Production Operations Engineer- CV

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  • 8/19/2019 Production Operations Engineer- CV



    Address : 291-H, Phase 5-DHA Lahore, PakistanMobile:+92-300-8 88! !,Ho"e:+92- 23!1!!559

    # Mail: "$beenna%ir&hot"ail'(o"Date o) *irth: 13 - 0 - 19 '

    __ _____________________________________________________________________Career Profile:

    he"i(al en ineer b. /$ali)i(ation and ha e 23 .ears o) e erien(e ith "$ltinational (o" anieso eratin in 4il 6as and Petro(he"i(al se(tors' 4n (areer ladder be)ore ($rrent leadershi

    osition, ". (ore e ertise in(l$des o erall "ana e"ent o) 4il 6as )a(ilities )ro" ro7e(ts too erational hases (o erin o erations readiness, (o""issionin , 4il 6as o erations, H #"ana e"ent, de elo "ent i" le"entation o) "aintenan(e "ana e"ent s.ste"s, "othballin

    abandon"ent o) assets, )a(ilities o erations b$d etin ,h$"an (a ital de elo "ent andstakeholders Partners "ana e"ent'

    POSITIONS WORKED ON: Head H # Des(on #n ineerin Li"ited Lahore Pakistan ;eh"at 6as ?ield entral Pro(essin ?a(ilit.4M@ # lorations Prod$(tion Pakistan ;2010- 2013=

    4 erations H # $ erintendent a an 6as ?ield P?4M@ # lorations Prod$(tion Pakistan ;2008 2010=

    ?ield Mana er asb$lat 4il 6as ?ields Akta$ Ba%akhstan4M@ P# >4M ;200!-2008=

    4 erations $ erintendent entral 6as Pro(essin ?a(ilit.4M@ # lorations Prod$(tion a an 6as ?ield ;2005-200!=

    Plant 4 erations ea" Leader a an 6as ?ield4M@ # lorations Prod$(tion ;2002-2005=

    4 erations oordination #n ineerC C PL Plant Pakistan ;1995-2002=

    4 erations #n ineer A""onia Plant?a$7i ?ertili%er o" an. Pakistan ;1992-1995=

    Key Competen ie!"

    4 erations readiness o) 4il and 6as )a(ilities en(o" assin ?a(ilit. Li)e .(le Maintainabilit. A ailabilit. ben(h "arkin , H # >e $lator. o" lian(e >eadiness ,>eadiness Ass$ran(e ith res e(t to e ternal stakeholders, 4r ani%ation >eadiness,Pre o""issionin o""issionin >eadiness, $ l. hain Mana e"ent, .ste"s>eadiness, $ ort er i(es >eadiness, Plant ?a(ilit. tart $ >eadiness,Maintenan(e >eadiness, Pro(ess 4 erations >eadiness, >isks and >eadiness >e ie s

    • Pre-(o""issionin , (o""issionin o) ro(essin )a(ilities' *ro n )ield, reen )ield andCM4P re i"es de elo "ent "ana e"ent

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    • 4il 6as )ields o erations as er H #, Asset Cnte rit., 4 erational hiloso hies )inan(ial re $lations to ens$re a(hie e"ent o) lon ter" b$siness ob7e(ti es .earl.tar ets in ter"s o) a)et., Prod$(tion and ost'

    • Pro7e(ts li)e (.(le (oordination ith internal e ternal inter)a(es arti(i ation in ario$s

    st$dies )or both de elo "ent "odi)i(ation ro7e(ts' De elo "ent o) o erationsreadiness re i"es'

    • Parti(i ation (oordination o) ario$s orksho s and a(ti ities to re ie )a(ilitieso erabilit., "aintainabilit. and inte rit. re/$ire"ents are addressed as er >AM st$d.'

    • De elo and "aintain shi)t ork atterns and ersonnel reso$r(e lannin ithinrod$(tion ro$ , in(l$din skill (erti)i(ation, (ross o erations trainin s'

    • Plannin e e($tion o) t$rnaro$nds in (o" lian(e to sa)et. standard (o""er(iala ree"ents ith b$.ers artners' De elo "ent and re ision o) o eratin ro(ed$res'

    • Mana e"ent o) /$alit. ass$ran(e s.ste"s to "eet i eline s e(i)i(ation as er 6 A'Pro(ess strea"s e"issions 3 rd art. eri)i(ations )or M en iron"ental (o" lian(e'

    • Mana e"ent o) oil as satellite rod$(tion )a(ilities de elo "ent o) roto(ols )or "othballin o) as )a(ilit.'

