President s Corner - ABWA Soaring Eagles Chapter of ABWA · President’s Corner ... president and...

Presidents Corner Hello Soaring Eagles! Hello Soaring Eagles. This is my first presidents message and I am excited to share all that is happening in the ABWA world. Summer flew by and there is a lot coming up this fall. Its a great me to be a member of ABWA. Our Naonal organizaon is doing a complete redesign of their website and introducing Community Connecons, an online plaorm which replaces WIN. When completed it promises easy access for all members, requiring minimal computer skills. As with all new things, the rollout has been slow, but when it goes completely live we will be able to send our members to Community Connecons for informaon about their chapter including members and events. Much more will be forthcoming as the systems goes live. This past weekend, I aended the Hats Off to Dreamsevent hosted by the ABWA Council of Southern California. The event celebrated ABW Day and included a candidate forum. Naonal Board elecon will be held at the October ABWA conference in Chaanooga. We were privileged to hear from Vanessa Willis, candidate for Naonal President, Mary Ellerman, our current District VI V-P, running for Naonal Secretary- Treasurer and two candidates for District VI V -P, Chris Linowski and Melissa McCaughey. Some of you may remember meeng Mary and Melissa at our June meeng. It was inspiring to hear the candidates stories and their goals for ABWA going forward. One theme that was repeatedly stressed was the vitality of our mission statement 25 years aſter it was updated. That mission – to bring together businesswomen of diverse occupaons and to provide opportunies for them to help themselves and others grow personally and professionallyis really the core of what this chapter and this organizaon is about. My goal for my term as President is to make this chapter about our members, helping them to ignite their dreams.Our members success, personally and professionally keep our chapter successful and vital. One Chapter event I want to especially highlight is our Vendor Fair being held at the home of Dr. Julie Kangas, November 13th, 1:00 to 5:00. There will be a flyer coming out shortly but I urge everyone to put this on their calendar now. We have members who sell product or services and we invite you to reserve a display area for your product. I hope members will take this opportunity to learn more about their fellow Soaring Eagle sisters while doing some holiday shopping. And please dont keep it a secret. Invite your friends and family! I look forward to seeing everyone, Thursday, Sept. 1st. to hear guest speaker, Wanda Allen. Some of you have heard Wanda speak before and you know her Follow Up Strategiesprogram is full of informaon and solid takeaways that you can use immediately. You dont want to miss this presentaon. Best Wishes to all my sisters and their families for a great Labor Day. The Soaring Eagles are a Best Practices ABWA chapter in North San Diego County. We are the “organization of choice” for businesswomen and entrepreneurs interested in connecting through networking, professional development and career advancement. Volume Year: 2016 Issue: 5 August/September

Transcript of President s Corner - ABWA Soaring Eagles Chapter of ABWA · President’s Corner ... president and...

President’s Corner Hello Soaring Eagles!

Hello Soaring Eagles. This is my first president’s message and I am excited to share all that is happening in the ABWA world. Summer flew by and there is a lot coming up this fall. It’s a great time to be a member of ABWA. Our National organization is doing a complete redesign of their website and introducing Community Connections, an online platform which replaces WIN. When completed it promises easy access for all members, requiring minimal computer skills. As with all new things, the rollout has been slow, but when it goes completely live we will be able to send our members to Community Connections for information about their chapter including members and events. Much more will be forthcoming as the systems goes live. This past weekend, I attended the “Hat’s Off to Dreams” event hosted by the ABWA Council of Southern California. The event celebrated ABW Day and included a candidate forum. National Board election will be held at the October ABWA conference in Chattanooga. We were privileged to hear from Vanessa Willis, candidate for National President, Mary Ellerman, our current District

VI V-P, running for National Secretary-Treasurer and two candidates for District VI V-P, Chris Linowski and Melissa McCaughey. Some of you may remember meeting Mary and Melissa at our June meeting. It was inspiring to hear the candidate’s stories and their goals for ABWA going forward. One theme that was repeatedly stressed was the vitality of our mission statement 25 years after it was updated. That mission – “to bring together businesswomen of diverse occupations and to provide opportunities for them to help themselves and others grow personally and professionally” is really the core of what this chapter and this organization is about. My goal for my term as President is to make this chapter about our members, helping them to “ignite their dreams.” Our member’s success, personally and professionally keep our chapter successful and vital. One Chapter event I want to especially highlight is our Vendor Fair being held at the home of Dr. Julie Kangas, November 13th, 1:00 to 5:00. There will be a flyer coming out shortly but I urge everyone to put this on their calendar now. We have members who sell product or services and we invite you to reserve a display area for your product. I hope members will take this opportunity to learn more about their fellow Soaring Eagle sisters while doing some holiday shopping.

