Principal’s Report - Strathfieldsaye Primary School

Weekly Newsletter ~ No 21 Thursday 28 July 2016 SCHOOL COUNCIL Principal Cindi Bruechert President Jennifer Hurrell Vice President Ivan Crisp Treasurer Peter Lodewijks Secretary Pam Keily Minute Secretary Jen Rogers Members Julie Brady Nicole Stephens Helen Rodda Sharon Kemp Nic Hargreaves Sam Muscatello Ed Castle Community Members 9 Uxbridge Street, Strathfieldsaye, 3551 Phone : (03) 5439 5207 email : [email protected] website : Principal’s Report Dear Families and Friends, 100 Days of School for our Foundation Students Yesterday our Foundation students celebrated their 100th day at school, which was very exciting! To celebrate this amazing achievement our students dressed up to look like centenarians and paraded around the basketball courts in front of their loving family members before continuing their celebrations in the Multi-purpose Room. Once everyone was back inside, I had the very special honour of presenting the students with some lovely personalised certificates and a delicious cupcake to celebrate their great start to their learning journey. Being Ready to Learn This term we have been chatting to our students about the importance of being at school on time and being ready to learn by 9.00am each day. We have also implemented some strategies to assist our students in being ready to learn, including the playing of music before the bell, and marking the class roll at 9.00am, instead of 9.10am. To assist us in promoting our ready to learn culture, please remind your children that they will need to call into the Office to have their name marked off the role if they arrive at school any time after 9.00am. Call for quotes from our ‘tradie’ families We have been allocated some funding through the Education Department to make some repairs to our older buildings and we are calling for quotes from any painters, plumbers, plasterers, carpet layers and electricians from within our community. If you are able to help, please download the Condition Assessment Scope of Works from Compass and then contact me to arrange a suitable time to inspect the buildings that require work. All quotes will need to be submitted to the school office before 4.00 pm next Friday 5th August. Respecting Other People’s Property and Staying Safe Earlier this week we received a phone call from a person in our neighbourhood who has regularly witnessed our students taking ‘short cuts’ through another person’s property on their way home from school; or on their way to different sporting activities after school. Please have a chat to your children about respecting other people’s property and about the importance of staying safe by keeping on allocated walkways when coming to and from school. Parent Opinion Survey Each year the school conducts an opinion survey of 15% of the school community. Parents are randomly selected to participate and we use the information to inform and direct our future planning and improvement. The survey is designed to take no more than 20 minutes to complete, and your feedback and opinions play an important role in making our school the best it possibly can be. If you received a survey earlier this week, please take some time to complete it and return it to school as soon as possible. 2017 Enrolments We are currently taking enrolments for next year’s Foundation students so if you haven’t already received an Enrolment Pack, please collect one from the school office. We would like to have enrolment forms returned to the office by the end of July to enable us to complete the Department of Education and Training Enrolment Census which needs to be submitted in early August. This census is used by the Department to allocate funding for the start of the school year, so it is important that we make an accurate estimation of the number of students we are likely to have next year. If you know of any children who will be enrolling in other year levels across the school in 2017, or of any children who are leaving the school next year, could you please let the office staff know as soon as possible, so that we can prepare for our upcoming Census. Curriculum Day A Curriculum Day has been approved for next Wednesday 3rd August. Students will not be required at school on this day. Teachers will be participating in the Student Wellbeing Professional Learning Session on the KidsMatters Framework. Uniform Reminders Thanks to the wonderful support of our families the transition over to our new school uniform is now well under way. To assist everyone in understanding what is, and what is not part of our school uniform, a brochure has been created and will be displayed on Compass, in the Office and in classrooms. A reminder notice has also been developed which will be used to remind families if children are out of uniform. I know that many families have found the transition over to the new uniform difficult financially, and I appreciate the support you have shown to the school throughout this process. If you need support in any way, please let me know so that I can be of assistance. Regards, Cindi Bruechert [email protected]

