progr...  · Web viewThe teacher whispers the word or phrase in the flashcard to the player Number...

CLASSROOM PROGRAMMING - Science 4 EP Science 4EP edebé CLASSROOM PROGRAMMING: Module Programming Dep. L. B. 8719-2012 edebé

Transcript of progr...  · Web viewThe teacher whispers the word or phrase in the flashcard to the player Number...



Science 4EP   edebé 



Dep. L. B. 8719-2012 





MODULE A: Inside our bodies


INDICATORSUnderstanding and interacting with the physical and natural world/Naturalist• Use the procedures of scientific methodology in the interpretation of facts to arrive at true conclusions.• Assess diet, hygiene and lifestyle for disease prevention and wellness.• Find and select information from various sources to promote critical thinking.Linguistic communication/Verbal-linguistic• Practise active listening and adopt a dialogue-ready attitude in interpersonal or group situations to ensure proper communication.Social and citizenship/Intrapersonal• Actively participate in team initiatives to achieve a common goal.• Perform assigned tasks, taking responsibility and balancing work and time to complete the project.Learning to learn/Intrapersonal• Efficiently manage a set of resources, techniques and strategies (both individually and collectively) to undertake new learning and ensure its effectiveness.Processing information and digital competence/Verbal-linguistic• Make regular use of technological resources available, selecting the most appropriate at all times to learn, train and communicate.

• Know and learn the basic needs and processes of a living human being (interaction, reproduction, nutrition).• Understand the functions of the five senses.• Know that digestion is the process by which food is broken down into nutrients.• Know some of the respiratory organs such as lungs, trachea and bronchi.• Know that the heart pumps the blood through our body.• Know that the reproductive system is what enables the creation of new human beings.• Know the major nutrients: fats, carbohydrates, proteins and vitamins, learning what each brings to our organism.• Understand the food wheel and the different food groups.• Learn about healthy habits such as hygiene, rest, sports and a balanced diet.• Use information and communication technology as a tool for learning.• Use the procedures of scientific method in observing changes in the human body.

• Understand and identify basic human needs.• Identify and explain simply the working of the five senses.• Identify and explain the digestive process.• Understand and identify the function of the respiratory system.• Understand and identify the circulatory system.• Understand and identify the human reproductive system.• Identify the food wheel and classify food groups.• Understand the importance of healthy living for bodily care.• Obtain relevant information online.• Practice scientific procedures to determine the causes and consequences of a particular phenomenon in the human body.• Understand the functioning of the lungs through a practical exercise. 

• Knows the importance of diet, hygiene and lifestyle in relation to health. (Knowledge of and Interaction with the Physical World)• Practises active listening and adopts a dialogue-ready attitude in situations of group interaction. (Linguistic Communication)• Efficiently manages a set of resources, techniques and strategies to undertake new learning and ensure its effectiveness. (Learning to Learn)• Participates actively in team initiatives to achieve a goal. (Social and Citizenship Skills)• Practices active listening and adopts a dialogue-ready attitude in situations of group interaction. (Linguistic Communication)• Finds and selects information from various sources on social issues related to science, technology or health to promote critical thinking. (Knowledge of and Interaction with the Physical World)• Handles techniques and strategies to undertake further learning.(Learning to Learn)• Uses technological resources available by selecting the most appropriate at any time for


Caja Alta, 17/05/12,


• Understand the functioning of an organ of the human body through practical exercises.

information. Information Management and Digital Competence)• Interprets facts to justify hypotheses, models or theories to arrive at valid conclusions. (Knowledge of and Interaction with the Physical World)

CONTENTSModule APresentation of the key content of the module. (Procedures)



Lesson 1Presentation of the unit content. (Procedures)Prior knowledge. (Concepts)Introduction to the unit vocabulary. (Procedures)Knowledge of major organs of the human body and their function. (Concepts)Knowledge of life cycle process of a human being. Interaction, reproduction, nutrition. (Concepts)Knowledge of changes in the human body at different stages of life. (Concepts)Knowledge of the five senses, and functioning of the nervous system and musculoskeletal system. (Procedures)Knowledge of digestive system and its function. (Procedures)Knowledge of respiratory system and its function. (Procedures)Knowledge of circulatory system and its function. (Procedures)Knowledge of the excretory system and its function. (Procedures)Knowledge of reproductive system and its function. (Procedures)Lesson 2Presentation of the unit content. (Procedures)Prior knowledge. (Concepts)Introduction to the unit vocabulary. (Procedures)Recognition and identification of healthy foods and the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. (Values)Knowledge and identification of the origin of foods. (Procedures)Knowledge and identification of the three food groups and nutrients. (Concepts)Knowledge and identification of foods needed for a healthy balanced diet. (Procedures)Assessing the need for health care through food. (Values)Knowledge and appreciation of healthy habits in daily life. (Values)InvestigateIntroduction to the scientific method: hypothesis formulation, experimentation, analysis of results and conclusion.(Procedures)Interest in seeing the effects on bones of not getting enough calcium. (Values)The challengeUse of information and communication technologies as a tool for finding information. (Procedures)Testing the functioning of the respiratory system. (Procedures)




Peace education: Interest in relating and communicating with others. Moral and civic education: Keen to take part in group activities, paying attention to the participation of classmates.


Read a text about the stages of life and look at the artwork and accompanying vocabulary. Talk about the various physical features of the bodies that reveal the ages of different members of the family in the illustration. Identify the oldest and the

youngest person, and justify the answer to the questions raised. Read a text about the life processes of humans and look at the vocabulary and images. Speak about the life processes represented in the picture and answer the question. Read a text about interaction and the five senses, and study the vocabulary and illustrations. Speak of other examples where the senses give us information. Read a text on the nervous system and the musculoskeletal system, and study the vocabulary and illustrations. Explain how the sensation of cold "travels" from the hand of Danny to his brain. Discuss the message the brain sends to the locomotor system, responding

to questions raised Read a text about nutrition and the digestive system, and study the picture and the accompanying vocabulary. Speak about the organs that are part of the digestive system, answering the question. Continue reading about the digestive system and study the vocabulary and illustration. Discuss how food enters and leaves our body, having looked at the question. Listen to the CD (track 1): True or false? Read a text about nutrition and the respiratory system, and look at the picture and the accompanying vocabulary. Speak about the organs through which air circulates when it goes to the lungs, and respond to the question Perform an interactive online activity on the respiratory system. Continue reading the text on the respiratory system and study the illustrations and vocabulary. Inhale and exhale. Explain what happens to the body in each case, answering the question. Read a text about nutrition and the circulatory system, and observe the picture and the accompanying vocabulary. Talk about how blood flows through the body. Read a text about the excretory system and observe the picture and the accompanying vocabulary. Talking about how our bodies eliminate sweat and urine, responding to the question. Perform an interactive online activity on the urinary system. Read a text on reproduction and the reproductive system, and observe the pictures and accompanying vocabulary. Discuss the differences between the male and female reproductive tracts, responding to the questions raised.



Listen to the CD (track 2): Guess the riddles. Continue reading the text on the reproductive system and study the images and the accompanying vocabulary. Discuss what happens at each stage of human reproduction, answering the question. Perform an interactive online activity on the development of a baby.

LESSON 2 Read a text about the origin of foods and look at the images and the accompanying vocabulary. Identify food images and discuss their origin, from the questions raised. Perform an interactive online activity on food knowledge. Read a text about types of food, and study the images and the accompanying vocabulary. Name some foods that provide protein, vitamins and carbohydrates. Discuss why these nutrients are needed, based on the questions. Read a text about a balanced diet, and look at the picture and the accompanying vocabulary. Explain, based on the questions, how many pieces of different food groups should be consumed daily and what could happen to someone if they ate too

much food energy without being sufficiently active. Listen to the CD (track 3): Health advice of a radio programme. Continue reading the text on a balanced diet and look at the images. Discuss how many glasses of water should be consumed daily, responding to the question. Perform an interactive online activity about a healthy diet. Read the text about a healthy lifestyle, and look at the pictures and accompanying vocabulary. Comment, with regards to the issues raised, if the students exercise regularly and what can be done to keep the body active; if they wash their hands before

eating and why this is important, and how many hours they sleep. Listen to the CD (track 4) and identify the healthier lifestyle. Continue reading the text on healthy lifestyles and study the images that illustrate it.





Group class. Talk to activate prior knowledge: using the image, talk about some of the functions of the human body. Ask the following

questions: What is this family doing? How are these people getting the nutrients they need? Are they eating healthy or unhealthy food? What else do we need to live apart from food? Can you name any organs we have inside our body? Do you eat fresh fruit and vegetables? Where do you think the food goes to once we have swallowed it? What would happen if we couldn´t breathe?

Suggest that students see how long they can hold their breath. The teacher can time the test to see who has more lung capacity.


Lesson 1. Group class. Talk to activate prior knowledge. Using the picture, talk about the vital functions involving interaction, nutrition and

reproduction. Introduce the vocabulary for the lesson: Stomach - Lungs - Heart - Kidneys - Ovule - Sperm. Present images of different body systems, and name each system as well as the organs they know: digestion, stomach,

respiration, lungs, circulation, excretion, kidneys, reproduction... Pose the following question: Do you know what these different organs are for? Can you name important healthy habits to

look after these organs?Lesson 2. Group class.

Talk to activate prior knowledge. Using the image, discuss types of food, a balanced diet and healthy habits. Introduce most relevant vocabulary to students: Proteins, Vitamins, Carbohydrates, Body-builder, Protective energy food. Introduce students to the flashcards for naming the concepts. Repeat the activity, increasing the rate of exposure of each

flashcard to complicate the activity. Distribute the flashcards among students and ask: Who has the fruit? Who has the vegetables? Who has the water?

Who has the salt? Bring the vegetables; bring the fruit; bring the salt... Positively reinforce students with: Well done! Very good!


THE CHALLENGE: Make a lung model This activity is intended for students to build some lungs from recycled materials and see for themselves how they work.

Collecting information: Students visit the Internet links given on page 32 to create their own model lungs. Making the model: Materials: 1.5 L empty plastic bottle, two straws, balloons, thin string, a plastic bag, a corkscrew and

sticky tape. Cut the plastic bottle in half and make a hole in the cap using the corkscrew (the hole represents the nose). Throw away the bottom of the bottle. Join the two straws with sticky tape (these represent the trachea). Tie the balloons to the straws with the string and insert the straws into the bottle (the bottle represents the chest). Attach the bag to the plastic bottle and stick with the tape (this represents the diaphragm).

Make a presentation: Each student has to take pictures of the creative process and record which part of the respiratory system each object represents. Students should draw the respiratory system to compare the organs that form it, and



show and explain the model created to their peers. Then they have to test that it works. Finally, everyone discusses their experience, whether there have been complications, whether something is not understood... If the teacher considers it convenient, they can ask students to propose another system in the human body they wish to experience. Students can review and decide which system they will create and what will be the process.


Lesson 1All systems go! The purpose of this activity is to assess students' prior knowledge through this online activity:

Comment on the results of the activity: whether it has been difficult, whether it was liked, if they wish to repeat...We recommend this link on stories for children: Here students can meet Merrin and Pearl, two detectives who magically enter different body systems to solve health mysteries.

Song: If You're a Kid. The purpose of this activity is to motivate students with the learning of the contents of this module. This song may be sung throughout the entire module.

View the following video and pay attention to the song and dance presented:

Students sing the song and dance. The stages of life. The purpose of this activity is for students to be aware of the changes in the body over the years. After the work, students can show the rest of their classmates.Materials: one page A4 construction paper per student, markers/crayons, glue and three photographs per student representative of the different stages of life until now.

Students stick their pictures on the cardboard, decorate with colours and write under each picture a short phrase (When I was a baby/toddler, I could crawl; When I was 5, I used to get dressed without help, etc.)

Processes: life posters. The purpose of this activity is that students internalise the three processes of human life. Encourage the students to sing: If You're a Kid. Materials: three large cardboard sheets; information collected by students; magazine cut-outs; glue; coloured paints... Divide the students into three work groups. Each group should look for pictures in magazines and bring them to the

classroom. Each group will be responsible for writing the title, cutting and pasting the information and, lastly, decorating the murals.

The five senses song. The aim of this activity is for students to revise the five senses learning and singing this song, which can be sung throughout the module.

Watch and listen to the video: Comment on the content and repeat until the song is learned.

The brain. The aim of this activity is for students to know the functioning of the nervous system and the musculoskeletal system. Materials: cardboard strips 10 cm x 40 cm divided in three comic-book style boxes; magazine and catalogue pictures;

coloured paints (wet chalks, tempera, wax...). Form groups of five students. Each group should cut out pictures from magazines and catalogues (a lamp switched on, a

bowl of water, a beach...). Paste an image at the beginning of the cardboard strip. Around the image, draw elements to complete the scene (for



example: next to the image of a beach, the picture of a swimsuit). Indicate which senses are activated (sight, the touch of the skin by heat, etc.). Write in the second box the message that the nervous system sends to the brain. Draw in the third box the action that the brain tells to the locomotor system.

Our digestive system. The purpose of this activity is for students to know the functioning of the digestive system and translate the knowledge acquired into a mural.

Ask students to watch the following film: The teacher can pause where appropriate to discuss student concerns and to explain details. Materials: wrapping paper, skin-coloured and pink tissue paper, cardboard, coloured plasticine, a big red sponge, a

balloon, rice and a stapler. Use a student as a model to draw a silhouette on the wrapping paper. Hang the silhouette on the wall. Divide the tasks among the students:

— Small intestine: take pink sheets cut in half lengthways and make rolls. Join each end with tape to get the desired length.— Large intestine: take a whole sheet of skin-coloured tissue paper, join it and make long rolls. Paste or staple it on the profile drawing and bunch up the intestines.— Teeth: make these with white plasticine.— Oesophagus: make this with orange plasticine.— Liver: model this using a sponge, (you can cut it to shape).— Pancreas: make this with yellow plasticine.— Stomach: make this with the balloon filled with rice.

Connect the balloon to the «oesophagus». (All elements should be stuck or stapled in place. We recommend stapling the «stomach»).

Taking it in turns, write the names of the organs on the paper and their functions, linking them with arrows. Students can give short explanations of the working of the organs.

Breathe right! The aim of this activity is for students to understand the importance of breathing correctly. Explain to the students the following situations in which people don’t breathe correctly: people who live in large cities

breathe polluted air; when we are seated for a long time we tend to lean forward, which impedes correct, deep breathing. Suggest some deep breathing exercises which will improve oxygenation in our bodies. Ask students to lie down face up. Get them to focus on their lungs for a few moments and the rhythm of their breathing. First, take seven or more slow breaths, sending air to the bottom of the lungs and exhaling slowly. Secondly, take seven or more slow breaths sending air to the central part of the lungs, exhaling slowly. Students may fail to do the exercise as described. Suggest that they practice often to get the hang of it.

How our heart works. The aim of this activity is for students to learn about the heart through a practical, collective experiment. Materials: red and blue sticky tape, a drum and a stethoscope. On the floor, mark the silhouette of a giant heart. Include arteries and veins so students can see where the blood comes



from and where it goes. Students should form a line to stimulate the blood being pumped. The tutor or a student can hit the drum to simulate a heartbeat. Similarly, other students or teachers can position

themselves to simulate heart valves, gradually closing and opening to let students through. Once the activity is finished, students can listen to the beating of their hearts.

Excretory system. The purpose of this activity is for students to make a model of the excretory system with plasticine. Materials: one A4 sheet of construction paper per student, coloured plasticine and glue. Students should draw on the paper an outline of the excretory system. Then, stretch the plasticine over each element of the excretory system (kidneys, ureter, bladder and urethra).It’s a good

idea to put glue over the paper before putting on the plasticine. Finally, write the names with arrows to the corresponding parts. At the top of the sheet they can write the title of the

activity.Reproductive system and flashcard. The aim of this activity is for students to reinforce what they’ve learned through a drawing.

Materials: one white, A4 sheet of construction paper per student, a pencil, a rubber, markers/crayons/coloured pencils. Form groups of three students. The members of each group should draw on the card the male and female reproductive

system. Display the drawings for comments. (Are they complete? Is there is a mistake?) Next, have students observe the flashcard concerning the evolution of pregnancy and comment on the pictures. Search online for images and description of the development of the foetus during pregnancy. Print the pictures. Draw in detail the cycle of pregnancy; stick the pictures found online, and alongside them write the characteristics of the

foetus. Hang the poster on the wall for classroom discussion when appropriate.

Lesson 2Favourite food song. The aim of this activity is to motivate students through learning a song.

Suggest watching this video: Repeat viewing various times so the class can learn the song.

Fruit and vegetable investigation. The aim of this activity is for students to learn the properties of their favourite fruits and vegetables.

Encourage students to sing the Favourite Food Song. Materials: one construction paper per student (or it can be done in the book as an alternative), images of selected foods

and notes on their nutritional properties Each student should choose one fruit and one vegetable Find information and images online or in magazines and bring to class the information collected. Paste the pictures of the foods chosen and write their properties.

Food origin Form three work groups: Food from animals, Food from Minerals, Food from plants. In Food from plants form three



subgroups: Fruits and vegetables; Cereals and bread; Nuts. Each work group will look in magazines or online for information (what each food gives us, why they are necessary...)

and pictures of the food concerned. Paste the pictures of the food they have found and write the relevant information next to them. Students can hang their posters in the classroom for all to observe. Each group will present the information in their poster. If desired, they can also bring to the classroom some of the foods

so that classmates can observe, test and comment on its taste and texture, say if they already knew it and whether or not they are used to eating it, etc.

Fruit salad song. The aim of this activity is to motivate students by creating their own fruit salad. Suggest watching the following video Students discuss the content of the video with help from the teacher. Watch again to learn the song and to sing together.

Fruit salad recipe. The aim of this activity is for students to learn to eat in a fun way with a simple recipe. Materials: plastic cups and plates (one per student), spoons and plastic knives, a large bowl, a ladle and a wooden

spoon, a juicer, sugar, and various seasonal fruits (apple, pear, strawberries, oranges, lemons, etc.) To begin, students should wash their hands before handling food. Be careful when cutting the fruit. Do so with help from the teacher. Some students can cut the fruit into sections on plastic dishes, while others squeeze oranges and lemons for the juice. Once the fruit is cut, put it all together in a bowl with the orange and lemon juice and add sugar. Stir well with wooden

spoon. Serve with the ladle in plastic cups and... Enjoy!

