Principal’s Message...a mark for cancelled components of the HSC. Higher School Certificate. The...


Transcript of Principal’s Message...a mark for cancelled components of the HSC. Higher School Certificate. The...

Page 1: Principal’s Message...a mark for cancelled components of the HSC. Higher School Certificate. The Higher School Certificate (HSC) exams are going ahead in 2020. NESA will release
Page 2: Principal’s Message...a mark for cancelled components of the HSC. Higher School Certificate. The Higher School Certificate (HSC) exams are going ahead in 2020. NESA will release

The Department of Education (DoE)

continues to work closely with the Federal

Government and NSW Ministry of Health

to plan and operate in accordance with

its COVID-19 pandemic plan, ensuring

the support, safety and wellbeing of

staff and students. I want to thank the

Galston High School community, parents,

teachers and students for their patience,

understanding and thoughtful approach

during the COVID-19 crisis, especially

everyone’s proactive approach to health

issues and a willingness to adapt at short


The transition to remote/online learning

has, in the main, been a very successful

one. Our students are to be congratulated

for the way in which they have embraced

this new way of learning and thank you

to our parents and caregivers for the

tremendous support provided, enabling

this to occur so expediently. Together we

have continued to learn within this space,

with teachers revising and adjusting

the lessons and expectations of their

students, and students in adjusting to a

more independent way of learning.

The school has received very positive and

complimentary feedback from parents

regarding the quality and timeliness of

our communications. Thank you to those

families who have sent emails providing

their support and best wishes as well as

those who have spoken to Ms Petrulis

and myself at Galston Village. These kind

words have been gratefully received.

We have now completed our organisation

for the Phase One return to school

which begins on Monday 11 May 2020.

Emails have been sent to parents/

carers as well as students outlining the

arrangements for Weeks 3 and 4 and

further information is contained in this

newsletter. Teachers are very excited to

welcome students back to school and

look forward to the weeks ahead when

school returns to a normal routine,

albeit with modifications.

Hygiene practices are in place and we

encourage students to follow social

distancing guideline, wash hands

with soap and water regularly and use

sanitiser provided in all classrooms.

Although there will be no canteen

facilities in weeks 3 and 4, we are

confident that the canteen will be

operational once more in week 5, when

we expect greater numbers of students

to return.

Once again, I thank our entire school

community for your patience and

support as we navigate through these

unchartered waters together.

Principal’s Message

Page 3: Principal’s Message...a mark for cancelled components of the HSC. Higher School Certificate. The Higher School Certificate (HSC) exams are going ahead in 2020. NESA will release

Extracts from the two 1915 diaries ofLeslie Francis Sleigh Gillett

#137 - 1st Field Ambulance Army Medical Corps1st Australian Division

Friday 23rd April, 1915 – Mudros Harbour, Lemnos Island“Some 200 boats in harbour, including war vessels, transports. We left harbour about 4:30 pm & anchored just beyond the harbour mouth. It was a great sight to see the harbour full of vessels with the ………… hills with the old fashioned windmills in the background.

Saturday 24th April 1915Tomorrow we go into the fray. All day long transports & war craft were leaving harbour until near nightfall the harbour was all but empty, we and a few others were lying outside. Concert for the last time on deck. Hospital ship lit up a green port hole ………. with Red Cross in …….. . Awfully pretty.

Sunday 25th April 1915Awakened this morning by the clatter of the anchor as it was being drawn up. We moved about 1 am. The roar of the …… awakened us about 4:30 am. Could see the warships belching forth their fury message quite plainly. We are quite close to…………… . 10:45 am on hospital ship nearby memorable morning for us. The A.M.C bearers left on the I.B.D. Strange, at 9:30 am ……… also some engineers. Shells flying around us while they were disembarking. No one …… much notice of them. One shell came between us and ………… made quite a splash. 2 pm Australians capture two ….. of hills with 3 Krupps guns & several maxims. Seven drowned landing 8:30 pm very heavy bombardment of hills by big battleships between 5- 8 pm. Now ceased altogether. Enemy’s shrapnel ……. ….. over landing stage. Shells all around too. Many wounded taken on AIS …….. came aboard.

