Proclamation no 1081

I MALACANANG MANILA PROCLAMATION MO. 1081 PROCLAIMING A STATE OF MARTIAL LAW IN THE PHILIPPINES WHEREAS, on zhe ba.6.i.6 on c.alte6ully evaluated and velt.i6.ied .in6 oltmation, .it e.6tabU.6 hed .thil.t la.wle.6.6 elemenu who 4lte moved by a. c.ommon Olt .6.i- m.ilalt c.onv.ic.tion, de.6.ign, .6tlta.tegy and goal and the ac.tive moltaland matelt.ial .6Up- POltt 06 a 60lte.ign powelt and bung gu.ided and,d.iltec.ted by .inten.6ely devoted, well tlta..ine.d, deteltm.ined a.nd ltuthle.6.6 gltOUp.6 on men and .6eek.inglte6uge undelt,the pltotec.tion 06 oult c.on.6titutional to pltomote. and the.iltend.6, have ente./ted.into a c.on.6p.iltacy and ,have .in 6ac.t jo.ined and bandedthe.ilt, lte.6oultc.e.6 and 60Jic.ei togetnelt 601t the plt.ime pultpo.6e 06, and .in'6a:c.t been and alte ac.tually, and an altmed .in.6ultltec.Uon and lLebell.ion the Goveltnment . 06 the Repubi.ic.06 the, Ph.ii.ippbteh .in oltdelt to 60ltc..ibiy.6e.ize and .6tatepowelt .in thi.6 c.oun:tlty, oveltthJtow the duiyc.on.6t.itwted go.veltnment, ,a/1,d .6appiant oult ex.L.6ting, .6 ouai, ec.onom.ic. and iegai oltdelt w.Lth an entilteiy new one who.6e 60ltm 06 govelLnment, .6y.6tem' of law'&, who.&e. c.onc.ept.lon 06 Gdd and ltel.Lg.ion, WhOM!. notion 06 .iYid.Lv.iduai ughu and 6am.Llylteia.tion.6" and who.6e, .6odal, ec.onom.ic., iegal and moltal pltec.epualte, ba..6ed on the', Maltxi.6t-Len.i- '. n.i.6 t- Mao.i.6 ztetlc.h.Lng.6 and b eUe 6.6 ; WHERE AS,. th e.6 e ia.wie.6.6elem enU, ac.ting .in c.o nc.eltt thltough.6eem.Lngly .Lnnoc.ent·and haltm1..e.6.6, although ac.tually' de.6tltuc.tive, 61t(Jnt oltgan.Lzation4 wh.Lc.h have been .Ln6.LI- tltated Olt del.LbelLately 60ltmed by them, have c.ontinuou.6iy ! and .6y.6:tematic.aily .6tltengthenedand bltoadened the.ilt mem- belt.6h.Lp.6 thltough .6 U.6ta...tned and c.alte6ul lte.6 c.ltu.iting and en- . U.6tment 06 new adheltent.6· nltom among oultpea..6antlty, la ... bOlLeM, pita 6 eh.6.Lonai.6 , .Lnteliec.tual.6, .6:tudent.6, -and ma..6.6 med.La pelt.6onnel, and thltough .6uc.h . .6u.6ta..ined and c.alte6ul ltec.ltu.Ltment anden'i.i.o tment have .6 uc.c.eeded .Ln .6 plteading and, the.ilt c.ontltol and.in6laenc.e ovelt a.imo.&t evelLl .0 egment and level 06 'oult .6 oc..iety thlLoughou.:t the . the.iJt c.ea.6eie.6.6 e660ltt to eltode and weaken the


The copy of Proclamation 1081 that declared Martial Law in September 23, 1972.

Transcript of Proclamation no 1081

Page 1: Proclamation no 1081




WHEREAS on zhe ba6i6 on calte6ully evaluated and velti6ied in6 oltmation it i6deninitely e6tabU6 hed thilt lawle66 elemenu who 4lte moved by a common Olt 6ishymilalt ideological conviction de6ign 6tltategy and goal and enjoying the active moltaland mateltial 6UpshyPOltt 06 a 60lteign powelt and bung guided anddiltected by inten6ely devoted well tltained deteltmined and ltuthle66 gltOUp6 on men and 6eekinglte6uge undeltthe pltotection 06 oult con6titutional libelttie6 to pltomote and atiain theiltend6 have entetedinto a con6piltacy and have in 6act joined and bandedtheilt lte6oultce6 and 60Jicei togetnelt 601t the pltime pultpo6e 06 and in6act theyj~have been and alte actually 6taging undelttaking and waging an altmed in6ultltecUon and lLebellion again6t the Goveltnment 06 the Repubiic06 the Phiiippbteh in oltdelt to 60ltcibiy6eize politicai and 6tatepowelt in thi6 countlty oveltthJtow the duiycon6titwted goveltnment

a1d 6appiant oult exL6ting poUUcai 6 ouai economic and iegai oltdelt wLth an entilteiy new one who6e 60ltm 06 govelLnment whoae 6y6tem of lawamp whoampe conceptlon 06 Gdd and ltelLgion WhOM notion 06 iYidLviduai ughu and 6amLlylteiation6 and who6e polLticai 6odal economic iegal and moltal pltecepualte ba6ed on the Maltxi6t-Lenishy

ni6 t- Maoi6 ztetlchLng6 and beUe 66

WHERE AS th e6 e iawie66elem enU acting in co nceltt thltough6eemLngly Lnnocentmiddotand haltm1e66 although actually de6tltuctive 61t(Jnt oltganLzation4 whLch have been Ln6LIshytltated Olt delLbelLately 60ltmed by them have continuou6iy and 6y6tematicaily 6tltengthenedand bltoadened theilt memshybelt6hLp6 thltough 6 U6tatned and calte6ul lte6 cltuiting and en- ~ U6tment 06 new adheltent6middot nltom among oultpea6antlty la bOlLeM pita 6eh6Lonai6 Lnteliectual6 6tudent6 -and ma66 medLa pelt6onnel and thltough 6uch 6u6tained and calte6ul ltecltuLtment andeniio tment have 6 ucceeded Ln 6 plteading and expanding theilt contltol andin6laence ovelt aimoampt evelLl 0 egment and level 06 oult 6 ociety thlLoughout the iandin theiJt cea6eie66 e660ltt to eltode and weaken the poiiticai~


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hocial economic legal and mOILal 60undation~ on oulL exi~Ung goveJnment and to in61uence manipulate and move pea~ant lab OIL htudent and teILILotihtiC oILgashynizaUonh undeIL theiIL in6luence OIL eontlLol to commit ah in 6act they have comrrritted and hilll aILe committing acU 06 violence depILedaUon~ 6 abQtage and injuILie6 agMn~ t oulL duly con~ Ututed autholLitieh again1gt t the membeIL6 06 ouli law en60ILcement agencieh and middotWOIL~t 06 all agtLin6t the peace6ul membeIL6 06euIL ~ociety

WHEREAS in the 6anatical pUIL~uit 06 theiIL con~shypiILacy and wideh pILead acU 06 violence depILedaUo nh habotage and injuILie~ again~t OuIL people and in oILdeIL to pILO vide the e~h ential iYih tILument to diILeCt and caJrILY out theiIL cILiminal de6ign and unlaw6ul activitie6 and to achie v e theiIL ulUmate ~ ini~ teIL a bj ectiv eh the6e lawle66 element~ have in nact oILganized e~tabli6hed and aILe now maintaining a CentILat Committee compohed 06 young anddedicated ILadical htudenUand intellectualh which ih chaILg ed with 9uiding ana diILeciln 9 the aILm ed 6tILuggle and pILopaganda aamp6middotault6 againht oulL duly con6shytituted govefnment and thi6 CentILal Committee 1h now imp0Jdng -iu will andah6 eILting it6 6 ham autholLityon ceILtain 6egment~ 06 oulL populaUon e6pecially in the ILuILal aILea~ thILough vaILied mean~ 06 6ubteIL6uge deceit CoeILcion thILeat6 intimidation6 machinaUon~ tILeacheILy violence and othvt mode6 06teJrILOIt and hCt~ been andi6 [llegally exacting fiinancial anci oth elt 6OILm6 06 tILibuteh fILQm oulL people to ILai6 e fundh and mateual ILe~OUILce6 to ~ ~ lpPO ILt it~ -in6 uILIL e ct-i a naILY and pILO pag anda acti vitie9 ag MY OUIL duly con~t-itutedgovelLnment and agtiin6t OuIL peace-

1 loving people tI I

I WHEREAS -in oILdeIL to caILILy out aamp in 6act theyImiddot

have caILIL-ied out the-iIL pILemed-itated plan to 6tageunshydeILtaflte and wag e a 6ull ~cale aILmed inh UILILecUon and ILeshybellion in thi~ countILY the6e lawle66 element6 have OILshy~

ganizede6tabUh hed and aILe now mainta-in-ing a well tILaine~ I well aILm ed and rhig hly -indo ctILinated and gIL eatly expand ed in6uILILecUonaILY 60ILCe populalLly known aampthe New Peopleshy

AILmy wh-ich ha6 6-ince vigolLou~ly pUIL6ued and 6Ull i6 v-igolLou~ly pUIL~uing a ILelentle66 and ILuthle~~ altmed 6tILugshygle aga-in6t oulL duly conhUtuted goveftnment and who6e unshymiUgated 6oILay6 ILa-id6 ambu~cade6 a~6aulth and ILeigrt 06 teILILOIt and act~ 06 lawlehh neh6 -in the ILuILal aJteaamp al1d in OUIL uILban centeIL6 bILought about the tILeacheILou~ and



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copoundd- bpoundo 0ded CUl6 i66inatio n 06 inno cent civipoundian6 mipoundi ta~y pe~60nnepound On the goue~nment and poundocapound pubpoundic 066ishyciaLo in many pa~uo6 the count~y notabpoundy in the Cashygayan Vapoundpoundey inCent~apound Luzon in theSoutheJtn ragapoundog Region in the Bicopound A~ea in the Vihaya6 and in Mindanao and whO6e da~ing and wanton gue~~ipoundpounda activitie6 have gene~ated and 6oWn 6ealt al1d panic among ou~ peoppounde have c~eated a cpoundimate 06 cha06 and di6o~de~ piroduced a 6tate 06 popounditicapound 6ocial p6ychopoundogicapound ana economic in6tashybipoundity in ou~ land and have in6poundicted g~eat u66e~ng andiMepa~able inju~y to pe~6on6 and p~ope~ty in ou~ 6ouety

WHEREAS theA e poundawpounde66 epoundement6 thei~ cad~eA 6epoundpoundow t~avetpoundeM 6uend6 6 ympathize~6and 6 uppo~telt6 have 60~ many yealLA up to the p~e6ent time been mounilng6uAtained ma66ive al1d de6 t~uctive p~opaganda a66 aupoundt6 agqin6t OUlt dupoundy co Ytiltuted 9ove~nmentmiddot iu in6tltumentapoundiile6 ag enshycie6 and on6iciapound6 and apound6o again6t oult 6 0 ciaL popoundiil- cal iconomicand ~eligZou6iMtitution6 th~ough the pubticatiol16 b~oadcCUlt6 and de66imination6 06detibe~ateshyly 6lanted al1d ove~ty exagge~ated new6 6toueand l1ew6 co mmentaue6 a6 well a6 6al6 e vile 6 aupound and 6 cuJt~ilo w 6tatemenu utte~ance6 w~iUng6 and pictulte thltough Jhe p~e6-~adio-televi6ion media al1d th~ough leanpoundet6 college campu6 new6pape~1J and lJome new6pape~-6 pubL[-6hed al1d-6till being publi-6hed by the-6epoundawpounde6A epoundement6 notabpoundy the Ang Bayan Pulang Bandila and the Ang Komuni6ta tt

all on which a~e clea~ly well- co I1ceived intel1ded al1dcapoundc lated to maligl1 and di-6c~edit ou~ duly con-6ututed goveltnshymel1t it-6 il1lJtltumentalitie-6 agel1cie-6al1d at 6icial-6 be6o~e ou~ people makil1g it appealt to the people that ou~ govetin ment ha6 become -60 weak and -60 impotent to pe~6oltm and di-6chaJtge iu 6unctioM oond ~e-6pon6ibLeitie6 in ou~ -6ocie- ty and to ou~ peop~e and thu6 undeJtmine and delJt~oy the 6aith and loyalty al1d allegiance On ou~ people in and alie ate thei~ -6Uppo~t noJtthei~ duly COI16tituted gove~l1ment it6 iM t~umentalitie-6 agencie6 and 06 6iciaL6 and the~eby g~adually e~pde and weakena-6in 6act they have -60 e~odedJ and weakenedthe will 06 ou~ people to lJu-6tain and de6end ou~ gove~nment and OUIt democltatic way 06 ti6e

WHEREAS the6 e lawle6-6 element having taken up a~m-6 again-6t OUIt duly con6tituted goveJtnment and again6t OUIt people and havil1g committed and aJte~till committing act6 o6altmed in6altltecuon andltebellion con-6L6tLng 06 a~med ~aid6 60ltay6 -6o~tie6 ambU-6he6 wanton act-6 06 mUJtdelt6 6poilage plundeJt looting alt6on6 de-6tJtuction 06 public


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and pnivate buildingc and attackc againct innocent and de6encelecc civilian livec anq pnopenty ail ofi which activitiec have cenioucly endangened and continue to endangen public onden andca6ety and the cecuuty on the nation and acting with cunning and mani6e~t pneshycicion and delibenation and without negandto the health ca6ety and well-being 06 the people ane now implementingtheilL pilin to eauce widecpnead macctveand cfjctematicdecx-nuction And panalization 06 vital pubLic utilitiec and c enviciec ~ panticulanly waten c yc temc c ouncec 06 electucal powen communication andtnanc pontation fiashycilitiec to the gneat detumentc ufi 6eung injuny and pnejudice on oun people and the nallon and to genelLate a deep pCfjchological 6ean and panie among oun people

WHEREAS the Slpneme Count in -the ccu ec bnought be60ne it~ doclteted ac GR Noco L-33964 L-33965 L-33973 L-33982L-34004 L-34013 L-34039 L-34265 and L-34339 M a eonc equenee 06 the c ucpeMion 06 the puvilege 06 the wut 06 habeM eonpucby me M Plrecident 06 the Philippinecin my Pnoetamailon No ggq dated Auguct 211971 ac amended hac bound that in tnuth and in oaet thene exicu an actual incunneetion and nebelUon in the countny by a cizeable gnoup on men who have publiely nicen in anmc to oventhnow the govennment~ Hene ic what the SuplLeme Count caid in itc deucion pnomulgated on VeeembelL 1 191

x x X oun junicpnudenee attecu abun dantlyto the Communict activitiec in the Philippinec ec pedally in Manila 6nom the late twentiec to the eanly thintiec then aimed pninc1pally at incitement to cedition on nebellion ac the immediate objectiveUpon the ectabli~hment 06 the Commonwealth 06 the Philippinec the movementceemed to have waned notably but the outbneak 06 W041d Wan 11 in the Paei6ic and the miceniec the devac~ation and havoc and the pnoli6eshynation 06 unlicenced 6ineanmc coneomitant with the militanfj occupation on the Philippinecand iu cubcequent libenation bnought about in the late nontiec a nec ung enee oi the Comshymunict thneat with cuch vigon ac to be able to onganize and openate in Centnai Luzon an a4my - ealled HUKBALAHAP duung the oecupa tion and nenamed Hukbong Mapagpalaya ng BayanHMBJ a6ten libenation - which elMhed ceveshynal timec with the anmed 60ncec 06 the Repub-Ue Thi~ pJtompted then PJteAident QULunrplusmn

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i66ue PlLoclamation No 210 dated OctoshybelL 22 1~50 6U6pending the plLivilege 06 the wILLt 06 habecu COlLeM the validishyty 06 which WM upheld -ltn MonteneglLo v Cabtaneda Vay6 be60ILe the plLomulgationOn baid PlLoclamatLon OIL an OctabelL IB 1950 membeft6 06 the Communi6t PolitbulLo in the Philippineb we~e applLehended in Manila Suamp6 equentlif aCCM ed and eo n vieshyted 06 the cILLme 06 lLebellion they 6elLved theilL lLe6pective 6entenceb

The 6L6tie6 6 aw a compalLative lull in Communi6 t aetivitie6 in60 fJaJt cu peace and olLdelL welLe concelLned StLll on June 20 1957 Republic Act No 1700 otheewi6e known ab the Anti-SuvelL6ion Act wa6 applLoved uponthe glLound6tated inthe velLY pJteamble 06 6 aid 6 tatute - that

xxxthe Comm~ni6t Pa4ty d6 the Philippine6 although pUlLpolLtedly a political palLty L6 in nact an olLganizedCOn6pilLacif to ovelLthlLpw the GovelLnment 06 the Republic 06 the Philippineo not only by nOlLce and vioLence but al6o bydeceit 6ubvelL6ionand othelL illegalmean6 -6 OIL the puJLp06e 00 e6tabli6 hingin the Philippine6 a totalitalLian lLegime 6ubject to alien dominationand contlLol

Ix x x the continued exi6tence and activitie6 06 the Co mmuvU6 t PalLty 06 the Philippine6 con6tLtute6 a clealL plLe6entand 2ILave dangelL to the 6eculL-ltly 06 lhe Phil-ltpplne6 and

x x x in the Oact 06 the olLganized6 Y6tematic and pelL6i6tent 6ubveJt6ion national in 6cope but intelLnational in dilLectLon pO6ed by the Communi6t PalLty

J 06 the Philippine6 and it6 activitie6 thelLe i6 ulLgent need nOlL 6pecial legi6shylation to cope w~th thi6 continuing meshynace to the nlLeedom and 6eculLity 06 the countlLy x x x In the language 06 the RepolLt on CentlLal Lushy

zon 6ubmitted on SeptembelL 4 1971 by the Senate Ad Hoc Committee 06 Seven-copy 06 which RepolLt wa6 oiled in the6 eCab e6 by the petiti0 nelL6 helLeinshy

liThe yealL6 6eelowing 1963 6aw the 6ucce66ive emelLgence in the counshyzILY ob 6eveILal ma66 olLganization6 n~ tabty the Lapiang Manggagawa (now Zh~~-


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So cialiJ t PaJity a6 th e PhilippbteJ ) among the w04ke4J the Malayang Sashymahan ng Mga MagJaJgtaka IMASAKAl among the pea~ant4Y the Kabataang Makabashyyan [KM) among th~ youthJtudentampand the Movem~nt 604 the Advancement 06 NationaliJm (MAN) among-the intelshylectual~p406eJJionalJ the PKP haJ ~x~4ted all-out e6604t to in6ilt4at~ in61uence and utilize theJe 04ganizashyilonJ in p40moilng itamp 4adical b4and 06 nailo naliamp m Meanwhil~ th~ CommuniJgtt leade4Jgt in th~

Philippine~ had been ampplit into two (2) g40UPamp on~ 06 which- compoJed mainly 06 young 4adicalJ conJtituting the MaoiJt 6iteilon - 4e04ganized th~ CommuniJt Pa4ty 06 the Philippin~Jgt ea41y in 1969 and eJtabliamph~d a N~w PeopleJ A4my~ ThiJ 6acilon adhe4eamp to the MaoiJt concept On the P40shyt4acted PeopleJ Wa4 04 Wa4 06 National Libe4ashyilon Itamp P40g4amm~ 60lL aPeopleJgt Vemoc4ailc Revolution JtateJgt inte4 alia

The COmmuniJgt t Pa4ty 06 the PhilipshypineJ i6 dete4mined to implement itJ gene4ai p~og4amme 004 a p~opleamp democshy4atic 4evoluilon All filipino commu nL~to a4i 4eady to 0 ac4i6ice thei4 lLveo 604 the w04thy cauoe 06achieving the new type 06 democ4acy 06 building a new Philippineo that io g enuinely and completely independent democ4atic unishyted juot and PJi06pe40Uo

x x x x x x

In the yea~ 1969 the NPA had-acc04ding to the 4eC04do 06 the Vepa4tment 06 National Ve6enoeshyconducted 4aido 4eo04ted to kidnappingJ and taken pa4t in otlie4 violent incident6 numbe4ing ove4 230 in which it in61icted 404 caoualtieJ and in u4n 6tld 243 to6 In 1910 Lt6 JtCOl~rr

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violent incident4 w~ about the -6ame but the NPA ca-6ualtie-6 mone than doubled

At any nate two (2) 6act6 ane undeniable (a) all Communi-6t-6 whethen they belortg to the tnaditional gnoup on to the Maoi-6t 6action beshylieve that 60nce and violence ane indi-6pen-6able to the attainment 06 thein main and ultimate objective and act in accondance with -6uch beshylie6 although they di-6agnee on the mean-6 to be U-6ed at a given time and in a panticulan placeand (bl th~ne i~ a New Peoplet~ Anmy othen on coun~e than the anmed 60nce-6 06 the Republic and antagoni-6tic theneto Such Mew People4Anmy i-6 peJi ~epno06 on the exi-6tence 06 a nebellion eJPecially con-6idening that it4 e4shytabli6 hment WQ6 announced publicly by the neonshyganized CPP Such announcement~-6 in the natune 06 a public challenge to the duly con6tituted authonitie4 and may be likened to a declanation On Walt -6u66icient to e-6tabli-6h a walt 6tatu-6olt a condition on belligeltency even benolte the actual commencement 06 h04tilitie6o

We entelttain theltefiolte no doubu about

theexi~tei~e 06 a AizeabLe gltoup 06 men who have publicly lti4en in anm4 to oveltthnow the goveltnshyment and have thu4 been and 4till alte engaged in nebellion again4t the Govennment 06 the PhishyLippine-6 bull

WHEREAS the4e lawle~4 element4 have to a con-6idenable extent 4ucceeded in impeding oult duly con-6tituted authoshyltitie4 61t~m pelt604ming theilt 6unction4 and di~chaltgingtheilt dutie-6 and ltupon4ibilitie4 in accoltdance with oult law4 and oult Con4titulionto the glte4t damage pltejudiceand detltiment 06 the people and the nation

WHEREAS ~t i~ evid~nt that thelte ii thltoughout the land a -6tate 06 anQnchy and lawle4-61e-64 cha04 and di-6shyoltdelt tUltmoil and de4tltuclion 06 a magnitude equivalent to an actual walt between the 60ltCe4 06 Oult duly con-6tishytuted goveltnment and the New People4 Altmy and thein -6atellite oltganization-6 becau6e 06 the unmitigated 60ltaY-6ltaid6 ambri-6 cade4 a4-6 ault-6 violence mUltdeM a-6-6a64i- nalion-6 act-6 06 teltnolt deceit6 coeltCiOn4 thneajf


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intimidation-6 tlleacheIlY machinailon-6 aM on-6 plun-dell4 and deplledailon4 committed and be-ing committed by the an 0lle4 aid lawle44 elemenu Who have pledg ed to the whole Itailon that they will not 4top theillda6shytalldly ennollt and4cheme unill and unle66 they have 6ully attuned thull pUmall and ulilmate pUllp06e on nOIlcibly 6eizing political and 6tate powell in thi6 countllY by ovellth~owing oUllplle6ent duly con6t-ituted govellnmel1t by de-6tlloying oull democllat-ic way on line and OUIl e6tabli-6hed 6 eculall and lleligiou6 bt6titution6 and belie66 and by6upplant-ing oull exi6t-ing political 6ocial economic legal and mOIla1 olldell with an entilleshyly new one who6e nOllm on govellnment who6enotion On individual Ilighu and 6amily llelailon6 aYid who6e poshylitical -6oual economic and mollal plleepu aile ba-6ed on the Mallxi-6t-Lenin-i-6t-Maoi6t teaching6 altd belien6

WHEREAS the Suplleme Coullt in it-6 6aid deci6ion concluded thatithe unlaw6ul act-iviile-6 06 the a60lle-6aid lawle64 element6 actually pO6e a eleall plle6ent and gllave dangell to public 4a6ety and the 6ecullity 06 the nation and in 6UppOllt 06 that conclu-6ion 60und that

x x x the ExecuUve had innOllmation altd llepollu--6 ub6 eq uently co nnillmed in many Ilehshypect-6 by the above~meniloned Repollt 06 the Senate Ad Hbc Committe~~on Seven-to ~he ei6ect that the Commun-i-6t Ptiltty 06 the Philippine6 doe-6 not mellely adhelle to Leninh idea on a 6w-i6t allrned uplli6ing that -it ha-6 al6o adoptedHo Chi Minh6 tellllolli6t tact-i~ and lle6ollted l

to the a-O6a6-6ination 06 uncoopellative local o66icial4 that in line with thi-6 polic the in6ullgent6 have killed 5 rnaOM 20 ballllio capshytain-6 and 3 chien6 on pol-ice that thelle welle nO ullteen (I 4) meani ng 6ul b0 mbi ng il1cide I1U il1 the G~eatell Maltila allea in 1970 thdt the Con4shyiltutional Convenilon Hall wa6 bombed on June 12 1971 that -6oon a6tell the Plaza Milla~da incident the NAWASA mun pipe at the Quezon

City-San Juan boundall wa6 bombed that this wa4 60llowed cio6ely by the bombing 06 the Manila Cit Hall the COMELEC Building theConglle64Bu-ilding and the MERALCO 4 ub-4tatirm at Cubao Quezon City ancLltthat thelle6 pective lle-6idence4 06 Senatoll Jo~~ J Roy and Conglle66rnan EduaAdo Cojuan~co welle l-ikewi-6e bombed a-6 welle the MERALCO mult o66-ice pllem-i6e6 along OIlt-iga6 Avenue and the VOctoll-6 Phallmaceutical-6 I nco BUild~ n in Caloocan City


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x x x the Iteoltgani zed Communifjt Paltty 06 the Phiippine-6 hCt4 molteovelt adopted Maoo concept 06 pltotltacted peope-6 walt aimed at the pa~aization 06 the wi to lteJJiot 06 the goveltnment 06 the poUticaeconomic and intellectual eadelt-6hip and 06 the people them6eve6 ~hat con6oltmaby to 1 uch co ncept the Paltty ha6 paced6 pecia e~pha6i6 upon a moot exten6ive and inten6ive

pltogltam 06 oubveltoion by the e6tabll6hment 06 6ltont oltganizationo in ultban centelt6 the oltganization 06 altmed city palttihanh and the in6itltation in 6tudent gItOUp6 abok unionh and 6altmelt and pIt06e6hionagltpUpo that the CPP hah managed to in6itltateolt e6tabioh and contltol nine (9) majolt abolt oltganization6that it hah expoited the youth movement arid hucceededin making Communiht 61t0nto 06 eeven (11 J majolt 6tudent Olt youth oltganization6 that thelte alte accoltdingfy about thiltty (30)mah6 oltganization6 actively advancing the CPpintelteot6 among which middotalte the Malayang Samashyhan ng Magoa6aka (MASAKA) ~he Kabata~ng Makashybayan (KMJ the Movement 601t the Advancement 06 Nationai6m(MAN) the SamahangVemokltatiko ng Kabataan (SOK) ~he Samahang Moave(SM)and the Mafayang Pagkakapoundoa ng Kabataang Piishypine (MPKP) that M 06 Aug U-6 t 1971 the KM had two hundlted 6olttY-6ive (245) opeltationaf

middotchaptelt6 thltoughout the Phiippineh 00 which oeventy-thltee (13) weltein the Glteatelt Mania Allea oixty (60) in Noktheltn Luzon 60ltty nine (491 in Centltai Luzrm noltty-two (421 in the Vi6aya6 and twenty-one (21) in Mindanao and Sutu that in 1910 the PlLltty had Itecoltded two hundlted 6i6ty-eight (258) majolt demon6tltashytiCn6 06 which about thiltty-thltee (33) ended in violence lte6 utting in 6i6teen (1 5) llti lRed and ovelt 6ive hundlted (5001 injulted tha~ moo t 06 the6 e actio 110 welte oltgani zed co oltdishynated ali led by the aooltementioned 6ltont oltgashynization6 that the violent demon6tltation6 welte 9eneltally in6 tigated by a 6 mall but wellshytltained gltoup 06 altmed agitatolth that the numbelt 06 demon6tltation6 heltet060lte htagedmiddotin 1911 hao allteady exceeded tho6e 06 1910 and that twenty-60ult (24) 06 the6e demon6tltationo welte violent and lte6ulted in the death 06 6i6teen (15 pelt6ono and the injulty 06 many molte



Sub6equen-t even-t6 x x x have at6o pltoven x x x the -thltea-t -to pubt~c 6a6e-ty pO6ed by -the New Peopte4 Altmy Indeed ~-t appealt6-tha-t 6~nce Augu6-t 21 1971 ~-t had ~n Nolt-theltn Luzon 6~x 61 enco untelt6 and gt -tagedo ne (1) Ita~d ~n co ngt equenc e6 06 wh~ch gt even 71 6 otd~elt6 ta6 t the~1t t~v e6 and -two (2) o-thelt6 welte wounded wheltea6 -the poundn6U4gent6 6u66elted 6~ve (5) ca6uatt~e6 that on Augu6t 26 1971 a wett-altmed gltoup 06 NPA tlta~ned by de6ectolt Lto V~ctOIt COltpU6 attacked the velty command PO6t 06 TF LAWIN ~n I6abeta de6t1toy~ng twa 2 het~copteM and one (I) ptane~ and wound~ng one (I) 6otdielt that the NPA had ~n Centltat Luzon a totat 06 60ult (4)encounteM w~th twa (2] kitted and thltee 3) wounded on the 6~de 06 the Goveltnment one (1) BSVU killed and thltee 3 KM-SDK teadeltan un~dent~6~ed d~66ident and Commal1delt Panch~to teadelt 06 the d166ident gltoupwelte k~tted that on Augu6t Z6 1971 thelte wa6an encauntelL ~n the baltlt~o 06 San Pedlto IJt~ga CityCamaJtine6 SUit between the PC and the MPA ~n whpoundch a PC and two fZ) KM membelt6 weJte k~tted that the eultltent digttuJtbance6in Cotabato and the Lanao PJtov~nce6 have bee~ Itendelted mOJte complex by the ~nvatveme~t 06 the CPP7NPA60It ~n mid-1971 a KM gltOUp headed by Javencio E6paltagoza contacted the Higa onan tltibe6 in theilt 6etUement ~n Mag6ay6ay Mi6ami6 Oltientat and a66eJted them bookgt pamphtetgtand bltochulte6 06 Mao T6e Tung a6 wetta6conducted teach-in6 in the Itell eltvat~o n that E6paJtaga za Wa6 Itepolttedty kitted an Septembelt 22 1971in an opeltatian 06the PC in 6aid lte6eltvation and that thelte alte naw two (Zl NPA cadlte6 in Mindanao

lIt 6houtd at6o be no-ted -tha-t adhelten-t6 06 the CPP and itgt 6lto nt oltganizat~on6 alte accaltd~ng to intettigence 6inding6 de6initety capabte 06 pltepalting powelt6ut expto6ive6 out 06 tocatty ava~tabte mateJtiat6 -that -the bamb U6ed ~n the Can6-titu-tianat Canven-tian Hatt wa6 a ClaymoJte mine a powelt6ul explo6ive dev~ce a4ed by -the US Altmy believed -to have been one 06 many p~l6elted nltam the Subic Naval Baoe a 6ew dalj6 benjJ0Jte




- 11 shy

th~t the P~ehident h~d ~eeeived inteiiigenee in60~mation to the e6neet that the4e WaA a Juiy-Augu~t Pian involving a wave 06 ~~~ aA~inationh kidnapping6 te~~oshy~i6 m and ma~6 deldlwelion 0n plLopelLty and th~t ~n extlLao~din~ILY oeeulLenee would ~ign~i the beginning 06 ~~id event--that the ~athelL ~e~iou~ eondilion 06 pe~ee ~ndo~de~ in Minshydanao palLtieula~ly in Cotabato and L~nao demanded the plLe6 utee the~ein 0 -6 no~eeh hu6 6ishyeient to eope with the 6ituation that a hishyzeable pa~t 06 ou~ alLmed 60~ee~ di6ehalLge6 othLIL 6uneticn6 and that the expan6ion 06 the CPP aetivLU e6 6~om CentlLal Luzon to othelL palLt6 06 the eount~y pa~tieulalLly M~nil~ and iU 6 ubulLb6 I the Cagaq~n Valley 1~ugao Zamshybaleh L~guna Quezon and the Bieol Region ~equilLed that the ~e6t ~6 OUIL a~med-6olLee6 be op~ead thin dvelL a wide a~ea

WHEREAS in the unwavelLing p~ooeeution 06 theilL ~evoluliona~y wa~ againht the Filipino peopleand thei~ duly eon~tituted gove~nment the a60lLeoaJd l~wie66 element6 have in the month6 06 May June and Juiy 1972 6 ucceeded in b~inging ~nd int~o dueing into the count~y ~t Vigoyo Point Pal~n~n 1o~beta and at othe~ undetelLmined point6 along the P~ci6ic eoa6tl~e 06 Luzon a 6ub6tantial quantity 06 wa~ matViJl eon6ioting 06 M-14 ~i61e6 eotimated to be o0me 3500 pieee6 6evOtal dozen~ 06 40 mm ~oeket launehe~ whieh ~lLe 6aid to be Chieom eopieo 06 ~ Ruooi~n p~ototype ~oeket launehe~ l~lLge quantiUeo on 80 mm 1L0eket6 and ~mmunition6 and othe~ eombat pa~aphe~naiia 0-6 whieh wa~ matelLil 6 ome had been di6eovelLed and eaptuhed by govelLnment militalLy 60~shyee~ and the b~ingi~g and int~oduetion 06 6ueh quanshytity and type 06 wa~ matelLi i into the eountlLlj i6 a mute but eloquent plLoofi 06 the 6iniotelL pian 06 the ano~eshyoaid lawle66 elemento to haAten the e6e~lation 06 theilL plLe6 ent ~evoeutiona~lj wa~ againot the Filipino peopleand thei~ legitimate gove~nment

WHEREAS in the exeeution 00 thei~ ove~ail ~eshyvolutiona~y pian the a60lLeoaJd lawle66 elemento hav e p~epalLed and ~eeeao ed to thei~ vauouo 6Jeld ~ornmdde46 dnd Pd~ZY wo~ke~ d do~urnent ~dP~O~


- 12 shy

REGIONAL PROGRAM OF ACTION 1912 a copy 06 which wa6 captuJted by elementamp 06 the 116th and 119th PhIlIppIne ConatahulaJty Companleamp on June 18 1912 at BaJtJtio Tating6ing CoJtdon whl ch Jtea6 aIl 60110w6

IaabeRa the text 06



The allowing Refjianal PJtogJtam 06 Acshytlon 60Jt 1972 i6 pJtepaJted to be caJtJtied out a6 paJtt 06 the oveJtall plan06 the paJtty to noment di6 co ntent and pJtecepitatethe Ude 06 nationwide rna6) JtevoluUon The 6aci6t MaJtco6 middotand hl6JteacUonaJtY membeJt6 06 CongshyJte66 i6 expected to pJtepaJte them6elve6 noJt the 1973 hence

JanuaJty - June

10 Inten6i6Y JtecJtuitment 06 new piJttymembe1t6 e6 peually 6Jtom the woJtkeJt6- 6aJtmeJto clall6 0 CadJte6 aJLe bung tJtuned In oJtdeJt to oJtganlze the dl66eJLent JteglonaR buJteau6 The6 e bUJteau6 mU6t concentJtate on ma66 action and oJtfjanlzation to pJtomote advancement 06 the mM6 JtevoRuilonaICY movement Re6elence io madt to the BoJtadoJt ngPJtagJtama 6a Pagkllo6 at Ulat ng Panllpunang Pag6161Yd6 at M apshypJtoved by the CentJtdl Committeeo

2 RecJtuit etnd tJtun aJtmed uty paJttI~ 6anamp and uJtban gueJtJtiRla6 and oJtganize them into unit6 undeJt PaJtty cadJte6 and activi6u 06 rna66 04g anI zatio n6 bull The6 e unit6 mU6t und eJtshygo 6peuallzed tJtaining an explo6ive6 and deshymoliUon and 0the4 60Jtm6 06 ~abotage

3 Inten6i6y JteclLuitmentand tJtaiyungon new membeM 60Jt the NewPeople6 AJLmy in pJtepaJtatlon 60Jt llmited o66enlllve in 6elected aJtea6 In the Jtegion6

4 SuppoJtt a mltl~e aggJte66ive p40gJtam on agltation and pJtopaganda again6t the JteactionaJty aJtmed 60JtCM and again6t the Con Can

July - Aug U6t

VuJting thio peJtiod the paJtty expectll the puppet MaJtco6 goveJtnment to allow inlrt

- 13 shy

clteao e in bUb Itateb th u6 ag 9Ita vating 6ultth elt the plight 06 ftudenu WOltkelth and the 6altshymeltb 0

1 All Regional Paltty CJJmmitteeb mUbt plan nolt a geneltal ftltike movement The Reshygional Opeltational Commandb mubt plan 60lt altmed bUppOltt i6 the 6abcibt altmed 6oltceb 06 Maltcob will tlty to intimidate the oppltebbed Filipino maob eb 0

2 Conduct babotage agdinbt bchoolb collegeb and univeltbitieb hiking tuition 6eeb o

3 Conductb ab 0tag e and agltati 0 n ag ainb t puppet judgeb and COUlttb lealtning iCabeb againbt top paltty leadeM

4 Clteate Itegional chaoband diboltdelt to dltamatize the inability 06 the 6abcibtMaltshyCOb goveltnment to keep and maintain peace and oltdelt thltu

al RobbekY and hold-up 06 bankb contltolled by Ameltican impeltialif~b and thobe belonging to the enemieb ou the people

lib) At~ack militalty ca~pb US baf eb and tow nh bull

c) Molte violent f tltikeb and deshym0 nb tltati 0 nb bull

Septembelt - Octobelt

r ncite af e i ntenb ity 0 6 J io len ce dif 0 ltdelt and con6u6ion

11ntenfi6Y fabotage and bombing 06 g oveltnment buildingf and embabhie6 and otheltutilitieb

al Co ng lte66 b) Suplteme COUltt lie) Con Con d) City Hall e) US Embabb (f 6 ) FacLfitieb 06 us Bab ef g) PlIovincial Capitotbh) Powel[ Plant6

- 14 shy

Z SpoJradic attackhmiddot an camph toWnh and cideh

3 Ahhahhinate high goveJrnment 06biualh 06 CongJrehh JudiciaJrY Con Con and pJrivate individual6 6ympathetic to puppet MaJrc06

4 E6tablihh pJrovihional ltevolutionaJrY goveJrnment in town6 and udeh with the 6UppOJrt a6 the ma66 e6

5 With the 6ympathetic hUPP0Jrt 06 ouJr allie6 ehtabli6h pJrovi6ional pJrovincial Ite- volutionaJrY goveJrnment6


WHEREAS in line with theiJr REGIOMAL PROGRAM OF ACTION 1912 the a60Jre6aid lawleh6 elemenu have 06 late been conducting inten6i6ied act6 06 violence and teJrltolti6 m6 duting the cultJrent yealt in the glteaLea Manila aJrea huch a6 the bombing on the AJrca buildpoundng at Ta6t Avenue Pa6ay City on MaJrch 15 Obthe Fllpoundshypina6 Otient AJriway6 b oaltd JrO am at Vomell tic Road Pah ay City on ApJril 23 06 the VLetname6e Emba66Y on May 30 06 the COUJrt 06 IndU6ttial Relationll on June 23 06 the Philippine TJru6t Company bJranch on6ice in Cubao Quezon City on June 24 06 the Philamli6ebuildng at United Nation6 Avenue Manila on July 3 06 theTashybacalelta CigaJr amp CigaJrette FactoJry Compound at MaJrquezde ComLeea6 Manila on July 21 06 the PLVT exchange066ice at Ea6t Avenue Quezon City and 06 the Philipshypine SagaJr In6titute building at Noltth Avenue Vilishyman Quezon City both on Auga6t 15 06 the Vepalttshyment 06 Soual Wel6alte building at San Ra6ael StJreet Sampaloc Manila on Augu6t 11 06a wateJr main on AUJrolta BoulevaJrd and Madi60l1 Aven(te Quezon City on AugU6t 19 06 the Philamli6e building againon Auguht 30 thi6 time cau6ing 6 eveJre de6tJruction on the FaJr Ea6t Bank and TJrU6t Company building neaJrby 06 the aJrmoJred caJr and building 06 the Philippine Banking CoJrshypoltatiolt It6 well a6 the building6 06 the I nve6tment Vevelopment Inc and the Vaily StaJr Publicatiolt6 when anotheJr explo6ion took place on Railltoad StJreet P~ltt Altea Maniia al60 on AugU6t 30 06 ]oell VepaJrtment StoJre on CaJrltiedo Stlteet Quiapo ManLta 011 SeptembeJr 5 ~aubull ing death to 0 ne woman an d in]uJUeh to 0mj(


- 15 shy

individuaL6 and 06 the City Hall 06 Manila on Septshyembe~ 8 06 the wate~main~ in San Juan Rizal on

Sept 12 00 the San Miguel building in Maf2ati Rtzal an Sept 14 and 0 6 the Quezon City Hal on Septembe~ 18 1972 a~ well a~ the attempted bombing 06 the Cong~e~gt Build-Lrg on July 1g when iln un- exploded bomb Wd6~ bound in the Senate publication Vivigtioi and the attempted bombing 00 the Vepa~tment 06 Fo~eign A66a(Jtgt an Aug ugtt 30ltgt

WHEREAS in line with the ~ame REGIONAL PROGshyRAM OF ACTION 1972 the a60~igtaid lawlu6 elemenu have algto 6ielded in the G~eate~ Manila a~ea ~eve~al o6 thei~ Spli~~ow Unittgt o~ SimbadUniu to unde~shytake liquidaUon mLl~ion~ )lgain6t ~anking gove~nmel1tOn 6iualo milita~y peugtJ1nel and p~ominent utizengt and to ou~the~ heighten the degtt~ucUongt and dep~eshydationgt al~eady inolicted by them upon ou~ innocent people all on which a~e being delibe~atety done -to 60W te~~o~ 6eal and chao6 among6t ou~ population and to make the gove~nment look 60 helplegtgt and incapable 06 p~otecUng the livegt and p~opeJrty 00 ou~ people

WHEREAS in addiUon to the above- de~c~ibed gtocial digtoftde~ thelte i-6 algto the equally 6eUOM digto~de~ in Mil1danao al1d Sula Iegtulting n~om the ungtettled conshy6lict between ce~tain elemenu a6 the Ch~igtUan and Mugtlim popalaUon 00 Mindanao and Salu betweenthe Chftigttian lfIlagao and themiddot MugtlimBa~~acudM and between ou~ goveftnment tftoopgt and cefttain lawlegtgt oftganizatioftgt 6adl a6 the Mindanao I ndeperidence Movement

WHERUS the Mindanao I ndependence Movement with tlle actiue matefI-Lal aJid 6inancial agtgtihtance 06 60fteign political and economic inte~e6t6 i6 engaged in an open and unconcealed attempt to egttabli6h by violence and foftce a 6 epaJtate and independent polLtical 6tate out 06 the i6land6 06 Mil1danao and Sula which a~e ~igt~ to~ically politically and bylaw paftu 06 the te~fI-Lshyto~ie6 and within the ju~i6diction and 6oveJteignty 06 the Republic 06 the Philippinegt

WHEREAS becaugte 06 the a60fte6aid di6o~de~ ~eshy6ulting 6ftom a~med clagthe6 killinggt magt6ac~egt a~shy60116 ~ape6piltage6 de6t~ucUon 06 whole village6 and tOWngt and the inevitable cegtgt ation on agfticultukal and indugttttial ope~aUongt all 06 which have been bftought about by the violence in6ticted by the ChfI-Lgtshyiian6 the M1L6lim6 the Ilaga6 the BattJlacuda6 and the Mindanao Independence Movement again6t ea~


otheh and aga-in6t ou1t goveltnment tltOOP6 a glteat many paltt6 06 the -i6land6 06 M-indanao and Sulu alte v-ihtually noW -in a 6tate On a~tual walt

WHEREAS the v-iolent d-i6oltdelt -in Mandanao and Sulu ha6 todate lte6ulted -in the k-ill-ing 06 oveiL 1000 c-iv-il-ian6 and about 2 000 altmed mu6l-im6 and ~hlti6 t-ian6 not to ment-io n themolte than 6-ive hund middot Ited thou6and on -injulted di6pla~ed and homele66 peM a n6 a6 well a6 the glteat numb elt o~ ca6ualt-ie6 among ou1t goveltnmenttltDOp6 and the paltal-lzat-ion a6 the e~onomy 06 M-indanao and Sulu

WHEREAS be~au6e 06 the ~oltego-ingact6 oampaJtmedmiddot -in6 uJtJte~tLo n wa nto n d e6tltuct-io n 06 humanl-ive6 and pltopeltty unabated andunlte6tlta-inedpltopagandaatshytack6 aga-in6 t the gov eltnm ent and -it6in6t-itutlo n6 -in6thumental-itie-4 agenc-ie6 and 06 6-ic-ial6middot and the Itap-idly expand-ing ltank6 06 the a60lteJa-id lawleA6 elemenU andbe~au6 e on the 6 plteadb1g lawle66 ne66 and analt~hy thltoughout the land allan which have plteventedthe goveltnment tomiddot exeltc-i6e it6 autholt-ity extend to -iu c-it-iz enlty the pltotect-io n a6it6 law6 and -in 9 eneltalexeltci6 e-iu 6 ov elte-ig ntg ovelt cr 06 -it6 teltlt-itofL-ie6 cau6 ed 6 eJr-iou6 demoltal-izattcn arnO ng ou1t people and have made the publ-ic applteltJ16-ive and 6ealt 6u1 and n-intilly becau6 e publ-ic oiLd elt and 6 a6 ety and the 6ecuIt-ity 06 th-i6 nation demandthttt -immediate 6wf6t de~i6 -iv e and e6 6ect-ive act-io n be taken to pltotect and -in6ulte the pea~e oltdviand QecuIL-ity 06 the ~ountlty and -it6 populat-ionand tomiddot ma-intain the autholL-ity 06 the goveJtnmenti


WHER EAS -in ca6 e6 a6 -inva6 -io n -in6 uILlte~t-io n 0 It Itebell-ion olt -imminent dangelt thelte06 I a6 PILe6-ident 06 the Ph-iLLpp-ine6 haveundelt the Cont-itut-ion thlteecotlJt6e6 06 act-ion open to me namely (a) ~all out themiddot altmed 60ltce6 to QuppILe6Q the pILe6 ent law le66 v-iolence (bJ QuQpend the plt-ivUege 06 the Wlt-it 06 habea6 ~Oltpu6 to make the aJtlte6t and appheshyhen6-ion 06 the6cz lawle66elemenu eaQ-ieIL and mOILe e66ect-ive OIL (c) place the -ph-il-ipp-ine6 oltany paILt thelteo 6 undelt maftt-ial law

WHEREAS 1 have allteady ut-il-ized the n-ilt6t two coulL6 e6 06 action bDrQt by caUingupon the altm~

- 11 shy

nolteeo to owpplteo6 the a60Jte6aid lawleoo violenee eommittingto that 6peei nie job almoot 50 06 the entilte altmed noltee6 06 the eountlty and elteating 6 eveshyItal tao k noltee6 nolt that pUltpO6 e 6 ueh a6 Tct6 k i Foltee Saltanay Ta6k Foltee Palanan Ta6k Foltee l6altog Ta6k Foltee Pagkakai6a and Ta6k Foltee Lanean and 6eeond by 6u6pending the pltivilege On the wltit 06 habeao eo Itpuo on Aug uamp t 2 1197 1 up to Janualtlj 1912 but (116 pite 0 n all th at both e 0ultJ) e6 0 6 aell0 n weJte nound inadequate and inefinectiveto eontain muehleo6 6olve the plteJ)ent Jtebellion and lawleoone66 in the

eountltlj a6 J)hown by the naet that

1 The ltadieal lefit ha6 inelteaoed the numbelt an d altea 06 0 peltati-onofi it66Ito nt oltg ani zatioM and ha6 inten6ifiiedthe iteeltuitshyment and tltainlng 06 newadheltentf in the ultban and Itultal altea6 e6peeially oltom among the youth

z The Kabataang Makabayan(KM)) the mO6t milishytant and out6poken filtont oltganization06 the Itadieal lent haf ineltea6edthe numbelt 06 it6 chapteltJ) 6ltom 200 ao on the end 06 1910 to 311 at on July 31 1912 and It6 membeJt6hip nltom 10000 af 06 the end 061910 to 15000 a6middot 06 the end On July 1972 6ltowing velty eleanly the Itapidgltowth on the eommuniJ)t movement inthi6 eountlty

3 The Samahang Vema kltailko Ng KabatClan SVK anothelt militant and outJ)poken JLDntOItshyganization on theltadieal lent ha6 al60 ineltea6 ed the numbelt 06 itf ehapteJt6nltom an in6ignifiieantnumbelt at the end 061910 to 159 a6 06 the end 0 f Jul 1972 and ha6 noW a membeltamphip 06 ampome1495 highly inshydoetJtinated intenampely committed and almoft nanatieally devoted indlvidual6

4 The New Peopleamp Altmy the mO6t active and the mOft vlolentandltuthle~6militalty altm On the Itadicat lent hao inclteao ed it6total J)tltength nltoman e~timated6500 (eompoJ)ed on 560 ltegulalt6 1500 combat fUPPOltt and 4400 HltvU huppolt-t) a o Jaualt~



- 1 g shy

~o abou~7900 (eompohed 06 1028 lLegulalL4 1 to a eomba~ 4 upptlr~ anfi 5025 helLviee hUppOlL~) ah 06 Jul~ 31 1972 ~howing a malL~ed inelLea4e in iu ltegulalL ~lLOOp6 on OVlllL 100 in 6ueh a 6hot~ peltiad 06 ~ixmiddotmon~h6

50 The e6~abli~hment 06 ~ane~ualtie6 60lL ~he i~ ultg en~6 in I6 ab ela in Zambale6 in CamalLine6SUlL and in 6 ome palLt6 06 Mindashynao~ adevelopmen~ helLe~06olte unknown in oulL eampaign agaln6t 6ubvelL6ioft and in6UlLshygeney in ~hi6 eoun~lL~

6 The di6appealLanee and dlLopping ou~ 06 6ehool 06 6ome 3000 high 6ehool and eoLLege 6~Ushydent6 and who alLe lLepolL~ed ~o have joined wi~h ~he in6 ultg ent6 fi alL ~lLaining in ~he handling on 6ilLealLm6 and explo6ive6

7 The blLinging and intlLoduetlon ln~q~he eoun~lL~ 06 6ub6~an~ial walL ma~elLial eonshy6i6ting 06 mili~alLtj halLdwalte and 6upplie6

middotthlLough the MV KalLagatan at V-Lgoljo Point Palanan l6abela and ~he naet ~ha~ mantj 06 ~he6e miUtalt~ haltdwaJte and 6upplie6 alte now in ~he hand6 ofi themiddot in6UlLgen~6 and alLe being U6ed agal~~ oulL govelLnrnent ~lLOOp6

8 The in6iltlLation and eon~lLol 06 ~he media b~ pelt6on6 who alte ~tjmpathe~ie ~o ~he in6 UlLg ent6 and the eo 116 eq uen~ in~en~ L6i cailon 06 theilt plLopagimda a6~aultagain~~ ~he goveltnmen~ and ~he miUtalt~ e6tabli6hshyment on ~he govetnmen~o

9 The noltma~iona~ ~he glta66-lLoot level 06 IIpolitical poweJt olLgan6 helLetonOlLe an- flnown in ~he hi6~otyon theCommuni6t moveshyment in thi6 countlL~ compo6 edo 6 BaJtltio OJtganizingCommit~ee6 (BOC6) to mobilize the baJtJrio people fiott active involvemen~ in ~helLeVolu~ion ~he BaJtJtio RevoluilonalLtj Commi~tee6 BRC61 ~o act a6 Imiddotlocal goveJtnshyment6 in balLJtio6 eon6idelLed a6 CPP NPA



- 19 shy

bailiwickll the (lJoltkeJt6 OJtganizing Comshymitteell (WOCll) to middotoltganize WOltkeirll 6ltom all AectOltll the School Oltganizing Comshymitteell (SOC61 to conduct agitaliorl and pltopaganda activitie6 and help in the expandion 06 ~4ontg4oUp6 among the dtudentlty and the CommunityOJrganizi~g Committeell (COC6) which opeJtate in the ultban altea6 in the 6ame manneJt a) the BOCll bull

WHEREAS the Itebellion and a4med aclion undeltshytaken by the6elawlellll element606 the communl6t and othelt altmed aggltupailonll oltganlzedto oveltthltow the Republic o~ the PhiUppinei bq altmedviolenceand 60ltce have a66umed the magnitude On an actual 6tate 06 walt agalnlltoult people and the RepubliC 06 the


NOW THEREfORE I FER-VI NANV E MARCOS Pltelli shydenton the Phllippinell by vilttue 06 the poweM vellted upon me by Aldlcle VII I Section 10 PaltagJraph (2) 06 the Conlltitutiondo heJteby placethe entllte PhiUppinell a6 denined in AItticle I Sectlon 1 06 the Conlltitutian undelt malttial law and in my capacity a4 thellt c6mmandelt-in-chiefi do helteby commandthe altmed 60ltCell 06the Phllippine6 to maintainmiddotlaw and oJrdelt thltoughout the Phllippine6 pltevent Olt JuppJre611 all 60ltm6 06 lawlell6 v-tolence a6 well all anq act 0n inllUltltection Olt Itebellion and to en60ltce obedienceto atl the laWllandto all declteet oJtdeltll andltegulationll pltomulgated by me petrll 0nally oJt upo n my dlJtecUo n~

In addition I do helteby oltdelt that allpelt6on6 pltell ently detalned a6 well Mall otheltll who may heltea-6telt ite llimilaltly detained6olt the cJrimell oflnshyllultltectionoJt Jtebellion and all othelt cltimellanda6-middot 6enlle6 committed in6uJttheltance OfLon the occa61on thelteo Lolt incident thelteto Olt in co nnculion thelteshywith b0If cJtime6 ag alnllt natlonal II ecuJrity and the law 06 nationll Cltimell again6t public oltdelt CUme6 involving ull ultpailo n 06 atftholtlty Jtank title and lmpltopelt ulle on name6 unL60ltmll andln6ignia cltime6 commlttedmiddot by public 06 fiicelt6 and 601t lluch otheltcJrimell a6 will be enunieltated in OltdelLb that I II halt 6 ub6 eq uentty pltomulg ate all welt a6cJrime6 Maconllequence 06 any violation 06 any

decltee oltdelt olt Itegulation pltomulgated by me pelt6onatly alt pltomutgated upon mydiltecilon 6hall be kept undelt detenshytioY until otheltwi6e oltdelted ltetea6ed by me Olt by my duly de-61gnated lLeplLe-6 erutJcct-ive ~

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~4~ 1l0BERTO V REYES Acting Executive Secretary

Page 2: Proclamation no 1081


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hocial economic legal and mOILal 60undation~ on oulL exi~Ung goveJnment and to in61uence manipulate and move pea~ant lab OIL htudent and teILILotihtiC oILgashynizaUonh undeIL theiIL in6luence OIL eontlLol to commit ah in 6act they have comrrritted and hilll aILe committing acU 06 violence depILedaUon~ 6 abQtage and injuILie6 agMn~ t oulL duly con~ Ututed autholLitieh again1gt t the membeIL6 06 ouli law en60ILcement agencieh and middotWOIL~t 06 all agtLin6t the peace6ul membeIL6 06euIL ~ociety

WHEREAS in the 6anatical pUIL~uit 06 theiIL con~shypiILacy and wideh pILead acU 06 violence depILedaUo nh habotage and injuILie~ again~t OuIL people and in oILdeIL to pILO vide the e~h ential iYih tILument to diILeCt and caJrILY out theiIL cILiminal de6ign and unlaw6ul activitie6 and to achie v e theiIL ulUmate ~ ini~ teIL a bj ectiv eh the6e lawle66 element~ have in nact oILganized e~tabli6hed and aILe now maintaining a CentILat Committee compohed 06 young anddedicated ILadical htudenUand intellectualh which ih chaILg ed with 9uiding ana diILeciln 9 the aILm ed 6tILuggle and pILopaganda aamp6middotault6 againht oulL duly con6shytituted govefnment and thi6 CentILal Committee 1h now imp0Jdng -iu will andah6 eILting it6 6 ham autholLityon ceILtain 6egment~ 06 oulL populaUon e6pecially in the ILuILal aILea~ thILough vaILied mean~ 06 6ubteIL6uge deceit CoeILcion thILeat6 intimidation6 machinaUon~ tILeacheILy violence and othvt mode6 06teJrILOIt and hCt~ been andi6 [llegally exacting fiinancial anci oth elt 6OILm6 06 tILibuteh fILQm oulL people to ILai6 e fundh and mateual ILe~OUILce6 to ~ ~ lpPO ILt it~ -in6 uILIL e ct-i a naILY and pILO pag anda acti vitie9 ag MY OUIL duly con~t-itutedgovelLnment and agtiin6t OuIL peace-

1 loving people tI I

I WHEREAS -in oILdeIL to caILILy out aamp in 6act theyImiddot

have caILIL-ied out the-iIL pILemed-itated plan to 6tageunshydeILtaflte and wag e a 6ull ~cale aILmed inh UILILecUon and ILeshybellion in thi~ countILY the6e lawle66 element6 have OILshy~

ganizede6tabUh hed and aILe now mainta-in-ing a well tILaine~ I well aILm ed and rhig hly -indo ctILinated and gIL eatly expand ed in6uILILecUonaILY 60ILCe populalLly known aampthe New Peopleshy

AILmy wh-ich ha6 6-ince vigolLou~ly pUIL6ued and 6Ull i6 v-igolLou~ly pUIL~uing a ILelentle66 and ILuthle~~ altmed 6tILugshygle aga-in6t oulL duly conhUtuted goveftnment and who6e unshymiUgated 6oILay6 ILa-id6 ambu~cade6 a~6aulth and ILeigrt 06 teILILOIt and act~ 06 lawlehh neh6 -in the ILuILal aJteaamp al1d in OUIL uILban centeIL6 bILought about the tILeacheILou~ and



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copoundd- bpoundo 0ded CUl6 i66inatio n 06 inno cent civipoundian6 mipoundi ta~y pe~60nnepound On the goue~nment and poundocapound pubpoundic 066ishyciaLo in many pa~uo6 the count~y notabpoundy in the Cashygayan Vapoundpoundey inCent~apound Luzon in theSoutheJtn ragapoundog Region in the Bicopound A~ea in the Vihaya6 and in Mindanao and whO6e da~ing and wanton gue~~ipoundpounda activitie6 have gene~ated and 6oWn 6ealt al1d panic among ou~ peoppounde have c~eated a cpoundimate 06 cha06 and di6o~de~ piroduced a 6tate 06 popounditicapound 6ocial p6ychopoundogicapound ana economic in6tashybipoundity in ou~ land and have in6poundicted g~eat u66e~ng andiMepa~able inju~y to pe~6on6 and p~ope~ty in ou~ 6ouety

WHEREAS theA e poundawpounde66 epoundement6 thei~ cad~eA 6epoundpoundow t~avetpoundeM 6uend6 6 ympathize~6and 6 uppo~telt6 have 60~ many yealLA up to the p~e6ent time been mounilng6uAtained ma66ive al1d de6 t~uctive p~opaganda a66 aupoundt6 agqin6t OUlt dupoundy co Ytiltuted 9ove~nmentmiddot iu in6tltumentapoundiile6 ag enshycie6 and on6iciapound6 and apound6o again6t oult 6 0 ciaL popoundiil- cal iconomicand ~eligZou6iMtitution6 th~ough the pubticatiol16 b~oadcCUlt6 and de66imination6 06detibe~ateshyly 6lanted al1d ove~ty exagge~ated new6 6toueand l1ew6 co mmentaue6 a6 well a6 6al6 e vile 6 aupound and 6 cuJt~ilo w 6tatemenu utte~ance6 w~iUng6 and pictulte thltough Jhe p~e6-~adio-televi6ion media al1d th~ough leanpoundet6 college campu6 new6pape~1J and lJome new6pape~-6 pubL[-6hed al1d-6till being publi-6hed by the-6epoundawpounde6A epoundement6 notabpoundy the Ang Bayan Pulang Bandila and the Ang Komuni6ta tt

all on which a~e clea~ly well- co I1ceived intel1ded al1dcapoundc lated to maligl1 and di-6c~edit ou~ duly con-6ututed goveltnshymel1t it-6 il1lJtltumentalitie-6 agel1cie-6al1d at 6icial-6 be6o~e ou~ people makil1g it appealt to the people that ou~ govetin ment ha6 become -60 weak and -60 impotent to pe~6oltm and di-6chaJtge iu 6unctioM oond ~e-6pon6ibLeitie6 in ou~ -6ocie- ty and to ou~ peop~e and thu6 undeJtmine and delJt~oy the 6aith and loyalty al1d allegiance On ou~ people in and alie ate thei~ -6Uppo~t noJtthei~ duly COI16tituted gove~l1ment it6 iM t~umentalitie-6 agencie6 and 06 6iciaL6 and the~eby g~adually e~pde and weakena-6in 6act they have -60 e~odedJ and weakenedthe will 06 ou~ people to lJu-6tain and de6end ou~ gove~nment and OUIt democltatic way 06 ti6e

WHEREAS the6 e lawle6-6 element having taken up a~m-6 again-6t OUIt duly con6tituted goveJtnment and again6t OUIt people and havil1g committed and aJte~till committing act6 o6altmed in6altltecuon andltebellion con-6L6tLng 06 a~med ~aid6 60ltay6 -6o~tie6 ambU-6he6 wanton act-6 06 mUJtdelt6 6poilage plundeJt looting alt6on6 de-6tJtuction 06 public


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and pnivate buildingc and attackc againct innocent and de6encelecc civilian livec anq pnopenty ail ofi which activitiec have cenioucly endangened and continue to endangen public onden andca6ety and the cecuuty on the nation and acting with cunning and mani6e~t pneshycicion and delibenation and without negandto the health ca6ety and well-being 06 the people ane now implementingtheilL pilin to eauce widecpnead macctveand cfjctematicdecx-nuction And panalization 06 vital pubLic utilitiec and c enviciec ~ panticulanly waten c yc temc c ouncec 06 electucal powen communication andtnanc pontation fiashycilitiec to the gneat detumentc ufi 6eung injuny and pnejudice on oun people and the nallon and to genelLate a deep pCfjchological 6ean and panie among oun people

WHEREAS the Slpneme Count in -the ccu ec bnought be60ne it~ doclteted ac GR Noco L-33964 L-33965 L-33973 L-33982L-34004 L-34013 L-34039 L-34265 and L-34339 M a eonc equenee 06 the c ucpeMion 06 the puvilege 06 the wut 06 habeM eonpucby me M Plrecident 06 the Philippinecin my Pnoetamailon No ggq dated Auguct 211971 ac amended hac bound that in tnuth and in oaet thene exicu an actual incunneetion and nebelUon in the countny by a cizeable gnoup on men who have publiely nicen in anmc to oventhnow the govennment~ Hene ic what the SuplLeme Count caid in itc deucion pnomulgated on VeeembelL 1 191

x x X oun junicpnudenee attecu abun dantlyto the Communict activitiec in the Philippinec ec pedally in Manila 6nom the late twentiec to the eanly thintiec then aimed pninc1pally at incitement to cedition on nebellion ac the immediate objectiveUpon the ectabli~hment 06 the Commonwealth 06 the Philippinec the movementceemed to have waned notably but the outbneak 06 W041d Wan 11 in the Paei6ic and the miceniec the devac~ation and havoc and the pnoli6eshynation 06 unlicenced 6ineanmc coneomitant with the militanfj occupation on the Philippinecand iu cubcequent libenation bnought about in the late nontiec a nec ung enee oi the Comshymunict thneat with cuch vigon ac to be able to onganize and openate in Centnai Luzon an a4my - ealled HUKBALAHAP duung the oecupa tion and nenamed Hukbong Mapagpalaya ng BayanHMBJ a6ten libenation - which elMhed ceveshynal timec with the anmed 60ncec 06 the Repub-Ue Thi~ pJtompted then PJteAident QULunrplusmn

