Process Integration Gothenburg – 20 Years Later March 2013

Process Integration Gothenburg – 20 Years Later March 2013 Historical Overview of Early Development Bodo Linnhoff formerly ICI, UMIST, Linnhoff March

Transcript of Process Integration Gothenburg – 20 Years Later March 2013

Process Integration Gothenburg – 20 Years Later

March 2013

Historical Overview of Early Development Bodo Linnhoff

formerly ICI, UMIST, Linnhoff March

It all started in the 1970s........

Looking back 40 years......


• Computers – only for number crunching

• No Word Processors – Typewriters !!

Looking back – 1970s

Use of Targets in Industry

Industry – 1970s

Example BP:

Setting Targets was Standard Practice


‘Boston Learning Curves’

Boston Experience Curves (ref wikipedia)

eg, expect 20% improvement when doubling production

Industry – 1970s

Boston Learning Curves:

• Based on past performance

• No concept of ‘Best Possible’

Looking back – 1970s

Process Design in Industry

Process Design

How was it done in the 1970s?

Example ICI

Corporate Laboratory

Simulation Tools

Process Design in the late 1970s *)

Engineers Used Simulation Tools

*) imagine punched cards in the early 1970s

A Trial - and - Error Loop ?


Industry – 1970s

Process Design:

• Trial - and - Error !!

• Not much by way of ‘Method’

The Idea of

Process Synthesis

Invention of Flowsheet

Process Flowsheet & Simulation Input Data

Processing Task


Ultimate Goal: we only need one Simulation


University Research – 1970s

Process Synthesis • Branch-and-Bound, Monte Carlo • LP, NLP, etc

• Artificial Intelligence (IBM ‘Deep Thought’...)

University Research – 1970s

Process Synthesis Research:

Computers could play the game......

ie design simple flowsheets

......but they couldn’t hope to win!

Reaction from Industry – 1970s

What’s more important?

Clever Algorithm?

Or Better Flowsheet?

Response from Researchers

Give us a chance!

....and a faster computer?

Reference: IBM and Computers for Chess

Special Interest

Heat Exchanger Networks


HEN Design

HEN Design

Library of standard problems

Name of the game:

My (big) computer found a better solution

than your (big) computer !!

A Different Approach

Ponton and Donalson, 1974

• HEN Design • Match hottest cold stream with hottest

hot stream, etc • ....same again, etc

Ponton and Donaldson (1974)

A simple rule that’s worth knowing

Easy to see how an engineer

would use this

It Just Fits In



Like it?


Linnhoff & Flower, AIChE Journal (1978)

• Targets before Design

• Zero Pinch *) Heatflow

• Use of Driving Forces

• Interactive Approach

*) was not called ‘Pinch’ yet

Pinch Technology – 1978

Grid DiagramGrid Diagram

Grid Diagram - helped with the interaction

Pinch Technology – 1978

All ‘standard’ literature problems:

(with a hand calculator)

Next: Try it out in Industry

It had seemed too easy......


Control, Safety, Corrosion, Materials of Construction,

Design Types, Fouling, Foundations, Piping, Retrofit .....


Six Months Later

ICI Petrochemicals

HEN Design (Student) Project

(ref David Boland)

Real Project: Improvement!!!

Key Point



Like it?


next step

ICI Corporate Laboratory:



had a ‘Process Synthesis’ project

ICI – 1978 to 1982

Process Synthesis Team:

I Wardle, D Mason, J Turner, E Hindmarsh, H Dunford, W Townsend, R Smith

• R&D (eg Pinch Design Method, Appropriate Placement)

• More Publications

• Projects

• Training Course Development

• etc

Links with Academic Researchers

ICI invited:

Ed Hohmann, Rudi Motard, Art Westerberg,

George Stephanopoulos, Jim Douglas, Manfred

Morari, Jeff Siirola, Jack Ponton,

and others

Acknowledgement Ray Day

Ray Day was the boss everybody wants: Vision and Support

Ray Day’s programme

• Training Course with Engineers from Six Divisions

• Six Projects – All Successful

• Second Training Course, Based on Projects

• Further Projects

• Two Years Later:


The Reality of Project Work

• Data uncertain

• Operating cases uncertain

• Comfort zones (eg technologies)

• Utilities (eg step change costs)

• Infrastructure (tankage, piping, foundations, shared systems)

• etc

Always a Key Point



Like it?


A Pattern was Emerging

• Two or three key ideas

• 80% of design unchanged

• Practical constraints respected

• Energy cost savings 20% and more

The Biggest Surprise

• Capital energy costs reduced

• Cheaper to build & cheaper to run

• Contradicted the assumption of trade-off

ICI in 1982 – The Good News

It Works!!

ICI in 1982 – The Bad News


Let‘s stop publishing

The World in 1982........

ICI: it works (but we stop telling)

A famous Professor: You are costing us 10 years!

Process Design people: who builds the plant?

Others: Keep going!

......friends and foes

Resistance to Innovation: A Case Study

y: One Third of Ships Lost Astronomy or Clock Makers? Solution Found 30 Years Resistance • Partiality • Sabotage

UMIST – 1982 onwards

• Research and Software

• Training Courses • Links to industry: Research Consortium

• Links to projects: Linnhoff March

• Publications (refereed and ‘glossy‘)

UMIST today: wait for Robin Smith

Research Consortium (1983) First Six:

• Shell • Exxon • BP • BASF • Norsk Hydro • Union Carbide First Consortium of its Kind?

by the way.......BP (1982)

BP had replaced Boston Experience Curves

with .....

.....with sensational results:

Potential found in mature processes

by the way.......BASF (1983)

BASF Leverkusen: no third power station

Energy key to debottlenecking of site

100 processes – 20% reduction

Published seven years later

Research – 1983 to 1990s

• HEN Capital Cost • Heat & Power – Multiple Utilities • Distillation – Process Onion • Retrofit Targets • Shaft Work targets (low T) • Constraints • Control • Total site • Water • etc

Terminology – 1983 to 1990s

• HEN Design

• Heat Integration

• Heat & Power Integration

•Process Integration

Testimonials – Early 1980s and on

• Union Carbide (1983) • Shell (1984) • Procter & Gamble (1985) • BP (1987) • Exxon (1989) • BASF (1990) • Mitsubishi (1992) • etc.

Government Agencies, Legislation – 1990s

• Gothenburg 1992 • Washington 1994 (Hazel O‘Leary) • Amoco – EPA – LM Project 1994 (USA) • IEA Implementing Agreement • UBA (Germany) • MITI (Japan) • Wärmenutzungsverordnung (Germany) • etc.

1990s to 2013

I now refer to other people

Many people here today have been here in 1992 also?

Reflection: we are 40 years on, really

But allow me a question:

If we award 100% for ‘on target‘ Process Design

each and every time in industry....

....then, where are we?

Good bye

Thank you for your attention

See you in 2034 ?

Bodo Linnhoff Ticino 2013