Monday 26th April 19154:30 am All morning warships bombarded hills. News of NZ taking nine machine guns. Have some wounded on board I’m on hospital duty. Heavy guns from ships now going on. All day battle ……. On hand with battleships ……… land on the hills & the night was filled with shrapnel from the land & sea.

Tuesday 27th April 1915 (he continued writing on pages for the next few days)

Early this morning awakened by shells whizzing overhead. Several went very close to us. No ships hit however, 2 am received orders to get ready to shift & now just waiting. Waited all day. Over to Derfflinger. about 8 pm. Sick lying everywhere. Very busy nightfall attending cases already aboard & registering? & dressing those coming aboard.

(the rest of the page written in purple colouring pencil & very difficult to decipher)

Page 4: Principal’s Message...a mark for cancelled components of the HSC. Higher School Certificate. The Higher School Certificate (HSC) exams are going ahead in 2020. NESA will release

(and in his second diary for 1915)

Friday 23rd April, 1915For once rumour is right for we left harbour this afternoon at 4:30 but only went just outside the harbour entrance & anchored. Ships have been leaving the harbour all day. The warships were the first to go out. Only a few ships now remain in the harbour.

Saturday 24th April 1915Tomorrow we are going to the Dardanelles. All the other boats have gone now. We are the only remaining ship except a few war boats which are staying behind to guard the island. The harbour looks quite deserted now after the ships had all left Small diary pages and he just kept the journal going regardless of the date on which he was writing

Sunday 25th April 1915 & following days.Memorable day. The Australians landed at Gaba Tepeh and did some brilliant work. The place where they landed was very hilly & scrub covered a very difficult place to force a landing. So difficult did it seem that all available boats were ready to take them off in case they had to retreat. But once they got going there was no such thing as retreat. The Turks had to retreat before them. The war boats bombarded the Turkish positions. It was a magnificent sight to watch them shelling the hills. Woke up this morning by the screaming of shells as they dropped around the boat. Two took away portion of the rigging. Nothing serious. All night the battle continues.

Go to sleep now with the music of the big guns in my ear & the ceaseless crackle of rifles ashore. Sometimes there’s a lull for a second & then it starts again with renewed freshness. The hills at night are lit up by the war boats’ searchlights. “A” & “C” sections went on the “Itonus” “B” sent on the Derfflinger arrived on her about 8 o’clock at night and started securing the wounded from shore. Did the most serious cases first. Worked until 5 o’clock Wednesday morning receiving and dressing & then had to set to & do the lesser cases. It was hard work for us as we are only ten & have 653 wounded but none of us mind the work. We are being helped by some of the lesser wounded and some infantry who were left on board in charge of stores. Without them we could never have managed to do all the work. I got to bed for three hours this morning. The first sleep since Monday night. The boat is crowded with wounded all decks and cabins are full. We left early this morning for Alexandria. We’ll be glad to get there.

This part of the journaling ends on the page for Thursday 29th January 1915

Page 5: Principal’s Message...a mark for cancelled components of the HSC. Higher School Certificate. The Higher School Certificate (HSC) exams are going ahead in 2020. NESA will release

Latest Advice from NESA in Response to COVID-19 (as of 4 May 2020)

Extract from

NESA’s response to COVID-19A COVID-19 Response Committee is making decisions about the NSW HSC with the aim of protecting the health and safety of students, parents and teachers.It will update the community as soon as decisions are made.

A Technical Advisory Committee of assessment experts and stakeholders is working on a fair and equitable way to calculate a mark for cancelled components of the HSC.

Higher School CertificateThe Higher School Certificate (HSC) exams are going ahead in 2020.

