President’s Message Shomrei Who can believe Rosh Hashana ...

August 28, 2021 20 Elul 5782 Vol. 11 No. 45 CONGREGATION SHOMREI EMUNAH RABBI BINYAMIN MARWICK, RABBI 6221 GREENSPRING AVENUE BALTIMORE, MD 21209 OFFICE: 410-358-8604 FAX 410-358-0664 RABBI BENJAMIN BAK, זצ ׳ ל, RABBI EMERITUS (1972-1989) V2 SW Mazel Tov! Mary Sue and Arthur Rubenstein on the birth of a granddaughter born to their son Steven and daughter-in-law Judy. Mazel Tov to Steven and Judy, as well. Mazel Tov to Judy's parents, Leslie and Lori Ney, of Edison, New Jersey. Hindy and David Wolf on the birth of a great-granddaughter Chaya, born to Miriam & Yitzy Schwartz (Lakewood). Mazel Tov to grandparents Sara & Aaron Chaim Lapidoth (Brooklyn) and Shimmon & Frady Schwartz (Lakewood). Mazel Tov to the great-grandmother Fanny Lapidoth (Queens). Hindy and David Wolf on the birth of a great-granddaughter, born to Rina (Wolf) & Moshe Stern (Lakewood); to grandparents Yonah & Yael Wolf (Passaic) and Ephraim & Sarah Stern (Baltimore); and to great-grandparents Moshe & Kelda Spreiregen (Passaic). Shalom and Syma Kelman and Dov and Amy Kesselman on the recent marriage of their children, Vivi and Uri. Mazel Tov to siblings, Naomi and Yossi Frydman, Adina and Moishe Meister and Ora and Dani Zuckerbrod. Mazel Tov to all the nieces and nephews. Craig and Barbara Neuman and Rabbi Richard and Devorah Ehrlich on the marriage of their children, Adam and Rachie. Mazel Tov to Michael Neuman and family and Brian Neuman and family. Mazel Tov to Cantor David Neuman and Earle and Gertrude Freedman. Eva Katznelson (Dr. Judah Katznelson,z'l) on the engagement of their grandson, Noah Broth, to Yonah Hammermesh of Bala Cynwyd, PA. Mazal Tov to Noah's parents, Alicia and Jason Broth, sister Jocelyn Broth, Yonah's parents, Hannah and Matt Hammermesh and grandparents, Nancy and David Broth. Simcha and Chana Siff on the birth of a daughter. Mazel Tov to the grandparents Dr. and Mrs. Joel and Sharlene Pleeter and Rabbi and Mrs. Yisroel Moshe and Shani Siff. Mazel Tov to the all the great grandparents Mr. And Mrs. Bennet and Bernice Pleeter, Dr. Julian and Barbara Goldberg, Rabbi and Rebbitzen Yeshaya Dovid and Rita Siff, and Mrs. Rivkah Zakutinsky. President’s Message Who can believe Rosh Hashana is in just one week? The famous Shomrei Yomim Noraim davening has me excited, as does the thought of singing and tefillah in the Shul I call home. While it is true I am also thinking about what wines to pair with the delicious yom tov entrees, it is a time to be introspective and review our own lives and our relationships-- between ourselves and Hashem, and with our fellow Yidden. As the Rav, Shul leadership and Seating Committee are working incredibly hard to make yom tov even more meaningful, ask yourself how you can help our Shul. There are many ways to give financially to our most important budget line of the year via the special Yomim Noraim sponsorship opportunities listed in this bulletin (please give where you can) or the yom tov special auctions -- but I ask that you look to lend a hand where you can as a volunteer, to say shalom aleichem to someone new to our Shul, or someone you don't recognize, to display a little extra kindness for no reason at all, and to show hakaras hatov to those that give so many hours to our Shul. These things are free. And these things build not only our reputation as the community Shul, but build our merits in shomayim. We so very much are looking forward to an incredibly uplifting yom tov season ... b'achdus. Good Shabbos, Kenny This Week’s Winner: Tova and Alan Taragin באר היטב- Well explained, Rashi says in 70 languages Shomrei Member Spotlight Chanoch & Ilana Hoenlein When did you first come to Shomrei? Where are you both originally from? Ilana’s parents, Murray and Baila Jacobson, moved to Baltimore from Queens in 1976, and I have such fond memories of growing up as part of the Shomrei family, davening in the cottage and enjoying a great cholent by Harry Chernikoff, a"h and weekly lollipops from Matt Bennett, a"h. Chanoch was born in Philadelphia but moved to Brooklyn at a young age and after learning in Israel, came to Ner Yisroel. What do you both do when not in Shomrei? Chanoch works as Controller of Futurecare Health, a Maryland nursing home company. Ilana works as a science teacher in Bais Yaakov High School. What are your favorite aspects of our Shul? We love the warmth of Shomrei and the diversity of the membership. What are your outside interests and hobbies? We have 5 children, K"H, and enjoy spending time with our family. Selichos Motzei Shabbos will begin at 1:05am, and will also be streaming over Rabbi Marwick’s Zoom link (see last page)

Transcript of President’s Message Shomrei Who can believe Rosh Hashana ...