    • De elo "ent C" le"entation o) H # Mana e"ent s.ste", Pro(ess a)et., >iskassess"ents' Leadin ite Cn(ident Mana e"ent ea" as er (or orate #"er en(. and(risis "ana e"ent standards'

    • De elo "ent o) "aintenan(e "ana e"ent s.ste", "aintenan(e strate ies and"onitorin o) "aintenan(e BPCs'

    • De elo "ent, a ro al e))i(ient (ons$" tion "onitorin o) ?ield de art"ent 4P#E,AP#E as art o) .earl. BPC'

    • Liaison and (oordination o) ro7e(ts, drillin a(ti ities ith )ield o erations ithin(on(ession' De elo "ent and e er(isin o) brid in lans a"on ario$s a(ti ities as

    er 4M@ standards' o""issionin o) Fellheads'

    • Petro(he"i(als, 4il as ro7e(ts both inland abroad H # deli erables "ana e"enten(o" assin 4MAH st$dies ; a)et. (ase=, HAGA>D, HAG4P, #

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    Hea$ HSE% De! on inte&rate$ Pro'e t! (P)t* +imite$

    enior leadershi osition res onsible )or "ana e"ent o) H # de art"ent o) o$ntr. s re"ier #P o" an. o eratin internationall.' Main )$n(tion o) de art"ent ha in tea" o) 30en ineers o) "$lti le e erien(e le els based in Lahore and Ab$ Dhabi o))i(es is to ro ideser i(es startin )ro" desi n H # to (onstr$(tion and o erations H # in o erall ro7e(t and

    Asset li)e (.(les en(o" assin areas o) >isk "ana e"ent, Loss re ention, Asset inte rit.,Pro(ess sa)et. et(' Alon ith o er ie in (oordinatin te(hni(al deli erables in ho$se ith(lients like ADA

    HAG4P CL st$dies

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    PH #> >e ie s loseo$t, Pre- start-$ sa)et. re ie s

    Plant Mana&er, OM- Re.mat /a! 0iel$ 1 CP0 ;2010-2013=2o3 o)er)ie4 K-

    • #ns$re i" le"entation o) H # "ana e"ent s.ste" )or sa)et. o) ersonnel assets,rote(tion o) en iron"ent and (o" an. re $tation'

    • #ns$re Prod$(tion tar ets a(hie e"ent, "eetin /$alit. and 6 A re/$ire"ents ons$stainable basis'

    • C" le"ent and (o" l. ith (o" an. s )inan(ial (o""er(ial $idelines ro(ed$res'

    • #ns$re 4 eratin and Maintenan(e strate ies are de)ined and are bein i" le"ented'

    • $ l. (hain ?ield Fareho$se "ana e"ent )or ens$rin a ailabilit. o) all rod$(tion(riti(al s ares and ro(ess (ons$"ables'

    • Mana e ontra(tors and their (a a(it. b$ildin )or er)or"an(e i" ro e"ent'

    • Monitor ontrol ann$al ?a(ilit. b$d et and ens$re o ti"$" $tili%ation as i en BPC'

    • oordinate o""$nit. a))airs a(ti ities in(l$din (o""$nit. de elo "ent ork'

    • #ns$re se($rit. o) ersonnel, o eratin assets and asso(iated in)rastr$(t$re in the area'

    • A(t as Cn(ident Mana e"ent ea" leader in an. e"er en(. sit$ation as de)ined in#"er en(. >es onse roto(ol'

    • >eso$r(e lannin , de elo "ent o) 7ob des(ri tions, Position ise (o" eten(ies ro)ilede elo "ent, Man o er >e(r$it"ent, rainin need anal.sis, de elo "ent o) trainin

    ort)olios )or on the 7ob trainin s, skills (erti)i(ation re i"es, (ross )$n(tion trainin s,

    Operation! HSE S5perinten$ent Sa4an /a! 0iel$ (6778%6797* OM- E#ploration! 1Pro$5 tion

    • Pro(ess a)et. Mana e"enta)et. e al$ation o) Plant o eratin en elo s, De elo "ent o) Pro(ess a)et."an(e leadin and la in indi(ators, Pro(ess inte rit. s.ste"s de elo "ents like

