Professional Development for the Teachers of Tomorrow’s Children WACTE October 28, 2008 Sheila...

Professional Development for the Teachers of Tomorrow’s Children WACTE October 28, 2008 Sheila Fox, WWU

Transcript of Professional Development for the Teachers of Tomorrow’s Children WACTE October 28, 2008 Sheila...

Professional Development for the

Teachers of Tomorrow’s


WACTEOctober 28, 2008

Sheila Fox, WWU

Main Point:We have a rare opportunity to align two

assessments for the professional development of teachers.

Pre-service – Performance-based Pedagogy Assessment (PPA) and

Professional Certificate Portfolio Assessment

What are the advantages of alignment?

Candidates moving from pre-service to in-service environments will recognize language, standards, and performance expectations…

…and in so doing, be able to build on prior knowledge to strengthen their professional development.

A Word About Context


(A description of the metacognitive skills today’s students need in order to be successful in the complex world of tomorrow and some examples of tomorrow’s jobs that don’t even exist today)

What are potential common points in the assessment

instruments? Vocabulary. We should mean the same

thing when we ask for longitudinal record, signature assessments, classroom context or evidence (as opposed to performance).

Focus. Reform in Washington State is changing the focus from teacher input to student learning. Both instruments could strengthen links by asking for student evidence that verifies positive impact over time.

What are potential common points in the assessment

instruments? Student voice evidence based on student

engagement in the learning process, including evaluation. Such as… A transcript of student-led conferences with

parents explaining why a work sample is an example of meeting standard

A student’s (not candidate) narrative description of the learning target, where they are in the learning sequence, and the resources they’ll need to reach the target.

Student charted performance data

What are potential common points in the assessment


Teacher voice Teacher candidates design/adapt developmentally appropriate

instruction that is informed by the following: GLEs, curriculum standards, enduring understanding of content, and depth of

thinking. Teacher candidates use instructional strategies to develop

critical thinking, problem solving, application and understanding of curricular content. They differentiate instruction to meet individual needs and use content knowledge to inform instructional practice. They apply multiple formative and summative assessment strategies to assess student learning and inform their instruction, use assessment results to determine effectiveness of instruction, and modify teaching practices based on assessment results.

The ContinuumThe continuum starts with Standard V certification requirements and

Both teacher and student voice is required.

Standard 5.1: Knowledge of Subject Matter and Curriculum Goals

Criteria - Teacher candidates positively impact student learning that isA. Content driven. All students develop understanding and problem-solving expertise

in the content area(s) using reading, written and oral communication, and technology.

B. Aligned with curriculum standards and outcomes. All students know the learning targets and their progress towards meeting them.

C. Integrated across content areas. All students learn subject matter content that integrates mathematical, scientific, and aesthetic reasoning.

Description of Practice: Teacher candidates design/adapt developmentally

appropriate instruction that is informed by the following: GLEs, curriculum standards, enduring understanding of content, and depth of thinking.

An aligned system would……progress from pre-service preparation and

the PPA,

… to teacher Assistance Programs (TAP)

… to Professional Certification

…to Certificate Renewal

Professional Certification Evidence

Early process is underway Emphasis is on validity and reliability in an

evidence-based environment Evidence must be authentic Evidence may include both teacher and

student voices Instrument will be piloted in 2009 and

implemented in 2010 though there will be a transition period for candidates who are already progressing through a program.

From Mary Jo Larsen:Assessment Update Tryout Participants- a tryout or small-scale pilot will be

conducted to test the directions and materials designed by the development team. The development team is responsible for recruiting these people. This will inform revisions prior to the pilot.

Pilot Schedule and Recruitment-Programs will assist with Pilot recruitment. Information for early recruitment will be available soon. The assessment will be posted to PESB website in January 2009.

Transition Timeline approved by PESB in July 2008-any candidates currently in the program must submit their portfolios to the programs by Sept. 1, 2011. Programs must verify completion to OSPI by Dec. 31, 2011.

One Last Word



Pre-Service Preparation

Professional Certification

Certificate Renewal, National Board Cert.