Page 1: President’s Message Shomrei Who can believe Rosh Hashana ...

August 28, 2021 20 Elul 5782 Vol. 11 No. 45



OFFICE: 410-358-8604 FAX 410-358-0664



Mazel Tov! • Mary Sue and Arthur Rubenstein on the birth of a

granddaughter born to their son Steven and daughter-in-law Judy. Mazel Tov to Steven and Judy, as well. Mazel Tov to Judy's parents, Leslie and Lori Ney, of Edison, New Jersey.

• Hindy and David Wolf on the birth of a great-granddaughter Chaya, born to Miriam & Yitzy Schwartz (Lakewood). Mazel Tov to grandparents Sara & Aaron Chaim Lapidoth (Brooklyn) and Shimmon & Frady Schwartz (Lakewood). Mazel Tov to the great-grandmother Fanny Lapidoth (Queens).

• Hindy and David Wolf on the birth of a great-granddaughter, born to Rina (Wolf) & Moshe Stern (Lakewood); to grandparents Yonah & Yael Wolf (Passaic) and Ephraim & Sarah Stern (Baltimore); and to great-grandparents Moshe & Kelda Spreiregen (Passaic).

• Shalom and Syma Kelman and Dov and Amy Kesselman on the recent marriage of their children, Vivi and Uri. Mazel Tov to siblings, Naomi and Yossi Frydman, Adina and Moishe Meister and Ora and Dani Zuckerbrod. Mazel Tov to all the nieces and nephews.

• Craig and Barbara Neuman and Rabbi Richard and Devorah Ehrlich on the marriage of their children, Adam and Rachie. Mazel Tov to Michael Neuman and family and Brian Neuman and family. Mazel Tov to Cantor David Neuman and Earle and Gertrude Freedman.

• Eva Katznelson (Dr. Judah Katznelson,z'l) on the engagement of their grandson, Noah Broth, to Yonah Hammermesh of Bala Cynwyd, PA. Mazal Tov to Noah's parents, Alicia and Jason Broth, sister Jocelyn Broth, Yonah's parents, Hannah and Matt Hammermesh and grandparents, Nancy and David Broth.

• Simcha and Chana Siff on the birth of a daughter. Mazel Tov to the grandparents Dr. and Mrs. Joel and Sharlene Pleeter and Rabbi and Mrs. Yisroel Moshe and Shani Siff. Mazel Tov to the all the great grandparents Mr. And Mrs. Bennet and Bernice Pleeter, Dr. Julian and Barbara Goldberg, Rabbi and Rebbitzen Yeshaya Dovid and Rita Siff, and Mrs. Rivkah Zakutinsky.

President’s Message

Who can believe Rosh Hashana is in just one week? The famous Shomrei Yomim Noraim davening has me excited, as does the thought of singing and tefillah in the Shul I call home. While it is true I am also thinking about what wines to pair with the delicious yom tov entrees, it is a time to be introspective and review our own lives and our relationships-- between ourselves and Hashem, and with our fellow Yidden.

As the Rav, Shul leadership and Seating Committee are working incredibly hard to make yom tov even more meaningful, ask yourself how you can help our Shul.

There are many ways to give financially to our most important budget line of the year via the special Yomim Noraim sponsorship opportunities listed in this bulletin (please give where you can) or the yom tov special auctions --but I ask that you look to lend a hand where you can as a volunteer, to say shalom aleichem to someone new to our Shul, or someone you don't recognize, to display a little extra kindness for no reason at all, and to show hakaras hatov to those that give so many hours to our Shul.

These things are free. And these things build not only our reputation as the community Shul, but build our merits in shomayim. We so very much are looking forward to an incredibly uplifting yom tov season ... b'achdus.

Good Shabbos, Kenny

This Week’s Winner:

Tova and Alan Taragin Well explained, Rashi says in 70 languages - באר היטב

Shomrei Member Spotlight

Chanoch & Ilana Hoenlein

When did you first come to Shomrei?