    P F, a$thori%ed as tester, ario$s t. es o) isolations, stora e o) ha%ardo$s s$bstan(es de elo "ents o) 4 HH, Ha%ards #))e(ts st$dies, a)et. (riti(al ele"ents

    "onitorin , Personnel (o" eten(ies and beha io$ral anal.sis, e" orar. er"anentPlant e/$i "ent disband"ent re i"es, Asset trans)er re i"es "ana e"ent o) (han e' Ha%ard area (lassi)i(ations, HAG4P st$dies, ro(ess sa)et. barriersdeter"ination er)or"an(e e al$ation' HAG4P HAGCD a(tions (lose o$t

    • Pro7e(ts onstr$(tion a)et. Mana e"entPro7e(ts risks anal.sis, #n iron"ent C" a(t Assess"ents, ite (onstr$(tion sa)et.,>i in li)tin Plans, Pro7e(t a)et. Plan de elo "ents, i"$ltaneo$s o erations; CM4P = risk assess"ents (ontrol ro(ed$re de elo "ent, Pre aration o) read. tostart $ ro(ess sa)et. ass$ran(e s.ste", *rid in do($"ents re aration, Pro7e(t sitesa)et. ins e(tions and a$dits, Fellhead ro7e(ts risk assess"ents

    • Pro7e(ts ?a(ilities a)et. ase

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    J$antitati e risk assess"ent ;J>A=, *o ties de elo "ent, ?ire 6as dis ersionsst$dies, ALA>P hiloso h. i" le"entation, >e ie o) e losion and ?ire (onto$rs,##>A, # A st$dies, identi)i(ation and de elo "ent o) sa)et. (riti(al ele"ents and their

    er)or"an(e standards'• Asset Cnte rit. Ass$ran(e

    De elo "ent o) Asset Cnte rit. re i"es, Press$re s.ste"s inte rit. ass$ran(e,

    Deter"ination o) (riti(al o erations ask and their risk assess"ent, eri)i(ation o) rittens(he"e o) e a"ination

    • #n iron"ent C" a(t assess"ent#CA st$dies o) ro7e(ts, ro$nd and ro$nd ater "onitorin , e"ission st$dies, C 4-1 001 (erti)i(ation and s$r eillan(e "ana e"ent, es onse Disaster Mana e"ent

    4il 6as ?ields e"er en(. "ana e"ent s.ste"s in(l$din in)rastr$(t$re and ersonnelre aredness as er de)ined roles, Pro(ess e"er en(ies ;?ire and e losion (onto$rs=

    oad "edi(al e a($ations, ?or(e "a7e$re,# atriate e"er en(. e a($ation lans, Air (ra)t e"er en(ies, (enario basede"er en(. drills, M$sterin "ana e"ent,

    • Contractors Safetyontra(tor re biddin H # e al$ation, short ter" lon ter" (ontra(tors trainin s, H #er)or"an(e e al$ation, ontra(tors s.ste" a$dits

    0iel$ Mana&er Ta!35lat Oil 1 /a! 0iel$! A ta5 Ka;a .!tan

    • 4il ?ield "ana e"ent in(l$din (oordination )or drillin ith h$le"ber er

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    • Plannin e e($tion o) t$rnaro$nds in (o" lian(e to sa)et. standard (o""er(iala ree"ents ith b$.ers artners' De elo "ent and re ision o) o eratin ro(ed$res'

    • Mana e"ent o) /$alit. ass$ran(e s.ste"s to "eet i eline s e(i)i(ation as er 6 A'Pro(ess strea"s e"issions 3 rd art. eri)i(ations )or M en iron"ental (o" lian(e'

    • Mana e"ent o) oil as satellite rod$(tion )a(ilities de elo "ent o) roto(ols )or "othballin o) as )a(ilit.'

