Private childcare · 2016. 4. 15. · in finding a joint child-minder. Most child-minders take care...

Private childcare Pedagogical supervision and financial contribution Buy care in a large programme Find a private child-minder

Transcript of Private childcare · 2016. 4. 15. · in finding a joint child-minder. Most child-minders take care...

Page 1: Private childcare · 2016. 4. 15. · in finding a joint child-minder. Most child-minders take care of two children who can have great joy in each other’s company. The child-minder

Private childcarePedagogical supervision and financial contribution

Buy care in a large programme

Find a privatechild-minder

Page 2: Private childcare · 2016. 4. 15. · in finding a joint child-minder. Most child-minders take care of two children who can have great joy in each other’s company. The child-minder

Layout and photo:INFO-team

Address:INFO-teamFrederiksborggade 15, 3.1360 Copenhagen K

Published by:Children and Youth CommitteeMunicipality of Copenhagen

Page 3: Private childcare · 2016. 4. 15. · in finding a joint child-minder. Most child-minders take care of two children who can have great joy in each other’s company. The child-minder

Welcome to private childcare

Private childcare is a joint name for several types of care. As a parent, you have the opportu-nity to buy care in an existing ”large programme”, use a private child-minder or hire your own child-minder and receive a contribution towards the payment of the care.

Common for the private childcare programmes:

• Yourchildkeepsitspositiononthewaitinglistwhileyouuseprivatechildcare

• ThemunicipalityofCopenhagenprovidesafinancialcontribution.Thecontribution sizedependsonthechild’sageandthenumberofweeklyhoursofcare

• ThemunicipalityofCopenhagenconductspedagogicalsupervisionandarranges sometimes playrooms

• Youmustfindyourownchild-minderordaycareprogramme.ThemunicipalityofCo penhagen does not maintain waiting lists of child-minders and large programmes

Inthisguide,youcanfindmoreaboutprocedures,regulationsandcontributionratesinpri-vate day care.

For further information about employment of a private child-minder, contact INFO-team.


Youcanuseprivatechildcarefromwhenyourchildis24weeksoldanduntilitstartsin0thform (as of 31 July in the year your child starts school).

Private childcare is not a municipal care offer - but a private childcare programme where the municipality covers up to 75 % of your expenses.

Page 4: Private childcare · 2016. 4. 15. · in finding a joint child-minder. Most child-minders take care of two children who can have great joy in each other’s company. The child-minder


Common rules for private childcare...............................................................................5Threedifferentformsofprivatechildcare.....................................................................................................5________________________________________________________________________

Workingprocedure–inbrief……....................................................................................... 6Find a child-minder………….............................................................................................................................6Find a playmate.....................................................................................................................................................6Contract terms………........................................................................................................................................6Documentation......................................................................................................................................................6________________________________________________________________________

Use a private child-minder………….........................................................................................7Agree on price, time and place…….................................................................................................................7Supervisor……………………….....................................................................................................................7Who can become a child-minder?....................................................................................................................8Who cannot become a child-minder?...............................................................................................................8Playroom……........................................................................................................................................................8When can a private childcare programme begin?.........................................................................................9Substitute programme.........................................................................................................................................9If the child-minder is ill……………….............................................................................................................9Health insurance…...............................................................................................................................................9Unemployment fund.............................................................................................................................................9Good advice...........................................................................................................................................................9________________________________________________________________________

Buy a place in a large programme...................................................................................10________________________________________________________________________

Contributions.........................................................................................................................................11Contributionrates2016-table1..................................................................................................................11Price example………........................................................................................................................................11Other expenses…..............................................................................................................................................11Retirement..........................................................................................................................................................12Whendoesthecontributionstop?................................................................................................................12Siblingcontribution2016-table2.................................................................................................................12Nofreeplacecontribution..............................................................................................................................12________________________________________________________________________

Contract ....................................................................................................................................................13________________________________________________________________________

General........................................................................................................................................................15Complaints………….......................................................................................................................................15Tablesandforms……………........................................................................................................................15Useful addresses……..................................................................................................................................... 16

Page 5: Private childcare · 2016. 4. 15. · in finding a joint child-minder. Most child-minders take care of two children who can have great joy in each other’s company. The child-minder

There are three different types of private childcare:

1.You may use a private child-minder who can take care of one and up to four children in your home, the other child’s home or his or her own home. If the child-minder take care of three or four children the pedagogue will make an extended assessment.

