Proclaimer May 2010

Torrance First Baptist Church the Proclaimer the Proclaimer the Proclaimer the Proclaimer May 2010 Volume 23 Issue 5 Inside this issue: The Pastor’s Heart Reflections Mail Church Work Day Bulletin Board CRUX ews Children’s Ministries Seniors & Friends Just for Kids Calendar of Events Singles’ Events TFB Academy Kid’s Calendar Emergency Fund Food Drive Chess Club Attendance & Giving Global Outreach Births & Deaths Parkinson’s Seminar 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 10 11 12 Proclaimers also available for viewing and printing on-line: ShareFest 2010 ShareFest 2010 ShareFest 2010 ShareFest 2010 Saturday, May 1 Saturday, May 1 Saturday, May 1 Saturday, May 1 Torrance First Baptist will be participating in the SHAREFEST Work Day, on Saturday, May 1. ShareFest Community Development, Inc. is a non-profit charitable organization with the vision of creating a lasting imprint of positive change in the South Bay and Harbor areas. Last year more than 100 organizations [including TFB] partnered all day to work on more than 225 service projects with thousands of volunteers throughout the South Bay and Harbor areas. Please join us this year as we roll up our sleeves and put love into action by giving a day of our time to help our community. We will be working at Torrance High School on the following projects: Painting Gardening Trash pick-up and general tidying up of the school grounds Supervision ~ to oversee high school students Lunch ~ to help set up and serve lunch. Sign up at the Outreach table in the patio. For more information, please contact Mark Grindle by phone, 310/386-4679, or by e-mail, at [email protected]. Meet at Torrance High School at 8 a.m. or 12 noon depending on the shift you sign up for. Men’s Breakfast Men’s Breakfast Men’s Breakfast Men’s Breakfast May 15, 9 a.m. May 15, 9 a.m. May 15, 9 a.m. May 15, 9 a.m. It’s time, once again, for our quarterly get-together to enjoy a great breakfast and fellowship with one another, for ages Jr. High and older. Our guest speaker will be Steve Garcia from 1000 Pines. Sign up in the patio. Invite someone new! Call Bill Harenburg for more info, 310/534-4439.


Monthly Church Newsletter

Transcript of Proclaimer May 2010

Page 1: Proclaimer May 2010

Torrance First Baptist Church

the Proclaimerthe Proclaimerthe Proclaimerthe Proclaimer

May 2010 Volume 23 Issue 5

Inside this issue: The Pastor’s Heart



Church Work Day

Bulletin Board

CRUX �ews

Children’s Ministries

Seniors & Friends

Just for Kids

Calendar of Events

Singles’ Events

TFB Academy

Kid’s Calendar

Emergency Fund

Food Drive

Chess Club

Attendance & Giving

Global Outreach

Births & Deaths

Parkinson’s Seminar

2 2 3 3 3 4 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 10 11 12

Proclaimers also

available for viewing and

printing on-line:

ShareFest 2010ShareFest 2010ShareFest 2010ShareFest 2010 Saturday, May 1Saturday, May 1Saturday, May 1Saturday, May 1

Torrance First Baptist will be participating in the SHAREFEST Work Day, on Saturday, May 1. ShareFest Community Development, Inc. is a non-profit charitable organization with the vision of creating a lasting imprint of positive change in the South Bay and Harbor areas. Last year more than 100 organizations [including TFB] partnered all day to work on more than 225 service projects with thousands of volunteers throughout the South Bay and Harbor areas. Please join us this year as we roll up our sleeves and put love into action by giving a day of our time to help our community. We will be working at Torrance High School on the following projects: � Painting � Gardening � Trash pick-up and general tidying up of the school grounds � Supervision ~ to oversee high school students � Lunch ~ to help set up and serve lunch. Sign up at the Outreach table in the patio.

For more information, please contact

Mark Grindle by phone, 310/386-4679, or by e-mail, at [email protected].

Meet at Torrance High School at 8 a.m. or 12 noon

depending on the shift you sign up for.

