Probable Cause Aff Compiled by Detectives

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  • 8/9/2019 Probable Cause Aff Compiled by Detectives


    Palm Beach Police Department

    Probable Cause Affidavit for Jeffrey Epstein

    Police Case#: 05-368 !"

    efendant: Jeffrey Epstein

    $ace%&e': ()ite *ale+,: 0!-0-!.53C)ar/es: nla1ful &e'ual Activity 1it) a *inor 2" countse1d and ascivious *olestation 4ro *arc) !5 005 t)rou/) 4ebruary 006 t)e Pal ,eac) Policeepartent conducted a se'ual battery investi/ation involvin/ JeffreyEpstein &ara) 7ellen and aley $obson &1orn taped stateents 1ereta9en fro five victis and seventeen 1itnesses concernin/ assa/esand unla1ful se'ual activity t)at too9 place at t)e residence ofJeffrey Epstein 358 El ,rillo (ay Pal ,eac) &everal of t)e

    victis 1ere recruited by and brou/)t to t)e residence by aley$obson to perfor assa/es for Epstein for 1)ic) $obson receivedonetary copensation

    urin/ t)e visit t)ey 1ould be introduced to &ara) 7ellen Epstein;sassistant 1)o in turn 1ould record t)eir telep)one nubers and nae

    e'plained t)at s)e 1as first approac)ed by $obson to /o 1it) )er to

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    Epstein;s )ouse

    &> stated t)at $obson alon/ 1it) a ispanic feale later identifiedat &cri 4i/ueroa pic9 )er up at )er fat)er;s )ouse on a &unday &>1as not sure of t)e e'act dates but 9ne1 it 1as a &unday &> told )erfat)er t)at t)ey 1ere /oin/ s)oppin/ but in reality $obson drove t)eto Pal ,eac)urin/ t)e drive a conversation occurred bet1een $obson and &>1)ereas $obson reportedly told &> t)at if Jeff as9ed )er a/e s)es)ould say s)e 1as ei/)teen t 1as later confired by t)e &>;sfat)er t)at $obson pic9ed )is dau/)ter up on 4ebruary 6 005Accordin/ to &>;s fat)er $obson drove a pic9 up truc9

    &> described Epstein;s )ouse as a t1o-story pin9 )ouse 1it) aCadillac Escalade par9ed in t)e drive1ay &)e recalled t)at Jeffs)ouse 1as on a dead end street pon arrivin/ at t)e )ouse &> statedt)at t)ey 1al9ed up a drive1ay past 1)at appeared to be a sall/uard%security roo A ale approac)in/ t)e as9in/ 1)at t)ey 1anted

    $obson stated t)ey 1ere t)ere to see Epstein stated t)e an told t)e t)at Epstein 1as not t)ere but 1ase'pected bac9 e allo1ed t)e to enter t)e )ouse via t)e 9itc)en eoffered t)e soet)in/ to drin9 1)ile t)ey 1aited inside &)ortlyt)ereafter Epstein and )is assistant described as 1)ite feale 1it)blond )air and later identified as &ara) 7ellen entered t)e 9itc)enEpstein introduced )iself to &> &> described Epstein as bein/appro'iately forty-five years old )avin/ a lon/ face and bus)yeyebro1s 1it) /rayin/ )air

    $obson and Epstein left t)e 9itc)en leavin/ &> alone in t)e 9itc)en recalled1al9in/ up a fli/)t of stairs lined 1it) p)oto/rap)s to a roo t)at)ad a assa/e table in it pon enterin/ t)e roo t)ere 1as a lar/ebat)roo to t)e ri/)t and a )ot pin9 and /reen sofa in t)e roo recalled t)ere bein/ aural of a na9ed 1oan in t)e roo as 1ell as several p)oto/rap)s ofna9ed 1oen on a s)elf 7ellen told t)e victi t)at Epstein 1ould beup in a second

    Epstein entered t)e roo 1earin/ only a to1el and told &> to ta9e off)er clot)es &> stated Epstein 1as stern 1)en )e told )er to ta9e off)er clot)es &> said s)e did not 9no1 1)at to do as s)e 1as t)e onlyone t)ere in t)e roo so s)e too9 off )er s)irt leavin/ )er bra on

    Epstein )ad reoved )is to1el and told t)e &> to ta9e off everyt)in/&> stated Epstein 1as nude 1)en )e too9 )is to1el off placin/ it ont)e floor as )e laid do1n on t)e table &> stated s)e t)en reoved

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    )er pants leavin/ )er t)on/ panties on Epstein t)en instructed )erto /ive )i a assa/e pointin/ to a specific lotion for )er to use

    As &> be/an to /ive Epstein t)e assa/e )e told )er to /et on )isbac9 &> stated s)e straddled )erself on Epstein;s bac9 1)ereby )ere'posed buttoc9s 1ere touc)in/ Epstein;s bare buttoc9s &+ saidEpstein 1as specific in )is instruction to )er on )o1 to assa/e )itellin/ )er to /o cloc91ise or counter cloc91ise Epstein t)en turnedover and instructed &> to assa/e )is c)est

    &> 1as no1 standin/ on t)e /round and resued assa/in/ Epstein;sc)est area &> stated Epstein )eld onto t)e sall of )er bac9 as s)eassa/ed )is c)est and s)oulder area Epstein t)en turned to )is sideand started to rub )is penis in an up and do1n otion Epstein t)enpulled out a purple vibrator and be/an to assa/e &>;s va/inal area

    &> stated t)ere 1as no penetration as t)e vibrator 1as on top of )erunder1ear &> recalled Epstein e@aculatin/ because )e )ad to use t)e

    to1el to 1ipe )iself as )e /ot off t)e table Epstein t)en left t)eroo and &> /ot dressed &)e 1ent bac9 do1nstairs 1)ere s)e et 1it)$obson &> said s)e 1as paid t)ree )undred dollars in cas) froEpstein ,efore s)e left Epstein as9ed &> to leave )er p)one nuberAs &> $obson and 4i/ueroa 1ere leavin/ t)e )ouse $obson told &> s)ereceived t1o )undred dollars t)at day for brin/in/ )er

    urin/ t)e course of t)e investi/ation parental consent 1as /rantedfor &> to assist 1it) t)e investi/ation At our direction &>conducted controlled taped p)one calls to $obson;s cellular telep)one56!- 308-08 &+ spo9e 1it) $obson in an attept to arran/e anot)er

    eetin/ 1it) Epstein &> as9ed $obson 1)at did s)e need to do to a9eore oney $obson stated =t)e ore you do t)e ore you /et paid?$obson )ad subseBuently called bac9 &> and left a voice ail essa/efor )er indicatin/ t)at s)e )ad set up an appointent for &> to /o toEpstein;s )ouse at !!:00 a on April 5 005 ;s voice ail

    ,ased on t)e above tras) pulls 1ere establis)ed at Epstein;sresidence 1it) &upervisor

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    $obson 1as as9ed if s)e 1ould accopany us bac9 to t)e police stationfor furt)er Buestionin/ &)e 1as also told t)at at t)e conclusion oft)e intervie1 s)e 1ould be returned )oe $obson voluntarily cae 1it)us bac9 to t)e Pal ,eac) Police epartent

    pon our arrival at t)e police station $obson 1as brou/)t to t)eintervie1 roo in t)e etective ,ureau 1)ere obtained a tapeds1orn stateent be/an t)e intervie1 by as9in/ $obson )o1 s)e becaeacBuainted 1it) Epstein $obson stated t)at appro'iately t1o yearsa/o @ust after s)e turned ! years of a/e s)e 1as approac)ed by afriend naed *olly at t)e Canopy ,eac) $esort in $ivera ,eac) $obson1as as9ed if s)e 1anted to a9e oney &)e 1as told s)e 1ould )ave toprovide a assa/e and s)ould a9e F0000 $obson t)ou/)t about t)eoffer and a/reed to eet 1it) Jeffrey

    *olly n9no1n last nae" and

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    arrived 1as a1are &)e statedevery /irl s)e brou/)t 9ne1 1)at to e'pect &)e e'plained s)e 9ne1t)at &> 1anted to a9e oney &)e approac)ed &> and e'plained about/oin/ to 1or9 for Jeff &> a/reed and arran/eents 1ere ade to brin/)er to Epstein;s )ouse on a 1ee9end

    $obson stated t)at s)e and &erina ater identified as &erina4i/ueroa" pic9ed up &> at )er )ouse $obson stated t)at at t)at ties)e 1as drivin/ a red pic9up truc9 and Epstein 1ent upstairs()en t)e assa/e 1as over &> returned to t)e 9itc)en area $obsonstated s)e 1as paid F0000 for brin/in/ &> to Epstein;s )ouse$obson stated &> told )er s)e 1as paid F30000 for t)e assa/e $obson stated t)at &> 1as t)e last person s)e brou/)t to Epstein;s