NESA will release the HSC written exam timetable by 15 May (Week 3, Term 2).Students will receive their HSC results in mid-December.Education authorities are working together to ensure a pathway to university for Year 12 students.Key dates and deadlines currently listed on the NESA website are subject to change due to the COVID-19 outbreak. NESA will continue to update you with exceptions and changes to relevant deadlines.

Advice to studentsThese tips will help you, whatever further changes may be made to the HSC:

. Focus on right now

. Keep learning, keep submitting your assessments and listen to your teachers.. Look after yourself, whether you are at school or at home.. Reach out to family, friends and your teachers if you need to.. Go to UAC COVID-19 updates for information about entering university in 2021.

School-based HSC assessmentSchools must follow social distancing requirements when planning or undertaking school-based assessment tasks.NESA has given principals and system authorities the power to determine the number, type and weighting of tasks for HSC and

Year 11 school-based assessment.This includes making determinations about all mandated tasks that are internally assessed in the following courses:

. Aboriginal Studies

. Ancient History

. Community and Family Studies

. Design and Technology

. English (English Studies, English Standard, English Advanced, English EAL/D, English Extension 1 and English Extension 2). Engineering Studies. Geography. History Extension. Language in Context Stage 6 (Chinese, Japanese and Korean). Mathematics: Mathematics Standard, Advanced, Extension 1 and Extension 2. Modern History. Science (Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Earth and Environmental Science, Investigating Science – depth studies, and Science Extension)

NESA’s principles of assessment continue to apply. Wherever possible, school-based assessment should continue to be:

. based on a range of syllabus outcomes

. based on measures made throughout the HSC course

. informed by the components identified in the assessment and reporting documents for each of the syllabuses. inclusive of and accessible for all students.

Performance examsThe mandatory group performance exam in Drama and the mandatory ensemble performance exam in Music Extension have been cancelled for 2020.Other performance exams will be modified if they breach mandatory social distancing requirements.Detailed advice about these components is now available.

Language oral examsStudents should continue studying for the language oral exams and completing school-based assessments.

Practical examsThe due dates have been extended and teachers will provide the final mark for the following components of the 2020 HSC practical exams:

. Design and Technology: Major Design Project (Product)

. Industrial Technology: Major Project (Product)

. Textiles and Design: Major Textiles Project (Product)

. Visual Arts: Body of Work.Detailed advice about practical examinations is now available.

Mandatory work placement in VETStudents are no longer required to undertake NESA-mandated VET work placements. Learn more about VET work placement in 2020.

Page 6: Principal’s Message...a mark for cancelled components of the HSC. Higher School Certificate. The Higher School Certificate (HSC) exams are going ahead in 2020. NESA will release

The Phase 1 return of students (Monday 11thMay to Friday 21st May) to school will commence next week.

Timetables for students in Years 11-12 indicating the days that students have been timetabled for online/remote learning at school are included on the following pages.

YEARS 11- 12Year 11 attend Tuesday and Thursday Year12 attend Monday and Wednesday

Year 11-12 students will follow their modified timetables attached.

Academic Instruction on days allocated for attendance:Year 11 and 12 students will attend school from week 3 for two days a week on a modified timetable to maximise their learning. On these days, students will undertake double lessons with their class teachers. These lessons will provide valuable time for students to gain clarity and reinforcement of learning outcomes previously taught remotely, as well as clarification of activities moving forward. Students, who are unable to attend due to being part of an 'at risk' group, will have access to curriculum presented in class.

WHAT TO BRING TO SCHOOL• Students are expected to wear full school uniform. • Electronic device - if they do not have their own device they are to borrow one from the library before school and return it at the

end of the day. • Earphones / plugs to use with device • Pens, books, pencils etc • Recess and lunch from home • Refillable water bottle • Hand sanitiser - hand sanitiser and soap is available in the toilets and in the classrooms. Students are encouraged to have their

own as well.