2.You may buy a place in a large private childcare programme. In a large programme, several child-minders have joined to take care of more children. The large programmes have their own internal wai-ting lists.

3.You may employ a child-minder. Contact the INFO-team for further information.

The care must take place in the municipality of Copenhagen or in one of the neighbouring municipa-lities.

If four children or more are cared for in externalpremises, you will need an occupancy permit - con-tact Building & Housing on tel. 3366 5200.

You can use private childcare according to your own need for care. It can give advantages such as:

• flexible times of care• a safe care environment• less risk of infection• less stress in a busy daily life• large influence on the child’s daily life

Common rules for private childcare

Count on three weeks processing time from when Private Childcare receives your contract until the programme has been approved.


Page 6: Private childcare · 2016. 4. 15. · in finding a joint child-minder. Most child-minders take care of two children who can have great joy in each other’s company. The child-minder

Find a child-minder

Firstly,it’saboutfindingaprivatechild-minder.Thechild-minder may be for example a grandparent or a good friend. It may also be a child-minder who youfindthroughthemunicipality’


Find a playmateYoualsohavethepossibilityofjoininganotherfamilyinfindingajointchild-minder.Mostchild-minderstakecareoftwochildrenwhocanhavegreatjoyineachother’scompany.Thechild-minderispaidperchild.

Contract termsIn private childcare there is a mutual term of notice of14days.

If you are offered a place in a nursery or day care withashorternoticethan14daysyouwillreceiveacontributionfor14daysfromtheday,youaccepttheoffer.However,nolaterthanfivedaysfromthedate of the offer.

Thechild-mindermustbepaidinthenoticeperiodand at the same time you must pay for the place in thenursery/daycareintheoverlappingperiod.

Thereforeitisimportantthatyouterminatethecontractwiththeprivatechild-minderIMMEDIA-TELYafteryouhavereceivedadaycareofferthatyou wish to accept.

Youareobligedtoinformyourchild-minderconti-nuously of the prospects of your child obtaining a place in a day care.

Be aware that some large programmes and child-minders have a contract supplement where it appearsthatthetermofnoticeislongerthan14days.Thismeansthatyoumayexpensesforbothchild-minder and day care for a period of time. Remember to read the contract supplement care-fully before you sign it.

Private childcare is a private matter between pa-rentsandtheprivatechild-minderThemunicipalityof Copenhagen does not set the price for care.

Themunicipalityprovidesfinancialcontributionsandconductspedagogicalsupervision.Youmusthavethesame registered adress as the child.

DocumentationIf you use a child-minder or buy care in a larger care programmeyoumustkeepacopyofthecontractand the receipts for the monthly payments to the child-minder for minimum 5 years.

Both you and your child-minder must sign the receipt forms and you must send a copy of the receipt to Private Childcare eachmonth.Youwillonlyreceivethefinancialcontributionafterwehavereceived the monthly receipt.

Private Childcare must report the information to the tax authorities.

4 Workingprocedure–inbrief


Page 7: Private childcare · 2016. 4. 15. · in finding a joint child-minder. Most child-minders take care of two children who can have great joy in each other’s company. The child-minder

Use a private child-minder Agree on price, time and placeWhen you have found a private child-minder, you shouldagreeonworkconditionsandtermssuchasmonthly payment, pay during illness, holiday as well as times and place of care.

ThecontributionofthemunicipalityofCopenha-gen depends on the child’s age and the number of hoursperweek.Youcanseethecontributionratesonpage11.Thecarecantakeplaceinyourhome,in another child’s home or at the child-minder’s no morethan48hoursperweek.Itisalsopossibletochange between the places of care as long as the houses are approved by a supervisor.

Ifthechild-mindertakescareofthechildreninhisor her home, he or she has a standard deduction of 47%,whichshallcoverundocumentedcostsforthechildren’s’ food as well as wear and tear of the child-minders home. Furthermore, the child-minder has his or her own personal deduction.

When you have agreed with the child-minder about thetermsofthecare,youmustfillinacontracttobesignedbybothofyou.REMEMBERtotakeacopyofthecontractbeforesendingit.Youcanfindthecontractonpages13and14.