Where are you both originally from? Ilana’s parents, Murray and Baila Jacobson, moved to Baltimore from Queens in 1976, and I have such fond memories of growing up as part of the Shomrei family, davening in the cottage and enjoying a great cholent by Harry Chernikoff, a"h and weekly lollipops from Matt Bennett, a"h. Chanoch was born in Philadelphia but moved to Brooklyn at a young age and after learning in Israel, came to Ner Yisroel.

What do you both do when not in Shomrei? Chanoch works as Controller of Futurecare Health, a Maryland nursing home company. Ilana works as a science teacher in Bais Yaakov High School.

What are your favorite aspects of our Shul? We love the warmth of Shomrei and the diversity of the membership.

What are your outside interests and hobbies? We have 5 children, K"H, and enjoy spending time with our family.

Selichos Motzei Shabbos will begin at 1:05am, and will also be streaming over Rabbi Marwick’s Zoom link (see last page)

Page 2: President’s Message Shomrei Who can believe Rosh Hashana ...

Yahrzeits Shabbos Parshas Ki Savo August 28 2021/20 of Elul 5781

Mincha: 7:00pm Candle Lighting: 6:22pm 7:30pm 7:26pm

Shacharis: 7:00am (Main Shul)

8:15am (Bais Medrash) Krias Sh'ma: 9:49am

8:50am (Main Shul)

Mincha: 2:00pm (Main Shul)

6:00pm (Bais Medrash) Daf Yomi: 6:20pm

7:20pm (Main Shul) Shiur: After

Maariv: 8:27pm (Main Shul) Mincha

Shabbos Afternoon Shiur:

Shmitta, Part III: Vetzivisi es Birchasi.

Notes for this week: • Pirkei Avos, Perek 3-4.

• Chabura following the 8:15am minyan, given this week by Shragie Goldenhersh.

• 2pm Sunday Mincha is discontinued until further notice.

Next Week: Parshas Nitzavim Mincha: 7:15pm Candle Lighting: 6:13pm 7:15pm

Important Note: Early Candle lighting times are the earliest time one can light candles. Please do not light candles prior to the posted time.

DAVENING TIMES This Week 8/29-9/3


Plag*: 6:05pm (MS)

7:25pm (MS)

*Note: Maariv cannot begin until after Plag.

Sun: 6:20 Mon: 6:19

Tue: 6:18 Wed: 6:16

Thu: 6:15



Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

ETT: 5:33am ETT: 5:34am ETT: 5:35am ETT: 5:36am ETT: 5:37am ETT: 5:38am

Netz: 6:32:39 Netz: 6:33:34 Netz: 6:34:29 Netz: 6:35:23 Netz: 6:36:18 Netz: 6:37:13

Selichos 5:35 (SH) 5:35 (SH) 5:35 (SH) 5:35 (SH) 5:35 (SH)

Shachris 6:00 (SH) 6:00 (SH) 6:00 (SH) 6:00 (SH) 6:00 (SH)

Selichos 5:55 (BM) 5:55 (BM) 6:05 (BM) 6:05 (BM) 5:55 (BM) 6:05 (BM)

Shachris 6:20 (BM) 6:20 (BM) 6:35 (BM) 6:35 (BM) 6:20 (BM) 6:35 (BM)

Selichos 6:50 (MS) 6:25 (MS) 6:35 (MS) 6:35 (MS) 6:25 (MS) 6:35 (MS)

Shachris 7:15 (MS) 6:50 (MS) 7:00 (MS) 7:00 (MS) 6:50 (MS) 7:00 (MS)

Selichos 6:55 (SH) 7:05 (SH) 7:05 (SH) 6:55 (SH) 7:05 (SH)

Shachris 7:20 (SH) 7:30 (SH) 7:30 (SH) 7:20 (SH) 7:30 (SH)

Selichos 7:35 (SH) 7:35 (BM) 7:35 (BM) 7:35 (BM) 7:35 (BM) 7:35 (BM)

Shachris 8:05 (SH) 8:00 (BM) 8:00 (BM) 8:00 (BM) 8:00 (BM) 8:00 (BM)

Selichos 8:05 (MS) 8:05 (MS) 8:05 (MS) 8:05 (MS) 8:05 (MS)

Shachris 8:30 (MS) 8:30 (MS) 8:30 (MS) 8:30 (MS) 8:30 (MS)

Selichos 8:35 (MS) 8:35 (SH) 8:35 (SH) 8:35 (SH) 8:35 (SH) 8:35 (SH)

