Products and Manufacturers - Springer978-1-4612-3308-4/1.pdf · Products and Manufacturers 1. ......

APPENDIX I Products and Manufacturers 1. Barium products A. Upper G I tract a. E-Z-HD (E-Z-Em). Contains 98% barium sulfate (340 g), simethicone, and other additives; addition of 65 ml of water pro- duces 135 ml of suspension of 85% w/w or 250% w/v b. Liquid Sol-O-Pake (E-Z-Em), 45% w/w or 72% w/v barium sulfate suspension c. HD 200 Plus (E-Z-Em)-225% w/v. d. Novopaque, 40% w/w or 60% w/v barium sulfate suspension with sodium saccharine flavouring. This is a pre-mixed liquid bar- ium in 355 ml cans or 3.71 litre containers. e. Micropaque 92% w/v. No longer available in Canada. f. Polibarpowder. (E-Z-Em) Supplied in a 100-gjug; suspension from 27% w/w to 50% w/w can be obtained with appropriate quan- tity of water g. Baricon (E-Z-Em). Contains 95% barium sulfate (340 g). Addi- tion of 70 ml of water produces 83 w /w suspension B. Small bowel a. Ultra-R (E-Z-Em), 95% barium sulfate powder with simethi- cone and additives. Can be diluted to 45%, 50%, 55%, or 60% w/w (72%-110% w/v) b. Enterobar (E-Z-Em), 50% w/v barium suspension C. Double-contrast colon a. HD85 (E-Z-Em), 85% w/v suspension (2000 ml) b. Polibar Liquid (E-Z-Em), 55% w/w or 100% w/v barium sul- fate suspension (1900 m1) c. Liquid Polibar Plus (E-Z-Em), 57% w/w or 105% w/v sus- pension d. Colobar (E-Z-Em), 56% w/w or 100% w/v barium sulfate sus- pension (2000 ml) D. Single-contrast colon a. Polibar Liquid (E-Z-Em). Dilute 1 volume Polibar Liquid with 5 volumes of water to obtain 15.4% w/w or 17.5% w/v sus- pension b. Baroperse Enema Kit (E-Z-Em). Contains 340 g Barosperse c. Unibar 100 (E-Z-Em), 56% w/w or 100% w/v barium sulfate suspension (2000 m1)

Transcript of Products and Manufacturers - Springer978-1-4612-3308-4/1.pdf · Products and Manufacturers 1. ......


Products and Manufacturers

1. Barium products A. Upper G I tract

a. E-Z-HD (E-Z-Em). Contains 98% barium sulfate (340 g), simethicone, and other additives; addition of 65 ml of water pro­duces 135 ml of suspension of 85% w/w or 250% w/v

b. Liquid Sol-O-Pake (E-Z-Em), 45% w/w or 72% w/v barium sulfate suspension

c. HD 200 Plus (E-Z-Em)-225% w/v. d. Novopaque, 40% w/w or 60% w/v barium sulfate suspension

with sodium saccharine flavouring. This is a pre-mixed liquid bar­ium in 355 ml cans or 3.71 litre containers.

e. Micropaque 92% w/v. No longer available in Canada. f. Polibarpowder. (E-Z-Em) Supplied in a 100-gjug; suspension

from 27% w/w to 50% w/w can be obtained with appropriate quan­tity of water

g. Baricon (E-Z-Em). Contains 95% barium sulfate (340 g). Addi­tion of 70 ml of water produces 83 w /w suspension B. Small bowel

a. Ultra-R (E-Z-Em), 95% barium sulfate powder with simethi­cone and additives. Can be diluted to 45%, 50%, 55%, or 60% w/w (72%-110% w/v)

b. Enterobar (E-Z-Em), 50% w/v barium suspension C. Double-contrast colon

a. HD85 (E-Z-Em), 85% w/v suspension (2000 ml) b. Polibar Liquid (E-Z-Em), 55% w/w or 100% w/v barium sul­