Men’s BreakfastMen’s BreakfastMen’s BreakfastMen’s Breakfast May 15, 9 a.m.May 15, 9 a.m.May 15, 9 a.m.May 15, 9 a.m. It’s time, once again, for our quarterly get-together to enjoy a great breakfast and fellowship with one another, for ages Jr. High and older. Our guest speaker will be Steve Garcia from 1000 Pines. Sign up in the patio. Invite someone new! Call Bill Harenburg for more info, 310/534-4439.

Page 2: Proclaimer May 2010

First Baptist Proclaimer — Page 2

by Pastor Rog

Approximately halfway, I realized, to my amazement, I was running second. The only other boy with me was Dave McGinnis, our varsity runner. One hundred yards from the finish line, I sprinted. Dave didn’t keep the pace. As I approached Coach Shaw, I heard his words of affirmation, “Good job Wood, just one more lap.” I don’t remember how I placed that day, but it certainly was nowhere near first. I learned two valuable lessons: first, be clear on the instructions before you take off; second, pacing is critical. These principles are very valuable to our spiritual journey as well. In our passionate pursuit of Christ, we need to always remember our mission — to make disciples. But in that passion, we need to also pace ourselves.

Dear Family, We live in a world of turmoil . . . a world which does not know God. As we wrestle with difficulties, hurts, pain, injustices and yes, sin, we very easily grow weary and become overwhelmed. At times, it’s all we can do to keep going. We ask, “Is there any hope for us?” Praise God, yes! Our Bible tells us that our God doesn’t just possess strength — He is strength (Psalm 93:1). Our Lord realizes how weak we are in ourselves and desires to give us His strength (Psalm 68:35). It does not matter how difficult our trial is, how alone we feel, or how unworthy we consider ourselves to be, for our wonderful (continued on p. 11)

Pastor Charlie

When Gene Wood was in the ninth grade he learned a couple of very valuable lessons. Here is the event and lessons in his own words. “I was in the ninth grade and Coach Shaw sent all of us out to the baseball field in our first period PE class for a distance run. He pointed to a couple of backstops located off in the distance and instructed us to run, from our location, around both backstops and return to where we were.

Over the years I have seen numerous followers of Christ overextend themselves, becoming overwhelmed and discouraged and ending up dropping the mission of Christ and even their relationship with Christ. Has that happened before in your life? Are you busy for the right causes? Are you saying no to unnecessary activities in order to pace yourself? Loving and living for God is our life-long journey. Making disciples is our life- long mission. Pace yourself and keep the mission clear. Serving Christ together,

Pastor Charlie

P.S. We have a great opportunity to serve our local high school on May 1. Sign up in the patio on Sunday.

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First Baptist Proclaimer — Page 3

We Get Mail!We Get Mail!We Get Mail!We Get Mail!

Dear Torrance First Baptist Congregation, Wow! What an incredible baby shower! You’ve managed to pull off a spectacular event, donating clothing, diapers, wipes and portable play pad to Love INC! You are such an

impressive church and not only for the amazing things you’ve done over the years for us. You are an inspirational church. I’m so glad you are part of Love INC. Thank you again for inviting us over for lunch. We had such a nice time, and it was great to share the love we have for others. Thanks again for everything, but most especially your partnership. In His service, Cecilia Montijo Love INC Office Director

Dear Pastor Rog, Mari and Seniors and Outreach Ministries, We thoroughly enjoyed the beautiful baby shower with all the gifts! The lunch was so delicious and the games were fun too. Thank you for the privilege of sharing and showing our new DVD’s. The mothers we took were so elated with their new baby treasures they needed. Please let everyone know how greatly we appreciate the love and support you show. Also, thank everyone for the generosity of gifts as well on behalf of the mothers, children and staff of His Nesting Place. For the little ones, Dr. Al and Judy Howard

Thank you each one for the cards, phone calls and most of all your prayers. I am so blessed to belong to a church family who cares. Sincerely, Dorothy Morgan

May 22May 22May 22May 22 9:00 a.m. ~ 4 p.m.9:00 a.m. ~ 4 p.m.9:00 a.m. ~ 4 p.m.9:00 a.m. ~ 4 p.m.