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i66ue PlLoclamation No 210 dated OctoshybelL 22 1~50 6U6pending the plLivilege 06 the wILLt 06 habecu COlLeM the validishyty 06 which WM upheld -ltn MonteneglLo v Cabtaneda Vay6 be60ILe the plLomulgationOn baid PlLoclamatLon OIL an OctabelL IB 1950 membeft6 06 the Communi6t PolitbulLo in the Philippineb we~e applLehended in Manila Suamp6 equentlif aCCM ed and eo n vieshyted 06 the cILLme 06 lLebellion they 6elLved theilL lLe6pective 6entenceb

The 6L6tie6 6 aw a compalLative lull in Communi6 t aetivitie6 in60 fJaJt cu peace and olLdelL welLe concelLned StLll on June 20 1957 Republic Act No 1700 otheewi6e known ab the Anti-SuvelL6ion Act wa6 applLoved uponthe glLound6tated inthe velLY pJteamble 06 6 aid 6 tatute - that

xxxthe Comm~ni6t Pa4ty d6 the Philippine6 although pUlLpolLtedly a political palLty L6 in nact an olLganizedCOn6pilLacif to ovelLthlLpw the GovelLnment 06 the Republic 06 the Philippineo not only by nOlLce and vioLence but al6o bydeceit 6ubvelL6ionand othelL illegalmean6 -6 OIL the puJLp06e 00 e6tabli6 hingin the Philippine6 a totalitalLian lLegime 6ubject to alien dominationand contlLol

Ix x x the continued exi6tence and activitie6 06 the Co mmuvU6 t PalLty 06 the Philippine6 con6tLtute6 a clealL plLe6entand 2ILave dangelL to the 6eculL-ltly 06 lhe Phil-ltpplne6 and

x x x in the Oact 06 the olLganized6 Y6tematic and pelL6i6tent 6ubveJt6ion national in 6cope but intelLnational in dilLectLon pO6ed by the Communi6t PalLty

J 06 the Philippine6 and it6 activitie6 thelLe i6 ulLgent need nOlL 6pecial legi6shylation to cope w~th thi6 continuing meshynace to the nlLeedom and 6eculLity 06 the countlLy x x x In the language 06 the RepolLt on CentlLal Lushy

zon 6ubmitted on SeptembelL 4 1971 by the Senate Ad Hoc Committee 06 Seven-copy 06 which RepolLt wa6 oiled in the6 eCab e6 by the petiti0 nelL6 helLeinshy

liThe yealL6 6eelowing 1963 6aw the 6ucce66ive emelLgence in the counshyzILY ob 6eveILal ma66 olLganization6 n~ tabty the Lapiang Manggagawa (now Zh~~-


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So cialiJ t PaJity a6 th e PhilippbteJ ) among the w04ke4J the Malayang Sashymahan ng Mga MagJaJgtaka IMASAKAl among the pea~ant4Y the Kabataang Makabashyyan [KM) among th~ youthJtudentampand the Movem~nt 604 the Advancement 06 NationaliJm (MAN) among-the intelshylectual~p406eJJionalJ the PKP haJ ~x~4ted all-out e6604t to in6ilt4at~ in61uence and utilize theJe 04ganizashyilonJ in p40moilng itamp 4adical b4and 06 nailo naliamp m Meanwhil~ th~ CommuniJgtt leade4Jgt in th~

Philippine~ had been ampplit into two (2) g40UPamp on~ 06 which- compoJed mainly 06 young 4adicalJ conJtituting the MaoiJt 6iteilon - 4e04ganized th~ CommuniJt Pa4ty 06 the Philippin~Jgt ea41y in 1969 and eJtabliamph~d a N~w PeopleJ A4my~ ThiJ 6acilon adhe4eamp to the MaoiJt concept On the P40shyt4acted PeopleJ Wa4 04 Wa4 06 National Libe4ashyilon Itamp P40g4amm~ 60lL aPeopleJgt Vemoc4ailc Revolution JtateJgt inte4 alia

The COmmuniJgt t Pa4ty 06 the PhilipshypineJ i6 dete4mined to implement itJ gene4ai p~og4amme 004 a p~opleamp democshy4atic 4evoluilon All filipino commu nL~to a4i 4eady to 0 ac4i6ice thei4 lLveo 604 the w04thy cauoe 06achieving the new type 06 democ4acy 06 building a new Philippineo that io g enuinely and completely independent democ4atic unishyted juot and PJi06pe40Uo

x x x x x x

In the yea~ 1969 the NPA had-acc04ding to the 4eC04do 06 the Vepa4tment 06 National Ve6enoeshyconducted 4aido 4eo04ted to kidnappingJ and taken pa4t in otlie4 violent incident6 numbe4ing ove4 230 in which it in61icted 404 caoualtieJ and in u4n 6tld 243 to6 In 1910 Lt6 JtCOl~rr

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violent incident4 w~ about the -6ame but the NPA ca-6ualtie-6 mone than doubled

At any nate two (2) 6act6 ane undeniable (a) all Communi-6t-6 whethen they belortg to the tnaditional gnoup on to the Maoi-6t 6action beshylieve that 60nce and violence ane indi-6pen-6able to the attainment 06 thein main and ultimate objective and act in accondance with -6uch beshylie6 although they di-6agnee on the mean-6 to be U-6ed at a given time and in a panticulan placeand (bl th~ne i~ a New Peoplet~ Anmy othen on coun~e than the anmed 60nce-6 06 the Republic and antagoni-6tic theneto Such Mew People4Anmy i-6 peJi ~epno06 on the exi-6tence 06 a nebellion eJPecially con-6idening that it4 e4shytabli6 hment WQ6 announced publicly by the neonshyganized CPP Such announcement~-6 in the natune 06 a public challenge to the duly con6tituted authonitie4 and may be likened to a declanation On Walt -6u66icient to e-6tabli-6h a walt 6tatu-6olt a condition on belligeltency even benolte the actual commencement 06 h04tilitie6o

We entelttain theltefiolte no doubu about

theexi~tei~e 06 a AizeabLe gltoup 06 men who have publicly lti4en in anm4 to oveltthnow the goveltnshyment and have thu4 been and 4till alte engaged in nebellion again4t the Govennment 06 the PhishyLippine-6 bull

WHEREAS the4e lawle~4 element4 have to a con-6idenable extent 4ucceeded in impeding oult duly con-6tituted authoshyltitie4 61t~m pelt604ming theilt 6unction4 and di~chaltgingtheilt dutie-6 and ltupon4ibilitie4 in accoltdance with oult law4 and oult Con4titulionto the glte4t damage pltejudiceand detltiment 06 the people and the nation

WHEREAS ~t i~ evid~nt that thelte ii thltoughout the land a -6tate 06 anQnchy and lawle4-61e-64 cha04 and di-6shyoltdelt tUltmoil and de4tltuclion 06 a magnitude equivalent to an actual walt between the 60ltCe4 06 Oult duly con-6tishytuted goveltnment and the New People4 Altmy and thein -6atellite oltganization-6 becau6e 06 the unmitigated 60ltaY-6ltaid6 ambri-6 cade4 a4-6 ault-6 violence mUltdeM a-6-6a64i- nalion-6 act-6 06 teltnolt deceit6 coeltCiOn4 thneajf


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intimidation-6 tlleacheIlY machinailon-6 aM on-6 plun-dell4 and deplledailon4 committed and be-ing committed by the an 0lle4 aid lawle44 elemenu Who have pledg ed to the whole Itailon that they will not 4top theillda6shytalldly ennollt and4cheme unill and unle66 they have 6ully attuned thull pUmall and ulilmate pUllp06e on nOIlcibly 6eizing political and 6tate powell in thi6 countllY by ovellth~owing oUllplle6ent duly con6t-ituted govellnmel1t by de-6tlloying oull democllat-ic way on line and OUIl e6tabli-6hed 6 eculall and lleligiou6 bt6titution6 and belie66 and by6upplant-ing oull exi6t-ing political 6ocial economic legal and mOIla1 olldell with an entilleshyly new one who6e nOllm on govellnment who6enotion On individual Ilighu and 6amily llelailon6 aYid who6e poshylitical -6oual economic and mollal plleepu aile ba-6ed on the Mallxi-6t-Lenin-i-6t-Maoi6t teaching6 altd belien6

WHEREAS the Suplleme Coullt in it-6 6aid deci6ion concluded thatithe unlaw6ul act-iviile-6 06 the a60lle-6aid lawle64 element6 actually pO6e a eleall plle6ent and gllave dangell to public 4a6ety and the 6ecullity 06 the nation and in 6UppOllt 06 that conclu-6ion 60und that

x x x the ExecuUve had innOllmation altd llepollu--6 ub6 eq uently co nnillmed in many Ilehshypect-6 by the above~meniloned Repollt 06 the Senate Ad Hbc Committe~~on Seven-to ~he ei6ect that the Commun-i-6t Ptiltty 06 the Philippine6 doe-6 not mellely adhelle to Leninh idea on a 6w-i6t allrned uplli6ing that -it ha-6 al6o adoptedHo Chi Minh6 tellllolli6t tact-i~ and lle6ollted l

to the a-O6a6-6ination 06 uncoopellative local o66icial4 that in line with thi-6 polic the in6ullgent6 have killed 5 rnaOM 20 ballllio capshytain-6 and 3 chien6 on pol-ice that thelle welle nO ullteen (I 4) meani ng 6ul b0 mbi ng il1cide I1U il1 the G~eatell Maltila allea in 1970 thdt the Con4shyiltutional Convenilon Hall wa6 bombed on June 12 1971 that -6oon a6tell the Plaza Milla~da incident the NAWASA mun pipe at the Quezon

City-San Juan boundall wa6 bombed that this wa4 60llowed cio6ely by the bombing 06 the Manila Cit Hall the COMELEC Building theConglle64Bu-ilding and the MERALCO 4 ub-4tatirm at Cubao Quezon City ancLltthat thelle6 pective lle-6idence4 06 Senatoll Jo~~ J Roy and Conglle66rnan EduaAdo Cojuan~co welle l-ikewi-6e bombed a-6 welle the MERALCO mult o66-ice pllem-i6e6 along OIlt-iga6 Avenue and the VOctoll-6 Phallmaceutical-6 I nco BUild~ n in Caloocan City


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x x x the Iteoltgani zed Communifjt Paltty 06 the Phiippine-6 hCt4 molteovelt adopted Maoo concept 06 pltotltacted peope-6 walt aimed at the pa~aization 06 the wi to lteJJiot 06 the goveltnment 06 the poUticaeconomic and intellectual eadelt-6hip and 06 the people them6eve6 ~hat con6oltmaby to 1 uch co ncept the Paltty ha6 paced6 pecia e~pha6i6 upon a moot exten6ive and inten6ive

pltogltam 06 oubveltoion by the e6tabll6hment 06 6ltont oltganizationo in ultban centelt6 the oltganization 06 altmed city palttihanh and the in6itltation in 6tudent gItOUp6 abok unionh and 6altmelt and pIt06e6hionagltpUpo that the CPP hah managed to in6itltateolt e6tabioh and contltol nine (9) majolt abolt oltganization6that it hah expoited the youth movement arid hucceededin making Communiht 61t0nto 06 eeven (11 J majolt 6tudent Olt youth oltganization6 that thelte alte accoltdingfy about thiltty (30)mah6 oltganization6 actively advancing the CPpintelteot6 among which middotalte the Malayang Samashyhan ng Magoa6aka (MASAKA) ~he Kabata~ng Makashybayan (KMJ the Movement 601t the Advancement 06 Nationai6m(MAN) the SamahangVemokltatiko ng Kabataan (SOK) ~he Samahang Moave(SM)and the Mafayang Pagkakapoundoa ng Kabataang Piishypine (MPKP) that M 06 Aug U-6 t 1971 the KM had two hundlted 6olttY-6ive (245) opeltationaf

middotchaptelt6 thltoughout the Phiippineh 00 which oeventy-thltee (13) weltein the Glteatelt Mania Allea oixty (60) in Noktheltn Luzon 60ltty nine (491 in Centltai Luzrm noltty-two (421 in the Vi6aya6 and twenty-one (21) in Mindanao and Sutu that in 1910 the PlLltty had Itecoltded two hundlted 6i6ty-eight (258) majolt demon6tltashytiCn6 06 which about thiltty-thltee (33) ended in violence lte6 utting in 6i6teen (1 5) llti lRed and ovelt 6ive hundlted (5001 injulted tha~ moo t 06 the6 e actio 110 welte oltgani zed co oltdishynated ali led by the aooltementioned 6ltont oltgashynization6 that the violent demon6tltation6 welte 9eneltally in6 tigated by a 6 mall but wellshytltained gltoup 06 altmed agitatolth that the numbelt 06 demon6tltation6 heltet060lte htagedmiddotin 1911 hao allteady exceeded tho6e 06 1910 and that twenty-60ult (24) 06 the6e demon6tltationo welte violent and lte6ulted in the death 06 6i6teen (15 pelt6ono and the injulty 06 many molte



Sub6equen-t even-t6 x x x have at6o pltoven x x x the -thltea-t -to pubt~c 6a6e-ty pO6ed by -the New Peopte4 Altmy Indeed ~-t appealt6-tha-t 6~nce Augu6-t 21 1971 ~-t had ~n Nolt-theltn Luzon 6~x 61 enco untelt6 and gt -tagedo ne (1) Ita~d ~n co ngt equenc e6 06 wh~ch gt even 71 6 otd~elt6 ta6 t the~1t t~v e6 and -two (2) o-thelt6 welte wounded wheltea6 -the poundn6U4gent6 6u66elted 6~ve (5) ca6uatt~e6 that on Augu6t 26 1971 a wett-altmed gltoup 06 NPA tlta~ned by de6ectolt Lto V~ctOIt COltpU6 attacked the velty command PO6t 06 TF LAWIN ~n I6abeta de6t1toy~ng twa 2 het~copteM and one (I) ptane~ and wound~ng one (I) 6otdielt that the NPA had ~n Centltat Luzon a totat 06 60ult (4)encounteM w~th twa (2] kitted and thltee 3) wounded on the 6~de 06 the Goveltnment one (1) BSVU killed and thltee 3 KM-SDK teadeltan un~dent~6~ed d~66ident and Commal1delt Panch~to teadelt 06 the d166ident gltoupwelte k~tted that on Augu6t Z6 1971 thelte wa6an encauntelL ~n the baltlt~o 06 San Pedlto IJt~ga CityCamaJtine6 SUit between the PC and the MPA ~n whpoundch a PC and two fZ) KM membelt6 weJte k~tted that the eultltent digttuJtbance6in Cotabato and the Lanao PJtov~nce6 have bee~ Itendelted mOJte complex by the ~nvatveme~t 06 the CPP7NPA60It ~n mid-1971 a KM gltOUp headed by Javencio E6paltagoza contacted the Higa onan tltibe6 in theilt 6etUement ~n Mag6ay6ay Mi6ami6 Oltientat and a66eJted them bookgt pamphtetgtand bltochulte6 06 Mao T6e Tung a6 wetta6conducted teach-in6 in the Itell eltvat~o n that E6paJtaga za Wa6 Itepolttedty kitted an Septembelt 22 1971in an opeltatian 06the PC in 6aid lte6eltvation and that thelte alte naw two (Zl NPA cadlte6 in Mindanao

lIt 6houtd at6o be no-ted -tha-t adhelten-t6 06 the CPP and itgt 6lto nt oltganizat~on6 alte accaltd~ng to intettigence 6inding6 de6initety capabte 06 pltepalting powelt6ut expto6ive6 out 06 tocatty ava~tabte mateJtiat6 -that -the bamb U6ed ~n the Can6-titu-tianat Canven-tian Hatt wa6 a ClaymoJte mine a powelt6ul explo6ive dev~ce a4ed by -the US Altmy believed -to have been one 06 many p~l6elted nltam the Subic Naval Baoe a 6ew dalj6 benjJ0Jte




- 11 shy

th~t the P~ehident h~d ~eeeived inteiiigenee in60~mation to the e6neet that the4e WaA a Juiy-Augu~t Pian involving a wave 06 ~~~ aA~inationh kidnapping6 te~~oshy~i6 m and ma~6 deldlwelion 0n plLopelLty and th~t ~n extlLao~din~ILY oeeulLenee would ~ign~i the beginning 06 ~~id event--that the ~athelL ~e~iou~ eondilion 06 pe~ee ~ndo~de~ in Minshydanao palLtieula~ly in Cotabato and L~nao demanded the plLe6 utee the~ein 0 -6 no~eeh hu6 6ishyeient to eope with the 6ituation that a hishyzeable pa~t 06 ou~ alLmed 60~ee~ di6ehalLge6 othLIL 6uneticn6 and that the expan6ion 06 the CPP aetivLU e6 6~om CentlLal Luzon to othelL palLt6 06 the eount~y pa~tieulalLly M~nil~ and iU 6 ubulLb6 I the Cagaq~n Valley 1~ugao Zamshybaleh L~guna Quezon and the Bieol Region ~equilLed that the ~e6t ~6 OUIL a~med-6olLee6 be op~ead thin dvelL a wide a~ea

WHEREAS in the unwavelLing p~ooeeution 06 theilL ~evoluliona~y wa~ againht the Filipino peopleand thei~ duly eon~tituted gove~nment the a60lLeoaJd l~wie66 element6 have in the month6 06 May June and Juiy 1972 6 ucceeded in b~inging ~nd int~o dueing into the count~y ~t Vigoyo Point Pal~n~n 1o~beta and at othe~ undetelLmined point6 along the P~ci6ic eoa6tl~e 06 Luzon a 6ub6tantial quantity 06 wa~ matViJl eon6ioting 06 M-14 ~i61e6 eotimated to be o0me 3500 pieee6 6evOtal dozen~ 06 40 mm ~oeket launehe~ whieh ~lLe 6aid to be Chieom eopieo 06 ~ Ruooi~n p~ototype ~oeket launehe~ l~lLge quantiUeo on 80 mm 1L0eket6 and ~mmunition6 and othe~ eombat pa~aphe~naiia 0-6 whieh wa~ matelLil 6 ome had been di6eovelLed and eaptuhed by govelLnment militalLy 60~shyee~ and the b~ingi~g and int~oduetion 06 6ueh quanshytity and type 06 wa~ matelLi i into the eountlLlj i6 a mute but eloquent plLoofi 06 the 6iniotelL pian 06 the ano~eshyoaid lawle66 elemento to haAten the e6e~lation 06 theilL plLe6 ent ~evoeutiona~lj wa~ againot the Filipino peopleand thei~ legitimate gove~nment

WHEREAS in the exeeution 00 thei~ ove~ail ~eshyvolutiona~y pian the a60lLeoaJd lawle66 elemento hav e p~epalLed and ~eeeao ed to thei~ vauouo 6Jeld ~ornmdde46 dnd Pd~ZY wo~ke~ d do~urnent ~dP~O~


- 12 shy

REGIONAL PROGRAM OF ACTION 1912 a copy 06 which wa6 captuJted by elementamp 06 the 116th and 119th PhIlIppIne ConatahulaJty Companleamp on June 18 1912 at BaJtJtio Tating6ing CoJtdon whl ch Jtea6 aIl 60110w6

IaabeRa the text 06



The allowing Refjianal PJtogJtam 06 Acshytlon 60Jt 1972 i6 pJtepaJted to be caJtJtied out a6 paJtt 06 the oveJtall plan06 the paJtty to noment di6 co ntent and pJtecepitatethe Ude 06 nationwide rna6) JtevoluUon The 6aci6t MaJtco6 middotand hl6JteacUonaJtY membeJt6 06 CongshyJte66 i6 expected to pJtepaJte them6elve6 noJt the 1973 hence

JanuaJty - June

10 Inten6i6Y JtecJtuitment 06 new piJttymembe1t6 e6 peually 6Jtom the woJtkeJt6- 6aJtmeJto clall6 0 CadJte6 aJLe bung tJtuned In oJtdeJt to oJtganlze the dl66eJLent JteglonaR buJteau6 The6 e bUJteau6 mU6t concentJtate on ma66 action and oJtfjanlzation to pJtomote advancement 06 the mM6 JtevoRuilonaICY movement Re6elence io madt to the BoJtadoJt ngPJtagJtama 6a Pagkllo6 at Ulat ng Panllpunang Pag6161Yd6 at M apshypJtoved by the CentJtdl Committeeo

2 RecJtuit etnd tJtun aJtmed uty paJttI~ 6anamp and uJtban gueJtJtiRla6 and oJtganize them into unit6 undeJt PaJtty cadJte6 and activi6u 06 rna66 04g anI zatio n6 bull The6 e unit6 mU6t und eJtshygo 6peuallzed tJtaining an explo6ive6 and deshymoliUon and 0the4 60Jtm6 06 ~abotage

3 Inten6i6y JteclLuitmentand tJtaiyungon new membeM 60Jt the NewPeople6 AJLmy in pJtepaJtatlon 60Jt llmited o66enlllve in 6elected aJtea6 In the Jtegion6

4 SuppoJtt a mltl~e aggJte66ive p40gJtam on agltation and pJtopaganda again6t the JteactionaJty aJtmed 60JtCM and again6t the Con Can

July - Aug U6t

VuJting thio peJtiod the paJtty expectll the puppet MaJtco6 goveJtnment to allow inlrt

- 13 shy

clteao e in bUb Itateb th u6 ag 9Ita vating 6ultth elt the plight 06 ftudenu WOltkelth and the 6altshymeltb 0

1 All Regional Paltty CJJmmitteeb mUbt plan nolt a geneltal ftltike movement The Reshygional Opeltational Commandb mubt plan 60lt altmed bUppOltt i6 the 6abcibt altmed 6oltceb 06 Maltcob will tlty to intimidate the oppltebbed Filipino maob eb 0

2 Conduct babotage agdinbt bchoolb collegeb and univeltbitieb hiking tuition 6eeb o

3 Conductb ab 0tag e and agltati 0 n ag ainb t puppet judgeb and COUlttb lealtning iCabeb againbt top paltty leadeM

4 Clteate Itegional chaoband diboltdelt to dltamatize the inability 06 the 6abcibtMaltshyCOb goveltnment to keep and maintain peace and oltdelt thltu

al RobbekY and hold-up 06 bankb contltolled by Ameltican impeltialif~b and thobe belonging to the enemieb ou the people

lib) At~ack militalty ca~pb US baf eb and tow nh bull

c) Molte violent f tltikeb and deshym0 nb tltati 0 nb bull

Septembelt - Octobelt

r ncite af e i ntenb ity 0 6 J io len ce dif 0 ltdelt and con6u6ion

11ntenfi6Y fabotage and bombing 06 g oveltnment buildingf and embabhie6 and otheltutilitieb

al Co ng lte66 b) Suplteme COUltt lie) Con Con d) City Hall e) US Embabb (f 6 ) FacLfitieb 06 us Bab ef g) PlIovincial Capitotbh) Powel[ Plant6

- 14 shy

Z SpoJradic attackhmiddot an camph toWnh and cideh

3 Ahhahhinate high goveJrnment 06biualh 06 CongJrehh JudiciaJrY Con Con and pJrivate individual6 6ympathetic to puppet MaJrc06

4 E6tablihh pJrovihional ltevolutionaJrY goveJrnment in town6 and udeh with the 6UppOJrt a6 the ma66 e6

5 With the 6ympathetic hUPP0Jrt 06 ouJr allie6 ehtabli6h pJrovi6ional pJrovincial Ite- volutionaJrY goveJrnment6


WHEREAS in line with theiJr REGIOMAL PROGRAM OF ACTION 1912 the a60Jre6aid lawleh6 elemenu have 06 late been conducting inten6i6ied act6 06 violence and teJrltolti6 m6 duting the cultJrent yealt in the glteaLea Manila aJrea huch a6 the bombing on the AJrca buildpoundng at Ta6t Avenue Pa6ay City on MaJrch 15 Obthe Fllpoundshypina6 Otient AJriway6 b oaltd JrO am at Vomell tic Road Pah ay City on ApJril 23 06 the VLetname6e Emba66Y on May 30 06 the COUJrt 06 IndU6ttial Relationll on June 23 06 the Philippine TJru6t Company bJranch on6ice in Cubao Quezon City on June 24 06 the Philamli6ebuildng at United Nation6 Avenue Manila on July 3 06 theTashybacalelta CigaJr amp CigaJrette FactoJry Compound at MaJrquezde ComLeea6 Manila on July 21 06 the PLVT exchange066ice at Ea6t Avenue Quezon City and 06 the Philipshypine SagaJr In6titute building at Noltth Avenue Vilishyman Quezon City both on Auga6t 15 06 the Vepalttshyment 06 Soual Wel6alte building at San Ra6ael StJreet Sampaloc Manila on Augu6t 11 06a wateJr main on AUJrolta BoulevaJrd and Madi60l1 Aven(te Quezon City on AugU6t 19 06 the Philamli6e building againon Auguht 30 thi6 time cau6ing 6 eveJre de6tJruction on the FaJr Ea6t Bank and TJrU6t Company building neaJrby 06 the aJrmoJred caJr and building 06 the Philippine Banking CoJrshypoltatiolt It6 well a6 the building6 06 the I nve6tment Vevelopment Inc and the Vaily StaJr Publicatiolt6 when anotheJr explo6ion took place on Railltoad StJreet P~ltt Altea Maniia al60 on AugU6t 30 06 ]oell VepaJrtment StoJre on CaJrltiedo Stlteet Quiapo ManLta 011 SeptembeJr 5 ~aubull ing death to 0 ne woman an d in]uJUeh to 0mj(


- 15 shy

individuaL6 and 06 the City Hall 06 Manila on Septshyembe~ 8 06 the wate~main~ in San Juan Rizal on

Sept 12 00 the San Miguel building in Maf2ati Rtzal an Sept 14 and 0 6 the Quezon City Hal on Septembe~ 18 1972 a~ well a~ the attempted bombing 06 the Cong~e~gt Build-Lrg on July 1g when iln un- exploded bomb Wd6~ bound in the Senate publication Vivigtioi and the attempted bombing 00 the Vepa~tment 06 Fo~eign A66a(Jtgt an Aug ugtt 30ltgt

WHEREAS in line with the ~ame REGIONAL PROGshyRAM OF ACTION 1972 the a60~igtaid lawlu6 elemenu have algto 6ielded in the G~eate~ Manila a~ea ~eve~al o6 thei~ Spli~~ow Unittgt o~ SimbadUniu to unde~shytake liquidaUon mLl~ion~ )lgain6t ~anking gove~nmel1tOn 6iualo milita~y peugtJ1nel and p~ominent utizengt and to ou~the~ heighten the degtt~ucUongt and dep~eshydationgt al~eady inolicted by them upon ou~ innocent people all on which a~e being delibe~atety done -to 60W te~~o~ 6eal and chao6 among6t ou~ population and to make the gove~nment look 60 helplegtgt and incapable 06 p~otecUng the livegt and p~opeJrty 00 ou~ people

WHEREAS in addiUon to the above- de~c~ibed gtocial digtoftde~ thelte i-6 algto the equally 6eUOM digto~de~ in Mil1danao al1d Sula Iegtulting n~om the ungtettled conshy6lict between ce~tain elemenu a6 the Ch~igtUan and Mugtlim popalaUon 00 Mindanao and Salu betweenthe Chftigttian lfIlagao and themiddot MugtlimBa~~acudM and between ou~ goveftnment tftoopgt and cefttain lawlegtgt oftganizatioftgt 6adl a6 the Mindanao I ndeperidence Movement

WHERUS the Mindanao I ndependence Movement with tlle actiue matefI-Lal aJid 6inancial agtgtihtance 06 60fteign political and economic inte~e6t6 i6 engaged in an open and unconcealed attempt to egttabli6h by violence and foftce a 6 epaJtate and independent polLtical 6tate out 06 the i6land6 06 Mil1danao and Sula which a~e ~igt~ to~ically politically and bylaw paftu 06 the te~fI-Lshyto~ie6 and within the ju~i6diction and 6oveJteignty 06 the Republic 06 the Philippinegt

WHEREAS becaugte 06 the a60fte6aid di6o~de~ ~eshy6ulting 6ftom a~med clagthe6 killinggt magt6ac~egt a~shy60116 ~ape6piltage6 de6t~ucUon 06 whole village6 and tOWngt and the inevitable cegtgt ation on agfticultukal and indugttttial ope~aUongt all 06 which have been bftought about by the violence in6ticted by the ChfI-Lgtshyiian6 the M1L6lim6 the Ilaga6 the BattJlacuda6 and the Mindanao Independence Movement again6t ea~


otheh and aga-in6t ou1t goveltnment tltOOP6 a glteat many paltt6 06 the -i6land6 06 M-indanao and Sulu alte v-ihtually noW -in a 6tate On a~tual walt

WHEREAS the v-iolent d-i6oltdelt -in Mandanao and Sulu ha6 todate lte6ulted -in the k-ill-ing 06 oveiL 1000 c-iv-il-ian6 and about 2 000 altmed mu6l-im6 and ~hlti6 t-ian6 not to ment-io n themolte than 6-ive hund middot Ited thou6and on -injulted di6pla~ed and homele66 peM a n6 a6 well a6 the glteat numb elt o~ ca6ualt-ie6 among ou1t goveltnmenttltDOp6 and the paltal-lzat-ion a6 the e~onomy 06 M-indanao and Sulu

WHEREAS be~au6e 06 the ~oltego-ingact6 oampaJtmedmiddot -in6 uJtJte~tLo n wa nto n d e6tltuct-io n 06 humanl-ive6 and pltopeltty unabated andunlte6tlta-inedpltopagandaatshytack6 aga-in6 t the gov eltnm ent and -it6in6t-itutlo n6 -in6thumental-itie-4 agenc-ie6 and 06 6-ic-ial6middot and the Itap-idly expand-ing ltank6 06 the a60lteJa-id lawleA6 elemenU andbe~au6 e on the 6 plteadb1g lawle66 ne66 and analt~hy thltoughout the land allan which have plteventedthe goveltnment tomiddot exeltc-i6e it6 autholt-ity extend to -iu c-it-iz enlty the pltotect-io n a6it6 law6 and -in 9 eneltalexeltci6 e-iu 6 ov elte-ig ntg ovelt cr 06 -it6 teltlt-itofL-ie6 cau6 ed 6 eJr-iou6 demoltal-izattcn arnO ng ou1t people and have made the publ-ic applteltJ16-ive and 6ealt 6u1 and n-intilly becau6 e publ-ic oiLd elt and 6 a6 ety and the 6ecuIt-ity 06 th-i6 nation demandthttt -immediate 6wf6t de~i6 -iv e and e6 6ect-ive act-io n be taken to pltotect and -in6ulte the pea~e oltdviand QecuIL-ity 06 the ~ountlty and -it6 populat-ionand tomiddot ma-intain the autholL-ity 06 the goveJtnmenti


WHER EAS -in ca6 e6 a6 -inva6 -io n -in6 uILlte~t-io n 0 It Itebell-ion olt -imminent dangelt thelte06 I a6 PILe6-ident 06 the Ph-iLLpp-ine6 haveundelt the Cont-itut-ion thlteecotlJt6e6 06 act-ion open to me namely (a) ~all out themiddot altmed 60ltce6 to QuppILe6Q the pILe6 ent law le66 v-iolence (bJ QuQpend the plt-ivUege 06 the Wlt-it 06 habea6 ~Oltpu6 to make the aJtlte6t and appheshyhen6-ion 06 the6cz lawle66elemenu eaQ-ieIL and mOILe e66ect-ive OIL (c) place the -ph-il-ipp-ine6 oltany paILt thelteo 6 undelt maftt-ial law

WHEREAS 1 have allteady ut-il-ized the n-ilt6t two coulL6 e6 06 action bDrQt by caUingupon the altm~

- 11 shy

nolteeo to owpplteo6 the a60Jte6aid lawleoo violenee eommittingto that 6peei nie job almoot 50 06 the entilte altmed noltee6 06 the eountlty and elteating 6 eveshyItal tao k noltee6 nolt that pUltpO6 e 6 ueh a6 Tct6 k i Foltee Saltanay Ta6k Foltee Palanan Ta6k Foltee l6altog Ta6k Foltee Pagkakai6a and Ta6k Foltee Lanean and 6eeond by 6u6pending the pltivilege On the wltit 06 habeao eo Itpuo on Aug uamp t 2 1197 1 up to Janualtlj 1912 but (116 pite 0 n all th at both e 0ultJ) e6 0 6 aell0 n weJte nound inadequate and inefinectiveto eontain muehleo6 6olve the plteJ)ent Jtebellion and lawleoone66 in the

eountltlj a6 J)hown by the naet that

1 The ltadieal lefit ha6 inelteaoed the numbelt an d altea 06 0 peltati-onofi it66Ito nt oltg ani zatioM and ha6 inten6ifiiedthe iteeltuitshyment and tltainlng 06 newadheltentf in the ultban and Itultal altea6 e6peeially oltom among the youth

z The Kabataang Makabayan(KM)) the mO6t milishytant and out6poken filtont oltganization06 the Itadieal lent haf ineltea6edthe numbelt 06 it6 chapteltJ) 6ltom 200 ao on the end 06 1910 to 311 at on July 31 1912 and It6 membeJt6hip nltom 10000 af 06 the end 061910 to 15000 a6middot 06 the end On July 1972 6ltowing velty eleanly the Itapidgltowth on the eommuniJ)t movement inthi6 eountlty

3 The Samahang Vema kltailko Ng KabatClan SVK anothelt militant and outJ)poken JLDntOItshyganization on theltadieal lent ha6 al60 ineltea6 ed the numbelt 06 itf ehapteJt6nltom an in6ignifiieantnumbelt at the end 061910 to 159 a6 06 the end 0 f Jul 1972 and ha6 noW a membeltamphip 06 ampome1495 highly inshydoetJtinated intenampely committed and almoft nanatieally devoted indlvidual6

4 The New Peopleamp Altmy the mO6t active and the mOft vlolentandltuthle~6militalty altm On the Itadicat lent hao inclteao ed it6total J)tltength nltoman e~timated6500 (eompoJ)ed on 560 ltegulalt6 1500 combat fUPPOltt and 4400 HltvU huppolt-t) a o Jaualt~



- 1 g shy

~o abou~7900 (eompohed 06 1028 lLegulalL4 1 to a eomba~ 4 upptlr~ anfi 5025 helLviee hUppOlL~) ah 06 Jul~ 31 1972 ~howing a malL~ed inelLea4e in iu ltegulalL ~lLOOp6 on OVlllL 100 in 6ueh a 6hot~ peltiad 06 ~ixmiddotmon~h6

50 The e6~abli~hment 06 ~ane~ualtie6 60lL ~he i~ ultg en~6 in I6 ab ela in Zambale6 in CamalLine6SUlL and in 6 ome palLt6 06 Mindashynao~ adevelopmen~ helLe~06olte unknown in oulL eampaign agaln6t 6ubvelL6ioft and in6UlLshygeney in ~hi6 eoun~lL~

6 The di6appealLanee and dlLopping ou~ 06 6ehool 06 6ome 3000 high 6ehool and eoLLege 6~Ushydent6 and who alLe lLepolL~ed ~o have joined wi~h ~he in6 ultg ent6 fi alL ~lLaining in ~he handling on 6ilLealLm6 and explo6ive6

7 The blLinging and intlLoduetlon ln~q~he eoun~lL~ 06 6ub6~an~ial walL ma~elLial eonshy6i6ting 06 mili~alLtj halLdwalte and 6upplie6

middotthlLough the MV KalLagatan at V-Lgoljo Point Palanan l6abela and ~he naet ~ha~ mantj 06 ~he6e miUtalt~ haltdwaJte and 6upplie6 alte now in ~he hand6 ofi themiddot in6UlLgen~6 and alLe being U6ed agal~~ oulL govelLnrnent ~lLOOp6

8 The in6iltlLation and eon~lLol 06 ~he media b~ pelt6on6 who alte ~tjmpathe~ie ~o ~he in6 UlLg ent6 and the eo 116 eq uen~ in~en~ L6i cailon 06 theilt plLopagimda a6~aultagain~~ ~he goveltnmen~ and ~he miUtalt~ e6tabli6hshyment on ~he govetnmen~o

9 The noltma~iona~ ~he glta66-lLoot level 06 IIpolitical poweJt olLgan6 helLetonOlLe an- flnown in ~he hi6~otyon theCommuni6t moveshyment in thi6 countlL~ compo6 edo 6 BaJtltio OJtganizingCommit~ee6 (BOC6) to mobilize the baJtJrio people fiott active involvemen~ in ~helLeVolu~ion ~he BaJtJtio RevoluilonalLtj Commi~tee6 BRC61 ~o act a6 Imiddotlocal goveJtnshyment6 in balLJtio6 eon6idelLed a6 CPP NPA



- 19 shy

bailiwickll the (lJoltkeJt6 OJtganizing Comshymitteell (WOCll) to middotoltganize WOltkeirll 6ltom all AectOltll the School Oltganizing Comshymitteell (SOC61 to conduct agitaliorl and pltopaganda activitie6 and help in the expandion 06 ~4ontg4oUp6 among the dtudentlty and the CommunityOJrganizi~g Committeell (COC6) which opeJtate in the ultban altea6 in the 6ame manneJt a) the BOCll bull

WHEREAS the Itebellion and a4med aclion undeltshytaken by the6elawlellll element606 the communl6t and othelt altmed aggltupailonll oltganlzedto oveltthltow the Republic o~ the PhiUppinei bq altmedviolenceand 60ltce have a66umed the magnitude On an actual 6tate 06 walt agalnlltoult people and the RepubliC 06 the


NOW THEREfORE I FER-VI NANV E MARCOS Pltelli shydenton the Phllippinell by vilttue 06 the poweM vellted upon me by Aldlcle VII I Section 10 PaltagJraph (2) 06 the Conlltitutiondo heJteby placethe entllte PhiUppinell a6 denined in AItticle I Sectlon 1 06 the Conlltitutian undelt malttial law and in my capacity a4 thellt c6mmandelt-in-chiefi do helteby commandthe altmed 60ltCell 06the Phllippine6 to maintainmiddotlaw and oJrdelt thltoughout the Phllippine6 pltevent Olt JuppJre611 all 60ltm6 06 lawlell6 v-tolence a6 well all anq act 0n inllUltltection Olt Itebellion and to en60ltce obedienceto atl the laWllandto all declteet oJtdeltll andltegulationll pltomulgated by me petrll 0nally oJt upo n my dlJtecUo n~

In addition I do helteby oltdelt that allpelt6on6 pltell ently detalned a6 well Mall otheltll who may heltea-6telt ite llimilaltly detained6olt the cJrimell oflnshyllultltectionoJt Jtebellion and all othelt cltimellanda6-middot 6enlle6 committed in6uJttheltance OfLon the occa61on thelteo Lolt incident thelteto Olt in co nnculion thelteshywith b0If cJtime6 ag alnllt natlonal II ecuJrity and the law 06 nationll Cltimell again6t public oltdelt CUme6 involving ull ultpailo n 06 atftholtlty Jtank title and lmpltopelt ulle on name6 unL60ltmll andln6ignia cltime6 commlttedmiddot by public 06 fiicelt6 and 601t lluch otheltcJrimell a6 will be enunieltated in OltdelLb that I II halt 6 ub6 eq uentty pltomulg ate all welt a6cJrime6 Maconllequence 06 any violation 06 any

decltee oltdelt olt Itegulation pltomulgated by me pelt6onatly alt pltomutgated upon mydiltecilon 6hall be kept undelt detenshytioY until otheltwi6e oltdelted ltetea6ed by me Olt by my duly de-61gnated lLeplLe-6 erutJcct-ive ~

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~4~ 1l0BERTO V REYES Acting Executive Secretary

Page 3: Proclamation no 1081

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copoundd- bpoundo 0ded CUl6 i66inatio n 06 inno cent civipoundian6 mipoundi ta~y pe~60nnepound On the goue~nment and poundocapound pubpoundic 066ishyciaLo in many pa~uo6 the count~y notabpoundy in the Cashygayan Vapoundpoundey inCent~apound Luzon in theSoutheJtn ragapoundog Region in the Bicopound A~ea in the Vihaya6 and in Mindanao and whO6e da~ing and wanton gue~~ipoundpounda activitie6 have gene~ated and 6oWn 6ealt al1d panic among ou~ peoppounde have c~eated a cpoundimate 06 cha06 and di6o~de~ piroduced a 6tate 06 popounditicapound 6ocial p6ychopoundogicapound ana economic in6tashybipoundity in ou~ land and have in6poundicted g~eat u66e~ng andiMepa~able inju~y to pe~6on6 and p~ope~ty in ou~ 6ouety

WHEREAS theA e poundawpounde66 epoundement6 thei~ cad~eA 6epoundpoundow t~avetpoundeM 6uend6 6 ympathize~6and 6 uppo~telt6 have 60~ many yealLA up to the p~e6ent time been mounilng6uAtained ma66ive al1d de6 t~uctive p~opaganda a66 aupoundt6 agqin6t OUlt dupoundy co Ytiltuted 9ove~nmentmiddot iu in6tltumentapoundiile6 ag enshycie6 and on6iciapound6 and apound6o again6t oult 6 0 ciaL popoundiil- cal iconomicand ~eligZou6iMtitution6 th~ough the pubticatiol16 b~oadcCUlt6 and de66imination6 06detibe~ateshyly 6lanted al1d ove~ty exagge~ated new6 6toueand l1ew6 co mmentaue6 a6 well a6 6al6 e vile 6 aupound and 6 cuJt~ilo w 6tatemenu utte~ance6 w~iUng6 and pictulte thltough Jhe p~e6-~adio-televi6ion media al1d th~ough leanpoundet6 college campu6 new6pape~1J and lJome new6pape~-6 pubL[-6hed al1d-6till being publi-6hed by the-6epoundawpounde6A epoundement6 notabpoundy the Ang Bayan Pulang Bandila and the Ang Komuni6ta tt

all on which a~e clea~ly well- co I1ceived intel1ded al1dcapoundc lated to maligl1 and di-6c~edit ou~ duly con-6ututed goveltnshymel1t it-6 il1lJtltumentalitie-6 agel1cie-6al1d at 6icial-6 be6o~e ou~ people makil1g it appealt to the people that ou~ govetin ment ha6 become -60 weak and -60 impotent to pe~6oltm and di-6chaJtge iu 6unctioM oond ~e-6pon6ibLeitie6 in ou~ -6ocie- ty and to ou~ peop~e and thu6 undeJtmine and delJt~oy the 6aith and loyalty al1d allegiance On ou~ people in and alie ate thei~ -6Uppo~t noJtthei~ duly COI16tituted gove~l1ment it6 iM t~umentalitie-6 agencie6 and 06 6iciaL6 and the~eby g~adually e~pde and weakena-6in 6act they have -60 e~odedJ and weakenedthe will 06 ou~ people to lJu-6tain and de6end ou~ gove~nment and OUIt democltatic way 06 ti6e

WHEREAS the6 e lawle6-6 element having taken up a~m-6 again-6t OUIt duly con6tituted goveJtnment and again6t OUIt people and havil1g committed and aJte~till committing act6 o6altmed in6altltecuon andltebellion con-6L6tLng 06 a~med ~aid6 60ltay6 -6o~tie6 ambU-6he6 wanton act-6 06 mUJtdelt6 6poilage plundeJt looting alt6on6 de-6tJtuction 06 public


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and pnivate buildingc and attackc againct innocent and de6encelecc civilian livec anq pnopenty ail ofi which activitiec have cenioucly endangened and continue to endangen public onden andca6ety and the cecuuty on the nation and acting with cunning and mani6e~t pneshycicion and delibenation and without negandto the health ca6ety and well-being 06 the people ane now implementingtheilL pilin to eauce widecpnead macctveand cfjctematicdecx-nuction And panalization 06 vital pubLic utilitiec and c enviciec ~ panticulanly waten c yc temc c ouncec 06 electucal powen communication andtnanc pontation fiashycilitiec to the gneat detumentc ufi 6eung injuny and pnejudice on oun people and the nallon and to genelLate a deep pCfjchological 6ean and panie among oun people

WHEREAS the Slpneme Count in -the ccu ec bnought be60ne it~ doclteted ac GR Noco L-33964 L-33965 L-33973 L-33982L-34004 L-34013 L-34039 L-34265 and L-34339 M a eonc equenee 06 the c ucpeMion 06 the puvilege 06 the wut 06 habeM eonpucby me M Plrecident 06 the Philippinecin my Pnoetamailon No ggq dated Auguct 211971 ac amended hac bound that in tnuth and in oaet thene exicu an actual incunneetion and nebelUon in the countny by a cizeable gnoup on men who have publiely nicen in anmc to oventhnow the govennment~ Hene ic what the SuplLeme Count caid in itc deucion pnomulgated on VeeembelL 1 191

x x X oun junicpnudenee attecu abun dantlyto the Communict activitiec in the Philippinec ec pedally in Manila 6nom the late twentiec to the eanly thintiec then aimed pninc1pally at incitement to cedition on nebellion ac the immediate objectiveUpon the ectabli~hment 06 the Commonwealth 06 the Philippinec the movementceemed to have waned notably but the outbneak 06 W041d Wan 11 in the Paei6ic and the miceniec the devac~ation and havoc and the pnoli6eshynation 06 unlicenced 6ineanmc coneomitant with the militanfj occupation on the Philippinecand iu cubcequent libenation bnought about in the late nontiec a nec ung enee oi the Comshymunict thneat with cuch vigon ac to be able to onganize and openate in Centnai Luzon an a4my - ealled HUKBALAHAP duung the oecupa tion and nenamed Hukbong Mapagpalaya ng BayanHMBJ a6ten libenation - which elMhed ceveshynal timec with the anmed 60ncec 06 the Repub-Ue Thi~ pJtompted then PJteAident QULunrplusmn

c++shy A

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i66ue PlLoclamation No 210 dated OctoshybelL 22 1~50 6U6pending the plLivilege 06 the wILLt 06 habecu COlLeM the validishyty 06 which WM upheld -ltn MonteneglLo v Cabtaneda Vay6 be60ILe the plLomulgationOn baid PlLoclamatLon OIL an OctabelL IB 1950 membeft6 06 the Communi6t PolitbulLo in the Philippineb we~e applLehended in Manila Suamp6 equentlif aCCM ed and eo n vieshyted 06 the cILLme 06 lLebellion they 6elLved theilL lLe6pective 6entenceb

The 6L6tie6 6 aw a compalLative lull in Communi6 t aetivitie6 in60 fJaJt cu peace and olLdelL welLe concelLned StLll on June 20 1957 Republic Act No 1700 otheewi6e known ab the Anti-SuvelL6ion Act wa6 applLoved uponthe glLound6tated inthe velLY pJteamble 06 6 aid 6 tatute - that

xxxthe Comm~ni6t Pa4ty d6 the Philippine6 although pUlLpolLtedly a political palLty L6 in nact an olLganizedCOn6pilLacif to ovelLthlLpw the GovelLnment 06 the Republic 06 the Philippineo not only by nOlLce and vioLence but al6o bydeceit 6ubvelL6ionand othelL illegalmean6 -6 OIL the puJLp06e 00 e6tabli6 hingin the Philippine6 a totalitalLian lLegime 6ubject to alien dominationand contlLol

Ix x x the continued exi6tence and activitie6 06 the Co mmuvU6 t PalLty 06 the Philippine6 con6tLtute6 a clealL plLe6entand 2ILave dangelL to the 6eculL-ltly 06 lhe Phil-ltpplne6 and

x x x in the Oact 06 the olLganized6 Y6tematic and pelL6i6tent 6ubveJt6ion national in 6cope but intelLnational in dilLectLon pO6ed by the Communi6t PalLty

J 06 the Philippine6 and it6 activitie6 thelLe i6 ulLgent need nOlL 6pecial legi6shylation to cope w~th thi6 continuing meshynace to the nlLeedom and 6eculLity 06 the countlLy x x x In the language 06 the RepolLt on CentlLal Lushy

zon 6ubmitted on SeptembelL 4 1971 by the Senate Ad Hoc Committee 06 Seven-copy 06 which RepolLt wa6 oiled in the6 eCab e6 by the petiti0 nelL6 helLeinshy

liThe yealL6 6eelowing 1963 6aw the 6ucce66ive emelLgence in the counshyzILY ob 6eveILal ma66 olLganization6 n~ tabty the Lapiang Manggagawa (now Zh~~-


- 6 ~

So cialiJ t PaJity a6 th e PhilippbteJ ) among the w04ke4J the Malayang Sashymahan ng Mga MagJaJgtaka IMASAKAl among the pea~ant4Y the Kabataang Makabashyyan [KM) among th~ youthJtudentampand the Movem~nt 604 the Advancement 06 NationaliJm (MAN) among-the intelshylectual~p406eJJionalJ the PKP haJ ~x~4ted all-out e6604t to in6ilt4at~ in61uence and utilize theJe 04ganizashyilonJ in p40moilng itamp 4adical b4and 06 nailo naliamp m Meanwhil~ th~ CommuniJgtt leade4Jgt in th~

Philippine~ had been ampplit into two (2) g40UPamp on~ 06 which- compoJed mainly 06 young 4adicalJ conJtituting the MaoiJt 6iteilon - 4e04ganized th~ CommuniJt Pa4ty 06 the Philippin~Jgt ea41y in 1969 and eJtabliamph~d a N~w PeopleJ A4my~ ThiJ 6acilon adhe4eamp to the MaoiJt concept On the P40shyt4acted PeopleJ Wa4 04 Wa4 06 National Libe4ashyilon Itamp P40g4amm~ 60lL aPeopleJgt Vemoc4ailc Revolution JtateJgt inte4 alia

The COmmuniJgt t Pa4ty 06 the PhilipshypineJ i6 dete4mined to implement itJ gene4ai p~og4amme 004 a p~opleamp democshy4atic 4evoluilon All filipino commu nL~to a4i 4eady to 0 ac4i6ice thei4 lLveo 604 the w04thy cauoe 06achieving the new type 06 democ4acy 06 building a new Philippineo that io g enuinely and completely independent democ4atic unishyted juot and PJi06pe40Uo

x x x x x x

In the yea~ 1969 the NPA had-acc04ding to the 4eC04do 06 the Vepa4tment 06 National Ve6enoeshyconducted 4aido 4eo04ted to kidnappingJ and taken pa4t in otlie4 violent incident6 numbe4ing ove4 230 in which it in61icted 404 caoualtieJ and in u4n 6tld 243 to6 In 1910 Lt6 JtCOl~rr

bull 1shy1 r Il 0

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violent incident4 w~ about the -6ame but the NPA ca-6ualtie-6 mone than doubled

At any nate two (2) 6act6 ane undeniable (a) all Communi-6t-6 whethen they belortg to the tnaditional gnoup on to the Maoi-6t 6action beshylieve that 60nce and violence ane indi-6pen-6able to the attainment 06 thein main and ultimate objective and act in accondance with -6uch beshylie6 although they di-6agnee on the mean-6 to be U-6ed at a given time and in a panticulan placeand (bl th~ne i~ a New Peoplet~ Anmy othen on coun~e than the anmed 60nce-6 06 the Republic and antagoni-6tic theneto Such Mew People4Anmy i-6 peJi ~epno06 on the exi-6tence 06 a nebellion eJPecially con-6idening that it4 e4shytabli6 hment WQ6 announced publicly by the neonshyganized CPP Such announcement~-6 in the natune 06 a public challenge to the duly con6tituted authonitie4 and may be likened to a declanation On Walt -6u66icient to e-6tabli-6h a walt 6tatu-6olt a condition on belligeltency even benolte the actual commencement 06 h04tilitie6o

We entelttain theltefiolte no doubu about

theexi~tei~e 06 a AizeabLe gltoup 06 men who have publicly lti4en in anm4 to oveltthnow the goveltnshyment and have thu4 been and 4till alte engaged in nebellion again4t the Govennment 06 the PhishyLippine-6 bull

WHEREAS the4e lawle~4 element4 have to a con-6idenable extent 4ucceeded in impeding oult duly con-6tituted authoshyltitie4 61t~m pelt604ming theilt 6unction4 and di~chaltgingtheilt dutie-6 and ltupon4ibilitie4 in accoltdance with oult law4 and oult Con4titulionto the glte4t damage pltejudiceand detltiment 06 the people and the nation

WHEREAS ~t i~ evid~nt that thelte ii thltoughout the land a -6tate 06 anQnchy and lawle4-61e-64 cha04 and di-6shyoltdelt tUltmoil and de4tltuclion 06 a magnitude equivalent to an actual walt between the 60ltCe4 06 Oult duly con-6tishytuted goveltnment and the New People4 Altmy and thein -6atellite oltganization-6 becau6e 06 the unmitigated 60ltaY-6ltaid6 ambri-6 cade4 a4-6 ault-6 violence mUltdeM a-6-6a64i- nalion-6 act-6 06 teltnolt deceit6 coeltCiOn4 thneajf


lvyen j

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intimidation-6 tlleacheIlY machinailon-6 aM on-6 plun-dell4 and deplledailon4 committed and be-ing committed by the an 0lle4 aid lawle44 elemenu Who have pledg ed to the whole Itailon that they will not 4top theillda6shytalldly ennollt and4cheme unill and unle66 they have 6ully attuned thull pUmall and ulilmate pUllp06e on nOIlcibly 6eizing political and 6tate powell in thi6 countllY by ovellth~owing oUllplle6ent duly con6t-ituted govellnmel1t by de-6tlloying oull democllat-ic way on line and OUIl e6tabli-6hed 6 eculall and lleligiou6 bt6titution6 and belie66 and by6upplant-ing oull exi6t-ing political 6ocial economic legal and mOIla1 olldell with an entilleshyly new one who6e nOllm on govellnment who6enotion On individual Ilighu and 6amily llelailon6 aYid who6e poshylitical -6oual economic and mollal plleepu aile ba-6ed on the Mallxi-6t-Lenin-i-6t-Maoi6t teaching6 altd belien6

WHEREAS the Suplleme Coullt in it-6 6aid deci6ion concluded thatithe unlaw6ul act-iviile-6 06 the a60lle-6aid lawle64 element6 actually pO6e a eleall plle6ent and gllave dangell to public 4a6ety and the 6ecullity 06 the nation and in 6UppOllt 06 that conclu-6ion 60und that

x x x the ExecuUve had innOllmation altd llepollu--6 ub6 eq uently co nnillmed in many Ilehshypect-6 by the above~meniloned Repollt 06 the Senate Ad Hbc Committe~~on Seven-to ~he ei6ect that the Commun-i-6t Ptiltty 06 the Philippine6 doe-6 not mellely adhelle to Leninh idea on a 6w-i6t allrned uplli6ing that -it ha-6 al6o adoptedHo Chi Minh6 tellllolli6t tact-i~ and lle6ollted l

to the a-O6a6-6ination 06 uncoopellative local o66icial4 that in line with thi-6 polic the in6ullgent6 have killed 5 rnaOM 20 ballllio capshytain-6 and 3 chien6 on pol-ice that thelle welle nO ullteen (I 4) meani ng 6ul b0 mbi ng il1cide I1U il1 the G~eatell Maltila allea in 1970 thdt the Con4shyiltutional Convenilon Hall wa6 bombed on June 12 1971 that -6oon a6tell the Plaza Milla~da incident the NAWASA mun pipe at the Quezon

City-San Juan boundall wa6 bombed that this wa4 60llowed cio6ely by the bombing 06 the Manila Cit Hall the COMELEC Building theConglle64Bu-ilding and the MERALCO 4 ub-4tatirm at Cubao Quezon City ancLltthat thelle6 pective lle-6idence4 06 Senatoll Jo~~ J Roy and Conglle66rnan EduaAdo Cojuan~co welle l-ikewi-6e bombed a-6 welle the MERALCO mult o66-ice pllem-i6e6 along OIlt-iga6 Avenue and the VOctoll-6 Phallmaceutical-6 I nco BUild~ n in Caloocan City


J V_-


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x x x the Iteoltgani zed Communifjt Paltty 06 the Phiippine-6 hCt4 molteovelt adopted Maoo concept 06 pltotltacted peope-6 walt aimed at the pa~aization 06 the wi to lteJJiot 06 the goveltnment 06 the poUticaeconomic and intellectual eadelt-6hip and 06 the people them6eve6 ~hat con6oltmaby to 1 uch co ncept the Paltty ha6 paced6 pecia e~pha6i6 upon a moot exten6ive and inten6ive

pltogltam 06 oubveltoion by the e6tabll6hment 06 6ltont oltganizationo in ultban centelt6 the oltganization 06 altmed city palttihanh and the in6itltation in 6tudent gItOUp6 abok unionh and 6altmelt and pIt06e6hionagltpUpo that the CPP hah managed to in6itltateolt e6tabioh and contltol nine (9) majolt abolt oltganization6that it hah expoited the youth movement arid hucceededin making Communiht 61t0nto 06 eeven (11 J majolt 6tudent Olt youth oltganization6 that thelte alte accoltdingfy about thiltty (30)mah6 oltganization6 actively advancing the CPpintelteot6 among which middotalte the Malayang Samashyhan ng Magoa6aka (MASAKA) ~he Kabata~ng Makashybayan (KMJ the Movement 601t the Advancement 06 Nationai6m(MAN) the SamahangVemokltatiko ng Kabataan (SOK) ~he Samahang Moave(SM)and the Mafayang Pagkakapoundoa ng Kabataang Piishypine (MPKP) that M 06 Aug U-6 t 1971 the KM had two hundlted 6olttY-6ive (245) opeltationaf

middotchaptelt6 thltoughout the Phiippineh 00 which oeventy-thltee (13) weltein the Glteatelt Mania Allea oixty (60) in Noktheltn Luzon 60ltty nine (491 in Centltai Luzrm noltty-two (421 in the Vi6aya6 and twenty-one (21) in Mindanao and Sutu that in 1910 the PlLltty had Itecoltded two hundlted 6i6ty-eight (258) majolt demon6tltashytiCn6 06 which about thiltty-thltee (33) ended in violence lte6 utting in 6i6teen (1 5) llti lRed and ovelt 6ive hundlted (5001 injulted tha~ moo t 06 the6 e actio 110 welte oltgani zed co oltdishynated ali led by the aooltementioned 6ltont oltgashynization6 that the violent demon6tltation6 welte 9eneltally in6 tigated by a 6 mall but wellshytltained gltoup 06 altmed agitatolth that the numbelt 06 demon6tltation6 heltet060lte htagedmiddotin 1911 hao allteady exceeded tho6e 06 1910 and that twenty-60ult (24) 06 the6e demon6tltationo welte violent and lte6ulted in the death 06 6i6teen (15 pelt6ono and the injulty 06 many molte



Sub6equen-t even-t6 x x x have at6o pltoven x x x the -thltea-t -to pubt~c 6a6e-ty pO6ed by -the New Peopte4 Altmy Indeed ~-t appealt6-tha-t 6~nce Augu6-t 21 1971 ~-t had ~n Nolt-theltn Luzon 6~x 61 enco untelt6 and gt -tagedo ne (1) Ita~d ~n co ngt equenc e6 06 wh~ch gt even 71 6 otd~elt6 ta6 t the~1t t~v e6 and -two (2) o-thelt6 welte wounded wheltea6 -the poundn6U4gent6 6u66elted 6~ve (5) ca6uatt~e6 that on Augu6t 26 1971 a wett-altmed gltoup 06 NPA tlta~ned by de6ectolt Lto V~ctOIt COltpU6 attacked the velty command PO6t 06 TF LAWIN ~n I6abeta de6t1toy~ng twa 2 het~copteM and one (I) ptane~ and wound~ng one (I) 6otdielt that the NPA had ~n Centltat Luzon a totat 06 60ult (4)encounteM w~th twa (2] kitted and thltee 3) wounded on the 6~de 06 the Goveltnment one (1) BSVU killed and thltee 3 KM-SDK teadeltan un~dent~6~ed d~66ident and Commal1delt Panch~to teadelt 06 the d166ident gltoupwelte k~tted that on Augu6t Z6 1971 thelte wa6an encauntelL ~n the baltlt~o 06 San Pedlto IJt~ga CityCamaJtine6 SUit between the PC and the MPA ~n whpoundch a PC and two fZ) KM membelt6 weJte k~tted that the eultltent digttuJtbance6in Cotabato and the Lanao PJtov~nce6 have bee~ Itendelted mOJte complex by the ~nvatveme~t 06 the CPP7NPA60It ~n mid-1971 a KM gltOUp headed by Javencio E6paltagoza contacted the Higa onan tltibe6 in theilt 6etUement ~n Mag6ay6ay Mi6ami6 Oltientat and a66eJted them bookgt pamphtetgtand bltochulte6 06 Mao T6e Tung a6 wetta6conducted teach-in6 in the Itell eltvat~o n that E6paJtaga za Wa6 Itepolttedty kitted an Septembelt 22 1971in an opeltatian 06the PC in 6aid lte6eltvation and that thelte alte naw two (Zl NPA cadlte6 in Mindanao

lIt 6houtd at6o be no-ted -tha-t adhelten-t6 06 the CPP and itgt 6lto nt oltganizat~on6 alte accaltd~ng to intettigence 6inding6 de6initety capabte 06 pltepalting powelt6ut expto6ive6 out 06 tocatty ava~tabte mateJtiat6 -that -the bamb U6ed ~n the Can6-titu-tianat Canven-tian Hatt wa6 a ClaymoJte mine a powelt6ul explo6ive dev~ce a4ed by -the US Altmy believed -to have been one 06 many p~l6elted nltam the Subic Naval Baoe a 6ew dalj6 benjJ0Jte




- 11 shy

th~t the P~ehident h~d ~eeeived inteiiigenee in60~mation to the e6neet that the4e WaA a Juiy-Augu~t Pian involving a wave 06 ~~~ aA~inationh kidnapping6 te~~oshy~i6 m and ma~6 deldlwelion 0n plLopelLty and th~t ~n extlLao~din~ILY oeeulLenee would ~ign~i the beginning 06 ~~id event--that the ~athelL ~e~iou~ eondilion 06 pe~ee ~ndo~de~ in Minshydanao palLtieula~ly in Cotabato and L~nao demanded the plLe6 utee the~ein 0 -6 no~eeh hu6 6ishyeient to eope with the 6ituation that a hishyzeable pa~t 06 ou~ alLmed 60~ee~ di6ehalLge6 othLIL 6uneticn6 and that the expan6ion 06 the CPP aetivLU e6 6~om CentlLal Luzon to othelL palLt6 06 the eount~y pa~tieulalLly M~nil~ and iU 6 ubulLb6 I the Cagaq~n Valley 1~ugao Zamshybaleh L~guna Quezon and the Bieol Region ~equilLed that the ~e6t ~6 OUIL a~med-6olLee6 be op~ead thin dvelL a wide a~ea

WHEREAS in the unwavelLing p~ooeeution 06 theilL ~evoluliona~y wa~ againht the Filipino peopleand thei~ duly eon~tituted gove~nment the a60lLeoaJd l~wie66 element6 have in the month6 06 May June and Juiy 1972 6 ucceeded in b~inging ~nd int~o dueing into the count~y ~t Vigoyo Point Pal~n~n 1o~beta and at othe~ undetelLmined point6 along the P~ci6ic eoa6tl~e 06 Luzon a 6ub6tantial quantity 06 wa~ matViJl eon6ioting 06 M-14 ~i61e6 eotimated to be o0me 3500 pieee6 6evOtal dozen~ 06 40 mm ~oeket launehe~ whieh ~lLe 6aid to be Chieom eopieo 06 ~ Ruooi~n p~ototype ~oeket launehe~ l~lLge quantiUeo on 80 mm 1L0eket6 and ~mmunition6 and othe~ eombat pa~aphe~naiia 0-6 whieh wa~ matelLil 6 ome had been di6eovelLed and eaptuhed by govelLnment militalLy 60~shyee~ and the b~ingi~g and int~oduetion 06 6ueh quanshytity and type 06 wa~ matelLi i into the eountlLlj i6 a mute but eloquent plLoofi 06 the 6iniotelL pian 06 the ano~eshyoaid lawle66 elemento to haAten the e6e~lation 06 theilL plLe6 ent ~evoeutiona~lj wa~ againot the Filipino peopleand thei~ legitimate gove~nment

WHEREAS in the exeeution 00 thei~ ove~ail ~eshyvolutiona~y pian the a60lLeoaJd lawle66 elemento hav e p~epalLed and ~eeeao ed to thei~ vauouo 6Jeld ~ornmdde46 dnd Pd~ZY wo~ke~ d do~urnent ~dP~O~


