Processing Code - Radar

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Transcript of Processing Code - Radar

/*Version: 0.1This code was written by Grook.netPlease feel free to edit/add any thing to the code but email it back to us for sharing it www.grook.net*/import processing.serial.*;Serial port;Serial port2;String data = "";String Radius = "";String Theta = "";int index = 0;float distance = 0;float angle = 0;float pi = 22.0/7;void setup() { size(1000,1000); background(255,255,255); ellipse(500,500,1000,1000); line(500,0,500,1000); line(0,500,1000,500); line(500,500,1000,0); line(500,500,0,0);port = new Serial(this, "COM10", 9600);port.bufferUntil('.');}void draw(){}void serialEvent(Serial port){ data = port.readStringUntil('.'); data = data.substring(0, data.length() - 1); index = data.indexOf(","); Radius = data.substring(0, index); Theta = data.substring (index+1 , data.length()); translate(500,500); point (0,0); distance = float(Radius); angle = float(Theta) /180 * pi; fill(30,200,30); ellipse(distance * cos(angle) , -1 * distance * sin(angle) , 5,5);}