgeting,GOIandADBpolicy. 

6. Coordination  and  Synergetic  Planning  of  ICWRMIP  Initiatives  with  Other  National  and  Regional Governments, Private Sector (CSR) and/or CSOs.  

16. Coordination and synergetic planning of ICWRMIP initiatives with other national and regionalgovernments,PrivateSectorCSR,orCSOsactivitieswillinclude(i)CoordinatetheRoadmapamongprogramin ICWRMIPP1withanotherprograminitiatives, (ii)ReviewandmonitorGN‐KPAimplementingmodels(orsimilarinitiatives)andidentifyanysynergiesandcollaborativeactivitieswiththeRoadmapimplementation,(iii) review, monitor and synergize national programs with provincial and district level activities andinvestmentsinthesection. 

7. Development of Road map Data and Information System.  17. Development of Roadmap data and information system activitieswill include (i)working in closecoordination with Executing Agency (EA), PCMU and coordination with Directorate General of SpatialPlanning(DGSP)todevelopanintegratedManagementInformationSystem(MIS)forCRB(ii)collectspatialplanningdatainrelatedagencies,(iii)Designadedicatedgeographicdatabaseforexistingfacilitiesagenciescoordination,ongoingandproposedprojects(includinggovernment,CSOsandCSRsinitiatives)forDecisionSupport System (DSS) forplanningpurposes including spatialplanningdata, (iv) IntegrateanddisseminatethroughInternetinformationrelatedtoprojectplanningandspatialplanning. 

8. Identification and Development of Private Sector Investment Opportunities.  18. Identificationanddevelopmentofprivate sector investmentopportunities activitieswill include (i)Identify specific private sector investment opportunities onwater resources infrastructure andwatershedconservationinCRB,(ii)PrepareaplandefiningsynergybetweenpublicandprivatesectorpartnersinCRB,(iii)PreparePPPprojects forCitarum, (iv) Identifyprivate sectorpartners inCRB, (v)workwithPCMUandprovincial agencies review the inventory of the current large ground water users in CRB and engage indialogue for surfacewater replacement schemes, (vi)work jointlywith PCMUandBPHLD/MOE review aninventoryofthecurrentlargeprivatesectorpollutersandengageindialogueforwastewatertreatment.

9. Identification and Development of Community Lead Investment Opportunities.  

19. Identification and development of community driven development investment opportunitiesactivities working closely with local CSOs will include (i) Identify specific Community Driven Development(CDD)investmentopportunitiestargeting(butnotlimitedto)waterresourcesandenvironmentalprotectionkeyareasinCRB,(ii)PrepareaplandefiningsynergybetweenCommunitiesNGOsandpublicsectoragenciesinCRB,(iii)FacilitatepreparationofCDDprojectsforCitarum,(v)IdentifykeyNGOandCSOpartnersinCRB,

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Terms of Reference for Project 1 Sub Component 1.1 10

(iv) developCDDproject selection criteria andopen and transparent CSO ledmechanisms for selectionofCDD initiatives for funding, (v)withCSOsand local governmentagencies, designmechanism for technicalreview and supervision of CSO initiatives using the provisional sum budget (vi) provide training inadministration and management of CSO funds , (vii) develop management mechanisms and trainingprograms for CDD activities (viii) identify and facilitate the design of media material to support CDD (ix)identifyanddevelopsustainablefundingmechanismsfromgovernmentandnon‐government(philanthropic,CDM, PES…etc) for long term expansion of CDD activities, (x) identify howCDDmechanisms can bemorewidely used in government programs to increase impacts and cost effectiveness of IWRMactivities (xi) InclosecoordinationwithProvincialGovernmentidentifycurrentlargegroundwaterusersinCRBandengageindialogueforsurfacewaterreplacementschemes,(xii)InclosecoordinationwithBPLHDidentifythecurrentlargecommunitypollutersandengageindialogueforwastewatertreatmentAnd(xiii)developalongtermfundingmechanismsforexpandingCSOsinEnvironmentalProtectionandWaterservicesintheCitarumRiverBasin 

10. Road map Media communication Plan, Information Dissemination and Implementation.  20. Roadmapmediacommunicationplan,informationdisseminationandimplementationactivitieswillinclude(i)Prepareand introducearoadmapmediacommunicationplanrelatedto ICWRMIPP1andRoadmap implementation in close collaborationwithPCMU, (ii) Execute themediaplan for theRoadmap, (iii)disseminate the overall ICWRMIP P1 performance through internet and other communication mediaplatformsasappropriate. 

11. Quality Assurance Systems.  21. Quality assurance systems activities will include (i) Implement in RCMU and support PIU’simplementation of performance management using modern practices for quality management anddocument control including Office Procedures Manual (OPM), Document Control System (DCS), QualityManagement Manual (QMM), (ii) Provide oversight monitoring and evaluation of results based outputsQualityControl(QC)/QualityAssurance(QA)activitiesonprogramservices,assessvalueofoutputsforgiveninputsandbuildlessonslearnedintonewactivitiesandongoingprograms,(iii)ProvideoversightmonitoringandevaluationofResultsBasedOutputsQC/QAactivitiesonphysicalworksassessvalueofoutputsforgiveninputsandbuildlessonslearnedintonewactivitiesandongoingprograms,

12. Preparation of Parallel Road map Activities.  22. Preparation of parallel roadmap activities will include (i) Update planning for Roadmap fundingprogramswithnationalandregionalgovernments,(ii)Reviewprivatesector,CSR,andCSOfinancialinputstoRoadmap,(iii)UpdateRoadmapfinancingtargets,(iv)Assesshowfinancingoptionsaffectriverperformancebenchmark targets, (v) Provide decision makers with update financial reporting on ongoing Road mapimplementation and make recommendations for any policy adjustments (vi) Provide stakeholders withupdatedfinancialplans. IV.  ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT  23. Amulti‐sectoralRoadmapCoordinationandManagementUnit(RCMU)hasbeenestablishedwithintheNational Development Planning /Bappenas to ensure efficient and effective overall roadmap planningcoordinationandfinancialmanagementatnationalandlocalgovernmentlevels.24. TheBappenas‐DirectorateofWaterandIrrigationistheImplementingAgencyinwhichaRoadmapCoordination andManagement Unit (RCMU) has been established. The consultant team will work in the

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RCMU office in Jakarta. The staffing of the RCMU will include counterpart staff from Bappenas, incoordination with other counterparts from the various Implementing Agencies for the individualsubcomponents of Project 1 and also other potential Roadmap stakeholders. The RCMU staffs will haveprimaryresponsibilityfortheexecutionofrequiredRCMUactivitiesduringProject1(aswellassubsequentprojectsundertheMFF).Theconsultingteam’sprimaryroleistoprovideadviceandguidance,buildcapacityofRCMUpersonneltoundertaketheirroles,andgenerallyensureahighlevelofeffectivenessoftheRCMU.25. TheDirectorateGeneral ofWater Resources (DGWR) is the Investment ProgramExecutingAgency(EA) for the first tranche (Project1)of theMulti‐trancheFinancingFacility (MFF).DGWRhasestablishedaProjectCoordinationandManagementUnit(PCMU)withintheBalai Besar Wilayah Sungai Citarum(BBWSC)tobe responsible foroverallmanagementandcoordinationof all projectactivities. Specifically, thePCMUwill(i)ensurethatAnnualWorkPlans(AWPs)aresubmittedbythePIUsinatimelymannerandinastandardformat,(ii)reviewandconsolidate,forallPIUs,theAWPsandcorrespondingbudgetestimates,(iii)prepareandsubmitreportstoADBandNationalSteeringCommitteeofWaterResources(NSCWR),(iv)compiletheresults of project monitoring and evaluation, and convey the consolidated results to the implementingagenciesandtheADB,(v)liaiseandcoordinatewithotherdonoragenciesoncomplementaryactivities,(vi)organizecoordinationmeetingsandworkshops,withimplementingagenciesatthenational,provincial,anddistrictlevelsasappropriate,and(vii)arrangeforrepresentativesoftheimplementingagenciestoassisttheADB’sreviewmissions.26. TheRCMUandPCMUwillwork closelywith theNational SteeringCommitteeonWaterResources(NSCWR) chaired by Deputy for Infrastructure, BAPPENAS. Project Implementation Units (PIUs) will beestablished in each Implementing Agency (IA) responsible for implementation activities. Routinecommunications fromADBonProject 1will be addressed to thePCMU.ADB, theRCMUand the EA shallcoordinatecloselyontheRoadmapimplementation.


27. TheProjectwillbeimplementedover36monthsstartingin2009.EstablishmentofthePCMU,RCMUand PIUs has taken place and advance procurement and preparatory activities (including safeguardcompliancerelatedactivities,andinitialbiodiversityandlanddegradationfieldpreparation)iswelladvanced.Implementation will commence with (i) full operational effectiveness of PIUs, RCMU and PCMU; (ii)engagement of consultants; (iii) detailed engineering design West Tarum Canal (WTC) ; (iv) institutionalassessmentsanddiagnostics;(v)CSOstakeholderanalysisandmediacampaigns,(vi)identificationoftargetvillagesforICWRMIP,(viii)assistanceinestablishingandstrengtheningtheCRBWaterCouncil,(vii)capacitybuilding, and (viii) data gathering, establishment of information systems and setting up project supportmanagementsystemsandprocedures.ICWRMIPProject1willbe5yearsduration.


28. TheConsultantshallprepareandsubmitthefollowingreportstotheClient,theBank,andtheProjectSteeringCommitteeduringtheperiodofservices.Allreportsanddrawingsshallbe intheEnglish languageandwithstandarddimensions,unlessotherwisespecified.Duringthecourseoftheconsultingservices,thefollowingreportsaretobesubmittedasaminimum:

1. InceptionReport(withinthreemonthsofcommencement);2. QuarterlyProgressandFinancialReports;3. AnnualProgressandFinancialReports;4. IndicativeSpecificReports(duringassignment):

- Study Report on Proposed ICWRMIP Phase II; - Study Report on Private Sector Investment Opportunity in CRB; 

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- Study Report on community based project development inCRB; - Study Report on environmental services sustainable financing in CRB;

5. FinalReport.


29. AsshowninTable2,itisestimatedthatinabout30person‐monthsofinternationalconsultantsand335person‐monthsofnationalconsultantswillberequiredtoprovidetheservicesspecifiedonthetermsofreference (TOR). The Team Leader will have overall management responsibility and leadership of theconsultingteamincarryingoutthework.

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Table 2 – Key Personnel Positions and Input  

No. Position Number/Persons



1. WaterResourcesSectorDevelopmentPlanner/IWRMSpecialist(Team Leader);

1 33

2. IWRMPlanning&ProgrammingSpecialist(DeputyTeamLeader1);

2 24 28

3. EnvironmentalFinancingSpecialist; 1 3 4. WaterResourcesPublicPrivate

Partnership(PPP)Specialist;2 3 12

5. WaterResourcesInvestmentProgramSpecialist/ResourcesEconomist:

1 24

6. CSOCoordinationSpecialist 1 247. Provincial/DistrictGovernment

PlanningandProgrammingSpecialist1 24

8. CSRandFundraisingSpecialist 1 209. Geographer/GIS/Database

Management/MISSpecialist;1 20

10. Information&CommunicationSpecialist;

1 18

11. JuniorIWRMSpecialist; 1 3312. JuniorCSOCoordinationSpecialists 1 3313. JuniorGeographicInformationSystem

(GIS)Specialist;1 33

14. JuniorInformation&CommunicationSpecialists.

1 33

TOTAL 16 30 335

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A. INTERNATIONAL CONSULTANTS  (1).  IWRM Planning & Programming Specialists (Deputy Team Leader): Thedeputy team leaderswill assist the team leader for thepurposeof implementing soundplanning andprogramming activities within the program area for the overall IWRM road map. In addition to theiradministrativedutiesandmanagement,theirprincipaldutieswill,interalia,include:• OverallprojectmanagementwithintheresponsibilityofRCMUintheRoadMapimplementation;• ReviewprioritizationofactivitiesundertheMFFandotherfunding;• AssistconsultationswithstakeholdersandplannersunderRCMUcoordination;• CoordinationofPlanningandProgrammingofRoadMapimplementation;• LiaisewithgovernmentagenciesandrelatedstakeholdersregardingMFFProject1implementation,• ReviewpriorityactivitiesinaccordancewiththeRencanaandfundinggaps;• EvaluatefundinggapsandassessmentoftheeffectonRoadmapimplementation;• Prepare recommendations for making necessary adjustments in the Road map design, technical and

funding activities during the implementation period for preparation of futureMFF Projects in light ofprojectbenefitonbeneficiaries;

• AssistwithcapacitybuildingRCMUinplanning,programming,financeandbudgeting;• PrepareinloanallocationsmanagementandsupportPCMUbudgetingprocess;• Support thedesignof adedicatedgeographicdatabase for existing facilities agencies coordination,on

going and proposed projects (including Government, CSOs and CSRs initiatives) for planning purposesincludingspatialplanningdata;

• Support the preparation of a roadmapmedia communication plan related to ICWRMIP Project I andRoadmapimplementationinclosecollaborationwithPCMU;

• Identify the need for minor studies/demonstrations (up to $400,000 total) to improve knowledge ofwaterissuesinCRB;

• Support theCSOscontribution in theRoadMapchanneled throughBAPPEDAatProvincialandDistrictlevels(forcommunitiesinvolvement);

• SettingresultsbasedperformancebenchmarkswithfuturetargetsforRCMU,• MonitorexecutionofthemediaplanfortheRoadmap,He/shewill be anexpertwithqualifications and specialization in a rangeofwater resourcesdevelopmentareas, and significant relevant experience in Indonesia and/or other Southeast Asian countries. The consultant  should  be  at  least  a  master  graduated  engineer  with  8  years  experience  in  the  field  of  water resources development and management preferably related with  IWRM implementation.Theexpertshouldhavepracticalexperienceinriverbasinmanagementplanningandprogramming,andfamiliaritywithawiderange of technical issues related to irrigation, flood management, rural and urban water supply andsanitation,waterquality,wastetreatment,andenvironmentalandecosystemsustainability.Theexpertwillhave strong interpersonal and communication skills, be fluent in written and spoken English, and haveprovenabilityinreportwritingforprofessionalpurposes. (2). Environmental Financing Specialist: Theassignmentisforthepurposeofplanningandcostingactivitieswithintheprogramareafortheoverallroadmap,theinternationalenvironmentalspecialist’sprincipaldutieswill,interalia,include:• ReviewprioritizationofEnvironmentalactivitiesundertheMFFandotherfunding;• AssistconsultationswithstakeholdersandplannersunderRCMUcoordination;• Reviewpriorityactivitiesinaccordancewiththeplanningandfundinggaps;

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• EvaluatefundinggapsandassessmentoftheenvironmentalactivitiesonRoadmapimplementation;• Prepare recommendations for making necessary adjustments in the Road map design and funding


• AssistRCMUinplanning,programming,financeandbudgetingviewedfromanenvironmentalaspectforPhase2project;

He/shewillbeanexperiencedexpertwithqualificationsandspecializationinarangeofwaterresourcesandenvironmental projects and significant relevant experience in Indonesia and/or other Southeast Asiancountries. The  consultant  should  be  at  least  a  university  graduated  in  environmental  science  with  8years experience in the field of environmental planning and financing.Theexpertshouldhaveasoundknowledgeof and practical experience in environmental planning and programming as well as familiarity with CSO,regional governments, and public entities. The expert will have strong interpersonal and communicationskills, be fluent in written and spoken English, and have proven ability in report writing for professionalpurposes. (3).  Water Resources Public Private Partnership (PPP) Specialist: The specialist is required for the purpose of planning and designing of Public Private Partnership (PPP) inwaterinfrastructurewithintheCitarumriverbasin,thepublicprivatepartnershipspecialists’principaldutieswill,interalia,include:• IdentifyexistingPPPandfacilitatethedevelopmentofprivatesectorfundinginputsintotheroadmap;• PlananddesignofPPPinwaterinfrastructurewithintheCitarumRiverBasin;• ProvideguidelinestoBappenastomainstreamPPPintopolicies;• Prepareaplan for identifyingandexploiting synergiesbetweenpublicandprivate sectorpartners in

CRB;• ReviewandupdateanypreviousPPPfeasibilitystudies;• Reviewprivatesector,CSR,andCSOfinancialinputstotheRoadmap,• Assist in preparation of inventories overlap of tasks, gaps, and facilitate role sharing arrangements

amongstCSOsandotherstakeholders (Roadmapand InvestmentProgram)withintheupstreamanddownstreampartoftheCitarumriverbasin

• MonitoringandevaluatetheeffectivenessofcommunityandCorporateSocialResponsibility(CSR)financingandpromoteappropriateCSRactioninCRB;• PrepareaninventoryofthecurrentlargegroundwaterusersinCRBandengageindialogueforsurface

waterreplacementschemes• PrepareaplandefiningsynergybetweenCommunitiesNGOsandpublicsectoragenciesinCRB• Identify grant funding e.g CDM, CSR bilateral and multilateral agency for assisting Road map

implementationHe/shewill be an experienced expertwith qualifications and specialization in a range ofwater resourcesdevelopmentareas.He/she should be at least a university graduated from related field with at least 5 years experience  in  planning  and  design  of  PPP  preferably  in  water  sector. He/she should have knowledge ofprivate participation implementation and CSO project development. The expert will have stronginterpersonalandcommunicationskills,befluent inwrittenandspokenEnglish,andhaveprovenability inreportwritingforprofessionalpurposes.  

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B. NATIONAL CONSULTANTS  (1).  Water Resources Sector Development Planner/ IWRM Specialist (Team Leader): The team leader will responsible the overall consulting services implementation with sound projectmanagementpracticeswithintheRoadmapCoordinationandManagementUnit(RCMU)inBappenasandtoensurethesuccessofthe implementationoftheMFFProject1components(tranche1). InadditiontotheTeamLeaderadministrativedutiesandmanagementofhis/herteam,theTeamLeader'sprincipaldutieswill,interalia,include:• Providea longtermstrategyforfinancialviabilityof IntegratedCitarumWaterResourcesManagement

(ICWRM);• EnsurecomplianceofprojectoutputswiththeClientandADBguidelines;• Facilitateforcoordinationamongsectorsatnational,provincialanddistrictlevels(verticalandhorizontal

integrationofagencies);• Prepare reports, quality assurance, liaisonwith the PCMU/PIUs, other agencies, regional governments

andtheADB;• FinalizeTORforP2(tranche2)andfacilitateadvanceprocurement;• OverviewtheestablishmentofaFundingDatabaseforRoadmapimplementation;• AssistwithcapacitybuildingRCMUinplanning,programming,finance,budgeting,policyandADBpolicy;• Overviewthedesignofadedicatedgeographicdatabaseforexistingfacilitiesagenciescoordination,on

going and proposed projects (including Government, CSOs and CSRs initiatives) for planning purposesincludingspatialplanningdata;

• ProvidebriefingnotesforandfacilitateNSCWRroutineinvolvementinICWRMIPimplementation;• Overview thepreparationofa roadmapmediacommunicationplan related to ICWRMIPProject I and

RoadmapimplementationinclosecollaborationwithPCMU;• Implement in RCMU and support PIUs implementation of performance management using modern

practices for quality management and document control including Office Procedures Manual (OPM),DocumentControlSystem(DCS),QualityManagementManual(QMM);

• CoordinateandmonitorcommunitybasedprojectswithintheupstreamanddownstreamoftheCitarumriverbasin;

He/shewill be anexpertwithqualifications and specialization in a rangeofwater resourcesdevelopmentareas.The consultant should be an engineer with at  least master graduate with 10 years experience  in  the field of water resources development and management.Theexpertshouldhaveasoundknowledgeofriverbasin management, and familiarity with a wide range of technical issues related to irrigation, floodmanagement, rural and urban water supply and sanitation, water quality, waste treatment, andenvironmental and ecosystem sustainability. The expert who has practical experience in IWRM, and theecologicalprincipleestablishingriverbasinsasthebasisof IWRMispreferable.Theexpertwillhavestronginterpersonalandcommunicationskills,befluent inwrittenandspokenEnglish,andhaveprovenability inreportwritingforprofessionalpurposes.(2).  IWRM Planning & Programming Specialists (Deputy Team Leader): Thedeputy team leaderswill assist the team leader for thepurposeof implementing soundplanning andprogramming activities within the program area for the overall IWRM road map. In addition to theiradministrativedutiesandmanagement,theirprincipaldutieswill,interalia,include:• OverallprojectmanagementwithintheresponsibilityofRCMUintheRoadMapimplementation;• ReviewprioritizationofactivitiesundertheMFFandotherfunding;

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• AssistconsultationswithstakeholdersandplannersunderRCMUcoordination;• CoordinationofPlanningandProgrammingofRoadMapimplementation;• LiaisewithgovernmentagenciesandrelatedstakeholdersregardingMFFProject1implementation,• ReviewpriorityactivitiesinaccordancewiththeRencanaandfundinggaps;• EvaluatefundinggapsandassessmentoftheeffectonRoadmapimplementation;• Prepare recommendations for making necessary adjustments in the Road map design, technical and

funding activities during the implementation period for preparation of futureMFF Projects in light ofprojectbenefitonbeneficiaries;

• AssistwithcapacitybuildingRCMUinplanning,programming,financeandbudgeting;• PrepareinloanallocationsmanagementandsupportPCMUbudgetingprocess;• Support thedesignof adedicatedgeographicdatabase for existing facilities agencies coordination,on

going and proposed projects (including Government, CSOs and CSRs initiatives) for planning purposesincludingspatialplanningdata;

• Support the preparation of a roadmapmedia communication plan related to ICWRMIP Project I andRoadmapimplementationinclosecollaborationwithPCMU;

• Assist in identifying the need for minor studies/demonstrations (up to $450,000 total) to improveknowledgeofwater issues inCRBand implementcommunitydrivenwaterservicesandenvironmentalprotectionactivities.

• Support theCSOscontribution in theRoadMapchanneled throughBAPPEDAatProvincialandDistrictlevels(forcommunitiesinvolvement);

• SettingresultsbasedperformancebenchmarkswithfuturetargetsforRCMU,• MonitorexecutionofthemediaplanfortheRoadmap,He/shewill be anexpertwithqualifications and specialization in a rangeofwater resourcesdevelopmentareas, and significant relevant experience in Indonesia and/or other Southeast Asian countries. The consultant  should  be  at  least  a  master  graduated  engineer  with  8  years  experience  in  the  field  of  water resources development and management preferably related with  IWRM implementation.Theexpertshouldhavepracticalexperienceinriverbasinmanagementplanningandprogramming,andfamiliaritywithawiderange of technical issues related to irrigation, flood management, rural and urban water supply andsanitation,waterquality,wastetreatment,andenvironmentalandecosystemsustainability.Theexpertwillhave strong interpersonal and communication skills, be fluent in written and spoken English, and haveprovenabilityinreportwritingforprofessionalpurposes.   3).  Water Resources Public Private Partnership (PPP) Specialist: The specialist is required for the purpose of planning and designing of Public Private Partnership (PPP) inwaterinfrastructurewithintheCitarumriverbasin,thepublicprivatepartnershipspecialists’principaldutieswill,interalia,include:• IdentifyexistingPPPandfacilitatethedevelopmentofprivatesectorfundinginputsintotheroadmap;• PlananddesignofPPPinwaterinfrastructurewithintheCitarumRiverBasin;• ProvideguidelinestoBappenastomainstreamPPPintopolicies;• Prepareaplan for identifyingandexploiting synergiesbetweenpublicandprivate sectorpartners in

CRB;• ReviewandupdateanypreviousPPPfeasibilitystudies;• Reviewprivatesector,CSR,andCSOfinancialinputstotheRoadmap,• Assist in preparation of inventories overlap of tasks, gaps, and facilitate role sharing arrangements

amongstCSOsandotherstakeholders (Roadmapand InvestmentProgram)withintheupstreamanddownstreampartoftheCitarumriverbasin

• MonitoringandevaluatetheeffectivenessofcommunityandCorporateSocialResponsibility

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(CSR)financingandpromoteappropriateCSRactioninCRB;• PrepareaninventoryofthecurrentlargegroundwaterusersinCRBandengageindialogueforsurface

waterreplacementschemes• PrepareaplandefiningsynergybetweenCommunitiesNGOsandpublicsectoragenciesinCRB• Identify grant funding e.g CDM, CSR bilateral and multilateral agency for assisting Road map

implementationHe/shewill be an experienced expertwith qualifications and specialization in a range ofwater resourcesdevelopmentareas.He/she should be at least a university graduated from related field with at least 5 years experience  in  planning  and  design  of  PPP  preferably  in  water  sector. He/she should have knowledge ofprivate participation implementation and CSO project development. The expert will have stronginterpersonalandcommunicationskills,befluent inwrittenandspokenEnglish,andhaveprovenability inreportwritingforprofessionalpurposes. (4).  Water Resources Investment Program Specialist/ Resources Economist: Thepurposetoengagethespecialist istoevaluatetheRoadmapimplementationviewedfromeconomicalbenefitsandpotentialsourceofrevenueswithintheCitarumriverbasin.Further,heorshewillassisttheTAinplanninginvestmentprogramforPhase2project.Thespecialist’sprincipaldutieswill,interalia,include:• AssistinloanallocationsmanagementandsupportPCMUbudgetingprocess;• AssistRCMUforthepreparationofAnnualWorkPlan(AWP);• Facilitateaninteragencycoordinationmechanism(centralandregionalgovernance);• Assesshowfinancingoptionsaffectriverperformancebenchmarktargets;• Providestakeholderswithupdatedfinancialplans;• EvaluatelongtermeconomicalbenefitsoftheRoadmap;• Identifyexistingandpotentialsourceofrevenueslinkedtowater;• Reviewexistinginstitutionalarrangementsrelatedtorevenuecollection;• ProvideaplanforshorttermfundraisingtofinanceremainingRoadmapactivities;• UpdateRoadmapfinancingtargets.• Identifypotentialnon‐governmentfundingsources(loansandgrants)forRoadmapimplementation;• Reviewprivatesector,CSR,andCSOfinancialinputstotheRoadmap• Supportfinancialawarenessandfundraisinglobbyinginitiative;• Assistinthemonitoringoffundallocationsforcommunitybasedprojectswithintheupstreampartofthe

Citarumriverbasin,• Monitor fund allocations for community based projectswithin the upstreampart of the Citarum river

basin,He/shewill be an experienced expertwith qualifications and specialization in a range ofwater resourcesdevelopmentareas.He/she should be at least a university graduate in economy with 10 years experience in the field of natural resources economy particularly in socio economic analysis, fundraising, water pricing and institutional  financial  mechanisms. He/she should have knowledge of legal setting for water resourcesinstitutionsbothatnational,provincial,district,andbasinlevel. (5).  CSO Coordination Specialist: The specialist will conduct planning, designing and financing of community based development initiativeswithin the upstream and downstream part of the Citarum river basin. This national CSO coordinator’sprincipaldutieswill,interalia,include:

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• Assist in preparation of inventories overlap of tasks, gaps, and facilitate role sharing arrangementsamongst CSOs and other stakeholders (Roadmap and Investment Program)within the upstream anddownstreampartoftheCitarumriverbasin;

• PrepareaplandefiningsynergybetweenCommunitiesNGOsandpublicsectoragenciesinCRB,• FacilitatepreparationofCDDprojectsforCitarum,• IdentifykeyNGOandCSOpartnersinCRB,• DevelopCDDproject selection criteria andopenand transparentCSO ledmechanisms for selectionof

CDDinitiativesforfunding• Support theCSOscontribution in theRoadMapchanneled throughBAPPEDAatProvincialandDistrict

levels(forcommunitiesinvolvement);• CoordinateandmonitorcommunitybasedprojectswithintheupstreamanddownstreamoftheCitarum

riverbasin;• Assist inmonitoringandevaluationof thecommunitiesenvironmentalawarenesswithin theupstream

partoftheCitarumriverbasin;• Monitor fund allocations for community based projectswithin the upstreampart of the Citarum river

basin,• Develop a long term fundingmechanisms for expanding CSOs in Environmental Protection andWater

servicesintheCitarumRiverBasin• DevelopmanagementmechanismsandtrainingprogramsforCDDactivities• IdentifyandfacilitatethedesignofmediamaterialtosupportCDDHe/shewillbeanexperiencedexpertwithqualificationsandspecializationinarangeofCSObasedprojects.He/she should be at least a university graduated in social science with at least 10 years experience in the field of  planning,  funding,  design,  and  implementing  community  based  development  /  CSO  projects  in  water sector.He/sheshouldhaveknowledgeofCSOfundingmechanisms,monitoringandevaluation.Theexpertwillhavestrong interpersonalandcommunicationskills,be fluent inwrittenandspokenEnglish,andhaveprovenabilityinreportwritingforprofessionalpurposes. (6).  Provincial and District Government Planning & Programming Specialist: Thespecialistwillconductplanningandprogrammingwithprovincialanddistrictgovernment.Thisprovincialanddistrictgovernmentplanningandprogrammingspecialist’sprincipaldutieswill,interalia,include:• LiaisewithprovincialanddistrictgovernmentagenciesandrelatedstakeholdersregardingMFFProject1

implementation;• Facilitatecoordinationamongsectorsatprovincialanddistrictlevels(cross‐sectoralcoordination);• Set up and coordinate relationship with Bappeda at Provincial and District levels for communities

involvement;• Assist RCMU todisseminate and followup key issues toBappedaat Provincial andDistrict levels and

acrossBappenasSectoralDivisions;• Prepare inventories overlap of tasks, gaps, and facilitate role sharing arrangements amongst

governmentagenciesandotherstakeholders;• Review, monitor and synergize national programs with provincial and district level activities and

investmentsinthesection• Supporttheestablishmentofprovincialanddistrictgovernmentprojectfundingmechanismsandselect

activitiesforMFFandnon‐MFFfunding,He/shewill be anexpertwithqualifications and specialization in a rangeofwater resourcesdevelopmentareas, and significant relevant experience in Indonesia. He/she  should  be  at  least  a  university  graduate engineer  with  at  least  5  years  experience  in  the  field  of  planning  and  programming. He/she should have

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knowledge of legal setting forwater resources institutions both at national, provincial, district, and basinlevelaswellasdecentralizationpolicyanditsfundingmechanismin Indonesia.Theexpertwillhavestronginterpersonalandcommunicationskills,befluent inwrittenandspokenEnglish,andhaveprovenability inreportwritingforprofessionalpurposes.(7).  CSR and Fundraising Specialist: ThespecialistisrequiredtosupportthefundingofcommunitydrivendevelopmentactivitiesasapartofCSR.ThisCSRSpecialist’sprincipaldutieswill,interalia,include:• MonitoringandevaluatetheeffectivenessofcommunityandCorporateSocialResponsibility

(CSR)financingandpromoteappropriateCSRactioninCRB;• MonitoringandEvaluationofcommunityandCSRfinancing;• Reviewprivatesector,CSR,andCSOfinancialinputstotheRoadmap,• IdentifykeyNGOandCSOpartnersinCRBsuitableforCSRdevelopment;• PrepareaninventoryofthecurrentlargegroundwaterusersinCRBandengageindialoguefor

surfacewaterreplacementschemes• PrepareaplandefiningsynergybetweenCommunitiesNGOsandpublicsectoragenciesinCRB• Identifypotentialnon‐governmentfundingsources(loansandgrants)forRoadmapimplementation;• Supportfinancialawarenessandfundraisinglobbyinginitiative;• Identify grant funding e.g CDM, CSR bilateral and multilateral agency for assisting Road map

implementationHe/shewillbeanexperiencedexpertwithqualificationsandspecializationinarangeofCSRbasedprojects.He/she should at least a university graduated in social science with at least 5 years experience in the field of planning,  funding, design, and  implementing community based development / CSR projects  in water sector.He/sheshouldhaveknowledgeofCSRfundingmechanisms,monitoringandevaluation.Theexpertwillhavestrong interpersonal and communication skills, be fluent in written and spoken English, and have provenabilityinreportwritingforprofessionalpurposes. (8).  Geographer/ GIS/ Database Management/ MIS Specialist: Forthepurposeofmonitoringandplanningactivitieswithintheprogramareausingmodernmethodssuchas database and information system, the national GIS/ databasemanagement specialists’ principal dutieswill,interalia,include:• Coordinate with the other specialist for data collection and integration of spatial planning data into

databasemanagement;• Design a dedicated geographic database for existing facilities agencies coordination, on going and

proposed projects (including Government, CSOs and CSRs initiatives) for planning purposes includingspatialplanningdata;

• Prepare interface for dissemination of information related to project planning and spatial planningthroughInternet;

• UpdatethroughRCMUmanagementinformationsystemfundingprioritiesandgapsforRencana;• Establishafundingdatabaseforroadmapimplementation;• AssistwithcapacitybuildingRCMUindatabaseandgeographicinformationsystemmanagement.He/shewillbeanexperiencedGIS/databasemanagementexpertwithqualificationsandspecialization inarange of database and information system for water resourcesmanagement applications. The  consultant should be at least a university graduated in engineering, or geography with 5 years experience in the field of 

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Terms of Reference for Project 1 Sub Component 1.1 21

information system and database development and management applied to water  resources management.Theexpertshouldhaveagoodknowledgeofandpracticalexperienceinwatersectorandfamiliaritywithawide rangeof information system such asGIS,webbaseddatabase andprogramming languages used fordatabase software development. The expert will have strong interpersonal and communication skills, befluentinwrittenandspokenEnglish,andhaveprovenabilityinreportwritingforprofessionalpurposes.(9).  Information and Communication Specialist: For the purpose of developing a comprehensive media communication plan including informationdissemination and implementation activities, the national information and communication specialist’sprincipaldutieswill,interalia,include:• PreparestakeholdermappingincludingGovernmentagencies,CSOsandprivatesectoratprovincialand

districtlevels• Prepareand introducearoadmapmediacommunicationplanrelatedto ICWRMIPP1(tranche1)and

RoadmapimplementationinclosecollaborationwithPCMUandPIUs;• MonitorthemediaplanexecutionfortheRoadmap;• AssistconsultationswithstakeholdersandplannersunderRCMUcoordination;• MonitorandevaluatethecommunitiesandprivatesectorIWRMawareness;• AssistwithcapacitybuildingRCMUinmediacommunicationplanandinformationdissemination,• MonitoringandEvaluationofcommunityandCSRfinancing;• IdentifykeyNGOandCSOpartnersinCRB;• Assist in the preparation of a plan defining synergy between Communities NGOs and public sector

agenciesinCRBHe/shewill be an experienced expertwith qualifications and specialization in a range of information andcommunication for integrated development project with emphasis on community development. The consultant should be a university graduated  in communication with about 7 years experience  in the field of media  campaign,  including  experience  in  local  communities’  awareness  campaigns. The expert will havestrong interpersonal and communication skills, be fluent in written and spoken English, and have provenabilityinreportwritingforprofessionalpurposes.(10).   Junior IWRM Specialists:  The Junior IWRM specialists will assist the team leader that will be responsible for the overall TAimplementation with sound project management practices within the Road map Coordination andManagementUnit(RCMU)inBAPPENAS.ThejuniorIWRMspecialist'sprincipaldutieswill,interalia,include:• Assistinthecoordinationamongsectorsatnational,provincialanddistrictlevels(verticalandhorizontal

integrationofagencies);;• Assist in the preparation of reports, quality assurance, liaison with the PCMU/PIUs, other agencies,

regionalgovernmentsandtheADB;• AssistinthepreparationofTORforP2(tranche2)andcommenceadvanceprocurement;• AssistwithcapacitybuildingRCMUinplanning,programming,finance,budgeting,policyandADBpolicy;• AssistRCMUandsupportPIUsimplementationofperformancemanagementusingmodernpracticesfor

quality management and document control including Office ProceduresManual. OPM and DocumentControlSystemDCSQualityManagementManual(QMM);

He/shewill be anexpertwithqualifications and specialization in a rangeofwater resourcesdevelopmentareas, and significant relevant experience in Indonesia. The consultant should be a  university  graduated 

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engineer with at least 3 years experienceinthefieldofwaterresourcesdevelopmentandmanagement.Theexpert should have a sound knowledge of and practical experience in IWRM, the ecological principleestablishing river basins as the basis of IWRM, ideally with experience in river basin management, andfamiliaritywith awide range of technical issues related to irrigation, floodmanagement, rural and urbanwater supply and sanitation, water quality, waste treatment, and environmental and ecosystemsustainability.Theexpertwillhavestrong interpersonalandcommunicationskills,be fluent inwrittenandspokenEnglish,andhaveprovenabilityinreportwritingforprofessionalpurposes.(11). Junior CSO Coordination Specialists  (1 person) The junior CSO coordination specialists will assist the specialist in conducting planning, designing andfinancing of community based development initiatives within the upstream and downstream part of theCitarum river basin. Particularly is for data selection and communication with Citarum stakeholders. ThenationalCSOcoordinator’sprincipaldutieswill,interalia,include:• Assist in preparation of inventories overlap of tasks, gaps, and facilitate role sharing arrangements

amongst CSOs and other stakeholders (Roadmap and Investment Program)within the upstream anddownstreampartoftheCitarumriverbasin;

• Support theCSOs contribution in theRoadMap channeled throughBappeda at Provincial andDistrictlevels(forcommunitiesinvolvement);

• CoordinateandmonitorcommunitybasedprojectswithintheupstreamanddownstreamoftheCitarumriverbasin;

• Assist inmonitoringandevaluationof thecommunitiesenvironmentalawarenesswithin theupstreampartoftheCitarumriverbasin;

• AssistinthemonitoringoffundallocationsforcommunitybasedprojectswithintheupstreampartoftheCitarumriverbasin,

• Assist in the monitoring and evaluation of the effectiveness of community and Corporate SocialResponsibility(CSR)financingandpromoteappropriateCSRactioninCRB;

• IdentifykeyNGOandCSOpartnersinCRB;• Assist in the preparation of a plan defining synergy between Communities NGOs and public sector

agenciesinCRBHe/shewillbeanexperiencedexpertwithqualificationsandspecializationinarangeofCSObasedprojects.He/she  a  university  graduated  in  social  science  with  at  least  3  years  experience  in  the  field  of  planning, funding, and implementing community based/CSO projects in water sector.He/sheshouldhaveknowledgeofCSO funding mechanisms, monitoring and evaluation. The expert will have strong interpersonal andcommunicationskills,befluent inwrittenandspokenEnglish,andhaveprovenability inreportwriting forprofessionalpurposes.(12).  Junior Geographic Information System (GIS) Specialist: Forthepurposeofmonitoringandplanningactivitieswithintheprogramareausingmodernmethodssuchas database and information system, the national junior GIS/ databasemanagement specialists’ principaldutieswill,interalia,include:• Support thedesignof adedicatedgeographicdatabase for existing facilities agencies coordination,on

going and proposed projects (including Government, CSOs and CSRs initiatives) for planning purposesincludingspatialplanningdata;

• SupportthepreparationofaninterfacefordisseminationofinformationrelatedtoprojectplanningandspatialplanningthroughInternet;

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• UpdatethroughRCMUmanagementinformationsystemfundingprioritiesandgapsforRencana;• Supporttheestablishmentofafundingdatabaseforroadmapimplementation;• AssistwithcapacitybuildingRCMUindatabaseandgeographicinformationsystemmanagement.He/shewillbeanexperiencedGIS/databasemanagementexpertwithqualificationsandspecialization inarange of database and information system for water resourcesmanagement applications. The  consultant should be a university graduated in engineering, or geography with at least 3 years experience in the field of geographic information system and database management.TheexpertshouldhaveagoodknowledgeofandpracticalexperienceinwatersectorandfamiliaritywithawiderangeofinformationsystemsuchasGIS,webbaseddatabaseandprogramminglanguagesusedfordatabasesoftwaredevelopment.Theexpertwillhavestrong interpersonal and communication skills, be fluent in written and spoken English, and have provenabilityinreportwritingforprofessionalpurposes.(13). Junior Information & Communication Specialist: Forthepurposeofassistingindevelopingacomprehensivemediacommunicationplanincludinginformationdissemination and implementation activities, the national information and communication specialist’sprincipaldutieswill,interalia,include:• Assistinthepreparationofastakeholdersmapping;• AssistinthepreparationofaroadmapmediacommunicationplanrelatedtoICWRMIPP1(tranche1)

andRoadmapimplementationinclosecollaborationwithPCMUandPIUs;• MonitorthemediaplanexecutionfortheRoadmap;• AssistconsultationswithstakeholdersandplannersunderRCMUcoordination;• MonitorandevaluatethecommunitiesandprivatesectorIWRMawareness;• AssistwithcapacitybuildingRCMUinmediacommunicationplanandinformationdissemination,• Assistinmonitoringandevaluationofthecommunitiesenvironmentalawarenesswithintheupstream

partoftheCitarumriverbasin;• Assist in the monitoring and evaluation of the effectiveness of community and Corporate Social

Responsibility(CSR)financingandpromoteappropriateCSRactioninCRB;He/shewill be an experienced expertwith qualifications and specialization in a range of information andcommunication for integrated development project with emphasis on community development. The consultant should be a university graduated in communication science with at least 3 years experience in the field  of  communication,  including  experience  in  local  communities’  awareness  and  media  campaigns. Theexpertwillhavestronginterpersonalandcommunicationskills,befluentinwrittenandspokenEnglish,andhaveprovenabilityinreportwritingforprofessionalpurposes.VIII.  PROVISIONAL SUMS  


30. Aprovisionalsum(PS)ofUSD450,000willallowasignificantexpansionofCDDactivitiesinthebasin.The PS shall be used to fund selective CSO and CDD activities in the CRB, which will contribute to thegovernmentandcommunitiesworkingtogetherforacleanhealthyandproductivecatchments,andriverasdesiredbytheCitarumVision.


31. Aprovisionalsum(PS)ofUSD81.000for:

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Terms of Reference for Project 1 Sub Component 1.1 24

1. AnofficerentalinJakartathatshouldbesufficientfor10‐12professionalstaffs.2. AnofficerentalinBandungthatshouldbesufficientfor4‐6staffs,includingatleast2professional


3. Specificoperationalcostsnotcoveredelsewhereinthecontract4.



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Supplementary Appendix 6 - Terms of Reference for Project 1 Sub Component 1.2 - Roadmap Institutional Strengthening (TA A1)

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Terms of Reference for Project 1 Sub Component 1.2 1


Terms of Reference for Roadmap Institutional Strengthening

(Component A1)

A. Introduction

1. The water resources of the rivers and groundwater systems in the Citarum River basin (CRB) are critical to social and economic development of the country. They are essential for urban and industrial development (particularly in Jakarta and Bandung areas) including export industry, agricultural production through major irrigation systems, rural water supplies, electricity generation though hydropower, and fisheries. While the water resources of the Citarum River basin are relatively abundant, competition for these resources has increased significantly over the past 20 years leading to a situation of acute water stress and depletion of aquifers in some places. Rapid urbanization has significantly increased the exposure to flood risk. Environmental degradation has reached a level that compromises public health and livelihoods, particularly for the urban and rural poor, and incurs additional economic and financial costs related to the source of bulk water supply and its treatment.

2. A management focus on integrated water resources management (IWRM) and sustainability of the water resource has been emphasized in the 2004 Water Law. The Water Law introduces the concept of management within the boundaries of a river basin and reflects the principles of decentralization and devolvement of authority to local levels as promoted by the program of regional autonomy. Preparations for its implementation are at a preliminary stage.

3. Water has been a major area of the Asian Development Bank’s (ADB) assistance to Indonesia, totaling over $1.5 billion in loans and technical assistance (TA). Improving sustainable use of water resources in line with the ADB “Water for All” policy, together with a strong commitment to build capacity of local government agencies, are key elements of ADB’s operational partnership. In particular this partnership stresses the need to continue implementation of policy reforms, overcome weak coordination among agencies and develop guidance for cooperative working. Sustainability of economic growth and pro-poor development are key pillars of the Country Strategy and Program (CSP) that will be complemented by strengthening capacity for IWRM in the basin.

4. A “road map” (strategic investment plan) has been prepared for basin-wide integrated water resources management (IWRM) based on a “vision” of basin stakeholder for Government and community working together for clean, healthy and productive catchments and rivers, bringing sustainable benefits to all people of the Citarum river basin.

5. The road map is essentially a strategically planned program of interventions that will, if successfully implemented, lead to the achievement of a vision agreed on through stakeholder consultations during Phase 3 of TA 4381-INO1. In many cases, projects to be included in the roadmap had already been identified by previous studies. In other cases, it became apparent that interventions were required that had not been identified previously, but will be essential for achieving

1 The agreed vision is: “The government and communities working together for clean, healthy and

productive catchments and rivers, bringing sustainable benefits to all people of the Citarum River Basin.” While this is a very broad statement, it has been translated into a series of long-term specific objectives, from which the road map was formulated.

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Terms of Reference for Project 1 Sub Component 1.2 2

the objectives. A total of almost 80 road map interventions were identified, with a total base cost of around $3.5 billion, proposed for a 15 year time frame.

6. A wider dissemination of road map planning, programming and coordination mechanisms will be carried out firstly across the 6 Ci’s and then for other basins in order to develop similar strategic plans.

7. An effective road map institutional strengthening group needs to strengthened institutions and mechanisms involved in the road map planning and implementation. This is to consist of a small consulting team of international and national consultants, together within BAPPENAS’ (Directorate of Irrigation and Water Resources - DIWR) Roadmap Coordination Management Unit (RCMU)2.

B. Objectives

8. The key objective of this subcomponent is to strengthened the RCMU in the fields of policy, legislation, financial, planning for IWRM, regulations, coordination mechanisms at a road map level, the governmental institutions (National, Provincial and District levels) and CSOs involved in the road map process and development. The TA will build on previous and ongoing ADB/GOI capacity building initiatives and support, and compliment, ongoing and proposed ADB projects in the water resources sector. C. Scope of Work

9. In order to fulfill the objectives, the following main activities will be undertaken:

1. Coordination and Communication Strengthening among Stakeholders

10. Coordination and communication strengthening among stakeholders will include the following activities: (i) Review of the effectiveness of roll sharing between CRB management organizations, (ii) Review of the cost effectiveness of existing role sharing between community and government in planning and implementation of road map activities, (iii) Stakeholder identification, (iv) Road map working group establishment (covering all key stakeholders), (v) Prepare guidelines on assessment of institutional development and organizational strengthening, (vi) Agenda and material preparation for working group meetings, (vii) Support working group meetings on regular basis, (viii) Prepare follow up action after meetings, (ix) Prepare and submit required reporting regarding the result of working group meetings.

2. Strengthening of RCMU and Regional BAPPEDA

11. Strengthening RCMU and BAPPEDA will include the following activities: (i) Capacity Development Action Plans (CDAP) for RCMU and regional BAPPEDA related to IWRM planning, management and policy activities, (ii) Selective capacity building activities based on CDAPs, (iii) Conduct workshops, seminars and conferences.

2 The RCMU will work closely with the existing national level CMU (supported under the Water and

Irrigation Sector Management Project-WISMP (WB/GON funded) within DIWR which supports the National Steering Committee for Water Resources and nationwide widener dissemination of policies and programs.

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Terms of Reference for Project 1 Sub Component 1.2 3

3. Dissemination of Roadmap Mechanisms

12. Dissemination of road map mechanisms will include the following activities: (i) Funding and fiscal planning mechanisms gaps identification within the 6 Ci’s river basin territory, (ii) Carry out roadmap funding and fiscal planning mechanisms dissemination campaign, (iii) Prepare recommendations for roadmap development (extension of the Citarum road map) to cover the entire 6 Ci’s river basin territory.

4. Best Practices

13. The activities will include: (i) Review of international experience in implementation of IWRM planning and financing in river basins, (ii) Review of best practices in Indonesia and abroad, (iii) Stakeholder workshops developing and exchanging best practices, (iv) Community and CSOs best program awards, (v) Workshops, seminars conferences, (vi) CSR best programs awards, (vii) Exchange of knowledge and identification of knowledge and experience gaps, (viii) Participation of key stakeholders in national and international events.

D. Expertise Requirements

14. The road map institutional strengthening activities will be supported by a team of experts comprising international and national professional staff, 15 and 48 total person-months respectively. In general, preference will be given to international professional staffs that have work experience in Indonesia or in other Southeast Asian countries. It is expected that the following professional staff (office management and technicians will be provided by the consultant under the services to support efficient and effective implementation) and qualifications will be required:

Table 1: Estimated Person-Month Requirement

Position No. International PM National PM

Team Leader/Integrated Water Resources Management Specialist 1 24

Institutional Specialist 1 15

Capacity Building Specialist 1 24

Total 3 15 48

1. International Professional Staff

a. Institutional Specialist

15. The international institutional sspecialist's principal duties will, inter alia, include:

i Overview the roll sharing between stakeholders of the cost and effectiveness Citarum Roadmap implementation,

ii Assess the current institutional models, staff structures and capacity in WRM planning, programming, funding and interagency coordination,

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Terms of Reference for Project 1 Sub Component 1.2 4

iii Assist in the technical inputs to the diagnostic analysis related to institutional roles of BAPPEDAs, other agencies and CSOs, related to IWRM and natural resources and environmental management.

iv Prepare guidelines on use of CSOs and CSR in water resources capacity building,

v Review on going routine local government capacity building fund allocations to capacity building and (a) compare with needs, and (b) prepare financial capacity development investment plan for the capacity building strategy,

vi Assess what skill sets are required in the BAPPEDAs to function efficiently as an organization to assist IWRM and natural resources and environmental management. in the 6 Ci's River Basin Territory,

vii Develop guidelines and support capacity building for 6 Ci's Water Council in IWRM

viii Assist in the preparation of capacity Development Action Plans (CDAP) with RCMU and BAPPEDAs throughout the Citarum River Basin and selectively in 6 Ci's River Basin Territory,

ix Provide guidance on institutional inputs to CADPs,

x Prepare the financial planning templates, data analysis and financial planning as part of the CDAPs financial plans across BAPPENAS and BAPPEDAs,

xi Prepare recommendations for roadmap development (extension of the Citarum road map) to cover the entire 6 Ci’s river basin territory

xii Review of international experience in implementation of IWRM planning and financing in river basins,

xiii Review of best practices in Indonesia and abroad,

xiv Prepare guidelines on assessment of institutional development and organizational strengthening,

xv Prepare material on workshop and seminar conferences,

16. He/she will be an experienced international expert with qualifications and specialization in a range of water resources development areas, and significant relevant experience in Indonesia and/or other Southeast Asian countries. The consultant should be a university graduate Msc degree in a relevant subject area with a minimum of 12 years experience in capacity building assessments and capacity building programs of government and non government agencies. The expert will have strong interpersonal and communication skills, be fluent in written and spoken English, and have proven ability in report writing for professional purposes.

17. His/her duty station will be Jakarta, with frequent traveling to the project sites.

2. National Professional Staff

a. Team Leader/Integrated Water Resources Management Specialist

18. The main responsibilities of the Team Leader will be to facilitate the implementation of sound institutional strengthening practices related to IWRM

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Terms of Reference for Project 1 Sub Component 1.2 5

roadmap planning and implementation within the three Balai Besars, RCMU/PCMU BAPPEDAs and key IWRM stakeholders. In addition he/she will assist in carrying out administrative duties and management responsibilities for the team. More specifically, the Team Leader's duties will include:

i Liaise with BAPPENAS, BAPPEDAs and ADB on overall TA management and


ii Provide capacity development inputs to the TA work program, methodology and implementation,

iii Assess ongoing and recent capacity building initiatives in water resources,

iv Review the effectiveness of roll sharing between the 6 CIs river basins management organizations,

v Review of the cost effectiveness of existing role sharing between community and government in planning and implementation of activities,

vi Provide guidance and advice, and give formal and on-the-job training where required to build capacity of the Balai Besar members to undertake their tasks,

vii Assist the PCMU/RCMU members to liaise with PIUs regarding matters related to Citarum Roadmap funding and implementation and preparation

viii Take a lead role in liaison with government agencies and related stakeholders regarding Roadmap implementation related to capacity building and institutional constraints,

ix Assist to conduct six-monthly workshops for component project staff to discuss relevant issues related to progress and coordination, as well as common technical issues,

x Prepare briefing material for the Head of RCMU when attending Project Steering Committee and other program-related meetings and other reports as required.

xi Liaise with BAPPENAS, BAPPEDAs and ADB on overall TA management and implementation,

xii Provide capacity development inputs to the TA work program, methodology and implementation,

xiii Support the road map working group establishment and strengthening (covering all key stakeholders),

xiv Prepare agenda and material for working group meetings,

xv Prepare technical and administrative reporting,

19. He/she will be an experienced national expert with qualifications and specialization in a range of water resources development areas. The consultant should be a university graduated engineer with about 15 years experience in the field of water resources development and management with a minimum of 10 years experience in capacity building assessments and capacity building programs of government and non government agencies. The consultant will provide inputs to technical reports, training material and technical notes as required. The ability to

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Terms of Reference for Project 1 Sub Component 1.2 6

communicate in Indonesian and English languages is essential, working in international teams considered advantageous. 20. His/her duty station will be Jakarta, with frequent traveling to the project sites.

b. Capacity Building Specialist

21. The national capacity building specialist’s principal duties will, inter alia, include:

i Review the effectiveness of recent and ongoing water resources capacity building projects,

ii Monitor and update as appropriate a stakeholder mapping and identify capacity building initiatives for key Roadmap stakeholders,

iii Form linkages with national and international IWRM knowledge networks disseminating on Citarum web site best practice

iv Assist in the preparation of guidelines on assessment of institutional development and organizational strengthening,

v Assess current knowledge of the water issues in Citarum River Basin (CRB),

vi Liaise with universities, institutes or other organizations,

vii Assist in the preparation of the capacity development action plans (CDAPs)

viii Prepare and/or collect and disseminate, training material and guidelines,

ix Implement and monitor the execution of the CADPs,

x Organize peer review process of CDAP with inputs from CSOs,

22. He/she will be an experienced national expert with a Msc degree in a relevant subject area with a minimum of 15 years experience in capacity building assessments and capacity building programs of government and non government agencies. The expert will have strong interpersonal and communication skills, be fluent in written and spoken English, and have proven ability in report writing for professional purposes. 23. His/her duty station will be Jakarta, with frequent traveling to the project sites.

E. Outputs

24. In line with the objectives, it is expected that each of the main activities will generate the following outputs:

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Table 2: Expected Outputs and Schedule

Expected Outputs Expected Schedule

(i) Stakeholder database updates and capacity building initiatives (ii) Assist in the preparation of the Capacity Development Action Plans for

RCMU and regional BAPPEDA (iii) Support to the water Resources Council (covering Citarum and Eastern

Basins), river basin management office and support unit(s) (iv) Implement the Capacity Development Action Plans for RCMU and

regional BAPPEDA (v) Institutional strengthening strategy for RCMU in IWRM planning and

programming and Regional BAPPEDA (vi) Improved National and Regional IWRM planning and programming (vii) Improved mechanisms funding and more effective fiscal planning for

IWRM in river basins in Indonesia (viii) Improved RCMU staff skills (ix) Provision of workshops, seminars conferences (x) Community and CSOs best program awards

Month 4 Month 6 Month 8 Ongoing Ongoing Month 10 Ongoing Month 14 Ouarterly Yearly

F. Reporting

25. The Consultant shall prepare and submit the following reports to the Client, the Bank and the Project Steering Committee during the period of services. All reports and drawings shall be in the English language and with standard dimensions, unless otherwise specified. During the course of the consulting services, the following reports are to be submitted as a minimum:

o Inception Report [within two months of commencement]

o Quarterly Progress and Financial Reports

o Other regular reports required by GOI and ADB

G. Implementation Arrangements

26. The TA will be executed by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and will be implemented by the Directorate of Irrigation and Water Resources – DIWR - BAPPENAS. The TA consultants will be based in the RCMU office, which is located in the BAPPENAS offices in Jakarta. The TA consulting services will be implemented over a period of 36 months. The staffing of the RCMU will include counterpart staff from the BAPPENAS, as well as other counterparts seconded from the various Implementing agencies for the individual subcomponents of Project 1. The RCMU staff will have primary responsibility for the execution of required RCMU activities during Project 1 (as well as subsequent projects under the MFF). The RCMU will work closely with the existing national level CMU (supported under the Water and Irrigation Sector Management Project-WISMP (WB/GON funded) within DIWR which supports the National Steering Committee for Water Resources and nationwide widener dissemination of policies and programs. The consulting team’s primary role is to provide advice and guidance, build capacity of RCMU personnel to undertake their roles, and generally ensure a high level of effectiveness of the RCMU.

