Presents Muscle Gain Testimonials - Iron Magazine · 2004-11-04 · ago I reached my goal, and...

Presents Muscle Gain Testimonials

Transcript of Presents Muscle Gain Testimonials - Iron Magazine · 2004-11-04 · ago I reached my goal, and...

Page 1: Presents Muscle Gain Testimonials - Iron Magazine · 2004-11-04 · ago I reached my goal, and right now I’m at 195 lbs. That is a 45 lb. gain from my post-sickness weight. I tell


Muscle Gain


Page 2: Presents Muscle Gain Testimonials - Iron Magazine · 2004-11-04 · ago I reached my goal, and right now I’m at 195 lbs. That is a 45 lb. gain from my post-sickness weight. I tell

Learn How I Gained 32lbs of Muscle Mass

in Just 12 Weeks, without Steroids!

click here for more info…

Page 3: Presents Muscle Gain Testimonials - Iron Magazine · 2004-11-04 · ago I reached my goal, and right now I’m at 195 lbs. That is a 45 lb. gain from my post-sickness weight. I tell

Last updated February 10, 2003. As always, individual results will vary, but if you are dedicated, you will see results. All you have to do is make the commitment to do whatever it takes, just like the people on this page. It’s hard work, but it can be done. Just follow the program!  


ERIC WATTS Student, age 21 Gained 25lbs of muscle Size/Strength Changes Week 1 Week 7 Weight 154 lbs 180 lbs Arms 14" 16" Bench Press 195 lbs 245 lbs


"When I started Anthony’s program, I was 6’4" 154 pounds. I was very underweight, and had tried everything to pack on pounds. I had trained intensely for four years in the weightroom. My gains in size, however, were nonexistent. It wasn’t until I found Anthony’s program that I fully understood what my body required to gain quality mass fast, and effectively. I finally understood that I had to work just as hard in the kitchen as I did in the weightroom. I find it to be one of the most impressive collections of workout material ever compiled for those who are unable to gain lean mass.

By the 7th week of the program I had gained a full 25 pounds, and stayed incredibly lean. My arms had gained a little over 2 inches and my chest and delts were more developed and striated than ever. I had increased my bench press from 195 to 245 over the course of the full program, and I increased my squat by nearly 40 pounds. What Anthony has compiled in his program is the most complete, up to date guide available regarding weight training for proper mass gains. When followed properly, there is no doubt in my mind that even the hardest of gainers will experience good results."

The key is to get informed and get disciplined."

"Hey Anthony, although I never gained as much as you did in 12 weeks, I’m still pleased to announce that I gained 40 lbs in about 8 months.

When I started your program and you asked me to send you my goal weight, I wrote down 190 lbs., with tongue in cheek. You see, I never believed I’d ever reach that goal. But as the months went by and I kept on gaining, my optimism also grew. To make a long story short, about 4 months ago I reached my goal, and right now I’m at 195 lbs. That is a 45 lb. gain from my post-sickness weight.

I tell people that I’m the only guy I know who can gain 45 lbs and still be considered skinny. Because I’m so tall (6’2-1/2") and was so skinny to start with, 45 lbs has made a significant difference, but I’m still not where I want to be. So I set a new goal at 210 lbs., and I know I will reach it. Anyway, I just wanted to thank you". Darryl P., Montana

Muscle Gain Testimonials

Page 4: Presents Muscle Gain Testimonials - Iron Magazine · 2004-11-04 · ago I reached my goal, and right now I’m at 195 lbs. That is a 45 lb. gain from my post-sickness weight. I tell


"Started 12 weeks on January 16th...just ended last Tuesday on April 10th....went from 155 lbs to 163 lbs and went from about 19% body fat to just about 14%...My arms went from 12" to 14.5", chest went from 31" to 41", neck went from 15" to 16.5". " Todd W., Indiana


"I first want to congratulate you on such an outstanding program and manual. I modeled it over 2 years ago and managed to put on 25 pounds in 11 weeks."

" I went from 143 to 168 but my new goal is 190. " Phillip T., Mississippi


"Just thought I’d drop you a line about my progress. Your life story on your site really hit home with me. I was speechless when contemplating purchasing your program, it turns out we have the exact same life story, I can relate to every word. I too was teased when I was a kid. I was embarrassed to go to the beach or swimming in a pool because I was ridiculed and called Stickman. I would never wear shorts in the summer, (which got really hot), because of my skinny legs. I also took up martial arts for the same reasons as you.

I decided to purchase your program about a month or so ago without expecting any real accomplishments. But I didn’t actually decide to go forward with it until about two weeks ago. I was hanging out at my favorite club that I go to every Saturday night. There was a girl there that I met that night who was all over me. It was very hot in the club that night and this was the type of club where every guy walks around in a tank top or no shirt at all. This girl constantly made an attempt to take off my shirt. I was so self conscious about my skinny appearance that I decided to sweat it out all night.

After that night I decided to give your program a shot. My average weight is about 150 but I drop to 130-135 very frequently. It’s a struggle to keep 150 up. I officially started on your program on Monday The 15th, (3 days ago), with very little modification to your original plan. My starting weight with the supplements and workout was around 143, Monday morning I was 148, Tuesday morning I was 151, Wednesday morning I was 154, and this morning I am 158.

Everyone around the office is recognizing the increase. I couldn’t even fit into my favorite pants this morning. ..when I look in the mirror I can see my body filling out nicely and I love it. I have a higher level of self esteem now even only after the first 4 days. I am looking forward to going to the club again in about two weeks with my new look. ..Thanx again for doing this for the little guy. Nobody realizes the struggle we have." Reuben R., Connecticut


"It’s been about 6 weeks since I started...The system works great and I have already gained over 25 pounds of muscle." Michael R., Washington


"I am now in my eighth week and I started at 150lbs with an aim to get to 180lbs with 5% bodyfat. I am now 185lbs 10.5% bodyfat, and i look huge, its great and I am only on my eighth week. I am gonna keep close eye on my bodyfat to keep it under 12% then I will then diet to get my bodyfat to 5%. I will decide, when i am ripped, whether to pursue getting larger, but to be honest Iam as big as I wanna be.