HYGIENE PRACTICES AT SCHOOL• Wash hands with soap and water or use hand sanitiser when entering school, and at regular intervals throughout the day. • Coughing and Sneezing • When coughing or sneezing, use a tissue to cover your nose and mouth. • Dispose of tissue immediately. • If you don't have a tissue, cough or sneeze into your elbow. • If students are unwell (coughing, sneezing, respiratory problems, fever etc.), they should not be coming to school • Physical Distance - Maintain distance to allow at least 4 square metres of space for each person on the premises - this includes

classrooms, playground and bus bay. • You need to move to your classes promptly when the bell goes to ensure immediate entry into the classroom and minimising

'loitering'. • Avoid crowding and standing still in corridors and walk ways. • If you feel unwell during the school day, ask to go to the sick bay where you will be assessed and parents / carers will be called to

come and collect students.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION• Students who arrive late should follow the normal procedures and sign in at the front office • Students who need to leave school early should follow the normal procedures and sign out at the front office with a parent/carer

permission note

HUB STUDENTSOrganisation and arrangements will be sent to families from their class teacher and Ms Webb.

Years 11-12 Week 3 and 4 Timetable Structure for Phase 1 Return to School

Page 7: Principal’s Message...a mark for cancelled components of the HSC. Higher School Certificate. The Higher School Certificate (HSC) exams are going ahead in 2020. NESA will release



Students @ School WEDNESDAY THURSDAY Students @ School FRIDAY

PERIOD 0 8.10am to 9am Line 7 ENX Murrell (19/20) Line 7 Line 7 MAX Abdi (1) PERIOD 1

9am to 9.52am Line 1 Line 4 Line 6 Line 1 Line 1

PERIOD 2 9.52am to 10.45am Line 2

ENA Murrell (19/20) ENA Cosgrove (11/12) ENS Prior (Lib. sem.)

ENS Boland (4/5) ENS Hearn (6/7) EST Barton (21)

Line 5 AHI Lawrence (11/12) BIO Bishop (Lib. sem.)

CON Graice (DT)

MAA Johnston (6/7) MAS Kim Sing (4/5) SAC Lanske (30/31)

Line 2

RECESS 10.45am to 11.15am PERIOD 3

11.15am to 12.07pm Line 3 Line 3 Line 4 Line 5 Line 3

PERIOD 4 12.07pm to 1pm Line 4

LEG Lamont (11/12) MAS Hawkins (6/7)

PDH Whiteman (30/31)

PHY Bates (4/5) VA Coghlan (Lib. sem.) Line 3

CAF Pickering (Lib. sem.) CHE Pulo (L6)

EES Groth (4/5) MHI Lawrence (11/12)

MUS1 Stevens (MU1/MU2) SDD Sadek (3)

SLR Searle (30/31) Study period

LUNCH 1pm to 1.30pm PERIOD 5

1.30pm to 2.20pm Line 5 Line 2 Line 2 Line 6

Study period PERIOD 6

2.20pm to 3.10pm Line 6 BIO Curtis (Lib. sem.)

BST Viner (30/31) BST Lamont (19/20)

IND Graice (6/7) MHI Wells (11/12) TAD Sandhu (TL2)

Line 1 AGR Bunn (L8)

DRA Price (DRA) EGG Draper (11/12)

HOS Gray (K1)

INV Curtis (Lib. sem.) MAA Abdi (6/7) MAS Price (4/5)


Students @ School FRIDAY

PERIOD 0 8.10am to 9am Line 7 ENX Murrell (19/20) Line 7 Line 7 MAX Abdi (1) PERIOD 1

9am to 9.52am Line 1 Line 4 Line 6 Line 1 Line 4

PERIOD 2 9.52am to 10.45am Line 2

ENA Murrell (19/20) ENA Cosgrove (11/12) ENS Prior (Lib. sem.)

ENS Boland (4/5) ENS Hearn (6/7) EST Barton (21)

Line 5 AHI Lawrence (11/12) BIO Bishop (Lib. sem.)

