Probiotic + Prebiotic Powder vs Capsule: Which Is Better

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Perhaps one of the most interesting debates in the world of supplements, regardless of ingredients, is powdered form versus capsule form. Some people are die-hard fans of one over the other, and others are unsure of which to choose for the best benefits. We’ve put that to rest by explaining it below to give you all of the information you need to know!

Transcript of Probiotic + Prebiotic Powder vs Capsule: Which Is Better

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Welcome To TURNER New Zealand

Probiotic + Prebiotic Powder vs Capsule: Which Is Better

Perhaps one of the most interesting debates in the world of supplements, regardless of ingredients, is powdered form versus capsule form. Some people are die-hard fans of one over the other, and others are unsure of which to choose for the best benefits. We’ve put that to rest by explaining it below to give you all of the information you need to know!

Probiotic + Prebiotic Powder vs Capsule: Which Is Better

Why is there a debate?


When you are looking at these two main leaders for supplements, many feel that they’re entirely different. However, when you have your choice of prebiotic & probiotic capsules Supplements in powder and capsule form, this is not the case. Both offer the same benefits; it’s just all about format and personal preferences!

Probiotic + Prebiotic Powder vs Capsule: Which Is Better

Pros and cons to powdered supplements:


PRO - They can have a perceived higher concentration: While capsules are now designed to have the same concentration of nutrients and vitamins, powdered form is still often perceived as having a higher concentration. After all, a scoop or two looks better than a few capsules.

CON - They often have a chalky taste: There are many who find that powdered form has a powdery or chalky taste no matter how it is mixed. This isn’t always the case, especially when you get used to it, but it is something to think about if you have an issue with textures in your drink and/or food!

PRO - They’re great for adding into smoothies and shakes: When you’ve into protein shakes, smoothies and other drinks, powdered supplements are perfect for adding into them. That’s what they’re designed for, after all!

Probiotic + Prebiotic Powder vs Capsule: Which Is Better

Pros and cons to prebiotic & probiotic capsules Supplements:

PRO - They’re portable and convenient: Capsules, be them soft chews, classic capsules, or liquid gels, are in bottle form and convenient to just wash down with a glass of water. When you're in a hurry, they're great for getting your supplements quickly and with a timed release for the best absorption.

CON - They can be literally hard to swallow: Some people just plainly don’t like swallowing capsules. No matter how tiny, or how “easy” they are to swallow, there are some who are just incapable of doing it comfortably, making that something to consider.

PRO - No measuring: Most of us are in a rush or distracted in our morning or evening routines, making measuring supplement powder a little tricky at times (ie: did I put the right amount in, or is it too much?). Capsules are simply 1-2, as indicated on the bottle, and down the hatch they go. No thinking or remembering required!

Probiotic + Prebiotic Powder vs Capsule: Which Is Better

The verdict

When making the decision on what form of Organic probiotic+prebiotic supplements you want to take you want to take, it comes down to understanding what your priorities are in concentration, ease of swallowing, and general convenience. It’s nice to know that you do have options, either way. The final decision, of course, rests with you and determining what you want to get out of these natural, handy supplements!


Now that you are well informed on the different formats for your natural supplements, all that’s left is to make your choice and get the right method for our own taste buds, convenience, and overall comfort. After all, the best method for supplementation is “the one that you use”, so the saying goes.

Probiotic + Prebiotic Powder vs Capsule: Which Is Better


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