Nutrition pyramid. The aim of this activity is for students to reinforce what they’ve learned through a team activity. Encourage students to sing the songs. Materials: a large triangle made with brown paper, plasticine, markers. Use the plasticine to model various foods belonging to the groups of the food pyramid. In groups, students have to organise a daily menu by choosing some of the plasticine foods. Consult the pyramid and check whether the menu meets the recommended daily proportions. If necessary, switch between all the components of the menus to meet the required proportions. Write on the wrapping paper and hang the final menu on the wall as a restaurant sign. Play going to a restaurant; students pretend to be customers entering a restaurant and asking for a menu.

Germs, germs, germs. The purpose of this activity is that students are aware of the existence of germs and know how to avoid infecting others.

To explain how germs are spread to others, the teacher has to cut tissue paper into small pieces and keep them on the palms of his or her hands.

The teacher pretends to do a big sneeze near the pieces of tissue paper. Discuss how the bits of tissue paper have spread. Explain to students that it is important to sneeze or cough covering their mouths with the inside of the elbow.



Suggest watching the video How does a germ travel?

( Talk about the content with the teacher.


Photocopiable consolidation sheets: pages 208 to 210 of the Guide Book Complete phrases related to the circulatory, digestive, excretory and respiratory systems. Write the names of various foods according to origin: animal, vegetable or mineral. Match various foods to their corresponding features. Develop a healthy menu. Name three healthy habits.

Photocopiable extension sheets: 209 - 211 of the Guide Book Write the name of the digestive organs. Complete the text on the digestive system. Match some organs of the circulatory system with the appropriate characteristics. Answer some questions about the excretory system.


OF THE UNIT OF BASIC SKILLS/MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCESPhotocopiable evaluation sheet (supplementary material). Pages 250-251 of the Guide Book.

Write statements about the circulatory, digestive, respiratory and excretory systems.

Complete a table of various organs, their functions and the system they belong to.

Answer questions on the circulatory system. Complete a text about food. Draw different foods according to their function. Write three healthy habits.

Individual dossier of the module activities: Portfolio.Observation register to check knowledge of content acquired.

Evaluation checklist.Oral and written self-evaluation.Rubric assessment of basic skills/multiple intelligences of the unit.




- Silent reading (self-regulation of comprehension).- Reading aloud.

Comprehensive reading. Reading other written texts, digital texts, interactive activities etc., to obtain information, learn, have fun or communicate. Reading fragments of texts. Reading and understanding instructional texts.

Oral/written expression Using warmers, oral activities to break the ice and create the right atmosphere to introduce the topic. Expressing what has been learnt appropriately orally and in writing, using precise vocabulary. Using open questions, information search tasks and games. Singing. Dramatisation: role-play. Incorporation of nonverbal communication: body language.

Dramatization, oral and written presentation of ideas, responses or a subject, dialogue, debate. Presentations about people or objects, arguments, incorporating non-verbal language, etc.

ICT ACTIVITIES Activity to learn about the respiratory system: Activity to learn about the urinary tract: Activity to learn about the development of a baby: Activity to learn about the types of food: Activity to learn about healthy food:



MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR A POSITIVE EVALUATION Learn the basic human needs. Identify the functions of the five senses. Identify the digestive process. Know the function of the respiratory system. Know about the circulatory system. Understand the human reproductive system. Know the importance of healthy living for body care.

GRADING CRITERIA Correct use of the related concepts and vocabulary when giving and requesting information. Spontaneous use or use in everyday contexts of the knowledge acquired. Level of personal elaboration of ideas and responses. Level of comprehension and communication of the information. Presentation and punctuality of tasks submitted: appropriate style, correct and clear expression of the information and procedures followed, lack of spelling mistakes, etc.• Behaviour: respect for classmates, teaching staff and class material, interest and motivation, attention during explanations, tenacity, perseverance, sociability, etc.• Percentage or grade in individual projects, tests and exercises, etc.• Level of involvement in tasks, group activities, projects, etc.





Student's book SCIENCE 4; (Editorial Edebé)Activity book SCIENCE 4; (Editorial Edebé)Interactive whiteboard.Pedagogical resources.Perishable material.

Classroom, other spaces. Approximate time: 3 weeks.

The suggested methodology promotes the development of learning in the following sequence: • Adaptation of the content presentation to the students' linguistic competency in the English language.• Initial motivation and eliciting of prior knowledge.• Progressive and careful inclusion of contents by means of examples taken from everyday, contextualized situations to enable the transfer, generalization and expansion of learning, and which integrates with the basic skills identified.- Application of acquired knowledge in a variety of different activities (Applying, reasoning, working with basic skills and multiple intelligences, projects, cooperative groups, interactive activities, consolidation and extension activities, etc.), organized by level of difficulty in order to facilitate the basic skills and different cognitive styles of the students. - Different kinds of digital resources, using both the interactive whiteboard and computers. These resources include activities integrated into the learning programme, interactive activities and carefully selected Internet links.

Module A: STRUCTURE:• The module is introduced with a double-page image relating to the module content which includes a prior knowledge exercise of the two module lessons (before starting).• Each lesson is presented with a double-page image relating to the module content which includes: the content presentation (you will learn), the key vocabulary for the lesson (vocabulary) and a prior knowledge activation exercise (get ready!).• The content is developed in a sequence of stages over a double page based around an image which refers to the basic facts needed to understand what is being explained.• Each stage includes a diverse range of learning activities, both oral and written, that facilitate the application of the content of the lesson (talk about it, notebook activities, online, did you know?). • Investigate is a suggested activity at the end of each module. It involves an experimental exercise relating to the module content which brings together the main stages of the scientific method.• At the end of the module, there is an integrated task (the challenge) with activities to work on and assess the basic skills and multiple intelligences. It involves contextualized activities dealing with real, everyday situations for the student, in such a way as to activate and apply their knowledge, taking into account the students' different levels of capability and learning styles (with reading, reasoning, movement, dramatization, visual arts, etc.).





Diverse range of student tasks carried out in the daily activities of the class.

Varied student evaluation activities (book, photocopiable files, written test, etc.).

Group work. ITC activities: Interactive activities, treasure hunts

Internet links. Individual dossier.

Evaluation of the approach and processes employed as well as the result obtained.

Individual and collective questions. Dialogue. Oral presentation. Individual oral test.

Observation and evaluation of the amount each student participates and the quality of their contribution.

Individual evaluation checklist. Record for the ongoing evaluation of the class

group. Self-evaluation (oral and written). Teacher's blog. Rubric assessment of the Basic Skills/Multiple

Intelligences of the unit.





Class preparation and educational materials

There is consistency between the programme and the development of the classes. There is a balanced distribution over time. The classes are adapted to the characteristics of the group.

Use of suitable methodology

Meaningful learning objectives have been taken into account.Interdisciplinarity is incorporated into the programme (during activities, handling contents, etc.). The methodology promotes motivation and develops the students' skills.

Regulation of teaching practice

Degree of monitoring of students. Suitability of resources used in class to the learning objectives. The promotion criteria are agreed between the teachers.

Evaluation of what is learnt and the resulting information supplied to students and families

The criteria for positive evaluations are linked to the objectives and contents. The evaluation tools take account of numerous learning variables. The grading criteria are suited to the typology of planned activities. The evaluation criteria and the grading criteria are made available:

• To the students.• To the families.

Employment of measures attending to diversity

Measures are taken in advance to ascertain learning difficulties. A response is made to different learning speeds and skills. There are sufficient measures and resources available.Application of special measures recommended by the teaching staff in response to psycho-pedagogical reports.





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• Individualized attention in the classroom for the execution of the suggested activities.• Adaptation of programme activities.• Individualized attention inside and outside the classroom for the execution of adapted activities.• Significant curricular adaptation due to SEN.• Curricular adaptation for high intellectual capacity.• Adaptations made to the curricular material for late entry in the Education System....



MODULE B: The cycle of life


INDICATORSLinguistic communication/Verbal-linguistic• Practise active listening and adopt a dialogue-ready attitude in interpersonal or group situations to ensure proper communication.• Fluently express ideas, needs, emotions, experiences, opinions...Understanding and interacting with the physical and natural world/Naturalist• Develop messages and texts that describe objects and phenomena observed for the understanding and explanation of natural and technological reality.• Recognise the influence of human activity, science and technology on health and the environment to achieve a balance between progress and human environment that allows the survival of life.Social and citizenship/Intrapersonal• Actively participate in team initiatives to experience the reality of a group of people achieving a goal.• Assist colleagues in their duties, cooperate with people and work for the common goal of the team.Independence and personal initiative/Intrapersonal • Be aware of one’s abilities, attitudes, strengths and weaknesses, try to improve

• Identify and understand the life processes of animals. Interaction, nutrition and reproduction.• Know and identify different ways in which animals breathe: gill, lung, skin and trachea.• Understand and identify the function of the digestive tract of vertebrates and invertebrates.• Know and identify different types of circulatory system of animals.• Understand and identify the different forms of animal reproduction.• Know and learn the metamorphosis of some animals.• Learn that the root is the part of the plant that grows under the ground and know some types of roots.• Know and learn about the sexual and asexual reproduction and the relationship in plants.• Know that pollination is the passage of pollen from the stamens of a flower to the pistil of another, and that fruit is formed from the flower and the seeds are inside.• Know and learn that plants get their own food through photosynthesis.• Use scientific method and procedures to experiment and observe the growth and reaction of a plant.

• Understand and differentiate between the characteristics of interaction, nutrition and reproduction in animals.• Differentiate and understand the different respiratory forms of animals.• Know the digestive tract of herbivores, carnivores and omnivores.• Understand and identify the difference between a single and double circulatory system.• Understand and identify the difference between sexual and asexual reproduction in animals.• Know the morphology and function of metamorphosis.• Know that the root is the underground part of plants and the stem is the part of the plant above the ground.• Know that the flower is the reproductive organ of plants and know its parts.• Know what pollination is and how it forms the fruit.• Understand how plants produce their own food and oxygen through photosynthesis.• Practise the scientific method to see and test the reaction of the plants.

• Actively participates in team initiatives to experience the reality of a group of people achieving a goal. (Social and Citizenship Skills)• Practises active listening and adopts a dialogue-ready attitude in group interaction situations. (Linguistic Communication)• Is aware of their own abilities, attitudes, strengths and weaknesses, and tries to improve them. (Independence and Personal Initiative)• Helps partners in their duties, cooperates with people and works for the common goal of the team. (Social and Citizenship Skills)• Recognises the influence of scientific and technological activity on health and the environment to achieve a balance between progress and human environment that allows the survival of life. (Knowledge of and Interaction with the Physical World)• Fluently expresses ideas, needs, emotions, experiences, opinions... (Linguistic Communication)• Helps partners in their duties, cooperates with people and works for the common goal of the team. (Social and Citizenship Skills)


Caja Alta, 05/17/12,


them, and show confidence in oneself.Processing information and digital competence/Verbal-linguistic• Use ICT in a critical, ethical and responsible way, assessing the adequacy of media and messages.

• Uses ICT in a critical, ethical and responsible way, assessing the adequacy of media and messages. (Information Management and Digital Competence)



CONTENTSModule BPresentation of the essential contents of the module. (Procedures)Lesson 3Presentation of the contents of the unit. (Procedures)Prior knowledge. (Concepts)Introduction to the vocabulary of the unit. (Procedures)Knowledge of the life cycle of animals and plants. (Concepts)Introduction to the life processes of animals. (Concepts)Identifying the characteristics of the life process of animals. (Concepts)Identifying the characteristics of the respiratory system of animals. (Procedures)Identification and discrimination of the digestive system of different animals. (Procedures)Identification and discrimination of the circulatory system of different animals. (Procedures)Identification and discrimination of different types of reproduction in animals. (Procedures)Morphology and identification of the metamorphosis of a butterfly. (Procedures)Lesson 4Presentation of the contents of the unit. (Procedures)Prior knowledge. (Concepts)Introduction to the vocabulary of the unit. (Procedures)Identification and knowledge of plants as living beings. (Concepts)Identification and understanding of life processes of a plant. (Concepts)Assessment of the richness of the natural environment. (Values)Caring attitude toward the natural environment. (Values)Food for plants. (Procedures)Knowledge and identification of how plants get oxygen. (Procedures)Knowledge and identification of sexual and asexual reproduction of plants. (Procedures)Knowledge, role and relationship of pollination and germination of plants. (Procedures)InvestigateKnowledge of plant growth. (Concepts)Introduction to the scientific method: hypothesis formulation, experimentation, analysis of results and conclusion. (Procedures)Positive assessment of developments in own learning. (Values)The ChallengeUse of information and communication technologies as a tool for getting information. (Procedures)Creating a garden for bees. (Procedures)Composition of a mural. (Procedures)




Peace education: Interest in relating and communicating with others. Moral and civic education: Keen to take part in group activities, paying attention to the participation of classmates.


Read a text about the life processes of animals, and observe the image and the accompanying vocabulary. Discuss how the puppies in the picture are interacting with their environment, how they get the nutrients they need and how they were born, responding to

questions raised. Listen to the CD (track 5) and answer the questions. Read a text about interaction and watch the pictures and vocabulary. Observe the antelope in the illustrations and talk about what its senses, nervous system and musculoskeletal system are saying, answering the questions. Read a text about nutrition and the respiratory system, and study the illustrations and vocabulary. Discuss how different animals get oxygen from the air and water, and answer the question. Continue the text of the respiratory systems and their types, and study the illustrations and vocabulary. Discuss the differences between skin and tracheal breathing, and how a frog breathes, responding to the questions raised. Read a text about nutrition and the digestive system, and look at the images and vocabulary. Discuss the differences between the digestive tract of vertebrates and invertebrates, and other examples of herbivores and what they eat, responding to the

questions. Listen to the CD (track 6) and learn about the digestive system of cows. Continue reading about the digestive system of different types of animals, and study the images and vocabulary. Talk about what would happen to a lion if it ate nothing but plants. Read a text about nutrition and the circulatory system, and study the illustrations and vocabulary. Discuss the differences between single and double circulatory apparatus, responding to the question. Continue reading the text on the types of circulatory system, and observe the picture and vocabulary. Discuss the differences between the circulatory system of a fish and a grasshopper, and answer the question. Read a text on reproduction, and look at the pictures and vocabulary. Discuss the differences between sexual and asexual reproduction in response to the question. Read a text about metamorphosis, and observe the vocabulary and illustration. Discuss the shape changes that occur in a frog from egg to adulthood, whether a tadpole and adult frog look alike, and other animals known to also

experience metamorphosis, responding to the questions raised. Perform an interactive online activity on the metamorphosis of the butterfly.



LESSON 4 Read a text about the life processes of plants, and study the pictures and vocabulary. Discuss how the plants in the picture get the nutrients they need, how they interact with their environment, say which plants in the illustration are younger and

how you can tell, responding to the questions. Read a text about interaction, and look at the picture and vocabulary. Talk about what happens to the plant on the right of the picture and why it occurs, responding to the questions. Do an online interactive activity on tropism. Read a text on how plants produce their own food, and study the picture and vocabulary. Talk about how plants produce their own food and other living things also if they can, responding to questions raised. Read a text on the breath, and study the picture and vocabulary. Discuss whether sleeping in a room with plants is a good idea and justify the answer to the question. Do an online interactive activity on photosynthesis. Read a text on reproduction and its types, and study the pictures and vocabulary. Discuss the differences between the male and female parts of the flower in the illustration, answering the question. Listen to the CD (track 7) and answer the questions about plants. Read a text about reproduction from pollination to germination, and look at the pictures and vocabulary. Discuss how the pollen reaches the stigma of the flower, how fruit and seeds are formed, and how a new plant is born, responding to the questions. Continue reading the text on reproduction and its phases, and study the pictures and vocabulary. Listen to the CD (track 8) on pollination. Perform an interactive online activity about how flowers become berries and answer the question.





Group class. Talk to activate prior knowledge: with the help of the picture, talk about the life cycle of animals and plants. Ask students

to observe the double page of the student book and explain that animals and plants are part of a great cycle. Bees feed on flowers. Then these flowers bear fruit, needed by both humans and animals. Ask the following questions: What would happen to the bees if there were no flowers? What do flowers need to grow? How does the flower drink the rain water? Do all flowers look the same? Did you know that apple trees have flower in the spring? What does the flower become? Where do flowers grow? Are they always on the ground?

Discuss the following study to arouse students' interest: If bees were to disappear, many plants would fail to be pollinated and would die out. A lot of these plants are direct food crops for man and animals. They are a food source for other creatures and it would severely affect the global food chain. It has been said that if the honey bee was to disappear man would have four years to live!


Lesson 3. Group class. Talk to activate prior knowledge. Using the picture, talk about the interaction, nutrition, reproduction and metamorphosis

of animals and plants. Ask students to observe the double pages of the book and ask: What can you see in the picture? Explain to students that in this lesson they will learn the vital functions of animals: interaction, nutrition, reproduction and

metamorphosis. Introduce the vocabulary for the lesson: Pulmonary, Branchial, Tracheal, Cutaneous, Asexual, Metamorphosis. Suggest that students study the picture and ask what kind of functions of the animals can be seen: nutrition, interaction,

reproduction... Students should explain the reasons for their answers.Lesson 4. Group class.

Talk to activate prior knowledge. Using the picture, talk about the life cycle and processes of plants. Ask students to observe the double page of the student book and ask the following questions: What can you see? What do plants need to grow? How do they get the nutrients they need? What parts of this plant can you identify?

Introduce the most relevant vocabulary: Photosynthesis, Sap, Pollination, Fertilisation, Germination, and Pollen.


THE CHALLENGE: Make a bee-friendly garden!In this activity, students create a bee garden to help them pollinate.

Collecting information: Students visit the Internet links given on page 60. They learn more about the life and habits of bees, observe the workings of a hive and discover bees’ favourite flowers.

Planting the flowers: Students choose a specific plant in the area where they live: strawberries, chrysanthemums, roses, geraniums, jasmine... They gather the necessary materials (pot, soil, plant) and plant the flower chosen.

Documenting the process: Students photograph the process of planting and growth. Students return after planting to observe the bees in action.