27. The Team Leader will have overall management responsibility and leadership of the consulting team in carrying out the work.

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D. Provisional Sums 28. Provisional Sums will be provided for the following activities in line with sums given in the data sheet and will be managed by the consultant to support the above TOR: (i) survey subcontracts and data purchase, (ii) project coordination and management, (iii) seminars workshops conferences, (iv) public awareness, and (v) training. In addition furniture and equipment.

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Supplementary Appendix 6 - Terms of Reference for Project 1 Sub Component 1.3 - Institutional Strengthening for IWRM in 6 Ci’s River Basin Territory (TA B1)

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Terms of Reference for Project 1 Sub Component 1.3 1



Terms of Reference for Support for Institutional Strengthening for IWRM

in 6 Ci’s River Basin Territory (Subcomponent B1)

A. Introduction

1. The water resources of river basins and groundwater systems in and around the Jakarta conurbation, known as Jabodetabek1, are critical to social and economic development of the country. They are essential for urban and industrial development including export industry, agricultural production through major irrigation systems, rural water supplies, electricity generation though hydropower, and fisheries. The population of the Jabodetabek area is approximately 35 million or almost 15% of all of Indonesia, while it contributes more than 20% of national gross domestic product (GDP)2.

2. Competition for the limited water resources to service this area has increased significantly over the past 20 years leading to a situation of acute water stress and depletion of aquifers. Rapid urbanization has significantly increased the exposure to flood risk. Environmental degradation has reached a level that compromises public health and livelihoods, particularly for the urban and rural poor, and incurs additional economic and financial costs related to the source of bulk water supply and its treatment. A management focus on IWRM and sustainability of the water resource has been emphasized in the 2004 Water Law. The Water Law introduces the concept of management within the boundaries of a river basin and reflects the principles of decentralization and devolvement of authority to local levels as promoted by the program of regional autonomy.

3. To reflect this importance, the sub-basins of Citarum, Ciliwung-Cisidane, and Ciujung-Cidanau-Cidurian have been designated by the Government of Indonesia (GOI) as a natural planning unit, termed the 6 Ci’s River Basin Territory. It is to be managed under a coordinated framework plan that both recognizes the role of water in fulfilling economic growth targets in a sustainable manner and the diverse individual characteristics and needs of each of the sub-basins. Alleviating the current levels of water stress and improving on critical water quality conditions will require a long-term vision and horizon. Capacity building elements of the proposed TA, particularly on management aspects and development of a coordinated planning framework, will help realize the benefits of complementary investment initiatives and strengthen environmental and natural resource management.

4. Water has been a major area of ADB’s assistance to Indonesia, totaling over $1.5 billion in loans and technical assistance. Improving sustainable use of water resources in-line with the ADB “Water for All” policy3, together with a strong commitment to build capacity of local government agencies, are key elements of ADB’s operational partnership. In particular this partnership stresses the need to continue implementation of policy reforms, overcome weak coordination among

1 The greater Jakarta metropolitan area known as (Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi) and its

surrounding area 2 Inferred from statistics provided by various sources. 3 Water for All is the Asian Development Bank's vision and policy for the Asia and Pacific region.

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agencies and develop guidance for cooperative working. Sustainability of economic growth and pro-poor development are key pillars of the Country Strategy and Program that will be complemented by strengthening capacity for IWRM in the basin area.

5. A Roadmap for IWRM in the CRB, the largest, eastern-most and arguably the most important of the 6 Ci’s sub-basins, has been prepared as part of TA 4381-INO and covers a broad range of planned investments and support programs across water sub-sectors. It integrates management actions horizontally across sectors and vertically across administrative structures with the guiding principle being decentralization and delegation to the lowest appropriate level while recognizing the strategic importance of the basin as a planning unit. The Roadmap identifies investments totaling around $3.5 billion that would be required to achieve the agreed vision for improved water resource management in that sub-basin. Because of the very large total investment, it will need to be financed from a variety of sources, including ADB, other international donors, GOI and even the private sector.

6. The Roadmap is essentially a planned program of interventions that will, if successfully implemented, lead to the achievement of the vision. In many cases, projects to be included in the roadmap had already been identified by previous studies. In other cases, it became apparent that interventions were required that had not been identified previously, but will be essential for achieving the objectives. A total of almost 80 Roadmap interventions were identified, with a total base cost of around $3.5 billion, proposed for a 15-year time frame. It integrates management actions horizontally across sectors and vertically across administrative structures with the guiding principle being decentralization and delegation to the lowest appropriate level while recognizing the strategic importance of the Basin as a planning unit. To reflect this importance, the sub-basins of Citarum, Ciliwung-Cisadane, and Ciujung-Cidanau-Cidurian have been designated by GOI as a natural planning unit – termed the 6 Ci’s River Basin Territory. It is to be managed under a coordinated framework plan that both recognizes the role of water in fulfilling economic growth targets in a sustainable manner and the diverse individual characteristics and needs of each of the sub-basins. Alleviating the current levels of water stress and improving on critical water quality conditions will require a long-term vision and horizon.

7. There are presently three river basin organizations, called “Balai Besar Wilayah Sungai (BBWS)”, for the three sub-basins within the 6 Ci’s River Basin Territory (6 Ci's RBT), and it is proposed to establish an apex Water Resources Council in 6 Ci's RBT with some form of high-level river basin councils in each of the sub-basins. The precise mechanism and arrangement for this is undecided and will require requires planning and stakeholder dialogue.

8. Also under assistance of TA 4381 the three BBWS established Change Management Teams and prepared Capacity Development Action Plans (CDAPs) which identified weaknesses and capacity building needs. These CDAPs have not been implemented.

9. This TA has been designed to introduce and effectively deliver holistic IWRM principles to the water sector in the 6 Ci’s River Basin Territory, and also to ensure sustainability of water-related investments contained in the Roadmap and initially to be implemented through the ICWRMIP, a wide range of organizations and their

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related legal and regulatory frameworks must be strengthened in water resources protection, water services provision and river basin management.

B. Objectives

10. The key objective of IWRM Institutional Strengthening is the development of IWRM capacity in the 6 Ci’s River Basin Territory through:

Strengthening the three BBWS organizationally,

Strengthening of the BBWS and related organizations4 in technical capacity related to river basin planning and the information on which it is based,

Strengthening in cooperative and collaborative approaches for BBWS and related organizations,

Support in the establishment of a representative and functional 6 Ci's Water Council and supporting structure at sub-basin level,

Strengthening in and collaborate links with other river basin stakeholders such as water users, NGOs and community representatives, and

Strengthening in knowledge and awareness of IWRM principles, and education for a broad audience.

C. Scope of Work

11. In order to fulfill the objectives, the following main activities will be undertaken:

1. Capacity Building and Support

12. Capacity building and support projects will include the following activities: (i) surveys, analysis, dialogue and empowerment of communities and their representatives (ii) capacity building for stakeholders, CSOs involved in water resources management in the three river basins, (iii) assistance in establishing the Water Resources Councils, river basin management offices and support unit(s) for improved policy development and coordination, (iv) ongoing support and capacity building for the Councils, river basin management offices and support unit(s), (v) support to the development of capacity for water resources O & M and asset management,

2. Implementation of the Capacity Building

13. The implementation of the project will include the following activities: (i) Implementation of capacity building action plan management, human resources management, institutional arrangements, legal framework for river basin management, river basin coordination and IWRM, monitoring and evaluation and action plans including peer reviews, (ii) skills development including executive development, management and team leadership, administrative and technical skills for staff and knowledge management (iii) job skills development including conflict resolution and negotiation, community consultation and participation, (iv) river basin coordination including IWRM awareness and implementation, river basin coordination and consultation, role sharing, communications strategy and communications and awareness programs, river basin exchange program, river 4 Specifically the TA will support provincial and district water resources agencies (WRAs) as part of an

holistic strengthening to IWRM in the 6 C's. The use of the team Balai Besar shall be deemed to include these WRAs

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basin status reporting, (v) infrastructure development and management including infrastructure asset management, and support for river basin planning activities "roadmapping" and a strategic river basin plan (pola) and basin master plans (rencana) (vi) technical capacity strengthening including hydrological modeling, gender and poverty targeting, and water data collection and management.

3. Data and Information

14. For data and modeling the project will include the following activities: (i) collect and collate existing available data related to basin surface and groundwater, and a comprehensive database thereof5, (ii) develop an Internet-based metadatabase (data inventory) for water, land and related data in the 6 Ci’s River Basin Territory in close collaboration with the spatial planning group and Citarum units, (iii) design and implement a web-based MIS for 6 Ci’s stakeholders.

4. River Basin Modeling6

15. For river basin surface water modeling activities will include: (i) identify potentially useful modeling packages for an integrated river basin water quantity (water balance) model, and assist DGWR in the selection the most suitable model or models (each Balai Besar (and also PJT-2 in the Citarum River Basin) may have existing capacities which influence the model choice), (ii) develop, calibrate and validate (and or upgrade) a water balance model for the 6 Ci’s River Basin Territory for use by relevant agencies for policy and planning, (iii) run water resource development and management scenarios interrogating water-related resources and services outputs (include future climate change and spatial planning scenarios), (iv) provide on the job training for modeling use and update.

5. Basin Planning and Development of Pola and Rencana

16. This activities will include (i) develop a stakeholder assessment and map out in a participatory manner the stakeholder driven consultative mechanisms for Pola and Rencana development, (ii) develop a roadmap vissionary planning framework in collaboration with stakeholders to include the preparation of a strategic river basin plan (pola) and basin master plans (rencana) that will facilitate improved and more integrated water resource management, outline monitoring mechanisms for bi-annual stakeholder roadmap status reporting (iii) facilitate the process leading to development of the Pola and for water resources development and management in the 6 Cis River Basin Territory (with the Citarum River Basin an initial priority), (iv) assist stakeholders in preparation the Rencana based on the Pola, (v) development and implementation of a mechanism for monitoring the implementation (Rencana) of the river basin plan by line agencies and CSOs with that responsibility, and reporting progress to government and Water Council.

6. State of the Basin Reporting

17. Activities will include (i) review of “state of the basin” existing/best practices reporting procedures, (ii) development of an appropriate process and guidelines to produce and disseminate a “state of the basin” report to identify problem areas, cause/sources and needed remedies, (iii) initial state of the basin benchmarking and 5 Component D of the 6 Ci's TA will coordinate this work in CRB with the development on the CRB DSS 6 Component D DSS will be working on volumetric and water quality modeling in CRB and the

development of DSS

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definition of targets, (iv) facilitate Peer review of 'basin benchmarking', (v) produce first annual "state of the basin" reports jointly with stakeholders develop with stakeholders process for routine annual reporting, (vi) assist in dissemination and dialogue of "state of the basin" reports, and (vii) external independent monitoring of the basin reporting mechanisms.

D. Expertise Requirements

18. The technical assistance will be undertaken by a team of experts comprising international and national professional staff a minimum of 33 and 305 total person-months respectively. In addition a minimum of some 72 months of technical support assistants (Assistant Flood Modeler, Assistance hydrologist etc ) will be provided and costed in the proposal.. In general, preference will be given to International professional staffs that have work experience in Indonesia or in other Southeast Asian countries. It is expected that the following professional staff (office management and technicians will be provided by the consultant under the services to support efficient and effective implementation) will be required:

Table 1: Estimated Person-Month Requirement7

Position No. International National PM Team Leader / Institutional Strengthening Specialist 1 16 Co Team Leader / Water Resources Management Specialist 1 30 Project Management Specialist Administrative Coordinator 1 18 River Basin Planning Specialist 2 8 18 River Basin Planning Specialist Balai Besar Citarum 1 20 River Basin Planning Specialist Balai Besar Ciliwung Cisadane 1 6 River Basin Planning Specialist Balai Besar Ciujung-Cdurian 1 6 Watershed Management Specialist 1 12 River Basin Modeling Specialist 2 6 18 MIS / GIS / Database Specialist 2 3 18 Asset Management/O & M Specialist 1 12 Organizational Development Specialist 1 20 Hydrologist 1 16 Hydro geologist 1 6 Curriculum / Training Specialist 1 12 CSO Communications and Outreach Specialist 1 30 CSO Communications and Outreach Specialist BB-Citarum 1 24 CSO Communications and Outreach Specialist BB Cil-Cis 1 6 CSO Communications and Outreach Specialist BB Cu Cd 1 6 Socio-Economist Gender/Vulnerable Peoples Specialist 1 9 Economist and Financial Planner 1 9 Environmental Specialist 1 9 Total 25 33 305

1. International Professional Staff

a. Team Leader/Institutional Strengthening Specialist

19. The main responsibility of the Team Leader will be to facilitate the implementation of institutional measures within the three Balai Besar. In addition he/she will have administrative duties and management responsibilities for his/her team (in which he/she is to be assisted by the Deputy Team Leader). More specifically, the Team Leader's duties will, inter alia, include:

7 The table shows an "indicative" breakdown of the services the bidding firms are free to adjust the total

resources within the available budgets.

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i Prepare with 6 Ci's stakeholders an update of the diagnostic analysis related to institutional roles of the three Balai Besar, other agencies and CSOs

ii Oversee stakeholder assessments and facilitate wide dialogue and participatory mechanisms for implementation if this sub component

iii Review on going routine Balai Besar capacity building fund allocations and (a) compare with needs, (b) prepare financial capacity development investment plan for the capacity building strategy

iv Assess what skill sets are required in the Balai Besar to function efficiently

v Review the capacity Development Action Plans (CDAPs) with Balai Besar in close coordination with the other team members

vi Review the effectiveness of Change Managment Teams (CMT) and reactivate these groups within Balai Besars as appropriate

vii Facilitate through NARBO/BPSDA benchmarking of the Balai Besar organisations

viii Provide support to the Water Resources Councils (WRC) establishment, management and other support units

ix Monitor and prepare reporting on implementations of all the capacity building activities,

x Prepare the financial planning templates, data analysis and financial planning as part of the CDAPs financial plans across Balai Besar

xi Prepare guidelines on assessment of institutional development and organizational strengthening

xii Lead coordination between Component B TA activities and pro-actively liaison with other 6 Ci's TA Components and ICWRMIP project activities

xiii Ensure full participation of wide stakeholder representation in 6 Ci's River Basin Territory IWRM processes

xiv Review existing material and update and/or prepare new training material for workshop and seminars, conferences etc

xv Coordinate with IWRM capacity building initiatives and networks in Indonesia and regionally

xvi coordination and assist in the consolidation of other TA Component activities

20. He/she will be an experienced international expert with qualifications and specialization in a range of water resources development areas. The consultant should be a university graduate Msc degree in a relevant subject area with a minimum of 15 years experience in capacity building assessments and capacity building programs of government and non government agencies. The expert will have strong interpersonal and communication skills, be fluent in written and spoken English, and have proven ability in report writing for professional purposes.

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b. River Basin Planning Specialist

21. In order to set up or strengthened existing planning capacities within the three Balai Besar based on IWRM principles, the international River Basin Planning Specialist’s principal duties will, inter alia, include:

i Develop the 6 Ci's roadmap framework in collaboration with stakeholders (coordinate with International Water Hub Center for River Basin Organizations and Management and ICWRMIP PCMU/RCMU regarding best roadmaping practice)

ii Prepare with stakeholders a strategic river basin plan (Pola) that will facilitate improved and more integrated water resource management, also the Rencana based on the Pola

iii Update through Balai Besars management information system funding priorities and gaps for Rencana

iv Coordinate with the spatial planning group integration of spatial planning data and processes

v Include climate change scenarios into long term IWRM development planning

vi Coordinate with the GIS and modeling specialists the strengthening of existing geographic database and MIS for supporting agencies coordination, on going and proposed projects (including Government, CSOs and CSRs initiatives) for planning purposes

vii Prepare guidelines on mechanisms for monitoring the implementation (Rencana) of the river basin plan by line agencies with that responsibility, and reporting progress to government and Water Council

viii Work with basin Stakeholders and define initial state of the basin benchmarking targets

ix Prepare initial annual "state of the basin" closely with stakeholders and develop a report template

x Assist with capacity building Balai Besars in IWRM planning

22. He/she will be an experienced international expert with qualifications and specialization in IWRM and water resources planning. The consultant should be a university graduated with at least 12 years experience in water resources planning of water availability and water demand for irrigation and DMI and preparation of water balance studies using appropriate computer models. Preferably he/she should have worked in Indonesia or in other Southeast Asian countries in the field of water resources planning. The expert will have strong interpersonal and communication skills, be fluent in written and spoken English, and have proven ability in report writing for professional purposes.

c. River Basin Modelling Specialist

23. In order to set up river basin modeling facilities or to strengthened existing modeling capacities within the three Balai Besar for use by relevant agencies for policy and planning, the international River Basin Modeling Specialist’s principal duties will, inter alia, include:

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i Evaluate available modeling capacities, data and software

ii Overview data collection of remaining available data and model related to basin surface

iii Provide inputs on modeling resources for the preparation for the CADPs updates

iv Review hydrological, topographical and other data for analysis and data processing

v Coordinate and liaise closely with consultants working on ICWRMIP West Tarum Canal DED, Puslitbang, PJT2 and other relevant teams river basin modeling activities

vi Provide guidance to the GIS/MIS team for the preparation of comprehensive databases for modeling data

vii Integrate spatial planning data into river basin models

viii Integrate future climate change scenarios into rier basin models

ix Prepare (or update where existing) and calibrate models and run development scenario’s interrogating water related resources and services outputs adequate to prepare pola and rencana.

x Prepare procedure for data exchange and model updating

xi Formulate recommendations for the preparation of the Pola and Rencana, as well as state of the basin reporting based on modeling results

xii Provide on the job training for modeling use and update for long term suistanability purpose

24. He/she will be an experienced international expert with qualifications and specialization in a range of database and river basin modelling. The consultant should be a university graduated engineer or geography with about 10 years experience in water resources planning of water availability and water demand for irrigation and DMI and preparation of water balance studies using appropriate computer models. The expert will have strong interpersonal and communication skills, be fluent in written and spoken English, and have proven ability in report writing for professional purposes.

d. MIS/GIS/Database Specialist

25. For the purpose to strenghten monitoring and planning activities within the 6 Cis area using modern methods such as database and information system, the international MIS/GIS/database management specialist’s principal duties will, inter alia, include:

i Evaluate available information system capacities, data and human resources

ii Supervise additional data collection in close collaboration with the hydrologist, hydro geologist, asset management experts for processing and integration in centralized databases

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iii Coordinate with the spatial planning specialist data collection and integration of spatial planning data

iv Coordinate with the asset management specialist the set up of asset management systems (based on the national asset management system developed under PISP)

v Design or upgrade dedicated geographic databases and MIS for existing facilities agencies coordination, on going and proposed projects (including Government, CSOs and CSRs initiatives) for planning and monitoring purposes including spatial planning data

vi Prepare metadatabases and interface for dissemination of information through Internet

vii Prepare procedure for updating of the annual "state of the basin" reports data from the databases

viii Update through RCMU management information system funding priorities and gaps for Rencana in the Citarum river basin

ix Provide technical and financial inputs for the CADPs for the long term sustainibility of the information systems

x Assist with capacity building Balai Besar in database and geographic information system management

26. He/she will be an experienced international expert with qualifications and specialization in a range of database and information system for water resources management applications. The consultant should be a university graduated engineer or geography with about 10 years experience in the field of information system and database development and management applied to water resources management. The expert should have a sound knowledge of and practical experience in IWRM and familiarity with a wide range of information system such as GIS, web based database and programming languages used for database software development. The expert will have strong interpersonal and communication skills, be fluent in written and spoken English, and have proven ability in report writing for professional purposes.

2. National Professional Staff

a. Co-Team Leader/ Water Resources Management Specialist

27. The deputy team leader/Water Resources Management Specialist’s will assist the team leader in the development and implementation of institutional strengthening activities within the three Balai Besar and supervise all the technical activities. In addition he/she will assist in carrying out administrative duties and management responsibilities for the team and deputise for the Team Leader in his/her absence. More specifically, the Deputy Team Leader's duties will include:

i Assist the river basin planning specialists to develop the roadmap

framework in collaboration with stakeholders

ii Provide technical inputs for the review of the CADPs

iii Supervise the river basin planning specialists for the development of a strategic river basin plan (Pola) that will facilitate improved and more

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integrated water resource management, also the Rencana based on the Pola

iv Ensure proper coordination among the specialists and counterpart staff in charge of information system, asset management system and modeling activities

v Prepare initial state of the basin benchmarking and definition of targets

vi Assist in a peer review of 'basin benchmarking'

vii Produce with the river basin planning specialists the annual "state of the basin" reports

viii Prepare guidelines for monitoring and evaluation and prepare the periodicly progress report of implementation (Rencana)

ix Update through management information system funding priorities and gaps for Rencana

x Ensure dissemination and dialogue of "state of the basin" reports

xi Assist with capacity building Balai Besar in IWRM

xii Coordination with all TA components

28. He/she will be an experienced national expert with qualifications and specialization in a range of water resources management and planning. The consultant should be a university graduated with at least 15 years experience in water resources planning of water availability and water demand for irrigation and DMI and preparation of water balance studies. The expert will have strong interpersonal and communication skills, be fluent in written and spoken English, and have proven ability in report writing for professional purposes.

b. Project Management Specialist /Administrative Coordinator

The Project Manaement Specilist/Administrative Coordinator will assist the team leader and Co-Team Leader in the efficient and effective management of the administrative activities. He/she will lead the management of administrative duties and management responsibilities for the team and deputise for the Team Leader in his/her absence in relation to administrative duties. Also he/she will coordinate routine quarterly reporting across TA 7189 Component A, B and C activities and ensure timely coordination activities and reporting to ADB and Government PIUs More specifically, the Project Manaement Specilist/Administrative Coordinator's duties will include:

i Manage Component B administration including timely coordination, timely

technical and administrative reporting, updating of work plans, staffing schedules and financing needs, invoicing and record keeping.

ii Monitor and prepare reporting on implementations of all the capacity building activities,

iii Management of Component B Provisional Sum usage with timely, comprehensive proposals and submissions to ADB in close consultation

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with technical specialists and PIUs. Management of timely and efficient liquidation of PS activities

iv Provide Project Management Support to Component B activities ensuring the time of technical specialists is maximised on technical activities.

v Consolidate into simple quarterly reports a brief readable summary of all TA Component activities summarizing progress, raising key issues and outlining future activities and resources utilization. Ensure routine communications and coordination within TA components occurs

vi Ensure PIUs, PCMU and RCMU are kept fully abreast and appraised of all TA 7189 related meetings and events. by maintaining

vii Provide and oversee technical specialists to ensure timely publishing of reports, information notes and technical information onto the ICWRMIP web site.

viii Monitor TA related correspondence and media and circulate to ADB, PIUs and TA teams as appropriate.

ix Prepare VOs for Component B

x Liaise and assist ADB in TA management and administration.

29. He/she will be an experienced national expert with qualifications and specialization in ADB Project implementation and project managment. The consultant should be a university graduated with at least 8 years experience in leading the administrative managment of large international consulting services. He/she shall be familiar with ADB procurement and project managment guidelines, The expert will have strong interpersonal and communication skills, be a competent user of financial managment systems, databases and web tecnnology, be fluent in written and spoken English, and have proven ability in report writing for professional purposes.

c. River Basin Planning Specialist (plus 3 Balai Besar based)

30. In order to set up or strengthened existing planning capacities within the three Balai Besar based on IWRM principles, the national River Basin Planning Specialist’s principal duties will, inter alia, include:

i Support the development of the 6 Cis roadmap framework in collaboration with stakeholders

ii Support the preparation fo the strategic river basin plan (Pola) that will facilitate improved and more integrated water resource management, also the Rencana based on the Pola

iii Coordinate with the GIS and modeling specialists the strengthening of existing geographic database and MIS for supporting agencies coordination, on going and proposed projects (including Government, CSOs and CSRs initiatives) for planning purposes

iv Collect and process data for the initial state of the basin benchmarking

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v Support the Balai Besar in preparing annual "state of the basin" reports

vi Support monitoring and reporting of the implementation (Rencana) of the river basin plan by line agencies with that responsibility, and reporting progress to government

vii Assist with capacity building Balai Besar in IWRM planning

31. He/she will be an experienced national expert with qualifications and specialization in IWRM and water resources planning. The consultant should be a university graduated with at least 12 years experience in water resources planning of water availability and water demand for irrigation and DMI and preparation of water balance studies using appropriate computer models. The expert will have strong interpersonal and communication skills, be fluent in written and spoken English, and have proven ability in report writing for professional purposes.

32. 3 Balai Based Water Resources Planning Specialist will be an experienced national expert with qualifications and specialization in IWRM and water resources planning. The consultant should be a university graduated with at least 8 years experience in water resources planning of water availability and water demand for irrigation and DMI and preparation of water balance studies using appropriate computer models. The expert will have strong interpersonal and communication skills, be fluent in written and spoken English, and have proven ability in report writing for professional purposes.

d. Watershed Management Specialist

33. In order to strengthened existing planning and programming coordination capacities related to "out of stream" within the three Balai Besar based on IWRM principles, the national Watershed Managemnt Specialist’s principal duties will, inter alia, include:

i Support the development of the 6 Cis roadmap framework in collaboration with stakeholders

ii Support the preparation fo the strategic river basin plan (Pola) that will facilitate improved and more integrated water resource management, also the Rencana based on the Pola

iii Coordinate with the GIS and modeling specialists the strengthening of existing land use and watershed management geographic database and MIS for supporting agencies coordination, on going and proposed projects for planning purposes related to water resources protection and management (reef to ridge)

iv Collect and process data for the initial state of the basin benchmarking related to watershed managment

v Assist with the prepare annual "state of the basin" reports working closely with the agencies and stakeholders responsible for watershed management.

vi Assist with capacity building of Balai Besar in watershed management planning, programming and coordination techniques and coordiante with forestry, agriculture and local government agencies responsible for these activities to ensure data and information sharing and synergy and complimentarity of programs..

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34. He/she will be an experienced national expert with qualifications and specialization in IWRM and watershed management. The consultant should be a university graduated with at least 12 years experience in watershed management, productive and community forestry manegement, sustainable biodiversity managment, sustainable upland farming systems and landuse planning . The expert will have strong interpersonal and communication skills, be fluent in written and spoken English, and have proven ability in report writing for professional purposes.

35. 3 Balai Based Water Resources Planning Specialist will be an experienced national expert with qualifications and specialization in IWRM and water resources planning. The consultant should be a university graduated with at least 8 years experience in water resources planning of water availability and water demand for irrigation and DMI and preparation of water balance studies using appropriate computer models. The expert will have strong interpersonal and communication skills, be fluent in written and spoken English, and have proven ability in report writing for professional purposes.

e. River Basin Modelling Specialist

36. In order to set up river basin modeling facilities or to strengthened existing modeling capacities within the three Balai Besar for use by relevant agencies for policy and planning, the national River Basin Modeling Specialist’s principal duties will, inter alia, include:

i Supervise additional data collection (hydrological, topographical...etc) as


ii Supervise data processing and support data analysis (hydrological, hydraulic, topographical)

iii Coordinate with the DED WTC, PJT2 Puslitbang and other relevant teams river basin modeling activities

xiii Support the GIS/MIS team for the preparation of comprehensive databases for modeling data

iv Run development scenario’s interrogating water related resources and services outputs

v Provide on the job training for modeling use and update

37. He/she will be an experienced national expert with qualifications and specialization in a range of database and river basin modelling . The consultant should be a university graduated engineer or geography with about 10 years experience in water resources planning of water availability and water demand for irrigation and DMI and preparation of water balance studies using appropriate computer models.. The expert will have strong interpersonal and communication skills, be fluent in written and spoken English, and have proven ability in report writing for professional purposes.

f. MIS/GIS/Database Specialist

38. For the purpose to strenghten monitoring and planning activities within the 6 Cis area using modern methods such as database and information system, the national MIS/GIS/database management specialist’s principal duties will, inter alia, include:

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i Carry out additional data collection as required and ensure integration of

spatial planning data

ii Provide programming support for the set up of dedicated geographic databases for existing facilities agencies coordination, on going and proposed projects (including Government, CSOs and CSRs initiatives) for planning and monitoring purposes

iii Prepare a web interface for dissemination of information through Internet

iv Provide on the job training to MIS/GIS technician

v Assist with capacity building Balai Besar in database and geographic information system management

39. He/she will be an experienced national expert with qualifications and specialization in a range of database and information system for water resources management applications. The consultant should be a university graduated engineer or geography with about 10 years experience in the field of information system and database development and management applied to water resources management. The expert should have a sound knowledge of and practical experience in IWRM and familiarity with a wide range of information system such as GIS, web based database and programming languages used for database software development. The expert will have strong interpersonal and communication skills, be fluent in written and spoken English, and have proven ability in report writing for professional purposes.

g. Asset Management/O & M Specialist

40. For the purpose of supporting the development of capacity for water resources O & M and asset management within the three Balai Besar, the national asset management/O & M specialist’s principal duties will, inter alia, include:

i Review exsisting asset management system, procedures, O & M guidelines and reporting and provide recommendations for improvement

ii Install asset management systems based on the national system developed by DGWR under PISP

iii Prepare survey program (including institutional, financial and technical aspects) as required and coordinate with the MIS/GIS team

iv Provide inputs for the preparation of the CADPs on asset management and O & M aspects

v Support the development of capacity for water resources O & M and Asset Management

vi In the Citarum River Basin assist with needs based budgeting and asset managment plans for all ICWRMIP Roadmap insfrastructure

41. He/she will be an experienced expert with qualifications and specialization in a range of water resources development areas. He/she should have at least 10 years experience in the field of operation and maintenance in water sector. He/she should have knowledge of asset management system. The expert will have strong interpersonal and communication skills, be fluent in written and spoken English, and have proven ability in report writing for professional purposes.

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Terms of Reference for Project 1 Sub Component 1.3 15

h. Organizational Development Specialist

42. For the purpose of developing the implementation of CADPs and to implement improvement organizational capacities measures within the Balai Besar, the national organizational development specialist’s principal duties will, inter alia, include:

i Carry out organizational data collection and analysis, review Staff numbers

and disciplines age, experience and identify any gaps of skills and resources which affect Balai Besar ability to discharge its duties effectively

ii Assist in the establishment of the Water Resources Councils, river basin management offices and support unit(s) for improved policy development and coordination

iii Support the Change Mangement Teams for the updating of the CDAPs

iv Assit with the introduction of modern management techniques in Balai Besar

v Establish an organizational improvement system to improve the coordination and efficiencies of the Balai Besar

vi Coordinate with other technical team members the preparation of organizational improvement measures

vii Assist in capacity building the Balai Besar staff

viii Identify key staff in Balai Beasr for training and Gaps for new staff and undertake staff person-power planning reviews with Balai Besar

ix Assit with role sharing planning and implementation between Balai Besar provincial and district Water Resources Agencies and PJT2

x Prepare material for job skills development including conflict resolution and negotiation, community consultation and participation

xi Prepare long term organizational development strategy and monitoring mechanisms

43. He/she will be an experienced expert with qualifications and specialization in organizational development planning. He/she should also have knowledge and understanding of methodologies and theories of various sectors for water resources planning. He/she should be a university graduate in with at least 10 years experience in the field of participatory organisational planning approaches, facilitating inter-institutional cooperation, and stakeholder involvement.

i. Hydrologist

44. For the purpose of supporting the database establishment and modeling activities within the Balai Besar, the national hydrologist principal duties will, inter alia, include:

i Identify gaps in data, monitoring system, data processing, database and analysis methods in order to prepare specific technical inputs for the CADPs

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ii Evaluate operation and maintenance of field instrumentation (rainfall gauges, flow discharges ...) and propose a rationalization

iii Carry out additional data collection from other agencies (MoA, BMG, MoFr..etc) and establish or reinforce existing data exchange procedures

iv Prepare hydrological data sets (for various scenarios) for the river basin models

v Provide on the job training on data processing, analysis and hydrological database

vi Prepare specific hydrological data sets that take into account climate change scenarios (developed under other component)

45. He/she will be an experienced hydrologist expert with qualifications and specialization in a range of hydrological analysis, data processing and hydrological modeling. The consultant should be a university-graduated engineer with about 10 years experience in the field of hydrological analysis and data management. The expert should have a good knowledge of and practical experience in IWRM. The expert will have strong interpersonal and communication skills, be fluent in written and spoken English, and have proven ability in report writing for professional purposes.

j. Hydrogeologist

46. For the purpose of supporting river basin modeling activities and establishment of proper hydro geological databases within the Balai Besar, the national hydrogeologist principal duties will, inter alia, include:

i Identify gaps in data, monitoring system, data processing, database and analysis methods in order to prepare specific inputs for the CADPs

ii Evaluate operation and maintenance of hydrological instruments and propose a rationalization

iii Carry out additional data collection from other agencies and establish data exchange procedures

iv Prepare hydrogeological data set for the river basin models

v Provide on the job training on data processing, analysis and hydrogeological database

47. He/she will be an experienced hydro geologist expert with qualifications and specialization in a range of hydrogeological system management applications. The consultant should be a university-graduated engineer with about 10 years experience in the field of hydrogeological analysis and data management. The expert should have a good knowledge of and practical experience in IWRM. The expert will have strong interpersonal and communication skills, be fluent in written and spoken English, and have proven ability in report writing for professional purposes.

k. Curriculum/Training Specialist

48. For the purpose of preparing and carry out training activities to strengthen technical and managerial capabilities of the Balai Besar, the national curiculum/training specialist’s principal duties will, inter alia, include:

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i Prepare the training needs assessment closely with the other team members

ii Assist the institutional strengthening specialist to develop training programs for planning, programming, finance, budgeting policy

iii Review existing IWRM training material assess revelance and any gaps required fr 6 Ci's

iv Prepare the training material and carry out training as required

v Support the implementation of capacity building action plan management, human resources management, institutional arrangements, legal framework for river basin management, river basin coordination and IWRM, monitoring and evaluation and action plan peer reviews

vi Assist training implementation and evaluate results

vii Liaise with ADB and other organisations with IWRM institutional strengthening activities identify specific courses for Balai Besar staff

49. He/she will be an expert with qualifications and specialization in training and education for water resources agencies. The consultant should be a bachelor degree relevant sciences discipline with about 10 years experience. The expert will have strong interpersonal and communication skills, be fluent in written and spoken English, and have proven ability in report writing for professional purposes.

l. . CSO and Outreach Coordinator (3 Balai Based Specialists)

50. The CSO Coordinator will support coordination planning, designing and financing of community based development initiatives within the upstream and downstream part of the 6 Cis river basins. This national CSO coordinator’s principal duties will, inter alia, include:

i Assist in preparation of inventories overlap of tasks, gaps, and facilitate role sharing arrangements amongst CSOs and other stakeholders within the upstream and downstream parts of the 6 Cis river basins

ii Assist in the development of processes for non government stakeholder representation on the Water Council(S)

iii Coordinate with the MIS/GIS team integration of CSOs activities related information into the information systems

iv Assist in the establishment of the Water Resources Councils, river basin management offices and support unit(s) for improved policy development and coordination

v Support the CSOs contribution in the river basins management and improvement channeled through BAPPEDA at Provincial and District levels (for communities involvement)

vi Coordinate and monitor community based projects within the upstream and downstream of the 6 CIs river basins

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vii Assist Balai Besar, Water Councils and related stakeholders to prepare communication material

51. He/she will be an experienced expert with qualifications and specialization in a range of CSO based projects. He/she should have at least 12 years experience in the field of planning, funding, and design of community based/ CSO projects in water sector. He/she should have knowledge of CSO funding mechanisms, monitoring and evaluation. The expert will have strong interpersonal and communication skills, be fluent in written and spoken English, and have proven ability in report writing for professional purposes.

52. 3 Balai Besar based specialists will be an experienced expert with qualifications and specialization in a range of CSO based projects. He/she should have at least 8 years experience in the field of planning, funding, and design of community based/ CSO projects in water sector. He/she should have knowledge of CSO funding mechanisms, monitoring and evaluation. The expert will have strong interpersonal and communication skills, be fluent in written and spoken English, and have proven ability in report writing for professional purposes.

m. Socio-Economist Gender/Vulnerable Peoples Specialist

53. The Socio-economist will support identification of poor and vulnerable groups and ensure planning and design of strategies and development programes specifically targets such groups. He/She will also ensure the poor and vulnerable groups are adequately represented in basin forums and water council. This national SEGVP Specialistprincipal duties will, inter alia, include:

viii Prepare TOR for surveys and inventories of poor and vulnerable and relate to IWRM and/or access to water services

ix Assist in the development of processes for non government stakeholder representation on the Water Council(S)

x Coordinate with the MIS/GIS team integration of poor and vulnerable and sex diaggregated data into the information systems

xi Assist in the establishment of the Water Resources Councils, river basin management offices and support unit(s) for improved policy development and coordination working with basin stakeholders develop policies and approaches so vulnerable people have an appropriate voice

xii Coordinate and monitor community based projects within the upstream and downstream of the 6 CIs river basins and review the outcomes on vulnerable groups, ensure effectively targeted and implemented programs are rolled out into the Rencana and ICWRMIP

xiii Develop specific activities targeting behaviourial change for children and women

xiv Assist Balai Besar, Water Councils and related stakeholders to prepare communication material to the poor and vulnerable

54. He/she will be an experienced expert with qualifications and specialization in a range of CSO based projects. He/she should have at least 10 years experience in the field of planning, funding, and design projects targeting women, childern poor and vulnerable groups in water sector. He/she should have knowledge of propoor

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Terms of Reference for Project 1 Sub Component 1.3 19

development approaches. The expert will have strong interpersonal and communication skills, be fluent in written and spoken English, and have proven ability in report writing for professional purposes.

n. Economist and Financial Planner

55. For the purpose of supporting Balai Besar institutional strenghtening in the field of planning and costing of activities, the national economist specialist’s principal duties will, inter alia, include:

i Review current policies and financing of water resources agencies and provide recommendations for improvement

ii Provide inputs for the development of the roadmap framework in collaboration with stakeholders and for the preparation of a strategic river basin plan (pola) that will facilitate improved and more integrated water resource management

iii Prepare funding plan for the establishment of the Water Resources Councils, river basin management offices and support unit(s) for improved policy development and coordination

iv Prepare a plan for identifying and exploiting synergies between public and private sector partners in the basins

56. He/she will be an experienced expert with qualifications and specialization in a range of financing/economy for water resources, economic evaluation and environmental projects. The consultant should be a university graduated environmental with about 15 years experience in the field of economy. The expert should have a sound knowledge of and practical experience in IWRM and familiarity with CSO and public developments. The expert will have strong interpersonal and communication skills, be fluent in written and spoken English, and have proven ability in report writing for professional purposes.

o. Environmental Specialist

57. The main responsibility of the environmental specialist will be to provide inputs in IWRM planning for the institutional development of the three Balai Besar as well as reinforce links with other river basin stakeholders such as water users, NGOs and community representatives. More specifically, the environmental specialist's duties will, inter alia, include:

i Review current institutional arrangements among agencies in the framework


ii Review prioritization of Environmental activities

iii Assist consultations with stakeholders and planners under water councils coordination

iv Review priority activities in accordance with the planning and funding gaps;

v Evaluate funding gaps and assessment of the environmental activities on Rencana implementation

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vi Assist the Co Team Leader in the preparation of the road map framework

vii Provide inputs for the CADPs view from an environmental point of view

viii Assist in the preparation of the Pola and Rencana

ix Coordinate with the MIS/GIS team the preparation of databases

58. He/she will be an experienced national expert with qualifications and specialization in a range of environmental and water resources development areas. The consultant should be a university graduated water resources and/or environmental engineer with about 10 years experience. The expert should have a sound knowledge of and practical experience in water quality, the ecological principle establishing river basins as the basis of IWRM, ideally with experience in river basin management, and familiarity with a wide range of technical issues related to irrigation, flood management, rural and urban water supply and sanitation, water quality, waste treatment, and environmental and ecosystem sustainability. The expert will have strong interpersonal and communication skills, be fluent in written and spoken English, and have proven ability in report writing for professional purposes.

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D. Outputs

59. In line with the objectives, it is expected that each of the main activities will generate the following outputs:

Table 2: Expected Outputs Expected Outputs

Develop data inventory for water, land and related data in 6 Ci’s River Basin Territory,

Provide comprehensive database for surface and ground water modelling data

Improve capacity building for stakeholders, CSOs involved in the component projects ,

Establish Water Resources Council to improve development and coordination policy

Design a communications campaign based on stakeholder aspirations and design an implementation plan to provide adequate information and participation in the development of the Pola and Rencana,

Improve knowledge of water issues in 6 Ci’s River Basin Territory,

Develop an effective and efficience of O & M and Asset Management,

Provide guidelines for data exchange,

Provide a web-based MIS for Citarum stakeholders,

Develop Pola and Rencana for water resources management in 6 Ci’s River Basin Territory,

Establish a mechanism for monitoring the implementation and progress report to Government of Indonesia,

Review of “state of the basin” existing / best practices reporting procedures,

Develop an appropriate process and guidelines to identify problems,

Initial state of the basin benchmarking and definition of targets reporting,

E. Reporting

60. The Consultant shall prepare and submit the following reports to the Client, the Bank and the Project Steering Committee during the period of services. All reports and drawings shall be in the English language and with standard dimensions, unless otherwise specified. During the course of the consulting services, the following reports are to be submitted as a minimum:

o Inception Report [within two months of commencement]

o Quarterly Progress and Financial Reports

o Other regular reports required by GOI and ADB

o Stakeholder Assessment and Empowerment report

o Roadmap framework report

o Pola and Rencana reports

o MIS/GIS manuals and training reports

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o State of the Basins reports

o TA Completion Report

F. Implementation Arrangements

61. The TA will be implemented over a period of 36 months.

62. DGWR is the Executing Agency. The main consultant team will work in the Water Resource Management Service (PSDA), which is located in the Ministry of Public Works complex in Jakarta, with frequent travels to the three Balai Besar. Key staff will be permanently based in the Balai Besar including (i) River Basin Planning Specialist and (ii)CSO Communications and Outreach Specialist. PSDA and Balai Besar will provide adequate counterpart staff to work with the consulting team and to benefit from the transfer of technology especially in the field of MIS/GIS and modeling systems. Other relevant agencies will also be asked to provide counterparts on an intermittent basis, to assist with dissemination and coordination of the outputs of the TA.

63. The Team Leader and Deputy Team Leader will have overall management responsibility and leadership of the consulting team in carrying out the work.

G. Provisional Sums

64. Provisional Sums will be provided for the following activities in line with sums given in the data sheet and will be managed by the consultant to support the above TOR: (i) survey subcontracts and data purchase, (ii) project coordination and management, (iii) seminars workshops conferences, (iv) public awareness, and (v) training. In addition furniture and equipment and office rental (a new DGWR office is under construction but may not be completed prior to mobilizations on the team office renatl may be required for a short rental period.

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Supplementary Appendix 6 - Terms of Reference for Project 1 Sub Component 1.4 - Spatial Planning for The 6 CIs River Basin Territory (TA B2)

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Terms of Reference for Project 1 Sub Component 1.4 1


Terms of Reference for Spatial Planning in 6 Ci’s River Basin Territory

(Subcomponent B2)

A. Introduction

1. The water resources of river basins and groundwater systems in and around the Jakarta conurbation, known as Jabodetabek1, are critical to social and economic development of the country. They are essential for urban and industrial development including export industry, agricultural production through major irrigation systems, rural water supplies, electricity generation though hydropower, and fisheries. The population of the Jabodetabek area is approximately 35 million or almost 15% of all of Indonesia, while it contributes more than 20% of national gross domestic product (GDP)2.

2. Competition for the limited water resources to service this area has increased significantly over the past 20 years leading to a situation of acute water stress and depletion of aquifers. Rapid urbanization has significantly increased the exposure to flood risk. Environmental degradation has reached a level that compromises public health and livelihoods, particularly for the urban and rural poor, and incurs additional economic and financial costs related to the source of bulk water supply and its treatment. A management focus on IWRM and sustainability of the water resource has been emphasized in the 2004 Water Law. The Water Law introduces the concept of management within the boundaries of a river basin and reflects the principles of decentralization and devolvement of authority to local levels as promoted by the program of regional autonomy.

3. To reflect this importance, the sub-basins of Citarum, Ciliwung-Cisidane, and Ciujung-Cidanau-Cidurian have been designated by the Government of Indonesia (GOI) as a natural planning unit, termed the 6 Ci’s River Basin Territory. It is to be managed under a coordinated framework plan that both recognizes the role of water in fulfilling economic growth targets in a sustainable manner and the diverse individual characteristics and needs of each of the sub-basins. Alleviating the current levels of water stress and improving on critical water quality conditions will require a long-term vision and horizon. Capacity building elements of the proposed TA, particularly on management aspects and development of a coordinated planning framework, will help realize the benefits of complementary investment initiatives and strengthen environmental and natural resource management.

4. Water has been a major area of ADB’s assistance to Indonesia, totaling over $1.5 billion in loans and technical assistance. Improving sustainable use of water resources in-line with the ADB “Water for All” policy3, together with a strong commitment to build capacity of local government agencies, are key elements of ADB’s operational partnership. In particular this partnership stresses the need to continue implementation of policy reforms, overcome weak coordination among agencies and develop guidance for cooperative working. Sustainability of economic growth and pro-poor development are key pillars of the Country Strategy and Program that will be complemented by strengthening capacity for IWRM in the basin area.

1 The greater Jakarta metropolitan area known as (Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi) and its

surrounding area 2 Inferred from statistics provided by various sources. 3 Water for All is the Asian Development Bank's vision and policy for the Asia and Pacific region.

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Terms of Reference for Project 1 Sub Component 1.4 2

5. A Roadmap for IWRM in the CRB, the largest, eastern-most and arguably the most important of the 6 Ci’s sub-basins, has been prepared as part of TA 4381-INO and covers a broad range of planned investments and support programs across water sub-sectors. It integrates management actions horizontally across sectors and vertically across administrative structures with the guiding principle being decentralization and delegation to the lowest appropriate level while recognizing the strategic importance of the basin as a planning unit. The Roadmap identifies investments totaling around $3.5 billion that would be required to achieve the agreed vision for improved water resource management in that sub-basin. Because of the very large total investment, it will need to be financed from a variety of sources, including ADB, other international donors, GOI and even the private sector.

6. The spatial patterns and rates of future urban and industrial development in the 6 CIs, particularly around Bandung and Jakarta conurbation, will be crucial to water resource management in the basins. In these areas, water demands will increase rapidly and water supply sources must be developed to meet those demands. Demand management strategies must also be developed to minimize the rate of demand growth. In addition, degradation of water quality and other environmental values is likely to accelerate, meaning that pollution control measures, such as waste water treatment and solid waste disposal, will need to be put in place.

7. Spatial planning is therefore critical if the water resources of the region are to be developed and managed effectively and sustainably. A new Presidential Regulation was issued in July 2008 for Spatial Planning in Jabodetabek. A detailed spatial planning study is proposed that will concentrate on the 6 CIs River Basins and deliver consistent socio-economic and land-use data sets for the basins for different spatial scenarios. Furthermore the study will allow analysis of the impacts of water development and management plans on spatial development in the region and on other sectors.

B. Objectives

8. The study will be based on the Java Spatial Model developed under the “Space and Water” project - a spatial planning initiative covering all of Java. The model is used to provide internally consistent future projections of: (i) the spatial distribution at village level of the population and employment; (ii) the urban area growth needed to accommodate human activities; and (iii) the land-use changes caused by the urban area growth. The model provides in particular a consistent projection of urban/rural land-use with important consequences for total water demand (i) Socio-economic projection of population/employment at district (kabupaten) level based on economic growth scenarios, (ii) Spatial allocation of population and land-use for Java at village (desa) level, (iii) Post processing module to calculate water indicators, such as water demands, and pollutant emissions at water district level within the basin (as well as at village, sub district, district and provincial level). The calculation is based on existing Ministry of Public Works (MoPW) guidelines for river basin studies.

9. At the 6 Ci’s level macro level special data incorporating the recent national Jabodetabek and proposed CRS spatial planning outputs will be used for analysis of bulk water planning use in the proposed decision support system and for inputs into the Pola and Rencana developed under parallel TA packages.

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Terms of Reference for Project 1 Sub Component 1.4 3

C. Scope of Work

10. In order to fulfill the objectives, the following main activities will be undertaken:

1. Data collection and acquisition of satellite images, existing spatial planning data and statistical data.

2. Preparation of an up-to-date land-use map (remote sensing) for the project area.

3. Preparation of Java Spatial Model (JSM) for projection of population and land-use: (further) calibration and validation with specific attention to employment, accessibility, and specific regional sectors with different growth characteristics.

4. Preparation of a consistent regional plan reflecting the existing local plans.

5. Estimation of spatial requirements for the water sector and other related sectors (housing, industry, agriculture, environment).

6. Development of spatial strategies and scenario’s; interpretation of projections, resolution of conflicts on the use of space.

7. Quantification of water related zoning on land-use in the basin (low-flow and peak-flow conservation zoning, flood zoning, erosion zoning, groundwater protection zoning, and so on), based on the water resources analysis for the river basin.

8. Strategic assessment of the impacts of water related zoning on other sectors.

9. Coordination and integration, covering in particular the interactions with the many involved agencies and the component subprojects of ICWRMIP.

10. Interfacing of spatial planning information with the proposed decision support system for CRB.

D. Data Collection and Processing Needs for the Spatial Model

11. The JSM contains a available datasets with village census (PODES) data at village level and projection drivers based on economic growth scenarios by Bappenas and population growth scenarios by BPS. To apply the spatial model in a specific river basin study for the above-mentioned aspects additional data collection and study area specific calibration is needed as follows:

• For the purpose of the spatial modeling the study area is defined as all districts that lie (partly) in the river basin area(s) to be studied. For these districts additional data needs to be collected. The Java Spatial Model runs are made for the whole of Java to ensure consistent population (migration) and employment projections.

• Improved land-use start year available data by village are needed, preferably based on remote sensing image land-use interpretation. The available land-use start year data from PODES 2000 are not very reliable and need to be completed with the PODES 2003 and 2006. Also for the basin water resources analysis itself reliable land-use data are essential, so this really forms the starting point for any analysis.

• Population and employment data at village level from PODES 2000, 2003 and 2006 need to be checked, preferably by obtaining census 2000 data at village or sub district level from BPS. Alternative source is Dalam Angka data at district level that contains population figures at a sub district level.

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• Study area specific economic growth scenarios and population growth scenarios need to be prepared to account for specific regional sectors with different growth characteristics. This to ensure that economic growth projections are corrected in case the regional economy is dominated by locally important economic sectors.

• Calibration of the spatial model for the study area using remote sensing image based land-use interpretation for 2000 and latest available is needed to improve the quality and reliability of the projections for the study area.

• Study area specific land demands and zoning plans from other sectors need to be collected and included in the spatial modeling.

• Land demand and zoning plans results from the basin water resources analysis of the water sector need to be included in the spatial modeling to allow conflict recognition for these spatial claims.

E. Outputs

12. In line with the objectives, it is expected that activities of the project will generate the following outputs, at a minimum:

Table 1: Expected Outputs and Schedule Expected Outputs Expected

Schedule4 (i) Inception Report (ii) Database containing all required data, plus a metadatabase of

that data (iii) Validated and operational Java Spatial Model for 6 Cis with

higher details for CRB (iv) Suite of possible future spatial development scenarios (v) Predictions produced by the JSM showing probable impacts on

land and water demands in 6 Cis with higher details for CRB (vi) Spatial data sets of JSM results in a form that can be used by

agencies responsible for river basin modeling (vii) Coordination and integration with the involved agencies and the

component subprojects of ICWRMIP. (viii) Interfacing of spatial planning information with the proposed

decision support system for CRB. (ix) Draft Final Report (x) Final Report

Month 3 Month 6 Month 10 Month 12 Month 14 Month 15 Quarterly Month 16 Month 16 Month 18

13. All reports shall be in the English language.

F. Expertise Requirements 14. The TA will be undertaken by a team of experts comprising international and national professional staff, with total inputs of 19 and 69 person-months respectively (total 88 person-months) in addition a minimum of some 18 months of technical support assistants (Assistant Flood Modeler, Assistance hydrologist etc ) will be provided and costed in the proposal.In general, preference will be given to international consulting 4 Assuming that the consultants will be mobilized in August 2009

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Terms of Reference for Project 1 Sub Component 1.4 5

personnel that have work experience in Indonesia or in other Southeast Asian countries. It is expected that the professional staff and qualifications shown in Table 2 will be required.

Table 2: Estimated Person-Month Requirement Position No. International PM National PM

Team Leader/Spatial Planner/Modeler 1 10

Water Resources/Infrastructure Planning Spec. 2 4 6 Watershed Enviromental Planning Specialist 2 2 8 GIS/Database/Remote Sensing Specialist 2 3 18 Deputy-Team Leader/Planning and Programming Specialist 1 18 Spatial Planning/Modeler Specialist 1 13 Socioeconomic Specialist 1 6 Total 10 19 69

1. International Professional Staff

a. Team Leader/Spatial Planner/Modeler

15. The team leader will be responsible for the overall consulting services implementation with sound project management practices. In addition to the Team Leader administrative duties and management of his/her team, the Team Leader's principal duties will, inter alia, include:

i. Assess with GIS/Database/Remote Sensing Specialists the available data set and prepare a plan for additional data collection as well as supervise the acquisition of satellite images

ii. Review current spatial planning arrangements and strategies in the 6 Ci’s River Basin

iii. Identify specific land demands and zoning plans from other sectors to be included in the spatial modeling

iv. Prepare and calibrate a Java Spatial Model (JSM) type applied to the 6 CIs river basins for projection of population and land-use: (further) calibration and validation with specific attention to employment, accessibility, and specific regional sectors with different growth characteristics

v. Prepare a consistent regional plan reflecting the existing local plans

vi. Coordinate integration, covering in particular the interactions with the many involved agencies and the component subprojects of ICWRMIP

vii. Provide training to counterpart staff for long term sustainability and updating of the models

viii. Coordination with all TA 7189 Component activities

16. He/she will be an expert with qualifications and specialization in a range of spatial planning applied to water resources management. The consultant should be at least a master graduate in spatial planning or geography with 12 years experience in spatial development planning at central and regional level. The expert preferably has a sound knowledge of and practical experience in spatial planning modeling, data processing and remote sensing. The expert will have strong interpersonal and

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Terms of Reference for Project 1 Sub Component 1.4 6

communication skills, be fluent in written and spoken English, and have proven ability in report writing for professional purposes.

b. Water Resources/Infrastructure Planning Specialist

17. In order to quantify water related zoning on land-use in the basin and to support the development of the spatial planning models with water resources emphasizes, the water resources/infrastructure planning specialist’s principal duties will, inter alia, include:

i. Estimate spatial requirements for the water sector and other related sectors (housing, industry, agriculture, environment)

ii. Quantify water related zoning on land use in the basin, based on the water resources analysis for the 6 Ci’s River Basin

iii. Assist Team Leader on strategic assessment of the impacts of water related zoning on other sectors

iv. Support the preparation of a consistent regional plan reflecting the existing local plans

v. Provide suite of possible future spatial development scenario in water resources/infrastructure sector

vi. Ensure proper coordination and integration, covering in particular the interactions with the many involved agencies and the component subprojects of ICWRMIP.

vii. Coordinate closely with the DSS team the interfacing of spatial planning information with the proposed decision support system for CRB and provide inputs into the Pola and Rencana developed under parallel TA packages.