    )ouse &)e )ad c)an/ed )er cellular nuber- to avoid bein/ contactedby &ara) &)e continued statin/ t)at s)e )ad no direct contact 1it)Epstein 1)en )e 1as /oin/ to travel to Pal ,eac) $obson said 1)enEpstein announces to )is assistant &ara) t)at )e is travelin/ toPal ,eac) &ara) 1ould t)en contact $obson to arran/e /irls to=1or9? for Epstein $obson stated t)at once )er parents discoveredt)at s)e 1as visitin/ Epstein t)ey disapproved of t)e encounters1it) )i and s)e stopped $obson furt)er stated t)at &ara) stilltries to call $obson;s )ouse and leaves essa/es

    &/t 4ric9 entered t)e roo and e'plained to $obson t)at based on

    )er o1n stateents s)e )adiplicated )erself by brin/in/ undera/e /irls to Epstein;s )ouse$obson provided cellular telep)one nubers for t)e /irls s)e )adentioned previously Additionally s)e also provided possibleaddresses and areas in 1)ic) t)ey lived

    As $obson 1as bein/ ta9en )oe in t)e ve)icle a tape recorder1as placed 1it)in t)e ve)icle to record any conversations 1it)in t)eve)icle urin/ t)e drive bac9 to )er )oe $obson ade t)e coent =; li9e a eidi 4leiss = olly1ood *ada 1)o sent /irls to clientsfor se'ual favors in California" $obson 1as dropped off at )er )ouse

    1it)out incident

    +n +ctober 3 005 &/t 4ric9 and 1ent to spea9 1it) J& asi'teen year-old feale 1)o 1as brou/)t to Epstein;s residence byaley $obson (e et 1it) J&;s ot)er at t)eir front door (ee'plained t)e on/oin/ investi/ation and as9ed to spea9 1it) J& as 1e)ad inforation t)at s)e )ad =1or9ed? for Jeff *rs & introduced usto )er )usband and allo1ed us entry into t)e )oe (e sat in t)edinin/ roo and et 1it) J& ate of ,irt) 0-8-!.88

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    As s)e 1as under t)e a/e of ei/)teen *rs & 1as advised 1e 1ouldbespea9in/ 1it) )er &)e e'pressed if )er dau/)ter )ad inforations)e 1anted to assist (e intervie1ed & 1)o denied )avin/ anyinappropriate encounters 1it) Jeff Epstein" &)e stated s)e )ad /oneto Jars )ouse 1it) aley $obson appro'iately ei/)t ont)s a/o andsat in t)e 9itc)en 1it) t)e )ouse c)ef but not)in/ )appened

    As t)e parents 1ere present durin/ t)e intervie1 1e felt t)at & 1as1it))oldin/ inforation fro us &)e ade several coents as toputtin/ t)e entire incident be)ind )er left y telep)one nuber andadvised s)ould s)e 1is) to spea9 1it) e a/ain to telep)one e &/t4ric9 and t)an9ed *rs & for )er tie and left t)e area &)e stateds)e 1ould as9 J& a/ain after 1e left as to 1)at )appened at Epstein;s)ouse infored )er t)at J& )ad y telep)one nuber and )opefullys)e 1ould call

    +n +ctober 2 005 et a1son and drove to t)e P )oe and et

    1it) Connie P and 4P dob 06%30%!.8 urin/ a s1orn taped stateent4P stated appro'iately a year a/o 1)en s)e 1as seventeen years olds)e 1as ta9en to a )ouse by aley $obson 4P stated s)e 9no1s $obsonbecause t)ey bot) attend $oyal Pal ,eac) i/) &c)ool

    &)e 1as told s)e could a9e oney 1or9in/ for Jeff &)e 1as told s)e1ould )ave to provide a assa/e to Jeff 4ayt) stated upon )erarrival to t)e )ouse &)e 1as brou/)t to t)e 9itc)en area by $obson

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    infored t)at &ara) )ad attepted to reac) 4Pvia cell p)one A voiceail essa/e on +ctober 2 005 at !0:5. a revealed a feale voice1)o identified )erself as &ara) 1)o reBuested 4P to call )er bac9reference t)e police Buestionin/ 4ayt) provided t)e incoin/telep)one nuber as .!-855-3363 4ayt) stated s)e inadvertently toldGanessa Hilas about t)e police investi/ation because Hilas )ad called)er to tell )er about )o1 s)e @ust received a rental car fro JeffEpstein

    Ganessa )ad called )er to tell )er t)at s)e 1as /iven a rental car a005 &ilver issan &entra to utiliKe to visit faily and visitEpstein 4P as9ed )er 1)at 1as /oin/ on at t)e )ouse t)at t)e police1ould be as9in/ Buestions 4P stated Ganessa Hilas t)en called Jeffand &ara) and as9ed 1)at 1as /oin/ on reference t)e on/oin/ policeinvesti/ation Accordin/ to 4P &ara) )as since t)en been tryin/ tocontact )er to as9 about t)e police Buestions ! instructed 4P not tocontact &ara) and do not provide any ore inforation to Ganessa ass)e 1ould notify Jeff Epstein and &ara) 1)at 1as transpirin/

    +n +ctober 2 005 ! ade telep)one contact 1it) J& 1)o )ad leftseveral essa/es for e to contact )er urin/ t)e essa/e s)eadvised s)e 1as not copletely trut)fill 1)en 1e et in person but1ould li9e to spea9 1it) e to advise 1)at )ad )appened &)e furt)eradvised s)e did not 1ant to spea9 of t)is incident in front of )erot)er At appro'iately 3:28 p ! ade telep)one contact 1it) J&urin/ a taped recorded stateent J& stated t)e follo1in/:appro'iately a year a/o 1)en s)e 1as si'teen years of a/e $obsontoo9 )er to Epstein;s )ouse t1ice &)e 9no1s $obson because t)ey bot)attend $oyal Pal ,eac) i/) &c)ool

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    oils to use Epstein t)en entered t)e roo 1earin/ a to1el e laidon t)e table and pic9ed out a lotion for J& to rub on )i

    At one point durin/ t)e assa/e )e tried to touc) )er buttoc9sAs J& 1as 1earin/ ti/)t @eans and )ad a ti/)t belt on Epstein 1asunable to touc) )er buttoc9s Epstein t)en rolled onto )is bac9durin/ t)e assa/e and t)en attepted to touc) )er breasts& t)enbecae upset a/ain and told Epstein s)e didn;t 1ant to be touc)ed J&discontinued t)e assa/e and 1as paid F00 00 J& t)en 1entdo1nstairs 1)ere aley $obson 1as 1aitin/ for )er &)e told $obson s)e1anted to leave & said s)e never returned to t)e )ouse & stateds)e is a1are t)at )er friend Jennifer adu9e 1as also at t)e )ouseand )ad a proble 1it) Epstein

    later researc)ed Jennifer adu9e dob 0%08%!.8 and n et1it) )er at )er residence urin/ a s1orn taped stateent adu9estated t)e follo1in/: on or about oveber 002 s)e 1as approac)edat $oyal Pal ,eac) i/) &c)ool by aley $obson a fello1 student

    $obson as9ed adu9e if s)e 1anted to a9e oney

    &)e a/reed and 1as told s)e 1ould provide a assa/e to 1ealt)yan in Pal ,eac) $obson pic9ed )er up and drove )er to a )ouse inPal ,eac) &)e 1as brou/)t into t)e 9itc)en area of t)e )ouse &)efurt)er stated t)at fello1 $oyal Pal ,eac) i/) &c)ool students Iand Ganessa Hilas" cae 1it) t)e

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    penis area adu9e did not 1ant to loo9 at )is penis area because s)e1as uncofortable

    Epstein reoved a lar/e 1)ite vibrator 1)ic) 1as ne't to t)eassa/e table and turned it on adu9e stated Epstein be/an rubbin/t)e vibrator over )er t)on/ under1ear on )er va/inal area &)ortlyt)ereafter Epstein e@aculated and reoved )iself fro t)e table e1al9ed over to 1)ere t)e s)o1er 1as and opened t)e /lass door &)e1aited as )e 1as ta9in/ a s)o1er in )er direct vie1 ()en as9edadu9e )o1 old s)e 1as 1)en t)is occurred s)e stated s)e )ad @ustturned seventeen

    At t)e conclusion of t)e s)o1er adu9e 1as paid eit)er F350 00or F200 00 &)e stated s)e 1asn;t sure but 9no1s it 1as close toF20000 adu9e stated s)e never returned to provide a assa/e forEpstein At appro'iately :!0 p et a1son and net 1it) I dob03%05%! .88 at )er residence As I 1as only seventeen years of a/e )ad notified )er ot)er t)at s)e 1ould be intervie1ed reference an

    on/oin/ investi/ation in Pal ,eac) assured )er t)at )er dau/)ter1as not a suspect e'plained t)e possibility of )er bein/ eit)er a1itness or victi *rs advised s)e 1anted I to cooperate andconsented to t)e intervie1

    urin/ a s1orn taped stateent I stated t)e follo1in/: at t)e a/eof si'teen durin/ t)e ont) of &epteber 002 s)e 1as approac)ed byaley $obson for a c)ance to a9e oney I 1as friends 1it)associates of $obson and 9ne1 t)e sae people I )ad been previouslytold by )er friends fro $oyal Pal ,eac) i/) &c)ool 1)at $obsondid for Epstein $obson called a person 9no1n to I as &ara) and

    sc)eduled t)e appointent

    $obson pic9ed I up and drove )er to Pal ,eac) to a street called=,rillo (ay?