And please don’t keep it a secret. Invite your friends and family! I look forward to seeing everyone, Thursday, Sept. 1st. to hear guest speaker, Wanda Allen. Some of you have heard Wanda speak before and you know her “Follow Up Strategies” program is full of information and solid takeaways that you can use immediately. You don’t want to miss this presentation. Best Wishes to all my sisters and their families for a great Labor Day.

The Soaring Eagles are a Best Practices ABWA chapter in North San Diego County. We are the “organization of choice” for businesswomen

and entrepreneurs interested in connecting through networking, professional development and career advancement.

Volume Year: 2016 Issue: 5 August/September

Dr. Dolores Fazzino

ABWA Soaring Eagles Chapter Presents

October 6th. 2016

The Old Spaghetti Factory 111 N. Twin Oaks Valley Rd

San Marcos, CA 92069

Networking: 6:00

Dinner: 6:30

Speaker: 7:15-8:30

October Meeting Information

Drawing on her experiences in the healthcare industry,

Dr. Fazzino reveals the secrets to being knowledgeable

about your insurance and the questions you should be

asking. In this dynamic presentation you will leave:

Transformed by real stories from the trenches Equipped with the knowledge you need to navigate

Obamacare and beyond Knowing the major myths around health insurance and


RSVP by 10/04/16 to: Sue Punian

760-822-2242 or

Register on the website

[email protected]

Cost: $28 guests/ $23 members

Marjan Rashedi is medical and dental director of

North County Dental Surgery Center and

president and pediatric dentist at SmileBuilders

Children’s Dentistry. She founded the dental

surgery center in 2015. This state-licensed

ambulatory surgery center is Medicare certified

and is the only dental ambulatory surgery

center in San Diego County providing general

anesthesia services to pediatric dental patients.

Pediatric patients now have convenient access to

a facility that can provide services to restore

their oral health and alleviate pain in a timely

manner. Dr. Rashedi focuses on post operative

oral health care and believes in spending time

educating patients and their families about

proper oral hygiene, diet advice and disease


Congratulations to Marian Rashedi,

Winner of SD Metro Magazine’s 2016 40 Under 40!

When: Nov. 13th, 1:00 to 5:00 PM

Where: Casa Jungman-Kangas in Escondido

What: An opportunity to showcase your business businesses

What: Vendor opportunities open to members and non-members

Cost: Admission is free; Member vendor tables are $25; non-members are $30. Each

vendor is asked to contribute a door prize and will have an opportunity to speak briefly

about their business.

We will be offering complimentary appetizers and non-alcoholic beverages to guests.

Contact Mary Large 760-807-3077

Save the Date The Soaring Eagles Vendor Fair


American Business Women’s


Soaring Eagles Chapter #6495

August 4, 2016 General Meeting


The Meeting was called to order at

6:40 pm by President, Sue Punian.

The attendees said the ABWA

Mission Statement and Pledge of

Allegiance. Sue introduced the

board. Dinner and self-

introductions started afterwards.

There were 16 attendees: 15

members and 1 guest.

Program: Sue Punian introduced

our speaker, Kaye Van Nevel from

Soroptimist International of Vista,

who spoke to us on Human

Trafficking in Our Backyard.

Spotlight Speaker: Member,

Melinda Jarrell, gave her Spotlight

Speaker presentation.

Business Meeting:

Chapter Vote: The vote on the

Standing Rules and Code of

Conduct was postponed due to no


Fundraising: Mary Van Fossen

spoke about the upcoming

Vendor Fair fundraiser scheduled

for November 13th at the home of

Julie Kangas. All members and

their guests were encouraged to

attend this fun event and they are

looking for vendors to purchase a



August board meeting-

Thursday, August 25, 2016

at 6:00PM at the home of

Sue Punian.

Next General Meeting- will

be held at the Old

Spaghetti Factory at

6:00PM, September 1, 2016.

November General Meeting:

presentation will be by a

panel of various members

speaking on different

financial related topics.

