Principal s Message - Mackenzie College · staff using a tailored app. The points accumulated with...

Haere mai and welcome back to a new term! It is an excing term, jam-packed with a diverse range of learning and extra- curricular acvies for our students. Also, Monday saw the official launch of our Posive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L) iniaves. These will look at making our awesome school culture even beer. The main parts of this plan currently in acon are: Updated school values - our graphic designer has produced some fantasc artwork which is now around the school in various forms (see the image later in this newsleer). Students and staff are currently exploring what our values look like when pracsed in real life. Rewards system - students using the school values are acknowledged by staff using a tailored app. The points accumulated with each value are rec- orded and will earn recognion in the form of badges. This is one of the ways we are comming to pung a greater emphasis on recognising posi- ve behaviour instead of focussing on the negave. Behaviour response plan - a modified version of staff responses to less than stellar behaviour is in place. This encourages an increasingly posive response focused on teaching posive behaviour, rather than punive (punishment) based acons. Needless to say, it is an excing me in Mackenzie Colleges history. Well keep you updated as our PB4L journey connues. Kia pai tō rā whakatā, have a great weekend. Jason Reid Principal s Message Issue 24th July 2020 This Issue: 1 PB4L Badges 2 Principals Message 3 3DLE 4 Coage Meengs 5 Maths and Science Tutoring 6 Mid Year Excellence Awards 7 Effort Grades Weeks 11-12 8 Sports Results 9 Student Planners 10 Outdoor Educaon 11 Year 12 Agriculture 12 Mackenzie Values Upcoming Events: Wed 29th Jul - Fri 31st Jul 3DLE Wed 5th Aug BOT Meeng Sun 9th Aug Aoraki Basketball

Transcript of Principal s Message - Mackenzie College · staff using a tailored app. The points accumulated with...

Page 1: Principal s Message - Mackenzie College · staff using a tailored app. The points accumulated with each value are rec-orded and will earn recognition in the form of badges. ... Mackenzie

Haere mai and welcome back to a new term!

It is an exciting term, jam-packed with a diverse range of learning and extra-curricular activities for our students.

Also, Monday saw the official launch of our Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L) initiatives. These will look at making our awesome school culture even better. The main parts of this plan currently in action are:

•Updated school values - our graphic designer has produced some fantastic artwork which is now around the school in various forms (see the image later in this newsletter). Students and staff are currently exploring what our values look like when practised in real life.

•Rewards system - students using the school values are acknowledged by staff using a tailored app. The points accumulated with each value are rec-orded and will earn recognition in the form of badges. This is one of the ways we are committing to putting a greater emphasis on recognising posi-tive behaviour instead of focussing on the negative.

•Behaviour response plan - a modified version of staff responses to less than stellar behaviour is in place. This encourages an increasingly positive response focused on teaching positive behaviour, rather than punitive (punishment) based actions.

Needless to say, it is an exciting time in Mackenzie College’s history. We’ll keep you updated as our PB4L journey continues.

Kia pai tō rā whakatā, have a great weekend.

Jason Reid

Principal’s Message

Issue 24th July 2020

This Issue: 1 PB4L Badges

2 Principal’s Message

3 3DLE

4 Cottage Meetings

5 Maths and Science Tutoring

6 Mid Year Excellence Awards

7 Effort Grades Weeks 11-12

8 Sports Results

9 Student Planners

10 Outdoor Education

11 Year 12 Agriculture

12 Mackenzie Values

Upcoming Events:

Wed 29th Jul - Fri 31st Jul 3DLE

Wed 5th Aug BOT Meeting

Sun 9th Aug Aoraki Basketball

Page 2: Principal s Message - Mackenzie College · staff using a tailored app. The points accumulated with each value are rec-orded and will earn recognition in the form of badges. ... Mackenzie

3DLE Next Week

Just a reminder that Term 3’s 3DLE is next week 29th - 31st July.

Students - please make sure you are prepared for your event.

Parents - please remember that school will finish at 1.30pm on Friday. Supervision is avail-

able for students if required.

Cottage Meetings

As mentioned in previous newsletters, our community consultation evenings in Term 2 were postponed due to COVID restrictions. However, by popular demand, we are running two Cottage Meetings this term: Fairlie (Tuesday, 18 August) and Tekapo (Thursday, 20 August). Keep these nights free to have your say in the direction that you want your College to take for the education of our district’s children. Parents (of early childhood, primary and secondary students), grandparents, uncles, aunts, and members of the community are all welcome to attend. Mr Reid has promised to minimise his analysis of achievement data and maximise time

for the discussion of important topics.

Maths and Science Tutoring

Maths and sciences tutoring available in Fairlie.

Please contact Christine on 6858280 or 0210654041.

Page 3: Principal s Message - Mackenzie College · staff using a tailored app. The points accumulated with each value are rec-orded and will earn recognition in the form of badges. ... Mackenzie

Mid Year Excellence Awards Assembly

This year we will again be presenting subject excellence awards in a special assembly.

Parents are welcome to attend this event on Wednesday 19th August starting at 8.55am

in the hall.

Open Days

Traditional school open days have taken a bit of a hit over the COVID alert levels. Howev-er, we are still running our ‘New 2021 Students/Parents’ open days in Term 4, which gives parents and students a chance to see our school in action on a regular school day. In Term 3 we continue to run small group guided tours. Everyone already knows that Mackenzie College has one of the top NCEA achievement rates in Canterbury (for over 5 years running), fantastic staff, the best students, awesome values and a massive diversity of learning experiences - but we invite you to see this in action. If you would like to see in person what quality education looks like, arrange a time with our office for your own personal guided tour (followed by an optional question and an-swer session). Support local! (It helps that we’re also the best).