I am in the process of getting my friends into your program, they are getting jealous. Thanks for helping me Anthony, not only have you helped get the body I’ve wanted , but I feel very strong

Muscle Gain Testimonials

Page 5: Presents Muscle Gain Testimonials - Iron Magazine · 2004-11-04 · ago I reached my goal, and right now I’m at 195 lbs. That is a 45 lb. gain from my post-sickness weight. I tell


When i started you program, I suffered from a bad case of depression, and was on medication. Since starting your program, my doctor has taken me off the medication, and because Ii have been doing your program, I’m healthy in my mind as well as my body I’ve gotten out of hole I thought was impossible to get out of." Danny C., United Kingdom


"I have been trying to gain weight for years now, but it wasn’t before I saw your page that realized that it was possible! Thanx! I’m now up 30 pounds in only 6 weeks!" Jorgen M., Norway


"I’m a few weeks in and have had quite a large improvement in most area’ chest measurement appears to have increased because my lats are increasing rapidly so measuring pecs is affected. By the way, I’ve put on 7kg plus in 4 weeks. I think that’s something like 17 pounds or something." Anthony A., Australia


"First, let me tell you that I’ve been on your program for two weeks, and I can already see and feel quite a difference in my body. I can honestly say that I’ve made more gains on your program in TWO WEEKS than on any other I’ve tried. I attribute most of that to my own miseducation and lack of knowledge. I never quite realized the importance of training the compound muscle groups or eating properly. There’s so much bogus info out there, its unbelievable."

[two weeks later] "I’m in the fourth week of your program, and I’m getting great results. My strength is increasing steadily, and I can definitely see and feel a difference in my body. It’s getting to where I actually look forward to going to the gym to see what kind of gains I’ve made." Ross Y., California


"I finished my fourth week, I have gained 27lbs, this week I gained almost 6 lbs. I don’t know why people take steroids, they should use your routine, this is amazing. Unbelievable, I am not that 130lb skinny guy anymore, I am confident in myself. When I am walking on the streets 110% of women stare at me!!! I am not joking man, this is truth, I even use shorts already -- something that I never used before. Anthony, I am changing, my body has changed incredibly, I feel healthier, I stopped smoking. In my first day I couldn’t do any dips, now I can do 9 in a row. My chest has increased 4/25", my biceps 2", my calves almost 2", my upper thigh 2/73 inches." Jose M., Mexico


"I just finished your manual today and I ’m very thrilled with the thoroughness of it. I didn’t know what to expect when I purchased it over the weekend, but I’m very glad that I did (I had been debating on whether or not to buy it for nearly a month!)." Daniel H., Georgia


"Just thought I’d let you know that I received your manual last week. I have since read every page at least 2 times. Must say you have all kinds of good information in there which is good to see (I used to be a personal trainer and am a Navy Bomb Disposal Diver living in Australia for another 10 months)... It is good to have so much good information in one place, and such an easy format for anyone to’ve already done the legwork for us!" Joe K., Australia

Muscle Gain Testimonials

Page 6: Presents Muscle Gain Testimonials - Iron Magazine · 2004-11-04 · ago I reached my goal, and right now I’m at 195 lbs. That is a 45 lb. gain from my post-sickness weight. I tell


Let me complement you on the quality of document you have put together. I have read through it several times now, and it is incredibly well-organized and easy to use. If you are a professional writer, it is extremely well done; if you are not, maybe you should be!)" John J., Texas


"I bought your program and I am very pleased. It answers about any question I can think of in a reality fashion. I’ve been lifting for about two years with (some) progress. I work out diligently and strenuously but I know there was room for improvement. I thank you for providing the answers to a fellow hardgainer with a big work ethic." Guy L., Michigan


"Well, I just finished up my 6th week and I gained 17lbs. I got my body fat % taken professionally and it was 6.8% to start with and 7.2% now, so most of that weight is lean."

[Update] "I finished your 3 month program....I went from 130lbs to 154lbs but skipped the fat loss since my body fat was still only 7.8%." Marco P., Canada


"Hi Anthony, I have finished with my bulking phase and I have gained all the muscle I want..." John D., Florida


"Hi Anthony, first id like to say thanks I’ve gained 12lbs already. Though my gains have already slowed down a bit, I’ll continue putting the program to the test." Jason B., Florida


"I started on 20th March 2000. I have found your manual and tips invaluable. I have so far gained 10lbs, and now weigh more than I ever have in my life !! My body fat has remained exactly the same at 15%. I feel good and am looking forward to more hard work in the gym and sticking to your (now my) diet. Thanks for the manual - it has really helped me. The staff at the gym (Formula One in Nottingham (Robin Hood County)) England, are also very interested in your techniques and my progress." John R., England


"...I looked at you as a role model, but I really wanted to know how you did it. So I bought your package, read through it, and I am really excited. Being someone who works 12 hour shifts, and having little access to a kitchen (living in dorms), you make it so easy! You completely draw it out for me, and the meals are simple for guys like me. It’s like you said "no brainer". I was a little sketchy about ordering your program, but I just want you to know that I am 100% satisfied! Paul M., USAF, Stationed in Germany


"After completing the mass building section of the program I gained 17lbs. I had a few injuries that limited me, and I could have done a little better on the diet, so I’m pleased. It is by far the most weight I have ever gained." [Note: He also added 2 inches to his legs] Bill K., New York

Muscle Gain Testimonials

Page 7: Presents Muscle Gain Testimonials - Iron Magazine · 2004-11-04 · ago I reached my goal, and right now I’m at 195 lbs. That is a 45 lb. gain from my post-sickness weight. I tell


"Just a quick note cuz’ I’m sure you’re busy. Just finished the 4th week: Dropped 7% of body fat. Dropped 7.9lbs of fat. Gained 14.9 lbs of muscle. Not great, but it’s only the beginning." David M., Illinois


"Started your program a couple of weeks ago and I am truly SHOCKED!! I went into the gym to work out and thought I’d check my weight like I’m suppose to and WOW I had gained almost nine pounds. I went from 154 to 163.5 lbs!! Having already finished one BFL challenge earlier this spring this change was drastic in a much shorter time frame. I had hoped to hit 170 on your program but I’m now thinking 180 is possible. My muscles are growing big time..." Gary S., Colorado


"Hey Anthony, this is Drew. I have wrote before, but to refresh your memory, I am 18 years old and have been struggling with fitness plans. Your mass training really worked for me, my muscles really got big and a lot of people noticed. This feeling was the best in the world for I have worked a lot and have received no results until then. So I thank you for your mass training routine." Drew S., Colorado


"Thanks for the inspiration, being a skinny tall guy can be very depressing and like you said you’re not allowed to be upset about it to others, but your program is already making huge changes for me (I’m up about 6lbs without creatine and a few other things I was missing in the beginning weeks) and starting to look really in-shape." Alan S., Iowa


"Anthony, just wanted to let you know I’ve been following your program for three weeks and put on 17 pounds... just wanted to let you know I’m happy with the info and results so far-it feels great to be stronger and walk around with my shirt off and not be embarrassed...I want to put on about 10-15 more pounds of muscle and then that’s i said before, I have no desire to get huge." Robbie K., California


