Priority 1 Demo

Mission Canada and International Missions present... 2011 ~ 2012 We all hunger for meaning, purpose and direction...


Priority 1 is a way of raising much needed funds and awareness for our new missionary families

Transcript of Priority 1 Demo

Mission Canada and International Missions present...

2011 ~ 2012

We all hunger for meaning, purpose and direction...

Let us introduce you to 15 new missionary families committed to working with you to make a difference in 13 countries around the world... nourish hungry souls here and around the world!

Come to our table...Mission Canada is a growing movement of God’s people who actively care about our homeland. Its strength is the collective passion, insight, and vision of proven local practitioners...(and) we have determined to have a national mission agency that will enable us to reach Canada with the gospel in unique ways.

“Together we are responsible for this generation of souls. It is good to dream together about reaching our world.”

First, we must never forget that there are people who have never heard a credible presentation of the good news. While many people have heard it many times, there are probably in excess of 1.5 billion people who have not yet had a chance to hear it once. As a matter of justice we must make the least reached people groups a priority when we allocate our resources. Lost people matter to God, so they must matter to us!

DAWN ELLWYN tanzania

Starhe Children’s Home in Mwanza, Tanzania cares for over 130 orphaned children who range in age from just a few days to 21 years old. At Starhe these children receive proper nutrition, shelter, education and a caring home where they have the chance to hear and respond to the good news about Jesus.

In 2010, Dawn served at Starhe in a volunteer capacity; she is now returning as a full-time global worker. She will be serving as the Education and Sponsorship Manager, overseeing the primary and secondary schools, the after- school program and those youth who are in the process of transitioning out of Starhe.

Consider partnering with Dawn as she reaches out to the children of Mwanza, Tanzania.

I think the Lord put two and two together: my feet tend to get restless when I’m comfortable and I love people. Simply put, I feel called to Starehe because the Lord set it in my heart and that’s all I need to know.


Quick Facts...• Dawn has taught in

China, South Korea, and Tanzania.

• She was part of a Gaelic football team in China, climbed the Great Wall twice, and taught 60 children all crammed into one hot room.

• In Korea, Dawn enjoyed busking in Insadong.

• In her first 5 minutes in Tanzania, Dawn was greeted by a tornado.

Find out more at

Zanzibar Banana Rice

From the tropical shores of Zanzibar, Tanzania. It’s a filling meal that tastes more like a sweet, warm dessert and it tends to draw people in who are curious and eager to try something fresh and different.

1 cup rice 2 - 3 ripe bananas 1 can of kidney beans (drained) 1 medium onion 1 - 1.5 can of coconut milk

Boil rice (1 - 1.5 cups of water) until fluffy. While waiting for rice, slice bananas widthwise into 1 cm slices (set aside) and dice up onion and fry. When rice is ready, add rice to the onions in the frying pan, add bananas, kidney beans and coconut milk. Mix all together and serve ‘er out!


During their studies at Vanguard College, Jarren and Cindie Hildebrandt had the opportunity to intern with Imagine Thailand and to experience this incredible country first-hand. Since that time they have held leadership roles on a number of mission trips to Southeast Asia and have now sensed that God is calling them to return to Thailand in a more permanent capacity.

Jarren and Cindie have a strong desire to see the gospel take root in the Muslim south. They are serving as Community Development Workers in the city of Yat Hai, finding ways to build relationships with Thai people by integrating themselves into the community. The Hildebrandts have regular jobs in Yat Hai and are continually looking for creative and fruitful ways to share the good news with their Thai friends and coworkers.

Quick Facts......about JarrenJarren is an avid sports fan. His favourite teams include the Oilers, Seahawks, Blue Jays and Liverpool FC. He also loves to play sports and is quite competitive. He is also fluent in German.

...about CindieCindie loves to travel, but even more than that, she loves to research potential locations to ensure that she doesn’t miss any of the hidden gems off the beaten path along the way.

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Favourite Food...After falling in love with the coconut rice at a local Thai restaurant it has become a staple for us. The search for the recipe took awhile to find one with just the right amount of sweetness without overpowering the coconut milk flavour. Whether we are serving it with curry or meatballs it is always a highlight!