fate suspension (1900 m1) c. Liquid Polibar Plus (E-Z-Em), 57% w/w or 105% w/v sus­

pension d. Colobar (E-Z-Em), 56% w/w or 100% w/v barium sulfate sus­

pension (2000 ml) D. Single-contrast colon

a. Polibar Liquid (E-Z-Em). Dilute 1 volume Polibar Liquid with 5 volumes of water to obtain 15.4% w/w or 17.5% w/v sus­pension

b. Baroperse Enema Kit (E-Z-Em). Contains 340 g Barosperse c. Unibar 100 (E-Z-Em), 56% w/w or 100% w/v barium sulfate

suspension (2000 m1)

222 Appendix I: Products and Manufacturers

d. Unibar 110 (E-Z-Em), 60% w/w or 110% w/v suspension (2000 ml) E. Barium suspension for CT

a. Baro-cat (E-Z-Em), 1.5% w/w barium suspension b. E-Z-Cat (E-Z-Em), 4.5% w/w concentration; dilutes to 1.1%

w/w suspension (225 m}) c. Readi-Cat (E-Z-Em), 1.2% w/w barium sulfate suspension

(450 ml, 2000 m}) d. Esopho-Cat (E-Z-Em), 3% w/w barium sulfate paste for

coating of esophagus 2. Water-soluble contrast for upper GI tract in adults only (very dan-

gerous in children) a. Gastrografin (adults only) b. Hypaque (Winthrop) c. Renografin (Squibb) d. Omnipaque (Winthrop) e. Isovue (Squibb) f. Ioxyglate, Hexabrix (Mallinckrodt) g. Hypaque powder for oral CT contrast (Winthrop)

3. Effervescent Tablets a. E-Z-Gas2, effervescent granules (E-Z-Em). Contain sodium

bicarbonate 2.21 g, citric acid 1.53 g, simethicone 0.02 g; produce no less than 400 ml CO2

b. Unik-Zoru, tablets or granules (E-Z-Em). Produce 280 ILg of gas per dose

c. Baros, granules (E-Z-Em) 4. Methylcellulose

a. Enterocel (E-Z-Em), 500-ml concentration of methylcellulose b. MC (E-Z-Em), 1% w/v hydroxypropylmethylcellulose so­

lution 5. Enteroclysis catheters

a. Maglinte enteroclysis catheter (Cook Inc, E-Z-Em), 155 cm x 13 French catheter with balloon and torque cable

b. Gianturco catheter (Cook Inc.). Has flexible guide for stiffen­ing and torque control

c. Bilbao Dotter catheter (Cook Inc.). Has a curved tip for direc­tional control. 12 and 14 Fr available in various lengths

d. Muller catheter. (Cook Inc.) Has variable curve tip control 6. Enema tubes and tips

Various enema bags with various sizes, tips with and without cuff are supplied by E-Z-Em. Cuffs should not be used in children

7. Film. a. T-Mat L Film (Eastman Kodak) b. Cronex 7 Film (Dupont) c. High-Ortho Film (Konica) d. Fuji Xray Film (Fuji)

Various products are available that are suitable for examination of the gastrointestinal tract. This appendix lists only the products with which the authors have clinical experience.


Further Reading

1. Margulis AR, Burhenne HJ, eds (1988). Alimentary Tract Radiology, 4th Ed. St. Louis: C.V. Mosby.

2. Meyers MA (1986). Computed Tomography of the Gastrointestinal Tract including the Peritoneal Cavity and Mesentery. New York: Springer­Verlag.

3. Gelfand DW (1984). Gastrointestinal Radiology: Performing and Interpret­ing Fluoroscopic Examinations. New York: Churchill Livingstone.

4. Kelvin FM, Gardiner R (1987). Clinical Imaging of the Colon and Rectum. New York: Raven Press.

5. Laufer I, ed (1979). Double Contrast Gastrointestinal Radiology, with Endoscopic Correlation. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders.