"I ve been using your program for about 3 months now. I want to start by saying that I’m 26 years old and weighed in at 135lbs! (no known medical problems) After 3 months using your program almost exactly as you recommend, I now weight 155. This is good since my long-term goal was to reach 160." David P., Texas


"Over the past ten weeks I have gained about 22 pounds, the majority of it being muscle. My thighs, back, chest, and even shoulders have made considerable gains, enough to noticed by people who see me everyday." Mike G., Iowa


"I emailing you to inform you that I haven’t fell from the face of the Earth - well not yet anyway ;-). Your program has produce some impressive results even though, I couldn’t start taking the Glutamine until the 3rd week. I gain 14 pounds after the 5th week...Several people notice the

Muscle Gain Testimonials

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weight/ muscle gain, even though I didn’t." Rafiq J., Georgia


"Anthony, I have increased my weight to 155 pounds from 130 pounds in the last 3 months..." Suresh V., Canada


"I am starting the 4th week of your program now and have gained 12 lbs so far. That is not quite your rate as shown in the manual, but I am pleased."

[one week later] "Just wanted to drop you a line and commend you on a great program. Over five weeks I gained 13 lbs... My goal is 170 lbs, and I am now at 150. Thanks again bud." [latest update 8 mths later] " It’s been awhile, but I am here to report that I have successfully reached my goal of gaining 30lbs." Daron D., Texas


"Anthony, so far your program has worked great. I’ve gained 10 lbs in 4 weeks. My bodyfat has increased, but not that much. I’m just glad that I’m filling out and getting stronger. Your program is awesome! " John B., California


"In the past few weeks, I’ve put on about 10 lbs, and I’m feeling good.." Mark K., Connecticut


"I am in my third week of your program. I have gained 4 pounds [this week ] and getting more bang at the gym. I started eating and working out in March weighing in at 162lbs my goal was 20 lbs in 2000. I hit it this week! Your program is getting me on my way to 200 lbs!" Terry A., Texas


"Hey Anthony I am in my 7th week of your program and it has helped me out a lot. I gained 1.5 inches on my arms and about 5 inches on my chest. My bench has gone up about 40 pounds..."

[9 weeks later] "I finished your program about a month ago and I am pleased with the 25 pounds I put on. I never wrote to thank you so I am thanking you right now. You have help me to achieve what I have always dream of but was too lazy to work for. I just didn’t believe such great gains could come so easily." [Note: It’s not that easy! He really worked hard!] Paul S., Massachusetts


"Well, so far I am very pleased with the results: in two weeks I have gained 7.5 lbs., and my bodyfat percentage has remained at 9%." Paul O., California


Muscle Gain Testimonials

Page 9: Presents Muscle Gain Testimonials - Iron Magazine · 2004-11-04 · ago I reached my goal, and right now I’m at 195 lbs. That is a 45 lb. gain from my post-sickness weight. I tell

"...your non-technical yet comprehensive programme has been a revelation. The rapid changes are very obvious, my jeans are tight across the thighs rather than my stomache & I can fill out a shirt rather than have it hang off me like a scarecrow." Thanks again." Brad M., Australia


"Hey Anthony, I love your program...anyway your program helped me a lot I gained over 35 pounds in six months..." Scott M., Canada


"First, I want to commend you on the program. I’ve been using it for several months and I’ve gotten results that I never dreamed of. It really is amazing. I’ve wanted to gain weight and be healthy for so long that it’s strange to look at myself in the mirror! Sometimes I wonder if I’m not just having an extended dream or something! Amazing..." Chuck K., Texas


"I’m finishing week 4 soon and I have gained 7 pounds in total so far and gained no measurable amount of fat (in fact it may even have gone down slightly). Many thanks Anthony ... I am really getting in to this lifestyle and I can *see* results..." Tim W., United Kingdom


"YOU are the one that motivated me to start building up, and I feel better (physically) and stonger than ever! I have put on over 20 pounds and its great. Everything you said has guided me." Mike Z., Australia


"I have been on your program for only 3 short weeks and during the first 2 weeks I gained 12 POUNDS!!! Yes I am excited if you are wondering! I originally weight 150 and I was 6ft, all my measurements have been almost exact to yours except I am just a little bigger but all of my gains have been almost an exact replica of yours. At the end of my 3rd week I now weight 164. I love eating all these meals it keeps my booming with energy." Terrie L., Tennessee


"...I gained about 12 lbs. within 6 weeks of using your program." Matthew E., Washington


"Love your program...I have gone from 167 to 187 since I’ve started. My goal is 195 for my body type." Terry A., Texas


"I did purchase your book and found terrific, congratulation! Is well written, well thought, well illustrated, a very fine job, thank you." Giuseppe O., Italy

Muscle Gain Testimonials

Page 10: Presents Muscle Gain Testimonials - Iron Magazine · 2004-11-04 · ago I reached my goal, and right now I’m at 195 lbs. That is a 45 lb. gain from my post-sickness weight. I tell


"I just wanted to say thank you for all the questions you have answered for me. I have gained so much insight on nutrition and weight training since I purchased your manual. Once I get started, the body that i am going to build I do not thing could have been done without your help and, of course, the manual." Matt B., Florida


"Since using your manual i put on about 20 pounds." Peter B., New York


"Great news! I have reached my goal of 20lbs already in just five weeks while maintaining a steady 15.5% body fat level. I am increasing my goal now to 25lbs. Thanks for all the help Anthony." Randip B., Canada


"...thank you for your manual! since starting it at the end of the 12 week period i gained 27 pounds and i felt great!! " Ariel C., Washington


"Thank you, thank you and thank you. I have just completed my first month and am amazed at the results of your great program. I have gained 20lbs. (185-205) although my bodyfat has only raised two points." Kevin W., Hawaii


"I have been following the diet very strictly and have been working out three times every week just like I’m supposed to. I’m looking at my stats right now. I’ve gained 13 lbs, 3" on my shoulders, and 1-1/4" on my biceps (those are the ones I’m most proud of)!" [See Photo below]

Muscle Gain Testimonials

Page 11: Presents Muscle Gain Testimonials - Iron Magazine · 2004-11-04 · ago I reached my goal, and right now I’m at 195 lbs. That is a 45 lb. gain from my post-sickness weight. I tell

Learn How I Gained 32lbs of Muscle Mass

in Just 12 Weeks, without Steroids!

click here for more info…

Page 12: Presents Muscle Gain Testimonials - Iron Magazine · 2004-11-04 · ago I reached my goal, and right now I’m at 195 lbs. That is a 45 lb. gain from my post-sickness weight. I tell

[update] "...Numbers aside, I feel great. I’ve been tanning at the pool at my apartment and I love just walking over there with my shirt off. That’s very unlike last summer when I was embarrassed just to be out there. I gained well over an inch on my biceps and almost four inches around my shoulders. I had a very dear friend to me tell me recently that she, "never thought the day would come that (I) would fill out a wife-beater." Needless to say, I also have swayed from the baggy clothes that were so important in hiding my size. I still wear the jeans...only NOW it’s without a belt!"