We want to share our hope in Christ with the hurting, unreached peoples of Southern Thailand through authentic relationship. Our dream is to create a safe place where we can engage both the spiritual and physical needs of our community and see Thai people become growing disciples, who are passionate about impacting their nation.

—Jarren & Cindie

If a person dreams alone, the dream remains nothing but a dream.

When people dream together, dreams become reality.

—African Proverb


In Whistler, family is a scarcity. The thousands of transient workers who wander in and out of town are often without family and without direction, and – when the money or travel visa runs out – they head home broke, still directionless, and even further disoriented about life, purpose, and community.

Yet, while they’re here, a sense of family and deep community are often experienced in a deeper, richer, and more vibrant way than many have ever experienced before. Amidst the chaos, consumption, and glamour of Whistler there underlies a deep longing of the wanderer to find rest, solace, redemption, family, and purpose.

Over the years, the most significant ministry that Candace and I have been involved in has been in inviting people into our family. This happens in our home, around our dinner table, on road trips, and in the ongoing love, laughter, and memories we share. And this I know – Whistler needs Gospel-oriented families to family a generation of the lost and wandering inviting them out from their confusion and into real relationship with Jesus Christ and his Church.

Yeah, we’re in. All in. We’re giving everything for this. We want to show you Jesus. We want to introduce you to Jesus’ community. We want to be introduced to yours. We want to live life side-by-side with you and make memories that will define our futures. We don’t want to love you like family, we want to love you as family. Welcome to our lives, thanks for sharing yours.

Quick Facts...•Jeremy spent a bunch

of years as a sponsored snowboarder while building a youth & young adult ministry at CLCC in Abbotsford, BC.

•He is an avid rock climber and road cyclist who still wonders if spandex is legal

•Jeremy blogs regularly at about church, culture, leadership, and mission

•You can also follow @JeremyPostal on Twitter, friend him on Facebook, and email him at [email protected].

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In the summer, it’s hard to beat a backyard BBQ! During the winter we love to share breakfast and hot coffee with friends or hunker down for dinner with my famous pot of “Infinite Chilli” and fresh bread. Of course, Whistler isn’t Whistler without the après-ski scene and the west coast isn’t the west coast without sushi.

Living and working as missionaries in Whistler, BC has been a long-time dream dating way back to my days growing up in Saskatchewan. Somehow, God took two prairie-kids and gave us a heart and passion for the mountains and for the people who live in the valley below. We couldn’t imagine doing anything else! —Jeremy


Villages of Hope provide food, shelter, medical care and education to vulnerable children who have nowhere else to turn. Here the children are given the love and care of a family and the chance to hear about Christ’s love for them. VOH currently has villages in five African countries, the newest of which is located in Chongwe, Zambia, the country’s third village.

For the past three years, Joel and Laura Harder have a been sensing the Holy Spirit leading them toward the mission field, and are thrilled that their dream is now about to be realized. They will be taking over the leadership responsibilities of Alan and Geneva Wright at Chongwe.

Consider joining Joel, Laura and the others at VOH in their mission “to bring lasting hope to children at risk so they can embrace adulthood as independent and contributing members of society.”

Quick Facts...... about JoelThe two things I am most passionate about are writing and music. I enjoy my guitar, drums and writing music as well as poetry and short stories. I am thankful that this all plays into my ultimate passion, which is serving God.

...about LauraI love being a mom and finding the humor in everyday situations. I love to laugh about them and share silly moments with friends and family, especially on Facebook. April’s Fools day is one of my favorite holidays, but no matter how early I get up, my dad still gets me every year! Right now I’m reading a lot. I really like learning new things, and preventing my brain from turning to mush while I’m at home full-time with my kids.

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Favourite Food...I love using my smoker, so it would definitely have to be smoked baby back ribs!!!!

When asked what makes them do what they do, Joel and Laura say: “Our love for children who we feel deserve the opportunity to live a blessed life; A life where they are provided food, shelter, medical attention, education, the love of a parent and most important, the love of our Heavenly Father.”


Liberia is a country which has known much suffering.Civil war wracked the country throughout most of the 1990s, with many fleeing as refugees. When the civil wars began to relent, many families returned to Liberia only to experience the hardship of trying to start over with next to nothing.

Yet God has been at work.

Over the past decade there has been a 63% increase in the number of evangelical churches in Monrovia (Liberia’s capital city), but this growing church is in need of trained leaders to help it continue to flourish.

