PROCEEDINGS OF THE HAWAIIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCE THIRTY-SIXTH ANNUAL MEETING . 1960 - 1961 Published by the University of Hawaii Honolulu, Hawaii, 1961 CONTENTS Page Presidential Address __________________________________________________________________________________________ 3 Annual Report ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7 Program ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 15 Abstracts ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 16 First Session ________________________________________________________________________________________________ 16 Final Session ______________________________________________________________________________________________ 18 Constitutional Amendment ______________________________________________________________________________ 24 Necrology ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 25 Contributors _________________________________________________ .. ______________________________________________________ 27 Membership ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 29 THE HAWAIIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCE WAS ORGANIZED JULY 23, 1925. ITS OBJECTS ARE "THE PROMOTION OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH AND THE DIFFUSION OF SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE, PARTICULARLY AS RELATED TO HAWAII AND THE PACIFIC AREA."





Published by the University of Hawaii Honolulu, Hawaii, 1961



Presidential Address __________________________________________________________________________________________ 3

Annual Report ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7

Program ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 15

Abstracts ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 16

First Session ________________________________________________________________________________________________ 16

Final Session ______________________________________________________________________________________________ 18

Constitutional Amendment ______________________________________________________________________________ 24

Necrology ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 25

Contributors _________________________________________________ .. ______________________________________________________ 27

Membership ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 29




John N. Warner!

Five years ago, as his presidential address before this Academy, Dr. Willis Gortner delivered a memo­rable message entitled "Biochemical Pathways to the Infinitesimal." In his address, Dr. Gortner described new methods of biochemical analyses which enable scientists to recognize and study minute quantities of matter and to relate them to their function in complex biological systems.

If we were going to dwell on the subject of modern genetics this evening, we might well have considered a title_similar to Dr. Gortner's. Recent advances in genetics, in the area of chromosome and gene structure and gene action, might well have been described under the title "Infinitesimal Pathways to Biochemical Func­tions." For, indeed, modern geneticists are making tremendous strides in gaining an understanding of the complex pathways through which the genes control life in all of its diverse forms.

The gene, a hypothetical unit of heredity, was well understood, we thought, at the end of the first four decades of this century. It was just that-a hypothetical unit of heredity-which caused predictable things to happen in plants and animals. Today, modern geneti­cists are no longer as sure of what the ultimate gene is or how it functions. Nevertheless, the classic con­cept of a gene is useful, and is satisfactory from an operational standpoint.

This divergence between those who are working to understand the gene and those who accept the opera­tional concept of the gene is, in effect, the divergence between the geneticists and the breeders, both plant and animal. Similar divergences have developed in other disciplines between the fundamental and the applied scientists; between biochemistry and biophysics on the one hand and physiology on the other; between the nuclear physicists on the one hand and the applied chemists and physicists on the other. Those working on basic questions in their respective fields lead the way to providing new insights into fundamentals, while on the operational level the applied scientists put to practical use the new discoveries for the more direct benefit of mankind.

This evening we will focus for a short while on one of these operational areas, that of plant breeding, and explore briefly its present status and its future prospects.

First of all we might raise the question as to why we should be devoting millions of dollars and preci­ous scientific man-hours in this area of plant breeding while we spend billions of dollars to accumulate and


store agricultural surpluses. Offhand this appears to be a curious anomaly and, as taxpayers, we have a right to raise questions as to the soundness of trying to increase yields in an era of overproduction. It is only when we examine the world requirements for increased food production today and, in fact, the pre­dictable needs of our own country in the years just ahead, that the activity in question becomes justified. In the first place it is impractical to consider cessation of plant breeding until the need is more apparent and then step up the activity to meet a new demand. This course of action is impractical both from the stand­point of maintenance of breeding stocks and main­tenance of an adequate number of trained plant breed­ers. Also it is impossible from the standpoint of the time lag between the initiation of crossing work in a breeding program and the final release and utilization of improved varieties, often 10-20 years, or longer.

But consider for a moment the question of food deficits-or the problem of feeding the world. It is said that over a third of the world's population of three billion people is undernourished. Consider the rate of world population increase-more than forty­five million people per year. The world's population has approximately tripled in the last 1 10 years. In other terms, it has been estimated that of the total number of human beings born since the beginning of the Christian Era, and who survived to the age of five years, one-half of this total population is alive today. So there doesn't seem to be room for dissension from the argument that the problem of feeding the world today, and in the future, is of vital concern. Even in the United States, with our current overproduction of farm products, the population is increasing at the rate of 1.7 per cent per year. This means our population, and presumably our consumption, will double in less than 44 years. At the same time we are currently losing a million acres, or 1,600 sq. mi. per year, to urban expansion and associated highway construction, air­ports, reservoirs, etc. While not all of this area is farm land, something over half, say, 800 sq. mi. per year, represents agriculturally useful land that is being diverted to nonagricultural uses.

Returning to the area of plant breeding, we might briefly review what has happened since the rediscovery of Mendel's laws in 1900 put plant breeding on a scientific basis. This is not to belittle the progress made by plant breeders, or plant selectors, prior to

lSenior Geneticist, Hawaiian Sugar Planters' Association Experiment Station.


1900. Progress made by prehistoric man in domesti­cating crop plants from their wild relatives makes the total crop improvement in historic times seem in­significant. To illustrate, consider the tremendous prog­ress made in prehistoric times in the domestication of the small grains, maize, and sugar cane. In the latter two cases the wild relatives are so different from the domesticated forms that we are not even sure by what route domestication took place. Certainly, mod­em plant breeders would find it very difficult to create Zea mays and Saccharum ofJicinarum from the wild species available today.

Since the advent of Mendelism, the examples of crop improvement in terms of yield, quality, disease resist­ance, and agronomic suitability are many. Perhaps the classic example is maize, where the adoption of hybrid corn not only increased per acre production by about 20 per cent over adapted open-pollinated varieties, but also reduced man-hour requirements per acre through improvements in resistance to lodging and stalk-rot, in ear placement and plant type, and in adaptation to mechanized agriculture. Grain sorghum is another spectacular example. When first introduced into the United States about a hundred years ago, this tropical grass was confined to the warmer parts of the South and Southwest. The originally introduced forms grew taller than a man's head and had to be harvested by hand. During the past forty years earlier and shorter (dwarf) strains were developed with the help of new germplasm from temperate areas of Asia, so that today sorghum is grown successfully as far north as South Dakota and stands only 3-4 feet high at harvest. The latter characteristic has been extremely important in the success of sorghum as a crop plant in the United States because it has permitted harvest by combine. Comparable improvements have been made in small grains, vegetable and fruit crops, and, in fact, in almost every plant cultivated by man.

Before going any further, let me dispel any im­pressions that crop improvement can be attributed solely to the plant breeders. Such is certainly not the case. Modern crop improvement has resulted from the close cooperation of people in many related dis­ciplines--agronomists, pathologists, entomologists, ne­matologists, plant physiologists, and agricultural en­gineers, to name a few. In many cases substantial improvements have come from a single discipline, but more frequently they have come from interdisciplinary cooperation. In general, the plant breeders provide populations of seedlings, or lines, which include as high a proportion as possible of genetically desirable forms. Selection is then based on requirements set by the environment, by the other disciplines, and by the over-all economics of crop production. However, plant breeding is basic to almost all crop improvement pro­grams merely because the plant breeder provides the plants.

If we can assume, then, that plant breeding, in cooperation with other disciplines, has made progress during the past half-century (and I'm sure there is little room for argument in this . statement) , what then does the future hold ? The problems can logically be


divided into two major areas : · first, those concerned with maintaining present production levels and, sec­ond, those concerned with achieving a break-through to new and higher levels.

Offhand, the first problem, that of maintaining pres­ent yield levels, would seem to be out of the realm of the plant breeder's concern, but not so. Having produced an acceptable high-yielding variety, the plant breeder must continue to work to keep production high because of the constantly changing environment. The changing environment has many aspects: economic, agronomic, and biologic, to mention a few. Increasing economic pressures dictate constantly changing farm­ing methods and these, in tum, dictate new and specific requirements for crop plants. Here we might mention the necessity to improve quality and to create plant types better adapted to more efficient kinds of mech­anization. The agronomic environment also changes. Urban and industrial requirements for land dictate the shifting of farm areas to different environments and to less productive soils, or at least different soils, and this often requires new varieties. Depletion of soil nutrients due to long-continued cropping, loss of topsoil or degradation of soil structure due to in­creased mechanization, may also dictate new varietal requirements. These changing environmental factors present new challenges to the plant breeder even if he is just to retain present yield levels, but perhaps the most important aspect of the changing environment is biological.

The biological environment is, to a large extent, influenced by the genotype of the crop plant. The problem arises from the fact that there is a myriad of organisms--viruses, bacteria, fungi, nematodes, in­sects-which are parasitic on crop plants. These or­ganisms have a great deal of genetic variability within their various species and, under the selection pressure exerted by the host crop plant, more virulent strains are bound to emerge as predominant. Several examples will serve to illustrate the problem.

In oats, in the 1930's and 1940's great progress was made in breeding for resistance to crown, leaf and stem' rust, and smut. Among each of these species of pathogens are various physiologic races to which re­sistance was obtained from a number of parents and combined into several resistant varieties. As it turned out, most of these new resistant varieties had a com­mon ancestor, the Victoria variety of oats, which con­tributed needed genes for resistance to specific rust

races. Shortly after the varieties derived from Victoria had virtually taken over the midwest oat acreages in the late 1940's, a previously unknown Helminthospo­rium appeared and caused almost catastrophic losses. Unrecognized by breeders and pathologists, the Vic­toria derivatives carried a gene for susceptibility to the new Helminthosporium. This gene was closely linked to one of the desirable genes for resistance to crown rust. The new disease, called "Victoria. blight," was unknown until susceptible hosts were widespread and exerted extreme selective pressure on a rare organism.

In our work with sugar cane, we are only beginning to appreciate the significance, and the potency, of the


genetic variation in the pathogens. We are particularly concerned with the complex of pathogens in dIe soil. With sugar cane we plant a genetically uniform host plant over thousands of acres and its roots are active in the soil for 6-10 years without benefit of crop rota­tion or fallow. We thus create a near-ideal situation for the selection and multiplication of a rare specific pamogen capable of attacking the particular variety. The pathogen may be rare, or it may be nonexistent, when the variety is first planted. In the latter case it may appear through mutation, or through genetic recombination and segregation, and be selected by the host. The result is that the host loses vitality and lower yields result.

The genetic mobility of the pamogen complex under the influence of me host plant has serious implications for the plant breeder. Keeping abreast of this dynamic pathogen complex and maintaining yields at present levels will require concerted effort on the part of the plant breeders. While this type of problem has been widely recognized among those working on small grains, potatoes, citrus, and bananas, the implications with respect to other crops are widespread.

Let us now switch briefly to me' other, and perhaps more romantic, goal of the plant breeder. I refer to me possibility of increasing yields into a new order of magnitude. How, or where, can we expect major break-throughs from the yield levels currently real­ized ? ' Parenthetically I might say that there are some people who have expressed me opinion that the plant breeders have gone about as far as they can go and now will be hard put merely to hold their own.

The bases for any breeding and selection program are threefold : first, me genes available to the breeder; second, his ability to manipulate them into favorable combinations; and, finally, his ability to recognize and select superior new genetically stable forms. Fortunate­ly, for the plant breeder, there are unexploited areas in all three of these aspects of a breeding program.

A new awareness of me importance of genetic diver­sity is becoming more prevalent among plant breeders. For example, corn breeders, long content to work with­in the limited genetic diversity available in the corn belt, are now looking to the West Indies, Central and South America for new breeding materials. Wheat breeders are exploring intergeneric hybridization and exchanging unadapted varieties on a larger scale than ever before in the hope of uncovering superior new gene combinations. Even the peanut breeders are ex­ploring for wild relatives which might carry desirable genes.

I say "even the peanut breeders" because mis is a crop where radiation-induced genetic variability has been reported to be of some potential value in breed­ing improved varieties. Anomer example comes from Sweden, where stiff-strawed barleys have been devel­oped from radiation-induced mutants. However, diffi­culties in stabilizing this character in combination with other necessary traits have precluded the com­mercial adoption of varieties with this stiff-strawed character.

In recent years there has developed a great enmusi­asm for me possibilities of inducing desirable muta-


tions in crop plants mrough irradiation with gamma rays, X-rays, and neutrons. This enmusiasm has been attributable, in large part, to the millions of dollars of research grants available from the Atomic Energy Commission. Radiation-induced genetic variability may find useful application in crops with limited available natural variability, and in creating unusual horticul­tural forms where novelty is an important objective. In general, though, I believe mat the usefulness of this approach has been greatly oversold as a panacea for plant breeders. The utilization of existing genetic variability found in nature, wim classical teclmiques of breeding and selection, seems to be a much sounder approach. This is especially true in most of the under­developed areas of the world where me United States has installed nuclear reactors and gamma ray facilities, in part as a reputed tool for plant breeders, under the "atoms for peace" plan.

In me area of manipulation of genetic variability, i.e., the creation of hybrids and segregating popula­tions, and the understanding of the mechanisms of heredity, me geneticists and cytogeneticists continue to make significant progress. As genetic mechanisms, including gene action and interaction, are better under­stood, the plant breeders can capitalize on the ad­vances. In mis connection, radiation-induced chromo­somal translocations may permit gene recombinations involving nonhomologous chromosomes in wide hy­brids and thus lead to significant break-throughs.

The outstanding example of this technique comes from the wheat breeders where the object was to in­corporate a desirable gene for leaf rust resistance from the related genus Aegilops umbellulata. The gene in question was closely linked with undesirable genes for plant type. Selection in hybrids and backcrosses to common wheat was unsuccessful in breaking the linkage. Selections fell into two categories : mose wim the desired gene for resistance and undesirable plant type and mose with desirable plant type but lacking the gene for resistance. A monosomic derivative of the intergeneric hybrid whim had one Aegilops chro­mosome, containing the desired gene, and 42 Triticum chromosomes was irradiated. In one progeny plant, an intercalary translocation occurred where it was found that the gene for rust resistance had been inserted in a normal wheat chromosome while the rest of the Aegilops chromosome, wim its undesirable genes, had been lost.