18. He/she will be an expert with qualifications and specialization in a range of planning for water resources development. The consultant should be a university engineer with about 12 years experience in the field of water resources or infrastructure planning, development and management particularly related with IWRM implementation. The expert should have a sound knowledge of and practical experience in spatial planning management, the ecological principle establishing river basins as the basis of IWRM, ideally with experience in river basin spatial planning management, and familiarity with a wide range of technical issues related to irrigation, flood management, rural and urban water supply and sanitation, water quality, waste treatment, and environmental and ecosystem sustainability. The expert will have strong interpersonal and communication skills, be fluent in written and spoken English, and have proven ability in report writing for professional purposes.

c. Watershed Enviromental Planning Specialist

19. In order to quantify water related zoning on land-use in the basin and to support the development of the spatial planning models with watershed environmental resources emphasizes, the watershed enviromental planning specialist’s principal duties will, inter alia, include:

i. Estimate spatial land use trends for the watersheds in the 6 Ci's

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ii. Quantify water resources, biodiversity and agro-ecological related zoning on land use in the basin, based on the water resources analysis for the 6 Ci’s River Basin

iii. Assist Team Leader on strategic assessment of the impacts land use on the water resources and environment

iv. Support the preparation of a consistent regional plan reflecting the existing local plans

v. Provide suite of possible future spatial development scenarios related to water resources and environment protection/improvements

vi. Ensure proper coordination and integration, covering in particular the interactions with the many involved agencies and the component subprojects of ICWRMIP.

vii. Coordinate closely with the DSS team the interfacing of spatial planning information with the proposed decision support system for CRB and provide inputs into the Pola and Rencana developed under parallel TA packages.

20. He/she will be an expert with qualifications and specialization in a range of planning for water resources, environmental and ecosystems development. The consultant should be a university engineer with about 12 years experience in the field of watershed management and planning, development and management particularly related with water resources ecosystems. The expert should have a sound knowledge of and practical experience in spatial planning management, the ecological principle establishing river basins as the basis of IWRM, ideally with experience in river basin spatial planning management, and familiarity with a wide range of technical issues related to land use planning, forestry, sustainable farming systems, and environmental and ecosystem sustainability. The expert will have strong interpersonal and communication skills, be fluent in written and spoken English, and have proven ability in report writing for professional purposes

d. GIS/Database/Remote Sensing Specialist

21. For the purpose of supporting data acquisition, processing and analysis, the international GIS/ database/Remote sensing specialists’ principal duties will, inter alia, include:

i. With the Team Leader, prepare and supervise data collection including satellite images, existing spatial planning data and statistical data

ii. Prepare an up-to-date land-use map (remote sensing) for the project area

iii. Supervise data processing and data storage in dedicated database

iv. Provide programming support for the design an Internet interface for dissemination of information related to project planning and spatial planning including metadata

v. Provide spatial planning information interface with the proposed decision support system for CRB

vi. Assist with capacity building the PIU in database, geographic information system management and remote sensing

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22. He/she will be an experienced GIS/database management expert with qualifications and specialization in a range of remote sensing technologies. The consultant should be a university graduated engineer, or geography with about 10 years experience in the field of information system and database development and management applied to spatial planning modeling. The expert should have a good knowledge of and practical experience in water sector and familiarity with a wide range of information system such as GIS, web based database and programming languages used for database software development. The expert will have strong interpersonal and communication skills, be fluent in written and spoken English, and have proven ability in report writing for professional purposes.

2. National Professional Staff

a. Deputy-Team Leader/Planning and Programming Specialist

23. The deputy team leader will assist the team leader for the overall consulting services implementation with sound project management practices. In addition to the Deputy Team Leader administrative duties and management of his/her team, the Deputy Team Leader's principal duties will, inter alia, include:

i. Coordinate additional data collection and data processing of satellite images ii. Assist in the review of current spatial planning arrangements and strategies in

the 6 Ci’s River Basin

iii. Assist in identification of specific land demands and zoning plans from other sectors to be included in the spatial modeling

iv. Assist in the preparation of a consistent regional plan reflecting the existing local plans

v. Prepare land demand and zoning plans results from the basin water resources analysis of the water sector need to be included in the spatial modeling to allow conflict recognition for these spatial claims

vi. Provide decision makers with spatial planning updated information and make recommendations for any policy adjustments

24. He/she will be an expert with qualifications and specialization in a range of planning and programming applied for water resources. The consultant should be at least a master graduate in water resources with 12 years experience in spatial development planning at central and regional level. The expert preferably has a sound knowledge of and practical experience in planning and programming related with IWRM implementation. The expert will have strong interpersonal and communication skills, be fluent in written and spoken English, and have proven ability in report writing for professional purposes.

b. Water Resources/Infrastructure Planning Specialist

25. In order to prepare the post-processing module to calculate water indicators, such as water demands, and pollutant emissions at water district level within the basin, the water resources/infrastructure planning specialist’s principal duties will, inter alia, include:

i. Quantify water related zoning on land use in the basin, based on the water resources analysis for the 6 Ci’s River Basin

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ii. Support the preparation of a consistent regional plan reflecting the existing local plans

iii. Provide suite of possible future spatial development scenario in water resources/infrastructure sector

iv. Analyze bulk water planning use in the proposed decision support system

v. Provide inputs into the Pola and Rencana developed under parallel TA packages

26. He/she will be an expert with qualifications and specialization in a range of planning for water resources development. The consultant should be a university engineer with about 10 years experience in the field of water resources or infrastructure planning, development and management particularly related with IWRM implementation. The expert should have a sound knowledge of and practical experience in spatial planning management, the ecological principle establishing river basins as the basis of IWRM, ideally with experience in river basin spatial planning management, and familiarity with a wide range of technical issues related to irrigation, flood management, rural and urban water supply and sanitation, water quality, waste treatment, and environmental and ecosystem sustainability. The expert will have strong interpersonal and communication skills, be fluent in written and spoken English, and have proven ability in report writing for professional purposes.

c. Spatial Planning/Modeler Specialist

27. In order to built, calibrate and analyze the spatial planning models with the Team Leader, the spatial planning/modeler specialist’s principal duties will, inter alia, include:

i. Support the review of current spatial planning arrangements and strategies in the 6 Ci’s River Basins

ii. Identify specific land demands and zoning plans from other sectors to be included in the spatial modeling

iii. Support the preparation and calibration of a Java Spatial Model (JSM) type applied to the 6 CIs river basins for projection of population and land-use: (further) calibration and validation with specific attention to employment, accessibility, and specific regional sectors with different growth characteristics

iv. Prepare a consistent regional plan reflecting the existing local plans v. Compile and adjust the suite of possible future spatial development scenario

in overall sectors. vi. Provide training to counterpart staff for long term sustainability and updating

of the models 28. He/she will be an expert with qualifications and specialization in a range of spatial planning applied to water resources management. The consultant should be at least a master graduate in spatial planning or geography with 10 years experience in spatial development planning at central and regional level. The expert preferably has a sound knowledge of and practical experience in spatial planning modeling, data processing and remote sensing. The expert will have strong interpersonal and communication skills, be fluent in written and spoken English, and have proven ability in report writing for professional purposes.

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e. Watershed Enviromental Planning Specialist

29. In order to quantify water related zoning on land-use in the basin and to support the development of the spatial planning models with watershed environmental resources emphasizes, the watershed enviromental planning specialist’s principal duties will, inter alia, include:

viii. Estimate spatial land use trends for the watersheds in the 6 Ci's

ix. Quantify water resources, biodiversity and agro-ecological related zoning on land use in the basin, based on the water resources analysis for the 6 Ci’s River Basin

x. Assist Team Leader on strategic assessment of the impacts land use on the water resources and environment

xi. Support the preparation of a consistent regional plan reflecting the existing local plans

xii. Provide suite of possible future spatial development scenarios related to water resources and the environment

xiii. Ensure proper coordination and integration, covering in particular the interactions with the many involved agencies and the component subprojects of ICWRMIP.

xiv. Coordinate closely with the DSS team the interfacing of spatial planning information with the proposed decision support system for CRB and provide inputs into the Pola and Rencana developed under parallel TA packages.

30. He/she will be an expert with qualifications and specialization in a range of planning for water resources, environmental and ecosystems development. The consultant should be a university engineer with about 12 years experience in the field of watershed management and planning, development and management particularly related with water resources ecosystems. The expert should have a sound knowledge of and practical experience in spatial planning management, the ecological principle establishing river basins as the basis of IWRM, ideally with experience in river basin spatial planning management, and familiarity with a wide range of technical issues related to land use planning, forestry, sustainable farming systems, and environmental and ecosystem sustainability. The expert will have strong interpersonal and communication skills, be fluent in written and spoken English, and have proven ability in report writing for professional purposes

d. GIS/Database/Remote Sensing Specialist

31. For the purpose of supporting data acquisition, processing and analysis, the national GIS/ database/Remote sensing specialists’ principal duties will, inter alia, include:

i. Carry out data collection including satellite images, existing spatial planning data and statistical data

ii. Support the preparation of an up-to-date land-use map (remote sensing) for the project area

iii. Carry out data processing and data storage in dedicated database

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iv. Program an Internet interface for dissemination of information related to project planning and spatial planning including metadata

v. Update and maintain databases

vi. Coordinate data integration with other counterpart staff from the other ICWRMIP components

vii. Assist with capacity building the PIU in database, geographic information system management and remote sensing

32. He/she will be an experienced GIS/database management expert with qualifications and specialization in a range of remote sensing technologies. The consultant should be a university graduated engineer, or geography with about 10 years experience in the field of information system and database development and management applied to spatial planning modeling. The expert should have a good knowledge of and practical experience in water sector and familiarity with a wide range of information system such as GIS, web based database and programming languages used for database software development. The expert will have strong interpersonal and communication skills, be fluent in written and spoken English, and have proven ability in report writing for professional purposes.

e. SocioeconomicSpecialist

33. For the purpose of preparing and processing all socioecomic datasets required for the spatial planning model, the socioeconomist’s principal duties will, inter alia, include:

i Collect village census (PODES5) data at village level and projection drivers based on economic growth scenarios by Bappenas and population growth scenarios by BPS

ii Prepare economic growth scenarios and population growth scenarios to account for specific regional sectors with different growth characteristics

iii Prepare basin wide poverty assessments and relate to availability of water services, for Citarum provide detailed poverty monitoring parameters for "state of the basin" monitoring and evaluation

iv Prepare PODES data processing and coordinate with the database specialists data integration

v Provide guidance for the calibration of the models with specific attention to employment, accessibility, and specific regional sectors with different growth characteristics

vi Provide inputs for the preparation of regional plan reflecting the existing local plans

34. He/she will be an experienced expert with qualifications and specialization in a range of socio economic analysis. He/she should also have knowledge and understanding of methodologies and theories of various sectors for water resources. He/she should be a university graduate in economy with at least 10 years experience in the field of analysis related to spatial planning development, economic growth and regional economic development. The expert will have strong interpersonal and

5 Should an updated PODES data set become available during TA implementation the latest data will be


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communication skills, be fluent in written and spoken English, and have proven ability in report writing for professional purposes.

G. Implementation Arrangements

35. The technical assistance will be carried out over a period of 18 months. The Implementing Agency (IA) for the TA will be the Directorate of Spatial Planning Region II, Directorate General of Spatial Planning (under the Ministry of Public Works) which is located in the Ministry of Public Works offices in Jakarta. The consultant team will work closely with counterpart staff from the IA. The Team Leader and Deputy Team Leader will have overall management responsibility and leadership of the consulting team in carrying out the work. Component B2 will liaise closely with other TA components and specifically work closely with B1 specialists to maximize implementation synergies and coordinated implementation between PIUs and with ADB.

36. The Team Leader and Deputy Team Leader will have overall management responsibility and leadership of the consulting team in carrying out the work.

D. Provisional Sums

37. Provisional Sums will be provided for the following activities in line with sums given in the data sheet and will be managed by the consultant to support the above TOR: (i) survey subcontracts and data purchase, and (ii) seminars workshops conferences. In addition furniture and equipment is provided.

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Supplementary Appendix 6 - Terms of Reference for Project 1 Sub Component 2.1 - West Tarum Canal Rehabilitation Project

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Terms of Reference for Project 1 Sub Component 2.1 1

Terms of Reference 1. BACKGROUND The Directorate General of Water Resources, Ministry of Public Works on behalf of the Government of Indonesia has applied for a loan from the Asian Development Bank and intends to apply part of the proceed of the loan to payments under the contract for consulting services. 2. TITLE AND LOCATION OF THE PROJECT The title of the assignment is: Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision of West Tarum Canal in the Integrated Citarum Water Resources Management Investment Program (ICWRMIP). The project location is shown in Figure 1, Project Area.


3.1 Background

An ADB Fact-Reconnaissance Mission visited Indonesia in 16 November - 1 December 2006, followed up by another TA Reconnaisance Mission of 30 January - 7 February 2007 and after discussion with National Planning Agency, the Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Forestry, the Directorate General of Water Resources and the three project offices responsible for implementation of water resources works in the three sub-basins, reach an understanding on the rationale, goal, purpose scope, and implementation arrangements of the project.

During the 2003 country programming mission of the Asian Development Bank (ADB), the government of Indonesia requested technical assistance (T A) to prepare a water resources management project, aimed at improving deteriorated irrigation and water supply facilities in the Citarum River Basin (CRB) through an integrated water resources management (IWRM) approach. The ADB approved a Project Preparatory Technical Assistance (PPT A) for the Integrated Citarum Water Resources Management Investment Program (ICWRMIP) on 24 August 2004. The PPTA consultant team mobilized on 23 February 2005 to commence a 13 months contract divided into two phases (i) Phase 1 Review of Water Resources Management Plan and Selection of Sub-Projects; and (ii) Phase 2 Preparation of an Investment Project. In March 2006 an ADB Mission attended the PPT A Draft Final Report Workshop stakeholder presentation and Technical Assistance Coordination Committee (TACC) meeting No.9. The proposed Investment Project, whilst meeting priority. needs of securing water supply to Jakarta and the Jatiluhur Irrigation Project was not considered. sufficiently holistic or integrated to meet the wider CRB development needs nor aspirations of the majority of stakeholders. Agreement was reached to consider an alternative, 'Longer 'term MultiProject Financing Facility (MFF) implementation partnership for ICWRMIP implementation. The Government requested, and ADB agreed to provide, additional TA support to a Phase 3 Roadmap and Investment Program Preparation. The understandings reached between the Government and ADB mission on the Roadmap, Investment Program and Project 1 Loan objective", scope, and cost estimates financing and implementing arrangement and related issues, and the schedule for further processing of the MFF and Project 1 loan.

3.2 Rationale

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Deforestation, urbanization and industrial development in (i) the catchment area of the Cikao (Purwakarta), a tributary that enters the Citarum just upstream of West Tarum Canal (WTC) intake at Curug weir; and (ii) the catchments of rivers intercepted by the WTC, being the Cibeet, Cikarang, and Kali Bekasi have caused an increase of the erosion rate, occurrance of flash flood, and uncontrolled discharge of untreated waste water and garbage, resulting in deterioration of the water quality in the WTC and its feeding rivers. Urbanization and industrial development in the region along the WTC, particularly between Cikarang and Jakarta, dumping of waste, construction of make-shift discharging in the tail end of the WTC are sources of a further decrease of the water quality. lack of operational and maintenance staff, inadequate maintenance equipment and materials and the limited financial resources of PJT-II, have caused excessive sedimentation in certain canal reaches; malfunctioning of control and measuring gates in cross regulators and irrigation off takes; and damaged trash racks and other hydro-mechanical equipment. This has resulted in a reduced conveyance capacity in some canal sections and difficulties in a proper operation of the water regulating and measuring structures. In order to overcome, or at least reduce, the above shortcomings to a manageable level, it is necessary to implement the recommendations for improvement of institutional settings, rehabilitation of canal and related structures, installation of hydro-mechanical and procurement of maintenance equipment, resulting from the West Tarum Canal Rehabilitation Project. 3.3 Goal The goal of the project is to improve quality and increase quantity of water of the WTC for irrigation and DMI purposes. 3.4 Purpose The purpose of the Services is to provide feasibility study, detailed design and construction supervision for physical implementation.

4. OBJECTIVE OF THE SERVICES Design and implementation of all civil and hydro-mechanical works required to improve the water quality of the WTC and to establish a reliable and sustainable conveyance and supply system that can meet the water quality standards as well as the present and future water demand for irrigation and domestic, municipal and industrial purposes (O_I). Preparation of detailed design, engineer's estimate, prequalification and tender documents, and construction supervision for the (i) proposed rehabilitation works for WTC and Cibeet Feeder Canal (CFC) to convey the future water demands; (ii) stabilization of the WTC banks in the head reach; (iii) closure and diversion of drainage inlets in WTC's tail end reach; (v) WTC protection measures; and based on the results of the feasibility study (vi) Cibeet Feeder Canal siphon and separation wall; (vii) Cikarang siphon and separation wall. During the inception phase the consultants shall review all PPT A WTC feasibility studies and recent reports including but not limited to:

• Integrated Citarum Water Resources Management Investment Program (ICWRMIP) PPT A 4381, ADB, Final Report Phase 2, Nippon Koei at al.

• Integrated Citarum Water Resources Management Investment Program (ICWRMIP), Specialist Hydraulic Report John Ackers, October 2006.

• Integrated Citarum Water Resources Management Investment Program (ICWRMIP),

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Terms of Reference for Project 1 Sub Component 2.1 3

PPTA 4381, ADB Project I - West Tarum Canal (WTC). Specialist Report H.H. Toxopeous Program Planner (Contract S09744) September 2006.

• Jatiluhur Water Resources Management Project Preparation Study, NEDECO at al, 1998.

• Ministry of Public Works, DGHS, November 1996 Study on the Revise of Jakarta Water Supply Development Project, Nihon Suido Consultants Ltd and Nippon Koei Ltd, JICA.

• Jakarta Water Supply Development Project, Master Plan and Feasibility Study, JICA, March 1985.

• Study of Cibeet Irrigation, Flood Control and Water Supply, NEDECO in cooperation with Sir Alexander Gibb & Partners and Virama Karya in cooperation with NECON and PPA, DGWRD.

• West Tarum Canal Improvement Project, NEDECO at al, 1983. • Ongoing French funded FASPO Jakarta Water Supply, BCEOM 2007. • K-Water Quality ADB Pilot Demonstration Activity with PJT 2. • Jakarta concessionaire (draft) Water Supply Master Plans 2007. • Individual WTC Design Reports Toxopeous and Ackers, PPTA Special Reports.

In addition, the consultants shall also review the hydro-dynamic and water balance models used previous studies or currently being used by PJT2 and incorporate best features into the proposed work program. 4.1 Feasibility Components

The feasibility comprises the following components: (a) Siphon, link canal and separation wall for the WTC-Cikarang crossing; and (b) Separation of CFC and WTC by separation wall and a siphon to BTb23, (c) Pre FS work on possible long term additional Tarum Canal Pipelines from Juanda Reservoir to include possible bulk water supply needs in the Bogor area and additional DMI demands: These works studies should indicate possible FS and possible future MFF Project Loans.

4.2 Design Components

The main design components are:

i.Improvement of the conveyance capacity of the WTC and CFC by excavation and dredging works and stabilization of the banks;

ii.Propose and design appropriate measures for improvement of the operation and maintenance of WTC, CFC and sediment traps;

iii.Design of Cikarang siphon, separation wall and related hydro-mechanical equipment, if feasible;

iv.Design of CFC siphon, separation wall and related hydro-mechanical equipment, if feasible;

v.Investigate and propose rehabilitation works for existing canal crossings and new bridges;

vi.Inspect hydro-mechanical canal equipment works; and vii.Prepare tender documents, specification and engineer's cost estimate.

4.3 Construction supervision

The main components are:

(a) Excavation, dredging and bank stabilization of WTC and CFC of about 55 km and 5

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km each; (b) Construction of Bekasi siphon; (c) Construction of Cikarang siphon, CFC siphon and related separation wall, if feasible; (d) Rehabilitation of existing canal crossings and new bridges. (e) Rehabilitation of existing hydro-mechanical facilities and equipment, among others:

Curug hydraulic pumping station, Cibeet weir and its appurtenance structures, cross regulator's gates, etc.

(f) Paving of part of inspection road.

4.4 O&M/lnstitutional Reviews and System Commissioning

System Operational components will include:

(a) Diagnose and analyze the technical and managerial obstacles, constraints and opportunities and develop a service oriented management plan for the WTC.

(b) Engage stakeholders in baseline information mapping and vision of water services for a modernization plan for WTC operations.

(c) Provide a capacity building strategy and institutional reform recommendations together with detailed training plan.

(d) Assist in the commissioning of rehabilitated works and calibration of system to. update the system operational manual.

5. SCOPE OF WORK 5.1 General

The following scope of works has been formulated based on the results of the Integrated Citarum Water Resources Management Program (ICWRMIP) and other available information. Details of the feasibility and the design, which will be based on "task" basis and construction supervision work (under "assist" basis) as well as the corresponding activity and work schedule will be finalized in the inception period. Total assignment period will be about 53 months; 12 months for detailed design, 11 months for supervision of tendering and construction of Bekasi siphon, and 30 months for supervision of other portion of the works.

5.2 Quality Program To ensure that the result of the assignment achieves the best quality of work the Consultant will prepare a Quality Program at least comprising of: (i) information on the Services; (ii) project organization of both the Consultant and implementing agency; (iii) implementation schedule; (iv) work implementation schedule and work management; (v) work instruction schedule; (vi) the expertise. 5.3 Inception Phase The Consultant will study and review the existing reports, data, field investigations, maps, surveys and institutional and regulatory conditions, which are relevant for proper implementation of the project. At an early stage in the inception period, details of field investigation such as additional data collection, field surveys, mapping, geotechnical investigation and water quality assessment shall be determined and subcontracts for the anticipated survey and investigation programs should be prepared. 5.4 System Operational Review and Feasibility Phase To avoid that Cibeet and Cikarang water with high sediment loads is intercepted by the

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Terms of Reference for Project 1 Sub Component 2.1 5

WTC, it is proposed to construct bypasses through means of siphons and partition walls. However, in the present situation the volume of water intercepted from the Cibeet and Cikarang for DMI purposes is considerably less than the volume intercepted from the Bekasi river. As the estimated construction cost of the Cibeet Feeder Canal bypass and, especially the Cikarang bypass, are relatively high compared to the cost of Bekasi siphon, it is required to carry out a feasibility study for each crossing in which the option with siphon should be compared with the present situation and proper maintenance of the sediment trap. Another parameter, which should be investigated are the savings in water treatment cost by the use of "bypass" water or water released through the sediment traps with proper maintenance with the present situation. Based on the outcome of the feasibility study, prepare the detailed design of the proposed measures for improvement of the water quality as further detailed in the Design Phase. The scope of works for the Operational Review will comprise:

i. Assessment of performance of WTC management and operations. ii. WTC system capacity and behavior assessments (physical and organizational) iii. Water balances and water quality needs of users and current characteristics. iv. Costs of system operations. v. Define vision of service-oriented management «SOM). vi. Recommend managerial reorganisational needs for WTC and how these relate to

Citarum River Basin and Jatiluhur management. vii. Define operational modernization options. viii. Consolidate a vision for future WTC management.

The scope of works for the feasibility study will comprise: a. Water quality WTC and intercepted rivers.

(i). Collect and analyze all available water quality data of the WTC and intercepted rivers (Cibeet, Cikarang, and Bekasi), evaluate the existing water quality monitoring program of PJT-II by considering the Water Quality modeling work from K-water/PJT-2 under ADB sponsored PDA.

(ii). Advise on application of various chemicals for the pre-treatment and treatment process of the WTP, taking into account the present and improved water quality in the WTC.

b. Treatment process and treatment cost of WTPs along the WTC.

(i). Evaluate the present water treatment process of Buaran treatment plant and other WTPs located next to the WTC and analyze the cost of water treatment and the use of chemicals;

(ii). Evaluate the effect of taking raw water from the WTC after construction of the "bypasses" or introduction of improved operation of the sediment traps, on the water quality, use of chemicals and costs of the treatment process.

c. Feasibility study.

Carry out economic and financial feasibility study for each separate bypass and for the option that both bypasses are implemented, considering the present and improved water quality of the WTC.

5.5 Design Phase

The scope of works for detailed design of main rehabilitation and improvement works for the WTC and Cibeet Feeder Canal comprise the following components:

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(a) Improvement of canal capacity; (b) Cleaning and operation of sediment traps; (c) Cikarang siphon and separation wall, if feasible; (d) Cibeet Feeder Canal separation wall and siphon, if feasible; (e) Diversion of drainage inlets WTC reach Bekasi-Cawang; (f) Stabilization of canal banks WTC reaches Curug-Cibeet and construction of side

Drains; . (g) Rehabilitation and construction of canal crossings and bridges_';' (h) Water quality protection measures and public awareness; (i) Refurbishment and/or replacement of hydro-mechanical equipment. (j) Preparation of community facilities (green and spatial plans) to be designed in a

participatory way to ensure holistic integration of community life around the WTC ROW and adjacent Ox-bow lake in land owned by Government.

The following works should be carried out in each component: (1) Undertake design level topographical surveys, geotechnical and soil investigations,

hydrometric surveys and sediment sampling; (2) Carry out detailed design based on relevant Indonesian and/or other international

standards and prepare the tender drawings; (3) Prepare the bill of quantities, engineer's cost estimate and a project implementation

schedule; and (4) Prepare prequalification documents and tender documents by packages as

approved. (5) Incorporate Operation Service performance design decisions into the individual

design components ensuring stakeholders participate in the detailed design choises. 5.6 Construction Supervision Phase The Consultant will supervise all work components identified in the Design Phase. The following works should be carried out in each component: (1) Supervise and ensure that the Contractor carries out the work without disturbance to

the surrounding areas; (2) Supervise and ensure that the Works are carried out in accordance with the

Technical Specifications, levels and dimensions mentioned in the Drawings; (3) Supervise and ensure that the Contractor follows all rules and regulations stipulated

in the Contract. (4) Ensure system operations including delivery of water of an acceptable quality is

maintained during construction, assist in liaison with community, DMI and irrigation users.

5.7 System Commissioning and O&M Calibrations The Scope of Works during the stage which overlaps with the construction activities will comprise the following components: a) System commissioning in accordance with design and construction specifications. b) Calibration of system performance and updating of as built drawings and system

performance charts. c) Verification with stakeholder of system performance service level. d) Operations staff training.

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Detailed Tasks A. Feasibility Study and Detailed Design (a) Determine water availability in Bekasi. Cikaranq and Cibeet rivers.

Collect, update and analyze hydrologic data of the catchment areas of Cibeet, Cikarang and Bekasi rivers in order to determine (i) the reliable flows available for irrigation and DMI purposes; and (ii) the supplemental flows from the WTC to the irrigation areas after construction of one or more siphons to bypass flow interception from the three rivers.

(b) Determine irrigation areas under command of WTC and CFC.

Determine the present irrigation areas under command of the WTC and CFC by interpretation of aerial photographs and/or satellite images, verified by field investigations. Investigate how much irrigated land served by the WTC system has been taken out of production during the past years and estimate how much more irrigated areas is projected or expected to be converted to other forms of land use.

(c) Future DMI demand

Analyze the present commitments of PJT-II for delivering raw water to (ex) PT Thames PAM Jaya (TPJ), PDAMs along the WTC and secondary canals and various industrial estates and discuss with the relevant authorities, private companies and private users the location of future off takes and projected raw water demand.

(d) Review water demand from WTC and CFC.

Review the water demand for present and future irrigation command areas of the WTC and CFC and the raw water demand for DMI purposes, which is now supplied from the WTC as well as the future demand for the years 2010, 2015, 2020, and 2025. Include in this review should be the existing and proposed agreements for raw water supply between PJT-II and the PDAMs and between PJT-II and other users in the private and industrial sector.

(e) Flushing demand

Investigate if regularly flushing of the rivers crossing the Bekasi-Cawang reach is still required. If this is the case, consider the possibility to meet this demand by surcharging.

(f) Preparation of water demand/canal capacity model.

Prepare and run a water demand model in order to determine the required design capacity of the various canal reaches for the present and future water demands in WTC and CFC The model shall at least include the following parameter: irrigated area, cropping pattern, golongan system, efficiency, irrigation and DMI demand, location of major offtakes, and inflow from crossing rivers, situation with and without interception of Water from these rivers.

(9) Hydraulic verification and estimation of seepage losses.

Undertake, a hydraulic verification of the WTC and CFC conveyance capacity at critical reaches and measure the canal seepage losses through field investigations

and hydrometric surveys. (h) Preparation of a hydraulic canal model.

Prepare and run a one-dimensional steady state hydraulic model of the WTC and CFC in order to determine hydraulic gradients and sediment transport distribution, effect of variations in water demands on water levels, required capacity of security

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devices as emergency gates and spillways, offtake and cross regulator levels, energy losses over cross structures, etc.

(i) Canal conveyance capacity

Analyze if the conveyance capacity of the WTC and CFC is sufficient to meet the present and future water demand and propose measures to improve, restore or increase the capacity by means of surcharging, widening, deepening, lining, sheet piling, etc, if required.

(j) Investigate and improve canal operation and maintenance

Survey and investigate all cross regulators, irrigation off takes and other regulating structures and determine the type and operation conditions of these structures. Undertake a study of the canal gate system, propose and design improvements based on ease of operation, discharge measurement and sediment distribution. Measures could include changes to the existing Romeijn gate system or replacement with other types of gates. Examine alternative solutions for system operation simplification and recommend the most suitable one for implementation. The study should also cover PJT-ll's operational and maintenance staff, fund and equipment and present recommendations for improvement measure of staff, equipment and required maintenance budget.

(k) Flow measurement.

Investigate how and when canal flows are measured including type and location of measurement structure(s), status of structure, last time calibrated, reliability of Q-h curve and propose measures for improvement, if required, as new calibration, additional measuring structures, measurement by acoustic devices, etc.

(I) Sediment Transport

Carry out a sediment sampling program in the 'NTC, CFC, crossing rivers and sediment traps and determine the sediment balance of the WTC system in the cases with and without interception of Cibeet, Cikarang, and Bekasi flows.

(m) Operation and maintenance of sediment traps.

Investigate present operation and maintenance of the sediment traps in the WTC and CFC and, if found to be inadequate, propose and design adequate measures for improvement based on the results and conclusions of the sediment sampling program.

(n) Design of Cibeet and Cikarang crossings.

To avoid that-the' Cibeet and Cikarang water with high sediment loads is intercepted by the WTC, it is proposed to construct bypasses through means of siphons and partition walls. Based on the results of the feasibility study, prepare the required detailed designs for the proposed measures to improve the water quality in the WTC,being siphons, separation walls or improvement of sediment trap maintenance.

(0) Stabilization of canal banks and side drains.

Investigate the sliding problems of the canal bank in the reach between Curug and Cibeet, propose and design measures to stabilize the canal banks. In some canal reaches, especially the reaches in deep cut, erosion material will flow into the canal during the wet season. Propose and design measures to prevent that runoff and erosion material from roads and slopes in deep cut can enter the canal.

(p) Maintenance road.

Investigate the condition of the maintenance road along the right bank and propose and design road improvement works, if required.

(q) Seepage losses at structures.

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Investigate the occurance and size of canal seepage losses at major culverts, irrigation offtakes, emergency spillways and other major structures. Propose and design improvement measures, if required.

(r) Drainage inlets into the WTG.

Locate and survey all drainage inlets into the WTG and investigate measures to isolate and divert the drainage flow into natural drains or proposed parallel drains. Especially, measures are required in the section Bekasi-Jakarta and in other sections of the WTG passing through urban areas and which are vulnerable to pollution.

(s) Toll road along Bekasi-Cawang

Due technical consideration shall be given to the alignment of the proposed Bekasi-Cawang toll road, with respect to implications in design of the rehabilitation works for the section Bekasi-Cawang.

(t) Canal crossings.

Survey and locate all canal crossings as bridges, cross regulators, makeshift bridges and small ferries. Analyze the status of the crossings structures and the degree of obstruction to canal flows. Propose measures and carry out detailed design for improvement, rehabilitation, widening, removal or new crossings, as appropriate.

(u) Spoil dump areas and dredging method

Investigate locations for possible spoil dumps required to receive material from canal excavation and dredging and cleaning of sediment traps. Investigate and advice on the most suitable dredging methods and equipment, allowing for use of the same or similar equipment during later maintenance and allowing for constraints in available work space and spoil dump areas. Prepare cost estimate and specifications on dredging works and especially on the method of measurement and payment.

(v) Cikao pollution control.

Review and 'update the hydrologic data of the Cikao; analyze the river flows and water quality; and identify existing and potential future sources of water pollution and composition of their effluent. Propose measures to either improve the Cikao river water quality by treatment of effluent entering the Cikao both in the short and in the long terms to isolate the Cikao from the Citarum during the dry season. investigate the possibility of introducing a public awareness program concerning river pollution and garbage collection.

(w) Pollution control and public awareness.

Investigate the canal reaches passing through urban and industrial areas that are vulnerable to pollution and propose pollution control measures. These measures could include construction of drains parallel to the WTC, canal fencing and improvement of existing fencing, construction of concrete vehicle barriers on the canal side of all roads with public access, covering of the canal, construction of garbage containers, construction of MCKs, regulatory measures, etc. Investigate the possibility of introducing a public awareness program concerning pollution and use of WTC water, use of MCKs and garbage collection.

(x) Encroachment in the Right of Way (RoW) of WTC.

Survey and record nature and type of encroachment in the RoW of the WTC and the issues related to relocation of squatters and infrastructure in the RoW. Propose measures to relocate people and infrastructure

(y) Resettlement and compensation. if required.

If resettlement of the squatters living in the RoW is required, address the institutional issues of how preparation and implementation of resettlement will be undertaken, how it will be funded, what skills are required and where that capacity be found and

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develop a resettlement Action Plan (RAP). (z) Capacity of Hydraulic Pumping Station at Curug.

Determine the overall capacity of the pumps in the Curug hydraulic pumping station, especially the nine pumps that have recently been refurbished, and check whether the capacity is sufficient to cope with the present and future water demands and possible additional hydraulic head losses in the WTC. Determine the effect of possible surcharging of the WTC on the pump operation and the effect of the water level downstream of Curug weir on the pumping efficiency.

(ab) Hydro-Mechanical equipment in the WTC.

Investigate the condition of present hydro-mechanical equipment in the WTC system, comprising trash racks, water level control and measuring gates, flushing gates, and proposed refurbishment, repair or replacement of the equipment as appropriate. Prepare the design of all hydro-mechanical equipment required for the proposed new siphons,

(ac) Spillway gates Cibeet weir.

Inspect the three gates of the Cibeet weir and evaluate the operation conditions of the gates, which were installed more than 50 years ago. Prepare specifications and a cost estimate for repair, rehabilitation, or replacement for the gates and appurtenant electro-mechanical equipment, as appropriate.

(ad) Detailed design and cost estimate.

Prepare' detailed 'design, tender drawings, cost estimates and implementation schedules for proposed WTC rehabilitation and improvement works. The tender drawing's' should be made to such level of detail fit for contractors to prepare bid. Construction. drawings will be prepared by contractor with the Consultant checking suitability. ..

(ae) Spatial Planning

• Prepare with local communities spatial use planning along the WTC ROWincorporating recreational use, fishing, green (forest) sites, children's playgrounds.

• Coordinate with sociologist NGO and local community heads the intended land use along the ROW and future access and policing requirements from community members.

• Identify areas to. be fenced and those where limited community access is allowed.

• Design specific works to. turn WTC into. a "front garden" not a "back of house rubbish disposal site"

B. Construction Supervision The Consultant should assist the Project in ensuring that the contractor will carry out the works in strict accordance with all drawings and technical specifications in the Contract. The works comprises of the followings: a. General b. Earth Works c. Concrete Works d. Stone Works e. Metal Works f. Road Works g. Piles and Sheet Piles h. Mechanical/electrical works

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(a) General

Ensure that the contractor has applied the agreed standards, procedures far inspection and testing of materials used in the works, ordering of materials, and samples as specified in the technical specifications.

(b) Earth Works

i. Clearing and Grubbing

Instruct the contractor to. clear and grub the areas within the limit designated in the drawings in order to. be able to. check the setting out of the work and far the implementation of pre-dredge and excavation survey. Ensure that the contractor should not start the clearing and grubbing before the surface of the ground is cleared of all trees, stumps, dawn timber, lags, brush, under growth, heavy growth of grass and weeds, fences, minor structures, debris and rubbish .of any nature, natural obstruction or such material which is . unsuitable for the foundation of embankments or other required structures.

ii. Demolition and dismantling

Instruct the contractor to demolish, dismantle and/or remove any miscellaneous existing structures or houses or parts thereof which occupy or obstruct the permanent works and backfill all holes or openings with acceptable material and properly compact in accordance with the technical specifications.

iii. Stripping of topsoil

Instruct the contractor, if deemed necessary, to strip the immediate areas to be occupied by the works, including areas of dry excavation where material from excavation may be used in fill, areas to be occupied by temporary works, or other areas. In order to preserve the natural moisture content and general integrity of materials, stripping shall be carefully scheduled so that materials are not exposed to the extent that they may deteriorate prior to the relevant excavation or replacement of fill or structure.

iv. Dry Excavation (excavation for structures, borrow excavation, and common


Instruct the contractor to prepare an earth balance computation indicating the possible reuse of excavated soil for fill after having considered losses due to handling, shrinkage, etc. The available quantity of dry excavation suitable for fill will be noted for each reach. The earth balance should show in which reaches a surplus and in which reaches a deficit of suitable material can be expected.

v. Common Excavation (excavation of the several parts of works not included in

"excavation for structures" and "borrow excavation" situated above Existing Full Supply Level)

Direct the contractor to use suitable material from excavation, especially materials from within free haul distance of 2 km, for embankment fill, back fill of structures, road embankment. Surplus and unsuitable materials shall be disposed of in spoil dumps.

vi. Excavation from borrow

Check the suitability of material from borrow pits proposed by the contractor if the

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quantity of suitable fill material from excavation is not available, reject unsuitable material, and ensure that the excavation in borrow areas is conducted in regular lines and to a depth save from accident.

vii. Excavation for structures

Direct the contractor to safely conduct excavation for structures by means of either supporting excavated faces or excavation to stable slopes. In case of excavation against which concrete masonry is to be placed make sure that the bottom arid side slopes is excavated accurately by hand to the. elevations, dimensions, grades and slopes as shown in the drawings,':'

viii. Wet/canal excavation Ensure that the contractor shall keep in mind that due to raw water demand of Jakarta's treatment plants, water in WTC shall always flow practically along the year. So, the excavation of the canal_ shall be carried out in wet or below water surface and make sure that the water turbidity shall be below allowable level. Excavation of canal close to structures shall be carefully planned and carried out in such a manner as to prevent any possible damage that might be caused to the structures near the excavation work.

ix. Removing existing embankment filters

Existing embankment may contain blanket and chimney filters and drains but the position and the extent of these filters are not exactly known. The contractor shall make adequate powered auger drillings to locate the filters, if any. In this context, instruct for which sections and to what extent removal of existing embankment filters will be executed by the contractor.

x. Preparation of foundation

Direct the contractor that all foundations shall be freed of loose material, remolded debris or other deleterious material and well graded for a proper drainage and ensure that unsuitable material has been removed and replaced with suitable material of the same quality as the overlying embankment fill.

XI. Material for fill

Direct the contractor to use only suitable material as specified in the technical specifications both for embankment fill, back fill of structures, and filters.

xii. Construction method

Direct the contractor to carry out fill work of any type properly by considering optimum thickness of layer for compaction, proper moisture content (particular attention should be given during rainy season), proper equipment, and procedures for control testing. xiii. Spoil dumps and stockpiles

Instruct the contractor to compact, trim and drain spoil dumps and stockpiles as may be necessary to maintain them in stable condition, ensure that these materials shall not contaminate surround lands. Direct the contractor to cover, stockpiles material from rain.

(c) Concrete Works.

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i. Cement

Check and' approve the type of cement used by the _contractor, ensure that delivery and storage of cement is carried out such that the quality of cement does not degrade and easily identified, inspected and tested at any time.


ii. Aggregates water and admixtures for concrete

Check and approve sources, content, and storage of aggregates to ensure achieve of required quality of concrete works. Ensure that water used or mixing and curing of concrete clean and fresh from approved source and approve the use, type, make, quantity and method of application of any admixtures (air entraining agents, plasticizer, accelerators, expanding agents and retarders, etc).

iii. Reinforcement steel

Instruct the contractor to provide samples of the steel to be used in the works to be tested by a testing authority. Approve the delivery and storage of reinforcement steel, working drawings, bending schedules, splicing, concrete . cover to reinforcement steel, cutting, cleaning, and fixing of reinforcement steel.

iv. Formwork

Check and approve material, construction and removal procedures including period before stripping of formwork in accordance with the technical specifications.

v. Concrete mixes, batching, mixing, and testing

Ensure that trial mixes of concrete, batching and mixing are carried out in accordance with the agreed testing standard and procedures in order to achieve the required quality of concrete. Test, inspect and approve the type of equipment used by the contractor to conduct the mixing of concrete.

(d) Stone works

Check and approve material (stone, sand, and gravel filters) and construction method as specified in the technical specifications for stone works such as stone masonry for protection and stone masonry lined drain.

(e) Metal works

Check and approve material and fabrication and erection of metal structures (flattening, cutting, holing, bolting, welding, and bedding) that will be used for ironmongery, fences and gates.

(f) Roadworks

Direct the contractor to construct the roads in conformity with the alignments, dimensions and typical dimensions shown on the drawings. Check and approve the testing of material and ensure that construction procedures specified in the technical specifications have been fully followed by the contractor.

(g) Piles and sheet piles

Inspect and approve the equipment used by the contractor, minimum length and

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marking of piles, and procedures of driving. (h) Mechanical works

Direct the design, supply of materials, manufactures, inspection and testing, delivery to site, erection, testing on completion, setting to work, finishing and painting, and maintenance for 12 months.

6. STUDY REQUIREMENT The West Tarum Canal rehabilitation study is divided into the following three phases: (i) inception phase; (ii) the feasibility phase of possible Cibeet and Cikarang bypasses; and (iii) detailed design phase. Detailed design of the selected option for the Cibeet and Cikarang crossing will start after the feasibility phase, while detailed design of the other canal rehabilitation and improvement works will start after the inception phase. The topographic surveys, geotechnical investigations, hydrometric surveys and sediment sampling program for the feasibility study and design phase will be undertaken through LCB subcontracts, which will be supervised by the Consultants. 7. SURVEYS AND INVESTIGATIONS In order to obtain reliable field data required for a proper feasibility study and detailed design, it is anticipated that the following surveys and investigations have to be carried out under subcontracts with third parties: (1) Topographic survey program on detailed design level comprising (i) strip survey of canals

and adjacent terrain, leveling and measurement of cross sections of the WTC, CFC and the sediment traps; (ii) detailed surveys of the site and rivers proposed for implementation of siphons and major structures, and (iii) survey of the land selected for spoil dumps. The results of the program will at least include cross sections at interval of 100m of the WTC and CFC, longitudinal profiles of the canal bottom and each embankment, strip plans of the canal and detailed side maps at scale 1:1,000 of the sites proposed for construction of major structures;

(2) Program for design level geotechnical, foundation and material investigations and laboratory soil testing for the major structures to be implemented under the project. The Consultant shall supervise the field and laboratory works and evaluate results of the field investigations and laboratory testing;

(3) Hydrometric survey program to collect hydrometric information about canal roughness coefficients, head losses at cross regulators, trash racks, siphons and intake structures, efficiency of the hydraulic pumping station at Curug and the seepage losses in the WTC. The program shall further include the required flow measurements for sediment sampling program as proposed below; and

(4) Program for integrated sampling of suspended solids in the WTC, CFC, crossing rivers and sediment traps and bed load sampling of the canals, sediment traps and river _ed near the intake. structures. The suspended load concentration should be determined and the bed load samples should be analyzed on. grain size distribution and sand-silt percentage.

The Consultant shall prepare the relevant subcontracts for the above topographic surveys, geotechnical investigations and sediment sampling programs, supervise the relevant field and laboratory works and analyze and comment on the results and findings of the programs. 8. EXPERTISE REQUIREMENTS To undertake the WTC Rehabilitation project the Ministry of Public Works will engage the

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Terms of Reference for Project 1 Sub Component 2.1 15 services of a consulting firm or firms through requirement procedures as stipulated in ADB's guidelines on selection of consultants. It is anticipated that a total of 389 personmonths of professional staff will be required comprising 79 person-months of International professional staff and 310 person-months of National professional staff. Further, about 213 person-months of sub-professional staff and technical staff and 159 person-months of supporting staff will be required.

The feasibility study, design and construction supervision will be undertaken by a team of experts comprising International and National professional staff. In general, preference will be given to International staff that has work experience in Indonesia or in other Southeast Asian countries. It is expected that the following professional staff and qualifications will be required:

8.1 International Professional Staff

(1) Team Leader/Water Resources Engineer

Should be a university graduate civil engineer with about 20 years experience in the field of water resources development and management. He/she should also have experience in operation and design of irrigation systems, river systems and maintenance of infra-structure projects. He/she should have preferably worked in Indonesia and/or other Southeast Asian countries in the field of water resources planning, operation and design of major irrigation systems and raw water supply projects. Further he/she should have experience in management of a multi-disciplinary team for a minimum period of 10 years and be capable of concise reporting and have a working knowledge of Bahasa Indonesia. His/her duties will include all duties normally assigned to a team leader such as liaison with the Ministry of Public Work and other Indonesian institutions, liaison with and reporting to his/her home office, coordination of the feasibility, design and investigation work, overall responsibility for administrative, financial, and technical reporting, progress planning and overall guidance to the professional and supporting staff.

(2) Senior Hydrologist/Hvdrologist/Water Resources Modeler/Sediment Modeler

Should be a university graduate with about 15 years experience in operational hydrology, collection, storage and interpretation of hydrological and meteorological data using appropriate processing methods and modeling techniques. He/she should be familiar with the use of computer for data processing, computer basin models as well as advanced computer analysis techniques; .. Further he/she should have experience in water resources assessment, water balance studies and modeling of rainfall-runoff relations. He/she should have experience in Southeast Asia and preferably Indonesia in the field of water resources. His/her duties will also include supervision of the proposed hydrometric survey program.

(3) Senior Geotechnical Engineer

Should be a university graduate with about 15 years experience in planning of geotechnical investigations, collection and analysis of geotechnical data for design and construction of high embankments, foundations for weirs, siphons and other water related structures. His/her duties will also include preparation of a subcontract for geotechnical field investigations and soil laboratory testing, supervision of such investigations and testing and interpreting borelogs and soil parameter and supervising the geotechnical works conducted by the contractor.

(4) Water Resources Planner/irrigation Engineer

Should be a university graduate with about 15 years experience in water resources

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planning. He/she should have experience in planning of water availability and water demand for irrigation and OMI and preparation of water balance studies by using appropriate computer models. Preferably, he/she should have worked in Indonesia or in other Southeast Asian countries in the field of water resources planning.

(5) Senior Hydraulic Engineer

Should be a university graduate with about 15 years experience in planning and hydraulic design of large conveyance systems such as irrigation canals and pipe lines including appurtenant hydraulic structures as weirs, siphons, water level control and measuring structures, culverts, etc. Further, he/she should have experience in preparation and running of hydraulic canal models.

(6) Remote Sensing Specialist

Should be a university graduate with about 15 years experience in the field of interpretation of aerial photographs and satellite images related to water resources, land use and agriculture. His/her main duty will be procurement of mapping and establish GIS for the basin.

(7) 0 & M Expert

Should be a university graduate with about 15 years experience in the O&M of irrigation and drainage systems. He/she should have experience in the planning of O&M, improvement of irrigation and drainage system operation and' its management.

(8) Senior Structural Design Engineer

Should be a university graduate with about 15 years experience in planning, detailed design, and construction of structures in large conveyance systems such as weirs, siphons, intake and outlet works, gated- ,regulators, retaining walls, sheet pilings, tunnels, bridges, etc. He/she should have profound knowledge of detail design of water retaining structures and construction planning, including preparation of design and tender drawings. His/her duties will be to plan and prepare detailed designs of the major structures, execute design calculations, prepare the relevant specifications and guide the National structural and civil engineers in their design work, preparation of the bill of quantities, cost estimate and design and tender drawings, and supervise the contractor in constructing the related works.

(9) Hydro-Mechanical Specialist

Should be a university graduate with about 15 years experience in planning, design, installation and operation of hydro-mechanical equipment used in water resources infrastructures, such as pumping plants, trash racks, hydraulic gates, measuring gates, spillway and flushing gates, etc. Further, he/she should also have experience in preparation of specifications for procurement of mechanical equipment, testing of hydro-mechanical equipment, and supervision of contractor in installing hydro-mechanical equipment.

(10) Dredging Expert

Should be a university degree in civil engineering with about 8 years experience in planning, set up and execution of small scale dredging and earth moving operations. It will be his/her task to advise on the most suitable dredging methods for canal and sediment traps, allowing for the use of the same or similar equipment during later maintenance and allowing for constraints in available work space and spoil dump areas. He/she will also advise on the types of equipment to be used, estimate the

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construction fleet requirements, unit cost and production rates, and prepare specifications for dredging works, advice on equipment requirements for construction and maintenance, maintenance scheduling and programming.

(11) Water Quality Specialist / Drinking Water Specialist

Should be a university graduate with about 15 years experience of which 5 years in river basin water quality management. He/she should have experience in the field of setting up water quality assessment programs, measurement of water quality in rivers and canals, water quality analysis, methods to improve water quality in rivers, water treatment processes and water quality models. He/she should preferably have experience in Indonesia or in Southeast Asian countries.

(12)Agricultural Water Management Specialist

Should be a university graduate with about 15 years experience in agriculture water management. He/she should have experience in farm practice and canal system water use. He/she should preferably have experience in Indonesia or in Southeast Asian countries.

(13) Senior Economist

Should be a university graduate with about 15 years _experience in preparing economic analysis for feasibility studies. He/she should preferably have experience in Indonesia or in Southeast Asian countries.

(14) Sedimentologist

Should be a university graduate with about 15 years experience in hydraulic modeling, sediment sampling and sediment analysis. His/her duties will be preparation of subcontract for a sediment sampling program, supervision of the sampling program, analysis of the result, estimation of the sediment transport in the river and canal system and advice on operation of sediment trap.

8.2 National Professional Staff

(1) Deputy Team Leader / Water Resources Engineer

Should be a university graduate civil engineer with about 15 years experience in the field of water resources planning, feasibility studies, design and construction of irrigation and drainage systems and related structures and raw water supply. Further he/she should have ample experience in managing project teams for design studies. His/her duties will include liaison with the Team Leader as well as his own home office, preparation of coordination with various local authorities and survey and investigations contractors, overall guidance to the National staff members, reporting on special subjects to the Client and participation in feasibility, design and construction work.

(2) Topographical Engineer

Should be a university graduate with about 10 years experience in collection and review of topographical data, measurement of cross sections and leveling, preparation of contracts for topographical surveys and supervision of field work. He/she will be responsible for planning of the survey work, its supervision and preparation of survey data and maps for detailed design. His/her duties will further include quantity estimation of canal excavation and dredging works and determination of the location and dimensions of cross regulators, irrigation

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offtakes and other important canal structures.

(3) Geotechnical Engineer

Should be a university graduate with about 10 years experience in geotechnical aspect of foundation design and construction of large hydraulic structures and siphons as well as in the design of canal banks and in unstable soil and embankment in high fill. Further, he/she should have ample experience in analysis of materials used for fill and foundation of hydraulic structures and supervision of geotechnical field investigations and laboratory testing.

(4) Water Quality Engineer

Should be a University graduate with about 10 years experience in collection, evaluation and :analyses of water quality data and implementation of water quality monitoring programs. He/she should have the capacity to collect, evaluate and analyze data about waste water sources and' to propose water pollution control programs.

(5) Hydrologist

Should be a university graduate with a strong background in hydrology and about 10 years experience in collection and analysis of climatologic and hydrological data and setting up of an appropriate database. He/should be able to assess water availability in river basins, analyze floods and prepare water balance of river basins. He/she should also have experience in execution and supervision of hydrometric measurement programs for canal and river flows and calibration of flow measuring structures.

(6) Remote Sensing Specialist

Should be a university graduate with about 10 years experience in the field of interpretation of aerial photographs and satellite images related to water resources, land use and agriculture. His/her main duty will be determination of the irrigation areas at present under command area of the MC and the CFC.

(7) O & M Expert

Should be a university graduate with about 10 years experience in the O&M of irrigation and drainage systems. He/she should have experience in the planning of O&M, improvement of irrigation and drainage system operation and its management.

(8) Irrigation Design Engineer

Should be a university graduate with about 10 years experience in planning and design of irrigation and drainage systems including determination of irrigation demands and water availability analysis. He/she should also have knowledge of operation and maintenance of irrigation canal and related control and measuring structures as Romijn and Crump de Gruyter gates.

(9) Hydraulic Design Engineer

Should be a university graduate with about 10 years experience in hydraulic design of irrigation and drainage canals and appurtenant structures such as weirs, siphons, cross regulators, irrigation offtakes, etc. He/she should also have experience in calculation and verification of the conveyance capacity of existing canals.

(10) Irrigation and O&M Engineer

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Should be a university graduate with about 10 years experience in planning of O&M requirements (equipment, manpower, maintenance intervals) for large irrigation and. drainage conveyance systems including maintenance of excavation, cleaning. of canal banks, etc. Further, he/she should have experience in investigation and implementation of operation improvement measures for: large conveyance systems, including water level control, flow measurement and maintenance of sediment traps.

(11) Sedimentologist

Should be a university graduate in civil engineering with about 10 years experience in hydraulic modeling, sediment sampling and sediment analysis. His/her duties will be preparation of a subcontract for a sediment sampling program, supervision of the sampling program, analysis of the results, estimation of the sediment transport in the river and canal system and advice on operation of the sediment traps.

(12) Dredging expert

Should be a university degree in civil engineering with about 8 years experience in planning, set up and execution of small scale dredging and earth moving operations. It will be his/her task to advise on the most suitable dredging methods for canal and sediment traps, allowing for the use of the same or similar equipment during later maintenance and allowing for constraints in available work space and spoil dump areas. He/she will also advise on the types of equipment to be used, estimate the construction fleet requirements, unit cost and production rates, and prepare specifications for dredging works, advice on equipment requirements for maintenance, maintenance scheduling and programming.

(13) Structural Engineer

Should be a university graduate with about 7 years experience in structural design and construction of hydraulic structures such as weirs, siphons, spillways, culverts, cross regulators and irrigation offtakes as well as in the design of roads and bridges. His/her duties will be preparation of detailed design of canal structures and improvement works, relevant specifications and structural design and tender drawings.

(14) Hydro-Mechanical Specialist

Should be a university graduate with about 15 years experience in planning, design, installation and operation of hydro-mechanical equipment used in water resources infrastructures, such as pumping plants, trash racks, hydraulic gates, measuring gates, spillway and flushing gates, etc. Further, he/she should also have experience in preparation of specifications for procurement of mechanical equipment, testing of hydro-mechanical equipment, and supervision of contractor in installing hydro-mechanical equipment.

(15) Civil Engineer

Should be a university graduate with about 7 years experience in preparation of bills .of quantities, cost. estimating and preparation of design and tender drawings. His/her duties will be preparation of the bills of quantities, engineer's cost estimate and design and tender drawings.

(16) Contract Engineer

Should be a university graduate with about 10 years experience in preparation of prequalification documents, tender documents and schedules for construction works. He/she should also have experience in preparation of tenders and

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contracts for International Competitive Bidding (ICB) and National Competitive Bidding (NCB).

(17) Environment Specialist

Should be a university graduate with environmental background and about 8 years experience in environmental impact assessment (EIA) of water resources development and related projects. This shall include experience in environment impact and in the assessment of resettlement and compensation. He/she must have experience in the preparation of Environment Impact Assessment reports according to the national guidelines (AMDAL). He/she shall be assisted by the Sociologist/Public Participation Specialist.

(18) Sociologist/Public Participation Specialist

Should be a university graduate in social geography or spatial planning with about 8 years experience in the field of regional development planning, assessment of social impacts of water resources development and related projects and in public participation activities. Further he/she should have experience in identification of socio-economic problems related to settlement, preparation of resettlement plans and compensation arrangement.

(19) Economist

Should be a university graduate with about 10 years experience in preparing economic analysis for feasibility studies.

(20) Spatial Planner (2 persons)

Should be a university graduate in spatial planning with about 8 years experience in the planning of spatial use with local communities. Further he/she should have experience in identification of socio-economic problems related to settlement, preparation of resettlement plans and compensation arrangement.

(21) Site Engineer (3 persons)

Should be university graduate in Civil Engineering with about 8 years experience in supervising the construction or rehabilitation of major irrigation system including various hydraulic structures. He/she should also have experience in supervising construction of hydraulic structures in big rivers and excavation works in deep cut.

