Problem in villaviciosa


Transcript of Problem in villaviciosa

One problem in Villaviciosa is that there aren’t many glass containers and the glass is a very important material because it helps the construction of roads. This problem makes that people recycle glass, and they throw it with the waste to same container. The same happens with the blue container for paper and cardboard.

I think the solution is to put this type of containers in the places that are yellow and green containers, not only in some places.

In my village, one of the most important problems to the environment. By using the car a lot in a village, not only are poured gases to the atmosphere, also occurs noise pollution

This problem is easy to solve, because all you have to do is walk to the places, because the village aren’t very big.

Another important problem is that people don’t recycle much in Villaviciosa and they throws a lot of rubbish to the countryside. When people don’t recycle we are spending the Earth's resources. And throwing rubbish we pollute the vegetation, forest is deteriorated and animals disappear, apart from this, it affect to the tourism.

The solution is to create organizations that give conferences to people ,so they will know the importance of recycling, how to do it and they will have respect for the environment, so they will not throw the rubbish and people will keep it clean. Also the town hall should organize jobs where many groups of people will clean the countryside

Another problem in Villaviciosa is that there aren’t batteries containers, and these are highly polluting. There is only one in the town hall. Recycling batteries, you can recharge your cells or your batteries and you don’t have to buy other.

The solution to this problem would put batteries containers for the mos important places in the village.

The solution to this problem would put batteries containers for the mos important places in the village.