Shachris 9:00 (MS) 9:00 (Sh) 9:00 (SH) 9:00 (SH) 9:00 (Sh) 9:00 (SH)

Selichos 10:00pm (MS) 10:00pm (MS) 10:00pm (MS) 10:00pm (MS) 10:00pm (MS) 10:00pm (MS)

Yomim Noraim 5782

We are looking forward to an uplifting and beautiful Yom Tov season! Please visit our website, for the Seating and Book of Life forms. • Special Yomim Noraim Sponsorship Opportunities (please see

the seating form): Rabbi's Rosh Hashana Drasha - $360 Rabbi's Yom Kippur Drasha - $360 Main Shul Flowers - $250

• Shomrei will be selling Arba Minim. More information will be posted shortly. Happy birthday to Shomrei

Members celebrating this week:

Pearl Reischer 21 Elul Father Shmuel Meir Wizenfeld

Tova Taragin 21 Elul Mother Shendel Fishman

Chezki Nemani 22 Elul Father Rahim Nemani

Helaine Bondar 23 Elul Mother Ruth Gross

Leslie Silverberg 23 Elul Father Eugene Hettleman

Mark Hettleman 23 Elul Father Eugene Hettleman

Dovid F. Lapin 23 Elul Sister Ruth Lapin

Murray Jacobson 24 Elul Grandmother Toba Heller

Isaac Kinek 24 Elul Mother Devorah Kinek

Deborah Eisenberg 24 Elul Father Rudy Polak

Josh Hurewitz 25 Elul Father Jerome Hurewitz

Devora Gradon 25 Elul Father Meyer Kipper

Moshe Preiser 25 Elul Father Theodore Preiser

Michael Elman 25 Elul Mother Beatrice Feigelman

Shoshana Millstone 25 Elul Father Dov Peker

Emanuel Goldman 26 Elul Mother Anna Goldman

Greta Lasson 26 Elul Father Samuel Benjamin Wolfe

Joshua Cohen Shira London

Baruch Goldsmith Chaim Meth

Devora Gradon Azi Rosenblum

Sora Greenlinger Miriam Salhanick

Isaac Kinek Rosemary Warschawski

Aryeh Levenbrown Miriam Weiss

Leah Levinger Tehila Wiener

Note: All Shachris times are approximate, as davening will begin as soon as selichos is completed.

Sympathy • Mrs. Rachell Tajerstein and Mrs. Malka Zweig on the loss of their

mother, Rebbetzin Myrna Klavan.

May the family be comforted amongst the mourners of Tzion & Yerushalayim.

Page 3: President’s Message Shomrei Who can believe Rosh Hashana ...

Donations • Libby and Robbie Lehman wishing Mazel Tov to Marysue and Arty

Rubenstein on the birth of a granddaughter, donation to the BYTF.

Memorial Donations • Cantor Samuel and Evelyn Stal in memory of Samuel’s mother,

Dora Stal, Dvorah bas Yoisef, 16 of Elul, sponsorship of Shlomo Horwitz’s Shiur.

• Arnold and Ina Shear in memory of Ina’s mother, Grams, Chana Esther bas Gamliel, 24 of Elul, sponsorship of Shlomo Horwitz's Shiur.

• Hillel and Dena Soclof in memory of Rabbi Shmuel Lopin, donation of an ArtScroll Siddur.

• Moshe and Esther Preiser in memory of Moshe's father, Theodore Preiser, HaRav Chaim Tanchum ben Tzvi Yehuda, 25 of Elul, sponsorship of Rabbi Marwick's Shabbos Drasha, and Shlomo Horwitz’s Shiur.

• Murray and Baila Jacobson in memory of Murray’s grandmother, Tova Heller, 24 of Elul, sponsorship of Shlomo Horwitz’s Shiur.

• Peter and Rosemary Warschawski wishing Mazel Tov to Noah and Ellen Lightman on the engagement of their grandson Meier Lightman And Mazel tov to Author and Mary Sue Rubenstein on the birth of a granddaughter, donation to Shomrei Emunah.

Please Daven for a Refuah Sheleimah for:


The Matt Bennett Sefer Torah restoration project is completed and the Torah is now kosher so anyone who wishes to participate in the Tikun and restoration should contact Eli W. Schlossberg. At present 32 donors have contributed and they will be recognized at an upcoming breakfast or Melava Malka in October when the Sefer will be officially welcomed by our shul. For details call 443-621-0298 Eli who can fill you in with all details. Donors of $ 180 will get 2 free tickets to the Breakfast or Melava Malka and others will pay $ 15.00 a person to attend. The date will be announced soon.

