President’sMessage-Fall&Winter2016...Mississauga South Constituency Office: 120 Lakeshore Road...


Transcript of President’sMessage-Fall&Winter2016...Mississauga South Constituency Office: 120 Lakeshore Road...

Page 1: President’sMessage-Fall&Winter2016...Mississauga South Constituency Office: 120 Lakeshore Road West, Unit 1 & 2 Mississauga, Ontario L5H 1E8 T: 905-274-8228 | F: 905-274-8552
Page 2: President’sMessage-Fall&Winter2016...Mississauga South Constituency Office: 120 Lakeshore Road West, Unit 1 & 2 Mississauga, Ontario L5H 1E8 T: 905-274-8228 | F: 905-274-8552

President’s Message - Fall & Winter 2016In Fall 1970 my family moved to the Sheridan Homelands. It was our first house. The area was sold to us as a very friendly and family-orientedcommunity, with easy access to schools, targeted for the employees of the Research Centre and the University. At that time the area was stillunder development, with very few trees. The construction was finally completed in 1973.

The Real Estate agent was correct, the Homelands proved to be a friendly and family-oriented community. It was a place where you knew yourneighbours, and neighbours looked out and helped one another. In the winter, when I was a away on business, Jim across the street would cleanthe driveway as my wife was expecting our third daughter or when on holidays another neighbour would look after the house, take in the mail,water the plants and even mow the lawn. Some years there were street parties to greet newcomers to the area and catch-up on family stories andholiday events. This was not just happening on my street but also in other areas of the Homelands. The Homeowners Association was active. Theneighbourhood was the major reason why we decided not to move. There are still a few “original” homeowners on the street, and interestingly,former residents who grew up here are coming back.

As the Homelands rejuvenates itself, let’s keep these traditions going. Organize from time to time a street party, invite your neighbours and listento their stories. As the motto goes: “A good neighbour is better than a far away friend.”

The Homeowners Association fosters the community idea with a variety of activities: Ice Rink (January); Community Garage Sales (May); TreePlanting (Loyalist Creek – May & October); Fusion Garden; Concert in the Park (June); Shakespeare in the Park (July); Free swim withCalypso band (August); Pumpkin Parade (November) & Christmas Light Contest (December). Your Association publishes the “Sheridan Times”in Spring and Fall to keep you informed, as well as maintains a website I invite you to sign up for e-mail blasts through thewebsite so you can receive updates on the latest developments.

I’d like to have your comments and suggestions. If you want to write an article for the Sheridan Times please submit it to [email protected].

What’s in store for 2017? Follow us on the website for events such as the community garage sale and the next play by theHumber River Shakespeare Company.

In conclusion, I would like to thank the board members and volunteers, who collected the membership, helped with the tree planting and pump-kin parade and the faithful advertisers, who make it possible to publish this magazine, the ‘Best’ Ratepayers’ Association magazine in Mississauga(my opinion). Most of our advertisers are residents of the Homelands, please continue to support one another.

The annual general meeting is Thursday evening, December 1 at the Alliance Church on Fifth Line. The meeting starts at 7:30 p.m. YourCouncillor, Karen Ras will be present.

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah and a Happy New Year!

By Pieter Kool (Interim-President)

To contact SHORA: [email protected] • • • @shora_sauga

Page 3: President’sMessage-Fall&Winter2016...Mississauga South Constituency Office: 120 Lakeshore Road West, Unit 1 & 2 Mississauga, Ontario L5H 1E8 T: 905-274-8228 | F: 905-274-8552

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November 24Mississauga Arts Council’s“The Magical Masquerade Ball”Lakeshore Convention Centre

November 30Budget Town Hall Meeting with Karen RasLorne Park Public School, 1325 Indian Rd.6:30 pm - 8 pm.

December 1Annual General Meeting of SHORAAlliance Church, 2440 Fifth Line West7:30 p.m.

December 3Mississauga Arts Council’sCranberry Christmas MarketClarke Memorial Hall10am - 5pm

December 6Christmas Open House at The GrangeRobinson-Adamson House , “The Grange”10am to 8pm

December 11The NutcrackerThe State Ballet of RussiaLiving Arts Centre

December 17Highlights from “the Messiah”MSO, Living Arts Centre

December 18“A Merry Little Christmas”Living Arts Centre(Note: Get tickets early as it is always sold out!)