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    to due so due to t)e ti/)tness of t)e @eans and a ti/)t belt Iadvised Epstein be/an to asturbate as s)e rubbed )is c)est Epsteinoaned as s)e rubbed )is c)est &)e observed )e 1as continuin/ toasturbate and attepted to reac) up )er tan9 top and touc) )erbreasts

    I pulled bac9 and Epstein stopped )o1ever )e 9eptasturbatin/ until )e clia'ed e cleaned )iself 1it) t)e to1el )e1as previously 1earin/ I 1as paid F0000 for t)e assa/e and leftt)e area &)e et 1it) $obson 1)o 1as 1aitin/ in t)e 9itc)en area andleft t)e )ouse

    I t)en e'plained s)e never provided anot)er assa/e forEpstein &)e did )o1ever /o to t)e )ouse 1it) $obson and GanessaHilas" as t)ey too9 anot)er friend of $obson;s I advised s)e 1aspresent 1)en Jennifer adu9e 1ent to 1or9 for Epstein &)e advised s)erode over and sat in t)e 9itc)en area 1it) $obson to 1ait for adu9eI advised 1)ile t)ey 1aited for adu9e t)e )ouse c)ef prepared

    lunc) for t)e as it 1as alost lunc)tie 1)en t)ey 1ent ()en adu9e1as finis)ed 1it) t)e assa/e t)ey left t)e area as9ed I if$obson ever told )er 1)at 1ould be e'pected 1)en s)e provided aassa/e I stated yes $obson told )er t)at a assa/e 1ould bee'pected possibly na9ed and possibly soe touc)in/ involved I )asno foral trainin/ in providin/ assa/es

    I spo9e about a t)ird and last tie s)e 1ent to Epstein;s )ouse$obson drove anot)er /irl * si'teen years of a/e" 1)o is I;sfriend to Epstein;s )ouse I stated * 9ne1 t)at I )ad ade oneyassa/in/ Epstein and 1anted to a9e oney )erself $obson too9 t)e

    in t)e 9itc)en area of t)e )ouse and introduced * to &ara) $obsonand &ara) too9 * upstairs to t)e ain bedroo I advised s)edoesn;t 9no1 1)at )appened as * did not spea9 about 1)at )appened int)e roo I received F!0000 fro $obson for /oin/ 1it) )er toEpstein;s )ouse and recoendin/ *L

    +n +ctober 6 005 at !!:25 a et 1it) Ganessa Hilas dob06%06%!.8 at ynn niversity and e'plained to )er 1)y 1e t)ere tointervie1 )er &)e advised s)e 1as a1are of t)e on/oin/ investi/ationHilas stated s)e )ad previously spo9en 1it) 4P 1)o told )er s)e 1asintervie1ed by detectives urin/ a s1orn taped stateent Hilas

    stated s)e 9ne1 t)at aley $obson 1or9ed for Jeff Epstein in Pal,eac) Hilas advised s)e ori/inally )ad been ta9en to t)e Epstein)ouse by aley $obson 1)o s)e et 1)en t)ey bot) attended $oyalPal ,eac) i/) &c)ool &)e be/an /oin/ to t)e )ouse 1)en s)e 1assi'teen years of a/e and stated s)e )ad been t)ere a lot of ties toprovide assa/es over t)e past t1o years

    as9ed )er if s)e )ad foral trainin/ in providin/ assa/es1)ic) Hilas stated s)e )ad not Hilas advised s)e 1as told 1)at 1as

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    e'pected of )er by providin/ assa/es and s)e 1ould )ave to reoveclot)in/ but if s)e felt uncofortable @ust to say so and Epstein1ould stop pus)in/ t)e issue Hilas be/an providin/ assa/es andadvised s)e 9ept )er clot)es on

    &)e considered Epstein a pervert and )e 9ept pus)in/ to /ofurt)er and furt)er Hilas e'plained s)e 1ould 9eep tellin/ )i s)e)ad a boyfriend and 1ould not be ri/)t to )er boyfriend t 1asn;tuntil recently t)at Hilas be/an reovin/ )er clot)es and stayin/ in)er t)on/ under1ear to provide a assa/e Hilas e'plained Epstein1anted to be rubbed on )is bac9 and recently )e be/an turnin/ overand )ave )er rub )is c)est as )e asturbated

    e 1ould try to touc) )er breasts as s)e rubbed )is c)est Hilasstated =Jeff 1ould try to /et a1ay 1it) ore and ore on eac)assa/e? Hilas stated Epstein 1ould try to touc) )er ore and on oneoccasion )e attepted to use a assa/er%vibrator on )er $obson droveHilas to t)e )ouse for t)e ori/inal assa/e Hilas left &ara) )er cell

    p)one nuber and every tie Epstein 1ould coe into to1n &ara) 1ouldcall )er for an appointent to =1or9?

    Eac) tie s)e 1ent &ara) 1ould eet )er at t)e 9itc)en doorarea &)e 1ould brin/ )er upstairs and prepare t)e assa/e tableHilas advised Epstein 1ould as9 )er Buestions about )erself Epstein9ne1 s)e 1as a soccer player and 1ould be attendin/ ynn niversity as9ed Hilas if Epstein 9ne1 )er real a/e Hilas stated Epstein didand didn;t care

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    e'plained t)e car is currently par9ed ne't to t)e ynn niversity >yfield

    as9ed )er if s)e ever too9 any one to t)e )ouse Hilas e'plaineds)e too9 auren *urp)y a friend of )ers 1)o attended $oyal Pal,eac) i/) &c)ool 1)o )as relocated to +rlando to attend colle/e as9ed if s)e ever allo1ed anot)er feale in t)e roo Hilas advisedno one 1as brou/)t into t)e roo 1it) )er

    At t)e conclusion of t)e intervie1 et a1son and 1ent to t)e /yarea of ynn niversity and located t)e &ilver issan &entra bearin/4lorida ta/ M.8-AP*

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    t)i/)s and feet A advised )e turned over onto )is bac9 Epsteintouc)ed )er breasts and be/an to asturbate Epstein e@aculated 1)ic)eant t)e assa/e 1as over

    At t)e conclusion of t)e assa/e All 1as paid F00 00

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    feale friend ada *arcin9ova 1as also present Al-

    provided t)e assa/e in 1)ic) *arcin9ova and )er 1ould fondle eac)ot)ers breasts and 9iss for Epstein to en@oy

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    drove 1it) )er and brou/)t )er into t)e )ouse

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    Jeffrey Epstein t)rou/) aley $obson 1)en t)ey 1ere stillattendin/ $oyal Pal ,eac) i/) &c)ool $obson 1ould approac) feales1)o 1is)ed to 1or9 for Epstein 4i/ueroa stated s)e 1as offered to1or9 for Epstein but declined 4i/ueroa e'plained t)at =1or9? eans/ive assa/es

    &)e 1as as9ed about any foral trainin/ in providin/ assa/es 1)ic)s)e said =no? 4i/ueroa said s)e accopanied $obson and ot)er feales1)o 1ere ta9en to Epstein;s )ouse to provide assa/es 4i/ueroafurt)er stated s)e )ad been to t)e )ouse appro'iately 2 or 5 tiesin t)e past year &)e accopanied $obson 1it) 4P auren *urp)yGanessa Hilas &+ and icole $attibau/)

    Eac) tie t)e /irls 1ere ta9en over t)ey 1ere previously told t)ey1ould )ave to provide a assa/e possibly na9ed

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    tie s)e returned it 1as ore t)an a assa/e Epstein 1ould 1al9 intot)e aster bedroo%bat)roo area 1earin/ only a to1el e 1ouldasturbate as s)e provided a assa/e GP stated s)e 1as unsure if )eclia'ed as )e asturbated under t)e to1el

    Additionally s)e never loo9ed belo1 )is 1aist &)e claied t)atEpstein 1ould convince )er to reove )er clot)es &)e eventuallyreoved )er clot)es and stayed in )er t)on/ panties +n occasionEpstein 1ould use a assa/er%vibrator 1)ic) s)e described as 1)itein color and a lar/e )ead Epstein 1ould rub t)e vibrator%assa/er on)er va/inal area as )e 1ould asturbate Gelasco stated s)e )ad beento t)e )ouse

    nuerous ties GP added s)e )as no foral trainin/ in providin/ aassa/e GP stated s)e brou/)t t1o feales durin/ )er visits toprovide assa/es GP stated s)e brou/)t a /irl naed =Ale'? and4elicia Esposito fro $oyal Pal ,eac) i/) &c)ool GP stated s)ereceived F0000 for eac) /irl s)e brou/)t