Annual chapter dues were

due by August 1st, please

pay them online or


Hats Off To Dreams event-

ABWA Council Luncheon:

Saturday, August 27th in


Citracado Dental: is holding a

Kid’s Day event on August

27th at their office.

National Women’s

Leadership Conference-

October 27-29

Chattanooga, TN

Fun Stuff: Opportunity


Meeting adjourned at 8:15pm

Minutes submitted by:

Anne Grimes, Recording Secretary

August Meeting Minutes

American Business Women’s


Soaring Eagles Chapter #6495

September 1, 2016 General

Meeting Minutes

The Meeting was called to order at

6:35 pm by President, Sue Punian.

The attendees said the ABWA

Mission Statement and Pledge of

Allegiance. Sue introduced the

board. Dinner and self-

introductions started afterwards.

There were 14 attendees: 13

members and 1 guest.

Program: Sue Punian introduced

our speaker, Wanda Allen, who

presented, Follow Up Sales


Business Meeting:

Treasurer’s Report: Sara Dozier

presented the report and budget

for this year. MPD had a balance

of $2237.00, Scholarship had a

balance of $3900, and Community

Chest had a balance of $1500.00.

Based on these numbers and she

suggested that we move $1000

from the Community Chest fund

to MPD to cover reimbursements

for members going to the

upcoming National and Regional

conferences. Julie Kangas moved

to approve the transfer of $1000

from Community Chest to MPD

and Mary Large seconded it. All

were in favor. Mary Large moved

to accept the budget as submitted

by Sara and Faye Hines seconded

it with all in favor.

Standing Rules and ABWA Code

of Conduct: Sue Punian

presented the standing rules and

ABWA Code of Conduct to the

membership. Suzanne Southwell

moved to approved them as

submitted and Julie Kangas

seconded it with all in favor.

Fundraising: Sue Punian

reminded the members about the

upcoming Vendor Fair fundraiser

scheduled for November 13th at

the home of Julie Kangas. All

members and their guests were

encouraged to attend this fun

event and they are looking for

vendors to purchase a booth.

Mary Large reminded members to

purchase scrip gift cards from our

chapter to help raise funds.

Spotlight Speaker: No spotlight

speaker this month. Julie Kangas

will present next month.


September board meeting-

Monday, September 19,

2016 at 6:00PM at the home

of Sue Punian.

Next General Meeting- will

be held at the Old

Spaghetti Factory at

6:00PM, October 6, 2016.

November General Meeting:

Andrea Ashbacher spoke

about the November

meeting which will be a

presentation by a panel of

various members speaking

on different financial

related topics.

National Women’s

Leadership Conference-

October 27-29

Chattanooga, TN

Western Regional

Conference, Long Beach,

CA –March 23-25, 2017

Mary Large announced that

the December meeting

will be cancelled in lieu

of our chapter Holiday

party to be held on

December 1, 2016 with

details to follow.

Fun Stuff: Speaker Wanda Allen

held a drawing for some of her


Meeting adjourned at 8:40pm

Minutes submitted by:

Anne Grimes, Recording Secretary

September Meeting Minutes

ABWA Proud Code Of Conduct

Members will serve as goodwill ambassadors for ABWA.

Members will not allow their personal beliefs and convictions

to interfere with the representation of ABWA’s mission.

Members will always treat their member colleagues, guests,

vendors and sponsors with honesty, respect, fairness, integrity,

responsibility, kindness, and in good faith.

Members will maintain compliance with ABWA National,

Chapter and Express Network Bylaws.

Members will not use their personal power to advance their

personal interests.

Members will strive for excellence in their professions by

maintaining and enhancing their own business knowledge and

skills and by encouraging the professional development of

other members.



Sue Punian 760-822-2242


Stacey Moffat



Sara Dozier



Anne Grimes



Mary Large



Derilyn Atkinson




Gloria Lefler




Suzanne Southwell



Roxann Randall Open



Kikki Avila




Faye Hines





Anne Grimes





The mission of the American Business

Women’s Association is to bring together

Business women of diverse occupations

and to provide opportunities for them to

help themselves and others grow

personally and professionally through

leadership, education, networking support

and national recognition.

Standing Rules ABWA

Soaring Eagles Chapter #6945

Revised 05/31/2015

NOTE: All reference to folders in the Women’s Instructional Network (WIN) can be found under the Soaring Eagles Team location. WIN is where rec-

ords of Soaring Eagles, activities reside and can be seen by all members at any time.