Page 4: Principal s Message - Mackenzie College · staff using a tailored app. The points accumulated with each value are rec-orded and will earn recognition in the form of badges. ... Mackenzie

Effort Grades Term 2 Weeks 11-12 Congratulations and well done to the following students who gained and average fortnightly effort grade of 4.25

- between ‘very good’ and ‘outstanding’.

Dobson Cassie Anderson

Cameron Dobbs

Emma Guiney

Maggie Holtham

Ailan McDonald

Eshee Pasaol

Thomas Scott

Katey Anderson

Daniel Dobbs

Briannah Hadfield-Broatch

Hamish Johnson

Eilish McDonald

Eliza Pudney

Marcus Wilson

Nathan Clarke

Emily Foote

Gracie Hellmrich

Brisea Lagos

Connor McLay

Rhiley Reid

Hunter Coles

Christopher Guiney

Jack Hellmrich

Stella Lang

Eshaa Pasaol

Xarnie Reihana

Godley Lucy Barnes

Jake Brown

Kieran Harris

Jack Ineson

Meg Murdoch

Ben Boon

Damian Clements

Amy Hay

Luke Jordan

Hamish Ryall

Josh Boon

Katrina Guiney

Sam Hay

Carys Lloyd-Forrest

Isaac Ryall

Rebecca Boon

Ceara Harris

Talen Hignett

Abbigail Murdoch

Macaulay Hannah Bates

Isamu Edmondson

Millie Howat

Nick Miles

Dequila Pearks

Heidi Clouston

Maya Edmondson

Jasmine McDonald-Lamatoa

Kaleb O’Neill

Niall Phillips

Hayden Divers

Declan Gardner

Grace McHaffie

Molli O’Neill

Lilly Price

Avish Dutt

Grace Habberfield-Short

Isabelle Miles

Bella Parke

Tasman Macy Gallagher

James Hollows-Booth

Sophie Kerr

Tarn Peake

Nicholas Stevens

Poppy Geary

Olivia Hollows-Booth

Kaia McKenzie

Willow Peake

Archie Waymouth

Jamela Gorospe

Mac Holmwood

Luke O’Connor

Conner Potter

George Waymouth

Arthur Holden

Oliver Jones

Alex O’Loughlin

Breanna Scott

Page 5: Principal s Message - Mackenzie College · staff using a tailored app. The points accumulated with each value are rec-orded and will earn recognition in the form of badges. ... Mackenzie

Sports Results The Mackenzie half marathon took place on the 18th July and many Mackenzie College students took

part in the event. There was also a 10km run and a 5.5km run and students gained some good placings.

Half marathon U18 Girls

1st place - Maya Edmondson (1:54h)

2nd place - Katrina Guiney (2:10h)

Half marathon U18 Boys

3rd place - Ciaran Guiney (2:16h)

10km U18 Girls

2nd place - Molli O’Neill (1h)

10km U18 Boys

3rd place - Lachlan Crawford (56mins)

5.5km U18 Girls

2nd place - Lexie Biggs (32mins)

3rd place - Courtney O’Neill (34mins)

Holiday Sports Results:


Mackenzie College won against Timaru Girls’ High 53-1

Mackenzie College won against Mountainview High School 31-5


Mackenzie College Girls’ Basketball team won against Geraldine High School 44-25

Mackenzie College Boys’ Basketball team were beaten by Geraldine High School 35-15


Mackenzie College Senior Division 1 Hockey team were beaten by St Kevin's 2-0

The Geraldine Senior Girls’ Hockey team won against Roncalli 3-2


The Mackenzie / Waimate U16.5s Rugby team won against St Kevin’s 47-14

Hayden Divers

Page 6: Principal s Message - Mackenzie College · staff using a tailored app. The points accumulated with each value are rec-orded and will earn recognition in the form of badges. ... Mackenzie

Student Planners Student Planners—This Fortnight

The manufacturer of your children’s planners produces some items for parents to consider as they help

their child make good use of their planner. Here is an item that relates to what’s in the planners over

the coming fortnight:

Risk taking is part of adolescence and students need to learn how to say no if they don’t want to partici-

pate. Working against them having the strength to say no is their overwhelming need to stay socially

connected to their group of peers and friends. Many teenagers often much prefer loyalty to the group

over what they know is the safe and right thing to do, meaning they may not be prepared to stand up

to the group.

An effective strategy is to teach students how to use their strengths to speak assertively to say what

they want to happen in a clear, firm and respectful way so others are in no doubt of what they mean

and intend to do.

The following is a guide of how to use assertive language which wins peer attention and respect:

• say what concerns you – “I think someone could get hurt doing this.”

• say how you feel – “I feel very unsafe being involved in this.”

• say what you want to happen – “I am not doing this and don’t want any of you to do it either.”

Two types of language which don’t work in these situations are aggressive/ threatening and submis-

sive/ yielding.

Page 7: Principal s Message - Mackenzie College · staff using a tailored app. The points accumulated with each value are rec-orded and will earn recognition in the form of badges. ... Mackenzie

Outdoor Education

Mackenzie College senior Outdoor Education and PE classes will be hitting the slopes every Day 6 this Term to

develop their skiing and snowboarding skills as part of their assessments.

Year 12 Agriculture Class

The Year 12 Agri class have been practising their tractor skills at AgriLearn in Timaru.

Page 8: Principal s Message - Mackenzie College · staff using a tailored app. The points accumulated with each value are rec-orded and will earn recognition in the form of badges. ... Mackenzie