6. Nolan JD (1980). The Double Contrast Barium Meal: a Radiological Atlas. Aylesbury: HM & M.

7. Hunt RH, Waye JD (1981). Colonoscopy: Technique, Clinical Practice and Colour Atlas. London: Chapman and Hall.

8. Blackstone MO (1984). Endoscopic Interpretation: Normal and Pathologic Appearances of the Gastrointestinal Tract. New York: Raven Press.

9. Cotton PB, Williams CB (1984). Practical Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. Ox­ford: Blackwell Scientific.

10. Nahum H, Fekete F, margulis AR (1976). Radiology of the Postoperative Digestive Tract, Trans AE Oestreich. New York: Masson.

11. Binelson J. Castell DO (1988). Disease-A-Month. Esophageal Motility Dis­orders, Vol. 34(6). Chicago: YearBook Medical Publications.

12. Oudkerk M (1981). Infusion rate in enteroclysis examination. Thesis. Lei­den, The Netherlands: Leiden University.

13. Megibow AJ, Balthazar JE, eds (1986). Computed Tomography of the Gastrointestinal Tract. St. Louis: C.V. Mosby

14. Felson B (1976). Roentgenology of the Gallbladder and Biliary Tract. Or­lando: Grune and Stratton.

15. Shirakabe H (1971). Double Contrast Studies of the Stomach. Tokyo: Bun­rodo Co. Ltd.

16. Op Den Orth JO (1979). The Standard Biphasic Contrast Examination of the Stomach and Duodenum (Series in Radiology: Radiological examina­tion of the GI tract). The Hague: M. Nijhoff.

17. Simpkins KC, ed (1988). The alimentary tract: the hollow organs and sali­vary glands. In: A Textbook of Radiological Diagnosis, 5th Ed, Vol. 4. London: HK Lewis.

18. Sherlock S (1981). Diseases of the Liver and Biliary System, 6th Ed. Ox­ford: Blackwell Scientific.

224 Appendix II: Further Reading

19. Fishman EK, Jones B (1988). Computed Tomography of the Gastrointesti­nal Tract. New York: Churchill Livingstone.

20. Ponsky JL, Gauderer MWL, Stellato TA, Aszodi A (1985). Percutaneous approaches to enteral alimentation. Am J Surg 149:102-115.

21. Farrar CW (1979). Patterns of sigmoid colon and their implications for barium enema radiography. Med Radiogr Photogr 55:1-28.


A Acidified barium in

esophageal examination, 29

Air enema, 84-85 Air insufflation

in computed tomography of colon, 201-202

in double-contrast barium enema, 64

in children, 153 in double-contrast

enteroclysis, 56 in gastrostomy, 193

Air reduction of intussusception in children, 148

Anastomotic leaks, postoperative colon studies in, 99

Appendectomy, postoperative colon studies in, 102

Aspiration of barium fatigue, in childhood, 128 in swallowing study,


B Balloon paddle as compression

device, 80 Baricon,221 Barium enema

double-contrast, 61-78 in children, 152-155 products for, 221-222

and reflux small bowel study, 57-58

in children, 142-143,

145-146 products for, 222

tips for technologists, 213-215

tubes and tips for, 222 Barium kitchen, 212-213 Barium meal, 3-24

contraindications and precautions in, 4

double-contrast in children, 129-134 in small bowel studies, 47

duodenum in, 16-24 esophagus in, 6-8 indications for, 3-4 materials for, 4 patient preparation in, 5-6 problems in, 23-24 products for, 221 single-contrast, in children,