SupervisorAs soon as Private Childcare receives your contract, a supervising pedagogue will contact you in order toplanastart-upmeetingattheplaceofcare.Themeetingtakesabouttwohoursandyouandthechild-minder must participate. At the meeting, the pedagogue will focus on the pedagogical content of the care as well as the safety issues.

Pedagogy:Thepurposeistoevaluatethechild-minder’smatu-rity and resources in relation to the responsibility itistolookafterchildrenaswellasevaluatethedemands to the child-minder.

At the meeting we will discuss the child’s welfare, rhythms, sleeping and eating habits, and the peda-goguewillreviewdifferentpracticalissues–inclu-dingplayroomoptions.Thepedagoguewillhandoutabookletpedagogicalsubjectsasaninspirationtothe visits from the supervisor.

Thesubjectscanbediscussedcontinuouslywiththepedagogue and the child-minder can also bring up subjects and dilemmas from the daily life.

Safety:Beforethemeetingisfinished,thepedagoguewillreview the place of care in relation to the child’s sa-fety. Requirements to safety must be followed before theprogrammecanbeapproved.Thepedagoguewillreview the following among other things:

- Windows and doors-Kitchen–includingcooker,childsafety lockingcabinetsanddrawers,knivesand sharp objects,- Railings - ”scissor gates” are not approved- Storage of cleaning agents, washing powder, plastic bags and medicine- Non-slip carpets-Loosewires,defectiveswitchesandstatu tory relay- Distance between bars in bed - max. 6 cm.- Wash and dress facilities- Outdoor areas

Furthermore, we will review the guidelines for childcare and the child-minder and the parents have tosignthem.ThepedagoguewillwriteareportandPrivate Childcare will obtain a criminal record and “børneattest” of your child-minder.

After approval of your childcare programme, Private Childcare calculates your contribution and startsthepayments.Youandthechild-minder/largeprogramme receive a copy of your contract as documentation for the approval with secure mail.

Thefirstsupervisoryvisittakesplacewithinthefirstmonth. If the pedagogue is puzzled or worried about anything regarding the contents of the programme, the parents will of course be informed.


Page 8: Private childcare · 2016. 4. 15. · in finding a joint child-minder. Most child-minders take care of two children who can have great joy in each other’s company. The child-minder

Who can become a child-minder?Yourchild-mindermustfulfilthefollowingrequirements:

•musthavethephysiqueliftandcarrysmallchildrenin a secure way

•musthavethementalenergytoholdsmallchildren’s different ways of expression, i.e. anger, joy, disappointment, sadness and curiosity

•mustbeabletocareforyourchildsothatthechild experiences security in relation to the child-minder

•mustbepresentandcommunicatinginthecontactwith your child with a special focus on the child’s linguistic development•mustbeabletoconveyobservationsaboutthechild’s development during the dialogue with the supervisor

•mustbeopentoguidanceandinstructiononcaring for your child and must be able to translate it tothebenefitofthechild

•musthaveacriminalrecordwithoutthingsthatprevent the care of your child in a secure way. Thechild-mindermustsignaformthatPrivateChildcare may obtain a Danish criminal record and a “børneattest”. If the child-minder cares in his or her own home and has a spouse or children living at home at the age of at least 18, they must obtain the criminal record themselves at the local police station and send it to Private Childcare. For everybody more than 15 years old the Private Childcare will obtain a “børneattest”.


Ifthechild-minderisnotoriginallyfromDenmarkandhaslivedinthecountryforlessthan10years,he or she must obtain an original criminal record fromhisorhernativecountry.Thecriminalrecordmust be translated and approved at the child-minder’snativecountry’sembassyinDenmark.

Who cannot become a child-minder?

A parent can not get subsidy for caring for his own

childinPrivateChild-Care.Thereisnolegalbasisforapprovingau-pairm/fasaprivatechild-minder.Anau-pairdoesnothaveaworkpermitasthestayprimarily serves an educational purpose.

Playrooms and other eventsThepedagogicalsupervisioninprivatechildcarewill sometimes plan playrooms and gymnastics palyrooms. Here, the children may join a large group of children which may strengthen and develop the socialcompetencesandmotorskills.Atthesametime, your child-minder can exchange experiences with other child-minders and pedagogues. All playrooms are closed during the summer.