In addition, the statistical geneticists, armed with electronic computers, are helping define the most efficient breeding schemes in terms of maximizing genetic progress. An interesting recent development is the use of an Arabadopsis species as a laboratory plant to study breeding and selection methods. This tiny self-pollinated plant can be cultured in test tubes under controlled environments (temperature, light, nutrient media) by applying temniques similar to those used in me classic genetic studies with Drosophila melanogaster, Neurospora crassa, and Bscherischia coli.

Wim regard to improving selection temniques, again the statistical geneticists are making significant prog­ress mrough study of the interactions between geno-


types and environments, the efficiency of selection cri­teria, and many related subjects. However, in using this approach the statistical geneticists have had to make certain simplifying assumptions in setting up their genetic models. In many ways these assumptions have fallen short of reality when related to actual genetic complexities in nature. With the adoption of highly complex statistical designs, and with the in­creased computational capabilities of new electronic computers, fewer unr.ealistic assumptions are necessary and the results are becoming more meaningful.

Several weeks ago I had the privilege of. participat­ing in a symposium on statistical genetics and plant breeding sponsored by the National Academy of Sci­ences in Raleigh, North Carolina. The sessions were very productive and much excellent work was reported, but there seemed to be a hope among some of the plant breeders present that an infallible system of selec­tion might be formalized with the aid of statistical techniques. At present, this possibility seems to me to be very remote. The statisticians can provide power­ful tools for the plant breeders, but to make selections a plant breeder must have an intimate, first-hand famili­arity with his plants in the field. He must, as far as


possible, uQderstand the manifold effects of the en­vironment and genotype-environment interactions in order to make intelligent decisions. We are a long way from being able to standardize and categorize the many plant characters used in selection to the extent necessary to turn decision-making over to a computer.

We have seen that temporary agricultural surpluses in the United States should not be used as an argument to reduce activities in the field of plant breeding. With widespread undernourishment prevalent in the world today and with the present rates of population growth, the problem of producing foodstuffs, and the agri­cultural products for industry, will become increas­ingly acute. In the United States, population growth and associated reduction of present farm areas due to urban development dictate a need for greater efficiency in the use of crop acres. Changing environment�co­nomic, agronomic, and, especially, biologic-will re­quire continuing varietal replacements. Plant breeders are necessary and vital members of the teams of scientists needed to insure the future well-being of our civilization. Armed with a better understanding of genetics and related disciplines, the plant breed­ers are confident that significant advances can, and will, be made for the benefit of mankind.


The thirty-sixth year of the Academy ended with a total membership of 845. There were four Council meetings during the year at which the chairmen of the special and standing committees were in attendance. We record with regret the death of seven members during the past year : Dr. C. E .. K. Mees, Mr. R. E. Doty, Mr. H. S. Iwata, Mr. F. W. Walek, Mr. E. Coleman, Mr. C. K. Humphries, and Dean A. R. Keller.

The Secretary wishes to extend the thanks of the Academy to Mrs. Shizuno Ebisuzaki for her unstinting efforts in assisting him with his duties.

Donald P. Gowing, Secretary


Balance on hand April 30, 1960 Bank of Hawaii (4/27/60) .... $ 2,475.07 Cash not deposited................ 1 1.00 First Federal Savings & Loan 596. 15

3,082.22 Less checks outstanding ....... . 100.00 $ 2,981.37

Receipts Dues ....................................... .

AAAS Grant ........................... .

Annual Dinner, 1960, 8 1

1,396.00 43.26

reservations ......... _.............. 263.65 Dividends, First Federal

Savings & Loan.................. 24.08 National Science Foundation Grants

G 12407, Teachers' Science Seminars .......................... 1,370.00

G 12446, Hawaiian Science Clubs' Service.................. 19,650.00

Disbursements Annual Dinner, 1960, 79

reservations ....................... .

HAS-Hawaii Division ........... .

Mailing Expenses ................... . NSF Grants

Teachers' Science Seminars Hawaiian Science Clubs'

Service-to University of Hawaii ......................... .

Printing-Proceedings, 1959/ 60 .... , .... ................................ .

Supplies ................................. .

Miscellaneous AAAS Grant-Donald

Chipp .............. $ 43.26 P. O. box rentaL 9.00 Refreshments •..... 19.28 Science Education

Fund ................ 200.00

264.65 22.25

377. 15



639.57 219.76




Student Science Seminars (to be refunded) ...... 60.00

Third Annual Science Fair banquet tickets (refund) ........ 9 1.00 422.54 24,389.0 1

Balance March 31, 1961.. ......... .

Balance on hand March 31, 1961 Bank of Hawaii ...................... $ First Federal Savings & Loan

749.12 620.23


$ 1,339.35

Less checks outstanding ....... . 30.00 $ 1,339.35

Status of Dues Payments : April 1960 March 1961

Advance ................................ $163.00 $161.00 Arrears .................................. 300.00 296.00 Applications _....................... 20.00

Complimentary Memberships ........................................ 17 Audited and found correct April 10, 1961.

(s) Chester A. Wismer (s) Beatrice H. Krauss


(Administered by Hawaiian Academy of Science) National Science Foundation Grant--G8432 Amount of grant .......................... $ 4, 160.00 Expended prior to 4/30/60...... 2,05 1 .87

Balance 4/30/60 ......................... .

Disbursements Travel and per diem ............. . Refund to NSF ....................... .

1,547.57 560.56

$ 2, 108.13

2, 108. 13

Balance February 28, 1961........ 0000 National Science Foundation Grant-G12407 Amount of grant, June 7, 1960 $ 1,370.00 Disbursements

Honoraria and per diem........ 555.00 Travel .......................... ............ 129.96 684.96

Balance March 31, 1961.. ......... .

HAWAIIAN SCIENCE CLUBS' SERVICE (Administered by the University of Hawaii) National Science Foundation Grant-G8871 Amount of grant .......................... $22,000.00 Expended prior to 4/30/60 ........ 12,777.40

Balance 4/30/60 ......................... . Disbursements

Communications .................... $ Equipment ............................. .

Printing ................ , ................ .

213.26 449.9 1


$ 685.04

$ 9,222.60


Repairs, maintenance, etc. ___ _

Rentals ___________________________________ _

Salaries & wages _____________________ _

Shipping and freight charges Supplies _________________________________ _

Travel _____________________________________ _

Miscellaneous (indirect cost allowance) _________________________ _

783.73 14.69

1,622.0 1 2 . 13

974.37 1,317.35

1,730.2 1 Refund to NSF _______________________ _ 2,055.94 $ 9,222.60

Balance September 16, 1960______ 0000 National Science Foundation Grant-G12446 Amount of grant, June 7, 1960 $ 19,650.00 Disbursements

Communications ___________________ _

Equipment _____________________________ _

Rentals ___________________________________ _

Repairs, maintenance, etc. _____ _

Salaries & Wages ___________________ _

Shipping and freight charges Supplies _________________________________ _

Travel _____________________________________ _

Miscellaneous (indirect cost allowance) _________________________ _

Balance February 28, 196 1.. _____ _

308.97 165.55 150.67

1,4 19.03 5,03 1.59

230.89 1 ,158. 16 1,262.75

1,459. 14

M USEU M S IN M IN IATURE (Administered by the Bishop Museum)

National Science Foundation Grant-G8494 Amount of grant ________________________ $ 3,500.00 Expended prior to 4/30/60______ 100.00

Balance 4/30/60 _________________________ _

Disbursements Equipment _____________________________ _

Salaries, Wages & Honoraria Supplies _________________________________ _

Balance March 3 1, 1961.. _________ _

298.47 1,975.84


SCIE NCE EDUCATION F U ND (Administered by Cooke Trust Co., Ltd.)

Balance April 30, 1960 _____________ _

Receipts American Chemical Society __ $ F. C. Atherton Trust ___________ _

Juliette M. Atherton Trust ___ _

Bank of Hawaii _____________________ _

S. N. & Mary Castle Foun-dation _________________________________ _

Charles M. & Anna C. Cooke Trust ___________________________________ _

First National Bank _____________ _

Frear Eleemosynary Trust _____ _

Hawaiian Academy of Science H. C. & D. _____________________________ _

Hawaiian Electric Co., Ltd. __

HSPA Experiment Station ___ _

Hawaiian Telephone _____________ _

McInerny Foundation _____________ _

100.00 250.00

1,500.00 100.00


500.00 100.00 250.00 200.00 100.00 200.00

1,195.53 200.00


1 1, 186.75

$ 8,463.25

$ 3,400.00


$ 1,050.23

$ 1 1,337.60


Pineapple Research Institute _ _

Watumull Foundation ___________ _

West Honolulu Rotary _________ _

Alexander Y oung ___________________ _

von Hamm Y oung _________________ _

Miscellaneous Contributions __

Disbursements Printing & Publicity _____________ _

Science Fairs Third Annual Science Fair Fourth Annual Science Fair

Student Science Seminars _____ _

Supplies ___________________________________ _

Miscellaneous _______________________ _

Balance March 30, 1961.. ___________ _

1,195.53 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 581 .25

1 15.60

4,395.01 500.00 823.04 222.48 206.06

TH IRD ANNUAL SCIENCE FAIR (Administered by Cooke Trust Co., Ltd.)

Balance April 30, 1960______________ (Debit) Receipts

Banquet Tickets ______________________ $ 9 1 .00 Science Education Fund__________ 4,385.01 Travel refunds ________________________ 610.00 Miscellaneous ________________________ 60.00

Disbursements Insurance _______________________________ _

Supplies & Incidentals ___________ _

Travel & Transportation _______ _

17.50 18.96






$ 4,076.07

$ 5, 146.01

Miscellaneous _________________________ _ 225.48 $ 1,069.94

Balance July 26, 1960 _______________ _

FOURTH ANN UAL SCIE NCE FAIR (Administered by Cooke Trust Co., Ltd.)

Receipts Banquet Tickets ______________________ $ Science Education Fund _______ _

Disbursements Awards ___________________________________ _

Insurance _______________________________ _

Supplies & Incidentals ___________ _

Publicity & Posters _______________ _

Science Service Entry Fee _____ _

Travel & Transportation _______ _

Miscellaneous _________________________ _

435 .15 500.00

177.83 75.00 50.34 25.00

100.00 10.8 1 42.67


$ 935 .15

48 1.65

Balance March 3 1, 1961 ..__________ $ 453.50 Eleanor S. Anderson, Treasurer


This year 41 applicants were elected to membership. Eight science teachers who were, and 25 teachers who were not already members were offered honorary mem­bership because of their successful guidance of students who won awards at the Hawaiian Science Fair.

The membership roll now shows 845 names, of which 38 have achieved life-time membership status.

Albert J. Bernatowicz, Chairman



The individuals nominated for Fellowship in the AAAS were: Edward J. Britten, A. H. Cornelison, Dan A. Davis, John Digman, Gerald G. Dull, John A. Easley, Jr., H. Wayne Hilton, Alison Kay, Curtis A. Manchester, John C. Marr, James c. Moomaw, Loren F. Steiner, Sterling Wortman.

The names of the nominees were submitted to Dr. Dael WoHle, Executive Director of the AAAS, in April, 1961 .

Doak C. Cox, Chairman


The thirty-sixth Annual Meeting of the Academy was held in two sessions, the first on November 9-10, 1960, and the second on April 20-22, 196 1. A sym­posium on "The Origin of the Hawaiian Islands-the Land, Plants and Animals" by seven members of the Academy, and six professional papers were presented at the first session. An invitational paper on "Natural Products from Hawaiian Plants" by Paul J. Scheuer, two scientific papers written by high school students and eight professional papers were presented in the final session. At the Annual Banquet, which was held at the Hawaiian Village Hotel, the retiring president gave his address.

Three special sessions were held-one on October 25, 1960, to hear J. B. Harrar, Vice-President of the Rockefeller Foundation, speak on "American Science Abroad" ; the second on February 9, 196 1, to hear Dr. R. T. Overman, Oak Ridge Institute for Nuclear Studies, speak on "Modern Concepts in Nuclear Sci­ence"; and the third on February 23 to hear A. J. Eames, Professor Emeritus of the Department of Bot­any at Cornell University, speak on "Changes in Theo­ries of Evolutionary Relationships Among Flowering Plants in Recent Decades." A joint session was held with the Geophysical Society of Hawaii on February 28 to hear "Volcanoes in Japan," by Dr. Hisashi Kuno, Geological Institute, University of Tokyo.

Gerald G. Dull, Chairman


The Conservation Council for Hawaii, now in its eleventh year, continues to bring many public and private organizations, as well as individuals, interested in conservation together to share their knowledge and coordinate their efforts.

Council officers for 1961 are : C. E. Pemberton, President; L. J. Watson, Vice-President; H. R. Welder, Jr., Secretary; and Agnes Conrad, Treasurer. Work of the Council is organized through five committees, chaired this year by Robert Nelson for Land Con­servation; Robert Chuck for Water Conservation; Charles Lamoureux, Flora Conservation; William Smythe, Fauna Conservation; and Colin Lennox, Sites Conservation.

Having produced two issues in 1960, the Council will continue publishing a Bulletin on an intermittent experimental basis to keep the conservation commu· nity abreast of developments this year.


The Water Committee was most active in 1960 and culminated its work with a lecture at the Annual Meeting of the Council, February 10, 196 1, by Dr. L. S. Lau of the University on "The Effect of Sea Water Intrusion on the Fresh Water Lens" explaining his theoretical and model studies on Oahu's basal water table made for the Board of Water Supply.

R. H. Cox, Representative


The questionnaire concerning information and ac­tivities of the membership was sent out. About one­third of the questionnaires have been returned, and the results are now ready for tabulation.

Eleanor S. Anderson, Chairman


The Inter-Society Science Education Council, during its third year, not only expanded its activities on Oahu and the Neighbor Islands, but improved the quality of services offered.