Clayton S., Oklahoma


"Writing to let you know that I have gained 12 pounds in four weeks. When I started I was 140 pounds (5% bodyfat) at 6’ 2". Now I’m up to 152 (8%). My goal is 170, and I’m very confident that I’ll reach it by the end of the summer. I love it! Its been said before, but I’ll say it again -- You are the man!" Geoff R., Maryland


"Just a quick note to say I’m beginning week 4 of my program, and I’ve already gained 7 lbs! Thanks man! You’re a genius."

[update] "I am a 41 yr old male, 5’8", with a very low percentage of body fat: 6.5%. I am just beginning Week 7 of your program. I have gained 11 lbs to date (from 125) % body fat has

Week 1 Week 10 Week 12 (2 weeks on fat loss program)

Weight 117 lbs 135 lbs 130 lbs Bodyfat 11.70 20.70 14.90 Chest 33.75 35.50 35.00 Waist 27.50 29.63 28.88 Shoulders 40.00 44.00 43.50 Bicep 10.00 11.88 11.38 Neck 14.50 14.63 14.50 Thigh 17.50 19.13 19.00

Muscle Gain Testimonials

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increased maybe 1%. I think your program is great, and am referring my friends." Richard E., Toronto


"Hey Anthony, how’s it going. I just thought I would write to you and let you know how I’ve been progressing. I used to weigh 143 lbs and now I weigh 161 lbs. My family and friends have all noticed my weight gain and muscle mass, which has obviously boosted my self esteem (my friends have started asking me what I’ve been doing and how they can achieve what I’ve been doing)." Jose C., Illinois


"I am currently on the fat loss and almost done. I went ftom 16% to 9% body fat in about 12 weeks. I took my time and monitored my measurements every 2 weeks. I will me starting the Mass Gain in a couple of weeks and have very high hope... I am totally amazed, I mean TOTALLY amazed at the fat I lost around my middle. I am at about where you were in your first "before" picture, with more muscle definition. I am very consistent with the eating, the workouts etc., this program works! That’s why I believe that the Gain Mass part will work also, like you said,"consistency is the Key". I am very much into this lifestyle, I enjoy working out etc. thanks for giving us all the correct information, so many people are mis-informed. " [update 4 months later] " the first 12 wks (of starting the mass program) I gained 10 lbs, took 2 weeks off and after week 15 gained 1 more. I’m happy with the results :-) (8 lbs of muscle)." Paul I., Connecticut


"Thank you so much for your knowledge. I finished my first 12 weeks flawlessly, and I am currently taking a breather for a week or two. My first twelve weeks kicked ass, I gained 27 pounds of muscle, and some gains in fat but not much, so I am going to go another round of gaining and then before the summer hits, work my butt off to loose the body fat. Thanks again." Brian B., Colorado


"I purchased your system a while ago and i have gained over 20 lbs of muscle..." Michael D., New York


"Well Mr. Ellis, I’ve been on your plan now for about 10 weeks, and I’ve gained about 30lbs- so thanks for that." Bhavik, P., New York


"I wanted to tell you that someone in the Gym told me today "man, you’re bigger every time I see you!!!" What a boost. I’ve already added 30 lbs to my bench, and I’m just in my second week! While I’ve only gained 4 lbs so far, my strength, endurance, and motivation are increasing rapidly. Looks like my body was screaming for something like this! Thanks again." Patrick D., Arizona


"I just wanted Mr. Ellis to know that i am very thankful for the wonderful guide on how to gain weight. I started the program 3 weeks ago @ 143lbs 6’1 and i am now weighing 160lbs the highest of my lifetime. My initial goal was 170lbs but i have reached 160lbs so fast so now my goal is 180lbs. " Oscar M., Texas

Muscle Gain Testimonials

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"Hi Anthony. Due to unforeseen operation that put me out for two weeks, I was unable to follow the program for that time, diet-wise and gym-wise. I had been on my seventh week and gained about 20 pounds." Chris F., Canada


"Hey Anthony, first of all let me thank you for the insight I gained from reading your Gaining Mass book. I’ve gained 18 pounds in only 3 weeks" Lance L, California


"I have now completed 8 weeks of the program and I just weighed myself and I now have gained 32 pounds! Every person that knows me always takes another glance wondering what am I doing to get so big. I know that you do not think kids in high school should do this program, but I have found ways to do it..." Jason J. Minnesota


"I have actually gained about 11lb of muscle and lost 9lb of fat to be precise with the exact percentages etc..." Craig I, Australia


"The bottom line is that even though I don’t follow your program 100%, I’ve gained about 17-20 pounds since January..." Neil H., New York


"Anthony, first and foremost I’d like to thank you for providing us skinny guys with this fabulous program. Putting on weight for me was like trying to hit a randy johnson fastball...impossible. I really thought I was just gonna have to live with what I had. Since I started your program I have gone from 157 lbs. to 178 lbs. This may not be a substantial gain compared to many others but for me it is almost miraculous. I finally am proud of the way I look. I recently finished the 12-week program but the best part in my eyes is that I have all the tools I need to continue to work hard at further gains. My eating habits now that I’m off the program are considerably improved from how they were before it. I love working out and it is now something I look forward to every week. Your program has completely changed my diet, my body, and most of all my mind. Those things don’t end with the program they just continue to improve and for that I owe you a huge thanks. Thank You." G. Goldberg., Minnesota


"...hi i did great thanks to your routine and diet program. I managed to gain 20 pounds! (it used to be impossible for me to gain a pound) I went from 140 to 160." Juan A., Texas


"I finished up the first 12-week session of your program a little over a week ago. Not only did I achieve my numerical goal of 200 lbs. (a 20 pound increase from the 180 I started the program at), but I also hit a visual goal, as indicated by the countless compliments I’ve received. I can’t wait to get back on the program after my 2-week break and hit new peaks, which I am sure are possible

Muscle Gain Testimonials

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through your program." Brian F., New Jersey