- 12 shy

REGIONAL PROGRAM OF ACTION 1912 a copy 06 which wa6 captuJted by elementamp 06 the 116th and 119th PhIlIppIne ConatahulaJty Companleamp on June 18 1912 at BaJtJtio Tating6ing CoJtdon whl ch Jtea6 aIl 60110w6

IaabeRa the text 06



The allowing Refjianal PJtogJtam 06 Acshytlon 60Jt 1972 i6 pJtepaJted to be caJtJtied out a6 paJtt 06 the oveJtall plan06 the paJtty to noment di6 co ntent and pJtecepitatethe Ude 06 nationwide rna6) JtevoluUon The 6aci6t MaJtco6 middotand hl6JteacUonaJtY membeJt6 06 CongshyJte66 i6 expected to pJtepaJte them6elve6 noJt the 1973 hence

JanuaJty - June

10 Inten6i6Y JtecJtuitment 06 new piJttymembe1t6 e6 peually 6Jtom the woJtkeJt6- 6aJtmeJto clall6 0 CadJte6 aJLe bung tJtuned In oJtdeJt to oJtganlze the dl66eJLent JteglonaR buJteau6 The6 e bUJteau6 mU6t concentJtate on ma66 action and oJtfjanlzation to pJtomote advancement 06 the mM6 JtevoRuilonaICY movement Re6elence io madt to the BoJtadoJt ngPJtagJtama 6a Pagkllo6 at Ulat ng Panllpunang Pag6161Yd6 at M apshypJtoved by the CentJtdl Committeeo

2 RecJtuit etnd tJtun aJtmed uty paJttI~ 6anamp and uJtban gueJtJtiRla6 and oJtganize them into unit6 undeJt PaJtty cadJte6 and activi6u 06 rna66 04g anI zatio n6 bull The6 e unit6 mU6t und eJtshygo 6peuallzed tJtaining an explo6ive6 and deshymoliUon and 0the4 60Jtm6 06 ~abotage

3 Inten6i6y JteclLuitmentand tJtaiyungon new membeM 60Jt the NewPeople6 AJLmy in pJtepaJtatlon 60Jt llmited o66enlllve in 6elected aJtea6 In the Jtegion6

4 SuppoJtt a mltl~e aggJte66ive p40gJtam on agltation and pJtopaganda again6t the JteactionaJty aJtmed 60JtCM and again6t the Con Can

July - Aug U6t

VuJting thio peJtiod the paJtty expectll the puppet MaJtco6 goveJtnment to allow inlrt

- 13 shy

clteao e in bUb Itateb th u6 ag 9Ita vating 6ultth elt the plight 06 ftudenu WOltkelth and the 6altshymeltb 0

1 All Regional Paltty CJJmmitteeb mUbt plan nolt a geneltal ftltike movement The Reshygional Opeltational Commandb mubt plan 60lt altmed bUppOltt i6 the 6abcibt altmed 6oltceb 06 Maltcob will tlty to intimidate the oppltebbed Filipino maob eb 0

2 Conduct babotage agdinbt bchoolb collegeb and univeltbitieb hiking tuition 6eeb o

3 Conductb ab 0tag e and agltati 0 n ag ainb t puppet judgeb and COUlttb lealtning iCabeb againbt top paltty leadeM

4 Clteate Itegional chaoband diboltdelt to dltamatize the inability 06 the 6abcibtMaltshyCOb goveltnment to keep and maintain peace and oltdelt thltu

al RobbekY and hold-up 06 bankb contltolled by Ameltican impeltialif~b and thobe belonging to the enemieb ou the people

lib) At~ack militalty ca~pb US baf eb and tow nh bull

c) Molte violent f tltikeb and deshym0 nb tltati 0 nb bull

Septembelt - Octobelt

r ncite af e i ntenb ity 0 6 J io len ce dif 0 ltdelt and con6u6ion

11ntenfi6Y fabotage and bombing 06 g oveltnment buildingf and embabhie6 and otheltutilitieb

al Co ng lte66 b) Suplteme COUltt lie) Con Con d) City Hall e) US Embabb (f 6 ) FacLfitieb 06 us Bab ef g) PlIovincial Capitotbh) Powel[ Plant6

- 14 shy

Z SpoJradic attackhmiddot an camph toWnh and cideh

3 Ahhahhinate high goveJrnment 06biualh 06 CongJrehh JudiciaJrY Con Con and pJrivate individual6 6ympathetic to puppet MaJrc06

4 E6tablihh pJrovihional ltevolutionaJrY goveJrnment in town6 and udeh with the 6UppOJrt a6 the ma66 e6

5 With the 6ympathetic hUPP0Jrt 06 ouJr allie6 ehtabli6h pJrovi6ional pJrovincial Ite- volutionaJrY goveJrnment6


WHEREAS in line with theiJr REGIOMAL PROGRAM OF ACTION 1912 the a60Jre6aid lawleh6 elemenu have 06 late been conducting inten6i6ied act6 06 violence and teJrltolti6 m6 duting the cultJrent yealt in the glteaLea Manila aJrea huch a6 the bombing on the AJrca buildpoundng at Ta6t Avenue Pa6ay City on MaJrch 15 Obthe Fllpoundshypina6 Otient AJriway6 b oaltd JrO am at Vomell tic Road Pah ay City on ApJril 23 06 the VLetname6e Emba66Y on May 30 06 the COUJrt 06 IndU6ttial Relationll on June 23 06 the Philippine TJru6t Company bJranch on6ice in Cubao Quezon City on June 24 06 the Philamli6ebuildng at United Nation6 Avenue Manila on July 3 06 theTashybacalelta CigaJr amp CigaJrette FactoJry Compound at MaJrquezde ComLeea6 Manila on July 21 06 the PLVT exchange066ice at Ea6t Avenue Quezon City and 06 the Philipshypine SagaJr In6titute building at Noltth Avenue Vilishyman Quezon City both on Auga6t 15 06 the Vepalttshyment 06 Soual Wel6alte building at San Ra6ael StJreet Sampaloc Manila on Augu6t 11 06a wateJr main on AUJrolta BoulevaJrd and Madi60l1 Aven(te Quezon City on AugU6t 19 06 the Philamli6e building againon Auguht 30 thi6 time cau6ing 6 eveJre de6tJruction on the FaJr Ea6t Bank and TJrU6t Company building neaJrby 06 the aJrmoJred caJr and building 06 the Philippine Banking CoJrshypoltatiolt It6 well a6 the building6 06 the I nve6tment Vevelopment Inc and the Vaily StaJr Publicatiolt6 when anotheJr explo6ion took place on Railltoad StJreet P~ltt Altea Maniia al60 on AugU6t 30 06 ]oell VepaJrtment StoJre on CaJrltiedo Stlteet Quiapo ManLta 011 SeptembeJr 5 ~aubull ing death to 0 ne woman an d in]uJUeh to 0mj(


- 15 shy

individuaL6 and 06 the City Hall 06 Manila on Septshyembe~ 8 06 the wate~main~ in San Juan Rizal on

Sept 12 00 the San Miguel building in Maf2ati Rtzal an Sept 14 and 0 6 the Quezon City Hal on Septembe~ 18 1972 a~ well a~ the attempted bombing 06 the Cong~e~gt Build-Lrg on July 1g when iln un- exploded bomb Wd6~ bound in the Senate publication Vivigtioi and the attempted bombing 00 the Vepa~tment 06 Fo~eign A66a(Jtgt an Aug ugtt 30ltgt

WHEREAS in line with the ~ame REGIONAL PROGshyRAM OF ACTION 1972 the a60~igtaid lawlu6 elemenu have algto 6ielded in the G~eate~ Manila a~ea ~eve~al o6 thei~ Spli~~ow Unittgt o~ SimbadUniu to unde~shytake liquidaUon mLl~ion~ )lgain6t ~anking gove~nmel1tOn 6iualo milita~y peugtJ1nel and p~ominent utizengt and to ou~the~ heighten the degtt~ucUongt and dep~eshydationgt al~eady inolicted by them upon ou~ innocent people all on which a~e being delibe~atety done -to 60W te~~o~ 6eal and chao6 among6t ou~ population and to make the gove~nment look 60 helplegtgt and incapable 06 p~otecUng the livegt and p~opeJrty 00 ou~ people

WHEREAS in addiUon to the above- de~c~ibed gtocial digtoftde~ thelte i-6 algto the equally 6eUOM digto~de~ in Mil1danao al1d Sula Iegtulting n~om the ungtettled conshy6lict between ce~tain elemenu a6 the Ch~igtUan and Mugtlim popalaUon 00 Mindanao and Salu betweenthe Chftigttian lfIlagao and themiddot MugtlimBa~~acudM and between ou~ goveftnment tftoopgt and cefttain lawlegtgt oftganizatioftgt 6adl a6 the Mindanao I ndeperidence Movement

WHERUS the Mindanao I ndependence Movement with tlle actiue matefI-Lal aJid 6inancial agtgtihtance 06 60fteign political and economic inte~e6t6 i6 engaged in an open and unconcealed attempt to egttabli6h by violence and foftce a 6 epaJtate and independent polLtical 6tate out 06 the i6land6 06 Mil1danao and Sula which a~e ~igt~ to~ically politically and bylaw paftu 06 the te~fI-Lshyto~ie6 and within the ju~i6diction and 6oveJteignty 06 the Republic 06 the Philippinegt

WHEREAS becaugte 06 the a60fte6aid di6o~de~ ~eshy6ulting 6ftom a~med clagthe6 killinggt magt6ac~egt a~shy60116 ~ape6piltage6 de6t~ucUon 06 whole village6 and tOWngt and the inevitable cegtgt ation on agfticultukal and indugttttial ope~aUongt all 06 which have been bftought about by the violence in6ticted by the ChfI-Lgtshyiian6 the M1L6lim6 the Ilaga6 the BattJlacuda6 and the Mindanao Independence Movement again6t ea~


otheh and aga-in6t ou1t goveltnment tltOOP6 a glteat many paltt6 06 the -i6land6 06 M-indanao and Sulu alte v-ihtually noW -in a 6tate On a~tual walt

WHEREAS the v-iolent d-i6oltdelt -in Mandanao and Sulu ha6 todate lte6ulted -in the k-ill-ing 06 oveiL 1000 c-iv-il-ian6 and about 2 000 altmed mu6l-im6 and ~hlti6 t-ian6 not to ment-io n themolte than 6-ive hund middot Ited thou6and on -injulted di6pla~ed and homele66 peM a n6 a6 well a6 the glteat numb elt o~ ca6ualt-ie6 among ou1t goveltnmenttltDOp6 and the paltal-lzat-ion a6 the e~onomy 06 M-indanao and Sulu

WHEREAS be~au6e 06 the ~oltego-ingact6 oampaJtmedmiddot -in6 uJtJte~tLo n wa nto n d e6tltuct-io n 06 humanl-ive6 and pltopeltty unabated andunlte6tlta-inedpltopagandaatshytack6 aga-in6 t the gov eltnm ent and -it6in6t-itutlo n6 -in6thumental-itie-4 agenc-ie6 and 06 6-ic-ial6middot and the Itap-idly expand-ing ltank6 06 the a60lteJa-id lawleA6 elemenU andbe~au6 e on the 6 plteadb1g lawle66 ne66 and analt~hy thltoughout the land allan which have plteventedthe goveltnment tomiddot exeltc-i6e it6 autholt-ity extend to -iu c-it-iz enlty the pltotect-io n a6it6 law6 and -in 9 eneltalexeltci6 e-iu 6 ov elte-ig ntg ovelt cr 06 -it6 teltlt-itofL-ie6 cau6 ed 6 eJr-iou6 demoltal-izattcn arnO ng ou1t people and have made the publ-ic applteltJ16-ive and 6ealt 6u1 and n-intilly becau6 e publ-ic oiLd elt and 6 a6 ety and the 6ecuIt-ity 06 th-i6 nation demandthttt -immediate 6wf6t de~i6 -iv e and e6 6ect-ive act-io n be taken to pltotect and -in6ulte the pea~e oltdviand QecuIL-ity 06 the ~ountlty and -it6 populat-ionand tomiddot ma-intain the autholL-ity 06 the goveJtnmenti


WHER EAS -in ca6 e6 a6 -inva6 -io n -in6 uILlte~t-io n 0 It Itebell-ion olt -imminent dangelt thelte06 I a6 PILe6-ident 06 the Ph-iLLpp-ine6 haveundelt the Cont-itut-ion thlteecotlJt6e6 06 act-ion open to me namely (a) ~all out themiddot altmed 60ltce6 to QuppILe6Q the pILe6 ent law le66 v-iolence (bJ QuQpend the plt-ivUege 06 the Wlt-it 06 habea6 ~Oltpu6 to make the aJtlte6t and appheshyhen6-ion 06 the6cz lawle66elemenu eaQ-ieIL and mOILe e66ect-ive OIL (c) place the -ph-il-ipp-ine6 oltany paILt thelteo 6 undelt maftt-ial law

WHEREAS 1 have allteady ut-il-ized the n-ilt6t two coulL6 e6 06 action bDrQt by caUingupon the altm~

- 11 shy

nolteeo to owpplteo6 the a60Jte6aid lawleoo violenee eommittingto that 6peei nie job almoot 50 06 the entilte altmed noltee6 06 the eountlty and elteating 6 eveshyItal tao k noltee6 nolt that pUltpO6 e 6 ueh a6 Tct6 k i Foltee Saltanay Ta6k Foltee Palanan Ta6k Foltee l6altog Ta6k Foltee Pagkakai6a and Ta6k Foltee Lanean and 6eeond by 6u6pending the pltivilege On the wltit 06 habeao eo Itpuo on Aug uamp t 2 1197 1 up to Janualtlj 1912 but (116 pite 0 n all th at both e 0ultJ) e6 0 6 aell0 n weJte nound inadequate and inefinectiveto eontain muehleo6 6olve the plteJ)ent Jtebellion and lawleoone66 in the

eountltlj a6 J)hown by the naet that

1 The ltadieal lefit ha6 inelteaoed the numbelt an d altea 06 0 peltati-onofi it66Ito nt oltg ani zatioM and ha6 inten6ifiiedthe iteeltuitshyment and tltainlng 06 newadheltentf in the ultban and Itultal altea6 e6peeially oltom among the youth

z The Kabataang Makabayan(KM)) the mO6t milishytant and out6poken filtont oltganization06 the Itadieal lent haf ineltea6edthe numbelt 06 it6 chapteltJ) 6ltom 200 ao on the end 06 1910 to 311 at on July 31 1912 and It6 membeJt6hip nltom 10000 af 06 the end 061910 to 15000 a6middot 06 the end On July 1972 6ltowing velty eleanly the Itapidgltowth on the eommuniJ)t movement inthi6 eountlty

3 The Samahang Vema kltailko Ng KabatClan SVK anothelt militant and outJ)poken JLDntOItshyganization on theltadieal lent ha6 al60 ineltea6 ed the numbelt 06 itf ehapteJt6nltom an in6ignifiieantnumbelt at the end 061910 to 159 a6 06 the end 0 f Jul 1972 and ha6 noW a membeltamphip 06 ampome1495 highly inshydoetJtinated intenampely committed and almoft nanatieally devoted indlvidual6

4 The New Peopleamp Altmy the mO6t active and the mOft vlolentandltuthle~6militalty altm On the Itadicat lent hao inclteao ed it6total J)tltength nltoman e~timated6500 (eompoJ)ed on 560 ltegulalt6 1500 combat fUPPOltt and 4400 HltvU huppolt-t) a o Jaualt~



- 1 g shy

~o abou~7900 (eompohed 06 1028 lLegulalL4 1 to a eomba~ 4 upptlr~ anfi 5025 helLviee hUppOlL~) ah 06 Jul~ 31 1972 ~howing a malL~ed inelLea4e in iu ltegulalL ~lLOOp6 on OVlllL 100 in 6ueh a 6hot~ peltiad 06 ~ixmiddotmon~h6

50 The e6~abli~hment 06 ~ane~ualtie6 60lL ~he i~ ultg en~6 in I6 ab ela in Zambale6 in CamalLine6SUlL and in 6 ome palLt6 06 Mindashynao~ adevelopmen~ helLe~06olte unknown in oulL eampaign agaln6t 6ubvelL6ioft and in6UlLshygeney in ~hi6 eoun~lL~

6 The di6appealLanee and dlLopping ou~ 06 6ehool 06 6ome 3000 high 6ehool and eoLLege 6~Ushydent6 and who alLe lLepolL~ed ~o have joined wi~h ~he in6 ultg ent6 fi alL ~lLaining in ~he handling on 6ilLealLm6 and explo6ive6

7 The blLinging and intlLoduetlon ln~q~he eoun~lL~ 06 6ub6~an~ial walL ma~elLial eonshy6i6ting 06 mili~alLtj halLdwalte and 6upplie6

middotthlLough the MV KalLagatan at V-Lgoljo Point Palanan l6abela and ~he naet ~ha~ mantj 06 ~he6e miUtalt~ haltdwaJte and 6upplie6 alte now in ~he hand6 ofi themiddot in6UlLgen~6 and alLe being U6ed agal~~ oulL govelLnrnent ~lLOOp6

8 The in6iltlLation and eon~lLol 06 ~he media b~ pelt6on6 who alte ~tjmpathe~ie ~o ~he in6 UlLg ent6 and the eo 116 eq uen~ in~en~ L6i cailon 06 theilt plLopagimda a6~aultagain~~ ~he goveltnmen~ and ~he miUtalt~ e6tabli6hshyment on ~he govetnmen~o

9 The noltma~iona~ ~he glta66-lLoot level 06 IIpolitical poweJt olLgan6 helLetonOlLe an- flnown in ~he hi6~otyon theCommuni6t moveshyment in thi6 countlL~ compo6 edo 6 BaJtltio OJtganizingCommit~ee6 (BOC6) to mobilize the baJtJrio people fiott active involvemen~ in ~helLeVolu~ion ~he BaJtJtio RevoluilonalLtj Commi~tee6 BRC61 ~o act a6 Imiddotlocal goveJtnshyment6 in balLJtio6 eon6idelLed a6 CPP NPA



- 19 shy

bailiwickll the (lJoltkeJt6 OJtganizing Comshymitteell (WOCll) to middotoltganize WOltkeirll 6ltom all AectOltll the School Oltganizing Comshymitteell (SOC61 to conduct agitaliorl and pltopaganda activitie6 and help in the expandion 06 ~4ontg4oUp6 among the dtudentlty and the CommunityOJrganizi~g Committeell (COC6) which opeJtate in the ultban altea6 in the 6ame manneJt a) the BOCll bull

WHEREAS the Itebellion and a4med aclion undeltshytaken by the6elawlellll element606 the communl6t and othelt altmed aggltupailonll oltganlzedto oveltthltow the Republic o~ the PhiUppinei bq altmedviolenceand 60ltce have a66umed the magnitude On an actual 6tate 06 walt agalnlltoult people and the RepubliC 06 the


NOW THEREfORE I FER-VI NANV E MARCOS Pltelli shydenton the Phllippinell by vilttue 06 the poweM vellted upon me by Aldlcle VII I Section 10 PaltagJraph (2) 06 the Conlltitutiondo heJteby placethe entllte PhiUppinell a6 denined in AItticle I Sectlon 1 06 the Conlltitutian undelt malttial law and in my capacity a4 thellt c6mmandelt-in-chiefi do helteby commandthe altmed 60ltCell 06the Phllippine6 to maintainmiddotlaw and oJrdelt thltoughout the Phllippine6 pltevent Olt JuppJre611 all 60ltm6 06 lawlell6 v-tolence a6 well all anq act 0n inllUltltection Olt Itebellion and to en60ltce obedienceto atl the laWllandto all declteet oJtdeltll andltegulationll pltomulgated by me petrll 0nally oJt upo n my dlJtecUo n~

In addition I do helteby oltdelt that allpelt6on6 pltell ently detalned a6 well Mall otheltll who may heltea-6telt ite llimilaltly detained6olt the cJrimell oflnshyllultltectionoJt Jtebellion and all othelt cltimellanda6-middot 6enlle6 committed in6uJttheltance OfLon the occa61on thelteo Lolt incident thelteto Olt in co nnculion thelteshywith b0If cJtime6 ag alnllt natlonal II ecuJrity and the law 06 nationll Cltimell again6t public oltdelt CUme6 involving ull ultpailo n 06 atftholtlty Jtank title and lmpltopelt ulle on name6 unL60ltmll andln6ignia cltime6 commlttedmiddot by public 06 fiicelt6 and 601t lluch otheltcJrimell a6 will be enunieltated in OltdelLb that I II halt 6 ub6 eq uentty pltomulg ate all welt a6cJrime6 Maconllequence 06 any violation 06 any

decltee oltdelt olt Itegulation pltomulgated by me pelt6onatly alt pltomutgated upon mydiltecilon 6hall be kept undelt detenshytioY until otheltwi6e oltdelted ltetea6ed by me Olt by my duly de-61gnated lLeplLe-6 erutJcct-ive ~

- 20


~4~ 1l0BERTO V REYES Acting Executive Secretary

Page 4: Proclamation no 1081

- 4 -

and pnivate buildingc and attackc againct innocent and de6encelecc civilian livec anq pnopenty ail ofi which activitiec have cenioucly endangened and continue to endangen public onden andca6ety and the cecuuty on the nation and acting with cunning and mani6e~t pneshycicion and delibenation and without negandto the health ca6ety and well-being 06 the people ane now implementingtheilL pilin to eauce widecpnead macctveand cfjctematicdecx-nuction And panalization 06 vital pubLic utilitiec and c enviciec ~ panticulanly waten c yc temc c ouncec 06 electucal powen communication andtnanc pontation fiashycilitiec to the gneat detumentc ufi 6eung injuny and pnejudice on oun people and the nallon and to genelLate a deep pCfjchological 6ean and panie among oun people

WHEREAS the Slpneme Count in -the ccu ec bnought be60ne it~ doclteted ac GR Noco L-33964 L-33965 L-33973 L-33982L-34004 L-34013 L-34039 L-34265 and L-34339 M a eonc equenee 06 the c ucpeMion 06 the puvilege 06 the wut 06 habeM eonpucby me M Plrecident 06 the Philippinecin my Pnoetamailon No ggq dated Auguct 211971 ac amended hac bound that in tnuth and in oaet thene exicu an actual incunneetion and nebelUon in the countny by a cizeable gnoup on men who have publiely nicen in anmc to oventhnow the govennment~ Hene ic what the SuplLeme Count caid in itc deucion pnomulgated on VeeembelL 1 191

x x X oun junicpnudenee attecu abun dantlyto the Communict activitiec in the Philippinec ec pedally in Manila 6nom the late twentiec to the eanly thintiec then aimed pninc1pally at incitement to cedition on nebellion ac the immediate objectiveUpon the ectabli~hment 06 the Commonwealth 06 the Philippinec the movementceemed to have waned notably but the outbneak 06 W041d Wan 11 in the Paei6ic and the miceniec the devac~ation and havoc and the pnoli6eshynation 06 unlicenced 6ineanmc coneomitant with the militanfj occupation on the Philippinecand iu cubcequent libenation bnought about in the late nontiec a nec ung enee oi the Comshymunict thneat with cuch vigon ac to be able to onganize and openate in Centnai Luzon an a4my - ealled HUKBALAHAP duung the oecupa tion and nenamed Hukbong Mapagpalaya ng BayanHMBJ a6ten libenation - which elMhed ceveshynal timec with the anmed 60ncec 06 the Repub-Ue Thi~ pJtompted then PJteAident QULunrplusmn

c++shy A

- 5 shy

i66ue PlLoclamation No 210 dated OctoshybelL 22 1~50 6U6pending the plLivilege 06 the wILLt 06 habecu COlLeM the validishyty 06 which WM upheld -ltn MonteneglLo v Cabtaneda Vay6 be60ILe the plLomulgationOn baid PlLoclamatLon OIL an OctabelL IB 1950 membeft6 06 the Communi6t PolitbulLo in the Philippineb we~e applLehended in Manila Suamp6 equentlif aCCM ed and eo n vieshyted 06 the cILLme 06 lLebellion they 6elLved theilL lLe6pective 6entenceb

The 6L6tie6 6 aw a compalLative lull in Communi6 t aetivitie6 in60 fJaJt cu peace and olLdelL welLe concelLned StLll on June 20 1957 Republic Act No 1700 otheewi6e known ab the Anti-SuvelL6ion Act wa6 applLoved uponthe glLound6tated inthe velLY pJteamble 06 6 aid 6 tatute - that

xxxthe Comm~ni6t Pa4ty d6 the Philippine6 although pUlLpolLtedly a political palLty L6 in nact an olLganizedCOn6pilLacif to ovelLthlLpw the GovelLnment 06 the Republic 06 the Philippineo not only by nOlLce and vioLence but al6o bydeceit 6ubvelL6ionand othelL illegalmean6 -6 OIL the puJLp06e 00 e6tabli6 hingin the Philippine6 a totalitalLian lLegime 6ubject to alien dominationand contlLol

Ix x x the continued exi6tence and activitie6 06 the Co mmuvU6 t PalLty 06 the Philippine6 con6tLtute6 a clealL plLe6entand 2ILave dangelL to the 6eculL-ltly 06 lhe Phil-ltpplne6 and

x x x in the Oact 06 the olLganized6 Y6tematic and pelL6i6tent 6ubveJt6ion national in 6cope but intelLnational in dilLectLon pO6ed by the Communi6t PalLty

J 06 the Philippine6 and it6 activitie6 thelLe i6 ulLgent need nOlL 6pecial legi6shylation to cope w~th thi6 continuing meshynace to the nlLeedom and 6eculLity 06 the countlLy x x x In the language 06 the RepolLt on CentlLal Lushy

zon 6ubmitted on SeptembelL 4 1971 by the Senate Ad Hoc Committee 06 Seven-copy 06 which RepolLt wa6 oiled in the6 eCab e6 by the petiti0 nelL6 helLeinshy

liThe yealL6 6eelowing 1963 6aw the 6ucce66ive emelLgence in the counshyzILY ob 6eveILal ma66 olLganization6 n~ tabty the Lapiang Manggagawa (now Zh~~-


- 6 ~

So cialiJ t PaJity a6 th e PhilippbteJ ) among the w04ke4J the Malayang Sashymahan ng Mga MagJaJgtaka IMASAKAl among the pea~ant4Y the Kabataang Makabashyyan [KM) among th~ youthJtudentampand the Movem~nt 604 the Advancement 06 NationaliJm (MAN) among-the intelshylectual~p406eJJionalJ the PKP haJ ~x~4ted all-out e6604t to in6ilt4at~ in61uence and utilize theJe 04ganizashyilonJ in p40moilng itamp 4adical b4and 06 nailo naliamp m Meanwhil~ th~ CommuniJgtt leade4Jgt in th~

Philippine~ had been ampplit into two (2) g40UPamp on~ 06 which- compoJed mainly 06 young 4adicalJ conJtituting the MaoiJt 6iteilon - 4e04ganized th~ CommuniJt Pa4ty 06 the Philippin~Jgt ea41y in 1969 and eJtabliamph~d a N~w PeopleJ A4my~ ThiJ 6acilon adhe4eamp to the MaoiJt concept On the P40shyt4acted PeopleJ Wa4 04 Wa4 06 National Libe4ashyilon Itamp P40g4amm~ 60lL aPeopleJgt Vemoc4ailc Revolution JtateJgt inte4 alia

The COmmuniJgt t Pa4ty 06 the PhilipshypineJ i6 dete4mined to implement itJ gene4ai p~og4amme 004 a p~opleamp democshy4atic 4evoluilon All filipino commu nL~to a4i 4eady to 0 ac4i6ice thei4 lLveo 604 the w04thy cauoe 06achieving the new type 06 democ4acy 06 building a new Philippineo that io g enuinely and completely independent democ4atic unishyted juot and PJi06pe40Uo

x x x x x x

In the yea~ 1969 the NPA had-acc04ding to the 4eC04do 06 the Vepa4tment 06 National Ve6enoeshyconducted 4aido 4eo04ted to kidnappingJ and taken pa4t in otlie4 violent incident6 numbe4ing ove4 230 in which it in61icted 404 caoualtieJ and in u4n 6tld 243 to6 In 1910 Lt6 JtCOl~rr

bull 1shy1 r Il 0

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violent incident4 w~ about the -6ame but the NPA ca-6ualtie-6 mone than doubled

At any nate two (2) 6act6 ane undeniable (a) all Communi-6t-6 whethen they belortg to the tnaditional gnoup on to the Maoi-6t 6action beshylieve that 60nce and violence ane indi-6pen-6able to the attainment 06 thein main and ultimate objective and act in accondance with -6uch beshylie6 although they di-6agnee on the mean-6 to be U-6ed at a given time and in a panticulan placeand (bl th~ne i~ a New Peoplet~ Anmy othen on coun~e than the anmed 60nce-6 06 the Republic and antagoni-6tic theneto Such Mew People4Anmy i-6 peJi ~epno06 on the exi-6tence 06 a nebellion eJPecially con-6idening that it4 e4shytabli6 hment WQ6 announced publicly by the neonshyganized CPP Such announcement~-6 in the natune 06 a public challenge to the duly con6tituted authonitie4 and may be likened to a declanation On Walt -6u66icient to e-6tabli-6h a walt 6tatu-6olt a condition on belligeltency even benolte the actual commencement 06 h04tilitie6o

We entelttain theltefiolte no doubu about

theexi~tei~e 06 a AizeabLe gltoup 06 men who have publicly lti4en in anm4 to oveltthnow the goveltnshyment and have thu4 been and 4till alte engaged in nebellion again4t the Govennment 06 the PhishyLippine-6 bull

WHEREAS the4e lawle~4 element4 have to a con-6idenable extent 4ucceeded in impeding oult duly con-6tituted authoshyltitie4 61t~m pelt604ming theilt 6unction4 and di~chaltgingtheilt dutie-6 and ltupon4ibilitie4 in accoltdance with oult law4 and oult Con4titulionto the glte4t damage pltejudiceand detltiment 06 the people and the nation

WHEREAS ~t i~ evid~nt that thelte ii thltoughout the land a -6tate 06 anQnchy and lawle4-61e-64 cha04 and di-6shyoltdelt tUltmoil and de4tltuclion 06 a magnitude equivalent to an actual walt between the 60ltCe4 06 Oult duly con-6tishytuted goveltnment and the New People4 Altmy and thein -6atellite oltganization-6 becau6e 06 the unmitigated 60ltaY-6ltaid6 ambri-6 cade4 a4-6 ault-6 violence mUltdeM a-6-6a64i- nalion-6 act-6 06 teltnolt deceit6 coeltCiOn4 thneajf


lvyen j

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intimidation-6 tlleacheIlY machinailon-6 aM on-6 plun-dell4 and deplledailon4 committed and be-ing committed by the an 0lle4 aid lawle44 elemenu Who have pledg ed to the whole Itailon that they will not 4top theillda6shytalldly ennollt and4cheme unill and unle66 they have 6ully attuned thull pUmall and ulilmate pUllp06e on nOIlcibly 6eizing political and 6tate powell in thi6 countllY by ovellth~owing oUllplle6ent duly con6t-ituted govellnmel1t by de-6tlloying oull democllat-ic way on line and OUIl e6tabli-6hed 6 eculall and lleligiou6 bt6titution6 and belie66 and by6upplant-ing oull exi6t-ing political 6ocial economic legal and mOIla1 olldell with an entilleshyly new one who6e nOllm on govellnment who6enotion On individual Ilighu and 6amily llelailon6 aYid who6e poshylitical -6oual economic and mollal plleepu aile ba-6ed on the Mallxi-6t-Lenin-i-6t-Maoi6t teaching6 altd belien6

WHEREAS the Suplleme Coullt in it-6 6aid deci6ion concluded thatithe unlaw6ul act-iviile-6 06 the a60lle-6aid lawle64 element6 actually pO6e a eleall plle6ent and gllave dangell to public 4a6ety and the 6ecullity 06 the nation and in 6UppOllt 06 that conclu-6ion 60und that

x x x the ExecuUve had innOllmation altd llepollu--6 ub6 eq uently co nnillmed in many Ilehshypect-6 by the above~meniloned Repollt 06 the Senate Ad Hbc Committe~~on Seven-to ~he ei6ect that the Commun-i-6t Ptiltty 06 the Philippine6 doe-6 not mellely adhelle to Leninh idea on a 6w-i6t allrned uplli6ing that -it ha-6 al6o adoptedHo Chi Minh6 tellllolli6t tact-i~ and lle6ollted l

to the a-O6a6-6ination 06 uncoopellative local o66icial4 that in line with thi-6 polic the in6ullgent6 have killed 5 rnaOM 20 ballllio capshytain-6 and 3 chien6 on pol-ice that thelle welle nO ullteen (I 4) meani ng 6ul b0 mbi ng il1cide I1U il1 the G~eatell Maltila allea in 1970 thdt the Con4shyiltutional Convenilon Hall wa6 bombed on June 12 1971 that -6oon a6tell the Plaza Milla~da incident the NAWASA mun pipe at the Quezon

City-San Juan boundall wa6 bombed that this wa4 60llowed cio6ely by the bombing 06 the Manila Cit Hall the COMELEC Building theConglle64Bu-ilding and the MERALCO 4 ub-4tatirm at Cubao Quezon City ancLltthat thelle6 pective lle-6idence4 06 Senatoll Jo~~ J Roy and Conglle66rnan EduaAdo Cojuan~co welle l-ikewi-6e bombed a-6 welle the MERALCO mult o66-ice pllem-i6e6 along OIlt-iga6 Avenue and the VOctoll-6 Phallmaceutical-6 I nco BUild~ n in Caloocan City


J V_-


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x x x the Iteoltgani zed Communifjt Paltty 06 the Phiippine-6 hCt4 molteovelt adopted Maoo concept 06 pltotltacted peope-6 walt aimed at the pa~aization 06 the wi to lteJJiot 06 the goveltnment 06 the poUticaeconomic and intellectual eadelt-6hip and 06 the people them6eve6 ~hat con6oltmaby to 1 uch co ncept the Paltty ha6 paced6 pecia e~pha6i6 upon a moot exten6ive and inten6ive

pltogltam 06 oubveltoion by the e6tabll6hment 06 6ltont oltganizationo in ultban centelt6 the oltganization 06 altmed city palttihanh and the in6itltation in 6tudent gItOUp6 abok unionh and 6altmelt and pIt06e6hionagltpUpo that the CPP hah managed to in6itltateolt e6tabioh and contltol nine (9) majolt abolt oltganization6that it hah expoited the youth movement arid hucceededin making Communiht 61t0nto 06 eeven (11 J majolt 6tudent Olt youth oltganization6 that thelte alte accoltdingfy about thiltty (30)mah6 oltganization6 actively advancing the CPpintelteot6 among which middotalte the Malayang Samashyhan ng Magoa6aka (MASAKA) ~he Kabata~ng Makashybayan (KMJ the Movement 601t the Advancement 06 Nationai6m(MAN) the SamahangVemokltatiko ng Kabataan (SOK) ~he Samahang Moave(SM)and the Mafayang Pagkakapoundoa ng Kabataang Piishypine (MPKP) that M 06 Aug U-6 t 1971 the KM had two hundlted 6olttY-6ive (245) opeltationaf

middotchaptelt6 thltoughout the Phiippineh 00 which oeventy-thltee (13) weltein the Glteatelt Mania Allea oixty (60) in Noktheltn Luzon 60ltty nine (491 in Centltai Luzrm noltty-two (421 in the Vi6aya6 and twenty-one (21) in Mindanao and Sutu that in 1910 the PlLltty had Itecoltded two hundlted 6i6ty-eight (258) majolt demon6tltashytiCn6 06 which about thiltty-thltee (33) ended in violence lte6 utting in 6i6teen (1 5) llti lRed and ovelt 6ive hundlted (5001 injulted tha~ moo t 06 the6 e actio 110 welte oltgani zed co oltdishynated ali led by the aooltementioned 6ltont oltgashynization6 that the violent demon6tltation6 welte 9eneltally in6 tigated by a 6 mall but wellshytltained gltoup 06 altmed agitatolth that the numbelt 06 demon6tltation6 heltet060lte htagedmiddotin 1911 hao allteady exceeded tho6e 06 1910 and that twenty-60ult (24) 06 the6e demon6tltationo welte violent and lte6ulted in the death 06 6i6teen (15 pelt6ono and the injulty 06 many molte



Sub6equen-t even-t6 x x x have at6o pltoven x x x the -thltea-t -to pubt~c 6a6e-ty pO6ed by -the New Peopte4 Altmy Indeed ~-t appealt6-tha-t 6~nce Augu6-t 21 1971 ~-t had ~n Nolt-theltn Luzon 6~x 61 enco untelt6 and gt -tagedo ne (1) Ita~d ~n co ngt equenc e6 06 wh~ch gt even 71 6 otd~elt6 ta6 t the~1t t~v e6 and -two (2) o-thelt6 welte wounded wheltea6 -the poundn6U4gent6 6u66elted 6~ve (5) ca6uatt~e6 that on Augu6t 26 1971 a wett-altmed gltoup 06 NPA tlta~ned by de6ectolt Lto V~ctOIt COltpU6 attacked the velty command PO6t 06 TF LAWIN ~n I6abeta de6t1toy~ng twa 2 het~copteM and one (I) ptane~ and wound~ng one (I) 6otdielt that the NPA had ~n Centltat Luzon a totat 06 60ult (4)encounteM w~th twa (2] kitted and thltee 3) wounded on the 6~de 06 the Goveltnment one (1) BSVU killed and thltee 3 KM-SDK teadeltan un~dent~6~ed d~66ident and Commal1delt Panch~to teadelt 06 the d166ident gltoupwelte k~tted that on Augu6t Z6 1971 thelte wa6an encauntelL ~n the baltlt~o 06 San Pedlto IJt~ga CityCamaJtine6 SUit between the PC and the MPA ~n whpoundch a PC and two fZ) KM membelt6 weJte k~tted that the eultltent digttuJtbance6in Cotabato and the Lanao PJtov~nce6 have bee~ Itendelted mOJte complex by the ~nvatveme~t 06 the CPP7NPA60It ~n mid-1971 a KM gltOUp headed by Javencio E6paltagoza contacted the Higa onan tltibe6 in theilt 6etUement ~n Mag6ay6ay Mi6ami6 Oltientat and a66eJted them bookgt pamphtetgtand bltochulte6 06 Mao T6e Tung a6 wetta6conducted teach-in6 in the Itell eltvat~o n that E6paJtaga za Wa6 Itepolttedty kitted an Septembelt 22 1971in an opeltatian 06the PC in 6aid lte6eltvation and that thelte alte naw two (Zl NPA cadlte6 in Mindanao

lIt 6houtd at6o be no-ted -tha-t adhelten-t6 06 the CPP and itgt 6lto nt oltganizat~on6 alte accaltd~ng to intettigence 6inding6 de6initety capabte 06 pltepalting powelt6ut expto6ive6 out 06 tocatty ava~tabte mateJtiat6 -that -the bamb U6ed ~n the Can6-titu-tianat Canven-tian Hatt wa6 a ClaymoJte mine a powelt6ul explo6ive dev~ce a4ed by -the US Altmy believed -to have been one 06 many p~l6elted nltam the Subic Naval Baoe a 6ew dalj6 benjJ0Jte




- 11 shy

th~t the P~ehident h~d ~eeeived inteiiigenee in60~mation to the e6neet that the4e WaA a Juiy-Augu~t Pian involving a wave 06 ~~~ aA~inationh kidnapping6 te~~oshy~i6 m and ma~6 deldlwelion 0n plLopelLty and th~t ~n extlLao~din~ILY oeeulLenee would ~ign~i the beginning 06 ~~id event--that the ~athelL ~e~iou~ eondilion 06 pe~ee ~ndo~de~ in Minshydanao palLtieula~ly in Cotabato and L~nao demanded the plLe6 utee the~ein 0 -6 no~eeh hu6 6ishyeient to eope with the 6ituation that a hishyzeable pa~t 06 ou~ alLmed 60~ee~ di6ehalLge6 othLIL 6uneticn6 and that the expan6ion 06 the CPP aetivLU e6 6~om CentlLal Luzon to othelL palLt6 06 the eount~y pa~tieulalLly M~nil~ and iU 6 ubulLb6 I the Cagaq~n Valley 1~ugao Zamshybaleh L~guna Quezon and the Bieol Region ~equilLed that the ~e6t ~6 OUIL a~med-6olLee6 be op~ead thin dvelL a wide a~ea

WHEREAS in the unwavelLing p~ooeeution 06 theilL ~evoluliona~y wa~ againht the Filipino peopleand thei~ duly eon~tituted gove~nment the a60lLeoaJd l~wie66 element6 have in the month6 06 May June and Juiy 1972 6 ucceeded in b~inging ~nd int~o dueing into the count~y ~t Vigoyo Point Pal~n~n 1o~beta and at othe~ undetelLmined point6 along the P~ci6ic eoa6tl~e 06 Luzon a 6ub6tantial quantity 06 wa~ matViJl eon6ioting 06 M-14 ~i61e6 eotimated to be o0me 3500 pieee6 6evOtal dozen~ 06 40 mm ~oeket launehe~ whieh ~lLe 6aid to be Chieom eopieo 06 ~ Ruooi~n p~ototype ~oeket launehe~ l~lLge quantiUeo on 80 mm 1L0eket6 and ~mmunition6 and othe~ eombat pa~aphe~naiia 0-6 whieh wa~ matelLil 6 ome had been di6eovelLed and eaptuhed by govelLnment militalLy 60~shyee~ and the b~ingi~g and int~oduetion 06 6ueh quanshytity and type 06 wa~ matelLi i into the eountlLlj i6 a mute but eloquent plLoofi 06 the 6iniotelL pian 06 the ano~eshyoaid lawle66 elemento to haAten the e6e~lation 06 theilL plLe6 ent ~evoeutiona~lj wa~ againot the Filipino peopleand thei~ legitimate gove~nment

WHEREAS in the exeeution 00 thei~ ove~ail ~eshyvolutiona~y pian the a60lLeoaJd lawle66 elemento hav e p~epalLed and ~eeeao ed to thei~ vauouo 6Jeld ~ornmdde46 dnd Pd~ZY wo~ke~ d do~urnent ~dP~O~


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REGIONAL PROGRAM OF ACTION 1912 a copy 06 which wa6 captuJted by elementamp 06 the 116th and 119th PhIlIppIne ConatahulaJty Companleamp on June 18 1912 at BaJtJtio Tating6ing CoJtdon whl ch Jtea6 aIl 60110w6

IaabeRa the text 06



The allowing Refjianal PJtogJtam 06 Acshytlon 60Jt 1972 i6 pJtepaJted to be caJtJtied out a6 paJtt 06 the oveJtall plan06 the paJtty to noment di6 co ntent and pJtecepitatethe Ude 06 nationwide rna6) JtevoluUon The 6aci6t MaJtco6 middotand hl6JteacUonaJtY membeJt6 06 CongshyJte66 i6 expected to pJtepaJte them6elve6 noJt the 1973 hence

JanuaJty - June

10 Inten6i6Y JtecJtuitment 06 new piJttymembe1t6 e6 peually 6Jtom the woJtkeJt6- 6aJtmeJto clall6 0 CadJte6 aJLe bung tJtuned In oJtdeJt to oJtganlze the dl66eJLent JteglonaR buJteau6 The6 e bUJteau6 mU6t concentJtate on ma66 action and oJtfjanlzation to pJtomote advancement 06 the mM6 JtevoRuilonaICY movement Re6elence io madt to the BoJtadoJt ngPJtagJtama 6a Pagkllo6 at Ulat ng Panllpunang Pag6161Yd6 at M apshypJtoved by the CentJtdl Committeeo

2 RecJtuit etnd tJtun aJtmed uty paJttI~ 6anamp and uJtban gueJtJtiRla6 and oJtganize them into unit6 undeJt PaJtty cadJte6 and activi6u 06 rna66 04g anI zatio n6 bull The6 e unit6 mU6t und eJtshygo 6peuallzed tJtaining an explo6ive6 and deshymoliUon and 0the4 60Jtm6 06 ~abotage

3 Inten6i6y JteclLuitmentand tJtaiyungon new membeM 60Jt the NewPeople6 AJLmy in pJtepaJtatlon 60Jt llmited o66enlllve in 6elected aJtea6 In the Jtegion6

4 SuppoJtt a mltl~e aggJte66ive p40gJtam on agltation and pJtopaganda again6t the JteactionaJty aJtmed 60JtCM and again6t the Con Can

July - Aug U6t

VuJting thio peJtiod the paJtty expectll the puppet MaJtco6 goveJtnment to allow inlrt

- 13 shy

clteao e in bUb Itateb th u6 ag 9Ita vating 6ultth elt the plight 06 ftudenu WOltkelth and the 6altshymeltb 0

1 All Regional Paltty CJJmmitteeb mUbt plan nolt a geneltal ftltike movement The Reshygional Opeltational Commandb mubt plan 60lt altmed bUppOltt i6 the 6abcibt altmed 6oltceb 06 Maltcob will tlty to intimidate the oppltebbed Filipino maob eb 0

2 Conduct babotage agdinbt bchoolb collegeb and univeltbitieb hiking tuition 6eeb o

3 Conductb ab 0tag e and agltati 0 n ag ainb t puppet judgeb and COUlttb lealtning iCabeb againbt top paltty leadeM

4 Clteate Itegional chaoband diboltdelt to dltamatize the inability 06 the 6abcibtMaltshyCOb goveltnment to keep and maintain peace and oltdelt thltu

al RobbekY and hold-up 06 bankb contltolled by Ameltican impeltialif~b and thobe belonging to the enemieb ou the people

lib) At~ack militalty ca~pb US baf eb and tow nh bull

c) Molte violent f tltikeb and deshym0 nb tltati 0 nb bull

Septembelt - Octobelt

r ncite af e i ntenb ity 0 6 J io len ce dif 0 ltdelt and con6u6ion

11ntenfi6Y fabotage and bombing 06 g oveltnment buildingf and embabhie6 and otheltutilitieb

al Co ng lte66 b) Suplteme COUltt lie) Con Con d) City Hall e) US Embabb (f 6 ) FacLfitieb 06 us Bab ef g) PlIovincial Capitotbh) Powel[ Plant6

- 14 shy

Z SpoJradic attackhmiddot an camph toWnh and cideh

3 Ahhahhinate high goveJrnment 06biualh 06 CongJrehh JudiciaJrY Con Con and pJrivate individual6 6ympathetic to puppet MaJrc06

4 E6tablihh pJrovihional ltevolutionaJrY goveJrnment in town6 and udeh with the 6UppOJrt a6 the ma66 e6

5 With the 6ympathetic hUPP0Jrt 06 ouJr allie6 ehtabli6h pJrovi6ional pJrovincial Ite- volutionaJrY goveJrnment6


WHEREAS in line with theiJr REGIOMAL PROGRAM OF ACTION 1912 the a60Jre6aid lawleh6 elemenu have 06 late been conducting inten6i6ied act6 06 violence and teJrltolti6 m6 duting the cultJrent yealt in the glteaLea Manila aJrea huch a6 the bombing on the AJrca buildpoundng at Ta6t Avenue Pa6ay City on MaJrch 15 Obthe Fllpoundshypina6 Otient AJriway6 b oaltd JrO am at Vomell tic Road Pah ay City on ApJril 23 06 the VLetname6e Emba66Y on May 30 06 the COUJrt 06 IndU6ttial Relationll on June 23 06 the Philippine TJru6t Company bJranch on6ice in Cubao Quezon City on June 24 06 the Philamli6ebuildng at United Nation6 Avenue Manila on July 3 06 theTashybacalelta CigaJr amp CigaJrette FactoJry Compound at MaJrquezde ComLeea6 Manila on July 21 06 the PLVT exchange066ice at Ea6t Avenue Quezon City and 06 the Philipshypine SagaJr In6titute building at Noltth Avenue Vilishyman Quezon City both on Auga6t 15 06 the Vepalttshyment 06 Soual Wel6alte building at San Ra6ael StJreet Sampaloc Manila on Augu6t 11 06a wateJr main on AUJrolta BoulevaJrd and Madi60l1 Aven(te Quezon City on AugU6t 19 06 the Philamli6e building againon Auguht 30 thi6 time cau6ing 6 eveJre de6tJruction on the FaJr Ea6t Bank and TJrU6t Company building neaJrby 06 the aJrmoJred caJr and building 06 the Philippine Banking CoJrshypoltatiolt It6 well a6 the building6 06 the I nve6tment Vevelopment Inc and the Vaily StaJr Publicatiolt6 when anotheJr explo6ion took place on Railltoad StJreet P~ltt Altea Maniia al60 on AugU6t 30 06 ]oell VepaJrtment StoJre on CaJrltiedo Stlteet Quiapo ManLta 011 SeptembeJr 5 ~aubull ing death to 0 ne woman an d in]uJUeh to 0mj(


- 15 shy

individuaL6 and 06 the City Hall 06 Manila on Septshyembe~ 8 06 the wate~main~ in San Juan Rizal on

Sept 12 00 the San Miguel building in Maf2ati Rtzal an Sept 14 and 0 6 the Quezon City Hal on Septembe~ 18 1972 a~ well a~ the attempted bombing 06 the Cong~e~gt Build-Lrg on July 1g when iln un- exploded bomb Wd6~ bound in the Senate publication Vivigtioi and the attempted bombing 00 the Vepa~tment 06 Fo~eign A66a(Jtgt an Aug ugtt 30ltgt

WHEREAS in line with the ~ame REGIONAL PROGshyRAM OF ACTION 1972 the a60~igtaid lawlu6 elemenu have algto 6ielded in the G~eate~ Manila a~ea ~eve~al o6 thei~ Spli~~ow Unittgt o~ SimbadUniu to unde~shytake liquidaUon mLl~ion~ )lgain6t ~anking gove~nmel1tOn 6iualo milita~y peugtJ1nel and p~ominent utizengt and to ou~the~ heighten the degtt~ucUongt and dep~eshydationgt al~eady inolicted by them upon ou~ innocent people all on which a~e being delibe~atety done -to 60W te~~o~ 6eal and chao6 among6t ou~ population and to make the gove~nment look 60 helplegtgt and incapable 06 p~otecUng the livegt and p~opeJrty 00 ou~ people

WHEREAS in addiUon to the above- de~c~ibed gtocial digtoftde~ thelte i-6 algto the equally 6eUOM digto~de~ in Mil1danao al1d Sula Iegtulting n~om the ungtettled conshy6lict between ce~tain elemenu a6 the Ch~igtUan and Mugtlim popalaUon 00 Mindanao and Salu betweenthe Chftigttian lfIlagao and themiddot MugtlimBa~~acudM and between ou~ goveftnment tftoopgt and cefttain lawlegtgt oftganizatioftgt 6adl a6 the Mindanao I ndeperidence Movement

WHERUS the Mindanao I ndependence Movement with tlle actiue matefI-Lal aJid 6inancial agtgtihtance 06 60fteign political and economic inte~e6t6 i6 engaged in an open and unconcealed attempt to egttabli6h by violence and foftce a 6 epaJtate and independent polLtical 6tate out 06 the i6land6 06 Mil1danao and Sula which a~e ~igt~ to~ically politically and bylaw paftu 06 the te~fI-Lshyto~ie6 and within the ju~i6diction and 6oveJteignty 06 the Republic 06 the Philippinegt

WHEREAS becaugte 06 the a60fte6aid di6o~de~ ~eshy6ulting 6ftom a~med clagthe6 killinggt magt6ac~egt a~shy60116 ~ape6piltage6 de6t~ucUon 06 whole village6 and tOWngt and the inevitable cegtgt ation on agfticultukal and indugttttial ope~aUongt all 06 which have been bftought about by the violence in6ticted by the ChfI-Lgtshyiian6 the M1L6lim6 the Ilaga6 the BattJlacuda6 and the Mindanao Independence Movement again6t ea~


otheh and aga-in6t ou1t goveltnment tltOOP6 a glteat many paltt6 06 the -i6land6 06 M-indanao and Sulu alte v-ihtually noW -in a 6tate On a~tual walt

WHEREAS the v-iolent d-i6oltdelt -in Mandanao and Sulu ha6 todate lte6ulted -in the k-ill-ing 06 oveiL 1000 c-iv-il-ian6 and about 2 000 altmed mu6l-im6 and ~hlti6 t-ian6 not to ment-io n themolte than 6-ive hund middot Ited thou6and on -injulted di6pla~ed and homele66 peM a n6 a6 well a6 the glteat numb elt o~ ca6ualt-ie6 among ou1t goveltnmenttltDOp6 and the paltal-lzat-ion a6 the e~onomy 06 M-indanao and Sulu

WHEREAS be~au6e 06 the ~oltego-ingact6 oampaJtmedmiddot -in6 uJtJte~tLo n wa nto n d e6tltuct-io n 06 humanl-ive6 and pltopeltty unabated andunlte6tlta-inedpltopagandaatshytack6 aga-in6 t the gov eltnm ent and -it6in6t-itutlo n6 -in6thumental-itie-4 agenc-ie6 and 06 6-ic-ial6middot and the Itap-idly expand-ing ltank6 06 the a60lteJa-id lawleA6 elemenU andbe~au6 e on the 6 plteadb1g lawle66 ne66 and analt~hy thltoughout the land allan which have plteventedthe goveltnment tomiddot exeltc-i6e it6 autholt-ity extend to -iu c-it-iz enlty the pltotect-io n a6it6 law6 and -in 9 eneltalexeltci6 e-iu 6 ov elte-ig ntg ovelt cr 06 -it6 teltlt-itofL-ie6 cau6 ed 6 eJr-iou6 demoltal-izattcn arnO ng ou1t people and have made the publ-ic applteltJ16-ive and 6ealt 6u1 and n-intilly becau6 e publ-ic oiLd elt and 6 a6 ety and the 6ecuIt-ity 06 th-i6 nation demandthttt -immediate 6wf6t de~i6 -iv e and e6 6ect-ive act-io n be taken to pltotect and -in6ulte the pea~e oltdviand QecuIL-ity 06 the ~ountlty and -it6 populat-ionand tomiddot ma-intain the autholL-ity 06 the goveJtnmenti


WHER EAS -in ca6 e6 a6 -inva6 -io n -in6 uILlte~t-io n 0 It Itebell-ion olt -imminent dangelt thelte06 I a6 PILe6-ident 06 the Ph-iLLpp-ine6 haveundelt the Cont-itut-ion thlteecotlJt6e6 06 act-ion open to me namely (a) ~all out themiddot altmed 60ltce6 to QuppILe6Q the pILe6 ent law le66 v-iolence (bJ QuQpend the plt-ivUege 06 the Wlt-it 06 habea6 ~Oltpu6 to make the aJtlte6t and appheshyhen6-ion 06 the6cz lawle66elemenu eaQ-ieIL and mOILe e66ect-ive OIL (c) place the -ph-il-ipp-ine6 oltany paILt thelteo 6 undelt maftt-ial law

WHEREAS 1 have allteady ut-il-ized the n-ilt6t two coulL6 e6 06 action bDrQt by caUingupon the altm~

- 11 shy

nolteeo to owpplteo6 the a60Jte6aid lawleoo violenee eommittingto that 6peei nie job almoot 50 06 the entilte altmed noltee6 06 the eountlty and elteating 6 eveshyItal tao k noltee6 nolt that pUltpO6 e 6 ueh a6 Tct6 k i Foltee Saltanay Ta6k Foltee Palanan Ta6k Foltee l6altog Ta6k Foltee Pagkakai6a and Ta6k Foltee Lanean and 6eeond by 6u6pending the pltivilege On the wltit 06 habeao eo Itpuo on Aug uamp t 2 1197 1 up to Janualtlj 1912 but (116 pite 0 n all th at both e 0ultJ) e6 0 6 aell0 n weJte nound inadequate and inefinectiveto eontain muehleo6 6olve the plteJ)ent Jtebellion and lawleoone66 in the

eountltlj a6 J)hown by the naet that

1 The ltadieal lefit ha6 inelteaoed the numbelt an d altea 06 0 peltati-onofi it66Ito nt oltg ani zatioM and ha6 inten6ifiiedthe iteeltuitshyment and tltainlng 06 newadheltentf in the ultban and Itultal altea6 e6peeially oltom among the youth

z The Kabataang Makabayan(KM)) the mO6t milishytant and out6poken filtont oltganization06 the Itadieal lent haf ineltea6edthe numbelt 06 it6 chapteltJ) 6ltom 200 ao on the end 06 1910 to 311 at on July 31 1912 and It6 membeJt6hip nltom 10000 af 06 the end 061910 to 15000 a6middot 06 the end On July 1972 6ltowing velty eleanly the Itapidgltowth on the eommuniJ)t movement inthi6 eountlty

3 The Samahang Vema kltailko Ng KabatClan SVK anothelt militant and outJ)poken JLDntOItshyganization on theltadieal lent ha6 al60 ineltea6 ed the numbelt 06 itf ehapteJt6nltom an in6ignifiieantnumbelt at the end 061910 to 159 a6 06 the end 0 f Jul 1972 and ha6 noW a membeltamphip 06 ampome1495 highly inshydoetJtinated intenampely committed and almoft nanatieally devoted indlvidual6

4 The New Peopleamp Altmy the mO6t active and the mOft vlolentandltuthle~6militalty altm On the Itadicat lent hao inclteao ed it6total J)tltength nltoman e~timated6500 (eompoJ)ed on 560 ltegulalt6 1500 combat fUPPOltt and 4400 HltvU huppolt-t) a o Jaualt~



- 1 g shy

~o abou~7900 (eompohed 06 1028 lLegulalL4 1 to a eomba~ 4 upptlr~ anfi 5025 helLviee hUppOlL~) ah 06 Jul~ 31 1972 ~howing a malL~ed inelLea4e in iu ltegulalL ~lLOOp6 on OVlllL 100 in 6ueh a 6hot~ peltiad 06 ~ixmiddotmon~h6

50 The e6~abli~hment 06 ~ane~ualtie6 60lL ~he i~ ultg en~6 in I6 ab ela in Zambale6 in CamalLine6SUlL and in 6 ome palLt6 06 Mindashynao~ adevelopmen~ helLe~06olte unknown in oulL eampaign agaln6t 6ubvelL6ioft and in6UlLshygeney in ~hi6 eoun~lL~

6 The di6appealLanee and dlLopping ou~ 06 6ehool 06 6ome 3000 high 6ehool and eoLLege 6~Ushydent6 and who alLe lLepolL~ed ~o have joined wi~h ~he in6 ultg ent6 fi alL ~lLaining in ~he handling on 6ilLealLm6 and explo6ive6

7 The blLinging and intlLoduetlon ln~q~he eoun~lL~ 06 6ub6~an~ial walL ma~elLial eonshy6i6ting 06 mili~alLtj halLdwalte and 6upplie6

middotthlLough the MV KalLagatan at V-Lgoljo Point Palanan l6abela and ~he naet ~ha~ mantj 06 ~he6e miUtalt~ haltdwaJte and 6upplie6 alte now in ~he hand6 ofi themiddot in6UlLgen~6 and alLe being U6ed agal~~ oulL govelLnrnent ~lLOOp6

8 The in6iltlLation and eon~lLol 06 ~he media b~ pelt6on6 who alte ~tjmpathe~ie ~o ~he in6 UlLg ent6 and the eo 116 eq uen~ in~en~ L6i cailon 06 theilt plLopagimda a6~aultagain~~ ~he goveltnmen~ and ~he miUtalt~ e6tabli6hshyment on ~he govetnmen~o

9 The noltma~iona~ ~he glta66-lLoot level 06 IIpolitical poweJt olLgan6 helLetonOlLe an- flnown in ~he hi6~otyon theCommuni6t moveshyment in thi6 countlL~ compo6 edo 6 BaJtltio OJtganizingCommit~ee6 (BOC6) to mobilize the baJtJrio people fiott active involvemen~ in ~helLeVolu~ion ~he BaJtJtio RevoluilonalLtj Commi~tee6 BRC61 ~o act a6 Imiddotlocal goveJtnshyment6 in balLJtio6 eon6idelLed a6 CPP NPA



- 19 shy

bailiwickll the (lJoltkeJt6 OJtganizing Comshymitteell (WOCll) to middotoltganize WOltkeirll 6ltom all AectOltll the School Oltganizing Comshymitteell (SOC61 to conduct agitaliorl and pltopaganda activitie6 and help in the expandion 06 ~4ontg4oUp6 among the dtudentlty and the CommunityOJrganizi~g Committeell (COC6) which opeJtate in the ultban altea6 in the 6ame manneJt a) the BOCll bull

WHEREAS the Itebellion and a4med aclion undeltshytaken by the6elawlellll element606 the communl6t and othelt altmed aggltupailonll oltganlzedto oveltthltow the Republic o~ the PhiUppinei bq altmedviolenceand 60ltce have a66umed the magnitude On an actual 6tate 06 walt agalnlltoult people and the RepubliC 06 the


NOW THEREfORE I FER-VI NANV E MARCOS Pltelli shydenton the Phllippinell by vilttue 06 the poweM vellted upon me by Aldlcle VII I Section 10 PaltagJraph (2) 06 the Conlltitutiondo heJteby placethe entllte PhiUppinell a6 denined in AItticle I Sectlon 1 06 the Conlltitutian undelt malttial law and in my capacity a4 thellt c6mmandelt-in-chiefi do helteby commandthe altmed 60ltCell 06the Phllippine6 to maintainmiddotlaw and oJrdelt thltoughout the Phllippine6 pltevent Olt JuppJre611 all 60ltm6 06 lawlell6 v-tolence a6 well all anq act 0n inllUltltection Olt Itebellion and to en60ltce obedienceto atl the laWllandto all declteet oJtdeltll andltegulationll pltomulgated by me petrll 0nally oJt upo n my dlJtecUo n~

In addition I do helteby oltdelt that allpelt6on6 pltell ently detalned a6 well Mall otheltll who may heltea-6telt ite llimilaltly detained6olt the cJrimell oflnshyllultltectionoJt Jtebellion and all othelt cltimellanda6-middot 6enlle6 committed in6uJttheltance OfLon the occa61on thelteo Lolt incident thelteto Olt in co nnculion thelteshywith b0If cJtime6 ag alnllt natlonal II ecuJrity and the law 06 nationll Cltimell again6t public oltdelt CUme6 involving ull ultpailo n 06 atftholtlty Jtank title and lmpltopelt ulle on name6 unL60ltmll andln6ignia cltime6 commlttedmiddot by public 06 fiicelt6 and 601t lluch otheltcJrimell a6 will be enunieltated in OltdelLb that I II halt 6 ub6 eq uentty pltomulg ate all welt a6cJrime6 Maconllequence 06 any violation 06 any

decltee oltdelt olt Itegulation pltomulgated by me pelt6onatly alt pltomutgated upon mydiltecilon 6hall be kept undelt detenshytioY until otheltwi6e oltdelted ltetea6ed by me Olt by my duly de-61gnated lLeplLe-6 erutJcct-ive ~

- 20


~4~ 1l0BERTO V REYES Acting Executive Secretary

Page 5: Proclamation no 1081

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i66ue PlLoclamation No 210 dated OctoshybelL 22 1~50 6U6pending the plLivilege 06 the wILLt 06 habecu COlLeM the validishyty 06 which WM upheld -ltn MonteneglLo v Cabtaneda Vay6 be60ILe the plLomulgationOn baid PlLoclamatLon OIL an OctabelL IB 1950 membeft6 06 the Communi6t PolitbulLo in the Philippineb we~e applLehended in Manila Suamp6 equentlif aCCM ed and eo n vieshyted 06 the cILLme 06 lLebellion they 6elLved theilL lLe6pective 6entenceb

The 6L6tie6 6 aw a compalLative lull in Communi6 t aetivitie6 in60 fJaJt cu peace and olLdelL welLe concelLned StLll on June 20 1957 Republic Act No 1700 otheewi6e known ab the Anti-SuvelL6ion Act wa6 applLoved uponthe glLound6tated inthe velLY pJteamble 06 6 aid 6 tatute - that

xxxthe Comm~ni6t Pa4ty d6 the Philippine6 although pUlLpolLtedly a political palLty L6 in nact an olLganizedCOn6pilLacif to ovelLthlLpw the GovelLnment 06 the Republic 06 the Philippineo not only by nOlLce and vioLence but al6o bydeceit 6ubvelL6ionand othelL illegalmean6 -6 OIL the puJLp06e 00 e6tabli6 hingin the Philippine6 a totalitalLian lLegime 6ubject to alien dominationand contlLol

