Production Diary


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Transcript of Production Diary

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PROGRESS UPDATE PLAN FOR NEXT MONTH / WEEK (Including Possible Contingency Plans If Problems Anticipated)

September 2012(Detailed Monthly Summary)

This month was the first stage of the production process, I was assigned my group. At first I was in a group with Sophie Ounsworth and Emily Shepherd however due to a timetable change I had to change groups and was working with Sara McGranaghan, Devon Newton and Edward Guy. The group then split again due to a disagreement in the genre of music video we wanted to do. This left me and Sara working alone as a two, until Abbey Moss started on the course and joined our group. We knew that we wanted to do a music video but were unsure what type of music video we wanted to do.

Now I have settled into a group next month I aim to complete my ancillary research and construction of both Ancillary 1 and 2. Also I hope to look at other music videos to research ideas from them.

October 2012(Detailed Monthly Summary)

I started to look into research into my Ancillary Projects, I looked at CD covers by Allister, Paramore and Taking Back Sunday and then composed my own CD disk that represented the conventions of a music CD disc. Similarly, I looked into research of music posters, I looked at one by Madonna, Wretch 32 and Pitbull and then Similarly created my own poster due to the conventions I found that all of the poster held.

Considering I set myself the target last month of ‘complete my ancillary research and construction of both Ancillary 1 and 2. Also I hope to look at other music videos to research ideas from them’. This meant that I should assign myself next month to Market Research as I didn’t get to start it this month.

November 2012(Detailed Monthly Summary)

This month we received some bad news as a group that Sara was no longer continuing with the course and therefore the music video was now just mine and Abbey’s.Me and Abbey got a lot of research done into what people wanted to see, we created a questionnaire and handed it out to people to see what people wanted to see in a music video similarly. We created an ideas mind map to discuss all of the thoughts that we had and see what we think would work and not work. We did this so that all of the choices that we made were agreed between us both and we weren’t just making one persons idea of the perfect music video and ignoring the other persons perspective.I looked into other music videos and analysed the conventions they used, I looked at Beyonce, Radiohead and Little

We need to continue our main product research next month and hopefully decide on a song for our music video, a genre to look at and create market research about what people want in a music video to help us with our music videos.

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Mix. However we decided that due to the majority of our market research saying they preferred Rock video’s that we would do a rock video.

December 2012(Detailed Monthly Summary)

At the beginning of December we started to plan our music video, we chose the song ‘Rockstar’ by Nickelback due to the feedback that we received saying that the majority of people wanted a rock/pop music video.

We need to generate a mind map of ideas that we have as a group to make sure that we are on the same lines with what we want to do for our music video.

Mon W/B 07/01/13(Detailed Weekly Summary)

This week I finished off our initial mind map and analysed the results that I got from our idea generations as a group. We decided that we didn’t want to make a conventional music video and wanted to go against the conventions by using different characters, locations, not obeying a certain dress code and using personal props chosen by the characters.

I’d like to have all of the storyboard and script finished next week so that I can start filming the week after.

Mon W/B 14/01/13(Detailed Weekly Summary)

This week I focused on creating a script and a storyboard for our music video, this was very time consuming and meant that I was running behind the date I wanted to start filming by a week.

Due to me not completing the target I set myself for this week I am keeping the same target for next week.I want to have the storyboard and script finished next week so that I can start filming the week after.

Mon W/B 21/01/13(Detailed Weekly Summary)

This week I carried on and finished my storyboard and script ready for filming next week.

Next week I want to hire a camera from college to get used to the software and the editing software whilst we aren’t rushing with our actual footage.

Mon W/B 28/01/13(Detailed Weekly Summary)

We started filming our music video this week. We have filmed a few clips in college to get used to the technology and get an idea of how the software works. We have six clips at the moment and this is a good starting base for the editing process.

Next week we need to film some more shots and get everything ready for the filming in the half-term as this is the time I hope to get all of the filming done.

Mon W/B 04/02/13(Detailed Weekly Summary)

We used our time this week in college to prepare getting everything ready for half term. We made sure that we had a clear plan for the week ahead and had some original footage. We decided where we wanted each shot to be filmed ideally and aimed to stick to this in the next week.

Next week is half-term we need to hire out the camera and go out and get a variety of people to film for our music video, possibly in Manchester City Centre.I aim to have at least 70% of the footage filmed in this next week.

Mon W/B 11/02/13(Detailed Weekly Summary)

Filming in the week was harder than we both originally planned, we set a full day aside to film in Manchester City Centre, however we found that people weren’t very interested in being part of our music

When we get back to college we need to upload all of the footage that we have onto Premier Pro and look at the footage that we got separately.

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video, we left Manchester City Centre with only five usable footage pieces.We met up for a second day in the holidays to film more clips. This day was successful however we only had limited characters to be filmed this day.Separately both of us tried to get footage for the music video, I have took the video camera and Abbey will be filming on her iPhone. I got three more people to use for the music video.

Syncing the lips of the music will take up a lot of the lesson when we get back and therefore should focus our time directly on this.

Mon W/B 18/02/13(Detailed Weekly Summary)

When we got back to college we found that the lip syncing part of editing was a lot harder and more time consuming than we had both originally thought it would be, this meant that we have taken up four hours just syncing the footage that we already have.Similarly, we found that the footage we had got separately also clashed and took over what we had filmed, meaning that we had filmed the same lines.