Making a presentation: Students work in groups and record the most important things they have learned. They draw pictures of flowers, bees and the pollination process. Students draw the respiratory system to compare its organs. Create



a poster with drawings and the photographs taken..SUPPLEMENTARY

ACTIVITIESLesson 3Song: Every living thingThe purpose of this activity is to motivate students in learning this module with a song about living things. —Suggest the children look at the video on this webpage and pay attention to the song to learn.FlowersWe propose an observation activity. — Suggest going outside if there is greenery to observe and draw flowers, leaves... The centre may not have a green area, so you could go to the nearest park or buy flowers in the nearest florist.— Draw in a notebook all the observed parts of the flowers: petals, sepals, pistils, stamens...— Display the drawings and the original flowers, if any.— Write on the board all the parts and features of a flower: smell, bright colours, pollen, stem is usually long and narrow... Discuss the flower parts that have been drawn and get everyone to give their opinion on their function.If the teacher wants to, suggest students model flowers with plasticine, using as a model some flowers from the florist. Comment on the flower models and check if any parts are missing.Flashcard activity/Lip readingThis activity aims to familiarise students with the vocabulary of the lesson through a game.— The teacher prepares flashcards of the animals as deemed necessary.— The teacher shows a flashcard and asks: Is this the dog? Is this the spider? The students will answer with: Yes/No.— Next, the teacher silently mouths the name. Students must be set to guess which picture it is. Once the name is guessed, place the flashcard on the board.— Put the flashcards face down. Taking turns, students pick up a flashcard and will mime the animal that appears there. The other classmates must guess the animal. If desired, the teacher can allow students to make questions about the animal for clues (number of legs, if it has teeth, a tail...) Multiplying gorillasSuggest students watch a video of gorillas interacting. — Enter the following link to access videos from National Geographic:— Write in the search field "multiplying gorillas" to watch the short.— Once the video has been seen, ask the following questions: How do gorillas live? How are the youngest gorillas interacting? What type of diet do you think gorillas follow? Do you think they are protective with their family?— Allow students to respond freely.— Have students copy the questions in their notebooks. They should look online for answers and information about the habits and life processes of the gorillas. — Enter all the information in a notebook and add images, if desired.— Students read out their information and discuss.



Poster life processesThis activity is for students to internalise the three processes of animal life.Materials:• Large cardboard sheets. • Information collected by the students, magazine clippings and written information. • Glue. • Colour paints.— Form five or six work groups.— Each group should choose an animal. Together they will look for images and information in magazines and online about the chosen animal and the three life processes of that animal.— Students in each group will present the information in a poster (photographs, habits, processes and vital functions...)— Upon completion of the posters, they may exhibit them in the classroom.Guess!— The teacher explains the characteristics of animals in the posters. — The members of each group must guess what animal it is.— The first group to guess the animal takes the role of the teacher, and explains the features of another animal for the other groups to guess.Respiratory system The purpose of this activity is to determine students' knowledge of the respiratory system.— Present the poster of Module B and ask the following question: Look at the animals on the poster. Do you know what respiration system they have? Can you name other animals and their respiratory system? Respiration Wall posters The purpose of this activity is for students to conduct research in groups and learn the different types of breathing of animals.Materials needed:• Large poster boards. • Colouring pens or markers. • Information collected. • Coloured sheets.— Students will be divided into four work groups. — They find information on various types of breathing. — Students make the necessary drawings on the coloured sheets.— The write the information on pages and paste it next to the drawings they have done.— Upon completion, the posters will be exhibited in the classroom and students will be able to explain to their classmates.Vertebrate and invertebrate animalsThe purpose of this activity is to remember the characteristics of some animals.— Watch the following video with students on vertebrates and invertebrates: Online— Record the important information that appears in the video.— Students answer the following questions posed by the teacher, while showing pictures of some animals that have appeared in the video: Look at these animals. Do you know what digestive system they have? Can you name other animals and their digestive system?Animal digestive system picture



This activity is for students to know the functioning of the digestive system of both vertebrates and invertebrates.Equipment needed• An A4 card stock per student. • Colouring pens or markers. • Images on the internet.— Each student should choose two animals: a vertebrate and an invertebrate. They can choose from herbivore, omnivore and carnivore. — Look for pictures of the digestive tract of the animal online and draw it on the cardboard.— The tutor should make sure that no animal features twice.— Upon completion of the work, the drawings will be posted for display in the classroom. The reason for choosing each animal should be explained, and its characteristics.Poster activity— Display the mural of animals to the students and ask the following questions: Look at the animals. Do you know what circulatory system they have? Can you name other animals and their circulatory system?Flashcard activity— Show students the flashcards so they can name them.— Then show them the flashcards more quickly so they can name them as fast as possible. — The student who makes a mistake should answer a question from the teacher on the content already studied.— If the teacher wants, the activity can be complicated by asking them to name a feature of every animal on the flashcards, and not the name of the animal.— The teacher should have cards with the names: Open circulatory system, Double closed, Simple closed.— Place the cards face down, just like flashcards.— Pick up a card and a flashcard and check that the two correspond (animal and circulatory system).Animal reproduction system booksThis activity aims to help students learn the different types of sexual reproduction of animals through research and drawing.Equipment needed:• Several sheets of A5 paper per student. • Colouring pens or markers. • Online information and pictures about the reproduction process of some animals.— Students look for information and pictures on viviparous, oviparous and asexual reproduction. — Students paste on each sheet of paper a picture of the reproduction process of an animal. Merge all pages and staple. This will produce a book in which, if the pages are flipped quickly, you will see "in movement" the reproductive process of the animal.— Repeat the same activity for the reproductive process of the animals chosen.— After the activity, display the booklets so students can play with them, flicking the pages.Life cycle of a butterfly With this activity, students carefully study the metamorphosis of a butterfly.— Students watch the video on the life cycle of a butterfly.— Students bring to the classroom silkworms to observe their life cycle. They take turns to feed and care for the worms until the end of the process.— Students draw in the notebook the changes that occur in the process of metamorphosis.



— Display separate drawings so classmates can play at putting them in order.Lesson 4Song picture— Students sing: Can you see the connection and make gestures that represent the content.— Students should bring to life, with a picture on the card, the relationship shown in the song: the bat, the fruit, the seed that falls, the tree that grows and the fruit that we collect.— In groups, invent a new verse of the song.— Teach the verse to other classmates and repeat the same actions above: representing the song with gestures, and drawing the contents of the previous stanzas.Let’s go to the park! This activity is for students to interact with real plants and flowers.— Encourage students to sing the song Can you see the connection.— Take students to the playground (if you have green areas) or a nearby park to observe different flowers and plants in their habitat. — Students draw or photograph the plants they see. They should also record information about them (in what place they are planted, what plants or other items are around, if the soil is wet or dry...)— Once back in the classroom, students paste on sheets the drawings or photographs and the information recorded about each plant.— The teacher binds the sheets like a book, and gives it the following title: The plants.Flashcard activity— Show students the flashcards so they can name them. — Display a flashcard and ask: Are these seeds? Is this a flower? — Repeat the same action with the rest of the flashcards. — Students should answer Yes o No.— Positively reinforce students with the following expressions: Well done! Very good!Seven flashcards— Form groups of five.— The teacher shows seven flashcards chosen in advance, along with some more that do not correspond to the contents studied, but serve to confuse and complicate the game.— Students listen to the clues that the teacher gives on a particular flashcard.— The group that guesses the flashcard takes the role of teacher and the game restarts.The photosynthesis song— Students listen to the song of this website several times to learn it:— Encourage students to invent new verses for the content they have learned in the lesson. The sunflower story— The teacher reads the story about the sunflower that appears on this page. — If the teacher likes, encourage students to undertake the activity on the previous page to the story.



Planting sunflower seedsSuggest that students plant sunflower seeds.Equipment needed• Sunflower seeds. • Decorated pots. • Soil.— Students plant seeds in their pots and leave them in a place where they can receive sunlight.— Students should keep track of the growth of their plants. Begin by recording the date the seeds were planted. They may draw pictures of the stages of growth.— After the activity, students can take home their sunflower.Colour changing flowersThis activity is intended for students to see for themselves how the petals of a flower can change colour.Equipment needed• Blue food colouring. • Three or four white carnations. • Transparent glass with water.— Ask students: Do you remember how flowers/plants take water? Do you think its petals can change?— Pour the dye into the glass with water.— Place the carnations inside the glass. — Leave them for a few days.— Observe what happens every other day to the colour of the petals and comment among all about why it happens. FlowersStudents make coloured flowers out of plasticine.Equipment needed• Coloured plasticine. • Varnish. • Glue. • Cardboard cut out of a box.— Mould the reproductive tract of flowers with different coloured plasticine. — Compare the model done with those of their classmates and complete their own if something is missing.— Glue the flower on the board and varnish. Allow to dry.— Display flowers to review the sexual parts during the lesson.From pollination to germinationThe purpose of this activity is to check student knowledge.- Encourage students to sing the songs learned in this lesson.Equipment needed• Large cards. • Colours. • Pencils or crayons. • Sheets of paper cut into four pieces.- Form four work groups. Each will have a name: pollination, fertilisation, fruit and seed development, and germination.— Students in each group will draw on different sheets the appropriate roles or parts of the process.— Students in each group write phrases or element names in various papers relevant to the process.— Mix the drawings of the four groups. Do the same with the phrases and names.— A student should match as many drawings and phrases or names as possible in 2 minutes.— The rest of the class must ensure that the pairs are correct.— Repeat the game as many times as possible, so that all students can participate.




Photocopiable consolidation sheets: pages 212 to 214 of the Guide Book. Complete a few sentences about the nutrition and reproduction of animals. Match different characteristics to the vital functions. Explain the meaning of the words herbivore and omnivore. Complete sentences about various vital functions of plants. Label different elements related to the nutrition of plants.

Photocopiable extension sheets: pages 213 to 215 of the Guide Book. Complete a table concerning the vital functions of some animals. Order the animals based on their type of sexual reproduction. Order and name the processes of plant sexual reproduction.


OF THE UNIT OF BASIC SKILLS/MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCESPhotocopiable evaluation sheet (supplementary material). Pages 252 to 253 of the Guide Book.

Complete some sentences about the life processes of animals.

Explain the difference between a single and double circulatory system.

Classify animals according to their way of reproduction.

Indicate true or false statements about parts and life processes of plants.

Order and explain the process of plant reproduction.

Individual dossier of the module activities: Portfolio.Observation register to check knowledge of content acquired.

Evaluation checklist.Oral and written self-evaluation.Rubric assessment of basic skills/multiple intelligences of the unit.




- Silent reading (self-regulation of comprehension).- Reading aloud.

Comprehensive reading. Reading other written texts, digital texts, interactive activities etc., to obtain information, learn, have fun or communicate. Reading fragments of texts. Reading and understanding instructional texts.

Oral/written expression Using warmers, oral activities to break the ice and create the right atmosphere to introduce the topic. Expressing what has been learnt appropriately orally and in writing, using precise vocabulary. Using open questions, information search tasks and games. Singing. Dramatisation: role-play. Incorporation of nonverbal communication: body language.

Dramatization, oral and written presentation of ideas, responses or a subject, dialogue, debate. Presentations about people or objects, arguments, incorporating non-verbal language, etc.

ICT ACTIVITIES Activity about metamorphosis: Activity about tropism: Activity about photosynthesis: Activity about pollination: Activity about plant reproduction:



MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR A POSITIVE EVALUATION Understand and distinguish between the interaction, nutrition and reproduction characteristics of animals. Distinguish between the various forms of animal respiration. Know about the digestive tract of herbivores, carnivores and omnivores. Know the difference between single and double circulatory systems. Know the difference between sexual and asexual reproduction in animals. Understand how plants produce their own food and oxygen through photosynthesis.

GRADING CRITERIA Correct use of the related concepts and vocabulary when giving and requesting information. Spontaneous use or use in everyday contexts of the knowledge acquired. Level of personal elaboration of ideas and responses. Level of comprehension and communication of the information. Presentation and punctuality of tasks submitted: appropriate style, correct and clear expression of the information and procedures followed, lack of spelling mistakes, etc.• Behaviour: respect for classmates, teaching staff and class material, interest and motivation, attention during explanations, tenacity, perseverance, sociability, etc.• Percentage or grade in individual projects, tests and exercises, etc.• Level of involvement in tasks, group activities, projects, etc.





Student's book SCIENCE 4; (Editorial Edebé)Activity book SCIENCE 4; (Editorial Edebé)Interactive whiteboard.Pedagogical resources.Perishable material.

Classroom, other spaces. Approximate time: 3 weeks.

The suggested methodology promotes the development of learning in the following sequence: • Adaptation of the content presentation to the students' linguistic competency in the English language.• Initial motivation and eliciting of prior knowledge.• Progressive and careful inclusion of contents by means of examples taken from everyday, contextualized situations to enable the transfer, generalization and expansion of learning, and which integrates with the basic skills identified.- Application of acquired knowledge in a variety of different activities (Applying, reasoning, working with basic skills and multiple intelligences, projects, cooperative groups, interactive activities, consolidation and extension activities, etc.), organized by level of difficulty in order to facilitate the basic skills and different cognitive styles of the students. - Different kinds of digital resources, using both the interactive whiteboard and computers. These resources include activities integrated into the learning programme, interactive activities and carefully selected Internet links.

Module B: The cycle of lifeSTRUCTURE:• The module is introduced with a double-page image relating to the module content which includes a prior knowledge exercise of the two module lessons (before starting).• Each lesson is presented with a double-page image relating to the module content which includes: the content presentation (you will learn), the key vocabulary for the lesson (vocabulary) and a prior knowledge activation exercise (get ready!).• The content is developed in a sequence of stages over a double page based around an image which refers to the basic facts needed to understand what is being explained.• Each stage includes a diverse range of learning activities, both oral and written, that facilitate the application of the content of the lesson (talk about it, notebook activities, online, did you know?). • Investigate is a suggested activity at the end of each module. It involves an experimental exercise relating to the module content which brings together the main stages of the scientific method.• At the end of the module, there is an integrated task (the challenge) with activities to work on and assess the basic skills and multiple intelligences. It involves contextualized activities dealing with real, everyday situations for the student, in such a way as to activate and apply their knowledge, taking into account the students' different levels of capability and learning styles (with reading, reasoning, movement, dramatization, visual arts, etc.).





Diverse range of student tasks carried out in the daily activities of the class.

Varied student evaluation activities (book, photocopiable files, written test, etc.).

Group work. ITC activities: Interactive activities, treasure hunts

Internet links. Individual dossier.

Evaluation of the approach and processes employed as well as the result obtained.

Individual and collective questions. Dialogue. Oral presentation. Individual oral test.

Observation and evaluation of the amount each student participates and the quality of their contribution.

Individual evaluation checklist. Record for the ongoing evaluation of the class

group. Self-evaluation (oral and written). Teacher's blog. Rubric assessment of the Basic Skills/Multiple

Intelligences of the unit.





Class preparation and educational materials

There is consistency between the programme and the development of the classes. There is a balanced distribution over time. The classes are adapted to the characteristics of the group.

Use of suitable methodology

Meaningful learning objectives have been taken into account.Interdisciplinarity is incorporated into the programme (during activities, handling contents, etc.). The methodology promotes motivation and develops the students' skills.

Regulation of teaching practice

Degree of monitoring of students. Suitability of resources used in class to the learning objectives. The promotion criteria are agreed between the teachers.

Evaluation of what is learnt and the resulting information supplied to students and families

The criteria for positive evaluations are linked to the objectives and contents. The evaluation tools take account of numerous learning variables. The grading criteria are suited to the typology of planned activities. The evaluation criteria and the grading criteria are made available:

• To the students.• To the families.

Employment of measures attending to diversity

Measures are taken in advance to ascertain learning difficulties. A response is made to different learning speeds and skills. There are sufficient measures and resources available.Application of special measures recommended by the teaching staff in response to psycho-pedagogical reports.





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• Individualized attention in the classroom for the execution of the suggested activities.• Adaptation of programme activities.• Individualized attention inside and outside the classroom for the execution of adapted activities.• Significant curricular adaptation due to SEN.• Curricular adaptation for high intellectual capacity.• Adaptations made to the curricular material for late entry in the Education System....



MODULE C: People in Spain


INDICATORSUnderstanding and interacting with the physical and natural world/Naturalist• Interpret information from various sources and prepare graphs, charts, diagrams, concept maps, outlines... identifying existing relationships, to apply to scientific explanations and problem solving.Cultural and artistic/Intrapersonal• Develop a project for an urban centre: idea, organisation, stages, content, techniques and materials, presentation. Draw conclusions and make suggestions for improvement.Linguistic communication/Verbal-linguistic• Practise active listening and adopt a dialogue-ready attitude in interpersonal or group situations to ensure proper communication. Mathematic/Logical-Mathematical • Apply appropriate calculus techniques, making adjusted estimates of reality to solve practical problems in statistics.Social and citizenship/Intrapersonal• Know the criteria of democratic participation, linked to the rights and duties of citizens to encourage participation from diverse areas.• Respect languages, customs and views of others, without sacrificing personal and cultural identity, to live peacefully, contribute to respect for human rights and

• Differentiate between sparsely populated areas (towns and villages) and densely populated areas (cities).• Know what causes lead to an increase or decrease in the population.• Value diversity in Spain, and respect the customs and traditions of each region.• Learn to read a local map and a political map.• Know that the territory of Spain is divided into 17 autonomous communities and 2 autonomous cities.• Know the meaning of town, council or borough, region, province and autonomous community.• Understand the organisation of Spain as a democratic country.• Use information and communication technology as a tool for learning.• Use the procedures of scientific method observing charts to know the density and the most and least populated areas.

• Show interest in, and learn to read, a chart.• Show curiosity about what causes increases and decreases in population.• Know and enjoy the customs and traditions that are celebrated in Spain and elsewhere in the world.• Understand and identify maps.• Understand and identify the autonomous communities and cities.• Understand and identify the nature of a council or borough, a region, a province and an autonomous community.• Understand and identify the functioning of the organisation of Spain from the monarchy, the government and the three types of elections.• Obtain relevant information online.• Implement procedures of scientific method to learn customs and traditions of other countries.

• Practices active listening and adopts a dialogue-ready attitude in interpersonal or group situations to ensure proper communication. (Linguistic Communication)• Applies appropriate calculus techniques, making adjusted estimates of reality to solve practical problems in statistics. (Mathematical Logic)• Respects languages, customs and views of others, without sacrificing personal and cultural identity. (Social and Citizenship Skills)• Interprets information from various sources, tables, diagrams, concept maps, outlines... identifying existing relationships to apply to scientific explanations. (Knowledge of and Interaction with the Physical World)• Creates a project: idea, organisation, stages, content, techniques, materials and presentation. (Cultural and Artistic)• Practices active listening and adopts a dialogue-ready attitude in interpersonal or group situations to ensure proper communication. (Linguistic Communication)• Knows the criteria of democratic participation, linked to the rights and duties of citizens, to encourage


Caja Alta, 05/17/12,


peoples, and live by the value of tolerance. Processing information and digital competence/Verbal-linguistic• Make regular use of the technological resources available, selecting the most appropriate at all times to learn, develop and communicate.

participation from diverse areas. (Social and Citizenship Skills)• Uses technological resources available, selecting the most appropriate at any time to find information. Information Management and Digital Competence)

CONTENTSModule CPresentation of the key content of the module. (Procedures)Lesson 5



Presentation of the unit content. (Procedures)Prior knowledge. (Concepts)Introduction to the unit vocabulary. (Procedures)Knowledge of human settlements. (Concepts)Identification and differentiation of the human population. (Procedures)Knowledge and identification of sparsely populated areas. (Concepts)Knowledge and identification of the most populated areas. (Concepts)Knowledge and identification of the increase and decrease of city dwellers. (Concepts)Knowledge and function of graphs to know changes in the population. (Concepts)Knowledge and respect of traditions and holidays celebrated in Spain and other countries. (Concepts)Lesson 6Presentation of the contents of the unit. (Procedures)Prior knowledge. (Concepts)Introduction to the vocabulary of the unit. (Procedures)Recognition and identification of Spain as a European country. (Concepts)Knowledge and identification of the autonomous communities. (Concepts)Knowledge and identification of the provinces. (Concepts)Knowledge and identification of the regions. (Concepts)Knowledge and identification of the organisation of Spain and the elections. (Concepts)InvestigateIntroduction to the scientific method: hypothesis formulation, experimentation, analysis of results and conclusion. (Procedures)Interest in interpreting the charts. (Values)The ChallengeUse of information and communication technologies as a tool for finding information. (Procedures)Creating rangolis and diyas. (Procedures)




Peace education: Interest in relating and communicating with others. Moral and civic education: Keen to take part in group activities, paying attention to the participation of classmates.