Sheridan HomelandsCommunity Calendar

Page 4: President’sMessage-Fall&Winter2016...Mississauga South Constituency Office: 120 Lakeshore Road West, Unit 1 & 2 Mississauga, Ontario L5H 1E8 T: 905-274-8228 | F: 905-274-8552

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By Leslie Leaver

SHORA made a donation through the City of Mississauga's Green Giftsprogram to have a new bench installed on September 12. The bench ison the path near the peace garden. This location was selected as manyof our events such as Shakespeare in the Park and the Pumpkin Paradehappen in this area and residents will have a prime viewing spot from thebench.

We hope you take the time to check out the bench and enjoysome extra time in the park.

If you are interested in making a similar donation,or the donation of a tree, please visit

We are also pleased to announce, there will be another benchinstalled in the Thorn Lodge Park woodlot this fall. This benchwas purchased by the City in recognition of the recent treeplanting efforts as well as SHORA's participation in the ParkAmbassador Program.

Thorn Lodge Park has a brand new bench!

Our o�ce is here for you.We’re open Monday to Friday from 9 am to 5 pm

Charles Sousa, MPPMississauga South

Constituency Office:120 Lakeshore Road West, Unit 1 & 2

Mississauga, Ontario L5H 1E8T: 905-274-8228 | F: 905-274-8552

[email protected]

Charles Sousa, MPP

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For more information, visit ourwebsite and click on Kids’ Club.

JOIN THE CLUB - IT’S FUN & IT’S FREE!The Sheridan Sharks Kids’ Club is open to children ages 4 to 12. Events take place one Saturday amonth from 2 to 4 pm. No pre-registration isrequired. Children get a welcome gift anda membership card, plus prizes after10 and 20 visits!

Kids’ Club

2225 Erin Mills Parkway

yawkarills Pin M2225 Er.caetrenidancsher • • @shora_sauga

Sheridan HomelandsRatepayer’s Association

Annual General MeetingThursday, Dec.1, 2016.

Time: 7:30 p.m.Location: Alliance Church, 2440 Fifth Line West

Invited guest speakers:Councilor Karen RasPeel Regional Police

Page 5: President’sMessage-Fall&Winter2016...Mississauga South Constituency Office: 120 Lakeshore Road West, Unit 1 & 2 Mississauga, Ontario L5H 1E8 T: 905-274-8228 | F: 905-274-8552

8 9 • • @shora_sauga

By Alvin Tedjo

Summer Fun Swim

The second annual free family fun swim this sum-mer took place on a gorgeous sunny Saturdayafternoon in August. SHORA was thrilled to sponsorthe event again this year, with an increased turnoutof over 215 residents coming for a dip at DavidRamsey Outdoor Pool. For over 3 hours, residentswere able to enjoy the swim free of charge. Theywere also treated to a performance by the InfraRedBand, a dynamic high energy band that mixesCaribbean calypso music with pop and R&B musicfrom the 50s to today.

SHORA is committed to continuing this annual eventnext summer, affixing the date as the first Saturdayafter the Civic Holiday, which in 2017 is August 12th.A scheduled rain date is booked for the followingSaturday. Next year, SHORA plans to expand thesummer event which may include more bands,activities for children, and food. Stay tuned to find out more. Those interested insupporting a summer fun day can contact AlvinTedjo at [email protected].

Page 6: President’sMessage-Fall&Winter2016...Mississauga South Constituency Office: 120 Lakeshore Road West, Unit 1 & 2 Mississauga, Ontario L5H 1E8 T: 905-274-8228 | F: 905-274-8552


Trick or TreesBy Leslie Leaver

Saturday October 29 was a beautiful late autumn daythat helped to make the 2nd annual Trick or Trees eventa success. SHORA is honoured to partner with The City ofMississauga and Credit Valley Conservation (CVC) to hostthe Trick or Trees event in Thorn Lodge Park woodlot thatruns along Loyalist Creek.

The Halloween-themed event saw approximately 60 volun-teers help plant 150 native trees and shrubs in an effort tonaturalize the woodlot.

We were happy to see the volunteers from the community,SHORA, CVC and the City arrive in costume. The woodlot itselfwas dressed up with jack-o'-lanterns and a disembodiedhand or two. The City asked Lofty the Magician to join thegroup and he started the day by entertaining the kids with hisillusions while the adults enjoyed coffee and hot chocolate;of course there was plenty of candy for all! CVC had aneducational booth set up with native furs and bones, both kidsand adults enjoyed their presentation.