Organization. Three organizations were added to those already associated with the Academy in ISSEC. The societies now included in the membership, their presiding 'officers, and their representatives on the ISSEC Council are as follows :

American Association of University Women, Hono­lulu Branch-Florence Hodgson, Leonora Bilger; American Chemical Society, Hawaiian Section -Charles E. Mumaw, L. J. Rhodes, John H. Payne (alternate) ; American Society of Agronomy, Hawaii Chapter-E. J. Britten, Goro Uehara; American Statis­tical Association, Hawaii Chapter-Keith Wallace, Otto Orenstein, Richard Takasaki (alternate) ; Anthro­pological Society of Hawaii-Samuel Elbert, Robert Bowen, H. Ivan Rainwater (alternate) ; Engineering Association of Hawaii-Robert Britten, Doak C. Cox; Geophysical Society of Hawaii-Saul Price, Walter Steiger, Thomas S. Austin (alternate) ; Hawaii Dietet­ic Association-Nobuko Shiraki, Boletha Frojen; Ha­waii Medical Association-T. H. Richert, Nils P. Larsen, Clarence E. Fronk (alternate) ; Hawaii Psycho­logical Association-David Crowell, A. Leonard Dia­mond, Edgar Vinacke (alternate) ; Hawaii State Dental Association-F. A. Sandberg, Manuel C. Kau, Ralph Akamine (alternate) ; Hawaiian Astronomical Society -Robert G. Jack; Hawaiian Botanical Society-E. J. Britten, Charles Lamoureux; Hawaiian Entomological Society-J. H. Beardsley, Dale Habeck; Institute of Food Technologists, Hawaii Section-Ralph M. Hein­icke, Ray Mod; Society of Naval Architects & Marine Engineers, Hawaii Section-Alvin T. Hansen, Guy Slaughter; Society of the Sigma Xi, Hawaii Chapter­Donald C. Matthews, George C. Chu.

Meetings. ISSEC meetings were held whenever the need for them arose to hear progress reports of com­mittee chairmen and budget requests, to formulate general policies and to initiate new projects.


Activities. The services which ISSEC has been able to offer the young people of the community were re­ceived with such enthusiasm by them, their parents and teachers that it is most gratifying and very hum­bling. This has been possible only through the con­certed effort of members of the scientific community, scientific instirutions, organizations and business firms which have given so freely of their time, money, and materials. The brief account below gives no real idea of the tremendous amount of work done, nor does it credit many of the people. who gave so generously of their time.

1. Science Fair

An estimated 15,000 people viewed the 129 Science Fair exhibits at the Dome, Hawaiian Village, during the Fourth Annual Hawaiian Science Fair, March 24-26. These exhibits were selected from more than 5,000 projects as reviewed by some 90 judges in public and private school fairs throughout the state. Twenty ex­hibits each were selected by the Hawaii and Maui County Fairs from school fairs held on those islands; 15 exhibits from Kauai and 74 from Oahu came direcdy from school fairs. Scientific reports, an inno­vation this year, were used to check the accuracy of on-site judging. This system also encourages srudents to learn the techniques of concise and logical scientific reporting. At the Awards Banquet, 78 awards were presented in recognition of 43 exhibits. These were in addition to 3 1 Grand Pacific Life Science Awards given to the most meritorious project in each high school. More than 300 persons in attendance at the banquet enjoyed a talk by President Laurence SnIder of the University of Hawaii, entided "Framing Sen­sible Questions of Nature." Top awards went to Ron­ald Sakimura, University High School (Sugar Award, presented by the Hawaiian Sugar Planters' Associa­tion) , Cynthia Rolfes, Kailua High School (Pineapple Award, presented by Pineapple Research Institute) , Dale Yamamoto, Hilo High School (IRE Award, pre­sented by the Institute of Radio Engineers, Hawaii Chapter) , and Randall Ho.and Frederick Mark, Wash­ington Intermediate School (Clayton J. Chamberlain Memorial Award) .

The two finalists, Cynthia Rolfes and Ronald Saki� mura, took their projects to the National Science Fair, held in Kansas City, May 9- 12. They were accompanied by Mrs. H. Ivan Rainwater, Chairman of the Exhibits Committee, and Dr. Gerald G. Dull, Associate Direc­tor of this year's Fair and Director of the Fifth Annual Hawaiian Science Fair, to be held early in 1962. They also accompanied Mrs. Rainwater to Washington, D.C., where she attended the National Science Foundation Conference of Directors of State Academies of Science Educational Programs. In Beltsville and Bethesda they had the opportunity to consult with scientists working in their fields of interest.

2. Science Library Resources

Three sets of the Traveling High School Science Library were circulated this year. One set went to schools on Hawaii where they had not been previously.


One set circulated among four large public schools on Oahu and one set went to Oahu parochial schools. By the end of this year nearly all public and parochial schools will have had them although several non­Catholic schools have not.

This year Hawaii received two sets of Traveling Elementary School Science Libraries of 160 books each which are being used only in well-established centralized school libraries, preferably where special science programs are in progress. Eighty books were left at each school for one semester and then ex­changed.

The Science Book List for Children ( 1, 105 tides) was published by the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the National Science Foundation this year. ISSEC financed the purchase of 200 copies of this list for all elementary schools.

3. Teachers' Science Seminars

This series is intended to keep science teachers and others informed of current developments in a variety of scientific disciplines and to provide useful classroom materials.

The program of seminars, with subjects ranging from anthropology through zoology, on Oahu (rural and Honolulu) and the Neighbor Islands was carried out through the help of a National Science Founda­tion grant. Through the use of local scientists, careful scheduling of travel on grant funds, and use of speakers traveling on other funds who volunteered their time and services for the series, extra seminars were offered on the islands of Hawaii, Maui, and Kauai. In all, 46 seminars were given, or two more than the schedule of 44 called for in the grant.

Teachers' response to the seminar series has been overwhelmingly favorable. Many letters of apprecia­tion were received and helpful suggestions offered as well as requests for specific topics or speakers. These were met a high percentage of the time. Attendance depended primarily on the teacher population in the area and on the publicity effectiveness for the program.

Cooperation was given to srudent groups by offering the services of most of the scientists for talks to Stu­dent Science Seminars and Science Clubs wherever convenient. The State Department of Public Instruction offered a 1/4 B credit to teachers attending five or more seminars in a series.

4. Counseling and Scholarships

Activitie� of this committee included (1) acqumng speakers for "Career Day" at McKinley High School and (2) developing a list of counselors to be circulated by ISSEC to local high school counselors,

5. Science Clubs Service

The program of the Hawaiian Science Clubs Serv­ice, supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation, was concentrated in the following areas. a. Arranging field trips for science clubs. This service

is the most popular of the program. On Oahu, about fifty trips were provided with fewer on Neighbor Islands.


b. Providing guest speakers for science clubs. Talks and presentations were given by 20 speakers, to more than 45 schools. Usage was about equal on Oahu and the other islands.

c. Distribution of science literature to all secondary schools. More than 125 science project ideas, club demonstrations, industrial brochures and science leaflets from many sources were distributed.

d. Circulating science films and filmstrips, either bor­rowed or purchased, to both science clubs and schools. About 50 loans were made each month, with each loan being viewed by 15 to 1,500 students.

e. Conducting workshops for science club advisors and science teachers. The workshops were attended by an average of 100 teachers. Their purpose is to provide science teachers and science club advisors with practical, useful information on types of proj­ects possible and methods to use. The three sum­mer workshops and the most recent, held in con­nection with the Fourth Hawaiian Science Fair, were all enthusiastically received. A great deal of credit goes to the scientists who put so much effort into the preparation for these programs.

f. Arranging science camps and cruises. New to this program this year was the arrangement of an Ha­waiian Science Navy Cruise, a science-oriented two­day cruise for outstanding boys from each of the science clubs. The first 20 boys went from March 27-28, 1961 ; the remainder (about 40) will go this summer. A "Science Camp" is planned for the last weekend in April, 1961. About 150 students will attend two days of lectures and demonstrations by 30 scientists.

g. Assisting with the Teachers' Science Seminar Series. Frequent use was made of the Science Clubs Service communication with schools and scientists.

h. Conducting a loan program of surplus electronic material. A supply of military surplus electronic material was obtained and is available on a loan basis for science clubs.

i. Produced a weekly science television program from October, 1959 to February, 1961 . The weekly sci­ence TV show was seen in 4,500 homes, and gained some notice among mainland education TV sta­tions. The show, named Science in Hawaii, was suspended temporarily when a reduction of activi­ties became mandatory.

The Science Clubs Service has been immensely suc­cessful. More schools have science clubs now than ever before in Hawaii. One major contribution was quite unexpected. Teachers seem a little prouder to be teach­ers. Recognition of the importance of their work has brought about an improvement in science teaching through the indirect route of improving morale among the teachers themselves.

6. Student Science Seminars The Student Science Seminars program was designed

to offer a select group of students of exceptionally high ability, instruction in scientific concepts, methods and applications, more advanced, rigorous and indi­vidualized than can at present be offered under the regular high school curriculum. The organization and


development of content for the seminar sessions was determined by the participating students in coopera­tion with the director of the project. Twenty-six meet­ings were held on Oahu and 15 meetings on Maui. The average attendance at meetings was about 22 out of 25 on Oahu and 25 out of 27 on Maui. The director of the program has made arrangements to hold sem· inars on Hawaii and Kauai during the coming school year.

7. Museums in Miniature The first increment of the Museum in Miniature

project, financed by a grant from the National Science Foundation and administered jointly by the Academy and Bishop Museum, was completed during the year. This project involved the planning and construction of exhibits emphasizing the local application of gen­eral scientific principles. The exhibits were first shown to the public at the Open House at Bishop Museum in February, before being sent out for use in the schools. Invaluable help was given by members of the Museum staff and by persons in the local scien­tific community.

8. Teachers' Coordination and Science Talent Search In addition to being responsible for the dissemina­

tion of information to all Oahu schools regarding the various activities of ISSEC, this committee also assumed the responsibility of conducting the Science Talent Search for Westinghouse Science Awards. Twelve students, eight from Oahu, three from Maui and one from Kauai, submitted personal data, took the Scientific Aptitude Tests in December, 1960, and wrote on "My Scientific Projects." Though none of these students won national honors, it is felt that they benefited from the experience. The papers were re­turned to Hawaii, where they were judged for state recognition. Three awards, consisting of Handbooks of Chemistry and Physics by Chemical Rubber Com­pany, were given to David Crozier of Roosevelt High School, and to Martha Masaki and Carolyn M. Dote, of McKinley High School.

9. Elementary Science Texts In 1955, the Roman Catholic Diocese of Honolulu

initiated the publication of a series of supplementary science texts designed to guide elementary school chil­dren in the study of plants and animals of Hawaii and other local phenomena not usually covered in school texts of the temperate zone. The title of the series is EXPLORING NATURE IN HAWAII.

Books I, II, and III, published in 1955, 1956, and 1958 respectively, are directed to children in primary grades, They emphasize observation and identification of approximately fifty of the most common plants and animals of Hawaii plus a few fundamental science concepts. Book IV, published in 1959, introduces the study of plants by family groups, the maintenance of tropical aquaria and terraria and suggestions for stu­dent projects suitable at this level. Books V and VI are in process, with publication expected in August, 1961. Book I is under revision to include more color plates and the ISSEC approval on the title page.


Books VII and VIII, with reVlSlOns of Book II and possibly Book III, are planned for 1962. Teachers' Manuals accompany each text.

ISSEC agreed to endorse the books officially early in 1959, and a statement of this fact was placed on the title page of the next volume published. Members of the Academy contributed their aid and criticisms of the manuscripts.

In 1959, the texts were included in the list of books about Hawaii recommended for children by the Hawaii Library Association. In 1960, the DPI placed the series on the list of approved texts for use in the public schools. Distribution of these supplementary texts is spreading through the schools, not only in Hawaii, but also on the mainland, New Zealand, the Philippines, the Marshall Islands, and Central America.

10. Public Relations and Community Participation Community support was generally very good. Pub­

licity releases to all media totaled about 150. This included newspaper coverage of local and county fairs as well as the state fair. Radio and television coverage was helpful in promoting attendance at the fair. Other science education activities throughout the year were given excellent press coverage. The bro­chure explaining ISSEC activities was revised and circulated throughout the community and a start was made toward national publicity of ISSEC activ­ities. There is a need for much more publicity, both locally and nationally, for the very important role ISSEC is playing in science education in Hawaii. Many people are not aware that these activities place our Academy among the top states in the nation in the promotion of science education. Though many acad­emies of science offer science education programs to augment those of the schools, the scope and depth of the ISSEC program is probably unique.

By action of the Council of the Hawaiian Academy of Science, the office of Public Relations was given a position on the Council in order to serve more adequately the needs of the Academy.

1 1. Allied Activities Of interest to ISSEC and the Academy, though not

one of its own programs, is the Hawaii Junior Science Apprenticeship program sponsored by the University of Hawaii with the assistance of a National Science Foundation grant. Research organizations participating are : Bishop Museum, Hawaiian Sugar Planters' As­sociation, Honolulu Biological Laboratory of the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and Pineapple Research Institute, in addition to the University. Sixty-five stu­dents, chosen on the basis of scholastic standing, vocational aptitudes, interests, previous achievements, and personality, will devote seven weeks during the summer to study and work with scientists on pre-select­ed problems and preparation of reports.

The enthusiasm with which members of ISSEC have approached not only the projects which were their own concern, but also accepted additional responsi­bilities, has been most gratifying. Members of the scientific community, by their willingness to give every form of assistance, have made greater accomplish-


ments possible. The coming year should see the com­pletion of such projects as Museum in Miniature, though others will continue. Our emphasis in the past has been placed entirely on the training of future scientists. This was justified logically on the basis of the Academy's interest. The time has come when the Academy should look to the development of future citizens who, though they may not be potential sci­entists themselves, will have a greater understanding of what science is, what it can and cannot do, and what it needs.

