Printable Prayers

Heavenly Father, please walk through my home and take away all my worries and any illnesses. Please over and heal my family and friends. Bless our homes, family and friends with PEACE, LOVE and JOY. AMEN. Dear Lord, I bring to You my burdens and You know my situation. You knew many times in my life I have struggles and needed You to get me through. You always bring comfort to my


written prayers

Transcript of Printable Prayers

Heavenly Father, please walk through my home and take away all my worries and any illnesses. Please over and heal my family and friends. Bless our homes, family and friends with PEACE, LOVE and JOY. AMEN.

Dear Lord, I bring to You my burdens and You know my situation. You knew many times in my life I have struggles and needed You to get me through. You always bring comfort to my aching heart. Give me the strength and the will to carry on. I also pray that You will watch over those family and friends who are struggling right now and help them through their difficult times. These are my special prayers in Jesus name. Amen.

HEALING PRAYERLord Jesus, heal me. Heal in me whatever You see needs healing. Heal me of whatever might separate me from You. Heal my memory, heal my heart, heal my emotions, heal my spirit, heal my body and heal my soul.Lay Your hands gently upon me and heal me though Your love for me.Amen.

Dear Lord, I kneel down before you at this moment. Please enlighten what is dark in me, strengthen what is weak in me, mend what is broken in me, bind what is bruised in me, heal what is sick in me, and revive whatever peace and love that died in me. This is also my prayer for my loved ones, my family, my friends and even those who hate me.In Jesus name, Amen.

Your sister is always the first female friend you will have in your life.Nobody will ever be able to understand your craziness like your sisters and although you dont see each other as much youd like, she will always remain your friend and be there for you when you need her the most. While people come and go in your life, your sister will be in your heart for a lifetime.