The minutes of our monthly General Chapter Meeting will be published in the newsletter and uploaded each month to the General Meeting

minutes folder in WIN.

The monthly Treasurer’s Report will be uploaded each month to the Financial folder in WIN.

The monthly Board Meeting minutes will be uploaded each month to the Board Meeting folder in WIN.

The Executive Board may approve expenditures of up to $300.00 without the approval of the general membership. Any expenditure approved by

the Board will be recorded in the Board Meeting minutes.

The Chapter will accept Primary and Secondary members. Secondary members may not hold Executive Board positions. They may fill Committee

Chair positions and participate on any committee. They may not request reimbursement from the Member Professional Development (MPD) fund.

Secondary members will be required to pay local chapter dues annually.

Attendees at the General Chapter meeting will pay the current meeting charge whether partaking in the meal or not unless special arrangements

have been approved by the board.

There will be a fee of up to $25.00 to cover bank charges assessed for any returned check. After a second returned check, the member must pay in

cash. We recommend all members use PayPal or credit cards.

If a member’s National dues lapse (membership no longer in good standing) then the local Chapter dues will not be refunded and all member priv-

ileges will be revoked. If ABWA National membership is renewed then local member privileges will be reinstated also.

The Chapter will send the Chapter President to the ABWA National Women’s Leadership Conference (NWLC). The Chapter will pay the Presi-

dent’s early registration for ABWA NWLC. In addition, transportation and room costs (not to exceed four nights) will be reimbursed up to

$1,250.00. In the event the President is unable to attend, priority will be given as follows: 1) Executive Board member 2) cu rrent Chapter Woman of

the Year 3) current Chapter Top Ten nominee 4) general membership. See details in MPD Guidelines, No. 2C.

Based on available MPD funds, attending Chapter members will be reimbursed 100% of early registration costs for ABWA NWLC and/or ABWA

Western Regional Conference and a portion of additional expenses. See details in MPD Guidelines, No. 2C

If proceeds are available from MPD funds, the current Chapter Top Ten Nominee may be reimbursed for the ABWA NWLC Woman of th e Year/

Top Ten luncheon cost. (Approx. $50.)

If proceeds are available from MPD funds, the current Soaring Eagles Chapter Woman of the Year may be reimbursed for the ABWA NWLC Wom-

an of the Year/Top Ten luncheon cost. (Approx. $50.)

If proceeds are available from the Scholarship or MPD funds, a yearly donation of up to $1500.00 may be made to the SBMEF. A minimum of

$500.00 will be sent to SBMEF each year.

Proceeds from the annual fundraiser will be allocated as follows:

First $2,000 to our Scholarship fund

Next $1,000 to our Community Chest fund

Next $2,000* to our Member’s Professional Development fund

* if less than $2,000, all remaining proceeds above the first $3,000.

All proceeds above $5,000 will be allocated to our General fund until reallocated to above

ccounts as the membership approves by a vote at a General Meeting.

The Chapter Advisor shall be the immediate Past President. If she is unable to serve, the Chapter

Advisor will be appointed by the outgoing Executive Board at the end of the term. The Chapter Advisor will not have a vote on the Executive


A member of the Executive Board will serve on the Scholarship and Member Professional

Development Committees.

Any members elected as Chapter Woman of the Year will not be eligible for selection until three years have passed.

After a review of the Standing Rules by the Ad hoc committee, they will be published two times before going to vote by the general membership.

(Newsletter and direct email)

The Chapter has adopted the ABWA National Proud Code of Conduct. The Code will be published in each edition of the Chapter ne wsletter and

can be found in WIN at any time.

The Chapter has adopted the ABWA National Bylaws for the chapter and can be found in WIN at any time.

Last Revision 7/23/07, 11/12/08, 02/17/11, 05/31/15

Ad hoc members: Stacey Moffat, Mary Large

ABWA Soaring Eagles

Chapter #6495

P.o. Box 725

Escondido, CA 92033

Events Calendar

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

9 10 11 12 13 14 15

16 17 18 19 20 21 22

23 24 25 26 27 28 29

30 31




see p.2


Meeting 6-


For questions or

comments regarding

the newsletter, feel

free to contact me at :


Derilyn Atkinson

VP Newsletter

National Conference in Chattanooga!



Spa Wellness