ISSEC Council Dorothy T. Rainwater, Chairman H. Wayne Hilton, Vice-Chairman Patricia Golden, Secretary Dwight H. Lowrey, Treasurer


Budget John H. Payne, Experiment Station, HSPA

Community Participation C. E. Nolan, Hawaiian Electric Company

Student Science Seminars Albert B. Carr, University of Hawaii Michael Hazama, Office of District Superintendent,

DPI (Maui) Elementary Science Texts

Sister Mary St. Lawrence, Catholic School Depart­ment

Museum in Miniature Wilfrid Greenwell, Punahou School

Science Teacher Coordination Edwin Y. H. Chinn, Office of District Superin­

tendent, DPI Public Relations

Robert E. Coleman, U.S.D.A., Crops Research Di­vision

Science Library Resources Carolyn Crawford, Department of Public Instruction

Teachers' Science Seminar Series James C. Moomaw, University of Hawaii

Counseling and Scholarships Arthur H. Lange, Pineapple Research Institute

Science Clubs Donald C. McGuire, University of Hawaii Donald Li, University of Hawaii

Science Fair Director, J. B. Smith, University of Hawaii Associate Director, Gerald G. Dull, Pineapple Re-

search Institute Secretary, Setsuko Nakata, Bishop Museum Treasurer, Dwight H. Lowrey Awards, Charles Lamoureux, University of Hawaii Exhibits, Dorothy T. Rainwater, Bishop Museum Sites and Props, Howard McAllister, University of

Hawaii Judging, Jules Fine, U.S.D.A., Agricultural Research

Service Hospitality, Frances Davis, University of Hawaii Public Relations, Robert E. Coleman, U.S.D.A.,

Crops Research Division



The Nominating Committee nominates the follow­ing as candidates for office for the 1961--62 Academy year :

President Elect :

Secretary :


Councilor :

Dr. Leonard D. Tuthill, Dr. A. J. Bernatowicz

Dr. Donald P. Gowing

Mrs. Eleanor .Anderson

Dr. Samuel Allison, Dr. G. G. Dull

President for 196 1--62 will be Dr. Alexander Spoehr. Dr. John N. Warner will be a councilor, and Mr. William M. Bush will continue as a councilor.

R. L. Cushing, Chairman



John N. Warner ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... President

Alexander Spoehr . . . . . . . _____ ._. _________________ _ _____ President-Elect Donald P. Gowing .. _. __ . . . . . . . _ . _ . . . . . . . _ . . _______ .. _. ______ _ _ _ Secretary

Eleanor S. Anderson. ________________________ _________________ _ _ Treasurer

William M. Bush. _ _ _ __________ _ _ ______________ Councilor (2 years)

Gordon A. Macdonald. _ _ ____ _ _ . _____ _ _ . _ _ _ ... Counruor ( 1 year) .

Vernon E. Brock __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ ___ _____________ Councilor (ex officio)


Alexander Spoehr. ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _____ _ _ _ _________________ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ President

Leonard TuthilL ___________________ _ _ _ _ ________________ President-Elect

Donald P. Gowing .. _ _ _ ___ . _____________ . _______________________ Secretary Eleanor S . .Anderson _ _ _ _ _ _______ . _ _ _ _ __ _ _ ___ ____ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ______ .Treasurer

Samuel D. Allison. _______ _ _____________________ Councilor (2 years)

William M. Bush. _ _ _ _ _____________ _ _ _ __ _ _ ___ _ _ Councilor (1 year)

John N. Warner. ___________ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ ___ _ _ _ Councilor (ex officio)



The following officers were elected for the year 1961-62 :

Dr. James Mitchell, Chairman Dr. Kaoru Noda, Secretary-Treasurer Mrs. Ruth Wong, East Hawaii Representative Mr. Mark Sutherland, West Hawaii Representative Dr. Chester Wentworth, Council Representative Membership Committee : Violet Hansen, Chairman

Matthew Chow Richard Penhallow Harold R. Warner

There were 15 new members elected in 1960-61, bringing the total membership to 88.

The Hawaii Division conducted and co-sponsored a series of lectures in Hilo and Kona which served as Science Seminar for the teachers on Hawaii. Speakers and topics were :

Mr. Harold Krivoy : The Measurement and Use of Tilting of the Earth at Kilauea.

Mr. Michio Takata : Recent Developments in Fish-eries Management.

Dr. Earl Linsley : You Are a Space Traveller. Dr. T. Murashige: Plant Tissue Culture. Dr. A. Abbott : Geothermal Steam for Power. Dr. Wayne Ault : Volcanic Gases from Kilauea. Dr. Jerry Eaton : Mechanics of Hawaiian Eruptions. Mr. William Mileski : Introduction to Space Ve-

hicles. Dr. David Crowell : Behavioral Studies in the Neo­

natal Period. The Hawaii Division joined the Department of Pub­

lic Instruction and other community organizations and individuals in sponsoring a Hawaii County Science Fair with over a hundred exhibits. Twenty-six wiuners were sent to Honolulu. Dr. Kaoru Noda was the Academy representative on the joint committee organ­izing this activity.

Expenditures for 1960-61 were $27. 5 1 for postage and office supplies. Income from membership dues was $22.25, and about $10.00 additional was donated, bringing the bank balance to $37.02. The budget for 1961--62 is $50.00.

Chester K. Wentworth, Chairman

The 36th ANNUAL MEETING 1 960.61



October 25, 1960, University of Hawaii, Honolulu J. G. Harrar : American Science Abroad


November 9, 1960, Experiment Station, HSPA, Hono­lulu

1. Warner Wilson: Correlates of Avowed Happiness.

2. Gilbert Sax and Albert Carr: An Empirical Evalu­ation of the Spiral-Omnibus Form of Item Ar­rangement.

3. Donald L. Plucknett : Concentration of Aluminum in Various Plant Parts of Rhodomyrtus tomen­tosa.

4. Chan Street : Bellamy Drift Indicator.

5. Robert H. Riffenburgh : On Estimation Errors in Distribution Extremes.

6. Harry L. Arnold, Jr., and Frank H. Haramoto : Skin Eruption Caused By Pyemotes boylei Krczal Following Fumigation of Dwelling for Ter­mites.

November 10, 1960, Experiment Station, HSPA, Hono­lulu

A Symposium

The Origin of the Hawaiian Islands-The Land, Plants, and Animals.

7. Agatin Abbott : Formation of the Islands.

8. Vernon E. Brock : Ocean Currents.

9. Alison Kay : Shellfish.

10. William A. Gosline: Marine Vertebrates.

1 1. Maxwell S. Doty : Establishment of a Primary Community.

12. James Moomaw : Origin of Land Plants.

13. Ryoji Namba : Origin of Terrestrial Animals.


February 9, 1961, Experiment Station, HSPA, Honolulu Ralph T. Overman : Modern Concepts in Nuclear




February 23, 1961, Experiment Station, HSPA, Hono­lulu

Arthur J. Eames : Changes in Theories of Evolutionary Relationships Among Flowering Plants in Recent Decades.


Sponsored jointly with the Geophysical Society of Hawaii.

February 28, University of Hawaii, Honolulu Hisashi Kuno : Volcanoes in Japan.


April 20, 196 1, Experiment Station, HSPA, Honolulu 1. Paul Scheuer : Natural Products from Hawaiian


2. Robert H. Riffenburgh: A Sociometric Identifica­tion of Hawaiian Stereotypes on the Basis of Multiple Measurements.

3. John M. Digman : Dimensions of Childhood Per­sonality Emerging from Teachers' Judgments.

4. Alan Rixon and G. Donald Sherman : Calcium Aluminum Relationships Resulting from Liming Soils . of Hamakua Coast.

5. Robert G. Rigler : Radioiodine Therapy of Hyper­thyroidism.

April 2 1, 196 1, Experiment Station, HSPA, Honolulu 6. Cynthia Rolfes : Can the Dog Tick Act as Inter­

mediate Host to Heartworm ?

7. Ronald Sakimura : Nematode-Trapping Fungi.

8. E. H. Bryan, Jr. : The Pacific Scientific Informa­tion Center.

9. Ruth Sherman and Arthur A. Dole: Determinants of the Choice of a Science Program by Sixth Grade Boys.

10. Carey D. Miller and Nao S. Wenkham : Effect of Diet on Blood Pressure of Rats.

1 1 . Robert A. Nordyke : Individual Kidney Function Testing with Radioactive · Tracers.

April 22, 1961, Hawaiian Village Hotel, Honolulu Banquet Introduction of New Officers Presidential Address

John N. Warner : Plant Breeding Today.





The avowed happiness of 329 college students was measured with a questionnaire and correlated with a large number of other variables. Among the positive correlates were: energy, health, social adjustment, fam­ily adjustment, success in dating, estimated happiness of parents, and conservatism in attitudes toward sex and religion. The reported discrepancy between need for achievement and actual achievement, sensitivity, and a desire for a high grade average were negative correlates. Rank in high school class, college board scores, college grades, spending money, family in­come, occupation and education of parents, and need for achievement did not prove to be significant cor­relates. The data suggest that, in the case of the population in question, social and family adjustment and the adoption of a realistic and moderate attitude toward achievement are important determinants of happiness, whereas intellectual ability, material cir­cumstances, and actual level of achievement seem unimportant.

WARNER WILSON University of Hawaii Honolulu, Hawaii


At least two ways exist in which items may be presented to an examinee. Traditionally, all of the items measuring the same subject matter, such as mathematics, were grouped together to form separate subtests. However, in the spiral-omnibus form of or­ganization, different types of items (such as math­ematics, vocabulary, etc.) are intermixed and are placed in increasing order of difficulty. It was believed that an analysis of the spiral-omnibus and the subtest form of item arrangements would not only help fill a gap in the theory of measurement, but would also con­tribute to an understanding of response sets if sub­jects respond differentially on two forms of the same test where one form is in spiral-omnibus arrangement and the other is in a subtest organization.

Three hundred thirty-five freshmen in an introduc­tory course in education at the University of Hawaii were given forms A and B of the Henmon-Nelson Tests of Mental Ability. These tests are arranged in spiral-omnibus form and contain vocabulary, math­ematics, amI spatial relationship items. Forms A and B had both been equated so that a student obtaining a given score on one form would obtain a similar score on the other form. On one form of the Henmon-Nelson Tests items were cut and reorganized into separate subtests and placed in increasing order of difficulty; on the other form the items were presented in the original spiral-omnibus form.

To reduce practice effects, approximately half of the group took the spiral-omnibus form first, followed by the subtest form, whereas the procedure was re­versed for the other half of the group. The directions and time limits were the same for both groups.

An analysis of the results indicated that students attempted significantly more items on the spiral-omni­bus form than they did on the subtest form.

Students also attained significantly higher scores on the spiral-omnibus form. The differences in the num­ber correct were greater than one could explain by differences in the number attempted.

No statistically significant differences were found between the two forms on Kuder-Richardson Formula 20 reliabilities or on validity coefficients found by correlating test scores with grade-point averages.

In summary, evidence as to the presence of a re­

sponse set was indicated, inasmuch as students at­tempted significantly more items and obtained signifi­cantly higher scores on the spiral-omnibus than on the subtest form of item arrangement. At least on the mathematics items, students tended to eliminate a sig­nificantly larger number of items at the end of the subtest form than they did on the spiral-omnibus form. No differences in reliability or in validity could be found.


ALBERT CARR University of Hawaii Honolulu, Hawaii


Rhodomyrtus tomentosa was introduced on Kauai about 50 years ago and since that time has become dominant on and around Kilohana Crater. Since field observations indicate an association of Rhodomyrtus with the bauxitic soils of Kauai, it was decided to study the relationship of Rhodomyrtus and soil alu­minum.

One phase of the study was designed to test alu­minum uptake by Rhodomyrtus from soils of bauxitic areas. Preliminary field samplings of leaves from vari­ous soils were made with two samples taken from each plant, old leaves and young leaves. Young leaves were sampled as the second pair of new leaves of the shoot, while old leaves were sampled as the fourth to sixth pair of leaves of the shoot. Analysis of these leaves indicated that old leaves contain higher concentrations of aluminum than young leaves. Average concentra­tion for old leaves was 132 ppm, while the average concentration for young leaves was 33 ppm. There was no difference statistically between areas sampled.

A pot experiment was established using five soils with six replications. Three months after Rhodomyrtus seedlings were planted the seedlings were harvested and aluminum analysis was run on the roots, stems, and leaves. The concentration gradient of plant parts


was as follows : roots> stems> leaves. The differences in concentration between plant parts were found to be highly significant statistically, although there was no statistical difference between concentrations of plant parts from different soils. Average values for two representative soils were as follows : Hanamaulu soil series : roots, 195 1 ppm, stems, 879 ppm, leaves, 435 ppm; Kapaa soil series : roots, 1501 ppm, stems, 674 ppm, leaves, 289 ppm.

Since the concentration gradient in Rhodomyrtus plant parts follows the relationship roots> stems> leaves, it is suggested that aluminum precipitates in plant tissues and is relatively immobile in the plant. It seems possible that aluminum could precipitate as aluminum phosphate, which could explain some of the problems of phosphate nutrition in tropical soils.

In view of the concentration differences in plant parts of Rhodomyrtus it is suggested that the tissue sampled as a basis for aluminum accumulation is of the greatest importance. Conventionally, a plant with 1000 ppm or more of aluminum is considered an aluminum accumulator. By this standard, Rhodomyrtus would not be an accumulator if aluminum is meas­ured in leaves; however, if root measurements are used, it would be an accumulator. Since leaf samples are most often used, perhaps aluminum accumulation should be based on leaf concentration.

DONALD L. PLUCKNETT University of Hawaii Honolulu, Hawaii


This device makes a continuous recording of data from which the cross-wind component affecting a plane in flight may be determined. Its function depends on the pressure changes to be found wherever there are geostropic winds. The term "geostropic wind" actually applies to all winds. The motion of air in the atmos­phere blows along the isobars and the strength of the wind is a function of the pressure gradient. If this gradient can be determined, then the cross-wind com­ponent may be calculated.