Trick or Trees was part of the One Million Trees initiative pre-sented by The City of Mississauga ( Million Trees Mississauga was launched to help conserveand enhance the City’s open spaces and forested areas forfuture generations to enjoy. The goal is to plant one milliontrees by 2032. As of printing, 222,513 trees have beenplanted. Can you think of a good place to plant some trees?

The following is a list of the 150 native trees and shrubs thatwere planted during Trick or Trees:

Bush HoneysuckleChokecherryElderberryMeadowsweetNannyberryServiceberryFreeman MapleSugar MapleBur OakWhite Spruce

SHORA’S3rd Annual Pumpkin Parade

By Julianna Eddy, Photos by Naguib Kerba

Thorn Lodge Park was the place to be on November1st! SHORA’s 3rd annual Pumpkin Parade was aresounding success as over 500 incredible jack-o’-lanterns lined the park. Many families enjoyedsearching the pumpkins to find their own, whileadmiring the creativity and talent of the manycarvings. A pumpkin carved as “Glen from theWalk-ing Dead” was a sight to be seen! Thank you to themany volunteers who helped set up, light up andclean up the pumpkins.

Thank you to Dayana Hameed of Royal LePageRealty for sponsoring the hot chocolate treat,MoryDiab of the Sheridan Centre Tim Hortons locationfor the donation of Timbits and the Region of Peelwho provided the bin for composting the pumpkinsfollowing the event.

Page 7: President’sMessage-Fall&Winter2016...Mississauga South Constituency Office: 120 Lakeshore Road West, Unit 1 & 2 Mississauga, Ontario L5H 1E8 T: 905-274-8228 | F: 905-274-8552

12 • • @shora_sauga

Have Your Say in Your City’s Budget

Recreation, Roads, Library and Fire & Emergency are just some of the services that may affectyou. You have an opportunity to engage in the budget process and help shape your City.

The City’s annual operating budget is approximately $720 million. Of that, about $435 millioncame from property taxes in 2016. Last year, the overall tax increase was 2.5 per cent. Theplanned increase for 2017 is 3.1%.

Our Business Plan and Budget provides a detailed framework of where, when and how tax dollarsare spent. Even with the best planning, we need to anticipate and be prepared for unknownchallenges and new issues that may arise.

Today, our infrastructure is generally in good condition but maintenance costs continue toincrease each year. We also need to plan for the future; if we don’t maintain our infrastructurein a good state of repair it will deteriorate and cost more to replace in the future.

Last year, Mississauga launched a new Budget Allocator that allows you to suggest adjustmentsto twelve of the day-to-day services that impact you the most. The Allocator may not be perfectbut the hundreds of comments received by residents last year provided valuable insights. Youcan find the Budget Allocator tool online at:

I encourage you to watch our Budget Committee meetings. They are open to the public but canalso be viewed on-line.

The next Budget Committee meeting is scheduled for Monday, November 28, 2016. The fullschedule of meetings is available online at Oryou can contact me directly to let me know your thoughts on what you think the City’s spendingpriorities should be.

I can assure you that both the City and Regional Councils will work to minimize the burden of tax,so that any potential increases remain affordable while continuing to be citizen-focused, fiscally-responsible and financially stable.

By Karen Ras, Councillor Ward 2

Page 8: President’sMessage-Fall&Winter2016...Mississauga South Constituency Office: 120 Lakeshore Road West, Unit 1 & 2 Mississauga, Ontario L5H 1E8 T: 905-274-8228 | F: 905-274-8552

14 15 • • @shora_sauga

Dear friends and neighbours,

I'd like to update you of some of the exciting work our team is doing as your voice in Ottawa and inMississauga - Lakeshore.

I recently introduced my first Private Members' Bill—Bill C-309: An Act to Establish Gender EqualityWeek. It seeks to focus on the first week of October every year to advance the cause of genderequality in Canada.

Over the spring and summer months, I met with many residents in our community and spoke with arange of organizations across Canada. Their message was clear: We, as Canadians, can and need todo more to achieve a gender equal society.