Through various cross-cultural mission experiences, the Lord has been slowly preparing the hearts of Dan and Donna to move into this new role helping to equip and empower the Liberian church. Through evangelism, church planting and leadership training, the Davies will work with and help General Superintendent Jimmy Kuoh to empower Liberian Christians to reach their communities for Christ.

Quick Facts:xxxWe must always make the training of indigenous leaders a priority for maximum effectiveness. In addition, the new followers of Jesus need a community of believers to sustain and guide them. Jesus is building His church for that purpose, so we must keep planting new churches.—International Missions

In many countries, children under the age of 15 make up nearly 50% of the population.

We also know that the best time to reach people is when they are still young. Therefore, we need to make children a priority. We need to reach them with good news, disciple them in truth, ensure they get an education and seek to meet their needs in ways that offer dignity and hope.

—International Missions

MARILYN CURTIS philippines

God has placed in my heart a compelling vision of compassion and great passion to help and care for the homeless, the abandoned, the neglected, abused and the orphaned children. Specifically, to reach out to the tens of thousands of these kids living on the streets in Manila, Philippines.

My vision is to construct a building and property for the sole purpose of housing some of these kids. I long to be able to demonstrate God’s love through the provision of food, shelter, and the basic daily needs that others take for granted.

My hope through Andrew’s Children’s Home is to provide for them physically, mentally and spiritually, to teach them daily livelihood skills and to help each child find the kind of loving family that God intended them to have.

Marilyn is a caring individual who is always ready to help those in need. She is compassionate and generous with her time and substance when there is a need.

Tita Marilyn...[stops] when everybody else keep walking.—5 year old homeless boy

Quick Facts...• My wardrobe consists of

mostly black clothing.

• I feel more confident when wearing stilettos.

• Once while driving in the Philippines down a windy road I found myself saying “Wow. This is going to be extremely bad to travel in the winter”

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Favourite Food... I would have to say Indian cuisine is my all-time favourite… naan bread, idlis, dhals, paneers, somosas served on banana leaf, ending with chai tea…

MARK & KIM POPE thailand

Khon Kaen is Thailand’s most developed city and is located in the country’s poorest province. Mark and Kim Pope have a passion to partner with Thai people to reach the nation for Christ.

In 2005 Mark and Kim spent a year living and working in Thailand in partnership with the PAOC Thailand Mission. Now the Popes have sensed God’s call to return to Thailand where they hope to see the local church equipped and empowered to make disciples and to reach out cross-culturally.

In their new role as ministry support workers, Mark and Kim will be partnering with the Full Gospel Assemblies of Thailand (FGAT), engaging in a variety of evangelistic and discipleship activities designed to empower Thai believers to reach out to their own communities with the love of God.

Quick Facts...• Check out

Mark & Kim’s blog:

• ...and on Facebook!• Mark is an avid fan of

the Montreal Canadiens and his sons are fans in training!

• Mark enjoys playing guitar and is a wannabe photographer.

• Kim enjoys playing piano and singing

• Josiah, our firstborn, was born while we lived in Thailand (2005) and his middle name is “Thai.”

We love to share great Thai food with friends (particularly papaya salad with sticky rice). We also love to share time around a good cup of coffee, like the Caramel Corretto from Second Cup, but an Americano would do just fine. Mark is from Newfoundland and always looks forward to a good feed of lobster and any dessert made with baked apples or partridge berries.

We feel called of God to this work in Thailand because of the burden we have for the Thai people whom are living without hope. It is also our passion to equip the Christian leaders there to reach out in their communities and beyond to be effective witnesses for Christ.

—Mark & Kim


Sri Lanka is a country which has been suffering under more than a decade of civil war and unrest. Yet, the disillusionment which has followed in the wake of these years of violence has created an open door for the gospel and Stephen and Rebecca are committed to responding.

As Sri Lanka-born Canadians, the Kanagadas have a desire to see unreached areas of Sri Lanka and Tamil India touched and transformed with the gospel of Christ. They will be involved in planting churches for the Pentecostal Assemblies of Sri Lanka (PAOSL) in the north-eastern part of the country, as well as sharing God’s love with the Sri Lankan people through a variety of PAOSL ministries.

