Privacy: why we should care

Privacy: why we should care? Shushan Harutyunyan October 2013


Think about were you want to go in your life and how your actions online lead you towards your desired destiny!

Transcript of Privacy: why we should care

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Privacy: why we should care?

Shushan Harutyunyan

October 2013

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Who am I and why I’m speaking about privacy?

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What is Privacy?

Privacy is an expression of one’s personality or

individuals right to define his or her essence as

human being; individuals ability to regulate

information about themselves in order to control

their relationship with other individuals; essential

components of individuals life such as secrecy,

anonymity and solitude.

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How we came to the idea of Privacy? Architecture!

The houses as interlocking suites

of rooms without corridors, so that

the only way of moving about was

by passing through other people’s


Hogarth, Breakfast scene, 1745 

Working class couples surround their beds with curtains.

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How we came to the idea of Privacy? “Morality”

Trials for noble adultery: the need to escape for the prying eyes and ears of the domestic servants.

The key witnesses were always servants, whose curiosity clearly made sexual privacy almost impossible for anyone who wished to conduct a discreet affair in their own home.

London: A Poem. In Imitation of the third satire of juvenal, Samuel Johnson, 1783

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Why people need privacy?

Privacy is a social ritual by means of which an individual’s moral title to his existence is conferred.

Privacy is an essential part of the complex social practice by means of which the social group recognizes – and communicates to the individual – that his existence is his own. And this is a precondition of personhood.

To be a person and individual must recognize not just his actual capacity to shape his destiny by his choices. He must also recognize that he has an exclusive right to shape his destiny.

Woman Standing In Front Of A Mirror-1841, Christoffer Wilhelm-Eckersberg,

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What it looks like the Privacy at the age of Facebook!

Publicly mediated intimacy?!

Broadcasting own “bedroom”?

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What does Web knows about you?


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“So, what's the big deal? Sure, just a Facebook photo, but…

Consider the reach of the social network, others beyond imagined audience and circle of “friends” viewing the photo and making judgments.

Consider the fact, that what goes on web stays there forever (even if you delete it).

Consider that Internet has no sense of time.

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What we gain by compromising our privacy?

Facebook users possess an illusionary control over the own appearance when communicating with outside world through markers of individuality such as the profile picture, wall posts, private information and so on.

Cesar Santos - "Intimacy" Oil on Canvas - 31.5x26.5

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Where this leads us?

Social surveillance?

Self - censorship?

The right to be forgotten? (draft law EU commissioner) Society where information is not currency anymore?

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What I want you to take home today!

Think about the control over your self-presentation online!

Than check your Facebook profile, Google your name, think about the sensitive messages you keep in your email.

Think about were you want to go in your life and how your actions online lead you towards your desired destiny!

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Sources and references

1. “A global Sense of Place”, Doreen Massey, 1994

2. We Media, How audiences are shaping the future of news and information, Shayne Bowman, Chris Willis and The Media Center at The American Press Institute, 2003

3. Tim Berners-Lee (World Wide Web inventor) about Web 2.0, Wikipedia, 2012

4. Facebook Statistics due to October 4, 2012, Official Facebook Newsroom

5. The Revolution Will be Networked. The Influence of Social Networking Sites on Political Attitudes and Behavior, Weiwu Zhang, Thomas J. Johnson, Trent Seltzer,Shannon L. Bichard , Texas Tech University, 2009

6. Do social networks improve e-commerce?: a study on social marketplaces, Gayatri Swamynathan, Christo Wilson, Bryce Boe, Kevin Almeroth, Ben Y. Zhao 2008, University of California at Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, USA

7. Social media changes the role of the journalist, Sonja Balci, 2012

8. Living online: The end of privacy? Alison George, 2006, New Scientist magazine

9. Examining priming and gender as a means to reduce risk in a social networking context: Can stories change disclosure and privacy setting use when personal profiles are constructed? Amanda Nosko, Eileen Wood, Miranda Kenney, Karin Archer, Domenica De Pasquale, Seija Molema, Lucia Zivcakova, "Computers in Human Behavior" Journal, 2012

10. “The History of Family, Sex and Marriage in x-1900 England”, Lawrence Stone, 1979

11. Privacy refers to the moral right of individuals to avoid intrusion into their personal affairs by third parties”(Chaffey 2009, p. 139).

12. Facebook & your privacy. Who sees your data on the biggest social network? Consumer Reports magazine: June 2012

13. Social Networking and Online Privacy: Facebook Users’ Perceptions DEIRDRE O’BRIEN* AND ANN M. TORRES, Irish Journal of Management, 2012

14. How Much Data is Created Every Minute? Neil Spencer, 2012, Visual News

15. Effects of self-disclosure on relational intimacy in Facebook, Namkee Park, Borae Jin, Seung-A Annie Jin; 2011, Computers in Human Behavior

16. Exploring Privacy Management on Facebook: Motivations and Perceived Consequences of Voluntary Disclosure, Susan Waters - Department of Communication and Journalism, Auburn University; James Ackerman - Department of Communication, Ozarks Technical Community College, 2011, Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication

17. Facebook Sells More Access to Members, By Geofrey A. Fowler, 2012

18. Facebook Help Center, Ads & Sponsored Stories, 2012

19. Your Facebook Deactivated Friend or a Cloaked Spy, Shah Mahmood and Yvo Desmedt, 2012, University College London

20. What Your Facebook Photo Says About You... and Facebook, Margaret Rock, 2012, Mobiledia

21. Self-presentation and belonging on Facebook: How personality influences social media use and motivations, Gwendolyn Seidman, Psychology Department, Albright College, 2012, Personality and Individual Differences Journal

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