    +n oveber 8 005 et 1it) As)ley avis (%4 !0%!0%!.8 at t)ePal ,eac) Police epartent urin/ a s1orn taped stateent avisstated s)e )ad et Jeffrey Epstein appro'iately one year a/o &)e 1asapproac)ed by a sub@ect 9no1n to )er as A A )ad as9ed )er if s)e1anted to a9e oney providin/ assa/es to Epstein avis )ad )eardt)at several /irls fro $oyal Pal ,eac) i/) &c)ool 1ere doin/ t)isand a9in/ oney

    &)e a/reed and 1as ta9en to t)e )ouse by A A )ad introduced )er to&ara) and Epstein and brou/)t )er upstairs to a aster bedroo 1)erea assa/e table 1as prepared and t)e proper oils 1ere selected A

    left t)e roo and 1aited do1nstairs for )er avis stated Epsteinentered t)e roo 1earin/ a to1el and laid on )is stoac) &)e provideda assa/e 1earin/ only )er t)on/ panties avis advised Epstein )adasturbated every tie s)e provided a assa/e

    &)e stated Epstein continued to asturbate until )e clia'ed +ncet)at occurred t)e assa/e 1as over &)e felt t)e 1)ole situation 1as1eird but s)e advised s)e 1as paid F0000 for providin/ t)e assa/e&)e also stated All 1as paid F0000 by Epstein for brin/in/ avisavis stated s)e )ad /one a total of !5 ties to Epstein;s residenceto provide a assa/e and t)in/s )ad escalated fro @ust providin/ a

    assa/e Epstein be/an touc)in/ )er on )er buttoc9s and /rabbed )ercloser to )i as )e asturbated

    Epstein also /rabbed )er breasts and fondled )er breasts 1it) )is)ands as s)e provided t)e assa/e avis stated on one occasion1)ile s)e 1as only seventeen years of a/e )e offered e'tra onies to)ave va/inal intercourse &)e stated t)is all occurred on t)e assa/etable avis stated Epstein penetrated )er va/ina 1it) )is penis andbe/an )avin/ intercourse 1it) )er until )e reac)ed t)e point of

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    Epstein reoved )is penis fro )er va/ina and clia'ed onto t)eassa/e table avis received F35000 for )er assa/e as9ed )er ifs)e )ad any foral trainin/ in providin/ assa/es avis stated s)edid not avis continued to state on one ot)er occasion Epsteinintroduced )is /irlfriend adia into t)e assa/e adia 1as brou/)tinto roo 1it) avis to provide a assa/e Epstein )ad t)e 9iss andfondle eac) ot)er around t)e breasts and buttoc9s as t)ey provided aassa/e to Epstein Epstein 1atc)ed and asturbated as t)isoccurred

    +n ot)er occasions Epstein introduced t)e lar/e 1)itevibrator%assa/er in t)e assa/e Epstein stro9ed t)evibrator%assa/er on avis;s va/ina as s)e provided t)e assa/e +noveber !2 005 et &andan and et 1it) 4elicia Esposito dob06%!8%!.8 urin/ a s1orn taped stateent s)e advised s)e started/oin/ to t)e )ouse appro'iately one year a/o and )as been t)ere

    appro'iately five or si' ties

    Esposito also stated s)e 1as si'teen years old 1)en s)e first 1ent toEpstein;s )ouse +n )er first visit s)e 1as brou/)t by a fello1student fro $oyal Pal ,eac) i/) &c)ool 9no1n to )er as &)asdyEsposito stated &)asdy brou/)t )er into t)e )ouse and s)e 1asintroduced to &ara) &ara) t)en brou/)t )er upstairs into a asterbat)roo located 1it)in t)e bedroo

    Esposito stated s)e net Epstein in t)e bat)roo e laid on t)e tableand pic9ed t)e assa/e oils &)e provided t)e assa/e as )e laid

    na9ed on t)e assa/e bed &)e stated s)e rubbed )is calves and bac9area pon t)e end of t)e assa/e Epstein reoved )iself fro t)eassa/e table and paid )er F30000 for t)e assa/e Esposito saideac) subseBuent tie s)e 1ent to t)e )ouse s)e 1as notified by &ara)7ellen t)at Epstein 1as in to1n and 1ould li9e )er to =1or9?

    Esposito stated s)e returned to t)e )ouse and 1as a/ain led upstairsby &ara) &)e provided t)e assa/e clot)ed Esposito 1as as9ed ifs)e ever reoved )er clot)in/ to provide a assa/e Esposito stated it1as not until t)e t)ird tie t)at s)e 1ent t)at s)e reoved )erclot)in/ Esposito stated s)e 1as notified by &ara) t)at Epstein

    1anted )er to coe to 1or9

    &)e arrived at t)e )ouse and 1as led upstairs by &ara) &)e startedprovidin/ t)e assa/e 1)en Epstein as9ed )er to reove )er clot)in/Esposito reoved )er pants s)irt and bra &)e stayed in )er t)on/panties and continued rubbin/ Epstein

    Epstein turned over onto )is bac9 and s)e rubbed )is c)est areaEsposito stated s)e 9ne1 )e 1as asturbatin/ )iself as s)e providin/

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    t)e assa/e Esposito stated s)e believed )e clia'ed based on )isbreat)in/ &)e did not 1ant to vie1 eit)er t)e clia' or t)e factt)at )e 1as asturbatin/ Esposito stated once t)e breat)in/ rela'ed)e /ot up and told )er to /et dressed &)e 1as paid F30000 for )erservices

    Esposito stated on t)e last tie s)e 1ent to provide a assa/e s)e1as notified by &ara) 7ellen to coe to t)e )ouse and =1or9?Esposito stated s)e 1as no1 datin/ )er current boyfriend and did notfeel cofortable /oin/ &)e recalled it 1as appro'iately January005 &)e said s)e 1ent already t)in9in/ t)at t)is 1ould be t)e lasttie &)e 1ent upstairs and 1ent into t)e aster bat)roo &)e et1it) Epstein 1)o 1as 1earin/ only a to1el and laid onto t)e table

    Esposito stated Epstein cau/)t )er loo9in/ at t)e cloc9 on severaloccasions Epstein as9ed )er if s)e 1as in a )urry Esposito stated)er boyfriend 1as in t)e car 1aitin/ for )er Esposito furt)er statedt)at Epstein /ot upset as )e 1asn;t en@oyin/ t)e assa/e &)e told )i

    t)at s)e didn;t 1ant to continue and s)e 1ould not be bac9 Epsteintold )er to leave as s)e 1as ruinin/ )is assa/e Esposito advised s)e)ad no foral trainin/ in providin/ any assa/es Esposito statedalt)ou/) s)e )ad a fallin/ out 1it) Epstein s)e still received aC)ristas bonus fro Epstein Esposito stated s)e 1as 1ired oney fro(estern nion for )er C)ristas bonus &ubpoena results fro (esternnion revealed oney 1as sent fro Jeffrey Epstein on eceber 3002 Esposito received F0000 fro Epstein for )er C)ristas bonus+n oveber !5 005 et &andan and et 1it) * dob 02%!%!.88urin/ a s1orn taped stateent * stated s)e et Jeffrey Epsteinover a year a/o

    &)e 1as si'teen years of a/e and 1as approac)ed by As)ley avis afello1 $oyal Pal ,eac) i/) &c)ool student 1)o infored )er t)ats)e could a9e F00 00 providin/ a assa/e to Epstein avis )adinfored )er t)at s)e 1ould )ave to provide t)is assa/e toplessavis ade t)e arran/eents 1it) Epstein and )is assistants and too9* to t)e )ouse * stated avis and s)e entered t)rou/) a /lass doort)at led into a 9itc)en &)e 1as ta9en upstairs by avis to a asterbedroo &)e recalled t)e aster bat)roo )ad a lar/e pin9 couc)sauna and atc)in/ s)o1er

    Epstein entered into t)e roo 1earin/ only a to1el * and avisreoved t)eir clot)in/ reainin/ only in t)on/ under1ear &)e furt)erstated t)at Epstein laid on )is c)est on t)e table

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    * stated Epstein continued asturbatin/ until )e clia'ed on t)eto1el )e 1as 1earin/ ()en as9ed if )e )ad reoved t)e to1el s)estated )e turned t)e to1el around so t)at t)e openin/ 1ould allo1 )ito e'pose )iself After )e cleaned )iself off 1it) t)e to1el )einstructed * t)e assa/e 1as done and to /et dressed and eet 1it))i do1nstairs * /ot dressed and et 1it) Epstein in t)e 9itc)enarea &)e 1as paid F0000 dollars for providin/ t)e assa/e

    * stated s)e 1as a1are t)at avis also received onies for t)e saet)in/

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    bedroo area is lined 1it) p)otos of na9ed youn/ /irls Additionallynuerous p)oto/rap)s of na9ed youn/ feales soe of 1)ic) appearedto be t)e /irls previously intervie1ed 1ere on display t)rou/)outt)e )ouse Also located in t)e )ouse 1ere various p)one essa/e boo9s

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  • 8/9/2019 Probable Cause Aff Compiled by Detectives


    t)at 1as to be /iven to I for brin/in/ )er t)ere to assa/e )iEpstein told )er to leave )er telep)one nuber 1it) )is assistant as)e 1anted to see )er a/ain