9. Detailed TOR for Individual Team Member In the policy framework for transfer of knowledge/knowhow each international expert shall always work together with his/her national partner. The tasks given to each international expert are carried out together with national expert, hopefully in a solid team. Therefore, the detailed tasks that have to be performed by each expert are assumed to be performed by a team of at least two; one international and one or more national experts. The duration of national expert is few months longer than that of international expert. This is so by assuming that once a certain expertise has been mastered by the national expert, he/she can carry out the rest of the work. (1) Team Leader/Water Resources Engineer

Duty: His/her duties will include all duties normally assigned to a team leader such as liaison with the Ministry of Public Work and other Indonesian institutions, liaison with and

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reporting to his/her home office, coordination of the feasibility, design and investigation work, overall responsibility for administrative, financial, and technical reporting, progress planning and overall guidance to the professional and supporting staff. In addition he/she will be also responsible for construction implementation management and QA support.

Duration: These duties will be carried out for a period of total 53 months; 11 months during the detailed design period and 30 months during construction period by international expert (IE) and 11 months, 12 months, and 30 months by national expert (NE) during detailed design, construction works for Bekasi siphon, and construction for other works respectively. During the construction period of Bekasi siphon (while other works are under tendering period, for a period of 12 months) the tasks of the Team Leader will be resumed by the Deputy Team Leader/National Professional Staff).

(2) Senior Hydrologist Duty: His/her duties include to collect, update and analyze hydrologic data of the catchment areas of Cibeet, Cikarang and Bekasi rivers in order to determine (i) the reliable flows available for irrigation and DMI purposes; and (ii) the supplemental flows from the WTC to the irrigation areas after construction of one or more siphons to bypass flow interception from the three rivers. His/her duties will also include supervision of the proposed hydrometric survey program.

Duration: These tasks will be carried out for a period of two months by IE and six months by NE, both only during the detailed design period.

(3) Senior Geotechnical Engineer

Duty: His/her duties include to: (i) investigate the sliding problems of the canal bank in the reach between Curug

and Cibeet, propose and design measures to stabilize the canal banks. In some canal reaches especially the reaches in deep cut, erosion material will flow into the anal during the wet season. Propose and design measure's to- prevent that runoff and erosion material from roads and slopes in deep cut can enter the canal.

(ii) prepare a subcontract for geotechnical field investigations and soil laboratory testing, supervision of such investigations and testing and interpreting bore logs and soil parameter and supervising the geotechnical works conducted by the contractor.

(iii) supervise the contractor in conducting earthworks including excavation, preparation of foundation, selection of material for fill, construction method, arrangement of spoil dumps and stock piles areas.

Duration: The above tasks will be carried out two months during the detailed design period and two months during construction supervision by IE and four months during design, three months during Bekasi siphon construction, and nine months during construction of other works by NE.

(4) Water Resources Planner/Irrigation Engineer

He/she will specifically conduct the following tasks:

(i) analyze future DMI demand by first analyzing the present commitments of PJT-II for delivering raw water to (ex) PT Thames PAM Jaya (TPJ), PDAMs along the WTC and secondary canals and various industrial estates and discuss with the relevant authorities, private companies and private users the location of future offtakes and projected raw water demand.

(ii) review the water demand for present and future irrigation command areas of the

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WTC and CFC and the raw water demand for OMI purposes, which is now supplied from the WTC as well as the future demand for the years 2010, 2015, 2020, and 2025. Include in this review should be the existing and proposed agreements for raw water supply between PJT-II and the PDAMs and between PJT-II and other users in the private and industrial sector.

(iii) investigate if regularly flushing of the rivers crossing the Bekasi-Cawang reach is still

required. If this is the case, consider the possibility to meet this demand by surcharging.

(iv) prepare and run a water demand model in order to determine the required design

capacity of the various canal reaches for the present and future water demands in WTC and CFC. The model shall at least include the following parameter: irrigated area, cropping pattern, golongan system, efficiency, . irrigation and DMI demand, location of major offtakes, and inflow from crossing rivers, situation with and without interception of water from these rivers.

(v) review recent (draft) Master Plans for Jakarta Water Supply prepared by Jakarta

Water Concession/PAM Jaya. (vi) review Citarum PPTA water demand models for WTC and prepare a simple water

discharge model for the various reaches along WTC.

Duration: The above tasks will be carried out in two months by IE and four months by NE only during the detailed design period.

(5) Senior Hydraulic Engineer

His/her main tasks include to:

(i) undertake a hydraulic verification of the WTC and CFC conveyance capacity at critical reaches and measure the canal seepage losses through field investigations and hydrometric surveys.

(ii) prepare and run a one-dimensional steady state hydraulic model of the WTC and

CFC in order to determine hydraulic gradients and sediment transport distribution, effect of variations in water demands on water levels, required capacity of security devices as emergency gates and spillways, offtake and cross regulator levels, energy losses over cross structures, etc.

(iii) analyze if the conveyance capacity of the WTC and CFC is sufficient to meet the

present and future water demand and propose measures to improve, restore or increase the capacity by means of surcharging, widening, deepening, lining, sheet piling, etc, if required.

(iv) investigate how and when canal flows are measured including type and location of

measurement structure(s) , status of structure, last time calibrated, reliability of Q-h curve and propose measures for improvement, if required, as new calibration, additional measuring structures, measurement by acoustic devices, etc.

(v) carry out a sediment sampling program in the WTC, CFC, crossing rivers and

sediment traps and determine the sediment balance of the WTC system in the cases with and without interception of Cibeet, Cikarang, and Bekasi flows.

(vi) assess the hydraulic modeling work of K-water under ADB financed Pilot

Demonstration Activity Study carried out jointly with PJT-2. Assess whether the modeling can be adopted for hydraulic performance assessment of WTC. Make

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recommendations during the Inception Period for efficient use of existing models.

(vii) review together with the O&M Specialist the options (undershut, adjustable orifice, Neyrpic-type module, etc.) for replacing the Romijn gates.

Duration: the above tasks will be carried out in four months by IE and five months by IE only during detailed design period.

(6) Remote Sensing Specialist Duty: (i) determination of the irrigation areas at present under command arean of the WTC

and the CFC by interpretation of aerial photographs and/or satellite images, verified by field investigations. Investigate how much irrigated land served by the WTC system has been taken out of production during the past years and estimate how much more irrigated areas is projected or expected to be converted to other forms of land use.

(ii) prepare procurement recommendations and costing for satellite imagery for Citarum

River Basin and the Jatiluhur Irrigation systems.

(iii) assess the ongoing work of Dutch funded "Space and Water" under DG Spatially Planning, MPW and utilize and develop the outputs to predict land use changes in the WTC irrigation area, compare with PPTA and Govemment predictions for land use change.

(iv) prepare WTC GIS database superimposed on imagery in GIS including GIS canal

maps used instead of a strip plan above the canal long section for identification of community Water Supply and sanitation and also resettlement and dredging material dumping sites.

(v) prepare zoning along the WTC for local village and community recreational use.

Duration: the above tasks will be performed in one month by IE and three months by NE during the detailed design.

(7) O & M Expert


(i) survey and investigate all cross regulators, irrigation offtakes and other regulating structures and determine the type and operation conditions of these structures. Undertake a study of the canal gate system, propose and design improvements based on ease of operation, discharge measurement and sediment distribution. Measures could include changes to the existing Romeijn gate system or replacement with other types of gates.

(ii) examine altemative-solutions for system operation simplification and recommend

the most suitable one for implementation. The study should also cover PJT-ll's operational and maintenance staff, fund and equipment and present recommendations for improvement measure of staff, equipment and required maintenance budget.

(iii) lead detailed O&M/lnstitutional Reviews and System Commissioning

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(iv) review current communication systems with DMI and WUAs and other bulk water users and make recommendations for improved planning and/or implementation. water allocations (include a review of PJT-2’s information systems and real time management proposals made during the PPTA studies).

(v) review the operational performance of WTC secondary canals and coordinate

WISMP, PJT-2 and Provincial and District water agencies on a timebound rehabilitation plan synchronized with WTC delivery.

(vi) assist the IC Agriculture Water Management Specialist. (vii) asses the possible changes in water demands if extensive systems of rice

intensifications (SRI) water management were practiced over the WTC command area.

(viii) investigate the present operation system of the canal. Water level control by placing

and removing stoplogs is quite labour intensive and it may be possible to install additional slide gates in the centre openings.

(ix) provide advice on current operations working closely with PJT 2 at ways of

immediate improvements to water services delivery to irrigation and DMI stakeholders.

(x) prepare recommendations for the O&M of sedimentation traps; provide O&M

guidelines and recommendations for equipment needs for efficient operations.

Duration: the above tasks will be carried out in two months during design period and one month during construction period by IE and two months during design period and one month during construction period by NE during the detailed design period.

(8) Senior Structural Design Engineer

His/her duties will be to:

(i) plan and prepare detailed designs of the major structures, execute design calculations, prepare the relevant specifications and guide the National structural and civil engineers in their design work, preparation of the bill of quantities, cost estimate and design and tender drawings, and supervise the contractor in constructing the related works.

(ii) avoid that the Cibeet and Cikarang water with high sediment loads is intercepted by

the WTC, it is proposed to construct bypasses through means of siphons and partition walls. Based on the results of the feasibility study, prepare the required detailed designs for the proposed measures to improve the water quality in the WTC, being siphons, separation walls or improvement of sediment trap maintenance.

(iii) supervise the contractor in constructing various hydraulic structures starting from

preparation of foundation, concrete works, stone works, road works, and mechanical works. .

Duration: the above tasks will be carried out two months in detailed design, one month during construction of Bekasi siphon, and three months during construction of other works by IE and three months, two months, and 15 months respectively, by NE.

(9) Hydro-Mechanical Specialist

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His/her duties will be to: (i) determine the overall capacity of the pumps in the Curug hydraulic pumping station,

especially the nine pumps that have recently been refurbished, and check whether the capacity is sufficient to cope with the present and future water demands and possible additional hydraulic head losses in the WTC. Determine the effect of possible surcharging of the WTC on the pump operation and the effect of the water level downstream of Curug weir on the pumping efficiency.

(ii) investigate the condition of present hydro-mechanical equipment in the WTC

system, comprising trash racks, water level control and measuring gates, flushing gates, and proposed refurbishment, repair or replacement of the equipment as appropriate. Prepare the design of all hydro-mechanical equipment required for the proposed new siphons

(iii) Direct the design, supply of materials, manufactures, inspection and testing, delivery

to site, erection, testing on completion, setting to work, finishing and painting, and maintenance for 12 months.

Duration: the above tasks will be carried out two months during detailed design period, two months during construction period of Bekasi siphon, and four months during construction of other works by IE and two months, two months, and eight months respectively, by NE.

(10) Dredging Expert

Duty: (i) investigate locations for possible spoil dumps required to receive material from canal

excavation and dredging and cleaning of sediment traps. (ii) Investigate and advice on the most suitable dredging methods and equipment for

construction, allowing for use of the same or similar equipment during later maintenance and allowing for constraints in available work space and spoil dump areas.

(iii) Prepare cost estimate and specifications on dredging works and especially on the

method of measurement and payment. (iv) estimate the reuse value of dredge material and prepare a reuse plan to minimize

the, cost of construction dumping. (v) proposals for cleaning and maintenance of the sediment traps should be prepared,

such as sediment removal by small dredgers or sludge pumps. (vi) design testing and monitoring systems for the. contractor to ensure dredged material

is suitable for any proposed land-fill site and any post filling monitoring ensures adequate monitoring of any possible toxic merchants from the sites. .

(vii) propose construction techniques to minimize deterioration of WQ in the WTC,

where minimal standards cannot be maintained provide plans for alternative water supply to local communities on DMI.

Duration :the above tasks will be carried out two months during the detailed design period and two months during the construction period by IE and three months and nine months respectively by NE.

(11) Water Quality Specialist

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He/she will conduct the following tasks:

(i) review and update the hydrologic data of the Cikao; analyze the river flows and water quality; and identify existing and potential future sources of water pollution and composition of their effluent. Propose measures to either improve the Cikao river water quality by treatment of effluent entering the Cikao both in the short and in the long term to isolate the Cikao from the Citarum during the dry season. Investigate the possibility of introducing a public awareness program concerning river pollution and garbage collection.

(ii) investigate the canal reaches passing through urban and industrial areas that are

vulnerable to pollution and propose pollution control measures. These measures could include construction of drains parallel to the WTC, canal fencing and improvement of existing fencing, construction of concrete vehicle barriers on the canal side of all roads with public access, covering of the canal, construction of garbage containers, construction of MCKs, regulatory measures, etc. Investigate the possibility of introducing a public awareness program concerning pollution and use of WTC water, use of MCKs and garbage collection.

Duration: the above tasks will be carried out in two months by IE and four months by NE both during the detailed design period.

(12) Topographic Engineer

He/she will conduct the following tasks: Planning of the survey work, its supervision and preparation of survey data and maps for detailed design. His/her duties will further include quantity estimation of canal excavation and dredging works and determination of the location and dimensions of cross regulators, irrigation offtakes and other important canal structures. Duration: The above tasks will be performed in six months during detailed engineering design and 30.months during construction period only by NE.

(13) Sedimentation Expert/Modeler

Duty: (i) prepare estimate of the change in sediment entering the WTC and that passing to

lower areas under improved exclusion works, Study the effect on WTC O&M and that to cross drainage channels.

(ii) review the new canal hydraulic regime and O&M requirements of sediment removal

from WTC and traps for the proposed upgraded WTC. Duration: the above tasks will be carried out in three months during design period only by NE.

(14) Hydraulic Desion Engineer


(i) Undertake a hydraulic verification of the WTC and CFC conveyance capacity at critical reaches and measure the canal seepage losses through field investigations

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and hydrometric surveys. (ii) Prepare and run a one-dimensional steady state hydraulic model of the VVTC and

CFC in order to determine hydraulic gradients and sediment transport distribution, effect of variations in water demands on water levels, required capacity of security devices as emergency gates and spillways, offtake and cross regulator levels, energy losses over cross structures, etc.

Duration: the above tasks will be carried out in five months during design period only by NE

(15) Civil Engineer

Duty: His/her tasks include preparing detailed design, tender drawings, cost estimates and implementation schedules for proposed VVTC rehabilitation and improvement works Duration: the above tasks will be performed in six months during the detailed engineering design by only NE.

(16) Contract Engineer

Duty: His/her tasks will include preparing prequalification documents and tender. . documents, Duration: these tasks will be carried out in four months during the detailed design period only by NE.

(17) Environmental Specialist


(i) this expert does not make the resettlement and compensation assessment. (ii) prepare AMDAL following Gal standards and procedures.

(ii) implement ADB lEI, EMP for WTC and associated works as prepared for the

Project. (iii) provide inputs into recreational use design outputs and to regreen the WTC

embankments to ensure a stable pleasant environment for WTC riparian users. (iv) identification of special "gardens" within Government ROQ on WTC and or old river

crossings. (v) prepare plans to minimize environmental deterioration of Ox-bow lakes. Duration:

these tasks will be carried out in three months during the detailed design period only by NE.

(18) Sociologist/Public Participation Specialist


(i) limit the social impact study to WTC and associated works. (ii) prepare and implement with NGO support public awareness campaign for

stakeholders involvement in WTC OED and future utilization.

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(iii) update the mc Resettlement Plan. (iv) implement the WTC Resettlement Plan following ADB and Gal guidelines. (v) prepare subcontract and supervise field NGO activities for community participation

facilitation and support to WTC RP implementation.

Duration: the above tasks will be carried out in two months during the period of detailed design and three months during construction period only by NE.

(19) Spatial Planner (2 Persons)


• Prepare with local communities spatial use planning along the WTC ROW incorporating recreational use, fishing, green (forest) sites, children's playgrounds

• Coordinate with Sociologist NGO and local community heads the intended land use along the ROW and future access and policing requirements from community members

• Identify areas to be fenced and those where limited community access is allowed. • Design specific works to turn WTC into a "front garden" not a back of house

rubbish disposal site".

Duration: the above tasks will be carried out in two months during the period of detailed design and three months during construction period only by NE.

(20) Site Engineer (3 persons) Duty: These engineers will supervise the day-to-day activities in its various type of work of earth, concrete, stone, and mechanical works of the contractor in constructing/rehabilitating the works. One of them will be appointed to supervise the construction of Bekasi siphon. In conducting their tasks they shall discuss the specific work with senior geotechnical engineer, senior structural engineer,' hydro-mechanical engineer, and dredging expert. Duration: the above tasks will be carried out in 30 months for each engineer during the construction only by NE. 10. REPORTING The Consultant shall prepare and submit the following reports to DGWR and ADB during the period of services. All reports and drawings shall be in the English language and standard dimensions unless otherwise specified. The SI system shall be used in all reports, computations and drawings. During the course of consulting services, the following reports are to be submitted: (1) Quality Program Report

The Consultant will submit a Quality Program Report prior to commencement of the Services ensuring that the Services will be carried out to achieve the best quality of work.

(2) Inception Report

The Consultant will submit an inception report 45 days after commencement of the services. This report will present the Consultant's preliminary evaluation of the scope of works, 'field conditions, availability and status of data and reports, detailed work plan, subcontracts for topographical surveys, geotechnical investigations, hydrometric surveys

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and sediment sampling programs (15 copies). . (3) Feasibility Report of Cibeet and Cikarang bypasses at the end of the sixth month, presenting the altematives selected, being separation of the WTC flow from the Cibeet and/or Cikarang or improvement and adequate maintenance of the sediment traps considering the improvement of water quality in the WTC. This report should present clear recommendations and justification of the chosen alternative(s) for improvement of the water quality and sediment situation in the WTC (15 copies).

(4) Draft Design Report

At the end of the 10th month from the start of services, the Consultant will submit a Draft Design Report which will describe the general approach of the study, detailed design of canal, required structures and equipment to improve canal operation, option to improve the water quality and sediment condition in the WTC at the crossing with Cibeet and Cikarang. It should also include the results of topographical surveys, geotechnical investigations, laboratory testing and hydrometric and sediment sampling programs carried out during the study (15 copies).

(5) Final Design Report

At the end of the services, the Consultant will submit a Final Design Report which will describe the general approach, standard used, detailed design of canal, work and equipment required for improved canal operation, and chosen options for interception/bypassing of the Cibeet and Cikarang flows, including design calculations for the major components. It should also include the results of topographical surveys, geotechnical investigations, laboratory testing and hydrometric. and sediment sampling programs carried out during the study (15 copies ).

(6) Prequalification Document

At the end of the sixth month from the start of the services, the Consultant will submit Prequalification Documents for the proposed improvement works (15 copies).

(7) Draft Tender Document

At the end of the 10th month from the start of the services, the Consultant will submit Draft Tender Documents for the agreed packages comprising (i) invitation to Tenders; (ii) Instruction to Tenderers; (iii) General Conditions of Contract (FIDIC); (iv) Particular Conditions of Contract; (v) Specifications; (vi) Letter of Tender and Appendix; (vii) Bill of Quantities; (viii) Forms, Securities, Schedules, etc; and (ix) Tender Drawings (15 copies).

(8) Final tender Document

After approval of the Draft Tender Documents by DGWR and ADB, the Consultant will prepare the Final Tender Documents for the agreed packages comprising (i) invitation to Tenders; (ii) Instruction to Tenderers; (iii) General Conditions of Contract (FIDIC); (iv) Particular Conditions of Contract; (v) Specifications; (vi) Letter of Tender and Appendix; (vii) Bill of Quantities; (viii) Forms, Securities, Schedules, etc; and (ix) Tender Drawings (15 copies).

(9) Quarterly progress Report

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The Consultant will submit at the end of each study quarter a progress report giving summary of the progress, team activities during the reporting period, technical and management problems, if any, contract administration, financial arid ;.person-months utilization and work anticipated to be carried out in the next reporting period (10 copies). .

(10) Report on Progress of Construction Works

The Consultant will submit monthly report on progress of construction works by the contractors describing progress achieved, problems encountered, solutions offered and followed up by the contractors, and proposed works to be carried out for the following month.

(11)Completion Report

At the end of the services, the Consultant will submit a short Completion Report with details about the way the feasibility study and design were carried out, report submitted, person-months used and cost incurred (10 copies).

11. PROJECT ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT The implementing agency for the West Tarum Canal Rehabilitation Project will be the Balai Besar Wilayah Sungai Citarum under the DGWR.

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Supplementary Appendix 6 - Terms of Reference for Project 1 Sub Component 2.2 - Improved Land and Water Management

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Section 5. Term of References 1






A. Introduction

1. The water resources of the rivers and groundwater systems in the Citarum River Basin

are critical to social and economic development of the country. They are essential for urban

and industrial development (particularly in Jabodetabek and Bandung areas) including export

industry, agricultural production through major irrigation systems, rural water supplies,

electricity generation though hydropower, and fisheries. While the water resources of the

Citarum River Basin are relatively abundant, competition for these resources has increased

significantly over the past 20 years leading to a situation of acute water stress and depletion

of aquifers in some places. Rapid urbanization has significantly increased the exposure to

flood risk. Environmental degradation has reached a level that compromises public health

and livelihoods, particularly for the urban and rural poor, and incurs additional economic and

financial costs related to the source of bulk water supply and its treatment.

2. A management focus on integrated water resources management (IWRM) and

sustainability of the water resource has been emphasized in the 2004 Water Law. The Water

Law introduces the concept of management within the boundaries of a river basin and

reflects the principles of decentralization and devolvement of authority to local levels as

promoted by the program of regional autonomy. Preparations for its implementation are at a

preliminary stage.

3. Water has been a major area of the Asian Development Bank’s (ADB) assistance to

Indonesia, totaling over $1.5 billion in loans and technical assistance (TA). Improving

sustainable use of water resources in-line with the ADB “Water for All” policy, together with a

strong commitment to build capacity of local government agencies, are key elements of

ADB’s operational partnership. In particular this partnership stresses the need to continue

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Section 5. Term of References 2

implementation of policy reforms, overcome weak coordination among agencies and develop

guidance for cooperative working. Sustainability of economic growth and pro-poor

development are key pillars of the Country Strategy and Program (CSP) that will be

complemented by strengthening capacity for IWRM in the basin.

4. A “Roadmap” (Strategic investment plan) has been prepared for basin-wide integrated

water resources management (IWRM) based on a “Vision” of basin stakeholder for

Government and community working together for clean, healthy and productive catchments

and rivers, bringing sustainable benefits to all people of the Citarum River Basin.

5. The Roadmap is essentially a planned program of interventions that will, if successfully

implemented, lead to the achievement of the vision. In many cases, projects to be included in

the roadmap had already been identified by previous studies. In other cases, it became

apparent that interventions were required that had not been identified previously, but will be

essential for achieving the objectives. A total of almost 80 Roadmap interventions were

identified, with a total base cost of around $3.5 billion, proposed for a 15 year time frame.

6. It is an ambitious program, and crosses a number of sectors. However, such a complex

program is necessary simply because the problems are numerous and inter-related. It is

probable that, if this program was to be successfully implemented, it would be one of the

most comprehensive basin IWRM programs anywhere in the world.

7. Strong coordination among the implementing agencies is required, along with effective

monitoring and reporting mechanisms to allow GOI and funding agencies to ensure that the

funds are being disbursed in accordance with the plans and in a timely way. In addition,

information exchange among the implementing agencies, and other basin stakeholders,

including communities, civil society organizations (CSOs) and the private sector, will improve

performance overall, and minimize wasted effort caused by overlaps.

8. The area covered by the program, is a key rice producer for the country. There are a

total of 390,000 ha of irrigated paddy fields, with 240,000 ha served by the Jatiluhur reservoir

and canal system in the lower basin. Land devoted to rice production make up nearly half

(47.5%) of the program area, with 70% of these fully irrigated. Rain-fed areas cover 43,000

ha, or about 10% of the land use.

9. In the Upper Citarum watershed around Bandung District, hilly land farming is

pervasive and many of the farmers still prefer to plant vegetables and annual crops that do

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not provide adequate cover and protection from soil erosion. The population density in

Bandung District is 32 persons per ha, growing at 3.45% annually. By the year 2010, the

population in the district is projected to reach 7.4 million. Forty percent of the population is

engaged in agriculture. In the Upper Citarum as a whole, land used for upland farming

increased from 6,000 ha in 1992 to 37,000 ha in 2001. In the Upper Citarum, the expansion

of urban settlements is taking place largely through conversion of the surrounding paddy

fields. On the other hand, the expansion of the upland farming areas (which increased by

31,000 ha from 1992 to 2001) is taking place at the expense of the forest. Thus, forested

areas in the Upper Citarum has declined from 35,000 ha in 1992 to 19,000 ha in 2001 (45%


10. Due to extensive use of chemical pesticide and fertilizer, combined with soil erosion

and poor water management, farmers face problems related to soil fertility, health, drought

and sticky, shallow layer, acid and compact soil resulting in production reduction. Thus this

sub component has been designed to improve water management, farm inputs, use of

organic fertilizer and land optimization though the adoption of System Rice Intensification


11. SRI differs from the normal irrigated rice system in that it only requires intermittent

rather than continuous flooding. In this system, the soil is only kept moist and periodically

aerated. This results in a water savings of 40 to 50% and with water becoming a scare

commodity; it is likely that this system will be more widely accepted in the future.

12. Together with the reduction in water requirements, the new technology requires

changes in cultivation method comprising of: (i) selecting only strong seeds and planting

them in plastic trays; (ii) transplanting seedlings to field after 8 to 15 days; (iii) planting

seedlings at 30cm spatial intervals; (iv) providing a ditch at the perimeter of plot to drain

excess water; (v) reducing the amount of water use to only wet the soil to a depth of 2 cm;

(vi) increasing the use of organic fertilizer (in conjunction with reduced levels of chemical

fertilizer) to improve the soil structure; (vii) reducing the use of chemicals since the stronger

plants are less susceptible to pest and diseases; (viii) increasing weeding rounds by

compacting the soil 4 times per crop; and (ix) providing intermittent water supply. The main

impact of these changes is the increase in rice yield by 50 to 100% and increasing the labor

requirements by 25 to 50%.

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B. Objectives

13. The objective of this sub component is to accelerate the adoption of improved land and

water management practices in the Citarum River Basin in order to reduce water use and

increase farm product through the application of SRI method. Some 3,000 ha of paddy land

will be targeted during the first trance (Project 1) of the Integrated Citarum Water Resources

Management Program. It is expected that it will: (i) increase rice yield; (ii) reduce the need for

irrigation water; (iii) increase labor use; (iv) increase net income. It will be carried out with the

assistance of a consultant team comprising National consultants that will be recruited for a

duration of 27 months.

14. This sub component will be implemented in the Subang, Bandung and Karawang

Districts. A total of 4,500 farmers will benefit from this sub-project.

C. Scope of Work

15. As preliminary activities, the Agricultural Provincial and District Agencies will carry out

the identification and appraisal of target areas which include the following activities: (i)

Identification of target farmer groups, (ii) Coordination with Agriculture Provincial and District

Agencies, (iii) Selection of pilot SRI sites, (iv) Survey of tertiary Canals.

16. In order to fulfill the objectives, the following main activities will be undertaken by the

Consultant team in close collaboration with their counterparts from the PIU and related


1. Capacity Building

17. The consultant will assist the Provincial and District Agricultural agencies to carry out

the following activities: (i) Empowerment of Farmers Groups (FGs), (ii) Enhance FGs

capacity to SRI, (iii) Arrange FGs agreements for procurement and management of

equipment and livestock, (iv) Provide training to FGs in M&E, (v) Prepare comparative

studies, (vii) Prepare workshops at district and provincial level.

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2. Progressive implementation of System Rice Intencification (SRI) within pilot


18. The consultant will assist the Provincial and District Agricultural offices in progressive

implementation of System Rice Intensification (SRI) within pilot plots, especially in

supervising and reporting.

3. Associated Activities

19. Associated Activities will include the following activities: (i) Monitoring and evaluation

program, (ii) Install equipment for water level in field measurement, (iii) Install measuring

sticks canals and drains, (iv) Coordinate water management M&E, (v) Review

implementation System Rice Intensification (SRI) of Project 1, (vi) Planning System Rice

Intensification (SRI) for Project 2, (vii) Preparation of Improvement of Agriculture

Management program for Project 2, (viii) Identification of target area for Project 2, (ix)

Preparation of Farming System Management for Sustainable Upland Conservation program

for Project 2, (x) Information dissemination through media and adjacent communities, (xi)

SRI National Workshop.

20. For the tertiary/ quarternary rehabilitation activity, funds will flow from MoA through

the Districts using “Tugas Pembantuan” mechanisms for the participatory rehabilitation works

of the tertiary/ quartenary systems.

21. As mentioned above, this sub component will be implemented in the Subang, Bandung,

and Karawang Districts. A total of approximately 4,500 farmers will benefit from this sub-

project. It is expected that the PIU will manage and arrange the procurement of vehicles and

equipment, and NGOs services as shown in Table-1 below:

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Table 1: Estimated Equipment and NGOs Requirement

Vehicles and Equipment Unit Quantities

1 R4 (Cars) for PIU’s operation units 2

2 R3 Cars for farmers units 150


3 Field Water Level Measuring devices units 30

4 Flow Meters unit 1

5 Organic Fertilizer Production Equipment/ Chopper units 300

Training and Demonstration

1 Training of Trainers packages 10

2 Training for Farmers (Field) packages 150

3 Training for Farmers (School Farmers) packages 150

4 Farmers Empowerment packages 150

5 Organic Fertilizer Storage units 150

6 Seed Assistance kg 45,000

7 Acquisition and Distribution of Livestock Cows nos 450

8 Farmers Advisers MM 3,600

NGO Services

1 CSO facilitators MM 15

22. A Provisional Sum subcontract will be provided to fund the NGO services to assist with

implementation of these services. The approximate numbers of inputs in amount of this

provisional sum are :

Item of Activities Nos. Unit Cost1

(x Rp. 1,000)

NGO Services (CSO Facilitators) 15 MM 120,000

1 Including VAT 10%

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23. NGO facilitators together with monitoring of Agriculture trainers to train farmers groups,

and NGO facilitator to monitor progress will be sub-contracted under provisional sum of

consulting services contract agreed by the Directorate of Land Management, DGL&W,

MOA in a manner agreeable to ADB. The PIU will manage a competitive selection

process of potential farmer groups that will be jointly undertaken in close cooperation

with sub-district officials and local extension workers. Local farmer groups and/or

community-based groups will participate fully in the planning, design and construction

and later O&M of all physical works under the project. Tertiary and farm system

construction include simple design of tertiary canals will be carried out under

community contracting methods to farmer/community groups. Equipment, facilities and

livestock will be provided to the farmer groups for communal ownership and for the

benefit of the group, with systems established to ensure a fair and equitable access.

Priority will be given to the farmers groups who show the higher motivation. Using

community facilitators the PIU will ensure such procedures are established in a

participatory manner with the entire community prior to any handover of facilities. The

PIU will release the full budget to each farmer group at the start of the

design/construction process for walkthroughs, engineering design and technical

assistance, and initial construction. The disbursement shall be released subject to PIU

and District agricultural agencies inspection and acceptance of works.

24. The PIU and the consultants will provide demonstration of SRI activities in areas where

water availability is of high reliability. An intensive media and communication campaign

among communities following the program and in surrounding areas will be carried out

using district extension workers.

25. The PIU supported by the consultants will establish a PM&E system and provide

progress reports, report to PCMU on a quarterly basis and attend regular coordination

meetings. The PIU will disseminate and share these results with other SRI activities in

West Java and through the active SRI network of professionals in MOA and Indonesia.

D. Expertise Requirements

26. A team of National experts amounting 63 total person-months will undertake the

Improved Land and Water Management activities as shown in the Table 1 below and

an indicative time schedule is provided in Appendix :

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Table 2 : Estimated Person – Month Requirement

Position Nr. National


1. Team leader/Agriculturist (SRI Organic

Specialist) 1 27

2. Land and Water Management Specialist 1 8

3. Entomologist 1 5

4. Agricultural Socio Economic Specialist 1 9

5. Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist 1 12

6. Communication and Outreach Specialist 1 2

Total 6 63

27. The PIU will be located within the Directorate of Land Management, DGL&W, MOA.

The PIU will procure (using QCBS following ADB Guidelines on the Use of Consultants)

the services of the consulting firm for a multi-year contract to supply national

professional technical and managerial support. Experts will be based in the PIU Jakarta

office staffed with two sub-professionals, one office manager and one secretary.

Experts will have to travel extensively to the field. In order to support field activities

monitoring, one sub-professional will be based in each district. It is expected that the

following professional staff and qualifications will be required :

E. Detailed Terms of Reference

a. Team leader/Agriculturist (SRI Organic Specialist)

28. For the purpose of the implementation of the Sub Component 2.2: Improved Land and

Water Management (Roll Out of SRI), and in addition to the Team Leader

administrative duties and management of his/her team, the agriculturist 's principal

duties will, inter alia, include :

i Provide leadership to the consultant team,

ii Take a lead role in the development of administrative and project/program

management procedures;

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iii Prepare of reports;

iv Apply sound project management principles to the execution of the required


v Supervising SRI Organic implementation based on the existing guidance and

recommending improvements,

vi Reviewing implementation of SRI Organic of Project 1,

vii Planning SRI Organic for Project 2,

29. In conducting the above duties the team leader shall always coordinate with the

Provincial and District Agricultural agencies.

30. He/she will be an experienced national expert with qualifications and specialization in a

range of Agronomist (SRI Organic Specialist), and significant relevant experience in

Indonesia. The consultant should be a university-graduated engineer with experiences

in the field of agricultural development and management about 15 years for bachelor

(S1); 11 years for Master Degree; and 7 years for Doctor. He/she shall be able to

conduct field visit actively.

The expert preferably has a sound knowledge of and practical experience in SRI, and

familiarity with a wide range of technical issues related to irrigation. The expert will have

strong interpersonal and communication skills, be fluent in written and spoken English,

and have proven ability in report writing for professional purposes.

31. The duration of his/her assignment will amount to 27 months. His/her duty station will

be in Jakarta, with frequent traveling to the project sites.

b. Land and Water Management Specialist

32. For the purpose of land and water management improvement activities within the

program area, the land and water management specialist’s principal duties will, inter

alia, include :

i Assist Provincial and District Agricultural agencies in improving land and water

management at on-farm level,

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ii Assist Provincial and District Agricultural agencies in demonstrating proper

measurement of water utilization,

iii Assist Provincial and District Agricultural agencies in implementation of SRI

Organic at farmer level in relation with land improvement and water management;

iv Supervise Implementation of land improvement and water management in SRI

Organic at demonstration areas,

v Assist Team Leader in preparing report of land and water management activities,

vi Preparation of Farming System Management for Sustainable Upland

Conservation program for Project 2,

vii Preparation of Improvement of Land and Water Management program for Project


33. He/she will be an experienced national expert with qualifications and specialization in a

range of land and water management applications. The expert should be a university

graduate in agriculture/ soil science with the experiences in the field of land and water

management about 10 years for bachelor (S1); 6 years for Master Degree; and 2 years

for Doctor. He/she shall be able to conduct field visit actively.

34. The expert should have a sound knowledge of and practical experience in agricultural

project and familiarity with SRI is an advantage. The expert will have strong

interpersonal and communication skills, be fluent in written and spoken English, and

have proven ability in report writing for professional purposes.

35. The duration of his/her assignment will amount to 8 months. His/her duty station will be

in Jakarta, with frequent traveling to the project sites.

c. Entomologist

36. For the purpose of un-using neither un-organic fertilizer nor pesticide, a preventive

observation or action shall be intensively be provided to eliminate or avoid land disease

in the target area; And, the entomologist’s principal duties will, inter alia, include :

i Prepare manual for farmers on land disease elimination,

ii Assist farmers in eliminating land disease by applying nabati-pesticide matters,

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iii Assist Team Leader in preparing report of entomology activities.

37. He/she will be an experienced expert with qualifications and specialization in a range of

entomology. He/she should also have knowledge and understanding of methodologies

and theories of various sectors for land disease elimination. He/she should be a

university graduate in agriculture plant disease with the experiences in the field of

entomology about 10 years for bachelor (S1); 6 years for Master Degree; and 2 years

for Doctor. He/she shall be able to conduct field visit actively.

38. The duration of his/her assignment will amount to 5 months. His/her duty station will be

in Jakarta, with frequent traveling to the project sites.

d. Agricultural Socio Economic Specialist (or Agricultural Sociologist )

39. For the purpose of capacity building for community empowerment in System Rice

Intensification (SRI) implementation, the national Agricultural Socio Economic

specialist’s principal duties will, inter alia, include :

i Assist Provincial and District Agricultural agencies in empowering Farmer Groups

in establishing organization, internal regulations within farmer organization

regarding use of equipment and livestock,

ii Assessment of FGs capacity to SRI,

iii Assist Provincial and District Agricultural agencies in developing FGs agreements

for management of equipment and livestock,

iv Preparation of extension material of SRI,

v Assist Team Leader in preparing report of agricultural socio economic activities,

vi Preparation of a communication strategy, awareness program, and information

dissemination, including stakeholder analysis,

vii Prepare material for Media campaign and Information dissemination through

MOA’s internal media (Sinar Tani tabloid), banners, posters, etc,

viii Prepare publication for the National SRI Workshop,

ix Assist Provincial and District Agricultural agencies in reviewing ongoing

agricultural extension support programs.

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40. He/she will be an experienced expert with qualifications and specialization in a range of

agricultural socio economic development and management applications. The

consultant should be a university graduated in agricultural socio economic, with the

experiences in the field of agricultural socio economic development and management

applied to water resources management about 10 years for bachelor (S1); 6 years for

Master Degree; and 2 years for Doctor. He/she shall be able to conduct field visit


41. The expert should have a good knowledge of and practical experience in agricultural

project and familiarity with a wide range of System Rice Intensification (SRI). The

expert will have strong interpersonal and communication skills, be fluent in written and

spoken English, and have proven ability in report writing for professional purposes.

42. The duration of his/her assignment will amount to 9 months. His/her duty station will be

in Jakarta, with frequent traveling to the project sites.

e. Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist

43. For the purpose of monitoring and evaluation of System Rice Intensification (SRI), the

national Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist specialist’s principal duties will, inter alia,

include :

i. Prepare procedure and mechanism for monitoring and evaluation,

ii. Execute M&E to evaluate the progress of the capacity building activities,

iii. Execute M&E in relation with SRI pilot plots,

iv. Train District Agricultural Officers and Farmers Groups in M&E,

v. Coordinate water management M&E,

vi. Assist Team Leader in preparing all program/ project’s reports.

44. He/she will be an experienced expert with qualifications and specialization in a range of

monitoring and evaluation. The consultant should be a university graduated in social or

economic with experiences in the field of monitoring and evaluation, including

experience in local monitoring and evaluation for agricultural related activities about 10

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years for bachelor (S1); 6 years for Master Degree; and 2 years for Doctor. He/she

shall be able to conduct field visit actively.

45. The expert should have a sound knowledge of and practical experience in IWRM,

ideally with experience in System Rice Intensification (SRI) implementation. The expert

will have strong interpersonal and communication skills, be fluent in written and spoken

English, and have proven ability in report writing for professional purposes.

46. The duration of his/her assignment will amount to 12 months. His/her duty station will

be in Jakarta, with frequent traveling to the project sites.

f. Communication and Outreach Specialist

47. For the purpose of assisting the development and implementation a comprehensive

stakeholders and Media communication Plan for ICWRMIP particularly in the

Agricultural Sector, the national Communication and Outreach Specialist’s principal

duties will, inter alia, include :

i. Consult with PCMU and RCMU on the effective use of the developed media and

communication plan;

ii. In collaboration with the Agricultural Sociologist review the suitability of existing

print and multimedia materials for delivery of key messages and raising

awareness and understanding of key stakeholders. Make recommendations for

improving quality of materials and propose new material;

iii. Assist in developing communication strategy and plans, working closely with

government partners and civil society groups.

48. He/she will be an experiences expert with qualifications and specialization in a range of

communication and outreach specialization. The consultant should be a university

graduated in agriculture or agricultural sociologist with experiences in the field of media

communication or extension for agricultural related activities about 10 (ten) years for

bachelor (S1); 6 years for Master Degree; and 2 (two) years for Doctor. He/she shall be

able to conduct field visit actively.

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49. The Duration of his/her assignment will amount 2 (two) months. His/her duty station will

be in Jakarta, with frequent traveling to the project sites.

g. Sub Professional Staff.

50. For assisting the experts, 5 (five) Sub Professional Staffs will be recruited who 2 (two)

Sub Professional Staffs will be based in central office and 3 (three) Sub Professional

Staffs will be based in district office (Subang, Bandung and Karawang District), the Sub

Professional Staff’s principal duties will assist experts in collecting data, monitoring

progress activities etc.

51. Four persons of Sub Professional Staffs should be a university graduate majoring in

agronomy with about 3 years experience in the field of agronomy specialist one person

should be graduate in soil science with about 3 years experience in the field of

agricultural development and management.

52. The duration of his/her assignment will amount to 27 months/person. His/her duty

station will be in the project sites.

F. Outputs

53. In line with the objectives, it is expected that each of the main activities will generate

the following outputs :

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Table 3: Expected Outputs and Schedule

Expected Outputs Expected Schedule23

(i) SRI Pilot plots of 3,000 ha executed

(ii) Reduction of water use in farm practices

(iii) Improved capacity of 150 farmers groups in applying SRI

method, including management of equipment and livestock

(iv) Planning System Rice Intencification (SRI) and Upland

Conservation Program for Project 2

(v) Report and Recommendation on Improvement of Agriculture

Management Program for Project 2

(vi) Information dissemination through media and adjacent


(vii) SRI National Workshop

Oct 2011

End of planting season

July 2010

Oct 2010

Oct 2010

July 2010

July 2011

G. Reporting, Discussion, and Documentation

54. The Consultant shall prepare and submit the following reports to the Client, the Bank

and the Project Steering Committee during the period of services. All reports and

drawings shall be both in the English and Indonesian languages with standard

dimensions, unless otherwise specified. During the course of the consulting services,

the following reports are to be submitted as a minimum :

• Inception Report within two months of commencement

• Quarterly Progress and Financial Reports

• Annual Progress and Financial Reports

• Other regular reports required by GOI and ADB

• Program Completion Report

2 Assuming that the consultants will be mobilized in October 2009

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55. The draft reports should be discussed prior to the final reports. The reports to be

discussed are as follows:

a. Inception Report

b. Quarterly Progress Report

c. Program Completion Report

56. Documentation shall be prepared and submitted by the consultant for quarterly, annual,

and program completion report.

H. Implementation Arrangements

57. The Directorate of Land Resources Management under the Directorate General of

Land and Water Management, Ministry of Agriculture is the Implementing Agency (IA)

and a Project Implementation Unit (PIU) has been established in that organization. The

consultant team will work in the PIU, which is located in the MoA offices in Jakarta.

The staffing of the PIU will include counterpart staff from the MoA, as well as other

counterparts seconded from the various MoA Districts offices. The consulting team’s

primary role is to provide advice and guidance, build capacity of PIU personnel to

undertake their roles, and generally ensure a high level of effectiveness for the

implementation of the SRI activities.

58. The Team Leader will have overall management responsibility and leadership of the

consulting team in carrying out the work.

I . Facilities Provided by the Government

59. The MoA will provide access to reports, data, and furnished office space in the MoA

office equipped with suitable facilities needed to perform the services required. The

Government will also facilitate socializations for farmers and for district levels, and

workshop covering a national and provincial workshops.

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Supplementary Appendix 6 - Terms of Reference for Project 1 Sub Component 2.3 - Support for Community and CSO Driven Initiatives for Improved Water Supply and Sanitation

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Terms of Reference for Project 1 Sub Component 2.3 1




A. Introduction

1. The water resources of the rivers and groundwater systems in the Citarum River Basin are critical to social and economic development of the country. They are essential for urban and industrial development (particularly in Jabodetabek and Bandung areas) including export industry, agricultural production through major irrigation systems, rural water supplies, electricity generation though hydropower, and fisheries. While the water resources of the Citarum River Basin are relatively abundant, competition for these resources has increased significantly over the past 20 years leading to a situation of acute water stress and depletion of aquifers in some places. Rapid urbanization has significantly increased the exposure to flood risk. Environmental degradation has reached a level that compromises public health and livelihoods, particularly for the urban and rural poor, and incurs additional economic and financial costs related to the source of bulk water supply and its treatment.

2. A management focus on integrated water resources management (IWRM) and sustainability of the water resource has been emphasized in the 2004 Water Law. The Water Law introduces the concept of management within the boundaries of a river basin and reflects the principles of decentralization and devolvement of authority to local levels as promoted by the program of regional autonomy. Preparations for its implementation are at a preliminary stage.

3. Water has been a major area of the Asian Development Bank’s (ADB) assistance to Indonesia, totalling over $1.5 billion in loans and technical assistance (TA). Improving sustainable use of water resources in-line with the ADB “Water for All” policy, together with a strong commitment to build capacity of local government agencies, are key elements of ADB’s operational partnership. In particular this partnership stresses the need to continue implementation of policy reforms, overcome weak coordination among agencies and develop guidance for cooperative working. Sustainability of economic growth and pro-poor development are key pillars of the Country Strategy and Program (CSP) that will be complemented by strengthening capacity for IWRM in the basin.

4. A “Roadmap” (Strategic investment plan) has been prepared for basin-wide integrated water resources management (IWRM) based on a “Vision” of basin stakeholder for Government and community working together for clean, healthy and productive catchments and rivers, bringing sustainable benefits to all people of the Citarum River Basin.

5. The Roadmap is essentially a planned program of interventions that will, if successfully implemented, lead to the achievement of the vision. In many cases, projects to be included in the roadmap had already been identified by previous studies. In other cases, it became apparent that interventions were required that had not been identified previously, but will be essential for achieving the objectives. A total of almost 80 Roadmap interventions were identified, with a total base cost of around $3.5 billion, proposed for a 15 year time frame.

6. It is an ambitious program, and crosses a number of sectors. However, such a complex program is necessary simply because the problems are numerous and inter-related. It is

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Terms of Reference for Project 1 Sub Component 2.3 2

probable that, if this program was to be successfully implemented, it would be one of the most comprehensive basin IWRM programs anywhere in the world.

7. Strong coordination among the implementing agencies is required, along with effective monitoring and reporting mechanisms to allow GOI and funding agencies to ensure that the funds are being disbursed in accordance with the plans and in a timely way. In addition, information exchange among the implementing agencies, and other basin stakeholders, including communities, civil society organizations (CSOs) and the private sector, will improve performance overall, and minimise wasted effort caused by overlaps.

8. The program area covers the most strategic river basin in the country, with a population of 28 million. The 2 most important urban centers – Jakarta (population 13.2 million) and Bandung (population 4.0 million) are either located within or depend on this basin for its water supply. The total area of irrigated agricultural land is some 300,000 ha producing about some 3.0 million tons of paddy or 6 % of the national output. The Citarum River system also supplies 80% of Jakarta’s raw water. Some 10% of the population are living below the poverty line, 50% of households do not have proper toilet facilities and 40% of them do not have access to pipe water.

9. Pollution in the lower basin - particularly in the downstream portion of the West Tarum Canal - poses an even more urgent water quality problem. The WTC supplies 80% of Jakarta’s (surface) raw water supply, and hence is vital to the well being of 8 million inhabitants. On its route to Jakarta, the WTC intersects the Bekasi River, which drains an area rapidly being developed for residential and industrial use. At the Bekasi River’s confluence with the WTC, the average annual BOD concentration in 2004 was 48mg/l (measured at the weir site). The pollution load in the Bekasi River is caused by untreated household sewage, industrial wastewater, and solid waste dumped along the riverbanks.

10. Lack of proper solid waste management contributes to both pollution and flooding. Garbage deposited along canals and riverbanks contribute to the high BOD. They also clog drains and accumulate on riverbeds reducing discharge capacity. Average daily solid waste generation is estimated at 6,500m3/day, of which about 1,500m3/day is not collected and properly disposed of. Thus the annual uncollected garbage that invariably ends up accumulating in the drainage system and rivers amounts to something like 500,000m3. The estimate inflow of solid waste into the reservoir is 250,000m3/year.

11. Along the West Tarum Canal, reduction in conveyance capacity is due both to sediment deposits and the prolific growth of aquatic plants (which create friction in water flow). Apart from contributing to the bottom detritus, aquatic plants trap silt and accelerate canal shallowing. Plant growth is promoted by the use of the canal as toilet and bathing/washing area for residents, which adds substantial quantities of plant nutrients in the water. Residential and commercial establishments along the canal are dense particularly downstream of the waterway from Cikarang and Bekasi to Jakarta. Wastewater and garbage from these establishments are disposed of directly into the canal. Therefore a comprehensive survey is required to properly assess the situation.

12. Within communities located along the WTC riverbanks, there is a high incidence of waterborne and water-related diseases, particularly for children and women suffering mostly from using water, which is not suitable for human consumption as a result of poor hygiene practices and behavior.

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B. Objectives

1. General

13. The main goal of this sub component is to improve public health and reduce waterborne diseases in rural riparian communities along the WTC, by improvements to water supply and sanitation. ICWRMIP interventions will be community-driven, based on the processes developed under the ongoing WSLIC-II and CWSH projects and SANIMAS (Sanitasi Masyarakyat - community-based sanitation), and using the resources of NGOs and CBOs active in the field. This sub component will provide: (i) sustainable access to safe drinking water and improved sanitation, (ii) change in hygiene behavior in rural, peri-urban and industrial areas of Bekasi, Karawang Districts, and Bekasi City, (iii) improvement of district government capacity to facilitate and regulate basic water and sanitation services, (iv) empower communities to take responsibility for developing and implementing such services based on a demand-driven, community-based approach, and (v) increase awareness about appropriate healthy and hygienic behavior. The sub component will cover about 15 villages in two districts and one city based on a transparent process of prioritization and selection criteria agreed upon between the Government, ADB, and major stakeholders.

2. Key Objectives

14. The key objective of the support of community driven initiatives for improved water supply and sanitation is to ensure the effective coordination of the various community and NGOs for the Project 1 (P1):

a) The consultants will support the community in:

• building the capacity of the community including planning of water supply and sanitation,

• implementing action plans on water supply and sanitation and on going support, and

• management, monitoring and reporting, b) To improve public health and reduce waterborne diseases in rural riparian

communities in the upper catchment and along the WTC, by improvements to water supply and sanitation.

c) ICWRMIP interventions will be community-driven, based on the processes developed under the ongoing WSLIC-II and CWSH, PAMSIMAS projects, and SANIMAS (Sanitasi Masyarakyat - community-based sanitation), and using the resources of NGOs active in the field.

15. It will be carried out with the assistance of a consultant team comprising International and National consultants that will be recruited for a duration of 24 months.

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C. Scope of Work

1. General

16. In order to fulfil the objectives, the following main activities will be undertaken:

1. Community Empowerment and Local Institutional Development

17. Institutional development will include the following activities: (i) Implementation of CDD processes at community level, (ii) Development of mechanisms and capacities of provincial, district and sub-district institutions for quality program management, (iii) Development of mechanisms and capacities of provincial and district institutions for scaling up and mainstreaming community driven WSS.

2. Improving Hygiene and Sanitation Behaviour and Services

18. Improve behaviour and services projects implementation will include the following activities: (i) Total Sanitation Program based on the Community Let Total Sanitation (CLTS) method, (ii) Sanitation & hygiene marketing program, (iii) School hygiene and sanitation program, (iv) Support implementation of existing environmental management initiative, especially in industrial area.

3. Water Supply and Peri-Urban Institutional Sanitation Infrastructure

19. Institutional Sanitation Infrastructure operation will include the following activities: (i) Planning assistance and technical support, (ii) Implementation of physical works.

4. Implementation Support and Project Management

20. Implementation support and management activities will include (i) Conduct baseline and impact evaluation Study for included districts (social, health, institutional), (ii) Prepare procedure and mechanism for monitoring and evaluation, (iii) Implementation Monitoring & Evaluation project, (iv) Implement MIS (from Pamsimas), (v) Provide on the job training for MIS, (vi) Update and maintain MIS.

2. Detailed Scope of Work

1. Implementation Arrangements

21. In order to achieve the above goals, the assistance of a team of consultant is required. This consultant team will provide assistance at central and district level and will be selected through Quality and Cost Based Selection (QCBS) (ADB’s Guidelines on the Use of Consultants by Asian Development Bank and Its Borrowers, February 2007). The District Consultant Team (DCT) will be supervised by and report to the Central Consultant Team (CCT) in the Project Implementation Unit (PIU) of the Directorate of Environmental Health, the Directorate General of Disease Control and Environmental Health, Ministry of Health, and will work closely with district coordinating committees/secretariats, Environmental Health Program in District Health Office (EHPDHO), District coordinating committees, sub District coordinating committees and the communities. The DCTs will be responsible for assisting with project management and providing technical support at local level, and assisting the communities in the planning, implementation, and monitoring of their Community Action Plans (CAP).

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22. The DCTs will be contracted for period of 24 months intermittently. Periodic performance evaluations will be conducted by the District a health offices and reported to the PIU. The consultant outputs will be monitored and poor performance will result in individual staff replacement or contract termination. Interested bidders are encouraged to form consortium of private companies and NGOs (especially those with rural water supply and sanitation sectoral development experience); DCTs in particular should be associated with a local NGO.

23. DCTs will support the Community Facilitator Teams (CFTs) working directly with participating communities. The DCT will consist of two specialists in community empowerment and water sanitation engineering. The most suitable of these two consultants will be designated the DCT coordinator.

24. The Community Facilitator Teams (CFTs) will be hired through NGOs to be contracted as a sub contract under the consulting services. A community development facilitator, a watsan facilitator and a health behavioural change facilitator will compose each District CFT team.

25. The success of the project will rely on a community-driven, participatory approach. Communities will decide on the type of technology to be used, plan and implement the activities with the assistance of community facilitators, take charge of O&M on a permanent basis, and monitor and evaluate the sustainability and use of the new services. Direct fund channelling of community funds has proven to substantially speed up the flow of funds to the ultimate beneficiaries for community-based civil works contracting. Funds will flow from MoH through the Districts using “Tugas Pembantuan” mechanisms.

2. Central Consultant Team (CCT)

26. The scope of work of the central consultant team consists of:

i Review existing guidelines and manuals and project systems and procedures developed and implemented by the previous WSLIC-2, CWSHP, PAMSIMAS project,

ii Carry out consultations and liaisons with involved agencies at central and district levels,

iii Prepare ToRs and procurement of NGOs in order to build the community facilitator teams (CFTs),

iv Carry out orientation workshops for PIU staff and consultants,

v Assist PIU with preparing project work plan and budget, (including overall project work plan and budget, annual project work plan and budget, and procurement plan),

vi Assist PIU with designing and preparing project guidelines and manuals (including: Guidelines for Project Implementation Management; Technical Guidelines for Management and Operations of Community-based Water Supply and Sanitation facilities; Guidelines for District and Sub-district Capacity Building; Guidelines for Sanitation and Hygiene Behavorial Change; Guidelines for Procurement Management; Guidelines for GAP Implementation),

vii Assist PIU with designing and developing, establishing and operating Project systems and procedures (including: project financial management and accounting systems and procedures, MIS/M&E systems and proocedures, including MIS/M&E sustainability

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systems and procedures, Quality Management (QM) Model for government; Project Quality Assurance (QA) systems and procedures; Process Monitoring systems and procedures),

viii Assist PIU with designing and preparing training/workshop plan, modules and implementation (including: all project guidelines and manuals developed; all project systems and procedures developed),

ix Assist PIU and EHPDHO in preparing and implementing project monitoring, supevision and reporting (including: project fnancial and physical progress reports, procurement reports, training reports, process monitoring reports, project management reports),

x Implement a user-friendly system for MPH/PHAST process and outcomes monitoring that is used by EHPDHO and PIU for improving community-based activities,

xi Enhance capacity building and technology transfer to counterpart staff ata all levels in all relevant agencies during the course of project implementation to enhance program sustainability,

xii Support the implementation of practical, sustainable, hand on methodology for water quality monitoring (WQM) that can be used and operated by young students to demonstrate health problems and to promote better hygiene,

xiii Ensure quality design, construction, choice of technology, maintenace and operability of the water and sanitation infrastructure and facilities bulit by the project with the provision of suitable design standards, quality control and quality assurance guidelines, specification, and regular technical and cost appraisal of the proposed designs and CAP documents, in particular more complex design and/or those beyond agreed thresholds or standards,

xiv Prepare health promotion and communication strategy and program focusing on improved health, hygiene and sanitation behavior among individuals, families and broader community including district specific mass media packages and a system for monitoring performance of the communication program,

xv Support the preparation delivery of appropriate quality participatory education materials for the health behavior and services component that link to the PHAST approach to be used to the schools and in community to achieve improved helath sanitation behavior,

xvi Deliver a participatory educational program for schools and the community to teach improved health and sanitation behavior with accompanying system,

27. All the consultant members should demonstrate ability to work in a team including people from different background. They should have well developed planning and management skills as well as conflict management and communication skills.