Ix x x the continued exi6tence and activitie6 06 the Co mmuvU6 t PalLty 06 the Philippine6 con6tLtute6 a clealL plLe6entand 2ILave dangelL to the 6eculL-ltly 06 lhe Phil-ltpplne6 and

x x x in the Oact 06 the olLganized6 Y6tematic and pelL6i6tent 6ubveJt6ion national in 6cope but intelLnational in dilLectLon pO6ed by the Communi6t PalLty

J 06 the Philippine6 and it6 activitie6 thelLe i6 ulLgent need nOlL 6pecial legi6shylation to cope w~th thi6 continuing meshynace to the nlLeedom and 6eculLity 06 the countlLy x x x In the language 06 the RepolLt on CentlLal Lushy

zon 6ubmitted on SeptembelL 4 1971 by the Senate Ad Hoc Committee 06 Seven-copy 06 which RepolLt wa6 oiled in the6 eCab e6 by the petiti0 nelL6 helLeinshy

liThe yealL6 6eelowing 1963 6aw the 6ucce66ive emelLgence in the counshyzILY ob 6eveILal ma66 olLganization6 n~ tabty the Lapiang Manggagawa (now Zh~~-


- 6 ~

So cialiJ t PaJity a6 th e PhilippbteJ ) among the w04ke4J the Malayang Sashymahan ng Mga MagJaJgtaka IMASAKAl among the pea~ant4Y the Kabataang Makabashyyan [KM) among th~ youthJtudentampand the Movem~nt 604 the Advancement 06 NationaliJm (MAN) among-the intelshylectual~p406eJJionalJ the PKP haJ ~x~4ted all-out e6604t to in6ilt4at~ in61uence and utilize theJe 04ganizashyilonJ in p40moilng itamp 4adical b4and 06 nailo naliamp m Meanwhil~ th~ CommuniJgtt leade4Jgt in th~

Philippine~ had been ampplit into two (2) g40UPamp on~ 06 which- compoJed mainly 06 young 4adicalJ conJtituting the MaoiJt 6iteilon - 4e04ganized th~ CommuniJt Pa4ty 06 the Philippin~Jgt ea41y in 1969 and eJtabliamph~d a N~w PeopleJ A4my~ ThiJ 6acilon adhe4eamp to the MaoiJt concept On the P40shyt4acted PeopleJ Wa4 04 Wa4 06 National Libe4ashyilon Itamp P40g4amm~ 60lL aPeopleJgt Vemoc4ailc Revolution JtateJgt inte4 alia

The COmmuniJgt t Pa4ty 06 the PhilipshypineJ i6 dete4mined to implement itJ gene4ai p~og4amme 004 a p~opleamp democshy4atic 4evoluilon All filipino commu nL~to a4i 4eady to 0 ac4i6ice thei4 lLveo 604 the w04thy cauoe 06achieving the new type 06 democ4acy 06 building a new Philippineo that io g enuinely and completely independent democ4atic unishyted juot and PJi06pe40Uo

x x x x x x

In the yea~ 1969 the NPA had-acc04ding to the 4eC04do 06 the Vepa4tment 06 National Ve6enoeshyconducted 4aido 4eo04ted to kidnappingJ and taken pa4t in otlie4 violent incident6 numbe4ing ove4 230 in which it in61icted 404 caoualtieJ and in u4n 6tld 243 to6 In 1910 Lt6 JtCOl~rr

bull 1shy1 r Il 0

- 7 shy

violent incident4 w~ about the -6ame but the NPA ca-6ualtie-6 mone than doubled

At any nate two (2) 6act6 ane undeniable (a) all Communi-6t-6 whethen they belortg to the tnaditional gnoup on to the Maoi-6t 6action beshylieve that 60nce and violence ane indi-6pen-6able to the attainment 06 thein main and ultimate objective and act in accondance with -6uch beshylie6 although they di-6agnee on the mean-6 to be U-6ed at a given time and in a panticulan placeand (bl th~ne i~ a New Peoplet~ Anmy othen on coun~e than the anmed 60nce-6 06 the Republic and antagoni-6tic theneto Such Mew People4Anmy i-6 peJi ~epno06 on the exi-6tence 06 a nebellion eJPecially con-6idening that it4 e4shytabli6 hment WQ6 announced publicly by the neonshyganized CPP Such announcement~-6 in the natune 06 a public challenge to the duly con6tituted authonitie4 and may be likened to a declanation On Walt -6u66icient to e-6tabli-6h a walt 6tatu-6olt a condition on belligeltency even benolte the actual commencement 06 h04tilitie6o

We entelttain theltefiolte no doubu about

theexi~tei~e 06 a AizeabLe gltoup 06 men who have publicly lti4en in anm4 to oveltthnow the goveltnshyment and have thu4 been and 4till alte engaged in nebellion again4t the Govennment 06 the PhishyLippine-6 bull

WHEREAS the4e lawle~4 element4 have to a con-6idenable extent 4ucceeded in impeding oult duly con-6tituted authoshyltitie4 61t~m pelt604ming theilt 6unction4 and di~chaltgingtheilt dutie-6 and ltupon4ibilitie4 in accoltdance with oult law4 and oult Con4titulionto the glte4t damage pltejudiceand detltiment 06 the people and the nation

WHEREAS ~t i~ evid~nt that thelte ii thltoughout the land a -6tate 06 anQnchy and lawle4-61e-64 cha04 and di-6shyoltdelt tUltmoil and de4tltuclion 06 a magnitude equivalent to an actual walt between the 60ltCe4 06 Oult duly con-6tishytuted goveltnment and the New People4 Altmy and thein -6atellite oltganization-6 becau6e 06 the unmitigated 60ltaY-6ltaid6 ambri-6 cade4 a4-6 ault-6 violence mUltdeM a-6-6a64i- nalion-6 act-6 06 teltnolt deceit6 coeltCiOn4 thneajf


lvyen j

- shy

intimidation-6 tlleacheIlY machinailon-6 aM on-6 plun-dell4 and deplledailon4 committed and be-ing committed by the an 0lle4 aid lawle44 elemenu Who have pledg ed to the whole Itailon that they will not 4top theillda6shytalldly ennollt and4cheme unill and unle66 they have 6ully attuned thull pUmall and ulilmate pUllp06e on nOIlcibly 6eizing political and 6tate powell in thi6 countllY by ovellth~owing oUllplle6ent duly con6t-ituted govellnmel1t by de-6tlloying oull democllat-ic way on line and OUIl e6tabli-6hed 6 eculall and lleligiou6 bt6titution6 and belie66 and by6upplant-ing oull exi6t-ing political 6ocial economic legal and mOIla1 olldell with an entilleshyly new one who6e nOllm on govellnment who6enotion On individual Ilighu and 6amily llelailon6 aYid who6e poshylitical -6oual economic and mollal plleepu aile ba-6ed on the Mallxi-6t-Lenin-i-6t-Maoi6t teaching6 altd belien6

WHEREAS the Suplleme Coullt in it-6 6aid deci6ion concluded thatithe unlaw6ul act-iviile-6 06 the a60lle-6aid lawle64 element6 actually pO6e a eleall plle6ent and gllave dangell to public 4a6ety and the 6ecullity 06 the nation and in 6UppOllt 06 that conclu-6ion 60und that

x x x the ExecuUve had innOllmation altd llepollu--6 ub6 eq uently co nnillmed in many Ilehshypect-6 by the above~meniloned Repollt 06 the Senate Ad Hbc Committe~~on Seven-to ~he ei6ect that the Commun-i-6t Ptiltty 06 the Philippine6 doe-6 not mellely adhelle to Leninh idea on a 6w-i6t allrned uplli6ing that -it ha-6 al6o adoptedHo Chi Minh6 tellllolli6t tact-i~ and lle6ollted l

to the a-O6a6-6ination 06 uncoopellative local o66icial4 that in line with thi-6 polic the in6ullgent6 have killed 5 rnaOM 20 ballllio capshytain-6 and 3 chien6 on pol-ice that thelle welle nO ullteen (I 4) meani ng 6ul b0 mbi ng il1cide I1U il1 the G~eatell Maltila allea in 1970 thdt the Con4shyiltutional Convenilon Hall wa6 bombed on June 12 1971 that -6oon a6tell the Plaza Milla~da incident the NAWASA mun pipe at the Quezon

City-San Juan boundall wa6 bombed that this wa4 60llowed cio6ely by the bombing 06 the Manila Cit Hall the COMELEC Building theConglle64Bu-ilding and the MERALCO 4 ub-4tatirm at Cubao Quezon City ancLltthat thelle6 pective lle-6idence4 06 Senatoll Jo~~ J Roy and Conglle66rnan EduaAdo Cojuan~co welle l-ikewi-6e bombed a-6 welle the MERALCO mult o66-ice pllem-i6e6 along OIlt-iga6 Avenue and the VOctoll-6 Phallmaceutical-6 I nco BUild~ n in Caloocan City


J V_-


- 9 shy

x x x the Iteoltgani zed Communifjt Paltty 06 the Phiippine-6 hCt4 molteovelt adopted Maoo concept 06 pltotltacted peope-6 walt aimed at the pa~aization 06 the wi to lteJJiot 06 the goveltnment 06 the poUticaeconomic and intellectual eadelt-6hip and 06 the people them6eve6 ~hat con6oltmaby to 1 uch co ncept the Paltty ha6 paced6 pecia e~pha6i6 upon a moot exten6ive and inten6ive

pltogltam 06 oubveltoion by the e6tabll6hment 06 6ltont oltganizationo in ultban centelt6 the oltganization 06 altmed city palttihanh and the in6itltation in 6tudent gItOUp6 abok unionh and 6altmelt and pIt06e6hionagltpUpo that the CPP hah managed to in6itltateolt e6tabioh and contltol nine (9) majolt abolt oltganization6that it hah expoited the youth movement arid hucceededin making Communiht 61t0nto 06 eeven (11 J majolt 6tudent Olt youth oltganization6 that thelte alte accoltdingfy about thiltty (30)mah6 oltganization6 actively advancing the CPpintelteot6 among which middotalte the Malayang Samashyhan ng Magoa6aka (MASAKA) ~he Kabata~ng Makashybayan (KMJ the Movement 601t the Advancement 06 Nationai6m(MAN) the SamahangVemokltatiko ng Kabataan (SOK) ~he Samahang Moave(SM)and the Mafayang Pagkakapoundoa ng Kabataang Piishypine (MPKP) that M 06 Aug U-6 t 1971 the KM had two hundlted 6olttY-6ive (245) opeltationaf

middotchaptelt6 thltoughout the Phiippineh 00 which oeventy-thltee (13) weltein the Glteatelt Mania Allea oixty (60) in Noktheltn Luzon 60ltty nine (491 in Centltai Luzrm noltty-two (421 in the Vi6aya6 and twenty-one (21) in Mindanao and Sutu that in 1910 the PlLltty had Itecoltded two hundlted 6i6ty-eight (258) majolt demon6tltashytiCn6 06 which about thiltty-thltee (33) ended in violence lte6 utting in 6i6teen (1 5) llti lRed and ovelt 6ive hundlted (5001 injulted tha~ moo t 06 the6 e actio 110 welte oltgani zed co oltdishynated ali led by the aooltementioned 6ltont oltgashynization6 that the violent demon6tltation6 welte 9eneltally in6 tigated by a 6 mall but wellshytltained gltoup 06 altmed agitatolth that the numbelt 06 demon6tltation6 heltet060lte htagedmiddotin 1911 hao allteady exceeded tho6e 06 1910 and that twenty-60ult (24) 06 the6e demon6tltationo welte violent and lte6ulted in the death 06 6i6teen (15 pelt6ono and the injulty 06 many molte



Sub6equen-t even-t6 x x x have at6o pltoven x x x the -thltea-t -to pubt~c 6a6e-ty pO6ed by -the New Peopte4 Altmy Indeed ~-t appealt6-tha-t 6~nce Augu6-t 21 1971 ~-t had ~n Nolt-theltn Luzon 6~x 61 enco untelt6 and gt -tagedo ne (1) Ita~d ~n co ngt equenc e6 06 wh~ch gt even 71 6 otd~elt6 ta6 t the~1t t~v e6 and -two (2) o-thelt6 welte wounded wheltea6 -the poundn6U4gent6 6u66elted 6~ve (5) ca6uatt~e6 that on Augu6t 26 1971 a wett-altmed gltoup 06 NPA tlta~ned by de6ectolt Lto V~ctOIt COltpU6 attacked the velty command PO6t 06 TF LAWIN ~n I6abeta de6t1toy~ng twa 2 het~copteM and one (I) ptane~ and wound~ng one (I) 6otdielt that the NPA had ~n Centltat Luzon a totat 06 60ult (4)encounteM w~th twa (2] kitted and thltee 3) wounded on the 6~de 06 the Goveltnment one (1) BSVU killed and thltee 3 KM-SDK teadeltan un~dent~6~ed d~66ident and Commal1delt Panch~to teadelt 06 the d166ident gltoupwelte k~tted that on Augu6t Z6 1971 thelte wa6an encauntelL ~n the baltlt~o 06 San Pedlto IJt~ga CityCamaJtine6 SUit between the PC and the MPA ~n whpoundch a PC and two fZ) KM membelt6 weJte k~tted that the eultltent digttuJtbance6in Cotabato and the Lanao PJtov~nce6 have bee~ Itendelted mOJte complex by the ~nvatveme~t 06 the CPP7NPA60It ~n mid-1971 a KM gltOUp headed by Javencio E6paltagoza contacted the Higa onan tltibe6 in theilt 6etUement ~n Mag6ay6ay Mi6ami6 Oltientat and a66eJted them bookgt pamphtetgtand bltochulte6 06 Mao T6e Tung a6 wetta6conducted teach-in6 in the Itell eltvat~o n that E6paJtaga za Wa6 Itepolttedty kitted an Septembelt 22 1971in an opeltatian 06the PC in 6aid lte6eltvation and that thelte alte naw two (Zl NPA cadlte6 in Mindanao

lIt 6houtd at6o be no-ted -tha-t adhelten-t6 06 the CPP and itgt 6lto nt oltganizat~on6 alte accaltd~ng to intettigence 6inding6 de6initety capabte 06 pltepalting powelt6ut expto6ive6 out 06 tocatty ava~tabte mateJtiat6 -that -the bamb U6ed ~n the Can6-titu-tianat Canven-tian Hatt wa6 a ClaymoJte mine a powelt6ul explo6ive dev~ce a4ed by -the US Altmy believed -to have been one 06 many p~l6elted nltam the Subic Naval Baoe a 6ew dalj6 benjJ0Jte




- 11 shy

th~t the P~ehident h~d ~eeeived inteiiigenee in60~mation to the e6neet that the4e WaA a Juiy-Augu~t Pian involving a wave 06 ~~~ aA~inationh kidnapping6 te~~oshy~i6 m and ma~6 deldlwelion 0n plLopelLty and th~t ~n extlLao~din~ILY oeeulLenee would ~ign~i the beginning 06 ~~id event--that the ~athelL ~e~iou~ eondilion 06 pe~ee ~ndo~de~ in Minshydanao palLtieula~ly in Cotabato and L~nao demanded the plLe6 utee the~ein 0 -6 no~eeh hu6 6ishyeient to eope with the 6ituation that a hishyzeable pa~t 06 ou~ alLmed 60~ee~ di6ehalLge6 othLIL 6uneticn6 and that the expan6ion 06 the CPP aetivLU e6 6~om CentlLal Luzon to othelL palLt6 06 the eount~y pa~tieulalLly M~nil~ and iU 6 ubulLb6 I the Cagaq~n Valley 1~ugao Zamshybaleh L~guna Quezon and the Bieol Region ~equilLed that the ~e6t ~6 OUIL a~med-6olLee6 be op~ead thin dvelL a wide a~ea

WHEREAS in the unwavelLing p~ooeeution 06 theilL ~evoluliona~y wa~ againht the Filipino peopleand thei~ duly eon~tituted gove~nment the a60lLeoaJd l~wie66 element6 have in the month6 06 May June and Juiy 1972 6 ucceeded in b~inging ~nd int~o dueing into the count~y ~t Vigoyo Point Pal~n~n 1o~beta and at othe~ undetelLmined point6 along the P~ci6ic eoa6tl~e 06 Luzon a 6ub6tantial quantity 06 wa~ matViJl eon6ioting 06 M-14 ~i61e6 eotimated to be o0me 3500 pieee6 6evOtal dozen~ 06 40 mm ~oeket launehe~ whieh ~lLe 6aid to be Chieom eopieo 06 ~ Ruooi~n p~ototype ~oeket launehe~ l~lLge quantiUeo on 80 mm 1L0eket6 and ~mmunition6 and othe~ eombat pa~aphe~naiia 0-6 whieh wa~ matelLil 6 ome had been di6eovelLed and eaptuhed by govelLnment militalLy 60~shyee~ and the b~ingi~g and int~oduetion 06 6ueh quanshytity and type 06 wa~ matelLi i into the eountlLlj i6 a mute but eloquent plLoofi 06 the 6iniotelL pian 06 the ano~eshyoaid lawle66 elemento to haAten the e6e~lation 06 theilL plLe6 ent ~evoeutiona~lj wa~ againot the Filipino peopleand thei~ legitimate gove~nment

WHEREAS in the exeeution 00 thei~ ove~ail ~eshyvolutiona~y pian the a60lLeoaJd lawle66 elemento hav e p~epalLed and ~eeeao ed to thei~ vauouo 6Jeld ~ornmdde46 dnd Pd~ZY wo~ke~ d do~urnent ~dP~O~


- 12 shy

REGIONAL PROGRAM OF ACTION 1912 a copy 06 which wa6 captuJted by elementamp 06 the 116th and 119th PhIlIppIne ConatahulaJty Companleamp on June 18 1912 at BaJtJtio Tating6ing CoJtdon whl ch Jtea6 aIl 60110w6

IaabeRa the text 06



The allowing Refjianal PJtogJtam 06 Acshytlon 60Jt 1972 i6 pJtepaJted to be caJtJtied out a6 paJtt 06 the oveJtall plan06 the paJtty to noment di6 co ntent and pJtecepitatethe Ude 06 nationwide rna6) JtevoluUon The 6aci6t MaJtco6 middotand hl6JteacUonaJtY membeJt6 06 CongshyJte66 i6 expected to pJtepaJte them6elve6 noJt the 1973 hence

JanuaJty - June

10 Inten6i6Y JtecJtuitment 06 new piJttymembe1t6 e6 peually 6Jtom the woJtkeJt6- 6aJtmeJto clall6 0 CadJte6 aJLe bung tJtuned In oJtdeJt to oJtganlze the dl66eJLent JteglonaR buJteau6 The6 e bUJteau6 mU6t concentJtate on ma66 action and oJtfjanlzation to pJtomote advancement 06 the mM6 JtevoRuilonaICY movement Re6elence io madt to the BoJtadoJt ngPJtagJtama 6a Pagkllo6 at Ulat ng Panllpunang Pag6161Yd6 at M apshypJtoved by the CentJtdl Committeeo

2 RecJtuit etnd tJtun aJtmed uty paJttI~ 6anamp and uJtban gueJtJtiRla6 and oJtganize them into unit6 undeJt PaJtty cadJte6 and activi6u 06 rna66 04g anI zatio n6 bull The6 e unit6 mU6t und eJtshygo 6peuallzed tJtaining an explo6ive6 and deshymoliUon and 0the4 60Jtm6 06 ~abotage

3 Inten6i6y JteclLuitmentand tJtaiyungon new membeM 60Jt the NewPeople6 AJLmy in pJtepaJtatlon 60Jt llmited o66enlllve in 6elected aJtea6 In the Jtegion6

4 SuppoJtt a mltl~e aggJte66ive p40gJtam on agltation and pJtopaganda again6t the JteactionaJty aJtmed 60JtCM and again6t the Con Can

July - Aug U6t

VuJting thio peJtiod the paJtty expectll the puppet MaJtco6 goveJtnment to allow inlrt

- 13 shy

clteao e in bUb Itateb th u6 ag 9Ita vating 6ultth elt the plight 06 ftudenu WOltkelth and the 6altshymeltb 0

1 All Regional Paltty CJJmmitteeb mUbt plan nolt a geneltal ftltike movement The Reshygional Opeltational Commandb mubt plan 60lt altmed bUppOltt i6 the 6abcibt altmed 6oltceb 06 Maltcob will tlty to intimidate the oppltebbed Filipino maob eb 0

2 Conduct babotage agdinbt bchoolb collegeb and univeltbitieb hiking tuition 6eeb o

3 Conductb ab 0tag e and agltati 0 n ag ainb t puppet judgeb and COUlttb lealtning iCabeb againbt top paltty leadeM

4 Clteate Itegional chaoband diboltdelt to dltamatize the inability 06 the 6abcibtMaltshyCOb goveltnment to keep and maintain peace and oltdelt thltu

al RobbekY and hold-up 06 bankb contltolled by Ameltican impeltialif~b and thobe belonging to the enemieb ou the people

lib) At~ack militalty ca~pb US baf eb and tow nh bull

c) Molte violent f tltikeb and deshym0 nb tltati 0 nb bull

Septembelt - Octobelt

r ncite af e i ntenb ity 0 6 J io len ce dif 0 ltdelt and con6u6ion

11ntenfi6Y fabotage and bombing 06 g oveltnment buildingf and embabhie6 and otheltutilitieb

al Co ng lte66 b) Suplteme COUltt lie) Con Con d) City Hall e) US Embabb (f 6 ) FacLfitieb 06 us Bab ef g) PlIovincial Capitotbh) Powel[ Plant6

- 14 shy

Z SpoJradic attackhmiddot an camph toWnh and cideh

3 Ahhahhinate high goveJrnment 06biualh 06 CongJrehh JudiciaJrY Con Con and pJrivate individual6 6ympathetic to puppet MaJrc06

4 E6tablihh pJrovihional ltevolutionaJrY goveJrnment in town6 and udeh with the 6UppOJrt a6 the ma66 e6

5 With the 6ympathetic hUPP0Jrt 06 ouJr allie6 ehtabli6h pJrovi6ional pJrovincial Ite- volutionaJrY goveJrnment6


WHEREAS in line with theiJr REGIOMAL PROGRAM OF ACTION 1912 the a60Jre6aid lawleh6 elemenu have 06 late been conducting inten6i6ied act6 06 violence and teJrltolti6 m6 duting the cultJrent yealt in the glteaLea Manila aJrea huch a6 the bombing on the AJrca buildpoundng at Ta6t Avenue Pa6ay City on MaJrch 15 Obthe Fllpoundshypina6 Otient AJriway6 b oaltd JrO am at Vomell tic Road Pah ay City on ApJril 23 06 the VLetname6e Emba66Y on May 30 06 the COUJrt 06 IndU6ttial Relationll on June 23 06 the Philippine TJru6t Company bJranch on6ice in Cubao Quezon City on June 24 06 the Philamli6ebuildng at United Nation6 Avenue Manila on July 3 06 theTashybacalelta CigaJr amp CigaJrette FactoJry Compound at MaJrquezde ComLeea6 Manila on July 21 06 the PLVT exchange066ice at Ea6t Avenue Quezon City and 06 the Philipshypine SagaJr In6titute building at Noltth Avenue Vilishyman Quezon City both on Auga6t 15 06 the Vepalttshyment 06 Soual Wel6alte building at San Ra6ael StJreet Sampaloc Manila on Augu6t 11 06a wateJr main on AUJrolta BoulevaJrd and Madi60l1 Aven(te Quezon City on AugU6t 19 06 the Philamli6e building againon Auguht 30 thi6 time cau6ing 6 eveJre de6tJruction on the FaJr Ea6t Bank and TJrU6t Company building neaJrby 06 the aJrmoJred caJr and building 06 the Philippine Banking CoJrshypoltatiolt It6 well a6 the building6 06 the I nve6tment Vevelopment Inc and the Vaily StaJr Publicatiolt6 when anotheJr explo6ion took place on Railltoad StJreet P~ltt Altea Maniia al60 on AugU6t 30 06 ]oell VepaJrtment StoJre on CaJrltiedo Stlteet Quiapo ManLta 011 SeptembeJr 5 ~aubull ing death to 0 ne woman an d in]uJUeh to 0mj(


- 15 shy

individuaL6 and 06 the City Hall 06 Manila on Septshyembe~ 8 06 the wate~main~ in San Juan Rizal on

Sept 12 00 the San Miguel building in Maf2ati Rtzal an Sept 14 and 0 6 the Quezon City Hal on Septembe~ 18 1972 a~ well a~ the attempted bombing 06 the Cong~e~gt Build-Lrg on July 1g when iln un- exploded bomb Wd6~ bound in the Senate publication Vivigtioi and the attempted bombing 00 the Vepa~tment 06 Fo~eign A66a(Jtgt an Aug ugtt 30ltgt

WHEREAS in line with the ~ame REGIONAL PROGshyRAM OF ACTION 1972 the a60~igtaid lawlu6 elemenu have algto 6ielded in the G~eate~ Manila a~ea ~eve~al o6 thei~ Spli~~ow Unittgt o~ SimbadUniu to unde~shytake liquidaUon mLl~ion~ )lgain6t ~anking gove~nmel1tOn 6iualo milita~y peugtJ1nel and p~ominent utizengt and to ou~the~ heighten the degtt~ucUongt and dep~eshydationgt al~eady inolicted by them upon ou~ innocent people all on which a~e being delibe~atety done -to 60W te~~o~ 6eal and chao6 among6t ou~ population and to make the gove~nment look 60 helplegtgt and incapable 06 p~otecUng the livegt and p~opeJrty 00 ou~ people

WHEREAS in addiUon to the above- de~c~ibed gtocial digtoftde~ thelte i-6 algto the equally 6eUOM digto~de~ in Mil1danao al1d Sula Iegtulting n~om the ungtettled conshy6lict between ce~tain elemenu a6 the Ch~igtUan and Mugtlim popalaUon 00 Mindanao and Salu betweenthe Chftigttian lfIlagao and themiddot MugtlimBa~~acudM and between ou~ goveftnment tftoopgt and cefttain lawlegtgt oftganizatioftgt 6adl a6 the Mindanao I ndeperidence Movement

WHERUS the Mindanao I ndependence Movement with tlle actiue matefI-Lal aJid 6inancial agtgtihtance 06 60fteign political and economic inte~e6t6 i6 engaged in an open and unconcealed attempt to egttabli6h by violence and foftce a 6 epaJtate and independent polLtical 6tate out 06 the i6land6 06 Mil1danao and Sula which a~e ~igt~ to~ically politically and bylaw paftu 06 the te~fI-Lshyto~ie6 and within the ju~i6diction and 6oveJteignty 06 the Republic 06 the Philippinegt

WHEREAS becaugte 06 the a60fte6aid di6o~de~ ~eshy6ulting 6ftom a~med clagthe6 killinggt magt6ac~egt a~shy60116 ~ape6piltage6 de6t~ucUon 06 whole village6 and tOWngt and the inevitable cegtgt ation on agfticultukal and indugttttial ope~aUongt all 06 which have been bftought about by the violence in6ticted by the ChfI-Lgtshyiian6 the M1L6lim6 the Ilaga6 the BattJlacuda6 and the Mindanao Independence Movement again6t ea~


otheh and aga-in6t ou1t goveltnment tltOOP6 a glteat many paltt6 06 the -i6land6 06 M-indanao and Sulu alte v-ihtually noW -in a 6tate On a~tual walt

WHEREAS the v-iolent d-i6oltdelt -in Mandanao and Sulu ha6 todate lte6ulted -in the k-ill-ing 06 oveiL 1000 c-iv-il-ian6 and about 2 000 altmed mu6l-im6 and ~hlti6 t-ian6 not to ment-io n themolte than 6-ive hund middot Ited thou6and on -injulted di6pla~ed and homele66 peM a n6 a6 well a6 the glteat numb elt o~ ca6ualt-ie6 among ou1t goveltnmenttltDOp6 and the paltal-lzat-ion a6 the e~onomy 06 M-indanao and Sulu

WHEREAS be~au6e 06 the ~oltego-ingact6 oampaJtmedmiddot -in6 uJtJte~tLo n wa nto n d e6tltuct-io n 06 humanl-ive6 and pltopeltty unabated andunlte6tlta-inedpltopagandaatshytack6 aga-in6 t the gov eltnm ent and -it6in6t-itutlo n6 -in6thumental-itie-4 agenc-ie6 and 06 6-ic-ial6middot and the Itap-idly expand-ing ltank6 06 the a60lteJa-id lawleA6 elemenU andbe~au6 e on the 6 plteadb1g lawle66 ne66 and analt~hy thltoughout the land allan which have plteventedthe goveltnment tomiddot exeltc-i6e it6 autholt-ity extend to -iu c-it-iz enlty the pltotect-io n a6it6 law6 and -in 9 eneltalexeltci6 e-iu 6 ov elte-ig ntg ovelt cr 06 -it6 teltlt-itofL-ie6 cau6 ed 6 eJr-iou6 demoltal-izattcn arnO ng ou1t people and have made the publ-ic applteltJ16-ive and 6ealt 6u1 and n-intilly becau6 e publ-ic oiLd elt and 6 a6 ety and the 6ecuIt-ity 06 th-i6 nation demandthttt -immediate 6wf6t de~i6 -iv e and e6 6ect-ive act-io n be taken to pltotect and -in6ulte the pea~e oltdviand QecuIL-ity 06 the ~ountlty and -it6 populat-ionand tomiddot ma-intain the autholL-ity 06 the goveJtnmenti


WHER EAS -in ca6 e6 a6 -inva6 -io n -in6 uILlte~t-io n 0 It Itebell-ion olt -imminent dangelt thelte06 I a6 PILe6-ident 06 the Ph-iLLpp-ine6 haveundelt the Cont-itut-ion thlteecotlJt6e6 06 act-ion open to me namely (a) ~all out themiddot altmed 60ltce6 to QuppILe6Q the pILe6 ent law le66 v-iolence (bJ QuQpend the plt-ivUege 06 the Wlt-it 06 habea6 ~Oltpu6 to make the aJtlte6t and appheshyhen6-ion 06 the6cz lawle66elemenu eaQ-ieIL and mOILe e66ect-ive OIL (c) place the -ph-il-ipp-ine6 oltany paILt thelteo 6 undelt maftt-ial law

WHEREAS 1 have allteady ut-il-ized the n-ilt6t two coulL6 e6 06 action bDrQt by caUingupon the altm~

- 11 shy

nolteeo to owpplteo6 the a60Jte6aid lawleoo violenee eommittingto that 6peei nie job almoot 50 06 the entilte altmed noltee6 06 the eountlty and elteating 6 eveshyItal tao k noltee6 nolt that pUltpO6 e 6 ueh a6 Tct6 k i Foltee Saltanay Ta6k Foltee Palanan Ta6k Foltee l6altog Ta6k Foltee Pagkakai6a and Ta6k Foltee Lanean and 6eeond by 6u6pending the pltivilege On the wltit 06 habeao eo Itpuo on Aug uamp t 2 1197 1 up to Janualtlj 1912 but (116 pite 0 n all th at both e 0ultJ) e6 0 6 aell0 n weJte nound inadequate and inefinectiveto eontain muehleo6 6olve the plteJ)ent Jtebellion and lawleoone66 in the

eountltlj a6 J)hown by the naet that

1 The ltadieal lefit ha6 inelteaoed the numbelt an d altea 06 0 peltati-onofi it66Ito nt oltg ani zatioM and ha6 inten6ifiiedthe iteeltuitshyment and tltainlng 06 newadheltentf in the ultban and Itultal altea6 e6peeially oltom among the youth

z The Kabataang Makabayan(KM)) the mO6t milishytant and out6poken filtont oltganization06 the Itadieal lent haf ineltea6edthe numbelt 06 it6 chapteltJ) 6ltom 200 ao on the end 06 1910 to 311 at on July 31 1912 and It6 membeJt6hip nltom 10000 af 06 the end 061910 to 15000 a6middot 06 the end On July 1972 6ltowing velty eleanly the Itapidgltowth on the eommuniJ)t movement inthi6 eountlty

3 The Samahang Vema kltailko Ng KabatClan SVK anothelt militant and outJ)poken JLDntOItshyganization on theltadieal lent ha6 al60 ineltea6 ed the numbelt 06 itf ehapteJt6nltom an in6ignifiieantnumbelt at the end 061910 to 159 a6 06 the end 0 f Jul 1972 and ha6 noW a membeltamphip 06 ampome1495 highly inshydoetJtinated intenampely committed and almoft nanatieally devoted indlvidual6

4 The New Peopleamp Altmy the mO6t active and the mOft vlolentandltuthle~6militalty altm On the Itadicat lent hao inclteao ed it6total J)tltength nltoman e~timated6500 (eompoJ)ed on 560 ltegulalt6 1500 combat fUPPOltt and 4400 HltvU huppolt-t) a o Jaualt~



- 1 g shy

~o abou~7900 (eompohed 06 1028 lLegulalL4 1 to a eomba~ 4 upptlr~ anfi 5025 helLviee hUppOlL~) ah 06 Jul~ 31 1972 ~howing a malL~ed inelLea4e in iu ltegulalL ~lLOOp6 on OVlllL 100 in 6ueh a 6hot~ peltiad 06 ~ixmiddotmon~h6

50 The e6~abli~hment 06 ~ane~ualtie6 60lL ~he i~ ultg en~6 in I6 ab ela in Zambale6 in CamalLine6SUlL and in 6 ome palLt6 06 Mindashynao~ adevelopmen~ helLe~06olte unknown in oulL eampaign agaln6t 6ubvelL6ioft and in6UlLshygeney in ~hi6 eoun~lL~

6 The di6appealLanee and dlLopping ou~ 06 6ehool 06 6ome 3000 high 6ehool and eoLLege 6~Ushydent6 and who alLe lLepolL~ed ~o have joined wi~h ~he in6 ultg ent6 fi alL ~lLaining in ~he handling on 6ilLealLm6 and explo6ive6

7 The blLinging and intlLoduetlon ln~q~he eoun~lL~ 06 6ub6~an~ial walL ma~elLial eonshy6i6ting 06 mili~alLtj halLdwalte and 6upplie6

middotthlLough the MV KalLagatan at V-Lgoljo Point Palanan l6abela and ~he naet ~ha~ mantj 06 ~he6e miUtalt~ haltdwaJte and 6upplie6 alte now in ~he hand6 ofi themiddot in6UlLgen~6 and alLe being U6ed agal~~ oulL govelLnrnent ~lLOOp6

8 The in6iltlLation and eon~lLol 06 ~he media b~ pelt6on6 who alte ~tjmpathe~ie ~o ~he in6 UlLg ent6 and the eo 116 eq uen~ in~en~ L6i cailon 06 theilt plLopagimda a6~aultagain~~ ~he goveltnmen~ and ~he miUtalt~ e6tabli6hshyment on ~he govetnmen~o

9 The noltma~iona~ ~he glta66-lLoot level 06 IIpolitical poweJt olLgan6 helLetonOlLe an- flnown in ~he hi6~otyon theCommuni6t moveshyment in thi6 countlL~ compo6 edo 6 BaJtltio OJtganizingCommit~ee6 (BOC6) to mobilize the baJtJrio people fiott active involvemen~ in ~helLeVolu~ion ~he BaJtJtio RevoluilonalLtj Commi~tee6 BRC61 ~o act a6 Imiddotlocal goveJtnshyment6 in balLJtio6 eon6idelLed a6 CPP NPA



- 19 shy

bailiwickll the (lJoltkeJt6 OJtganizing Comshymitteell (WOCll) to middotoltganize WOltkeirll 6ltom all AectOltll the School Oltganizing Comshymitteell (SOC61 to conduct agitaliorl and pltopaganda activitie6 and help in the expandion 06 ~4ontg4oUp6 among the dtudentlty and the CommunityOJrganizi~g Committeell (COC6) which opeJtate in the ultban altea6 in the 6ame manneJt a) the BOCll bull

WHEREAS the Itebellion and a4med aclion undeltshytaken by the6elawlellll element606 the communl6t and othelt altmed aggltupailonll oltganlzedto oveltthltow the Republic o~ the PhiUppinei bq altmedviolenceand 60ltce have a66umed the magnitude On an actual 6tate 06 walt agalnlltoult people and the RepubliC 06 the


NOW THEREfORE I FER-VI NANV E MARCOS Pltelli shydenton the Phllippinell by vilttue 06 the poweM vellted upon me by Aldlcle VII I Section 10 PaltagJraph (2) 06 the Conlltitutiondo heJteby placethe entllte PhiUppinell a6 denined in AItticle I Sectlon 1 06 the Conlltitutian undelt malttial law and in my capacity a4 thellt c6mmandelt-in-chiefi do helteby commandthe altmed 60ltCell 06the Phllippine6 to maintainmiddotlaw and oJrdelt thltoughout the Phllippine6 pltevent Olt JuppJre611 all 60ltm6 06 lawlell6 v-tolence a6 well all anq act 0n inllUltltection Olt Itebellion and to en60ltce obedienceto atl the laWllandto all declteet oJtdeltll andltegulationll pltomulgated by me petrll 0nally oJt upo n my dlJtecUo n~

In addition I do helteby oltdelt that allpelt6on6 pltell ently detalned a6 well Mall otheltll who may heltea-6telt ite llimilaltly detained6olt the cJrimell oflnshyllultltectionoJt Jtebellion and all othelt cltimellanda6-middot 6enlle6 committed in6uJttheltance OfLon the occa61on thelteo Lolt incident thelteto Olt in co nnculion thelteshywith b0If cJtime6 ag alnllt natlonal II ecuJrity and the law 06 nationll Cltimell again6t public oltdelt CUme6 involving ull ultpailo n 06 atftholtlty Jtank title and lmpltopelt ulle on name6 unL60ltmll andln6ignia cltime6 commlttedmiddot by public 06 fiicelt6 and 601t lluch otheltcJrimell a6 will be enunieltated in OltdelLb that I II halt 6 ub6 eq uentty pltomulg ate all welt a6cJrime6 Maconllequence 06 any violation 06 any

decltee oltdelt olt Itegulation pltomulgated by me pelt6onatly alt pltomutgated upon mydiltecilon 6hall be kept undelt detenshytioY until otheltwi6e oltdelted ltetea6ed by me Olt by my duly de-61gnated lLeplLe-6 erutJcct-ive ~

- 20


~4~ 1l0BERTO V REYES Acting Executive Secretary

Page 6: Proclamation no 1081

- 6 ~

So cialiJ t PaJity a6 th e PhilippbteJ ) among the w04ke4J the Malayang Sashymahan ng Mga MagJaJgtaka IMASAKAl among the pea~ant4Y the Kabataang Makabashyyan [KM) among th~ youthJtudentampand the Movem~nt 604 the Advancement 06 NationaliJm (MAN) among-the intelshylectual~p406eJJionalJ the PKP haJ ~x~4ted all-out e6604t to in6ilt4at~ in61uence and utilize theJe 04ganizashyilonJ in p40moilng itamp 4adical b4and 06 nailo naliamp m Meanwhil~ th~ CommuniJgtt leade4Jgt in th~

Philippine~ had been ampplit into two (2) g40UPamp on~ 06 which- compoJed mainly 06 young 4adicalJ conJtituting the MaoiJt 6iteilon - 4e04ganized th~ CommuniJt Pa4ty 06 the Philippin~Jgt ea41y in 1969 and eJtabliamph~d a N~w PeopleJ A4my~ ThiJ 6acilon adhe4eamp to the MaoiJt concept On the P40shyt4acted PeopleJ Wa4 04 Wa4 06 National Libe4ashyilon Itamp P40g4amm~ 60lL aPeopleJgt Vemoc4ailc Revolution JtateJgt inte4 alia

The COmmuniJgt t Pa4ty 06 the PhilipshypineJ i6 dete4mined to implement itJ gene4ai p~og4amme 004 a p~opleamp democshy4atic 4evoluilon All filipino commu nL~to a4i 4eady to 0 ac4i6ice thei4 lLveo 604 the w04thy cauoe 06achieving the new type 06 democ4acy 06 building a new Philippineo that io g enuinely and completely independent democ4atic unishyted juot and PJi06pe40Uo

x x x x x x

In the yea~ 1969 the NPA had-acc04ding to the 4eC04do 06 the Vepa4tment 06 National Ve6enoeshyconducted 4aido 4eo04ted to kidnappingJ and taken pa4t in otlie4 violent incident6 numbe4ing ove4 230 in which it in61icted 404 caoualtieJ and in u4n 6tld 243 to6 In 1910 Lt6 JtCOl~rr

bull 1shy1 r Il 0

- 7 shy

violent incident4 w~ about the -6ame but the NPA ca-6ualtie-6 mone than doubled

At any nate two (2) 6act6 ane undeniable (a) all Communi-6t-6 whethen they belortg to the tnaditional gnoup on to the Maoi-6t 6action beshylieve that 60nce and violence ane indi-6pen-6able to the attainment 06 thein main and ultimate objective and act in accondance with -6uch beshylie6 although they di-6agnee on the mean-6 to be U-6ed at a given time and in a panticulan placeand (bl th~ne i~ a New Peoplet~ Anmy othen on coun~e than the anmed 60nce-6 06 the Republic and antagoni-6tic theneto Such Mew People4Anmy i-6 peJi ~epno06 on the exi-6tence 06 a nebellion eJPecially con-6idening that it4 e4shytabli6 hment WQ6 announced publicly by the neonshyganized CPP Such announcement~-6 in the natune 06 a public challenge to the duly con6tituted authonitie4 and may be likened to a declanation On Walt -6u66icient to e-6tabli-6h a walt 6tatu-6olt a condition on belligeltency even benolte the actual commencement 06 h04tilitie6o

We entelttain theltefiolte no doubu about

theexi~tei~e 06 a AizeabLe gltoup 06 men who have publicly lti4en in anm4 to oveltthnow the goveltnshyment and have thu4 been and 4till alte engaged in nebellion again4t the Govennment 06 the PhishyLippine-6 bull

WHEREAS the4e lawle~4 element4 have to a con-6idenable extent 4ucceeded in impeding oult duly con-6tituted authoshyltitie4 61t~m pelt604ming theilt 6unction4 and di~chaltgingtheilt dutie-6 and ltupon4ibilitie4 in accoltdance with oult law4 and oult Con4titulionto the glte4t damage pltejudiceand detltiment 06 the people and the nation

WHEREAS ~t i~ evid~nt that thelte ii thltoughout the land a -6tate 06 anQnchy and lawle4-61e-64 cha04 and di-6shyoltdelt tUltmoil and de4tltuclion 06 a magnitude equivalent to an actual walt between the 60ltCe4 06 Oult duly con-6tishytuted goveltnment and the New People4 Altmy and thein -6atellite oltganization-6 becau6e 06 the unmitigated 60ltaY-6ltaid6 ambri-6 cade4 a4-6 ault-6 violence mUltdeM a-6-6a64i- nalion-6 act-6 06 teltnolt deceit6 coeltCiOn4 thneajf


lvyen j

- shy

intimidation-6 tlleacheIlY machinailon-6 aM on-6 plun-dell4 and deplledailon4 committed and be-ing committed by the an 0lle4 aid lawle44 elemenu Who have pledg ed to the whole Itailon that they will not 4top theillda6shytalldly ennollt and4cheme unill and unle66 they have 6ully attuned thull pUmall and ulilmate pUllp06e on nOIlcibly 6eizing political and 6tate powell in thi6 countllY by ovellth~owing oUllplle6ent duly con6t-ituted govellnmel1t by de-6tlloying oull democllat-ic way on line and OUIl e6tabli-6hed 6 eculall and lleligiou6 bt6titution6 and belie66 and by6upplant-ing oull exi6t-ing political 6ocial economic legal and mOIla1 olldell with an entilleshyly new one who6e nOllm on govellnment who6enotion On individual Ilighu and 6amily llelailon6 aYid who6e poshylitical -6oual economic and mollal plleepu aile ba-6ed on the Mallxi-6t-Lenin-i-6t-Maoi6t teaching6 altd belien6

WHEREAS the Suplleme Coullt in it-6 6aid deci6ion concluded thatithe unlaw6ul act-iviile-6 06 the a60lle-6aid lawle64 element6 actually pO6e a eleall plle6ent and gllave dangell to public 4a6ety and the 6ecullity 06 the nation and in 6UppOllt 06 that conclu-6ion 60und that

x x x the ExecuUve had innOllmation altd llepollu--6 ub6 eq uently co nnillmed in many Ilehshypect-6 by the above~meniloned Repollt 06 the Senate Ad Hbc Committe~~on Seven-to ~he ei6ect that the Commun-i-6t Ptiltty 06 the Philippine6 doe-6 not mellely adhelle to Leninh idea on a 6w-i6t allrned uplli6ing that -it ha-6 al6o adoptedHo Chi Minh6 tellllolli6t tact-i~ and lle6ollted l

to the a-O6a6-6ination 06 uncoopellative local o66icial4 that in line with thi-6 polic the in6ullgent6 have killed 5 rnaOM 20 ballllio capshytain-6 and 3 chien6 on pol-ice that thelle welle nO ullteen (I 4) meani ng 6ul b0 mbi ng il1cide I1U il1 the G~eatell Maltila allea in 1970 thdt the Con4shyiltutional Convenilon Hall wa6 bombed on June 12 1971 that -6oon a6tell the Plaza Milla~da incident the NAWASA mun pipe at the Quezon

City-San Juan boundall wa6 bombed that this wa4 60llowed cio6ely by the bombing 06 the Manila Cit Hall the COMELEC Building theConglle64Bu-ilding and the MERALCO 4 ub-4tatirm at Cubao Quezon City ancLltthat thelle6 pective lle-6idence4 06 Senatoll Jo~~ J Roy and Conglle66rnan EduaAdo Cojuan~co welle l-ikewi-6e bombed a-6 welle the MERALCO mult o66-ice pllem-i6e6 along OIlt-iga6 Avenue and the VOctoll-6 Phallmaceutical-6 I nco BUild~ n in Caloocan City


J V_-


- 9 shy

x x x the Iteoltgani zed Communifjt Paltty 06 the Phiippine-6 hCt4 molteovelt adopted Maoo concept 06 pltotltacted peope-6 walt aimed at the pa~aization 06 the wi to lteJJiot 06 the goveltnment 06 the poUticaeconomic and intellectual eadelt-6hip and 06 the people them6eve6 ~hat con6oltmaby to 1 uch co ncept the Paltty ha6 paced6 pecia e~pha6i6 upon a moot exten6ive and inten6ive

pltogltam 06 oubveltoion by the e6tabll6hment 06 6ltont oltganizationo in ultban centelt6 the oltganization 06 altmed city palttihanh and the in6itltation in 6tudent gItOUp6 abok unionh and 6altmelt and pIt06e6hionagltpUpo that the CPP hah managed to in6itltateolt e6tabioh and contltol nine (9) majolt abolt oltganization6that it hah expoited the youth movement arid hucceededin making Communiht 61t0nto 06 eeven (11 J majolt 6tudent Olt youth oltganization6 that thelte alte accoltdingfy about thiltty (30)mah6 oltganization6 actively advancing the CPpintelteot6 among which middotalte the Malayang Samashyhan ng Magoa6aka (MASAKA) ~he Kabata~ng Makashybayan (KMJ the Movement 601t the Advancement 06 Nationai6m(MAN) the SamahangVemokltatiko ng Kabataan (SOK) ~he Samahang Moave(SM)and the Mafayang Pagkakapoundoa ng Kabataang Piishypine (MPKP) that M 06 Aug U-6 t 1971 the KM had two hundlted 6olttY-6ive (245) opeltationaf

middotchaptelt6 thltoughout the Phiippineh 00 which oeventy-thltee (13) weltein the Glteatelt Mania Allea oixty (60) in Noktheltn Luzon 60ltty nine (491 in Centltai Luzrm noltty-two (421 in the Vi6aya6 and twenty-one (21) in Mindanao and Sutu that in 1910 the PlLltty had Itecoltded two hundlted 6i6ty-eight (258) majolt demon6tltashytiCn6 06 which about thiltty-thltee (33) ended in violence lte6 utting in 6i6teen (1 5) llti lRed and ovelt 6ive hundlted (5001 injulted tha~ moo t 06 the6 e actio 110 welte oltgani zed co oltdishynated ali led by the aooltementioned 6ltont oltgashynization6 that the violent demon6tltation6 welte 9eneltally in6 tigated by a 6 mall but wellshytltained gltoup 06 altmed agitatolth that the numbelt 06 demon6tltation6 heltet060lte htagedmiddotin 1911 hao allteady exceeded tho6e 06 1910 and that twenty-60ult (24) 06 the6e demon6tltationo welte violent and lte6ulted in the death 06 6i6teen (15 pelt6ono and the injulty 06 many molte



Sub6equen-t even-t6 x x x have at6o pltoven x x x the -thltea-t -to pubt~c 6a6e-ty pO6ed by -the New Peopte4 Altmy Indeed ~-t appealt6-tha-t 6~nce Augu6-t 21 1971 ~-t had ~n Nolt-theltn Luzon 6~x 61 enco untelt6 and gt -tagedo ne (1) Ita~d ~n co ngt equenc e6 06 wh~ch gt even 71 6 otd~elt6 ta6 t the~1t t~v e6 and -two (2) o-thelt6 welte wounded wheltea6 -the poundn6U4gent6 6u66elted 6~ve (5) ca6uatt~e6 that on Augu6t 26 1971 a wett-altmed gltoup 06 NPA tlta~ned by de6ectolt Lto V~ctOIt COltpU6 attacked the velty command PO6t 06 TF LAWIN ~n I6abeta de6t1toy~ng twa 2 het~copteM and one (I) ptane~ and wound~ng one (I) 6otdielt that the NPA had ~n Centltat Luzon a totat 06 60ult (4)encounteM w~th twa (2] kitted and thltee 3) wounded on the 6~de 06 the Goveltnment one (1) BSVU killed and thltee 3 KM-SDK teadeltan un~dent~6~ed d~66ident and Commal1delt Panch~to teadelt 06 the d166ident gltoupwelte k~tted that on Augu6t Z6 1971 thelte wa6an encauntelL ~n the baltlt~o 06 San Pedlto IJt~ga CityCamaJtine6 SUit between the PC and the MPA ~n whpoundch a PC and two fZ) KM membelt6 weJte k~tted that the eultltent digttuJtbance6in Cotabato and the Lanao PJtov~nce6 have bee~ Itendelted mOJte complex by the ~nvatveme~t 06 the CPP7NPA60It ~n mid-1971 a KM gltOUp headed by Javencio E6paltagoza contacted the Higa onan tltibe6 in theilt 6etUement ~n Mag6ay6ay Mi6ami6 Oltientat and a66eJted them bookgt pamphtetgtand bltochulte6 06 Mao T6e Tung a6 wetta6conducted teach-in6 in the Itell eltvat~o n that E6paJtaga za Wa6 Itepolttedty kitted an Septembelt 22 1971in an opeltatian 06the PC in 6aid lte6eltvation and that thelte alte naw two (Zl NPA cadlte6 in Mindanao

lIt 6houtd at6o be no-ted -tha-t adhelten-t6 06 the CPP and itgt 6lto nt oltganizat~on6 alte accaltd~ng to intettigence 6inding6 de6initety capabte 06 pltepalting powelt6ut expto6ive6 out 06 tocatty ava~tabte mateJtiat6 -that -the bamb U6ed ~n the Can6-titu-tianat Canven-tian Hatt wa6 a ClaymoJte mine a powelt6ul explo6ive dev~ce a4ed by -the US Altmy believed -to have been one 06 many p~l6elted nltam the Subic Naval Baoe a 6ew dalj6 benjJ0Jte




- 11 shy

th~t the P~ehident h~d ~eeeived inteiiigenee in60~mation to the e6neet that the4e WaA a Juiy-Augu~t Pian involving a wave 06 ~~~ aA~inationh kidnapping6 te~~oshy~i6 m and ma~6 deldlwelion 0n plLopelLty and th~t ~n extlLao~din~ILY oeeulLenee would ~ign~i the beginning 06 ~~id event--that the ~athelL ~e~iou~ eondilion 06 pe~ee ~ndo~de~ in Minshydanao palLtieula~ly in Cotabato and L~nao demanded the plLe6 utee the~ein 0 -6 no~eeh hu6 6ishyeient to eope with the 6ituation that a hishyzeable pa~t 06 ou~ alLmed 60~ee~ di6ehalLge6 othLIL 6uneticn6 and that the expan6ion 06 the CPP aetivLU e6 6~om CentlLal Luzon to othelL palLt6 06 the eount~y pa~tieulalLly M~nil~ and iU 6 ubulLb6 I the Cagaq~n Valley 1~ugao Zamshybaleh L~guna Quezon and the Bieol Region ~equilLed that the ~e6t ~6 OUIL a~med-6olLee6 be op~ead thin dvelL a wide a~ea

WHEREAS in the unwavelLing p~ooeeution 06 theilL ~evoluliona~y wa~ againht the Filipino peopleand thei~ duly eon~tituted gove~nment the a60lLeoaJd l~wie66 element6 have in the month6 06 May June and Juiy 1972 6 ucceeded in b~inging ~nd int~o dueing into the count~y ~t Vigoyo Point Pal~n~n 1o~beta and at othe~ undetelLmined point6 along the P~ci6ic eoa6tl~e 06 Luzon a 6ub6tantial quantity 06 wa~ matViJl eon6ioting 06 M-14 ~i61e6 eotimated to be o0me 3500 pieee6 6evOtal dozen~ 06 40 mm ~oeket launehe~ whieh ~lLe 6aid to be Chieom eopieo 06 ~ Ruooi~n p~ototype ~oeket launehe~ l~lLge quantiUeo on 80 mm 1L0eket6 and ~mmunition6 and othe~ eombat pa~aphe~naiia 0-6 whieh wa~ matelLil 6 ome had been di6eovelLed and eaptuhed by govelLnment militalLy 60~shyee~ and the b~ingi~g and int~oduetion 06 6ueh quanshytity and type 06 wa~ matelLi i into the eountlLlj i6 a mute but eloquent plLoofi 06 the 6iniotelL pian 06 the ano~eshyoaid lawle66 elemento to haAten the e6e~lation 06 theilL plLe6 ent ~evoeutiona~lj wa~ againot the Filipino peopleand thei~ legitimate gove~nment

WHEREAS in the exeeution 00 thei~ ove~ail ~eshyvolutiona~y pian the a60lLeoaJd lawle66 elemento hav e p~epalLed and ~eeeao ed to thei~ vauouo 6Jeld ~ornmdde46 dnd Pd~ZY wo~ke~ d do~urnent ~dP~O~


- 12 shy

REGIONAL PROGRAM OF ACTION 1912 a copy 06 which wa6 captuJted by elementamp 06 the 116th and 119th PhIlIppIne ConatahulaJty Companleamp on June 18 1912 at BaJtJtio Tating6ing CoJtdon whl ch Jtea6 aIl 60110w6

IaabeRa the text 06



The allowing Refjianal PJtogJtam 06 Acshytlon 60Jt 1972 i6 pJtepaJted to be caJtJtied out a6 paJtt 06 the oveJtall plan06 the paJtty to noment di6 co ntent and pJtecepitatethe Ude 06 nationwide rna6) JtevoluUon The 6aci6t MaJtco6 middotand hl6JteacUonaJtY membeJt6 06 CongshyJte66 i6 expected to pJtepaJte them6elve6 noJt the 1973 hence

JanuaJty - June

10 Inten6i6Y JtecJtuitment 06 new piJttymembe1t6 e6 peually 6Jtom the woJtkeJt6- 6aJtmeJto clall6 0 CadJte6 aJLe bung tJtuned In oJtdeJt to oJtganlze the dl66eJLent JteglonaR buJteau6 The6 e bUJteau6 mU6t concentJtate on ma66 action and oJtfjanlzation to pJtomote advancement 06 the mM6 JtevoRuilonaICY movement Re6elence io madt to the BoJtadoJt ngPJtagJtama 6a Pagkllo6 at Ulat ng Panllpunang Pag6161Yd6 at M apshypJtoved by the CentJtdl Committeeo

2 RecJtuit etnd tJtun aJtmed uty paJttI~ 6anamp and uJtban gueJtJtiRla6 and oJtganize them into unit6 undeJt PaJtty cadJte6 and activi6u 06 rna66 04g anI zatio n6 bull The6 e unit6 mU6t und eJtshygo 6peuallzed tJtaining an explo6ive6 and deshymoliUon and 0the4 60Jtm6 06 ~abotage

3 Inten6i6y JteclLuitmentand tJtaiyungon new membeM 60Jt the NewPeople6 AJLmy in pJtepaJtatlon 60Jt llmited o66enlllve in 6elected aJtea6 In the Jtegion6

4 SuppoJtt a mltl~e aggJte66ive p40gJtam on agltation and pJtopaganda again6t the JteactionaJty aJtmed 60JtCM and again6t the Con Can

July - Aug U6t

VuJting thio peJtiod the paJtty expectll the puppet MaJtco6 goveJtnment to allow inlrt

- 13 shy

clteao e in bUb Itateb th u6 ag 9Ita vating 6ultth elt the plight 06 ftudenu WOltkelth and the 6altshymeltb 0

1 All Regional Paltty CJJmmitteeb mUbt plan nolt a geneltal ftltike movement The Reshygional Opeltational Commandb mubt plan 60lt altmed bUppOltt i6 the 6abcibt altmed 6oltceb 06 Maltcob will tlty to intimidate the oppltebbed Filipino maob eb 0

2 Conduct babotage agdinbt bchoolb collegeb and univeltbitieb hiking tuition 6eeb o

3 Conductb ab 0tag e and agltati 0 n ag ainb t puppet judgeb and COUlttb lealtning iCabeb againbt top paltty leadeM

4 Clteate Itegional chaoband diboltdelt to dltamatize the inability 06 the 6abcibtMaltshyCOb goveltnment to keep and maintain peace and oltdelt thltu

al RobbekY and hold-up 06 bankb contltolled by Ameltican impeltialif~b and thobe belonging to the enemieb ou the people

lib) At~ack militalty ca~pb US baf eb and tow nh bull

c) Molte violent f tltikeb and deshym0 nb tltati 0 nb bull

Septembelt - Octobelt

r ncite af e i ntenb ity 0 6 J io len ce dif 0 ltdelt and con6u6ion

11ntenfi6Y fabotage and bombing 06 g oveltnment buildingf and embabhie6 and otheltutilitieb

al Co ng lte66 b) Suplteme COUltt lie) Con Con d) City Hall e) US Embabb (f 6 ) FacLfitieb 06 us Bab ef g) PlIovincial Capitotbh) Powel[ Plant6

- 14 shy

Z SpoJradic attackhmiddot an camph toWnh and cideh

3 Ahhahhinate high goveJrnment 06biualh 06 CongJrehh JudiciaJrY Con Con and pJrivate individual6 6ympathetic to puppet MaJrc06

4 E6tablihh pJrovihional ltevolutionaJrY goveJrnment in town6 and udeh with the 6UppOJrt a6 the ma66 e6

5 With the 6ympathetic hUPP0Jrt 06 ouJr allie6 ehtabli6h pJrovi6ional pJrovincial Ite- volutionaJrY goveJrnment6


WHEREAS in line with theiJr REGIOMAL PROGRAM OF ACTION 1912 the a60Jre6aid lawleh6 elemenu have 06 late been conducting inten6i6ied act6 06 violence and teJrltolti6 m6 duting the cultJrent yealt in the glteaLea Manila aJrea huch a6 the bombing on the AJrca buildpoundng at Ta6t Avenue Pa6ay City on MaJrch 15 Obthe Fllpoundshypina6 Otient AJriway6 b oaltd JrO am at Vomell tic Road Pah ay City on ApJril 23 06 the VLetname6e Emba66Y on May 30 06 the COUJrt 06 IndU6ttial Relationll on June 23 06 the Philippine TJru6t Company bJranch on6ice in Cubao Quezon City on June 24 06 the Philamli6ebuildng at United Nation6 Avenue Manila on July 3 06 theTashybacalelta CigaJr amp CigaJrette FactoJry Compound at MaJrquezde ComLeea6 Manila on July 21 06 the PLVT exchange066ice at Ea6t Avenue Quezon City and 06 the Philipshypine SagaJr In6titute building at Noltth Avenue Vilishyman Quezon City both on Auga6t 15 06 the Vepalttshyment 06 Soual Wel6alte building at San Ra6ael StJreet Sampaloc Manila on Augu6t 11 06a wateJr main on AUJrolta BoulevaJrd and Madi60l1 Aven(te Quezon City on AugU6t 19 06 the Philamli6e building againon Auguht 30 thi6 time cau6ing 6 eveJre de6tJruction on the FaJr Ea6t Bank and TJrU6t Company building neaJrby 06 the aJrmoJred caJr and building 06 the Philippine Banking CoJrshypoltatiolt It6 well a6 the building6 06 the I nve6tment Vevelopment Inc and the Vaily StaJr Publicatiolt6 when anotheJr explo6ion took place on Railltoad StJreet P~ltt Altea Maniia al60 on AugU6t 30 06 ]oell VepaJrtment StoJre on CaJrltiedo Stlteet Quiapo ManLta 011 SeptembeJr 5 ~aubull ing death to 0 ne woman an d in]uJUeh to 0mj(


- 15 shy

individuaL6 and 06 the City Hall 06 Manila on Septshyembe~ 8 06 the wate~main~ in San Juan Rizal on

Sept 12 00 the San Miguel building in Maf2ati Rtzal an Sept 14 and 0 6 the Quezon City Hal on Septembe~ 18 1972 a~ well a~ the attempted bombing 06 the Cong~e~gt Build-Lrg on July 1g when iln un- exploded bomb Wd6~ bound in the Senate publication Vivigtioi and the attempted bombing 00 the Vepa~tment 06 Fo~eign A66a(Jtgt an Aug ugtt 30ltgt

WHEREAS in line with the ~ame REGIONAL PROGshyRAM OF ACTION 1972 the a60~igtaid lawlu6 elemenu have algto 6ielded in the G~eate~ Manila a~ea ~eve~al o6 thei~ Spli~~ow Unittgt o~ SimbadUniu to unde~shytake liquidaUon mLl~ion~ )lgain6t ~anking gove~nmel1tOn 6iualo milita~y peugtJ1nel and p~ominent utizengt and to ou~the~ heighten the degtt~ucUongt and dep~eshydationgt al~eady inolicted by them upon ou~ innocent people all on which a~e being delibe~atety done -to 60W te~~o~ 6eal and chao6 among6t ou~ population and to make the gove~nment look 60 helplegtgt and incapable 06 p~otecUng the livegt and p~opeJrty 00 ou~ people

WHEREAS in addiUon to the above- de~c~ibed gtocial digtoftde~ thelte i-6 algto the equally 6eUOM digto~de~ in Mil1danao al1d Sula Iegtulting n~om the ungtettled conshy6lict between ce~tain elemenu a6 the Ch~igtUan and Mugtlim popalaUon 00 Mindanao and Salu betweenthe Chftigttian lfIlagao and themiddot MugtlimBa~~acudM and between ou~ goveftnment tftoopgt and cefttain lawlegtgt oftganizatioftgt 6adl a6 the Mindanao I ndeperidence Movement

WHERUS the Mindanao I ndependence Movement with tlle actiue matefI-Lal aJid 6inancial agtgtihtance 06 60fteign political and economic inte~e6t6 i6 engaged in an open and unconcealed attempt to egttabli6h by violence and foftce a 6 epaJtate and independent polLtical 6tate out 06 the i6land6 06 Mil1danao and Sula which a~e ~igt~ to~ically politically and bylaw paftu 06 the te~fI-Lshyto~ie6 and within the ju~i6diction and 6oveJteignty 06 the Republic 06 the Philippinegt

WHEREAS becaugte 06 the a60fte6aid di6o~de~ ~eshy6ulting 6ftom a~med clagthe6 killinggt magt6ac~egt a~shy60116 ~ape6piltage6 de6t~ucUon 06 whole village6 and tOWngt and the inevitable cegtgt ation on agfticultukal and indugttttial ope~aUongt all 06 which have been bftought about by the violence in6ticted by the ChfI-Lgtshyiian6 the M1L6lim6 the Ilaga6 the BattJlacuda6 and the Mindanao Independence Movement again6t ea~


otheh and aga-in6t ou1t goveltnment tltOOP6 a glteat many paltt6 06 the -i6land6 06 M-indanao and Sulu alte v-ihtually noW -in a 6tate On a~tual walt