"I just wanted to let you know that, thanks to you, I FINALLY have a new ’set weight’. For years I used to be at 121 lbs. Working out, I’d be lucky to maintain 130. With your system, I went from 125 to 138. I got ill, then lazy, and stayed off your plan for about 2 months. But I leveled out at a new ’set weight’ of 134 lbs.!!" Richard E., Canada


"Thanks for putting this whole program together. I’ve been using it for about 10 months now. I gained about 12 pounds in 5 months (which I thought was awesome) and everyone noticed. Especially my family when I went back home to visit. They all kept saying "you’re huge" (which was embarrassing yet welcome). I was still to skinny but "huge" is a relative term....But I just wanted to express my thanks for the entire program and the great website and message boards. It is all very helpful and I’ve learned a lot (and continue to learn). THANKS! " Paul M., California


"I just wanted to thank you for the recommendation and to update you on my progress. I created an Excel file charting my weight over the course of the 3 weeks since your previous email and will attach it to this email if you want to take a look. Here are the numbers from it:

11-Sep 157.6 14-Sep 157.8 15-Sep 159 17-Sep 159.6 18-Sep 160.4 21-Sep 160.6 22-Sep 162.4 25-Sep 162.4 28-Sep 161.2 1-Oct 163.4 2-Oct 164

Total Weight Gain: 6.4 pounds Pounds Gained / Week: 2.13

My body fat has stayed the same the past three weeks. I guess that’s a good thing, as it means my weight gain hasn’t consisted of fat. I know it might be silly, but I always made sure to weigh myself at the same time of day, after having eaten the same number of meals, and wearing the same clothing. I didn’t want any unnecessary variation in my numbers!

Thanks again for the tip, it really seems to have paid off thus far! I don’t know where I’d be without your help and inspiration. " Brett G., Pennsylvania


"Overall, the program is working great for me, +16 lbs. in week 5, best health related purchase I ever made..." Roger S., Texas


"I have worked out on my own before I found your program, and even kinda made up my own program for eating and exercise scheduals and stuff. Your program has done more for me in 2 weeks then mine did in 3 months.. so I have no regrets at all.. every part of my body is bigger and

Muscle Gain Testimonials

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I’m up +16 LBM since the start..." Jason D., Florida


"Hey man, it’s been quite a year for me. Lot’s of ups and downs, but I’ve somehow kept my training up and managed to gain some weight. So far, I’ve gained 20lbs, mostly muscle. This is a surprise as I’ve never been over 135 lbs in my life. To be at 156 is awesome. 156 is great, but I’m not stopping until I get to 170, which should be soon. I’ll let you know when I get there and will be asking for some pointers on the fat loss phase." Chris R., Florida


"...Also, I have gain 18 pounds since using your program!" Derrick W.., New Jersey


"I received the order on October 25, started the program on the 26th and am very pleased with the product...gained about 11-12 lbs since. Thanks for the product." Cody Z., Oklahoma


"I am very thankful about you’re program, and it really worked for me even though my body progresses at a very slow rate, but then "progress is progress". I gained almost 30 lbs. for the whole program of the gaining mass workbook... once again thank you, and more success with you’re program." Serwil M., California


"Hi, I started your program in June and now I am nearing completion of the 26 week program for gaining mass. All’s I have to say about your program and your knowledge about the subject is incredible. I love it. I have almost become addicted to your type of lifestyle and it is awesome. I am gaining mass, every week." Bryant B., Wisconsin


"Anthony, Just thought I would warn you........I may be after your job! Ha Ha! In my first 3 weeks I have went from 162.5lbs to 171lbs. A lean body mass of 145.28 up to 158.35! Went down to 7.4% from 9.2%! Total gain of 13lbs of muscle mass! I checked the math 3 times to be sure. Could not believe it! You have done a great job and should be very proud of what you have done for yourself and others!" Jeremi B., Missouri


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Last updated February 10, 2003 As always, individual results will vary, but if you are dedicated, you will see results. All you have to do is make the commitment to do whatever it takes, just like the people on this page. It’s hard work, but it can be done. Just follow the program!


DIETER HESCH, M.D., PH.D. Physician, age 63 Gained 21lbs of muscle, lost 13lbs of fat in 6 months


Body Composition Changes 2/2000 7/2000 Weight 156 lbs 169.5 lbs Bodyfat 17.6% 7.3% Pounds of fat 27.4 lbs 12.3 lbs Pounds of muscle 128.6 lbs 157.2 lbs Chest 40" 44" Waist 34" 33"

Strength Increases (in lbs.) 2/2000 7/2000 Bench Press 122lbs [1 rep] 230lbs [2 reps] Leg Press 175 [1 rep] 570 [2 reps] Leg Extension 60 [1 rep] 175 [2 reps] Lat Pulldown 90 [1 rep] 175 [2 reps] One Arm Row 30 [1 rep] 90 [2 reps] Barbell Curl 45 [1 rep] 88 [2 reps] Tricep Extension 45 [1 rep] 110 [2 reps]


"I find your program the most attractive I have seen so far, the most advanced and logical. A coworker of Men’s Health told me ’its enough, stop now you will look like a body builder’, and so says my wife...Before working with you I did not expect such success so I am surprised.." Side Note: Dieter has recently written a book based on his training experience. If you read German, you can purchase it here. You can also visit his web site at: and also here:

Muscle Gain Testimonials

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"Just a short note to let you know how well your program is working for me. I am 34 years old and have never weighted any more than 69 kilo’s. I was diagnosed with a chronic bowel disorder 5 years ago and have been having huge problems maintaining even the 60 kilo mark. All the diets I have tried have ended in disappointment and the doctors I have consulted can offer no light on my situation.

Any way since starting your (now my) program on 6th March 2000 I have gained 4 kilos and have never felt soooooooo good. A lot of the symptoms associated with my disease have eased greatly and I look forward to gaining even more weight. My original reason for purchasing your program was just to maintain my original weight with maybe a little gain. NOW I feel that a 15 to 20 kilo gain is not beyond me.

So far I have gained 2" on my arms and chest. My legs have never had any shape, but now I can wear shorts and people already ask what the hell I have done to my body. I am so stoked that even with my poor digestion system I have been able to gain weight.

My wife of eight years is so impressed with my progress, that she is now joining me in the gym. She has lost 2 kilos in one week. wooooo hooooo. Once again Anthony thanks for the brilliant program."

[update 9/21/00] "Thought I would drop a note to let you know how I am going. As of 21st September I weigh 81kgs (178.2lbs) I hope to get to 90 kgs (198lbs) by wife is still training too. She has lost in total about 12 kgs since April." Peter H., Australia


"I went from 130 lbs to 147 and gaining more thanks to you, boy dieting for me is a awful commitment but I plan to stick and reach my goal."