3. District Consultant Teams

28. The scope of work of consulting services for District Consultant Team consists of:

i Carry out the supervision, coordination, monitoring and technical support to CFTs.

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ii Consolidate community subproject progress reports from CFTs into EHPDHO reporting, to be submit to the CCT/PIU for inclusion into the overall project management information system (MIS),

iii Promote the Project through participation in subdistrict workshops for potentially interested communities (project “road shows”),

iv Carry out subproject progress monitoring and oversight of community utilization of block grants for water and sanitation facilities,

v Facilitate partnerships between CITs, local government technical agencies, local private sector, and NGO groups potentially interested in providing services to the Project,

vi Liaise/communicate/coordinate with the EHPDHOs and local government,

vii Assist and support the CCT to develop a logical and workable community empowerment participatory program, and prepare supporting materials and guidelines in Indonesian and indigenous languages as appropriate,

viii Assist with the recruitment of the community facilitator teams (CFT) as part of the development of the DCTs, keeping in mind gender requirements,

ix Assist with the development of initial intensive training course materials and periodic refresher course materials for the CCT, assist with the implementation of the training, and provide continuous technical support to the CCT during the implementation of the field program. Key aspects of this training will be the technique known as Method for Participatory Assessment (MPA) and Participatory Hygiene and Sanitation Transformation (PHAST)1, and methodologies for village ‘road shows’ and community consultative workshops/ focus group discussions. Guidelines on the application of MPA/PHAST will be prepared and given to the trainees,

x Assist with project orientation and launching workshops at provincial, district, subdistrict and village levels in consultation with the PIU and EHPDHO, ensuring the adequate representation of women, and prepare presentation and dissemination materials. Emphasis should be given to ensuring that stakeholders are reminded of the project rationale, concept and approach, and thoroughly understand their roles and responsibilities, and those of participating communities,

xi Assist with the planning and development of a project communication, information, and promotion/socialization campaign to precede project planning (pre-construction) and implementation (construction) in target villages. Develop training and technical assistance to strengthen the capacities of communities, in local languages and using local language materials where necessary. A variety of practical and on-the-job training programs will be provided for community implementation teams (CIT), based on their needs, including, but not limited to, preparation of proposals, financial management, group action planning,

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monitoring and reporting, SHBC, and systems maintenance and repair (including regular use, care, and maintenance of latrines and septic tanks),

xii Assist with the village/community selection process, in consultation with the PIU, EHPDHO and other relevant stakeholders. Assist communities with the drafting of community expressions of interest (EOI) and letters of intent (LOI); the latter to include, amongst other items, willingness to contribute at least 20% of the overall construction budget (minimum 4% in cash, minimum 16% in kind), to be fully responsible for water supply and sanitation facility operation and maintenance (O&M), and to conduct SHBC activities,

xiii Assist CFTs with the formation of community implementation teams (CIT), (by keeping in mind adequate gender and indigenous representation),

xiv Assist CFTs and communities with the preparation of community action plans (CAPs), in consultation with the PIU and EHPDHO,

xv Assist with the drafting of contracts between the PIU and CITs for the channeling of village block grants in three tranches. The proposed maximum limit for individual CAPs is Rp250 million; however, higher amounts may be allowed if there is adequate justification,

xvi Assist CFTs and communities with the preparation of community project completion reports in consultation with the PIU and EHPDHO, and guidelines for community participatory monitoring and evaluation,

D. NGOs Facilitators and Community Groups Contracting

29. As mentioned above, this sub component will be implemented in the rural and peri-urban areas of Bekasi, Karawang Districts, and Bekasi City. The table below presents the tentative list of civil works to be implemented through community contracting:

Table 1: Proposed Civil Works

30. Following confirmation of village participation, villages will prepare a Community Action Plan (CAP). The CAP will be approved by the Project Implementation Unit (PIU). The CAP will:

(i) propose solutions to overcome water supply, sanitation, and/or health problems that are at an appropriate level of technology and reasonable budget level (that is, within the proposed maximum limit of Rp 300 million for water supply and sanitation facilities per village); (ii) be required to pass the economic assessment test; and (iii) be required to pass the environmental screening process.

31. Communities will be required to demonstrate their commitment by contributing at least 20% of the total capital cost (16% in kind, 4% in cash) of the investment in water supply and sanitation facility construction, and by covering all O&M costs. The project will provide

Civil Works Unit Quantities 1. Water Supply Facilities Construction units 10 2. Sanitation Facilities Construction units 30 3. Solid Waste Facilities Construction units 30

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training to beneficiaries in design and construction, financial management, and O&M, which will help ensure sustainability of the newly constructed facilities, and provide communities with skills to initiate other community activities and improvements. Since civil works contracts will be mostly small, community-based contracting will be allowed following ADB’s Guide on Community Participation in Procurement.

32. It is expected that the Consultant will manage the procurement of the NGOs services as well as the production of media material as sub contracts:

E. Expertise Requirements

33. The community driven activities support will be undertaken by a team of experts comprising International and National professional staff. In general, preference will be given to International professional staffs that have work experience in Indonesia or in other Southeast Asian countries. It is expected that the following professional staff and qualifications will be required:

Table 2: Estimated Man-Month Requirement

Position Nr. International MM National MM

Water Supply and Sanitation Planner 1 3

Team Leader/Strategic and Community (regional) Development Expert

1 24

O & M Expert 1 8

Community Health & Environment Specialist 1 15

Water Supply & Sanitation Specialist 1 12

Reuse, Recycle and Reduce (3R) Specialist 1 12

Community Empowerment Specialist 1 20 Development Communication specialist 1 6

Participatory training and Curiculum Specialist 1 6 Financial & Accounting Specialist 1 20 MIS Specialist 1 15 District Water Supply and Sanitation Specialists 3 60 District Community Empowerment & Health Specialists 3 60 Total 17 3 258

1. International Professional Staff

a. Water Supply and Sanitation Planner

34. The Water Supply and Sanitation Planner will provide technical and management assistance related to planning of the up scaling of the WSS activities for the Tranche 2 of the

Sub Contracts Unit Cost (USD)

1. Program Material Campaign by NGO's package 2. NGO (@3 Facilitators) Lump sum

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investment program. The detailed scope of services for the Water Supply and Sanitation Planner include the following tasks:

i Set up the guidelines for the behavioural and services projects implementation activities,

ii Review manuals for the total sanitation campaign for District and Sub-District teams,

iii Define the sanitation options in line with the field conditions,

iv Review district specific sanitation options,

v Review guidelines, prototipe design and supply chain building for sanitation and hygiene,

vi Provide technical Assistance for implementation of Sanitation and Hygiene Marketing in the districts,

vii Review TOR and guidelines for environmental health and hygiene promotion,

viii Review Design for Monitoring Impact of Sanitation and Hygiene Intervention,

ix Prepare a long and medium term planning in water supply and sanitation in the project area.

Expected Outputs 35. The expected outputs of the consultant are: (i) Technical Guidelines for Management and Operations of Community-based Water Supply and Sanitation Facilities; (ii) Quality Assurance and Quality Control Systems and Procedures; (iii) Training Plan and Modules on Water Supply Sanitation; (iv) Long and Medium Planning of Community-based WSS Facilities.

Key Qualification Required 36. He/she will be an experienced international expert with qualifications and specialization in a range of water sanitation development areas, and significant relevant experience in Indonesia and/or other Southeast Asian countries. The consultant should be a university-graduated engineer with about 15 years experience in the field of water sanitation management. The expert will have strong interpersonal and communication skills, be fluent in written and spoken English, and have proven ability in report writing for professional purposes.

Assignment Period

37. The duration of his/her assignment will amount to 3 months, starting in year 2009, with possibility of extension. His/her duty station will be Jakarta, with frequent travelling to the project sites.

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2. National Professional Staff

A. Central Level

a. Team Leader/Strategic and Community (regional) Development Expert

38. For the purpose of implementing sound project management practices within the Water Supply and Sanitation also to ensure the success of the implementation of the MFF Project 1 components the Team Leader will advise, support and assist the Project Implementing Unit (PIU) to manage and coordinate the overall project activities including (i) development of project work plans and coordination of consultants, (ii) establishment of financial reporting system, (iii) development of budgets and schedules for project activities, (iv) field visits to project districts and communities to monitor planning and implementation, (v) development of quality control and administrative transparency guidelines for all project levels.

Scope of Work 39. The detailed scope of services for the Team Leader/ Strategic and Community (regional) Development Specialist include but not limited to the following:

i Review existing documentation from current WSS projects,

ii Prepare ToRs and procurement of NGOs for CFTs,

iii Assist the PIU in establishing the project’s institutional framework,

iv Participate in regular project review and planning meetings with the PIU staff and consultants according to project schedules. Initiate meetings with PCMU and consultants on specific issues as and when required,

v Assist the PIU in (a) the preparation and coordination of Annual Work Plans and Schedules for project activities at all levels, and (b) facilitating suitable training for the PIU to develop quality annual work plans at District and Community levels,

vi Work with PIU management, technical staff and consultants to develop appropriate Quality Control and Quality Assurance systems and procedures for implementation at all level of the project,

vii Undertake periodic reviews and assessments of key project documentation including various technical guidelines and manuals, in response to project implementation experience. Assist the PIU and consultants in planning implementing revisions to these documents as required,

viii Review the product of the consultants and prepare comments and recommendation for PIU consideration,

ix Liaise between the PIU and ADB representative in Jakarta, including the Project Officer and other Indonesia Resident Mission (IRM) staffs directly involved in project administration,

x With other PIU staff and consultants, make field visits to all districts and villages involved in the project implementation in the process of helping all levels to become more familiar with the project approach and procedures. Solicit suggestion from various implementation

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levels, including communities, on improving project planning and implementation to become more responsive to community needs and capabilities. Assist in identifying capacity and training needs and facilitate appropriate training activities to support project implementation,

xi Develop supporting policies, guidelines and manuals for the community process,

xii Monitor implementation of CDD processes,

xiii Review of existing materials and subsequent development of guidelines and manuals, orientations and training to ensure program administration complies with program rules and procedures,

xiv Review guidelines, workshops, generic TORs and master curriculum and training modules, which can be tailored for local needs and training of trainers (TOT) to ensure the quality and relevance of delivery,

xv Carry out annual institutional assessments using MPA: performance assessment of district agencies and policy environment assessment (done annually at national level),

xvi Review provincial and district local policies, financing arrangements and legislation in relation to WSS to identify changes to bring these together into a more effective framework for scaling up and replication to other districts,

xvii Conduct a review to identify and strengthen linkages with other local development strategies for poverty reduction, village development and health improvements to leverage other available resources and programs,

xviii Review Manual for Total Sanitation Campaign for District and Sub-District team,

xix Provide advocacy/orientation with decision makers and opinion makers to explain approach and obtain support for marketing approach,

xx Review TOR and guidelines for building capacity of Provincial and District Units responsible for Environmental Health and Hygiene Promotion,

xxi Rapid Technical Assessment (RTA) and Community WSS situation analysis (MPA-PHAST) to determine water demand and system options,

Expected Output

40. The expected outputs of the consultant are: (i) Overall Project Work Plan and Budget, Annual Project Work Plan and Budget, (ii) Guidelines for Project Implementation Management, Technical Guidelines for Management and Operations of Community-based Water Supply and Sanitation Facilities, (iii) Project Financial Management and Accounting systems and procedures, (iv) Training and workshop plan, modules and implementation on Project Implementation Management, Technical Guidelines for Management and Operations of Community-based Water Supply and Sanitation facilities, Project financial management and accounting systems and procedures.

Key Qualification Required

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41. He/she will be an experienced expert with qualifications and specialization in a range of water supply and sanitation development areas. The consultant should be a university-graduated engineer with about 15 years experience in the field of water supply and sanitation planning and management involving communities. The expert should have a sound knowledge of and practical experience in IWRM, ideally with experience in river basin management, and familiarity with a wide range of technical issues related to irrigation, flood management, rural and urban water supply and sanitation, water quality, waste treatment, and environmental and ecosystem sustainability. The expert will have strong interpersonal and communication skills, be fluent in written and spoken English, and have proven ability in report writing for professional purposes.

Assignment Period

42. The duration of his/her assignment will amount to 24 months, starting in year 2009. His/her duty station will be Jakarta, with frequent traveling to the project sites.

b. Operational & Maintenance (O & M) Expert

43. The Operational & Maintenance Expert will provide technical and management assistance related to operation, maintenance, and repair of WSS facilities.

Scope of Work

44. The detailed scope of services for the O & M Expert include but not limited to the following:

i Develop an annual capacity building plan to address systemic, institutional and skill gaps for program management, based on an institutional mapping exercise of roles and responsibilities (M & E, Technical, O & M, Institutional, financial),

ii Provide O&M training covering management, technical and financial skills required for system sustainability,

iii Supervise the procurement of goods and equipment needed for construction in accordance with the ADB’s Procurement Guidelines,

iv Develop construction schedule and labor management plan, including identification of external skilled labor and civil works contractors,

v Monitor the implementation of physical works, Expected Output

45. The expected outputs of the consultants are: (i) Technical Guidelines for Management, Operation, Maintenance, and Repair of Community-based Water Supply and Sanitation Facilities, (ii) Technical Guidelines for Procurement of Goods based on ADB’s Procurement Guidelines.

Key Qualification Required

46. He/she will be an experienced O & M engineer with qualifications and specialization in a range of O & M for water supply and sanitation infrastructure. The consultant should be a university-graduated engineer with about 10 years experience. The expert should have a good knowledge of and practical experience in community based projects. Substantial experience in capacity development, project planning, financial management and long-term

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development cycle O & M is highly desirable. The expert will have strong interpersonal and communication skills, be fluent in written and spoken English, and have proven ability in report writing for professional purposes.

Assignment Period

47. The duration of his/her assignment will amount to 8 months, starting in year 2009, with possibility of extension. His/her duty station will be Jakarta.

c. Community Health and Environment Specialist

48. For the purpose of health and environment activities in the framework of the proposed activities, the national community health and environment will provide technical assistance in promoting health and environment condition.

Scope of Work

49. The detailed scope of services for the Community Health and Environment Specialist include but not limited to the following:

i Review Manual for Total Sanitation Campaign for District and Sub-District team; Advocacy for Province/District Stakeholders and/or Informal Leaders; and Sanitation Options,

ii Establish a socio-eco community profile (through a participatory process) and gather baseline data about community knowledge and behavior on watsan and IWRM,

iii Review Design for Monitoring Impact of Sanitation and Hygiene Intervention,

iv Support the preparation of awareness campaign material,

v Promote water quality monitoring to increase awareness of the community on the impact of safe water supply and good practice for storage and handling of drinking water,

vi Conduct baseline and impact evaluation study for included districts (social, health, institutional),

Expected Output

50. The expected outputs of the consultants are: (i) Applicable Manual for total sanitation campaign for district and sub-district team, (ii) Baseline and impact evaluation study report for the project area.

Key Qualification Required

51. He/she will be an experienced expert with qualifications and specialization in a range of health and environment. The consultant should be a university graduated with about 15 years experience in the field of health and environment, including experience in local development health and environment for water resources development projects with strong experience in CDD watsan approaches. The expert should have a sound knowledge of local communities based projects and practical experience in CDD. The expert will have strong interpersonal and communication skills, be fluent in written and spoken English, and have proven ability in report writing for professional purposes.

Assignment Period

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52. The duration of his/her assignment will amount to 15 months, starting in year 2009, with possibility of extension. His/her duty station will be Jakarta, with frequent traveling to the project sites.

d. Water Supply and Sanitation Specialist

53. The Water Supply and Sanitation Specialist will provide technical and management assistance related to the design, construction, operation, maintenance, and repair of WSS facilities. He/she should work closely with other members of the consultants team and sees him/herself as contributing to the community process.

Scope of Work

54. The detailed scope of services for the Water Supply and Sanitation Specialist include but not limited to the following:

i Assist the team leader to develop supporting policies, guidelines and manuals for the community process,

ii Assist the team leader to support implementation of CDD processes,

iii Assist to review guidelines, prototipe design and supply chain building for sanitation and hygiene,

iv Provide technical assistance for implementation of Sanitation and Hygiene Marketing in provinces and districts,

v Conduct Rapid Technical Assessment (RTA) and community WSS situation analysis (MPA-PHAST) to determine water demand and system options,

vi Conduct technical survey and development of the detailed engineering design (DED),

vii Develop quality assurance and quality control procedure that can be easily monitored and managed at district level, and used by participating community.

Expected Output

55. The expected outputs of the consultant are: (i) Technical Guidelines for Management and Operations of Community-based Water Supply and Sanitation Facilities, (ii) Report on RTA and WSS situation and recommendations, (iii) Quality Assurance and Quality Control Systems and Procedures.

Key Qualification Required

56. He/she will be an experienced expert with qualifications and specialization in a range of water supply and sanitation. He/she should also have knowledge and understanding of methodologies and theories of water supply and sanitation engineering for communities. He/she should be a university graduate in engineer with at least 10 years experience in the field of water supply and sanitation development.

Assignment Period

57. The duration of his/her assignment will amount to 12 months, starting in year 2009, with possibility of extension. His/her duty station will be Jakarta, with frequent traveling to the project sites.

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e. Reuse, Recycle and Reduce (3 R) Specialist

58. For the purpose to ensure proper 3 R implementation in the program area, the national 3 R specialist will provide technical and management assistance related to management, planning, monitoring of 3 R activities.

Scope of Work

59. The detailed scope of services for the 3 R Specialist includes but not limited to the following:

i Review of existing solid waste management materials and subsequent development of guidelines and manuals, orientations and training to ensure program administration complies with program rules and procedures,

ii Review solid waste management guidelines, workshops, generic TORs and master curriculum and training modules, which can be tailored for local needs and training of trainers (TOT) to ensure the quality and relevance of delivery,

iii Review solid waste management district local policies, financing arrangements and legislation in relation to solid waste management to identify changes to bring these together into a more effective framework for scaling up and replication to other districts,

iv Develop district action plans and supporting materials to enhance civil society participation in local government planning and service delivery for solid waste management,

v Review district specific solid waste management options,

vi Monitoring and evaluation of village solid waste management implementation,

vii Provide technical assistance for implementation of solid waste management in provinces and districts,

Expected Outputs

60. The expected outputs of the consultant are: (i) Guidelines and Manuals ensuring that program administration complies with program rules and procedures, (ii) Guidelines for solid waste management, (iii) District action plans and supporting materials for solid waste management.

Key Qualification Required

61. He/she will be an experienced expert with qualifications and specialization in a range of solid waste management. He/she should also have knowledge and understanding of methodologies for solid waste management with CDD processes. He/she should be a university graduate in environment with at least 10 years experience in the field of solid waste management.

Assignment Period

62. The duration of his/her assignment will amount to 12 months, starting in year 2009, with possibility of extension. His/her duty station will be Jakarta, with frequent traveling to the project sites.

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f. Community Empowerment Specialist

63. The Community Empowerment Specialist will responsible for the following activities: (i) Enhance the project sustainability through development of and coordination of a workable strategy for training and capacity building at institutional and community levels, (ii) Provide overall coordination of all training and capacity building activities (including development, preparation, implementation and evaluation process) in participating district/city, in close collaboration with other consultants.

Scope of Work

64. The detailed scope of services for the Community Empowerment Specialist includes but not limited to the following:

i Identify and define selection criteria for CSOs,

ii Review of existing CDD materials and subsequent development of guidelines and manuals, orientations and training to ensure program administration complies with program rules and procedures,

iii Identify and provide training of local trainers to provide accredited community facilitator training to meet anticipated increased demand and to market their services to local government,

iv Develop an annual capacity building plan to address systemic, institutional and skill gaps for program management, based on an institutional mapping exercise of roles and responsibilities (M & E, Technical, O & M, Institutional, financial),

v Assist for the review of guidelines, workshops, generic TORs and master curriculum and training modules, which can be tailored for local needs and training of trainers (TOT) to ensure the quality and relevance of delivery,

vi Prepare an annual program of workshops, training including regular training and coaching for community facilitators,

vii Develop provincial action plans and supporting materials to enhance civil society participation in local government planning and service delivery for WSS, including IEC on local economic and social benefits of WSS, multi-stakeholder forums, etc,

viii Identify and provide training of local trainers to provide accredited community facilitator training to meet anticipated increased demand and to market their services to local government.

Expected Outputs

65. The expected outputs of the consultant are: (i) Guidelines and Manual ensuring program administration complies with program rules and procedures, (ii) Guidelines, generic TORs, master curriculum and training of trainers for local needs and training of trainers.

Key Qualification Required

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66. He/she will be an experienced expert with qualifications and specialization in a range of community based projects applied to water, sanitation and waste management. He/she should also have knowledge and understanding of methodologies and practical field experience for CDD processes. He/she should be a university graduate in social sciences or relevant sciences with at least 10 years experience in the field of community empowerment.

Assignment Period

67. The duration of his/her assignment will amount to 20 months, starting in year 2009, with possibility of extension. His/her duty station will be Jakarta, with frequent traveling to the project sites.

g. Development Communication specialist

68. The Development Communication specialist will develop the awareness campaign, targeting communities along the WTC as well as institutions, to promote water, sanitation and sound waste management. He/she will be responsible for planning and implementing strategies for ensuring appropriate public awareness and program socialization at District, Sub-district, and village levels.

Scope of Work

69. The detailed scope of services for the Development Communication specialist includes but not limited to the following:

i Prepare a stakeholder mapping,

ii Review the previous media and communications strategies and plans and assess their effectiveness,

iii Prepare media and communication startegies and work plans to ensure the effectiveness of the implementation of socialization activities according to the project socialization strategy for the remaining period of project implementation,

iv Review existing water and sanitation promotional material,

v Identify channels and CSOs to disseminate the information,

vi Monitor and evaluate with the other experts the impact of the awareness campaign,

vii Update campaign awareness campaign material for broader dissemination in P2 within the CRB,

viii Support review of school hygiene / health curriculum,

ix Support review of manual for teacher and children training,

x Provide Awareness campaign for school communities (children, teachers, parents),

xi Prepare promotional material and strategy for the water supply and sanitation workshop, Expected Output

70. The expected outputs of the consultant are: (i) Communication strategy and program, (ii) District-specific mass media packages, (iii) Communication program monitoring system, (iv) Periodically media communication and publication, (v) Media campaign and promotion.

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Key Qualification Required

71. He/she will be an experienced expert with qualifications and specialization in a range of media applied to water resources and community based project. He/she should also have knowledge and understanding of methodologies and theories of various sectors for water resources. He/she should be a university graduate in educational or sociology with at least 10 years experience in the field of media/public campaign management.

Assignment Period

72. The duration of his/her assignment will amount to 6 months, starting in year 2009, with possibility of extension. His/her duty station will be Jakarta, with frequent traveling to the project sites.

h. Participatory Training and Curriculum Specialist

73. The Participatory Training and Curriculum Specialist will integrate principles of sound water supply, sanitation and waste managements into the educational curriculum.

Scope of Work

74. The detailed scope of services for the Participatory Training and Curriculum Specialist includes but not limited to the following:

i Review existing water and sanitation training material,

ii Provision of training for community group,

iii Provide ongoing coaching and mentoring for community facilitators,

iv Review of school hygiene / health curriculum,

v Review of manual for teacher and children training,

vi Update curriculums accordingly with local conditions,

vii Prepare an annual program of workshops, training including regular training and coaching for community facilitators,

viii Prepare manual and guidelines for training of trainer programs to strengthen the capacity of local CSOs and firms,

ix Support the development of an institutional capacity building plan for implementation of provincial and district plans and development of delivery mechanisms for such capacity building,

x Carry out annual institutional assessments using MPA: performance assessment of district agencies and policy environment assessment (done annually at national level),

Expected Output

75. The expected outputs of the consultant are: (i) Training material on sound water supply, sanitation and waste management, (ii) Applicable curriculum for school hygiene/health, (iii) Applicable manual for teacher and children training, (iv) Manual and guidelines for training of trainer.

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Key Qualification Required

76. He/she will be an experienced expert with qualifications and specialization in a range of education. He/she should also have knowledge and understanding of methodologies and theories of various sectors for curiculum development planning. He/she should be a university graduate in social sciences or relevant education with at least 10 years experience in the field of curiculum planning.

Assignment Period

77. The duration of his/her assignment will amount to 6 months, starting in year 2009, with possibility of extension. His/her duty station will be Jakarta, with frequent traveling to the project sites.

i. Financial and Accounting Specialist

78. The Financial and Accounting Specialist will work closely with PIU staff to insure that project accounting and record keeping are in proper order and support early remedial actions to rectify problems before the formal annual audits occur, thereby reducing the number of findings.

Scope of Work

79. The detailed scope of services for the Financial and Accounting Specialist includes but not limited to the following:

i Assist in evaluation of funding gaps and assessment of the effect on water supply and sanitation implementation,

ii Support financial awareness and fund raising lobbying initiative,

iii Provide decision makers with update financial reporting on ongoing water supply and sanitation implementation and make recommendations for any policy adjustments,

iv Provide stakeholders with updated financial plans,

v Evaluate long term economical benefits of the Community Driven Development (CDD),

vi Identify existing and potential source of revenues linked to water,

vii Review existing institutional arrangements related to revenue collection,

viii Provide a plan for short term fundraising to finance remaining CDD activities,

ix Ensure that all goods and services have been procured in accordance with the Loan Agreement and all transactions are duly supported by required documentation and fully transparent records are maintained and are available for examination,

x Assess the adequacy of the project’s policies and procedures for internal control, accounting and financial management, and recommend any needed improvements,

xi Assess the integrity, security and effectiveness of the operation of the computerized financial record keeping system,

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xii Assess project achivements against planned targets as indicated in the MOU. Expected Outputs

80. The expected outputs of the consultant are: (i) project financial management and accounting system and procedures, (ii) training plan and modules on project financial management and accounting system and procedures, (iii) internal project auditing system and procedures, (iv) training plan and modules on internal auditing system and procedures, (v) project financial reports.

Key Qualification Required

81. He/she will be an experienced expert with qualifications and specialization in a range of water resources development areas. He/she should have at least 10 years experience in the field of financing and planning of CDD water supply projects. He/she should have knowledge of private participation implementation. The expert will have strong interpersonal and communication skills, be fluent in written and spoken English, and have proven ability in report writing for professional purposes.

Assignment Period

82. The duration of his/her assignment will amount to 20 months, starting in year 2009, with possibility of extension. His/her duty station will be Jakarta, with frequent traveling to the project sites.

j. MIS Specialist

83. The Management Information System Specialist will review, develop and implement: a) system and procedures, b) key indicators (including participatory indicators), and c) instruments & tools for project monitoring and evaluation as well as project management information systems as integral parts of the project implementation cycle.

Scope of Work

84. The detailed scope of services for the MIS Specialist includes but not limited to the following:

i Assist PIU with reviewing MIS systems and procedures and mechanism to ascertain the strengths weaknesses of systems and procedures already developed and the extent to which they were actually implemented. These systems are intended for gather and manage reliable data, including physical, institutional, community and financial data,

ii Prepare recommendations for further development and enhancement of the MIS to enable essential data to be regularly collected and managed to monitor implementation progress and effectiveness, including sustainability of facilities and services, and health impact of the project. These recommendations shall be consolidated in a MIS Strategy Review Report,

iii Assist the PIU in implementing required improvements/enhancements to the MIS, including improvements in MIS infrastructure,

iv Assist the PIU in developing a strong focus on monitoring sustainability of services and impact within all project monitoring systems and procedures using state of the art

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sustainability measurement methodologies and participatory-based key performance indicator,

v Assist the PIU in identifying and developing key indicators for participatory-based activities for project M&E as an integral part of the project implementation cycle, including process, outputs, outcomes, and impact/sustainability indicators based on relevance, performance, and success criteria. Firstly, relevant criteria will include those related development issues, priorities at the village, district, and central level, target group and direct beneficieries. Secondly, performance criteria will include timeliness of inputs, process, and outputs. Finally, success criteria will include project impact, sustainability, and contribution to capacity development. All data and information will be used to support project planning, implementation, M&E and reporting. It is recommended to integrate to the existing MIS and surveilance system,

vi Assist the PIU in identifying responsibilities for collecting, processing, and managing data into project databases at various levels from village to central level,

vii Support in production of Project Progress Report in a comprehensive and timely manner. Note gaps in data availability and provide recommendations for appropriate changes to overcome these shortcomings/data gaps,

viii Assist the PIU in implementing systems and procedures, instruments and tools to ensure sustainability of the MIS at their respective levels,

Expected Output

85. The expected outputs of the consultant are: (i) MIS systems and procedures, (ii) Training plans and modules and training implementation on MIS systems and procedures, (iii) Periodic Progress Reports, (iv) Participatory monitoring tools and indicators.

Key Qualification Required

86. The proposed MIS Specialist should have at least S1 degree in computer, informative science or sanitary engineer with at least five years of experience in establishing and implementing computerize MIS program of community-based development project or program. The proposed consultant should also have at least two years of experience in water and sanitation projects and three years experience as MIS specialist of long term ADB, World Bank, or international funding agencies-financed projects. The proposed consultant with a fluent English proficiency will be preferable.

Assignment Period

87. The duration of his/her assignment will amount to 15 months, starting in year 2009, with possibility of extension. His/her duty station will be Jakarta, with frequent traveling to the project sites.

B. District Level

a. District Water and Sanitation Specialist

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88. The District Water and Sanitation Specialist will provide technical and management assistance related to the design, construction, operation, maintenance, and repair of WSS facilities in his/her respective district/city.

Scope of Work

89. The detailed scope of services for the District Water and Sanitation Specialist includes but not limited to the following

i Assist the Central Water Supply and Sanitation Specilist to support implementation of Community-Driven Development (CDD) processes,

ii Assist to review guidelines, prototipe design and supply chain building for sanitation and hygiene,

iii Provide technical assistance for implementation of Sanitation and Hygiene Marketing in the district,

iv Rapid Technical Assessment (RTA) and Community WSS situation analysis (MPA-PHAST) to determine water demand and system options,

v Technical survey and development of the detailed engineering design (DED),

vi Provide water quality monitoring to increase awareness of the community on the impact of safe water supply and good practice for storage and handling of drinking water,

vii Check and approve the community work plan on water and sanitation aspect,

viii Carry out the supervision, coordination, monitoring and technical support of CFTs,

ix Consolidate community subproject progress reports from CFTs into EHPDHO reporting, then submit this to the CCT/PIU for inclusion into the overall project management information system (MIS),

x Promote the Project through participation in subdistrict workshops for potentially interested communities (project “road shows”),

xi Carry out subproject progress monitoring and oversight of community utilization of block grants for water and sanitation facilities,

xii Facilitate partnerships between Community Implementation Teams (CITs), local government technical agencies, local private sector, and NGO groups potentially interested in providing services to the Project,

Expected Outputs

90. The expected outputs of the consultant are: (i) Technical Guidelines for Management and Operation of Community-based WSS facilities, (ii) Quality Assurance and Quality Control Systems and Procedures, (iii) Training Plan and Modules on Water Supply and Sanitation.

Key Qualification Required

91. He/she will be an experienced expert with qualifications and specialization in a range of water resources development areas. He/she should also have knowledge and understanding of methodologies and theories of various sectors for water resources and irrigation planning.

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He/she should be a university graduate in engineer with at least 10 years experience in the field of water supply and sanitation development management.

Assignment Period

92. The duration of his/her assignment will amount to 20 months, starting in year 2009, with possibility of extension. His/her duty station will be in two Districts and one City (Karawang District, Bekasi District and Bekasi City), with frequent traveling to the project sites.

b. District Community Empowerment Specialist

93. The District Community Empowerment Specialist will responsible for the following activities: (i) Enhance the project sustainability through development of and coordination of a workable strategy for training and capacity building at institutional and community levels, (ii) Provide overall coordination of all training and capacity building activities (including development, preparation, implementation and evaluation process) in participating district/city, in close collaboration with other consultants.

Scope of Work

94. The detailed scope of services for the District Community Empowerment Specialist includes but not limited to the following:

i Assist the Central Community Empowerment Specialist in reviewing existing documentation from current WSS projects,

ii Assist the Central Community Empowerment Specialist in developing supporting policies, guidelines and manuals for the community process,

iii Identification and selection of CSOs,

iv Assist the Central Community Empowerment Specialist in reviewing of existing materials and subsequent development of guidelines and manuals, orientations and training to ensure program administration complies with program rules and procedures,

v Assist the Central Community Empowerment Specialist in developing an annual capacity building plan to address systemic, institutional and skill gaps for program management, based on an institutional mapping exercise of roles and responsibilities (M & E, Technical, O & M, Institutional, financial),

vi Assist the Central Community Empowerment Specialist in reviewing guidelines, workshops, generic TORs and master curriculum and training modules, which can be tailored for local needs and training of trainers (TOT) to ensure the quality and relevance of delivery,

vii Prepare an annual program of workshops, training including regular training and coaching for community facilitators,

viii Carry out annual institutional assessments using MPA: performance assessment of district agencies and policy environment assessment (done annually at national level),

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ix Develop a knowledge management plan in the first 6 months by PIU for ensuring dissemination of lessons learnt and good practice. This would include developing an integrated approach for M&E capacity building using a range of training,

x Review district local policies, financing arrangements and legislation in relation to WSS to identify changes to bring these together into a more effective framework for scaling up and replication to other districts,

xi Develop an institutional capacity building plan for implementation of provincial and district plans and development of delivery mechanisms for such capacity building,

xii Develop district action plans and supporting materials to enhance civil society participation in local government planning and service delivery for WSS, including IEC on local economic and social benefits of WSS, multi-stakeholder forums, etc,

xiii Identify and provide training of local trainers to provide accredited community facilitator training to meet anticipated increased demand and to market their services to local government,

xiv Check and approve the community empowerment plan prepared by the community,

xv Carry out the supervision, coordination, monitoring and technical support of CFTs,

xvi Consolidate community subproject progress reports from CFTs into EHPDHO reporting, then submit this to the CCT/PIU for inclusion into the overall project management information system (MIS),

xvii Promote the Project through participation in subdistrict workshops for potentially interested communities (project “road shows”),

xviii Facilitate partnerships between Community Implementation Teams (CITs), local government technical agencies, local private sector, and NGO groups potentially interested in providing services to the Project,

Expected Outputs

95. The expected outputs of the consultant are: (i) Guidelines and Manual ensuring program administration complies with program rules and procedures, (ii) Guidelines, generic TORs, master curriculum and training of trainers for local needs and training of trainers.

Key Qualification Required

96. He/she will be an experienced expert with qualifications and specialization in a range of community based projects applied to water, sanitation and waste management. He/she should also have knowledge and understanding of methodologies and practical field experience for CDD processes. He/she should be a university graduate in social sciences or relevant sciences with at least 10 years experience in the field of community empowerment.

Assignment Period

97. The duration of his/her assignment will amount to 20 months, starting in year 2009, with possibility of extension. His/her duty station will be in two Districts and one City (Karawang District, Bekasi District and Bekasi City), with frequent traveling to the project sites.

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F. Outputs of the Consulting Services

98. In line with the objectives, it is expected that each of the main activities will generate the following outputs:

Table 3: Expected Outputs and Schedule

Expected Outputs Expected Schedule

i Identification of potential NGOs who can facilitate participatory village/community

development planning focusing on issues of environment, health and livelihoods, community participation in all project cycles.

ii Socialization and awareness raising about community health, hygiene, sanitation and water supply, access, and quality and assessment of needs.

iii Community problem identification and analysis meetings to determine priority problems and possible solutions, through presentations of water supply and sanitation options (informed choice menu*), investment costs, O&M costs.

iv Provision of skills training based on communities’ priorities, assets and needs to generate income and employment opportunities.

v Formulation of community action plans. vi Disbursement of funds and construction of approved WSS schemes, together with

supporting socialization and training activities. vii Operation and maintenance of completed schemes,.

Month 2 Month 4 Month 4 Month 6 Month 8 Month 12 Month 18

G. Reporting

99. The Consultant shall prepare and submit the following reports to the Client, the Bank and the Project Steering Committee during the period of services. All reports and drawings shall be in the English language and with standard dimensions, unless otherwise specified. During the course of the consulting services, the following reports are to be submitted as a minimum:

o Inception Report [within two months of commencement]

o Program Management Manual (detailing the performance monitoring and evaluation mechanism for the component projects) [within three months of commencement]

o Financial Management Manual [within two months of commencement]

o Monthly Progress and Financial Reports

o Quarterly Progress and Financial Reports

o Annual Progress and Financial Reports

o Other regular reports required by GOI and ADB

o Program Completion Report

H. Implementation Arrangements

100. The Directorate of Environmental Health under the Directorate General of Disease Control and Environment Health, Ministry of Health is the Implementing Agency (IA) and a Project Implementation Unit (PIU) has been established in that organization. The central consultant team will work in the PIU, which is located in the MoH offices in Jakarta. The

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staffing of the PIU will include counterpart staff from the MoH. The District Consultant Team (DCT) will be supervised by and report to the Central Consultant Team. The PIU staff will have primary responsibility for the execution of required PIU activities during Project 1 (as well as subsequent projects under the MFF). The consulting team’s primary role is to provide advice and guidance, build capacity of PIU personnel to undertake their roles, and generally ensure a high level of effectiveness for the implementation of the CDD activities.

101. The Team Leader and Deputy Team Leader will have overall management responsibility and leadership of the consulting team in carrying out the work.

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Supplementary Appendix 6 - Terms of Reference for Project 1 Sub Component 2.6 - Detailed Engineering Design for Upgrading Bandung Water Sources

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A. Introduction

1. The water resources of the rivers and groundwater systems in the Citarum River Basin are critical to social and economic development of the country. They are essential for urban and industrial development (particularly in Jakarta and Bandung areas) including export industry, agricultural production through major irrigation systems, rural water supplies, electricity generation though hydropower, and fisheries. While the water resources of the Citarum River Basin are relatively abundant, competition for these resources has increased significantly over the past 20 years leading to a situation of acute water stress and depletion of aquifers in some places. Rapid urbanization has significantly increased the exposure to flood risk. Environmental degradation has reached a level that compromises public health and livelihoods, particularly for the urban and rural poor, and incurs additional economic and financial costs related to the source of bulk water supply and its treatment.

2. A management focus on integrated water resources management (IWRM) and sustainability of the water resource has been emphasized in the 2004 Water Law. The Water Law introduces the concept of management within the boundaries of a river basin and reflects the principles of decentralization and devolvement of authority to local levels as promoted by the program of regional autonomy. Preparations for its implementation are at a preliminary stage.

3. Water has been a major area of the Asian Development Bank’s (ADB) assistance to Indonesia, totalling over $1.5 billion in loans and technical assistance (TA). Improving sustainable use of water resources in-line with the ADB “Water for All” policy, together with a strong commitment to build capacity of local government agencies, are key elements of ADB’s operational partnership. In particular this partnership stresses the need to continue implementation of policy reforms, overcome weak coordination among agencies and develop guidance for cooperative working. Sustainability of economic growth and pro-poor development are key pillars of the Country Strategy and Program (CSP) that will be complemented by strengthening capacity for IWRM in the basin.

4. The Integrated Citarum Water Resource Management Investment Program (ICWRMIP) is a 15 year, multi-sectoral program with a total cost of around $0.9 billion, planned to be used in four or more project tranches. Project 1 consists of five components.

5. The ICWRMIP uses the multitranche financing facility (MFF) financing instrument. The inherent flexibility in the MFF modality adds additional tasks to the ICWRMIP. After Project 1, the indicative project 2, 3 and 4 plans initially approved may be modified in the light of changing circumstances and needs. The stakeholders of Project 1 are varied, from both the public and private sector, and there is an emphasis on community-driven activities to ensure that interventions lead to outcomes that deliver community needs. Meaningful liaison with these stakeholders will be essential for project success.

6. Although some work will have been done in designing future Projects of the ICWRMIP before Project 1 loan effectiveness, the final design and preparation work together with

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advance procurement needs to be done during Project 1 to ensure that GOI can submit the complete Periodic Financing Request (PFR) to ADB for approval.

B. Objectives

7. This subcomponent “Detailed Engineering Design for Upgrading of Bandung Water Sources” aims to prepare implementation of physical measures in Project 2 (P2) for the upgrading of Bandung water sources. In order to prepare this DED, this sub component will be preceded by:

i “Water Supply Options for Upgrading Bandung Water Sources” funded under an ADB PPTA,

ii “Feasibility Study for Upgrading Bandung Water Sources” funded under an ADB PPTA,

8. Detailed engineering designs of all civil and hydro-mechanical works required to upgrade the Bandung water sources will include preparation of detailed design, engineer's estimate, prequalification and tender documents for the (i) Construction of Cibutarua Weir, (ii) Construction of Santosa Reservoir on the Cilaki River, (iii) Construction of a 4.5 km diversion tunnel, (iv) Construction of a reservoir upstream of Tamiang Cangkir Weir, needed to compensate irrigation downstream of Cibutarua Weir.

9. Those water supply options for Bandung have been previously identified during the ADB TA 4381 (INO) Phase 3 and will completed by the development of an inter-district agreement regarding cost allocation and ongoing financial arrangements for diverted water.

C. Scope of Work

10. In order to fulfil the objectives, the following main activities will be undertaken:

1. General

11. The following scope of works has been formulated based on the results of the Integrated Citarum Water Resources Management Investment Program (ICWRMIP) and other available information. Details of the feasibility and the design, which will be based on "task" basis as well as the corresponding activity and work schedule, will be finalized in the inception period. Total assignment period will be about 18 months.

2. Quality Program

12. To ensure that the result of the assignment achieves the best quality of work the Consultant will prepare a Quality Program at least comprising of: (i) information on the Services; (ii) project organization of both the Consultant and implementing agency; (iii) implementation schedule; (iv) work implementation schedule and work management; (v) work instruction schedule; (vi) the expertise.

3. Inception Phase

13. The Consultant will study and review the existing reports, data, field investigations, maps, surveys and institutional and regulatory conditions, which are relevant for proper implementation of the project. At an early stage in the inception period, details of field investigation such as additional data collection, field surveys, mapping, geotechnical

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investigation and water quality assessment shall be determined and subcontracts for the anticipated survey and investigation programs should be prepared.

4. System Operational Review

14. Based on the outcome of the feasibility study that will be carried out under an ADB PPTA, the scope of works for the Operational Review will comprise:

i Assessment of performance of current management and operations,

ii Improvement measures system capacity and behavior assessments (physical and organizational),

iii Water balances and water quality needs of users and current characteristics,

iv Costs of system operations,

v Define vision of service-oriented management (SOM),

vi Recommend managerial re-organizational needs and how these relate to Citarum River Basin and Jatiluhur management,

vii Define operational options,

viii Consolidate a vision for future CRB management,

5. Design Phase

15. During the detailed engineering design, the following works should be carried out in each component:

i Undertake design level topographical surveys, geotechnical and soil investigations, hydrometric surveys and sediment sampling,

ii Carry out detailed design based on relevant Indonesian and/or other international standards and prepare the tender drawings,

iii Prepare the bill of quantities, engineer's cost estimate and a project implementation schedule,

iv Prepare prequalification documents and tender documents by packages as approved,

v Incorporate Operation Service performance design decisions into the individual design components ensuring stakeholders participate in the detailed design choices,

vi Development of an inter-district agreement regarding cost allocation and ongoing financial arrangements for diverted water,

D. Study Requirement

16. The Upgrading of Bandung Water Sources study is divided into the following three phases: (i) Water Supply Options for Upgrading Bandung Water Sources, (ii) The Feasibility Study for Upgrading Bandung Water Sources and (iii) detailed design phase.

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17. The topographic surveys, geotechnical investigations, hydrometric surveys and sediment sampling program for the feasibility study and design phase will be undertaken through LCB subcontracts, which will be supervised by the Consultants.

E. Surveys and Investigations

18. In order to obtain reliable field data required for a proper feasibility study and detailed design, it is anticipated that the following surveys and investigations have to be carried out under subcontracts with third parties:

i Topographic survey program on detailed design level,

ii Program for design level geotechnical, foundation and material investigations and laboratory soil testing for the major structures to be implemented under the project. The Consultant shall supervise the field and laboratory works and evaluate results of the field investigations and laboratory testing;

iii Hydrometric survey program. The program shall further include the required flow measurements for sediment sampling program as proposed below; and

iv Program for integrated sampling of suspended solids. The suspended load concentration should be determined and the bed load samples should be analyzed on grain size distribution and sand-silt percentage.

19. The Consultant shall prepare the relevant subcontracts for the above topographic surveys, geotechnical investigations and sediment sampling programs, supervise the relevant field and laboratory works and analyze and comment on the results and findings of the programs.

F. Expertise Requirements

20. The technical project preparation will be undertaken by a team of experts comprising International and National professional staff, 72 and 407 total person-months respectively. In general, preference will be given to International professional staffs that have work experience in Indonesia or in other Southeast Asian countries. It is expected that the following professional staff and qualifications will be required:

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Table 1: Estimated Man-Month Requirement

Position Nr. International MM National MM

Team Leader/Integrated Water Resources Management Specialist 1 18

Geotechnical expert 1 6

Economist Specialist 1 6

Hydrologist 1 6

Hydraulic Structure Design Engineer 1 18

Dam Engineer 1 18

Deputy Team Leader/Integrated Water Resources Management Specialist 1 18

Geodetic Engineer 1 18

Water Quality/Treatment Specialist 1 12

Water Resources/O & M Engineer 1 18

Structural Design Engineer 1 18

Junior Design Engineer 3 54

Dam Engineer 1 18

Hydro mechanical engineer 1 18

Hydrologist 1 18

Junior Hydrologist 1 18

Irrigation Engineer 1 12

Irrigation and Drainage Design Engineer 1 12

Agronomist/Rice Cropping Specialist (SRI) 1 6

Cost Estimate/BoQ Specialist 1 8

Tender Document Specialist 1 6

Geotechnical Specialist 1 15

Rural Water Supply Specialist 1 9

Watershed and Forestry Specialist 1 9

Socio Economic Specialist 1 6

P3A Specialist 1 12

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Community Development Specialist 1 12

Junior Community Development Specialist 3 54

Resettlement & Safeguard Specialist 1 18

Environment Specialist 1 18

Total 34 72 407

1. International Professional Staff

a. Team Leader/Integrated Water Resources Management Specialist

21. Should be a university graduate civil engineer with about 20 years experience in the field of water resources development and management. He/she should also have experience in operation and design of irrigation systems, river systems and maintenance of infra-structure projects. He/she should have preferably worked in Indonesia and/or other Southeast Asian countries in the field of water resources planning, operation and design of major irrigation systems and raw water supply projects. Further he/she should have experience in management of a multi-disciplinary team for a minimum period of 10 years and be capable of concise reporting and have a working knowledge of Bahasa Indonesia. His/her duties will include all duties normally assigned to a team leader such as liaison with the Ministry of Public Work and other Indonesian institutions, liaison with and reporting to his/her home office, coordination of the feasibility, design and investigation work, overall responsibility for administrative, financial, and technical reporting, progress planning and overall guidance to the professional and supporting staff.

b. Senior Geotechnical Expert

22. Should be a university graduate with about 15 years experience in planning of geotechnical investigations, collection and analysis of geotechnical data for design and construction of high embankments, foundations for weirs, tunnels, siphons and other water related structures. His/her duties will also include preparation of a subcontract for geotechnical field investigations and soil laboratory testing, supervision of such investigations and testing and interpreting borelogs and soil parameter and supervising the geotechnical works conducted by the contractor.

c. Senior Economist

23. Should be a university graduate with about 15 years experience in preparing economic analysis for feasibility studies and detailed engineering design. He/she should preferably have experience in Indonesia or in Southeast Asian countries.

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d. Senior Hydrologist

24. Should be a university graduate with about 15 years experience in operational hydrology, collection, storage and interpretation of hydrological and meteorological data using appropriate processing methods and modelling techniques. He/she should be familiar with the use of computer for data processing, computer basin models as well as advanced computer analysis techniques; Further he/she should have experience in water resources assessment, water balance studies and modelling of rainfall-runoff relations. He/she should have experience in Southeast Asia and preferably Indonesia in the field of water resources. His/her duties will also include supervision of the proposed hydrometric survey program.

e. Hydraulic Structure Design Engineer

25. Should be a university graduate with about 15 years experience in planning, detailed design, and construction of structures in large conveyance systems such as weirs, siphons, intake and outlet works, gated- ,regulators, retaining walls, sheet pilings, tunnels, bridges, etc. He/she should have profound knowledge of detail design of water retaining structures and construction planning, including preparation of design and tender drawings. His/her duties will be to plan and prepare detailed designs of the major structures, execute design calculations, prepare the relevant specifications and guide the National structural and civil engineers in their design work, preparation of the bill of quantities, cost estimate and design and tender drawings, and supervise the contractor in constructing the related works.

f. Dam Engineer

26. Should be a university graduate with about 15 years experience in planning, detailed design, and construction of structures in large dams and related structure. He/she should have profound knowledge of detail design of water retaining structures and construction planning, including preparation of design and tender drawings. His/her duties will be to plan and prepare detailed designs of the major structures, execute design calculations, prepare the relevant specifications and guide the National dam, structural and civil engineers in their design work, preparation of the bill of quantities, cost estimate and design and tender drawings, and supervise the contractor in constructing the related works.

2. National Professional Staff

a. Deputy Team Leader/Integrated Water Resources Management Specialist

27. Should be a university graduate civil engineer with about 15 years experience in the field of water resources planning, feasibility studies, design and construction of weirs, dams, tunnels and related structures and raw water supply. Further he/she should have ample experience in managing project teams for design studies. His/her duties will include liaison with the Team Leader as well as his own home office, preparation of coordination with various local authorities and survey and investigations contractors, overall guidance to the National staff members, reporting on special subjects to the Client and participation in feasibility, design and construction work.

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b. Geodetic Engineer

28. Should be a university graduate with about 10 years experience in collection and review of topographical data, measurement of cross sections and leveling, preparation of contracts for topographical surveys and supervision of field work. He/she will be responsible for planning of the survey work, its supervision and preparation of survey data and maps for detailed design. His/her duties will further include quantity estimation civil works and determination of the location and dimensions of cross regulators, irrigation offtakes and other important structures.

c. Water Quality/Treatment Specialist

29. Should be a University graduate with about 10 years experience in collection, evaluation and analyses of water quality data and implementation of water quality monitoring programs. He/she should have the capacity to collect, evaluate and analyze data about waste water sources and to propose water pollution control programs.

d. Water Resources/O & M Specialist

30. Should be a university graduate with about 10 years experience in the O&M of weirs, dams, tunnels and irrigation and drainage systems. He/she should have experience in the planning of O&M, improvement of weirs, dams, tunnels and irrigation and drainage systems operation and its management.

e. Structural Design Engineer

31. Should be a university graduate with about 10 years experience in structural design and construction of hydraulic structures such as weirs, dams, tunnels, siphons, spillways, culverts, cross regulators and irrigation offtakes as well as in the design of roads and bridges. His/her duties will be preparation of detailed design of structures, relevant specifications and structural design and tender drawings.

f. Junior Design Engineer

32. Should be a university graduate with about 7 years experience in hydraulic design of structures such as weirs, dams, tunnels, siphons, cross regulators, irrigation offtakes, etc. He/she should also have experience in calculation and verification of the structural design.

g. Dam Engineer

33. Should be a university graduate with about 10 years experience in dam design and construction of related hydraulic structures such as weirs, dams, tunnels, siphons, spillways, culverts, cross regulators and irrigation offtakes. His/her duties will be preparation of detailed design of dams, relevant specifications and structural design and tender drawings.

h. Hydro-Mechanical Engineer

34. Should be a university graduate with about 15 years experience in planning, design, installation and operation of hydro-mechanical equipment used in water resources infrastructures, such as pumping plants, trash racks, hydraulic gates, measuring gates, spillway and flushing gates, etc. Further, he/she should also have experience in preparation of specifications for procurement of mechanical equipment, testing of hydro-mechanical

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equipment, and supervision of contractor in installing hydro-mechanical equipment.

i. Hydrologist

35. Should be a university graduate with a strong background in hydrology and about 10 years experience in collection and analysis of climatologic and hydrological data and setting up of an appropriate database. He/should be able to assess water availability in river basins, analyze floods and prepare water balance of river basins. He/she should also have experience in execution and supervision of hydrometric measurement programs for weirs and river flows and calibration of flow measuring structures.

j. Junior Hydrologist

36. Should be a university graduate with a strong background in hydrology and about 7 years experience in collection and analysis of climatologic and hydrological data and setting up of an appropriate database. He/should be able to assess water availability in river basins, analyze floods and prepare water balance of river basins. He/she should also have experience in numerical hydrological modeling.

k. Irrigation Engineer

37. Should be a university graduate with about 10 years experience in planning and designing of irrigation developments including O&M requirements (equipment, manpower, maintenance intervals). Further, he/she should have experience in investigation and implementation of operation improvement measures for: large conveyance systems, including water level control, flow measurement and maintenance of sediment traps.

l. Irrigation Design Engineer

38. Should be a university graduate with about 10 years experience in planning and design of irrigation and drainage systems including determination of irrigation demands and water availability analysis. He/she should also have knowledge of operation and maintenance of irrigation canal and related control and measuring structures as Romijn and Crump de Gruyter gates.

m. Agronomist/Rice Cropping Specialist

39. Should be a university graduate with about 15 years experience in agriculture water management. He/she should have experience in farm practice and canal system water use.

n. Cost Estimate/BoQ Specialist

40. Should be a university graduate with about 7 years experience in preparation of bills .of quantities, cost estimating and preparation of design and tender drawings. His/her duties will be preparation of the bills of quantities, engineer's cost estimate and design and tender drawings.

o. Tender Document Specialist

41. Should be a university graduate with about 10 years experience in preparation of prequalification documents, tender documents and schedules for construction works. He/she should also have experience in preparation of tenders and contracts for International Competitive Bidding (ICB) and National Competitive Bidding (NCB).

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p. Geotechnical Engineer

42. Should be a university graduate with about 10 years experience in geotechnical aspect of foundation design and construction of large hydraulic structures as well as in unstable soil and embankment in high fill. Further, he/she should have ample experience in analysis of materials used for fill and foundation of hydraulic structures and supervision of geotechnical field investigations and laboratory testing.

q. Rural Water Specialist

43. Should be a university graduate with about 10 years experience in the field of water supply development with emphasis to rural communities. Further, he/she should have ample experience in participatory planning, design and implementation of rural water infrastructures.

r. Watershed and Forestry Specialist

44. Should be a university graduate with about 10 years experience in the field of catchment management with emphasis to erosion and land management with local communities. Further, he/she should have ample experience in participatory planning, design and implementation of local communities’ reforestation projects.

s. Socio Economist

45. Should be a university graduate with about 10 years experience in preparing socio economic analysis for feasibility studies and water related development projects.

t. P3A Specialist

46. Should be a university graduate with about 15 years experience in agriculture water management and P3A. He/she should have experience in farm practice and development of P3A management.

u. Community Development Specialist

47. Should be a university graduate in social sciences with about 10 years experience in the field assessment of social impacts of water resources development and related projects and in public participation activities. Further he/she should have experience in CDD processes and CSO driven projects.

v. Junior Community Development Specialist

48. Should be a university graduate in social sciences with about 7 years experience in the field assessment of social impacts of water resources development and related projects and in public participation activities. Further he/she should have experience in CDD processes and CSO driven projects.

w. Resettlement & Safeguard Specialist

49. Should be a university graduate in social sciences with about 10 years experience in the field of regional development planning, assessment of social impacts of water resources development and related projects and in public participation activities. Further he/she should have experience in identification of socio-economic problems related to settlement, preparation

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of resettlement plans and compensation arrangement.

x. Environment Specialist

50. Should be a university graduate with environmental background and about 8 years experience in environmental impact assessment (EIA) of water resources development and related projects. This shall include experience in environment impact and in the assessment of resettlement and compensation. He/she must have experience in the preparation of Environment Impact Assessment reports according to the national guidelines (AMDAL).