A week dedicated towards this objective would provide a national platform to promote increasedawareness of a variety of challenges facing Canadian women and Canada's LGBTQ community.We are confident that Gender Equality Week would encourage Canadians to initiate and participatein a broad, multi-faceted conversation to establish a gender equal society.

We have also received some tremendous support from Mississauga-based organizations on thislegislation.

Strength in Stories, a non-profit organization celebrating the accomplishments of Canadian women,said that “We hope this week might serve in part as a platform to celebrate, commemorate andchampion incredible Canadian women past and present and that this gives them some of therecognition they rightly deserve. That their stories transcend gender and serve to inspire, motivateand empower Canadians of all ages.”

Armagh, our local women’s shelter, said that they “hope that this bill will encourage further recogni-tion, discussion and growth in the roles of women as active participants in social and politicaldisclosure in our country. As we know, women’s rights are human rights, and we are optimisticthat this bill will be an important step towards true gender equality in Canada.”

I will debate the Bill in greater length with my colleagues in the House of Commons in the comingweeks, and I expect it to be a lively and engaging discussion. If you would like to share your thoughtson this Bill, or on other important issues such as the federal budget consultations, public safety andnational security, climate change, or electoral reform, please connect with my office (905-273-8033)for more information or send us an email at [email protected]. We would love to hearyour feedback!

MP Sven Spengemann

By-Law TidbitsIn this space, we will focus on a few by-laws that residents may notbe aware of or need clarification on. We would like to keep residentsas good neighbours and to inform everyone of pertinent by-laws thatmay affect them.To find out more on Mississauga’s by-laws, visit

Snow RemovalResidents are responsible for clearing snow from residential side-walks. When clearing snow from your driveway or sidewalk, you mustalso toss the snow onto your lawn and not on the roadway. Tossingsnow on the roadway is a violation of the Obstructing Highways By-law 23-79 and could result in a city fine.

For seniors (65 years old or older) or someone with a physical

disability, the City has a Driveway Windrow Snow Clearing Programat a cost of $200 for the winter, or free for those who qualify for fi-nancial assistance.Windrows are defined as the snow left at the endof a driveway after a snow plow has cleared a road. Those seeking as-sistance must not be an able bodied person. Those interested in par-ticipating can apply at the Mississauga Senior’s Centre of RecreationCustomer Service Centre.

Page 9: President’sMessage-Fall&Winter2016...Mississauga South Constituency Office: 120 Lakeshore Road West, Unit 1 & 2 Mississauga, Ontario L5H 1E8 T: 905-274-8228 | F: 905-274-8552


Smart Ageing: Maintaining Quality of Life in Your Senior Years

Do You Have a Smart Ageing Plan? Today’s seniors have a lot of living to do past retirement. And yet, few people have thought about a plan to maintain their quality of life during those silver years. It’s as if we start thinking about the next act in the play and get “age fright”. Planning for the challenges associated with ageing will give you - and your family - peace of mind. It will also help in ensuring you live life to the fullest regardless of what lies ahead.

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Please go to for details about the Smart Ageing Audit offer, or call us at 905-491-6972

Silver Sherpa provides independent planning, coordination, and navigation services for seniors and their nancial

and legal affairs, physical and mental health, living accommodations, social engagement, nutrition, personal safety, and other issues that directly affect the quality of life of seniors.

2275 Upper Middle Rd East, Suite 101, Oakville, ON, L6H 0C3

SPECIAL OFFER: 10% off a Smart Ageing Audit for Sheridan Homelands Ratepayers’ Association!

By Brandon Wiedemann

The City of Mississauga is developing a long term plan forDundas Street. Over the next generation, the Dundascorridor is expected to represent 27% of Mississauga’sgrowth.

The City engaged residents and businesses in the springof 2016, and between October 24-26 the City will again beasking for input. Visit for more info.

Spring meetings were focused on which parts of Dundaswork well and which don’t. West end feedback includedimproving pedestrian safety, cycling infrastructure, place-making, added transit, and improving connections for UTMand highway 403.

Dominant in the discussions was increasing density (bothbusiness and residential) along Dundas and establishinghigher order transit. There was not much appetite for buses,


and LRT were the favoured option. A challenge alongDundas is crossing the Credit river; a group suggestedelevating the LRT above the roadway to provide a view of theriver and maintain the 4 lanes of traffic below.