[update, 3 months later]...thanks for everything brother I reached my dream!!! I was once 130 lbs now I am at 165, I have to tell all the skinny guys out there that this is the best thing that has ever happened to’re book of course, is the thing that got me going... Raul S., New Mexico


"After the first four weeks on your program I have gained 14.4 pounds of muscle. Oddly enough, I have also lost 5.4 pounds of bodyfat. My bodyfat went from 10.6 to 6.6 in four weeks on the mass diet. How is this so?"

[Two weeks later] "Today I took measurements, and found that I have gained 21.5 pounds of muscle after 6 weeks and have lost 8.5 pounds of fat...I weighed 170.5 with 4.6 percent bodyfat."

[Three weeks later] "Thank you so much for this program. You were right about people thinking I would be on steroids. At a football meeting the captains told some teammates, ’Stay off the beer, stay off the chew.’ Then, our Pre-season All-State running back tells me joking, ’Sean, stay off the steroids.’ Everyone got a good laugh and I told them I had gained forty pounds since wrestling season. It was great!" Sean H., Canada


"As of this morning , I am up 9 lbs. (159 lbs.) [after 5 weeks], so I am within 6 lbs. of my target

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of 165 lbs. If I make that before the end of the 12 weeks, I will probably reset it and raise the bar a bit (maybe 170 lbs)." Steven. S., Massachusetts


"Thanks again for another very prompt response. I always think a guy like you would be so busy throughout the day, and you probably are, yet you find the time to answer my emails so quickly...After one month, I’ve gained two inches on just about all my tape measurements. My bicep has increased from 14" to 15.5", my chest from 40" to 42", while my hips down from 38" to 36"! My body fat hasn’t really dropped yet, but of course I’m not on your fat-burning program so it’s no big deal. I don’t want to sound like every other fan of yours, but thanks for everything so far." Grant M., Minnesota


"It has been two weeks now and I have already gone from 172lbs. to 180lbs. I have seen some visual difference, some strength gains and I feel better. I used to get tired after lunch but now I feel energized throughout the day. It’s alot of work, but well worth it." Chuck G., New Hampshire


"Anthony, I’m starting my 4th week. I feel quite good, increased 10 pounds and gaining strength." Hector. C., Florida


"Once again, thanks for the information. I put on ten pounds in the past six weeks using your program." Chris Z., Oklahoma


"I gained 10 lbs during this 12 week period which ended last week." Matt. A., Finland


"Today I have taken measures after my second training week...I have gained nearly 7 pounds (now 155 pounds) in my first two weeks of training with a constant percentage of fat (14.5%)." Juergen. W., Austria


"It’s been 16 weeks since I started the program - thank you! I have gained twenty pounds of muscle (I started at 124lbs) and weigh more than I ever have in my life." Kevin W., Washington


"With the advice on the website I have seen tremendous results. I am up 13 pounds since I began. I just feel a lot better now that I am following your program. I have gone from being a skinny 6-1 163 to 176 already in about 5 weeks." B. R., Georgia


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"Anthony, just thought I’d drop a line, going well, started at 146 lbs 66.5 kg and now up to 70kg 154 lb..and the belt has come in a notch... Into week 3 and can’t help but be amazed at the progress, what seemed really difficult last week is (almost) the warmup weight..this week...and what’s this distinctly improving shape in the mirror? body’s morphing!" Mike E., Holland


"I feel INCREDIBLE!!! I was noticing today after I got out of the shower how amazingly GOOD I felt! I haven’t felt this good in a VERY long time, and I KNOW it’s because of the program! Thanks again!!!" Jed D., Hawaii


"Just thought I would let you know that things are going great. I started the contest this past Monday weighing in at 147 lb. and 7% bodyfat. It is now Sunday (8/1) and I weigh 155lb. if you can believe it." Ryan B., Ohio


"I started your program and 5 weeks later I went from about 138 to 148 - 150 pounds, (it fluctuates) in only 5 weeks." Christian R., Florida


"It has been two weeks and I have gained 9 lbs. (155 - 164). When I started, I was following the 160 lb. preset program at 18x my bodyweight. Thanks a lot for everything!" David G., New Jersey


"Hey, just wanted to drop you a line to thank you for the program. I had a hard time keeping the thing going as far as the food end of it. I just had a hard time ingesting so many calories. However, I have continues with it and I have to say the results are great I have gained 18 lb.. Not a lot I know, but, for me it was considerable. I am still trying to pack on the other 15 lb.. I am sure I will arrive there soon." Darin R., Texas


"First of all I just want to thank you for all the advice you have given me over the last few weeks I weigh more now than I ever have in my entire life." Bob H., Virginia


"I’m very impressed, i’ve read your whole manual and it’s wonderful information!" Khurrham S., Arizona


"Thank you so much for the program. I just started my first week but I really appreciate the attention to detail and the lack of contradictions. I’ve spent more money than I care to mention on bodybuilding books and nearly every program contradicts itself on one point or another." Barrett R., Virginia

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Learn How I Gained 32lbs of Muscle Mass

in Just 12 Weeks, without Steroids!

click here for more info…

Page 22: Presents Muscle Gain Testimonials - Iron Magazine · 2004-11-04 · ago I reached my goal, and right now I’m at 195 lbs. That is a 45 lb. gain from my post-sickness weight. I tell


"Just to give you an update. It’s been a month now since I’ve started the program. I’m happy to say that it is working quite well for me. I have gained almost ten pounds and have experienced a dramatic improvement in my overall strength. My physique is also "getting better", so to speak. And I am one very happy camper!" John D., Florida


"Congratulations to you, Sir. It’s well written, well researched and quite honest." Rich L., Florida


"I must say that I am impressed with your book. I am now starting week two of my program, and I have gained 5 lb. in the first 7 days. You deliver! I would urge anyone who is in the same boat of having always been skinny to give it a try. I have spent about $91 on other workout and nutrition books. They were vague, and I got no results. Now they sit on a bookshelf collecting dust. I downloaded your book, and immediately noticed a difference. You spell everything out. I believe that it’s impossible to fail if you give your program an honest try. Good job, and thanks for writing your book." Mike C., Arkansas


"I’ve been training for the past 4 months (on your program for about 2 months) now and I’m generally happy with the results... I’ve been changing my exercise routine (about every 3 weeks), but seemed to have plateau at the 156-157 lbs (at 5’ 7"). My goal is 165 lbs. I started at 130 lbs." Sherman L., California


"I got the digital version of your book last summer, and successfully gained 15 lbs for the short time I used it (till summer was over)." Joshua P., Michigan


"I started on January 3rd at 185 and 15.7% bodyfat. I used your program to drop down, then added a few pounds of muscle. As of February 6, 2000 I was 177 lbs and had bodyfat of 11.9%." Rick B., Pennsylvania


"I just wanted to let you know that [after 4 weeks] I reached 180lbs (I can’t believe it!) There is a big difference in my chest and my legs have some form to them now. I feel great, although I did have to buy new jeans. . .Your book is one of the best investments I have made in a long time. Thanks for you help." David P., Chicago


"Hey Anthony- Program is really working. I gained about 7 pounds in the first week here." Kyle R., Pennsylvania


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"Just wanted to let you know how I’m doing. I am just starting my 5th week, and so far I have gained 11 pounds!!!! This is great. I still have 6 weeks to go, so I am really looking forward to the final results."

