Press Release 1 October 2009


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Our first press release

Transcript of Press Release 1 October 2009

Page 1: Press Release 1 October 2009



The need for Vision

With much having been said about the current financial climate and the lack of support for

businesses, it is refreshing to hear of an organisation providing pro-active solutions for companies

and the individuals they employ.

Vision Republic now boasts three directors, an increasing number of key partners and two divisions,

all sharing this aim which promises to bring success, strength and equality to people and


Unique combination of skills

“Now is the time we should be focusing on pro-activity and innovative strategies for business

growth. Being re-active is simply not an option” states Doug. His team has put together an enviable

package of services which would make Vision Republic the SME’s first choice for the sourcing of

finance, business reviews and financial & risk management , amongst other key support options.

The development division, headed up by Janet Harrison is responsible for value-led and innovative

programmes which are unique to the organisation. “Our over 50’s Life Audit programme is regarded

as groundbreaking in terms of the positive nature of options explored post-retirement” states Janet

“We see no point at all in replicating tired old ‘soft skills’ training packages – we believe in tailored

approaches to suit the need of each individual, surely they are worth it?” she adds.

What’s in a name?

This company are certainly nailing their colours to the mast – with a specific aim to ‘give something

back’ and job titles which include ‘Revolutionary’, ‘Visionista’ and ‘Luminary’ they have set the bar

incredibly high for themselves. Expect more from this forward thinking company – it says you will in

their constitution!

Contact Douglas Watt-Dugdale, Corporate Director, Vision Republic

07904 865746

[email protected]

Janet Harrison, Head of Development, Vision Republic

07793 749362

[email protected]