Thelargeprogrammesunderprivatechildcaredonotuseprivatechildcareplayrooms.Theyareself-sufficientwithgames,rhythmicsandexcursions.Other events will be advised at

When can a private childcare programme begin?Thecareprogrammemaybeginanydayofthemonth. We recommend that the child-minder and the place of care are approved before start-up as the contribution is not paid until the programme has been approved.

Substitute programmeIf you have an approved private childcare programme, you can receive a contribution of 75 % of your expenses in connection with acquiring a substitutewhenthechild-minderisill.Thecaremusttakeplaceinthehomewhichhasbeenapprovedforchildcare.PædagogiskVikarbureau(pedagogicalsubstitute service) has been approved by Private Childcare and the used subs are trained pedagogues.

If the child-minder is illContactPædagogiskVikarbureauontel.:70271218,35823587orwww.pvb.dkIfyoucontactPædagogiskVikarbureauoutsideofficehours, you may leave a message on the answering machine.Youwillbecalledimmediatelyafter.PædagogiskVikarbureauwillsendasubstitutewhowilltakecareofyourchild/children.Theywillthensend an invoice for the full amount.


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A copy shall be sent to Private Childcare who then deposits 75 % of the expenses in your NemKonto withinfiveworkingdays.

Health insuranceThechild-mindercandrawupasicknessbenefitinsurancewhichmaysecureagainstfinanciallossinconnectionwithillness.Sicknessbenefitcanbe ensured from the third day of absence (type 1insurance)orfromfirstdayofabsence(type2insurance). Furthermore, child-minder can draw up insurance for full rate or ¾ rates. Read more about“sygedagpengeforsikring”[email protected]

Unemployment fundIf the child-minder is a member of an unemployment fund,thereisathreeweekquarantineincasethechild-minder becomes unemployed and is eligible for unemploymentbenefit–regardlessofwhethertheparents have dismissed the child-minder or if the child-minder has terminated the contract.

Good adviceYoushouldmakewrittenagreementswiththechild-minder about practical issues in daily life:


•Excursions;e.g.demandsoftransportation,distances, excursion spots, trips with other child-minders, beach


•Informationonchildandcare;e.g.adiarywithinformation on telephone numbers, allergies, emergency plan, eating and sleeping habits

The contract must be sent to:

Private ChildcareFrederiksborggade 15, 31360 Copenhagen K

When the contract has been approved, you will receive a stamped copy of your contract as documentation for theapproval.

Page 10: Private childcare · 2016. 4. 15. · in finding a joint child-minder. Most child-minders take care of two children who can have great joy in each other’s company. The child-minder

Buy a place in a large programmeSign the contract

When you have visited the large programme and theyhaveofferedyouaplace,youmustfillinthecontract.Youcanfindthecontractonpages13and14.

ThecontributionofthemunicipalityofCopenha-gen depends on the child’s age and the number of weeklyhoursofcare.Youcanseethecontributionratesonpage11.Youmustsignthecontractandthelarge programme must apply their stamp and signa-ture. If the large programme has a contract supplement, you must be aware of the terms of notice.

The contract must be sent to:

Private ChildcareFrederiksborggade 15, 31360 Copenhagen K

When the contract has been approved, you will receive a stamped copy of your contract as documentation for the approval.


Page 11: Private childcare · 2016. 4. 15. · in finding a joint child-minder. Most child-minders take care of two children who can have great joy in each other’s company. The child-minder

ContributionContribution ratesThereisalimittohowhighthecontributionmaybe, depending on the child’s age and the number ofhoursofcare.Thecontributioncanmakeupno more than 75 % of your expenses for the care programme.Thepriceofcareisupfornegotiationbetween you and the child-minder.

In table 1, you can see the contribution rates for 2016.Youcanalsoseewhatyourself-paymentatleast should be in order to be eligible for the maxi-mum contribution from the municipality.

Youcanreceiveacontributionfromthestartingdateyouhavewritteninthecontract–however,noearlier than the day when Private Childcare recei-ves the contract and if the programme is approved afterwards and Private Childcare has received documentationforthepayment.Thecontributionisnot paid out, however, when the care programme is approved. Be aware that you are liable for the entire amountinthecontractifyourchildhasbeentakencare of and the programme does not get approved afterwards.Yourcontributionispaidinarrearsandisdepositedin your NemKonto when we have received receipts andnotearlierthanthelastbankdayinthemonth.Youdonothavetopaytaxofthecontribution.Themonthly payment is b-taxable to the child-minder, i.e. that your child-minder is obliged to inform the tax authorities of his or her income.