G. Detailed TOR for Individual Team Member

51. In the policy framework for transfer of knowledge/knowhow each international expert shall always work together with his/her national partner. The tasks given to each international expert are carried out together with national expert, hopefully in a solid team. Therefore, the detailed tasks that have to be performed by each expert are assumed to be performed by a team of at least two; one international and one or more national experts. The duration of national expert is few months longer than that of international expert. This is so by assuming that once a certain expertise has been mastered by the national expert, he/she can carry out the rest of the work.

1. International Professional Staff

a. Team Leader/Integrated Water Resources Management Specialist

52. His/her duties will include all duties normally assigned to a team leader such as liaison with the Ministry of Public Work and other Indonesian institutions, liaison with and reporting to his/her home office, coordination of the feasibility, design and investigation work, overall responsibility for administrative, financial, and technical reporting, progress planning and overall guidance to the professional and supporting staff. In addition he/she will be also responsible for construction implementation management and QA support. Duration: These duties will be carried out for a period of total 18 months during the detailed design period.

b. Senior Geotechnical Expert

53. His/her duties include to (i) Prepare a subcontract for geotechnical field investigations and soil laboratory testing, supervision of such investigations and testing and interpreting bore logs and soil parameter and supervising the geotechnical works conducted by the contractor, (ii) Supervise the contractor in conducting earthworks including excavation, preparation of foundation, selection of material for fill, construction method, arrangement of spoil dumps and stock piles areas. The above tasks will be carried out six months during the detailed design period.

c. Senior Economist

54. His/her duties include to (i) Prepare socio economic studies related to the chosen options, (ii) Prepare economical analysis and recommendations, (iii) Prepare long term strategy for cost recovery and financial sustainability of operation and maintenance. The above tasks will be carried out six months at the beginning of the detailed design period.

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d. Senior Hydrologist

55. His/her duties include to collect, update and analyze hydrologic data of the catchment areas of targeted by the chosen options in order to determine (i) updated flows required for the detail design. His/her duties will also include supervision of the proposed hydrometric survey program. These tasks will be carried out for a period of six months during the detailed design.

e. Hydraulic Structure Design Engineer

56. His/her main tasks include to: (i) supervise hydraulic design of the chosen options, (ii) prepare and run two-dimensional unsteady state hydraulic models for the chosen options to determine hydraulic gradients and sediment transport distribution, effect of variations in water demands on water levels, required capacity of security devices as emergency gates and spillways, offtake and cross regulator levels, energy losses over cross structures, (iii) propose design optimizations, (iv) carry out a sediment sampling program in the rivers and sediment traps and determine the sediment balance, (v) Assess the hydraulic modeling work of K-water. Assess whether the modeling can be adopted for hydraulic performance assessment of the proposed options. Make recommendations during the Inception Period for efficient use of existing models. The above tasks will be carried out in eighteen months.

f. Dam Engineer

57. His/her duties will be to: (i) Plan and prepare detailed designs of the dam structures, execute design calculations, prepare the relevant specifications and guide the National structural and civil engineers in their design work, preparation of the bill of quantities, cost estimate and design and tender drawings, and supervise the contractor in constructing the related works. The above tasks will be carried out eighteen months.

2. National Professional Staff

a. Deputy Team Leader/Integrated Water Resources Management Specialist

58. His/her duties will include all duties normally assigned to a deputy team leader such as liaison with the Ministry of Public Work and other Indonesian institutions, liaison with and reporting to his/her home office, coordination of the feasibility, design and investigation work, overall responsibility for administrative, financial, and technical reporting, progress planning and overall guidance to the professional and supporting staff. In addition he/she will be also responsible for construction implementation management and QA support. Duration: These duties will be carried out for a period of total 18 months during the detailed design period.

b. Geodetic Engineer

59. He/she will conduct the following tasks: (i) Planning of the survey work, its supervision and preparation of survey data and maps for detailed design. (ii) Quantity estimation of excavation and determination of the location and dimensions of cross regulators, irrigation offtakes and other important canal structures. The above tasks will be performed in eighteen months.

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c. Water Quality/Treatment Specialist

60. He/she will conduct the following tasks: (i) Review and update the analysis of the river flows and water quality, (ii) Identify existing and potential future sources of water pollution and composition of their effluent, (ii) Investigate the possibility of introducing a public awareness program concerning river pollution and garbage collection. The above tasks will be carried out in twelve months.

d. Water Resources/O & M Specialist

61. His/her duties will be to: (i) Survey and investigate all cross regulators and other regulating structures and determine the type and operation conditions of these structures. (ii) Propose and design improvements based on ease of operation, discharge measurement and sediment distribution, (ii) Examine alternative-solutions for system operation simplification and recommend the most suitable one for implementation. The study should also cover MPW operational and maintenance staff, fund and equipment and present recommendations for improvement measure of staff, equipment and required maintenance budget, (iii) Lead detailed O&M/institutional Reviews and System Commissioning, (iv) Review current communication systems with DMI and WUAs and other bulk water users and make recommendations for improved planning and/or implementation, (v) Asses the possible changes in water demands if extensive systems of rice intensifications (SRI) water management were practiced over the targeted command area, (vi) Prepare recommendations for the O&M of sedimentation traps; provide O&M guidelines and recommendations for equipment needs for efficient operations, (vii) Develop an inter-district agreement regarding cost allocation and ongoing financial arrangements for diverted water. The above tasks will be carried out in eighteen months.

e. Structural Design Engineer

62. His/her duties will be to: (i) Plan and prepare detailed designs of the major structures, execute design calculations, prepare the relevant specifications, preparation of the bill of quantities, cost estimate and design and tender drawings, and supervise the contractor in constructing the related works. The above tasks will be carried out eighteen months.

f. Junior Design Engineer

63. His/her duties will be to assist the structural engineer in: (i) Plan and prepare detailed designs of the major structures, execute design calculations, prepare the relevant specifications, preparation of the bill of quantities, cost estimate and design and tender drawings, and supervise the contractor in constructing the related works. The above tasks will be carried out eighteen months.

g. Dam Engineer

64. His/her duties will be to assist the IPS in: (i) Plan and prepare detailed designs of the dam structures, execute design calculations, prepare the relevant specifications and guide the National structural and civil engineers in their design work, preparation of the bill of quantities,

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cost estimate and design and tender drawings, and supervise the contractor in constructing the related works. The above tasks will be carried out eighteen months.

h. Hydro-Mechanical Engineer

65. His/her duties will be to: (i) determine the hydro mechanical requirements for the selected options, (ii) Prepare the design of all hydro-mechanical equipment required for the proposed options, (iii) Direct the design, supply of materials, manufactures, inspection and testing, delivery to site, erection, testing on completion, setting to work, finishing and painting, and maintenance. The above tasks will be carried out eighteen months during detailed design period.

i. Hydrologist

66. His/her duties include to assist the IPS to collect, update and analyze hydrologic data of the catchment areas of targeted by the chosen options in order to determine (i) updated flows required for the detail design. His/her duties will also include supervision of the proposed hydrometric survey program. These tasks will be carried out for a period of eighteen months during the detailed design.

j. Junior Hydrologist

67. His/her duties include to assist the NPS to collect, update and analyze hydrologic data of the catchment areas of targeted by the chosen options in order to determine (i) updated flows required for the detail design. His/her duties will also include supervision of the proposed hydrometric survey program. These tasks will be carried out for a period of eighteen months during the detailed design.

k. Irrigation Engineer

68. He/she will specifically conduct the following tasks: (i) Analyze future DMI demand and discuss with the relevant authorities, private companies and private users the location of future offtakes and projected raw water demand, (ii) Review the water demand for present and future irrigation command areas of the selected options and the raw water demand. Include in this review should be the existing and proposed agreements for raw water supply between PJT-II and the PDAMs and between PJT-II and other users in the private and industrial sector, (iii) Prepare and run a water demand model in order to determine the required design capacity of the various canal reaches for the present and future water demands. The model shall at least include the following parameter: irrigated area, cropping pattern, golongan system, efficiency, irrigation and DMI demand, location of major offtakes. The above tasks will be carried out in twelve months.

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l. Irrigation Design Engineer

69. He/she will specifically conduct the following tasks: (i) Coordinate with the irrigation engineer irrigation development, (ii) Design off takes. The above tasks will be carried out in twelve months.

m. Agronomist/Rice Cropping Specialist

70. He/she will specifically conduct the following tasks: (i) Analyze future irrigation demand and discuss with the relevant authorities and private users the location of future offtakes and projected raw water demand, (ii) Review the water demand for present and future irrigation command areas of the selected options and the raw water demand. (iii) Coordinate with the irrigation the preparation of a water demand model in order to determine the required design capacity of the various canal reaches for the present and future water demands. The model shall at least include the following parameter: irrigated area, cropping pattern, golongan system, efficiency, irrigation and DMI demand, location of major off takes. The above tasks will be carried out in six months.

n. Cost Estimate/BoQ Specialist

71. His/her duties will be preparation of the bills of quantities, engineer's cost estimate and design and tender drawings. The above tasks will be carried out in eight months.

o. Tender Document Specialist

72. He/she will specifically conduct the following tasks: (i) preparation of prequalification documents, tender documents and schedules for construction works. The above tasks will be carried out in six months.

p. Geotechnical Engineer

73. His/her duties include to assist the IPS to (i) Prepare a subcontract for geotechnical field investigations and soil laboratory testing, supervision of such investigations and testing and interpreting bore logs and soil parameter and supervising the geotechnical works conducted by the contractor, (ii) Supervise the contractor in conducting earthworks including excavation, preparation of foundation, selection of material for fill, construction method, arrangement of spoil dumps and stock piles areas. The above tasks will be carried out fifteen months during the detailed design period.

q. Rural Water Specialist

74. He/she will specifically conduct the following tasks: (i) Analyze rural water demand and discuss with the relevant authorities and private users the location of future offtakes and projected raw water demand, (ii) Review the water demand for present and future irrigation command areas, (iii) Coordinate with the irrigation expert for irrigation development. The above tasks will be carried out in nine months.

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r. Watershed and Forestry Specialist

75. He/she will specifically conduct the following tasks: (i) Analyze sediment load and erosion rates on the upper part of the catchments targeted by the selected options, (ii) Prepare estimate of the change in sediment entering the selected options and that passing to lower areas under improved exclusion works, (iii) Study the effect on O & M. The above tasks will be carried out in nine months.

s. Socio Economist

76. He/she will specifically conduct the following tasks: (i) Analyze economical return of the selected options, (ii) Prepare cost recovery plan, (iii) Study the financing and viability of O & M. The above tasks will be carried out in six months.

t. P3A Specialist

77. He/she will specifically conduct the following tasks: (i) Analyze rural water demand and discuss with the relevant P3A groups and private users the location of future offtakes. The above tasks will be carried out in six months.

u. Community Development Specialist

78. His/her duties include to: (i) limit the social impact study to the selected options and associated works, (ii) prepare and implement with NGO support public awareness campaign for stakeholders involvement in selected options OED and future utilization, (iii) update the mc Resettlement Plan, (iv) Prepare subcontract and supervise field NGO activities for community participation facilitation. The above tasks will be carried out in twelve months.

v. Junior Community Development Specialist

79. His/her duties include to assist the senior community development specialist: (i) limit the social impact study to the selected options and associated works, (ii) prepare and implement with NGO support public awareness campaign for stakeholders involvement in selected options OED and future utilization, (iii) update the mc Resettlement Plan, (iv) Prepare subcontract and supervise field NGO activities for community participation facilitation. The above tasks will be carried out in eighteen months.

w. Resettlement & Safeguard Specialist

80. His/her duties include to: (i) limit the social impact study to the selected options and associated works, (ii) prepare and implement with NGO support public awareness campaign for stakeholders involvement in selected options OED and future utilization, (iii) update the mc Resettlement Plan, (iv) Prepare subcontract and supervise field NGO activities for community participation facilitation. (v) Prepare with local communities spatial use planning incorporating recreational use, fishing, green (forest) sites, children's playgrounds, (vi) Coordinate with Sociologist NGO and local community heads the intended land use along the ROW and future access and policing requirements from community members. The above tasks will be carried out in eighteen months.

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x. Environment Specialist

81. He/she will specifically conduct the following tasks: (i) Prepare AMDAL following GOI standards and procedures, (ii) implement ADB lEI, EMP for selected options and associated works as prepared for the Project, (iii) Provide inputs into recreational use design outputs and to regreen the projects surroundings to ensure a stable pleasant environment for riparian users, (iv) Prepare plans to minimize environmental deterioration of Ox-bow lakes. These tasks will be carried out in eighteen months.


82. The Consultant shall prepare and submit the following reports to DGWR and ADB during the period of services. All reports and drawings shall be in the English language and standard dimensions unless otherwise specified. The SI system shall be used in all reports, computations and drawings. During the course of consulting services, the following reports are to be submitted: (1) Quality Program Report

The Consultant will submit a Quality Program Report prior to commencement of the Services ensuring that the Services will be carried out to achieve the best quality of work.

(2) Inception Report

The Consultant will submit an inception report 45 days after commencement of the services. This report will present the Consultant's preliminary evaluation of the scope of works, 'field conditions, availability and status of data and reports, detailed work plan, subcontracts for topographical surveys, geotechnical investigations, hydrometric surveys and sediment sampling programs (15 copies). .

(3) Draft Design Report

At the end of the 10th month from the start of services, the Consultant will submit a Draft Design Report which will describe the general approach of the study, detailed design of the selected options, required structures and equipment. It should also include the results of topographical surveys, geotechnical investigations, laboratory testing and hydrometric and sediment sampling programs carried out during the study (15 copies).

(4) Final Design Report

At the end of the services, the Consultant will submit a Final Design Report which will describe the general approach, standard used, detailed design, work and equipment required, including design calculations for the major components. It should also include the results of topographical surveys, geotechnical investigations, laboratory testing, hydrometric

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and sediment sampling programs carried out during the study (15 copies).

(5) Prequalification Document

At the end of the sixth month from the start of the services, the Consultant will submit Prequalification Documents for the proposed works (15 copies).

(6) Draft Tender Document

At the end of the 10th month from the start of the services, the Consultant will submit Draft Tender Documents for the agreed packages comprising (i) invitation to Tenders; (ii) Instruction to Tenderers; (iii) General Conditions of Contract (FIDIC); (iv) Particular Conditions of Contract; (v) Specifications; (vi) Letter of Tender and Appendix; (vii) Bill of Quantities; (viii) Forms, Securities, Schedules, etc; and (ix) Tender Drawings (15 copies).

(7) Final tender Document

After approval of the Draft Tender Documents by DGWR and ADB, the Consultant will prepare the Final Tender Documents for the agreed packages comprising (i) invitation to Tenders; (ii) Instruction to Tenderers; (iii) General Conditions of Contract (FIDIC); (iv) Particular Conditions of Contract; (v) Specifications; (vi) Letter of Tender and Appendix; (vii) Bill of Quantities; (viii) Forms, Securities, Schedules, etc; and (ix) Tender Drawings (15 copies).

(8) Quarterly progress Report

The Consultant will submit at the end of each study quarter a progress report giving summary of the progress, team activities during the reporting period, technical and management problems, if any, contract administration, financial arid ;.person-months utilization and work anticipated to be carried out in the next reporting period (10 copies). .

(9) Completion Report

At the end of the services, the Consultant will submit a short Completion Report with details about the design that was carried out, report submitted, person-months used and cost incurred (10 copies).


The implementing agency for the detailed engineering design for upgrading of Bandung water sources will be the Balai Besar Wilayah Sungai Citarum under the DGWR.

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Supplementary Appendix 6 - Terms of Reference for Project 1 Sub Component 3.1 - Development of Key Policies and Strategies for Water Resources Management in CRB (TA B3)

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Terms of Reference for Project 1 Sub Component 3.1 1


Terms of Reference for Development of Key Policies and Strategies for

IWRM (Subcomponent B3)

A. Introduction

1. The water resources of the rivers and groundwater systems in the Citarum River Basin (CRB) are critical to social and economic development of the country. They are essential for urban and industrial development (particularly in Jakarta and Bandung areas) including export industry, agricultural production through major irrigation systems, rural water supplies, electricity generation though hydropower, and fisheries. While the water resources of the Citarum River Basin are relatively abundant, competition for these resources has increased significantly over the past 20 years leading to a situation of acute water stress and depletion of aquifers in some places. Rapid urbanization has significantly increased the exposure to flood risk. Environmental degradation has reached a level that compromises public health and livelihoods, particularly for the urban and rural poor, and incurs additional economic and financial costs related to the source of bulk water supply and its treatment.

2. A management focus on integrated water resources management (IWRM) and sustainability of the water resource has been emphasized in the 2004 Water Law. The Water Law introduces the concept of management within the boundaries of a river basin and reflects the principles of decentralization and devolvement of authority to local levels as promoted by the program of regional autonomy. Preparations for its implementation are at a preliminary stage.

3. Water has been a major area of the Asian Development Bank’s (ADB) assistance to Indonesia, totaling over $1.5 billion in loans and technical assistance (TA). Improving sustainable use of water resources in-line with the ADB “Water for All” policy, together with a strong commitment to build capacity of local government agencies, are key elements of ADB’s operational partnership. In particular this partnership stresses the need to continue implementation of policy reforms, overcome weak coordination among agencies and develop guidance for cooperative working. Sustainability of economic growth and pro-poor development are key pillars of the Country Strategy and Program (CSP) that will be complemented by strengthening capacity for IWRM in the basin.

4. A “Roadmap” (strategic investment plan) has been prepared for basin-wide integrated water resources management (IWRM) based on a “Vision” of basin stakeholder for Government and community working together for clean, healthy and productive catchments and rivers, bringing sustainable benefits to all people of the Citarum River Basin.

5. The Roadmap is essentially a planned program of interventions that will, if successfully implemented, lead to the achievement of the vision. In many cases, projects to be included in the roadmap had already been identified by previous studies. In other cases, it became apparent that interventions were required that had not been identified previously, but will be essential for achieving the objectives. A total of almost 80 Roadmap interventions were identified, with a total base cost of around $3.5 billion, proposed for a 15 year time frame.

6. In order to support the implementation of the Roadmap, the Integrated Citarum Water Resources Management Investment Program (ICWRMIP) has been developed. It is a 15 year, multi-sectoral project with a total cost of around $1 billion, with $500 million to be provided as a loan to the Government of Indonesia under a

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Terms of Reference for Project 1 Sub Component 3.1 2

Multi-Financing Facility (MFF). It is planned to use these funds in four tranches. The project consists of a large number of component projects (subcomponents) in different sectors – all related to water and environmental management – with many inter-relationships among them. This means that strong coordination among the projects is required along with effective monitoring and reporting mechanism to allow DGWR and ADB to ensure that the funds are being disbursed in accordance with the plan and in time. In addition, information exchange among component projects will improve overall performance, and minimize wasted effort caused by overlaps.

7. In addition to the loan, a suite of technical assistance (TA) projects is to be implemented to provide some important policies and tools for IWRM. These will help to ensure that the investments made under the MFF are sustainable and that the full benefits of the ICWRMIP are achieved.

8. One important subcomponent deals with the development of some key government policies and strategies that will be fundamental to achieve IWRM in the future in the 6 Ci’s River basin Territory and indeed across Indonesia in areas of relative water scarcity. These policies will also be important in supporting the ICWRMIP and ensuring that the maximum benefit is gained from this significant investment.

A. Objectives and Outcomes

9. The key objective of the TA is to provide a set of basic water management policies and strategies that will lead to sustainable use of the limited water resources of the 6 CIs River Basin Territory and maximize the benefits of the ICWRMIP in the Citarum River Basin specifically. A secondary objective is to provide a model for such policies and strategies in other parts of Indonesia, taking into account local characteristics.

B. Scope of Work

10. The TA will cover the following areas:

11. Part 1: Development and implementation of a water entitlements and licensing system for surface water users. This work will focus on agricultural water use (irrigation) and include the following activities: (i) Review of existing governmental policies and regulations regarding allocation of water entitlements to surface water users, and systems for water user registration and licensing; (ii) Identification and assessment of CRB water user stakeholders particularly vulnerable water users and/or communities or groups with potential conflicts over water use (iii) Review of international best practice regarding allocation of water entitlements to surface water users, and systems for water user registration and licensing; (iv) Development of a recommended policy for allocation of water entitlements to agricultural users and licensing of users to manage those entitlements; (v) Development of a system for registration of water users, licensing of those users, and managing compliance with license conditions; and (vi) Formulation of an implementation plan for the implementation of the recommended system.

12. Part 2: Policy development for appropriate water pricing, water allocation and balanced stakeholder participation. This will include the following activities: (i) Review of existing governmental policies and regulations regarding water allocation among uses and water pricing; (ii) Review of international best practice regarding water allocation among uses and water pricing; (iii) Development of a recommended policy for water pricing for uses of water including domestic, industrial and agricultural; (iv) Development of a recommended policy for water allocation among competing uses of water, including during times of water shortage; (v) Development

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of a recommended strategy for balanced stakeholder participation in decisions related to water allocation among uses and water pricing; (vi) Development of a recommended gender strategy for balanced stakeholder participation in decisions related to the involvement of women and children in water management and development, and (vii) Formulation of an implementation plan for approved policy for water allocation among competing uses of water, and strategy for balanced stakeholder participation.

13. Part 3: Development of strategies and options for demand management and water conservation with respect to industrial and domestic use. Development of such strategies will include the following activities: (i) Review of existing strategies and options for demand management and water conservation with respect to agricultural, industrial and domestic use; (ii) Review of international best practice regarding demand management and water conservation; (iii) Development of a recommended new strategy for demand management and water conservation with respect to agricultural, industrial and domestic use; and (iv) Formulation of an implementation plan for strategy for demand management and water conservation with respect to agricultural, industrial and domestic use.

14. In this TA, the recommended key policies and strategies for IWRM will be formulated for submission to government for approval. Once approval is given, implementation of the approved policies and strategies will be undertaken in later tranches of the ICWRMIP.

C. Outputs

15. The expected outputs of this project are as follows:

1.1 Report on review of existing governmental policies and regulations and international best practice regarding allocation of water entitlements to surface water users, and systems for water user registration and licensing

1.2 Report on recommended policy for allocation of water entitlements to agricultural users and licensing of users to manage water entitlements

1.3 Computerized prototype system for registration of water users, licensing of those users, and managing compliance with licence conditions

1.4 Implementation plan for the implementation of the recommended system for registration of water users, licensing of those users, and managing compliance with licence conditions

2.1 Report on review of existing governmental policies and regulations and international best practice regarding water allocation among uses and water pricing

2.2 Report on recommended policy for water pricing for uses of water including domestic, industrial and agricultural

2.3 Report on water allocation among competing uses of water, including during times of water shortage

2.4 Report on recommended new strategy for demand management and water conservation with respect to agricultural, industrial and domestic use

2.5 Implementation plan for approved policy for water pricing, policy for allocation among competing uses of water, and strategy for balanced stakeholder participation

3.1 Report on review of existing strategies, international best practice and options for demand management and water conservation with respect to agricultural, industrial and domestic use international best practice

3.2 Report on recommended new strategy for demand management and water conservation with respect to agricultural, industrial and domestic use

3.3 Implementation plan for strategy for demand management and water conservation with respect to agricultural, industrial and domestic use

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D. Expertise Requirements

16. The TA will be undertaken by a team of experts comprising international and national professional staff, with total inputs of 21 and 61 person-months respectively (total 82 person-months). In addition a minimum of some 18 months of technical support assistants (Assistant Flood Modeler, Assistance hydrologist etc ) will be provided and costed in the proposal. In general, preference will be given to international consulting personnel that have work experience in Indonesia or in other Southeast Asian countries. It is expected that the professional staff and qualifications shown in Table 1 will be required.

Table 1: Estimated Person-Month Requirement POSITION Person-months INTERNATIONAL PROFESSIONAL STAFF 21 1. Water Resource Management Specialist / Team Leader 11 2. Institutional Specialist 6 3. River Basin Planning Specialist 4 NATIONAL PROFESSIONAL STAFF 61 1. Water Resources Management Specialist / DTL 14 2. Public Policy Specialist 6 3. Institutional Specialist 8 4. Information System Specialist 4 5. River Basin Planning Specialist 8 5 Gender Specialist 6 6. Legal Specialist 6 7. Economist 4 8. Environmental Specialist 5

1. International Professional Staff

a. Water Resource Management Specialist

17. The team leader will responsible the overall consulting services implementation with sound project management practices. In addition to the Team Leader administrative duties and management of his/her team, the Team Leader's principal duties will, inter alia, include:

i. Supervise the development and implementation of a water entitlements and licensing system for surface water users

ii. Formulate an implementation plan for the implementation of the recommended licensing system

iii. Develop a recommended strategy for balanced stakeholder participation in decisions related to water allocation among uses and water pricing

iv. Supervise the Policy development for appropriate water pricing, water allocation and balanced stakeholder participation

v. Formulate an implementation plan for approved policy for water allocation among competing uses of water, and strategy for balanced stakeholder participation

vi. Review of existing strategies and options for demand management and water conservation with respect to agricultural, industrial and domestic use

vii. Supervise the development of strategies and options for demand management and water conservation with respect to industrial and domestic use

18. He/she should be at least a master graduate in engineering with 15 years experience in water resources management applied to policy and strategy

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development. The expert should have a sound knowledge of and practical experience in river basin management, the ecological principle establishing river basins as the basis of IWRM, ideally with experience in river basin management. The expert will have strong interpersonal and communication skills, be fluent in written and spoken English, and have proven ability in report writing for professional purposes.

b. Institutional Specialist

19. In order to support on institutional aspects for the development of policies and strategies, the institutional specialist’s principal duties will, inter alia, include:

i. Coordinate with the institutional specialists from the B1 component stakeholder participation arrangement

ii. Review institutional arrangements for water entitlements, licensing, water pricing, water allocation and conservation

iii. Provide institutional recommendations for the formulation of strategy for balanced stakeholder participation in decisions related to water allocation among uses and water pricing

iv. Provide institutional recommendations for the development of a policy for allocation of water entitlements to agricultural users and licensing of users to manage those entitlements

v. Provide institutional recommendations for the development of strategies and options for demand management and water conservation with respect to industrial and domestic use

20. He/she will be an experienced international expert with qualifications and specialization in a range of institutional development for water resources management. The consultant should be a university graduate Msc degree in a relevant subject area with a minimum of 15 years experience in policy and strategy development for water licensing, pricing and water sharing for government and non government agencies. The expert will have strong interpersonal and communication skills, be fluent in written and spoken English, and have proven ability in report writing for professional purposes.

c. River Basin Planning Specialist

21. For the purpose of developing proper water resources allocations, demand management and conservation strategies and options, the river basin planning specialist’s principal duties will, inter alia, include:

i. Review of existing strategies and options for demand management and

water conservation with respect to agricultural, industrial and domestic use ii. Develop a recommended new strategy for demand management and

water conservation with respect to agricultural, industrial and domestic use iii. Formulate an implementation plan for strategy for demand management

and water conservation with respect to agricultural, industrial and domestic use

iv. Prepare a report on water allocation among competing uses of water, including during times of water shortage

v. Provide technical inputs for the development of a recommended strategy for balanced stakeholder participation in decisions related to water allocation among uses and water pricing

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22. He/she will be an expert with qualifications and specialization in a range of water resources planning applied to the development of policies and strategies. The consultant should be a university engineer with about 10 years experience in the field of water resources planning, development and management particularly related with water allocation and conservation. The expert should have a sound knowledge of and practical experience in river basin management, the ecological principle establishing river basins as the basis of IWRM, ideally with experience in river basin management. The expert will have strong interpersonal and communication skills, be fluent in written and spoken English, and have proven ability in report writing for professional purposes. 2. National Professional Staff

2. Deputy Team Leader/Water Resource Management Specialist

23. The deputy team leader/Water Resources Management Specialist’s will assist the team leader in the development and implementation of policies and strategies. In addition he/she will assist in carrying out administrative duties and management responsibilities for the team and deputise for the Team Leader in his/her absence. More specifically, the Deputy Team Leader's duties will include:

i. Support the development and implementation of a water entitlements and

licensing system for surface water users ii. Formulation of an implementation plan for the implementation of the

recommended licensing system iii. Support the development of a recommended strategy for balanced

stakeholder participation in decisions related to water allocation among uses and water pricing

iv. Support the Policy development for appropriate water pricing, water allocation and balanced stakeholder participation

v. Formulate an implementation plan for approved policy for water allocation among competing uses of water, and strategy for balanced stakeholder participation

vi. Review of existing strategies and options for demand management and water conservation with respect to agricultural, industrial and domestic use

vii. Support the development of strategies and options for demand management and water conservation with respect to industrial and domestic use

24. He/she should be at least a master graduate in engineering with 15 years experience in water resources management applied to policy and strategy development. The expert should have a sound knowledge of and practical experience in river basin management, the ecological principle establishing river basins as the basis of IWRM, ideally with experience in river basin management. The expert will have strong interpersonal and communication skills, be fluent in written and spoken English, and have proven ability in report writing for professional purposes.

3. Public Policy Specialist

25. For the purpose of developing policies for water allocation and water pricing, the public policy specialist’s principal duties will, inter alia, include:

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i. Review of existing governmental policies regarding allocation of water entitlements to surface water users, and systems for water user registration and licensing

ii. Develop a recommended policy for allocation of water entitlements to agricultural users and licensing of users to manage those entitlements

iii. Review of existing governmental policies regarding water allocation among uses and water pricing

iv. Develop a recommended policy for water pricing for uses of water including domestic, industrial and agricultural

v. Develop a recommended policy for water allocation among competing uses of water, including during times of water shortage

26. He/she will be an expert with qualifications and specialization in a range of water resources policy development areas. The consultant should be a university graduated in social science with about 10 years experience in the field of water resources policy particularly related with water sharing, pricing, licensing implementation. The expert should have a sound knowledge of and practical experience in IWRM, ideally with experience in of policy development issues related to irrigation, flood management, rural and urban water supply and sanitation, water quality, waste treatment, and environmental and ecosystem sustainability. The expert will have strong interpersonal and communication skills, be fluent in written and spoken English, and have proven ability in report writing for professional purposes.

4. Institutional Specialist

27. In order to support on institutional aspects for the development of policies and strategies with the international institutional specialist, the national institutional specialist’s principal duties will, inter alia, include:

i. Collect documentation on current institutional arrangements for water entitlements, licensing, water pricing, water allocation and conservation

ii. Provide institutional recommendations for the formulation of strategy for balanced stakeholder participation in decisions related to water allocation among uses and water pricing

iii. Provide institutional recommendations for the development of a policy for allocation of water entitlements to agricultural users and licensing of users to manage those entitlements

iv. Provide institutional recommendations for the development of strategies and options for demand management and water conservation with respect to industrial and domestic use

28. He/she will be an experienced national expert with qualifications and specialization in a range of institutional development for water resources management. The consultant should be a university graduate Msc degree in a relevant subject area with a minimum of 15 years experience in policy and strategy development for water licensing, pricing and water sharing for government and non government agencies. The expert will have strong interpersonal and communication skills, be fluent in written and spoken English, and have proven ability in report writing for professional purposes.

5. Information System Specialist

29. For the purpose to develop and implement a water entitlements and licensing system for surface water users using online modern methods, the information system specialist’s principal duties will, inter alia, include:

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i. Evaluate available information system capacities, data and human

resources ii. Design and build with the team leader a system for registration of water

users, licensing of those users, and managing compliance with licence conditions

iii. Install the system and provide on the job training to related counterpart staff

iv. Prepare recommendations (technical, institutional and financial) for use of the system in other region

30. He/she will be an experienced national expert with qualifications and specialization in a range of database and information system. The consultant should be a university graduated IT with about 10 years experience in the field of information system and database development and management. The expert should have a sound knowledge of and practical experience in web based database and programming languages used for database software development. The expert will have strong interpersonal and communication skills, be fluent in written and spoken English, and have proven ability in report writing for professional purposes.

6. River Basin Planning Specialist

31. For the purpose of developing proper water resources allocations, demand management and conservation strategies and options, the river basin planning specialist’s principal duties will, inter alia, include:

i. Collect related documentation on existing strategies and options for

demand management and water conservation with respect to agricultural, industrial and domestic use

ii. Support the development of a recommended new strategy for demand management and water conservation with respect to agricultural, industrial and domestic use

iii. Coordinate with the water balance modeling team sharing of information and provide inputs on scenarios for additional model runs

iv. Provide technical inputs for the development of a recommended strategy for balanced stakeholder participation in decisions related to water allocation among uses and water pricing

32. He/she will be an expert with qualifications and specialization in a range of water resources planning applied to the development of policies and strategies. The consultant should be a university engineer with about 10 years experience in the field of water resources planning, development and management particularly related with water allocation and conservation. The expert should have a sound knowledge of and practical experience in river basin management, the ecological principle establishing river basins as the basis of IWRM, ideally with experience in river basin management. The expert will have strong interpersonal and communication skills, be fluent in written and spoken English, and have proven ability in report writing for professional purposes.

7. Gender Specialist

33. In order to strengthen the understanding of the roles of women and children in IWRM the gender specialist will assist development of gender policies and strategies the national gender specialist’s principal duties will, inter alia, include: 39. The. His/her responsibilities will include:

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i. Collect documentation on current institutional arrangements for ensuring

women and children are a key focus of water development programs and decision making

ii. Provide institutional recommendations for the formulation of strategy for gender balanced stakeholder participation in decisions related to water resources

iii. Provide institutional recommendations for the development of policies leading to stronger focus on women and children in protection of water resources and the equitable and productive use of water services

iv. formulation of knowledge products related to gender analysis and gender equality, facilitate learning and networking, coordinate knowledge sharing activities in the area;

v. Conduct training on gender analysis and gender mainstreaming to stakeholders;

vi. Develop networks of contacts with other gender specialists and gender studies centers in the Citarum River Basin; and

vii. Make gender-related contributions on website/newsletter

40. He/she will be an expert with qualifications and specialization in gender studies or research, CSO based project, training and education, and media campaign. The consultant should be a university graduate in relevant social sciences discipline with about 10 years experience. The expert will have strong interpersonal and communication skills, be fluent in written and spoken English, and have proven ability in report writing for professional purposes

8. Legal Specialist

34. For the purpose of formulating regulations related to the development of a water entitlements and licensing system for surface water users and the development of appropriate water pricing, water allocation and balanced stakeholder participation, the legal specialist’s principal duties will, inter alia, include:

i. Collect and review of existing governmental regulations regarding allocation of water entitlements to surface water users, and systems for water user registration and licensing

ii. Provide legal inputs on the development of a recommended policy for allocation of water entitlements to agricultural users and licensing of users to manage those entitlements

iii. Collect and review of existing governmental regulations regarding water allocation among uses and water pricing

iv. Provide legal inputs on the development of a recommended policy for water pricing for uses of water including domestic, industrial and agricultural

35. He/she will be an expert with qualifications and specialization in a range of legal aspects applied to water resources. The consultant should be a university graduated in paralegal or law science with about 10 years experience with a sound knowledge of and practical experience in ecological principle establishing river basins as the basis of IWRM, ideally with experience in river basin planning management, and familiarity with a wide range of technical issues related to irrigation, flood management, rural and urban water supply and sanitation, water quality, waste treatment, and environmental and ecosystem sustainability. The expert will have strong interpersonal and communication skills, be fluent in written and spoken English, and have proven ability in report writing for professional purposes.

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9. Economist

36. In the framework of the policy development for appropriate water pricing, water allocation and balanced stakeholder participation, the national economist specialist’s principal duties will, inter alia, include:

i. Review current pricing and cost recovery models ii. Develop a recommended policy for water pricing for uses of water

including domestic, industrial and agricultural

37. He/she will be an experienced expert with qualifications and specialization in a range of financing/economy for water resources, economic evaluation and environmental projects. The consultant should be a university graduated environmental with about 15 years experience in the field of economy. The expert should have a sound knowledge of and practical experience in IWRM and familiarity with CSO and public developments. The expert will have strong interpersonal and communication skills, be fluent in written and spoken English, and have proven ability in report writing for professional purposes.

10. Environmental Specialist

38. The main responsibility of the environmental specialist will be to provide inputs for the development of strategies and options for demand management and water conservation with respect to industrial and domestic use. More specifically, the environmental specialist's duties will, inter alia, include:

i. Collect available information on strategies and options for demand

management and water conservation with respect to agricultural, industrial and domestic use

ii. Support the review of existing strategies and options for demand management and water conservation with respect to agricultural, industrial and domestic use

iii. Review the international best practice regarding demand management and water conservation

iv. Formulate an implementation plan for strategy for demand management and water conservation with respect to agricultural, industrial and domestic use

39. He/she will be an experienced national expert with qualifications and specialization in a range of environmental and water resources development areas. The consultant should be a university graduated water resources and/or environmental engineer with about 10 years experience. The expert should have a sound knowledge of and practical experience in water quality, the ecological principle establishing river basins as the basis of IWRM, ideally with experience in river basin management, and familiarity with a wide range of technical issues related to water conservation, irrigation, flood management, rural and urban water supply and sanitation, water quality, waste treatment, and environmental and ecosystem sustainability. The expert will have strong interpersonal and communication skills, be fluent in written and spoken English, and have proven ability in report writing for professional purposes.

E. Implementation Arrangements

40. The TA will be implemented over a period of 14 months. The Implementing Agency (IA) for the TA will be the Balai Besar Wilayah Sungai Citarum, Directorate General of Water Resources (DGWR), Ministry of Public Works. The project office will be located in the BBWSC in Bandung. Office space will be provided by BBWSC.

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Counterpart staff from BBWSC will be assigned to work with the consultant team to ensure that the policies and strategies developed in the TA are entirely relevant to the needs of GOI.

41. The Team Leader and Deputy Team Leader will have overall management responsibility and leadership of the consulting team in carrying out the work. In addition, they must ensure close liaison with the subcomponents of the TA that will be running concurrently with this one to ensure that the results of this TA are consistent with the others and that advantage is taken of any synergies that may be possible. Component B3 will liaise closely with other TA components and specifically work closely with Component B1 specialists to maximize implementation synergies and coordinated implementation between PIUs and with ADB.

D. Provisional Sums

42. Provisional Sums will be provided for the following activities in line with sums given in the data sheet and will be managed by the consultant to support the above TOR: (i) survey subcontracts and data purchase, and (ii) seminars workshops conferences. In addition furniture and equipment and an allocation for office rental is provided.

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Supplementary Appendix 6 - Terms of Reference for Project 1 Sub Component 4.1 - Development and Implementation of a Basin River Quality Improvement Strategy and Action Plans

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1. The water resources of the rivers and groundwater systems in the Citarum River Basin are critical to social and economic development of the country. They are essential for urban and industrial development (particularly in Jabodetabek and Bandung areas) including export industry, agricultural production through major irrigation systems, rural water supplies, electricity generation though hydropower, and fisheries. While the water resources of the Citarum River Basin are relatively abundant, competition for these resources has increased significantly over the past 20 years leading to a situation of acute water stress and depletion of aquifers in some places. Rapid urbanization has significantly increased the exposure to flood risk. Environmental degradation has reached a level that compromises public health and livelihoods, particularly for the urban and rural poor, and incurs additional economic and financial costs related to the source of bulk water supply and its treatment.

2. A strategic environmental assessment has been prepared for the CRB (Appendix 3 of the RRP). The numerous environmental issues in the CRB result predominantly but not exclusively from the same urbanization and industrialization that is the cause of water supply shortages. Deforestation of the upper catchments cause increased sediment loads, flash floods, landslides, and other water-related disasters. The potential effects of climate change have yet to be quantified. The combination of untreated domestic sewage, solid waste disposal, and industrial effluents has significantly increased pollution loads in the Citarum River system. In the upper basin, river water polluted with domestic and industrial waste from Bandung flows into the Saguling Reservoir. Biological oxygen demand at the Saguling Reservoir inlet reaches as high as 130 milligrams per liter (mg/l) during the dry season. In recent years, biological oxygen demand in the Cikapundung River—a major tributary of the Saguling River, which flows through Bandung—was reported to reach as high as 100 mg/l. Inadequate sanitation and solid waste management are problems in urban, peri-urban, and rural communities. These problems degrade not only the environment but also community health and living standards.

3. Runoff from hillside farms contributes significant amounts of the nutrients nitrogen and phosphorus, which induce eutrophication in the reservoirs. At Saguling, where the problem is most significant, nitrogen loading is estimated at over 33,000 tons per year, and phosphorus loading at 4,370 tons per year. Algal blooms and their subsequent decay regularly cause fish kills, inflicting considerable financial losses to fish farmers. Hydrologic flow regimes have been adversely changed by land degradation, notably the loss of adequate forest cover and the prevalence of hillside farming in upper catchments. The degraded catchments have reduced capacity to capture rainwater, causing high peak flows during the rainy months that carry large amounts of eroded soil. At the entrance to the Saguling Reservoir, the ratio of the volume of wet season high flows to dry season low flows has increased from 3.4 in 1992 to 7.4 in 2003. As a result, landslides and mud flows are frequent during the rainy season. An estimated 25% of the basin now suffers erosion in excess of 60 tons per ha per year, or 3–4 millimeters of soil loss annually.

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4. The CRB is experiencing the shrinkage of natural ecosystem areas, notably forested areas. Recent West Java reports on the environmental state of the basin show ecological diversity in the CRB, which has 160 plant species, 24 mammals (20 protected, 3 endemic, and 1 scarce), 72 birds (60 protected, 10 endemic, and 2 scarce), 11 protected reptiles, and 2 protected fish. Land-use changes have left only scattered remnants of natural forest habitat. Much of it is in the 240,402 ha of 11 protected forest areas, which are significant for the conservation of biodiversity because they are among the most intact areas of forest remaining on Java. Most of the protected areas were relatively undisturbed when designated. However, in recent times many have suffered serious degradation as a result of encroachment, the illegal removal of non-timber forest products, fires, and illegal logging. All remaining patches of natural vegetation in the CRB, even if secondary, are of the highest conservation significance. as 130 milligrams per liter (mg/l) during the dry season. In recent years

5. The Bekasi and Bandung regions are the most heavily populated and urbanised. Bekasi essentially acts as a satellite city of Jakarta, absorbing most of the industrial and population expansion to the east. The catchment of the Bekasi River is rapidly transforming into numerous housing subdivisions and industrial estates – with development pressure coming from both the north (Jakarta) and south (Bogor). Paddy fields to the north of Bekasi are also being converted to residential and industrial uses.

6. The Bekasi area in particular has been experiencing rapid population growth and urbanisation. A 2000 census shows that 22% of Bekasi City residents and 18.5% of Bekasi District residents are migrants that have moved into the area only within the last five years of the census. Industrial locations are generally interwoven with settlements and there is no clear zoning or separation of these land uses in the region. Although settlements and industry make up only 8.2% of the program area, their impact on land use change in the region is significant. The mixed industry- settlement land uses are clustered along a rapidly urbanising corridor defined by the recently completed expressway linking Jakarta and Bandung, which passes through Bekasi, Karawang and Purwakarta.

7. There are more than 160 rainfall gauging stations within the program area. Some of the stations have been in operation since the Dutch period. Several agencies are in charge of monitoring rainfall. The mean annual rainfall in the region varies from 2000 to 5000 mm. The upstream areas of the Ciherang and Cilamaya Rivers, including the watershed of the Cipunegara River, receive the heaviest annual rainfall exceeding 4,000 mm. The coastal alluvial plains received the lowest rainfall. Twenty four river gauging stations monitor flows of the Citarum River and adjoining rivers. Daily flow data for these stations are available for the period 1994 to 2004. The most recent flow data for the Citarum River are reported in the Pola Operasi Citarum, dated 2005, issued by the Coordination Committee for Water Management of Citarum River.

8. Surface water provides only for part of the basin’s water needs. A considerable portion of the region’s water demand, in particular that of Jakarta and Bandung, is supplied by groundwater. The rate of groundwater extraction is believed to be considerably under-estimated, since a large portion of the extraction activities are not registered nor monitored. Actual abstraction is believed to be at least three times the quantity reflected in official records.

9. Under the PROKASIH (clean rivers) program there are supposed to be 75 water quality-monitoring stations along the Citarum River and its main tributaries. Only a fraction of these stations are currently being monitored by PJT II, which maintains a laboratory at Curug

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(manned by 15 staff). Due to budgetary constraints, PJT II’s monthly monitoring is currently limited to 25 points along the Citarum River, and 11 along the WTC. Additional stations are being monitored by the Bandung-based Puslitbang Pengairan which monitors 10 stations, BPLDH-West Java province (7 stations), and a number of district government units through their role in the PROKASIH program. It is unclear which institution is consolidating results from the various monitoring activities.

10. A management focus on integrated water resources management (IWRM) and sustainability of the water resource has been emphasized in the 2004 Water Law. The Water Law introduces the concept of management within the boundaries of a river basin and reflects the principles of decentralization and devolvement of authority to local levels as promoted by the program of regional autonomy. Preparations for its implementation are at a preliminary stage.

11. Water has been a major area of the Asian Development Bank’s (ADB) assistance to Indonesia, totalling over $1.5 billion in loans and technical assistance (TA). Improving sustainable use of water resources in-line with the ADB “Water for All” policy, together with a strong commitment to build capacity of local government agencies, are key elements of ADB’s operational partnership. In particular this partnership stresses the need to continue implementation of policy reforms, overcome weak coordination among agencies and develop guidance for cooperative working. Sustainability of economic growth and pro-poor development are key pillars of the Country Strategy and Program (CSP) that will be complemented by strengthening capacity for IWRM in the basin.

12. A “Roadmap” (Strategic investment plan) has been prepared for basin-wide integrated water resources management (IWRM) based on a “Vision” of basin stakeholder for Government and community working together for clean, healthy and productive catchments and rivers, bringing sustainable benefits to all people of the Citarum River Basin.

13. The Roadmap is essentially a planned program of interventions that will, if successfully implemented, lead to the achievement of the vision. In many cases, projects to be included in the roadmap had already been identified by previous studies. In other cases, it became apparent that interventions were required that had not been identified previously, but will be essential for achieving the objectives. A total of almost 80 Roadmap interventions were identified, with a total base cost of around $3.5 billion, proposed for a 15 year time frame.

14. Preliminary master planning has been conducted by the State Ministry of Environment (MoE) in order to classify rivers in term of water quality level and define main line for proper institutional arrangements among the Citarum river basin stakeholders.

15. It is an ambitious program, and crosses a number of sectors. However, such a complex program is necessary simply because the problems are numerous and inter-related. It is probable that, if this program was to be successfully implemented, it would be one of the most comprehensive basin IWRM programs anywhere in the world.

16. Strong coordination among the implementing agencies is required, along with effective monitoring and reporting mechanisms to allow GOI and funding agencies to ensure that the funds are being disbursed in accordance with the plans and in a timely way. In addition, information exchange among the implementing agencies, and other basin stakeholders, including communities, civil society organizations (CSOs) and the private sector, will improve performance overall, and minimise wasted effort caused by overlaps.

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17. This subcomponent project is required to develop an effective strategic framework for water quality improvement throughout the basin and develop and implement specific action plans for pollution source management in places such as Bandung, Bekasi and other highly urbanised areas.

18. The ICWRMIP program area covers 9 districts and 3 cities. Of the 9 districts, 4 lie wholly within the program area. During Project 1, priority will be given to the upper basin (upstream of the Saguling dam), which covers the Sumedang, Bandung, West Bandung districts and Bandung and Cimahi cities during 24 months.

B. Objectives

19. The overall objective is to have improved water quality within the Citarum River Basin (CRB) through strong coordination among sectors. Main immediate objectives are: (i) To have a sound and comprehensive water quality database upon which planning, policy

and operational decisions can be based (with respect to water management), (ii) To have appropriate and effective policies and procedures in place for water quality

management, (iii) To make measurable improvements in key water quality parameters across the basin.

C. Scope of Work

20. In order to fulfil the objectives, the scope of works has been divided into two main parts with the following main activities to be undertaken:

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PART A- Preparation of a Basin-Wide River Quality Improvement Strategy

1. Preparation of a Basin-Wide River Quality Improvement Strategy

21. Preparation for improve strategy will include the following activities: (i) Enhance Stakeholder Forums, (ii) Review current policies and financing to WQ in CRB and provide recommendations on the use of incentives/pollution charges for water quality management, including procedural guidelines for implementation, (iii) Assess performance and effectiveness of existing cooperation based programs and identify complementary regulatory measures within the Citarum basin, (iv) Updating of the of Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA), (v) Prepare guidelines/procedures for establishing institutional mechanism to manage water quality, (vi) Prepare guidelines/procedures for assessment of pollution sources, delineating water quality management areas and prepare action plans, (vii) Upgrade the existing master plan to take into account strategic options for river water quality improvement including technical, institutional and legal aspects.

Part A Expertise Requirements

22. The part A activities will be undertaken by a team of experts comprising International and National professional staff, 2 and 17 total person-months respectively. It is expected that the following professional staff and qualifications will be required:

Table 1: Part A - Estimated Man-Month Requirement

Position Nr. International

MM National

MM Environmental/Water Resources Specialist 1 2

Team Leader /Environmental Management Specialist 1 6

Environmental Financial/Economist Specialist 1 3 Water Quality Engineer 1 2

Watershed Management Specialist 1 2

Sociologist/Community Empowerment/Gender Specialist 1 2

Institutional Specialist 1 2

Total 7 2 17

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Part A - Implementation Arrangements

23. It is expected that the duration of the Part A will be 6 months. The part A will be carried out in close collaboration with the international team in charge of the development of the Decision Support System (DSS) for IWRM in the Citarum River Basin based in the BBWSC.

24. The Assistant Deputy for Lake and River Degradation Control, Deputy for Nature Conservation Enhancement and Environmental Degradation Control, State Ministry of the Environment, is the Implementing Agency (IA) and a Project Implementation Unit (PIU) has been established in that organization. The consultant team will work in the MoE offices, which are located in Jakarta. The staffing of the PIU will include counterpart staff from the MoE, as well as other counterparts seconded from BPLHD staff. The PIU staff will have primary responsibility for the execution of required PIU activities during Project 1 (as well as subsequent projects under the MFF). The consulting team’s primary role is to provide advice and guidance, build capacity of PIU personnel to undertake their roles, and generally ensure a high level of effectiveness for the implementation of the CDD activities.

25. The Team Leader will have overall management responsibility and leadership of the consulting team in carrying out the work

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PART B - Development of Area-Based Pollution Sources Management Action Plans and Initial Implementation

1. Improvements to Water Quality Monitoring and Data Management

26. Improve for water quality monitoring and data management will include the following activities: (i) Review the existing water quality information systems, decision systems and available data, (ii) Design and develop a water quality and pollution database management system, with capability for mapping pollution sources, (iii) Design and develop an internet-based WQM information system to link the district environmental agencies with other key agencies, (iv) Data collection and data entry for the detailed Mapping of Citarum River from upstream to downstream, including Physical measurement of Citarum river on monitoring site point (width and depth, slope, side and elevation) if required, (v) Develop a set of costed WQ improvement scenarios for discussions with planners, (vi) Update WQ model and finalise runs for CRB WQ Action Plans, (vii) Implement an integrated water quality and quantity monitoring and reporting system based on action plans (which identify priority pollutants, sources, control measures, targets), (vii) Compile and integrate water quality and quantity data from environment agencies.

2. Preparation and Implementation of Area-Based Pollution Sources

Management Action Plans

27. Preparation and implementation for this activities will include (i) Conduct pollution sources inventories and pollution load, (ii) Identify stakeholders (including universities and research organizations) and conduct a survey of technical knowledge and capabilities, (iii) Formulate the water quality management action plans combining cooperation and regulation, including identification of specific initiative for Private Sector involvement, (iv) Identify large scale CDM projects for investment.

3. Initial Implementation of Citarum River WQ Improvements

28. The initial implementation of Citarum river water quality improvements activities will include (i) Implement shallow and infiltration well (at household and office scale) and pore infiltration well in the upper Citarum river basin, (ii) Implement biogas plant/installation in CRB, (iii) Implement garbage management by 3-R concept (reduce-reuse-recycle), composting, garbage cut-off, provide garbage container and garbage dump in Selective Locations, (iv) River bank garden improvement (along the river in the upper Citarum river basin), (v) Implement Communal septic tank and WC Communal at upper site CRB, (vi) Develop Waste Water Treatment for small scale industries at upper site CRB

4. Strengthening of Institutional Capacity

29. Organizational capacity strengthening will include the following activities: (i) Coordination among agencies for water quality management, (ii) Design and implement a training program on the various guidelines for district environment protection agencies, (iii) Implementation of water quality information system for Citarum Basin WR management on job training.

5. Knowledge Dissemination

30. Knowledge dissemination activities will include (i) Compiling knowledge products, (ii) Strenghtening of media dissemination of WQ enhancement projects, (iii) Schools information program, (iv) CSR information dissemination program, (v) CSO awareness and knowledge building, (vi) Workshops and Training Participation Nationally, (vii) R&D knowledge products dissemination within the basin, (vii) Design and implement a basin-wide information campaign for raising public awareness of water quality management issues.

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6. Monitoring and evaluation

31. Monitoring and evaluation activities of this project will include based on water quality improvement and action plan implementation.

PART B - Expertise Requirements

32. The part B will be undertaken by a team of experts comprising International and National professional staff, 12.5 and 143 total person-months respectively. It is expected that the following professional staff and qualifications will be required:

Table 2: Part B - Estimated Man-Month Requirement

Position Nr. International

MM National

MM Environmental/Water Resources Specialist 1 6.5

Environmental Economist Specialist 1 6

Team Leader /Environmental Management Specialist 1 24

Environmental Financial/Economist Specialist 1 20

Water Quality Engineer 1 10

Laboratory WQ Expert 1 8

Watershed Management Specialist 1 7

Database & GIS Specialist 1 8

Information Communication Technology 1 6

Sociologist/Community Empowerment/Gender Specialist 1 16

Institutional Specialist 1 6

Solid Waste Specialist 1 6

Biogas Specialist 1 6

Training Specialist 1 4

Quality Control Specialist 1 10

Community Contracting Specialist 1 12

Total 16 12.5 143

Part B - Implementation Arrangements

33. It is expected that the duration of the Part B will be 24 months. The following indicative environmental measures will be implemented through community contracting as identified during the preparation of the actions plans covering the 5 up stream districts:

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Items Number of Units a. Biogas Plant 344 b. Biogas Enceng Gondok 150 c. 3R Garbage Bins 250 d. River Bank Gardening 1 e. Communal Septitanc and WC 46 f. Communal/Individual Waste Water Plant 48

34. A sub contract will allow engaging CSOs in order to ensure the socialization and monitoring of CDD activities on the ground. Details of the CDD activities mechanisms are provided in Appendix 1.

35. A Provisional Sum subcontract will be provided to fund NGO services to assist with implementation of these services and fund for facilitating the Community Meetings, media campaign material, Workshop at District and Village Levels, and a series of District Planning Meetings. A survey and investigation activity will also be funded through the Provisional Sum for carrying out water Sampling and Testing. The approximate amount of this provisional sum are:

Item of Activities Nos. Unit Cost1 (x Rp.1,000)

a. Workshop District and Village Levels 13 times 572,000 b. District Planning Meetings 14 times 1,432,200 c. CSOs CDD Support Facilitation2 1 package 1,286,615 d. Community Meetings/Workshop 5 times 192,500 e. Media Campaign Material 1 package 818,400 f. Water Sampling and Testing 2 times 204,600

36. Gender Action Plans (GAP) will be prepared for all CDD activities. It is expected that proportional representation of women in Community Facilitator Teams will be achieved through women’s active participation in community decision-making processes, representation in Community Implementation Teams and adequate reflection of women’s interests in Community Action Plans (CAPs). The sociologist/community empowerment/gender specialist will cooperate with the District Implementation Teams to analyze available data and provide adequate guidance.

