Production facilities

Production facilities Within a radio advertisement industry there are several different facilities that are needed in order to be able to make a radio advertisement. The first being a production booth this is a booth that all of the radio advertisement will be recorded . this will usually be sound proofing so there is no outside noise there will also be a recently good recording equipment that should pick up noise well. They will also have some good quality speakers so the sound can be played back into the booth . A production booth can be anywhere it could be in a work environment or it could be created inside of somebody home so they can do their work from home. In our case we have an radio station within our college .This will be where the radio advisement shall be recorded . The next thing that will be needed will be production music and production sound effects. These will be needed to add background music to the radio advertisement as well as background sound effects. To note with the background music copy wright is still an issue, this can be avoided though if less than seven seconds of the music is placed copy wright will not be breached .All of this music and sound effects should be stored in folders that are on the computer in the production booth. We at E6 radio do this as shown below without folders with music and sound effects liberty .



Transcript of Production facilities

Page 1: Production facilities

Production facilities

Within a radio advertisement industry there are several different facilities that are needed in order to be able to make a radio advertisement. The first being a production booth this is a booth that all of the radio advertisement will be recorded . this will usually be sound proofing so there is no outside noise there will also be a recently good recording equipment that should pick up noise well. They will also have some good quality speakers so the sound can be played back into the booth . A production booth can be anywhere it could be in a work environment or it could be created inside of somebody home so they can do their work from home. In our case we have an radio station within our college .This will be where the radio advisement shall be recorded .

The next thing that will be needed will be production music and production sound effects. These will be needed to add background music to the radio advertisement as well as background sound effects. To note with the background music copy wright is still an issue, this can be avoided though if less than seven seconds of the music is placed copy wright will not be breached .All of this music and sound effects should be stored in folders that are on the computer in the production booth. We at E6 radio do this as shown below without folders with music and sound effects liberty .

The next thing that will be needed will be an editing station this will be were you will do all the editing of the radio advertisement .This should include adding music and adjusting the sound ,for this to be done you must have a computer powerful enough to run the editing software it must also have enough memory to hold all of the recoding .In college we use a Optilex300 this aspires to be powerful enough to run our editing software. This computer that you will use must have access to

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the place in which the music and sound effects are kept you must do this so the sound resources can be put into the editing software.

This leads me onto the editing soft wear .The type of editing soft wear that we have used in college is reaper as shown bellow . Using this it allows us to edit sound based things such as radio advertisements. The types of things that can be done is add multiple sound layers and overlap them to make as well as adjust the speed ,pitch and volume of the sound . This will allow somebody to improve a piece of sound work by changing the adjustments as well as being able to put together multiple sound resources. There are also tools that allow you to cut parts of the sound out this will mean that if there is a part that is bad then it can be got rid of when editing .There are also other sound editing software such as audacity , This one can be done to record lie audio as well as the basic sound mixing. Also there is adobe audition which is another sound mixing editing soft wear .