CON Graice (DT)

MAA Johnston (6/7) MAS Kim Sing (4/5) SAC Lanske (30/31)

Line 5

RECESS 10.45am to 11.15am PERIOD 3

11.15am to 12.07pm Line 3 Line 3 Line 4 Line 5 Line 6

PERIOD 4 12.07pm to 1pm Line 4

LEG Lamont (11/12) MAS Hawkins (6/7)

PDH Whiteman (30/31)

PHY Bates (4/5) VA Coghlan (Lib. sem.) Line 3

CAF Pickering (Lib. sem.) CHE Pulo (L6)

EES Groth (4/5) MHI Lawrence (11/12)

MUS1 Stevens (MU1/MU2) SDD Sadek (3)

SLR Searle (30/31) Study period

LUNCH 1pm to 1.30pm PERIOD 5

1.30pm to 2.20pm Line 5 Line 2 Line 2 Line 6

Study period PERIOD 6

2.20pm to 3.10pm Line 6 BIO Curtis (Lib. sem.)

BST Viner (30/31) BST Lamont (19/20)

IND Graice (6/7) MHI Wells (11/12) TAD Sandhu (TL2)

Line 1 AGR Bunn (L8)

DRA Price (DRA) EGG Draper (11/12)

HOS Gray (K1)

INV Curtis (Lib. sem.) MAA Abdi (6/7) MAS Price (4/5)


Weeks 3 & 4 WEEK A MONDAY

Students @ School TUESDAY WEDNESDAY Students @ School THURSDAY FRIDAY

PERIOD 0 8.10am to 9am Line 7 SX Pulo (L6) Line 7 Line 7 ENX Murrell (19/20) MAX Kim Sing (6/7)

PERIOD 1 9am to 9.52am Line 3 Line 1 Line 5 Line 6 Line 1

PERIOD 2 9.52am to 10.45am

CAF Sandhu (6/7) CHE Pulo (4/5)

IND Pickering (WW1/WW2)

LEG Body (11/12) SLR Searle (29) Line 2

ENA Murrell (19/20) ENS Prior (30/31) ENS Barton (4/5)

ENS Boland (Lib. sem.) EST Hearn (11/12) Line 5 Line 2

RECESS 10.45am to 11.15am PERIOD 3

11.15am to 12.07pm Line 2 Line 3 Line 4 Line 4 Line 3

PERIOD 4 12.07pm to 1pm

AGR Bunn (L8) AHI Body (11/12)

BIO Groth (L4)

BST Lanske (30/31) EGG Draper (TD1) VA Coghlan (A2)

Line 4 MAA Kim Sing (6/7) Hawkins (Lib. sem.)

MAS Abdi (30/31) MAS Price (4/5) Line 3 Study period

LUNCH 1pm to 1.30pm PERIOD 5

1.30pm to 2.20pm Line 1 Line 5 Line 6 Line 2 Study period

PERIOD 6 2.20pm to 3.10pm

BIO Curtis (6/7) DRA Price (DRA) HOS Gray (K1)

INV Groth (L4) IPT Sadek (4/5)

MHI Wells (11/12) Line 6

BST Lamont (11/12) MUS1 Andrus (MU2)

PDH van Baarle (19/20)

PHY Bishop (L7) SAC Viner (30/31) Line 1


Students @ School THURSDAY FRIDAY

PERIOD 0 8.10am to 9am Line 7 SX Pulo (L6) Line 7 Line 7 ENX Murrell (19/20) MAX Kim Sing (6/7)

PERIOD 1 9am to 9.52am Line 3 Line 1 Line 5 Line 6 Line 4

PERIOD 2 9.52am to 10.45am

CAF Sandhu (6/7) CHE Pulo (4/5)

IND Pickering (WW1/WW2)

LEG Body (11/12) SLR Searle (29) Line 2

ENA Murrell (19/20) ENS Prior (30/31) ENS Barton (4/5)

ENS Boland (Lib. sem.) EST Hearn (11/12) Line 5 Line 5

RECESS 10.45am to 11.15am PERIOD 3

11.15am to 12.07pm Line 2 Line 3 Line 4 Line 4 Line 6

PERIOD 4 12.07pm to 1pm

AGR Bunn (L8) AHI Body (11/12)

BIO Groth (L4)

BST Lanske (30/31) EGG Draper (TD1) VA Coghlan (A2)

Line 4 MAA Kim Sing (6/7) Hawkins (Lib. sem.)