WHEREAS the v-iolent d-i6oltdelt -in Mandanao and Sulu ha6 todate lte6ulted -in the k-ill-ing 06 oveiL 1000 c-iv-il-ian6 and about 2 000 altmed mu6l-im6 and ~hlti6 t-ian6 not to ment-io n themolte than 6-ive hund middot Ited thou6and on -injulted di6pla~ed and homele66 peM a n6 a6 well a6 the glteat numb elt o~ ca6ualt-ie6 among ou1t goveltnmenttltDOp6 and the paltal-lzat-ion a6 the e~onomy 06 M-indanao and Sulu

WHEREAS be~au6e 06 the ~oltego-ingact6 oampaJtmedmiddot -in6 uJtJte~tLo n wa nto n d e6tltuct-io n 06 humanl-ive6 and pltopeltty unabated andunlte6tlta-inedpltopagandaatshytack6 aga-in6 t the gov eltnm ent and -it6in6t-itutlo n6 -in6thumental-itie-4 agenc-ie6 and 06 6-ic-ial6middot and the Itap-idly expand-ing ltank6 06 the a60lteJa-id lawleA6 elemenU andbe~au6 e on the 6 plteadb1g lawle66 ne66 and analt~hy thltoughout the land allan which have plteventedthe goveltnment tomiddot exeltc-i6e it6 autholt-ity extend to -iu c-it-iz enlty the pltotect-io n a6it6 law6 and -in 9 eneltalexeltci6 e-iu 6 ov elte-ig ntg ovelt cr 06 -it6 teltlt-itofL-ie6 cau6 ed 6 eJr-iou6 demoltal-izattcn arnO ng ou1t people and have made the publ-ic applteltJ16-ive and 6ealt 6u1 and n-intilly becau6 e publ-ic oiLd elt and 6 a6 ety and the 6ecuIt-ity 06 th-i6 nation demandthttt -immediate 6wf6t de~i6 -iv e and e6 6ect-ive act-io n be taken to pltotect and -in6ulte the pea~e oltdviand QecuIL-ity 06 the ~ountlty and -it6 populat-ionand tomiddot ma-intain the autholL-ity 06 the goveJtnmenti


WHER EAS -in ca6 e6 a6 -inva6 -io n -in6 uILlte~t-io n 0 It Itebell-ion olt -imminent dangelt thelte06 I a6 PILe6-ident 06 the Ph-iLLpp-ine6 haveundelt the Cont-itut-ion thlteecotlJt6e6 06 act-ion open to me namely (a) ~all out themiddot altmed 60ltce6 to QuppILe6Q the pILe6 ent law le66 v-iolence (bJ QuQpend the plt-ivUege 06 the Wlt-it 06 habea6 ~Oltpu6 to make the aJtlte6t and appheshyhen6-ion 06 the6cz lawle66elemenu eaQ-ieIL and mOILe e66ect-ive OIL (c) place the -ph-il-ipp-ine6 oltany paILt thelteo 6 undelt maftt-ial law

WHEREAS 1 have allteady ut-il-ized the n-ilt6t two coulL6 e6 06 action bDrQt by caUingupon the altm~

- 11 shy

nolteeo to owpplteo6 the a60Jte6aid lawleoo violenee eommittingto that 6peei nie job almoot 50 06 the entilte altmed noltee6 06 the eountlty and elteating 6 eveshyItal tao k noltee6 nolt that pUltpO6 e 6 ueh a6 Tct6 k i Foltee Saltanay Ta6k Foltee Palanan Ta6k Foltee l6altog Ta6k Foltee Pagkakai6a and Ta6k Foltee Lanean and 6eeond by 6u6pending the pltivilege On the wltit 06 habeao eo Itpuo on Aug uamp t 2 1197 1 up to Janualtlj 1912 but (116 pite 0 n all th at both e 0ultJ) e6 0 6 aell0 n weJte nound inadequate and inefinectiveto eontain muehleo6 6olve the plteJ)ent Jtebellion and lawleoone66 in the

eountltlj a6 J)hown by the naet that

1 The ltadieal lefit ha6 inelteaoed the numbelt an d altea 06 0 peltati-onofi it66Ito nt oltg ani zatioM and ha6 inten6ifiiedthe iteeltuitshyment and tltainlng 06 newadheltentf in the ultban and Itultal altea6 e6peeially oltom among the youth

z The Kabataang Makabayan(KM)) the mO6t milishytant and out6poken filtont oltganization06 the Itadieal lent haf ineltea6edthe numbelt 06 it6 chapteltJ) 6ltom 200 ao on the end 06 1910 to 311 at on July 31 1912 and It6 membeJt6hip nltom 10000 af 06 the end 061910 to 15000 a6middot 06 the end On July 1972 6ltowing velty eleanly the Itapidgltowth on the eommuniJ)t movement inthi6 eountlty

3 The Samahang Vema kltailko Ng KabatClan SVK anothelt militant and outJ)poken JLDntOItshyganization on theltadieal lent ha6 al60 ineltea6 ed the numbelt 06 itf ehapteJt6nltom an in6ignifiieantnumbelt at the end 061910 to 159 a6 06 the end 0 f Jul 1972 and ha6 noW a membeltamphip 06 ampome1495 highly inshydoetJtinated intenampely committed and almoft nanatieally devoted indlvidual6

4 The New Peopleamp Altmy the mO6t active and the mOft vlolentandltuthle~6militalty altm On the Itadicat lent hao inclteao ed it6total J)tltength nltoman e~timated6500 (eompoJ)ed on 560 ltegulalt6 1500 combat fUPPOltt and 4400 HltvU huppolt-t) a o Jaualt~



- 1 g shy

~o abou~7900 (eompohed 06 1028 lLegulalL4 1 to a eomba~ 4 upptlr~ anfi 5025 helLviee hUppOlL~) ah 06 Jul~ 31 1972 ~howing a malL~ed inelLea4e in iu ltegulalL ~lLOOp6 on OVlllL 100 in 6ueh a 6hot~ peltiad 06 ~ixmiddotmon~h6

50 The e6~abli~hment 06 ~ane~ualtie6 60lL ~he i~ ultg en~6 in I6 ab ela in Zambale6 in CamalLine6SUlL and in 6 ome palLt6 06 Mindashynao~ adevelopmen~ helLe~06olte unknown in oulL eampaign agaln6t 6ubvelL6ioft and in6UlLshygeney in ~hi6 eoun~lL~

6 The di6appealLanee and dlLopping ou~ 06 6ehool 06 6ome 3000 high 6ehool and eoLLege 6~Ushydent6 and who alLe lLepolL~ed ~o have joined wi~h ~he in6 ultg ent6 fi alL ~lLaining in ~he handling on 6ilLealLm6 and explo6ive6

7 The blLinging and intlLoduetlon ln~q~he eoun~lL~ 06 6ub6~an~ial walL ma~elLial eonshy6i6ting 06 mili~alLtj halLdwalte and 6upplie6

middotthlLough the MV KalLagatan at V-Lgoljo Point Palanan l6abela and ~he naet ~ha~ mantj 06 ~he6e miUtalt~ haltdwaJte and 6upplie6 alte now in ~he hand6 ofi themiddot in6UlLgen~6 and alLe being U6ed agal~~ oulL govelLnrnent ~lLOOp6

8 The in6iltlLation and eon~lLol 06 ~he media b~ pelt6on6 who alte ~tjmpathe~ie ~o ~he in6 UlLg ent6 and the eo 116 eq uen~ in~en~ L6i cailon 06 theilt plLopagimda a6~aultagain~~ ~he goveltnmen~ and ~he miUtalt~ e6tabli6hshyment on ~he govetnmen~o

9 The noltma~iona~ ~he glta66-lLoot level 06 IIpolitical poweJt olLgan6 helLetonOlLe an- flnown in ~he hi6~otyon theCommuni6t moveshyment in thi6 countlL~ compo6 edo 6 BaJtltio OJtganizingCommit~ee6 (BOC6) to mobilize the baJtJrio people fiott active involvemen~ in ~helLeVolu~ion ~he BaJtJtio RevoluilonalLtj Commi~tee6 BRC61 ~o act a6 Imiddotlocal goveJtnshyment6 in balLJtio6 eon6idelLed a6 CPP NPA



- 19 shy

bailiwickll the (lJoltkeJt6 OJtganizing Comshymitteell (WOCll) to middotoltganize WOltkeirll 6ltom all AectOltll the School Oltganizing Comshymitteell (SOC61 to conduct agitaliorl and pltopaganda activitie6 and help in the expandion 06 ~4ontg4oUp6 among the dtudentlty and the CommunityOJrganizi~g Committeell (COC6) which opeJtate in the ultban altea6 in the 6ame manneJt a) the BOCll bull

WHEREAS the Itebellion and a4med aclion undeltshytaken by the6elawlellll element606 the communl6t and othelt altmed aggltupailonll oltganlzedto oveltthltow the Republic o~ the PhiUppinei bq altmedviolenceand 60ltce have a66umed the magnitude On an actual 6tate 06 walt agalnlltoult people and the RepubliC 06 the


NOW THEREfORE I FER-VI NANV E MARCOS Pltelli shydenton the Phllippinell by vilttue 06 the poweM vellted upon me by Aldlcle VII I Section 10 PaltagJraph (2) 06 the Conlltitutiondo heJteby placethe entllte PhiUppinell a6 denined in AItticle I Sectlon 1 06 the Conlltitutian undelt malttial law and in my capacity a4 thellt c6mmandelt-in-chiefi do helteby commandthe altmed 60ltCell 06the Phllippine6 to maintainmiddotlaw and oJrdelt thltoughout the Phllippine6 pltevent Olt JuppJre611 all 60ltm6 06 lawlell6 v-tolence a6 well all anq act 0n inllUltltection Olt Itebellion and to en60ltce obedienceto atl the laWllandto all declteet oJtdeltll andltegulationll pltomulgated by me petrll 0nally oJt upo n my dlJtecUo n~

In addition I do helteby oltdelt that allpelt6on6 pltell ently detalned a6 well Mall otheltll who may heltea-6telt ite llimilaltly detained6olt the cJrimell oflnshyllultltectionoJt Jtebellion and all othelt cltimellanda6-middot 6enlle6 committed in6uJttheltance OfLon the occa61on thelteo Lolt incident thelteto Olt in co nnculion thelteshywith b0If cJtime6 ag alnllt natlonal II ecuJrity and the law 06 nationll Cltimell again6t public oltdelt CUme6 involving ull ultpailo n 06 atftholtlty Jtank title and lmpltopelt ulle on name6 unL60ltmll andln6ignia cltime6 commlttedmiddot by public 06 fiicelt6 and 601t lluch otheltcJrimell a6 will be enunieltated in OltdelLb that I II halt 6 ub6 eq uentty pltomulg ate all welt a6cJrime6 Maconllequence 06 any violation 06 any

decltee oltdelt olt Itegulation pltomulgated by me pelt6onatly alt pltomutgated upon mydiltecilon 6hall be kept undelt detenshytioY until otheltwi6e oltdelted ltetea6ed by me Olt by my duly de-61gnated lLeplLe-6 erutJcct-ive ~

- 20


~4~ 1l0BERTO V REYES Acting Executive Secretary

Page 7: Proclamation no 1081

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violent incident4 w~ about the -6ame but the NPA ca-6ualtie-6 mone than doubled

At any nate two (2) 6act6 ane undeniable (a) all Communi-6t-6 whethen they belortg to the tnaditional gnoup on to the Maoi-6t 6action beshylieve that 60nce and violence ane indi-6pen-6able to the attainment 06 thein main and ultimate objective and act in accondance with -6uch beshylie6 although they di-6agnee on the mean-6 to be U-6ed at a given time and in a panticulan placeand (bl th~ne i~ a New Peoplet~ Anmy othen on coun~e than the anmed 60nce-6 06 the Republic and antagoni-6tic theneto Such Mew People4Anmy i-6 peJi ~epno06 on the exi-6tence 06 a nebellion eJPecially con-6idening that it4 e4shytabli6 hment WQ6 announced publicly by the neonshyganized CPP Such announcement~-6 in the natune 06 a public challenge to the duly con6tituted authonitie4 and may be likened to a declanation On Walt -6u66icient to e-6tabli-6h a walt 6tatu-6olt a condition on belligeltency even benolte the actual commencement 06 h04tilitie6o

We entelttain theltefiolte no doubu about

theexi~tei~e 06 a AizeabLe gltoup 06 men who have publicly lti4en in anm4 to oveltthnow the goveltnshyment and have thu4 been and 4till alte engaged in nebellion again4t the Govennment 06 the PhishyLippine-6 bull

WHEREAS the4e lawle~4 element4 have to a con-6idenable extent 4ucceeded in impeding oult duly con-6tituted authoshyltitie4 61t~m pelt604ming theilt 6unction4 and di~chaltgingtheilt dutie-6 and ltupon4ibilitie4 in accoltdance with oult law4 and oult Con4titulionto the glte4t damage pltejudiceand detltiment 06 the people and the nation

WHEREAS ~t i~ evid~nt that thelte ii thltoughout the land a -6tate 06 anQnchy and lawle4-61e-64 cha04 and di-6shyoltdelt tUltmoil and de4tltuclion 06 a magnitude equivalent to an actual walt between the 60ltCe4 06 Oult duly con-6tishytuted goveltnment and the New People4 Altmy and thein -6atellite oltganization-6 becau6e 06 the unmitigated 60ltaY-6ltaid6 ambri-6 cade4 a4-6 ault-6 violence mUltdeM a-6-6a64i- nalion-6 act-6 06 teltnolt deceit6 coeltCiOn4 thneajf


lvyen j

- shy

intimidation-6 tlleacheIlY machinailon-6 aM on-6 plun-dell4 and deplledailon4 committed and be-ing committed by the an 0lle4 aid lawle44 elemenu Who have pledg ed to the whole Itailon that they will not 4top theillda6shytalldly ennollt and4cheme unill and unle66 they have 6ully attuned thull pUmall and ulilmate pUllp06e on nOIlcibly 6eizing political and 6tate powell in thi6 countllY by ovellth~owing oUllplle6ent duly con6t-ituted govellnmel1t by de-6tlloying oull democllat-ic way on line and OUIl e6tabli-6hed 6 eculall and lleligiou6 bt6titution6 and belie66 and by6upplant-ing oull exi6t-ing political 6ocial economic legal and mOIla1 olldell with an entilleshyly new one who6e nOllm on govellnment who6enotion On individual Ilighu and 6amily llelailon6 aYid who6e poshylitical -6oual economic and mollal plleepu aile ba-6ed on the Mallxi-6t-Lenin-i-6t-Maoi6t teaching6 altd belien6

WHEREAS the Suplleme Coullt in it-6 6aid deci6ion concluded thatithe unlaw6ul act-iviile-6 06 the a60lle-6aid lawle64 element6 actually pO6e a eleall plle6ent and gllave dangell to public 4a6ety and the 6ecullity 06 the nation and in 6UppOllt 06 that conclu-6ion 60und that

x x x the ExecuUve had innOllmation altd llepollu--6 ub6 eq uently co nnillmed in many Ilehshypect-6 by the above~meniloned Repollt 06 the Senate Ad Hbc Committe~~on Seven-to ~he ei6ect that the Commun-i-6t Ptiltty 06 the Philippine6 doe-6 not mellely adhelle to Leninh idea on a 6w-i6t allrned uplli6ing that -it ha-6 al6o adoptedHo Chi Minh6 tellllolli6t tact-i~ and lle6ollted l

to the a-O6a6-6ination 06 uncoopellative local o66icial4 that in line with thi-6 polic the in6ullgent6 have killed 5 rnaOM 20 ballllio capshytain-6 and 3 chien6 on pol-ice that thelle welle nO ullteen (I 4) meani ng 6ul b0 mbi ng il1cide I1U il1 the G~eatell Maltila allea in 1970 thdt the Con4shyiltutional Convenilon Hall wa6 bombed on June 12 1971 that -6oon a6tell the Plaza Milla~da incident the NAWASA mun pipe at the Quezon

City-San Juan boundall wa6 bombed that this wa4 60llowed cio6ely by the bombing 06 the Manila Cit Hall the COMELEC Building theConglle64Bu-ilding and the MERALCO 4 ub-4tatirm at Cubao Quezon City ancLltthat thelle6 pective lle-6idence4 06 Senatoll Jo~~ J Roy and Conglle66rnan EduaAdo Cojuan~co welle l-ikewi-6e bombed a-6 welle the MERALCO mult o66-ice pllem-i6e6 along OIlt-iga6 Avenue and the VOctoll-6 Phallmaceutical-6 I nco BUild~ n in Caloocan City


J V_-


- 9 shy

x x x the Iteoltgani zed Communifjt Paltty 06 the Phiippine-6 hCt4 molteovelt adopted Maoo concept 06 pltotltacted peope-6 walt aimed at the pa~aization 06 the wi to lteJJiot 06 the goveltnment 06 the poUticaeconomic and intellectual eadelt-6hip and 06 the people them6eve6 ~hat con6oltmaby to 1 uch co ncept the Paltty ha6 paced6 pecia e~pha6i6 upon a moot exten6ive and inten6ive

pltogltam 06 oubveltoion by the e6tabll6hment 06 6ltont oltganizationo in ultban centelt6 the oltganization 06 altmed city palttihanh and the in6itltation in 6tudent gItOUp6 abok unionh and 6altmelt and pIt06e6hionagltpUpo that the CPP hah managed to in6itltateolt e6tabioh and contltol nine (9) majolt abolt oltganization6that it hah expoited the youth movement arid hucceededin making Communiht 61t0nto 06 eeven (11 J majolt 6tudent Olt youth oltganization6 that thelte alte accoltdingfy about thiltty (30)mah6 oltganization6 actively advancing the CPpintelteot6 among which middotalte the Malayang Samashyhan ng Magoa6aka (MASAKA) ~he Kabata~ng Makashybayan (KMJ the Movement 601t the Advancement 06 Nationai6m(MAN) the SamahangVemokltatiko ng Kabataan (SOK) ~he Samahang Moave(SM)and the Mafayang Pagkakapoundoa ng Kabataang Piishypine (MPKP) that M 06 Aug U-6 t 1971 the KM had two hundlted 6olttY-6ive (245) opeltationaf

middotchaptelt6 thltoughout the Phiippineh 00 which oeventy-thltee (13) weltein the Glteatelt Mania Allea oixty (60) in Noktheltn Luzon 60ltty nine (491 in Centltai Luzrm noltty-two (421 in the Vi6aya6 and twenty-one (21) in Mindanao and Sutu that in 1910 the PlLltty had Itecoltded two hundlted 6i6ty-eight (258) majolt demon6tltashytiCn6 06 which about thiltty-thltee (33) ended in violence lte6 utting in 6i6teen (1 5) llti lRed and ovelt 6ive hundlted (5001 injulted tha~ moo t 06 the6 e actio 110 welte oltgani zed co oltdishynated ali led by the aooltementioned 6ltont oltgashynization6 that the violent demon6tltation6 welte 9eneltally in6 tigated by a 6 mall but wellshytltained gltoup 06 altmed agitatolth that the numbelt 06 demon6tltation6 heltet060lte htagedmiddotin 1911 hao allteady exceeded tho6e 06 1910 and that twenty-60ult (24) 06 the6e demon6tltationo welte violent and lte6ulted in the death 06 6i6teen (15 pelt6ono and the injulty 06 many molte



Sub6equen-t even-t6 x x x have at6o pltoven x x x the -thltea-t -to pubt~c 6a6e-ty pO6ed by -the New Peopte4 Altmy Indeed ~-t appealt6-tha-t 6~nce Augu6-t 21 1971 ~-t had ~n Nolt-theltn Luzon 6~x 61 enco untelt6 and gt -tagedo ne (1) Ita~d ~n co ngt equenc e6 06 wh~ch gt even 71 6 otd~elt6 ta6 t the~1t t~v e6 and -two (2) o-thelt6 welte wounded wheltea6 -the poundn6U4gent6 6u66elted 6~ve (5) ca6uatt~e6 that on Augu6t 26 1971 a wett-altmed gltoup 06 NPA tlta~ned by de6ectolt Lto V~ctOIt COltpU6 attacked the velty command PO6t 06 TF LAWIN ~n I6abeta de6t1toy~ng twa 2 het~copteM and one (I) ptane~ and wound~ng one (I) 6otdielt that the NPA had ~n Centltat Luzon a totat 06 60ult (4)encounteM w~th twa (2] kitted and thltee 3) wounded on the 6~de 06 the Goveltnment one (1) BSVU killed and thltee 3 KM-SDK teadeltan un~dent~6~ed d~66ident and Commal1delt Panch~to teadelt 06 the d166ident gltoupwelte k~tted that on Augu6t Z6 1971 thelte wa6an encauntelL ~n the baltlt~o 06 San Pedlto IJt~ga CityCamaJtine6 SUit between the PC and the MPA ~n whpoundch a PC and two fZ) KM membelt6 weJte k~tted that the eultltent digttuJtbance6in Cotabato and the Lanao PJtov~nce6 have bee~ Itendelted mOJte complex by the ~nvatveme~t 06 the CPP7NPA60It ~n mid-1971 a KM gltOUp headed by Javencio E6paltagoza contacted the Higa onan tltibe6 in theilt 6etUement ~n Mag6ay6ay Mi6ami6 Oltientat and a66eJted them bookgt pamphtetgtand bltochulte6 06 Mao T6e Tung a6 wetta6conducted teach-in6 in the Itell eltvat~o n that E6paJtaga za Wa6 Itepolttedty kitted an Septembelt 22 1971in an opeltatian 06the PC in 6aid lte6eltvation and that thelte alte naw two (Zl NPA cadlte6 in Mindanao

lIt 6houtd at6o be no-ted -tha-t adhelten-t6 06 the CPP and itgt 6lto nt oltganizat~on6 alte accaltd~ng to intettigence 6inding6 de6initety capabte 06 pltepalting powelt6ut expto6ive6 out 06 tocatty ava~tabte mateJtiat6 -that -the bamb U6ed ~n the Can6-titu-tianat Canven-tian Hatt wa6 a ClaymoJte mine a powelt6ul explo6ive dev~ce a4ed by -the US Altmy believed -to have been one 06 many p~l6elted nltam the Subic Naval Baoe a 6ew dalj6 benjJ0Jte




- 11 shy

th~t the P~ehident h~d ~eeeived inteiiigenee in60~mation to the e6neet that the4e WaA a Juiy-Augu~t Pian involving a wave 06 ~~~ aA~inationh kidnapping6 te~~oshy~i6 m and ma~6 deldlwelion 0n plLopelLty and th~t ~n extlLao~din~ILY oeeulLenee would ~ign~i the beginning 06 ~~id event--that the ~athelL ~e~iou~ eondilion 06 pe~ee ~ndo~de~ in Minshydanao palLtieula~ly in Cotabato and L~nao demanded the plLe6 utee the~ein 0 -6 no~eeh hu6 6ishyeient to eope with the 6ituation that a hishyzeable pa~t 06 ou~ alLmed 60~ee~ di6ehalLge6 othLIL 6uneticn6 and that the expan6ion 06 the CPP aetivLU e6 6~om CentlLal Luzon to othelL palLt6 06 the eount~y pa~tieulalLly M~nil~ and iU 6 ubulLb6 I the Cagaq~n Valley 1~ugao Zamshybaleh L~guna Quezon and the Bieol Region ~equilLed that the ~e6t ~6 OUIL a~med-6olLee6 be op~ead thin dvelL a wide a~ea

WHEREAS in the unwavelLing p~ooeeution 06 theilL ~evoluliona~y wa~ againht the Filipino peopleand thei~ duly eon~tituted gove~nment the a60lLeoaJd l~wie66 element6 have in the month6 06 May June and Juiy 1972 6 ucceeded in b~inging ~nd int~o dueing into the count~y ~t Vigoyo Point Pal~n~n 1o~beta and at othe~ undetelLmined point6 along the P~ci6ic eoa6tl~e 06 Luzon a 6ub6tantial quantity 06 wa~ matViJl eon6ioting 06 M-14 ~i61e6 eotimated to be o0me 3500 pieee6 6evOtal dozen~ 06 40 mm ~oeket launehe~ whieh ~lLe 6aid to be Chieom eopieo 06 ~ Ruooi~n p~ototype ~oeket launehe~ l~lLge quantiUeo on 80 mm 1L0eket6 and ~mmunition6 and othe~ eombat pa~aphe~naiia 0-6 whieh wa~ matelLil 6 ome had been di6eovelLed and eaptuhed by govelLnment militalLy 60~shyee~ and the b~ingi~g and int~oduetion 06 6ueh quanshytity and type 06 wa~ matelLi i into the eountlLlj i6 a mute but eloquent plLoofi 06 the 6iniotelL pian 06 the ano~eshyoaid lawle66 elemento to haAten the e6e~lation 06 theilL plLe6 ent ~evoeutiona~lj wa~ againot the Filipino peopleand thei~ legitimate gove~nment

WHEREAS in the exeeution 00 thei~ ove~ail ~eshyvolutiona~y pian the a60lLeoaJd lawle66 elemento hav e p~epalLed and ~eeeao ed to thei~ vauouo 6Jeld ~ornmdde46 dnd Pd~ZY wo~ke~ d do~urnent ~dP~O~


- 12 shy

REGIONAL PROGRAM OF ACTION 1912 a copy 06 which wa6 captuJted by elementamp 06 the 116th and 119th PhIlIppIne ConatahulaJty Companleamp on June 18 1912 at BaJtJtio Tating6ing CoJtdon whl ch Jtea6 aIl 60110w6

IaabeRa the text 06



The allowing Refjianal PJtogJtam 06 Acshytlon 60Jt 1972 i6 pJtepaJted to be caJtJtied out a6 paJtt 06 the oveJtall plan06 the paJtty to noment di6 co ntent and pJtecepitatethe Ude 06 nationwide rna6) JtevoluUon The 6aci6t MaJtco6 middotand hl6JteacUonaJtY membeJt6 06 CongshyJte66 i6 expected to pJtepaJte them6elve6 noJt the 1973 hence

JanuaJty - June

10 Inten6i6Y JtecJtuitment 06 new piJttymembe1t6 e6 peually 6Jtom the woJtkeJt6- 6aJtmeJto clall6 0 CadJte6 aJLe bung tJtuned In oJtdeJt to oJtganlze the dl66eJLent JteglonaR buJteau6 The6 e bUJteau6 mU6t concentJtate on ma66 action and oJtfjanlzation to pJtomote advancement 06 the mM6 JtevoRuilonaICY movement Re6elence io madt to the BoJtadoJt ngPJtagJtama 6a Pagkllo6 at Ulat ng Panllpunang Pag6161Yd6 at M apshypJtoved by the CentJtdl Committeeo

2 RecJtuit etnd tJtun aJtmed uty paJttI~ 6anamp and uJtban gueJtJtiRla6 and oJtganize them into unit6 undeJt PaJtty cadJte6 and activi6u 06 rna66 04g anI zatio n6 bull The6 e unit6 mU6t und eJtshygo 6peuallzed tJtaining an explo6ive6 and deshymoliUon and 0the4 60Jtm6 06 ~abotage

3 Inten6i6y JteclLuitmentand tJtaiyungon new membeM 60Jt the NewPeople6 AJLmy in pJtepaJtatlon 60Jt llmited o66enlllve in 6elected aJtea6 In the Jtegion6

4 SuppoJtt a mltl~e aggJte66ive p40gJtam on agltation and pJtopaganda again6t the JteactionaJty aJtmed 60JtCM and again6t the Con Can

July - Aug U6t

VuJting thio peJtiod the paJtty expectll the puppet MaJtco6 goveJtnment to allow inlrt

- 13 shy

clteao e in bUb Itateb th u6 ag 9Ita vating 6ultth elt the plight 06 ftudenu WOltkelth and the 6altshymeltb 0

1 All Regional Paltty CJJmmitteeb mUbt plan nolt a geneltal ftltike movement The Reshygional Opeltational Commandb mubt plan 60lt altmed bUppOltt i6 the 6abcibt altmed 6oltceb 06 Maltcob will tlty to intimidate the oppltebbed Filipino maob eb 0

2 Conduct babotage agdinbt bchoolb collegeb and univeltbitieb hiking tuition 6eeb o

3 Conductb ab 0tag e and agltati 0 n ag ainb t puppet judgeb and COUlttb lealtning iCabeb againbt top paltty leadeM

4 Clteate Itegional chaoband diboltdelt to dltamatize the inability 06 the 6abcibtMaltshyCOb goveltnment to keep and maintain peace and oltdelt thltu

al RobbekY and hold-up 06 bankb contltolled by Ameltican impeltialif~b and thobe belonging to the enemieb ou the people

lib) At~ack militalty ca~pb US baf eb and tow nh bull

c) Molte violent f tltikeb and deshym0 nb tltati 0 nb bull

Septembelt - Octobelt

r ncite af e i ntenb ity 0 6 J io len ce dif 0 ltdelt and con6u6ion

11ntenfi6Y fabotage and bombing 06 g oveltnment buildingf and embabhie6 and otheltutilitieb

al Co ng lte66 b) Suplteme COUltt lie) Con Con d) City Hall e) US Embabb (f 6 ) FacLfitieb 06 us Bab ef g) PlIovincial Capitotbh) Powel[ Plant6

- 14 shy

Z SpoJradic attackhmiddot an camph toWnh and cideh

3 Ahhahhinate high goveJrnment 06biualh 06 CongJrehh JudiciaJrY Con Con and pJrivate individual6 6ympathetic to puppet MaJrc06

4 E6tablihh pJrovihional ltevolutionaJrY goveJrnment in town6 and udeh with the 6UppOJrt a6 the ma66 e6

5 With the 6ympathetic hUPP0Jrt 06 ouJr allie6 ehtabli6h pJrovi6ional pJrovincial Ite- volutionaJrY goveJrnment6


WHEREAS in line with theiJr REGIOMAL PROGRAM OF ACTION 1912 the a60Jre6aid lawleh6 elemenu have 06 late been conducting inten6i6ied act6 06 violence and teJrltolti6 m6 duting the cultJrent yealt in the glteaLea Manila aJrea huch a6 the bombing on the AJrca buildpoundng at Ta6t Avenue Pa6ay City on MaJrch 15 Obthe Fllpoundshypina6 Otient AJriway6 b oaltd JrO am at Vomell tic Road Pah ay City on ApJril 23 06 the VLetname6e Emba66Y on May 30 06 the COUJrt 06 IndU6ttial Relationll on June 23 06 the Philippine TJru6t Company bJranch on6ice in Cubao Quezon City on June 24 06 the Philamli6ebuildng at United Nation6 Avenue Manila on July 3 06 theTashybacalelta CigaJr amp CigaJrette FactoJry Compound at MaJrquezde ComLeea6 Manila on July 21 06 the PLVT exchange066ice at Ea6t Avenue Quezon City and 06 the Philipshypine SagaJr In6titute building at Noltth Avenue Vilishyman Quezon City both on Auga6t 15 06 the Vepalttshyment 06 Soual Wel6alte building at San Ra6ael StJreet Sampaloc Manila on Augu6t 11 06a wateJr main on AUJrolta BoulevaJrd and Madi60l1 Aven(te Quezon City on AugU6t 19 06 the Philamli6e building againon Auguht 30 thi6 time cau6ing 6 eveJre de6tJruction on the FaJr Ea6t Bank and TJrU6t Company building neaJrby 06 the aJrmoJred caJr and building 06 the Philippine Banking CoJrshypoltatiolt It6 well a6 the building6 06 the I nve6tment Vevelopment Inc and the Vaily StaJr Publicatiolt6 when anotheJr explo6ion took place on Railltoad StJreet P~ltt Altea Maniia al60 on AugU6t 30 06 ]oell VepaJrtment StoJre on CaJrltiedo Stlteet Quiapo ManLta 011 SeptembeJr 5 ~aubull ing death to 0 ne woman an d in]uJUeh to 0mj(


- 15 shy

individuaL6 and 06 the City Hall 06 Manila on Septshyembe~ 8 06 the wate~main~ in San Juan Rizal on

Sept 12 00 the San Miguel building in Maf2ati Rtzal an Sept 14 and 0 6 the Quezon City Hal on Septembe~ 18 1972 a~ well a~ the attempted bombing 06 the Cong~e~gt Build-Lrg on July 1g when iln un- exploded bomb Wd6~ bound in the Senate publication Vivigtioi and the attempted bombing 00 the Vepa~tment 06 Fo~eign A66a(Jtgt an Aug ugtt 30ltgt

WHEREAS in line with the ~ame REGIONAL PROGshyRAM OF ACTION 1972 the a60~igtaid lawlu6 elemenu have algto 6ielded in the G~eate~ Manila a~ea ~eve~al o6 thei~ Spli~~ow Unittgt o~ SimbadUniu to unde~shytake liquidaUon mLl~ion~ )lgain6t ~anking gove~nmel1tOn 6iualo milita~y peugtJ1nel and p~ominent utizengt and to ou~the~ heighten the degtt~ucUongt and dep~eshydationgt al~eady inolicted by them upon ou~ innocent people all on which a~e being delibe~atety done -to 60W te~~o~ 6eal and chao6 among6t ou~ population and to make the gove~nment look 60 helplegtgt and incapable 06 p~otecUng the livegt and p~opeJrty 00 ou~ people

WHEREAS in addiUon to the above- de~c~ibed gtocial digtoftde~ thelte i-6 algto the equally 6eUOM digto~de~ in Mil1danao al1d Sula Iegtulting n~om the ungtettled conshy6lict between ce~tain elemenu a6 the Ch~igtUan and Mugtlim popalaUon 00 Mindanao and Salu betweenthe Chftigttian lfIlagao and themiddot MugtlimBa~~acudM and between ou~ goveftnment tftoopgt and cefttain lawlegtgt oftganizatioftgt 6adl a6 the Mindanao I ndeperidence Movement

WHERUS the Mindanao I ndependence Movement with tlle actiue matefI-Lal aJid 6inancial agtgtihtance 06 60fteign political and economic inte~e6t6 i6 engaged in an open and unconcealed attempt to egttabli6h by violence and foftce a 6 epaJtate and independent polLtical 6tate out 06 the i6land6 06 Mil1danao and Sula which a~e ~igt~ to~ically politically and bylaw paftu 06 the te~fI-Lshyto~ie6 and within the ju~i6diction and 6oveJteignty 06 the Republic 06 the Philippinegt

WHEREAS becaugte 06 the a60fte6aid di6o~de~ ~eshy6ulting 6ftom a~med clagthe6 killinggt magt6ac~egt a~shy60116 ~ape6piltage6 de6t~ucUon 06 whole village6 and tOWngt and the inevitable cegtgt ation on agfticultukal and indugttttial ope~aUongt all 06 which have been bftought about by the violence in6ticted by the ChfI-Lgtshyiian6 the M1L6lim6 the Ilaga6 the BattJlacuda6 and the Mindanao Independence Movement again6t ea~


otheh and aga-in6t ou1t goveltnment tltOOP6 a glteat many paltt6 06 the -i6land6 06 M-indanao and Sulu alte v-ihtually noW -in a 6tate On a~tual walt

WHEREAS the v-iolent d-i6oltdelt -in Mandanao and Sulu ha6 todate lte6ulted -in the k-ill-ing 06 oveiL 1000 c-iv-il-ian6 and about 2 000 altmed mu6l-im6 and ~hlti6 t-ian6 not to ment-io n themolte than 6-ive hund middot Ited thou6and on -injulted di6pla~ed and homele66 peM a n6 a6 well a6 the glteat numb elt o~ ca6ualt-ie6 among ou1t goveltnmenttltDOp6 and the paltal-lzat-ion a6 the e~onomy 06 M-indanao and Sulu

WHEREAS be~au6e 06 the ~oltego-ingact6 oampaJtmedmiddot -in6 uJtJte~tLo n wa nto n d e6tltuct-io n 06 humanl-ive6 and pltopeltty unabated andunlte6tlta-inedpltopagandaatshytack6 aga-in6 t the gov eltnm ent and -it6in6t-itutlo n6 -in6thumental-itie-4 agenc-ie6 and 06 6-ic-ial6middot and the Itap-idly expand-ing ltank6 06 the a60lteJa-id lawleA6 elemenU andbe~au6 e on the 6 plteadb1g lawle66 ne66 and analt~hy thltoughout the land allan which have plteventedthe goveltnment tomiddot exeltc-i6e it6 autholt-ity extend to -iu c-it-iz enlty the pltotect-io n a6it6 law6 and -in 9 eneltalexeltci6 e-iu 6 ov elte-ig ntg ovelt cr 06 -it6 teltlt-itofL-ie6 cau6 ed 6 eJr-iou6 demoltal-izattcn arnO ng ou1t people and have made the publ-ic applteltJ16-ive and 6ealt 6u1 and n-intilly becau6 e publ-ic oiLd elt and 6 a6 ety and the 6ecuIt-ity 06 th-i6 nation demandthttt -immediate 6wf6t de~i6 -iv e and e6 6ect-ive act-io n be taken to pltotect and -in6ulte the pea~e oltdviand QecuIL-ity 06 the ~ountlty and -it6 populat-ionand tomiddot ma-intain the autholL-ity 06 the goveJtnmenti


WHER EAS -in ca6 e6 a6 -inva6 -io n -in6 uILlte~t-io n 0 It Itebell-ion olt -imminent dangelt thelte06 I a6 PILe6-ident 06 the Ph-iLLpp-ine6 haveundelt the Cont-itut-ion thlteecotlJt6e6 06 act-ion open to me namely (a) ~all out themiddot altmed 60ltce6 to QuppILe6Q the pILe6 ent law le66 v-iolence (bJ QuQpend the plt-ivUege 06 the Wlt-it 06 habea6 ~Oltpu6 to make the aJtlte6t and appheshyhen6-ion 06 the6cz lawle66elemenu eaQ-ieIL and mOILe e66ect-ive OIL (c) place the -ph-il-ipp-ine6 oltany paILt thelteo 6 undelt maftt-ial law

WHEREAS 1 have allteady ut-il-ized the n-ilt6t two coulL6 e6 06 action bDrQt by caUingupon the altm~

- 11 shy

nolteeo to owpplteo6 the a60Jte6aid lawleoo violenee eommittingto that 6peei nie job almoot 50 06 the entilte altmed noltee6 06 the eountlty and elteating 6 eveshyItal tao k noltee6 nolt that pUltpO6 e 6 ueh a6 Tct6 k i Foltee Saltanay Ta6k Foltee Palanan Ta6k Foltee l6altog Ta6k Foltee Pagkakai6a and Ta6k Foltee Lanean and 6eeond by 6u6pending the pltivilege On the wltit 06 habeao eo Itpuo on Aug uamp t 2 1197 1 up to Janualtlj 1912 but (116 pite 0 n all th at both e 0ultJ) e6 0 6 aell0 n weJte nound inadequate and inefinectiveto eontain muehleo6 6olve the plteJ)ent Jtebellion and lawleoone66 in the

eountltlj a6 J)hown by the naet that

1 The ltadieal lefit ha6 inelteaoed the numbelt an d altea 06 0 peltati-onofi it66Ito nt oltg ani zatioM and ha6 inten6ifiiedthe iteeltuitshyment and tltainlng 06 newadheltentf in the ultban and Itultal altea6 e6peeially oltom among the youth

z The Kabataang Makabayan(KM)) the mO6t milishytant and out6poken filtont oltganization06 the Itadieal lent haf ineltea6edthe numbelt 06 it6 chapteltJ) 6ltom 200 ao on the end 06 1910 to 311 at on July 31 1912 and It6 membeJt6hip nltom 10000 af 06 the end 061910 to 15000 a6middot 06 the end On July 1972 6ltowing velty eleanly the Itapidgltowth on the eommuniJ)t movement inthi6 eountlty

3 The Samahang Vema kltailko Ng KabatClan SVK anothelt militant and outJ)poken JLDntOItshyganization on theltadieal lent ha6 al60 ineltea6 ed the numbelt 06 itf ehapteJt6nltom an in6ignifiieantnumbelt at the end 061910 to 159 a6 06 the end 0 f Jul 1972 and ha6 noW a membeltamphip 06 ampome1495 highly inshydoetJtinated intenampely committed and almoft nanatieally devoted indlvidual6

4 The New Peopleamp Altmy the mO6t active and the mOft vlolentandltuthle~6militalty altm On the Itadicat lent hao inclteao ed it6total J)tltength nltoman e~timated6500 (eompoJ)ed on 560 ltegulalt6 1500 combat fUPPOltt and 4400 HltvU huppolt-t) a o Jaualt~



- 1 g shy

~o abou~7900 (eompohed 06 1028 lLegulalL4 1 to a eomba~ 4 upptlr~ anfi 5025 helLviee hUppOlL~) ah 06 Jul~ 31 1972 ~howing a malL~ed inelLea4e in iu ltegulalL ~lLOOp6 on OVlllL 100 in 6ueh a 6hot~ peltiad 06 ~ixmiddotmon~h6

50 The e6~abli~hment 06 ~ane~ualtie6 60lL ~he i~ ultg en~6 in I6 ab ela in Zambale6 in CamalLine6SUlL and in 6 ome palLt6 06 Mindashynao~ adevelopmen~ helLe~06olte unknown in oulL eampaign agaln6t 6ubvelL6ioft and in6UlLshygeney in ~hi6 eoun~lL~

6 The di6appealLanee and dlLopping ou~ 06 6ehool 06 6ome 3000 high 6ehool and eoLLege 6~Ushydent6 and who alLe lLepolL~ed ~o have joined wi~h ~he in6 ultg ent6 fi alL ~lLaining in ~he handling on 6ilLealLm6 and explo6ive6

7 The blLinging and intlLoduetlon ln~q~he eoun~lL~ 06 6ub6~an~ial walL ma~elLial eonshy6i6ting 06 mili~alLtj halLdwalte and 6upplie6

middotthlLough the MV KalLagatan at V-Lgoljo Point Palanan l6abela and ~he naet ~ha~ mantj 06 ~he6e miUtalt~ haltdwaJte and 6upplie6 alte now in ~he hand6 ofi themiddot in6UlLgen~6 and alLe being U6ed agal~~ oulL govelLnrnent ~lLOOp6

8 The in6iltlLation and eon~lLol 06 ~he media b~ pelt6on6 who alte ~tjmpathe~ie ~o ~he in6 UlLg ent6 and the eo 116 eq uen~ in~en~ L6i cailon 06 theilt plLopagimda a6~aultagain~~ ~he goveltnmen~ and ~he miUtalt~ e6tabli6hshyment on ~he govetnmen~o

9 The noltma~iona~ ~he glta66-lLoot level 06 IIpolitical poweJt olLgan6 helLetonOlLe an- flnown in ~he hi6~otyon theCommuni6t moveshyment in thi6 countlL~ compo6 edo 6 BaJtltio OJtganizingCommit~ee6 (BOC6) to mobilize the baJtJrio people fiott active involvemen~ in ~helLeVolu~ion ~he BaJtJtio RevoluilonalLtj Commi~tee6 BRC61 ~o act a6 Imiddotlocal goveJtnshyment6 in balLJtio6 eon6idelLed a6 CPP NPA



- 19 shy

bailiwickll the (lJoltkeJt6 OJtganizing Comshymitteell (WOCll) to middotoltganize WOltkeirll 6ltom all AectOltll the School Oltganizing Comshymitteell (SOC61 to conduct agitaliorl and pltopaganda activitie6 and help in the expandion 06 ~4ontg4oUp6 among the dtudentlty and the CommunityOJrganizi~g Committeell (COC6) which opeJtate in the ultban altea6 in the 6ame manneJt a) the BOCll bull

WHEREAS the Itebellion and a4med aclion undeltshytaken by the6elawlellll element606 the communl6t and othelt altmed aggltupailonll oltganlzedto oveltthltow the Republic o~ the PhiUppinei bq altmedviolenceand 60ltce have a66umed the magnitude On an actual 6tate 06 walt agalnlltoult people and the RepubliC 06 the


NOW THEREfORE I FER-VI NANV E MARCOS Pltelli shydenton the Phllippinell by vilttue 06 the poweM vellted upon me by Aldlcle VII I Section 10 PaltagJraph (2) 06 the Conlltitutiondo heJteby placethe entllte PhiUppinell a6 denined in AItticle I Sectlon 1 06 the Conlltitutian undelt malttial law and in my capacity a4 thellt c6mmandelt-in-chiefi do helteby commandthe altmed 60ltCell 06the Phllippine6 to maintainmiddotlaw and oJrdelt thltoughout the Phllippine6 pltevent Olt JuppJre611 all 60ltm6 06 lawlell6 v-tolence a6 well all anq act 0n inllUltltection Olt Itebellion and to en60ltce obedienceto atl the laWllandto all declteet oJtdeltll andltegulationll pltomulgated by me petrll 0nally oJt upo n my dlJtecUo n~

In addition I do helteby oltdelt that allpelt6on6 pltell ently detalned a6 well Mall otheltll who may heltea-6telt ite llimilaltly detained6olt the cJrimell oflnshyllultltectionoJt Jtebellion and all othelt cltimellanda6-middot 6enlle6 committed in6uJttheltance OfLon the occa61on thelteo Lolt incident thelteto Olt in co nnculion thelteshywith b0If cJtime6 ag alnllt natlonal II ecuJrity and the law 06 nationll Cltimell again6t public oltdelt CUme6 involving ull ultpailo n 06 atftholtlty Jtank title and lmpltopelt ulle on name6 unL60ltmll andln6ignia cltime6 commlttedmiddot by public 06 fiicelt6 and 601t lluch otheltcJrimell a6 will be enunieltated in OltdelLb that I II halt 6 ub6 eq uentty pltomulg ate all welt a6cJrime6 Maconllequence 06 any violation 06 any

decltee oltdelt olt Itegulation pltomulgated by me pelt6onatly alt pltomutgated upon mydiltecilon 6hall be kept undelt detenshytioY until otheltwi6e oltdelted ltetea6ed by me Olt by my duly de-61gnated lLeplLe-6 erutJcct-ive ~

- 20


~4~ 1l0BERTO V REYES Acting Executive Secretary

Page 8: Proclamation no 1081

- shy

intimidation-6 tlleacheIlY machinailon-6 aM on-6 plun-dell4 and deplledailon4 committed and be-ing committed by the an 0lle4 aid lawle44 elemenu Who have pledg ed to the whole Itailon that they will not 4top theillda6shytalldly ennollt and4cheme unill and unle66 they have 6ully attuned thull pUmall and ulilmate pUllp06e on nOIlcibly 6eizing political and 6tate powell in thi6 countllY by ovellth~owing oUllplle6ent duly con6t-ituted govellnmel1t by de-6tlloying oull democllat-ic way on line and OUIl e6tabli-6hed 6 eculall and lleligiou6 bt6titution6 and belie66 and by6upplant-ing oull exi6t-ing political 6ocial economic legal and mOIla1 olldell with an entilleshyly new one who6e nOllm on govellnment who6enotion On individual Ilighu and 6amily llelailon6 aYid who6e poshylitical -6oual economic and mollal plleepu aile ba-6ed on the Mallxi-6t-Lenin-i-6t-Maoi6t teaching6 altd belien6

WHEREAS the Suplleme Coullt in it-6 6aid deci6ion concluded thatithe unlaw6ul act-iviile-6 06 the a60lle-6aid lawle64 element6 actually pO6e a eleall plle6ent and gllave dangell to public 4a6ety and the 6ecullity 06 the nation and in 6UppOllt 06 that conclu-6ion 60und that

x x x the ExecuUve had innOllmation altd llepollu--6 ub6 eq uently co nnillmed in many Ilehshypect-6 by the above~meniloned Repollt 06 the Senate Ad Hbc Committe~~on Seven-to ~he ei6ect that the Commun-i-6t Ptiltty 06 the Philippine6 doe-6 not mellely adhelle to Leninh idea on a 6w-i6t allrned uplli6ing that -it ha-6 al6o adoptedHo Chi Minh6 tellllolli6t tact-i~ and lle6ollted l

to the a-O6a6-6ination 06 uncoopellative local o66icial4 that in line with thi-6 polic the in6ullgent6 have killed 5 rnaOM 20 ballllio capshytain-6 and 3 chien6 on pol-ice that thelle welle nO ullteen (I 4) meani ng 6ul b0 mbi ng il1cide I1U il1 the G~eatell Maltila allea in 1970 thdt the Con4shyiltutional Convenilon Hall wa6 bombed on June 12 1971 that -6oon a6tell the Plaza Milla~da incident the NAWASA mun pipe at the Quezon

City-San Juan boundall wa6 bombed that this wa4 60llowed cio6ely by the bombing 06 the Manila Cit Hall the COMELEC Building theConglle64Bu-ilding and the MERALCO 4 ub-4tatirm at Cubao Quezon City ancLltthat thelle6 pective lle-6idence4 06 Senatoll Jo~~ J Roy and Conglle66rnan EduaAdo Cojuan~co welle l-ikewi-6e bombed a-6 welle the MERALCO mult o66-ice pllem-i6e6 along OIlt-iga6 Avenue and the VOctoll-6 Phallmaceutical-6 I nco BUild~ n in Caloocan City


J V_-


- 9 shy

x x x the Iteoltgani zed Communifjt Paltty 06 the Phiippine-6 hCt4 molteovelt adopted Maoo concept 06 pltotltacted peope-6 walt aimed at the pa~aization 06 the wi to lteJJiot 06 the goveltnment 06 the poUticaeconomic and intellectual eadelt-6hip and 06 the people them6eve6 ~hat con6oltmaby to 1 uch co ncept the Paltty ha6 paced6 pecia e~pha6i6 upon a moot exten6ive and inten6ive

pltogltam 06 oubveltoion by the e6tabll6hment 06 6ltont oltganizationo in ultban centelt6 the oltganization 06 altmed city palttihanh and the in6itltation in 6tudent gItOUp6 abok unionh and 6altmelt and pIt06e6hionagltpUpo that the CPP hah managed to in6itltateolt e6tabioh and contltol nine (9) majolt abolt oltganization6that it hah expoited the youth movement arid hucceededin making Communiht 61t0nto 06 eeven (11 J majolt 6tudent Olt youth oltganization6 that thelte alte accoltdingfy about thiltty (30)mah6 oltganization6 actively advancing the CPpintelteot6 among which middotalte the Malayang Samashyhan ng Magoa6aka (MASAKA) ~he Kabata~ng Makashybayan (KMJ the Movement 601t the Advancement 06 Nationai6m(MAN) the SamahangVemokltatiko ng Kabataan (SOK) ~he Samahang Moave(SM)and the Mafayang Pagkakapoundoa ng Kabataang Piishypine (MPKP) that M 06 Aug U-6 t 1971 the KM had two hundlted 6olttY-6ive (245) opeltationaf

middotchaptelt6 thltoughout the Phiippineh 00 which oeventy-thltee (13) weltein the Glteatelt Mania Allea oixty (60) in Noktheltn Luzon 60ltty nine (491 in Centltai Luzrm noltty-two (421 in the Vi6aya6 and twenty-one (21) in Mindanao and Sutu that in 1910 the PlLltty had Itecoltded two hundlted 6i6ty-eight (258) majolt demon6tltashytiCn6 06 which about thiltty-thltee (33) ended in violence lte6 utting in 6i6teen (1 5) llti lRed and ovelt 6ive hundlted (5001 injulted tha~ moo t 06 the6 e actio 110 welte oltgani zed co oltdishynated ali led by the aooltementioned 6ltont oltgashynization6 that the violent demon6tltation6 welte 9eneltally in6 tigated by a 6 mall but wellshytltained gltoup 06 altmed agitatolth that the numbelt 06 demon6tltation6 heltet060lte htagedmiddotin 1911 hao allteady exceeded tho6e 06 1910 and that twenty-60ult (24) 06 the6e demon6tltationo welte violent and lte6ulted in the death 06 6i6teen (15 pelt6ono and the injulty 06 many molte



Sub6equen-t even-t6 x x x have at6o pltoven x x x the -thltea-t -to pubt~c 6a6e-ty pO6ed by -the New Peopte4 Altmy Indeed ~-t appealt6-tha-t 6~nce Augu6-t 21 1971 ~-t had ~n Nolt-theltn Luzon 6~x 61 enco untelt6 and gt -tagedo ne (1) Ita~d ~n co ngt equenc e6 06 wh~ch gt even 71 6 otd~elt6 ta6 t the~1t t~v e6 and -two (2) o-thelt6 welte wounded wheltea6 -the poundn6U4gent6 6u66elted 6~ve (5) ca6uatt~e6 that on Augu6t 26 1971 a wett-altmed gltoup 06 NPA tlta~ned by de6ectolt Lto V~ctOIt COltpU6 attacked the velty command PO6t 06 TF LAWIN ~n I6abeta de6t1toy~ng twa 2 het~copteM and one (I) ptane~ and wound~ng one (I) 6otdielt that the NPA had ~n Centltat Luzon a totat 06 60ult (4)encounteM w~th twa (2] kitted and thltee 3) wounded on the 6~de 06 the Goveltnment one (1) BSVU killed and thltee 3 KM-SDK teadeltan un~dent~6~ed d~66ident and Commal1delt Panch~to teadelt 06 the d166ident gltoupwelte k~tted that on Augu6t Z6 1971 thelte wa6an encauntelL ~n the baltlt~o 06 San Pedlto IJt~ga CityCamaJtine6 SUit between the PC and the MPA ~n whpoundch a PC and two fZ) KM membelt6 weJte k~tted that the eultltent digttuJtbance6in Cotabato and the Lanao PJtov~nce6 have bee~ Itendelted mOJte complex by the ~nvatveme~t 06 the CPP7NPA60It ~n mid-1971 a KM gltOUp headed by Javencio E6paltagoza contacted the Higa onan tltibe6 in theilt 6etUement ~n Mag6ay6ay Mi6ami6 Oltientat and a66eJted them bookgt pamphtetgtand bltochulte6 06 Mao T6e Tung a6 wetta6conducted teach-in6 in the Itell eltvat~o n that E6paJtaga za Wa6 Itepolttedty kitted an Septembelt 22 1971in an opeltatian 06the PC in 6aid lte6eltvation and that thelte alte naw two (Zl NPA cadlte6 in Mindanao

lIt 6houtd at6o be no-ted -tha-t adhelten-t6 06 the CPP and itgt 6lto nt oltganizat~on6 alte accaltd~ng to intettigence 6inding6 de6initety capabte 06 pltepalting powelt6ut expto6ive6 out 06 tocatty ava~tabte mateJtiat6 -that -the bamb U6ed ~n the Can6-titu-tianat Canven-tian Hatt wa6 a ClaymoJte mine a powelt6ul explo6ive dev~ce a4ed by -the US Altmy believed -to have been one 06 many p~l6elted nltam the Subic Naval Baoe a 6ew dalj6 benjJ0Jte




- 11 shy

th~t the P~ehident h~d ~eeeived inteiiigenee in60~mation to the e6neet that the4e WaA a Juiy-Augu~t Pian involving a wave 06 ~~~ aA~inationh kidnapping6 te~~oshy~i6 m and ma~6 deldlwelion 0n plLopelLty and th~t ~n extlLao~din~ILY oeeulLenee would ~ign~i the beginning 06 ~~id event--that the ~athelL ~e~iou~ eondilion 06 pe~ee ~ndo~de~ in Minshydanao palLtieula~ly in Cotabato and L~nao demanded the plLe6 utee the~ein 0 -6 no~eeh hu6 6ishyeient to eope with the 6ituation that a hishyzeable pa~t 06 ou~ alLmed 60~ee~ di6ehalLge6 othLIL 6uneticn6 and that the expan6ion 06 the CPP aetivLU e6 6~om CentlLal Luzon to othelL palLt6 06 the eount~y pa~tieulalLly M~nil~ and iU 6 ubulLb6 I the Cagaq~n Valley 1~ugao Zamshybaleh L~guna Quezon and the Bieol Region ~equilLed that the ~e6t ~6 OUIL a~med-6olLee6 be op~ead thin dvelL a wide a~ea

WHEREAS in the unwavelLing p~ooeeution 06 theilL ~evoluliona~y wa~ againht the Filipino peopleand thei~ duly eon~tituted gove~nment the a60lLeoaJd l~wie66 element6 have in the month6 06 May June and Juiy 1972 6 ucceeded in b~inging ~nd int~o dueing into the count~y ~t Vigoyo Point Pal~n~n 1o~beta and at othe~ undetelLmined point6 along the P~ci6ic eoa6tl~e 06 Luzon a 6ub6tantial quantity 06 wa~ matViJl eon6ioting 06 M-14 ~i61e6 eotimated to be o0me 3500 pieee6 6evOtal dozen~ 06 40 mm ~oeket launehe~ whieh ~lLe 6aid to be Chieom eopieo 06 ~ Ruooi~n p~ototype ~oeket launehe~ l~lLge quantiUeo on 80 mm 1L0eket6 and ~mmunition6 and othe~ eombat pa~aphe~naiia 0-6 whieh wa~ matelLil 6 ome had been di6eovelLed and eaptuhed by govelLnment militalLy 60~shyee~ and the b~ingi~g and int~oduetion 06 6ueh quanshytity and type 06 wa~ matelLi i into the eountlLlj i6 a mute but eloquent plLoofi 06 the 6iniotelL pian 06 the ano~eshyoaid lawle66 elemento to haAten the e6e~lation 06 theilL plLe6 ent ~evoeutiona~lj wa~ againot the Filipino peopleand thei~ legitimate gove~nment

WHEREAS in the exeeution 00 thei~ ove~ail ~eshyvolutiona~y pian the a60lLeoaJd lawle66 elemento hav e p~epalLed and ~eeeao ed to thei~ vauouo 6Jeld ~ornmdde46 dnd Pd~ZY wo~ke~ d do~urnent ~dP~O~


- 12 shy

REGIONAL PROGRAM OF ACTION 1912 a copy 06 which wa6 captuJted by elementamp 06 the 116th and 119th PhIlIppIne ConatahulaJty Companleamp on June 18 1912 at BaJtJtio Tating6ing CoJtdon whl ch Jtea6 aIl 60110w6

IaabeRa the text 06



The allowing Refjianal PJtogJtam 06 Acshytlon 60Jt 1972 i6 pJtepaJted to be caJtJtied out a6 paJtt 06 the oveJtall plan06 the paJtty to noment di6 co ntent and pJtecepitatethe Ude 06 nationwide rna6) JtevoluUon The 6aci6t MaJtco6 middotand hl6JteacUonaJtY membeJt6 06 CongshyJte66 i6 expected to pJtepaJte them6elve6 noJt the 1973 hence

JanuaJty - June

10 Inten6i6Y JtecJtuitment 06 new piJttymembe1t6 e6 peually 6Jtom the woJtkeJt6- 6aJtmeJto clall6 0 CadJte6 aJLe bung tJtuned In oJtdeJt to oJtganlze the dl66eJLent JteglonaR buJteau6 The6 e bUJteau6 mU6t concentJtate on ma66 action and oJtfjanlzation to pJtomote advancement 06 the mM6 JtevoRuilonaICY movement Re6elence io madt to the BoJtadoJt ngPJtagJtama 6a Pagkllo6 at Ulat ng Panllpunang Pag6161Yd6 at M apshypJtoved by the CentJtdl Committeeo

2 RecJtuit etnd tJtun aJtmed uty paJttI~ 6anamp and uJtban gueJtJtiRla6 and oJtganize them into unit6 undeJt PaJtty cadJte6 and activi6u 06 rna66 04g anI zatio n6 bull The6 e unit6 mU6t und eJtshygo 6peuallzed tJtaining an explo6ive6 and deshymoliUon and 0the4 60Jtm6 06 ~abotage

3 Inten6i6y JteclLuitmentand tJtaiyungon new membeM 60Jt the NewPeople6 AJLmy in pJtepaJtatlon 60Jt llmited o66enlllve in 6elected aJtea6 In the Jtegion6

4 SuppoJtt a mltl~e aggJte66ive p40gJtam on agltation and pJtopaganda again6t the JteactionaJty aJtmed 60JtCM and again6t the Con Can

July - Aug U6t

VuJting thio peJtiod the paJtty expectll the puppet MaJtco6 goveJtnment to allow inlrt

- 13 shy

clteao e in bUb Itateb th u6 ag 9Ita vating 6ultth elt the plight 06 ftudenu WOltkelth and the 6altshymeltb 0

1 All Regional Paltty CJJmmitteeb mUbt plan nolt a geneltal ftltike movement The Reshygional Opeltational Commandb mubt plan 60lt altmed bUppOltt i6 the 6abcibt altmed 6oltceb 06 Maltcob will tlty to intimidate the oppltebbed Filipino maob eb 0

2 Conduct babotage agdinbt bchoolb collegeb and univeltbitieb hiking tuition 6eeb o

3 Conductb ab 0tag e and agltati 0 n ag ainb t puppet judgeb and COUlttb lealtning iCabeb againbt top paltty leadeM

4 Clteate Itegional chaoband diboltdelt to dltamatize the inability 06 the 6abcibtMaltshyCOb goveltnment to keep and maintain peace and oltdelt thltu

al RobbekY and hold-up 06 bankb contltolled by Ameltican impeltialif~b and thobe belonging to the enemieb ou the people

lib) At~ack militalty ca~pb US baf eb and tow nh bull

c) Molte violent f tltikeb and deshym0 nb tltati 0 nb bull

Septembelt - Octobelt

r ncite af e i ntenb ity 0 6 J io len ce dif 0 ltdelt and con6u6ion

11ntenfi6Y fabotage and bombing 06 g oveltnment buildingf and embabhie6 and otheltutilitieb

al Co ng lte66 b) Suplteme COUltt lie) Con Con d) City Hall e) US Embabb (f 6 ) FacLfitieb 06 us Bab ef g) PlIovincial Capitotbh) Powel[ Plant6

- 14 shy

Z SpoJradic attackhmiddot an camph toWnh and cideh

3 Ahhahhinate high goveJrnment 06biualh 06 CongJrehh JudiciaJrY Con Con and pJrivate individual6 6ympathetic to puppet MaJrc06

4 E6tablihh pJrovihional ltevolutionaJrY goveJrnment in town6 and udeh with the 6UppOJrt a6 the ma66 e6

5 With the 6ympathetic hUPP0Jrt 06 ouJr allie6 ehtabli6h pJrovi6ional pJrovincial Ite- volutionaJrY goveJrnment6


WHEREAS in line with theiJr REGIOMAL PROGRAM OF ACTION 1912 the a60Jre6aid lawleh6 elemenu have 06 late been conducting inten6i6ied act6 06 violence and teJrltolti6 m6 duting the cultJrent yealt in the glteaLea Manila aJrea huch a6 the bombing on the AJrca buildpoundng at Ta6t Avenue Pa6ay City on MaJrch 15 Obthe Fllpoundshypina6 Otient AJriway6 b oaltd JrO am at Vomell tic Road Pah ay City on ApJril 23 06 the VLetname6e Emba66Y on May 30 06 the COUJrt 06 IndU6ttial Relationll on June 23 06 the Philippine TJru6t Company bJranch on6ice in Cubao Quezon City on June 24 06 the Philamli6ebuildng at United Nation6 Avenue Manila on July 3 06 theTashybacalelta CigaJr amp CigaJrette FactoJry Compound at MaJrquezde ComLeea6 Manila on July 21 06 the PLVT exchange066ice at Ea6t Avenue Quezon City and 06 the Philipshypine SagaJr In6titute building at Noltth Avenue Vilishyman Quezon City both on Auga6t 15 06 the Vepalttshyment 06 Soual Wel6alte building at San Ra6ael StJreet Sampaloc Manila on Augu6t 11 06a wateJr main on AUJrolta BoulevaJrd and Madi60l1 Aven(te Quezon City on AugU6t 19 06 the Philamli6e building againon Auguht 30 thi6 time cau6ing 6 eveJre de6tJruction on the FaJr Ea6t Bank and TJrU6t Company building neaJrby 06 the aJrmoJred caJr and building 06 the Philippine Banking CoJrshypoltatiolt It6 well a6 the building6 06 the I nve6tment Vevelopment Inc and the Vaily StaJr Publicatiolt6 when anotheJr explo6ion took place on Railltoad StJreet P~ltt Altea Maniia al60 on AugU6t 30 06 ]oell VepaJrtment StoJre on CaJrltiedo Stlteet Quiapo ManLta 011 SeptembeJr 5 ~aubull ing death to 0 ne woman an d in]uJUeh to 0mj(


