Product management vs. product leadership

Product leadership vs. product management


There's a big gap between product managers and product leaders. In this talk I discuss the difference between the two and offer advice based on my ten + years of managing product managers, how to make the transition.

Transcript of Product management vs. product leadership

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Product leadershipvs.product management

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Anthony Broad-Crawford@broadcrawford

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i've launched 11 products throughout my career

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i've been a founding member of two global companies

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i've helped build 8 patent receiving technologies

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cto, ceo, cpo

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within3, startupbus, & giveforward

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currently CTO @ fooda

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i sit at the intersection of user experience, product management, and engineering

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i've made a lot of mistakes along the way

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i read a lot of the bull$&!t online

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i read a lot of the bull$&!t in the books

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i listened to a lot of the bull$&!t on twitter

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it all said the same thing ..."you are the ceo of your product"

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all it had me do was whine about how i never had any control, like a "ceo does"

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all i did was blame other parts of the organizations

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all it did was make me a $h!@#y product manager

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so here's the dirty little secret

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i was failing at the "real" job of product management

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it wasn't the phrases fault, I just misunderstood it

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i see a lot of "up and coming" product managers also misunderstanding this phrase

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ultimately, managing a product is about managing the people

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it's not about being the ceo of your product

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that's how a product manager thinks

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a product leader thinks about the people internally and externally to the company

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a product leader understands they are just as important as the actual product "ideas" themself

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some advice

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making everyone happy makes no one happy

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making no one happy makes no one happy

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data tells the best story

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talk through that story in narritive form

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people have ideas, listen to them and incorporate them

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if someone wants to change priority, ask them why, there's usually a good reason

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if sales can't sell your product as is, that's a potential signal the product has a gap

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if account management can't manage the account that's a potential signal the product has a gap

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don't confuse strategy with tactics

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have kpi's for your strategys & tactics

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parting thoughts

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you are not the ceo of your product

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but you are responsible for making your product successful

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so hold yourself accountable like a ceo, and lead the company in building a great product

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Anthony Broad-Crawford@broadcrawford

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