    Epstein stated )is assistant 1ould contact )er to 1or9 a/ain soon as9ed )er if s)e ever received any foral assa/e trainin/ to 1)ic)* stated s)e did not va stated it 1as t)e only tie s)e ever 1entto 1or9 for Jeff and 9ne1 1)at )appened to )er 1as 1ron/ &)e furt)erstated t)at s)e )ad never been contacted for any additional 1or9

    +n January . 006 located and intervie1ed anot)er victi C dob02%.%!.88 C 1as identifiedas a potential victi%1itness fro int)rrnation obtained durin/ tras)pulls fro Epstein;s residence C stated s)e et Epstein 1)en s)e1as fifteen years of a/e &)e 1as approac)ed by a friend fro $oyalPal ,eac) i/) &c)ool

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    t)e assa/e na9ed C be/an rubbin/ )is feet and calves and Epsteinturned over onto )is bac9 Epstein rubbed )er va/ina 1it) )is fin/ersEpstein be/an to asturbate )iself 1it) an up1ards and do1n1ardotion on )is penis

    Epstein continued to touc) )er va/ina 1it) one )and and asturbate1it) t)e ot)er )and +nce Epstein e@aculated onto t)e to1el )e 1as1earin/ t)e assa/e 1as over C 1as paid F00 00 for t)e assa/eEpstein a/ain told C not to spea9 of 1)at )appened at )is )ouse orbad t)in/s 1ould )appen C 1anted to notify aut)orities )o1ever s)e1as afraid of 1)at 1ould )appen to eit)er )er or )er failyurin/ t)e course of t)e investi/ation several sub@ects 1ereidentified as a potential 1itness%victi t)rou/) inforation obtaineddurin/ t)e tras) pulls p)ysical surveillance and telep)one essa/eboo9s retrieved fro t)e searc) 1arrant

    ()ile conductin/ researc) on t)e sub@ects discovered t)at t)efeales 1ere a/e ei/)teen or older ntervie1s 1ere conducted on t)e

    consentin/ adults 1)ose stateents provided t)e sae assa/e routine1)en t)ey 1ent to =1or9? fin Epstein

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    t)ere 1ere ties to1ards t)e end of )is eployent t)at )e 1ould )aveto 1as) off a assa/er%vibrator and a lon/ rubber penis 1)ic) 1erein t)e sin9 after t)e assa/e Additionally )e stated t)e bed 1ouldalost al1ays )ave to be ade after t)e assa/e

    +n January 2 006 intervie1ed anot)er forer )ousean *r Alfredo$odri/ueK urin/ a s1orn taped stateent *r $odri/ueK stated )e1as eployed by Jeffrey Epstein fbr appro'iately si' ont)s frooveber 002 t)rou/) *ay of 005 is responsibilities as )ouseana/er included bein/ t)e butler c)auffeur c)ef )ousean runerrands for Epstein and provide for Epstein;s /uests as9ed$odri/ueK about asseuses coin/ to t)e )ouse

    $odri/ueK stated Epstein 1ould )ave t1o assa/es a day Epstein 1ould)ave one assa/e in t)e ornin/ and one assa/e in t)e afternooneveryday )e 1as in residence $odri/ueK stated )e 1ould be infored toe'pect soeone and a9e t)e cofortable until eit)er &ara) 7ellen orEpstein 1ould eet 1it) t)e $odri/ueK stated once t)e asseuses

    1ould arrive )e 1ould allo1 t)e entry into t)e 9itc)en area andoffer t)e soet)in/ to drin9 or eat

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    alon/ 1it) t)e cell p)one records of &ara) 7ellen An analysis oft)ese records 1as conducted 1)ic) found nuerous telep)one calls 1ereade bet1een &ara) 7ellen and t)e victis

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    urin/ t)e visit t)ey 1ould be introduced to &ara) 7ellen Epstein;sassistant 1)o in turn 1ould record t)eir telep)one nubers and nae

    e'plained t)at s)e 1as first approac)ed by $obson to /o 1it) )er toEpstein;s )ouse

    &> stated t)at $obson alon/ 1it) a ispanic feale later identifiedat &erina 4i/ueroa pic9 )er up at )er fat)er;s )ouse on a &unday &>1as not sure of t)e e'act dates but 9ne1 it 1as a &unday &> told )erfat)er t)at t)ey 1ere /oin/ s)oppin/ but in reality $obson drove t)eto Pal ,eac) urin/ t)e drive a conversation occurred bet1een$obson and &> 1)ereas $obson reportedly told &> t)at if Jeff as9ed)er a/e s)e s)ould say s)e 1as ei/)teen t 1as later confired byt)e &>;s fat)er t)at $obson pic9ed )is dau/)ter up on 4ebruary 6005 Accordin/ to &>;s fat)er $obson drove a pic9 up truc9&> described Epstein;s )ouse as a t1o-story pin9 )ouse 1it) a

    Cadillac Escalade par9ed in t)e drive1ay &)e recalled t)at Jeff s)ouse 1as on a dead end street

    pon arrivin/ at t)e )ouse &> stated t)at t)ey 1al9ed up a drive1aypast 1)at appeared to be a sall /uard%security roo A aleapproac)in/ t)e as9in/ 1)at t)ey 1anted $obson stated t)ey 1eret)ere to see Epstein stated t)e an told t)e t)at Epstein 1as not t)ere but1as e'pected bac9 e allo1ed t)e to enter t)e )ouse via t)e

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    9itc)en e offered t)e soet)in/ to drin9 1)ile t)ey 1aited inside&)ortly t)ereafter Epstein and )is assistant described as 1)itefeale 1it) blond )air and later identified as &ara) 7ellen enteredt)e 9itc)en Epstein introduced )iself to &> &> described Epsteinas bein/ appro'iately forty-five years old )avin/ a lon/ face andbus)y eyebro1s 1it) /rayin/ )air

    $obson and Epstein left t)e 9itc)en leavin/ &> alone in t)e 9itc)en recalled1al9in/ up a fli/)t of stairs lined 1it) p)oto/rap)s to a roo t)at)ad a assa/e table in it pon enterin/ t)e roo t)ere 1as a lar/ebat)roo to t)e ri/)t and a )ot pin9 and /reen sofa in t)e roo recalled t)ere bein/ aural of a na9ed 1oan in t)e roo as 1ell as several p)oto/rap)s ofna9ed 1oen on a s)elf 7ellen told t)e victi t)at Epstein 1ould beup in a second

    Epstein entered t)e roo 1earin/ only a to1el and told &> to ta9e off)er clot)es &> stated Epstein 1as stern 1)en )e told )er to ta9e off)er clot)es &> said s)e did not 9no1 1)at to do as s)e 1as t)e onlyone t)ere in t)e roo so s)e too9 off )er s)irt leavin/ )er bra onEpstein )ad reoved )is to1el and told t)e &> to ta9e off everyt)in/

    &> stated Epstein 1as nude 1)en )e too9 )is to1el off placin/ it ont)e floor as )e laid do1n on t)e table &> stated s)e t)en reoved)er pants leavin/ )er t)on/ panties on Epstein t)en instructed )erto /ive )i a assa/e pointin/ to a specific lotion for )er to useAs &> be/an to /ive Epstein t)e assa/e )e told )er to /et on )is

    bac9 &> stated s)e straddled )erself on Epstein;s bac9 1)ereby )ere'posed buttoc9s 1ere touc)in/ Epstein;s bare buttoc9s

    &> said Epstein 1as specific in )is instruction to )er on )o1 toassa/e )i tellin/ )er to /o cloc91ise or counter cloc91ise Epsteint)en turned over and instructed &> to assa/e )is c)est &> 1as no1standin/ on t)e /round and resued assa/in/ Epstein;s c)est area &>stated Epstein )eld onto t)e sall of )er bac9 as s)e assa/ed )isc)est and s)oulder area Epstein t)en turned to )is side and startedto rub )is penis in an up and do1n otion Epstein t)en pulled out apurple vibrator and be/an to

    assa/e &>;s va/inal area &+ stated t)ere 1as no penetration as t)evibrator 1as on top of )er under1ear &> recalled Epstein e@aculatin/because )e )ad to use t)e to1el to 1ipe )iself as )e /ot off t)etable Epstein t)en left t)e roo and &> /ot dressed &)e 1ent bac9do1nstairs 1)ere s)e et 1it) $obson &> said s)e 1as paid t)ree)undred dollars in cas) fro Epstein ,efore s)e left Epstein as9ed&> to leave )er p)one nuber As &> $obson and 4i/ueroa 1ere leavin/t)e )ouse $obson told &> s)e received t1o )undred dollars t)at dayfor brin/in/ )er

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    urin/ t)e course of t)e investi/ation parental consent 1as /rantedfor &> to assist 1it) t)e investi/ation At our direction &>conducted controlled taped p)one calls to $obson;s cellular telep)one56!308-08 &> spo9e 1it) $obson in an attept to arran/e anot)ereetin/ 1it) Epstein &> as9ed $obson 1)at did s)e need to do toa9e ore oney $obson stated =t)e ore you do t)e ore you /etpaid? $obson )ad subseBuently called bac9 &> and left a voice ailessa/e for )er indicatin/ t)at s)e )ad set up an appointent for &>to /o to Epstein;s )ouse at !!:00 a on April 5 005 ;s voice ail