Your presence is very much needed to help with cleaning, repairs, painting, etc. here at Torrance First Baptist where you worship the Lord. We are trusting that we can count on you to help out.

“Is it a time for you yourselves to be

living in your paneled houses, while this [the

Lord’s] house remains a ruin?” Haggai 1:4

Quilters is a theatrical masterpiece that captures the sweep and beauty, the terror and joy, the harsh challenges and abiding rewards of life for women on the frontier.

(Our own Casie Duvall is in the cast!)

Where: Torrance High School auditorium

When: April 30, May 1 & 8 at 7 p.m. May 2 & 9 at 2 p.m. $10 - General Admission

Ticket proceeds go to benefit Breast Cancer.

For tickets, call 310/896-6459 or at

Bulletin BoardBulletin BoardBulletin BoardBulletin Board


tian, non-

smoking fema

le to rent one

or 2 bedrooms


Lomita. Call

Katie, 310/62


Page 4: Proclaimer May 2010

First Baptist Proclaimer — Page 4

Register for

Summer Camp Now

$40 Deposit REQUIRED to

reserve your spot. Junior High:

June 22-July 2

High School: July 11-17

Take a Sunday school class of second graders. Now erase six out of ten of them by the time they are out of High School. That’s the number of children that studies show won’t be sold-out followers of Christ (or even attending church at all.) Many of us have outsourced our laundry, our house cleaning or our yard care. Don’t outsource the spiritual training of your children! Parents need to be the primary spiritual trainers in their homes. Pastors, Sunday School teachers and mid-week church volunteers are there to help you as a parent to reinforce what you have taught your kids at home. Actions speak louder than words. If you are saying one thing but not taking the time to show its importance to your children in your home during the week, what message are you sending them? Make sure you take time to do devotions in the mornings or before bedtime and prayers before

Are you Outsourcing Spiritual Training?Are you Outsourcing Spiritual Training?Are you Outsourcing Spiritual Training?Are you Outsourcing Spiritual Training? bed or supper. Be aware of God sightings and situations that can be used as moments to reinforce Bible teachings (e.g. a butterfly, the ocean, family

illnesses, news topics, etc.). Have intentional conversations on Scripture at home or in the car or on walks. Create family celebrations of life milestones that may include a symbolic gift such as a first Bible for a specific birthday or baptism. Give verbal encouragement or cards they can keep and reread about your dreams for them to live for Christ. As Deuteronomy 6:6 says: These commandments that I give you today are to

be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children.

Talk about them when you sit at home and when you

walk along the road, when you lie down and when

you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and

bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the

doorframes of your houses and on your gates.

Adapted from Shift by Brian Haynes

May 1 Fundraiser

Pat & Oscar’s Restaurant at Del Amo Mall will be hosting a fundraiser to benefit the TFB Summer Camp Scholarship Fund. If you eat there anytime on Saturday, May 1, between 12 noon and 9 p.m., 20% of your purchase (including beverages) will be donated to our student camp fund. You must present a special flyer at the time of your order. Pick up a flyer in the foyer.

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First Baptist Proclaimer — Page 5

Exciting Events for Seniors & FriendsExciting Events for Seniors & FriendsExciting Events for Seniors & FriendsExciting Events for Seniors & Friends

If you are interested and/or want more details for any of our

Senior & Friends’ outings, call Terri Mullin at 310/629-0396.