A plane in normal flight flies at a constant-pressure altitude; that is, it always maintains an altitude so that the atmospheric pressure is constant. Thus, as it moves into regions of higher or lower pressure it ascends or descends to follow this plane of constant pressure. By determining the change in altitude thus produced, the change in pressure may be determined. From an equation developed by Dr. John C. Bellamy, the lateral drift may be calculated if the differences between the pressure and absolute altitude are known for two different points in a flight.

The instrument under discussion measures the ab­solute altitude with a radar altimeter and the pressure altitude with a very sensitive pressure transducer. The resulting "D" value is then continuously recorded on a small portable recorder that can sit on the navigator's table. The precision of measurement is to the order of 10 feet up to an altitude of 40,000 feet.


The data so recorded will show the presence of "shear" winds that would otherwise go unnoticed by the spot-check method. In addition, it gives a con­tinuous detailed check on the pressure pattern over the oceans that are now known only in their broad patterns. Another advantage of this instrument is that by observing the pattern recorded, it is possible to find and hold the jet streams at high altitude and thus shorten the flight time to the most efficient pattern.

CHAN STRE ET Street Laboratory of

Applied Physics Honolulu, Hawaii


In many cases data are observed which are approxi­mately normally distributed in the region about the mean, but which become impossible rather than highly improbable when quite deviant from the mean. If the probabilities at the end points of the closed interval defining the possibility range are nonzero, truncation is appropriate, and the theory is well known. How­ever, if the probabilities approach zero as a limit at the end points, truncation is inappropriate. This paper presents a transformation to a quasi-normal probability function with finite range. Such a transformed func­tion will usually be an approximation to the popula­tion function, but an approximation better than the original normal approximation. However, sometimes it will be an exact distribution, and an example of this case is given.

Some uses for the quasi-normal transformation fol­low : Where the transformation is appropriate, the power functions of tests associated with the distribu­tions will be markedly altered. By the same reasoning, the two types of errors are affected in making tests of hypotheses, with resulting alteration in sample size required or alternatively in significance level. When there are desired estimates of probabilities associated with values of the independent variable in the vicinity of the ends of the range, a very large improvement in the accuracy of the estimate follows the transformation.

Under the assumption of the variate x standard­normally distributed, the theory for the transforma­tion to x is a subset of [-c,c], c a constant, and lim f (x) = 0 and lim f(x) = 0, is worked out x�-c+ x� c-

for the cases : the variance known, the variance un­known. In the first case, the transformed probability function and its mean and variance are obtained. E (x) = 0 and E (x2) is given as a function depending on the incomplete gamma distribution. It is shown that E (x2) < 1, the variance of the normal prior to the transformation, and E (x2) is tabulated for 38 values of c. Similarly, when the variance is unknown, Student's t-distribution is assumed and the transforma-


tion is effected. The functional form of x is rather intractable mathematically, but not too restrictive con­ditions covering most applications are specified under which a simplification may be made.

Tests of hypotheses on the mean and variance are set up for both cases.

An example is given in which the transformed func­tion is the exact distribution related to the schooling strategy of fish. An example is also given in which the probabilities of a type I error and a type II error in a t-test are evaluated more accurately, the applica­tion being a comparison of the mean percentage pres­ent of an erythrocyte antigen in sardines in two geo­graphical regions. It is pointed out that in quality control the transformation, if appropriate, permits the probability of accepting a defective item to be esti­mated more precisely and hence improves the control system.

ROBERT H . RIF F E NBURGH Honolulu Biological Laboratory Honolulu, Hawaii


A family was observed, all the members of which were afflicted with a generalized intensely itchy erup­tion apparently due to insect bites. The persistence of these suggested mites as the cause, but no source was apparent. The home had been fumigated about 2 weeks before to kill termites. It was learned through the fumigating company that they had found that the grain mite Pyemotes boylei Krczal might leave its haunts on the coleopterous larvae in the beans on any of various trees (in this instance, a large monkeypod tree) and live on the bodies of dead termites in fumi­gated houses. This phenomenon is described in some detail. Spraying the home with a miticide stopped the eruption promptly.


FRANK H. HARAMOTO Straub Clinic Honolulu, Hawaii


A Symposium

No abstracts available.


1. NATURAL PRODUCTS FROM HAWAIIAN PLANTS The major emphasis of our research program has

been placed on the isolation and determination of molecular structure of alkaloids from endemic Ha­waiian plants. Alkaloids are an attractive class of


chemical constituents since most of them are physiolog­ically active and they can be isolated without resort to a bioassay. Plant species may be selected for study on several grounds : they may belong to a family which has never been studied chemically; they may be botanically related to plants which have produced interesting substances elsewhere; or they may have found application in folk medicine.

Hawaii has over 1,200 endemic plant species. Only one of these, Erythrina sandwicensis, had been studied chemically when the present research was initiated in 1954. We began a systematic survey of the Hawaiian flora for alkaloids. To date, 180 species have been tested of which 42 have been shown to contain al­kaloids.

Five new alkaloids have been isolated from four species in Apocynaceae. The structures of two of these, sandwicine and holeinine, have been completely elu­cidated. Holeinine, which was isolated from Ochrosia sandwicensis, represents the first example of a quater­nary ammonium base to have been found in Apocyn­aceae. The crude alkaloid mixture from O. sandwicen­sis has hypotensive activity. The structures of two new alkaloids from two endemic species of Rutaceae have been determined. One of these, 6-methoxydictainnine, which was isolated from the bark of Platydesma cam­panulata, is one of two "missing" dimethoxyfuroquino­line alkaloids.

Part of our research effort has been devoted to a

study of nonalkaloidal constituents. We have investi­gated the essential oil of Pelea anisata (Rutaceae) , which was shown t o contain anethole a s its major constituent; the bitter principle of Tacca Leontopet­aloides (Taccaceae) , which is a complex anhydride of composition ClSH2607; a minor constituent of Piper methysticum (Piperaceae) ; and the bark of Eu­genia malaccensis (Myrtaceae) , which has been re­ported to have been used as an antidote against fish poisoning.

One of our investigations has dealt with the volatile constituents of an economic plant, Passiflora edulis (Passifloraceae) . We have established that 95 per cent by weight of the volatile oil consists of only four compounds, all of them unbranched aliphatic esters. One of these, n-hexyl caproate, was isolated for the first time from a natural source.

It is a pleasure to acknowledge the collaboration of the following graduate students and postdoctoral fellows : M. Y. Chang, D. N. Hiu, 1. P. Horigan, J. T. Horigan, W. R. Hudgins, 1. A. Madamba, J. T. H. Metzger, C. E. Swanholm, and F. Werny, as well as financial assistance by the following agen­cies : University of Hawaii Research Committee, Re­search Corporation of New York, National Institutes of Health, National Science Foundation, Eli Lilly and Co., Smith, Kline, and French Laboratories, Abbott Laboratories, Mead Johnson and Co., and the Western Regional Laboratory through a grant to Professor G. D. Sherman.

PAUL J . SCH E U ER University of Hawaii Honolulu, Hawaii




The problem is to characterize groups by summaries (mean vectors and dispersion matrices) of sets of meas­urements of some sociological event for each member of each of a set of groups and thence to compare and establish "distances" among the groups on the basis of these summaries. "Distances" are measured by Mahalanobis' D2 statistic. Topics investigated are : the establishment of presence or absence of significant dis­tances, simultaneous confidence intervals, diagrammatic representation, reduction of variables, and identifica­tion of sociological factors involved. An example is given of racial stereotyping in Hawaii. The sample consisted of 266 students from University of Hawaii elementary sociology classes. A forced ranking on a I-to-5 basis was required on 7 questions involving ( 1 ) study effort, (2) wealth, (3) sex, (4) imagina­tion, (5) happiness, (6) political opportunity, and (7) responsibility, where the choice to rank groups were Chinese, Filipino, Haole, Hawaiian, and Japan­ese. These choices were presented in randomized order for each question. Only Chinese, Japanese, and Haole appeared in numbers adequate for statistical inference, but male and female differences appeared, so the seven judging groups were male and female of these three ethnic groups, plus a pooling of all students.

Some of the great many inferences made from the study follow.

1. Females are much more sensitive to stereotyped differences than are males for all groups.

2. Japanese females are the most sensitive of all. 3. Haole males are the most accepting (i.e. least

sensitive to differences) of all.

4. Any group will agree to another group's being more desirable on some characteristic or other, but place themselves second; no one is willing to take worse than second place.

5. Each of the Chinese, Japanese, and Haole groups saw themselves as different from the other two, but saw little difference between the other two.

6. For the pooled set of groups, the Chinese and Japanese were thought to be more alike than any other pair.

7. Filipinos were almost universally ranked in the least desirable position.

8. Females of all groups exhibited a tendency to regard their own group as more desirable than did the males of that group.

8. Comments 1, 2, 3, and 8 and several other cues offer a suggestion (but not a conclusion) that University of Hawaii females are more self-im­portant and class-conscious than males.

10. Highly correlated were questions 1 with 6, 1 with 7, 2 with 6, 5 with 7 (negatively) , and 6 with 7.

ROBERT H . RIF F E NBURGH University of Hawaii Honolulu, Hawaii




A total of 102 first- and second-grade children, all enrolled in grades I and II at the University of Hawaii Laboratory Schools, were judged by their teachers with respect to 38 characteristics, using the method of successive categories as the scaling procedure. Sex was added as a dichotomized variable, and all vari­ables were intercorrelated.

A factor analysis of the resulting matrix indicated the presence of 1 1 factors. These were identified as : Superego Strength, Aggressive Hostility, Cheerful Ex­troversion, Aesthetic Sensitivity, Intelligence, Status Concern, Social Confidence, Neuroticism, Sex, Parental Attitude, and one unidentified minor factor.

Considerable correspondence with the results of similar studies at the adult level was noted, suggesting that the phenomenon of personality undergoes its prin­cipal elaboration during the very early childhood years.

JOH N M. DIGMAN University of Hawaii Honolulu, Hawaii


Soils of the Hamakua and Hilo coasts on the island of Hawaii are derived principally from volcanic ash. In a humid climate this material has altered rapidly with a heavy loss of bases and silica. Highly amorphou.s soils having a considerable aluminum content have been produced. These soils are highly acidic. Sugar cane is grown on these soils and the possibility of aluminum toxicity is considered. Thus, any modifica­tions of the forms of this element in these soils is thought to be of importance.

A series of replicated applied lime experimental plots are being conducted on soils of the Hilo, Akaka, and Kaumoali series. Lime in the form of crushed coral stone was used. Rates of 4,000, 1 1,000, and 22,000 pounds lime per acre were applied to the Hilo series, Hilo Plantation, and to the Akaka series, Hakalau Plantation. Rates of 4,000, 19,000, and 34,000 pounds lime per acre were applied to the Akaka series, Pepeekeo Plantation. Rates of 12,000,

' 30,000, and

46,000 pounds lime per acre were applied to the Kaumoali series of Paauhau Plantation. Soil samples were taken approximately 5 months after the plots were established.

Soil pH and exchangeable calcium values were ob­tained. Ammonium acetate, barium chloride solution buffered to pH 4.8, was used to extract aluminum. Ammonium aurine tricarboxyllate was used in the colorimetric determination of aluminum. The soils were kept in firmly tied polyethylene bags to retain field moisture, and for each sample a moisture factor was determined.

Applications of crushed coral stone resulted in in­creased exchangeable calcium accompanied by de-


creased extractable aluminum. This situation was con­sistent for the four experimental areas. The soil pH values increased with each addition of crushed coral stone. There were no examples where the soil reac­tion had attained the neutral value of pH 7.

Linear relations btween exchangeable calcium and extractable aluminum for the four investigated areas have been established. Exchangeable calcium and ex­tractable aluminum values are represented by X and Y, respectively. For the Hilo series the equation was Y = -0.253X + 10.25. For the Akaka series, Hakalau Plantation, the equation was Y = -0.368X + 15 . 17 and for Pepeekeo Plantation i t was Y = -0.223X + 15 .72. For the Kaumoali series the equation was Y = -0.267X + 2 1 .46.

A highly significant negative correlation between exchangeable calcium and extractable aluminum has been obtained for soils belonging to the Hilo, Akaka, and Kaumoali series on the island of Hawaii.


G. DON ALD SH ERMAN University of Hawaii Honolulu, Hawaii


Hyperthyroidism, or increased activity of the thyroid gland, produces signs and symptoms of nervousness, tremor, weight loss, intolerance to heat, exophthalmos, gastrointestinal symptoms, muscular weakness, rapid pulse, cardiac arrhythmias, heart failure, and even death if uncontrolled.

Iodine is stored in the thyroid gland and incorpor­ated into thyroid hormone. The avidity of the thyroid for iodine is roughly proportional to its activity and the concentration of a radioactive iodine tracer or therapeutic dose enables accurate diagnosis and treat­ment.

While hyperthyroidism may be temporarily con� trolled by stable iodine or antithyroid drugs, cure is best accomplished by surgical resection of part of the gland or intensive selective irradiation by P3I.

In a study of all cases of hyperthyroidism treated by radioiodine at the Straub Clinic over a 4·year period, the following results and conclusions have been reached :

1. The results of this series parallel and compare favorably with other published series.

2. At the time of this writing, 61 of 63 patients treated, or 97 per cent, are clinically well from a thyroid standpoint with two patients exhibiting per­sistence of disease which will require re·treatment. Five patients are taking thyroid extract. A completely euthyroid state was achieved in 56 patients, or 89 per cent.


3. Five of our patients, or 8 per cent, became per­manendy hypothyroid and 1 1 patients, or 17.5 per cent, required an additional therapeutic dose. Radio­iodine therapy causes permanent hypothyroidism in about 9 per cent of patients treated for unknown reasons.

4. The higher incidence of hyperthyroidism among patients of Japanese and Chinese ancestry in our series above the general population may be significant and needs further study.

