Product Catalog PDF 211

Energy Reduction Emphasis High yield manufacturing process to r educe r ework an d energy usage. Oce design s with low power density li ghting (watts/square foot). Conservation Commitment 93% of EYE Lighting lamps manufactured are high or very high eciency (lumens per watt) reducing the number of lamps required for any application. EYE lo ng lif e lamps reduce the number of replacements over t ime. High eciency, high light output, high maintain ed lumen lamps r educe total lamps req uired and used. Certication Excellenc e EYE Lighting is the ONLY lighting company meeting FOUR certication and ac creditation standards: ISO 9001:2000 Certied ISO 14001:2004 Certied OHSAS 18001:1999 Certied ISO 17025:2005 Accredited The 2005 National Electric Code FIXTURE REQUIREMENT CODES As stated in the 2005 NEC directive, TYPE-S lamps will con- tinue to be available for use in existing installations that use open luminaires. Open luminaires using TYPE-S lamps remain safe and eective lighting alternative for many applications when operated in accordance with manufacturer’ s warnings and instructions. TYPE-S lamps will not be an option for open luminaires in future new construction or in major lighting renovations to existing buildings. EYE Lighting oers O-Rated Metal Halide lamps with shrouded arc tubes and the required EX39 Mogul base that meet the 2005 NEC directive for use in Open Fixtures. EYE Lighting also oers TYPE-S lamps for operation in existing Open Fixtures when oper- ated according to listed warnings and operating instructions. Environmentally Energized EYE Lighting has adopted the EPA ’s Guidelines to Reduce, Reuse , and Recycle as outlined by their Division of Solid Waste Management. EYE EN lamps are Environmental Protection Agency/TCLP compliant as non- hazardous waste in that they are completely lead free and contain reduced mercury to further protect and beautify our environment for future generations. EYE Lighting has adopted the EPA’s Guidelines to Reduce, Reuse , and Recycle as outlined by their Division of Solid Waste Management. EYE EN lamps are Environmental Protection Agency/TCLP compliant as non- hazardous waste in that they are completel y lead f ree and contain reduced mercury to further protect and beautify our environment for future generati ns. ig  eld manu acturing process to reduce rewor k and energy usage. ce ow ensty lig ng watts squa  . 3% o  E  ighting lamps manu actured are high or very high eciency (lumens per watt) reducing the number of lamps required for any application. EYE long f e lam s reduce the number of replacements over time. High eciency,  igh light output, high maintained lumen lamps reduce total lamps required and u ed. EYE Li hting is the  NL  lighting compan  meeting FOUR cer ic ti  ac r t  tandards: O 9001:2  Certi d ISO 14001:  er A 1 1:1999 ertie  17 2 :  te O = Open fixture permissible. Lamps can be operated in an open fix- ture within the lamp’ s specified operating position limits.  S = Open fixture permissible with operating position restrictions. E = Enclosed fixture required. Lamps must be operated in an enclosed fixture.

Transcript of Product Catalog PDF 211

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