    ,ased on t)e above tras) pulls 1ere establis)ed at Epstein;sresidence 1it) &upervisor

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    &)e 1as also introduced to a 1)ite feale 9no1n to )er as &ara) &)e1as led upstairs to t)e ain bedroo 9no1n to )er as Jeff Epstein;sbedroo &ara) arran/ed t)e assa/e table and covered t)e table 1it)a s)eet &)e brou/)t out t)e assa/e oils and laid t)e ne't to t)eassa/e bed &ara) t)en left t)e roo and infored $obson Jeff1ould be in in a inute Jeff entered t)e bedroo 1earin/ only ato1el

    e reoved t)e to1el and laid nude on t)e assa/e table e laid ont)e table onto )is stoac) and pic9ed a assa/e oil for $obson to rubon )i urin/ t)e assa/e $obson stated =e tried to touc) e and stopped )i? as9ed )o1 )e tried to touc) )er $obson stated t)atEpstein /rabbed )er buttoc9s and s)e felt uncofortable $obson toldEpstein ;ll assa/e you but don;t 1ant to be touc)ed $obsonstated s)e perfored t)e assa/e na9ed At t)e conclusion of t)eassa/e Epstein paid $obson F00

    After t)e assa/e Epstein stated to $obson t)at )e understood s)e 1as

    not cofortable but )e 1ould pay )er if s)e brou/)t over soe /irlse told )er t)e youn/er t)e better $obson stated s)e once tried tobrin/ a 3 year old feale and Epstein stated t)at t)e feale 1as tooold $obson stated t)at in total s)e only reebers si' /irls t)ats)e brou/)t to see Epstein eac) tie s)e 1as paid F00 $obsonstated s)e )ad brou/)t t)e follo1in/ /irls: &> 4P Ganessa Hilas !& al6 year old feale" I a !6 year old feale" and Jenni $eyes$obson said t)at at t)e tie s)e brou/)t t)ese /irls to Epstein;s)ouse t)ey 1ere all!2 t)rou/) !6 years of a/e

    as9ed $obson 1)ic) one 1as t)e youn/est $obson advised &> 1as t)e

    youn/est as s)e 1as fourteen 1)en t)e assa/e occurred $obson statedevery /irl s)e brou/)t 9ne1 1)at to e'pect 1)en t)ey arrived 1as a1are &)e stated every /irls)e brou/)t 9ne1 1)at to e'pect &)e e'plained s)e 9ne1 t)at &>1anted to a9e oney &)e approac)ed &> and e'plained about /oin/ to1or9 for Jeff &> a/reed and arran/eents 1ere ade to brin/ )er toEpstein;s )ouse on a 1ee9end $obson stated t)at s)e and &erinaater identified as &elina 4i/ueroa" pic9ed up &> at )er )ouse$obson stated t)at at t)at tie s)e 1as drivin/ a red pic9up truc9 upstairs and Epstein 1ent upstairs ()en t)e assa/e 1as over&> returned to t)e 9itc)en area $obson stated s)e 1as paid F0000for brin/in/ &> to Epstein;s )ouse $obson stated &> told )er s)e 1aspaid F30000 for t)e assa/e 1)en )e 1as /oin/ to travel to Pal,eac) $obson said 1)en Epstein announces to )is assistant sarant)at )e is travelin/ to Pal ,eac) &ara) 1ould t)en contact $obsonto arran/e /irls to =1or9? for Epstein

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    $obson stated t)at once )er parents discovered t)at s)e 1as visitin/Epstein t)ey disapproved of t)e encounters 1it) )i and s)e stopped$obson furt)er stated t)at &ara) still tries to call $obson;s )ouseand leaves essa/es

    &/t 4ric9 entered t)e roo and e'plained to $obson t)at based on )ero1n stateents s)e )ad iplicated )erself by brin/in/ undera/e /irlsto Epstein;s )ouse $obson provided cellular telep)one nubers $ t)e/irls s)e )ad entioned previously Additionally s)e also providedpossible addresses and areas in 1)ic) t)ey lived

    As $obson 1as bein/ ta9en )oe in t)e ve)icle a tape recorder 1asplaced 1it)in t)e ve)icle to record any conversations 1it)in t)eve)icle urin/ t)e drive bac9 to )er )oe $obson ade t)e coent =; li9e a eidi 4leiss? olly1ood *ada 1)o sent /irls to clientsfor se'ual favors in California" $obson 1as dropped off at )er )ouse1it)out incident

    +n +ctober 3 005 &/t 4ric9 and 1ent to spea9 1it) J& a si'teenyear-old feale 1)o 1as brou/)t to Epstein;s residence by aley$obson (e et 1it) J&;s ot)er at t)eir front door (e e'plained t)eon/oin/ investi/ation and as9ed to spea9 1it) J& as 1e )adinforation t)at s)e )ad =1or9ed? for Jeff *rs & introduced us to)er )usband and allo1ed us entry into t)e )oe (e sat in t)e dinin/roo and et 1it) J& ate of ,irt) 0-8-!.88 As s)e 1as under t)ea/e of ei/)teen *rs & 1as advised 1e 1ould be spea9in/ 1it) )er &)ee'pressed if )er dau/)ter )ad inforation s)e 1anted to assist (eintervie1ed J& 1)o denied )avin/ any inappropriate encounters 1it)

    Jeff Epstein" &)e stated s)e )ad /one to Jeff;s )ouse 1it) aley$obson appro'iately ei/)t ont)s a/o and sat in t)e 9itc)en 1it) t)e)ouse c)ef but not)in/ )appened

    As t)e parents 1ere present durin/ t)e intervie1 1e felt t)at !5 1as1it))oldin/ inforation fro us &)e ade several coents as toputtin/ t)e entire incident be)ind )er left y telep)one nuber andadvised s)ould s)e 1is) to spea9 1it) e a/ain to telep)one e &/t4ric9 and t)an9ed *rs & for )er tie and left t)e area &)e stateds)e 1ould as9 J& a/ain after 1e left as to 1)at )appened at Epstein;s)ouse infored )er t)at J& )ad y telep)one nuber and )opefully

    s)e 1ould call+n +ctober 2 005 et a1son and drove to t)e P )oe and et 1it)Connie P and 4P dob 06%30%!.8

    urin/ a s1orn taped stateent 4P stated appro'iately a year a/o1)en s)e 1as seventeen years old s)e 1as ta9en to a )ouse by aley$obson 4P stated s)e 9no1s $obson because t)ey bot) attend $oyalPal ,eac) i/) &c)ool &)e 1as told s)e could a9e oney 1or9in/ forJeff &)e 1as told s)e 1ould )ave to provide a assa/e to Jeff

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    4ayt) stated upon )er arrival to t)e )ouse s)e 1as brou/)t to t)e9itc)en area by $obson

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    urin/ a taped recorded stateent J& stated t)e follo1in/:appro'iately a year a/o 1)en s)e 1as si'teen years of a/e $obsontoo9 )er to Epstein;s )ouse t1ice &)e 9no1s $obson because t)ey bot)attend $oyal Pal ,eac) i/) &c)ool

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    told by )er friends fro $oyal Pal ,eac) i/) &c)ool 1)at $obsondid for Epstein $obson called a person 9no1n to I as &ara) andsc)eduled t)e appointent $obson pic9ed I up and drove )er to Pal,eac) to a street called =,rillD (ay?

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    )ouse and introduced * to &ara) $obson and &ara) too9 * upstairsto t)e ain bedroo I advised s)e doesn;t 9no1 1)at )appened as *did not spea9 about 1)at )appened in t)e roo I received F!0000fro $obson for /oin/ 1it) )er to Epstein;s )ouse and recoendin/*

    +n +ctober 6 005 at !!:25 a et 1it) Ganessa Hilas dob06%06%!.8 at ynn niversity and e'plained to )er 1)y 1e t)ere tointervie1 )er &)e advised s)e 1as a1are of t)e on/oin/investi/ation Hilas stated s)e )ad previously spo9en 1it) 4> 1)otold )er s)e 1as intervie1ed by detectives urin/ a s1orn tapedstateent Hilas stated s)e 9ne1 t)at aley $obson 1or9ed for JeffEpstein in Pal ,eac) Hilas advised s)e ori/inally )ad been ta9en tot)e Epstein )ouse by aley $obson 1)o s)e et 1)en t)ey bot)attended $oyal Pal ,eac) i/) &c)ool

    &)e be/an /oin/ to t)e )ouse 1)en s)e 1as si'teen years of a/e andstated s)e )ad been t)ere a lot of ties to provide assa/es over t)e

    past t1o years as9ed )er if s)e )ad foral trainin/ in providin/assa/es 1)ic) Hilas stated s)e )ad not Hilas advised s)e 1as told1)at 1as e'pected of )er by providin/ assa/es and s)e 1ould )ave toreove clot)in/ but if s)e felt uncofortable @ust to say so andEpstein 1ould stop pus)in/ t)e issue Hilas be/an providin/ assa/esand advised s)e 9ept )er clot)es on &)e considered Epstein a pervertand )e 9ept pus)in/ to /o furt)er and furt)er Hilas e'plained s)e1ould 9eep tellin/ )i s)e )ad a boyfriend and 1ould not be ri/)t to)er boyfriend t 1asn;t until recently t)at Hilas be/an reovin/ )erclot)es and stayin/ in )er t)on/ under1ear to provide a assa/eHilas e'plained Epstein 1anted to be rubbed on )is bac9 and recently

    )e be/an turnin/ over and )ave )er rub )is c)est as )e asturbatede 1ould try to touc) )er breasts as s)e rubbed )is c)est Hilasstated =Jeff 1ould try to /et a1ay 1it) ore and ore on eac)assa/e?