5. Hyperthyroidism can be controlled with reliance, economy, and safety and without pain by radioiodine.

R. G. RIGLER Straub Clinic Honolulu, Hawaii



The heartworm, Dirofilaria immitis, is a white, vivi­parous nematode which attains a . length, in the adult stage, of 6-12 inches. It inhabits the right ventricle and pulmonary artery of the dog host' s heart, and produces young called microfilariae which migrate to the peripheral blood vessels to facilitate ingestion by an intermediate host in which three stages of the life cycle occur. Several species of mosquitoes have been established as suitable intermediate hosts to D. immitis but evidence is lacking of any extensive investigations of other blood-sucking arthropods such as fleas or ticks. The latter was of particular interest to me be­cause I possessed a dog diseased with heartworm that was also heavily infested with the brown dog tick, Rhipicephalus sanguineus. Although ticks are not equipped with wings and could not therefore transmit D. immitis widely as do the mosquitoes, it seemed possible that they could be responsible for the con­stant reinfestation of the dog upon which they were feeding.

In order to establish whether or not the brown dog tick could act as an intermediate host to heartworm, the following procedures were utilized: 1. Blood samples were taken from the dog and upon examina­tion were found to contain a large number of micro­filariae, indicating a heavy infestation of the animal with D. immitis. 2. Ticks were removed from the dog and the examination of smears of their bloodmeal indicated that microfilariae had been ingested. 3. The same ticks were dissected to determine whether or not the microfilariae had migrated to other organ areas as they would in a suitable intermediate host. None were observed, indicating that they had either been digested, autolyzed, or overlooked. 4. The re­mains of the dissected ticks were run through the Baermann apparatus to insure against oversight. Water samples from this apparatus did not contain micro­filariae, strengthening the idea that they had been digested or autolyzed. 5. Interval blood samplings


from the tick were examined to determine how long the ingested microfilariae remained in the tick. After 1 hour, none was observed.

On the basis of this evidence, I would conclude that the brown dog tick does not act as an intermediate host to heartworm.

CYNTHIA ROLFES Kailua High School Kailua, Hawaii


The nematode-trapping fungi are part of the general group of predacious fungi which kill and consume microscopic animals. Since Zoph in 1888 first recog­nized Arthrobotrys oligospora as a trapping fungus of nematode, a few more species were described, but it was not until 1935-37 that Drechsler described and redescribed 20 to 25 species of the fungi, bringing this interesting microorganism into the spotlight. Lo­cally, the late Dr. Linford, in 1936-1937, observed numerous local species of the fungi and carried out some experiments or, utilization for biological control. Twenty years later, Dr. Klemmer worked on the pre­dacious activity in relation to pineapple trash de­composition.

The objective of my project was collection and par­tial identification of the nematode-trapping fungi, pres­ent in Hawaiian soil. This was necessary for a thor­ough understanding of the organisms in order to con­tinue more complex experimentation in the future.

The first method used was a simple sprinkling of a few grams of soil on water agar (2 per cent) plates and incubating for a short period. Since this method was found unsatisfactory, another method developed by Dr. Klemmer was used. In this method a soil-agar suspension strip was placed on corn meal agar adjusted to 10 per cent nutrients to keep down more vigorous growth. Free-living nematodes obtained by Baermann apparatus were inoculated and the plates were incu­bated at 25-26 °C. In all 250 to 275 aliquots were made out of 80 different soil and root samples during the past 5 months. The species recognized were Stylo­page hadra Drechs., Arthrobotrys musiformis Drechs., A. oligospora Fres., A. dactyloides Drechs., Dactylella asthenopaga Drechs., D. ellipsospora Grove, and Dac­tylaria psychrophila Drechs. Of these seven, S. hadra,

D. asthenopaga, and D. psychrophila were unrecorded locally.

Individual conidia of the various trappers were picked off and transferred to nutrient agar (corn meal agar 10 per cent, modified malt agar 10 per cent, agars adjusted to pH 4-c-5, beef agar, and water agar 2 per cent) plates and slants, and broth of similar nutrients. In this way five isolates were obtained. A sixth species, S. hadra, being an obligate parasite, was not isolated successfully.

RONALD SAKIMURA University High School Honolulu, Hawaii

2 1


A clearinghouse for information about the geog­raphy, natural and social sciences of the oceanic Pacific islands has been established at Bishop Museum, made possible by a grant from the National Science Founda­tion. Its first undertaking has . been to try to learn "who knows what" about these subjects regarding Polynesia, Micronesia, Melanesia, New Guinea, and closely related areas; to begin to abstract the bibliog­raphy; to accumulate and file notes, maps, and air photographs of the area; and to investigate ways and means for reproducing graphic materials. Most of all, the Center seeks the cooperation of all persons intersted in the Pacific area, believing that the objec­tives can be attained best through their cooperative efforts. Its information is being timed to serve the Tenth Pacific Science Congress and to seek the assis­tance of its delegates.

E. H. BRYAN, JR. Bishop Museum Honolulu, Hawaii



Twenty-three per cent of all sixth grade males ( 1,322 pupils) enrolled in public schools in Hawaii, were surveyed on a permissive basis to discover what inter­ests, values, and external influences they would report as determinants of their choice of one of five secon­dary school study programs. This paper was concerned with identifying distinctive determinants of the choice of the college preparatory science program. A sec­ondary purpose of the study was to determine whether certain personal and socioeconomic attributes were related to the reported determinants of science pro­gram choice.

The population was separated into two groups, dif­fering in school district. A "local" group consisted of 574 males drawn from schools located in urban Honolulu and the neighbor islands. Fifty per cent of these boys were of Japanese parentage; 9 per cent were of Caucasian background. Thirty

· per cent, the

largest single percentage, reported they were sons of skilled workers.

A "military" district group included 748 males en­rolled in schools in rural Oahu. Approximately 53 per cent were sons of civilian or uniformed military personnel, as contrasted with 10 per cent of the "local" group. Forty-two per cent were of Caucasian parent­age; 19 of Japanese. Other ethnic groups were repre­sented by comparatively equal proportions in both districts.

Within the local group, 153 boys who indicated a

preference for a college preparatory science secondary school study program were compared with all boys. Two hundred sixty-three boys within the military group who elected science from among the five possi­ble secondary study programs were similarly separated for comparison.

Significantly more sons of Japanese ancestry in the local group planned to elect a science program, and


significantly fewer of Filipino ancestry in both groups. Other personal and socioeconomic attributes ' measured were not associated with science program choice.

In both the military and local groups the boys who planned on a college preparatory science program dif­fered significantly from their peers in that they : ( 1 ) were strongly interested i n science; ( 2 ) were little interested in art and music; and (3) attributed the greatest value to obtaining satisfaction from their field of study.

The scientifically inclined boy from the military district was more likely to be sure of his plans and less likely to think of himself as changing than the scientifically inclined boy from the local district.

. Significant correlations were found between the . mili· tary and local scientific groups on interests (rho =

+ .89) and external influences (rho = +.83) , sug­gesting that these determinants are largely independent of socioeconomic and ethnic defferences for the sixth grade male in Hawaii.

The rank order correlation between the two sci­entific groups on values determining their study choice was smaller (rho = +.63) although significantly posi­tive. It was concluded that teachers, counselors, and scientists should be sensitive to these distinguishing determinants in discussing science as a specialization with young boys.


ARTH UR A. DOLE University of Hawaii Honolulu, Hawaii


There is the impression among laymen, borne out by Department of Health statistics, that cancer of the stomach is more prevalent in men of Japanese an­cestry than those of other ethnic groups in Hawaii. Because some people had questioned if diet might be a factor, 28 rats of two strains were first used in 1956 for a pilot experiment. After about a year, the rats showed no ulcers or tumors, but those of one strain fed the Japanese diet showed evidence of hypertension and enlarged kidneys. Histological examination of the kidneys of several indicated arteriolosclerosis. Later when a Photoelectric-tensiometer became available for the determination of blood pressure in small animals, it was decided to continue the experiment and study the problem of blood pressure instead of possible tumor formation. Forty rats of both sexes from seven litters of the susceptible strain were divided into two groups of litter mates; one was fed the stock diet

, and one the Japanese diet. When there was an extra rat from a litter, we put it in the group for the Japan­ese diet and ended with 24 rats on the Japanese diet and 15 rats on the stock diet. For the Japanese diet the proportions of foods given daily for a medium­sized rat were as follows : rice 40 gm. ; fish, raw or cooked, 10 gm. ; cooked fresh vegetable 7 gm.; salt­pickled vegetable 5 gm. ; shoyu 4 gm. ; miso or abu­rage 2 gm.; tofu, Saturdays only, 10 gm. ; "synthetic


sake" ( 10-20 per cent alcohol solution, sweetened) 5 mI. A variety of cooked vegetables were used, but only two salt-pickled vegetables were given alternately, green mustard cabbage and takuwan (salt-pickled tur­nip) . Undiluted evaporated milk was given for 5 weeks, starting with 1 mI. daily and increasing to 2 ml. daily. At the 1 1th week, the "synthetic sake" was given starting with 5 mi. of a 10 per cent solution of alcohol with a little added sugar and increasing to 10 cc. containing 20 per cent alcohol by the 2 1st week. The young rats placed on this diet at 3 weeks of age rather quickly adjusted to it, grew well, and accumu­lated large stores of fat. The stock diet was a semi­natural one composed largely of whole wheat flour and skim milk powder, with smaller amounts of corn­meal, white flour, brown rice flour, soybean flour, and a small amount of cotton seed oil. To this mix­ture, small quantities of yeast, salt mixture, and cod liver oil were added, as this diet is used for the breed­ing colony. Mter approximately 42 weeks on the diets, the mean systolic blood pressure of 190 for the 24 rats on the Japanese diets, both males and females, was in striking contrast to the value of 1 18 for the rats on the stock diet. Some aspects of the problem that should be investigated were suggested.


NAO S. WENKAM Hawaii Agricultural Experiment Station Honolulu, Hawaii



In the clinical practice of medicine, it is often im­portant to determine the function and excretion of each kidney separately. Although examination of the urine and blood tells us much about the combined function, it tells us nothing about the proportion provided by each side.

The value of obtaining this information is illustrated by the problem of high blood pressure. The most common curable cause of high blood pressure is a decreased arterial blood flow to one kidney. Such a decrease stimulates release of the hormone "angio­tensin" which produces spasm of the arterioles and consequent hypertension. Removal of the offending lesion often eliminates the high blood pressure. How­ever, since fewer than 5 per cent of persons with elevated blood pressure have a unilateral kidney lesion as its cause, a simple screening technique would be useful to separate out this group of curable individuals.

Heretofore three approaches to the evaluation of separate kidneys have been used : the X-ray pyelogram, which demonstrates excretory passage structure but is relatively insensitive to functional differences; the X-ray aortogram, which localizes lesions in major arteries but is an involved hospital procedure; and the "Howard test," which provides a comparison of function but may injure the patient and is time-con­suming and technically difficult.

A new approach using radioactive tracers gives us information on each kidney more simply and more


sensitively than the previous techniques. The pro­cedure is as follows : A substance which is extractable from the blood by the kidneys is tagged with a gamma­emitting radioisotope (sodium iodohippurate tagged with P31 ) . After the intravenous administration of this trace material, scintillation detectors placed externally to · the body over the kidney areas graphically record the rate of each kidney uptake and excretion individu­ally. This allows comparison of the function and the excretion of each kidney. It therefore provides a rapid screening technique for kidney-caused high blood pres­sure as well as for diagnosing obstruction of the ureter.


In addition, it may be used for serially following many kinds of kidney disease.

Since the radiation involved in the test is low (0.05 rads to the bladder wall, much less elsewhere in the body) , it can be used in the pregnant state with greater safety than other X-ray procedures.

The simplicity, sensitivity, and safety of the reno­gram thus make it useful for rapid screening of uni­lateral urinary tract disease.

ROBERT A. NORDYKE Straub Clinic Honolulu, Hawaii



Amend ARTICLE X (REGIONAL DIVISIONS) , Sec­tion 5, to read as follows :


"A Regional Division may receive a portion of the Annual Academy dues paid by its members, the amount to be set annually by the Council."



Harry Shigeo Iwata died in Honolulu on January 14, 1961, following a heart attack.

He was born in Hiroshima, Japan, on March 20, 1907, and was brought to Hawaii by his parents as an infant. His only formal education was in the public schools on Kauai.

When not yet 17, on January 15, 1924, he joined the staff of the Sugar Technology Department of the Experiment Station of the Hawaiian Sugar Planters' Association as a laboratory assistant. For many years he was assigned to assist the team of technologists in annual inspections of the sugar factories in the islands. In this work he made wide and lasting friendships in the sugar industry. He became familiar with all phases of cane sugar factory operation and became particularly expert in the practice of sugar boiling.

In the thirties Mr. Iwata began assisting in the research program on molasses exhaustibility and sugar crystallization and continued in this activity until his death. He made substantial contributions to these studies which are well known throughout the sugar world. His name appears as a contributor to many publications reporting the results of the work.

Mr. Iwata was a painstaking experimentalist and an extraordinary technician. What he lacked in formal education he made up in continuous study. He kept careful and complete records and his final results left no area doubtful.


On August 15, 1960, the Academy lost one of its distinguished members in the death of Dr. C. E. K. Mees. He was born in Wellingborough, England, on May 22, 1882. He received his B.S. degree from the University of London in 1903, and his Doctorate in Science in 1906. His major contributions to science were in the theory on photography. From 1912 to 1934 he was the Director of Research with the Eastman Kodak Company, and was Vice President in charge of research from 1934 until his retirement.

He was also Chairman of the Board of Distillation Products Incorporation, an Eastman subsidiary. In this connection, it may be noted that he was instrumental in initiating the series of "Kodak Reports On :-" advertisements which are so widely and avidly read on their appearance in various scientific journals.

Because of his accomplishments in research on the photographic process and in particular because of his activities in the field of color photography, Dr. Mees received many honors during his lifetime. He was a member of many national and international scientific societies and was a Fellow of the Royal Society of London.

He had been living in Honolulu for several years and had addressed several local scientific societies in the community on a number of subjects. Dr. Mees was


a most interesting speaker, with a wealth of experi­ence on which he drew freely in capturing both the attention and imagination of his audiences.