123-128 in small bowel studies,

43-47. See also Small bowel studies, barium meal in

stomach in, 8-15 swallowing function

evaluation in, 38-39 Barium products, 221

for computed tomography, 222

double-contrast colon, 221-222

single-contrast colon, 222 small bowel, 221 upper tract, 221

Baro-Cat, 222 Baroperse Enema Kit,

222 Baros granules, 4, 222

in computed tomography, 198

Bilbao Dotter enteroclysis catheter, 222

modified, 48, 138 Biliary tract

cholaniography operative and

postoperati ve, 172-173 percutaneous transhepatic,

182-188 cholangiopancreatography,

endoscopic retrograde, 188-192

cholecystography, oral, 169-172

sonography, pediatric, 113 sphincterotomy, 190-192 stent placement, 192

Biopsy of liver, 173-182 percutaneous, 173-177

contraindications for, 174 indications for, 173-174 patient preparation in, 174 postprocedure care in, 177 procedure in, 174-177

transjugular, 177-182 contraindications and

precautions in, 177-178 indications for, 177 patient preparation in, 178 technique of~ 178-182

Biopty gun in percutaneous liver biopsy, 175

Bupivacaine, 220 in percutaneous transhepatic

cholangiography, 182 Buscopan, 218-219

in barium enema examinations, 78, 83


Buscopan (cant.)


in computed tomography of pancreas, 206 of stomach and

duodenum, 199 in duodenography, 16

Carbon dioxide enema, 85 Carbon dioxide insufflation in

double-contrast barium enema, 78

Carboxymethylcellulose solution in small bowel enema, 138

Chest pain, esophageal examination in, 29

Childhood. See Pediatric procedures

Chilled barium in esophageal examination,

21,29 in small bowel examination,

44 Cholangiography

operative, 172 percutaneous trans hepatic,

182-188 complications of, 188 contraindications and

precautions in, 183 indications for, 182 materials for, 182 patient preparation in,

183 procedure in, 183-188

postoperative, 172-173 Cholangiopancreatography,

endoscopic retrograde, 188-192

diagnostic, 188-190 and sphincterotomy,

190-192 and stent placement, 192

Cholecystography, oral, 169-172

contraindications and precautions in, 170

indications for, 169-170 materials for, 170 patient preparation in, 170 procedure in, 170-172

Colobar, 222 Colon studies. See Large

bowel studies

Colonoscopy,87-93 compression techniques in,

89-93 ascending colon to cecum,

92-93 hepatic flexure, 91-92 sigmoid colon, 88-90 splenic flexure, 90 transverse colon, 90-91

contraindications for, 87 indications for, 87 patient preparation in, 62, 88 postoperative, in cancer and

polyp follow-up, 102-103

procedure in, 88 Colostomy in children, and

postoperative loopagrams, 150-151

Colostomy enema, 101-102 Communication with patients

and staff, 210-211 Compression

in colonoscopy, 88-93 devices for colon, 80 of duodenum, 17 small bowel, 44, 136

Computed tomography, 196-206


barium suspension for, 222 colon and rectum in,

201-202 esophagus in, 197-198 liver in, 203 pancreas in, 203-206 pelvis in, 203 small bowel in, 200-201 stomach and duodenum in,


Decubitus films, 214-215 Defecography, 93-99

in children, 155-158 contraindications and

precautions in, 93 indications for, 93 materials for, 93 patient preparation in, 94 procedure in, 94-96 throne for, 96-98

Demerol. See Meperidine Diatrizoate

in computed tomography, 197


in operative cholangiography, 172

in percutaneous trans hepatic cholangiography, 184

Diazemuls, 188, 220 Diazepam, 219-220

in endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatogra­phy, 188

in percutaneous trans hepatic cholangiography, 182

respiratory repression from, reversal of, 36, 220

in small bowel enema preparation, 53

Doppler sonography, pediatric, 114

Double-contrast barium enema, 61-78

in childhood, 152-155. See also Pediatric procedures, double-contrast barium enema

products for, 221-222 Double-contrast barium meal

in childhood, 129-134. See also Pediatric procedures, double-contrast barium meal