Kol Hashomrim: Please submit your articles, essays, or ads by August 30th to

[email protected]. Everyone is waiting to hear from you. Thanks!

Volunteer Needed

Shomrei is looking for a volunteer to edit and publish the shul’s bulletin weekly. If you are interested, please contact the shul office: [email protected].

FROM THE BYTF Thanks to everyone who donated so generously to our Shmita cam-paign, we were able to exceed our goal of $20,000! In order to assist you in performing this crucial Mitzvah and to help our members and our fellow Jews here and in Eretz Yisroel have what they need for Yom Tov, the Bernard Yaffe Tzedakah Fund is undertaking its annual Elul/Tishrei campaign which includes the fol-lowing: Old City Fund: Money will be distributed directly to people in need in the Old City of Jerusalem (with no overhead) by a dedicated indi-vidual known to Rabbi Marwick and members of our Shul. Checks can be made out to the Bernard Yaffe Tzedakah Fund with OLD CITY on the memo line. Local Families: Money will be distributed to members of our Shul and other local families to assist them with Yom Tov expenses. Please enhance the simchas yom tov of our neighbors and friends by giving generously. Make checks payable to Bernard Yaffe Tzedakah Fund with LOCAL on the memo line Donations can also be made by dropping checks off in the office or by credit card through the Shul’s website. Tizku L’Mitzvos!!!

Outdoor shofar-blowing volunteers needed. Free shofar and training sessions provided by The Chesed Fund & Project Ezra on Wednesday, 8/25 9pm, Sunday 8/29 11:30am, Monday 8/30 9pm at the rear building at 3209 Fallstaff Rd. No reservations required. Contact our office at [email protected] if you need information on where and what time shofar blowing will take place in our neighborhood.

Previous recordings can be found at:

Page 4: President’s Message Shomrei Who can believe Rosh Hashana ...



• Shomrei Post -Carpool Shiur for Women Tuesdays

at 9:15am, s tudying the weekly Haftorah.

• Thursday Morning Shiur on Contemporary

Halachic Issues at 9:30am. For more information

contact David Bienenstock at Zaidyb12@gmail .com.

• Thursday Nights 9:30pm, 11th and 12th grade

boys Parsha Discuss ion.

• Halachic Themes from the Parsha Shiur Thursdays

at 10:15pm. This past week’ s topic : B’Rov Am

Hadras Melech: The Importance of Being Part of a


All Shomrei Shiurim are taking place via Zoom

Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 967 979 2492 Password: 203884

Dial by your location +1 929 205 6099 Meeting ID: 967 979 2492

• Through Simchas Torah 5782, if you are walking to Sinai Hospital, Levindale or any other distant destination on Shabbos or Yom Tov, you can rest your feet and have a cold drink on the porch at 3000 Glen Avenue (corner Key Avenue). For more information, call 410-299-5921. Wishing everyone a healthy summer!

• The Yomim Noraim are right around the corner. Please join A SINGLE IMPACT's mission in providing support, resources, and advocacy for frum singles in the Baltimore community. Singles: sign up to get complimentary seats in participating shuls. Hosts: join the 66 families signed up to host singles for Shabbos and Yom Tov meals. ASINGLEIMPACT.COM.

• Join PJ Library, in Baltimore, powered by the Macks Center for Jewish Education for "Sweet as Honey": A Fall Holiday Family Experience and make this new year the sweetest one yet! Meet a beekeeper, taste sweet honey, take a family-friendly nature walk, plus stories, songs, and activities. $10/family. Sunday, September 12, 3:00-5:00 pm at Irvine Nature Center. Register here or contact Julie Wohl at [email protected].

• Please join the Macks Center for Jewish Education in welcoming Shabbat and our new Shinshinim on Friday, Sept 10 from 4:00PM-5:30PM. Light refreshments will be served. At Meadowood Regional Park. Register here or contact [email protected].

• Join WIT for Elul and Yom Tov Inspiration with a shiur via Zoom by Mrs. Shira Smiles entitled "Incredible Investment". The program takes place Sunday morning, August 29th at 10:00 am. No Charge for 5781 WIT Members and Summer Members. $10 for Non-Members. To register and pay for the class, please visit WIT's website The Zoom link will be sent the night before the class. For more information you may contact WIT at [email protected].

SHMIRAS HALASHON MOMENT: Demeaning speech and gossip is a retreat from the Divine within us. (Rebbetzin Holly Pavlov, in Preserving the Power of Speech).