Dundas will be redesigned as the major corridor from Oakvilleto Toronto, with funding and planning with the province viaMetrolinx. Dundas will benefit from the lessons learned fromthe Hurontario LRT and street redesign. Dundas Connects isbeing led by the same team. Major nodes have been identi-fied at Winston Churchill, Erin Mills Pkwy, Erindale Station,Hurontario, Cawthra and Dixie. Connections at the city’s edgesare a given. Oakville is redeveloping Dundas too. Have youseen their new hospital? The Toronto edge of Dundas alreadyincludes a subway connection at Kipling station.

How do you envision Dundas over the next generation?Have your voice heard at one of the events!

Page 10: President’sMessage-Fall&Winter2016...Mississauga South Constituency Office: 120 Lakeshore Road West, Unit 1 & 2 Mississauga, Ontario L5H 1E8 T: 905-274-8228 | F: 905-274-8552

18 19 • • @shora_sauga

Insurance & Financial Services Inc.People you trust ~ Insurance that works!

By Lina Tasca

In the Spring 2013 issue of the Sheridan Times, weprinted an article “Don’t Be a Victim of Fraud”, whichoutlined a number of scams that were prevalent at thattime. Well, the scams have not disappeared. In fact,there are more now than ever before. They are comingat us fast and furious by mail, email, telephone, inter-net, at the door, etc.

BEWARE! DO NOT fall for these scams. Tell yourfriends about them. Don’t become victims. Many ofthese scams are aimed at seniors. If you know anyonethat may be a victim, contact the Canadian Anti-FraudCentre immediately at 1-888-495-8501, or through‘contact us’ at

Tax Scams: You may receive a phone call from some-one claiming to be with the Canada Revenue Agency(CRA), stating you are entitled to a tax refund and inorder to obtain the refund, you are required to providepersonal information. The Canada Revenue Agencydoes not phone anyone to advise they are entitled toa refund, and they have all the information they needto issue a refund. If, in fact, you are entitled to a re-fund, CRA will mail you a Notice of Assessment in-forming you of the refund, with a cheque attached ifyou normally receive refunds by cheque. If you previ-ously elected direct deposit, (which is the safestmethod), the refund will be deposited directly to yourbank account.

You may receive a threatening phone call from some-one claiming to be with the Canada Revenue Agency(CRA), stating you owe back taxes and if payment isn’tsubmitted immediately, the police will be at your doorto arrest you. They try to get your credit card numberas an immediate means of payment. Some even askfor payment via an iTunes card. Again – NO! CRA doesnot employ these tactics. If you do owe money, yourNotice of Assessment will provide all relevant

Scams on the Rampageinformation. If you cannot pay the full outstandingamount immediately, CRA will arrange a repaymentplan with you.

Credit Card Scams: You may receive a call from ‘VisaSecurity’ or ‘Visa MasterCard’ stating they’ve noticedsome suspicious activity on your card – e.g., ‘A chargeof $600 was made to your card ten minutes ago toWestern Union. Did you make this charge?’ You obvi-ously answer ‘no’, so the person proceeds to ask ifyou have your credit card as it could have been lost orstolen. They insist on you getting your card to ensureit is actually in your possession. They state they do notwant your credit card number, but merely want to con-firm the first four numbers to verify the card. The firstfour numbers will verify the type of card you have, sodo not provide this information. If you are in doubt,contact your credit card company direct to confirmthat unauthorized charges have not been made to youraccount. Unless you initiate the call, under NO cir-cumstances should you give your credit card num-ber to anyone, and never, ever call the number thatcalled you. If you want to contact the credit card com-pany, call the number on your statement or their offi-cial website.

900 Numbers: If you receive a call, letter or emailstating you have won a ’big’ prize, and to claim yourprize you must call a 1-900 number. DON’T! You willbe charged as much as $25 per minute for the phonecall.

If you receive a fraudulent call, hang up. Do not en-gage in conversation. This is the best way to stopfraud.

For further information on fraud types, how to protectyourself, and how to report fraud, visit the CanadianAnti-Fraud Centre at

Page 11: President’sMessage-Fall&Winter2016...Mississauga South Constituency Office: 120 Lakeshore Road West, Unit 1 & 2 Mississauga, Ontario L5H 1E8 T: 905-274-8228 | F: 905-274-8552

2120 • • @shora_sauga

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Replacement windowswith Solar Gain or Solar Shield,Roll-a-way or magnetic screens.

