ProD Reference Guide - ·...

Pro/DESKTOP Reference Guide By Samuel Chow

Transcript of ProD Reference Guide - ·...

Pro/DESKTOP Reference Guide

By Samuel Chow

Table of Contents 1. Getting Start .......................................................................................................................... 3

1.1 Screen Layout ................................................................................................................. 3 1.2 Creating Drawings .......................................................................................................... 3 1.3 Toolbars .......................................................................................................................... 5

2. Pro/DESKTOP Features ....................................................................................................... 6 2.1 Create Geometry using Extrude Profile Command ........................................................ 6 2.2 Create Geometry for Non-Enclosed Profile.................................................................... 8 2.3 Subtracting Material using Extrude Profile Command................................................... 9 2.4 Adding Features to the Existing Model (Round Edges, Chamfer Edges, Shell Solid, Draft Faces)......................................................................................................................... 10 2.5 Project Profile Feature .................................................................................................. 12 2.6 Create Geometry using Revolve Feature ...................................................................... 12 2.7 Create Geometry using Sweep Feature......................................................................... 13 2.8 Create Geometry using Sweep Feature......................................................................... 15 2.9 Create Geometry using Loft Feature............................................................................. 16

3. Assembling Components .................................................................................................... 18 4. Shortcut Keys...................................................................................................................... 19

1. Getting Start 1.1 Screen Layout To start Pro/DESKTOP: START→PROGRAMS→PTC PRO/DESKTOP The layout of the screen will look like Figure 1.

Figure 1 Pro/DESKTOP screen layout

1.2 Creating Drawings There are three types of drawing you can create with Pro/DESKTOP. They are 1) Design, 2) Engineering Drawing, and 3) Photo Album. This reference guide only covers the first types (i.e. Design ). Example of the three types of file is shows in Figure 2. Select ‘File’ at the top pull-down menu, clicks ‘New’ and ‘Design’ to begin. Your screen should look like Figure 3.

Figure 2. Pro/DESKTOP file types

Figure 3 Screen layout for new section

‘Design’ file –3D ‘Engineering Drawing’ file –2D

‘Phone Album’ file –3D

1.3 Toolbars Now, let’s get familiar with different toolbars and the associated tools. 1. At the very top of the screen, there is the standard ‘Window Toolbar’ 2. The pull-down menu bar under the window toolbar is refers to ‘Pro/D Files Toolbar’

3. Pro/D Files Icon Toolbar:

4. Update Button.

5. Object View Toolbar.

6. Feature Toolbar.

7. Selection Toolbar.

8. Drawing Toolbar. 9. History Browser.

10. Help Toolbar.

Window Toolbar

Pro/D Files Toolbar

2. Pro/DESKTOP Features 2.1 Create Geometry using Extrude Profile Command

• Create the ‘cross-section’ of the 3D shape with the ‘Drawing tools’. The surface must be enclosed.

• Hold the Shift key down to draw line parallel to the datum axis.

• Click the ‘Extrude Profile’ icon, , in the Feature Toolbar to extrude the cross-sectional profile. Or select Feature→Extrude→Profile from the Pro/D Files Toolbar.

• Drag the yellow handle, located at the center of the profile, up to the desired distance,

or enter a value in the ‘Distance’ box in the ‘Extrude Profile’ window.

• Be careful of selecting the location of the shape with respect to the workplane. If you

are not sure, use the yellow handle instead of inputting the value. Pro/D will adjust the setting automatically.

• Use the green handle, located at the side of the profile, to create an inward or outward taper.

2.2 Create Geometry for Non-Enclosed Profile.

• The ‘Thin’ command in the Extrude Profile window can be used to extrude a non-enclosed profile.

• Use the yellow handle to determine the height, the orange handle to determine the thickness, and the green handle to add taper. Or input those values in the window.

2.3 Subtracting Material using Extrude Profile Command. • Use the ‘Select Faces’ tool, , in the selection toolbar to select the surface. Notice

that the selected surface will turn red.

• Right click on the selected surface and select ‘New Sketch’

• Sketch on the selected surface and click the ‘Extrude Profile’ icon in the Feature Toolbar.

• Make sure you select ‘Subtract material’ in the Extrude Profile window.

• Drag the yellow handle downward to create the cavity. Remember you CANNOT

subtract something from nothing. • The ‘Thin’ command also applies here.

2.4 Adding Features to the Existing Model (Round Edges, Chamfer Edges,

Shell Solid, Draft Faces)

• For the Round/Chamfer edges feature, use the ‘Select Edge’ tool, , in the in the selection toolbar to select the edge.

• Select the ‘Round Edges’, , or ‘Chamfer Edges’, , tool in the Feature Toolbar.

• Drag the yellow handle to the desired radius or setback, respectively. Or input the value manually.

• Notice the number shows on the ‘edges button’, , located at the upper left corner of the window. This number reflects the number of edges you have selected.