Dr. Mees' technical accomplishments will be the subject of many of the obituaries of societies privileged to count him as a member. The Academy membership will feel his passing as a personal loss no less im­portant than his passing from the scientific scene.


Ralph E. Doty died on July 3, 1960, at his home in San Anselmo, California.

Mr. Doty was born in Hastings, Nebraska, Decem­ber 3, 189 1. Upon his graduation from the University of California in 19 15 he joined the Experiment Sta­tion, HSP A, as assistant agriculturist. He retired as associate agronomist at the end of 1956 after 36 years of dedicated service.

During World War I, Mr. Doty served as an officer in the U. S. Army, retiring at the end of the war with the rank of captain.

In 1923 in collaboration with Dr. Harold L. Lyon, Mr. Doty initiated for the Pineapple Canners' Associa­tion a program of research in the culture and breeding of pineapples which eventually led to the establish­ment of the Pineapple Experiment Station.

Mr. Doty's interests in sugar cane agriculture cov­ered a wide field, including diseases, varieties, fertili­zation, and rodent control. His outstanding contribu­tions in the latter field led to many requests for his advice from other regions, including Okinawa and Mexico, where he helped to initiate effective rat con­trol measures. Upon his retirement he was retained as a consultant for the University of Vera Cruz in Mexico.

Mr. Doty will long be remembered, not only for his valued contributions, but also for his friendly and helpful nature which endeared him to his fellow workers.


Arthur R. Keller, Dean Emeritus of the College of Applied Science of the University of Hawaii, was born in Buffalo, New York, on July 28, 1882. He graduated from Cornell University with the degree of Civil Engineer in 1903, and later received an M.S. in Civil Engineering from Harvard and an M.S. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He married Lora Keegan in 1908.

He worked as an engineer in New York, Alabama, and Washington, D. c., before coming to Hawaii in 1909 as Professor of Civil Engineering in the College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts. He was a Captain in the United States Army during World War I.

In 192 1, Arthur Keller became the first Dean of the College of Applied Science at the University of Hawaii and retained that position until his retirement from the University in 1947. Concurrently, he was


Vice President from 1932 to 1941, Acting President in 1941-1942, and Vice President again from 1943 to 1947. He taught both engineering and mathematics, laid out roads and utilities, designed many of the earlier University buildings, and not infrequently su­pervised their construction.

Arthur Keller lived his career of a University pro­fessor and administrator with wisdom, foresight, ener­gy, and encouragement to those around him. To this work he added bounteous community service. He was a member of the Territorial Board of Health from 19 1 1 to 1915 and 1943 to 1947, and was its Acting President in 1912. He was a member of the City Plan-


ning Commission and the Public Utilities Commission, a secretary of the Hawaii Housing Authority, execu­tive secretary of the Territorial Retirement and Pension Committee, and a Director of Queen's Hospital. He left his mark on the University of Hawaii, the city of Honolulu, and the state of Hawaii. In Queen's Hospital, to which he had contributed a full measure of time and devoted service, he died on April 8, 1961.

For him Keller Road was named and Keller Hall dedicated, and in the minds of his many students, who over the past 50 years have studied at the University to which he devoted his Hfe, his memory is enshrined.


Earle M. Alexander, Ltd. American Association for the Advancement of Science American Chemical Society, Hawaiian Section American Society of Agronomy, Hawaii Chapter American Statistical Association, Hawaii Chapter Anonymous Anonymous Anthropological Society of Hawaii Armed Forces Communications and Electronics As-

sociation F. C. Atherton Trust Juliette M. Atherton Trust Bank of Hawaii Harland Bartholomew and Associates Bernice P. Bishop Museum E. E. Black, Ltd. Brainard and Black Braun-Knecht-Heimann Company S. N. and Mary Castle Foundation Central Pacific Bank Charles M. and Anna C. Cooke Trust Clayton J. Chamberlain Memorial Fund Cooke Trust Company Walter Dillingham Engineering Association of Hawaii First National Bank of Hawaii Frear Eleemosynary Trust Geophysical Society of Hawaii James W. Glover, Ltd. Grand Pacific Life Insurance Company, Ltd. Gray Line Hawaii, Ltd. H. S. Gray Company, Ltd. Grolier Society, Inc. Hawaii Chemical Company, Ltd. Hawaii Dietetic Association Hawaii Heart Association Hawaii Medical Association Hawaii Psychological Association Hawaii Society of Professional Engineers Hawaii State Dental Association Hawaii Weed Conference Hawaiian Academy of Science Hawaiian Association of Plantation Physicians


Hawaiian Astronomical Society Hawaiian Botanical Society Hawaiian Electric Company Hawaiian Entomological Society Hawaiian Sugar Planters' Association Hawaiian Telephone Company Hawaiian Village Hotel Home Insurance Company Honolulu Construction & Draying Company, Ltd. Honolulu Gas Company, Ltd. Honolulu Iron Works Honolulu Lions Club Honolulu Orchid Society Honolulu Rotary Club Honolulu Star-Bulletin, Ltd. Institute of Food Technologists, Hawaii Section Institute of Radio Engineers, Hawaii Chapter International Business Machines Corporation Kaimuki High School Science Club Kaneohe Ranch Company, Ltd. Kodak Hawaii, Ltd. Liberty Bank of Honolulu McInerny Foundation The Medical Group Frank E. Midkiff National Association of Naval Technical Supervisors New American Library of World Literature, Inc. Oahu Orchid Growers' Association Oahu Transport Company, Ltd. Pineapple Research Institute Sears, Roebuck and Company Social Services Department of Hawaii Society of Naval Architects & Marine Engineers, Ha-

waii Section '

Society of the Sigma Xi, Hawaii Chapter R. M. Towill Corporation United States Air Force United States Army United States Navy Von Hamm-Young Company, Ltd. Waterhouse Photo Company, Inc. Watumull Foundation West Honolulu Rotary Club Alexander Young Company, Ltd.


Abbott, Agatin T. Ai, Raphael A. C.

tAkamine, Ernest K. Akamine, Ralph N. Akau, Thelma I. Aldrich, W. W.

"'Alexander, Henry A. Alexander, William P.

t Alicata, J. E. tAllison, Samuel D .

Amioka, Shiro t Anderson, Earl J.

Anderson, Eleanor S. Anderson, James W. ' Andrews, Mrs. Joseph Aono, Laura F. Appleton, Vivia B. Aragaki, Minoru Arkoff, Abe

tArnold, H. L . , Jr. tArnold, H. 1., Sr.

Arzadon, Rosalina V. t Atherton, J. Ballard

Au, Stephen "'Ault, Wayne U.

Aust, Ruth A. , Austin, Thomas

Babbitt, Howard C. "Baker, R. J. "'Baldwin, Helen S. "'Baldwin, Robert I. t Ballard, Stanley S.

Ballie, David W., Jr. tBalock, J. W. tBanner, Albert H. ",Barrel, Robert

Bartz, Ellwood L. Batten, Grover H.

tBaver, 1. D. Baxter, Robert S. Beamer, Martha F. Beardsley, John W., Jr. Beck, 1. Clagett Bennett, Thomas S. Benson, Homer R. Berk, Morton Bernatowicz, A. J.

tBess, Henry A. tBianchi, Fred A.

Bilger, Earl M. Bilger, Leonora N. Bishop, Brenda Bonk, William J. Bonsey, Edwin Boone, Edward W. Boroughs, Howard Bowers, Neal M. Bowers, Rohma L. Bowles, Herbert E. Bowles, John

"'Bowman, Hannah K. Boyle, Frank P.


"'Britten, Edward J. tBritton, ' John R.

Broadbent, Frank W. tBrock, Vernon E.

Brown, Charles S. Brown, Robert P. Bruce, Frank J. Bryan, Edward C. Bryan, E. H., Jr.

"'Bryan, 1. W. Bumanglag, Hilarion A. Burgess, C. M. Burnett, Gilbert

tBurr, George O. Burr, Mildred Bush, William M.

tBushnell, O. A. * "'Buttles, W. William

Buzzard, Betsy

Campbell, R. B. Campbell, Robert L. Canry, Daniel J., Jr.

"'Carlsmith, Donn W. :j:Carlson, Norman K. "Carr, Albert B . , Jr.

Carr, Elizabeth B. "'Carter, A. Hattwell tCarter, Walter

Carrwright, Juanita Castle, Molly '

"'Castle, Northrup H. Caver, C. V. Chang, Jen·hu

"'Chang, Leon M. Chapson, Harold B. Ching, Arthur Ching, Hilda Ching, Kim Ak Chinn, Edwin Y. H. Chock, Alvin Chong, Mabel T. Chong, Ruth

"'Chow, Matthew Christ, J. H.

tChristenson, Leroy D . Christian, Eloise

tChu, George W. "'Chuck, Harry C.

Chuck, Mrs. Harry C. Chun, Alice Y. Chun, Edwin Y. Chun, Paul M. P. Chun, Raymond K. Chun, Sing K. Chun, Wallace K. C.

:l:Chun, William H. Chun·Ming, Archie Civin, Harold

"Clagg, Charles F. Clark, H. B . , Jr.

tClements, Harry F. Clopton, Robert W. Cloward, Ralph B.

"Cobb, Estel Coleman, Robert E. Collins, Wayne L. Comba, Paul G. Connor, Mary R. Cooil, Bruce J. Cooke, Richard A., Jr. Cooksey, Lewis C. Cooper, John W. Corboy, Philip M.

"Cornelison, A. H. tCox, Doak C. tCox, Joel B.

Cox, Marjorie L. "Cox, Richard H.

Craig, Robert S. Crawford, Carolyn

.. Member, American Association for the Advancement of Science t Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science '" Member, Hawaii Division, Hawaiian Academy of Science


Crosby, William Crowell, David Curtis, Walter

tCushing, Robert L. Custer, Charles

Dalton, Charles Dalton, Patrick D., Jr. Davis, Clifton J.

*Davis, Dan A. Davis, David W. Davis, Rose Davis, Walter E. Deacon, Edward H. Defibaugh, Betry Lou

tDegener, Otto .Deibert, Austin V.

Denison, F. C. Denison, Harry 1.

*Diamond, Aar{)n 1. *Digman, John

Doi, Asao Doi, Mitsugi

"Dole, Arthur A. Doolittle, S. E.

tDory, Maxwell S. Dow, Alfred J., Jr. Downer, J. M.

*Dull, Gerald G. "'Dunmire, William W.

Durant, Richard C.

*"'Easley, John A., Jr. tEaton, Jerry P. tEdmondson, C. H. *Ego, Kenji

Ego, Winifred T. Eguchi, George

tEhret, William F. tEkern, Paul C.

Eller, Willard H. Emery, Byron E. Emory, Kenneth P. Emory, Tiare

*Enright, James R. Ewart, George Y.

Fairchild, William D. Fankhauser, Adolph

tFarden, Carl A. Faye, Alexander Feiteira, Thomas M. Feldwisch, W. F. ' Felton, George Fernandez, Leabert R.

*Fine, Jules Florine, Charlotte M. Fong, Francis

tForbes, Theodore W. tFosberg; F. R.

Fujii, Takeo Fujimoto, Giichi Fujita, Robert K. Fujitani, Miharu Fujiwara, Thomas F.

"'Fukuda, MitsUllo Fnkui, Iris

*:l:Fukunaga, Edward T. Fullaway, D . T. Furumoto, Augustine Furumoto, Howard H. Furumoto, Viola C.

Garcia, Raymond A. Gaston, John Z. Gay, Frank E. Gebauer, Paul

tGilbert, Fred I. Gilbert, James C. Gima, Paul

"'Glass, Eugene E. Glick, Clarence E. Glover, Mary A. Glover, Myrtle H. Golden, Patricia woding, Reginald M.

twrtner, Willis A. Gosline, W. A. Goto, George

twto, Shosuke' Goto, Y. Baron

tGowing, Donald P. Gray, Carol Gray, P. S . Gray, Ross H. Greenland, Thomas C.

"'Greenwell, Alice B. "'Greenwell, Aniy

Greenwell, Wilfrid A., Jr. Gregory, Christopher

tGressitt, J. Linsley Grinder, Robert E.

*Guillard, Robert Gustu5on, Donald I.

"'Hahn, Dorothy "'Hahn, Henry

Hall, Donald Halperin, Sidney L.

"'Halpern, Gilbert M. Halsted, Ann L. Hamada, Dorothy K. I.

tHamre, Christopher J. tHandy, E. S. C. :j:Hansen, Violet

Hanson, Noel S. Harada, Glenn K. Harada, M. B .

"Haramoto, Frank H . "Harbinson, John A. tHardy, D. Elmo

Hargrave, Vernon E. Harry, J. V. ' Hart, William E.

t Hartt, Constance E. Hartwell, Alfred S. Haselwood, Edith 1 : Hata, Tadao Hayashi, Toshiichi

tHeinicke, Ralph M. Heisterkamp, Charles, III Helfrich, Philip Henke, Louis A. Henry, G. W. Herrick, Colin J. Herschler, Louis H. Herrick, Raymond B. Herter, Walter B.

tHiatt, Robert W. Higa, Hosi Higashi, Elver S. Hilker, Doris

"'Hilton, H. Wayne :l:Hind, Robert 1., Jr.

Hinrichsen, Erik C •


Hirokawa, Sueko Hitch, Thomas K. Ho, Edward Y. T. Ho, Elsie

:l:Ho, Sarah Lum Holladay, Natalie Holland, Maurice Holmes, Wilfred J. Holmes, William J. Holt, John W. Holrwick, Chester B. Holtzmann, Oliver Honl, L. A. Honnert, Henry Hood, Ernest L. Hormann, Bernhard L.

tHosaka, Edward Y. Hoskins, Charlotta M.

tHosoi, Kiyoshi *Hoyt, Simes T. tHsiao, Sidney C.

Hubbard, Howard *Hudson, Loring G. tHumbert, Roger

Hunter, Robert G. Hurdis, John W. Hutchison, Frieda May Hylin, John W.