Read a text about people and their environment, and look at the images and the accompanying vocabulary. Compare the natural landscape and man-made images, and discuss if one could live in a natural environment and what they need to live there, responding to

questions raised. Read a text on human settlements, and study the images and vocabulary. Talk about which of the two settlements pictured could grow more easily and justify the answer to the question. Read a text on areas of low population density, and study the picture and vocabulary. Count the houses in the picture, and discuss the number of families that could make up the village and the potential usefulness of the land surrounding the

site, responding to the issues raised. Read a text on areas of high population density, and observe the image and vocabulary. Talk about how many families may live in the city pictured and why buildings in cities are higher, responding to the questions. Listen to the CD (track 9). Read the text about people, and study the pictures and vocabulary. Read the number of people that Villanueva has had in different years and the number of births, new residents and people who have moved, and calculate the

number of inhabitants that the town had in 2009, responding to the question. Read a text about population charts, and study the graph and vocabulary. Observe and interpret the graph on the town of Villanueva and calculate how many inhabitants more there are in 2012 than in 2011, how many more in 2011

than in 2010, and which year had the fastest-growing population, responding to the questions. Read a text about holidays and traditions, and study the images and vocabulary. Speak about local festivals and the songs, dances and food with they use to celebrate, responding to the questions. Listen to the CD (track 10) on castellers.

LESSON 6 Read a text about Spain (its location, territory and organisation), and study the map and vocabulary. Name the oceans and seas surrounding our country and talk about whether Spain is completely surrounded by water, responding to the questions. Continue reading the text and look at the images and vocabulary. Discuss why Spain is a democratic state. Listen to the CD (track 11): true or false?



Read a text about the autonomous communities and their organisation, and look at the map and vocabulary. Name their autonomous community and its capital, responding to the questions. Perform an online interactive activity on the autonomous communities. Continue reading the text on the communities and study the images and vocabulary. Discuss the roles of autonomous governments and parliaments, answering the question. Read a text about the Spanish provinces, and study the map and vocabulary. Listen to the CD (track 12) on particularities of communities and provinces. Perform an online interactive activity on provinces and autonomous regions. Continue reading and look at the maps of the provinces. Name the province they are in and which are the closest provinces. Discuss whether these nearby provinces belong to the community in which they reside,

answering the question. Read a text on councils and their organisation, and look at the map and vocabulary. Name the council they are in and identify the province and autonomous community to which it belongs, in response to the issues raised. Continue reading the text and study the picture and vocabulary. Talk about services, other than those mentioned in the text, which their council deals with. Read a text about the elections and their types, and look at the images and vocabulary. Students give speeches with ideas for improving their area, based on the answers to the questions on page 83. When the speeches are finished, they vote

for whoever is considered the best candidate for the mayor. Continue reading the text and study the outline in the picture and the vocabulary. Discuss if there is a class representative in the group itself, how he or she was elected and his or her functions, responding to the questions.





Group class. Talk to activate prior knowledge: with the help of the initial picture, talk about the provinces of Spain and their traditions,

foods and languages. Ask students to observe the double page of the student book and ask the following question: What can you see?

Explain to students that Spain is a large country with many provinces, traditions, languages and varied foods. Ask the following questions: Which province do you live in? Which language or languages do you speak? What traditional foods are there in your area? Can you name any other typical foods from Spain? Are there any members of your family that come from a different part of the country? Have you ever been there? Did you like it? Can you name any famous traditions and festivities of Spain? Have you ever been to any?


Lesson 5. Group class. Talk to activate prior knowledge. Using the picture, talk about the geography of Spain and its traditions. Ask students to

observe the double pages of the book and say: Look at the roads and the buildings in this picture. Is this a city or a village?

Introduce the vocabulary for the lesson: Mountainous, thinly, densely, inhabitants, settlements, rural, urban and festivities.

Explain to students that in this lesson they will learn about the most dense and least dense population centres, population graphs and festivities and traditions. Ask the following questions: Where would you prefer to live. In a big city or in a small town? Why?

Lesson 6. Group class. In order to motivate students in learning this lesson, bring to class a globe. Ask students to find their country of origin.

Ask the questions: What country would you like to visit? Why? Encourage students to sing Spanish spoken. Talk to activate prior knowledge. Using the picture, talk about the councils and provinces of Spain. Ask students to look at

pages 74 and 75, and explain that Spain is a large country divided into councils and provinces. Ask the question: Look at the flags on this town hall. Can you recognise any?


THE CHALLENGE: In this activity, students celebrate the Diwali festival, creating diyas, rangolis and sending greeting cards. Ask students to look at the pictures on page 88.

Collecting information: Students visit the internet links given on page 88 on the festival of Diwali, the diyas and rangolis. Make diyas and rangolis: Create the diyas using plasticine or clay. Decorate with gold paint. Create rangolis. Choose a

web page design and copy on the card. Decorate with bright colours. Send your e-card greeting: Access the following web page that appears and choose the card. Enter a message and the

email address of a friend. Send. Make a presentation poster: Students write stories about Diwali. They draw diyas and paste them on rangolis. They

display the diyas to classmates. Then they ask their friends to open their email to see the cards they have received.




Lesson 5Spanish spoken

The aim of this activity is that, with the song, students are aware of the language, culture and gastronomy in Spain, and learn a choreographed dance.

Explain to students that Spanish is the second most spoken language in the world. Ask the following question: Do you know in what countries Spanish language is spoken?

Tell students they will learn a song which names all the Spanish-speaking countries. Students watch the video in this link:ñol.They must carefully watch the

choreography of the song to learn it. They must then imitate the dance, while they watch the video.Flashcard activity

This activity aims to familiarise students with the vocabulary of the module. Show students the flashcards and name them. Then play the game Crazy telephone. Place the flashcards on the board. Divide students into groups. Once groups are ready, each student will be assigned a

number. The teacher whispers the word or phrase in the flashcard to the player Number 1 in each group. Player No. 1 must repeat the word or phrase to number 2, number 2 to number 3 and so on. The last student whispers the word to the teacher. If the word or phrase comes to the teacher as was originally said, the group will get a point. Change the order number of the students and keep playing..

Foreign children This activity is intended for students to learn some customs of children or people from other countries who could be

classmates or neighbours. Explain to students that these people speak other languages and knowing them we can learn different customs and ways

of life. Ask the following question: Do you know children in your class or neighbours who live in Spain, but come from another country?

Suggest students conduct interviews with foreign people they know. They should collect the following information: Where are they from? Since when are they living in Spain? What are their typical foods and games?

Students bring the interviews and read them in the classroom. If there is a child from abroad in the classroom, it would be interesting to have them explain a typical game of their

country for everyone to play.Mountainous land vs. flat/coastal land

This activity is for students know the difference in lifestyles between mountain/rural areas and plains/coastal areas. The teacher draws on the board two pictures: one of a mountainous area and one of flat ground. Ask the question:

Where would it be easier to build a town? Where would you build it? Why? All together, create two lists, where you write the advantages and disadvantages of living in each place.

Mountainous land Flat/Coastal lande.g.: It´s healthier There are lots of shops There are a few shops only Pollution



Pictures activity/Hungry crocodile This activity is to determine the knowledge acquired by students through a game. Paste the following images found online or in magazines etc. on the board: unpopulated mountain landscape, populated

mountain landscape, unpopulated coastal landscape, populated coastal landscape, rural image (that looks sparsely populated), image of urban area (that looks very crowded).

Secretly choose a word from those studied so far: building, mall, street, mountainous, flat, etc. Draw on the board a river, and in the river draw as many stones as letters of the word or phrase you have chosen.

Across the river, draw a crocodile with his mouth open and, on the shore, a person: a line to represent the body, two legs, two arms, a head, etc. Students will say letters to guess the word. If they get a letter right, write it on the stone in the river, and if not, delete a part of the man’s body. If students manage to guess the word, nominate a classmate to choose a word.

Pictures activity The purpose of this activity is to determine the knowledge acquired by students through a game. Show and tell students the following images: unpopulated mountain landscape, populated mountain landscape,

unpopulated coastal landscape, populated coastal landscape, rural image (that looks sparsely populated), image of urban area (that looks very crowded).

Distribute the images among the students and write on the board: THINLY POPULATED and DENSELY POPULATED. Ask students with pictures that stand up and say what image they have. They have to put them in the proper place on the

board. Give the pictures to other students to continue playing. Wall Collage

This activity is for students, as group work, complete a collage of different types of populations to display in the classroom.

Materials needed: two large cardboard sheets and magazines. Students should bring to the classroom magazines about cities, towns, urban and rural areas, etc... Students cut out pictures and classify them in two groups: Mountainous land/flat/coastal land.

Counting population This activity is for students to learn how to count the inhabitants of an area. Explain that this process takes place in the Town Hall to know how many people are in a populated area. Draw 3 columns on the board with the following headings: NAME - GENDER GROUP (male and female) - AGE GROUP

(children, teenagers, adults, elderly). Have students copy the chart on a sheet or in their notebooks and enter the data of people living in their home. Once you have the information, students will present the results to their classmates. Add all the results up to see how

many men, women and children there in total.Population increases/decreases

This activity is for students, through a game, to understand the increase and decrease of a population. This activity can be made in the patio.

Drawing a line on the floor with chalk. Choose 10 students at random to be placed on the line.



The teacher says: 5 people move out of the town. Students answer: The population decreases, and they take 5 steps back. The teacher says: 3 babies are born. Students respond: The population increases, and take 3 steps forward. All students should participate.

Poster activity This activity is for students to know the different holidays and traditions celebrated in Spain. Materials: large poster

boards (one for each work group) and information from magazines or the internet etc... Students form work groups. Each group will choose a holiday in Spain and look for relevant information: songs, clothes,

food, customs... Once finished, the work can be shown in the classroom. Work groups make a presentation for their classmates,

explaining the city they have chosen and the details of the celebration and tradition.Lesson 6Long live Europe!

This activity is for students to learn the anthem of Europe and do a group project on the countries of the European Union. Students listen to the anthem of the European Union, and must find out who was its founder and what day Europe Day is

celebrated ( Materials: brown wrapping paper, pages cut in half and markers. On the wrapping paper, draw the flag of Europe. Paint with crayons or coloured pencils. Once coloured, hang it on the

wall. Students draw and colour the flags of the countries of the European Union, and then paste them around the European

flag or on it. They write a title at the top of the work, e.g.: Europe Day, May 9th. At the bottom, they write the name of the founder of

the European Union. Bring to class pictures of various flags that students can copy, or students themselves can find them online and choose

the ones they want to work on, bringing them to the classroom. The teacher should take note of the countries chosen by the students so they are not repeated.

Spain's organization This activity is for the students to know more about the political organisation of Spain. Materials: A4 card for each student, information collected online. Students seek online information about: Spain's Organization, Monarchy, Government, General Courts. Students write a brief summary of the Spanish monarchy, the government and the Parliament (may include images). Once finished, display the work in the classroom.

Autonomous Communities Puzzle This activity aims to help students learn to put the Spanish autonomous communities into place on a map. Materials: wrapping paper, paper, crayons and markers. The teachers draw a large profile map of Spain on continuous paper.



Students draw on the pages the autonomous communities, writing the name and painting each a different colour. Then they cut them out to stick on the map and create a puzzle.

Once the puzzle is finished, they can paint the different seas and oceans.Spain’s provinces

This activity is for students to know the provinces of Spain and some of its monuments. Students seek online images of relevant monuments, cathedrals and castles belonging to the different provinces of

Spain. The students cut them out and paste them onto the map of the autonomous communities created in the activity of the

previous page, writing the name of the province concerned in each case. Boroughs

This activity is for students to know in depth their own borough. Materials needed: map of the borough where they live, information and pictures of the most important tourist spots in

their borough. Students may visit a tourist information centre to pick up a map of the borough. Bring the map to the classroom. All together observe and discuss the highlights of the borough. Students write a review about their borough and places of interest (may add pictures obtained). After the activity, some students can read out their comments. Display the work in the classroom.

Vote for a president This classroom activity is for students to know the election process for better functioning of a community. It will need two candidates. Each one will have to convince other students to vote for him or her. They should offer

improvements in the classroom. For example: Keep the class clean and tidy. More excursions. Have plenty of school supplies such as pencils, pens, books, etc.

Set a date for the elections. That day each student will write on a piece of paper the name of the candidate they have chosen, and deposit their ballots in a box. Votes will be counted to see who will be president.


Photocopiable consolidation sheets: pages 216 to 218 of the Guide Book. Correct some sentences about natural and artificial landscapes, mountains and cities. Match information about the increase and decrease in population. Locate and write the name of the autonomous communities of Spain on the map.

Photocopiable extension sheets: pages 217 to 219 of the Guide Book. Draw the New Year's Eve party and answer some questions about it.

EVALUATION OF THE UNIT OF BASIC SKILLS/MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCESPhotocopiable evaluation sheet (supplementary material). Pages 254 to 255 of the Guide Book

Match concepts relating to villages and cities.

Evaluation checklist.Oral and written self-evaluation.Rubric assessment of basic skills/multiple intelligences of the unit.



Read a text on population and answer some questions.

Explain a tradition from another country. Write the name of ten Autonomous

Communities and ten provinces. Define concepts related to the borough.

Individual dossier of the module activities: Portfolio.Observation register to check knowledge of content acquired.




- Silent reading (self-regulation of comprehension).- Reading aloud.

Comprehensive reading. Reading other written texts, digital texts, interactive activities etc., to obtain information, learn, have fun or communicate. Reading fragments of texts. Reading and understanding instructional texts.

Oral/written expression Using warmers, oral activities to break the ice and create the right atmosphere to introduce the topic. Expressing what has been learnt appropriately orally and in writing, using precise vocabulary. Using open questions, information search tasks and games. Singing. Dramatisation: role-play. Incorporation of nonverbal communication: body language.

Dramatization, oral and written presentation of ideas, responses or a subject, dialogue, debate. Presentations about people or objects, arguments, incorporating non-verbal language, etc.

ICT ACTIVITIES Activity about autonomous communities: Activity about provinces and autonomous cities:



MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR A POSITIVE EVALUATION Differentiate between sparsely populated areas (towns or villages) and densely populated areas (cities). Value diversity in Spain, and respect the customs and traditions of each autonomous community. Know that the territory of Spain is divided into 17 autonomous communities and 2 autonomous cities. Know what constitutes a town, council or borough, region, province and autonomous community. Understand the organisation of Spain as a democratic country.

GRADING CRITERIA Correct use of the related concepts and vocabulary when giving and requesting information. Spontaneous use or use in everyday contexts of the knowledge acquired. Level of personal elaboration of ideas and responses. Level of comprehension and communication of the information. Presentation and punctuality of tasks submitted: appropriate style, correct and clear expression of the information and procedures followed, lack of spelling mistakes, etc.• Behaviour: respect for classmates, teaching staff and class material, interest and motivation, attention during explanations, tenacity, perseverance, sociability, etc.• Percentage or grade in individual projects, tests and exercises, etc.• Level of involvement in tasks, group activities, projects, etc.





Student's book SCIENCE 4; (Editorial Edebé)Activity book SCIENCE 4; (Editorial Edebé)Interactive whiteboard.Pedagogical resources.Perishable material.

Classroom, other spaces. Approximate time: 3 weeks.

The suggested methodology promotes the development of learning in the following sequence: • Adaptation of the content presentation to the students' linguistic competency in the English language.• Initial motivation and eliciting of prior knowledge.• Progressive and careful inclusion of contents by means of examples taken from everyday, contextualized situations to enable the transfer, generalization and expansion of learning, and which integrates with the basic skills identified.- Application of acquired knowledge in a variety of different activities (Applying, reasoning, working with basic skills and multiple intelligences, projects, cooperative groups, interactive activities, consolidation and extension activities, etc.), organized by level of difficulty in order to facilitate the basic skills and different cognitive styles of the students. - Different kinds of digital resources, using both the interactive whiteboard and computers. These resources include activities integrated into the learning programme, interactive activities and carefully selected Internet links.

Module C: People in SpainSTRUCTURE:• The module is introduced with a double-page image relating to the module content which includes a prior knowledge exercise of the two module lessons (before starting).• Each lesson is presented with a double-page image relating to the module content which includes: the content presentation (you will learn), the key vocabulary for the lesson (vocabulary) and a prior knowledge activation exercise (get ready!).• The content is developed in a sequence of stages over a double page based around an image which refers to the basic facts needed to understand what is being explained.• Each stage includes a diverse range of learning activities, both oral and written, that facilitate the application of the content of the lesson (talk about it, notebook activities, online, did you know?). • Investigate is a suggested activity at the end of each module. It involves an experimental exercise relating to the module content which brings together the main stages of the scientific method.• At the end of the module, there is an integrated task (the challenge) with activities to work on and assess the basic skills and multiple intelligences. It involves contextualized activities dealing with real, everyday situations for the student, in such a way as to activate and apply their knowledge, taking into account the students' different levels of capability and learning styles (with reading, reasoning, movement, dramatization, visual arts, etc.).





Diverse range of student tasks carried out in the daily activities of the class.

Varied student evaluation activities (book, photocopiable files, written test, etc.).

Group work. ITC activities: Interactive activities, treasure hunts

Internet links. Individual dossier.

Evaluation of the approach and processes employed as well as the result obtained.

Individual and collective questions. Dialogue. Oral presentation. Individual oral test.

Observation and evaluation of the amount each student participates and the quality of their contribution.