Entrance doorsPatio DoorsFrench DoorsEavestroughLeaf GuardSoffit

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Lifetime warranty on windows whichcan be transferred to the next home owner.

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To receive our emails, visit our website andsign up under Sheridan Centre enews.We will never share your informationand you can unsubscribe at any time.

IT’S EASY TO KEEP UP-TO-DATEFor the latest news on events, contests and stores,follow us on Twitter @sheridancentre and visit us on Facebook at SheridanCentreMississauga.

2225 Erin Mills Parkway

Stay inTouch!

yawar.caetrenidancsherkills Pin M2225 Er

By Christina Philips

If you’ve heard of Eden Food for Change, you probably thinkof its food bank which has been operating for more thantwenty-five years. The Food Bank at Eden serves more than400 households a month, but has been expanding to providemore long-term solutions, including its Learning Kitchen andFresh Produce Box programs.

When the Fresh Produce Box program began, Eden decidedit would be available to everyone. Back in January 2014 therewere an average of 50 boxes sold a week, but that grew to800 by January 2016. The growth happened, because theboxes provide twice the value in produce as compared tolocal grocery stores. Eden is able to provide this value bykeeping their costs low, buying in bulk and using volunteerpower.

Here’s how it works. People order online by 4pm the daybefore pick-up at sure to select their preferred location (including oneat the Sheridan Centre). On pick-up day mornings, Eden pur-chases an assortment of fruits and vegetables from the On-tario Food Terminal. Costs are kept low for customers as ateam of volunteers assemble the boxes and other volunteersoperate the pick-up sites.

Our volunteers include Charles Thornton, Past-President ofSHORA. In addition to volunteering, Charles also orders a boxeach week and states, “Great quality and value with the va-riety of fruits and vegetables changing weekly.”

Where do you get your produce?

Fresh Produce Box Myths• This uses Food Bank donationsFalse – Eden purchases all the contents for the box fromthe Ontario Food Terminal, based on how many peopleorder.

• This is fundraiserFalse – Eden only takes 10% to cover program costs, suchas truck usage and a part-time program coordinator. In fact,when people don’t pick-up their box, the organization losesthe money they spent buying the produce for it.

• This is only for people who use the Food BankFalse – Everyone deserves to access affordable fruits andveggies. Also, with people of all income levels using theprogram, there is less stigma associated for those who re-ally need all of Eden’s services. Plus, there are people wholive above the poverty line and still struggle to afford pro-duce without this program.

The Learning Kitchen at EdenIn addition to providing free 8-week cooking courses toFood Bank members, the Learning Kitchen is also great forteam-building opportunities. Groups of 6-12 people canprepare, portion and package healthy food for distributionthrough the Food Bank, cooking under the tutelage of ChefPeter Costello, formerly of Langdon Hall and Sooke Har-bour House. Check for moreinformation.

Page 12: President’sMessage-Fall&Winter2016...Mississauga South Constituency Office: 120 Lakeshore Road West, Unit 1 & 2 Mississauga, Ontario L5H 1E8 T: 905-274-8228 | F: 905-274-8552

2322 • • @shora_sauga

The Story Garden

By Kathryn Porter

Tucked in a corner of the Sheridan Centre near the foodcourt sits a warm, welcoming space called The StoryGarden. Bookshelves filled with delightful children’s booksline the walls, and the couches, benches, and cushions in-vite guests to curl up and read a good story.We believe thatliteracy is the key to growing a thriving, engaged commu-nity. Our programs are designed to build community andbring families together through the transforming power ofstories and reading.

On Thursdays at 6:30 p.m. we host a program for the wholefamily called Storytime Stop. Participants come together forgreat picture book stories and meaningful time together asa family. We host Wee Readers every Tuesday and Thurs-day from 10:15 to 11:00 a.m. This time of stories, songs,and nursery rhymes is geared for babies, toddlers andpreschoolers and their parents or caregivers. JacquelineKennedy Onassis said, “There are many little ways toenlarge your child’s world. Love of books is the best of all.”

On Saturday mornings from 11:00 a.m. to noon, a team ofamazing, committed high school students volunteer to helpemerging readers in elementary school grow in both skilland confidence as readers. Three 10-week sessions ofLeaders for Readers run during the school calendar year.We also offer a unique, interactive seminar for parents whowant to learn how to instill love and skill of reading in theirchildren at home.