MAS Abdi (30/31) MAS Price (4/5) Line 3 Study period

LUNCH 1pm to 1.30pm PERIOD 5

1.30pm to 2.20pm Line 1 Line 5 Line 6 Line 2 Study period

PERIOD 6 2.20pm to 3.10pm

BIO Curtis (6/7) DRA Price (DRA) HOS Gray (K1)

INV Groth (L4) IPT Sadek (4/5)

MHI Wells (11/12) Line 6

BST Lamont (11/12) MUS1 Andrus (MU2)

PDH van Baarle (19/20)

PHY Bishop (L7) SAC Viner (30/31) Line 1

Page 8: Principal’s Message...a mark for cancelled components of the HSC. Higher School Certificate. The Higher School Certificate (HSC) exams are going ahead in 2020. NESA will release

The Phase 1 return of students (Monday 11thMay to Friday 21st May) to school will commence next week.

Timetables for students in Years 7-10 indicating the days that students have been timetabled for online/remote learning at school are included on the following pages.

YEARS 7- 10Year 7 attend Thursday Year 8 attend Tuesday Year 9 attend Wednesday Year 10 attend Monday

Year 7-10 students will follow their modified timetables attached.

Approximately ten students will be in each class to accommodate the physical distancing requirement of the Department of Education and NSW Health, and will remain in one room all day.

Students will have face-to-face contact with teaching staff who will support students in continuing with their remote/online learning. Students will not have face-to-face teaching with their regular class teachers.

There will be no canteen facilities available and bubblers cannot be used.

WHAT TO BRING TO SCHOOL• Students are expected to wear full school uniform. • Electronic device - if they do not have their own device they are to borrow one from the library before school and return it at the

end of the day. • Earphones / plugs to use with device • Pens, books, pencils etc • Recess and lunch from home • Refillable water bottle • Hand sanitiser - hand sanitiser and soap is available in the toilets and in the classrooms. Students are encouraged to have their

own as well.

HYGIENE PRACTICES AT SCHOOL• Wash hands with soap and water or use hand sanitiser when entering school, and at regular intervals throughout the day. • Coughing and Sneezing • When coughing or sneezing, use a tissue to cover your nose and mouth. • Dispose of tissue immediately. • If you don't have a tissue, cough or sneeze into your elbow. • If students are unwell (coughing, sneezing, respiratory problems, fever etc.), they should not be coming to school • Physical Distance - Maintain distance to allow at least 4 square metres of space for each person on the premises - this includes

classrooms, playground and bus bay. • You need to move to your classes promptly when the bell goes to ensure immediate entry into the classroom and minimising

'loitering'. • Avoid crowding and standing still in corridors and walk ways. • If you feel unwell during the school day, ask to go to the sick bay where you will be assessed and parents / carers will be called to

come and collect students.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION• Students who arrive late should follow the normal procedures and sign in at the front office • Students who need to leave school early should follow the normal procedures and sign out at the front office with a parent/carer

permission note.

HUB STUDENTS• Organisation and arrangements will be sent to families from their class teacher and Ms Webb.