Ihara, Tetuo Ihara, Violet K. Ihrig, Judson L. lkawa, Haruyoshi

:l:Ikeda, Warren lng, Lucille L. Ishii, Mamoru

*lto, Kiyoshi Iversen, Rohert T. B. Iwanaga, Barney Iwanaga, Isaac 1.

:!=Iwane, John Y. Izuno, Takumi

Jackson, Dean C. Jacobson, J. Robert Jacobson, W. N. Jenkins, Irving A.

* Johnson, David Johnson, Harold M.

* Johnson, Nels E. *Johnson, Ralph B. Johnson, Rockne Jones, Everet C. Jones, Thomas S. Joyce, Charles R. Judd, Charles S., Jr.

:j:Kadota, Shizuto *Kagehiro, George

Kainuma, Richard T. tKamasaki, Hitoshi tKamemoto, Haruyuki

Kami, Harry T. Kamsat, Abraham N. Kanehiro, Y oshinori

*Kaneko, Yoshiyuki Kato, Tadayuki Katsuki, 1.

*Kau, Geraldine W. Kaulukukui, Felice W. Kawahara, Lloyd T. Kawamura, Koshun Kawamura, Matsuyo Kawamura, Setsuji Kawano, Henry

tKay, Alison *Kealamakia, Anum Y.

Keiser, Irving Kekauoha, Clifford Kelly, Marion

Kent, Martha J. Kern, Charles I.

tKerns, Kenneth R. Kim, Youtaik Kimura, Nagato

"Kinch, D. M. King, Gladys S. King, Mary E. King, Maurice V. King, Will N.

*Kishimoto, Richard H. Kiuchi, Marian

:j:Kiyosaki, Ralph H. Kleman, John P.

tKlemmer, Howard W. Kline, James W. Klinkman, Helena Klopf, Donald

"Kohayashi, Clifford K. "Kohn, Alan

Kohn, Mrs. Alan J. tKoike, Hideo

Kondo, K. C. tKondo, Yoshio

Kong, Richard Kong, Ronald

*Kopf, Kenneth Kortschak, Hugo P. Koshi, James H.

tKrauss, Beatrice H. Krauss, F. G.

tKrauss, Noel H. *Krivoy, Harold L.

Kruse, Arthur G. *Kuninobu, James T. Kuramoto, Kikuo Kurokawa, Edward S.

*Lachman, Roy La Fon, Fred Lam, Margaret M. Lam, Robert L. Lamoureux, Charles Lange, Arthur H. Larm, Edwin Larrabee, L. M. Larsen, Nils P. Lau, Elizaheth Lau, Howard K. S. Lau, Lawrence L.

:j:Lau, Nit Lin Leak, Howard S. Lee, Bernard C. Lee, Richard K. C.

tLeeper, Robert W. Leffingwell, Roy J. Lennox, Colin G. Leong, Elizabeth

tLevine, Max Levine, Melvin L. Li, Donald G. Y.

*Li, Min Hin Liljestrand, Howard

tLind, Andrew W. tLinsley, Earle E.

Littleman, Joe *Littleman, Marian

Livingston, William H. Lo, Pershing S. Lodge, R. H. Lofgren, Laura A. Longley, C. P. Loo, Mabel N. K. Loo, Stanley Y. T. Look, William C.

:j:Lothian, Christina *Loucks, Burton J. :j:Loucks, Ruth B.

Louis, James L. Louis, Lucille


Low, Frank Y. F. Low, Warren Lowrey, John J. Lowson, Betty B.

*Ludloff, Frances Luke, Leslie Lum, C. K. Lyman, Clarence

"Lytle, Hugh

tMacdonald, Gordon A. MacNaughton, Boyd MacNaughton, Malcolm Mack, Merron H. Maeshiro, Melvin M.

"Manchester, Curtis A. tMangelsdorf, A. J.

Manhoff, Mrs. Milton Mapes, Marion Marks, Robert H.

*Marr, John C. Marshall, Donald C. Martin, D. J. Martin, Joseph P. Masa, George

*Masatsugu, Teruo Mason, George

tMason, Leonard Masuda, Matsuko Masutomi, Doris

:l:Matayoshi, Mary Matson, Q. Matsuda, Roy Matsumoto, Walter M. Matsuoka, Shigeo Matsushima, Richard Mau, Kong Tong Mayo, Donald S. Maze, W. J. McAllister, William C. McCleery, Walter L.

:!:McCoy, Kid *McGary, James W. tMcGuire, Donald C.

McGuire, Thomas R. L. McMorrow, Bernard J.

:j:McNicoll, Irene McRoberts, Mary A. Mendiola, Ella W. Meredith, Gerald Middleton, Charles E., III Midkiff, Frank E. Millard, R. D. Miller, Carey D. Miller, Harvey A. Miller, P. T.

*Miller, Robert C. Mills, George H. Milnor, John C.

:j:Minette, Henri P. Mitchell, Donald

:l:Mitchell, Glenn G. :!=Mitchell, J. A. :j:Mitchell, Neva H.

Miyake, Iwao Miyasaki, Yuzo Miyatake, Yorio Moberly, Ralph, Jr. Moe, Clayton R. Moeller, Maximilian Moir, W. W. G. Molyneux, A. V.

*Moomaw, James C. Mordy, Wendell A. Morgan, Edward J. Morgan, Eugene P. Morgan, William A. Mori, Raymond Morita, Kiyoichi

*Moritsugu, Toshio

Mottl, James R. Mount, J. O.

*Mumaw, Charles Murata, K. J.

:l:Murphy, Hugh J. Myers, William A.

:j:Nagao, Wallace T. Naito, Wallace Nakae, Haruko N.

:i:Nakagawa, Susumu Nakagawa, Yukio Nakahashi, Clarence G.

*Nakamoto, Goichi Nakamoto, Norman

*Nakamura, Eugene L. Nakamura, Robert M.

*Nakasone, Henry Y. Nakata, Ayako

tNakata, Setsuko Nakata, Shigeru Namba, Ryoji Naquin, Walter P., Jr. Naughton, John J.

tNeal, Marie C. Nelson, Myrtle Nelson, Torlef Nemoto, Carl M. Newhouse, Jan Nicholson, James R. Nickerson, Lydia C. Nickerson, Thomas Nielsen, Jack R. Nishibun, Joe

tNishida, Toshiyuku Nishihara, Mitsuo Nishijima, Satoru Nishioka, Y oshimi A.

=l=Noda, Kaoru Nolan, Esther C. Nonaka, Tatsuo Notfeldt, Sam Nordyke, Robert N.

Obata, J. Oda, Ethel A. Oda, Tadashi O'Dea, Katherine Oguri, Mikihiko Ohta, Ella M. Ohta, Margaret

:j:Okamura, Reginald T. Okazaki, Kyuro Onizuka, Ralph Onna, K. M. Orr, Kathryn J. Otsu, Tamio Ozawa, Theodore Y.

* Palafox, A. L. *Palmer, Clarence E.

Pang, L. Q. Pang, Morris S. Y.

:]:Paris, Irvine H. Payne, John H. Pedley, Blanche A. Peiler, Alice W. Pell, Charles G.

tPemberton, C. E. Penhallow, H. Chadsey

:i:Penhallow, Richard Perry, Cortes L. Peters, Charles W. Petterssoo, Hans Philipp, Perry F. Pickering, Mrs. Gordon L. Pietruszkiewicz, A. J. Piianaia, Abraham Pilmer, Robert Pinkerton, F. J.


Pinkerton, O. D. Plucknett, Donald L.

""Poole, Charles F. Powers, Howard A. Price, Samuel

""Price, Saul Price, Sumner Puaa, Annie K.

:j:Quaintance, D. C. "'Quate, LarryW.

Rainwater, Dorothy Rainwater, H. Ivan

""Rakestraw, Norris W. Ramage, Colin S. Reid, DeIIa F,

"'Reppun, J. I. Frederick Rhodes, Leon J.

:j:Richards, Herbert, Jr. Richert, T. H.

�ichter, Donald H. Rilfenburgh, Robert H. Riggs, Mary E. Rigler, Robert G. Rinkel, Maurice O. Rixon, Alan J.

"'Roberts, Joyce O. Robinson, WiIIiam A. Rockwood, Paul C. RoIlet, Charles

:j:Roman, Helen L. Rose, Bernard Rose, Stanley J. Rosenberg, Morton M. Ross, Ernest Ross, Serge

:j:Ruddle, Annabelle Ryman, Eugene C.

St. John, Harold Sakata, Seiji Sakimoto, Richard Y.

""Sakimura, K. * Sandberg, Floyd A. ""Sanford, WaIIace G.

Sanford, Mary C. Sarles, WiIIiam B. Sato, Esther Sayer, John T. Sax, Gilbert Scheuer, Paul J.

""Schmidt, Frederic C. Schrader, Phillip C. Scott, Arlen M. Scott, Frank S., Jr. Seckel, Gunter R. Seeley, DeLos A. Sexton, Harold M.

:j:Sharp, Frances Shaw, Thomas N. Sher, S. A. Sherk, Kenneth W.

""Sherman, G. Donald Sherman, Kenneth

Shigeta. James Y. :j:Shigeura, Gordon T.

Shim, NeIIie C. Shimabukuro. Seiji Shimakawa, Michie Shiramizu, WiIIiam T. Shiroma, James Shklov, N. Shoemaker, James H.

""Sia, Richard H. P. Sideris, C. P. Simonolf, Jordan Simpich, Frederick, Jr. Sinclair, Gregg M. Singleton, Robert R. Sister Amata Marie Sister Christina Francis Sister Domenic Rosaire Sister Joseph Sister Mary St. Lawrence Sister St. Thomas More Sister Walter Damien Slattery, Mabel

""Sloan, Norman R. Sloane, George E.

""Smith, Donald H. Smith, Jimmie B.

""Smith, Madorah E. Smith. R. Q.

""Smythe, WiIIiam R. ""Snyder. Laurence

Spalding, P. E. Spalding, Philip E., Jr. Sparaga. Albert Spencer, Frauk C. Spencer, Robert S.

""Spiegelberg, Carl H. Spiller, John H. Spillner, Erich C. Spoehr, Alexander Spring, Thomas Stanford, George

:j:Stearns, Alvan C. Stelfee, Elizabeth Steiger, Walter R.

* Steiner, Loren F. Stephens, EIla

:j:Stevens, William H. Stokes, J. F. G. Stone, Benjamin C. Stormont, John L. Strasburg, Donald W. Street, Chan Stuhler, Louis G. Suehiro, Amy Suenaga, Betty Sunn, Franklin Y. K.

:j:Sutherland, Mark M. Suzuki, F. T. Swanholm, Carl E.

:j:Tabrah, Frank L. Tada, Yoshio D. Takagi, Yoshie Takahashi, David

Takahashi, Makoto Takasaki, Kiyoshi J .

.Takata, Michio Takazawa, Futoshi

"'Tam, Richard K. flanaka, Shuichi

Tanaka, Tokushi .Tanimoto, Ralph H.

Tanimoto. Tyrus T. Tanoue, Roy T.

:j:Tatsuoka, Maurice :j:Taylor, James M.

Terayama, Hajime Theaker, M. L. Thomas, Ernest H. Thomson, Donald A . Threlkeld, Garland M. Tilden, I. L. Titcomb, Margaret

flogashi. Teruo "'Tom. Edward S. H.

Tom. Lorna Tom, Mee Lin Tomita. Theodore Townes, Edith Townsley, Sidney J. Trexler, Clarence W. Trouse, Albert C., Jr.

""Tuthill, Leonard Tuttle, Daniel W. Tyau, Henry T. Y. Tyau, Steven Tyler, Arthur R.

Uchida, Richard N. Uohara, Mitsuko S . Urabe, George Urata, Roruo Uyehara, George K.

Van Dyke, Fred Van Landingham, John W.

""Van Weel, Pieter Van Zwaluwenburg, R. H. Vasconcellos, A. L. Vernon. Mabel D.

""Vinacke, W. Edgar Vinacke, Winifred R. Visher, Frank N. Vitousek, Martin Vollrath, Harvey M.

""Wadsworth, Harold A. Wagoner, Howard E. Wainwright, Stephen Wakatsuki, Helen Waldron, Kenneth D. Walker, H. A., Jr. Walker, Hastings H.

:j:Walker, Ronald L. Wallace, Arthur F. Wallace, Gordon D. Wallrobenstein, Paul R. Walsh, William Walsh, William J.

:j:Walter, WiIIiam B. "'Waring, Gerald A. :j:Warner, Harold

Warner. H. H. ""Warner, John N.

Watanabe, Edith Watanabe, K. Waterhouse, John T.

:j:Waters, WiIIiam A. Watkins, Charles N. Watson, Leslie J. Waugh. John L. T.

""Wayman, Oliver Weaver, Herbert

:j:Weeks, John D. Weller, D. M. Wells, Clinton H.

:j:Welsh, Pearl H.


Wendr, Dorothy :j:Wennerlund. Appoline B.

",,:j:Wentworth, C. K. :j:Wentworth, Juliette "'Whang. W. Y.

Whiton, Nat Wiley. Frank WiIIiams, J. Melvin

:j:WiIIiams, Roger T. Wilson, Warner

""Wismer, Chester A. Withington, Paul Wittermans, Tamme Wolbrink, Donald H.

:j:Wold, Myton L. Wong, Erwin L. S . Wong, Ruth E . M.

:j:Wong, Ruth O. T. :j:Wong, Sau Hoy

Woo, Mabel Woody, Barbara R. Woolford, Ercell C. Wootton, Richard T.

Yabui, Kiyoshi Yamamoto. Earl S. Yamamoto, Tatsuji Yamamoto, Thomas I. Yamane, Richard N. Yamauchi, Hiroshi

*Yamauchi, Shoyei Yamaura, Teruko S. Yanagihara. llchi Yasunobu, Kerry Vee, Daniel Yoshida, Howard O. Yoshida. Thelma A. Yoshimoto, Carl M. Yoshina. Teruo Yoshioka, Tad T. Young, I. Carson Young, Dorothy N. Young, Hong Yip Yuen, Heeny Yuen, Quan Hong

*Zane, Lawrence