May 24 (Monday)May 24 (Monday)May 24 (Monday)May 24 (Monday) Rancho Los Alamitos AdobeRancho Los Alamitos AdobeRancho Los Alamitos AdobeRancho Los Alamitos Adobe

We will have an exclusive tour of the gardens and a catered luncheon on the grounds of Rancho Los Alamitos in Long Beach. The history of Rancho Los Alamitos parallels the history of Southern California: the Native American culture, the colonizing imperatives of the mission and rancho systems, the devastation and financial ruin wrought by the droughts of the 1860s, the boom settlements of the 1880s, the discovery of oil, the shift from an agrarian to an urban environment, World War II and its aftermath of housing developments, and the impact of industry, freeways and automobiles. These and many other waves of change have irrevocably altered the destiny of Rancho Los Alamitos and the region. We will leave the church at 10 a.m. The cost is $20 per person.

June 21 (Monday)June 21 (Monday)June 21 (Monday)June 21 (Monday) IMAX Movie & LunchIMAX Movie & LunchIMAX Movie & LunchIMAX Movie & Lunch

In a race to repair the Hubble Space Telescope that was carried into orbit twenty years ago, which has provided us with legendary images of Earth and space, seven NASA astronauts depart on a journey of a lifetime. With an IMAX camera in tow, NASA prepares to send a skilled team up to make the final fixes to the Hubble Telescope. If these damages are not repaired, we will forever lose the Hubble that has provided us a continual window into space. 3D films have become very popu-lar, and like the other popular ones, IMAX: Hubble 3D (2010) offers viewers a chance to see something never seen before. We will leave at 11 a.m., have lunch and then enjoy the movie.

May 21~ 12 noonMay 21~ 12 noonMay 21~ 12 noonMay 21~ 12 noon Potluck LuncheonPotluck LuncheonPotluck LuncheonPotluck Luncheon

Invite your friends and join us for our quarterly potluck. We will have a program about Earthquake Preparedness to learn some of the new things that have come out of the recent global earthquakes and what we need to do to be prepared. Bring something good to eat to share and enjoy a time of learning and fellowship. P.S. Also bring something for the His House food pantry (see page 9 of this issue) to help those in need.

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First Baptist Proclaimer — Page 6

KIDS Just for


“I am with you always.”“I am with you always.”“I am with you always.”“I am with you always.”

Page 7: Proclaimer May 2010

Worship Services:

9:15 & 11 a.m.

Worship & Witness: 6 p.m.

Adult Sunday School: 8:15, 9:15 & 11 a.m.

Children’s Church: 9:15 a.m.

Japanese Sanctuary Bible Study: 10 a.m.

Patio Fellowship: 10:30 a.m.

MasterLife Bible Study: 10:45 a.m.

Children & Youth S.S.: 11 a.m.

New Covenant Children’s S.S.: 11 a.m.

Japanese Sanctuary Bible Fllwshp: 11 a.m.

New Covenant (Korean) Wrshp: 12:45 p.m.

New Covenant (Korean) Fellowship: 2 p.m.

College Gathering: 6 p.m.




Ladies’ Prayer: 11 a.m.

Open Basketball: 6:30 p.m.

Chess Club, 6:30 p.m.




BSF Leaders: 9:15 a.m.

High School Revive: 7 p.m.

MasterLife Bible Study: 7 p.m.

Bible Study: 7:30 p.m.




BSF: 9:15 a.m.

Beth Moore Bible Study: 6:30p

“BIG” Kids’ program: 6:30 p.m.

Jr. High QUEST: 6:30 p.m.

Small Group Bible Study: 6:45 p.m.

Choir Practice: 7 p.m.

Life of Jesus Bible Study: 7 p.m.

New Covenant (Korean) Bible Study: 8 p.m.





Ladies’ Bible Study: 2 p.m.

Worship Band Practice: 6:30 p.m.




Ladies meet @ Denny’s for Bkfst.: 9 a.m.




New Covenant (Korean) Prayer: 6 a.m.

MasterLife Bible Study: 8-10 a.m.

First Baptist Proclaimer — Page 7
















1 8a ShareFest @

Torrance High

11a Loaves &




4 7p Lauran Bethell



6 10:30a Tracy

Asanuma Circle


8 6:30p Singles’

Game Night

9 Happy Mother’s


5p Prayer




7p GO Comm

7p Ad Ops Comm



7p Beacon Light



Armed Forces Day

9a Men’s Breakfast

7p Open Volley-

ball; Share/Care



7p C.E. Comm.