Years 7-10 Week 3 and 4 Timetable Structure for Phase 1 Return to School

Page 9: Principal’s Message...a mark for cancelled components of the HSC. Higher School Certificate. The Higher School Certificate (HSC) exams are going ahead in 2020. NESA will release




PERIOD 1 9am to 9.45am Science HSIE @ GHS Maths English Catch up Lesson or

Extension Work day 15 MINUTE BREAK 9.45am to 10am

PERIOD 2 10am to 10.45am English Science @ GHS HSIE Maths Catch up Lesson or

Extension Work day RECESS 10.45am to 11.15am

PERIOD 3 11.15am to 12pm Maths English @ GHS Science HSIE Catch up Lesson or

Extension Work day 15 MINUTE BREAK 12pm to 12.15pm

PERIOD 4 12.15pm to 1pm PDHPE Maths @ GHS English Science

Well Being Activity

LUNCH 1pm to 1.30pm PERIOD 5

1.30pm to 2.15pm TAS TAS @ GHS Music Visual Arts

15 MINUTE BREAK 2.15pm to 2.30pm PERIOD 6

2.30pm to 3.10pm Music Visual Arts @ GHS TAS PDHPE WEEK A


PERIOD 1 9am to 9.45am Science HSIE @ GHS Maths English Catch up Lesson or

Extension Work day 15 MINUTE BREAK 9.45am to 10am

PERIOD 2 10am to 10.45am English Science @ GHS HSIE Maths Catch up Lesson or

Extension Work day RECESS 10.45am to 11.15am

PERIOD 3 11.15am to 12pm Maths English @ GHS Science HSIE Catch up Lesson or

Extension Work day 15 MINUTE BREAK 12pm to 12.15pm

PERIOD 4 12.15pm to 1pm PDHPE Maths @ GHS English Science

Well Being Activity

LUNCH 1pm to 1.30pm PERIOD 5

1.30pm to 2.15pm TAS TAS @ GHS Music Sustained Reading

15 MINUTE BREAK 2.15pm to 2.30pm PERIOD 6

2.30pm to 3.10pm Music Visual Arts @ GHS TAS PDHPE



Students @ School FRIDAY

PERIOD 1 9am to 9.45am English Science HSIE Maths @ GHS Catch up Lesson or

Extension Work day 15 MINUTE BREAK 9.45am to 10am

PERIOD 2 10am to 10.45am Maths English Science HSIE @ GHS Catch up Lesson or

Extension Work day RECESS 10.45am to 11.15am

PERIOD 3 11.15am to 12pm HSIE Maths English Science @ GHS Catch up Lesson or

Extension Work day 15 MINUTE BREAK 12pm to 12.15pm

PERIOD 4 12.15pm to 1pm Science PDHPE Maths English @ GHS

Well Being Activity

LUNCH 1pm to 1.30pm PERIOD 5

1.30pm to 2.15pm Music Agriculture TAS PDHPE @ GHS

15 MINUTE BREAK 2.15pm to 2.30pm PERIOD 6

2.30pm to 3.10pm TAS Visual Arts Chinese TAS @ GHS


PERIOD 1 9am to 9.45am English Sustained Reading HSIE Maths @ GHS Catch up Lesson or

Extension Work day 15 MINUTE BREAK 9.45am to 10am

PERIOD 2 10am to 10.45am Maths English Science HSIE @ GHS Catch up Lesson or

Extension Work day RECESS 10.45am to 11.15am

PERIOD 3 11.15am to 12pm HSIE Maths English Science @ GHS Catch up Lesson or

Extension Work day 15 MINUTE BREAK 12pm to 12.15pm

PERIOD 4 12.15pm to 1pm Science PDHPE Maths English @ GHS

Well Being Activity

LUNCH 1pm to 1.30pm PERIOD 5

1.30pm to 2.15pm Music Agriculture TAS Chinese @ GHS

15 MINUTE BREAK 2.15pm to 2.30pm PERIOD 6

2.30pm to 3.10pm TAS Visual Arts Chinese Catch up lesson @ GHS

Page 10: Principal’s Message...a mark for cancelled components of the HSC. Higher School Certificate. The Higher School Certificate (HSC) exams are going ahead in 2020. NESA will release