• Multiple edges can be selected at the same time. Hold down the Shift key when select edges.

• For the Shell Solid and the Draft Faces features, select surface(s) using the ‘Select

Faces’ tools.

• Select the ‘Shell Solid’, , or ‘Draft Faces’, , tool in the Feature Toolbar, and drag the yellow handle to the desired thickness or angle, respectively.

2.5 Project Profile Feature

• Select a surface on the existing model and add a new sketch on the selected surface. (Refers to section 2.3)

• It is a good practice to properly name workplane and sketch. • Sketch profile(s)

• Click the ‘Project Profile’ icon, , in the Feature Toolbar. • Select the proper setting

2.6 Create Geometry using Revolve Feature

• Create the ‘cross-section’ of the 3D shape with the ‘Drawing tools’. The surface must be enclosed.

• Draw a line that representing the axis of revaluation on the same sketch (workplane).

• Change the solid axis line to a construction line. Right click on the selected axis line and select ‘Toggle Construction’. The axis line will then change to an orange dotted line.

• Click on the ‘Revolve’ icon, , in the Feature toolbar.

• Type in the value for the revolving angle and click OK.

2.7 Create Geometry using Sweep Feature • Create the ‘cross-section’ of the 3D shape with the ‘Drawing tools’. The surface must be

enclosed. • Create a path (line) for the cross-section to sweep through. The workplane for the ‘path’

must be normal to the workplane for the cross-section. The starting segment of the path MUST be normal to the cross-section.

Workplane for cross-section Workplane for


• Click on the ‘Sweep’ icon, , in the Feature toolbar. • Make sure you select the correct profile and path. Click OK.

Path Cross section

2.8 Create Geometry using Sweep Feature • Create the ‘cross-section’ with the

‘Drawing tools’. The surface must be enclosed.

• Create a construction line that representing the axis of revaluation on the same sketch (workplane). (Refers to section 2.6).

• Select Feature→Sweep Profile→Along Helix from the Pro/D Files Toolbar.

• Drag the yellow handle, located at the center of the cross-section, to the desired pitch. Or

input the value in the ‘Pitch’ box. • Remember that the pitch value represented the number of complete revolution per unit


2.9 Create Geometry using Loft Feature • Create the first profile with the ‘Drawing

tools’. The surface must be enclosed. • Create the second profile on a new workplane. • From the Pro/D Files Toolbar, select Workplane→New Workplane. • Input the value in the ‘Offset’ box, or use the yellow handle to drag the new workplane to

the desired distance.

• Create a new sketch on the new workplane and create the second profile for the 3D


• Select both profiles and select Feature→Loft Though Profile at the Pro/D Files Toolbar. • The ‘Lot Profiles’ window shows up and a loft line connected between the two profiles

are created.

First Profile

Second Profile

• This loft line outlines the shapes of the lofted 3D shape. • Use the yellow handle to manipulate the loft line manually if necessary.

• Click ‘OK’ to finish.

3. Assembling Components There are five main ways to constrain one part with respected to the other one. MATE: Make the selected surfaces on two different components facing each other and align on the same plane. Align: Make the selected surfaces on two different components facing at the same direction and align on the same plane. Offset: Make the selected surfaces on two different components mate or align with a specific offset. Orient: Make the selected surfaces on two different components facing each other at a specific angle Center Axes: Align the selected cylindrical surfaces on two different components.

4. Shortcut Keys Arc Drawing Tool T Onto Workplane Shift + W Autoscale Shift + A Open CTRL + O Autoscale selection Shift + S Parts Select P Circle Drawing Tool C Plan View Shift +P Components Browser Shift + C Previous View ALT + Left Cursor Configurations Alt + 3 Print CTRL + P Constraints N Rectangle Drawing Tool R Delete Line Segment D Right Elevation CTRL + R Design Rules Alt + 2 Save CTRL + S Dimension Constraint Z Select All CTRL + A Duplicate CTRL + D Shaded View F10 Edges Select E Spline Drawing Tool B Ellipse Drawing Tool I Straight Line S Enhanced View F12 Toggle Construction CTRL + G faces Select F Toggle Fix CTRL + F Feature Browser Shift + E Toggle Reference CTRL + R Features Select A Toggle Sketch Filled CTRL + Shift + F Front Elevation Shift + N Toggle Sketch Rigid CTRL + Shift + R Half Scale Shift + H Transparent View F11 Hide Other Sketches CTRL + H Trimetric View Shift + T Isometric View Shift + I Tumble Shift + W Lines Select L Undo CTRL + Z Manipulate View Space Bar Update Design F5 New File CTRL + N Wireframe View F9 New Sketch CTRL + K Workplanes Browser Shift + Z New Workplane CTRL + L Workplanes Select W Next View ALT + Right Cursor Zoom In Shift + Z Onto Face Shift + F