37. The Assistant Deputy for Lake and River Degradation Control, Deputy for Nature Conservation Enhancement and Environmental Degradation Control, State Ministry of the Environment, is the Implementing Agency (IA). The consultant team will work closely with the BPHLD in Bandung. The staffing of the PIU will include counterpart staff from the BPHLD, as well as other counterparts seconded from the various Implementing agencies for the individual subcomponents of Project 1. The PIU staff will have primary responsibility for the execution of required PIU activities during Project 1 (as well as subsequent projects under the MFF). The consulting team’s primary role is to provide advice and guidance, build capacity of PIU personnel to undertake their roles, and generally ensure a high level of effectiveness for the implementation of the CDD activities.

38. The Team Leader will have overall management responsibility and leadership of the consulting team in carrying out the work.


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D. Detailed Individual ToRs

39. Each expert shall familiarize he/her self with the overall principles of the CRB Roadmap and the integrated components of ICWRMIP and work close with government counterparts MOE-Part A and BPHLD Part B to deliver the services. The outputs from each input should be made available where appropriate in a knowledge product as a succinct technical report for posting onto the ICWRMIP web bed communications system and/or for use in training. Specific ToRs are detailed below:

International Professional Staff

a. Environmental/Water Resources Specialist

40. The main responsibility of the environmental/water resources specialist will be to provide inputs at the early stage of the project for policy and strategy development. More specifically, the environmental/water resources specialist's duties will, inter alia, include:

i Review current policies and financing to WQ in CRB and provide recommendations on the use of incentives/pollution charges for water quality management, including procedural guidelines for implementation,

ii Supervise the development if water quality and data management activities,

iii Assist BPHLD in the Development of the CRB Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and annual State of the CRB Environmental Monitoring and Reporting Systems.

iv Prepare guidelines/procedures for assessment of pollution sources, selection criteria (technical and non technical) for delineating water quality management areas and prepare action plans,

v Review the existing master plan adding and strengthening strategic options for river water quality improvement including technical, financing, institutional and legal aspects.

vi Assist stakeholders under the guidance of BPLHD in the preparation of a Roadmap for water quality improvement in the river basin,

vii Formulate the water quality management action plans combining cooperation and regulation, including identification of specific initiative for Community, Academia and Private Sector involvement,

viii Review and strengthen the implementation procedures for the environmental interventions,

ix Prepare reporting for the monitoring of the implementation,

x Review ICWRMIP and work closely with PCMU and RCMU (and local and national environmental agencies) reviewing priority gaps in CRB environmental improvement activities,

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xi Prepare with BPHLD and PCMU the preparation of Periodic Financing Request 2 (PFR 2) and related documentation,

xii Liaise with BAPPENAS RCMU on planning and programming environmental related activities under the Roadmap in CRB,

41. He/she will be an experienced international expert with qualifications and specialization in a range of environmental and water resources development areas, and significant relevant experience in Indonesia and/or other Southeast Asian countries. The consultant should be a university graduated water resources and/or environmental engineer with about 15 years experience in the field of water quality. The expert should have a sound knowledge of and practical experience in water quality, the ecological principle establishing river basins as the basis of IWRM, ideally with experience in river basin management, and familiarity with a wide range of technical issues related to irrigation, flood management, rural and urban water supply and sanitation, water quality, waste treatment, and environmental and ecosystem sustainability. The expert will have strong interpersonal and communication skills, be fluent in written and spoken English, and have proven ability in report writing for professional purposes. Indonesian language skills are advantageous.

b. Environmental Economist Specialist

42. For the purpose of planning and costing activities within the program area for the WQ improvement measures, the international environmental economist specialist’s principal duties will, inter alia, include:

i Review current policies and financing to WQ in CRB and provide recommendations on the use of incentives/pollution charges for water quality management, including procedural guidelines for implementation,

ii Assist the environmental/water resources specialist in the preparation of the action plans,

iii Prepare a standardized Payment for Environmental Services (PES) strategy suitable for the CRB,

iv Prepare recommendations for making necessary adjustments in the WQ improvement strategy design and implementation arrangements during the implementation period for preparation of future MFF Projects in light of project benefit on beneficiaries,

v Prepare a plan for identifying and exploiting synergies between public and private sector partners in CRB for WQ improvement action plans,

vi Make assessments of the environmental cost to basin stakeholders of poor water quality and inadequate investment in the environment,

vii Prepare a Economic Analysis for environmental interventions and assess for PFR2 most economic advantageous environmental investments’

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viii Assist with Financial planning environmental funding scenarios for CRB. Review current GOI expenditure and prepare material for planners and policy makes to ensure adequate funding is allocated,

ix Identify activities for with CRB environmental clean up benefit with potential to developing fund sourcing from non-government funding for example but not limited to: CDM funding, CSR funding, Private sector initiatives, philanthropic mechanisms and communities,

43. He/she will be an experienced expert with qualifications and specialization in a range of financing/economy for water resources, economic evaluation and environmental projects. The consultant should be a university graduated environmental with about 15 years experience in the field of economy. The expert should have a sound knowledge of and practical experience in IWRM and familiarity with CSO and public developments. The expert will have strong interpersonal and communication skills, be fluent in written and spoken English, and have proven ability in report writing for professional purposes.

National Professional Staff

a. Team Leader /Environmental Management Specialist

44. The main responsibility of the Team Leader will be to facilitate the implementation of sound project/program management practices to ensure the success of the implementation of this sub component. In addition he/she will have administrative duties and management responsibilities for his/her team. More specifically, the Team Leader's duties will, inter alia, include:

i Provide leadership to the consultant team,

ii Take a lead role in the development of administrative and project/program management procedures,

iii Apply sound project management principles to the execution of the required activities,

iv Assist in policy study and provide recommendations on the use of incentives/pollution charges for water quality management, including procedural guidelines for

v Preparation of reports, quality assurance, liaison with the PCMU/PIUs, other agencies, regional governments and the ADB,

vi Assist in the preparation of action plans for implementation of Citarum River water quality improvement and monitoring,

vii Develop integrated action plan for CRB water quality management,

viii Work closely with PCMU and RCMU (and local and national environmental agencies) reviewing priority gaps in CRB environmental improvement activities,

ix Assist BPHLD and PCMU with the preparation of Periodic Financing Request 2 (PFR 2) and related documentation,

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x Liaise with BAPPENAS RCMU on planning and programming environmental related activities under the Roadmap in CRB,

xi Prepare monitoring and reporting mechanisms for the implementation of environmental measures,

xii Assist the PIU in ensuring ICWRMIP Social and Environmental Frameworks and Gender Action Plans are implemented,

xiii Prepare implementation reporting,

45. He/she will be a national experienced expert with qualifications and specialization in a range of environmental management areas. The consultant should be a university graduated with about 15 years experience in the field of environmental planning and management, especially in ADB project. The expert should have a sound knowledge of and practical experience in IWRM, ideally with experience in river basin management, and familiarity with a wide range of technical issues related to environmental management and ecosystem sustainability. Further, he/she should have ample experience in managing project teams for multi-disciplinary projects. Formal qualifications in project management would be an advantage. The expert will have strong interpersonal and communication skills, be fluent in written and spoken English, and have proven ability in report writing for professional purposes.

b. Environmental Financial/Economist Specialist

46. For the purpose of planning and costing activities within the program area for the WQ improvement measures and to support the environmental economist specialist’s activities, the national environmental economist specialist’s principal duties will, inter alia, include:

i Assist in review of current policies and financing to WQ in CRB and provide recommendations on the use of incentives/pollution charges for water quality management, including procedural guidelines for implementation,

ii Conduct socio economic study, (sex disaggregated, vulnerable people poverty, livelihoods from waste),

iii Conduct feasibility study for Payment of Environmental Services in CRB,

iv Formulate the investment requirements for water quality management action plans,

v Provide different economic assessments and analyze economic priorities of interventions for the water quality management action plans,

vi Assist ongoing review and improvement water quality management within local government environmental agencies,

vii Review prioritization of activities MFF and other funding,

viii Assist in evaluation of funding gaps and assessment of the effect on improved water quality management,

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ix Support financial awareness and fund raising lobbying initiative,

x Assess how financing options affect river performance benchmark targets,

xi Provide decision makers with update financial reporting on ongoing water quality implementation and make recommendations for any policy adjustments,

xii Provide stakeholders with updated financial plans,

xiii Evaluate long term economical benefits of the water quality management,

xiv Identify existing and potential source of revenues linked to water,

xv Review existing institutional arrangements related to revenue collection,

xvi Provide a long term strategy for financial viability of ICWRMIP,

xvii Provide a plan for short-term fundraising to finance remaining water quality activities.

47. He/she will be an experienced expert with qualifications and specialization in a range of financing/economy for water resources, economic valuation and environmental projects with establishment and implementation of financial management systems for large programs/projects. A knowledge of GOI financial management requirements is essential. The consultant should be a university graduated environmental with about 10 years experience in the field of economy. The expert should have a sound knowledge of and practical experience in IWRM and familiarity with CSO and public developments. The expert will have strong interpersonal and communication skills, be fluent in written and spoken English, and have proven ability in report writing for professional purposes.

c. Water Quality Engineer

48. The main responsibility of the water quality engineer will be to directly assist the Team Leader and international water quality expert in the preparation of the WQ strategy and action plans, his/her principal duties will, inter alia, include:

i Assist in data collection and policy study and provide recommendations on the use of incentives/pollution charges for water quality management, including procedural,

ii Assist in upgrading the existing master plan to take into account strategic options for river water quality improvement including technical, institutional and legal aspects,

iii Supervise, in selected sub basins, the implementation of an integrated water quality and quantity monitoring and reporting system based on action plans (which identify priority pollutants, sources, control measures, targets),

iv Develop a set of costed WQ improvement scenarios for discussions with planners and economist,

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v Design and assist with initial implementation of an integrated water quality and quantity monitoring and reporting system based on action plans (which identify priority pollutants, sources, control measures, targets),

vi Develop a basin wide River Quality Improvement strategy for basin as a framework for action planning in priority water quality management areas,

vii Formulate the water quality management action plans combining cooperation and regulation, including identification of specific initiative for Private Sector involvement,

viii Prepare guidelines/procedures for assessment of pollution sources, delineating water quality management areas and prepare action plans,

ix Assist BPHLD in the implementation of the ICWRMIP Environmental Framework and GOI AMDAL procedures. Including as necessary initial environmental assessments, environmental impact assessments and environmental management plans.

49. He/she will be an experienced water quality engineer with qualifications and specialization in a range of water quality. The consultant should be a university-graduated engineer with about 10 years experience in the field of water quality development and management. The expert should have a good knowledge of and practical experience in IWRM. The expert will have strong interpersonal and communication skills, be fluent in written and spoken English, and have proven ability in report writing for professional purposes.

d. Laboratory WQ Expert

50. For the purpose of providing standardization and to develop WQ laboratory activities at District level, the national laboratory WQ expert’s principal duties will, inter alia, include:

i Review the existing water quality laboratory procedures and mechanisms,

ii Integrate water quality laboratory activities into the District action plans,

iii Assist in preparation of guidelines/procedures for assessment of pollution sources, delineating water quality management areas,

51. He/she will be an experienced WQ expert with qualifications and specialization in a range of assessment of pollution sources and laboratory analysis. The consultant should be a university graduated environment or chemist with about 10 years experience in the field of water quality analysis. The expert will have strong interpersonal and communication skills, be fluent in written and spoken English, and have proven ability in report writing for professional purposes.

e. Watershed Management Expert

52. The main responsibility of the catchment management expert will be to coordinate upper catchment activities with the Ministry of Forestry, the Ministry of Agriculture and other reforestation and land management initiatives within the CRB, his/her principal duties will, inter alia, include:

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i In conjunction with ICWRMIP Spatial Planning inputs Identify critical land on the upper part of the CRB,

ii Coordinate with the spatial planning units at District level actions plan for land rehabilitation,

iii Develop with Agricultural and Forestry Agencies at national and local level, CSOs and local communities actions plans for land rehabilitation,

53. He/she will be an experienced land management specialist with qualifications and specialization in a range of water quality and land and water management. The consultant should be a university-graduated environment with about 10 years experience in the field of catchment management. The expert should have a good knowledge of and practical experience in IWRM. The expert will have strong interpersonal and communication skills, be fluent in written and spoken English, and have proven ability in report writing for professional purposes.

f. Database & GIS specialist

54. For the purpose of monitoring and planning activities within the program area using modern methods such as database and information system, the national GIS/database management specialist’s principal duties will, inter alia, include:

i Review current GIS systems and protocols in the CRB and under development and/or support under ICWRMIP,

ii Carry out data collection and integration of water quality data,

iii Compile and process data for the design of a dedicated geographic database (attribute and spatial) for existing facilities agencies coordination, ongoing and proposed projects (including Government, CSOs and CSRs initiatives) for planning purposes including water quality data,

iv Support updating process of the team for management information system,

v Assist with capacity building the PIU in database and geographic information system management,

vi Provide programming support for the design an Internet interface for dissemination of information related to project planning and water quality,

vii Working together with ICT specialist in development of communication data for all stakeholders in water project planning and implementation,

viii Update and monitor through the information system the implementation of environmental measures,

55. He/she will be an experienced GIS/database management expert with qualifications and specialization in a range of database and information system for water resources management applications. The consultant should be a university graduated engineer, or geography with about 10 years experience in the field of information system and database

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development and management applied to water resources management. The expert should have a good knowledge of and practical experience in IWRM and familiarity with a wide range of information system such as GIS, database and programming languages used for database software development. The expert will have strong interpersonal and communication skills, be fluent in written and spoken English, and have proven ability in report writing for professional purposes.

g. ICT (Information Communication Technology) specialist

56. For the purpose of developing modern communication and information systems for manager, community and decision maker, the national ICT specialist’s principal duty will, inter alia, include:

i Develop or build on existing network system (software and hardware) between all stakeholders especially field manager, decision maker, community,

ii Develop institutional arrangements,

iii Provide programming support for the design an internet interface for dissemination of information related to project planning and water quality,

iv Working together with database/GIS specialists and institutional specialist for the dissemination of the system and related training,

57. He/she will be an experienced ICT specialist with qualification in network development (intranet and internet). The consultant should be a university graduate in computer or information technology with about 10 years experience in network development and data communication system. The expert should have a good knowledge and practical experience in IWRM and familiarity of a wide range of spatial database and GIS and web based database and programming language used for database development. The expert will have strong interpersonal and communication skills, be fluent in written and spoken English, and have proven ability in report writing form professional purposes.

h. Sociologist/Community Empowerment/Gender Specialist

58. For the purpose of empowering local communities for environmental management in the CRB, the national community empowerment specialist’s principal duties working closely with BPLHD, District Governments and local NGOs will, inter alia, include:

i Jointly with local stakeholders and subcontracted NGOs develop participative procedures leading to the identification of CSOs and communities for environmental activities implementation within the targeted Districts,

ii Work closely with NGO team assessing what behavior changes may be introduced in communities to improve CRB water quality and the quality of life of basin stakeholders.

iii Based on stakeholder social surveys identify key gaps of knowledge, household and land use practices and develop key messages and programs relevant to improved environment. Support the training specialist, and ICWMIP multi media resources to define messages and training materials for the CSOs and local communities trainings,

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iv Work closely with BPHLD and District agencies and NGOs working in the sector to document best practices and develop and expand successful environmental interventions in line with the Action Plans,

v Prepare recommendations and develop procedures for socialization (by BPHLD, district government, ICWRMIP communication tools, NGOs' Industry CRB stakeholders etc and others) of Citarum River water quality monitoring data and campaign for water quality improvement,

vi Assist in the preparation of action plans for implementation of Citarum River water quality improvement,

vii Develop cost sharing procedures for community based interventions (e.g. biogas)

viii Provide decision makers with local government planning updated information and make recommendations for any policy adjustments related to Community Empowerment and multi-stakeholder participation in environmental CRB clean up,

ix Assist ongoing reviews for improvement water quality management within local government environmental agencies,

x Develop supporting policies, guidelines and manuals for the community participation process, Based on successful CDD models develop with inputs from other specialists guidelines for training of community groups in skills required for community contracting under the implementation of CDD infrastructure activities (a) community empowerment, (b) formation or strengthening of existing community organization, (c) training in proposal making and financial administration and management, (d) technical supervision. (e) Contract management,

xi Support BPHLD in the preparation and implementation of ICWRMIP Gender Action Plans (GAP),

xii Based on ICWRMIP Gender Action Plans and socio-economic assessment s of project locations develop targeted support programs for the vulnerable, women and children,

xiii Assist BPHLD in the implementation of ICWRMIP Social Framework.

59. He/she will be an experienced expert with qualifications and specialization in a range of water resources development areas. He/she should also have knowledge and understanding of methodologies and theories of various sectors for water resources and participatory planning. He/she should be a university graduate in sociology or communication with at least 12 years experience in the field of community empowerment.

i. Institutional/Legal Specialist

60. For the purpose of strengthening the institutional arrangements among sectors, the national institutional specialist’s principal duties will, inter alia, include:

i Review of existing plans and policies for water quality improvements among sectors and institutions,

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ii Working with local Academia and CSOs undertake a participatory policy study and provide recommendations on the use of incentives/pollution charges for water quality management, including procedural guidelines for implementation,

iii Assess performance and effectiveness of existing cooperation based programs and identify complementary regulatory measures within the CRB,

iv Working closely with BPHLD and BBWSC and local government facilitate dialogue and stakeholder workshops leading to the preparation of guidelines/procedures for establishing improved institutional mechanism to manage water quality,

v Review the degree of success of implementation of current regulations and assess how the poor environmental performance of the CRB is related to inadequate and or inappropriate legislation or lack of understanding an/or enforcement of legislation. Working with BPHLD and basin CSOs design corrective measures into the Action Plans

vi Provide institutional and legal guidance for the preparation of strategic options for river water quality improvement,

vii Undertake a needs assessment and diagnostic analysis on the understanding of environmental laws and policy within key public agencies and private sector at district level. Based on this analysis design a training program and various guidelines for district environment protection agencies and other non government stakeholders (communities, industry, academia, NGOs etc),

viii Identify stakeholders (including universities and research organizations NGOs) and conduct a survey of technical knowledge and capabilities and assess how these stakeholders may provide inputs under the environmental Action Plans

ix Formulate the water quality management action plans combining cooperation and regulation, including identification of specific initiative for Public and Private Sector involvement,

x Review licensing needs for any project interventions (e.g. biogas plant) and prepare templates for applications for licenses as required,

xi Preparation of legal documents and agreements for working with communities on project activities e.g. Establishment of local community legal entity for project CDD activity, MOU for CDD activity, asset management turnover procedures to local community for operation and maintenance,

61. He/she will be an experienced expert with qualifications and specialization in a range of institutional strengthening for water resources development. The consultant should be a university graduated administration or environment with about 12 years experience in the field of institutional strengthening and management applied to water resources. The expert should have a sound knowledge of and practical experience in IWRM and water quality improvement. The expert will have strong interpersonal and communication skills, be fluent in written and spoken English, and have proven ability in report writing for professional purposes.

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j. Solid waste Specialist

62. For the purpose of ICWRMIP activities to ensure proper solid waste management (3 R) within the CRB, the national solid waste specialist’s principal duties will, inter alia, include:

i Assist in the pollution source inventories and solid waste pollution load assessments in the Citarum river,

ii Review of existing solid waste management materials and subsequent development of guidelines and manuals, orientations and training to ensure program administration complies with program rules and procedures,

iii Assess the potential for CSR programs to work closely with communities in improved community solid waste management,

iv Working with local communities and NGOs develop community based solid waste livelihood generation programs from solid waste (e.g. composting, biogas, recycling..),

v Review solid waste management guidelines, workshops, generic TORs and master curriculum and training modules, which can be tailored for local needs and training of trainers (TOT) to ensure the quality and relevance of delivery,

vi Assist BPHLD in a review of solid waste management provincial and district local policies, financing arrangements and legislation in relation to solid waste management to identify changes to bring these together into a more effective framework for scaling up and replication to other districts,

vii Assist BPHLD to develop provincial action plans and supporting materials to enhance civil society participation in local government planning and service delivery for solid waste management,

viii Review province specific solid waste management options,

ix Monitoring and evaluation of village solid waste management implementation,

x Provide technical assistance for implementation of solid waste management in provinces and districts,

xi Ensure implementation of garbage management by 3-R concept (reduce-reuse-recycle), composting, garbage cut-off, provide garbage container and garbage dump in Selective Locations,

63. He/she will be an experienced expert with qualifications and specialization in a range of solid waste management. He/she should also have knowledge and understanding of methodologies for solid waste management with CDD processes. He/she should be a university graduate in environment with at least 10 years experience in the field of solid waste management.

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k. Biogas specialist

64. For the purpose of implementing biogas plant within the program area using, the national biogaz specialist’s principal duties will, inter alia, include:

i Assist in the preparation of the action plans,

ii Socialization, community groups establishment and action plans preparation for biogaz plant/installation in CRB,

iii Coordinate with local government, CSOs and local communities the planning, design and implementation of biogas plants,

iv Working jointly with district environmental agencies and subcontracted NGOs to provide guidelines, design implementation arrangements and work plan for the capacity building of the communities in planning, designing and implementing (construction, administrative and financial management) of biogas plants and other interventions,

v Assist equipment procurement and installation for biogas plants,

vi Design quality control and quality assurance for ensuring safety standards for biogas are implemented in accordance with best international standards,

vii Supervise and monitor with the quality control engineer the implementation of the biogas plant as well as the operation and maintenance procedures,

65. He/she will be an experienced expert with qualifications and specialization in a range of environmental sciences. He/she should also have knowledge and understanding of biogas plant planning, costing, design and implementation using participatory approach. He/she should be a university graduate agronomist or environment with at least 10 years experience in the field of biogas plant.

l. Training specialist

66. The WQ improvement measures will be implemented through CDD processes, the training specialist main task will be to provide training to CSO and local communities in planning, designing and implementing WQ improvement measures. The national training specialist’s principal duties will, inter alia, include:

i Design and ensure the implementation of a training program on the various guidelines for district environment protection agencies, CSOs, and Communities,

ii Development of specific training material and training mechanisms to target vulnerable people, women and children in empowerment and behavioral change related to improved environment,

iii Provide and ensure the implementation of water quality information system management on job training,

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iv Assist the international and national institutional specialists to ensure performance and effectiveness of existing cooperation based programs and identify complementary regulatory measures within the Citarum basin,

67. He/she will be an experienced expert with qualifications and specialization in a range of water resources development areas. He/she should have experience of training targeting institutions, CSOs and local communities. He/she should also have knowledge and understanding of methodologies and theories of various sectors for water quality improvement measures. He/she should be a university graduate with at least 12 years experience in the field of training for participatory planning approaches, facilitating inter-institutional cooperation, and stakeholder involvement.

m. Quality Control Specialist

68. For the purpose of developing sustainable WQ improvement measure and quality control during implementation, the national quality control specialist’s principal duties will, inter alia, include:

i Ensure implementations of an integrated water quality and quantity monitoring and reporting system based on action plans (which identify priority pollutants, sources, control measures, targets),

ii Develop mechanisms for the monitoring and control the environmental measures implementation to be implemented under the CDD program by communities under supervision of District Environmental Agencies,

iii Assist BPHLD, local communities and District Environmental Agencies in preparing reports on implementation results, including lessons learned for phase 2,

69. He/she will be an experienced expert with qualifications and specialization in a range of water resources development areas. He/she should have experience of CDD and CSOs projects. He/she should also have knowledge and understanding of methodologies and theories of various sectors for water resources and participatory planning. He/she should be a university graduate engineer with at least 12 years experience in the field of CDD and CSOs contracting.

n. Community Contracting Specialist

70. For the purpose of developing sustainable WQ improvement measure and implementation, the national community contracting specialist’s principal duties will, inter alia, include:

i Develop supporting policies, guidelines and manuals for the community process,

ii Assist in the of socialization of ICWRMIP CDD activities with local communities through subcontracted NGO water quality improvement,

iii Prepare action plans for implementation of Citarum River water quality improvement.

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iv Assist in data collection and integration of spatial planning data into the roadmap information system,

71. He/she will be an experienced expert with qualifications and specialization in a range of water resources development areas. He/she should also have knowledge and understanding of methodologies and theories of various sectors for water resources and participatory planning. He/she should be a university graduate in social science or economy with at least 12 years experience in the field of participatory planning approaches, community contracting, and stakeholder involvement.

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E. Outputs

72. In line with the objectives, it is expected that each of the main activities will generate the following outputs:

Table 2: Expected Outputs and Schedule Expected Outputs Expected Schedule1

By the

i Establishment of multi-stakeholder Basin River Quality Improvement Team

ii Strategic options for river water quality improvement including technical, institutional and legal aspects Improvements to water quality monitoring and data management implemented

iii Improved policies and procedures for water quality management approved and in place

iv Area-based pollution source management action plans prepared and approved by selective Districts

v Pollution source management action plans prepared

vi Identification of potential CSOs who can facilitate participatory village/community development planning focusing on issues of environment, community participation in all project cycles.

vii Selection of communities based on socioeconomic criteria and other indicators.

viii Socialization and awareness raising about water quality improvement measures, and quality and assessment of needs.

ix Community problem identification and analysis meetings to determine priority problems and possible solutions, through presentations of water supply and sanitation options (informed choice menu*), investment costs, O&M costs.

x Initial pilots, trials and demonstrations of selective community-based environmental resources improvement activities: infiltration wells, solid waste management community erosion control, biogas plans, and river bank improvements.

xi Provision of skills training based on communities’ priorities, assets and needs to generate income and employment opportunities.

xii Preparation of the phase 2 (Project 2) investment plan and PFR 2

xiii Provision of access to capital and markets to directly implement skills acquired.

xiv Disbursement of funds and construction of approved WQ improvement measures schemes, together with supporting socialization and training activities.

xv Operation and maintenance of completed schemes,

Year 1

Year 1

Year 1

Year 1

Year 1

Year 1

Year 1

Year 2

Year 2

Year 2

Year 2

Year 2

Year 3

Year 3

Year 3

Year 3

1 Assuming that the consultants will be mobilized in November 2009

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F. Reporting

73. The Consultant shall prepare and submit the following reports to the Client, the Bank and the Project Steering Committee during the period of services. All reports and drawings shall be in the English language and with standard dimensions, unless otherwise specified. During the course of the consulting services, the following reports are to be submitted as a minimum:

o Inception Report [within two months of commencement]

o Quarterly Progress and Financial Reports

o Annual Progress and Financial Reports

o Other technical regular reports required by GOI and ADB

o Program Completion Report

G. Facilities Provided by the Government

74. The MOE and BPLHD will provide access to reports, data, and a furnished office space equipped with suitable facilities needed to perform the services required.

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Supplementary Appendix 6 - Terms of Reference for Project 1 Sub Component 5.1 - Upper Citarum Basin Flood Management (TA C1)

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Terms of Reference for Project 1 Sub Component 5.1 1


Terms of Reference for Upper Citarum Basin Flood Management

(Subcomponent C1) A. Introduction

1. The water resources of the rivers and groundwater systems in the Citarum River Basin are critical to social and economic development of the country. They are essential for urban and industrial development (particularly in Jabodetabek and Bandung areas) including export industry, agricultural production through major irrigation systems, rural water supplies, electricity generation though hydropower, and fisheries. While the water resources of the Citarum River Basin are relatively abundant, competition for these resources has increased significantly over the past 20 years leading to a situation of acute water stress and depletion of aquifers in some places. Rapid urbanization has significantly increased the exposure to flood risk. Environmental degradation has reached a level that compromises public health and livelihoods, particularly for the urban and rural poor, and incurs additional economic and financial costs related to the source of bulk water supply and its treatment.

2. A management focus on integrated water resources management (IWRM) and sustainability of the water resource has been emphasized in the 2004 Water Law. The Water Law introduces the concept of management within the boundaries of a river basin and reflects the principles of decentralization and devolvement of authority to local levels as promoted by the program of regional autonomy. Preparations for its implementation are at a preliminary stage.

3. Water has been a major area of the Asian Development Bank’s (ADB) assistance to Indonesia, totalling over $1.5 billion in loans and technical assistance (TA). Improving sustainable use of water resources in-line with the ADB “Water for All” policy, together with a strong commitment to build capacity of local government agencies, are key elements of ADB’s operational partnership. In particular this partnership stresses the need to continue implementation of policy reforms, overcome weak coordination among agencies and develop guidance for cooperative working. Sustainability of economic growth and pro-poor development are key pillars of the Country Strategy and Program (CSP) that will be complemented by strengthening capacity for IWRM in the basin.

4. A “Roadmap” (Strategic investment plan) has been prepared for basin-wide integrated water resources management (IWRM) based on a “Vision” of basin stakeholder for Government and community working together for clean, healthy and productive catchments and rivers, bringing sustainable benefits to all people of the Citarum River Basin.

5. The Roadmap is essentially a planned program of interventions that will, if successfully implemented, lead to the achievement of the vision. In many cases, projects to be included in the roadmap had already been identified by previous studies. In other cases, it became apparent that interventions were required that had not been identified previously, but will be essential for achieving the objectives. A total of almost 80 Roadmap interventions were identified, with a total base cost of around $3.5 billion, proposed for a 15 year time frame.

6. Strong coordination among the implementing agencies is required, along with effective monitoring and reporting mechanisms to allow GOI and funding agencies to ensure that the funds are being disbursed in accordance with the plans and in a timely way. In addition, information exchange among the implementing agencies,

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Terms of Reference for Project 1 Sub Component 5.1 2

and other basin stakeholders, including communities, civil society organizations (CSOs) and the private sector, will improve performance overall, and minimize wasted effort caused by overlaps. 7. Flooding is a consequence mainly of changes in the river flow regime, in turn caused by changes in watershed conditions. As water retention capacity of the river catchments is reduced by denudation and land conversion for urban development, flood peaks have increased. The ratio of wet season peak flows to dry season low flows in the upper basin has increased from 3.4 in 1992 to 7.3 in 2003. The increased flood frequency and severity are also invariably associated with destructive landslides and mudflows.

8. The complex combination problem in the upper Citarum basin (Bandung area) such as: (i) watershed denudation, (ii) effects of past re-alignment and straightening of the Citarum River (through cut-offs) which, while alleviating flooding upstream, increase peak flows downstream, (iii) localized land subsidence due to groundwater over-pumping that impair drainage, and (iv) clogging of drainage canals and streams by garbage. Those situation brought severe flooding and mudflows occurred in February 2005 affected an area covering 2,000 ha.

9. Measures to reduce or mitigate flooding problems in the upper basin have been undertaken through the JBIC-funded Upper Citarum Flood Control Project (1996 to 2008). Remediation measures include re-greening/reforestation and introduction of structural erosion control measures in the watershed, as well as improvement of the urban drainage system around Bandung. Despite these efforts, significant areas around Bandung flood regularly with about 200,000 at risk to frequent inundation.

A. Objectives

10. The general objective of this subcomponent is to provide a comprehensive understanding of the flood mechanisms in the upper Citarum basin as well as to propose and design development to minimize floods in this area by using modern modeling methods developed by the Ministry of Public Works Research Centre for Water Resources Technology (Puslitbang).

B. Scope of Work

11. In order to fulfill the objectives, the following main activities will be undertaken:

1. Completion of Current River Model Studies 1D

12. Completion of current river model studies 1D will include the following activities: (i) topographical survey at the selected location, (ii) modeling and calibration 1D, (iii) flood routing of small dam and sediment traps, (iv) concept design of floodway options, (v) concept design of polder system, (vi) deep recharge well prototype, (vii) prepare TOR for FS and preparation studies, (viii) prepare pre-feasibility report, (ix) study report and meeting for FS.

2. Prepare for Floodplain Modeling Studies

13. This preparation will include the following activities: (i) topographic surveys, (ii) sediment studies, (iii) geological site investigation, (iv) survey investigation (si) and topographical survey for pilot polder design, (v) social surveys, (vi) hydrology data collecting and analysis.

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3. Floodplain Modeling Studies and Floodplain 2D

14. Floodplain modeling flood plan 2D will include the following activities: (i) modeling and calibration 2D, (ii) design studies with modeling, (iii) upper tributary and groundwater conservation, (iv) update flood management strategy, (v) impact on regional and spatial planning, (vi) operation and maintenance operational plan, (vii) prepare tor for detailed design by others, (viii) prepare Stage 2 report, (ix) Coordination with other technical assistances.

C. Expertise Requirements 15. The upper Citarum River Basin Flood Management will be undertaken by a team of experts comprising 11 international and 60 national professional staff in addition a minimum of some 25 months of technical support assistants (Assistant Flood Modeler, Assistance hydrologist, Assistant GIS etc ) will be provided and costed in the proposal. In general, preference will be given to International professional staffs that have work experience in Indonesia or in other Southeast Asian countries. It is expected that the following professional staff (office management and technicians will be provided by the consultant under the services to support efficient and effective implementation) will be required:

Table 1: Estimated Person-Month Requirement Position Nr. International

PM National

PM Team Leader / Flood Management and Modeler Specialist 1 7 Senior Hydrologist 1 2 Environment Specialist / Toxic Sediment Specialist 1 1 Flood Economist 1 1 Deputy Team Leader / Flood Management Specialist 1 12 Hydrodynamic Modeler 1 12 Hydrologist 1 7 Socio Economist 1 6 Geotechnical Specialist 1 4 Environmental Specialist 1 3 Geodetic Specialist 1 4 Hydraulic Specialist 1 6 Remote Sensing/GIS Specialist 1 6 Total 15 11 60

1. International Professional Staff

a. Team Leader/Flood Management and Modeler Specialist 16. The team leader will be responsible for the overall consulting services implementation with sound project management practices. In addition to the Team Leader administrative duties and management of his/her team, the Team Leader's principal duties will, inter alia, include:

i Manage contracting for survey and investigation

ii Review information systems and modeling tools currently developed in the framework of the upper Citarum flood management

iii Finalize preparation and calibration of the 1D hydrodynamic model

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iv Prepare flood routing of small dam and sediment traps

v Supervise concept design of floodway options, polder system

vi Supervise pre-feasibility report, TOR for FS and preparation studies

vii Finalize preparation and calibration of the 2D hydrodynamic model

viii Update flood management strategy including impact on regional and spatial planning

ix Prepare Stage 2 report and proposal

x Ensure coordination with the other technical assistances components (ADB, JICA, WB..)

17. He/she will be an experienced expert with qualifications and specialization in modeling applied to flood management. The consultant should be a university-graduated engineer with about 15 years experience in the field of water resources management. The expert should have a sound knowledge of and practical experience in flood management, ideally with experience in river basin management, and familiarity with a wide range of technical issues related to irrigation, rural and urban water resources management, and environmental sustainability. Further, he/she should have experience in managing project teams for multi-disciplinary projects. The expert will have strong interpersonal and communication skills, be fluent in written and spoken English, and have proven ability in report writing for professional purposes.

b. Senior Hydrologist 18. For the purpose of preparing quality hydrological dataset for the models, the international hydrologist principal duties will, inter alia, include:

i. Review available hydrological data set and prepare additional data collection plan as required

ii. Review existing hydrological instrument network and propose rationalization if required

iii. Analyze and prepare hydrological data set to be used for the modeling

iv. Provide guidance on hydrological simulation preparation

v. Update flow discharge curves

19. He/she will be an experienced hydrologist expert with qualifications and specialization in hydrological analysis applied to flood modeling. The consultant should be a university-graduated engineer with about 15 years experience in the field of hydrological engineering. The expert should have a good knowledge of and practical experience in data processing and databases. The expert will have strong interpersonal and communication skills, be fluent in written and spoken English, and have proven ability in report writing for professional purposes.

c. Environment Specialist/Toxic Sediment Specialist 20. As part of the sediment studies, the international environment/toxic sediment specialist’s principal duties will, inter alia, include:

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(i) Prepare sediment survey program

(ii) Ensure that the proposed flood control measures are in line with GOI standards and procedures view from an environmental point of view

(iii) Prepare plans to minimize toxic sediment

(iv) Provide technical inputs for the sediment traps

21. He/she will be an experienced expert with qualifications and specialization in sediment The consultant should be a university-graduated environmentalist with about 15 years experience in the field of sediment survey, analysis and environmental studies. The expert will have strong interpersonal and communication skills, be fluent in written and spoken English, and have proven ability in report writing for professional purposes.

d. Flood Economist 22. For the purpose of evaluating flood economical damages and benefits of the proposed flood mitigation and/or adaptation measures, the international flood economist’s principal duties will, inter alia, include:

i. Prepare socio economic data collection program

ii. Determine the extent and nature of flood damage by assessing individual land holdings with respect to the frequency and intensity of flooding

iii. Prepare flood economical analysis

iv. Prepare flood mitigation and/or adaption measures economical benefits analysis

v. Prepare recommendations for the flood management strategy

23. He/she will be an experienced expert with qualifications and specialization in a range of water resources development areas. The consultant should be a university-graduated economist with about 15 years experience in socio economic analysis applied to water resources sector. The expert will have strong interpersonal and communication skills, be fluent in written and spoken English, and have proven ability in report writing for professional purposes.

2. National Professional Staff

a. Deputy Team Leader/Flood Management Specialist 24. The deputy team leader/flood management Specialist’s will assist the team leader in the development of flood management strategy for the upper Citarum river basin. In addition he/she will assist in carrying out administrative duties and management responsibilities for the team and deputise for the Team Leader in his/her absence. More specifically, the Deputy Team Leader's duties will include:

i Review existing flood management studies and related documentation

ii Prepare a design of polder system

iii Prepare a deep recharge well prototype

iv Prepare pre-feasibility report, TOR for FS and preparation studies

v Prepare an operation and maintenance operational plan

vi Update the Flood Management Strategy

vii Ensure coordination with the other technical assistances components (ADB, JICA, WB..)

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Terms of Reference for Project 1 Sub Component 5.1 6

25. He/she will be an experienced expert with qualifications and specialization in flood management. The consultant should be a university graduated engineer with about 15 years with a sound knowledge of and practical experience in IWRM, ideally with experience in river basin management, and familiarity with a wide range of technical issues related to irrigation, flood management, rural and urban water supply and sanitation, water quality, waste treatment, and environmental and ecosystem sustainability. Formal qualifications in project management would be an advantage. The expert will have strong interpersonal and communication skills, be fluent in written and spoken English, and have proven ability in report writing for professional purposes.

b. Hydrodynamic Modeler 26. In order to support the modeling activities carried out by the Team Leader, , the hydrodynamic modeler’s principal duties will, inter alia, include:

i Supervise data processing and storage

ii Support preparation and calibration of the 1D hydrodynamic model

iii Run models for different scenarios including floodway options, polder system

iv Support preparation and calibration of the 2D hydrodynamic model

v Run models for the different mitigation and/or adaptation measures defined during the study

vi Provide on the job training to counterpart staff

27. He/she will be an experienced expert with qualifications and specialization in modeling applied to flood management. The consultant should be a university-graduated engineer with about 10 years experience in the field of water resources management. The expert should have a sound knowledge of and practical experience in flood management, ideally with experience in river basin management, and familiarity with a wide range of technical issues related to irrigation, rural and urban water resources management, and environmental sustainability. Further, he/she should have experience in managing project teams for multi-disciplinary projects. The expert will have strong interpersonal and communication skills, be fluent in written and spoken English, and have proven ability in report writing for professional purposes.

c. Hydrologist 28. For the purpose of preparing quality hydrological dataset for the models, the national hydrologist principal duties will, inter alia, include:

i. Carry out additional data collection plan as required

ii. Analyze and prepare hydrological data set to be used for the modeling

iii. Update flow discharge curves

iv. Prepare flood routing of small dam and sediment traps

v. Update hydrological databases

vi. Support the preparation of a deep recharge well prototype

29. He/she will be an experienced hydrologist expert with qualifications and specialization in hydrological analysis applied to flood modeling. The consultant should be a university-graduated engineer with about 10 years experience in the field of hydrological engineering. The expert should have a good knowledge of and practical experience in data processing and databases. The expert will have

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strong interpersonal and communication skills, be fluent in written and spoken English, and have proven ability in report writing for professional purposes.

d. Socio Economist 30. For the purpose of evaluating flood economical damages and benefits of the proposed flood mitigation and/or adaptation measures and the development of the flood management strategy that includes non physical measures, the national socio economist principal duties will, inter alia, include:

i Collect socio economical data and conduct social survey in the study area

ii Process data and prepare an updated report presenting socio economic conditions of the communities affected by flood damage in the flooded area

iii Support preparation of the flood economical analysis

iv Support preparation of the flood mitigation and/or adaption measures economical benefits analysis

v Assess the present arrangements relevant to disaster preparedness at District, Village and Community level

vi Assess the community perception on the proposed flood management measures

vii Appraise the presence and involvement of NGOs in flood management activities

viii Provide non technical solutions for the flood management strategy

31. He/she will be an experienced national expert with qualifications and specialization in a range of sociological studies for flood management. The consultant should be a university graduated with about 10 years experience in socio economic analysis applied to water resources sector and in the field of sociological development with emphasis on flood adaption and resettlement issues. The expert will have strong interpersonal and communication skills, be fluent in written and spoken English, and have proven ability in report writing for professional purposes.

e. Geotechnical Specialist 32. For the purpose of conducting geotechnical surveys and provide inputs to the modeling team, the national geotechnical specialist’s principal duties will, inter alia, include:

i Assist in data collection and integration of geotechnical data

ii Carry out additional geological investigations at the sites of important structures and along the river banks as required

iii Provide inputs for flood routing of small dam and sediment traps

iv Provide technical inputs for the preparation of concept design of floodway options, polder system and deep recharge well prototype

v Provide guidance on morphological parameters to be take into account in the models

vi Carry out geological site investigation and survey investigation

vii Identify location and prepare plan for groundwater conservation

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33. He/she will be an experienced geotechnical expert with qualifications and specialization in geotechnical survey applied to flood control. The consultant should be a university-graduated engineer with about 10 years experience in the field of geotechnical engineering. The expert should have a good knowledge of and practical experience in data processing and databases. The expert will have strong interpersonal and communication skills, be fluent in written and spoken English, and have proven ability in report writing for professional purposes.

f. Environmental Specialist 34. As part of the sediment studies and the preparation of the flood management strategy, the national environmental specialist’s principal duties will, inter alia, include:

(i) Supervise sediment survey program

(ii) Identify critical areas in the upper catchment in collaboration with the spatial planning team and propose rehabilitation measures as part of the flood management strategy

(iii) Ensure that the proposed flood control measures are in line with GOI standards and procedures view from an environmental point of view

(iv) Support preparation of plans to minimize toxic sediment

(v) Provide technical inputs for the potential environmental measures to be taken into account in the flood management strategy

35. He/she will be an experienced expert with qualifications and specialization in environment applied to flood management. The consultant should be a university-graduated environmentalist with about 10 years experience in the field sediment survey, analysis and environmental studies for water resources management. The expert will have strong interpersonal and communication skills, be fluent in written and spoken English, and have proven ability in report writing for professional purposes.

g. Geodetic Specialist 36. In order to prepare topographical dataset for the models and the proposed flood control measures, the national geodetic specialist’s principal duties will, inter alia, include:

i Supervise topographical survey at selected locations for the 1D model

ii Supervise data processing and data integration into databases, including metadata

iii Prepare additional topographical survey program for the 2D modeling

iv Provide technical guidance for the hydrodynamic modeling of low land areas

v Prepare recommendations for the preparation of detailed design

37. He/she will be an experienced geodetic expert with qualifications and specialization in topographical survey applied to flood modeling. The consultant should be a university-graduated engineer with about 10 years experience in the field of geotechnical engineering. The expert should have a good knowledge of and practical experience in data processing and databases. The expert will have strong interpersonal and communication skills, be fluent in written and spoken English, and have proven ability in report writing for professional purposes.

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h. Hydraulic Specialist 38. In order to support modeling activities and formulation of flood control measures, the national hydraulic specialist’s principal duties will, inter alia, include:

i Prepare concept design of floodway options, polder system and deep recharge well prototype

ii Support preparation of bill of quantities, cost estimates, drawing, TOR for FS and studies

iii Prepare upper tributary and groundwater conservation study

iv Update the flood management strategy

v Prepare an operation and maintenance plan

vi Support preparation of tor for detailed design by others

39. He/she will be an experienced expert with qualifications and specialization in a range of water resources development areas. The consultant should be a university graduated hydraulic engineer with about 10 years with a sound knowledge of and practical experience in flood management, ideally with experience in flood control, and familiarity with a wide range of technical issues related to irrigation, rural and urban water supply and sanitation, water quality, waste treatment, and environmental and ecosystem sustainability. The expert will have strong interpersonal and communication skills, be fluent in written and spoken English, and have proven ability in report writing for professional purposes.

i. Remote Sensing/GIS Specialist 40. For the purpose of supporting data acquisition, processing and analysis, the national remote sensing/GIS specialists’ principal duties will, inter alia, include:

i. With the Team Leader, prepare and supervise data collection including satellite images, areal photos, existing spatial planning data in close coordination with the TA package B2

ii. Prepare land use dataset required for the flood models

iii. Integrate flood zoning data in the GIS information system for sharing with other TA components purpose

iv. Identify impact on regional and spatial planning

v. Provide inputs for the flood management strategy on spatial planning

vi. Assist with capacity building the PIU in database, geographic information system management and remote sensing

41. He/she will be an experienced remote sensing/GIS expert with qualifications and specialization in a range of remote sensing technologies. The consultant should be a university-graduated engineer, or geography with about 10 years experience in the field of data processing and spatial planning applied to flood management. The expert will have strong interpersonal and communication skills, be fluent in written and spoken English, and have proven ability in report writing for professional purposes.

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D. Outputs

42. In line with the objectives, it is expected that each of the main activities will generate the following outputs:

Table 2: Expected Outputs and Schedule

Expected Outputs

Completion of Current River Model Studies 1D

Develop 2D Floodplain Model

Design studies with modeling

Update the Strategic Flood Management Strategy

Impact on regional and spatial planning

O&M operational plan

Prepare ToR for detailed design of recommended flood works by others for implementation under Project 2 of the ICWRMIP

E. Reporting

43. The Consultant shall prepare and submit the following reports to the Client, the Bank and the Project Steering Committee during the period of services. All reports and drawings shall be in the English language and with standard dimensions, unless otherwise specified. During the course of the consulting services, the following reports are to be submitted as a minimum:

o Inception Report [within two months of commencement]

o Report on completed 1D modeling studies

o Report on development of 2D model(s)

o Report on completed 2D modeling studies

o Report on updating of the Strategic Flood Management Strategy

o O&M operational plan

o ToR for detailed design of recommended flood works

o Final Report

F. Implementation Arrangements

44. The technical assistance will be carried out over a period of 15 months. The Research Centre for Water Resources Technology (Puslitbang Air), under the Ministry of Public Works, is the Executing Agency. The consultant team will work in the offices of the Puslitbang Air, which is located in Bandung. Puslitbang Air will provide counterpart staff to work with the consulting team and to benefit from the transfer of technology. Other relevant agencies may also be asked to provide counterparts on an intermittent basis, to assist with dissemination and coordination of the outputs of the TA.

45. The Team Leader will have overall management responsibility and leadership of the consulting team in carrying out the work.

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D. Provisional Sums 46. Provisional Sums will be provided for the following activities in line with sums given in the data sheet and will be managed by the consultant to support the above TOR: (i) survey subcontracts and data purchase, (ii) project coordination and management, (iii) seminars workshops conferences, (iv) public awareness, and (v) training. In addition furniture and equipment.

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Supplementary Appendix 6 - Terms of Reference for Project 1 Sub Component 5.2 – Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation (TA E1)

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OUTLINE Terms of Reference for

Climate Change Adaption and Mitigation in the 6 Ci's River Basin Territory (Subcomponent E1)

A. Introduction

1. The water resources of the rivers and groundwater systems in the Citarum River Basin are critical to social and economic development of Indonesia. They are essential for urban and industrial development (particularly in Jabodetabek and Bandung areas1) including export industry, agricultural production through major irrigation systems, rural water supplies, electricity generation though hydropower, and fisheries. While the water resources of the Citarum River Basin are relatively abundant, competition for these resources has increased significantly over the past 20 years leading to a situation of acute water stress and depletion of aquifers in some places. Deforestation and rapid urbanization has significantly increased the exposure to flood risk. Environmental degradation has reached a level that compromises public health and livelihoods, particularly for the urban and rural poor, and incurs additional economic and financial costs related to the source of bulk water supply and its treatment.

2. A management focus on integrated water resources management (IWRM) and sustainability of the water resource has been emphasized in the 2004 Water Law. The Water Law introduces the concept of management within the boundaries of a river basin and reflects the principles of decentralization and devolvement of authority to local levels as promoted by the program of regional autonomy. Preparations for its implementation are at a preliminary stage.

3. Water has been a major sector for the Asian Development Bank’s (ADB) assistance to Indonesia, totaling over $1.5 billion in loans and technical assistance (TA). Improving sustainable use of water resources in-line with the ADB “Water for All” policy and a strong commitment to build capacity of local government agencies are key elements of ADB’s operational partnership. In particular this partnership stresses the need to continue implementation of policy reforms, overcome weak coordination among agencies and develop guidance for cooperative working. Sustainability of economic growth and pro-poor development are key pillars of the Country Strategy and Program (CSP) that will be complemented by strengthening capacity for IWRM in the basin.

4. A “Roadmap” (basically a strategic investment plan for future water resource development and management) has been prepared for basin-wide integrated water resources management (IWRM) based on a “Vision” of government and community working together for clean, healthy and productive catchments and rivers, bringing sustainable benefits to all people of the Citarum River Basin. The Roadmap is essentially a planned program of interventions that will, if successfully implemented, lead to the achievement of the vision. In many cases, projects to be included in the roadmap had already been identified by previous studies. In other cases, it became apparent that interventions were required that had not been identified previously, but will be essential for achieving the objectives. A total of almost 80 Roadmap interventions were identified, with a total base cost of around $3.5 billion, proposed for a 15 year time frame.

5. Climate change is a potential threat to the full achievement of the long-term vision of the Roadmap. The prospect of climate change means that traditional methods of water resources planning may well lead to plans that are not well suited to future climate conditions. Already, the effects of climate variability on the basin are substantial, with vulnerable areas affected by droughts in some years and other areas devastated by floods in other years. In order to plan for the possible impacts of climate on the future of the basin, and to develop adaptive strategies and plans (and to modify the Roadmap to account for climate change) a systematic analysis is needed of the threats and vulnerabilities imposed on the basin by climate variability and change. This potentially will improve the likelihood of success for the overall planning effort, and prevent some of the unforeseeable but not unpreventable natural disasters that have thwarted so many past efforts.

6. Climate change studies have already commenced in the CRB and initial results based on detailed statistical analysis of 17 Global Climate Change models (GCMs) support the recent indications that short frequency cyclonic events are causing increased flooding in Java. Preliminary precipitation analysis indicates that: (i) the longest consecutive number of no rainfall days will more likely increase than not, (ii) annual storage may not change but seasonal changes although minor may require adjustments in management of water for irrigation, hydropower and other uses; and (iii) heavy rainfall days will very likely increase with probable daily rainfall increasing resulting in a need to readjust the river flood management and urban drainage design parameters. There are also increased risks of flooding, and this has structural and non-structural cost implications.

                                                        1 The greater Jakarta metropolitan area known as Jabodetabek (Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi) and

its surrounding area. Bandung lies upstream in the Citarum basin and is the fourth largest city in Indonesia.

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7. Mainstreaming climate change concerns into river basin management has been recognized as a crucial need by national planners but it has not been operationalized in the CRB largely because of inadequate institutional, human, financial and technical capacities. The proposed TA seeks to redress this situation by helping national and local authorities and communities in the CRB secure their own renewable natural resources (boosting local adaptation) while reducing GHG emissions (for global mitigation).

B. Objectives

8. The TA is designed to help address the need (i) to mainstream climate change concerns into investment planning within the CRB at both policy and operational levels, (ii) to develop action plan for basin-specific mitigation measures within the CRB, and (iii) to coordinate and strengthen local Governments and communities' responses for adaptation. The TA’s main outcome is the government and involved agencies’ adoption of investment programs, plans, policies and/or other actions to adapt development to expected future climatic conditions, while simultaneously harnessing opportunities for greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation within the CRB.

C. Activities

4. In order to fulfill the objectives, the following main activities will be undertaken:

1. Formulation of climate change adaptation and mitigation policies to be adopted within the river basin will include the following detailed tasks: (i) Review and development of modelling and statistical projections, and estimate the probability of hazardous climate events occurring specifically in CRB2, (ii) Identify the potential vulnerabilities and risks of the CRB (and in particular its water resources system) to climate, and their significance in relation to other factors of uncertainty such as population growth and economic development, (iii) Review of current national policies and undertake assessments of CC capacities of organizations within CRB, (iv) Prepare broad sector guidelines for mitigation and adaptation, covering implications for infrastructure (urban and rural), land use and ecosystem management and economic development, poverty reduction, and social dimensions, and (v) Formulate a climate risk management strategy for the CRB.

2. Mainstreaming of climate change concerns in at local development planning, sector, and program level will include the following detailed tasks: (i) Preparation of guidelines for mainstreaming climate change at both policy and operational levels within the CRB, (ii) Preparation of a booklet “Summary for Policy and Decision Makers” on mainstreaming climate risk management in CRB development plans (including budgetary and fiscal planning), (iii) Conduct meetings and workshops with local Government partners to disseminate the results of climate change adaptation and mitigation (CCAM) policies and discuss their relevance to current situations.

3. Preparation of adaptation and mitigation action plans (AMAP) will include the following detailed tasks: (i) Preparation of adaptation and mitigation action plans (including plans for carbon sequestration in the upper part of the basin through afforestation and reforestation, biofuel and biogas development, wastewater and solid waste management, capacity enhancement to participate in international carbon markets (both voluntary and compliance), community-based adaptation projects focusing on water conservation and agriculture through effective institutional linkages to Civil Society Organisations(CSOs), (ii) Identify potential pilot activities, including stakeholder participation and community empowerment through partnership approaches with local agencies, communities and the private sector, (iii) Prepare applications for other climate change funds (both within and outside ADB) including design, application, selection, supervision, and monitoring, in close coordination with the selected entities.

4. Recommendations and inputs for the other components of the ICWRMIP will include the following detailed tasks: (i) Preparation of guidelines for “climate-proofing” of the Roadmap, (ii) Update the Citarum Roadmap to be consistent with the climate risk management strategy (“climate-proofing” the Roadmap, and (iii) integrate identified measures location and information into the Roadmap Information System.

                                                        2 This work to build on recent ADB/University of Tokyo/Agency f0or Water Resources Research and

Development (AWRRD), Ministry of Public Works on GCM analysis in CRB, and further work under the Regional Knowledge Hub for Climate Change.

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D. Expertise Requirements

5. The Climate Change Adaption TA will be undertaken by a team of experts comprising international and national professional staff, 27 and 51 total person-months respectively. In general, preference will be given to International professional staffs that have work experience in Indonesia or in other Southeast Asian countries. It is expected that the following professional staff and qualifications will be required:

Table 1: Estimated Person-Month Requirement

Position No International PM National PM

Team Leader / Climate Change Specialist 1 8

Deputy Team Leader / Climate Change Specialist 1 12 Climate Change Policy Analyst 1 4 CDM Specialists (A/R, Biogas, Landfill, etc.) 2 3 4 Watershed Specialist 1 6 Biofuel Specialist 1 3 Disaster Risk Management Specialist 1 4 Communications specialist 1 6 Financial specialist 2 3 6 Policy Development Specialist 1 6 Hydrologist/Modeler 1 4 4 Socio-Economic Assessment Specialist 1 4 Total 14 26 51

E. Outputs

6. In line with the objectives, it is expected that each of the main activities will generate the following outputs:

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Table 2: Expected Outputs and Schedule

Expected Outputs Expected Schedule

• Review of modeling and statistical projections, to estimate the probability of hazardous climate events occurring specifically in CRB

Month 3

• Report on review of current national policies and assessments of CCA capacities of organizations within CRB and capacity development action plans (CDAP) for CCA activities

Month 4

• Report on identification of the vulnerabilities to climate (both variability and change) within the CRB

Month 4

• Report on the significance of climate risks identified relative to other uncertainties, such as projections of population and economic growth

Month 6

• Dissemination of the prepared strategies Month 8 • Adaptation and mitigation action plans (AMAP) Month 8 • Applications for other related climate change funds Month 10 • Development and implementation of a process for incorporating

adaptation strategies in the planning process for CRB Month 11

• Guidelines for “climate-proofing” of the Roadmap and assist with policy development within CRB for CCA

Month 12


F. Reporting

7. The Consultant shall prepare and submit the following reports during the period of services. All such reports shall be in the English language and with standard dimensions, unless otherwise specified. During the course of the consulting services, the following reports are to be submitted as a minimum:

o Inception Report [within six weeks of commencement]

o Other reports according to Table 2.

o Draft Final Report [Mid-month 12]

o Final Report [end of Month 12]

G. Implementation Arrangements

8. The technical assistance will be carried out over a period of 12 months.

9. The Directorate General of Water Resources (DGWR) and the Ministry of Environment will implement those activities. The consultant team will work in the offices of the Ministry of Environment, which is located in Jakarta. Ministry of Environment will provide counterpart staff to work with the consulting team and to benefit from the transfer of technology. Other relevant agencies may also be asked to provide counterparts on an intermittent basis, to assist with dissemination and coordination of the outputs of the TA.