All neighbours are welcome in the Story Garden. The nexttime you’re in the Sheridan Centre, stop by and say hi.We’reopen Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 10 a.m. to5 p.m. for Drop-In in addition to our regular programs.

The Story Garden is a non-profit literacy centre. For moreinformation about our programs, volunteering, or sponsor-ships, please visit

Page 13: President’sMessage-Fall&Winter2016...Mississauga South Constituency Office: 120 Lakeshore Road West, Unit 1 & 2 Mississauga, Ontario L5H 1E8 T: 905-274-8228 | F: 905-274-8552

By Patricia Paddey

Sheridan Homelands is known for its beautiful homes, tree-lined streets and friendly neighbours. But it is also a place ofgenerosity and compassion, where newcomers to the city—and long term residents struggling with temporary misfor-tune—can access practical help and hope from others.

Sheridan Park Alliance Church (“SPAC” - located at 2440 FifthLine West) serves as the intersection where need and com-passion collide. For several years, the church’s congregationhas been reaching out to care for the needs of neighboursthrough a Clothing Loft (offering free clothes for men, womenand children) and a food bank.

The Clothing Loft is open to the public one Saturday eachmonth from 10:00 a.m. to 12 noon. Community members cancome, enjoy a cup of coffee, and “shop” for free. “We have somuch, there are no rules about how much people can take,”says Heather Bendle, coordinator of the Clothing Loft.

SPAC’s Community Helping Community Food Bank operatesevery Tuesday, from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., and on the sameSaturday as the Clothing Loft.

Community Helping Community

People are welcome to the food bank once a month, and maytake from one to three bags of groceries depending on thesize of their family.

“I’m so grateful to have been able to access the ClothingLoft and Food Bank,” says Stella, a senior citizen with achronic illness. “I remember my first visit. I found [the peo-ple] to be comforting and welcoming. I felt heard and ac-cepted.”

“I used to work as a public health nurse,” says food bankcoordinator, Arlene Carpenter. “I know that the need for foodis a basic human need, and it’s wonderful to be able to pro-vide families with extra support—if they’re going through adifficult time. We’ve served more than 80 families over thepast year.”

Donations welcomed. For more information,


The Darker SideBy Matthew Wilkinson, Historian, Heritage Mississauga

An area once known as “Fasken’s Bush”, roughly northwestof the modern intersection of Erin Mills Parkway and the QEWwithin the Sheridan Homelands area of Mississauga, has adark past. The “bush” was a large forested area, and at least3 significant murders long ago took place within its dark em-brace, two of which were unsolved, and the third led to anexecution of the perpetrator – although it remains uncertainif an innocent man was sent to the gallows. But that is an-other story for another issue. This story relates to the first ofthe three crimes: an unsolved murder that took place in 1879.This article comes from a research project by Heritage Mis-sissauga entitled “The Darker Side”, which is documentingcrime and punishment in historic Mississauga.

A Dandie Mystery

Thomas Dandie was born in County Flare, Ireland, in 1837.Together with his wife Sarah, he immigrated to Canada in1861, settling in Streetsville. Thomas was a painter by trade,and his skills were in demand in his new home. Thomas issaid to have been a “Dandie by name and Dandy by nature”,and always carried himself straight and proud.

Thomas and Sarah welcomed their first child, Elizabeth, in1857, before they came to Canada. After their arrival inStreetsville, the family grew to include Mary(born 1863), Frances (1865), James (1867) andSophia (1870).

Thomas’ work often took him some distanceaway from home, occasionally finding workin neighbouring Trafalgar Township, Miltonand Oakville. In the summer of 1879 Thomashad been employed for painting at the farmof John Thomas McCauley on the Base Line(modern Eglinton Avenue), and in the firstdays of September Thomas, having justbeen paid for this work, was making hisway home from Oakville. He did not ar-rive. His horse and wagon were foundnear modern Trafalgar Road and Eglin-ton Avenue – likely the path thatThomas was taking on his return routeto Streetsville. But what happened toThomas?