    Plant Pro$5 tion Team +ea$er OM- Pa i!tan E#ploration! 1 Pro$5 tion Sa4an /a! 0iel$;2002-2008=

    >es onsible )or sa)e and e))i(ient o erations o) 00 MMs()d (entral ro(essin )a(ilit. andasso(iated 10 ells'

    Main res onsibilities in(l$des o erations o),

    • Pre (o""issionin (o""issionin o) ne oil as $ strea" do nstrea"

    )a(ilities,• 4 erations o) Fellheads, 4il 6as atherin stations, re-treat"ent and se aration'

    • ondensate 4il de asi)i(ation, stabili%ation and ater re"o al

    • ondensate stora e and e ort

    • 6as s eetenin $nits o erations ;MD#A, Lean >i(h A"ine ro(ess=

    • 6as deh.dration re eneration ro(ess

    • Fellheads, ?ront end 6as (o" ression s.ste" (o""issionin o erations

    • ?ire as "onitorin and sh$t-do n s.ste", PL HMC based (entrali%ed (ontrollin "onitorin ' Hone. Fell D ; D 3000= and oko a a ent$" @P D '

    • Hori%ontal erti(al sl$ at(hers, s(r$bbers, ?ilter (oales(ers, three hase se arator'

    • 6as t$rbines, o" ressors and en inesK @ariable )re/$en(. dri e "otors' PD and(entri)$ al $" s' Po er eneration and Plant $tilities

    • ?a(ilities $rnaro$nd lannin and e e($tion

    • De elo "ent o) o""issionin and 4 erations ro(ed$res

    • Prod$(tion 4 erations eriodi( re ortin

    • C" le"entation o) Pro(ess sa)et. s.ste"s

    • 4 erations eriodi( ro$tines e e($tion s.ste" de elo "ent

    • Pro(ess anal.sis and tro$ble shootin ,

    • ross trainin and skill i" ro e"ents o) 4 erations ea"s

    • Plant and ro(ess e))i(ien(ies "eas$re"ent,

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    • Prod$(tion "eas$re"ent and re ortin ;H.dro (arbon a((o$ntin =

    • De elo "ent o) o eratin re i"es and en elo s,

    • #/$i "ent er)or"an(e "onitorin and e al$ation,

    • Plant >eliabilit. and a ailabilit. "eas$re"ent and enhan(e"ent, De elo "ent o)

    re enti e, redi(ti e, break do n "aintenan(e re i"es,• ?a(ilities ben(h "arkin ith res e(t to "an o er, ?a(ilities "oderni%ation and

    debottlene(kin st$dies, I radation and "oderni%ation ro7e(ts, o eratin (ost et(,• 4 erations )ail$re anal.sis and internal /$alit. ass$ran(e, de elo "ent o) ins e(tion

    re i"es, 6eneration o) rod$(tion loss re orts, >oot (a$se anal.sis )or tro$ble

    shootin )ail$res,• Prod$(tion (ons$"ables in entor. "ana e"ent and (ons$" tion )ore(astin '

    • 4 erations b$d et re aration 4P#E, AP#E, Cn entor., reso$r(e lannin ,

    S.ift Coor$ination Mana&er % ICI Pa i!tan +imite$ (ICI P+C UK* 9

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    • lient re resentati e in de elo "ent o) Pro'e t! an$ Operational Safety Ca!e )or

    a an 6as ?ield ith >iskte( ol$tion Ltd, IB hi(h as de(lared as best a)et.

    ase in 4M@ and )irst e er a)et. (ase in Pakistan 4il and 6as se(tor'

    NEBOSH I/C 1 IOSH ertifi ation

    ERP A >5aintan e

    • MA?IMO =@9 @=; MM Asset "ana e"ent s.ste"=

    • PI ;Plant Cn)or"ation= ith >eal ti"e ortal

    • SAP Sy!tem ; MM =

    • CARE"HEARTS ;Cn(ident A((ident >e ortin ool=

    Trainin&! Co5r!e! Atten$e$

    • 4 erations Mana ers Plant A$dit e(hni/$es (DUPONT =

    • erti)ied Lead A$ditor 4H A 18001-200! HM

    • Plant e))i(ien(ies Per)or"an(e ben(h "arkin b. (S.ell /lo3al*

    • Pro(ess a)et. >isk Mana e"ent (DUPONT*

    • Mana e"ent 6rid (PSMD Kara .i*

    • H # Leadershi b. (OM-*

    • risis Mana e"ent b. PETRO0AC

    • a)e 4 eration o) he"i(al Plants (ICI P+C =

    • Maintenan(e A$ditin and *en(h "arkin b. (E5romati D53ai*

    • Man$)a(t$rin # (ellen(e strate ies (ICI P+C*

    • De(ision Makin and roble" sol in (+UMS*

    • ri od *eta Cn(ident in esti ation (OM- =

    • >oot (a$se )ail$re anal.sis b. APO++O

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