duodenum in, 16-19 esophagus in, 6-8, 21-23 small bowel in, 47 stomach in, 8-15

Double-contrast small bowel enema, 51-52

Drugs used in radiology departrnent,217-220

Dulcolax in barium enema preparation, 62

in children, 145, 152 Duodenography, hypotonic,

16-24 Duodenum

barium meal studies, 16-24

Buscopan injection in, 16 double-contrast, in

children, 129-134 positioning of pad in, 17

computed tomography of, 198-199

hypotonic duodenography, 16-24

postoperative examination of, 32-35


Dysphagia, esophageal examination in, 26-29

in acute total dysphagia, 30

E Edrophonium,219

in esophageal motility test, 29

Effervescent tablets, 222 Endoscopy

colonoscopy,87-93 gastrostomy, 195-196 in retrograde

cholangiopancreatogra­phy, 188-192

sigmoidoscopy, flexible, 85-87

upper tract, 3, 4, 35-38 diagnostic technique in,

36-37 intubation in, 37 sedation in, 36 withdrawal of endoscope

in, 37 Enema

air, 84-85 barium. See Barium enema carbon dioxide, 85 colostomy, 101-102 small bowel, 47-56. See also

Small bowel studies, enema in

water-soluble, for neonates, 142, 143-145

Enterobar, 221 in small bowel enema,

48,54 Enteroclysis for small bowel

examination, 47-56. See also Small bowel studies, enema in

Enterocel, 222 in small bowel enema,

48,54 Equipment, 211-213

barium kitchen, 212-213 cassette holder, 215 film/screen combination,

211 grid, 211 in high-kV techniques,

211-212 Esopho-Cat, 222 Esophagus

barium meal studies, 6-8 acidified barium in, 29

capsule transit time in, 29 in chest pain, 29

in children, 123-124 chilled barium in, 21, 29 in dysphagia, 26-29, 30 and edrophonium test of

motility, 29 in gastroesophageal reflux,

24-25 in globus hystericus,

25-26 marshmallow study in, 27

computed tomography of~ 197-198

foreign body removal in children, 159-160

gastrografin study in perforation, 30

tube esophagram, 30-32 in tracheoesophageal

fistula in children, 127 video prone esophagram in

children, 128-129 in tracheoesophageal

fistula, 127 Evacuating proctography,

93-99. See also Defecography

E-Z-Cat, 222 E-Z-Gas, 47, 222

in computed tomography, 198



in barium meal, 4 in double-contrast studies of

upper tract, 130

Feeding study in children, 115-116

Fentanyl, 219 in endoscopy, 36 in small bowel intubation,

48 Fetal anomalies, and antenatal

sonography, 113 Film for radiologic studies,

223 Film/screen combination, 211 Fistula, tracheoesophageal, in

children tube esophagram in, 127 video prone esophagram in,

127, 128-129 Fistulograms, 167-169


stomadhesive for contrast leakage in, 168

Flow technique in barium stomach of stomach, 15

Flumanzenil to reverse respiratory depressant effect of diazepam, 36, 220

Foreign body removal in children, 159-160

G Gallbladder disease. See

Biliary tract Gastroesophageal reflux

barium meal examination in children, 127-128

pediatric sonography in, 112 water siphon test in, 24-25

Gastrografin, 221 in computed tomography,

197 in esophageal preforation

study, 30 in postoperative examination

of upper tract, 32 Gastrostomy, 193-196

endoscopic, 195-196 radiological, 193-195

Gel-Unix, 123 Gianturco enteroclysis

catheter, 222 Globus hystericus, esophageal

examination in, 25-26 Glucagon, 218

in barium meal examination, 78,83

in computed tomography of pancreas, 206 of stomach and

duodenum, 199 in duodenography, 16 in endoscopy retrograde


in peroral pneumocolon, 56 in reflux small bowel

enema, 58 Grid characteristics, 211

H HD 85, 80, 221

in postoperative colon studies, 101


HD 200 Plus, 221 Hemicolectomy, postoperative

colon studies in, 100-101

High-kV techniques, 80, 211-212

Hypaque. See Diatrizoate

I Ileal pelvic pouch,

postoperative assessment of, 101

Ileus postoperative colon studies

in, 99 and single-contrast enema in

children, 142 Intestinal tube placement in

children, 158-159 Intubation

in endoscopy of upper tract, 37

intestinal tube placement in children, 158-159

for small bowel enema, 48-51

in children, 139 Intussusception reduction in

children, 142-143, 146-150

Iohexol in contrast meal for children,

139, 141 in enema for neonates, 144 in gastrostomy, 193 in loopograms in children,