Both you and your child-minder is obliged in writing to inform Private Childcare if there are changes that influencethecontribution.

Maximum contribution per child in 2010

Maximum contribution pr. child in 2016 Careminimum30hoursper.weekAge 24 weeks -

3 years *3 years - 6years**

Maximum contribution pr. month 6.402 3.897

Parents’self-payment pr. month

2.134 1.299

Child-minder’sincome pr. month 8.536 5.196

Care20-29hoursperweek.Age 24 weeks -

3 years *3 years - 6years**

Maximum contribution pr. month 5.191 3.160

Parents’self-payment pr. month 1.730 1.053

Child-minder’sincome pr. month 6.921 4.213


Age 24 weeks -3 years *

3 years - 6years**

Maximum contribution pr. month 3.461 2.106

Parents’ self-payment pr. month 1.154 702

Child-minder’sincome pr. month 4.615 2.808

*Thecontributionisregulatedfromthefirstofthe month when the child is three years old. A new contract must be sent to Private Childcare or else the contribution will stop automatically.**Nolaterthanthefirstofthemonthwhenaplaceinthe0thformcanbeoffered.

Example:Thepricetakesitsbasisintheparentspay-inganurseryrate3.454,-kr.forcareover30hoursaweek:Childminders taxable income .............................9.356Otherexpenses*.......................................................500Parents’jointexpenses(MunicipalityofCopenha-gen’s contribution +parents’ selfpayment...........9.856

*,excursions,andforpramrental.Theamountcanbekeptorgiventothechild-minder.Theamountisnottaxable.Thecontributionsizewillnot be changed.



Page 12: Private childcare · 2016. 4. 15. · in finding a joint child-minder. Most child-minders take care of two children who can have great joy in each other’s company. The child-minder

RetirementIf you wish to stop your care programme, you must fill in a termination contract. The term of notice is 14 notice no matter the reason. You will receive a contribution in the notice period.

When does the contribution stop?• From the day when your child is registered another day care or in the 0th form (if the child is registered in a day care with a shorter notice than 14 days, days you will receive a contribution for 14 days from the day, you accept the offer – however no more than 19 days from the date of offer).

• When you or your child-minder terminate the programme (with a 14 day notice). The termination must be in writing and signed.

• If it can be documented that the contract is severely violated. Talk to Private Childcare if this situation occurs.

• If Private Childcare suspects that the programme is pro forma.

• If the pedagogical supervisor estimates that your care programme is no longer pedagogical or secure.

• If you move away from the municipality of Copenhagen. The contribution stops no later than the date, when you move away from the municipality.

No free place contributionAccording to the Law on Day Care, it is not possible to have a free place contribution and thus a reduced self-payment for a private childcare programme.

Sibling contribution

In the municipality of Copenhagen, it is possible to obtain a sibling contribution in a private childcare programme. The sibling contribution is 50% of the institution rate at the cheapest institution.

It will often be for a child in a day care or for one of two twins in private childcare. If the contribution is for a child in a day care, the price is regulated automatically for this child. If the contribution is for a child in private childcare, the sibling contribution is paid together with the other contributions and corresponds to half of the rate you would normally have to pay if your child was in an age appropriate day care (max. 50 % of your own payment to the childminder).

In table 2 you can see the sibling contribution in 2016.

Table 2Care min. 30 hours per weekAge Rate pr.

monthSibling con-tribution max

Under 3 years 3.454 1.727

Over 3 years 2.551 1.275,50

Care 20 – 29 hours per weekAge Part-time

rate pr. month

Sibling con-tribution max

Under 3 år 2.591 1.295,50

Over 3 år 1.913 956,50

Care under 20 hours per weekAge Half-time

rate pr. month

Sibling con-tribution max

Under 3 years 1.727 863,50

Over 3 years 1.276 638


Page 13: Private childcare · 2016. 4. 15. · in finding a joint child-minder. Most child-minders take care of two children who can have great joy in each other’s company. The child-minder