Individual evaluation checklist. Record for the ongoing evaluation of the class

group. Self-evaluation (oral and written). Teacher's blog. Rubric assessment of the Basic Skills/Multiple

Intelligences of the unit.





Class preparation and educational materials

There is consistency between the programme and the development of the classes. There is a balanced distribution over time. The classes are adapted to the characteristics of the group.

Use of suitable methodology

Meaningful learning objectives have been taken into account.Interdisciplinarity is incorporated into the programme (during activities, handling contents, etc.). The methodology promotes motivation and develops the students' skills.

Regulation of teaching practice

Degree of monitoring of students. Suitability of resources used in class to the learning objectives. The promotion criteria are agreed between the teachers.

Evaluation of what is learnt and the resulting information supplied to students and families

The criteria for positive evaluations are linked to the objectives and contents. The evaluation tools take account of numerous learning variables. The grading criteria are suited to the typology of planned activities. The evaluation criteria and the grading criteria are made available:

• To the students.• To the families.

Employment of measures attending to diversity

Measures are taken in advance to ascertain learning difficulties. A response is made to different learning speeds and skills. There are sufficient measures and resources available.Application of special measures recommended by the teaching staff in response to psycho-pedagogical reports.





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• Individualized attention in the classroom for the execution of the suggested activities.• Adaptation of programme activities.• Individualized attention inside and outside the classroom for the execution of adapted activities.• Significant curricular adaptation due to SEN.• Curricular adaptation for high intellectual capacity.• Adaptations made to the curricular material for late entry in the Education System....



MODULE D: The land and history of Spain


INDICATORSLinguistic communication/Verbal-linguistic• Practise active listening and adopt a dialogue-ready attitude in interpersonal or group situations to ensure proper communication.Cultural and artistic/Intrapersonal• Develop a project on a geographical or historical theme: idea, organisation, stages, content, techniques and materials, presentation.Mathematic/Logical-mathematical • Identify the meaning of symbolic and numerical information to solve everyday situations.Understanding and interacting with the physical and natural world/Naturalist• Reflect on the environmental, social and cultural implications of scientific and technological advances, analysing the most important achievements to become aware of the impact on society.• Interpret facts to justify hypotheses, models or theories to arrive at true conclusions.Social and citizenship/Intrapersonal• Perform functions and tasks required, taking responsibility and balancing the assigned tasks with the time needed for completion.• Identify the range of geographical, socioeconomic, technological, ideological

• Know the terrain of Spain and its community, distinguishing interior and coastal landscapes.• Understand and identify the mountain ranges in Spain.• Distinguish the parts of a river and know its characteristics.• Know the national parks in Spain.• Understand, identify and learn how to tell the time.• Learn about and make a chronological sequence (timeline).• Understand and differentiate various times in history.• Use the procedures of scientific method and experimentation to observe the growth and reaction of a plant.• Use the procedures of scientific method in the investigation of inventions created in the past. 

• Know the characteristics of the terrain of Spain and differentiate interior and coastal landscapes.• Know the mountain ranges in Spain. • Understand and identify the rivers of Spain.• Understand and identify the various national parks in Spain.• Understand and identify units of time: hours, minutes and seconds.• Learn and perform chronological sequences of the life of a person.• Know and learn the main features of Prehistory, Ancient History, the Middle Ages, the Modern and Contemporary Era: organisation of societies, social structures, inventions, discoveries and economic transactions.• Use the scientific method to see and test the reaction of plants.• Use the procedures of scientific method to understand inventions created in Roman times.

• Creates a project on a geographical theme: idea, organisation, stages, content, techniques and materials, presentation. (Cultural and Artistic)• Performs functions and tasks required, taking responsibility and balancing the assigned tasks with the time needed for completion. (Social and Citizenship Skills)• Reflects on the environmental, social and cultural impact of scientific and technological advances, analysing the most important achievements to become aware of the implications for society. (Knowledge of and Interaction with the Physical World)• Identifies the meaning of numeric and symbolic information to solve everyday situations. (Mathematical Logic)• Practises active listening and adopts a dialogue-ready attitude in interpersonal or group situations to ensure proper communication. (Linguistic Communication)• Identifies the range of geographical, socioeconomic, technological, ideological and cultural issues that may be the basis of certain historical facts. (Social and


Caja Alta, 05/17/12,
Caja Alta, 05/17/12,


and cultural consequences that may be the basis of certain relevant historical events as well as current situations and social problems, to encourage critical thinking about the real needs of the world around us.Processing information and digital competence/Verbal-linguistic• Use ICT in a critical, ethical and responsible way, assessing the adequacy of media and messages.

Citizenship Skills)• Uses ICT in a critical, ethical and responsible way, assessing the adequacy of media and messages. (Information Management and Digital Competence)• Interprets facts to justify hypotheses, models or theories to arrive at true conclusions. (Knowledge of and Interaction with the Physical World)



CONTENTSModule DPresentation of the key content of the module. (Procedures)Lesson 7Presentation of the unit content. (Procedures)Prior knowledge. (Concepts)Introduction to the unit vocabulary. (Procedures)Knowledge and identification of the main features of the terrain of Spain. (Concepts)Identification and knowledge of the mountain system, peninsulas and plateaus of Spain. (Concepts)Identification and characteristics of the Atlantic Ocean, Mediterranean Sea and the Cantabrian sea. (Concepts)Knowledge of the capes, bays and gulfs of Spain. (Concepts)Identification and knowledge of the rivers in the Atlantic basin, Mediterranean and Cantabrian. (Concepts)Identification and characteristics of national parks in Spain: Picos de Europa, Monfragüe, Teide, Ordesa and Monte Perdido. (Concepts)Adopt attitudes of respect for the natural world. (Values)Lesson 8Presentation of the contents of the unit. (Procedures)Prior knowledge. (Concepts)Introduction to the unit vocabulary. (Procedures)Knowledge and identification of units of time: hours, minutes and seconds. (Procedures)Measurement of time: the clock and telling the time. (Procedures)Location of chronological events. (Concepts)Knowledge of periods in history. (Concepts)Knowledge of the main features of Prehistory: organisation of societies, social structures, construction and dress code. (Concepts)Knowledge of the main characteristics of Ancient History/Roman empire: the organisation of societies, social structures, construction and dress code. (Concepts)Knowledge of the main features of the Middle Ages: organisation of societies, social structures, construction and dress code. (Concepts)Knowledge of the main features of the Modern Era: organisation and changes in society and construction. (Concepts)Knowledge of the main features of the Contemporary Era: organisation of societies, discoveries and inventions/technology. (Concepts)InvestigateIntroduction to the scientific method: hypothesis formulation, experimentation, analysis of results and conclusion. (Procedures)Research what inventions we have kept since Roman times. (Concepts)The ChallengeUse of information and communication technologies as a tool for finding information. (Procedures)Creation of a digital book about national parks in Spain. (Procedures)




Peace education: Interest in relating and communicating with others. Moral and civic education: Keen to take part in group activities, paying attention to the participation of classmates.


Read a text about the landscape of Spain and study the images, map and vocabulary. Talk about how you can know which areas are high and low when reading the map, answering the question. Read a text on ridges and plateaus, and study the pictures, map and vocabulary. Name the highest peak in the Iberian Peninsula and the mountains to which it belongs, and name the mountain range that divides the northern and south-

ern plateau, responding to the questions. Read a text on the coastline and study the pictures, map and vocabulary. Discuss the differences and similarities between the Atlantic, Cantabrian and Mediterranean coasts, looking at the images. Read a text about rivers and basins, and study the images and vocabulary. Listen to the CD (track 13) on geography. Name the longest Spanish rivers and the ones which flow into the Atlantic Ocean through the Spanish coast, responding to the questions. Continue reading about Spanish rivers and basins, and study the images and vocabulary. Discuss why many towns and cities of Spain are located near a river. Read a text on Spanish national parks and look at the pictures and vocabulary. Discuss the differences between the four landscape pictures, say in which of them it is possible that it rains less and how can you tell by looking at the im-

ages, responding to the issues raised. Listen to the CD (track 14) and guess which national park is being talked about. Perform an interactive online activity watching the Timanfaya video and responding to the questions.

LESSON 8 Read a text about time and how to read the time on a clock, and study the image and vocabulary. Talk about where the hands of the clock are at 2.35 and when it’s 10 minutes to 4, responding to the questions. Continue reading the text on the time, and study the vocabulary and the tables of equivalence of measurements of time. Perform an online interactive activity on various units of time. Read a text about timelines, and study the pictures and vocabulary. Talk about where and when Amelia was born and how old she was when he crossed the Atlantic, responding to the issues raised. Read a text about different historical periods, and study the pictures and vocabulary. Compare the clothes and buildings of the period and discuss their differences, studying the picture and responding to questions.



Listen to the CD (track 15) and guess to which period the object belongs. Read a text about prehistory and study the vocabulary and illustrations. Talk about how prehistoric Man painted caves and what elements could be used as a paint and brush, responding to the issues raised. Perform an online interactive activity about life in prehistoric times. Read a text on the ancient historical period, and observe the illustrations and vocabulary. Talk about the role of the Roman buildings in the picture and if there are Roman ruins near where you live, responding to questions. Perform an online interactive activity about life in ancient Rome and the utensils that were used. Read a text about the Middle Ages, its society and characteristic buildings, and study the pictures and vocabulary. Talk about what people in the social pyramid of the Middle Ages were the richest and the poorest, and discuss who the peasants worked for, responding to

the questions. Continue reading the text on the characteristic of medieval buildings and study the pictures and vocabulary. Discuss what type of medieval building you would like to have lived in, justifying your answer and why castles had high walls, and responding to questions. Read a text about the Modern Age and its society, and study the pictures and vocabulary. Speak about the transportation that existed at the time responding to the question. Read a text about the Contemporary Age, its society and technology, and study the images and vocabulary. Listen to the CD (track 16) and guess the historical period the people mentioned lived in. Discuss how new inventions changed the lives of people and provide examples of useful inventions of modern times, responding to questions.





Group class. Talk to activate prior knowledge. With the help of the picture, talk about various geographical features of Spain. Ask

students the following questions to test their knowledge: Do you remember Spain´s different landforms? How about a gulf? And a cape? And a mountain chain? What can you see in the picture? Describe the landscape in the picture. How long do you think people have lived here?


Lesson 7. Group class. Talk to activate prior knowledge. With the help of the picture, talk about the community. Ask the following questions: Is

your community in the Peninsula? Is it in the North? Or South? Does it have a coast?Lesson 8. Group class.

Talk to activate prior knowledge. With the help of the picture, talk about buildings from different periods. Ask these questions: Look at these buildings. Do you think they were all built at the same time? Which ones do you think are the oldest? How can you tell?


THE CHALLENGE: In this activity, students develop an e-book about natural parks in Spain.

Collecting information: Students visit the Internet links given on page 120 about the national parks of Spain with images of landscapes, animals and plants.

Make a document: Use a computer to open a word processor. Prepare the flip book according to the defined structure. Save the document as a PDF file.

Make your digital flip book: Students visit: They join up by following the steps indicated. Then they upload the PDF document, click on finish and publish it. If desired, they can send the document by e-mail to friends and family.


Lesson 7Landscape changingThe purpose of this activity is to motivate students to learn the lesson with a song. — Beforehand, explain to students that the song talks about the changes that occur to the landscape because of humanity: the landscape is changing, crying, thousands of hectares of forest are dying... — Watch and listen to the video several times to learn the song. Invent some movements to accompany while singing (— The teacher suggests learning the lyrics in Castilian. Once translated, sing the song in Castilian trying to adapt the lyrics.— Ask students what Mankind could do to help the environment. Note the proposals on the board. — Form groups. Each group will identify a proposal they promise to fulfil during the week.— At the end of the week, each group should discuss whether they have fulfilled their commitment and how.Ecological disastersThis activity is for students to know some of the ecological disasters that have occurred in Spain.



— Students seek online information about ecological disasters that occurred in Spain (oil spills, toxic substances, gas leaks, etc...)— They must write a brief report of the disaster (when it occurred, its causes and consequences), add pictures of the event and explain how the area is affected currently.— In groups, students will present their report to the other classmates. — All other students can give their opinion on each disaster.LandscapesStudents do the following online activity to acquire skills at reading maps.— Students enter the website indicated and follow the instructions to play and learn:’s landscape modelThis activity is for students to learn about the terrain of Spain through art. They will assemble a model of the Spanish geography during the lesson.Materials:• Cardboard (can be recycled from an old cardboard box). • Colouring pens or markers.                • Coloured plasticine.— Students will be divided into work groups and, on the cardboard or poster board, construct a map of Spain in relief with coloured plasticine. They should begin by shaping the map of Spain and then covering it according to terrain height.— It would be interesting for students to look for information on the climate of the country and add this information to their work. Mountain ranges and plateausExplain to students that sometimes signs are put on maps to indicate certain places.— Suggest students create signs to mark the mountains and the hills of Spain on the model of the map drawn in the previous activity.Materials:• Toothpicks.             • Strips of paper 1 cm x 4 cm.              • Glue.— Students write on the slips of paper the names of various mountains, hills and plateaus.— Stick a toothpick in each strip and place it in the appropriate place on the plasticine model created in the previous activity.— Students check amongst each other to see if they have done the activity correctly.Seas and OceansThis activity is for students to learn through drawing the seas and oceans around Spain.— Draw around the model they are making, the seas and oceans surrounding Spain.— With plasticine also make islands for the model.— Students paint the seas and oceans around the model with tempera paint and brush. To do this, use different shades of blue, starting with the lighter (closer to the land) and ending with the darkest (further from the coast). — Once dry, write with a black permanent marker the names of the seas and oceans. Students can add fish that have been cut out, drawn, or made out of plasticine (e.g. dolphin fins), and can even make a boat of paper or cardboard and stick it on the water...River Poem



This activity is for students to learn about the rivers of Spain through art.— It is proposed that students learn this short poem about the river:

River PoemBy a river I see: Bridges rising,Fishes swimming, Waters flowing.Tankers floating, Life on the riverFishers fishing Keeps on going!Boaters boating,

Spanish Rivers Materials:• Blue and green plasticine.            • Toothpicks.— Students create, with blue and green plasticine, the most important rivers of Spain on the relief model. With a toothpick, they shape the boundaries of the rivers so that they do not mix the different colours of plasticine.— Upon completion of the model, they display it for other classes to observe.Spanish National Parks This activity is for students to know more about the natural parks of Spain.Materials: • Large cardboard sheet.               • Glue.               • Colouring pens.               • Scissors.               • Information collected.— Form groups of four or five students. — Each group chooses a different park to work on.— Look for all necessary information online or in magazines. They may include pictures and the most important information about that park.— On a card students write data in different sections given by the teacher:                            Description of the park                            Date of creation                            Surface Area                            Flora and fauna                            Climate of the area                            Location and height— After the investigation, the work groups make a presentation in the classroom. — The murals may be hung in the classroom or hallways.Lesson 8Evolution of LondonMuralThis activity is for students to be able to distinguish different epochs looking at the mural.— Show students the mural of the module and ask them to look at the pictures of the evolution of time. Then ask the following questions: Do you think in the first picture there were traffic lights and zebra crossings? How about the buses. Have they



changed a lot? Do you travel by bus? Look at the picture. What is the boy doing? Do you think it's important to respect traffic lights? Why? Do you think London is cleaner now or before? What is the boy doing? Imagine if everyone would throw rubbish on the floor. What would the town be like?— Ask them to observe the images of the evolution of the bus. Discuss, together, the differences between the four images (wheels, doors, how people sit on the bus...).— Students act out how the four buses were used.Ten Cool Archaeological SitesThe purpose of this activity is to motivate students to learn content.— Explain to students that archaeologists are scientists who study objects from the past to understand human history.— View the following video with students: ht tp:// . It is recommended to pause on each image and read together the information it contains.— Once the ten images have been seen, put students in pairs.— They must choose one of the monuments of the video and search the web.— After the activity, the partners will present and read the work to their peers.Clocks, clocks, clocksThis activity aims to help students learn to tell time with an interactive game. It would be interesting to do it on a digital whiteboard.— We suggest repeating the game as many times as the teacher wants to ensure that all students participate in it and learn ( clocksThis activity is for students to design their own clock and learn to tell the time. Materials:• A coloured paper plate.          • Card stock.              • Scissors.             • Markers.  • Binders.             • Hole Puncher.— If the plate is white, students can decorate it as desired.— They write the numbers on the plate and cut out the hands on the cardboard. They hole-punch them and join the hands and the plate with the binder. — Write on cards the numbers 0 through 9 to simulate a digital clock.— Play the game of the hours. Taking turns, one student chooses a random time and the rest should set the time specified.— Indicate the same time with the cards simulating a digital clock. Check that it has been marked correctly.People from the pastThis activity is for students to become familiar with the life of someone famous in the past, creating a timeline.— Students can choose the character they want and tell their teacher. The teacher records the selected characters and makes sure that no two students choose the same character. — Students look for information about the chosen character online and write their timeline on a card.— The work will be exhibited individually. Then they choose the timeline they liked most and say why.History’s timeline This activity is intended for students to reinforce the knowledge acquired through group work.



Materials:• Wrapping paper.            • Images.   • Markers.              • Glue.            • Information collected.— Students gather information online or from encyclopaedias about these Ages: Prehistory, Middle Ages, Ancient History, the Modern Era and the Contemporary Era.— Stick the wrapping paper one the wall and write different periods as a title.— Students take turns sticking the information collected on the wall and explain briefly about the image pasted.Prehistoric InvestigationThis activity aims to help students understand the prehistoric period through research.— Students carry out individual research work. — They write on a piece of paper what life was like in prehistoric times. They can choose the theme they like: dinosaurs, evolution of man, and so on.— They can also paste images to illustrate the information.— Use an area of the classroom to display information on prehistory and the stages to be studied later.Ancient History InvestigationThis activity aims to help students understand the period of antiquity through research.— Students do individual research work. — They write on a sheet of paper what life was like in ancient times. They can choose the theme they like: slaves, sports, Roman cuisine, clothing, etc...— They can also paste images to illustrate the information.— Students can dress according to the theme studied, or with plasticine mould objects used at the time.— In turn, they present the information to classmates.— Put the works in an appropriate place, as explained on page 132.Middle Ages InvestigationThis activity aims to help students understand the period of the Middle Ages through research.— Students do individual research work. — Write on a sheet of paper what life was like in the Middle Ages. They can choose the theme they want: men, nobility, witchcraft, farmers, etc...— They can also paste images to illustrate the information.— Students can dress according to the theme studied, or mould with plasticine objects used at the time.— In turn, they present the information to classmates.— Put the works in an appropriate place, as explained on page 132.The Modern Era InvestigationThis activity aims to help students understand the early modern period through research.— Students conduct individual research work. — Write on a sheet of paper about life in the modern age. They can choose the theme they want: technology, factory workers, etc.— In turn, they present the information to classmates.