Stephen and Rebecca will also help to create a bridge by which Tamil congregations in Canada will be enabled to partner with believers back home through the work of the PAOC. Consider partnering with Stephen and Rebecca as we work and grow together as the body of Christ.

Quick Facts...• We like to see places,

meet people, learn about different cultures

• We are people people! We like to go out on church outings for barbeques, camping, fishing and to have fun on the beach.

• We like to read and watch the news on tv.

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Favourite Food...Rice and mutton curry, is a typical Tamil favourite, with a mango lassi. We also enjoy Tim Horton’s coffee.

God has put an unquenchable fire in me to serve people who are in desperate need. The harvest is great, the time is now, and I hear the voice of God calling, ‘Who would go out on behalf of me?



Damon and Kafi were first introduced to the great spiritual need in Japan when Kafi spent 8 months there during the couple’s dating relationship. Over the next 10 years, God began to slowly prepare the hearts of the Ealey family to return. Damon had spent ten years teaching at high schools in the GTA when a position opened up for him at the Christian Academy in Japan. Although this school was originally established for the children of North American missionaries, the demographic is rapidly changing as missionaries leave the country in increasing numbers due to the high cost of living. This has only reinforced the desire of Damon and Kafi to reach out cross-culturally to the people of this great nation.

Over the next couple of years the Ealeys will be focusing on language and culture acquisition, building relationships and being part of a grass-roots prayer movement, joining with others who long to see Japan touched with the gospel of Christ. Damon and Kafi are delighted to be part of the PAOC Southease Asia family.

We feel called to this work because Japan, until the tsunami was a forgotten nation in the 10/40 window. It is not poor; it is not barren; it is not destitute and yet God has equipped us to be a part of His move of the Spirit that will take place.

—Damon & Kafi

You can keep up to date with Damon & Kafi through their blog at:

or follow them on Twitter @ExpatInTokyo

Quick Facts...• Kafi has a PhD in Nutritional

Science, skills which she hopes to utilize in Japan to help her build relationships where she will have the chance to share about Jesus

• In Japan, entrance into grade 1 is seen as the beginning of the student’s journey into adulthood. On a student’s first day, both students and parents are expected to dress in formal attire.

Favourite Food...

Without question our dining custom and favourite meal to eat with family, local friends and visitors is kaiten sushi which is sushi on a conveyor belt. A wide variety of sushi can be ordered or selected. Chefs make the sushi right there in front of you. Hot green tea, some ginger and chop sticks set the atmosphere. It is where we commune, where we celebrate and where we most enjoy.


According to a 2011 report by Unicef, 1 in 4 Zimbabwean children have lost one or both parents to HIV and other causes. Villages of Hope are a way to demonstrate the love of Christ to children in need in tangible, meaningful ways. Here children whose future would otherwise be bleak have the opportunity to receive the love and care of a family, education and health care.

With over thirty years of ministry experience, Gaye and Elizabeth Norrie are thrilled to be stepping into their new role as directors of VOH Zimbabwe, located in Harare, the country’s capital city. The two have always been interested in missions and have, for quite some time now, had the desire to finish their ministry years on the mission field. When an opportunity arose for the Norries to serve as the new directors of VOH Zimbabwe, it was the right fit, combining the Norries desire to serve with the needs of the 56 special children who call VOH Zimbabwe home.

We must always make the training of indigenous leaders a priority for maximum effectiveness. In addition, the new followers of Jesus need a community of believers to sustain and guide them. Jesus is building His church for that purpose, so we must keep planting new churches.—Murray Cornelius

Quick Facts......about Gaye• He loves hockey and still

plays 2 times per week with a bunch of non-Christian guys. When they heard he was leaving, they had a campaign called “Get Rid of Gaye Norrie” where they raised money to send a field hockey set with him to the kids in Zimbabwe.

...about Elizabeth• She finds dog-walking

to be a great excuse for prayer.

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Favourite Food...Our favourite meal is lobster and scallops. The best way to eat it is at the East Coast, just put them in a pot of boiling salt water. And if you’re fortunate enough to have a friend who will make some fresh rolls, it’s a meal in itself.


What do you associate with Europe? Trendsetting fashion? Art and culture? Premier League soccer? Great food?... Deep spiritual need?