[3 weeks later] "...I’m really glad I found your is really working for me...." Alvin T., Arizona


"Hi anthony, I’m just about to finish the 12 week program and I’ve has really good results. the problem is that next fall I’ll be moving to college... do you have any advice you could give me, because i don’t want to lose all my gains i’ve achieved so far." Julio C., Canada


"I have gone from 158 lbs. to 166 lbs. in the first two weeks of the program! I am definitely psyched to see my final weight after 12 weeks!! (My initial goal was 170 lbs., but now I KNOW I can gain more than that.. maybe 180??) Thanks again!" Matt E., Texas


"Anthony, I’ve received your manual and I think it’s the best purchase I’ve ever made. I’m so happy to finally find someone who understands how unhappy I am being under weight. (try telling this to a chubby person!) ...With your help I’m already up 8 pounds in 3 weeks. Thanks for putting this together and just to let you know, you’re my role model through this whole thing. This time I’m going to do it right!" Tony R., Canada


"...I have to say the manual (from what I have read) is excellent in its detail and layout. I knew it was going to be good, but this is something else."

[update, 3 weeks later] "I measured and weighed myself yesterday. Chest measurement increased 1" and all other areas excluding hips and shoulders increased 1/2". My weight went from 176 to 184 with body fat about the same so the gain was 8lbs lean mass!" Matt C., Japan


"I’m starting the third week of the mass diet and training routine. I’m proud to say that i haven’t gone on a binge and have stuck to my diet. It’s incredible. I feel alot stronger, and i know I’m getting bigger as the tape measures are increasing(not a whole lot, but enough to really know).

My legs have gotten AMAZINGLY stronger. Before this workout diet/program, I was squatting max about 145, 4 reps. Now I’m squatting 215, 3 reps on the fourth set. Next week, I’m shooting for 225. And i’m only in my third week. Maybe its psychological as well but this is incredible! Thanks!" Thai V., Washington


"Hi Anthony My name is Aaron I’m 21, and I started your program 5 weeks ago on Jan 23, and have been following it to a tee. I started at a skinny 6ft 128lbs. My current weight is 140 which is great..." Aaron S., California

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"I found your page a month or two ago... Since then I have worked out 3 times a week without fail (wed, Fri., sun) and have already gained 15 pounds!" Alex A., Oklahoma


"I’m happy to report that I am at the begining of my 4th week and I have almost reached my goal of 170lbs! (I began at 157) My new goal is 180. I am gaining fast and my strength is increasing dramatically!" David S., Alabama


"I started the program on 1/15/01 at 135 lbs, and now I’m about 150 lbs.[on 2/8/01], thanks for all the help. just today, one of my friends during swim class said i looked "drastically bigger." you were right, it’s getting easier. Now I know i’m gonna reach my goal. thank you so much." Frank C., Arizona


" I want to let you know that I am seeing great results form your just 2 weeks I have gained 12 pounds in weight while going from 9% to 8% body fat!! I currently weigh 170 lbs (started at 155 4 weeks ago) and I have seen great results. Thanks. My goal is to gain 30 lbs (185lbs.) like you did in 12 weeks. First 2 weeks I gained 12 lbs just like you did. Second 2 weeks I have gained just 3 lbs..." Paul H., Michigan


"By the way--your program has been excellent thus far. I’m gradually dropping bodyfat and have noticed my physique, while still relatively lean, is improving. My wife even commented on the changes the other night. My stamina is increasing, my mood is improved, and I can’t wait to get to the gym each day." Richard B., Nebraska


"Hey Anthony. This is Alex. I ordered your manual about a month and a half ago and have been on your program for about 5 weeks. Ive gained 15 pounds . I started at 140 and now i am 155... Thanks for all the help!!!" [update]...I am now 183 pounds, 6 foot, i was 140, 6 foot... I’ve been extremely pleased with the results that your program has given me! Alex P., Tennessee


"Still great results on your program. I am in week 6 of your program and up 35 pounds." Reuben R., Connecticut


"I’m in the middle of my week 4 of your programme and has gained 10 lbs so far." Khairul N., United Kingdom


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"Although the results aren’t remarkable, my weight is increasing. I gained 10 pounds over 6 weeks." Hakim K., Pakistan


"I am nineteen years old and when I started on your program I was 172 lb. and 6’5’’. I am almost finished with my fifth week and I have gained 21 lb. bringing me up to 193 lb. and 12.3% body fat which is the same as when I started." Dan D., California


"I really like your program and I have gained about five pounds in 2 weeks of using it." Matt B, Canada


"By the way, I am 155 lbs now, and I am in the fourth week, I started at 145." Preston P., Canada


"I would just like to say that I think your package is great. I have bought and read many manuals that claim to have all of these secrets to gaining mass muscle, but none of them worked, until I stumbled upon your web site.

I have gained 30 pounds of muscle and like I said still gaining weight., so I’m sure I’ll reach my goal soon. The other day, I hung out with a friend I hadn’t seen in a while and he asked me if I was a bodybuilder now. He kept saying he couldn’t believe that I had gotten so big, and to tell you the truth, neither can I. On your program, I have gained more muscle in 3 months than in almost a year of training." Matthew G., Georgia


"Thanks for helping me! I’m 1 week away from fat loss and I was 118 lbs, now I’m 145 lbs so far. My goal is 160 and I was thinking about continuing the mass diet for a little while longer..." John L., Michigan


"...even though i ve been on the program on and off, i ve been able to increase my weight from 128 lbs to 158 lbs." Abdella B., California


"...2 weeks on, I can happily report -- after spending a lifetime convinced that I couldn’t put on weight -- that I’ve gained 7-8 lbs and I (amongst others) am noticing a steady change in physique that I didn’t think was possible! (I’m 5 ft 11 inches tall and I was 120lb of skin and bone wet through!)"