— Put the works in an appropriate place, as explained on page 132.The Contemporary Era InvestigationThis activity aims to help students understand the period of the modern age through research.— Students conduct individual research work. — Write on a sheet of paper about contemporary. They can choose the theme they want: men, nobility, witchcraft, farmers, etc.— They can also paste images to illustrate the information.— Students can dress according to theme studied, or model with plasticine objects used at the time.— In turn, they present the information to classmates.— Put the works in an appropriate place, as explained on page 132.


Photocopiable consolidation sheets: pages 220 - 222 of the Guide Book.         Find different terrain elements in a map of Spain.         Identify the seas of Spain.         Find in a word search different words relating to history.         Complete some sentences about history.         Explain the characteristics of society in the Modern Age.

Photocopiable extension sheets: pages 221 - 223 del Guide Book.         Complete the table on some rivers in Spain and their features.         Draw and describe a building from one stage of history.


OF THE UNIT OF BASIC SKILLS/MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCESPhotocopiable evaluation sheet (supplementary material). Pages 256 - 257 of the Guide Book.

Complete several sentences about the landscapes of Spain.

Explain the characteristics of the Cantabrian Coast.

Classify some rivers according to their basins.

Indentify true and false Historical statements.

Complete the table about Historical periods and social classes.

Individual dossier of the module activities: Portfolio.Observation register to check knowledge of content acquired.

Evaluation checklist.Oral and written self-evaluation.Rubric assessment of basic skills/multiple intelligences of the unit.




- Silent reading (self-regulation of comprehension).- Reading aloud.

Comprehensive reading. Reading other written texts, digital texts, interactive activities etc., to obtain information, learn, have fun or communicate. Reading fragments of texts. Reading and understanding instructional texts.

Oral/written expression Using warmers, oral activities to break the ice and create the right atmosphere to introduce the topic. Expressing what has been learnt appropriately orally and in writing, using precise vocabulary. Using open questions, information search tasks and games. Singing. Dramatisation: role-play. Incorporation of nonverbal communication: body language.

Dramatization, oral and written presentation of ideas, responses or a subject, dialogue, debate. Presentations about people or objects, arguments, incorporating non-verbal language, etc.

ICT ACTIVITIES Activity about Spanish national parks: Activity about units of time: Activity about Prehistory: Activity about Roman Times:



MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR A POSITIVE EVALUATION Know the terrain of Spain and its community, distinguishing interior and coastal landscapes. Know and identify the mountain ranges in Spain. Distinguish the parts of a river and its characteristics. Understand, identify and learn to tell the time. Understand and differentiate various epochs in history.

GRADING CRITERIA Correct use of the related concepts and vocabulary when giving and requesting information. Spontaneous use or use in everyday contexts of the knowledge acquired. Level of personal elaboration of ideas and responses. Level of comprehension and communication of the information. Presentation and punctuality of tasks submitted: appropriate style, correct and clear expression of the information and procedures followed, lack of spelling mistakes, etc.• Behaviour: respect for classmates, teaching staff and class material, interest and motivation, attention during explanations, tenacity, perseverance, sociability, etc.• Percentage or grade in individual projects, tests and exercises, etc.• Level of involvement in tasks, group activities, projects, etc.





Student's book SCIENCE 4; (Editorial Edebé)Activity book SCIENCE 4; (Editorial Edebé)Interactive whiteboard.Pedagogical resources.Perishable material.

Classroom, other spaces. Approximate time: 3 weeks.

The suggested methodology promotes the development of learning in the following sequence: • Adaptation of the content presentation to the students' linguistic competency in the English language.• Initial motivation and eliciting of prior knowledge.• Progressive and careful inclusion of contents by means of examples taken from everyday, contextualized situations to enable the transfer, generalization and expansion of learning, and which integrates with the basic skills identified.- Application of acquired knowledge in a variety of different activities (Applying, reasoning, working with basic skills and multiple intelligences, projects, cooperative groups, interactive activities, consolidation and extension activities, etc.), organized by level of difficulty in order to facilitate the basic skills and different cognitive styles of the students. - Different kinds of digital resources, using both the interactive whiteboard and computers. These resources include activities integrated into the learning programme, interactive activities and carefully selected Internet links.

Module D: The land and history of SpainSTRUCTURE:• The module is introduced with a double-page image relating to the module content which includes a prior knowledge exercise of the two module lessons (before starting).• Each lesson is presented with a double-page image relating to the module content which includes: the content presentation (you will learn), the key vocabulary for the lesson (vocabulary) and a prior knowledge activation exercise (get ready!).• The content is developed in a sequence of stages over a double page based around an image which refers to the basic facts needed to understand what is being explained.• Each stage includes a diverse range of learning activities, both oral and written, that facilitate the application of the content of the lesson (talk about it, notebook activities, online, did you know?). • Investigate is a suggested activity at the end of each module. It involves an experimental exercise relating to the module content which brings together the main stages of the scientific method.• At the end of the module, there is an integrated task (the challenge) with activities to work on and assess the basic skills and multiple intelligences. It involves contextualized activities dealing with real, everyday situations for the student, in such a way as to activate and apply their knowledge, taking into account the students' different levels of capability and learning styles (with reading, reasoning, movement, dramatization, visual arts, etc.).





Diverse range of student tasks carried out in the daily activities of the class.

Varied student evaluation activities (book, photocopiable files, written test, etc.).

Group work. ITC activities: Interactive activities, treasure hunts

Internet links. Individual dossier.

Evaluation of the approach and processes employed as well as the result obtained.

Individual and collective questions. Dialogue. Oral presentation. Individual oral test.

Observation and evaluation of the amount each student participates and the quality of their contribution.

Individual evaluation checklist. Record for the ongoing evaluation of the class

group. Self-evaluation (oral and written). Teacher's blog. Rubric assessment of the Basic Skills/Multiple

Intelligences of the unit.





Class preparation and educational materials

There is consistency between the programme and the development of the classes. There is a balanced distribution over time. The classes are adapted to the characteristics of the group.

Use of suitable methodology

Meaningful learning objectives have been taken into account.Interdisciplinarity is incorporated into the programme (during activities, handling contents, etc.). The methodology promotes motivation and develops the students' skills.

Regulation of teaching practice

Degree of monitoring of students. Suitability of resources used in class to the learning objectives. The promotion criteria are agreed between the teachers.

Evaluation of what is learnt and the resulting information supplied to students and families

The criteria for positive evaluations are linked to the objectives and contents. The evaluation tools take account of numerous learning variables. The grading criteria are suited to the typology of planned activities. The evaluation criteria and the grading criteria are made available:

• To the students.• To the families.

Employment of measures attending to diversity

Measures are taken in advance to ascertain learning difficulties. A response is made to different learning speeds and skills. There are sufficient measures and resources available.Application of special measures recommended by the teaching staff in response to psycho-pedagogical reports.





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• Individualized attention in the classroom for the execution of the suggested activities.• Adaptation of programme activities.• Individualized attention inside and outside the classroom for the execution of adapted activities.• Significant curricular adaptation due to SEN.• Curricular adaptation for high intellectual capacity.• Adaptations made to the curricular material for late entry in the Education System....


MODULE E: Earth is in the Universe


INDICATORSUnderstanding and interacting with the physical and natural world/Naturalist• Use the procedures of scientific methodology in the interpretation of facts to justify hypotheses, models or theories to arrive at true conclusions.• Relate the basics of science to the systems and processes of the natural world, linking them in laws, models and theories to understand the world around us.• Recognise the influence of human activity science and technology on health and the environment to achieve a balance between progress, environment and human being that allows the survival of life.Linguistic communication/Verbal-linguistic• Practise active listening and adopt a dialogue-ready attitude in interpersonal or group situations to ensure proper communication.Social and citizenship/Intrapersonal• Actively participate in team initiatives to experience the reality of achieving a goal with a group of people.• Assist colleagues in their duties, cooperating and engaging with people for the common goal of the team.Cultural and artistic/Intrapersonal• Know and use the variety of codes,

• Know that the solar system consists of the Sun and all the astronomical objects that revolve around it.• Know and learn that the Earth's rotation on its axis is 24 hours/1 day.• Know and learn that the Earth orbits the Sun and takes 365 days/1 year to go round.• Know and learn that the Moon is a satellite of the Earth and orbits the Sun• Know that an eclipse is the occultation of a planet, moon or a star by another.• Know that the Earth is composed of four layers: the geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere and lithosphere.• Learn that the lithosphere is the solid layer of the planet that has three layers.• Sort the rock types according to their origin: igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks.• Classify the types of minerals according to their daily use.• Understand the importance of protecting the environment and know the responsibilities of citizens.• Use information communication technology as a tool for learning.• Use the procedures of scientific method to create a scale model of the solar system.

• Know and understand that the solar system consists of the Sun and all the astronomical objects that revolve around it.• Know and understand that the Earth's rotation on its axis takes 24 hours/1 day.• Know and understand that the Earth revolves around the Sun and takes 365 days/1 year to go round.• Know and the understand that the Moon is a satellite of the Earth and orbits the Sun• Know and understand that an eclipse is the occultation of a planet, moon or a star by another.• Understand and identify the four layers of the Earth: the geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere and lithosphere.• Understand and identify the lithosphere as the solid layer of the planet.• Understand and identify rock types according to their origin.• Know and identify different types of minerals in everyday use.• Know the responsibilities of people for the care and protection of the environment.• Obtain relevant information online.• Implement procedures of scientific

• Relates the basics of science to the systems and processes of the natural world, linking them with laws, models and theories to understand the world around us. (Knowledge of and Interaction with the Physical World)• Efficiently manages a set of resources, techniques and strategies both in individual and team work to undertake new learning and ensure its effectiveness. (Learning to Learn)•Shows confidence and love of learning to expand knowledge and enjoys the learning process. (Learning to Learn)• Practises active listening and adopts a dialogue-ready attitude in interpersonal or group situations to ensure proper communication. (Linguistic Communication)• Knows and uses the diversity of codes, techniques and expressive resources, and implements them in their own artistic creations or projects. (Cultural and Artistic)• Shows confidence and love of learning to expand knowledge and enjoys the learning process. (Learning to Learn)• Recognises the influence of human

Caja Alta, 05/17/12,

techniques and expressive resources, implementing them in their own artistic creations or projects.Learning to learn/Intrapersonal• Efficiently manage a set of resources, techniques and strategies for individual and team work to undertake new learning and ensure its effectiveness.• Show confidence and love of learning to expand knowledge and enjoy the learning process.Processing information and digital competence/Verbal-linguistic• Make regular use of technological resources available by selecting the most appropriate at all times to learn, develop and communicate.

method to see how the solar system works using a scale model.

activity, science and technology on health and the environment to achieve a balance between progress, environment and human beings that allows the survival of life. (Knowledge of and Interaction with the Physical World)• Uses available technology resources, selecting the most appropriate at any time for getting information. (Information Management and Digital Competence)


Module EPresentation of the key content of the module. (Procedures)Lesson 9Presentation of the unit content. (Procedures)Prior knowledge. (Concepts)Introduction to the unit vocabulary. (Procedures)Knowledge and function of the solar system: the Sun and planets. (Concepts)Knowledge and function of the Earth: the Earth's rotation on its axis (days, nights, 24 h). (Concepts)Knowledge and function of the rotation of the Earth around the Sun. The four seasons, 365 days = 1 year. (Concepts)Knowledge and function of the Moon: Phases of the Moon. Reflection of the Sun (Concepts)Knowledge and function of Lunar and Solar eclipse: position of the Earth, Sun and Moon. (Concepts)Lesson 10Presentation of unit contents. (Procedures)Prior knowledge. (Concepts)Introduction to the vocabulary of the unit. (Procedures)Knowledge and identification of the Earth’s spheres: lithosphere, biosphere, atmosphere and hydrosphere. (Concepts)Knowledge and identification of the Earth: organic and inorganic matter. The layers of the Earth. (Concepts)Recognition and identification of rocks: igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks. (Concepts)Recognition and identification of minerals: gold, silver, diamonds, salt, iron and copper. (Concepts)Knowledge and identification of the biosphere: presentation of the connection and self-regulation of the spheres of the Earth. (Concepts)InvestigateIntroduction to the scientific method: hypothesis formulation, experimentation, analysis of results and conclusion. (Procedures)Interest in knowing how much carbon dioxide produced by oneself in one year. (Values)The ChallengeUse of information communication technologies as a tool for finding information. (Procedures)Create a scale model of the solar system. (Procedures)


Peace education: Interest in relating and communicating with others. Moral and civic education: Keen to take part in group activities, paying attention to the participation of classmates.


Read a text about the solar system and study the images and vocabulary. Name the closest planet to the Sun and the farthest, say how many planets are between the Earth and the Sun, and name the coldest and hottest planets. Discuss the difference between a star and a planet, how many planets there are in our solar system and how many suns, responding to the questions. Listen to the CD (track 17) on the Solar System. Perform an online interactive activity on the size of the planets. Read a text about the rotation of the Earth, and study the images and vocabulary. Looking at the illustration of the Earth's axis, decide if our planet is in an upright position or tilted, and talk about how many days it takes the Earth to spin

round once. Conduct an online interactive activity about the Earth's rotation. Perform an online interactive activity about the day and the night and the tilt of Earth's axis. Read a text about the Earth's orbit, and study the images and vocabulary. Comment on what season the Sun's rays reach the Earth more directly and what the temperature is at the time, justifying the answer to the question. Discuss

whether the seasons are due to the inclination of the Earth or the distance between the Earth and the Sun Conduct an online interactive activity on the reason why there are seasons. Read a text about the moon and study the pictures and vocabulary. Listen to the CD (track 18) regarding facts connected with the Moon. Talk about why on Earth the Moon appears to change shape, whether the moon rotates around the sun during the day, and whether the moon is visible during

the day, justifying the answers to the questions. Conduct an online interactive activity on the lunar phases and respond to questions. Read a text about solar and lunar eclipses, and look at the pictures and vocabulary. Discuss what they think is happening on Earth during a solar eclipse, given that the Moon blocks out sunlight in that case. Perform an online interactive activity on eclipses. Continue reading about lunar eclipses, and look at the pictures and vocabulary. Talk about whether sunlight reaches the Moon during a lunar eclipse, justifying the answer to the question, and the difference between a solar and lunar


LESSON 10 Read a text about the Earth’s spheres, and study the pictures and vocabulary. Listen to the CD (track 19) and say which place the elements mentioned correspond to. Perform an online interactive activity to learn more about the four spheres of the Earth. Discuss the elements found in each of the spheres and the animals and plants that live in the atmosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere, responding to the

issues raised. Read a text about the lithosphere and its layers, and study the pictures and vocabulary. Talk about whether animals and plants can survive in the geological substratum of the earth, how animal remains become earth and why there are some

rocks in the subsurface, responding to the issues raised. Read the text on the Earth and the parts of the lithosphere and its components, and study the images and vocabulary. Read a text about rocks and rock types as components of the lithosphere, and study the pictures and vocabulary. Discuss how magma turns to stone, answering the question. Read a text on minerals and mineral types as part of the lithosphere, and study the images and vocabulary. Talk about everyday objects made from minerals in the images, which are harder and which can be converted more easily, responding to the questions. Read a text on the biosphere, and study the pictures and vocabulary. Talk about how animals and plants of the biosphere interact with other areas of the Earth, and whether an animal or plant could survive without interacting

with them, explain the answers to the questions. Read a text about the care of the planet and study the images and vocabulary. Discuss how the habits shown in the pictures contribute to the care of the planet, answering the question. Listen to the CD (track 20) and choose the best way to care for the planet.



Group class. Talk to activate prior knowledge. Motivate students and start the module content using the following activity: bring a globe

to the classroom. Then ask the following questions: What is this? Where is it? Do we live here? Using the initial image of the module, discuss the planet Earth. Ask the questions: What colour is the Earth? What shape

do you think it has?


Lesson 9. Group class. Talk to activate prior knowledge. Show the flashcards and with the help of the image, talk about planets and stars. Ask

the following questions: The Universe has millions and millions of stars that give out heat and light. Do you think our Sun is a star or a planet? What about our Earth? What else can you see in the picture? What are they looking at? What with?

Lesson 10. Group class. Talk to activate prior knowledge. Using the picture, talk about solids, liquids and gases. Ask the question: Can you see

any gases, liquids, solids or living things in this picture?


THE CHALLENGE: Students create a model of the solar system.

Collecting information: Students visit the Internet links given on page 148 to learn how to make the Solar System. They must discover the scale distances that separate the different planets from the Sun.

Make your model: Materials: string, 8 labels with the names of the planets and the actual distances that separate the planets from the Sun. Cut a piece of string for each planet, keeping the measurements to scale. Hole-punch the labels and tie the string to each planet.

See the model in action: Students go to the patio with their teacher. Choose a classmate to represent the Sun, who should stand at the centre of the patio. Give the representative of each planet the appropriate length of string according to the established scale. Note how the real scale of the solar system is carried out. Respond in the notebook to the question.


Lesson 9Earth songThe purpose of this activity is to motivate students in learning the module and know the importance of caring for our planet.— Students watch the video online several times to learn the song:— Discuss the meaning of the song.— In turn, students write on the board the main contents of the song.— Discuss among all the content of the song.— Students answer the question asked by the teacher: What message is the song giving us?Famous astronomers— Encourage students to sing the Earth song.This activity is for students to be familiar with the life and work of the first scientists who studied astronomy.— Students form pairs and collect information (online, magazines, encyclopaedias...) on the astronomers who have been famous

throughout history: who were investigating what, what they discovered...— Each pair writes a short summary.— Upon completion of the work, the pairs present and read their work to their classmates.The Solar System songSuggest students learn the following song about the solar system.— Students watch carefully the following video several times to learn the song:— While singing the song, students invent some moves to go with it. They can also create a costume that matches some of the items that appear in the song. Our Solar SystemThis activity is for students, as a group, to learn in depth about the planets of the Solar System.Materials:• Role of navy blue wrapping paper (about five feet). • Poster boards. • Markers. • Scissors. — The Teacher pastes the paper on the wall.— Students will be divided into nine working groups, one for each planet plus the Sun. Each group will draw the planets of the solar system and the Sun on the cards (keep in mind the size) and will look for information about the planet or star worked on.— They mount the solar system on the mural.— With the information collected, write the most relevant facts and stick them beside each object.The Earth's rotationThis activity is for students to learn more about the motion of the Earth and the Sun— Bring to class a globe and a flashlight.— Ask students to find Spain on the globe and place a sticker over the country. — Choose a student to hold the flashlight pointed at the globe. The torch takes the role of the Sun.— Turn off the lights and slowly turn the globe. Ask students to say "stop" when the light illuminates the sticker, and ask: Is it day or night?— Remind students that while on one side of the world it is day, on the other it is night.— Allow students to take turns to rotate the globe or to be the Sun.The Earth’s Orbit PictureThis activity aims to help students learn about the Earth's orbit around the Sun and its function through artistic expression.— Encourage students to sing the songs of the lesson: Earth song and Solar System Song.— Suggest that students experience the Earth's orbit around the Sun.— Divide the class into two groups: one will be the Sun and other, the Earth. Stage the motion of the Earth around the Sun. — The teacher indicates what point in the orbit represents Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter on Earth.— Propose making a drawing of the orbit on a card.Materials:• One A4 card per student. • Colours: markers, watercolours, coloured pencils... • Pencil.— Students draw on the cardboard the Earth's orbit around the Sun. They can copy the picture of the student book.— Decorate to individual taste, indicating when it is Spring, Summer, Autumn or Winter.