Europe is not usually seen as a mission field…especially the Mediterranean. But the lands where the Apostle Paul established Christianity’s first congregations are once again in need of new, vibrant communities of Christ’s followers.

Our mandate is to help create national church planting movements in the Mediterranean.

For ten years, we have worked to raise the awareness of the mission that exists right here in our own nation, leading Mission Canada and sending workers to the least reached areas of our country. Through this, God has prepared us to assist European churches that are committed to multiplying themselves in their homelands, providing us with the experience, skill and networks which we believe are relevant for church planting in Europe.

Quick Facts...•We have a growing family:

Four children and three grandchildren.

•Our dog, Kai, will be staying in Canada with the kids.

•We are both avid cyclists and runners, and are comfortable in our Spandex.

•We love art and music, photography, and concerts (of almost any kind).

Follow our blog at, on Twitter: @gowerners; receive regular updates at

~ ~ ~ ~ ~One of our favourite dishes to serve is seafood paella. It’s a Spanish dish prepared with spices we purchased in Spain, so it’s pretty authentic. It looks spectacular and tastes even better!

Our specialty though is coffee; espresso and dark roasts. A favourite dessert is “drunken ice cream.” It’s very simple – a large scoop of vanilla ice cream in a high ball glass, with a shot of fresh, hot espresso poured over it.

We, like Paul, are leaving our home to go to lands where the Gospel is needed—where we can share our lives along with God’s truth—and watch Him transform lives, cities and nations for His glory.

—George & Eileen

...with God’s grace you’ve really built a strong foundation for missions in Canada that we will build off of for years to come.

Thank you.

I also have an overwhelming sense that God is going to use you to effect amazing change and build amazing new networks and missional foundations in Spain and throughout the Mediterranean.

—Matt Glombick, Campus Pastor/Church Planter, Edmonton, AB


Through a series of short-term mission trips to South East Asia, God has slowly been preparing the hearts of Ian and Tiffanie to step into a full time role doing cross-cultural missions.

Cambodia is a country which is experiencing increasing religious freedom to worship, and this increasing freedom has translated into an open door for the gospel of Christ. The Cambodian church is in need of local leaders who will be equipped to spread the good news to others in their communities.

Stationed in the country’s capital city of Phom Phen, Ian and Tiffanie will serve as lecturers at Assemblies of God Missionary Fellowship (AGMF) Bible College. Here they will have the opportunity to participate in tomorrow’s Cambodian Church through their teaching and mentorship, faithfully helping to raise up the next generation of Christian leaders.

Quick Facts...• Ian loves to draw and to

laugh extremely loudly

• Tiffany likes to eat chicken’s feet, plays piano and tends to speak an octave higher when she speaks in public

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Favourite Food...Ian loves nothing better than to enjoy a good meal of Chinese food, especially on Christmas Eve!

Tiffanie’s favourite foods include a classic Newfoundland dish called “Fish n’ Brewis” which consists of salted cod and hard bread (called ‘brewis’) which are both soaked in water over night then boiled separately then next day and served together.

We have a deep passion to serve God wherever we are planted and wherever there is a need. We long to see others live out that discipleship as well. —Ian & Tiffanie

The “connected” world means that young people worldwide are part of a global youth culture that speaks a common language. What a great opportunity, and what a great burden!

Together we are responsible for this generation of souls. It is good to dream together about reaching our world.

—Murray Cornelius


There is a dire need for the church to reproduce, not just add a new church here or there, but for each new church to plant another church within its first few years of existence. Reproductive DNA within young church plants is what differentiates between a church planting project and a church planting movement. If a church doesn’t reproduce in its first 4 years of existence, there’s a 90% chance it NEVER will. Sobering.

If you give a man a fish, he eats for a day.

If you teach a man to fish, he eats for a lifetime. (but that’s a bit self-fish isn’t it?)

If you help a man open a fishery, he can feed a nation.

We desire to make disciples the way Jesus promised to “make” his disciple “fishers of men,” not just Self-Fish followers. It’s all about multiplication.

Church Reproduction matters.

Many folks have asked us...”why Germany?” It’s interesting; we don’t have German heritage. We don’t yet speak German. We just have a huge heart for Germany! Many of the continental European nations are less than 1% born again evangelical, France, Italy, Greece and yes, Germany. We are simply responding to that call, the call to reach a nation needing Jesus!”

