Pricing Date in Sales Process


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Pricing date in sales process

Pricing Date


Pricing conditions are calculated based on a pricing date. In this document we are

going to have a look at the different places where we can influence pricing date

proposal and see how system gets and applies it according to certain priorities.


In customizing


 There are two places where we can customize pricing date proposal that will be

used in sales documents.


When we define a sales order type, transaction code VV!, we have field Proposal

for pricing date, TV"#$P%&"TV, with the following values available'


‘ ‘ Proposal based on today(s date

" Proposal based on re)uested delivery date *header+ Proposal based on valid$from date *header+

- Proposal based on contract start *headeritem+


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When creating a sales document, proposed pricing date is shown in overview



"nother place where date proposal can be set is at price condition. When wedefine a price condition in customizing, we have field

Pricing date, T/!0"$#P%&T, with the following entries available'


‘ ‘ 1tandard *#2#$P%1&T3 ta4 and rebate #2#$56&"+

" &ate of services rendered *#2#$56&"+

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Price date *#2#$P%1&T+

- illing date *#2#$5#&"T+

& -reation date *#2#$7%&"T+

7 rder date *#2#$"6&"T+



When using ". This is the %e)uested &elivery &ate from overview sales document

not from line item. If we change this date in the sales document overview, we

have to run a new pricing for the document or a new pricing at item level to get

the price condition defined with price date proposal ", updated as per new

re)uested delivery date. "lso, we have to consider that updating this date will

update billing date.

When using -. 1imilarly to when using ", if we change billing date at header level,

we need to run a new pricing for the document or a new pricing at item level to

get the price condition defined with price date proposal -, updated as per new

billing date.


&ate pricing proposal at condition level is applied only to price conditions that

have defined a date pricing proposal, rest of price conditions will use pricing date

defined at sales document header level as we8ve seen previously.

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 That means that we can have different pricing dates in our document. 9et see an

e4ample, in the sales order, where I8ve set pricing date

proposal for price condition P%:: to - *billing date+ and left blank pricing proposal

in document type *price date+.

We8ve maintained prices

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When creating sales order, on ;<.=:, I set manually billing date at header level to

0.== *to ensure system will pick up == 76% price for the e4ample+


We check price conditions after entering material and )uantity, for P%:: and

discount condition >>#? *for >>#? condition, no date pricing proposal is set,

 T/!0"$#P%&T is blank, that is, price date+

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User exit


When the re)uirements can@t be achieved with standard solution e4plained above,

we can use following user e4its'


6ser e4it 2V<0"5>>, form 617%7AITB2V7B5I79&BTBV#& to update field V#&$

P%1&T *pricing date+.

6ser e4it %V/:"5>>, form 617%7AITBP%I-ICDBP%7P"%7BT#2# to update field

 T#2#$P%1&T *pricing date+.




We can set manually pricing date at different documents and processes.


In sales documents we can set manually billing date at header level *applicable tothe whole document+ and at item level *applicable to a line item+.

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When working with deliveries, at the time of posting goods issue for a delivery*PDI+, we can set a PDI date that will then be taken as billing date when billing. 5ore4ample with transaction V9:/D, when clicking on Post Doods Issue button, a popup is displayed


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 This billing date will be used as pricing date.

5or this, we need also to update pricing type *set to or -+, in copy control, at

item level, in transaction VT59. When billing, a new pricing will be run.

We can also set a pricing date when billing, in transaction V5:= or V5:< *tab&efault data+, field pricing date. "s a result, system will run al new pricing for thedocuments that will be billed using this pricing date *in transaction VT59, copycontrol, at item level, pricing type should be set to or -+.


Cooking it all together


9et@s see what happens when we put all together in different combinations and

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the results obtained.


 This table shows from a sales document, what pricing dates are taken whenbilling. 1ee below how to read it.


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9et@s see how to read above table for e4ample in row number /'


We have condition pricing date proposal in P%:: condition set as " *date ofservice rendered or re)uested delivery date+, sales order type used has been

defined in customizing with today@s pricing date proposal *left blank+. We createour sales order *V":=+ on ;0.=: and system calculates re)uired delivery date on0.==. "s a result, P%:: pricing date is 0.== and >>5? *without pricing dateproposal+ condition is ;0.=:.


While Posting goods issue with V9:/D, we set manually actual PDI date to ;?.=:.


We run V5:< and set as default billing date =.== and when we billing, system runsa new pricing *defined in copy control, &elivery to

Invoice for line item T"C value + getting the following results' P%:: billing date is;?.=: *system checks in custo actual value in field price date proposal forconditions, for P%::, value ", which is "ctual PDI date+ and >>5? billing date is=.== *>>5? condition price date proposal is blank+.


In the e4ample in row number ?, price date condition for P%:: is left blank. Whenrunning a new pricing in billing, system then picks as pricing date that set asdefault in V5:< *=.==+.

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74amples from row number =? to ;< post goods issue is done by V9:EC instead ofV9:/D *here documents created on ;/.=: instead of ;0.=:+.


In e4amples from row number ;! to E0, there are no deliveries involved, billing

sales documents directly.

In short, when creating a sales document, system after getting pricing date

proposal from sales order type, will proceed to get pricing dates for pricing

conditions on the document by this priority'


=$Pricing date proposal for price condition defined in customizing

;$Pricing date for sales order line item

E$Pricing date for sales order header


When creating a billing document'


If price redetermination is set in copy control at item level *values , -+'

=$Pricing date proposal for price condition defined in customizing

;$Pricing date set in V5:<$V5:=

E$Pricing date from actual PDI

<$Pricing date from sales order


If no price redetermination is set in copy control at item level, Prices come from

sales document.