Procuction log film magazine


Transcript of Procuction log film magazine

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Due to not being able to find a image that could be exported from my trailer that represent my project I decided to use one of the smaller images take from my poster, but re-create it to make it fit into the design of magazine and look different from the poster image

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I had trouble deciding what font to use as I wanted the masthead to look as contemporary and as professional as possible. Therefore firstly I decided to use a simple font firstly, then after I incorporated the other aspects of the magazine front cover, then I would find a font that best suited the design and layout.

By using the effects tool on InDesign I was able to change the inner and outer shadow of the font. The shadow colour is black, so by changing the opacity I was able to blend it into the canvas colour.

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By using vocabulary like “world exclusive” I give the audience the impression that the information provided in Critic magazine will not be available in any other magazine, therefore acting as a persuasive technique. It connotes fresh and limited content.

“The girls are back” highlights and works with the representation that I was trying to portray in my trailer. This was to move away from the traditional action film conventions of being dominated by masculine conventions such as guns, cars and bombs. However, Bloodline will be a female dominated film with the use of masculine conventions like weapons etc. The key idea/purpose is to show that when forced to do so, females can also take on the strong, brave and controlling role. They do not need to be forced to do only the traditional submissive roles expected of women.

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This was a image taken from some footage that I was unable to incorporate into my trailer, due to technical difficulties. However, I was able to export the footage out of adobe premier and place in Photoshop for editing. I though that this was a good image in terms of the shot type, angle, and a goo way of representing the characters as mysterious. After carefully cutting out the image from the background, I experimented with the lighting effects to add a spotlight to the images. The effect of this as it highlights that these two characters are of importance and status.

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After adjusting the lighting, by also changing the hue and saturation levels I was able to increase the visibility of the spotlight, making the impact stronger. I was also able to brighten up the faces of the characters, something that was not able to be accomplished in the filming stages due to the lighting in the location which was unable to altered to suit my preference.

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Like with many other of the images involved in all my ancillary projects, by adjusting the selective colour ensures that each project is linked. The colour red is very important in all aspects of my project as it is apart of the title, representations and themes. Being a very bold and eye-catching colour, it is able to sustain the audiences appeal by connoting very different things such as family, danger, violence, power, strength, passion, love and war.

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By adjusting the hue and saturation on this image, the colour was changed from a bold red to a more warmer colour. The warmness connoted through the image and the body language/closeness of the characters shows their bond, friendship and love.

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Next I found that altering the brightness/contrast it gave the image a sharper and smoother look. This just made it look much more professional than the raw image which I started off within the beginning.

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Like other images, I experimented with the lighting effects to add a spotlight to the images. The effect of this as it highlights that these two characters are of importance and status. This was important for this shot, as audiences may think that the character on the left is more important because she is the one on the phone (possibly representing a business woman) and her body is facing the camera directly, whereas the character on the right may be seen as just a “sidekick.” By increasing the brightness on both characters, i tried to produce a sense of equality.

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After incorporating the image into the magazine, I was not impressed how the everything fitted together. I felt that this was partly due to the colour of image which did not work well with the other colours and aspects of the magazine, such as how the images in my poster worked well together with the design and layout.

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To try and improve the visual quality of the front cover, I changed the font colour of the anchor text to black and adding and a outer glow of white to make it clearer and readable.

I also added a red box around the “world exclusive”, to highlight it but still continue with the colour scheme.

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After bring given feedback, I was told that the poster is very good but has the potential to be seen as a poster so I needed to add magazine feature of a skyline, that has a special attraction to the target audience.

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Final Magazine Front Cover