- 15 shy

individuaL6 and 06 the City Hall 06 Manila on Septshyembe~ 8 06 the wate~main~ in San Juan Rizal on

Sept 12 00 the San Miguel building in Maf2ati Rtzal an Sept 14 and 0 6 the Quezon City Hal on Septembe~ 18 1972 a~ well a~ the attempted bombing 06 the Cong~e~gt Build-Lrg on July 1g when iln un- exploded bomb Wd6~ bound in the Senate publication Vivigtioi and the attempted bombing 00 the Vepa~tment 06 Fo~eign A66a(Jtgt an Aug ugtt 30ltgt

WHEREAS in line with the ~ame REGIONAL PROGshyRAM OF ACTION 1972 the a60~igtaid lawlu6 elemenu have algto 6ielded in the G~eate~ Manila a~ea ~eve~al o6 thei~ Spli~~ow Unittgt o~ SimbadUniu to unde~shytake liquidaUon mLl~ion~ )lgain6t ~anking gove~nmel1tOn 6iualo milita~y peugtJ1nel and p~ominent utizengt and to ou~the~ heighten the degtt~ucUongt and dep~eshydationgt al~eady inolicted by them upon ou~ innocent people all on which a~e being delibe~atety done -to 60W te~~o~ 6eal and chao6 among6t ou~ population and to make the gove~nment look 60 helplegtgt and incapable 06 p~otecUng the livegt and p~opeJrty 00 ou~ people

WHEREAS in addiUon to the above- de~c~ibed gtocial digtoftde~ thelte i-6 algto the equally 6eUOM digto~de~ in Mil1danao al1d Sula Iegtulting n~om the ungtettled conshy6lict between ce~tain elemenu a6 the Ch~igtUan and Mugtlim popalaUon 00 Mindanao and Salu betweenthe Chftigttian lfIlagao and themiddot MugtlimBa~~acudM and between ou~ goveftnment tftoopgt and cefttain lawlegtgt oftganizatioftgt 6adl a6 the Mindanao I ndeperidence Movement

WHERUS the Mindanao I ndependence Movement with tlle actiue matefI-Lal aJid 6inancial agtgtihtance 06 60fteign political and economic inte~e6t6 i6 engaged in an open and unconcealed attempt to egttabli6h by violence and foftce a 6 epaJtate and independent polLtical 6tate out 06 the i6land6 06 Mil1danao and Sula which a~e ~igt~ to~ically politically and bylaw paftu 06 the te~fI-Lshyto~ie6 and within the ju~i6diction and 6oveJteignty 06 the Republic 06 the Philippinegt

WHEREAS becaugte 06 the a60fte6aid di6o~de~ ~eshy6ulting 6ftom a~med clagthe6 killinggt magt6ac~egt a~shy60116 ~ape6piltage6 de6t~ucUon 06 whole village6 and tOWngt and the inevitable cegtgt ation on agfticultukal and indugttttial ope~aUongt all 06 which have been bftought about by the violence in6ticted by the ChfI-Lgtshyiian6 the M1L6lim6 the Ilaga6 the BattJlacuda6 and the Mindanao Independence Movement again6t ea~


otheh and aga-in6t ou1t goveltnment tltOOP6 a glteat many paltt6 06 the -i6land6 06 M-indanao and Sulu alte v-ihtually noW -in a 6tate On a~tual walt

WHEREAS the v-iolent d-i6oltdelt -in Mandanao and Sulu ha6 todate lte6ulted -in the k-ill-ing 06 oveiL 1000 c-iv-il-ian6 and about 2 000 altmed mu6l-im6 and ~hlti6 t-ian6 not to ment-io n themolte than 6-ive hund middot Ited thou6and on -injulted di6pla~ed and homele66 peM a n6 a6 well a6 the glteat numb elt o~ ca6ualt-ie6 among ou1t goveltnmenttltDOp6 and the paltal-lzat-ion a6 the e~onomy 06 M-indanao and Sulu

WHEREAS be~au6e 06 the ~oltego-ingact6 oampaJtmedmiddot -in6 uJtJte~tLo n wa nto n d e6tltuct-io n 06 humanl-ive6 and pltopeltty unabated andunlte6tlta-inedpltopagandaatshytack6 aga-in6 t the gov eltnm ent and -it6in6t-itutlo n6 -in6thumental-itie-4 agenc-ie6 and 06 6-ic-ial6middot and the Itap-idly expand-ing ltank6 06 the a60lteJa-id lawleA6 elemenU andbe~au6 e on the 6 plteadb1g lawle66 ne66 and analt~hy thltoughout the land allan which have plteventedthe goveltnment tomiddot exeltc-i6e it6 autholt-ity extend to -iu c-it-iz enlty the pltotect-io n a6it6 law6 and -in 9 eneltalexeltci6 e-iu 6 ov elte-ig ntg ovelt cr 06 -it6 teltlt-itofL-ie6 cau6 ed 6 eJr-iou6 demoltal-izattcn arnO ng ou1t people and have made the publ-ic applteltJ16-ive and 6ealt 6u1 and n-intilly becau6 e publ-ic oiLd elt and 6 a6 ety and the 6ecuIt-ity 06 th-i6 nation demandthttt -immediate 6wf6t de~i6 -iv e and e6 6ect-ive act-io n be taken to pltotect and -in6ulte the pea~e oltdviand QecuIL-ity 06 the ~ountlty and -it6 populat-ionand tomiddot ma-intain the autholL-ity 06 the goveJtnmenti


WHER EAS -in ca6 e6 a6 -inva6 -io n -in6 uILlte~t-io n 0 It Itebell-ion olt -imminent dangelt thelte06 I a6 PILe6-ident 06 the Ph-iLLpp-ine6 haveundelt the Cont-itut-ion thlteecotlJt6e6 06 act-ion open to me namely (a) ~all out themiddot altmed 60ltce6 to QuppILe6Q the pILe6 ent law le66 v-iolence (bJ QuQpend the plt-ivUege 06 the Wlt-it 06 habea6 ~Oltpu6 to make the aJtlte6t and appheshyhen6-ion 06 the6cz lawle66elemenu eaQ-ieIL and mOILe e66ect-ive OIL (c) place the -ph-il-ipp-ine6 oltany paILt thelteo 6 undelt maftt-ial law

WHEREAS 1 have allteady ut-il-ized the n-ilt6t two coulL6 e6 06 action bDrQt by caUingupon the altm~

- 11 shy

nolteeo to owpplteo6 the a60Jte6aid lawleoo violenee eommittingto that 6peei nie job almoot 50 06 the entilte altmed noltee6 06 the eountlty and elteating 6 eveshyItal tao k noltee6 nolt that pUltpO6 e 6 ueh a6 Tct6 k i Foltee Saltanay Ta6k Foltee Palanan Ta6k Foltee l6altog Ta6k Foltee Pagkakai6a and Ta6k Foltee Lanean and 6eeond by 6u6pending the pltivilege On the wltit 06 habeao eo Itpuo on Aug uamp t 2 1197 1 up to Janualtlj 1912 but (116 pite 0 n all th at both e 0ultJ) e6 0 6 aell0 n weJte nound inadequate and inefinectiveto eontain muehleo6 6olve the plteJ)ent Jtebellion and lawleoone66 in the

eountltlj a6 J)hown by the naet that

1 The ltadieal lefit ha6 inelteaoed the numbelt an d altea 06 0 peltati-onofi it66Ito nt oltg ani zatioM and ha6 inten6ifiiedthe iteeltuitshyment and tltainlng 06 newadheltentf in the ultban and Itultal altea6 e6peeially oltom among the youth

z The Kabataang Makabayan(KM)) the mO6t milishytant and out6poken filtont oltganization06 the Itadieal lent haf ineltea6edthe numbelt 06 it6 chapteltJ) 6ltom 200 ao on the end 06 1910 to 311 at on July 31 1912 and It6 membeJt6hip nltom 10000 af 06 the end 061910 to 15000 a6middot 06 the end On July 1972 6ltowing velty eleanly the Itapidgltowth on the eommuniJ)t movement inthi6 eountlty

3 The Samahang Vema kltailko Ng KabatClan SVK anothelt militant and outJ)poken JLDntOItshyganization on theltadieal lent ha6 al60 ineltea6 ed the numbelt 06 itf ehapteJt6nltom an in6ignifiieantnumbelt at the end 061910 to 159 a6 06 the end 0 f Jul 1972 and ha6 noW a membeltamphip 06 ampome1495 highly inshydoetJtinated intenampely committed and almoft nanatieally devoted indlvidual6

4 The New Peopleamp Altmy the mO6t active and the mOft vlolentandltuthle~6militalty altm On the Itadicat lent hao inclteao ed it6total J)tltength nltoman e~timated6500 (eompoJ)ed on 560 ltegulalt6 1500 combat fUPPOltt and 4400 HltvU huppolt-t) a o Jaualt~



- 1 g shy

~o abou~7900 (eompohed 06 1028 lLegulalL4 1 to a eomba~ 4 upptlr~ anfi 5025 helLviee hUppOlL~) ah 06 Jul~ 31 1972 ~howing a malL~ed inelLea4e in iu ltegulalL ~lLOOp6 on OVlllL 100 in 6ueh a 6hot~ peltiad 06 ~ixmiddotmon~h6

50 The e6~abli~hment 06 ~ane~ualtie6 60lL ~he i~ ultg en~6 in I6 ab ela in Zambale6 in CamalLine6SUlL and in 6 ome palLt6 06 Mindashynao~ adevelopmen~ helLe~06olte unknown in oulL eampaign agaln6t 6ubvelL6ioft and in6UlLshygeney in ~hi6 eoun~lL~

6 The di6appealLanee and dlLopping ou~ 06 6ehool 06 6ome 3000 high 6ehool and eoLLege 6~Ushydent6 and who alLe lLepolL~ed ~o have joined wi~h ~he in6 ultg ent6 fi alL ~lLaining in ~he handling on 6ilLealLm6 and explo6ive6

7 The blLinging and intlLoduetlon ln~q~he eoun~lL~ 06 6ub6~an~ial walL ma~elLial eonshy6i6ting 06 mili~alLtj halLdwalte and 6upplie6

middotthlLough the MV KalLagatan at V-Lgoljo Point Palanan l6abela and ~he naet ~ha~ mantj 06 ~he6e miUtalt~ haltdwaJte and 6upplie6 alte now in ~he hand6 ofi themiddot in6UlLgen~6 and alLe being U6ed agal~~ oulL govelLnrnent ~lLOOp6

8 The in6iltlLation and eon~lLol 06 ~he media b~ pelt6on6 who alte ~tjmpathe~ie ~o ~he in6 UlLg ent6 and the eo 116 eq uen~ in~en~ L6i cailon 06 theilt plLopagimda a6~aultagain~~ ~he goveltnmen~ and ~he miUtalt~ e6tabli6hshyment on ~he govetnmen~o

9 The noltma~iona~ ~he glta66-lLoot level 06 IIpolitical poweJt olLgan6 helLetonOlLe an- flnown in ~he hi6~otyon theCommuni6t moveshyment in thi6 countlL~ compo6 edo 6 BaJtltio OJtganizingCommit~ee6 (BOC6) to mobilize the baJtJrio people fiott active involvemen~ in ~helLeVolu~ion ~he BaJtJtio RevoluilonalLtj Commi~tee6 BRC61 ~o act a6 Imiddotlocal goveJtnshyment6 in balLJtio6 eon6idelLed a6 CPP NPA



- 19 shy

bailiwickll the (lJoltkeJt6 OJtganizing Comshymitteell (WOCll) to middotoltganize WOltkeirll 6ltom all AectOltll the School Oltganizing Comshymitteell (SOC61 to conduct agitaliorl and pltopaganda activitie6 and help in the expandion 06 ~4ontg4oUp6 among the dtudentlty and the CommunityOJrganizi~g Committeell (COC6) which opeJtate in the ultban altea6 in the 6ame manneJt a) the BOCll bull

WHEREAS the Itebellion and a4med aclion undeltshytaken by the6elawlellll element606 the communl6t and othelt altmed aggltupailonll oltganlzedto oveltthltow the Republic o~ the PhiUppinei bq altmedviolenceand 60ltce have a66umed the magnitude On an actual 6tate 06 walt agalnlltoult people and the RepubliC 06 the


NOW THEREfORE I FER-VI NANV E MARCOS Pltelli shydenton the Phllippinell by vilttue 06 the poweM vellted upon me by Aldlcle VII I Section 10 PaltagJraph (2) 06 the Conlltitutiondo heJteby placethe entllte PhiUppinell a6 denined in AItticle I Sectlon 1 06 the Conlltitutian undelt malttial law and in my capacity a4 thellt c6mmandelt-in-chiefi do helteby commandthe altmed 60ltCell 06the Phllippine6 to maintainmiddotlaw and oJrdelt thltoughout the Phllippine6 pltevent Olt JuppJre611 all 60ltm6 06 lawlell6 v-tolence a6 well all anq act 0n inllUltltection Olt Itebellion and to en60ltce obedienceto atl the laWllandto all declteet oJtdeltll andltegulationll pltomulgated by me petrll 0nally oJt upo n my dlJtecUo n~

In addition I do helteby oltdelt that allpelt6on6 pltell ently detalned a6 well Mall otheltll who may heltea-6telt ite llimilaltly detained6olt the cJrimell oflnshyllultltectionoJt Jtebellion and all othelt cltimellanda6-middot 6enlle6 committed in6uJttheltance OfLon the occa61on thelteo Lolt incident thelteto Olt in co nnculion thelteshywith b0If cJtime6 ag alnllt natlonal II ecuJrity and the law 06 nationll Cltimell again6t public oltdelt CUme6 involving ull ultpailo n 06 atftholtlty Jtank title and lmpltopelt ulle on name6 unL60ltmll andln6ignia cltime6 commlttedmiddot by public 06 fiicelt6 and 601t lluch otheltcJrimell a6 will be enunieltated in OltdelLb that I II halt 6 ub6 eq uentty pltomulg ate all welt a6cJrime6 Maconllequence 06 any violation 06 any

decltee oltdelt olt Itegulation pltomulgated by me pelt6onatly alt pltomutgated upon mydiltecilon 6hall be kept undelt detenshytioY until otheltwi6e oltdelted ltetea6ed by me Olt by my duly de-61gnated lLeplLe-6 erutJcct-ive ~

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~4~ 1l0BERTO V REYES Acting Executive Secretary

Page 9: Proclamation no 1081

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x x x the Iteoltgani zed Communifjt Paltty 06 the Phiippine-6 hCt4 molteovelt adopted Maoo concept 06 pltotltacted peope-6 walt aimed at the pa~aization 06 the wi to lteJJiot 06 the goveltnment 06 the poUticaeconomic and intellectual eadelt-6hip and 06 the people them6eve6 ~hat con6oltmaby to 1 uch co ncept the Paltty ha6 paced6 pecia e~pha6i6 upon a moot exten6ive and inten6ive

pltogltam 06 oubveltoion by the e6tabll6hment 06 6ltont oltganizationo in ultban centelt6 the oltganization 06 altmed city palttihanh and the in6itltation in 6tudent gItOUp6 abok unionh and 6altmelt and pIt06e6hionagltpUpo that the CPP hah managed to in6itltateolt e6tabioh and contltol nine (9) majolt abolt oltganization6that it hah expoited the youth movement arid hucceededin making Communiht 61t0nto 06 eeven (11 J majolt 6tudent Olt youth oltganization6 that thelte alte accoltdingfy about thiltty (30)mah6 oltganization6 actively advancing the CPpintelteot6 among which middotalte the Malayang Samashyhan ng Magoa6aka (MASAKA) ~he Kabata~ng Makashybayan (KMJ the Movement 601t the Advancement 06 Nationai6m(MAN) the SamahangVemokltatiko ng Kabataan (SOK) ~he Samahang Moave(SM)and the Mafayang Pagkakapoundoa ng Kabataang Piishypine (MPKP) that M 06 Aug U-6 t 1971 the KM had two hundlted 6olttY-6ive (245) opeltationaf

middotchaptelt6 thltoughout the Phiippineh 00 which oeventy-thltee (13) weltein the Glteatelt Mania Allea oixty (60) in Noktheltn Luzon 60ltty nine (491 in Centltai Luzrm noltty-two (421 in the Vi6aya6 and twenty-one (21) in Mindanao and Sutu that in 1910 the PlLltty had Itecoltded two hundlted 6i6ty-eight (258) majolt demon6tltashytiCn6 06 which about thiltty-thltee (33) ended in violence lte6 utting in 6i6teen (1 5) llti lRed and ovelt 6ive hundlted (5001 injulted tha~ moo t 06 the6 e actio 110 welte oltgani zed co oltdishynated ali led by the aooltementioned 6ltont oltgashynization6 that the violent demon6tltation6 welte 9eneltally in6 tigated by a 6 mall but wellshytltained gltoup 06 altmed agitatolth that the numbelt 06 demon6tltation6 heltet060lte htagedmiddotin 1911 hao allteady exceeded tho6e 06 1910 and that twenty-60ult (24) 06 the6e demon6tltationo welte violent and lte6ulted in the death 06 6i6teen (15 pelt6ono and the injulty 06 many molte



Sub6equen-t even-t6 x x x have at6o pltoven x x x the -thltea-t -to pubt~c 6a6e-ty pO6ed by -the New Peopte4 Altmy Indeed ~-t appealt6-tha-t 6~nce Augu6-t 21 1971 ~-t had ~n Nolt-theltn Luzon 6~x 61 enco untelt6 and gt -tagedo ne (1) Ita~d ~n co ngt equenc e6 06 wh~ch gt even 71 6 otd~elt6 ta6 t the~1t t~v e6 and -two (2) o-thelt6 welte wounded wheltea6 -the poundn6U4gent6 6u66elted 6~ve (5) ca6uatt~e6 that on Augu6t 26 1971 a wett-altmed gltoup 06 NPA tlta~ned by de6ectolt Lto V~ctOIt COltpU6 attacked the velty command PO6t 06 TF LAWIN ~n I6abeta de6t1toy~ng twa 2 het~copteM and one (I) ptane~ and wound~ng one (I) 6otdielt that the NPA had ~n Centltat Luzon a totat 06 60ult (4)encounteM w~th twa (2] kitted and thltee 3) wounded on the 6~de 06 the Goveltnment one (1) BSVU killed and thltee 3 KM-SDK teadeltan un~dent~6~ed d~66ident and Commal1delt Panch~to teadelt 06 the d166ident gltoupwelte k~tted that on Augu6t Z6 1971 thelte wa6an encauntelL ~n the baltlt~o 06 San Pedlto IJt~ga CityCamaJtine6 SUit between the PC and the MPA ~n whpoundch a PC and two fZ) KM membelt6 weJte k~tted that the eultltent digttuJtbance6in Cotabato and the Lanao PJtov~nce6 have bee~ Itendelted mOJte complex by the ~nvatveme~t 06 the CPP7NPA60It ~n mid-1971 a KM gltOUp headed by Javencio E6paltagoza contacted the Higa onan tltibe6 in theilt 6etUement ~n Mag6ay6ay Mi6ami6 Oltientat and a66eJted them bookgt pamphtetgtand bltochulte6 06 Mao T6e Tung a6 wetta6conducted teach-in6 in the Itell eltvat~o n that E6paJtaga za Wa6 Itepolttedty kitted an Septembelt 22 1971in an opeltatian 06the PC in 6aid lte6eltvation and that thelte alte naw two (Zl NPA cadlte6 in Mindanao

lIt 6houtd at6o be no-ted -tha-t adhelten-t6 06 the CPP and itgt 6lto nt oltganizat~on6 alte accaltd~ng to intettigence 6inding6 de6initety capabte 06 pltepalting powelt6ut expto6ive6 out 06 tocatty ava~tabte mateJtiat6 -that -the bamb U6ed ~n the Can6-titu-tianat Canven-tian Hatt wa6 a ClaymoJte mine a powelt6ul explo6ive dev~ce a4ed by -the US Altmy believed -to have been one 06 many p~l6elted nltam the Subic Naval Baoe a 6ew dalj6 benjJ0Jte




- 11 shy

th~t the P~ehident h~d ~eeeived inteiiigenee in60~mation to the e6neet that the4e WaA a Juiy-Augu~t Pian involving a wave 06 ~~~ aA~inationh kidnapping6 te~~oshy~i6 m and ma~6 deldlwelion 0n plLopelLty and th~t ~n extlLao~din~ILY oeeulLenee would ~ign~i the beginning 06 ~~id event--that the ~athelL ~e~iou~ eondilion 06 pe~ee ~ndo~de~ in Minshydanao palLtieula~ly in Cotabato and L~nao demanded the plLe6 utee the~ein 0 -6 no~eeh hu6 6ishyeient to eope with the 6ituation that a hishyzeable pa~t 06 ou~ alLmed 60~ee~ di6ehalLge6 othLIL 6uneticn6 and that the expan6ion 06 the CPP aetivLU e6 6~om CentlLal Luzon to othelL palLt6 06 the eount~y pa~tieulalLly M~nil~ and iU 6 ubulLb6 I the Cagaq~n Valley 1~ugao Zamshybaleh L~guna Quezon and the Bieol Region ~equilLed that the ~e6t ~6 OUIL a~med-6olLee6 be op~ead thin dvelL a wide a~ea

WHEREAS in the unwavelLing p~ooeeution 06 theilL ~evoluliona~y wa~ againht the Filipino peopleand thei~ duly eon~tituted gove~nment the a60lLeoaJd l~wie66 element6 have in the month6 06 May June and Juiy 1972 6 ucceeded in b~inging ~nd int~o dueing into the count~y ~t Vigoyo Point Pal~n~n 1o~beta and at othe~ undetelLmined point6 along the P~ci6ic eoa6tl~e 06 Luzon a 6ub6tantial quantity 06 wa~ matViJl eon6ioting 06 M-14 ~i61e6 eotimated to be o0me 3500 pieee6 6evOtal dozen~ 06 40 mm ~oeket launehe~ whieh ~lLe 6aid to be Chieom eopieo 06 ~ Ruooi~n p~ototype ~oeket launehe~ l~lLge quantiUeo on 80 mm 1L0eket6 and ~mmunition6 and othe~ eombat pa~aphe~naiia 0-6 whieh wa~ matelLil 6 ome had been di6eovelLed and eaptuhed by govelLnment militalLy 60~shyee~ and the b~ingi~g and int~oduetion 06 6ueh quanshytity and type 06 wa~ matelLi i into the eountlLlj i6 a mute but eloquent plLoofi 06 the 6iniotelL pian 06 the ano~eshyoaid lawle66 elemento to haAten the e6e~lation 06 theilL plLe6 ent ~evoeutiona~lj wa~ againot the Filipino peopleand thei~ legitimate gove~nment

WHEREAS in the exeeution 00 thei~ ove~ail ~eshyvolutiona~y pian the a60lLeoaJd lawle66 elemento hav e p~epalLed and ~eeeao ed to thei~ vauouo 6Jeld ~ornmdde46 dnd Pd~ZY wo~ke~ d do~urnent ~dP~O~


- 12 shy

REGIONAL PROGRAM OF ACTION 1912 a copy 06 which wa6 captuJted by elementamp 06 the 116th and 119th PhIlIppIne ConatahulaJty Companleamp on June 18 1912 at BaJtJtio Tating6ing CoJtdon whl ch Jtea6 aIl 60110w6

IaabeRa the text 06



The allowing Refjianal PJtogJtam 06 Acshytlon 60Jt 1972 i6 pJtepaJted to be caJtJtied out a6 paJtt 06 the oveJtall plan06 the paJtty to noment di6 co ntent and pJtecepitatethe Ude 06 nationwide rna6) JtevoluUon The 6aci6t MaJtco6 middotand hl6JteacUonaJtY membeJt6 06 CongshyJte66 i6 expected to pJtepaJte them6elve6 noJt the 1973 hence

JanuaJty - June

10 Inten6i6Y JtecJtuitment 06 new piJttymembe1t6 e6 peually 6Jtom the woJtkeJt6- 6aJtmeJto clall6 0 CadJte6 aJLe bung tJtuned In oJtdeJt to oJtganlze the dl66eJLent JteglonaR buJteau6 The6 e bUJteau6 mU6t concentJtate on ma66 action and oJtfjanlzation to pJtomote advancement 06 the mM6 JtevoRuilonaICY movement Re6elence io madt to the BoJtadoJt ngPJtagJtama 6a Pagkllo6 at Ulat ng Panllpunang Pag6161Yd6 at M apshypJtoved by the CentJtdl Committeeo

2 RecJtuit etnd tJtun aJtmed uty paJttI~ 6anamp and uJtban gueJtJtiRla6 and oJtganize them into unit6 undeJt PaJtty cadJte6 and activi6u 06 rna66 04g anI zatio n6 bull The6 e unit6 mU6t und eJtshygo 6peuallzed tJtaining an explo6ive6 and deshymoliUon and 0the4 60Jtm6 06 ~abotage

3 Inten6i6y JteclLuitmentand tJtaiyungon new membeM 60Jt the NewPeople6 AJLmy in pJtepaJtatlon 60Jt llmited o66enlllve in 6elected aJtea6 In the Jtegion6

4 SuppoJtt a mltl~e aggJte66ive p40gJtam on agltation and pJtopaganda again6t the JteactionaJty aJtmed 60JtCM and again6t the Con Can

July - Aug U6t

VuJting thio peJtiod the paJtty expectll the puppet MaJtco6 goveJtnment to allow inlrt

- 13 shy

clteao e in bUb Itateb th u6 ag 9Ita vating 6ultth elt the plight 06 ftudenu WOltkelth and the 6altshymeltb 0

1 All Regional Paltty CJJmmitteeb mUbt plan nolt a geneltal ftltike movement The Reshygional Opeltational Commandb mubt plan 60lt altmed bUppOltt i6 the 6abcibt altmed 6oltceb 06 Maltcob will tlty to intimidate the oppltebbed Filipino maob eb 0

2 Conduct babotage agdinbt bchoolb collegeb and univeltbitieb hiking tuition 6eeb o

3 Conductb ab 0tag e and agltati 0 n ag ainb t puppet judgeb and COUlttb lealtning iCabeb againbt top paltty leadeM

4 Clteate Itegional chaoband diboltdelt to dltamatize the inability 06 the 6abcibtMaltshyCOb goveltnment to keep and maintain peace and oltdelt thltu

al RobbekY and hold-up 06 bankb contltolled by Ameltican impeltialif~b and thobe belonging to the enemieb ou the people

lib) At~ack militalty ca~pb US baf eb and tow nh bull

c) Molte violent f tltikeb and deshym0 nb tltati 0 nb bull

Septembelt - Octobelt

r ncite af e i ntenb ity 0 6 J io len ce dif 0 ltdelt and con6u6ion

11ntenfi6Y fabotage and bombing 06 g oveltnment buildingf and embabhie6 and otheltutilitieb

al Co ng lte66 b) Suplteme COUltt lie) Con Con d) City Hall e) US Embabb (f 6 ) FacLfitieb 06 us Bab ef g) PlIovincial Capitotbh) Powel[ Plant6

- 14 shy

Z SpoJradic attackhmiddot an camph toWnh and cideh

3 Ahhahhinate high goveJrnment 06biualh 06 CongJrehh JudiciaJrY Con Con and pJrivate individual6 6ympathetic to puppet MaJrc06

4 E6tablihh pJrovihional ltevolutionaJrY goveJrnment in town6 and udeh with the 6UppOJrt a6 the ma66 e6

5 With the 6ympathetic hUPP0Jrt 06 ouJr allie6 ehtabli6h pJrovi6ional pJrovincial Ite- volutionaJrY goveJrnment6


WHEREAS in line with theiJr REGIOMAL PROGRAM OF ACTION 1912 the a60Jre6aid lawleh6 elemenu have 06 late been conducting inten6i6ied act6 06 violence and teJrltolti6 m6 duting the cultJrent yealt in the glteaLea Manila aJrea huch a6 the bombing on the AJrca buildpoundng at Ta6t Avenue Pa6ay City on MaJrch 15 Obthe Fllpoundshypina6 Otient AJriway6 b oaltd JrO am at Vomell tic Road Pah ay City on ApJril 23 06 the VLetname6e Emba66Y on May 30 06 the COUJrt 06 IndU6ttial Relationll on June 23 06 the Philippine TJru6t Company bJranch on6ice in Cubao Quezon City on June 24 06 the Philamli6ebuildng at United Nation6 Avenue Manila on July 3 06 theTashybacalelta CigaJr amp CigaJrette FactoJry Compound at MaJrquezde ComLeea6 Manila on July 21 06 the PLVT exchange066ice at Ea6t Avenue Quezon City and 06 the Philipshypine SagaJr In6titute building at Noltth Avenue Vilishyman Quezon City both on Auga6t 15 06 the Vepalttshyment 06 Soual Wel6alte building at San Ra6ael StJreet Sampaloc Manila on Augu6t 11 06a wateJr main on AUJrolta BoulevaJrd and Madi60l1 Aven(te Quezon City on AugU6t 19 06 the Philamli6e building againon Auguht 30 thi6 time cau6ing 6 eveJre de6tJruction on the FaJr Ea6t Bank and TJrU6t Company building neaJrby 06 the aJrmoJred caJr and building 06 the Philippine Banking CoJrshypoltatiolt It6 well a6 the building6 06 the I nve6tment Vevelopment Inc and the Vaily StaJr Publicatiolt6 when anotheJr explo6ion took place on Railltoad StJreet P~ltt Altea Maniia al60 on AugU6t 30 06 ]oell VepaJrtment StoJre on CaJrltiedo Stlteet Quiapo ManLta 011 SeptembeJr 5 ~aubull ing death to 0 ne woman an d in]uJUeh to 0mj(


- 15 shy

individuaL6 and 06 the City Hall 06 Manila on Septshyembe~ 8 06 the wate~main~ in San Juan Rizal on

Sept 12 00 the San Miguel building in Maf2ati Rtzal an Sept 14 and 0 6 the Quezon City Hal on Septembe~ 18 1972 a~ well a~ the attempted bombing 06 the Cong~e~gt Build-Lrg on July 1g when iln un- exploded bomb Wd6~ bound in the Senate publication Vivigtioi and the attempted bombing 00 the Vepa~tment 06 Fo~eign A66a(Jtgt an Aug ugtt 30ltgt

WHEREAS in line with the ~ame REGIONAL PROGshyRAM OF ACTION 1972 the a60~igtaid lawlu6 elemenu have algto 6ielded in the G~eate~ Manila a~ea ~eve~al o6 thei~ Spli~~ow Unittgt o~ SimbadUniu to unde~shytake liquidaUon mLl~ion~ )lgain6t ~anking gove~nmel1tOn 6iualo milita~y peugtJ1nel and p~ominent utizengt and to ou~the~ heighten the degtt~ucUongt and dep~eshydationgt al~eady inolicted by them upon ou~ innocent people all on which a~e being delibe~atety done -to 60W te~~o~ 6eal and chao6 among6t ou~ population and to make the gove~nment look 60 helplegtgt and incapable 06 p~otecUng the livegt and p~opeJrty 00 ou~ people

WHEREAS in addiUon to the above- de~c~ibed gtocial digtoftde~ thelte i-6 algto the equally 6eUOM digto~de~ in Mil1danao al1d Sula Iegtulting n~om the ungtettled conshy6lict between ce~tain elemenu a6 the Ch~igtUan and Mugtlim popalaUon 00 Mindanao and Salu betweenthe Chftigttian lfIlagao and themiddot MugtlimBa~~acudM and between ou~ goveftnment tftoopgt and cefttain lawlegtgt oftganizatioftgt 6adl a6 the Mindanao I ndeperidence Movement

WHERUS the Mindanao I ndependence Movement with tlle actiue matefI-Lal aJid 6inancial agtgtihtance 06 60fteign political and economic inte~e6t6 i6 engaged in an open and unconcealed attempt to egttabli6h by violence and foftce a 6 epaJtate and independent polLtical 6tate out 06 the i6land6 06 Mil1danao and Sula which a~e ~igt~ to~ically politically and bylaw paftu 06 the te~fI-Lshyto~ie6 and within the ju~i6diction and 6oveJteignty 06 the Republic 06 the Philippinegt

WHEREAS becaugte 06 the a60fte6aid di6o~de~ ~eshy6ulting 6ftom a~med clagthe6 killinggt magt6ac~egt a~shy60116 ~ape6piltage6 de6t~ucUon 06 whole village6 and tOWngt and the inevitable cegtgt ation on agfticultukal and indugttttial ope~aUongt all 06 which have been bftought about by the violence in6ticted by the ChfI-Lgtshyiian6 the M1L6lim6 the Ilaga6 the BattJlacuda6 and the Mindanao Independence Movement again6t ea~


otheh and aga-in6t ou1t goveltnment tltOOP6 a glteat many paltt6 06 the -i6land6 06 M-indanao and Sulu alte v-ihtually noW -in a 6tate On a~tual walt

WHEREAS the v-iolent d-i6oltdelt -in Mandanao and Sulu ha6 todate lte6ulted -in the k-ill-ing 06 oveiL 1000 c-iv-il-ian6 and about 2 000 altmed mu6l-im6 and ~hlti6 t-ian6 not to ment-io n themolte than 6-ive hund middot Ited thou6and on -injulted di6pla~ed and homele66 peM a n6 a6 well a6 the glteat numb elt o~ ca6ualt-ie6 among ou1t goveltnmenttltDOp6 and the paltal-lzat-ion a6 the e~onomy 06 M-indanao and Sulu

WHEREAS be~au6e 06 the ~oltego-ingact6 oampaJtmedmiddot -in6 uJtJte~tLo n wa nto n d e6tltuct-io n 06 humanl-ive6 and pltopeltty unabated andunlte6tlta-inedpltopagandaatshytack6 aga-in6 t the gov eltnm ent and -it6in6t-itutlo n6 -in6thumental-itie-4 agenc-ie6 and 06 6-ic-ial6middot and the Itap-idly expand-ing ltank6 06 the a60lteJa-id lawleA6 elemenU andbe~au6 e on the 6 plteadb1g lawle66 ne66 and analt~hy thltoughout the land allan which have plteventedthe goveltnment tomiddot exeltc-i6e it6 autholt-ity extend to -iu c-it-iz enlty the pltotect-io n a6it6 law6 and -in 9 eneltalexeltci6 e-iu 6 ov elte-ig ntg ovelt cr 06 -it6 teltlt-itofL-ie6 cau6 ed 6 eJr-iou6 demoltal-izattcn arnO ng ou1t people and have made the publ-ic applteltJ16-ive and 6ealt 6u1 and n-intilly becau6 e publ-ic oiLd elt and 6 a6 ety and the 6ecuIt-ity 06 th-i6 nation demandthttt -immediate 6wf6t de~i6 -iv e and e6 6ect-ive act-io n be taken to pltotect and -in6ulte the pea~e oltdviand QecuIL-ity 06 the ~ountlty and -it6 populat-ionand tomiddot ma-intain the autholL-ity 06 the goveJtnmenti


WHER EAS -in ca6 e6 a6 -inva6 -io n -in6 uILlte~t-io n 0 It Itebell-ion olt -imminent dangelt thelte06 I a6 PILe6-ident 06 the Ph-iLLpp-ine6 haveundelt the Cont-itut-ion thlteecotlJt6e6 06 act-ion open to me namely (a) ~all out themiddot altmed 60ltce6 to QuppILe6Q the pILe6 ent law le66 v-iolence (bJ QuQpend the plt-ivUege 06 the Wlt-it 06 habea6 ~Oltpu6 to make the aJtlte6t and appheshyhen6-ion 06 the6cz lawle66elemenu eaQ-ieIL and mOILe e66ect-ive OIL (c) place the -ph-il-ipp-ine6 oltany paILt thelteo 6 undelt maftt-ial law

WHEREAS 1 have allteady ut-il-ized the n-ilt6t two coulL6 e6 06 action bDrQt by caUingupon the altm~

- 11 shy

nolteeo to owpplteo6 the a60Jte6aid lawleoo violenee eommittingto that 6peei nie job almoot 50 06 the entilte altmed noltee6 06 the eountlty and elteating 6 eveshyItal tao k noltee6 nolt that pUltpO6 e 6 ueh a6 Tct6 k i Foltee Saltanay Ta6k Foltee Palanan Ta6k Foltee l6altog Ta6k Foltee Pagkakai6a and Ta6k Foltee Lanean and 6eeond by 6u6pending the pltivilege On the wltit 06 habeao eo Itpuo on Aug uamp t 2 1197 1 up to Janualtlj 1912 but (116 pite 0 n all th at both e 0ultJ) e6 0 6 aell0 n weJte nound inadequate and inefinectiveto eontain muehleo6 6olve the plteJ)ent Jtebellion and lawleoone66 in the

eountltlj a6 J)hown by the naet that

1 The ltadieal lefit ha6 inelteaoed the numbelt an d altea 06 0 peltati-onofi it66Ito nt oltg ani zatioM and ha6 inten6ifiiedthe iteeltuitshyment and tltainlng 06 newadheltentf in the ultban and Itultal altea6 e6peeially oltom among the youth

z The Kabataang Makabayan(KM)) the mO6t milishytant and out6poken filtont oltganization06 the Itadieal lent haf ineltea6edthe numbelt 06 it6 chapteltJ) 6ltom 200 ao on the end 06 1910 to 311 at on July 31 1912 and It6 membeJt6hip nltom 10000 af 06 the end 061910 to 15000 a6middot 06 the end On July 1972 6ltowing velty eleanly the Itapidgltowth on the eommuniJ)t movement inthi6 eountlty

3 The Samahang Vema kltailko Ng KabatClan SVK anothelt militant and outJ)poken JLDntOItshyganization on theltadieal lent ha6 al60 ineltea6 ed the numbelt 06 itf ehapteJt6nltom an in6ignifiieantnumbelt at the end 061910 to 159 a6 06 the end 0 f Jul 1972 and ha6 noW a membeltamphip 06 ampome1495 highly inshydoetJtinated intenampely committed and almoft nanatieally devoted indlvidual6

4 The New Peopleamp Altmy the mO6t active and the mOft vlolentandltuthle~6militalty altm On the Itadicat lent hao inclteao ed it6total J)tltength nltoman e~timated6500 (eompoJ)ed on 560 ltegulalt6 1500 combat fUPPOltt and 4400 HltvU huppolt-t) a o Jaualt~



- 1 g shy

~o abou~7900 (eompohed 06 1028 lLegulalL4 1 to a eomba~ 4 upptlr~ anfi 5025 helLviee hUppOlL~) ah 06 Jul~ 31 1972 ~howing a malL~ed inelLea4e in iu ltegulalL ~lLOOp6 on OVlllL 100 in 6ueh a 6hot~ peltiad 06 ~ixmiddotmon~h6

50 The e6~abli~hment 06 ~ane~ualtie6 60lL ~he i~ ultg en~6 in I6 ab ela in Zambale6 in CamalLine6SUlL and in 6 ome palLt6 06 Mindashynao~ adevelopmen~ helLe~06olte unknown in oulL eampaign agaln6t 6ubvelL6ioft and in6UlLshygeney in ~hi6 eoun~lL~

6 The di6appealLanee and dlLopping ou~ 06 6ehool 06 6ome 3000 high 6ehool and eoLLege 6~Ushydent6 and who alLe lLepolL~ed ~o have joined wi~h ~he in6 ultg ent6 fi alL ~lLaining in ~he handling on 6ilLealLm6 and explo6ive6

7 The blLinging and intlLoduetlon ln~q~he eoun~lL~ 06 6ub6~an~ial walL ma~elLial eonshy6i6ting 06 mili~alLtj halLdwalte and 6upplie6

middotthlLough the MV KalLagatan at V-Lgoljo Point Palanan l6abela and ~he naet ~ha~ mantj 06 ~he6e miUtalt~ haltdwaJte and 6upplie6 alte now in ~he hand6 ofi themiddot in6UlLgen~6 and alLe being U6ed agal~~ oulL govelLnrnent ~lLOOp6

8 The in6iltlLation and eon~lLol 06 ~he media b~ pelt6on6 who alte ~tjmpathe~ie ~o ~he in6 UlLg ent6 and the eo 116 eq uen~ in~en~ L6i cailon 06 theilt plLopagimda a6~aultagain~~ ~he goveltnmen~ and ~he miUtalt~ e6tabli6hshyment on ~he govetnmen~o

9 The noltma~iona~ ~he glta66-lLoot level 06 IIpolitical poweJt olLgan6 helLetonOlLe an- flnown in ~he hi6~otyon theCommuni6t moveshyment in thi6 countlL~ compo6 edo 6 BaJtltio OJtganizingCommit~ee6 (BOC6) to mobilize the baJtJrio people fiott active involvemen~ in ~helLeVolu~ion ~he BaJtJtio RevoluilonalLtj Commi~tee6 BRC61 ~o act a6 Imiddotlocal goveJtnshyment6 in balLJtio6 eon6idelLed a6 CPP NPA



- 19 shy

bailiwickll the (lJoltkeJt6 OJtganizing Comshymitteell (WOCll) to middotoltganize WOltkeirll 6ltom all AectOltll the School Oltganizing Comshymitteell (SOC61 to conduct agitaliorl and pltopaganda activitie6 and help in the expandion 06 ~4ontg4oUp6 among the dtudentlty and the CommunityOJrganizi~g Committeell (COC6) which opeJtate in the ultban altea6 in the 6ame manneJt a) the BOCll bull

WHEREAS the Itebellion and a4med aclion undeltshytaken by the6elawlellll element606 the communl6t and othelt altmed aggltupailonll oltganlzedto oveltthltow the Republic o~ the PhiUppinei bq altmedviolenceand 60ltce have a66umed the magnitude On an actual 6tate 06 walt agalnlltoult people and the RepubliC 06 the


NOW THEREfORE I FER-VI NANV E MARCOS Pltelli shydenton the Phllippinell by vilttue 06 the poweM vellted upon me by Aldlcle VII I Section 10 PaltagJraph (2) 06 the Conlltitutiondo heJteby placethe entllte PhiUppinell a6 denined in AItticle I Sectlon 1 06 the Conlltitutian undelt malttial law and in my capacity a4 thellt c6mmandelt-in-chiefi do helteby commandthe altmed 60ltCell 06the Phllippine6 to maintainmiddotlaw and oJrdelt thltoughout the Phllippine6 pltevent Olt JuppJre611 all 60ltm6 06 lawlell6 v-tolence a6 well all anq act 0n inllUltltection Olt Itebellion and to en60ltce obedienceto atl the laWllandto all declteet oJtdeltll andltegulationll pltomulgated by me petrll 0nally oJt upo n my dlJtecUo n~

In addition I do helteby oltdelt that allpelt6on6 pltell ently detalned a6 well Mall otheltll who may heltea-6telt ite llimilaltly detained6olt the cJrimell oflnshyllultltectionoJt Jtebellion and all othelt cltimellanda6-middot 6enlle6 committed in6uJttheltance OfLon the occa61on thelteo Lolt incident thelteto Olt in co nnculion thelteshywith b0If cJtime6 ag alnllt natlonal II ecuJrity and the law 06 nationll Cltimell again6t public oltdelt CUme6 involving ull ultpailo n 06 atftholtlty Jtank title and lmpltopelt ulle on name6 unL60ltmll andln6ignia cltime6 commlttedmiddot by public 06 fiicelt6 and 601t lluch otheltcJrimell a6 will be enunieltated in OltdelLb that I II halt 6 ub6 eq uentty pltomulg ate all welt a6cJrime6 Maconllequence 06 any violation 06 any

decltee oltdelt olt Itegulation pltomulgated by me pelt6onatly alt pltomutgated upon mydiltecilon 6hall be kept undelt detenshytioY until otheltwi6e oltdelted ltetea6ed by me Olt by my duly de-61gnated lLeplLe-6 erutJcct-ive ~

- 20


~4~ 1l0BERTO V REYES Acting Executive Secretary

Page 10: Proclamation no 1081


Sub6equen-t even-t6 x x x have at6o pltoven x x x the -thltea-t -to pubt~c 6a6e-ty pO6ed by -the New Peopte4 Altmy Indeed ~-t appealt6-tha-t 6~nce Augu6-t 21 1971 ~-t had ~n Nolt-theltn Luzon 6~x 61 enco untelt6 and gt -tagedo ne (1) Ita~d ~n co ngt equenc e6 06 wh~ch gt even 71 6 otd~elt6 ta6 t the~1t t~v e6 and -two (2) o-thelt6 welte wounded wheltea6 -the poundn6U4gent6 6u66elted 6~ve (5) ca6uatt~e6 that on Augu6t 26 1971 a wett-altmed gltoup 06 NPA tlta~ned by de6ectolt Lto V~ctOIt COltpU6 attacked the velty command PO6t 06 TF LAWIN ~n I6abeta de6t1toy~ng twa 2 het~copteM and one (I) ptane~ and wound~ng one (I) 6otdielt that the NPA had ~n Centltat Luzon a totat 06 60ult (4)encounteM w~th twa (2] kitted and thltee 3) wounded on the 6~de 06 the Goveltnment one (1) BSVU killed and thltee 3 KM-SDK teadeltan un~dent~6~ed d~66ident and Commal1delt Panch~to teadelt 06 the d166ident gltoupwelte k~tted that on Augu6t Z6 1971 thelte wa6an encauntelL ~n the baltlt~o 06 San Pedlto IJt~ga CityCamaJtine6 SUit between the PC and the MPA ~n whpoundch a PC and two fZ) KM membelt6 weJte k~tted that the eultltent digttuJtbance6in Cotabato and the Lanao PJtov~nce6 have bee~ Itendelted mOJte complex by the ~nvatveme~t 06 the CPP7NPA60It ~n mid-1971 a KM gltOUp headed by Javencio E6paltagoza contacted the Higa onan tltibe6 in theilt 6etUement ~n Mag6ay6ay Mi6ami6 Oltientat and a66eJted them bookgt pamphtetgtand bltochulte6 06 Mao T6e Tung a6 wetta6conducted teach-in6 in the Itell eltvat~o n that E6paJtaga za Wa6 Itepolttedty kitted an Septembelt 22 1971in an opeltatian 06the PC in 6aid lte6eltvation and that thelte alte naw two (Zl NPA cadlte6 in Mindanao

lIt 6houtd at6o be no-ted -tha-t adhelten-t6 06 the CPP and itgt 6lto nt oltganizat~on6 alte accaltd~ng to intettigence 6inding6 de6initety capabte 06 pltepalting powelt6ut expto6ive6 out 06 tocatty ava~tabte mateJtiat6 -that -the bamb U6ed ~n the Can6-titu-tianat Canven-tian Hatt wa6 a ClaymoJte mine a powelt6ul explo6ive dev~ce a4ed by -the US Altmy believed -to have been one 06 many p~l6elted nltam the Subic Naval Baoe a 6ew dalj6 benjJ0Jte




- 11 shy

th~t the P~ehident h~d ~eeeived inteiiigenee in60~mation to the e6neet that the4e WaA a Juiy-Augu~t Pian involving a wave 06 ~~~ aA~inationh kidnapping6 te~~oshy~i6 m and ma~6 deldlwelion 0n plLopelLty and th~t ~n extlLao~din~ILY oeeulLenee would ~ign~i the beginning 06 ~~id event--that the ~athelL ~e~iou~ eondilion 06 pe~ee ~ndo~de~ in Minshydanao palLtieula~ly in Cotabato and L~nao demanded the plLe6 utee the~ein 0 -6 no~eeh hu6 6ishyeient to eope with the 6ituation that a hishyzeable pa~t 06 ou~ alLmed 60~ee~ di6ehalLge6 othLIL 6uneticn6 and that the expan6ion 06 the CPP aetivLU e6 6~om CentlLal Luzon to othelL palLt6 06 the eount~y pa~tieulalLly M~nil~ and iU 6 ubulLb6 I the Cagaq~n Valley 1~ugao Zamshybaleh L~guna Quezon and the Bieol Region ~equilLed that the ~e6t ~6 OUIL a~med-6olLee6 be op~ead thin dvelL a wide a~ea

WHEREAS in the unwavelLing p~ooeeution 06 theilL ~evoluliona~y wa~ againht the Filipino peopleand thei~ duly eon~tituted gove~nment the a60lLeoaJd l~wie66 element6 have in the month6 06 May June and Juiy 1972 6 ucceeded in b~inging ~nd int~o dueing into the count~y ~t Vigoyo Point Pal~n~n 1o~beta and at othe~ undetelLmined point6 along the P~ci6ic eoa6tl~e 06 Luzon a 6ub6tantial quantity 06 wa~ matViJl eon6ioting 06 M-14 ~i61e6 eotimated to be o0me 3500 pieee6 6evOtal dozen~ 06 40 mm ~oeket launehe~ whieh ~lLe 6aid to be Chieom eopieo 06 ~ Ruooi~n p~ototype ~oeket launehe~ l~lLge quantiUeo on 80 mm 1L0eket6 and ~mmunition6 and othe~ eombat pa~aphe~naiia 0-6 whieh wa~ matelLil 6 ome had been di6eovelLed and eaptuhed by govelLnment militalLy 60~shyee~ and the b~ingi~g and int~oduetion 06 6ueh quanshytity and type 06 wa~ matelLi i into the eountlLlj i6 a mute but eloquent plLoofi 06 the 6iniotelL pian 06 the ano~eshyoaid lawle66 elemento to haAten the e6e~lation 06 theilL plLe6 ent ~evoeutiona~lj wa~ againot the Filipino peopleand thei~ legitimate gove~nment

WHEREAS in the exeeution 00 thei~ ove~ail ~eshyvolutiona~y pian the a60lLeoaJd lawle66 elemento hav e p~epalLed and ~eeeao ed to thei~ vauouo 6Jeld ~ornmdde46 dnd Pd~ZY wo~ke~ d do~urnent ~dP~O~


- 12 shy

REGIONAL PROGRAM OF ACTION 1912 a copy 06 which wa6 captuJted by elementamp 06 the 116th and 119th PhIlIppIne ConatahulaJty Companleamp on June 18 1912 at BaJtJtio Tating6ing CoJtdon whl ch Jtea6 aIl 60110w6

IaabeRa the text 06



The allowing Refjianal PJtogJtam 06 Acshytlon 60Jt 1972 i6 pJtepaJted to be caJtJtied out a6 paJtt 06 the oveJtall plan06 the paJtty to noment di6 co ntent and pJtecepitatethe Ude 06 nationwide rna6) JtevoluUon The 6aci6t MaJtco6 middotand hl6JteacUonaJtY membeJt6 06 CongshyJte66 i6 expected to pJtepaJte them6elve6 noJt the 1973 hence

JanuaJty - June

10 Inten6i6Y JtecJtuitment 06 new piJttymembe1t6 e6 peually 6Jtom the woJtkeJt6- 6aJtmeJto clall6 0 CadJte6 aJLe bung tJtuned In oJtdeJt to oJtganlze the dl66eJLent JteglonaR buJteau6 The6 e bUJteau6 mU6t concentJtate on ma66 action and oJtfjanlzation to pJtomote advancement 06 the mM6 JtevoRuilonaICY movement Re6elence io madt to the BoJtadoJt ngPJtagJtama 6a Pagkllo6 at Ulat ng Panllpunang Pag6161Yd6 at M apshypJtoved by the CentJtdl Committeeo

2 RecJtuit etnd tJtun aJtmed uty paJttI~ 6anamp and uJtban gueJtJtiRla6 and oJtganize them into unit6 undeJt PaJtty cadJte6 and activi6u 06 rna66 04g anI zatio n6 bull The6 e unit6 mU6t und eJtshygo 6peuallzed tJtaining an explo6ive6 and deshymoliUon and 0the4 60Jtm6 06 ~abotage

3 Inten6i6y JteclLuitmentand tJtaiyungon new membeM 60Jt the NewPeople6 AJLmy in pJtepaJtatlon 60Jt llmited o66enlllve in 6elected aJtea6 In the Jtegion6

4 SuppoJtt a mltl~e aggJte66ive p40gJtam on agltation and pJtopaganda again6t the JteactionaJty aJtmed 60JtCM and again6t the Con Can

July - Aug U6t

VuJting thio peJtiod the paJtty expectll the puppet MaJtco6 goveJtnment to allow inlrt

- 13 shy

clteao e in bUb Itateb th u6 ag 9Ita vating 6ultth elt the plight 06 ftudenu WOltkelth and the 6altshymeltb 0

1 All Regional Paltty CJJmmitteeb mUbt plan nolt a geneltal ftltike movement The Reshygional Opeltational Commandb mubt plan 60lt altmed bUppOltt i6 the 6abcibt altmed 6oltceb 06 Maltcob will tlty to intimidate the oppltebbed Filipino maob eb 0

2 Conduct babotage agdinbt bchoolb collegeb and univeltbitieb hiking tuition 6eeb o

3 Conductb ab 0tag e and agltati 0 n ag ainb t puppet judgeb and COUlttb lealtning iCabeb againbt top paltty leadeM

4 Clteate Itegional chaoband diboltdelt to dltamatize the inability 06 the 6abcibtMaltshyCOb goveltnment to keep and maintain peace and oltdelt thltu

al RobbekY and hold-up 06 bankb contltolled by Ameltican impeltialif~b and thobe belonging to the enemieb ou the people

lib) At~ack militalty ca~pb US baf eb and tow nh bull

c) Molte violent f tltikeb and deshym0 nb tltati 0 nb bull

Septembelt - Octobelt

r ncite af e i ntenb ity 0 6 J io len ce dif 0 ltdelt and con6u6ion

11ntenfi6Y fabotage and bombing 06 g oveltnment buildingf and embabhie6 and otheltutilitieb

al Co ng lte66 b) Suplteme COUltt lie) Con Con d) City Hall e) US Embabb (f 6 ) FacLfitieb 06 us Bab ef g) PlIovincial Capitotbh) Powel[ Plant6

- 14 shy

Z SpoJradic attackhmiddot an camph toWnh and cideh

3 Ahhahhinate high goveJrnment 06biualh 06 CongJrehh JudiciaJrY Con Con and pJrivate individual6 6ympathetic to puppet MaJrc06

4 E6tablihh pJrovihional ltevolutionaJrY goveJrnment in town6 and udeh with the 6UppOJrt a6 the ma66 e6

5 With the 6ympathetic hUPP0Jrt 06 ouJr allie6 ehtabli6h pJrovi6ional pJrovincial Ite- volutionaJrY goveJrnment6


WHEREAS in line with theiJr REGIOMAL PROGRAM OF ACTION 1912 the a60Jre6aid lawleh6 elemenu have 06 late been conducting inten6i6ied act6 06 violence and teJrltolti6 m6 duting the cultJrent yealt in the glteaLea Manila aJrea huch a6 the bombing on the AJrca buildpoundng at Ta6t Avenue Pa6ay City on MaJrch 15 Obthe Fllpoundshypina6 Otient AJriway6 b oaltd JrO am at Vomell tic Road Pah ay City on ApJril 23 06 the VLetname6e Emba66Y on May 30 06 the COUJrt 06 IndU6ttial Relationll on June 23 06 the Philippine TJru6t Company bJranch on6ice in Cubao Quezon City on June 24 06 the Philamli6ebuildng at United Nation6 Avenue Manila on July 3 06 theTashybacalelta CigaJr amp CigaJrette FactoJry Compound at MaJrquezde ComLeea6 Manila on July 21 06 the PLVT exchange066ice at Ea6t Avenue Quezon City and 06 the Philipshypine SagaJr In6titute building at Noltth Avenue Vilishyman Quezon City both on Auga6t 15 06 the Vepalttshyment 06 Soual Wel6alte building at San Ra6ael StJreet Sampaloc Manila on Augu6t 11 06a wateJr main on AUJrolta BoulevaJrd and Madi60l1 Aven(te Quezon City on AugU6t 19 06 the Philamli6e building againon Auguht 30 thi6 time cau6ing 6 eveJre de6tJruction on the FaJr Ea6t Bank and TJrU6t Company building neaJrby 06 the aJrmoJred caJr and building 06 the Philippine Banking CoJrshypoltatiolt It6 well a6 the building6 06 the I nve6tment Vevelopment Inc and the Vaily StaJr Publicatiolt6 when anotheJr explo6ion took place on Railltoad StJreet P~ltt Altea Maniia al60 on AugU6t 30 06 ]oell VepaJrtment StoJre on CaJrltiedo Stlteet Quiapo ManLta 011 SeptembeJr 5 ~aubull ing death to 0 ne woman an d in]uJUeh to 0mj(


- 15 shy

individuaL6 and 06 the City Hall 06 Manila on Septshyembe~ 8 06 the wate~main~ in San Juan Rizal on

Sept 12 00 the San Miguel building in Maf2ati Rtzal an Sept 14 and 0 6 the Quezon City Hal on Septembe~ 18 1972 a~ well a~ the attempted bombing 06 the Cong~e~gt Build-Lrg on July 1g when iln un- exploded bomb Wd6~ bound in the Senate publication Vivigtioi and the attempted bombing 00 the Vepa~tment 06 Fo~eign A66a(Jtgt an Aug ugtt 30ltgt

WHEREAS in line with the ~ame REGIONAL PROGshyRAM OF ACTION 1972 the a60~igtaid lawlu6 elemenu have algto 6ielded in the G~eate~ Manila a~ea ~eve~al o6 thei~ Spli~~ow Unittgt o~ SimbadUniu to unde~shytake liquidaUon mLl~ion~ )lgain6t ~anking gove~nmel1tOn 6iualo milita~y peugtJ1nel and p~ominent utizengt and to ou~the~ heighten the degtt~ucUongt and dep~eshydationgt al~eady inolicted by them upon ou~ innocent people all on which a~e being delibe~atety done -to 60W te~~o~ 6eal and chao6 among6t ou~ population and to make the gove~nment look 60 helplegtgt and incapable 06 p~otecUng the livegt and p~opeJrty 00 ou~ people

WHEREAS in addiUon to the above- de~c~ibed gtocial digtoftde~ thelte i-6 algto the equally 6eUOM digto~de~ in Mil1danao al1d Sula Iegtulting n~om the ungtettled conshy6lict between ce~tain elemenu a6 the Ch~igtUan and Mugtlim popalaUon 00 Mindanao and Salu betweenthe Chftigttian lfIlagao and themiddot MugtlimBa~~acudM and between ou~ goveftnment tftoopgt and cefttain lawlegtgt oftganizatioftgt 6adl a6 the Mindanao I ndeperidence Movement

WHERUS the Mindanao I ndependence Movement with tlle actiue matefI-Lal aJid 6inancial agtgtihtance 06 60fteign political and economic inte~e6t6 i6 engaged in an open and unconcealed attempt to egttabli6h by violence and foftce a 6 epaJtate and independent polLtical 6tate out 06 the i6land6 06 Mil1danao and Sula which a~e ~igt~ to~ically politically and bylaw paftu 06 the te~fI-Lshyto~ie6 and within the ju~i6diction and 6oveJteignty 06 the Republic 06 the Philippinegt

WHEREAS becaugte 06 the a60fte6aid di6o~de~ ~eshy6ulting 6ftom a~med clagthe6 killinggt magt6ac~egt a~shy60116 ~ape6piltage6 de6t~ucUon 06 whole village6 and tOWngt and the inevitable cegtgt ation on agfticultukal and indugttttial ope~aUongt all 06 which have been bftought about by the violence in6ticted by the ChfI-Lgtshyiian6 the M1L6lim6 the Ilaga6 the BattJlacuda6 and the Mindanao Independence Movement again6t ea~


otheh and aga-in6t ou1t goveltnment tltOOP6 a glteat many paltt6 06 the -i6land6 06 M-indanao and Sulu alte v-ihtually noW -in a 6tate On a~tual walt

WHEREAS the v-iolent d-i6oltdelt -in Mandanao and Sulu ha6 todate lte6ulted -in the k-ill-ing 06 oveiL 1000 c-iv-il-ian6 and about 2 000 altmed mu6l-im6 and ~hlti6 t-ian6 not to ment-io n themolte than 6-ive hund middot Ited thou6and on -injulted di6pla~ed and homele66 peM a n6 a6 well a6 the glteat numb elt o~ ca6ualt-ie6 among ou1t goveltnmenttltDOp6 and the paltal-lzat-ion a6 the e~onomy 06 M-indanao and Sulu

WHEREAS be~au6e 06 the ~oltego-ingact6 oampaJtmedmiddot -in6 uJtJte~tLo n wa nto n d e6tltuct-io n 06 humanl-ive6 and pltopeltty unabated andunlte6tlta-inedpltopagandaatshytack6 aga-in6 t the gov eltnm ent and -it6in6t-itutlo n6 -in6thumental-itie-4 agenc-ie6 and 06 6-ic-ial6middot and the Itap-idly expand-ing ltank6 06 the a60lteJa-id lawleA6 elemenU andbe~au6 e on the 6 plteadb1g lawle66 ne66 and analt~hy thltoughout the land allan which have plteventedthe goveltnment tomiddot exeltc-i6e it6 autholt-ity extend to -iu c-it-iz enlty the pltotect-io n a6it6 law6 and -in 9 eneltalexeltci6 e-iu 6 ov elte-ig ntg ovelt cr 06 -it6 teltlt-itofL-ie6 cau6 ed 6 eJr-iou6 demoltal-izattcn arnO ng ou1t people and have made the publ-ic applteltJ16-ive and 6ealt 6u1 and n-intilly becau6 e publ-ic oiLd elt and 6 a6 ety and the 6ecuIt-ity 06 th-i6 nation demandthttt -immediate 6wf6t de~i6 -iv e and e6 6ect-ive act-io n be taken to pltotect and -in6ulte the pea~e oltdviand QecuIL-ity 06 the ~ountlty and -it6 populat-ionand tomiddot ma-intain the autholL-ity 06 the goveJtnmenti


WHER EAS -in ca6 e6 a6 -inva6 -io n -in6 uILlte~t-io n 0 It Itebell-ion olt -imminent dangelt thelte06 I a6 PILe6-ident 06 the Ph-iLLpp-ine6 haveundelt the Cont-itut-ion thlteecotlJt6e6 06 act-ion open to me namely (a) ~all out themiddot altmed 60ltce6 to QuppILe6Q the pILe6 ent law le66 v-iolence (bJ QuQpend the plt-ivUege 06 the Wlt-it 06 habea6 ~Oltpu6 to make the aJtlte6t and appheshyhen6-ion 06 the6cz lawle66elemenu eaQ-ieIL and mOILe e66ect-ive OIL (c) place the -ph-il-ipp-ine6 oltany paILt thelteo 6 undelt maftt-ial law

WHEREAS 1 have allteady ut-il-ized the n-ilt6t two coulL6 e6 06 action bDrQt by caUingupon the altm~

- 11 shy

nolteeo to owpplteo6 the a60Jte6aid lawleoo violenee eommittingto that 6peei nie job almoot 50 06 the entilte altmed noltee6 06 the eountlty and elteating 6 eveshyItal tao k noltee6 nolt that pUltpO6 e 6 ueh a6 Tct6 k i Foltee Saltanay Ta6k Foltee Palanan Ta6k Foltee l6altog Ta6k Foltee Pagkakai6a and Ta6k Foltee Lanean and 6eeond by 6u6pending the pltivilege On the wltit 06 habeao eo Itpuo on Aug uamp t 2 1197 1 up to Janualtlj 1912 but (116 pite 0 n all th at both e 0ultJ) e6 0 6 aell0 n weJte nound inadequate and inefinectiveto eontain muehleo6 6olve the plteJ)ent Jtebellion and lawleoone66 in the

eountltlj a6 J)hown by the naet that

1 The ltadieal lefit ha6 inelteaoed the numbelt an d altea 06 0 peltati-onofi it66Ito nt oltg ani zatioM and ha6 inten6ifiiedthe iteeltuitshyment and tltainlng 06 newadheltentf in the ultban and Itultal altea6 e6peeially oltom among the youth

z The Kabataang Makabayan(KM)) the mO6t milishytant and out6poken filtont oltganization06 the Itadieal lent haf ineltea6edthe numbelt 06 it6 chapteltJ) 6ltom 200 ao on the end 06 1910 to 311 at on July 31 1912 and It6 membeJt6hip nltom 10000 af 06 the end 061910 to 15000 a6middot 06 the end On July 1972 6ltowing velty eleanly the Itapidgltowth on the eommuniJ)t movement inthi6 eountlty

