production of front cover


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Transcript of production of front cover

Page 1: production of front cover

Screen grabs for

front cover

Page 2: production of front cover

I produced my magazine front cover on ‘Photoshop’. I started by opening up a A4 page and making sure that the size of the canvas that I was using was the right size. I then uploaded the picture that I wanted as my main image and filled it across the canvas.

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I then used ‘Rockwell’ font to create the name of magazine. I used a general blending option to put a stroke of red around ‘Volume’ which left the name of the magazine with a unique title.

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I then placed my positioning statement above the magazine name giving it a different colour so that It stood out compared to the magazine name and could be seen. I also used a font size 11 so that the magazine name was the biggest font on the front cover.

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I then used the rectangle tool to create a black rectangle box to place here.

Rectangle tool.

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I then used a blending tool called bevel and emboss which gave a back shadow to the main cover line ‘Coral is back’ this made it look unique compared to the other cover lines.

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I then used the rectangle tool again to make a smaller rectangle which I put added information about what bands where featured inside. I used white and red as this was part of my colour scheme. I also added a barcode and issue number, date and the price of the magazine as this was significant information that the audience needed to know in order to purchase a magazine.

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I then added all of my cover lines making sure that I used different font and size so that they did not stand out as much as the main cover line and the name of the magazine. I made sure that I kept to my colour scheme of red, white and black. I then saved my finished product as a JPEG.