— Upon completion of the work, display them in the classroom as decoration.The MoonThis activity is for students to learn the phases of the Moon through artistic expression.— Encourage students to sing the songs of the lesson: Earth song and Solar System Song.— Students represent the motion of the Moon and its phases. They form three groups (Sun, Moon and Earth). Materials:• A4 black cardboard per student. • Soft white wax or white chalk. Dip in water to paint • Wrapping paper balls or a beach-ball and football. • Flashlight or lamp.— Students representing the Sun have a flashlight or lamp turned on. Students representing the moon hold a beach-ball or a ball made of wrapping paper. Students representing the Earth will hold a football or a ball made of brown wrapping paper.— Students represent the movement, while the teacher indicates the different phases of the moon.— Discuss the experience and remember the Moon’s phases and the position of the Sun, Earth and Moon.— Students should draw the phases of the Moon on black cardstock.— They paint the Moon’s phases and write the names below: Waxing crescent, first quarter, waxing gibbous, full, waning gibbous, last quarter and waning crescent.Eclipse experimentThis activity is for students, through a simple experiment, to experience the process of an eclipse.Materials:• Flashlight (representing the sun). • A cardboard circle (representing the moon). • Face of a classmate (representing the Earth).— Choose a student at random to hold the flashlight and another to be a model. The student holding the flashlight should be in front of the other student, focusing light on his cheek.— The student "model" will hold the cardboard circle in front of him, so the circle is between his or her face and the light.— Experiment with the two solar eclipses (total and partial), where the moon comes between the Earth and the Sun.Lesson 10Flashcard activityThis activity aims to familiarise students with the vocabulary of the lesson.— Show the following flashcards to students and have them name the concepts as quickly as possible: biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, organic soil, volcanic rock, metamorphic rock, sedimentary rock, gold, silver, salt.— Repeat the flashcard game, making it faster and more fun each time.— Place the flashcards face down on the table. The teacher names a concept. In turns, a child turns over a flashcard. If it matches the concept named by the teacher, the flashcard is taken away. If not, it’s put back on the table face down.Be my Echo (flashcard)— Display a flashcard and say the word quickly, slowly, loudly or very quietly. Students repeat the same way. You can say the word showing different moods: angry, sad, happy and upset.— Then play the crocodile game.— Draw a river on the board and in the river some rocks, one for each character of the chosen word. Draw a man by the river

and on the other side, a hungry crocodile.— Students guess letters to reveal the word. If they are wrong, rub out a part of the man. If they are right, write the corresponding letter on the stone in the river.The Earth’s SpheresThis activity aims to help students learn the four spheres of the Earth through teamwork.— Divide students in four groups. Each group works on a sphere. Students look for pictures and information on each.Materials:• 1 large cardboard per group. • Colours. • Scissors. • Glue.— Students draw murals with the information collected. They decorate and write the information on the cardboard.— Upon completion of the work, each group presents their mural to their classmates. Hang the work in the classroom.Earth's layers modelThis activity is for students to learn the layers of the Earth through artistic expression.Materials:• Small ball of cork. • Red paint. • Plasticine: orange, yellow, blue and green. • Toothpicks. • Sticky-tape (narrow). • Fine-point permanent marker. • Brush.— Students paint the ball red. Allow to dry.— They make four flags with toothpicks and tape. The flags should be 2 cm.— On the tape in permanent marker, write: INNER CORE - OUTER CORE - MANTLE - CRUST. — Cover the red ball with orange plasticine, leaving a portion of the ball uncovered. — Cover the orange plasticine with the yellow, also leaving a portion uncovered.— Cover the yellow plasticine with the blue, leaving a portion free so the four colours can be seen. — With the green plasticine, create the world's continents on top of the blue.— Finally, place the flags on the ball as follows: Inner core flag: Red - Outer core flag: orange - mantle flag: yellow - crust flag: in blue or greenVolcanoes— Students watch these magnificent images and films of volcanoes:,,— Discuss among all what images they liked and the opinions made by watching the videos.— Draw the image that was the most surprising.Mineral investigationThis activity aims to help students understand minerals. — Students gather information about minerals. They must choose two or three, and do a little research project. They can search online or in encyclopaedias.— They can exhibit their work in the classroom to the other students.The biosphereThis activity is for students to learn more about the biosphere, through artistic expression.

Materials:• One card per student. • Colours (waxes, pencils...) • Compass. • Plasticine.— Students draw some elements of the biosphere on the cardboard. — They model elements of the biosphere: plants, animals, water...— Mount the model on the cardboard.Looking after a planetThis activity is for students to become aware of the importance of protecting the environment.— Encourage students to sing the Earth song.— Draw the planet on wrapping paper. Paint it.— Each student draws on a sheet of paper a positive action to protect the environment.— Afterwards, they cut it out and paste it around the planet. — Students explain the causes and consequences of each picture on the planet.


Photocopiable consolidation sheets: pages 224 to 226 of the Guide Book. Draw the solar system. Complete some sentences about the planets of the Solar System. Label the different layers of the Earth in a drawing. Respond to some characteristics of the layers of the Earth. Explain one way to care for the Earth.

Photocopiable extension sheets: pages 225 to 227 of the Guide Book. Draw the movements of the Earth and explain each of them. Find the names of the planets of the Solar System in a word puzzle. Complete a table on organic and inorganic matter. Match different kinds of rocks with their corresponding features. Draw a mineral and write its characteristics.

EVALUATION OF THE UNIT OF BASIC SKILLS/MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCESPhotocopiable evaluation sheet (supplementary material). Page 258 - 259 of the Guide Book.

Define as false or true some statements about the solar system.

Explain what the rotation of the Earth is. Define solar and lunar eclipses. Explain the phases of the Moon and

their cause. Complete a few sentences about the

layers of the Earth. Sort elements into rocks or minerals.

Evaluation checklist.Oral and written self-evaluation.Rubric assessment of basic skills/multiple intelligences of the unit.

Match some minerals to their characteristics.

Define atmosphere, sedimentary rock, hydrosphere.

Individual dossier of the module activities: Portfolio.Observation register to check knowledge of content acquired.


- Silent reading (self-regulation of comprehension).- Reading aloud.

Comprehensive reading. Reading other written texts, digital texts, interactive activities etc., to obtain information, learn, have fun or communicate. Reading fragments of texts. Reading and understanding instructional texts.

Oral/written expression Using warmers, oral activities to break the ice and create the right atmosphere to introduce the topic. Expressing what has been learnt appropriately orally and in writing, using precise vocabulary. Using open questions, information search tasks and games. Singing. Dramatisation: role-play. Incorporation of nonverbal communication: body language.

Dramatization, oral and written presentation of ideas, responses or a subject, dialogue, debate. Presentations about people or objects, arguments, incorporating non-verbal language, etc.

ICT ACTIVITIES Activity about planets: Activity about rotation of the Earth: http: // Activity about day and night: Activity about the Seasons: http// Activity about the phases of the Moon: Activity about eclipses: Activity about the spheres of the planet:

MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR A POSITIVE EVALUATION Know that the solar system consists of the Sun and all the astronomical objects that revolve around it. Know and learn that the Earth rotates on its axis in 24 hours/1 day. Know and learn that the Earth orbits the Sun and takes 365 days/1 year to go round. Know that the Earth is composed of four spheres: the geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere and lithosphere. Understand the importance of protecting the environment and know the responsibilities of citizens.

GRADING CRITERIA Correct use of the related concepts and vocabulary when giving and requesting information. Spontaneous use or use in everyday contexts of the knowledge acquired. Level of personal elaboration of ideas and responses. Level of comprehension and communication of the information. Presentation and punctuality of tasks submitted: appropriate style, correct and clear expression of the information and procedures followed, lack of spelling mistakes, etc.• Behaviour: respect for classmates, teaching staff and class material, interest and motivation, attention during explanations, tenacity, perseverance, sociability, etc.• Percentage or grade in individual projects, tests and exercises, etc.• Level of involvement in tasks, group activities, projects, etc.



Student's book SCIENCE 4; (Editorial Edebé)Activity book SCIENCE 4; (Editorial Edebé)Interactive whiteboard.Pedagogical resources.Perishable material.

Classroom, other spaces. Approximate time: 3 weeks.

The suggested methodology promotes the development of learning in the following sequence: • Adaptation of the content presentation to the students' linguistic competency in the English language.• Initial motivation and eliciting of prior knowledge.• Progressive and careful inclusion of contents by means of examples taken from everyday, contextualized situations to enable the transfer, generalization and expansion of learning, and which integrates with the basic skills identified.- Application of acquired knowledge in a variety of different activities (Applying, reasoning, working with basic skills and multiple intelligences, projects, cooperative groups, interactive activities, consolidation and extension activities, etc.), organized by level of difficulty in order to facilitate the basic skills and different cognitive styles of the students. - Different kinds of digital resources, using both the interactive whiteboard and computers. These resources include activities integrated into the learning programme, interactive activities and carefully selected Internet links.

Module E: Earth is in the UniverseSTRUCTURE:• The module is introduced with a double-page image relating to the module content which includes a prior knowledge exercise of the two module lessons (before starting).• Each lesson is presented with a double-page image relating to the module content which includes: the content presentation (you will learn), the key vocabulary for the lesson (vocabulary) and a prior knowledge activation exercise (get ready!).• The content is developed in a sequence of stages over a double page based around an image which refers to the basic facts needed to understand what is being explained.• Each stage includes a diverse range of learning activities, both oral and written, that facilitate the application of the content of the lesson (talk about it, notebook activities, online, did you know?). • Investigate is a suggested activity at the end of each module. It involves an experimental exercise relating to the module content which brings together the main stages of the scientific method.• At the end of the module, there is an integrated task (the challenge) with activities to work on and assess the basic skills and multiple intelligences. It involves contextualized activities dealing with real, everyday situations for the student, in such a way as to activate and apply their knowledge, taking into account the students' different levels of capability and learning styles (with reading, reasoning, movement, dramatization, visual arts, etc.).



Diverse range of student tasks carried out in the daily activities of the class.

Varied student evaluation activities (book, photocopiable files, written test, etc.).

Group work. ITC activities: Interactive activities, treasure hunts

Internet links. Individual dossier.

Evaluation of the approach and processes employed as well as the result obtained.

Individual and collective questions. Dialogue. Oral presentation. Individual oral test.

Observation and evaluation of the amount each student participates and the quality of their contribution.

Individual evaluation checklist. Record for the ongoing evaluation of the class

group. Self-evaluation (oral and written). Teacher's blog. Rubric assessment of the Basic Skills/Multiple

Intelligences of the unit.



Class preparation and educational materials

There is consistency between the programme and the development of the classes. There is a balanced distribution over time. The classes are adapted to the characteristics of the group.

Use of suitable methodology

Meaningful learning objectives have been taken into account.Interdisciplinarity is incorporated into the programme (during activities, handling contents, etc.). The methodology promotes motivation and develops the students' skills.

Regulation of teaching practice

Degree of monitoring of students. Suitability of resources used in class to the learning objectives. The promotion criteria are agreed between the teachers.

Evaluation of what is learnt and the resulting information supplied to students and families

The criteria for positive evaluations are linked to the objectives and contents. The evaluation tools take account of numerous learning variables. The grading criteria are suited to the typology of planned activities. The evaluation criteria and the grading criteria are made available:

• To the students.• To the families.

Employment of measures attending to diversity

Measures are taken in advance to ascertain learning difficulties. A response is made to different learning speeds and skills. There are sufficient measures and resources available.Application of special measures recommended by the teaching staff in response to psycho-pedagogical reports.



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• Individualized attention in the classroom for the execution of the suggested activities.• Adaptation of programme activities.• Individualized attention inside and outside the classroom for the execution of adapted activities.• Significant curricular adaptation due to SEN.• Curricular adaptation for high intellectual capacity.• Adaptations made to the curricular material for late entry in the Education System....


MODULE F: Ecosystems


INDICATORSLinguistic communication/Verbal-linguistic• Practise active listening and adopt a dialogue-ready attitude in interpersonal or group interaction situations to ensure proper communication.• Fluently express ideas, needs, emotions, experiences, opinions...Understanding and interacting with the physical and natural world/Naturalist• Recognise the influence of human activity, science and technology on health and the environment to achieve a balance between progress, the environment and human beings that allows the survival of life.Social and citizenship/Intrapersonal• Actively participate in team initiatives to experience the reality of achieving a goal in a group of people.• Assist colleagues in their duties, cooperating and engaging with people for the common goal of the team. Cultural and artistic/Intrapersonal• Know and use the variety of codes, techniques and expressive resources, implementing them in their own artistic creations or projects. Independence and personal initiative/Intrapersonal • Be aware of one’s abilities, attitudes,

• Know that the hydrosphere is composed of all the water on planet Earth, which can exist in three different states.• Know and understand the process of the water cycle.• Know and understand the consequences of a drought and be aware of the proper use of water.• Know and recognise what the atmosphere is and that it is composed of a mixture of gases.• Know and understand that weather is a state of the atmosphere. • Know that all things around us are made of matter.• Know and understand the different states of matter. • Know what physical changes are and understand how some of them happen. • Know and understand that chemical changes are those in which matter is transformed into different substances.• Use the procedures of scientific method and experimentation to observe the reaction of various substances when mixed.

• Know and recognise the hydrosphere and its three states.• Know and understand the water cycle process.• Know and understand the causes and consequences of a drought, and be aware of the proper use of water. • Know that the atmosphere consists of the air around us and that it is a mixture of gases: oxygen and nitrogen.• Know and recognise the characteristics of the different states of weather.• Know and understand some properties of matter, such as mass and volume.• Know and recognise that matter can exist in three different states: solid, liquid and gas.• Know and understand that matter can change from one state to another when heated or cooled.• Know and understand some chemical changes of matter, such as oxidation and combustion.• Differentiate between homogeneous mixtures and heterogeneous mixtures. • Use the scientific method to see and check the chemical reaction when mixing: baking soda, vinegar,

• Practises active listening and adopts a dialogue-ready attitude in interpersonal or group situations to ensure proper communication. (Linguistic Communication)• Knows and uses the diversity of codes, techniques and expressive resources, implementing them in their own artistic creations or projects. (Cultural and Artistic)• Recognises the influence of human activity, science and technology on health and the environment to achieve a balance between progress, the environment and human beings that allows the survival of life. (Knowledge of and Interaction with the Physical World)• Assists colleagues in their duties, cooperating and engaging with people for the common goal of the team. (Social and Citizenship Skills)• Fluently expresses ideas, needs, emotions, experiences, opinions… (Linguistic Communication)• Actively participates in team initiatives to experience the reality of achieving a goal in a group of people. (Social and Citizenship Skills)• Uses ICT critically, ethically and responsibly, assessing the adequacy



strengths and weaknesses, trying to improve them, and showing confidence in oneself.Processing information and digital competence/Verbal-linguistic• Use ICT in a critical, ethical and responsible manner, assessing the adequacy of media and messages.

water and popcorn.• Follow the procedures of scientific method to determine the reactions of different substances when mixed.

of media and messages. (Information Management and Digital Competence)• Is aware of their own abilities, attitudes, strengths and weaknesses, tries to improve them, and shows self-confidence. (Independence and Personal Initiative)



CONTENTSModule F Presentation of the key content of the module. (Procedures)Lesson 11Presentation of the unit content. (Procedures)Prior knowledge. (Concepts)Introduction to the unit vocabulary. (Procedures)Knowledge and characteristics of the hydrosphere. (Concepts)Knowledge of the water cycle. (Concepts)Knowledge of drought. (Concepts)Knowledge and awareness of proper use of water. (Values)Knowledge and characteristics of the atmosphere. (Concepts)Knowledge and characteristics of the weather. (Concepts)Lesson 12Presentation of the unit contents. (Procedures)Prior knowledge. (Concepts)Introduction to unit vocabulary. (Procedures)Identification and knowledge of the subject. (Concepts)Measuring the mass and volume of a body. (Procedures)Knowledge and classification of matter and its various states. (Procedures)Knowledge and identification of physical changes in matter. (Procedures)Knowledge and identification of homogeneous and heterogeneous mixtures. (Procedures)Curiosity to understand how change happens in matter. (Values)InvestigateIntroduction to the scientific method: hypothesis formulation, experimentation, analysis of results and conclusion. (Procedures)Observation of the reaction when mixing bicarbonate, water, vinegar and popcorn through an experiment. (Concepts)The ChallengeUse of information and communication technologies as a tool for finding information. (Procedures)Creating a science fair. (Procedures)Creation of a mural and carrying out of an experiment. (Procedures)




Peace education: Interest in relating and communicating with others. Moral and civic education: Keen to take part in group activities, paying attention to the participation of classmates.


Read a text about the hydrosphere, and study the images and the accompanying vocabulary. Talk about the appearance and quality of water in its different states, responding to the question. Read a text about the hydrosphere and the water cycle, and observe the illustrations and vocabulary. Conduct an online interactive activity on the water cycle. Talk about why large dams have been built in places where it rains a lot, answering the questions. Read a text about drought, and look at the images and vocabulary. Discuss how droughts affect people, animals and plants, whether there has been a drought in their area and what happened then, responding to the

questions. Perform an online interactive activity on the drought in Barcelona in 2008. Read a text about saving water, and look at the images and vocabulary. Talk about what you can do to save water, apart from the measures mentioned in the text, answering the question. Listen to the CD (track 21): a song about saving water. Read a text about the atmosphere and study the illustrations and vocabulary. Blow on fingertips and discuss the colour of air, its smell and shape. Say where the atmosphere is, taking into account that air is in the atmosphere and also

on their fingers, responding to the issues raised. Conduct an online interactive activity on oxygen. Talk about whether you could breathe on other planets in the solar system, taking into account that their atmospheres are devoid of oxygen, justifying the

answer to the question. Read a text about the weather, and study the pictures and vocabulary. Listen to the CD (track 22), and help Charlie and his family plan their vacation. Carry out an online interactive activity on the effects of different climatic conditions. Continue reading the text on the weather, and study the images and vocabulary. Name the devices used to measure wind and temperature and discuss how they work, responding to questions.

