Prezentare Lucrare de Atestat



Indigenous peoples of America is a powerpoint presentantion that shows the indigenous way of life from the early migrations to the nowadays society

Transcript of Prezentare Lucrare de Atestat


INDIGENOUS PEOPLES OF THE AMERICASPREZENTARE LUCRARE DE ATESTATThe content of the project is structured into 4 chapters focusing on the evolution of indigenous peoples in Americas. Chapter I presents their history, from the asiatic migrations, european colonisation and the extensive colonisation of the North America.

Although signs of human settlements have been dated to 30.000 years ago, according to the New World migration model, large groups of peoples moved into various geographic areas of North, Central and South America.With the discovery of Christopher Columbus begins o period of exploration and colonisation.

Chapter III presents the indigenous way of life. Some groups of Pre-Columbian Americans were hunting-and-gathering cultures while others were agricultural peoples.

After the European conquest the indigenous population was decimated by the effect of epidemic desease, military conquest and enslavement.

CHAPTER IV presents the indigenous culture. The european exploreres encountered the Empires of Aztecs, Incas and Mayans, but these were the late cultural heirs of the Mesoamerican religion and culture appeared as early as 1000 BC at La Venta in Mexico.

From La Venta, situated on the Isthmus of Tehuantepec in Mexico were excavated colossal heads, stone altars, jewelry, ceremonials objects of jade and other materials along with the evidence of Mesoamerican ball game and calendar system.

In their late manifestation they were occupied with an enourmous rage of mythical creatures, deities and other cosmic forces portrayted through a variety of artistic representations.

By 1900 only a quarter of million from ten million indigenous peoples managed to survive. This rapid decline made native Americans almost invisible in the American society.