Transcript of Principal’s Report - Strathfieldsaye Primary School



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8 July




Principal Cindi Bruechert

President Jennifer Hurrell

Vice President Ivan Crisp

Treasurer Peter Lodewijks

Secretary Pam Keily

Minute Secretary Jen Rogers

Members Julie Brady Nicole Stephens Helen Rodda Sharon Kemp Nic Hargreaves Sam Muscatello Ed Castle

Community Members

9 Uxbridge Street, Strathfieldsaye, 3551 Phone : (03) 5439 5207

email : [email protected]

website :

Principal’s Report

Dear Families and Friends,

100 Days of School for our Foundation Students Yesterday our Foundation students celebrated their 100th day at school, which was very exciting! To celebrate this amazing achievement our students dressed up to look like centenarians and paraded around the basketball courts in front of their loving family members before continuing their celebrations in the Multi-purpose Room. Once everyone was back inside, I had the very special honour of presenting the students with some lovely personalised certificates and a delicious cupcake to celebrate their great start to their learning journey.

Being Ready to Learn This term we have been chatting to our students about the importance of being at school on time and being ready to learn by 9.00am each day. We have also implemented some strategies to assist our students in being ready to learn, including the playing of music before the bell, and marking the class roll at 9.00am, instead of 9.10am. To assist us in promoting our ready to learn culture, please remind your children that they will need to call into the Office to have their name marked off the role if they arrive at school any time after 9.00am.

Call for quotes from our ‘tradie’ families We have been allocated some funding through the Education Department to make some repairs to our older buildings and we are calling for quotes from any painters, plumbers, plasterers, carpet layers and electricians from within our community. If you are able to help, please download the Condition Assessment Scope of Works from Compass and then contact me to arrange a suitable time to inspect the buildings that require work. All quotes will need to be submitted to the school office before 4.00 pm next Friday 5th August.

Respecting Other People’s Property and Staying Safe Earlier this week we received a phone call from a person in our neighbourhood who has regularly witnessed our students taking ‘short cuts’ through another person’s property on their way home from school; or on their way to different sporting activities after school. Please have a chat to your children about respecting other people’s property and about the importance of staying safe by keeping on allocated walkways when coming to and from school.

Parent Opinion Survey Each year the school conducts an opinion survey of 15% of the school community. Parents are randomly selected to participate and we use the information to inform and direct our future planning and improvement. The survey is designed to take no more than 20 minutes to complete, and your feedback and opinions play an important role in making our school the best it possibly can be. If you received a survey earlier this week, please take some time to complete it and return it to school as soon as possible.

2017 Enrolments We are currently taking enrolments for next year’s Foundation students so if you haven’t already received an Enrolment Pack, please collect one from the school office. We would like to have enrolment forms returned to the office by the end of July to enable us to complete the Department of Education and Training Enrolment Census which needs to be submitted in early August. This census is used by the Department to allocate funding for the start of the school year, so it is important that we make an accurate estimation of the number of students we are likely to have next year. If you know of any children who will be enrolling in other year levels across the school in 2017, or of any children who are leaving the school next year, could you please let the office staff know as soon as possible, so that we can prepare for our upcoming Census.

Curriculum Day A Curriculum Day has been approved for next Wednesday 3rd August. Students will not be required at school on this day. Teachers will be participating in the Student Wellbeing Professional Learning Session on the KidsMatters Framework.

Uniform Reminders Thanks to the wonderful support of our families the transition over to our new school uniform is now well under way. To assist everyone in understanding what is, and what is not part of our school uniform, a brochure has been created and will be displayed on Compass, in the Office and in classrooms. A reminder notice has also been developed which will be used to remind families if children are out of uniform. I know that many families have found the transition over to the new uniform difficult financially, and I appreciate the support you have shown to the school throughout this process. If you need support in any way, please let me know so that I can be of assistance. Regards,

Cindi Bruechert

[email protected]


DAY & DATE 9.00AM—11.30 AM 11.00 AM—1.30 PM

Friday 29 July

SPECIAL LUNCH DAY—HOT DOGS 12.00 to 1.30 pm volunteers rostered only need to come at 12 noon