3 The Samahang Vema kltailko Ng KabatClan SVK anothelt militant and outJ)poken JLDntOItshyganization on theltadieal lent ha6 al60 ineltea6 ed the numbelt 06 itf ehapteJt6nltom an in6ignifiieantnumbelt at the end 061910 to 159 a6 06 the end 0 f Jul 1972 and ha6 noW a membeltamphip 06 ampome1495 highly inshydoetJtinated intenampely committed and almoft nanatieally devoted indlvidual6

4 The New Peopleamp Altmy the mO6t active and the mOft vlolentandltuthle~6militalty altm On the Itadicat lent hao inclteao ed it6total J)tltength nltoman e~timated6500 (eompoJ)ed on 560 ltegulalt6 1500 combat fUPPOltt and 4400 HltvU huppolt-t) a o Jaualt~



- 1 g shy

~o abou~7900 (eompohed 06 1028 lLegulalL4 1 to a eomba~ 4 upptlr~ anfi 5025 helLviee hUppOlL~) ah 06 Jul~ 31 1972 ~howing a malL~ed inelLea4e in iu ltegulalL ~lLOOp6 on OVlllL 100 in 6ueh a 6hot~ peltiad 06 ~ixmiddotmon~h6

50 The e6~abli~hment 06 ~ane~ualtie6 60lL ~he i~ ultg en~6 in I6 ab ela in Zambale6 in CamalLine6SUlL and in 6 ome palLt6 06 Mindashynao~ adevelopmen~ helLe~06olte unknown in oulL eampaign agaln6t 6ubvelL6ioft and in6UlLshygeney in ~hi6 eoun~lL~

6 The di6appealLanee and dlLopping ou~ 06 6ehool 06 6ome 3000 high 6ehool and eoLLege 6~Ushydent6 and who alLe lLepolL~ed ~o have joined wi~h ~he in6 ultg ent6 fi alL ~lLaining in ~he handling on 6ilLealLm6 and explo6ive6

7 The blLinging and intlLoduetlon ln~q~he eoun~lL~ 06 6ub6~an~ial walL ma~elLial eonshy6i6ting 06 mili~alLtj halLdwalte and 6upplie6

middotthlLough the MV KalLagatan at V-Lgoljo Point Palanan l6abela and ~he naet ~ha~ mantj 06 ~he6e miUtalt~ haltdwaJte and 6upplie6 alte now in ~he hand6 ofi themiddot in6UlLgen~6 and alLe being U6ed agal~~ oulL govelLnrnent ~lLOOp6

8 The in6iltlLation and eon~lLol 06 ~he media b~ pelt6on6 who alte ~tjmpathe~ie ~o ~he in6 UlLg ent6 and the eo 116 eq uen~ in~en~ L6i cailon 06 theilt plLopagimda a6~aultagain~~ ~he goveltnmen~ and ~he miUtalt~ e6tabli6hshyment on ~he govetnmen~o

9 The noltma~iona~ ~he glta66-lLoot level 06 IIpolitical poweJt olLgan6 helLetonOlLe an- flnown in ~he hi6~otyon theCommuni6t moveshyment in thi6 countlL~ compo6 edo 6 BaJtltio OJtganizingCommit~ee6 (BOC6) to mobilize the baJtJrio people fiott active involvemen~ in ~helLeVolu~ion ~he BaJtJtio RevoluilonalLtj Commi~tee6 BRC61 ~o act a6 Imiddotlocal goveJtnshyment6 in balLJtio6 eon6idelLed a6 CPP NPA



- 19 shy

bailiwickll the (lJoltkeJt6 OJtganizing Comshymitteell (WOCll) to middotoltganize WOltkeirll 6ltom all AectOltll the School Oltganizing Comshymitteell (SOC61 to conduct agitaliorl and pltopaganda activitie6 and help in the expandion 06 ~4ontg4oUp6 among the dtudentlty and the CommunityOJrganizi~g Committeell (COC6) which opeJtate in the ultban altea6 in the 6ame manneJt a) the BOCll bull

WHEREAS the Itebellion and a4med aclion undeltshytaken by the6elawlellll element606 the communl6t and othelt altmed aggltupailonll oltganlzedto oveltthltow the Republic o~ the PhiUppinei bq altmedviolenceand 60ltce have a66umed the magnitude On an actual 6tate 06 walt agalnlltoult people and the RepubliC 06 the


NOW THEREfORE I FER-VI NANV E MARCOS Pltelli shydenton the Phllippinell by vilttue 06 the poweM vellted upon me by Aldlcle VII I Section 10 PaltagJraph (2) 06 the Conlltitutiondo heJteby placethe entllte PhiUppinell a6 denined in AItticle I Sectlon 1 06 the Conlltitutian undelt malttial law and in my capacity a4 thellt c6mmandelt-in-chiefi do helteby commandthe altmed 60ltCell 06the Phllippine6 to maintainmiddotlaw and oJrdelt thltoughout the Phllippine6 pltevent Olt JuppJre611 all 60ltm6 06 lawlell6 v-tolence a6 well all anq act 0n inllUltltection Olt Itebellion and to en60ltce obedienceto atl the laWllandto all declteet oJtdeltll andltegulationll pltomulgated by me petrll 0nally oJt upo n my dlJtecUo n~

In addition I do helteby oltdelt that allpelt6on6 pltell ently detalned a6 well Mall otheltll who may heltea-6telt ite llimilaltly detained6olt the cJrimell oflnshyllultltectionoJt Jtebellion and all othelt cltimellanda6-middot 6enlle6 committed in6uJttheltance OfLon the occa61on thelteo Lolt incident thelteto Olt in co nnculion thelteshywith b0If cJtime6 ag alnllt natlonal II ecuJrity and the law 06 nationll Cltimell again6t public oltdelt CUme6 involving ull ultpailo n 06 atftholtlty Jtank title and lmpltopelt ulle on name6 unL60ltmll andln6ignia cltime6 commlttedmiddot by public 06 fiicelt6 and 601t lluch otheltcJrimell a6 will be enunieltated in OltdelLb that I II halt 6 ub6 eq uentty pltomulg ate all welt a6cJrime6 Maconllequence 06 any violation 06 any

decltee oltdelt olt Itegulation pltomulgated by me pelt6onatly alt pltomutgated upon mydiltecilon 6hall be kept undelt detenshytioY until otheltwi6e oltdelted ltetea6ed by me Olt by my duly de-61gnated lLeplLe-6 erutJcct-ive ~

- 20


~4~ 1l0BERTO V REYES Acting Executive Secretary

Page 11: Proclamation no 1081

- 11 shy

th~t the P~ehident h~d ~eeeived inteiiigenee in60~mation to the e6neet that the4e WaA a Juiy-Augu~t Pian involving a wave 06 ~~~ aA~inationh kidnapping6 te~~oshy~i6 m and ma~6 deldlwelion 0n plLopelLty and th~t ~n extlLao~din~ILY oeeulLenee would ~ign~i the beginning 06 ~~id event--that the ~athelL ~e~iou~ eondilion 06 pe~ee ~ndo~de~ in Minshydanao palLtieula~ly in Cotabato and L~nao demanded the plLe6 utee the~ein 0 -6 no~eeh hu6 6ishyeient to eope with the 6ituation that a hishyzeable pa~t 06 ou~ alLmed 60~ee~ di6ehalLge6 othLIL 6uneticn6 and that the expan6ion 06 the CPP aetivLU e6 6~om CentlLal Luzon to othelL palLt6 06 the eount~y pa~tieulalLly M~nil~ and iU 6 ubulLb6 I the Cagaq~n Valley 1~ugao Zamshybaleh L~guna Quezon and the Bieol Region ~equilLed that the ~e6t ~6 OUIL a~med-6olLee6 be op~ead thin dvelL a wide a~ea

WHEREAS in the unwavelLing p~ooeeution 06 theilL ~evoluliona~y wa~ againht the Filipino peopleand thei~ duly eon~tituted gove~nment the a60lLeoaJd l~wie66 element6 have in the month6 06 May June and Juiy 1972 6 ucceeded in b~inging ~nd int~o dueing into the count~y ~t Vigoyo Point Pal~n~n 1o~beta and at othe~ undetelLmined point6 along the P~ci6ic eoa6tl~e 06 Luzon a 6ub6tantial quantity 06 wa~ matViJl eon6ioting 06 M-14 ~i61e6 eotimated to be o0me 3500 pieee6 6evOtal dozen~ 06 40 mm ~oeket launehe~ whieh ~lLe 6aid to be Chieom eopieo 06 ~ Ruooi~n p~ototype ~oeket launehe~ l~lLge quantiUeo on 80 mm 1L0eket6 and ~mmunition6 and othe~ eombat pa~aphe~naiia 0-6 whieh wa~ matelLil 6 ome had been di6eovelLed and eaptuhed by govelLnment militalLy 60~shyee~ and the b~ingi~g and int~oduetion 06 6ueh quanshytity and type 06 wa~ matelLi i into the eountlLlj i6 a mute but eloquent plLoofi 06 the 6iniotelL pian 06 the ano~eshyoaid lawle66 elemento to haAten the e6e~lation 06 theilL plLe6 ent ~evoeutiona~lj wa~ againot the Filipino peopleand thei~ legitimate gove~nment

WHEREAS in the exeeution 00 thei~ ove~ail ~eshyvolutiona~y pian the a60lLeoaJd lawle66 elemento hav e p~epalLed and ~eeeao ed to thei~ vauouo 6Jeld ~ornmdde46 dnd Pd~ZY wo~ke~ d do~urnent ~dP~O~


- 12 shy

REGIONAL PROGRAM OF ACTION 1912 a copy 06 which wa6 captuJted by elementamp 06 the 116th and 119th PhIlIppIne ConatahulaJty Companleamp on June 18 1912 at BaJtJtio Tating6ing CoJtdon whl ch Jtea6 aIl 60110w6

IaabeRa the text 06



The allowing Refjianal PJtogJtam 06 Acshytlon 60Jt 1972 i6 pJtepaJted to be caJtJtied out a6 paJtt 06 the oveJtall plan06 the paJtty to noment di6 co ntent and pJtecepitatethe Ude 06 nationwide rna6) JtevoluUon The 6aci6t MaJtco6 middotand hl6JteacUonaJtY membeJt6 06 CongshyJte66 i6 expected to pJtepaJte them6elve6 noJt the 1973 hence

JanuaJty - June

10 Inten6i6Y JtecJtuitment 06 new piJttymembe1t6 e6 peually 6Jtom the woJtkeJt6- 6aJtmeJto clall6 0 CadJte6 aJLe bung tJtuned In oJtdeJt to oJtganlze the dl66eJLent JteglonaR buJteau6 The6 e bUJteau6 mU6t concentJtate on ma66 action and oJtfjanlzation to pJtomote advancement 06 the mM6 JtevoRuilonaICY movement Re6elence io madt to the BoJtadoJt ngPJtagJtama 6a Pagkllo6 at Ulat ng Panllpunang Pag6161Yd6 at M apshypJtoved by the CentJtdl Committeeo

2 RecJtuit etnd tJtun aJtmed uty paJttI~ 6anamp and uJtban gueJtJtiRla6 and oJtganize them into unit6 undeJt PaJtty cadJte6 and activi6u 06 rna66 04g anI zatio n6 bull The6 e unit6 mU6t und eJtshygo 6peuallzed tJtaining an explo6ive6 and deshymoliUon and 0the4 60Jtm6 06 ~abotage

3 Inten6i6y JteclLuitmentand tJtaiyungon new membeM 60Jt the NewPeople6 AJLmy in pJtepaJtatlon 60Jt llmited o66enlllve in 6elected aJtea6 In the Jtegion6

4 SuppoJtt a mltl~e aggJte66ive p40gJtam on agltation and pJtopaganda again6t the JteactionaJty aJtmed 60JtCM and again6t the Con Can

July - Aug U6t

VuJting thio peJtiod the paJtty expectll the puppet MaJtco6 goveJtnment to allow inlrt

- 13 shy

clteao e in bUb Itateb th u6 ag 9Ita vating 6ultth elt the plight 06 ftudenu WOltkelth and the 6altshymeltb 0

1 All Regional Paltty CJJmmitteeb mUbt plan nolt a geneltal ftltike movement The Reshygional Opeltational Commandb mubt plan 60lt altmed bUppOltt i6 the 6abcibt altmed 6oltceb 06 Maltcob will tlty to intimidate the oppltebbed Filipino maob eb 0

2 Conduct babotage agdinbt bchoolb collegeb and univeltbitieb hiking tuition 6eeb o

3 Conductb ab 0tag e and agltati 0 n ag ainb t puppet judgeb and COUlttb lealtning iCabeb againbt top paltty leadeM

4 Clteate Itegional chaoband diboltdelt to dltamatize the inability 06 the 6abcibtMaltshyCOb goveltnment to keep and maintain peace and oltdelt thltu

al RobbekY and hold-up 06 bankb contltolled by Ameltican impeltialif~b and thobe belonging to the enemieb ou the people

lib) At~ack militalty ca~pb US baf eb and tow nh bull

c) Molte violent f tltikeb and deshym0 nb tltati 0 nb bull

Septembelt - Octobelt

r ncite af e i ntenb ity 0 6 J io len ce dif 0 ltdelt and con6u6ion

11ntenfi6Y fabotage and bombing 06 g oveltnment buildingf and embabhie6 and otheltutilitieb

al Co ng lte66 b) Suplteme COUltt lie) Con Con d) City Hall e) US Embabb (f 6 ) FacLfitieb 06 us Bab ef g) PlIovincial Capitotbh) Powel[ Plant6

- 14 shy

Z SpoJradic attackhmiddot an camph toWnh and cideh

3 Ahhahhinate high goveJrnment 06biualh 06 CongJrehh JudiciaJrY Con Con and pJrivate individual6 6ympathetic to puppet MaJrc06

4 E6tablihh pJrovihional ltevolutionaJrY goveJrnment in town6 and udeh with the 6UppOJrt a6 the ma66 e6

5 With the 6ympathetic hUPP0Jrt 06 ouJr allie6 ehtabli6h pJrovi6ional pJrovincial Ite- volutionaJrY goveJrnment6


WHEREAS in line with theiJr REGIOMAL PROGRAM OF ACTION 1912 the a60Jre6aid lawleh6 elemenu have 06 late been conducting inten6i6ied act6 06 violence and teJrltolti6 m6 duting the cultJrent yealt in the glteaLea Manila aJrea huch a6 the bombing on the AJrca buildpoundng at Ta6t Avenue Pa6ay City on MaJrch 15 Obthe Fllpoundshypina6 Otient AJriway6 b oaltd JrO am at Vomell tic Road Pah ay City on ApJril 23 06 the VLetname6e Emba66Y on May 30 06 the COUJrt 06 IndU6ttial Relationll on June 23 06 the Philippine TJru6t Company bJranch on6ice in Cubao Quezon City on June 24 06 the Philamli6ebuildng at United Nation6 Avenue Manila on July 3 06 theTashybacalelta CigaJr amp CigaJrette FactoJry Compound at MaJrquezde ComLeea6 Manila on July 21 06 the PLVT exchange066ice at Ea6t Avenue Quezon City and 06 the Philipshypine SagaJr In6titute building at Noltth Avenue Vilishyman Quezon City both on Auga6t 15 06 the Vepalttshyment 06 Soual Wel6alte building at San Ra6ael StJreet Sampaloc Manila on Augu6t 11 06a wateJr main on AUJrolta BoulevaJrd and Madi60l1 Aven(te Quezon City on AugU6t 19 06 the Philamli6e building againon Auguht 30 thi6 time cau6ing 6 eveJre de6tJruction on the FaJr Ea6t Bank and TJrU6t Company building neaJrby 06 the aJrmoJred caJr and building 06 the Philippine Banking CoJrshypoltatiolt It6 well a6 the building6 06 the I nve6tment Vevelopment Inc and the Vaily StaJr Publicatiolt6 when anotheJr explo6ion took place on Railltoad StJreet P~ltt Altea Maniia al60 on AugU6t 30 06 ]oell VepaJrtment StoJre on CaJrltiedo Stlteet Quiapo ManLta 011 SeptembeJr 5 ~aubull ing death to 0 ne woman an d in]uJUeh to 0mj(


- 15 shy

individuaL6 and 06 the City Hall 06 Manila on Septshyembe~ 8 06 the wate~main~ in San Juan Rizal on

Sept 12 00 the San Miguel building in Maf2ati Rtzal an Sept 14 and 0 6 the Quezon City Hal on Septembe~ 18 1972 a~ well a~ the attempted bombing 06 the Cong~e~gt Build-Lrg on July 1g when iln un- exploded bomb Wd6~ bound in the Senate publication Vivigtioi and the attempted bombing 00 the Vepa~tment 06 Fo~eign A66a(Jtgt an Aug ugtt 30ltgt

WHEREAS in line with the ~ame REGIONAL PROGshyRAM OF ACTION 1972 the a60~igtaid lawlu6 elemenu have algto 6ielded in the G~eate~ Manila a~ea ~eve~al o6 thei~ Spli~~ow Unittgt o~ SimbadUniu to unde~shytake liquidaUon mLl~ion~ )lgain6t ~anking gove~nmel1tOn 6iualo milita~y peugtJ1nel and p~ominent utizengt and to ou~the~ heighten the degtt~ucUongt and dep~eshydationgt al~eady inolicted by them upon ou~ innocent people all on which a~e being delibe~atety done -to 60W te~~o~ 6eal and chao6 among6t ou~ population and to make the gove~nment look 60 helplegtgt and incapable 06 p~otecUng the livegt and p~opeJrty 00 ou~ people

WHEREAS in addiUon to the above- de~c~ibed gtocial digtoftde~ thelte i-6 algto the equally 6eUOM digto~de~ in Mil1danao al1d Sula Iegtulting n~om the ungtettled conshy6lict between ce~tain elemenu a6 the Ch~igtUan and Mugtlim popalaUon 00 Mindanao and Salu betweenthe Chftigttian lfIlagao and themiddot MugtlimBa~~acudM and between ou~ goveftnment tftoopgt and cefttain lawlegtgt oftganizatioftgt 6adl a6 the Mindanao I ndeperidence Movement

WHERUS the Mindanao I ndependence Movement with tlle actiue matefI-Lal aJid 6inancial agtgtihtance 06 60fteign political and economic inte~e6t6 i6 engaged in an open and unconcealed attempt to egttabli6h by violence and foftce a 6 epaJtate and independent polLtical 6tate out 06 the i6land6 06 Mil1danao and Sula which a~e ~igt~ to~ically politically and bylaw paftu 06 the te~fI-Lshyto~ie6 and within the ju~i6diction and 6oveJteignty 06 the Republic 06 the Philippinegt

WHEREAS becaugte 06 the a60fte6aid di6o~de~ ~eshy6ulting 6ftom a~med clagthe6 killinggt magt6ac~egt a~shy60116 ~ape6piltage6 de6t~ucUon 06 whole village6 and tOWngt and the inevitable cegtgt ation on agfticultukal and indugttttial ope~aUongt all 06 which have been bftought about by the violence in6ticted by the ChfI-Lgtshyiian6 the M1L6lim6 the Ilaga6 the BattJlacuda6 and the Mindanao Independence Movement again6t ea~


otheh and aga-in6t ou1t goveltnment tltOOP6 a glteat many paltt6 06 the -i6land6 06 M-indanao and Sulu alte v-ihtually noW -in a 6tate On a~tual walt

WHEREAS the v-iolent d-i6oltdelt -in Mandanao and Sulu ha6 todate lte6ulted -in the k-ill-ing 06 oveiL 1000 c-iv-il-ian6 and about 2 000 altmed mu6l-im6 and ~hlti6 t-ian6 not to ment-io n themolte than 6-ive hund middot Ited thou6and on -injulted di6pla~ed and homele66 peM a n6 a6 well a6 the glteat numb elt o~ ca6ualt-ie6 among ou1t goveltnmenttltDOp6 and the paltal-lzat-ion a6 the e~onomy 06 M-indanao and Sulu

WHEREAS be~au6e 06 the ~oltego-ingact6 oampaJtmedmiddot -in6 uJtJte~tLo n wa nto n d e6tltuct-io n 06 humanl-ive6 and pltopeltty unabated andunlte6tlta-inedpltopagandaatshytack6 aga-in6 t the gov eltnm ent and -it6in6t-itutlo n6 -in6thumental-itie-4 agenc-ie6 and 06 6-ic-ial6middot and the Itap-idly expand-ing ltank6 06 the a60lteJa-id lawleA6 elemenU andbe~au6 e on the 6 plteadb1g lawle66 ne66 and analt~hy thltoughout the land allan which have plteventedthe goveltnment tomiddot exeltc-i6e it6 autholt-ity extend to -iu c-it-iz enlty the pltotect-io n a6it6 law6 and -in 9 eneltalexeltci6 e-iu 6 ov elte-ig ntg ovelt cr 06 -it6 teltlt-itofL-ie6 cau6 ed 6 eJr-iou6 demoltal-izattcn arnO ng ou1t people and have made the publ-ic applteltJ16-ive and 6ealt 6u1 and n-intilly becau6 e publ-ic oiLd elt and 6 a6 ety and the 6ecuIt-ity 06 th-i6 nation demandthttt -immediate 6wf6t de~i6 -iv e and e6 6ect-ive act-io n be taken to pltotect and -in6ulte the pea~e oltdviand QecuIL-ity 06 the ~ountlty and -it6 populat-ionand tomiddot ma-intain the autholL-ity 06 the goveJtnmenti


WHER EAS -in ca6 e6 a6 -inva6 -io n -in6 uILlte~t-io n 0 It Itebell-ion olt -imminent dangelt thelte06 I a6 PILe6-ident 06 the Ph-iLLpp-ine6 haveundelt the Cont-itut-ion thlteecotlJt6e6 06 act-ion open to me namely (a) ~all out themiddot altmed 60ltce6 to QuppILe6Q the pILe6 ent law le66 v-iolence (bJ QuQpend the plt-ivUege 06 the Wlt-it 06 habea6 ~Oltpu6 to make the aJtlte6t and appheshyhen6-ion 06 the6cz lawle66elemenu eaQ-ieIL and mOILe e66ect-ive OIL (c) place the -ph-il-ipp-ine6 oltany paILt thelteo 6 undelt maftt-ial law

WHEREAS 1 have allteady ut-il-ized the n-ilt6t two coulL6 e6 06 action bDrQt by caUingupon the altm~

- 11 shy

nolteeo to owpplteo6 the a60Jte6aid lawleoo violenee eommittingto that 6peei nie job almoot 50 06 the entilte altmed noltee6 06 the eountlty and elteating 6 eveshyItal tao k noltee6 nolt that pUltpO6 e 6 ueh a6 Tct6 k i Foltee Saltanay Ta6k Foltee Palanan Ta6k Foltee l6altog Ta6k Foltee Pagkakai6a and Ta6k Foltee Lanean and 6eeond by 6u6pending the pltivilege On the wltit 06 habeao eo Itpuo on Aug uamp t 2 1197 1 up to Janualtlj 1912 but (116 pite 0 n all th at both e 0ultJ) e6 0 6 aell0 n weJte nound inadequate and inefinectiveto eontain muehleo6 6olve the plteJ)ent Jtebellion and lawleoone66 in the

eountltlj a6 J)hown by the naet that

1 The ltadieal lefit ha6 inelteaoed the numbelt an d altea 06 0 peltati-onofi it66Ito nt oltg ani zatioM and ha6 inten6ifiiedthe iteeltuitshyment and tltainlng 06 newadheltentf in the ultban and Itultal altea6 e6peeially oltom among the youth

z The Kabataang Makabayan(KM)) the mO6t milishytant and out6poken filtont oltganization06 the Itadieal lent haf ineltea6edthe numbelt 06 it6 chapteltJ) 6ltom 200 ao on the end 06 1910 to 311 at on July 31 1912 and It6 membeJt6hip nltom 10000 af 06 the end 061910 to 15000 a6middot 06 the end On July 1972 6ltowing velty eleanly the Itapidgltowth on the eommuniJ)t movement inthi6 eountlty

3 The Samahang Vema kltailko Ng KabatClan SVK anothelt militant and outJ)poken JLDntOItshyganization on theltadieal lent ha6 al60 ineltea6 ed the numbelt 06 itf ehapteJt6nltom an in6ignifiieantnumbelt at the end 061910 to 159 a6 06 the end 0 f Jul 1972 and ha6 noW a membeltamphip 06 ampome1495 highly inshydoetJtinated intenampely committed and almoft nanatieally devoted indlvidual6

4 The New Peopleamp Altmy the mO6t active and the mOft vlolentandltuthle~6militalty altm On the Itadicat lent hao inclteao ed it6total J)tltength nltoman e~timated6500 (eompoJ)ed on 560 ltegulalt6 1500 combat fUPPOltt and 4400 HltvU huppolt-t) a o Jaualt~



- 1 g shy

~o abou~7900 (eompohed 06 1028 lLegulalL4 1 to a eomba~ 4 upptlr~ anfi 5025 helLviee hUppOlL~) ah 06 Jul~ 31 1972 ~howing a malL~ed inelLea4e in iu ltegulalL ~lLOOp6 on OVlllL 100 in 6ueh a 6hot~ peltiad 06 ~ixmiddotmon~h6

50 The e6~abli~hment 06 ~ane~ualtie6 60lL ~he i~ ultg en~6 in I6 ab ela in Zambale6 in CamalLine6SUlL and in 6 ome palLt6 06 Mindashynao~ adevelopmen~ helLe~06olte unknown in oulL eampaign agaln6t 6ubvelL6ioft and in6UlLshygeney in ~hi6 eoun~lL~

6 The di6appealLanee and dlLopping ou~ 06 6ehool 06 6ome 3000 high 6ehool and eoLLege 6~Ushydent6 and who alLe lLepolL~ed ~o have joined wi~h ~he in6 ultg ent6 fi alL ~lLaining in ~he handling on 6ilLealLm6 and explo6ive6

7 The blLinging and intlLoduetlon ln~q~he eoun~lL~ 06 6ub6~an~ial walL ma~elLial eonshy6i6ting 06 mili~alLtj halLdwalte and 6upplie6

middotthlLough the MV KalLagatan at V-Lgoljo Point Palanan l6abela and ~he naet ~ha~ mantj 06 ~he6e miUtalt~ haltdwaJte and 6upplie6 alte now in ~he hand6 ofi themiddot in6UlLgen~6 and alLe being U6ed agal~~ oulL govelLnrnent ~lLOOp6

8 The in6iltlLation and eon~lLol 06 ~he media b~ pelt6on6 who alte ~tjmpathe~ie ~o ~he in6 UlLg ent6 and the eo 116 eq uen~ in~en~ L6i cailon 06 theilt plLopagimda a6~aultagain~~ ~he goveltnmen~ and ~he miUtalt~ e6tabli6hshyment on ~he govetnmen~o

9 The noltma~iona~ ~he glta66-lLoot level 06 IIpolitical poweJt olLgan6 helLetonOlLe an- flnown in ~he hi6~otyon theCommuni6t moveshyment in thi6 countlL~ compo6 edo 6 BaJtltio OJtganizingCommit~ee6 (BOC6) to mobilize the baJtJrio people fiott active involvemen~ in ~helLeVolu~ion ~he BaJtJtio RevoluilonalLtj Commi~tee6 BRC61 ~o act a6 Imiddotlocal goveJtnshyment6 in balLJtio6 eon6idelLed a6 CPP NPA



- 19 shy

bailiwickll the (lJoltkeJt6 OJtganizing Comshymitteell (WOCll) to middotoltganize WOltkeirll 6ltom all AectOltll the School Oltganizing Comshymitteell (SOC61 to conduct agitaliorl and pltopaganda activitie6 and help in the expandion 06 ~4ontg4oUp6 among the dtudentlty and the CommunityOJrganizi~g Committeell (COC6) which opeJtate in the ultban altea6 in the 6ame manneJt a) the BOCll bull

WHEREAS the Itebellion and a4med aclion undeltshytaken by the6elawlellll element606 the communl6t and othelt altmed aggltupailonll oltganlzedto oveltthltow the Republic o~ the PhiUppinei bq altmedviolenceand 60ltce have a66umed the magnitude On an actual 6tate 06 walt agalnlltoult people and the RepubliC 06 the


NOW THEREfORE I FER-VI NANV E MARCOS Pltelli shydenton the Phllippinell by vilttue 06 the poweM vellted upon me by Aldlcle VII I Section 10 PaltagJraph (2) 06 the Conlltitutiondo heJteby placethe entllte PhiUppinell a6 denined in AItticle I Sectlon 1 06 the Conlltitutian undelt malttial law and in my capacity a4 thellt c6mmandelt-in-chiefi do helteby commandthe altmed 60ltCell 06the Phllippine6 to maintainmiddotlaw and oJrdelt thltoughout the Phllippine6 pltevent Olt JuppJre611 all 60ltm6 06 lawlell6 v-tolence a6 well all anq act 0n inllUltltection Olt Itebellion and to en60ltce obedienceto atl the laWllandto all declteet oJtdeltll andltegulationll pltomulgated by me petrll 0nally oJt upo n my dlJtecUo n~

In addition I do helteby oltdelt that allpelt6on6 pltell ently detalned a6 well Mall otheltll who may heltea-6telt ite llimilaltly detained6olt the cJrimell oflnshyllultltectionoJt Jtebellion and all othelt cltimellanda6-middot 6enlle6 committed in6uJttheltance OfLon the occa61on thelteo Lolt incident thelteto Olt in co nnculion thelteshywith b0If cJtime6 ag alnllt natlonal II ecuJrity and the law 06 nationll Cltimell again6t public oltdelt CUme6 involving ull ultpailo n 06 atftholtlty Jtank title and lmpltopelt ulle on name6 unL60ltmll andln6ignia cltime6 commlttedmiddot by public 06 fiicelt6 and 601t lluch otheltcJrimell a6 will be enunieltated in OltdelLb that I II halt 6 ub6 eq uentty pltomulg ate all welt a6cJrime6 Maconllequence 06 any violation 06 any

decltee oltdelt olt Itegulation pltomulgated by me pelt6onatly alt pltomutgated upon mydiltecilon 6hall be kept undelt detenshytioY until otheltwi6e oltdelted ltetea6ed by me Olt by my duly de-61gnated lLeplLe-6 erutJcct-ive ~

- 20


~4~ 1l0BERTO V REYES Acting Executive Secretary

Page 12: Proclamation no 1081

- 12 shy

REGIONAL PROGRAM OF ACTION 1912 a copy 06 which wa6 captuJted by elementamp 06 the 116th and 119th PhIlIppIne ConatahulaJty Companleamp on June 18 1912 at BaJtJtio Tating6ing CoJtdon whl ch Jtea6 aIl 60110w6

IaabeRa the text 06



The allowing Refjianal PJtogJtam 06 Acshytlon 60Jt 1972 i6 pJtepaJted to be caJtJtied out a6 paJtt 06 the oveJtall plan06 the paJtty to noment di6 co ntent and pJtecepitatethe Ude 06 nationwide rna6) JtevoluUon The 6aci6t MaJtco6 middotand hl6JteacUonaJtY membeJt6 06 CongshyJte66 i6 expected to pJtepaJte them6elve6 noJt the 1973 hence

JanuaJty - June

10 Inten6i6Y JtecJtuitment 06 new piJttymembe1t6 e6 peually 6Jtom the woJtkeJt6- 6aJtmeJto clall6 0 CadJte6 aJLe bung tJtuned In oJtdeJt to oJtganlze the dl66eJLent JteglonaR buJteau6 The6 e bUJteau6 mU6t concentJtate on ma66 action and oJtfjanlzation to pJtomote advancement 06 the mM6 JtevoRuilonaICY movement Re6elence io madt to the BoJtadoJt ngPJtagJtama 6a Pagkllo6 at Ulat ng Panllpunang Pag6161Yd6 at M apshypJtoved by the CentJtdl Committeeo

2 RecJtuit etnd tJtun aJtmed uty paJttI~ 6anamp and uJtban gueJtJtiRla6 and oJtganize them into unit6 undeJt PaJtty cadJte6 and activi6u 06 rna66 04g anI zatio n6 bull The6 e unit6 mU6t und eJtshygo 6peuallzed tJtaining an explo6ive6 and deshymoliUon and 0the4 60Jtm6 06 ~abotage

3 Inten6i6y JteclLuitmentand tJtaiyungon new membeM 60Jt the NewPeople6 AJLmy in pJtepaJtatlon 60Jt llmited o66enlllve in 6elected aJtea6 In the Jtegion6

4 SuppoJtt a mltl~e aggJte66ive p40gJtam on agltation and pJtopaganda again6t the JteactionaJty aJtmed 60JtCM and again6t the Con Can

July - Aug U6t

VuJting thio peJtiod the paJtty expectll the puppet MaJtco6 goveJtnment to allow inlrt

- 13 shy

clteao e in bUb Itateb th u6 ag 9Ita vating 6ultth elt the plight 06 ftudenu WOltkelth and the 6altshymeltb 0

1 All Regional Paltty CJJmmitteeb mUbt plan nolt a geneltal ftltike movement The Reshygional Opeltational Commandb mubt plan 60lt altmed bUppOltt i6 the 6abcibt altmed 6oltceb 06 Maltcob will tlty to intimidate the oppltebbed Filipino maob eb 0

2 Conduct babotage agdinbt bchoolb collegeb and univeltbitieb hiking tuition 6eeb o

3 Conductb ab 0tag e and agltati 0 n ag ainb t puppet judgeb and COUlttb lealtning iCabeb againbt top paltty leadeM

4 Clteate Itegional chaoband diboltdelt to dltamatize the inability 06 the 6abcibtMaltshyCOb goveltnment to keep and maintain peace and oltdelt thltu

al RobbekY and hold-up 06 bankb contltolled by Ameltican impeltialif~b and thobe belonging to the enemieb ou the people

lib) At~ack militalty ca~pb US baf eb and tow nh bull

c) Molte violent f tltikeb and deshym0 nb tltati 0 nb bull

Septembelt - Octobelt

r ncite af e i ntenb ity 0 6 J io len ce dif 0 ltdelt and con6u6ion

11ntenfi6Y fabotage and bombing 06 g oveltnment buildingf and embabhie6 and otheltutilitieb

al Co ng lte66 b) Suplteme COUltt lie) Con Con d) City Hall e) US Embabb (f 6 ) FacLfitieb 06 us Bab ef g) PlIovincial Capitotbh) Powel[ Plant6

- 14 shy

Z SpoJradic attackhmiddot an camph toWnh and cideh

3 Ahhahhinate high goveJrnment 06biualh 06 CongJrehh JudiciaJrY Con Con and pJrivate individual6 6ympathetic to puppet MaJrc06

4 E6tablihh pJrovihional ltevolutionaJrY goveJrnment in town6 and udeh with the 6UppOJrt a6 the ma66 e6

5 With the 6ympathetic hUPP0Jrt 06 ouJr allie6 ehtabli6h pJrovi6ional pJrovincial Ite- volutionaJrY goveJrnment6


WHEREAS in line with theiJr REGIOMAL PROGRAM OF ACTION 1912 the a60Jre6aid lawleh6 elemenu have 06 late been conducting inten6i6ied act6 06 violence and teJrltolti6 m6 duting the cultJrent yealt in the glteaLea Manila aJrea huch a6 the bombing on the AJrca buildpoundng at Ta6t Avenue Pa6ay City on MaJrch 15 Obthe Fllpoundshypina6 Otient AJriway6 b oaltd JrO am at Vomell tic Road Pah ay City on ApJril 23 06 the VLetname6e Emba66Y on May 30 06 the COUJrt 06 IndU6ttial Relationll on June 23 06 the Philippine TJru6t Company bJranch on6ice in Cubao Quezon City on June 24 06 the Philamli6ebuildng at United Nation6 Avenue Manila on July 3 06 theTashybacalelta CigaJr amp CigaJrette FactoJry Compound at MaJrquezde ComLeea6 Manila on July 21 06 the PLVT exchange066ice at Ea6t Avenue Quezon City and 06 the Philipshypine SagaJr In6titute building at Noltth Avenue Vilishyman Quezon City both on Auga6t 15 06 the Vepalttshyment 06 Soual Wel6alte building at San Ra6ael StJreet Sampaloc Manila on Augu6t 11 06a wateJr main on AUJrolta BoulevaJrd and Madi60l1 Aven(te Quezon City on AugU6t 19 06 the Philamli6e building againon Auguht 30 thi6 time cau6ing 6 eveJre de6tJruction on the FaJr Ea6t Bank and TJrU6t Company building neaJrby 06 the aJrmoJred caJr and building 06 the Philippine Banking CoJrshypoltatiolt It6 well a6 the building6 06 the I nve6tment Vevelopment Inc and the Vaily StaJr Publicatiolt6 when anotheJr explo6ion took place on Railltoad StJreet P~ltt Altea Maniia al60 on AugU6t 30 06 ]oell VepaJrtment StoJre on CaJrltiedo Stlteet Quiapo ManLta 011 SeptembeJr 5 ~aubull ing death to 0 ne woman an d in]uJUeh to 0mj(


- 15 shy

individuaL6 and 06 the City Hall 06 Manila on Septshyembe~ 8 06 the wate~main~ in San Juan Rizal on

Sept 12 00 the San Miguel building in Maf2ati Rtzal an Sept 14 and 0 6 the Quezon City Hal on Septembe~ 18 1972 a~ well a~ the attempted bombing 06 the Cong~e~gt Build-Lrg on July 1g when iln un- exploded bomb Wd6~ bound in the Senate publication Vivigtioi and the attempted bombing 00 the Vepa~tment 06 Fo~eign A66a(Jtgt an Aug ugtt 30ltgt

WHEREAS in line with the ~ame REGIONAL PROGshyRAM OF ACTION 1972 the a60~igtaid lawlu6 elemenu have algto 6ielded in the G~eate~ Manila a~ea ~eve~al o6 thei~ Spli~~ow Unittgt o~ SimbadUniu to unde~shytake liquidaUon mLl~ion~ )lgain6t ~anking gove~nmel1tOn 6iualo milita~y peugtJ1nel and p~ominent utizengt and to ou~the~ heighten the degtt~ucUongt and dep~eshydationgt al~eady inolicted by them upon ou~ innocent people all on which a~e being delibe~atety done -to 60W te~~o~ 6eal and chao6 among6t ou~ population and to make the gove~nment look 60 helplegtgt and incapable 06 p~otecUng the livegt and p~opeJrty 00 ou~ people

WHEREAS in addiUon to the above- de~c~ibed gtocial digtoftde~ thelte i-6 algto the equally 6eUOM digto~de~ in Mil1danao al1d Sula Iegtulting n~om the ungtettled conshy6lict between ce~tain elemenu a6 the Ch~igtUan and Mugtlim popalaUon 00 Mindanao and Salu betweenthe Chftigttian lfIlagao and themiddot MugtlimBa~~acudM and between ou~ goveftnment tftoopgt and cefttain lawlegtgt oftganizatioftgt 6adl a6 the Mindanao I ndeperidence Movement

WHERUS the Mindanao I ndependence Movement with tlle actiue matefI-Lal aJid 6inancial agtgtihtance 06 60fteign political and economic inte~e6t6 i6 engaged in an open and unconcealed attempt to egttabli6h by violence and foftce a 6 epaJtate and independent polLtical 6tate out 06 the i6land6 06 Mil1danao and Sula which a~e ~igt~ to~ically politically and bylaw paftu 06 the te~fI-Lshyto~ie6 and within the ju~i6diction and 6oveJteignty 06 the Republic 06 the Philippinegt

WHEREAS becaugte 06 the a60fte6aid di6o~de~ ~eshy6ulting 6ftom a~med clagthe6 killinggt magt6ac~egt a~shy60116 ~ape6piltage6 de6t~ucUon 06 whole village6 and tOWngt and the inevitable cegtgt ation on agfticultukal and indugttttial ope~aUongt all 06 which have been bftought about by the violence in6ticted by the ChfI-Lgtshyiian6 the M1L6lim6 the Ilaga6 the BattJlacuda6 and the Mindanao Independence Movement again6t ea~


otheh and aga-in6t ou1t goveltnment tltOOP6 a glteat many paltt6 06 the -i6land6 06 M-indanao and Sulu alte v-ihtually noW -in a 6tate On a~tual walt

WHEREAS the v-iolent d-i6oltdelt -in Mandanao and Sulu ha6 todate lte6ulted -in the k-ill-ing 06 oveiL 1000 c-iv-il-ian6 and about 2 000 altmed mu6l-im6 and ~hlti6 t-ian6 not to ment-io n themolte than 6-ive hund middot Ited thou6and on -injulted di6pla~ed and homele66 peM a n6 a6 well a6 the glteat numb elt o~ ca6ualt-ie6 among ou1t goveltnmenttltDOp6 and the paltal-lzat-ion a6 the e~onomy 06 M-indanao and Sulu

WHEREAS be~au6e 06 the ~oltego-ingact6 oampaJtmedmiddot -in6 uJtJte~tLo n wa nto n d e6tltuct-io n 06 humanl-ive6 and pltopeltty unabated andunlte6tlta-inedpltopagandaatshytack6 aga-in6 t the gov eltnm ent and -it6in6t-itutlo n6 -in6thumental-itie-4 agenc-ie6 and 06 6-ic-ial6middot and the Itap-idly expand-ing ltank6 06 the a60lteJa-id lawleA6 elemenU andbe~au6 e on the 6 plteadb1g lawle66 ne66 and analt~hy thltoughout the land allan which have plteventedthe goveltnment tomiddot exeltc-i6e it6 autholt-ity extend to -iu c-it-iz enlty the pltotect-io n a6it6 law6 and -in 9 eneltalexeltci6 e-iu 6 ov elte-ig ntg ovelt cr 06 -it6 teltlt-itofL-ie6 cau6 ed 6 eJr-iou6 demoltal-izattcn arnO ng ou1t people and have made the publ-ic applteltJ16-ive and 6ealt 6u1 and n-intilly becau6 e publ-ic oiLd elt and 6 a6 ety and the 6ecuIt-ity 06 th-i6 nation demandthttt -immediate 6wf6t de~i6 -iv e and e6 6ect-ive act-io n be taken to pltotect and -in6ulte the pea~e oltdviand QecuIL-ity 06 the ~ountlty and -it6 populat-ionand tomiddot ma-intain the autholL-ity 06 the goveJtnmenti


WHER EAS -in ca6 e6 a6 -inva6 -io n -in6 uILlte~t-io n 0 It Itebell-ion olt -imminent dangelt thelte06 I a6 PILe6-ident 06 the Ph-iLLpp-ine6 haveundelt the Cont-itut-ion thlteecotlJt6e6 06 act-ion open to me namely (a) ~all out themiddot altmed 60ltce6 to QuppILe6Q the pILe6 ent law le66 v-iolence (bJ QuQpend the plt-ivUege 06 the Wlt-it 06 habea6 ~Oltpu6 to make the aJtlte6t and appheshyhen6-ion 06 the6cz lawle66elemenu eaQ-ieIL and mOILe e66ect-ive OIL (c) place the -ph-il-ipp-ine6 oltany paILt thelteo 6 undelt maftt-ial law

WHEREAS 1 have allteady ut-il-ized the n-ilt6t two coulL6 e6 06 action bDrQt by caUingupon the altm~

- 11 shy

nolteeo to owpplteo6 the a60Jte6aid lawleoo violenee eommittingto that 6peei nie job almoot 50 06 the entilte altmed noltee6 06 the eountlty and elteating 6 eveshyItal tao k noltee6 nolt that pUltpO6 e 6 ueh a6 Tct6 k i Foltee Saltanay Ta6k Foltee Palanan Ta6k Foltee l6altog Ta6k Foltee Pagkakai6a and Ta6k Foltee Lanean and 6eeond by 6u6pending the pltivilege On the wltit 06 habeao eo Itpuo on Aug uamp t 2 1197 1 up to Janualtlj 1912 but (116 pite 0 n all th at both e 0ultJ) e6 0 6 aell0 n weJte nound inadequate and inefinectiveto eontain muehleo6 6olve the plteJ)ent Jtebellion and lawleoone66 in the

eountltlj a6 J)hown by the naet that

1 The ltadieal lefit ha6 inelteaoed the numbelt an d altea 06 0 peltati-onofi it66Ito nt oltg ani zatioM and ha6 inten6ifiiedthe iteeltuitshyment and tltainlng 06 newadheltentf in the ultban and Itultal altea6 e6peeially oltom among the youth

z The Kabataang Makabayan(KM)) the mO6t milishytant and out6poken filtont oltganization06 the Itadieal lent haf ineltea6edthe numbelt 06 it6 chapteltJ) 6ltom 200 ao on the end 06 1910 to 311 at on July 31 1912 and It6 membeJt6hip nltom 10000 af 06 the end 061910 to 15000 a6middot 06 the end On July 1972 6ltowing velty eleanly the Itapidgltowth on the eommuniJ)t movement inthi6 eountlty

3 The Samahang Vema kltailko Ng KabatClan SVK anothelt militant and outJ)poken JLDntOItshyganization on theltadieal lent ha6 al60 ineltea6 ed the numbelt 06 itf ehapteJt6nltom an in6ignifiieantnumbelt at the end 061910 to 159 a6 06 the end 0 f Jul 1972 and ha6 noW a membeltamphip 06 ampome1495 highly inshydoetJtinated intenampely committed and almoft nanatieally devoted indlvidual6

4 The New Peopleamp Altmy the mO6t active and the mOft vlolentandltuthle~6militalty altm On the Itadicat lent hao inclteao ed it6total J)tltength nltoman e~timated6500 (eompoJ)ed on 560 ltegulalt6 1500 combat fUPPOltt and 4400 HltvU huppolt-t) a o Jaualt~



- 1 g shy

~o abou~7900 (eompohed 06 1028 lLegulalL4 1 to a eomba~ 4 upptlr~ anfi 5025 helLviee hUppOlL~) ah 06 Jul~ 31 1972 ~howing a malL~ed inelLea4e in iu ltegulalL ~lLOOp6 on OVlllL 100 in 6ueh a 6hot~ peltiad 06 ~ixmiddotmon~h6

50 The e6~abli~hment 06 ~ane~ualtie6 60lL ~he i~ ultg en~6 in I6 ab ela in Zambale6 in CamalLine6SUlL and in 6 ome palLt6 06 Mindashynao~ adevelopmen~ helLe~06olte unknown in oulL eampaign agaln6t 6ubvelL6ioft and in6UlLshygeney in ~hi6 eoun~lL~

6 The di6appealLanee and dlLopping ou~ 06 6ehool 06 6ome 3000 high 6ehool and eoLLege 6~Ushydent6 and who alLe lLepolL~ed ~o have joined wi~h ~he in6 ultg ent6 fi alL ~lLaining in ~he handling on 6ilLealLm6 and explo6ive6

7 The blLinging and intlLoduetlon ln~q~he eoun~lL~ 06 6ub6~an~ial walL ma~elLial eonshy6i6ting 06 mili~alLtj halLdwalte and 6upplie6

middotthlLough the MV KalLagatan at V-Lgoljo Point Palanan l6abela and ~he naet ~ha~ mantj 06 ~he6e miUtalt~ haltdwaJte and 6upplie6 alte now in ~he hand6 ofi themiddot in6UlLgen~6 and alLe being U6ed agal~~ oulL govelLnrnent ~lLOOp6

8 The in6iltlLation and eon~lLol 06 ~he media b~ pelt6on6 who alte ~tjmpathe~ie ~o ~he in6 UlLg ent6 and the eo 116 eq uen~ in~en~ L6i cailon 06 theilt plLopagimda a6~aultagain~~ ~he goveltnmen~ and ~he miUtalt~ e6tabli6hshyment on ~he govetnmen~o

9 The noltma~iona~ ~he glta66-lLoot level 06 IIpolitical poweJt olLgan6 helLetonOlLe an- flnown in ~he hi6~otyon theCommuni6t moveshyment in thi6 countlL~ compo6 edo 6 BaJtltio OJtganizingCommit~ee6 (BOC6) to mobilize the baJtJrio people fiott active involvemen~ in ~helLeVolu~ion ~he BaJtJtio RevoluilonalLtj Commi~tee6 BRC61 ~o act a6 Imiddotlocal goveJtnshyment6 in balLJtio6 eon6idelLed a6 CPP NPA



- 19 shy

bailiwickll the (lJoltkeJt6 OJtganizing Comshymitteell (WOCll) to middotoltganize WOltkeirll 6ltom all AectOltll the School Oltganizing Comshymitteell (SOC61 to conduct agitaliorl and pltopaganda activitie6 and help in the expandion 06 ~4ontg4oUp6 among the dtudentlty and the CommunityOJrganizi~g Committeell (COC6) which opeJtate in the ultban altea6 in the 6ame manneJt a) the BOCll bull

WHEREAS the Itebellion and a4med aclion undeltshytaken by the6elawlellll element606 the communl6t and othelt altmed aggltupailonll oltganlzedto oveltthltow the Republic o~ the PhiUppinei bq altmedviolenceand 60ltce have a66umed the magnitude On an actual 6tate 06 walt agalnlltoult people and the RepubliC 06 the


NOW THEREfORE I FER-VI NANV E MARCOS Pltelli shydenton the Phllippinell by vilttue 06 the poweM vellted upon me by Aldlcle VII I Section 10 PaltagJraph (2) 06 the Conlltitutiondo heJteby placethe entllte PhiUppinell a6 denined in AItticle I Sectlon 1 06 the Conlltitutian undelt malttial law and in my capacity a4 thellt c6mmandelt-in-chiefi do helteby commandthe altmed 60ltCell 06the Phllippine6 to maintainmiddotlaw and oJrdelt thltoughout the Phllippine6 pltevent Olt JuppJre611 all 60ltm6 06 lawlell6 v-tolence a6 well all anq act 0n inllUltltection Olt Itebellion and to en60ltce obedienceto atl the laWllandto all declteet oJtdeltll andltegulationll pltomulgated by me petrll 0nally oJt upo n my dlJtecUo n~

In addition I do helteby oltdelt that allpelt6on6 pltell ently detalned a6 well Mall otheltll who may heltea-6telt ite llimilaltly detained6olt the cJrimell oflnshyllultltectionoJt Jtebellion and all othelt cltimellanda6-middot 6enlle6 committed in6uJttheltance OfLon the occa61on thelteo Lolt incident thelteto Olt in co nnculion thelteshywith b0If cJtime6 ag alnllt natlonal II ecuJrity and the law 06 nationll Cltimell again6t public oltdelt CUme6 involving ull ultpailo n 06 atftholtlty Jtank title and lmpltopelt ulle on name6 unL60ltmll andln6ignia cltime6 commlttedmiddot by public 06 fiicelt6 and 601t lluch otheltcJrimell a6 will be enunieltated in OltdelLb that I II halt 6 ub6 eq uentty pltomulg ate all welt a6cJrime6 Maconllequence 06 any violation 06 any

decltee oltdelt olt Itegulation pltomulgated by me pelt6onatly alt pltomutgated upon mydiltecilon 6hall be kept undelt detenshytioY until otheltwi6e oltdelted ltetea6ed by me Olt by my duly de-61gnated lLeplLe-6 erutJcct-ive ~

- 20


~4~ 1l0BERTO V REYES Acting Executive Secretary

Page 13: Proclamation no 1081

- 13 shy

clteao e in bUb Itateb th u6 ag 9Ita vating 6ultth elt the plight 06 ftudenu WOltkelth and the 6altshymeltb 0

1 All Regional Paltty CJJmmitteeb mUbt plan nolt a geneltal ftltike movement The Reshygional Opeltational Commandb mubt plan 60lt altmed bUppOltt i6 the 6abcibt altmed 6oltceb 06 Maltcob will tlty to intimidate the oppltebbed Filipino maob eb 0

2 Conduct babotage agdinbt bchoolb collegeb and univeltbitieb hiking tuition 6eeb o

3 Conductb ab 0tag e and agltati 0 n ag ainb t puppet judgeb and COUlttb lealtning iCabeb againbt top paltty leadeM

4 Clteate Itegional chaoband diboltdelt to dltamatize the inability 06 the 6abcibtMaltshyCOb goveltnment to keep and maintain peace and oltdelt thltu

al RobbekY and hold-up 06 bankb contltolled by Ameltican impeltialif~b and thobe belonging to the enemieb ou the people

lib) At~ack militalty ca~pb US baf eb and tow nh bull

c) Molte violent f tltikeb and deshym0 nb tltati 0 nb bull

Septembelt - Octobelt

r ncite af e i ntenb ity 0 6 J io len ce dif 0 ltdelt and con6u6ion

11ntenfi6Y fabotage and bombing 06 g oveltnment buildingf and embabhie6 and otheltutilitieb

al Co ng lte66 b) Suplteme COUltt lie) Con Con d) City Hall e) US Embabb (f 6 ) FacLfitieb 06 us Bab ef g) PlIovincial Capitotbh) Powel[ Plant6

- 14 shy

Z SpoJradic attackhmiddot an camph toWnh and cideh

3 Ahhahhinate high goveJrnment 06biualh 06 CongJrehh JudiciaJrY Con Con and pJrivate individual6 6ympathetic to puppet MaJrc06

4 E6tablihh pJrovihional ltevolutionaJrY goveJrnment in town6 and udeh with the 6UppOJrt a6 the ma66 e6

5 With the 6ympathetic hUPP0Jrt 06 ouJr allie6 ehtabli6h pJrovi6ional pJrovincial Ite- volutionaJrY goveJrnment6


WHEREAS in line with theiJr REGIOMAL PROGRAM OF ACTION 1912 the a60Jre6aid lawleh6 elemenu have 06 late been conducting inten6i6ied act6 06 violence and teJrltolti6 m6 duting the cultJrent yealt in the glteaLea Manila aJrea huch a6 the bombing on the AJrca buildpoundng at Ta6t Avenue Pa6ay City on MaJrch 15 Obthe Fllpoundshypina6 Otient AJriway6 b oaltd JrO am at Vomell tic Road Pah ay City on ApJril 23 06 the VLetname6e Emba66Y on May 30 06 the COUJrt 06 IndU6ttial Relationll on June 23 06 the Philippine TJru6t Company bJranch on6ice in Cubao Quezon City on June 24 06 the Philamli6ebuildng at United Nation6 Avenue Manila on July 3 06 theTashybacalelta CigaJr amp CigaJrette FactoJry Compound at MaJrquezde ComLeea6 Manila on July 21 06 the PLVT exchange066ice at Ea6t Avenue Quezon City and 06 the Philipshypine SagaJr In6titute building at Noltth Avenue Vilishyman Quezon City both on Auga6t 15 06 the Vepalttshyment 06 Soual Wel6alte building at San Ra6ael StJreet Sampaloc Manila on Augu6t 11 06a wateJr main on AUJrolta BoulevaJrd and Madi60l1 Aven(te Quezon City on AugU6t 19 06 the Philamli6e building againon Auguht 30 thi6 time cau6ing 6 eveJre de6tJruction on the FaJr Ea6t Bank and TJrU6t Company building neaJrby 06 the aJrmoJred caJr and building 06 the Philippine Banking CoJrshypoltatiolt It6 well a6 the building6 06 the I nve6tment Vevelopment Inc and the Vaily StaJr Publicatiolt6 when anotheJr explo6ion took place on Railltoad StJreet P~ltt Altea Maniia al60 on AugU6t 30 06 ]oell VepaJrtment StoJre on CaJrltiedo Stlteet Quiapo ManLta 011 SeptembeJr 5 ~aubull ing death to 0 ne woman an d in]uJUeh to 0mj(


- 15 shy

individuaL6 and 06 the City Hall 06 Manila on Septshyembe~ 8 06 the wate~main~ in San Juan Rizal on

Sept 12 00 the San Miguel building in Maf2ati Rtzal an Sept 14 and 0 6 the Quezon City Hal on Septembe~ 18 1972 a~ well a~ the attempted bombing 06 the Cong~e~gt Build-Lrg on July 1g when iln un- exploded bomb Wd6~ bound in the Senate publication Vivigtioi and the attempted bombing 00 the Vepa~tment 06 Fo~eign A66a(Jtgt an Aug ugtt 30ltgt

WHEREAS in line with the ~ame REGIONAL PROGshyRAM OF ACTION 1972 the a60~igtaid lawlu6 elemenu have algto 6ielded in the G~eate~ Manila a~ea ~eve~al o6 thei~ Spli~~ow Unittgt o~ SimbadUniu to unde~shytake liquidaUon mLl~ion~ )lgain6t ~anking gove~nmel1tOn 6iualo milita~y peugtJ1nel and p~ominent utizengt and to ou~the~ heighten the degtt~ucUongt and dep~eshydationgt al~eady inolicted by them upon ou~ innocent people all on which a~e being delibe~atety done -to 60W te~~o~ 6eal and chao6 among6t ou~ population and to make the gove~nment look 60 helplegtgt and incapable 06 p~otecUng the livegt and p~opeJrty 00 ou~ people

WHEREAS in addiUon to the above- de~c~ibed gtocial digtoftde~ thelte i-6 algto the equally 6eUOM digto~de~ in Mil1danao al1d Sula Iegtulting n~om the ungtettled conshy6lict between ce~tain elemenu a6 the Ch~igtUan and Mugtlim popalaUon 00 Mindanao and Salu betweenthe Chftigttian lfIlagao and themiddot MugtlimBa~~acudM and between ou~ goveftnment tftoopgt and cefttain lawlegtgt oftganizatioftgt 6adl a6 the Mindanao I ndeperidence Movement

WHERUS the Mindanao I ndependence Movement with tlle actiue matefI-Lal aJid 6inancial agtgtihtance 06 60fteign political and economic inte~e6t6 i6 engaged in an open and unconcealed attempt to egttabli6h by violence and foftce a 6 epaJtate and independent polLtical 6tate out 06 the i6land6 06 Mil1danao and Sula which a~e ~igt~ to~ically politically and bylaw paftu 06 the te~fI-Lshyto~ie6 and within the ju~i6diction and 6oveJteignty 06 the Republic 06 the Philippinegt

WHEREAS becaugte 06 the a60fte6aid di6o~de~ ~eshy6ulting 6ftom a~med clagthe6 killinggt magt6ac~egt a~shy60116 ~ape6piltage6 de6t~ucUon 06 whole village6 and tOWngt and the inevitable cegtgt ation on agfticultukal and indugttttial ope~aUongt all 06 which have been bftought about by the violence in6ticted by the ChfI-Lgtshyiian6 the M1L6lim6 the Ilaga6 the BattJlacuda6 and the Mindanao Independence Movement again6t ea~


otheh and aga-in6t ou1t goveltnment tltOOP6 a glteat many paltt6 06 the -i6land6 06 M-indanao and Sulu alte v-ihtually noW -in a 6tate On a~tual walt

WHEREAS the v-iolent d-i6oltdelt -in Mandanao and Sulu ha6 todate lte6ulted -in the k-ill-ing 06 oveiL 1000 c-iv-il-ian6 and about 2 000 altmed mu6l-im6 and ~hlti6 t-ian6 not to ment-io n themolte than 6-ive hund middot Ited thou6and on -injulted di6pla~ed and homele66 peM a n6 a6 well a6 the glteat numb elt o~ ca6ualt-ie6 among ou1t goveltnmenttltDOp6 and the paltal-lzat-ion a6 the e~onomy 06 M-indanao and Sulu

WHEREAS be~au6e 06 the ~oltego-ingact6 oampaJtmedmiddot -in6 uJtJte~tLo n wa nto n d e6tltuct-io n 06 humanl-ive6 and pltopeltty unabated andunlte6tlta-inedpltopagandaatshytack6 aga-in6 t the gov eltnm ent and -it6in6t-itutlo n6 -in6thumental-itie-4 agenc-ie6 and 06 6-ic-ial6middot and the Itap-idly expand-ing ltank6 06 the a60lteJa-id lawleA6 elemenU andbe~au6 e on the 6 plteadb1g lawle66 ne66 and analt~hy thltoughout the land allan which have plteventedthe goveltnment tomiddot exeltc-i6e it6 autholt-ity extend to -iu c-it-iz enlty the pltotect-io n a6it6 law6 and -in 9 eneltalexeltci6 e-iu 6 ov elte-ig ntg ovelt cr 06 -it6 teltlt-itofL-ie6 cau6 ed 6 eJr-iou6 demoltal-izattcn arnO ng ou1t people and have made the publ-ic applteltJ16-ive and 6ealt 6u1 and n-intilly becau6 e publ-ic oiLd elt and 6 a6 ety and the 6ecuIt-ity 06 th-i6 nation demandthttt -immediate 6wf6t de~i6 -iv e and e6 6ect-ive act-io n be taken to pltotect and -in6ulte the pea~e oltdviand QecuIL-ity 06 the ~ountlty and -it6 populat-ionand tomiddot ma-intain the autholL-ity 06 the goveJtnmenti


WHER EAS -in ca6 e6 a6 -inva6 -io n -in6 uILlte~t-io n 0 It Itebell-ion olt -imminent dangelt thelte06 I a6 PILe6-ident 06 the Ph-iLLpp-ine6 haveundelt the Cont-itut-ion thlteecotlJt6e6 06 act-ion open to me namely (a) ~all out themiddot altmed 60ltce6 to QuppILe6Q the pILe6 ent law le66 v-iolence (bJ QuQpend the plt-ivUege 06 the Wlt-it 06 habea6 ~Oltpu6 to make the aJtlte6t and appheshyhen6-ion 06 the6cz lawle66elemenu eaQ-ieIL and mOILe e66ect-ive OIL (c) place the -ph-il-ipp-ine6 oltany paILt thelteo 6 undelt maftt-ial law

WHEREAS 1 have allteady ut-il-ized the n-ilt6t two coulL6 e6 06 action bDrQt by caUingupon the altm~

- 11 shy

nolteeo to owpplteo6 the a60Jte6aid lawleoo violenee eommittingto that 6peei nie job almoot 50 06 the entilte altmed noltee6 06 the eountlty and elteating 6 eveshyItal tao k noltee6 nolt that pUltpO6 e 6 ueh a6 Tct6 k i Foltee Saltanay Ta6k Foltee Palanan Ta6k Foltee l6altog Ta6k Foltee Pagkakai6a and Ta6k Foltee Lanean and 6eeond by 6u6pending the pltivilege On the wltit 06 habeao eo Itpuo on Aug uamp t 2 1197 1 up to Janualtlj 1912 but (116 pite 0 n all th at both e 0ultJ) e6 0 6 aell0 n weJte nound inadequate and inefinectiveto eontain muehleo6 6olve the plteJ)ent Jtebellion and lawleoone66 in the

eountltlj a6 J)hown by the naet that

1 The ltadieal lefit ha6 inelteaoed the numbelt an d altea 06 0 peltati-onofi it66Ito nt oltg ani zatioM and ha6 inten6ifiiedthe iteeltuitshyment and tltainlng 06 newadheltentf in the ultban and Itultal altea6 e6peeially oltom among the youth

z The Kabataang Makabayan(KM)) the mO6t milishytant and out6poken filtont oltganization06 the Itadieal lent haf ineltea6edthe numbelt 06 it6 chapteltJ) 6ltom 200 ao on the end 06 1910 to 311 at on July 31 1912 and It6 membeJt6hip nltom 10000 af 06 the end 061910 to 15000 a6middot 06 the end On July 1972 6ltowing velty eleanly the Itapidgltowth on the eommuniJ)t movement inthi6 eountlty

3 The Samahang Vema kltailko Ng KabatClan SVK anothelt militant and outJ)poken JLDntOItshyganization on theltadieal lent ha6 al60 ineltea6 ed the numbelt 06 itf ehapteJt6nltom an in6ignifiieantnumbelt at the end 061910 to 159 a6 06 the end 0 f Jul 1972 and ha6 noW a membeltamphip 06 ampome1495 highly inshydoetJtinated intenampely committed and almoft nanatieally devoted indlvidual6

4 The New Peopleamp Altmy the mO6t active and the mOft vlolentandltuthle~6militalty altm On the Itadicat lent hao inclteao ed it6total J)tltength nltoman e~timated6500 (eompoJ)ed on 560 ltegulalt6 1500 combat fUPPOltt and 4400 HltvU huppolt-t) a o Jaualt~