Students @ School THURSDAY FRIDAY

PERIOD 1 9am to 9.45am HSIE Maths English @ GHS Science Catch up Lesson or

Extension Work day 15 MINUTE BREAK 9.45am to 10am

PERIOD 2 10am to 10.45am Science HSIE Maths @ GHS English Catch up Lesson or

Extension Work day RECESS 10.45am to 11.15am

PERIOD 3 11.15am to 12pm English Science HSIE @ GHS Maths Catch up Lesson or

Extension Work day 15 MINUTE BREAK 12pm to 12.15pm

PERIOD 4 12.15pm to 1pm Maths English Science @ GHS HSIE

Well Being Activity

LUNCH 1pm to 1.30pm PERIOD 5

1.30pm to 2.15pm PDHPE Y Elective X Elective @ GHS Y Elective

15 MINUTE BREAK 2.15pm to 2.30pm PERIOD 6

2.30pm to 3.10pm X Elective Y Elective X Elective @ GHS PDHPE


PERIOD 1 9am to 9.45am HSIE Maths English @ GHS Science Catch up Lesson or

Extension Work day 15 MINUTE BREAK 9.45am to 10am

PERIOD 2 10am to 10.45am Science PDHPE Maths @ GHS English Catch up Lesson or

Extension Work day RECESS 10.45am to 11.15am

PERIOD 3 11.15am to 12pm English Science HSIE @ GHS Maths Catch up Lesson or

Extension Work day 15 MINUTE BREAK 12pm to 12.15pm

PERIOD 4 12.15pm to 1pm Maths English Science @ GHS HSIE

Well Being Activity

LUNCH 1pm to 1.30pm PERIOD 5

1.30pm to 2.15pm PDHPE Y Elective X Elective @ GHS Y Elective

15 MINUTE BREAK 2.15pm to 2.30pm PERIOD 6

2.30pm to 3.10pm X Elective Y Elective X Elective @ GHS Sustained Reading


Weeks 3 & 4 WEEK A MONDAY


PERIOD 1 9am to 9.45am Maths @ GHS English Science HSIE Catch up Lesson or

Extension Work day 15 MINUTE BREAK 9.45am to 10am

PERIOD 2 10am to 10.45am HSIE @ GHS Maths English Science Catch up Lesson or

Extension Work day RECESS 10.45am to 11.15am

PERIOD 3 11.15am to 12pm Science @ GHS HSIE Maths English Catch up Lesson or

Extension Work day 15 MINUTE BREAK 12pm to 12.15pm

PERIOD 4 12.15pm to 1pm English @ GHS Science HSIE Maths

Well Being Activity

LUNCH 1pm to 1.30pm PERIOD 5

1.30pm to 2.15pm PDHPE @ GHS X Elective Y Elective Sustained Reading

15 MINUTE BREAK 2.15pm to 2.30pm PERIOD 6

2.30pm to 3.10pm PDHPE @ GHS X Elective Y Elective PDHPE


PERIOD 1 9am to 9.45am Maths @ GHS English Science HSIE Catch up Lesson or

Extension Work day 15 MINUTE BREAK 9.45am to 10am

PERIOD 2 10am to 10.45am HSIE @ GHS Maths English Science Catch up Lesson or

Extension Work day RECESS 10.45am to 11.15am

PERIOD 3 11.15am to 12pm Science @ GHS HSIE Maths English Catch up Lesson or

Extension Work day 15 MINUTE BREAK 12pm to 12.15pm

PERIOD 4 12.15pm to 1pm English @ GHS Science HSIE Maths

Well Being Activity

LUNCH 1pm to 1.30pm PERIOD 5

1.30pm to 2.15pm PDHPE @ GHS X Elective Y Elective PDHPE

15 MINUTE BREAK 2.15pm to 2.30pm PERIOD 6

2.30pm to 3.10pm Y Elective @ GHS X Elective Y Elective X Elective