LESSON 12 Read a text about matter, and study the picture and vocabulary. Talk about the matter seen in the image, whether the music played by the young man with the guitar is matter, and whether their feelings are matter, justifying



the answers to the questions raised. Talk about whether a balloon weighs less and takes up less space when we let the air out, and discuss the significance of this in terms of matter.

Continue reading the text on matter (mass and volume), and study the illustrations and vocabulary. Talk about which of the two cans in the pictures has more volume, justifying the answer to the question raised; which weighs more, and how they could find

out their weight and volume. Read a text on the classification of matter and its properties, and study the images and vocabulary. Choose two classroom objects and say whether they are hard, elastic, and easy to break and whether they conduct heat, responding to the issues raised. Perform an online interactive activity on the properties of different materials. Read a text about the states of matter, and study the images and vocabulary. Talk about how it is known that liquids have no definite form, answering the question. Read a text about the physical changes of matter, and study the images and vocabulary. In the pictures, talk about whether the matter has changed after suffering a physical change, whether it is still matter and how the matter can return to its

original form. Perform an online interactive activity on solids, liquids and gases. Read a text about the chemical changes of matter, and study the images and vocabulary. Discuss whether the ash can become wood again and whether compost can become fruits and leaves again, responding to the questions. Listen to the CD (track 22) on laboratory experiments. Read a text on mixtures, and study the images and vocabulary. Cite examples of mixtures, apart from the example of the image, and name the elements or ingredients that compose them, responding to questions raised. Continue reading about mixtures and their types, and study the images and vocabulary. Discuss what type of mixtures are air, sea-water and a salad, and name the elements forming these mixtures, responding to the questions raised. Read a text about the separation of mixtures, and study the images and vocabulary. Explain what happens to the water during filtration and evaporation. Talk about whether we can separate solids of the same size using a sieve, and how they

might find some keys if they had been lost on a beach, responding to the questions raised. Listen to the CD (track 22) and help Peter to sort out the mess he has at work. Perform an online interactive activity on reversible and irreversible changes and mixtures.





Group class. Talk to activate prior knowledge. Ask students to look at pages 150 and 151 of the book, and listen to the explanation: air,

water and matter are in continuous flux. The hydrosphere plays an important role in the evolution of life, as well as in the climate, and erosion.

Ask the following questions: What can you see? How could water change in this picture? How does air change? How does the carrot change if the girl eats it? Do you know another name for water?


Lesson 11. Group class. Talk to activate prior knowledge. With the help of the image, talk about water and air. Ask students to look at pages 152

and 153 of the book, and listen to the explanation. Ask the following questions: Which forms of water can you see here? Where is the air in this picture? What do all living

things need to stay alive?Lesson 12. Group class.

Talk to activate prior knowledge. With the aid of the image, talk about matter. Ask students to look at pages 164 and 165 of the book. Ask the following questions: What is the air made of? What is the sea made of? What are you made of?


THE CHALLENGE: In this activity, students organise a fair displaying different experiences..

Learn how to...: Students study the proposed sites to learn how to perform the experiments. Create a cloud in a bottle: Make a geyser with Coca-Cola and a Mentos:, Create rain: Make a lava lamp: Create a picture of a snow crystal: Prepare your experiment: Students work in groups and choose one of the experiments. They develop a poster with the

steps and drawings of the experiment, explaining what happened and why. The Fair: Use the patio to carry out the science fair. Display the poster and do the experiment. Explain to the audience

how it works.SUPPLEMENTARY

ACTIVITIESLesson 11That’s the way the weather isThe purpose of this activity is to motivate students by learning this song about the weather.— Listen carefully and repeat the song several times to learn it.— If the teacher thinks fit, groups of three or four children can be formed to invent movements that accompany the song.— Sing the song in turns and show the movements invented.Hydrosphere and atmosphere



This activity is for students find out, through research, what the hydrosphere and atmosphere are.— Encourage students to sing the song That’s the way the weather is.— Students are placed in pairs.— Students seek relevant information about the atmosphere and hydrosphere, writing an essay about them. They can search online or in any encyclopaedia.— They may include pictures.— They can hang the work in the classroom.HydrosphereThe purpose of this activity is to introduce students to the study of the hydrosphere through a video.— Encourage students to sing That’s the way the weather is.— View the video carefully:— After viewing the video with the students ask the following question: What would happen if the poles melt?— Write the question on the board without the students answering.— Ask them to find information about it and write a brief summary.— Allow students to read to their classmates the information they have learned on the subject.— Discuss the information presented by each partner: whether it has been understood, whether they have found conflicting information...— Agree among all a phrase that answers the question.— Write it on the blackboard..The Water Cycle posterThe purpose of this activity is to motivate students in learning the water cycle through a short story and artistic expression.Short storyRun and get a glass of water and put it on the table next to you. Take a good long look at the water. Now -- can you guess how old it is? (The teacher can present a glass of water)When the first fish crawled out of the ocean onto the land, your glass of water was part of that ocean. When the Brontosaurus walked through lakes feeding on plants, your glass of water was part of those lakes. When kings and princesses, knights and squires took a drink from their wells, your glass of water was part of those wells.The intention is to develop a mural of the water cycle in a group. Students may choose the materials they want to use.Materials:• Wrapping paper (white, five feet approx.). • Cotton. • Aluminium foil.• Tissue paper and other papers of different colours and textures.— Students draw the mountains, water, clouds, etc. on the wrapping paper.— Hang the mural on the wall.— Next, the papers are pasted on the wall to simulate the water, mountains, lakes, clouds, etc. — The water cycle process can be explained while mounting the mural.



Drought consequencesThis activity is intended for students to know the consequences of drought on our planet.— Encourage students to sing the songs: That’s the way the weather is and Saving water.— Students complete this research in pairs.— They write a short essay on the consequences of drought and the proper use of water in our homes.— Search for information online or in encyclopaedias.— Students read their work to classmates.Mural— Study the images of the bottom margin of the mural.— Discuss each of the scenes and explain which are practiced at home and which aren’t.— Search online for other habits that also help save water. Record the information and print images that illustrate each habit.— Form groups of four students. Choose a habit for each group, who promise to practise it during the week.— At the end of the week, discuss whether the commitment has been fulfilled. Repeat the activity for next week: a commitment to meet the habit chosen the previous week and a newly-chosen habit.The AtmosphereThe aim of this activity is to introduce students to the study of the atmosphere through a video.Encourage students to sing the songs in the lesson, That’s the way the weather is and Saving water.— It’s recommended that the teacher stops the video when needed to explain and answer questions from students: phenomena— Watch the video of the tornado:— Students look for information about atmospheric phenomena and disasters that have been occurring over time.Materials:• 1 cardboard per group. • Glue.— Students form work groups for this activity.— They look for information and pictures and paste them on the cardboard.— After the investigation, they make a classroom presentation on their study.What’s the weather like?This activity is for students to learn about the different types of weather through group work.Materials:• 1 large cardboard per group. • Material collected. • Glue. — Students will be placed in work groups, four in total: WIND - PRECIPITATION - VISIBILITY - CLOUD COVER.— Students look for relevant information about the weather to be looked at. — Stick all information, both written and in pictures, on the card.— Once the work is finished, groups present it to their classmates.



Lesson 12States of MatterThe purpose of this activity is to introduce students to learning the states of matter.— Watch with students the following videos and repeat as many times as the teacher deems necessary:,— The teacher can stop when necessary to explain the videos and answer questions from students.Be my echo: flashcardsThis activity aims to familiarise students with the vocabulary of the lesson.— Show students the flashcards and name the concepts they represent: solid, liquid, gas, dense, elastic, brittle, hard, soft, electrically conductive...— Play the game Be my echo.— Show a flashcard and say the word quickly, slowly, loudly or very quietly. Students repeat the same way. One might say the word showing different moods: angry, sad, happy and angry.— Then play the hungry crocodile game.— Draw on the board a river and in the river, some rocks, one for each letter of the chosen word. Draw a man by the river and on the other side, a hungry crocodile.— Students say letters to guess the word. If they get a letter wrong, rub out a part of the man’s body. If they are right, write the corresponding letter on the stone in the river.The Matter song (solid, liquid or gas)The purpose of this activity is to motivate students, and to learn the difference between liquid, solid and gas, through a song.— Listen to the song as many times as the teacher sees fit in order to learn:— Accompany the song with movements to make learning it easier and more fun.Solid, liquid, gas collageThis activity is for students to learn to differentiate the three types of matter through artistic expression.Materials:• 3 large cards. • Magazines.— Post the cards on the classroom wall.— Write titles on the cards: Solid, liquid, gas.— Students cut out pictures of solids, liquids and gases. — In groups, they classify and paste the pictures onto the corresponding cards. Physical changesThis activity aims to help students learn the role of physical changes in matter, through this video.— Watch the video carefully and repeat as many times as the teacher deems necessary: matterThis activity is for students to see for themselves that liquid and gas can take different forms.



Materials:• Two containers or lunch boxes of different size and shape. • Balloons. — Students pour the same amount of water in two containers. Then ask: How do the shapes change? Why do some containers appear to have more liquid than others?— Ask students to inflate the balloons and make shapes with them. Mention that the gas may take various forms.Growing MouldThis activity is for students to see for themselves the chemical changes in the breakdown of food.Materials:• Water. • Sticky tape. • Leftover food (bread, fruit, vegetables or cheese, except fish or meat). • A glass jar with lid.— Form groups of five students and distribute the material to work with.— Lay down the glass jar. Cut between 3 and 5 different pieces of food into small pieces (1.5 cm).— Insert the food in the jar so that they are not stacked.— Place the lid and seal with the sticky tape.— Set the jar somewhere where it won’t fall, but is in plain sight.— Place a label on the jar with the date.— Write down every other day what happens.— Discuss at the end of the process what happened and why.Heterogeneous and homogeneousThis activity aims to help students understand what a homogeneous mixture is through a simple experiment. Materials: • Plastic Bowls. • Water. • Milk. • Almond powder. • Shredded Lettuce. • Food colouring. • Salt • Coffee grounds. • Chocolate powder. • Sand. • Other materials proposed by the students.— Form groups of three or four students.— Distribute the material to all groups equally.— In the bowls, the students experiment mixing the materials in pairs.— Write down what kind of mixture appears in each bowl and what materials are mixed in each.— Present the results to other colleagues and discuss with the other groups.Mixing and separating experimentThis experiment is for students to see how substances can be mixed and separated in the same way.Materials: • Oil. • Funnel. • Vinegar. • Absorbent paper towels. • Blue food colouring.• Cup. • Clear, plastic bottle with cap. • Recipient (lunch box).— This experiment will be conducted by the teacher. — Remove the bottle cap (save the cap).



— Pour the vinegar into the cup halfway.— Add two or three drops of blue food colouring to the vinegar.— Place the funnel into the plastic bottle and pour in the vinegar mixture and dye.— Shake the bottle a bit to mix. Pour half cup of oil in the mixture of vinegar and dye, with the aid of a funnel.— Cover the bottle with the cap, shake well and observe.— First we see a homogeneous mixture. Leave the bottle on the table and wait a few minutes to see what happens.— Oil and vinegar will separate. Note that the mix really is not homogeneous but heterogeneous. Remove the cap from the bottle and pour a little of the substance in the container (lunchbox). Observe what happens: the oil comes out and the vinegar is left at the base of the bottle.— Place the index finger over the mouth of the bottle and slowly turn the bottle over on top of the container without removing the finger.— Leave out some fluid and see that now it is vinegar. — The oil is always located on top of the vinegar.— Discuss their experiences.


Photocopiable consolidation sheets: pages 228 to 230 of the Guide Book Match states of matter to their characteristics. Draw the water cycle and indicate the physical changes at all times. Order the sentences that explain the water cycle. Indicate the measurement of mass and volume of some elements. Explain hardness, elasticity, fragility and conductivity.

Photocopiable extension sheets: pages 229 to 231 of the Guide Book Explain the difference between hydrosphere and atmosphere. Name the five processes of the water cycle. Explain the physical changes of matter. Indicate whether the sentences related to physical and chemical changes are true or false..


OF THE UNIT OF BASIC SKILLS/MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCESPhotocopiable evaluation sheet (supplementary material). Pages 260 - 261 of the Guide Book.

Indicate whether the sentences related to the layers of the Earth, the water cycle and mixtures are true or false.

Explain three ways to avoid wasting water. Explain the difference between the atmosphere and

weather, between physical and chemical changes and between homogeneous and heterogeneous mixtures.

Individual dossier of the module activities: Portfolio.Observation register to check knowledge of content acquired.

Evaluation checklist.Oral and written self-evaluation.Rubric assessment of basic skills/multiple intelligences of the unit.




- Silent reading (self-regulation of comprehension).- Reading aloud.

Comprehensive reading. Reading other written texts, digital texts, interactive activities etc., to obtain information, learn, have fun or communicate. Reading fragments of texts. Reading and understanding instructional texts.

Oral/written expression Using warmers, oral activities to break the ice and create the right atmosphere to introduce the topic. Expressing what has been learnt appropriately orally and in writing, using precise vocabulary. Using open questions, information search tasks and games. Singing. Dramatisation: role-play. Incorporation of nonverbal communication: body language.

Dramatization, oral and written presentation of ideas, responses or a subject, dialogue, debate. Presentations about people or objects, arguments, incorporating non-verbal language, etc.

ICT ACTIVITIES Activity about the water cycle: Activity about drought: Activity about oxygen: Activity about weather conditions: Activity about the properties of materials: Activity about solids, liquids and gases: Activity about physical and chemical changes: Activity about reversible and irreversible changes of matter:



MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR A POSITIVE EVALUATION Know what the hydrosphere is: it consists of all the water on Earth and can exist in three different states. Know and understand the process of the water cycle. Know and understand the consequences of a drought and be aware of the proper use of water. Know that all things around us are made of matter. Know and understand the different states in which matter appears.

GRADING CRITERIA Correct use of the related concepts and vocabulary when giving and requesting information. Spontaneous use or use in everyday contexts of the knowledge acquired. Level of personal elaboration of ideas and responses. Level of comprehension and communication of the information. Presentation and punctuality of tasks submitted: appropriate style, correct and clear expression of the information and procedures followed, lack of spelling mistakes, etc.• Behaviour: respect for classmates, teaching staff and class material, interest and motivation, attention during explanations, tenacity, perseverance, sociability, etc.• Percentage or grade in individual projects, tests and exercises, etc.• Level of involvement in tasks, group activities, projects, etc.




Student's book SCIENCE 4; (Editorial Edebé)Activity book SCIENCE 4; (Editorial Edebé)Interactive whiteboard.Pedagogical resources.Perishable material.

Classroom, other spaces. Approximate time: 3 weeks.

The suggested methodology promotes the development of learning in the following sequence: • Adaptation of the content presentation to the students' linguistic competency in the English language.• Initial motivation and eliciting of prior knowledge.• Progressive and careful inclusion of contents by means of examples taken from everyday, contextualized situations to enable the transfer, generalization and expansion of learning, and which integrates with the basic skills identified.- Application of acquired knowledge in a variety of different activities (Applying, reasoning, working with basic skills and multiple intelligences, projects, cooperative groups, interactive activities, consolidation and extension activities, etc.), organized by level of difficulty in order to facilitate the basic skills and different cognitive styles of the students. - Different kinds of digital resources, using both the interactive whiteboard and computers. These resources include activities integrated into the learning programme, interactive activities and carefully selected Internet links.

Module C: The stuff of lifeSTRUCTURE:• The module is introduced with a double-page image relating to the module content which includes a prior knowledge exercise of the two module lessons (before starting).• Each lesson is presented with a double-page image relating to the module content which includes: the content presentation (you will learn), the key vocabulary for the lesson (vocabulary) and a prior knowledge activation exercise (get ready!).• The content is developed in a sequence of stages over a double page based around an image which refers to the basic facts needed to understand what is being explained.• Each stage includes a diverse range of learning activities, both oral and written, that facilitate the application of the content of the lesson (talk about it, notebook activities, online, did you know?). • Investigate is a suggested activity at the end of each module. It involves an experimental exercise relating to the module content which brings together the main stages of the scientific method.• At the end of the module, there is an integrated task (the challenge) with activities to work on and assess the basic skills and multiple intelligences. It involves contextualized activities dealing with real, everyday situations for the student, in such a way as to activate and apply their knowledge, taking into account the students' different levels of capability and learning styles (with reading, reasoning, movement, dramatization, visual arts, etc.).





Diverse range of student tasks carried out in the daily activities of the class.

Varied student evaluation activities (book, photocopiable files, written test, etc.).

Group work. ITC activities: Interactive activities, treasure hunts

Internet links. Individual dossier.

Evaluation of the approach and processes employed as well as the result obtained.

Individual and collective questions. Dialogue. Oral presentation. Individual oral test.

Observation and evaluation of the amount each student participates and the quality of their contribution.

Individual evaluation checklist. Record for the ongoing evaluation of the class

group. Self-evaluation (oral and written). Teacher's blog. Rubric assessment of the Basic Skills/Multiple

Intelligences of the unit.





Class preparation and educational materials

There is consistency between the programme and the development of the classes. There is a balanced distribution over time. The classes are adapted to the characteristics of the group.

Use of suitable methodology

Meaningful learning objectives have been taken into account.Interdisciplinarity is incorporated into the programme (during activities, handling contents, etc.). The methodology promotes motivation and develops the students' skills.

Regulation of teaching practice

Degree of monitoring of students. Suitability of resources used in class to the learning objectives. The promotion criteria are agreed between the teachers.

Evaluation of what is learnt and the resulting information supplied to students and families

The criteria for positive evaluations are linked to the objectives and contents. The evaluation tools take account of numerous learning variables. The grading criteria are suited to the typology of planned activities. The evaluation criteria and the grading criteria are made available:

• To the students.• To the families.

Employment of measures attending to diversity

Measures are taken in advance to ascertain learning difficulties. A response is made to different learning speeds and skills. There are sufficient measures and resources available.Application of special measures recommended by the teaching staff in response to psycho-pedagogical reports.





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• Individualized attention in the classroom for the execution of the suggested activities.• Adaptation of programme activities.• Individualized attention inside and outside the classroom for the execution of adapted activities.• Significant curricular adaptation due to SEN.• Curricular adaptation for high intellectual capacity.• Adaptations made to the curricular material for late entry in the Education System....