10. The Team Leader will have overall management responsibility and leadership of the consulting team in carrying out the work.


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Supplementary Appendix 6 - Terms of Reference for Project 1 Sub Component 7.1 - Decision Support System for Integrated Water Resources Management in Citarum River Basin (TA D1)

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A. Introduction

1. The water resources of the rivers and groundwater systems in the Citarum River Basin (CRB) are critical to social and economic development of the country. They are essential for urban and industrial development (particularly in Jakarta and Bandung areas) including export industry, agricultural production through major irrigation systems, rural water supplies, electricity generation though hydropower, and fisheries. While the water resources of the Citarum River Basin are relatively abundant, competition for these resources has increased significantly over the past 20 years leading to a situation of acute water stress and depletion of aquifers in some places. Rapid urbanization has significantly increased the exposure to flood risk. Environmental degradation has reached a level that compromises public health and livelihoods, particularly for the urban and rural poor, and incurs additional economic and financial costs related to the source of bulk water supply and its treatment.

2. A management focus on integrated water resources management (IWRM) and sustainability of the water resource has been emphasized in the 2004 Water Law. The Water Law introduces the concept of management within the boundaries of a river basin and reflects the principles of decentralization and devolvement of authority to local levels as promoted by the program of regional autonomy. Preparations for its implementation are at a preliminary stage.

3. Water has been a major area of the Asian Development Bank’s (ADB) assistance to Indonesia, totalling over $1.5 billion in loans and technical assistance (TA). Improving sustainable use of water resources in-line with the ADB “Water for All” policy, together with a strong commitment to build capacity of local government agencies, are key elements of ADB’s operational partnership. In particular this partnership stresses the need to continue implementation of policy reforms, overcome weak coordination among agencies and develop guidance for cooperative working. Sustainability of economic growth and pro-poor development are key pillars of the Country Strategy and Program (CSP) that will be complemented by strengthening capacity for IWRM in the basin.

4. A “Roadmap” (strategic investment plan) has been prepared for basin-wide integrated water resources management (IWRM) based on a “Vision” of basin stakeholder for Government and community working together for clean, healthy and productive catchments and rivers, bringing sustainable benefits to all people of the Citarum River Basin.

5. The Roadmap is essentially a planned program of interventions that will, if successfully implemented, lead to the achievement of the vision. In many cases, projects to be included in the roadmap had already been identified by previous studies. In other cases, it became apparent that interventions were required that had not been identified previously, but will be essential for achieving the objectives. A total of almost 80 Roadmap interventions were identified, with a total base cost of around $3.5 billion, proposed for a 15 year time frame.

6. In order to support the implementation of the Roadmap, the Integrated Citarum Water Resources Management Investment Program (ICWRMIP) has been developed. It is a 15 year, multi-sectoral project with a total cost of around

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$1 billion, with $500 million to be provided as a loan to the Government of Indonesia under a Multi-Financing Facility (MFF). It is planned to use these funds in four tranches. The project consists of a large number of component projects (subcomponents) in different sectors – all related to water and environmental management – with many inter-relationships among them. This means that strong coordination among the projects is required along with effective monitoring and reporting mechanism to allow DGWR and ADB to ensure that the funds are being disbursed in accordance with the plan and in time. In addition, information exchange among component projects will improve overall performance, and minimize wasted effort caused by overlaps.

7. In addition to the loan, a “cluster” of technical assistance (TA) projects are to be implemented to provide some important policies and tools for IWRM. These will help to ensure that the investments made under the MFF are sustainable and that the full benefits of the ICWRMIP are achieved.

8. Realizing the importance of the (WTC, a pilot and demonstration activity (PDA) for Indonesia: Development of a Water Quality Management System for the West Tarum Canal of Citarum River Basin in West Java Province has been conducted by K water and PJT II since December 2006. The objectives of the PDA program are (a) to support new approaches to processing and implementing ADB technical assistance and loan-financed investment projects, and new approaches to water sector policy development and sector reform; and (b) to improve and promote innovative water sector initiatives implemented by non-government organizations (NGOs), development partners and local communities.

9. This technical assistance is proposed as a continuing project of the WTC-focused PDA to support the sustainable management of the CRB as a whole.

B. Objectives and Outcomes

10. The key objectives of the TA are to develop an effective decision support system (DSS) for integrated water resources management (IWRM) for the CRB and to strengthen the capacity of water resources engineers for better water quantity and quality management (especially the above underlined items). The DSS to be developed in this project is expected to serve as a standardized framework on which all current monitoring, modeling, and conservation practices can be integrated and analyzed by the river basin managers in CRB.

11. Developed modules of the database and hydrological models in the DSS will be a fundamental outcome in this project. Capacity building to watershed managers and DSS operators will enhance institutional strengthens and communications among water-related agencies. In particular, GIS-based management planning will prove the suitability of an environmental protection to support better water quality management in the context of integrated water resources management of the CRB. Public awareness to be gained in collaboration with stakeholders will support an appropriate process to produce and disseminate a basin-wide conservation action plan for CRB.

C. Scope of Work

12. A DSS is a computer-based system designed to provide guidance and suggestions for managers and decision makers concerning systems planning,

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design and operations. A DSS can play a key role to help support the analysis and selection of the best alternatives under multiple criteria in a structured manner. Based on realistic calculation rules and sophisticated modeling processes, a DSS is capable of showing the relative sensitivities of various parameters and analyzing project risks in a stochastic environment. Each DSS also contains extensive spatial and temporal databases that are automatically linked to the appropriate models for analysis, thereby relieving decision makers of the tedious task of making sure that the data are assigned to the appropriate models in the correct format. An effective DSS should include a powerful graphical user interface (GUI), allowing users to easily interact with the modeling system. Various hydrologic modeling tools should be incorporated into the DSS, including rainfall-runoff models, water allocation models, and water quality models, in order to identify current hydrologic status and to assess the effectiveness of water management scenarios.

13. Based on the extensive capabilities of a DSS for the environmental assessment of water resources in the basin, key criteria and indicators are commonly adopted in identifying and prioritizing project interventions. Quantitative water supply concerns (for irrigation, power generation and urban water supply) are closely tied to issues related to water quality and environmental protection. These aspects are interwoven as reflected in the resource management problems affecting the CRB. A better understanding of the factors impacting water quality will greatly aid in the development of restoration programs. Theses integrated approaches will also provide fundamental information needed to improve the integrated water resources management of the CRB.

14. In this project, a number of models will need to be developed and combined in order to form the basis for the DSS for the CRB. KModSim will be used as the core model of the DSS. KModSim is a Windows-based software package designed as a generalized river basin management decision support system. In addition, the model can be used for setting improved basin-wide or regional strategies for short-term and long-term operational planning, drought contingency planning, water rights analysis and resolving conflicts. A rainfall-runoff modeling system developed and tested for the river basin of interest is an essential component in water resources management. The Rainfall-Runoff Forecasting System (RRFS) developed by K water based on the SSARR model will be used to construct a model for the target area. For development of the water quality management system, Qual2E-Plus and CEQUAL-W2 are to be employed for rivers and reservoirs, respectively.

15. Since an efficient database system is fundamental to all aspects of decision-making in water resources planning and management, such a system will be developed to be the “hub” of the DSS. It needs to be GIS-based and include:

• Data collection, including: surface and groundwater quantity and quality; other natural resources data, such as soils, geology, land cover, ecosystems and so on; and socio-economic data, such as population, poverty, land use, and so on;

• Data archiving and management, including collation of data from various sources, validation, computerization, and so on;

• Data sharing and dissemination among government agencies, research establishments and so on, and providing public access to data.

• Research to increase knowledge in such fields as catchment processes, demography, and so on, as well as the development of new technologies for water conservation and environmental protection.

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16. The DSS should link to the spatial planning system for the CRB to be developed in another TA of the cluster.

D. Outputs

17. The expected outputs of this project are as follows:

• An extensive database and modeling system as a decision support system of integrated water resources management system;

• A sound plan of regular water quality monitoring in each water quality management area (e.g., by sub-watersheds); identification of key water quality parameters for each area; delineation of critical water quality management areas based on the nature of water quality concerns/threats;

• Assessment of the relationship between rainfall and surface runoff and the characteristics in flow pattern at the upstream and downstream watersheds in CRB;

• Analysis of current water sharing arrangements and priorities in CRB; optimization of operating rules of water supply and irrigation for key sub-watersheds, including the operation of the river / reservoir / irrigation structure as a whole;

• Application of water quantify/quality/allocation models, and their calibration and validation; identification of the impacts of time-series hydrological characteristics (e.g., flood, drought, and groundwater) on water quality in CRB;

• Recommended sustainable environmental protection and management strategies to support the integrated water resources management; evaluation of various water conservation scenarios resulted in the DSS for environmentally and socially sustainable development.

18. In addition to the technical outputs, one of the important project outputs will be capacity building. The project activities are intended to increase the capacity of CRB watershed managers in DSS operation and maintenance. They should participate in every aspect of implementation activities from data collection to model prediction and technical documentation. However, the capacity building is not only includes technical aspects but also organisational activities. In the organizational capacity building, personnel at the managerial level will learn how manage the latest technology in water quality management based on the real-world examples.

E. Expertise Requirements

19. The TA will be undertaken by a team of experts comprising international and national professional staff, with total inputs of 279 and 375 person-months respectively (total 654 person-months). In general, preference will be given to international consulting personnel that have work experience in Indonesia or in other Southeast Asian countries. It is expected that the professional staff and qualifications shown in Table 1 will be required.

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Table 1: Estimated Person-Month Requirement

POSITION Person-months

INTERNATIONAL PROFESSIONAL STAFF 279 1. Water Specialist / Team Leader 27 2. Water System Calibration Specialist 18 3. Water Allocation Specialist / Researcher 34 4. Bulk Water Specialist / Researcher 34 5. Water Resources Specialist 10 6. Hydrologist 24 7. River Basin Modeller 28 8. Water Quality Analyst 25 9. Stream Water Quality Modeller 37 10. Water Quality Management Specilaist 16 11. Hydrological Modeller 12 12. GIS/Database Specialist 6 13. Capacity Building Specialist 8

NATIONAL PROFESSIONAL STAFF (NPS) 375 1. Water Supply Management Specialist / DTL 31 2. Water Resources Specialist 36 3. Hydrologist / Modeller 36 4. Water Supply Specialist 18 5. GIS Specialist / Database Specialists (2) 59 6. Water Quality / Laboratory Specialist 36 7. Water Quality Analyst 36 9. Institutional Specialist 24 10. Assistant Water Supply Management Specialist 38 11. Assistant Hydrologist 36 12. Assistant Water Quality Specialist 25

F. Implementation Arrangements

20. The TA will be implemented over a period of 36 months.

21. The Implementing Agency (IA) for the TA will be the Directorate General of Water Resources (in the Ministry of Public Works). However, the work will be carried out in close collaboration with PJT2, and the consultant team will be located in its offices. Overall coordination with the ICWRMIP Project 1 components will be the responsibility of the Program Management and Coordination Unit located in the Balai Besar Wilayah Sungai.

22. The Team Leader and Deputy Team Leader will have overall management responsibility and leadership of the consulting team in carrying out the work. In addition, they must ensure close liaison with the Spatial Planning TA that will be running concurrently with this one to ensure that the tools developed in both projects are compatible and mutually supportive.

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Supplementary Appendix 6 - Terms of Reference for Project 1 Sub Component 8.1 - Program Management

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Terms of Reference for Project 1 Sub Component 8.1 1



A. Introduction

1. The water resources of the rivers and groundwater systems in the Citarum River Basin are critical to social and economic development of the country. They are essential for urban and industrial development (particularly in Jakarta and Bandung areas) including export industry, agricultural production through major irrigation systems, rural water supplies, electricity generation though hydropower, and fisheries. While the water resources of the Citarum River Basin are relatively abundant, competition for these resources has increased significantly over the past 20 years leading to a situation of acute water stress and depletion of aquifers in some places. Rapid urbanization has significantly increased the exposure to flood risk. Environmental degradation has reached a level that compromises public health and livelihoods, particularly for the urban and rural poor, and incurs additional economic and financial costs related to the source of bulk water supply and its treatment.

2. A management focus on integrated water resources management (IWRM) and sustainability of the water resource has been emphasized in the 2004 Water Law. The Water Law introduces the concept of management within the boundaries of a river basin and reflects the principles of decentralization and devolvement of authority to local levels as promoted by the program of regional autonomy. Preparations for its implementation are at a preliminary stage.

3. Water has been a major area of the Asian Development Bank’s (ADB) assistance to Indonesia, totalling over $1.5 billion in loans and technical assistance (TA). Improving sustainable use of water resources in-line with the ADB “Water for All” policy, together with a strong commitment to build capacity of local government agencies, are key elements of ADB’s operational partnership. In particular this partnership stresses the need to continue implementation of policy reforms, overcome weak coordination among agencies and develop guidance for cooperative working. Sustainability of economic growth and pro-poor development are key pillars of the Country Strategy and Program (CSP) that will be complemented by strengthening capacity for IWRM in the basin.

4. A “Roadmap” (Strategic investment plan) has been prepared for basin-wide integrated water resources management (IWRM) based on a “Vision” of basin stakeholder for Government and community working together for clean, healthy and productive catchments and rivers, bringing sustainable benefits to all people of the Citarum River Basin.

5. The Roadmap is essentially a planned program of interventions that will, if successfully implemented, lead to the achievement of the vision. In many cases, projects to be included in the roadmap had already been identified by previous studies. In other cases, it became apparent that interventions were required that had not been identified previously, but will be essential for achieving the objectives. A total of almost 80 Roadmap interventions were identified, with a total base cost of around $3.5 billion, proposed for a 15 year time frame.

6. It is an ambitious program, and crosses a number of sectors. However, such a complex program is necessary simply because the problems are numerous and inter-related. It is probable that, if this program was to be successfully implemented, it would be one of the most comprehensive basin IWRM programs anywhere in the world.

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7. In order to support the implementation of the Roadmap, the Integrated Citarum Water Resources Management Investment Program (ICWRMIP) has been developed. It is a 15 year, multi-sectoral project with a total cost of around $1 billion, with $500 million to be provided as a loan to the Government of Indonesia under a Multi-Financing Facility (MFF). It is planned to use these funds in four tranches. The project consists of a large number of component projects (subcomponents) in different sectors – all related to water and environmental management – with many inter-relationships among them. This means that strong coordination among the projects is required along with effective monitoring and reporting mechanism to allow DGWR and ADB to ensure that the funds are being disbursed in accordance with the plan and in time. In addition, information exchange among component projects will improve overall performance, and minimize wasted effort caused by overlaps.

8. In addition, the stakeholders of this project are many and varied, from both the public and private sector, and there is an emphasis on community-driven activities to ensure that interventions lead to outcomes that deliver community needs. Meaningful liaison with these stakeholders will be essential for project success. In addition, a mechanism for ensuring that approved recommendations of the Project Steering Committee are implemented within the component projects is required.

9. An effective program management group is to be formed within the Balai Besar Wilayah Sungai Citarum (BBWSC) in Bandung to undertake these broad program management tasks, known as the Project Coordination and Management Unit (PCMU). This will consist of a group of technical and support staff from the BBWSC relevant technical staff seconded from the other implementing agencies. It will be supported and assisted by a small consulting team of international and national consultants. A contract will initially be let for the program management support for Project 1 (the components funded under the first tranche of the MFF) only.

B. Objectives

10. The key objective of the Program Management activities is the effective implementation of Project 1 of the ICWRMIP. This will involve:

• Effective liaison between the program stakeholders and the teams undertaking the individual component projects so that outcomes align with stakeholders needs. The components are:

o Sub Component 1.1: Roadmap Management (MFF);

o Sub Component 1.2: Roadmap Institutional Strengthening (ADB TA);

o Sub Component 1.3: IWRM Institutional Strengthening (ADB TA);

o Sub Component 1.4: Spatial Planning for the Citarum River Basin Territory (ADB TA);

o Sub Component 2.1: Rehabilitation of the West Tarum Canal (MFF);

o Sub Component 2.2: Improved Land and Water Management (MFF);

o Sub Component 2.3: Support for Community and CSO Driven Initiatives for Improved Water Supply and Sanitation (MFF);

o Sub Component 2.4: Water Supply Options for Upgrading Bandung Water Sources (ADB PPTA);

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o Sub Component 2.5: Feasibility Study for Upgrading Bandung Water Sources (ADB PPTA);

o Sub Component 2.6: Detailed Engineering Design for Upgrading Bandung Water Sources (MFF);

o Sub Component 3.1: Development of Key Policies and Strategies for WRM (ADB TA);

o Sub Component 4.1: Development and Implementation of a Basin River Quality Improvement Strategy and Action Plans (MFF);

o Sub Component 4.2: Watershed Management and Biodiversity Conservation (GEF);

o Sub Component 5.1: Upper Citarum Basin Flood Management (ADB TA);

o Sub Component 7.1: Decision Support System for IWRM in Citarum River Basin (ADB TA);

o Sub Component 8.1: Program Management (MFF);

o Sub Component 8.2: Independent Monitoring and Evaluation (MFF);

o Sub Component 8.3: TA Project Support and Coordination (ADB TA).

• Effective coordination among the component projects to promote cooperation and information exchange, improve performance overall, and minimize wasted effort caused by overlaps.

• Accurate and timely monitoring and reporting of component project performance, including financial management.

C. Scope of Work

11. The following activities will be require of the Consultant in order to effectively support the PCMU in its coordination and management role.


• Implement sound project management practices within the PCMU.

• Design and implement quality management (assurance) procedures applicable to the program, and promote these among the component projects.

Coordination and planning among Project 1 subcomponents

• Establish formal links with the team leaders of each of the component projects (subcomponents) and act as a point of contact.

• Facilitate six-monthly workshops for component project staff to discuss relevant issues related to progress and coordination, as well as common technical issues.

• Identify potential overlaps and inefficiencies among projects and report these to the Project Steering Committee.

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• Deal with procedural issues related to project management and in particular to interpretation and application of relevant GOI and ADB procedures and guidelines.

• Coordinate with the Roadmap Coordination and Management Unit (RCMU) in Bappenas to ensure “vertical” and “horizontal” integration and coordination of MFF-funded activities.

Stakeholder liaison

• Establish a network of contacts among stakeholder groups associated with each of the component projects, as well as relevant national, provincial and district agencies and ADB.

• Act as a point of contact for all stakeholder representatives.

• Provide advice on request to stakeholder representatives.

• Facilitate six-monthly stakeholder workshops to discuss relevant issues related to progress and coordination.

• Develop and maintain a website to provide a means of information access by stakeholders and the public, as well as providing a mechanism for feedback (stakeholder forum).

Monitoring, evaluation and reporting

• Prepare and maintain a performance monitoring and evaluation mechanism for the component projects.

• Specifically, monitor the financial and physical progress against agreed targets.

• Operate and maintain an accounting system (already implemented) that summarizes information provided by the component projects and provide consolidated reports.

• Seek and receive regular and frequent (at least six monthly) financial and progress report from each of the component project. Prepare written consolidated reports and submit to the Project Steering Committee.

• Identify problems and constraints that may affect the implementation of subcomponents and provide advice and feedback on how such issues might be overcome.

• Attend Project Steering Committee meetings and report as required.

• Provide ad hoc information to the Project Steering Committee, Executing Agency and Implementing Agencies as required.

Data and information systems

• Collect comprehensive project-related data and compile into a spatial database (GIS).

• Design a dedicated user interface for data entry and project monitoring.

• Prepare a metadatabase for all datasets compiled.

• Design, implement and maintain a dedicated web-based system for information dissemination.

• Undertake ongoing review and updating of the information system and its contents.

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• Provide training to PCMU and PIU staff on the use of the information system.

Social and environmental safeguards oversight

• Disseminate safeguards frameworks, plans and guidelines (environmental and social) to PIUs and ensure understanding of safeguards requirements by PIU personnel.

• Monitor social and environmental activities related to agreed safeguard frameworks, plans and guidelines.

• Provide advice and oversight for the implementation of safeguard policies and specifically Resettlement Plans and IEEs/EIAs in a timely manner.

• Ensure full disclosure to stakeholders of documents and other information related to environmental and social safeguard frameworks.

Media communication plan and information dissemination

• Prepare a media communication plan related to Project 1 implementation in collaboration with the RCMU.

• Disseminate relevant information about the project to stakeholders as required.

12. In addition, an important outcome of this assignment will be capacity building of national staff working within the PCMU.

D. Outputs

13. In line with the objectives, it is expected that activities of the project will generate the following outputs, at a minimum:

Table 1: Required Outputs

Output By end of month

Annual Work Program for PCMU activities November (annually)

Office Procedures Manual 2

Document Control System Manual 4

Quality Management System Manual 4

Monitoring and evaluation system 6

Geographic database containing relevant data to be used for water resource management 9

Metadatabase for all integrated data 12

Web based system for data dissemination 19

Plan for implementation of social and environment safeguards 6

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Media communication plan 3

Progress reports (summarising all subcomponents) Quarterly

Annual Report on PCMU Activities Annually

14. All reports shall be in the English language.

E. Expertise Requirements 15. The Program Management Support will be undertaken by a team of experts comprising international and national professional staff, with total inputs of 33 and 156 person-months respectively (total 189 person-months). In general, preference will be given to international consulting personnel that have work experience in Indonesia or in other Southeast Asian countries. It is expected that the professional staff and qualifications shown in Table 2 will be required.

Table 2: Estimated Person-Month Requirement

Position Person-months


Team Leader / Integrated Water Resources Management Specialist 21

Monitoring and Evaluation/PPMS Specialist 6

Technical QA Specialist 6

Total International 33


Deputy Team Leader / Programming and Budgeting Specialist 51

Technical QA Specialist 21

GIS/Information System Specialist 12

Social and Environmental Safeguards Specialist 18

Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist 21

CSO Specialist 33

Total National 156

1. International Professional Staff

a. Team Leader / Integrated Water Resources Management Specialist

16. The main responsibility of the Team Leader will be to facilitate the implementation of sound project/program management practices within the Program Coordination and Management Unit and to ensure the success of the implementation of the MFF Project 1

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subcomponents. In addition he/she will have administrative duties and management responsibilities for his/her team (in which he/she is to be assisted by the Deputy Team Leader). More specifically, the Team Leader's duties will, inter alia, include:

i Provide leadership to the consultant team supporting the PCMU,

ii Take a lead role in the development of administrative and project/program manage-ment procedures, including the production of the Office Procedures Manual, Document Control Manual and Quality Management Manual,

iii Apply sound project management principles to the execution of the required activities of the PCMU,

iv Provide guidance and advice, and give formal and on-the-job training where required to build capacity of the PCMU members to undertake their tasks,

v Assist the Deputy Team Leader and PCMU members to liaise with PIUs regarding matters related to Project 1 implementation,

vi Assist the Deputy Team Leader to liaise with government agencies and related stakeholders regarding Project 1 implementation,

vii Assist to conduct six-monthly workshops for component project staff to discuss relevant issues related to progress and coordination, as well as common technical issues,

viii Prepare briefing material for the PCMU Director when attending Project Steering Committee and other program-related meetings and other reports as required.

ix Assist to achieve compliance of program outputs with the program design and relevant GOI and ADB guidelines,

x Oversee the development of a comprehensive spatial database (GIS) for project-related data, together with a metadatabase for the data, and web-based system for access to the data,

xi Overview the preparation of a media communication plan related to ICWRMIP Project I implementation in close collaboration with the RCMU,

xii Identify problems and constraints that may affect the implementation of sub-components and provide advice and feedback on how such issues might be overcome.

17. He/she will be an experienced international expert with qualifications and specialization in a range of water resources development and management areas, and significant relevant experience in Indonesia and/or other Southeast Asian countries. The consultant should be a university graduated water resources engineer with at least 15 years experience in the field of water resources planning, development and management. The expert should have a sound knowledge of and practical experience in IWRM, ecological principles establishing river basins as the basis of IWRM, ideally with experience in river basin management, and familiarity with a wide range of technical issues related to irrigation, flood management, rural and urban water supply and sanitation, water quality, waste treatment, and environmental and ecosystem sustainability. The expert will have strong interpersonal and communication skills, be fluent in written and spoken English, and have proven ability in report writing for professional purposes.

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18. The duration of his/her assignment will be 21 months, spread over the duration of the project. His/her duty station will be in the BBWSC offices in Bandung, with frequent traveling to the project sites. .

b. Monitoring and Evaluation/PPMS Specialist

19. It will be the responsibility of the Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist to prepare and implement a performance monitoring and evaluation mechanism for the component projects. More specifically, the Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist's duties will include:

i Become familiar with the performance monitoring, evaluation, and reporting needs of the program as a whole and the individual subcomponents,

ii Become familiar with the performance monitoring, evaluation, and reporting requirements of ADB, Bappenas (including the RCMU), the Executing Agency and Implementing Agencies,

iii Design a monitoring and evaluation framework for the program to monitor the financial and physical progress against agreed targets, preferably implementable as a web-based system where information can be remotely entered by PIUs and accessed by authorized personnel (with the assistance of the GIS/Information System Specialist),

iv Develop and implement the PPMS for the P1,

v Prepare all necessary documentation, including an M&E Manual and forms, as well user documentation for any computer software involved,

vi Provide training to appropriate PCMU and PIU personnel on the use of the M&E system,

20. He/she will be an experienced international expert with qualifications and specialization in monitoring and evaluation of water resources (or related) programs/projects, and relevant experience in Indonesia and/or other Southeast Asian countries. The consultant should be university graduated in an appropriate field, with at least 10 years experience in establishing and implementing M&E systems for development projects. He/she will have strong interpersonal and communication skills, be fluent in written and spoken English, and have proven ability in report writing for professional purposes.

21. The duration of his/her assignment will be 6 months. His/her duty station will be in the BBWSC offices in Bandung.

c. Technical QA Specialist

22. It will be the responsibility of the technical QA Specialist to assist, prepare and implement QA system, and performance monitoring and evaluation mechanism for the component projects, and to ensure the ongoing effective use of the system. More specifically, the technical QA specialist's duties will include:

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i Implement in PCMU and support PIUs implementation of performance management using modern practices for quality management and document control including Office Procedures Manual. OPM and Document Control System DCS Quality Management Manual (QMM),

ii Support and monitor full adherence to Program Administration Memorandum PAM Program Performance Monitoring and Reporting System (PPMS),

iii Undertake quarterly reporting on procurements status in accordance with procurement implementation schedules,

iv Provide oversight monitoring and evaluation of results based outputs QC/QA activities on program services, assess value of outputs for given inputs and build lessons learned into new activities and ongoing programs,

v Provide oversight monitoring and evaluation of Results Based Outputs QC/QA activities on physical works assess value of outputs for given inputs and build lessons learned into new activities and ongoing programs,

vi Periodically review and update QC/QA and Program implementation documents (PAM/PPMS).

vii Undertake all necessary actions on an ongoing basis to ensure the ongoing effective use of the system.

23. He/she will be an experienced international expert with qualifications and specialization in QA and monitoring and evaluation of water resources (or related) programs/projects. The consultant should be university graduated in an appropriate field, with at least 15 years experience in establishing and implementing QA and M&E systems for development projects. He/she will have strong interpersonal and communication skills, be fluent in written and spoken English, and have proven ability in report writing for professional purposes.

24. The duration of his/her assignment will be 6 months. His/her duty station will be in the BBWSC offices in Bandung. .

2. National Professional Staff

a. Deputy-Team Leader / Programming and Budgeting Specialist

25. The main responsibilities of the Deputy Team Leader will be to assist the Team Leader facilitate the implementation of sound project/program management practices within the Program Coordination and Management Unit and to ensure the success of the implementation of the MFF Project 1 subcomponents, and to be the main point of contact between the consultant team and the program counterparts. In addition he/she will assist in carrying out administrative duties and management responsibilities for the team and deputise for the Team Leader in his/her absence. More specifically, the Deputy Team Leader's duties will include:

i Assist the Team Leader in the development of administrative and project/program management procedures, including the production of the Office Procedures Manual, Document Control Manual and Quality Management Manual,

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ii Assist the Team Leader to promote sound project management principles to the execution of the required activities of the PCMU,

iii Provide guidance and advice, and give formal and on-the-job training where required to build capacity of the PCMU members to undertake their tasks,

iv Assist the Team Leader and PCMU members to liaise with PIUs regarding matters related to Project 1 implementation,

v Take the lead role in liaison with government agencies and related stakeholders regarding Project 1 implementation,

vi Assist to conduct six-monthly workshops for component project staff to discuss relevant issues related to progress and coordination, as well as common technical issues,

vii Assist the Team Leader to prepare briefing material for the PCMU Director when attending Project Steering Committee and other program-related meetings and other reports as required.

viii Assist to identify problems and constraints that may affect the implementation of sub-components and provide advice and feedback on how such issues might be overcome.

ix Assist with Project 1 loan allocation management and support the PCMU budgeting process,

x Assist the PCMU for the preparation of Annual Work Plans for PCMU activities,

xi Assist the Monitoring and Evaluation Specialists by providing specialized advice regarding financial monitoring requirements and links to program budgets,

xii Assist with the ongoing implementation of the M&E system developed by the Monitoring and Evaluation Specialists, in relation to financial aspects, such as monitoring disbursement against approved budgets, and to prepare financial reports as required,

xiii Liaise with the PIUs to gather financial data required to prepare comprehensive reports covering the entire Project 1,

xiv Assist with the preparation of cost estimates for subcomponents proposed for Projects 2 and 3 of the MFF,

xv Assist with capacity building of the PCMU in planning, programming, finance and budgeting,

xvi Deputise for the Team Leader during periods of his/her absence.

26. He/she will be an experienced national expert with qualifications and specialization in a range of water resources development areas. The consultant should be a university graduated in planning and public financial management with at least 15 years experience in the field of planning and budgeting, including substantial experience in local development planning and budgeting for water resources development projects. Substantial experience in capacity development, project planning, financial management and long term development cycle M & E is highly desirable. Preferably, the expert should have a sound knowledge of and practical

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experience in IWRM, ideally with experience in river basin management. The expert will have strong interpersonal and communication skills, be fluent in written and spoken English, and have proven ability in report writing for professional purposes.

27. The duration of his/her assignment will amount to 51 months, in several inputs over the duration of the project. His/her duty station will be in the BBWSC offices in Bandung.

b. Technical QA Specialist

28. It will be the responsibility of the technical QA Specialist to assist, prepare and implement QA system, and performance monitoring and evaluation mechanism for the component projects, and to ensure the ongoing effective use of the system. More specifically, the technical QA specialist's duties will include:

i Assist in implementation in PCMU and support PIUs implementation of performance management using modern practices for quality management and document control including Office Procedures Manual. OPM and Document Control System DCS Quality Management Manual (QMM),

ii Support and monitor full adherence to Program Administration Memorandum PAM Program Performance Monitoring and Reporting System (PPMS),

iii Assist in providing oversight monitoring and evaluation of results based outputs QC/QA activities on program services, assess value of outputs for given inputs and build lessons learned into new activities and ongoing programs,

iv Assist in providing oversight monitoring and evaluation of Results Based Outputs QC/QA activities on physical works assess value of outputs for given inputs and build lessons learned into new activities and ongoing programs,

v Periodically review and update QC/QA and Program implementation documents (PAM/PPMS).

vi Provide training to appropriate PCMU and PIU personnel on the use of the QA system,

vii Undertake all necessary actions on an ongoing basis to ensure the ongoing effective use of the system.

29. He/she will be an experienced national expert with qualifications and specialization in QA and monitoring and evaluation of water resources (or related) programs/projects. The consultant should be university graduated in an appropriate field, with at least 15 years experience in establishing and implementing QA systems for development projects. He/she will have strong interpersonal and communication skills, be fluent in written and spoken English, and have proven ability in report writing for professional purposes.

30. The duration of his/her assignment will be 21 months. His/her duty station will be in the BBWSC offices in Bandung.

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c. GIS/Information System Specialist

31. The GIS/Information System Specialist will be primarily responsible for the establishment of a GIS system (including spatial and tabular databases) to provide a tool to assist the effective and efficient implementation of the program, Project 1 and beyond. The information should be comprehensive and accessible to authorised personnel via the Internet. The system will also need to be compatible with the RCMU’s Roadmap information system, as there will be some information that will be common to both. Specifically, his/her duties will include:

i Become familiar with the program information requirements and prepare an initial, comprehensive list of datasets to be included in the information system,

ii Take a lead role in the collection of the relevant project-related data,

iii Prepare specifications for GIS software and assist with its acquisition and installation as required,

iv Compile the information into a GIS that will contain both spatial and tabular data,

v Direct the compilation of the information into a GIS that will contain both spatial and tabular data,

vi Design a dedicated user interface for data entry and project monitoring,

vii Prepare a metadata base for all datasets compiled,

viii Design and implement a dedicated web-based system for information dissemination,

ix Provide training to PCMU and PIU staff on the use of the information system,

x Be responsible for the ongoing operation, maintenance and upgrading of the program information system

32. During the assignment, the specialist will ensure the maintenance of close liaison with the RCMU in order to coordinate the design of the PCMU information system with the Roadmap information system that will be implemented there.

33. The consultant will be an experienced national expert with qualifications and specialization in databases and GIS. He/she should be university graduated in an appropriate field, with at least 10 years experience in designing and implementing GIS systems for large projects. He/she will have experience in developing applications for implementation on the Internet. He/she will have strong interpersonal and communication skills, be fluent in written and spoken English, and have proven ability in writing documentation for the use of software systems.

34. The duration of his/her assignment will total 12 months. His/her duty station will be in the BBWSC offices in Bandung. .

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d. Social and Environmental Safeguards Specialist

35. For the purpose of social and environmental safeguards advice, facilitation and monitoring, the Social and Environmental Safeguards Specialist’s principal duties will include:

i Assist the PCMU staff to disseminate safeguards frameworks, plans and guidelines (environmental and social) to PIUs and ensure understanding of safeguards requirements by PIU personnel,

ii Monitor social and environmental activities related to agreed safeguard frameworks, plans and guidelines,

iii Provide advice and oversight for the implementation of safeguard policies and specifically Resettlement Plans and IEEs/EIAs in a timely manner,

iv Assist the PCMU staff to ensure full disclosure to stakeholders of documents and other information related to environmental and social safeguard frameworks.

36. The Social Safeguards Specialist will be an experienced national expert and will have qualifications in a relevant social and/or environmental discipline. In order to assist with the implementation of both social and environmental safeguards for the project subcomponents, he/she should have at least 10 years experience in the development and implementation of one of either social safeguards or environmental safeguards, with at least some practical experience in the other. Experience working in large development projects and/or the Citarum River Basin would be an advantage. The specialist will have strong interpersonal and communication skills, be fluent in written and spoken English, and have proven ability in report writing for professional purposes.

37. The duration of his/her assignment will total 18 months over the duration of the project. His/her duty station will be in the BBWSC offices in Bandung with frequent traveling to the project sites.

e. Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist

38. It will be the responsibility of the Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist to assist, prepare and implement a performance monitoring and evaluation mechanism for the component projects, and to ensure the ongoing effective use of the system. More specifically, the Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist's duties will include:

i Become familiar with the performance monitoring, evaluation, and reporting needs of the program as a whole and the individual subcomponents,

ii Become familiar with the performance monitoring, evaluation, and reporting requirements of ADB, Bappenas (including the RCMU), the Executing Agency and Implementing Agencies,

iii Design a monitoring and evaluation framework for the program to monitor the financial and physical progress against agreed targets, preferably implementable as a web-based system where information can be remotely entered by PIUs and accessed by authorized personnel (also with the assistance of the GIS/Information System Specialist),

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iv Prepare all necessary documentation, including an M&E Manual and forms, as well user documentation for any computer software involved,

v Provide training to appropriate PCMU and PIU personnel on the use of the M&E system,

vi Undertake all necessary actions on an ongoing basis to ensure the ongoing effective use of the system.

39. He/she will be an experienced national expert with qualifications and specialization in monitoring and evaluation of water resources (or related) programs/projects. The consultant should be university graduated in an appropriate field, with at least 10 years experience in establishing and implementing M&E systems for development projects. He/she will have strong interpersonal and communication skills, be fluent in written and spoken English, and have proven ability in report writing for professional purposes.

40. The duration of his/her assignment will be 21 months. His/her duty station will be in the BBWSC offices in Bandung.

f. CSO Specialist

41. For the purpose of planning, designing and monitoring of community based environmental initiatives within the Citarum river basin, the national community fund mobilization specialist’s principal duties will, inter alia, include:

i Assist in preparation of inventories overlap of tasks, gaps, and facilitate role sharing arrangements amongst government agencies and other stakeholders (Roadmap and Investment Program),

ii Support the coordination of planning with Bappeda at Provincial and District levels for communities involvement,

iii Review private sector, CSR, and CSO financial inputs to the Roadmap,

iv Assist in monitoring and evaluation of the communities environmental awareness,

v Prepare fundraising strategy for CSO based projects,

42. He/she will be an experienced expert with qualifications and specialization in a range of community based projects. He/she should have at least 10 years experience in the field of planning, funding and design of community based projects preferably in water sector. He/she should have knowledge of private funding mechanisms. The expert will have strong interpersonal and communication skills, be fluent in written and spoken English, and have proven ability in report writing for professional purposes.

43. The duration of his/her assignment will amount to 33 months, in several inputs over the duration of the project. His/her duty station will be in the BBWSC offices in Bandung.

F. Implementation Arrangements

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44. The BBWSC is the Executing Agency and a Program Coordination and Support Unit (PCMU) has been established in that organization. The consultant team will work in the PCMU, which is located in the BBWSC offices in Bandung. The staffing of the PCMU will include counterpart staff from the BBWSC, as well as other counterparts seconded from the various Implementing agencies for the individual subcomponents of Project 1. The PCMU staff will have primary responsibility for the execution of required PCMU activities during Project 1 (as well as subsequent projects under the MFF). The consulting teams primary role is to provide advice and guidance, build capacity of PCMU personnel to undertake their roles, and generally ensure a high level of effectiveness of the PCMU.

45. The Team Leader and Deputy Team Leader will have overall management responsibility and leadership of the consulting team in carrying out the work.

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Supplementary Appendix 6 - Terms of Reference for Project 1 Sub Component 8.2 - Independent Monitoring and Evaluation

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A. Introduction

1. The water resources of the rivers and groundwater systems in the Citarum River Basin are critical to social and economic development of the country. They are essential for urban and industrial development (particularly in Jakarta and Bandung areas) including export industry, agricultural production through major irrigation systems, rural water supplies, electricity generation though hydropower, and fisheries. Whilst the water resources of the Citarum River Basin are relatively abundant, competition for these resources has increased significantly over the past 20 years leading to a situation of acute water stress and depletion of aquifers in some places. Rapid urbanization has significantly increased the exposure to flood risk. Environmental degradation has reached a level that compromises public health and livelihoods, particularly for the urban and rural poor, and incurs additional economic and financial costs related to the source of bulk water supply and its treatment.

2. A management focus on integrated water resources management (IWRM) and sustain-ability of the water resource has been emphasized in the 2004 Water Law. The Water Law introduces the concept of management within the boundaries of a river basin and reflects the principles of decentralization and devolvement of authority to local levels as promoted by the program of regional autonomy. Preparations for its implementation are at a preliminary stage.

3. A “Roadmap” (strategic investment plan) has been prepared for basin-wide integrated water resources management (IWRM) based on a “Vision” of basin stakeholder for govern-ment and community working together for clean, healthy and productive catchments and rivers, bringing sustainable benefits to all people of the Citarum River Basin.

4. The Roadmap is essentially a planned program of interventions that will, if successfully implemented, lead to the achievement of the vision. In many cases, projects to be included in the roadmap had already been identified by previous studies. In other cases, it became apparent that interventions were required that had not been identified previously, but will be essential for achieving the objectives. A total of almost 80 Roadmap interventions were identified, with a total base cost of around $3.5 billion, proposed for a 15 year time frame.

5. In order to support the implementation of the Roadmap, the Integrated Citarum Water Resources Management Investment Program (ICWRMIP) has been developed. It is a 15 year, multi-sectoral project with a total cost of around $1 billion, with $500 million to be provided as a loan to the Government of Indonesia under a Multi-Financing Facility (MFF). It is planned to use these funds in four tranches. The project consists of a large number of component projects (subcomponents) in different sectors – all related to water and environmental management – with many inter-relationships among them. This means that strong coordination among the projects is required along with effective monitoring and reporting mechanism to allow DGWR and ADB to ensure that the funds are being disbursed in accordance with the plan and in time. In addition, information exchange among component projects will improve overall performance, and minimize wasted effort caused by overlaps.

6. The stakeholders of this project are many and varied, from both the public and private sector, and there is an emphasis on community-driven activities to ensure that interventions

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lead to outcomes that deliver community needs. Meaningful liaison with these stakeholders will be essential for project success. In addition, a mechanism for ensuring that approved recommendations of the Project Steering Committee are implemented within the component projects is required.

7. A Roadmap Coordination and Management Unit (RCMU) has been established within the National Development Planning Agency (Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional-BAPPENAS) to ensure overall planning and financial management at national and local government levels. The RCMU will primarily: (i) ensure effective coordination among component Roadmap projects; (ii) review prioritization of activities under the MFF and other funding; (iii) facilitate consultations with stakeholders; (iv) liaise with bilateral and multilateral donors, and the private sector; (v) monitor and evaluate the Roadmap implementation performance.

8. Within six months of effectiveness of the first loan, BAPPENAS will establish a Roadmap Performance Management System (RPMS) for the overall roadmap investment in the RCMU with links to the PCMU in charge of consolidating data from each PIU and establishing an Investment Program PMS (IPPMS). This will be based on a results-oriented approach to monitoring and evaluating implementation performance and development impact at various stages of the project cycle and ensure timely feedback this information to decision makers for action.

9. Participatory monitoring and evaluation systems will be introduced. A database of key benchmark indicators will be established by the RCMU and become a part of the project monitoring system within six months of effectiveness of the first loan under the Investment Program. In close coordination with PIUs and PCMU, the RCMU will routinely update and analyze key performance indicators at least twice a year and in greater detail immediately prior to mid-term review and completion of any project loan.

10. The Program will assist the NSCWR to develop: (i) (in close coordination with the Network of Asian River Basin Organizations), IWRM river basin performance systems for use by the river basin organizations and the CRB Water Council; and (ii) Roadmap and Investment Program financial investment planning and M&E systems. The CRB Water Council’s State of the Basin Report will include a status update on the Roadmap and Investment Program implementation and outcomes.

B. Objectives

11. The key objective of the Independent Monitoring and Evaluation subcomponent is to monitor and evaluate the Roadmap implementation performance in order to make necessary adjustments in the Roadmap design and implementation arrangements.

C. Scope of Work

12. In order to fulfil the objectives, the following main activities will be undertaken:

• Monitoring of the Roadmap physical and financial processes as well as the effectiveness and efficiency in achieving major outputs, outcomes and impact;

• Review and reporting of Roadmap progress to NSCWR, and inter-agency program planning and coordination;

• Establishing a RPMS for the overall Roadmap investments;

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• Monitoring of the level and adequacy of participation of various stakeholders in the planning, implementing and monitoring of project activities;

• Monitoring the Roadmap’s social, environmental, and economic impacts, including the establishment of benchmark using existing government information and data systems;

• Assessing utilization of water resources data management information systems and their impact on water resource management;

• Developing a mechanism for making necessary adjustments in the Roadmap design and implementation arrangements

• Provide oversight monitoring and evaluation of results based outputs Quality Control (QC)/Quality Assurance (QA) activities on program service, assess value of outputs for given inputs and build lessons learned into new activities and ongoing programs

• Provide oversight monitoring and evaluation of Results Based Outputs QC/QA activities on physical works assess value of outputs for given inputs and build lessons learned into new activities and ongoing programs

13. In addition, an important outcome of this assignment will be capacity building of national staff working within the RCMU.

D. Outputs

14. In line with the objectives, it is expected that activities of the project will generate the following outputs, at a minimum:

Table 1: Expected Outputs

Outputs By end of month

Monitoring and evaluation benchmarking 4

RPMS implementation 6

Quarterly Progress Report (QPR) each quarter giving physical and financial progress, summary of field visits, consultant’s staffing and administration details, issues of TA and project implementation requiring immediate resolution


Semi-annual Consolidated Project Report. This report will summarize: (i). the RPMS progress; field and program issues requiring resolution; (iii). detailed team work program for the next half year

Semi Annual

A mid-term review report that would summarize achievements, unresolved issues and, possibly a revised work program 18

A Completion report submitted 2 months prior to project closure. The completion report would deal comprehensively with achievement of project objectives, post-review of its approach and design, physical progress and discussion of problems and issues, their possible solutions, lessons learned, an economic analysis and recommendations for future development of the Roadmap


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15. All reports shall be in the English language.

E. Expertise Requirements

16. The Independent Monitoring and Evaluation project will be undertaken by a team of experts comprising international and national professional staff, with total inputs of 6 and 276 person-months respectively (a total of 282 person-months). In general, preference will be given to international consulting personnel that have work experience in Indonesia or in other Southeast Asian countries. It is expected that the professional staff and qualifications shown in Table 2 will be required.

Table 2: Estimated Person-Month Requirement Position Person-months


Project Benefit & Monitoring Evaluation (PBME) Specialist 6

Total International 6


Team Leader / PPMS – Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist (over all) 44

Deputy Team Leader / Project Performance Specialist (ICWRMIP P1) 44

CBD/CDD Evaluation Specialist (social aspect) 22

Project Benefit and Monitoring Evaluation Specialist (economic aspect) 22

Junior QA Specialist 48

Junior Consultant(s)/Research Assistant(s) 96

Total National 276

1. International Professional Staff

a. Project Benefit & Monitoring Evaluation (PBME) Specialist

17. It will be the responsibility of the Project Benefit & Monitoring Evaluation (PBME) Specialist to prepare and implement a roadmap performance monitoring and evaluation mechanism for the component projects. More specifically, the Project Benefit & Monitoring Evaluation (PBME) Specialist's duties will include:

i Evaluate the performance monitoring, evaluation, and reporting needs of the program as a whole and the individual subcomponents,

ii Evaluate the performance monitoring, evaluation, and reporting requirements of ADB, Bappenas, the Executing Agency and Implementing Agencies,

iii Design a detailed monitoring and evaluation framework for the program to monitor the financial and physical progress against agreed targets, preferably implementable as a web-based system where information can be remotely entered by PIUs and accessed by authorized personnel (with the assistance of the GIS/Information System Specialist),

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iv Develop and implement the RPMS for the overall Roadmap program of investments,

v Prepare all necessary documentation, including an M&E Manual and forms, as well user documentation for any computer software involved,

vi Provide training to appropriate RCMU and PIU personnel on the use of the M&E system,

18. He/she will be an experienced international expert with qualifications and specialization in monitoring and evaluation of water resources (or related) programs/projects, and relevant experience in Indonesia and/or other Southeast Asian countries. The consultant should be university graduated and have master degree in environmental natural resources management, with at least 15 years experience in establishing and implementing M&E systems for development projects. He/she will have strong interpersonal and communication skills, be fluent in written and spoken English, and have proven ability in report writing for professional purposes.

2. National Professional Staff

a. Team Leader / PPMS – Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist (overall)

The main responsibility of the Team Leader will be to facilitate the implementation of efficient monitoring and evaluation practices for the overall roadmap investment. In addition he/she will have administrative duties and management responsibilities for his/her team (in which he/she is to be assisted by the Deputy Team Leader). More specifically, the Team Leader's duties will, inter alia, include:

i Provide leadership to the consultant team,

ii Assist the Deputy Team Leader and RCMU members to liaise with PIUs and related stakeholders regarding matters related to the Roadmap monitoring and evaluation,

iii Present all drafts / guidelines concerning RPMS,

iv Project evaluation of CBD/ CDD in water management within the CRB,

v Assist to conduct six-monthly workshops for component project staff to discuss relevant issues related to progress, monitoring and evaluation,

vi Prepare briefing material for the RCMU Director when attending NSCWR and other program-related meetings and other reports as required,

vii Review and report to NSCWR Roadmap progress and inter-agency program planning and coordination,

viii Provide recommendations for making necessary adjustments in the Roadmap design and implementation arrangements,

ix Assist to achieve compliance of program monitoring and evaluation outputs with the program design and relevant GOI and ADB guidelines,

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x Assess the impact and utilization of water resources data management information systems,

xi Identify problems and constraints that may affect the implementation of sub components and provide advice and feedback on how such issues might be overcome.

xii Provide oversight monitoring and evaluation of results based outputs Quality Control (QC)/Quality Assurance (QA) activities on program services, assess value of outputs for given inputs and build lessons learned into new activities and ongoing programs

xiii Provide oversight monitoring and evaluation of results based outputs Quality Control (QC)/Quality Assurance (QA) activities on program services, assess value of outputs for given inputs and build lessons learned into new activities and ongoing programs

19. He/she will be a PPMS/M&E specialist of integrity, with a reputation for professionalism and, having at least 15 years experience in project monitoring & evaluation in developing countries. Priority will be given to M&E specialist experience with CBD/ CDD projects. He or she should be university graduated and have master degree in environmental natural resources management. Also, he or she should have worked on water resources management projects involving community participation and his or her experience should include several years of leadership of consultant teams of expatriates and domestic staff in developing countries experiencing CBD/CDD projects implementation. A working knowledge of English is most desirable and essential to his or her success.

b. Deputy Team Leader / Project Performance Specialist (ICWRMIP P1)

20. The main responsibilities of the Deputy Team Leader will be to assist the Team Leader facilitates the implementation of efficient monitoring and evaluation practices for the overall roadmap investment and to be the main point of contact between the consultant team and the program counterparts. In addition he/she will assist in carrying out administrative duties and management responsibilities for the team and deputise for the Team Leader in his/her absence. More specifically, the Deputy Team Leader's duties will include:

i Monitor the Roadmap’s social, environmental, and economic impacts including the establishment of benchmark using existing Government information and data systems,

ii Assist in evaluation of funding gaps and assessment of the effect on Roadmap implementation,

iii Provide guidance and advice, and give formal and on-the-job training where required to build capacity of the RCMU members to undertake their tasks,

iv Assist the Team Leader and RCMU members to liaise with PIUs regarding matters related to the Roadmap monitoring and evaluation,

v Assist to conduct six-monthly workshops for component project staff to discuss relevant issues related to monitoring and evaluation,

vi Assist to identify problems and constraints that may affect the implementation of sub-components and provide advice and feedback on how such issues might be overcome.

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vii Deputize for the Team Leader during periods of his/her absence.

21. He/she will be an economist specializes in project evaluation of water resource management programs, should be university graduated and have master degree in water resources, with at least 10 years of project evaluation and economic development in Indonesia. His/her experience should include at least 3 (three) years experience and involvement with successful CBD/CDD program in Indonesia of other developing country; He/she should be familiar with CBD/CDD practices and literature with ability to modify and apply these to the Indonesian administrative and socio-economic context. A working knowledge of English is most desirable and essential to his or her success.

c. CBD/CDD Evaluation Specialist (Social Aspect)

22. For the purpose of monitoring and evaluating of community based environmental initiatives within the Citarum river basin, the CBD/CDD specialist’s principal duties will, inter alia, include:

i Assist in preparation of inventories overlap of tasks, gaps, and facilitate role sharing arrangements amongst government agencies and other stakeholders (Roadmap and Investment Program),

ii Support the coordination of monitoring and evaluation with Bappeda at Provincial and District levels for communities involvement,

iii Monitor the level and adequacy of participation of various stakeholders in the planning, implementing and monitoring of project activities,

iv Assist in the monitoring of the Roadmap’s social, environmental, and economic impacts including the establishment of benchmark using existing Government information and data systems

v Assist in monitoring and evaluation of the communities environmental awareness,

23. He/she will be a sociologist specializes in project evaluation of various stakeholders’ perceptions—preferably having a post-graduate – with at least 10 years of community development in Indonesia. His or her experience should include at least 3 (three) years experience and involvement with successful CBD/CDD program in Indonesia of other developing country; He or she should be familiar with CBD/CDD practices and literature with ability to modify and apply these to the Indonesian administrative and socio-economic context. A working knowledge of English is most desirable and essential to his or her success

d. Project Benefit and Monitoring Evaluation Specialist (Economic Aspect)

25. For the purpose of monitoring and evaluating of community based environmental initiatives within the Citarum river basin, the Economic Development/Economist principal duties will include:

i. Assist in the monitoring of the Roadmap’s economic impacts among the stakeholders, including farmer groups in targeted area, local communities along WTC, and private sector,

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ii. Assist in the monitoring of the Roadmap’s economic long range impacts for the Government of Indonesia,

iii. Long-term economic recommendation for each planned program

26. He/she will be an economist specializes in project evaluation of stakeholders’ income generating impact – preferably having a post-graduate – with at least 10 years of socio-economic context in Indonesia. A working knowledge of English is most desirable and essential to his or her success

e. Junior QA Specialist:

27. The junior QA specialist will assist the team leader for the purpose of implementing in RCMU and support PIUs implementation of performance management using modern practices for quality management and document control including Office Procedures Manual. The specialist’s principal duties will, inter alia, include:

i. Prepare results based outputs QC/QA activities on program services;

ii. Support oversight monitoring and evaluation of Results Based Outputs QC/QA activities on physical works assess value of outputs for given inputs and build lessons learned into new activities and ongoing programs;

28. He/she will be an experienced expert with qualifications and specialization in a range of quality assurance. He/she should a university graduate engineer with at least 3 years experience in the field of quality control and assurance. He/she should have knowledge of QA mechanisms and related tools for projects. Additional knowledge in procurement process and reporting is preferable. The expert will have strong interpersonal and communication skills, be fluent in written and spoken English, and have proven ability in report writing for professional purposes.

f. Junior Consultants/Research Assistants

28. In order to assist the team of experts, a pool of assistants will be mobilized as follow:

A. Junior Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist. His or her duties are assist the Team

Leader / PPMS – Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist. He/she should have a graduate degree in a relevant discipline, and have at least 3 years experience.

B. Junior Sociologist. His or her duties are assist the Sociologist / Community Based Development / Community Driven Development Specialists. He/she should have a graduate degree in sociology or a related discipline, and have at least 3 years experience.

29. He/she will be an experienced expert with qualifications and specialization in a range of quality assurance. He/she should a university graduate engineer with at least 3 years experience in the field of quality control and assurance. He/she should have knowledge of QA mechanisms and related tools for projects. Additional knowledge in procurement process and

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reporting is preferable. The expert will have strong interpersonal and communication skills, be fluent in written and spoken English, and have proven ability in report writing for professional purposes.

F. Implementation Arrangements

30. The consultant team will work in the RCMU, which is located in the Bappenas offices in Jakarta. The staffing of the RCMU will include counterpart staff from the Bappenas, as well as other counterparts seconded from the various Implementing agencies for the individual subcomponents of Project 1. The RCMU staff will have primary responsibility for the execution of required RCMU activities during Project 1 (as well as subsequent projects under the MFF). The consulting team’s primary role is to provide advice and guidance, build capacity of RCMU personnel to undertake their roles, and generally ensure a high level of effectiveness of the RCMU.

31. The Team Leader and Deputy Team Leader will have overall management responsibility and leadership of the consulting team in carrying out the work.

G. Provisional Sum for Workshop

32. A provisional sum (PS) of USD 135,000 shall be used to fund workshop/seminar activities nine (9) times during the four (4) years. It contribute to increase and develop knowledge among stakeholders. 33. Another provisional sum (PS) of USD 40,800 will be provided for communication, running cost, office furniture and equipment.