Quick Facts...• Mark is a rabid Toronto

Maple Leaf’s Fan• Tammy loves scrapbooking• They both passionately

despise country music• Mark is on facebook:

• Visit Mark’s website:

~ ~ ~ ~ ~Favourite Food...Mark, Tammy and all the kids LOVE sushi, even though good sushi is rare in Germany. Feel free to mail us a few pieces of sushi if you have extra. When a sushi meal can be followed with cake and coffee, a German staple, it doesn’t get much better than that.

As personal friends of Mark and Tammy, Ann and I highly respect them as Spirit-led followers of Jesus. Whenever I have had the privilege to sit under [Mark’s] ministry, God has used him to speak powerfully into my life. His down-to-earth, humourous style, coupled with his sensitivity to the leading of the Holy Spirit, makes Mark’s ministry extremely effective.

—Ron Mainse, Host of “100 Huntley Street”

Mark speaks from the Word of God in a very real sense. He opens it up to the audience in a manner that brings its truth to the forefront. He’s passionate about teaching, it’s obvious, and when you combine that passion with a sense of expectancy that God is coming to change people’s lives SHAZAM! Too bad he’s a Leaf fan!

—Mark Colwell, Youth Director, PAOC -

Western Ontario District

KAREN REED vancouver

I’ve moved into a key neighbourhood in East Vancouver, seeking to establish an incarnational presence. My strategy is not a “come to us and hear the Gospel” but rather, “we will come and live among you so that we can discover together how the Good News can impact all of our lives.”

My home, the Parker House, is a community house where I live with several others who are committed to a life marked by radical hospitality to our newfound friends. Our goal is to find multiple points of contact with the community through every part of our lives. We are not seeking to build just superficial relationships but to create a sense of belonging on a profound level…The ordinary becomes extraordinary in this shared life.

It never ceases to amaze me the power of a simple meal, shared with a group of diverse people in an atmosphere where Jesus is acknowledged as both guest and host. We regularly discover the depth of hunger people have to taste the radical welcome of God through our welcome, acceptance and love – which is the essence of the gospel!

Quick Facts...• I am a water baby, loving all

kinds of water sports• I’m learning how to grow

my own food! • I am a coffee snob…love

good coffee (there are 19 coffee shops within walking distance of my house).

• I have a fabulous Maine Coon cat named Lucy – who is the charm of the house.

• I’ve officiated at 7 family weddings in the last 5 yrs.

• I love the card game Rook.

Favourite Food...A favourite dish that everyone is surprised by and loves, is mashed spicy sweet potatoes. They look like regular potatoes but taste so much better (and better for you!). Boil white sweet potatoes, drain when done. Add cream cheese, butter, cayenne (lots), nutmeg (little), salt & pepper to taste.

I always like to have candles…and the table set with stemware…cloth napkins etc, so people feel pampered a bit.

The dominance of what some call postmodern homelessness in our culture – which is a loss of the rootedness that comes from the stability and hospitality of home – is a call for the Christian church to restore its emphasis on radical hospitality to the stranger.

—Karen Reed

Dear Friends,

In our technological age where information seems to travel faster than the speed of light, it is hard to believe that so many have yet to ever encounter the message of Jesus. And yet, this is our reality. In countries across the globe and even in our own backyard, there remain many individuals who have never heard the good news: that God loves them, longs to forgive them and longs to call them into relationship with Himself.

Lost people matter to God, and they matter to us as well. That is why Mission Canada and International Missions are joining forces again this year to bring you Priority 1, a way of raising much needed support and funds for our newly appointed missionaries as they prepare to embark on the adventure of a lifetime. This year we need your help to continue sending the good news to unreached places in the world. During the 2011-2012 season, our fellowship is committed to sending at least 2 missionary families to Canada and at least 13 families overseas.

Last year, untold numbers of lives were changed through this vital partnership of goers and senders; let’s keep the momentum going! As you read through these pages you will learn more about the great need for the gospel in various parts of our world and our great opportunity to respond. Please consider how you can partner with these missionary families through prayer and financial support as we work together to live out the Great Commission. David Wells

General Superintendent and Interim Director, Mission Canada

Murray Cornelius Assistant Superintendent, International Missions

2011 ~ 2012