Lyndall Joiner Helen Rodda Carla Mayman Melissa But;ler

Wednesday 3 August

Amy Mannix Amber Wallace

Thursday 4 August

Casey Wright Narelle Birthisel

Friday 5 August

Melissa Ridell Jo Bell Megan Underwood

Natalie Storer Csilla Mawston Melissa Butler

LIBRARY Keep the date On Tuesday 16th August, the Blurbs will be coming to Strathfieldsaye PS for a whole school performance based on the short-listed books for 2016. The performance includes songs, drama and mime about the loved books. Books will be familiar with the children as they will be covered in Library, Art and Music. THIS WILL BE A DRESS-UP DAY. ALL CHILDREN CAN COME AS THEIR FAVOURITE BOOK CHARACTER. CHERYL FITZPATRICK, LIBRARIAN

OUT OF SCHOOL HOURS CARE NEWSLETTER During the last week the children have been enjoying many activities including making Igloo’s, Snow globes, pet rocks, plus many more interesting craft activities. Children have also been playing some group games including Pacman, Silent Ball, Bobs and Statues and other games outside including marks up Soccer and Basketball. Looking to the future children are going to be bringing the outdoors in with crafts that we can display in our service.

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kerbing. Ideal for driveways and garden beds with a range of styles, colours and exposed rock. Call for a

free measure and quote 0413 889 680 a/h 5439 6157

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Strathfieldsaye Primary

School Parent Club are

holding a Winter Pie

Drive—18th August.

Stay tuned for more

information coming soon

Class Awards These class awards are to recognise students who are demonstrating skills based on our school’s Learner Profile and will be presented at the school assembly on Friday 29th July at 2.40 pm

H/G Student Name Reason for Award



Campbell B Oliver S

For trying hard to stay on task and complete his work in the time given. He is also beginning to choose a successful spot to work. For trying hard during Daily 5 and working independently during writing, starting to listen for beginning sounds in a word. Well done Oliver.


Grade 1

Wallace F Aiden H

For showing excellent organisation during Daily 5 and working hard to achieve his writing goals. For showing attentive listening and working hard to achieve his writing goals.



Jaymz C Tyler B

For trying hard to use spaces in his writing and stretching out sounds when he writes. Keep up the great writing! For trying hard when he has new challenges and doing great work when counting in Maths!



Izzy H Ollie L

For trying hard in the class, getting her work done on time and being helpful to others. For having a go and trying hard to complete work.


Gr 1

Levi W Chase E

For showing a positive attitude when working on his writing. For facing new challenges with a positive attitude.


Gr 1

Cooper W Lila K

For always having a positive attitude towards school activities. For trying really hard with her writing, now including more detail and having a go at editing. Well done Lila.


Gr 2

Ruby M Isabel W

For her terrific work on her information for her Mammals PowerPoint. Great computer skills Ruby. For displaying more confidence in the classroom and working hard on her writing to get lots of ideas down


Gr 2

Alexis C Elle D

For extending herself during Daily 5 writing by writing more and adding more detail in her writing. Well done Alexis. For always trying her best and having a positive attitude towards all learning tasks.


Gr 2

Vitesse G Jesse F

For showing more confidence in the classroom and attempting all tasks independently. For working hard at home and at school to improve his reading.

011 Gr 3/4

Sophie B For working hard to develop her organisational skills.

012 Gr 3/4

Lochie B Clara L

For making a concerted effort to improve his use of punctuation and the complexity of his sentences within his writing. For continuously displaying great enthusiasm in all that she does at school, and encouraging and supporting her classmates.

014 Gr 3/4

Jedda D Zane T

For concentrating hard when working on her procedure text. For great work in division.

017 Gr 3/4

Abbey F Georgia H

For developing independence in her morning routine and giving everything 100% effort. For demonstrating risk-taking when problem solving in maths.

018 Gr 3/4

Bodie B Ethan G

For the excellent work he has put into his individual inquiry project. For his consistently positive and helpful attitude.