151 Iopamidol

in contrast meal for children, 139, 141

in enema for neonates, 144 in loopograms in children,

151 Iopanoic acid in oral

cholecystography, 170 Iothalamate meglumine in

loopograms in children, 151

Ioxaglate as contrast medium for children

in contrast meal, 139-141 in enema, 144

Ipodate in oral cholecystography, 170

J Jamshidi needle in

percutaneous liver biopsy, 174

Jugular vein puncture for


transjugular liver biopsy, 178

Kitchen for barium preparation, 212-213

L Large bowel studies

air enema, 84-85 carbon dioxide enema, 85 in children

contrast enema in, 141-158

sonography in, 112-113 colonoscopy, 87-93. See also

Colonoscopy computed tomography,

201-202 defecography, 93-99

in children, 155-158 double-contrast barium

enema, 61-78 air insufflation in, 64 carbon dioxide insufflation

in, 78 in children, 152-155 clearance of sigmoid colon

in, 64-65 contraindications and

precautions in, 61 examination technique in,

68-72 indications for, 61 materials for, 61-62 normal anatomy in, 65-68 patient preparation in, 62 [-olyethylene glycol

preparation in, 62-63 problems in, 78 products for, 221-222 rectosigmoid examination

in, 63-72 splenic flexure, hepatic

flexure, and cecum in, 72-78

spot films in, 70-71 postoperative studies,

99-102 in anastomotic leaks, 99


in appendectomy, 102 in cancer and polyp

follow-up, 102-103 in ileal pelvic pouch

assessment, 101 in ileocolic and colocolic

anastomoses, 102 in ileus or obstruction, 99 in left hemicolectomy, 101 loopograms in children,

150-151 in right hemicolectomy,

100-101 sigmoidoscopy, flexible,

85-87 single-contrast barium

enema, 78-83 in children, 142-143,

145-146 compression devices

in, 80 contraindications for, 80 indications for, 78-79 materials for, 80 patient preparation in, 80 postevacuation study

in, 83 procedure in, 81-83 products for, 222

Lateral rectum films, 214 Lidocaine, 220

in gastrostomy, 193 in percutaneous transhepatic

cholangiography, 182 in small bowel intubation,

48 Liquid Polibar, 221 Liquid Sol-O-Pake, 221 Liver

biopsy of, 173-182. See also Biopsy of liver

percutaneous, 173-177 transjugular,177-182

computed tomography of, 203

normal anatomy of, 185 transhepatic

cholangiography, percutaneous, 182-188

Loopograms of colon in childhood, 150-151

Lower tract. See Large bowel studies

Lymphoid follicular pattern in double-contrast barium enema studies in children, 155


M Maglinte enteroclysis catheter,

54,222 Marshmallow study in

dysphagia, 27 Me solution, 222 Meperidine, 219

in endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatogra­phy, 188

in percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography, 183

Mepivacaine, 220 Methylcellulose, 222

for double-contrast esophagram, 23

in small bowel enema, 48 in children, 138

Metoclopramide, 217-218 in intestinal tube placement,

159 in small bowel enema, 53

Micropaque, 221 Muller enteroclysis catheter,


N Novopaque, 221

o Omnipaque. See Iohexol Operative cholangiography,

172-173 Overhead films, 213

p Pancreas

cholangiopancreatiography, endoscopic retrograde, 188-192

computed tomography of, 203-206

Passavant ridge, 120 Patient preparation

assessment by technologist, 210

for barium enema double-contrast, 62 single-contrast, 80

for cholangiography, percutaneous transhepatic, 183

for cholecystography, oral, 170

for colonoscopy, 62, 88 for defecography, 94 for liver biopsy

percutaneous, 174 transjugular, 178

for pediatric procedures double-contrast barium

enema, 152-153 double-contrast barium

meal,130 feeding study, 116 single-contrast barium

meal,123 small bowel enema,

138-139 sonography, 114-115

for small bowel enema, 48 for small bowel meal, 43-44 for upper tract studies, 5-6