On or about September3rd, 1879, Thomas’lifeless body was foundin a “bush”, a farmwoodlot that wouldlater be known as“Fasken’s Bush”, nearwhere modern ErinMills Parkway meetsthe QEW (then knownas Fifth Line West andthe Middle Road). Itwas quite a distancesouth of where hishorse was found, andnot at all on his routehome to Streetsville.There was, reportedly,no money found on his body when he was discovered, de-spite the John McCauley of Oakville swearing an oath that hehad paid Thomas for the work he had done. No trace of anyinquest or police investigation into the death of ThomasDandie has been located, and no persons were ever chargedin his death. So what happened? Was this a murder?

The local coroner simply lists his cause of death as “FoundDead”. For generations family descendants have main-

tained that he had been robbed and murdered.Thomas was only 42 years old when he died, andleft behind a wife and 5 young children. The onlyidentified reference to his mysterious passing andthe belief that he met with foul play is found in fam-ily histories recorded by descendants.

Thomas’ wife lived until 1917 and is buried in theStreetsville Public Cemetery, and the family gravestonecarries Thomas’ name. However, it is probable thatThomas himself is buried in an unmarked grave acrossthe river in the old Pioneer Cemetery on Queen Street inStreetsville.

Interestingly, although likely unrelated, “Fasken’s Bush”,where Thomas’ body was found in 1879, was the focal pointof the murder of Oleck Leutik in 1908 and the subsequenttrial and execution of Stefan Swyryda.

Was Thomas Dandie murdered? We may never know.

Page 14: President’sMessage-Fall&Winter2016...Mississauga South Constituency Office: 120 Lakeshore Road West, Unit 1 & 2 Mississauga, Ontario L5H 1E8 T: 905-274-8228 | F: 905-274-8552


Sheridan Tennis Club is located at Thorn Lodge Park inthe Sheridan Homelands and was the first in Missis-sauga to offer outdoor Pickleball on two of their fourtennis courts, in June 2016. They painted pickleballlines and created adjustable tennis nets to meet eachsport's height requirements.

What is Pickleball?

Pickleball is a combination of table tennis, badmintonand tennis. The game is played on a badminton sizecourt with a whiffle ball (a hollow perforated, plasticball), slightly larger than a tennis ball. To play, playersuse a short handled paddle somewhat larger than aping-pong paddle. The rules are simple and the gameis easy to learn. Pickleball is more challenging than itappears; it requires quick reflexes, skilful precision,and insightful strategic play. One only needs to go onYouTube or the Pickleball Channel to enjoy some fast-paced, competitive, world-class matches.

This year, pickleball was successfully introduced atSheridan Tennis Club with over twenty active membersmeeting 3 to 4 times a week to play at designatedtimes for three hour sessions during the day and in theevenings. Ample time was available for drop-in play aswell. Due to the popularity of the sport, Sheridan Ten-nis Club is planning to resurface the existingtennis/pickleball courts and adding pickleball lines onthe other two courts in the spring of 2017. Memberswill have 4 courts to play either pickleball or tennis be-tween April and October from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.,every day.

Pickleball is ideal for participants of all ages. Foryoungsters, it is an excellent sport for developing foot-work and good eye-hand coordination. Schools in

Outdoor Pickleball in MississaugaCanada and the United States are beginning to intro-duce the game in physical education classes. Tennisplayers find that pickleball helps develop better vol-leying and net play. Seniors gravitate to the sport be-cause it offers opportunities for fun, to enhance theirfitness programs, and for socializing and making newfriends. The sport is especially popular with Cana-dian snowbirds wintering in Florida, Arizona, Texas,and other States.

While several community centres in Mississauga al-ready offer indoor pickleball during the winter, it wasunder the leadership of the Pickleball Mississauga As-sociation (PMA) in collaboration with Sheridan TennisClub and the city of Mississauga that outdoor, sum-mer pickleball was introduced at Sheridan TennisClub and at the Mississauga Valley Community Cen-tre this summer.

Both Sheridan Tennis Club and PMA are committedto developing positive community spirit and encour-aging good sportsmanship for the physical and socialwell-being of Mississauga residents. We extend aninvitation to the community to come out and give thesport a try; we would be happy to supply the paddlesand balls.

Please feel free to contact Sheridan Tennis and/orPMA via their websites.

Joseph Lum, President, Sheridan Tennis

Mary Moore, President, Pickleball

Page 15: President’sMessage-Fall&Winter2016...Mississauga South Constituency Office: 120 Lakeshore Road West, Unit 1 & 2 Mississauga, Ontario L5H 1E8 T: 905-274-8228 | F: 905-274-8552