6p Committees:

F, F, O, W

7p Deacons/






9a All Church

Work Day

6:30p Singles’

Dinner Out


5p Prayer



10a Sr. & Friends

to Rancho Los






6:30p Singles’

Movie Night
















Office Closed for

Memorial Day

Page 8: Proclaimer May 2010

Do you want a better grasp of the Bible, but just can't find the time? 30 Days to Understanding the Bible, by Max Anders, may be for you. Anders has written this book to help the careful reader build a foundation for understanding biblical persons, events, places, and ideas by spending fifteen minutes a day for thirty days. He does this by laying out the structure, geography, story, and key doctrines of the Bible. The book is divided into three major sections. Section 1: The Story of the Old Testament Section 2: The Story of the New Testament Section 3: The Ten Great Doctrines of the Bible

Throughout the book, Anders unpacks the structure, geography, and story of the Bible, and summarizes the message of the Bible with an overview of ten key doctrines.

Structure. The Christian Bible is divided into two testaments: the Old Testament and the New Testament. Anders explains the basic structure of each testament and places the individual books in their structural (pp. 14, 17) and chronological contexts (pp. 15, 150).

First Baptist Proclaimer — Page 8

Enjoy Time with the Singles’ FellowshipEnjoy Time with the Singles’ FellowshipEnjoy Time with the Singles’ FellowshipEnjoy Time with the Singles’ Fellowship Please invite anyone of any age to join us.

Game -ight ~ Saturday, May 8, 6:30 p.m. ~ Meet at the Andrew’s home (17020 Daphne Avenue, Torrance). Bring games and snacks to share. Dinner -ight ~ Saturday, May 22, 6:30 p.m. ~ Meet at Souplantation, 21309 Hawthorne, (near Torrance Blvd.). Movie -ight ~ Friday, May 28, 6:30 p.m. ~ Meet at the home of Bob Weebe, 29433 Stonecrest Rd., RPV. Bring $5 for pizza.

TFB AcademyTFB AcademyTFB AcademyTFB Academy “30 Days to“30 Days to“30 Days to“30 Days to Understand the Understand the Understand the Understand the Bible”Bible”Bible”Bible” TFB Academy -otes by Laura Springer, M.Div., Th.M.

Geography. Anders introduces the reader to key bodies of water and locations for each testament. The geographic details help readers create mental pictures as they read.

Story. The story of the Bible moves through twelve eras, nine of which are in the Old Testament and three in the New. As Anders moves through these eras, he connects the story to key places and key

persons. Message. Anders summarizes the message of the Bible in ten key doctrines (teachings), unpacking the

key ideas of each doctrine as he writes. These doctrines give readers a logical structure to understand the message. Anders has produced a helpful overview of the Bible. The self-teaching format supplies the reader with tools to learn at his or her own pace, reviewing as needed. His summaries and explanations help beginning Bible readers understand key concepts. This book is most useful for those who are new to Bible reading and reflection, or who would like a quick overview. While 30 Days to Understand the Bible is a good introduction to the Bible, its usefulness would be increased with clearer maps.

For more information, call Brenda-Jean Shephard, 310/901-0816.

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First Baptist Proclaimer — Page 9



Thank you for giving approximately $66,407 in the month of March.


Attendance & GivingAttendance & GivingAttendance & GivingAttendance & Giving

May 26 (Wednesday) ~ Last “Big” program June 20 (Sunday) ~ Graduation for all Children’s Sunday School classes July 5-9 ~ Vacation Bible School

July 26-30 ~ Junior Summer Camp at Oak Glen You can also look forward to several Awesome Adventure Outings beginning next month.

The Salvation Army (His House) has an urgent need for food to give out to the needy. Their cupboards are nearly bare and they are asking us to help. During the month of May, please bring your nonperishable foods (no expired items please) to the church office or put in the box in the foyer and help with this need. $5 or $10 gift cards to popular grocery stores or even the 99¢ Store for milk, eggs, fresh veggies, meats, etc. would also be much appreciated.