Pediatric procedures, 107-160 cholangiography,

percutaneous transhepatic, 183

defecography, 155-158 double-contrast barium

enema, 152-155 contraindications for, 152 indications for, 152 lymphoid follicular

pattern in, 155 materials for, 152 patient preparation in,

152-153 procedures in, 153-155

double-contrast barium meal, 129-134

contraindications and precautions in, 130

indications for, 129-130 materials for, 130 patient prepa.ration in, 130 procedure in, 130-134

feeding study, 115-116 foreign body removal,

159-160 intestinal tube placement,

158-159 intussusception reduction,

146-150 air in, 148 barium in, 148-150 contraindications and

precautions in, 146 materials for, 146 procedure in, 148-150

100pograms,150-151 lower tract studies, 141-158

pneumocolon, peroral, 136-137


single-contrast barium meal, 123-128

contraindications and precautions in, 123

fatigue aspiration in, 128 in hypertrophic pyloric

stenosis, 127-128 indications for, 123 materials for, 123 patient preparation in,

123 procedure in, 123-127 in small bowel studies,

134-136 in tracheosophageal

fistula, 127 in varices, 128

single-contrast enema for lower tract studies, 142-143

barium in, 145-146 water-soluble agents in,

143-145 single-contrast small bowel

meal barium in, 134-136 water-soluble agents in,

139-141 small bowel enema,

137-139 contraindications and

precautions in, 138 indications for, 138 materials in, 138 patient preparation in,

138-139 small bowel meal,

single-contrast barium in, 134-136 water-soluble agents in,

139-141 sonography, 107-115. See

also Sonography in pediatric examinations

speech study, 118-122 swallowing study, 117-118 upper tract examinations,

115-141 video prone esophagram,

127, 128-129 Pelvis, computed tomography

of,203 Percutaneous

cholangiography, transhepatic, 182-188


Percutaneous liver biopsy, 173-177

Perforation of esophagus, gastrografin study in, 30

Pharmacology, 217-220 Phentolamine, 220 Pneumocolon, peroral, after

small bowel meal, 56-57

in children, 136-137 Polibar

in barium enema, 62, 80 in children, 145, 152 in intussusception

reduction, 146 in defecogram in children,

158 in postoperative colon

studies, 101 in small bowel enema, 48

in children, 138 in speech study, 118

Polibar Liquid, 221, 222 Polibar Powder, 221 Polyesthylene glycol solution

in colonoscopy, 88 in computed tomography,

201 in preparation for

double-contrast barium enema, 62-63

Posteroanterior radiographs, 214

Postoperative studies cholangiography in, 172-173 colon, 99-103. See also

Large bowel studies, postoperative studies

small bowel, 58-60 upper tract, 32-35

Proctography, evacuating, 93-99. See also Defecography

Prone angled radiographs, 214 Pyloric stenosis, hypertrophic,

in children


barium meal examination in, 127-128

sonography in, 108-111

Radiation protection methods, 209-210

filtration device in defecography throne, 97-98

Readi-Cat, 222 Rectum

computed tomography of, 201-202

lateral rectum films, 214 Reflux, gastroesophageal

barium meal examination in children, 127-128

pediatric sonography, 112 water siphon test in, 24-25

Reflux small bowel enema, 37-38

Renografin. See Diatrizoate Roth biopsy gun in

percutaneous liver biopsy, 175

S Sigmoidoscopy, flexible,

85-87 Single-contrast studies

barium enema, 78-83 in children, 142-143,

145-146 products for, 222

barium meal in children, 123-128. See

also Pediatric procedures, single-contrast barium meal

esophagus in, 8 stomach in, 23

enema for lower tract studies in children, 142-143

barium in, 145-146 water-soluble medium in,

143-145 small bowel enema, 56 small bowel meal in

children barium in, 134-136 water-soluble agents in,

139-141 Sinograms, 167-169

stomadhesive for contrast leakage in, 168

Small bowel studies, 43-60 barium meal in, 43-47

in children, 134-136 chilled barium in, 44 compression in, 44 contraindications and