    Hilas stated Epstein 1ould try to touc) )er ore and on one occasion)e attepted to use a assa/er%vibrator on )er $obson drove Hilas tot)e )ouse for t)e ori/inal assa/e Hilas left &ara) )er cell p)onenuber and every tie Epstein 1ould coe into to1n &ara) 1ould call)er for an appointent to =1or9? Eac) tie s)e 1ent &ara) 1ouldeet )er at t)e 9itc)en door area &)e 1ould brin/ )er upstairs and

    prepare t)e assa/e table Hilas advised Epstein 1ould as9 )erBuestions about )erself Epstein 9ne1 s)e 1as a soccer player and1ould be attendin/ ynn niversity as9ed Hilas if Epstein 9ne1 )erreal a/e

    Hilas stated Epstein did and didn;t care

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    led to t)e aster bedroo Epstein s roo

    A e'plained t)at as s)e 1as 1al9in/ up t)e stairs s)e observedseveral p)oto/rap)s of na9ed 1oen alon/ t)e 1alls and tables of t)e)ouse all furt)er e'plained t)at s)e 1as brou/)t into t)e bedroo1)ere &ara) prepared t)e roo by settin/ up t)e assa/e table andprovided t)e oils for )er to rub on Epstein A e'plained s)ereebered t)e stea roo area 1)ic) contained t1o lar/e s)o1ersEpstein entered t)e roo fro t)e stea roo area and introduced)iself Epstein lay on t)e table and told )er to /et cofortable

    A reoved )er s9irt and 9ept )er s)irt on Epstein t)en instructed)er to reove )er s)irt A reoved )er s)irt and reebered s)e 1asnot 1earin/ a bra A stated s)e provided t)e assa/e 1earin/ only)er panties &)e continued rubbin/ )is le/s t)i/)s and feet Aadvised )e turned over onto )is bac9 Epstein touc)ed )er breastsand be/an to asturbate Epstein e@aculated 1)ic) eant t)e assa/e1as over At t)e conclusion of t)e assa/e A 1as paid F0000

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    appointents for )er to visit and 1or9 for Epstein Eac) tiesoet)in/ ne1 1as introduced additional onies 1ere produced andoffered for A to allo1 t)e acts to )appen

    AE consented to perfor all t)ese acts but 1as adaant t)at t)ere1as an understandin/ 1it) Epstein t)at no va/inal penetration 1ouldoccur 1it) )is penis A4 e'plained t)at Epstein;s penis 1as deforedA e'plained t)at )is penis 1as oval s)aped A claied 1)enEpstein;s penis 1as erect it 1as t)ic9 to1ard t)e botto but 1ast)in and sall to1ard t)e )ead portion A called Epstein;s penis=e//-s)aped? A stated Epstein 1ould p)oto/rap) *arcin9ova and )erna9ed and )avin/ se' and proudly display t)e p)oto/rap)s 1it)in t)e)oe A stated durin/ one visit to Epstein;s )ouse in 1)ic) s)eprovided a assa/e to Epstein )is feale friend ada *arcin9ova1as also present All provided t)e assa/e in 1)ic) *arcin9ova and)er 1ould fondle eac) ot)ers breasts and 9iss for Epstein to en@oy

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    +n oveber 6 005 at appro'iately 3:30 p et 1it) An/ela

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    as9ed if s)e 1as recently contacted about t)is investi/ation byanyone fro t)e Epstein or/aniKation &)e replied s)e 1as called butit 1as for 1or9 &)e stated s)e 1as called by &ara) for )er to returnto =1or9? for Epstein and icole $attibau/) Eac) tie t)e /irls1ere ta9en over t)ey 1ere previously told t)ey 1ould )ave to providea assa/e possibly na9ed

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    )ouse Gelasco stated Epstein cae in t)e roo 1earin/ only a to1eland laid on t)e table Gelasco stated )e pic9ed out t)e oils )e1anted )er to use and reBuested s)e reove )er clot)in/ to providet)e assa/e Gelasco stated t)at on t)e first assa/e s)e provideds)e did not reove )er clot)in/ Gelasco stated s)e )ad returnedseveral ties after t)at Eac) tie s)e returned it 1as ore t)an aassa/e Epstein 1ould 1al9 into t)e aster bedroo%bat)roo area1earin/ only a to1elL e 1ould asturbate as s)e provided a assa/e

    Gelasco stated s)e 1as unsure if )e clia'ed as )e asturbated undert)e to1el Additionally s)e never loo9ed belo1 )is 1aist &)eclaied t)at Epstein 1ould convince )er to reove )er clot)es &)eeventually reoved )er clot)es and stayed in )er t)on/ panties +noccasion Epstein 1ould use a assa/er%vibrator 1)ic) s)e describedas 1)ite in color and a lar/e )ead Epstein 1ould rub t)evibrator%assa/er on )er va/inal area as )e 1ould asturbate

    Gelasco stated s)e )ad been to t)e )ouse nuerous ties Gelasco

    added s)e )as no foral trainin/ in providin/ a assa/e Gelascostated s)e brou/)t t1o feales durin/ )er visits to provide assa/esGelasco stated s)e brou/)t a /irl naed =Ale'? and 4elicia Espositofro $oyal Pal ,eac) i/) &c)ool Gelasco stated s)e receivedF0000 for eac) /irl s)e brou/)t +n oveber 8 005! et 1it)As)ley avis (%4 !0%!0%!.8 at t)e Pal ,eac) Police epartent

    urin/ a s1orn taped stateent avis stated s)e )ad et JeffreyEpstein appro'iately one year a/o &)e 1as approac)ed by a sub@ect9no1n to )er as All A )ad as9ed )er if s)e 1anted to a9e oneyprovidin/ assa/es to Epstein avis )ad )eard t)at several /irls fro

    $oyal Pal ,eac) i/) &c)ool 1ere doin/ t)is and a9in/ oney &)ea/reed and 1as ta9en to t)e )ouse by A A )ad introduced )er to&ara) and Epstein and brou/)t )er upstairs to a aster bedroo 1)erea assa/e table 1as prepared and t)e proper oils 1ere selected Aleft t)e roo and 1aited do1nstairs for )er avis stated Epsteinentered t)e roo 1earin/ a to1el and laid on )is stoac)

    &)e provided a assa/e 1earin/ only )er t)on/ panties avis advisedEpstein )ad asturbated every tie s)e provided a assa/e &)e statedEpstein continued to asturbate until )e clia'ed +nce t)atoccurred t)e assa/e 1as over &)e felt t)e 1)ole situation 1as 1eird

    but s)e advised s)e 1as paid F0000 for providin/ t)e assa/e &)ealso stated A 1as paid F0000 by Epstein for brin/in/ avis avisstated s)e )ad /one a total of !5 ties to Epstein;s residence toprovide a assa/e and t)in/s )ad escalated fro @ust providin/ aassa/e

    Epstein be/an touc)in/ )er on )er buttoc9s and /rabbed )er closer to)i as )e asturbated Epstein also /rabbed )er breasts and fondled)er breasts 1it) )is )ands as s)e provided t)e assa/e avis stated

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    on one occasion 1)ile s)e 1as only seventeen years of a/e )eoffered e'tra onies to )ave va/inal intercourse &)e stated t)is alloccurred on t)e assa/e table avis stated Epstein penetrated )erva/ina 1it) )is penis and be/an )avin/ intercourse 1it) )er until )ereac)ed t)e point of clia'