019 Gr 5/6

Jorja H Maddy B

For showing good self-monitoring skills to start the new semester. For increasing in confidence in all areas of her work, particularly Maths.

020 Gr 5/6

Jayde L Riley P

For being aware of her learning needs and setting SMART goals to benefit her learning. For contributing valuable and thought-provoking ideas to classroom discussions.

021 Gr 5/6

Tyde F Riley R

For showing excellent stamina and consistently making successful seating choices during maths and Daily 5. For showing his independence and leadership skills by taking greater ownership of his own learning and choices.

022 Gr 5/6

Kai H Jaime T

For showing increased effort towards self-monitoring his learning. For her excellent attitude towards learning and participating in group discussions.

024 Gr 5/6

Akaisha N Cooper C

For her excellent self-monitoring when working on fractions during Maths our Way. For self-monitoring his learning in maths and being able to articulate his personal goals.

Calendar of Events

Term Dates : Public Holidays:




Monday 1 School Council Executive 5.45 pm

Tuesday 2 Management & Finance 8.00 am

Wednesday 3 Parent & Community Liaison 4.00 pm


Tuesday 16 Blurbs performance

Tuesday 16 School Council 7.00 pm

Thursday 18 Parent Club Winter Pie Drive


Thurs & Fri 1 & 2 EBT Camp

Monday 5 Grade 2 Zoo Excursion

Monday 5 School Council Executive 5.45 pm

Tuesday 6 Management & Finance 8.00 am

Wednesday 7 Parent & Community Liaison 4.00 pm

Monday 12 Music Performance

Tuesday 13 School Council 7.00 pm

Friday 16 Term 3 ends—Early dismissal 2.30 pm


Monday 3 Term 4 commences

Monday 10 to Friday 14

Grade 5/6 Camp to Roses Gap

Monday 17&24 2017 Prep Transition Days

Tuesday 18&25 2017 Prep Transition Days

Thurs 20 & 27 2017 Prep Transition Days



Monday 7 to Friday 11

Swimming program—Grade 3 to 6 Bert Graham Pool (Bendigo East)

Monday 14 to Friday 18

Swimming program—Prep to Grade 2 Bert Graham Pool (Bendigo East)

Wednesday 16 - Saturday19

Energy Breakthrough

Wednesday 23 to Fri day 25

Grade 3/4 Camp to Camp Curumbene (near Corop)


Tuesday 6 Orientation Day –2016 Grade 6 (all day) & 2017 Preps (9.30 to 11.00am)

Thursday 15 Grade 6 Graduation

Tuesday 20 Term 4 ends—Early dismissal 1.30 pm

The Strathfieldsaye Jets Cricket Club will hold its Junior Registration Day at the Tannery Lane Sports Complex on Saturday, 13th August 2016 between 11am and 1pm and again on Sunday 14th August from 10am to 1.00pm. Registrations will be accepted for the under 10, 12, 14, 16 and 18 age groups. We are also keen to register girls aged 9 to 14 who would like to play in the Girls competition. All current, previous and new players are most welcome. The Under 10 T20 Blast registration of $85 includes a Cricket kit full of great goodies & a great way to start their cricketing journey.

On line registration is also available for U12 – U18 players who are already registered from previous years at:

The Jets Milo In2 Cricket, thanks to Jenny’s ELC, is also open for registration on the same link. Runs 30th October to 11th December. We are proud to say that Strathfieldsaye is rated one of the highest, in not only the state, but the nation. Well done to the Strathfieldsaye community for encouraging activity in our young boys & girls.

For further details please contact the Jets Junior Coordinator Brent Yates via email at

[email protected] or by phone on 0434 730 711.

“Live local, Play local” – Brent Yates

Supa IGA Strathfieldsaye is celebrating its 10th Birthday.

We are having a 72 Hour Sale commencing

Thursday 28th to Saturday 30th of July. On Saturday

there will be a Sausage Sizzle, Car Boot Sale & Free Face painting, between 10-2pm. Everyone is welcome.