precautions in, 43 double-contrast, 47


follow-through examination in, 57

indications for, 43 paddle balloon in, 44 patient preparation in,

43-44 peroral pneumocolon in,

56-57 products for, 221 single-contrast, in

children, 134-136 computed tomography in,

200-201 enema in, 47-56

barium products for, 221 catheters for, 222 in children, 137-139. See

also Pediatric procedures, small bowel enema

contraindications and precautions in, 47-48

double-contrast, 51-52 indications for, 47 intubation in, 48-51 Maglinte technique in,

53-55 paddle balloon in, 53 patient preparation in, 48 procedure in, 44-53 rapid technique in, 56 reflux enema in, 57-58 single-contrast, 56

postoperative studies, 58-60

sonography in, pediatric, 112-113

Sol-O-Pake, Liquid, 221 Sonography in pediatric

examinations, 107-115 in abdominal mass lesions,

108 antenatal, 113 in biliary disease, 113 Doppler, 114 in fetal anomalies, 113 in gastric wall thickening,

112 in gastroesophageal reflux,

112 in hypertrophic pyloric

stenosis, 108-111 indications for, 108-114 small or large bowel

evaluation in, 112-113 Speech study in children,



Sphincterotomy, biliary, 190-192

Stomach barium meal studies, 8-15

double-contrast, in children, 129-134

flow technique in, 15 computed tomography of,

198-200 gastrostomy, 193-196 postoperative examination

of, 32-35 sonography of, pediatric,

108-112 Stomadhesive for contrast

leakage in sinograms, 168

Swallowing function


evaluation, 38-39 in children, 117-118 in dysphagia, 26-29, 30

Technologists, role of, 209 Telebrix in computed

tomography, 197 Tomocat in computed

tomography, 197 Tracheoesophageal fistula in

children tube esophagram in, 127 video prone esophagram in

127,128-129 Transhepatic cholangiography,

percutaneous, 182-188 Transjugular liver biopsy,


Trucut needle in percutaneous liver biopsy, 175

Tube esophagram, 30-32 in tracheoesophageal fistula

in children, 127 Tyropanoate sodium in oral

cholecystography, 170

U Ultra-R, 43, 221 Ultrasonography. See

Sonography in pediatric examinations

Unibar 100,222 in single-contrast barium

meal, 123 in single-contrast small

bowel meal, 134 in video prone esophagram,

129 Unibar 110, 222 Unik-Zoru,222

in double-contrast examination of upper tract, 130

Upper tract studies barium meal in, 3-24. See

also Barium meal in children, 115-141 computed tomography in,

197-201 endoscopy in, 3, 4, 35-38 postoperative examination

in, 32-35 barium in, 32-35 gastrografin in, 32

water-soluble medium in, 221

V Valium. See Diazepam Varices, esophageal, barium

meal examination in children, 128

Velopharyngeal portal evaluation in children, 118-122

Video-prone esophagram in children, 128-129

in tracheoesophageal fistula, 127, 128-129

W Water

for double-contrast enteroclysis, 56

for double-contrast esophagram, 22

Water siphon test for gastroesophageal reflux, 24-25

Water-soluble contrast


in computed tomography, 197

enema for neonates, 142, 143-145

for foreign body removal, 160

meal for children, 139-141 in sinograms and

fistulograms, 167 for upper tract studies, 221

Xylocaine. See Lidocaine