    Epstein reoved )is penis fro )er va/ina and clia'ed onto t)eassa/e table avis received F35000 for )er assa/e as9ed )er ifs)e )ad any foral trainin/ in providin/ assa/es avis stated s)edid not avis continued to state on one ot)er occasion Epsteinintroduced )is /irlfriend adia into t)e assa/e adia 1as brou/)tinto roo 1it) avis to provide a assa/e Epstein )ad t)e 9iss andfondle eac) ot)er around t)e breasts and buttoc9s as t)ey provided aassa/e to Epstein Epstein 1atc)ed and asturbated as t)isoccurred +n ot)er occasions Epstein introduced t)e lar/e 1)itevibrator%assa/er in t)e assa/e Epstein stro9ed t)evibrator%assa/er on avis;s va/ina as s)e provided t)e assa/e+n oveber !2 005 et &andan and et 1it) 4elicia Esposito

    dob 06%!8%!.8 urin/ a s1orn taped stateent s)e advised s)estarted /oin/ to t)e )ouse appro'iately one year a/o and )as beent)ere appro'iately five or si' ties Esposito also stated s)e 1assi'teen years old 1)en s)e first 1ent to Epstein;s )ouse +n )erfirst visit s)e 1as brou/)t by a fello1 student fro $oyal Pal ,eac)i/) &c)ool 9no1n to )er as &)asdy Esposito stated &)asdy brou/)t)er into t)e )ouse and s)e 1as introduced to &ara) &ara) t)enbrou/)t )er upstairs into a aster bat)roo located 1it)in t)ebedroo Esposito stated s)e et Epstein in t)e bat)roo e laid ont)e table and pic9ed t)e assa/e oils &)e provided t)e assa/e as )elaid na9ed on t)e assa/e bed

    &)e stated s)e rubbed )is calves and bac9 area pon t)e end of t)eassa/e Epstein reoved )iself fro t)e assa/e table and paid )erF30000 for t)e assa/e Esposito said eac) subseBuent tie s)e 1entto t)e )ouse s)e 1as notified by &ara) 7ellen t)at Epstein 1as into1n and 1ould li9e )er to =1or9? Esposito stated s)e returned tot)e )ouse and 1as a/ain led upstairs by &ara) &)e provided t)eassa/e clot)ed Esposito 1as as9ed if s)e ever reoved )er clot)in/to provide a assa/e Esposito stated it 1as not until t)e t)ird tiet)at s)e 1ent t)at s)e reoved )er clot)in/ Esposito stated s)e 1asnotified by &ara) t)at Epstein 1anted )er to coe to 1or9

    &)e arrived at t)e )ouse and 1as led upstairs by &ara) &)e startedprovidin/ t)e assa/e 1)en Epstein as9ed )er to reove )er clot)in/Esposito reoved )er pants s)irt and bra &)e stayed in )er t)on/panties and continued rubbin/ Epstein Epstein turned over onto )isbac9 and s)e rubbed )is c)est area Esposito stated s)e 9ne1 )e 1asasturbatin/ )iself as s)e providin/ t)e assa/e Esposito stateds)e believed )e clia'ed based on )is breat)in/ &)e did not 1ant tovie1 eit)er t)e clia' or t)e fact t)at )e 1as asturbatin/ Esposito

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    stated once t)e breat)in/ rela'ed )e /ot up and told )er to /etdressed &)e 1as paid F30000 for )er services

    Esposito stated on t)e last tie s)e 1ent to provide a assa/e s)e1as notified by &ara) 7ellen to coe to t)e )ouse and =1or9?Esposito stated s)e 1as no1 datin/ )er current boyfriend and did notfeel cofortable /oin/ &)e recalled it 1as appro'iately January005 &)e said s)e 1ent already t)in9in/ t)at t)is 1ould be t)e lasttie &)e 1ent upstairs and 1ent into t)e aster bat)roo &)e et1it) Epstein 1)o 1as 1earin/ only a to1el and laid onto t)e tableEsposito stated Epstein cau/)t )er loo9in/ at t)e cloc9 on severaloccasions

    Epstein as9ed )er if s)e 1as in a )urry Esposito stated )erboyfriend 1as in t)e car 1aitin/ for )er Esposito furt)er statedt)at Epstein /ot upset as )e 1asn;t en@oyin/ t)e assa/e &)e told)i t)at s)e didn;t 1ant to continue and s)e 1ould not be bac9Epstein told )er to leave as s)e 1as ruinin/ )is assa/e Esposito

    advised s)e )ad no foral trainin/ in providin/ any assa/esEsposito stated alt)ou/) s)e )ad a fallin/ out 1it) Epstein s)estill received a C)ristas bonus fro Epstein

    Esposito stated s)e 1as 1ired oney fro (estern nion for )erC)ristas bonus &ubpoena results fro (estern nion revealed oney1as sent fro Jeffrey Epstein on eceber 3 002 Esposito receivedF0000 fro Epstein for )er C)ristas bonus +n oveber !5 005et &andan and et 1it) * dab 02%!%!.88 urin/ a s1orn tapedstateent * stated s)e et Jeffrey Epstein over a year a/o &)e 1assi'teen years of a/e and 1as approac)ed by As)ley avis a fello1

    $oyal Pal ,eac) i/) &c)ool student 1)o infored )er t)at s)e coulda9e F0000 providin/ a assa/e to Epstein avis )ad infored )ert)at s)e 1ould )ave to provide t)is assa/e topless avis ade t)earran/eents 1it) Epstein and )is assistants and too9 * to t)e)ouse

    * stated avis and s)e entered t)rou/) a /lass door t)at led into a9itc)en &)e 1as ta9en upstairs by avis to a aster bedroo &)erecalled t)e aster bat)roo )ad a lar/e pin9 couc) sauna andatc)in/ s)o1er Epstein entered into t)e roo 1earin/ only a to1el* and avis reoved t)eir clot)in/ reainin/ only in t)on/ under1ear

    &)e furt)er stated t)at Epstein laid on )is c)est on t)e table

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    c)est * stated Epstein continued asturbatin/ until )e clia'ed ont)e to1el )e 1as 1earin/ ()en as9ed if )e )ad reoved t)e to1el s)estated )e turned t)e to1el around so t)at t)e openin/ 1ould allo1 )ito e'pose )iself After )e cleaned )iself off 1it) t)e to1el )einstructed * t)e assa/e 1as done and to /et dressed and eet 1it))i do1nstairs * /ot dressed and net 1it) Epstein in t)e 9itc)enarea &)e 1as paid F0000 dollars for providin/ t)e assa/e *stated s)e 1as a1are t)at avis also received onies for t)e saet)in/

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    telep)one nuber 1it) )is assistant as )e 1anted to see )er a/ainEpstein stated )is assistant 1ould contact )er to 1or9 a/ain soon as9ed )er if s)e ever received any foral assa/e trainin/ to 1)ic)* stated s)e did not * stated it 1as t)e only tie s)e ever 1entto 1or9 fbr Jeff and 9ne1 1)at )appened to )er 1as 1ron/

    &)e furt)er stated t)at s)e )ad never been contacted for anyadditional 1or9 +n January . 006 located and intervie1edanot)er victi C dob 02%.%!.88 C 1as identified as a potentialvicti%1itness fro inforation obtained durin/ tras) pulls froEpstein;s residence C stated sb et Epstein 1)en s)e 1as fifteenyears of a/e &)e 1as approac)ed by a friend fro $oyal Pal ,eac)i/) &c)ool

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    asturbate )iself 1it) an up1ards and do1n1ard otion on )is penisEpstein continued to touc) )er va/ina 1it) one )and and asturbate1it) t)e ot)er )and +nce Epstein e@aculated onto t)e to1el )e 1as1earin/ t)e assa/e 1as over C 1as paid F0000 for t)e assa/eEpstein a/ain told C not to spea9 of 1)at )appened at )is )ouse orbad t)in/s 1ould )appen C 1anted to notify aut)orities )o1ever s)e1as afraid of 1)at 1ould )appen to eit)er )er or )er faily

    urin/ t)e course of t)e investi/ation several sub@ects 1ereidentified as a potential 1itness%victi t)rou/) inforation obtaineddurin/ t)e tras) pulls p)ysical surveillance and telep)one essa/eboo9s retrieved fro t)e searc) 1arrant ()ile conductin/ researc) ont)e sub@ects discovered t)at t)e feales 1ere a/e ei/)teen orolder ntervie1s 1ere conducted on t)e consentin/ adults 1)osestateents provided t)e sae assa/e routine 1)en t)ey 1ent to =1or9?for Epstein

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    +n January 2 006 intervie1ed anot)er forer )ousean *r Alfredo$odri/ueK urin/ a s1orn taped stateent *r $odri/ueK stated )e1as eployed by Jeffrey Epstein for appro'iately si' ont)s frooveber 002 t)rou/) *ay of 005 is responsibilities as )ouseana/er included bein/ t)e butler c)auffeur c)ef )ousean runerrands for Epstein and provide for Epstein;s /uests as9ed$odri/ueK about asseuses coin/ to t)e )ouse

    $odri/ueK stated Epstein 1ould )ave t1o assa/es a day Epstein 1ould)ave one assa/e in t)e ornin/ and one assa/e in t)e afternooneveryday )e 1as in residence $odri/ueK stated )e 1ould be inforedto e'pect soeone and a9e t)e cofortable until eit)er &ara) 7ellenor Epstein 1ould eet 1it) t)e $odri/ueK stated once t)e asseuses1ould arrive )e 1ould allo1 t)e entry into t)e 9itc)en area andoffer t)e soet)in/ to drin9 or eat

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    dates t)e calls 1ere ade are consistent 1it) t)e dates and tiest)ey victis%1itnesses stated t)ey 1ere contacted