Pastors Emergency FundPastors Emergency FundPastors Emergency FundPastors Emergency Fund

On Sunday, May 16, we will be taking a special offering to help any of our Transformation Ministries pastors who may be in need. Your generous gifts to this emergency assistance offering will make sure resources are available to assist pastors and their families in times of crisis. Thank you for “bearing each others burdens and so fulfilling the law of Christ.”

New FellowshipNew FellowshipNew FellowshipNew Fellowship Opportunity ~Opportunity ~Opportunity ~Opportunity ~ Come Join theCome Join theCome Join theCome Join the Chess Club Chess Club Chess Club Chess Club

Do you like to play chess? Join us on Monday evenings, 6:30-8:30 p.m., in the Wedding Room. All ages, beginners to advanced players, welcome. Come challenge yourself and your friends in a battle of wits. Even if you’ve never played, we’ll teach you the game, including strategies and tactics. For more information, contact John Large at 310/997-5723.

Page 10: Proclaimer May 2010

First Baptist Proclaimer — Page 10

Isaiah 6:8 Also I heard the voice of the Lord saying:

“Whom shall I send: And who will go for us?” Then I

said, “Here I am send me.” And He said, “Go and tell

this people.”

We have received several updates from the people we support near and far, but I thought this month I would share from the Lowery’s newsletter. This team is serving in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and last month had their annual Youth Retreat at a nature reserve about 3 hours outside of Kinshasa. Jill writes about the wonderful time they had with the teens, how the speaker was able to discuss current topics and issues the kids are facing daily and encouraged them to reach out to each other by praying together. The theme for the camp that week was “Clay in the Potter’s Hand.” The next part I will take directly from her newsletter. “The real adventure began on the last day. Just after breakfast, the sky opened up and dumped several inches of rain on us. We had planned to go down to the river following our morning program and then head back to Kinshasa right after lunch. Funny how things can change. Instead, what we did was run and 'strike our tents' (a new phrase for me) and get everyone's belongings out of the rain. We then held our morning program huddled under a make shift canopy connected to the veranda of the cook house/cabin. Nothing we could have planned would have accomplished what happened that morning.

TFB Global Outreach by Dee and the G. O. Committee

Mexico Mission Trip On May 15 we will have an opportunity to “Go and tell this people” in Mexico about our Savior, Jesus, and how to have a relationship with Him. This is a one-

day trip to Tijuana to serve at the churches of Terraza, Oct. 3rd, El Pipila, or El Camino in addition to the men’s prison. Children’s ministry helpers are needed for games, skits, songs, and crafts. Assistance is also needed with serving food at one of the locations or helping with the Women’s ministry. Please see Dee Gonzales (310-600-0213) for additional information.

Knowing that the roads were going to be a challenge on the return trip, we shared a quick bowl of taco soup, packed up our vehicles and headed out. Sure enough, not an hour from camp, our convoy came to a place where they were working on the road. The detour that we needed to take had become a muddy lake, and there were at least 10 vehicles stuck in the mud. There was no getting by. We were already exhausted from camp. Many of us got out to look over the situation. While we stood talking, one of our missionaries, who's car was equipped with a winch, pulled out of line and drove right into the middle of that quagmire of mud and cars. One by one, he began pulling the cars out of the mud. A crowd gathered and began to cheer each time a car was unstuck. One driver, whose car was in danger of tipping over, almost began to cry when they pulled him up on to the road. He said, ‘Thank you, thank you, thank you! Look how you missionaries love us! I would never have gotten out of there, except you came along and helped!’ Michael and I can take no credit for unsticking this man, but we were glad to witness our friend Todd spreading God's love by having a willing heart and using his winch. After Todd had freed at least half of the stuck cars, the road crew sent a huge tractor to pull out the rest. It was a couple of hours of slow progress in the mud, but we finally got through. We were pretty much home free all the way to Kinshasa. We arrived several hours late and covered with mud – but we were safe and sound. Here's the real miracle, through it all, I never heard a single complaint from the kids. I had to laugh when, as I was standing almost knee deep in soupy mud, one of the kids said, ‘If this isn't a perfect il-lustration of “clay in the potter's hands” I don't know what is.’ Well said.” It’s great that we can be “witnesses” wherever we go. Please pray for the Lowery’s and for those go-ing on the Mexico Outreach Mission trip.