- 1 g shy

~o abou~7900 (eompohed 06 1028 lLegulalL4 1 to a eomba~ 4 upptlr~ anfi 5025 helLviee hUppOlL~) ah 06 Jul~ 31 1972 ~howing a malL~ed inelLea4e in iu ltegulalL ~lLOOp6 on OVlllL 100 in 6ueh a 6hot~ peltiad 06 ~ixmiddotmon~h6

50 The e6~abli~hment 06 ~ane~ualtie6 60lL ~he i~ ultg en~6 in I6 ab ela in Zambale6 in CamalLine6SUlL and in 6 ome palLt6 06 Mindashynao~ adevelopmen~ helLe~06olte unknown in oulL eampaign agaln6t 6ubvelL6ioft and in6UlLshygeney in ~hi6 eoun~lL~

6 The di6appealLanee and dlLopping ou~ 06 6ehool 06 6ome 3000 high 6ehool and eoLLege 6~Ushydent6 and who alLe lLepolL~ed ~o have joined wi~h ~he in6 ultg ent6 fi alL ~lLaining in ~he handling on 6ilLealLm6 and explo6ive6

7 The blLinging and intlLoduetlon ln~q~he eoun~lL~ 06 6ub6~an~ial walL ma~elLial eonshy6i6ting 06 mili~alLtj halLdwalte and 6upplie6

middotthlLough the MV KalLagatan at V-Lgoljo Point Palanan l6abela and ~he naet ~ha~ mantj 06 ~he6e miUtalt~ haltdwaJte and 6upplie6 alte now in ~he hand6 ofi themiddot in6UlLgen~6 and alLe being U6ed agal~~ oulL govelLnrnent ~lLOOp6

8 The in6iltlLation and eon~lLol 06 ~he media b~ pelt6on6 who alte ~tjmpathe~ie ~o ~he in6 UlLg ent6 and the eo 116 eq uen~ in~en~ L6i cailon 06 theilt plLopagimda a6~aultagain~~ ~he goveltnmen~ and ~he miUtalt~ e6tabli6hshyment on ~he govetnmen~o

9 The noltma~iona~ ~he glta66-lLoot level 06 IIpolitical poweJt olLgan6 helLetonOlLe an- flnown in ~he hi6~otyon theCommuni6t moveshyment in thi6 countlL~ compo6 edo 6 BaJtltio OJtganizingCommit~ee6 (BOC6) to mobilize the baJtJrio people fiott active involvemen~ in ~helLeVolu~ion ~he BaJtJtio RevoluilonalLtj Commi~tee6 BRC61 ~o act a6 Imiddotlocal goveJtnshyment6 in balLJtio6 eon6idelLed a6 CPP NPA



- 19 shy

bailiwickll the (lJoltkeJt6 OJtganizing Comshymitteell (WOCll) to middotoltganize WOltkeirll 6ltom all AectOltll the School Oltganizing Comshymitteell (SOC61 to conduct agitaliorl and pltopaganda activitie6 and help in the expandion 06 ~4ontg4oUp6 among the dtudentlty and the CommunityOJrganizi~g Committeell (COC6) which opeJtate in the ultban altea6 in the 6ame manneJt a) the BOCll bull

WHEREAS the Itebellion and a4med aclion undeltshytaken by the6elawlellll element606 the communl6t and othelt altmed aggltupailonll oltganlzedto oveltthltow the Republic o~ the PhiUppinei bq altmedviolenceand 60ltce have a66umed the magnitude On an actual 6tate 06 walt agalnlltoult people and the RepubliC 06 the


NOW THEREfORE I FER-VI NANV E MARCOS Pltelli shydenton the Phllippinell by vilttue 06 the poweM vellted upon me by Aldlcle VII I Section 10 PaltagJraph (2) 06 the Conlltitutiondo heJteby placethe entllte PhiUppinell a6 denined in AItticle I Sectlon 1 06 the Conlltitutian undelt malttial law and in my capacity a4 thellt c6mmandelt-in-chiefi do helteby commandthe altmed 60ltCell 06the Phllippine6 to maintainmiddotlaw and oJrdelt thltoughout the Phllippine6 pltevent Olt JuppJre611 all 60ltm6 06 lawlell6 v-tolence a6 well all anq act 0n inllUltltection Olt Itebellion and to en60ltce obedienceto atl the laWllandto all declteet oJtdeltll andltegulationll pltomulgated by me petrll 0nally oJt upo n my dlJtecUo n~

In addition I do helteby oltdelt that allpelt6on6 pltell ently detalned a6 well Mall otheltll who may heltea-6telt ite llimilaltly detained6olt the cJrimell oflnshyllultltectionoJt Jtebellion and all othelt cltimellanda6-middot 6enlle6 committed in6uJttheltance OfLon the occa61on thelteo Lolt incident thelteto Olt in co nnculion thelteshywith b0If cJtime6 ag alnllt natlonal II ecuJrity and the law 06 nationll Cltimell again6t public oltdelt CUme6 involving ull ultpailo n 06 atftholtlty Jtank title and lmpltopelt ulle on name6 unL60ltmll andln6ignia cltime6 commlttedmiddot by public 06 fiicelt6 and 601t lluch otheltcJrimell a6 will be enunieltated in OltdelLb that I II halt 6 ub6 eq uentty pltomulg ate all welt a6cJrime6 Maconllequence 06 any violation 06 any

decltee oltdelt olt Itegulation pltomulgated by me pelt6onatly alt pltomutgated upon mydiltecilon 6hall be kept undelt detenshytioY until otheltwi6e oltdelted ltetea6ed by me Olt by my duly de-61gnated lLeplLe-6 erutJcct-ive ~

- 20


~4~ 1l0BERTO V REYES Acting Executive Secretary

Page 14: Proclamation no 1081

- 14 shy

Z SpoJradic attackhmiddot an camph toWnh and cideh

3 Ahhahhinate high goveJrnment 06biualh 06 CongJrehh JudiciaJrY Con Con and pJrivate individual6 6ympathetic to puppet MaJrc06

4 E6tablihh pJrovihional ltevolutionaJrY goveJrnment in town6 and udeh with the 6UppOJrt a6 the ma66 e6

5 With the 6ympathetic hUPP0Jrt 06 ouJr allie6 ehtabli6h pJrovi6ional pJrovincial Ite- volutionaJrY goveJrnment6


WHEREAS in line with theiJr REGIOMAL PROGRAM OF ACTION 1912 the a60Jre6aid lawleh6 elemenu have 06 late been conducting inten6i6ied act6 06 violence and teJrltolti6 m6 duting the cultJrent yealt in the glteaLea Manila aJrea huch a6 the bombing on the AJrca buildpoundng at Ta6t Avenue Pa6ay City on MaJrch 15 Obthe Fllpoundshypina6 Otient AJriway6 b oaltd JrO am at Vomell tic Road Pah ay City on ApJril 23 06 the VLetname6e Emba66Y on May 30 06 the COUJrt 06 IndU6ttial Relationll on June 23 06 the Philippine TJru6t Company bJranch on6ice in Cubao Quezon City on June 24 06 the Philamli6ebuildng at United Nation6 Avenue Manila on July 3 06 theTashybacalelta CigaJr amp CigaJrette FactoJry Compound at MaJrquezde ComLeea6 Manila on July 21 06 the PLVT exchange066ice at Ea6t Avenue Quezon City and 06 the Philipshypine SagaJr In6titute building at Noltth Avenue Vilishyman Quezon City both on Auga6t 15 06 the Vepalttshyment 06 Soual Wel6alte building at San Ra6ael StJreet Sampaloc Manila on Augu6t 11 06a wateJr main on AUJrolta BoulevaJrd and Madi60l1 Aven(te Quezon City on AugU6t 19 06 the Philamli6e building againon Auguht 30 thi6 time cau6ing 6 eveJre de6tJruction on the FaJr Ea6t Bank and TJrU6t Company building neaJrby 06 the aJrmoJred caJr and building 06 the Philippine Banking CoJrshypoltatiolt It6 well a6 the building6 06 the I nve6tment Vevelopment Inc and the Vaily StaJr Publicatiolt6 when anotheJr explo6ion took place on Railltoad StJreet P~ltt Altea Maniia al60 on AugU6t 30 06 ]oell VepaJrtment StoJre on CaJrltiedo Stlteet Quiapo ManLta 011 SeptembeJr 5 ~aubull ing death to 0 ne woman an d in]uJUeh to 0mj(


- 15 shy

individuaL6 and 06 the City Hall 06 Manila on Septshyembe~ 8 06 the wate~main~ in San Juan Rizal on

Sept 12 00 the San Miguel building in Maf2ati Rtzal an Sept 14 and 0 6 the Quezon City Hal on Septembe~ 18 1972 a~ well a~ the attempted bombing 06 the Cong~e~gt Build-Lrg on July 1g when iln un- exploded bomb Wd6~ bound in the Senate publication Vivigtioi and the attempted bombing 00 the Vepa~tment 06 Fo~eign A66a(Jtgt an Aug ugtt 30ltgt

WHEREAS in line with the ~ame REGIONAL PROGshyRAM OF ACTION 1972 the a60~igtaid lawlu6 elemenu have algto 6ielded in the G~eate~ Manila a~ea ~eve~al o6 thei~ Spli~~ow Unittgt o~ SimbadUniu to unde~shytake liquidaUon mLl~ion~ )lgain6t ~anking gove~nmel1tOn 6iualo milita~y peugtJ1nel and p~ominent utizengt and to ou~the~ heighten the degtt~ucUongt and dep~eshydationgt al~eady inolicted by them upon ou~ innocent people all on which a~e being delibe~atety done -to 60W te~~o~ 6eal and chao6 among6t ou~ population and to make the gove~nment look 60 helplegtgt and incapable 06 p~otecUng the livegt and p~opeJrty 00 ou~ people

WHEREAS in addiUon to the above- de~c~ibed gtocial digtoftde~ thelte i-6 algto the equally 6eUOM digto~de~ in Mil1danao al1d Sula Iegtulting n~om the ungtettled conshy6lict between ce~tain elemenu a6 the Ch~igtUan and Mugtlim popalaUon 00 Mindanao and Salu betweenthe Chftigttian lfIlagao and themiddot MugtlimBa~~acudM and between ou~ goveftnment tftoopgt and cefttain lawlegtgt oftganizatioftgt 6adl a6 the Mindanao I ndeperidence Movement

WHERUS the Mindanao I ndependence Movement with tlle actiue matefI-Lal aJid 6inancial agtgtihtance 06 60fteign political and economic inte~e6t6 i6 engaged in an open and unconcealed attempt to egttabli6h by violence and foftce a 6 epaJtate and independent polLtical 6tate out 06 the i6land6 06 Mil1danao and Sula which a~e ~igt~ to~ically politically and bylaw paftu 06 the te~fI-Lshyto~ie6 and within the ju~i6diction and 6oveJteignty 06 the Republic 06 the Philippinegt

WHEREAS becaugte 06 the a60fte6aid di6o~de~ ~eshy6ulting 6ftom a~med clagthe6 killinggt magt6ac~egt a~shy60116 ~ape6piltage6 de6t~ucUon 06 whole village6 and tOWngt and the inevitable cegtgt ation on agfticultukal and indugttttial ope~aUongt all 06 which have been bftought about by the violence in6ticted by the ChfI-Lgtshyiian6 the M1L6lim6 the Ilaga6 the BattJlacuda6 and the Mindanao Independence Movement again6t ea~


otheh and aga-in6t ou1t goveltnment tltOOP6 a glteat many paltt6 06 the -i6land6 06 M-indanao and Sulu alte v-ihtually noW -in a 6tate On a~tual walt

WHEREAS the v-iolent d-i6oltdelt -in Mandanao and Sulu ha6 todate lte6ulted -in the k-ill-ing 06 oveiL 1000 c-iv-il-ian6 and about 2 000 altmed mu6l-im6 and ~hlti6 t-ian6 not to ment-io n themolte than 6-ive hund middot Ited thou6and on -injulted di6pla~ed and homele66 peM a n6 a6 well a6 the glteat numb elt o~ ca6ualt-ie6 among ou1t goveltnmenttltDOp6 and the paltal-lzat-ion a6 the e~onomy 06 M-indanao and Sulu

WHEREAS be~au6e 06 the ~oltego-ingact6 oampaJtmedmiddot -in6 uJtJte~tLo n wa nto n d e6tltuct-io n 06 humanl-ive6 and pltopeltty unabated andunlte6tlta-inedpltopagandaatshytack6 aga-in6 t the gov eltnm ent and -it6in6t-itutlo n6 -in6thumental-itie-4 agenc-ie6 and 06 6-ic-ial6middot and the Itap-idly expand-ing ltank6 06 the a60lteJa-id lawleA6 elemenU andbe~au6 e on the 6 plteadb1g lawle66 ne66 and analt~hy thltoughout the land allan which have plteventedthe goveltnment tomiddot exeltc-i6e it6 autholt-ity extend to -iu c-it-iz enlty the pltotect-io n a6it6 law6 and -in 9 eneltalexeltci6 e-iu 6 ov elte-ig ntg ovelt cr 06 -it6 teltlt-itofL-ie6 cau6 ed 6 eJr-iou6 demoltal-izattcn arnO ng ou1t people and have made the publ-ic applteltJ16-ive and 6ealt 6u1 and n-intilly becau6 e publ-ic oiLd elt and 6 a6 ety and the 6ecuIt-ity 06 th-i6 nation demandthttt -immediate 6wf6t de~i6 -iv e and e6 6ect-ive act-io n be taken to pltotect and -in6ulte the pea~e oltdviand QecuIL-ity 06 the ~ountlty and -it6 populat-ionand tomiddot ma-intain the autholL-ity 06 the goveJtnmenti


WHER EAS -in ca6 e6 a6 -inva6 -io n -in6 uILlte~t-io n 0 It Itebell-ion olt -imminent dangelt thelte06 I a6 PILe6-ident 06 the Ph-iLLpp-ine6 haveundelt the Cont-itut-ion thlteecotlJt6e6 06 act-ion open to me namely (a) ~all out themiddot altmed 60ltce6 to QuppILe6Q the pILe6 ent law le66 v-iolence (bJ QuQpend the plt-ivUege 06 the Wlt-it 06 habea6 ~Oltpu6 to make the aJtlte6t and appheshyhen6-ion 06 the6cz lawle66elemenu eaQ-ieIL and mOILe e66ect-ive OIL (c) place the -ph-il-ipp-ine6 oltany paILt thelteo 6 undelt maftt-ial law

WHEREAS 1 have allteady ut-il-ized the n-ilt6t two coulL6 e6 06 action bDrQt by caUingupon the altm~

- 11 shy

nolteeo to owpplteo6 the a60Jte6aid lawleoo violenee eommittingto that 6peei nie job almoot 50 06 the entilte altmed noltee6 06 the eountlty and elteating 6 eveshyItal tao k noltee6 nolt that pUltpO6 e 6 ueh a6 Tct6 k i Foltee Saltanay Ta6k Foltee Palanan Ta6k Foltee l6altog Ta6k Foltee Pagkakai6a and Ta6k Foltee Lanean and 6eeond by 6u6pending the pltivilege On the wltit 06 habeao eo Itpuo on Aug uamp t 2 1197 1 up to Janualtlj 1912 but (116 pite 0 n all th at both e 0ultJ) e6 0 6 aell0 n weJte nound inadequate and inefinectiveto eontain muehleo6 6olve the plteJ)ent Jtebellion and lawleoone66 in the

eountltlj a6 J)hown by the naet that

1 The ltadieal lefit ha6 inelteaoed the numbelt an d altea 06 0 peltati-onofi it66Ito nt oltg ani zatioM and ha6 inten6ifiiedthe iteeltuitshyment and tltainlng 06 newadheltentf in the ultban and Itultal altea6 e6peeially oltom among the youth

z The Kabataang Makabayan(KM)) the mO6t milishytant and out6poken filtont oltganization06 the Itadieal lent haf ineltea6edthe numbelt 06 it6 chapteltJ) 6ltom 200 ao on the end 06 1910 to 311 at on July 31 1912 and It6 membeJt6hip nltom 10000 af 06 the end 061910 to 15000 a6middot 06 the end On July 1972 6ltowing velty eleanly the Itapidgltowth on the eommuniJ)t movement inthi6 eountlty

3 The Samahang Vema kltailko Ng KabatClan SVK anothelt militant and outJ)poken JLDntOItshyganization on theltadieal lent ha6 al60 ineltea6 ed the numbelt 06 itf ehapteJt6nltom an in6ignifiieantnumbelt at the end 061910 to 159 a6 06 the end 0 f Jul 1972 and ha6 noW a membeltamphip 06 ampome1495 highly inshydoetJtinated intenampely committed and almoft nanatieally devoted indlvidual6

4 The New Peopleamp Altmy the mO6t active and the mOft vlolentandltuthle~6militalty altm On the Itadicat lent hao inclteao ed it6total J)tltength nltoman e~timated6500 (eompoJ)ed on 560 ltegulalt6 1500 combat fUPPOltt and 4400 HltvU huppolt-t) a o Jaualt~



- 1 g shy

~o abou~7900 (eompohed 06 1028 lLegulalL4 1 to a eomba~ 4 upptlr~ anfi 5025 helLviee hUppOlL~) ah 06 Jul~ 31 1972 ~howing a malL~ed inelLea4e in iu ltegulalL ~lLOOp6 on OVlllL 100 in 6ueh a 6hot~ peltiad 06 ~ixmiddotmon~h6

50 The e6~abli~hment 06 ~ane~ualtie6 60lL ~he i~ ultg en~6 in I6 ab ela in Zambale6 in CamalLine6SUlL and in 6 ome palLt6 06 Mindashynao~ adevelopmen~ helLe~06olte unknown in oulL eampaign agaln6t 6ubvelL6ioft and in6UlLshygeney in ~hi6 eoun~lL~

6 The di6appealLanee and dlLopping ou~ 06 6ehool 06 6ome 3000 high 6ehool and eoLLege 6~Ushydent6 and who alLe lLepolL~ed ~o have joined wi~h ~he in6 ultg ent6 fi alL ~lLaining in ~he handling on 6ilLealLm6 and explo6ive6

7 The blLinging and intlLoduetlon ln~q~he eoun~lL~ 06 6ub6~an~ial walL ma~elLial eonshy6i6ting 06 mili~alLtj halLdwalte and 6upplie6

middotthlLough the MV KalLagatan at V-Lgoljo Point Palanan l6abela and ~he naet ~ha~ mantj 06 ~he6e miUtalt~ haltdwaJte and 6upplie6 alte now in ~he hand6 ofi themiddot in6UlLgen~6 and alLe being U6ed agal~~ oulL govelLnrnent ~lLOOp6

8 The in6iltlLation and eon~lLol 06 ~he media b~ pelt6on6 who alte ~tjmpathe~ie ~o ~he in6 UlLg ent6 and the eo 116 eq uen~ in~en~ L6i cailon 06 theilt plLopagimda a6~aultagain~~ ~he goveltnmen~ and ~he miUtalt~ e6tabli6hshyment on ~he govetnmen~o

9 The noltma~iona~ ~he glta66-lLoot level 06 IIpolitical poweJt olLgan6 helLetonOlLe an- flnown in ~he hi6~otyon theCommuni6t moveshyment in thi6 countlL~ compo6 edo 6 BaJtltio OJtganizingCommit~ee6 (BOC6) to mobilize the baJtJrio people fiott active involvemen~ in ~helLeVolu~ion ~he BaJtJtio RevoluilonalLtj Commi~tee6 BRC61 ~o act a6 Imiddotlocal goveJtnshyment6 in balLJtio6 eon6idelLed a6 CPP NPA



- 19 shy

bailiwickll the (lJoltkeJt6 OJtganizing Comshymitteell (WOCll) to middotoltganize WOltkeirll 6ltom all AectOltll the School Oltganizing Comshymitteell (SOC61 to conduct agitaliorl and pltopaganda activitie6 and help in the expandion 06 ~4ontg4oUp6 among the dtudentlty and the CommunityOJrganizi~g Committeell (COC6) which opeJtate in the ultban altea6 in the 6ame manneJt a) the BOCll bull

WHEREAS the Itebellion and a4med aclion undeltshytaken by the6elawlellll element606 the communl6t and othelt altmed aggltupailonll oltganlzedto oveltthltow the Republic o~ the PhiUppinei bq altmedviolenceand 60ltce have a66umed the magnitude On an actual 6tate 06 walt agalnlltoult people and the RepubliC 06 the


NOW THEREfORE I FER-VI NANV E MARCOS Pltelli shydenton the Phllippinell by vilttue 06 the poweM vellted upon me by Aldlcle VII I Section 10 PaltagJraph (2) 06 the Conlltitutiondo heJteby placethe entllte PhiUppinell a6 denined in AItticle I Sectlon 1 06 the Conlltitutian undelt malttial law and in my capacity a4 thellt c6mmandelt-in-chiefi do helteby commandthe altmed 60ltCell 06the Phllippine6 to maintainmiddotlaw and oJrdelt thltoughout the Phllippine6 pltevent Olt JuppJre611 all 60ltm6 06 lawlell6 v-tolence a6 well all anq act 0n inllUltltection Olt Itebellion and to en60ltce obedienceto atl the laWllandto all declteet oJtdeltll andltegulationll pltomulgated by me petrll 0nally oJt upo n my dlJtecUo n~

In addition I do helteby oltdelt that allpelt6on6 pltell ently detalned a6 well Mall otheltll who may heltea-6telt ite llimilaltly detained6olt the cJrimell oflnshyllultltectionoJt Jtebellion and all othelt cltimellanda6-middot 6enlle6 committed in6uJttheltance OfLon the occa61on thelteo Lolt incident thelteto Olt in co nnculion thelteshywith b0If cJtime6 ag alnllt natlonal II ecuJrity and the law 06 nationll Cltimell again6t public oltdelt CUme6 involving ull ultpailo n 06 atftholtlty Jtank title and lmpltopelt ulle on name6 unL60ltmll andln6ignia cltime6 commlttedmiddot by public 06 fiicelt6 and 601t lluch otheltcJrimell a6 will be enunieltated in OltdelLb that I II halt 6 ub6 eq uentty pltomulg ate all welt a6cJrime6 Maconllequence 06 any violation 06 any

decltee oltdelt olt Itegulation pltomulgated by me pelt6onatly alt pltomutgated upon mydiltecilon 6hall be kept undelt detenshytioY until otheltwi6e oltdelted ltetea6ed by me Olt by my duly de-61gnated lLeplLe-6 erutJcct-ive ~

- 20


~4~ 1l0BERTO V REYES Acting Executive Secretary

Page 15: Proclamation no 1081


- 15 shy

individuaL6 and 06 the City Hall 06 Manila on Septshyembe~ 8 06 the wate~main~ in San Juan Rizal on

Sept 12 00 the San Miguel building in Maf2ati Rtzal an Sept 14 and 0 6 the Quezon City Hal on Septembe~ 18 1972 a~ well a~ the attempted bombing 06 the Cong~e~gt Build-Lrg on July 1g when iln un- exploded bomb Wd6~ bound in the Senate publication Vivigtioi and the attempted bombing 00 the Vepa~tment 06 Fo~eign A66a(Jtgt an Aug ugtt 30ltgt

WHEREAS in line with the ~ame REGIONAL PROGshyRAM OF ACTION 1972 the a60~igtaid lawlu6 elemenu have algto 6ielded in the G~eate~ Manila a~ea ~eve~al o6 thei~ Spli~~ow Unittgt o~ SimbadUniu to unde~shytake liquidaUon mLl~ion~ )lgain6t ~anking gove~nmel1tOn 6iualo milita~y peugtJ1nel and p~ominent utizengt and to ou~the~ heighten the degtt~ucUongt and dep~eshydationgt al~eady inolicted by them upon ou~ innocent people all on which a~e being delibe~atety done -to 60W te~~o~ 6eal and chao6 among6t ou~ population and to make the gove~nment look 60 helplegtgt and incapable 06 p~otecUng the livegt and p~opeJrty 00 ou~ people

WHEREAS in addiUon to the above- de~c~ibed gtocial digtoftde~ thelte i-6 algto the equally 6eUOM digto~de~ in Mil1danao al1d Sula Iegtulting n~om the ungtettled conshy6lict between ce~tain elemenu a6 the Ch~igtUan and Mugtlim popalaUon 00 Mindanao and Salu betweenthe Chftigttian lfIlagao and themiddot MugtlimBa~~acudM and between ou~ goveftnment tftoopgt and cefttain lawlegtgt oftganizatioftgt 6adl a6 the Mindanao I ndeperidence Movement

WHERUS the Mindanao I ndependence Movement with tlle actiue matefI-Lal aJid 6inancial agtgtihtance 06 60fteign political and economic inte~e6t6 i6 engaged in an open and unconcealed attempt to egttabli6h by violence and foftce a 6 epaJtate and independent polLtical 6tate out 06 the i6land6 06 Mil1danao and Sula which a~e ~igt~ to~ically politically and bylaw paftu 06 the te~fI-Lshyto~ie6 and within the ju~i6diction and 6oveJteignty 06 the Republic 06 the Philippinegt

WHEREAS becaugte 06 the a60fte6aid di6o~de~ ~eshy6ulting 6ftom a~med clagthe6 killinggt magt6ac~egt a~shy60116 ~ape6piltage6 de6t~ucUon 06 whole village6 and tOWngt and the inevitable cegtgt ation on agfticultukal and indugttttial ope~aUongt all 06 which have been bftought about by the violence in6ticted by the ChfI-Lgtshyiian6 the M1L6lim6 the Ilaga6 the BattJlacuda6 and the Mindanao Independence Movement again6t ea~


otheh and aga-in6t ou1t goveltnment tltOOP6 a glteat many paltt6 06 the -i6land6 06 M-indanao and Sulu alte v-ihtually noW -in a 6tate On a~tual walt

WHEREAS the v-iolent d-i6oltdelt -in Mandanao and Sulu ha6 todate lte6ulted -in the k-ill-ing 06 oveiL 1000 c-iv-il-ian6 and about 2 000 altmed mu6l-im6 and ~hlti6 t-ian6 not to ment-io n themolte than 6-ive hund middot Ited thou6and on -injulted di6pla~ed and homele66 peM a n6 a6 well a6 the glteat numb elt o~ ca6ualt-ie6 among ou1t goveltnmenttltDOp6 and the paltal-lzat-ion a6 the e~onomy 06 M-indanao and Sulu

WHEREAS be~au6e 06 the ~oltego-ingact6 oampaJtmedmiddot -in6 uJtJte~tLo n wa nto n d e6tltuct-io n 06 humanl-ive6 and pltopeltty unabated andunlte6tlta-inedpltopagandaatshytack6 aga-in6 t the gov eltnm ent and -it6in6t-itutlo n6 -in6thumental-itie-4 agenc-ie6 and 06 6-ic-ial6middot and the Itap-idly expand-ing ltank6 06 the a60lteJa-id lawleA6 elemenU andbe~au6 e on the 6 plteadb1g lawle66 ne66 and analt~hy thltoughout the land allan which have plteventedthe goveltnment tomiddot exeltc-i6e it6 autholt-ity extend to -iu c-it-iz enlty the pltotect-io n a6it6 law6 and -in 9 eneltalexeltci6 e-iu 6 ov elte-ig ntg ovelt cr 06 -it6 teltlt-itofL-ie6 cau6 ed 6 eJr-iou6 demoltal-izattcn arnO ng ou1t people and have made the publ-ic applteltJ16-ive and 6ealt 6u1 and n-intilly becau6 e publ-ic oiLd elt and 6 a6 ety and the 6ecuIt-ity 06 th-i6 nation demandthttt -immediate 6wf6t de~i6 -iv e and e6 6ect-ive act-io n be taken to pltotect and -in6ulte the pea~e oltdviand QecuIL-ity 06 the ~ountlty and -it6 populat-ionand tomiddot ma-intain the autholL-ity 06 the goveJtnmenti


WHER EAS -in ca6 e6 a6 -inva6 -io n -in6 uILlte~t-io n 0 It Itebell-ion olt -imminent dangelt thelte06 I a6 PILe6-ident 06 the Ph-iLLpp-ine6 haveundelt the Cont-itut-ion thlteecotlJt6e6 06 act-ion open to me namely (a) ~all out themiddot altmed 60ltce6 to QuppILe6Q the pILe6 ent law le66 v-iolence (bJ QuQpend the plt-ivUege 06 the Wlt-it 06 habea6 ~Oltpu6 to make the aJtlte6t and appheshyhen6-ion 06 the6cz lawle66elemenu eaQ-ieIL and mOILe e66ect-ive OIL (c) place the -ph-il-ipp-ine6 oltany paILt thelteo 6 undelt maftt-ial law

WHEREAS 1 have allteady ut-il-ized the n-ilt6t two coulL6 e6 06 action bDrQt by caUingupon the altm~

- 11 shy

nolteeo to owpplteo6 the a60Jte6aid lawleoo violenee eommittingto that 6peei nie job almoot 50 06 the entilte altmed noltee6 06 the eountlty and elteating 6 eveshyItal tao k noltee6 nolt that pUltpO6 e 6 ueh a6 Tct6 k i Foltee Saltanay Ta6k Foltee Palanan Ta6k Foltee l6altog Ta6k Foltee Pagkakai6a and Ta6k Foltee Lanean and 6eeond by 6u6pending the pltivilege On the wltit 06 habeao eo Itpuo on Aug uamp t 2 1197 1 up to Janualtlj 1912 but (116 pite 0 n all th at both e 0ultJ) e6 0 6 aell0 n weJte nound inadequate and inefinectiveto eontain muehleo6 6olve the plteJ)ent Jtebellion and lawleoone66 in the

eountltlj a6 J)hown by the naet that

1 The ltadieal lefit ha6 inelteaoed the numbelt an d altea 06 0 peltati-onofi it66Ito nt oltg ani zatioM and ha6 inten6ifiiedthe iteeltuitshyment and tltainlng 06 newadheltentf in the ultban and Itultal altea6 e6peeially oltom among the youth

z The Kabataang Makabayan(KM)) the mO6t milishytant and out6poken filtont oltganization06 the Itadieal lent haf ineltea6edthe numbelt 06 it6 chapteltJ) 6ltom 200 ao on the end 06 1910 to 311 at on July 31 1912 and It6 membeJt6hip nltom 10000 af 06 the end 061910 to 15000 a6middot 06 the end On July 1972 6ltowing velty eleanly the Itapidgltowth on the eommuniJ)t movement inthi6 eountlty

3 The Samahang Vema kltailko Ng KabatClan SVK anothelt militant and outJ)poken JLDntOItshyganization on theltadieal lent ha6 al60 ineltea6 ed the numbelt 06 itf ehapteJt6nltom an in6ignifiieantnumbelt at the end 061910 to 159 a6 06 the end 0 f Jul 1972 and ha6 noW a membeltamphip 06 ampome1495 highly inshydoetJtinated intenampely committed and almoft nanatieally devoted indlvidual6

4 The New Peopleamp Altmy the mO6t active and the mOft vlolentandltuthle~6militalty altm On the Itadicat lent hao inclteao ed it6total J)tltength nltoman e~timated6500 (eompoJ)ed on 560 ltegulalt6 1500 combat fUPPOltt and 4400 HltvU huppolt-t) a o Jaualt~



- 1 g shy

~o abou~7900 (eompohed 06 1028 lLegulalL4 1 to a eomba~ 4 upptlr~ anfi 5025 helLviee hUppOlL~) ah 06 Jul~ 31 1972 ~howing a malL~ed inelLea4e in iu ltegulalL ~lLOOp6 on OVlllL 100 in 6ueh a 6hot~ peltiad 06 ~ixmiddotmon~h6

50 The e6~abli~hment 06 ~ane~ualtie6 60lL ~he i~ ultg en~6 in I6 ab ela in Zambale6 in CamalLine6SUlL and in 6 ome palLt6 06 Mindashynao~ adevelopmen~ helLe~06olte unknown in oulL eampaign agaln6t 6ubvelL6ioft and in6UlLshygeney in ~hi6 eoun~lL~

6 The di6appealLanee and dlLopping ou~ 06 6ehool 06 6ome 3000 high 6ehool and eoLLege 6~Ushydent6 and who alLe lLepolL~ed ~o have joined wi~h ~he in6 ultg ent6 fi alL ~lLaining in ~he handling on 6ilLealLm6 and explo6ive6

7 The blLinging and intlLoduetlon ln~q~he eoun~lL~ 06 6ub6~an~ial walL ma~elLial eonshy6i6ting 06 mili~alLtj halLdwalte and 6upplie6

middotthlLough the MV KalLagatan at V-Lgoljo Point Palanan l6abela and ~he naet ~ha~ mantj 06 ~he6e miUtalt~ haltdwaJte and 6upplie6 alte now in ~he hand6 ofi themiddot in6UlLgen~6 and alLe being U6ed agal~~ oulL govelLnrnent ~lLOOp6

8 The in6iltlLation and eon~lLol 06 ~he media b~ pelt6on6 who alte ~tjmpathe~ie ~o ~he in6 UlLg ent6 and the eo 116 eq uen~ in~en~ L6i cailon 06 theilt plLopagimda a6~aultagain~~ ~he goveltnmen~ and ~he miUtalt~ e6tabli6hshyment on ~he govetnmen~o

9 The noltma~iona~ ~he glta66-lLoot level 06 IIpolitical poweJt olLgan6 helLetonOlLe an- flnown in ~he hi6~otyon theCommuni6t moveshyment in thi6 countlL~ compo6 edo 6 BaJtltio OJtganizingCommit~ee6 (BOC6) to mobilize the baJtJrio people fiott active involvemen~ in ~helLeVolu~ion ~he BaJtJtio RevoluilonalLtj Commi~tee6 BRC61 ~o act a6 Imiddotlocal goveJtnshyment6 in balLJtio6 eon6idelLed a6 CPP NPA



- 19 shy

bailiwickll the (lJoltkeJt6 OJtganizing Comshymitteell (WOCll) to middotoltganize WOltkeirll 6ltom all AectOltll the School Oltganizing Comshymitteell (SOC61 to conduct agitaliorl and pltopaganda activitie6 and help in the expandion 06 ~4ontg4oUp6 among the dtudentlty and the CommunityOJrganizi~g Committeell (COC6) which opeJtate in the ultban altea6 in the 6ame manneJt a) the BOCll bull

WHEREAS the Itebellion and a4med aclion undeltshytaken by the6elawlellll element606 the communl6t and othelt altmed aggltupailonll oltganlzedto oveltthltow the Republic o~ the PhiUppinei bq altmedviolenceand 60ltce have a66umed the magnitude On an actual 6tate 06 walt agalnlltoult people and the RepubliC 06 the


NOW THEREfORE I FER-VI NANV E MARCOS Pltelli shydenton the Phllippinell by vilttue 06 the poweM vellted upon me by Aldlcle VII I Section 10 PaltagJraph (2) 06 the Conlltitutiondo heJteby placethe entllte PhiUppinell a6 denined in AItticle I Sectlon 1 06 the Conlltitutian undelt malttial law and in my capacity a4 thellt c6mmandelt-in-chiefi do helteby commandthe altmed 60ltCell 06the Phllippine6 to maintainmiddotlaw and oJrdelt thltoughout the Phllippine6 pltevent Olt JuppJre611 all 60ltm6 06 lawlell6 v-tolence a6 well all anq act 0n inllUltltection Olt Itebellion and to en60ltce obedienceto atl the laWllandto all declteet oJtdeltll andltegulationll pltomulgated by me petrll 0nally oJt upo n my dlJtecUo n~

In addition I do helteby oltdelt that allpelt6on6 pltell ently detalned a6 well Mall otheltll who may heltea-6telt ite llimilaltly detained6olt the cJrimell oflnshyllultltectionoJt Jtebellion and all othelt cltimellanda6-middot 6enlle6 committed in6uJttheltance OfLon the occa61on thelteo Lolt incident thelteto Olt in co nnculion thelteshywith b0If cJtime6 ag alnllt natlonal II ecuJrity and the law 06 nationll Cltimell again6t public oltdelt CUme6 involving ull ultpailo n 06 atftholtlty Jtank title and lmpltopelt ulle on name6 unL60ltmll andln6ignia cltime6 commlttedmiddot by public 06 fiicelt6 and 601t lluch otheltcJrimell a6 will be enunieltated in OltdelLb that I II halt 6 ub6 eq uentty pltomulg ate all welt a6cJrime6 Maconllequence 06 any violation 06 any

decltee oltdelt olt Itegulation pltomulgated by me pelt6onatly alt pltomutgated upon mydiltecilon 6hall be kept undelt detenshytioY until otheltwi6e oltdelted ltetea6ed by me Olt by my duly de-61gnated lLeplLe-6 erutJcct-ive ~

- 20


~4~ 1l0BERTO V REYES Acting Executive Secretary

Page 16: Proclamation no 1081


otheh and aga-in6t ou1t goveltnment tltOOP6 a glteat many paltt6 06 the -i6land6 06 M-indanao and Sulu alte v-ihtually noW -in a 6tate On a~tual walt

WHEREAS the v-iolent d-i6oltdelt -in Mandanao and Sulu ha6 todate lte6ulted -in the k-ill-ing 06 oveiL 1000 c-iv-il-ian6 and about 2 000 altmed mu6l-im6 and ~hlti6 t-ian6 not to ment-io n themolte than 6-ive hund middot Ited thou6and on -injulted di6pla~ed and homele66 peM a n6 a6 well a6 the glteat numb elt o~ ca6ualt-ie6 among ou1t goveltnmenttltDOp6 and the paltal-lzat-ion a6 the e~onomy 06 M-indanao and Sulu

WHEREAS be~au6e 06 the ~oltego-ingact6 oampaJtmedmiddot -in6 uJtJte~tLo n wa nto n d e6tltuct-io n 06 humanl-ive6 and pltopeltty unabated andunlte6tlta-inedpltopagandaatshytack6 aga-in6 t the gov eltnm ent and -it6in6t-itutlo n6 -in6thumental-itie-4 agenc-ie6 and 06 6-ic-ial6middot and the Itap-idly expand-ing ltank6 06 the a60lteJa-id lawleA6 elemenU andbe~au6 e on the 6 plteadb1g lawle66 ne66 and analt~hy thltoughout the land allan which have plteventedthe goveltnment tomiddot exeltc-i6e it6 autholt-ity extend to -iu c-it-iz enlty the pltotect-io n a6it6 law6 and -in 9 eneltalexeltci6 e-iu 6 ov elte-ig ntg ovelt cr 06 -it6 teltlt-itofL-ie6 cau6 ed 6 eJr-iou6 demoltal-izattcn arnO ng ou1t people and have made the publ-ic applteltJ16-ive and 6ealt 6u1 and n-intilly becau6 e publ-ic oiLd elt and 6 a6 ety and the 6ecuIt-ity 06 th-i6 nation demandthttt -immediate 6wf6t de~i6 -iv e and e6 6ect-ive act-io n be taken to pltotect and -in6ulte the pea~e oltdviand QecuIL-ity 06 the ~ountlty and -it6 populat-ionand tomiddot ma-intain the autholL-ity 06 the goveJtnmenti


WHER EAS -in ca6 e6 a6 -inva6 -io n -in6 uILlte~t-io n 0 It Itebell-ion olt -imminent dangelt thelte06 I a6 PILe6-ident 06 the Ph-iLLpp-ine6 haveundelt the Cont-itut-ion thlteecotlJt6e6 06 act-ion open to me namely (a) ~all out themiddot altmed 60ltce6 to QuppILe6Q the pILe6 ent law le66 v-iolence (bJ QuQpend the plt-ivUege 06 the Wlt-it 06 habea6 ~Oltpu6 to make the aJtlte6t and appheshyhen6-ion 06 the6cz lawle66elemenu eaQ-ieIL and mOILe e66ect-ive OIL (c) place the -ph-il-ipp-ine6 oltany paILt thelteo 6 undelt maftt-ial law

WHEREAS 1 have allteady ut-il-ized the n-ilt6t two coulL6 e6 06 action bDrQt by caUingupon the altm~

- 11 shy

nolteeo to owpplteo6 the a60Jte6aid lawleoo violenee eommittingto that 6peei nie job almoot 50 06 the entilte altmed noltee6 06 the eountlty and elteating 6 eveshyItal tao k noltee6 nolt that pUltpO6 e 6 ueh a6 Tct6 k i Foltee Saltanay Ta6k Foltee Palanan Ta6k Foltee l6altog Ta6k Foltee Pagkakai6a and Ta6k Foltee Lanean and 6eeond by 6u6pending the pltivilege On the wltit 06 habeao eo Itpuo on Aug uamp t 2 1197 1 up to Janualtlj 1912 but (116 pite 0 n all th at both e 0ultJ) e6 0 6 aell0 n weJte nound inadequate and inefinectiveto eontain muehleo6 6olve the plteJ)ent Jtebellion and lawleoone66 in the

eountltlj a6 J)hown by the naet that

1 The ltadieal lefit ha6 inelteaoed the numbelt an d altea 06 0 peltati-onofi it66Ito nt oltg ani zatioM and ha6 inten6ifiiedthe iteeltuitshyment and tltainlng 06 newadheltentf in the ultban and Itultal altea6 e6peeially oltom among the youth

z The Kabataang Makabayan(KM)) the mO6t milishytant and out6poken filtont oltganization06 the Itadieal lent haf ineltea6edthe numbelt 06 it6 chapteltJ) 6ltom 200 ao on the end 06 1910 to 311 at on July 31 1912 and It6 membeJt6hip nltom 10000 af 06 the end 061910 to 15000 a6middot 06 the end On July 1972 6ltowing velty eleanly the Itapidgltowth on the eommuniJ)t movement inthi6 eountlty

3 The Samahang Vema kltailko Ng KabatClan SVK anothelt militant and outJ)poken JLDntOItshyganization on theltadieal lent ha6 al60 ineltea6 ed the numbelt 06 itf ehapteJt6nltom an in6ignifiieantnumbelt at the end 061910 to 159 a6 06 the end 0 f Jul 1972 and ha6 noW a membeltamphip 06 ampome1495 highly inshydoetJtinated intenampely committed and almoft nanatieally devoted indlvidual6

4 The New Peopleamp Altmy the mO6t active and the mOft vlolentandltuthle~6militalty altm On the Itadicat lent hao inclteao ed it6total J)tltength nltoman e~timated6500 (eompoJ)ed on 560 ltegulalt6 1500 combat fUPPOltt and 4400 HltvU huppolt-t) a o Jaualt~



- 1 g shy

~o abou~7900 (eompohed 06 1028 lLegulalL4 1 to a eomba~ 4 upptlr~ anfi 5025 helLviee hUppOlL~) ah 06 Jul~ 31 1972 ~howing a malL~ed inelLea4e in iu ltegulalL ~lLOOp6 on OVlllL 100 in 6ueh a 6hot~ peltiad 06 ~ixmiddotmon~h6

50 The e6~abli~hment 06 ~ane~ualtie6 60lL ~he i~ ultg en~6 in I6 ab ela in Zambale6 in CamalLine6SUlL and in 6 ome palLt6 06 Mindashynao~ adevelopmen~ helLe~06olte unknown in oulL eampaign agaln6t 6ubvelL6ioft and in6UlLshygeney in ~hi6 eoun~lL~

6 The di6appealLanee and dlLopping ou~ 06 6ehool 06 6ome 3000 high 6ehool and eoLLege 6~Ushydent6 and who alLe lLepolL~ed ~o have joined wi~h ~he in6 ultg ent6 fi alL ~lLaining in ~he handling on 6ilLealLm6 and explo6ive6

7 The blLinging and intlLoduetlon ln~q~he eoun~lL~ 06 6ub6~an~ial walL ma~elLial eonshy6i6ting 06 mili~alLtj halLdwalte and 6upplie6

middotthlLough the MV KalLagatan at V-Lgoljo Point Palanan l6abela and ~he naet ~ha~ mantj 06 ~he6e miUtalt~ haltdwaJte and 6upplie6 alte now in ~he hand6 ofi themiddot in6UlLgen~6 and alLe being U6ed agal~~ oulL govelLnrnent ~lLOOp6

8 The in6iltlLation and eon~lLol 06 ~he media b~ pelt6on6 who alte ~tjmpathe~ie ~o ~he in6 UlLg ent6 and the eo 116 eq uen~ in~en~ L6i cailon 06 theilt plLopagimda a6~aultagain~~ ~he goveltnmen~ and ~he miUtalt~ e6tabli6hshyment on ~he govetnmen~o

9 The noltma~iona~ ~he glta66-lLoot level 06 IIpolitical poweJt olLgan6 helLetonOlLe an- flnown in ~he hi6~otyon theCommuni6t moveshyment in thi6 countlL~ compo6 edo 6 BaJtltio OJtganizingCommit~ee6 (BOC6) to mobilize the baJtJrio people fiott active involvemen~ in ~helLeVolu~ion ~he BaJtJtio RevoluilonalLtj Commi~tee6 BRC61 ~o act a6 Imiddotlocal goveJtnshyment6 in balLJtio6 eon6idelLed a6 CPP NPA



- 19 shy

bailiwickll the (lJoltkeJt6 OJtganizing Comshymitteell (WOCll) to middotoltganize WOltkeirll 6ltom all AectOltll the School Oltganizing Comshymitteell (SOC61 to conduct agitaliorl and pltopaganda activitie6 and help in the expandion 06 ~4ontg4oUp6 among the dtudentlty and the CommunityOJrganizi~g Committeell (COC6) which opeJtate in the ultban altea6 in the 6ame manneJt a) the BOCll bull

WHEREAS the Itebellion and a4med aclion undeltshytaken by the6elawlellll element606 the communl6t and othelt altmed aggltupailonll oltganlzedto oveltthltow the Republic o~ the PhiUppinei bq altmedviolenceand 60ltce have a66umed the magnitude On an actual 6tate 06 walt agalnlltoult people and the RepubliC 06 the


NOW THEREfORE I FER-VI NANV E MARCOS Pltelli shydenton the Phllippinell by vilttue 06 the poweM vellted upon me by Aldlcle VII I Section 10 PaltagJraph (2) 06 the Conlltitutiondo heJteby placethe entllte PhiUppinell a6 denined in AItticle I Sectlon 1 06 the Conlltitutian undelt malttial law and in my capacity a4 thellt c6mmandelt-in-chiefi do helteby commandthe altmed 60ltCell 06the Phllippine6 to maintainmiddotlaw and oJrdelt thltoughout the Phllippine6 pltevent Olt JuppJre611 all 60ltm6 06 lawlell6 v-tolence a6 well all anq act 0n inllUltltection Olt Itebellion and to en60ltce obedienceto atl the laWllandto all declteet oJtdeltll andltegulationll pltomulgated by me petrll 0nally oJt upo n my dlJtecUo n~

In addition I do helteby oltdelt that allpelt6on6 pltell ently detalned a6 well Mall otheltll who may heltea-6telt ite llimilaltly detained6olt the cJrimell oflnshyllultltectionoJt Jtebellion and all othelt cltimellanda6-middot 6enlle6 committed in6uJttheltance OfLon the occa61on thelteo Lolt incident thelteto Olt in co nnculion thelteshywith b0If cJtime6 ag alnllt natlonal II ecuJrity and the law 06 nationll Cltimell again6t public oltdelt CUme6 involving ull ultpailo n 06 atftholtlty Jtank title and lmpltopelt ulle on name6 unL60ltmll andln6ignia cltime6 commlttedmiddot by public 06 fiicelt6 and 601t lluch otheltcJrimell a6 will be enunieltated in OltdelLb that I II halt 6 ub6 eq uentty pltomulg ate all welt a6cJrime6 Maconllequence 06 any violation 06 any

decltee oltdelt olt Itegulation pltomulgated by me pelt6onatly alt pltomutgated upon mydiltecilon 6hall be kept undelt detenshytioY until otheltwi6e oltdelted ltetea6ed by me Olt by my duly de-61gnated lLeplLe-6 erutJcct-ive ~

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~4~ 1l0BERTO V REYES Acting Executive Secretary

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nolteeo to owpplteo6 the a60Jte6aid lawleoo violenee eommittingto that 6peei nie job almoot 50 06 the entilte altmed noltee6 06 the eountlty and elteating 6 eveshyItal tao k noltee6 nolt that pUltpO6 e 6 ueh a6 Tct6 k i Foltee Saltanay Ta6k Foltee Palanan Ta6k Foltee l6altog Ta6k Foltee Pagkakai6a and Ta6k Foltee Lanean and 6eeond by 6u6pending the pltivilege On the wltit 06 habeao eo Itpuo on Aug uamp t 2 1197 1 up to Janualtlj 1912 but (116 pite 0 n all th at both e 0ultJ) e6 0 6 aell0 n weJte nound inadequate and inefinectiveto eontain muehleo6 6olve the plteJ)ent Jtebellion and lawleoone66 in the

eountltlj a6 J)hown by the naet that

1 The ltadieal lefit ha6 inelteaoed the numbelt an d altea 06 0 peltati-onofi it66Ito nt oltg ani zatioM and ha6 inten6ifiiedthe iteeltuitshyment and tltainlng 06 newadheltentf in the ultban and Itultal altea6 e6peeially oltom among the youth

z The Kabataang Makabayan(KM)) the mO6t milishytant and out6poken filtont oltganization06 the Itadieal lent haf ineltea6edthe numbelt 06 it6 chapteltJ) 6ltom 200 ao on the end 06 1910 to 311 at on July 31 1912 and It6 membeJt6hip nltom 10000 af 06 the end 061910 to 15000 a6middot 06 the end On July 1972 6ltowing velty eleanly the Itapidgltowth on the eommuniJ)t movement inthi6 eountlty

3 The Samahang Vema kltailko Ng KabatClan SVK anothelt militant and outJ)poken JLDntOItshyganization on theltadieal lent ha6 al60 ineltea6 ed the numbelt 06 itf ehapteJt6nltom an in6ignifiieantnumbelt at the end 061910 to 159 a6 06 the end 0 f Jul 1972 and ha6 noW a membeltamphip 06 ampome1495 highly inshydoetJtinated intenampely committed and almoft nanatieally devoted indlvidual6

4 The New Peopleamp Altmy the mO6t active and the mOft vlolentandltuthle~6militalty altm On the Itadicat lent hao inclteao ed it6total J)tltength nltoman e~timated6500 (eompoJ)ed on 560 ltegulalt6 1500 combat fUPPOltt and 4400 HltvU huppolt-t) a o Jaualt~



- 1 g shy

~o abou~7900 (eompohed 06 1028 lLegulalL4 1 to a eomba~ 4 upptlr~ anfi 5025 helLviee hUppOlL~) ah 06 Jul~ 31 1972 ~howing a malL~ed inelLea4e in iu ltegulalL ~lLOOp6 on OVlllL 100 in 6ueh a 6hot~ peltiad 06 ~ixmiddotmon~h6

50 The e6~abli~hment 06 ~ane~ualtie6 60lL ~he i~ ultg en~6 in I6 ab ela in Zambale6 in CamalLine6SUlL and in 6 ome palLt6 06 Mindashynao~ adevelopmen~ helLe~06olte unknown in oulL eampaign agaln6t 6ubvelL6ioft and in6UlLshygeney in ~hi6 eoun~lL~

6 The di6appealLanee and dlLopping ou~ 06 6ehool 06 6ome 3000 high 6ehool and eoLLege 6~Ushydent6 and who alLe lLepolL~ed ~o have joined wi~h ~he in6 ultg ent6 fi alL ~lLaining in ~he handling on 6ilLealLm6 and explo6ive6

7 The blLinging and intlLoduetlon ln~q~he eoun~lL~ 06 6ub6~an~ial walL ma~elLial eonshy6i6ting 06 mili~alLtj halLdwalte and 6upplie6

middotthlLough the MV KalLagatan at V-Lgoljo Point Palanan l6abela and ~he naet ~ha~ mantj 06 ~he6e miUtalt~ haltdwaJte and 6upplie6 alte now in ~he hand6 ofi themiddot in6UlLgen~6 and alLe being U6ed agal~~ oulL govelLnrnent ~lLOOp6

8 The in6iltlLation and eon~lLol 06 ~he media b~ pelt6on6 who alte ~tjmpathe~ie ~o ~he in6 UlLg ent6 and the eo 116 eq uen~ in~en~ L6i cailon 06 theilt plLopagimda a6~aultagain~~ ~he goveltnmen~ and ~he miUtalt~ e6tabli6hshyment on ~he govetnmen~o

9 The noltma~iona~ ~he glta66-lLoot level 06 IIpolitical poweJt olLgan6 helLetonOlLe an- flnown in ~he hi6~otyon theCommuni6t moveshyment in thi6 countlL~ compo6 edo 6 BaJtltio OJtganizingCommit~ee6 (BOC6) to mobilize the baJtJrio people fiott active involvemen~ in ~helLeVolu~ion ~he BaJtJtio RevoluilonalLtj Commi~tee6 BRC61 ~o act a6 Imiddotlocal goveJtnshyment6 in balLJtio6 eon6idelLed a6 CPP NPA



- 19 shy

bailiwickll the (lJoltkeJt6 OJtganizing Comshymitteell (WOCll) to middotoltganize WOltkeirll 6ltom all AectOltll the School Oltganizing Comshymitteell (SOC61 to conduct agitaliorl and pltopaganda activitie6 and help in the expandion 06 ~4ontg4oUp6 among the dtudentlty and the CommunityOJrganizi~g Committeell (COC6) which opeJtate in the ultban altea6 in the 6ame manneJt a) the BOCll bull

WHEREAS the Itebellion and a4med aclion undeltshytaken by the6elawlellll element606 the communl6t and othelt altmed aggltupailonll oltganlzedto oveltthltow the Republic o~ the PhiUppinei bq altmedviolenceand 60ltce have a66umed the magnitude On an actual 6tate 06 walt agalnlltoult people and the RepubliC 06 the


NOW THEREfORE I FER-VI NANV E MARCOS Pltelli shydenton the Phllippinell by vilttue 06 the poweM vellted upon me by Aldlcle VII I Section 10 PaltagJraph (2) 06 the Conlltitutiondo heJteby placethe entllte PhiUppinell a6 denined in AItticle I Sectlon 1 06 the Conlltitutian undelt malttial law and in my capacity a4 thellt c6mmandelt-in-chiefi do helteby commandthe altmed 60ltCell 06the Phllippine6 to maintainmiddotlaw and oJrdelt thltoughout the Phllippine6 pltevent Olt JuppJre611 all 60ltm6 06 lawlell6 v-tolence a6 well all anq act 0n inllUltltection Olt Itebellion and to en60ltce obedienceto atl the laWllandto all declteet oJtdeltll andltegulationll pltomulgated by me petrll 0nally oJt upo n my dlJtecUo n~

In addition I do helteby oltdelt that allpelt6on6 pltell ently detalned a6 well Mall otheltll who may heltea-6telt ite llimilaltly detained6olt the cJrimell oflnshyllultltectionoJt Jtebellion and all othelt cltimellanda6-middot 6enlle6 committed in6uJttheltance OfLon the occa61on thelteo Lolt incident thelteto Olt in co nnculion thelteshywith b0If cJtime6 ag alnllt natlonal II ecuJrity and the law 06 nationll Cltimell again6t public oltdelt CUme6 involving ull ultpailo n 06 atftholtlty Jtank title and lmpltopelt ulle on name6 unL60ltmll andln6ignia cltime6 commlttedmiddot by public 06 fiicelt6 and 601t lluch otheltcJrimell a6 will be enunieltated in OltdelLb that I II halt 6 ub6 eq uentty pltomulg ate all welt a6cJrime6 Maconllequence 06 any violation 06 any

decltee oltdelt olt Itegulation pltomulgated by me pelt6onatly alt pltomutgated upon mydiltecilon 6hall be kept undelt detenshytioY until otheltwi6e oltdelted ltetea6ed by me Olt by my duly de-61gnated lLeplLe-6 erutJcct-ive ~

- 20


~4~ 1l0BERTO V REYES Acting Executive Secretary

Page 18: Proclamation no 1081


- 1 g shy

~o abou~7900 (eompohed 06 1028 lLegulalL4 1 to a eomba~ 4 upptlr~ anfi 5025 helLviee hUppOlL~) ah 06 Jul~ 31 1972 ~howing a malL~ed inelLea4e in iu ltegulalL ~lLOOp6 on OVlllL 100 in 6ueh a 6hot~ peltiad 06 ~ixmiddotmon~h6

50 The e6~abli~hment 06 ~ane~ualtie6 60lL ~he i~ ultg en~6 in I6 ab ela in Zambale6 in CamalLine6SUlL and in 6 ome palLt6 06 Mindashynao~ adevelopmen~ helLe~06olte unknown in oulL eampaign agaln6t 6ubvelL6ioft and in6UlLshygeney in ~hi6 eoun~lL~

6 The di6appealLanee and dlLopping ou~ 06 6ehool 06 6ome 3000 high 6ehool and eoLLege 6~Ushydent6 and who alLe lLepolL~ed ~o have joined wi~h ~he in6 ultg ent6 fi alL ~lLaining in ~he handling on 6ilLealLm6 and explo6ive6

7 The blLinging and intlLoduetlon ln~q~he eoun~lL~ 06 6ub6~an~ial walL ma~elLial eonshy6i6ting 06 mili~alLtj halLdwalte and 6upplie6

middotthlLough the MV KalLagatan at V-Lgoljo Point Palanan l6abela and ~he naet ~ha~ mantj 06 ~he6e miUtalt~ haltdwaJte and 6upplie6 alte now in ~he hand6 ofi themiddot in6UlLgen~6 and alLe being U6ed agal~~ oulL govelLnrnent ~lLOOp6

8 The in6iltlLation and eon~lLol 06 ~he media b~ pelt6on6 who alte ~tjmpathe~ie ~o ~he in6 UlLg ent6 and the eo 116 eq uen~ in~en~ L6i cailon 06 theilt plLopagimda a6~aultagain~~ ~he goveltnmen~ and ~he miUtalt~ e6tabli6hshyment on ~he govetnmen~o

9 The noltma~iona~ ~he glta66-lLoot level 06 IIpolitical poweJt olLgan6 helLetonOlLe an- flnown in ~he hi6~otyon theCommuni6t moveshyment in thi6 countlL~ compo6 edo 6 BaJtltio OJtganizingCommit~ee6 (BOC6) to mobilize the baJtJrio people fiott active involvemen~ in ~helLeVolu~ion ~he BaJtJtio RevoluilonalLtj Commi~tee6 BRC61 ~o act a6 Imiddotlocal goveJtnshyment6 in balLJtio6 eon6idelLed a6 CPP NPA



- 19 shy

bailiwickll the (lJoltkeJt6 OJtganizing Comshymitteell (WOCll) to middotoltganize WOltkeirll 6ltom all AectOltll the School Oltganizing Comshymitteell (SOC61 to conduct agitaliorl and pltopaganda activitie6 and help in the expandion 06 ~4ontg4oUp6 among the dtudentlty and the CommunityOJrganizi~g Committeell (COC6) which opeJtate in the ultban altea6 in the 6ame manneJt a) the BOCll bull

WHEREAS the Itebellion and a4med aclion undeltshytaken by the6elawlellll element606 the communl6t and othelt altmed aggltupailonll oltganlzedto oveltthltow the Republic o~ the PhiUppinei bq altmedviolenceand 60ltce have a66umed the magnitude On an actual 6tate 06 walt agalnlltoult people and the RepubliC 06 the


NOW THEREfORE I FER-VI NANV E MARCOS Pltelli shydenton the Phllippinell by vilttue 06 the poweM vellted upon me by Aldlcle VII I Section 10 PaltagJraph (2) 06 the Conlltitutiondo heJteby placethe entllte PhiUppinell a6 denined in AItticle I Sectlon 1 06 the Conlltitutian undelt malttial law and in my capacity a4 thellt c6mmandelt-in-chiefi do helteby commandthe altmed 60ltCell 06the Phllippine6 to maintainmiddotlaw and oJrdelt thltoughout the Phllippine6 pltevent Olt JuppJre611 all 60ltm6 06 lawlell6 v-tolence a6 well all anq act 0n inllUltltection Olt Itebellion and to en60ltce obedienceto atl the laWllandto all declteet oJtdeltll andltegulationll pltomulgated by me petrll 0nally oJt upo n my dlJtecUo n~

In addition I do helteby oltdelt that allpelt6on6 pltell ently detalned a6 well Mall otheltll who may heltea-6telt ite llimilaltly detained6olt the cJrimell oflnshyllultltectionoJt Jtebellion and all othelt cltimellanda6-middot 6enlle6 committed in6uJttheltance OfLon the occa61on thelteo Lolt incident thelteto Olt in co nnculion thelteshywith b0If cJtime6 ag alnllt natlonal II ecuJrity and the law 06 nationll Cltimell again6t public oltdelt CUme6 involving ull ultpailo n 06 atftholtlty Jtank title and lmpltopelt ulle on name6 unL60ltmll andln6ignia cltime6 commlttedmiddot by public 06 fiicelt6 and 601t lluch otheltcJrimell a6 will be enunieltated in OltdelLb that I II halt 6 ub6 eq uentty pltomulg ate all welt a6cJrime6 Maconllequence 06 any violation 06 any

decltee oltdelt olt Itegulation pltomulgated by me pelt6onatly alt pltomutgated upon mydiltecilon 6hall be kept undelt detenshytioY until otheltwi6e oltdelted ltetea6ed by me Olt by my duly de-61gnated lLeplLe-6 erutJcct-ive ~

- 20


~4~ 1l0BERTO V REYES Acting Executive Secretary

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bailiwickll the (lJoltkeJt6 OJtganizing Comshymitteell (WOCll) to middotoltganize WOltkeirll 6ltom all AectOltll the School Oltganizing Comshymitteell (SOC61 to conduct agitaliorl and pltopaganda activitie6 and help in the expandion 06 ~4ontg4oUp6 among the dtudentlty and the CommunityOJrganizi~g Committeell (COC6) which opeJtate in the ultban altea6 in the 6ame manneJt a) the BOCll bull

WHEREAS the Itebellion and a4med aclion undeltshytaken by the6elawlellll element606 the communl6t and othelt altmed aggltupailonll oltganlzedto oveltthltow the Republic o~ the PhiUppinei bq altmedviolenceand 60ltce have a66umed the magnitude On an actual 6tate 06 walt agalnlltoult people and the RepubliC 06 the


NOW THEREfORE I FER-VI NANV E MARCOS Pltelli shydenton the Phllippinell by vilttue 06 the poweM vellted upon me by Aldlcle VII I Section 10 PaltagJraph (2) 06 the Conlltitutiondo heJteby placethe entllte PhiUppinell a6 denined in AItticle I Sectlon 1 06 the Conlltitutian undelt malttial law and in my capacity a4 thellt c6mmandelt-in-chiefi do helteby commandthe altmed 60ltCell 06the Phllippine6 to maintainmiddotlaw and oJrdelt thltoughout the Phllippine6 pltevent Olt JuppJre611 all 60ltm6 06 lawlell6 v-tolence a6 well all anq act 0n inllUltltection Olt Itebellion and to en60ltce obedienceto atl the laWllandto all declteet oJtdeltll andltegulationll pltomulgated by me petrll 0nally oJt upo n my dlJtecUo n~

In addition I do helteby oltdelt that allpelt6on6 pltell ently detalned a6 well Mall otheltll who may heltea-6telt ite llimilaltly detained6olt the cJrimell oflnshyllultltectionoJt Jtebellion and all othelt cltimellanda6-middot 6enlle6 committed in6uJttheltance OfLon the occa61on thelteo Lolt incident thelteto Olt in co nnculion thelteshywith b0If cJtime6 ag alnllt natlonal II ecuJrity and the law 06 nationll Cltimell again6t public oltdelt CUme6 involving ull ultpailo n 06 atftholtlty Jtank title and lmpltopelt ulle on name6 unL60ltmll andln6ignia cltime6 commlttedmiddot by public 06 fiicelt6 and 601t lluch otheltcJrimell a6 will be enunieltated in OltdelLb that I II halt 6 ub6 eq uentty pltomulg ate all welt a6cJrime6 Maconllequence 06 any violation 06 any

decltee oltdelt olt Itegulation pltomulgated by me pelt6onatly alt pltomutgated upon mydiltecilon 6hall be kept undelt detenshytioY until otheltwi6e oltdelted ltetea6ed by me Olt by my duly de-61gnated lLeplLe-6 erutJcct-ive ~

- 20


~4~ 1l0BERTO V REYES Acting Executive Secretary

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~4~ 1l0BERTO V REYES Acting Executive Secretary