We need to split the script effectively so that we aren’t both filming the same lines and therefore keeping us in a vicious circle of not having enough footage. Similarly, I think maybe we should be in charge of editing the footage that we filmed and just asking the other member for confirmation as tweaking and working together on the editing is using valuable time that we need for filming.I’m hiring the camera again for next week so that I can try and finish all of the filming.

Mon W/B 25/02/13(Detailed Weekly Summary)

I hired the camera for the first half of the week and managed to get eight more people to star in our music video. The task of getting people to appear in our music video was proving harder than we originally planned this meant that we were totally behind schedule for how much footage we had, similarly a lot of the footage that we have doesn’t fit with the song and when it’s slowed down still doesn’t look neat enough to keep as part of the finished product which meant that we still are missing a lot of footage.

Next week I think we should aim to get more footage if possible and start to edit more of the footage that we have, we need to start to make sure that we have a basic outline of what we still need to film.

Mon W/B 04/03/13(Detailed Weekly Summary)

This week wasn’t as productive as I would have liked, me and Abbey both tried to edit different sections of the music video however again we were getting in each other’s way and therefore not getting much progress done, this meant that the stress that we were getting behind schedule was hitting home and I was losing focus on the task.

I need to set myself clear, small and more achievable targets to complete the work. I need to work on my music video more out of lesson time as with two people trying to work on it in lesson it becomes stressful.I need to make sure that all of the filming is finished.

Mon W/B 11/03/13

I started the week by making a day to day plan of everything I needed to do so

Next week we NEED to start to edit ideally due to the technical

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(Detailed Weekly Summary)

that it was more achievable. I set two days aside to film some more footage and got another bulk. We now have about 50% of perfect footage and a lot of average and spare footage complete this has meant that our music video is finally starting to flow.This week we faced a lot of technical problems with the computers at college which meant that we were out of work for two days due to the computer not stopping crashing. This put me back a few steps on my personal week planner.

problems we have faced we are now behind the original plan of action. If we are still encountering problems I think that we should film next week until we are able to edit effectively again. This means that we may be behind with the editing but at least we should have completed all of the necessary filming

Mon W/B 18/03/13(Detailed Weekly Summary)

This week we still had problems with the computers this meant that I used my plan B and filmed more footage over this week whilst Abbey decided that she would try to edit footage, this was a time consuming task and meant that she didn’t get much work done. We complained again about the software on the computer we was using and our tutor decided that he would find us another computer to move to next week.

Hopefully next week we will be on a new computer where the editing software works properly if this is effective hopefully we will have all of the footage ready to edit and be able to get more editing done.

Mon W/B 01/04/13(Detailed Weekly Summary)

We moved rooms this week due to the technical problems over the last two weeks, we lost about seven clips which was quite a large part of our music video considering we didn’t have all of the footage edited and uploaded properly originally.

Next week I aim to complete all of the filming. Ideally I don’t want to be filming after next week again, this is mainly due to the fact that filming is time consuming and the editing is more important. Similarly I want to have all of the footage uploaded onto Premier and placed in the correct order.

Mon W/B 08/04/13(Detailed Weekly Summary)

All the filming was done this week that wasn’t completed Abbey said that she was getting more footage however was absent from the process for a week and therefore meant that we were again behind time for the collection of footage, finally at the end of the week I had at least one clip for every line of the music video, this did mean that a few lines that were repeated had a repeated clip but at least it created a complete music video. This was all uploaded and lip-synced until I could work on it next week more detailed.

Finish last minute filming that needs changing, complete music video edit to a completed and appropriate first draft standard.Upload the music video onto Youtube and create a focus group about the audience feedback from the music video.Complete any outstanding tasks on the blog.

Mon W/B 15/04/13(Detailed Weekly Summary)

This was originally the deadline week and therefore I have been in college every day from 9 until 6 trying to complete incomplete tasks however I still

Redo ancillary 1 and 2 using still images from my music video.Complete pieces off the blog that are missing.

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have a lot of editing that needs to be done if I want it to be perfect. The filming is all done now except two sections where I haven’t taken into account the instrumental three seconds before a line and therefore I have a black space that I need to re-film some footage so that it is perfect similarly the line ‘Get a front door key to the Playboy Mansion’ still needs to be filmed.

Upload any necessary work onto Blogger.Complete a second draft of my music video, changing editing on the final part of the music video.Film the line ‘Get a front door key to the playboy mansion’.

Mon W/B 22/04/13(Detailed Weekly Summary)

I have filmed the final sections of my footage and sorted my editing out for the whole music video. I have redone my ancillary’s this week and they link perfectly to the main piece as it uses footage from the music video to create synergy between the products.I have completed question one and four of my evaluation this week and received a lot of feedback from my audience research that I can use for my questionnaire. The focus group was worthwhile and has shown me other peoples outlook on what could be improved.

Get all work completed. Check blog and complete any outgoing work for deadline.

Mon W/B 29/04/13(Detailed Weekly Summary)

I checked my blog. Rearranged titles and labels to make sure that the layout was neat and professional and I submitted my work.Final deadline day.PROGRESS UPDATE PLAN FOR NEXT MONTH / WEEK

(Including Possible Contingency Plans)