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First Baptist Proclaimer — Page 11

God is ready to minister to our deepest needs (Psalm 27:1, 46:1, and 73:26). But there is something we need to do as we come before Him. He desires us to call out to Him with a humble spirit as we come requesting His help. Now, will He bend low to hear our cry? Listen to what David, the psalmist, learned from God: “The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them; He delivers them from All their troubles. The Lord is CLOSE to the brokenhearted and saves those who are CRUSHED in spirit” (Psalm 34:17-18)

[emphasis mine]. Whatever your need today, please call out to Him. Why? Because He loves you and desires to touch you at your point of need. Yes, we do worship a WONDERFUL GOD, Who desires to intervene in our lives and grant us His strength for each new trial and each new day. The question to us is: “Will we humble ourselves before Him and allow Him the right to lead our lives according to His will?” May this truly be our desire today. Abundantly praising Him,

Pastor Rog

(Continued from page 2)


Jasen and Jessie Shanks


Abigail Louise Shanks

into the world on March 28.

She weighed 7 lbs. 9 ozs.

and measured 19 inches.

Proud grandparents are

Dave and Anita Fleming.

Larry Sommers lost his brother, William.

Former member, Irene Gray, Karla Delgadillo Gaines’ grandmother, is now with the Lord.

Long-time member, Bill Fuqua, father of Ron [Debbie] and grandpa of Peter, Billy, Danny, and Julie, is also now in the arms of Jesus.

Please pray for the following who have lost loved ones:

Page 12: Proclaimer May 2010




2118 West Carson Street 2118 West Carson Street 2118 West Carson Street 2118 West Carson Street

Torrance, CA 90501 Torrance, CA 90501 Torrance, CA 90501 Torrance, CA 90501

310.328.5030 310.328.5030 310.328.5030 310.328.5030


DATED MATERIAL The Proclaimer is a monthly publication of the First Baptist Church of Torrance, California, located at 2118 West Carson Street (6 blocks east of Crenshaw). Sunday services: 9:15 a.m. Worship Gathering (contemporary Service); 11:00 a.m. Blended Service (with Sunday School for all ages); and 6:00 p.m. Evening Service. Mid-week events for children and students: High School Revive; Jr. High Quest; and Big for children.

For more information, contact the church office: 310.328.5030 or [email protected]. Or visit us on the web at

Don’t Forget . . .

Parkinson’s SeminarParkinson’s SeminarParkinson’s SeminarParkinson’s Seminar Thursday, April 29 ~ 10:30 a.m.Thursday, April 29 ~ 10:30 a.m.Thursday, April 29 ~ 10:30 a.m.Thursday, April 29 ~ 10:30 a.m.----12 noon12 noon12 noon12 noon

TFB is hosting a Seminar in the church annex for anyone who is interested in finding out more about this neurological disease that is currently affecting 1.5 million Americans. There will be a half-hour presentation which will help us to understand the disease and what we can do to help those who have it. There will also be a group from the city of Torrance called “Focal Point on Aging.” This is an information and referral program where older adults, caregivers and their families can obtain ready access to a full range of available services including: transportation, housing, Meals-On-Wheels, health care, companion care, Medicare, social and legal services, HMO's and more. “Home Helpers,” a group that employs our own Pam Fisher, will also present information and services that they provide, including screened and trained in-home caregivers, who can provide excellent care and companionship for loved ones in need. Refreshments will be served.

Any questions, contact Pam Fisher, 310/326-9529, or [email protected].