Child 1. Child’s name Cpr. no.:

Parents 2.Parent’sname:


Postal code & city:


Cpr. no.:



Child-minder 3. Child-minder’s name:


Postal code & city




Cpr. no.:

Start-up date 4.Thecareprogrammestartsfromto:Weekly working hours for child-minder5..Numberofweeklyhoursofcare:hours

Monday Tuesdayag Wedensday Thursday Friday ChangingworkinghoursTick:

Place of care tick

6. Thechild’sownhome Child-minders’ home

Other child’s home (name and address:)

Name: ________________________________________________ Street and no.: __________________________________________________

Postal code and city:: ________________________________________________

Phone no. __________________________________________________

Contract Private childcare (Law on Day Care § 80)


One contract must be completed per child.




Thecontractmustbefilledinbythechild’sparentsandsent to:

Private ChildcareFrederiksborggade15,31360CopenhagenK


Page 14: Private childcare · 2016. 4. 15. · in finding a joint child-minder. Most child-minders take care of two children who can have great joy in each other’s company. The child-minder


Expenses 7. Child-minder’s monthly taxable income DKK



Payment during child-minder’s illness?

10.Isthechild-minderpaidduringillness?Yes No

Payment during holiday

11.A.Isthechild-minderpaidduringholidayYes No

11.B.Isthechild-minderpaidduringparents’holidayYes No



Parent and child-minder signatures

14.TheundersignedherebysolemnlydeclaresthattheaboveinformationiscorrectanddeclarestohavereadtheMunicipalityofCopenhagen’sguidelinesto Private Childcare.

Date:_________ Parents’ signature ____________________________

Date:_________ Child-minder’s signature:___________________________

Calculation of the contribution size Filled in by the office Private Childcare

Parents’ gross expense _________________ Max. contribution per month ______________

Parent share min. 25% _________________ Municipal contribution max. 75% ______________

Start of contribution period ________________

Date _________ Stamp and signture


Termination : The contract is time wise limited to the time, when the child starts nursery/day care/childcare. The parents are obliged to

inform the child-minder as soon as they receive an offer for a place for the child. There is a 14 day mutual term of notice. Furthermore, the

agreement can be terminated immediately if the child-minder has a long-term illness for a month or more or if it can be documented that

the contract has been severely violated.

Personal data protection

The information which you as a parent provide in this form will be registered in the Municipality of Copenhagen’s institution system for

which the Municipality of Copenhagen is responsible. The information is registered in order to manage the payment of contributions to and

pedagogical supervision with the private childcare programme. As recorded in this register, you have the right according to the Danish Act

on Processing of Personal Data (law no. 24, 2000) to:

- ask for insight in the information processed and the purpose with the processing

- take exception to the processing of the information

- demand retraction/deletion/blocking of information that is incorrect, misleading or in any other way electronically processed against


Contract Private childcare (Law on Day Care § 80)


Page 15: Private childcare · 2016. 4. 15. · in finding a joint child-minder. Most child-minders take care of two children who can have great joy in each other’s company. The child-minder


If you wish to complain over a decision or the calculation of the size of the contribution, you can complaintoPrivateChildcarewithinfourweeks.Iftheofficemaintainsitsdecision,theysendthecomplaint on to the National Social Security Agency, TheSocialComplaintsBoardforthemunicipalitiesofCopenhagenandFrederiksberg,Landemærket11,1119 Copenhagen K.

TablesandformsAll tables and forms can be downloaded and printedørnepasning



Page 16: Private childcare · 2016. 4. 15. · in finding a joint child-minder. Most child-minders take care of two children who can have great joy in each other’s company. The child-minder

Useful addresses

Find a


Tel.:70250660-Press4E-mail:[email protected]

Private ChildcareFrederiksborggade15,31360CopenhagenK


E-mail:[email protected]

PædagogiskVikarbureau(Substitute service)Aldersrogade6C,42100CopenhagenØ

Nearest tax centre in CopenhagenTaxCentreCopenhagen

Sluseholmen 81790CopenhagenVTel.:72221818

TheDanishImmigrationServiceRyesgade 53


E-mail:[email protected]

Business Bureau in the Danish Immigration Service




MUNICIPALITY OF COPENHAGENChildren and Youth Committee

January 2016