[update] "Just letting you know -- your advice is still working great guns: since I purchased your program on March 18th, I’ve gained 15 pounds and I feel brilliant! The more I see my physique change, the more motivated I become to do even better. Thanks!" Ged I., United Kingdom

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"First I must thank you, I have never looked or felt better in my life. Your program is working great." Ben T., New Jersey


" I started @ 176lbs(wet) and within 1 month I now weight 192lbs and growing (Height 6’3" age 29yrs.). The major key in my opinion is the diet part of your program." Mike P., Canada


"I am into my 9th week now and definitely seeing results. I did the mass phase for the first 4 weeks and was able to put on approx 10 pounds. I saw the most improvement in my back and shoulders. The next 3 weeks I did the fat loss phase, and saw great results. I was able to drop about 8 pounds and finally started to see my stomach slimming down." Damian P., New York


"I bought your program in November last year. I have learned much from your book, and I’ve had quite great result. I’ve gained 17 lbs until now (In a half year). And am starting on your fat loss today." Daniel K., Norway


"Still going strong! I’m on the Fat loss program. After two weeks my total numbers are... Body Fat - down 4% Fat Loss - 5 lbs Muscle Gain - 4 lbs. I’m already noticing a difference. If I can continue to gain 2 lbs of muscle per week even when I switch over to the Modified Mass Program, I’ll be thrilled! Holding my weight at 160lbs (5’11"). When all is said and done, I think 175 would be ideal!" Dean G., Michigan


"Chest went from 34" to 37.5", biceps up from 10" to 11", shoulders 40.5" to 43". A big difference. I’m just impatient to progress. Biggest gain by far was the chest... Once again, many thanks for helping me get this far; I’m immensely grateful to you." Richard G., United Kingdom


"...week 3 of the program and I have gained 14 pounds! started at 147 pounds. Now I’m at 161! 5.5% Bodyfat (has not changed!)" Harry H., Louisiana


"I started this program in February this year. I never worked with weights before then. I am 48 years of age.Anyway, here are my results of my 5 months of training so far."

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Dennis C., New Jersey


I have experienced Increases in size and strength and am pleased with my leg development. I’ve actually gained 2 1/4 inches on my thighs (A miracle for me!!!!!)."

Results after 12 weeks Before: 153 lbs 8% body fat After: 170 lbs 11% body fat

Edward N., New York


"...Just wanted to let you know that I’m 183lb [up from 145lbs] and a ’machine’ in the gym. People honestly think im on ’roids. I watch so many people fail all the time while I’m in there. Bad form, God only knows how bad of a diet, overtraining, etc. Everything wrong, wrong, wrong... you are right 100% on what it takes to put on weight.

Your program is so effective, its just a joke watching some people try to ’get big’. I have told you countless time how thankful I was stumbling across your program, but really Anthony, there is nothing else that compares to it out there. Be proud of what you have given back to people, and for how many guys and girls you have helped.. Plus your just a cool guy! " Joe S., Pennsylvania


"I seem to be getting there as my weight has exploded. I’ve put on about 14lbs lean body mass in the first 10 days and my body fat % is slowly dropping." Damian W., UK


"I have been on your programme for five weeks. I gained 10 pounds of lean muscle mass in the first four weeks." Kabir J., Ontario


Feb 8, 2001 July 13,2001 Weight: 145lbs Weight: 160lbs

Body fat: 10% Body fat: 9.5%

Chest: 36" Chest: 38-1/2"

R. Bicep(flexed) 11-1/2" R. Bicep(flexed) 13-3/4"

Waist: 32-1/2" Waist: 32-1/2"

Hips: 34" Hips: 35"

Shoulders: 41-1/4" Shoulders: 44-1/2"

Neck:13-1/2" Neck: 14"

R. Calve: 14-3/4" R. Calve: 15"

Upp. Thigh: 19-1/2" Upp.Thigh: 21"

Muscle Gain Testimonials

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"Hi there, first I just want to thank you for your GREAT program. I used to be a bag of bones at 130lbs. and I used to dread gym class and going to the beach. I can honestly say after your 12 week program I now weigh 170lbs. (8% body fat) and I feel great. I did your program all natural though, but I am now considering using creatine." Frederick F., New York


"Good news is just to let you know that it’s my ninth week, and my weight is now up to 184lbs, with a LBM of 173.6lbs. I was around 166lbs to start with and my LBM was 153lbs. It seems that when i added a further 400 calories to my diet a couple of weeks ago, my overall weight is increasing by 4lbs every week or so. My goal is 200lbs." Sam S. United Kingdom


"I recently finished mass gaining and I want to start the fatloss diet to shed excess fat for summer. I have put on 30 lbs since October and I remain very happy with those results." Steve H., Virginia


"I just want to thank you for teaching me how to diet and exercise properly. I have just completed 10 weeks of fat loss and had my blood tested this weekend. Apparently my blood tends to have high cholesterol but not anymore!

Here are my results:

Sept. 1 2000

� Glucose 101 (normal range is 70-110) � Cholesterol 238 HI (normal range is 0-200) � LDL-Cholesterol 161.8 HI (normal range 0.0-130.0) � Triglycerides 126 (normal range 30-200) � HDL-Cholesterol 51 (normal range 35-60) � (A)HDL Risk Factor 4.7 (normal range 0.0-5.0)

Feb. 12 2002 (18 months later - but only 10 weeks on program!)

� Glucose 92 (normal range is 70-110) � Cholesterol 151 (normal range is 0-200) � LDL-Cholesterol 90.2 (normal range 0.0-130.0) � Triglycerides 79 (normal range 30-200) � HDL-Cholesterol 45 (normal range 35-60) � (A)HDL Risk Factor 3.4 (normal range 0.0-5.0)

My cholesterol went down 87 points. My LDL (bad) cholesterol went down 71.6. For the previous 18 months I didnt change my diet or exercise at all, so I know the results are directly related to my dieting and exercise that you prescribed." Ted L., Texas


"Anthony, I just finished week 15 of the mass program. Overall, I gained 20 pounds. My biceps increased by 1 inch, my calves increased by 1 1/2 inches, chest increased by 1 inch and thighs increased by 2 inches. My bodyfat went up by 3-4% and I gained 2 inches around my waist. I am very pleased with the results. " Don M., Georgia

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"I’ve been seeing great results and my life is generally improving. The diet seems to help dramatically with my digestive disorder, and I’m slowly but steadily putting on weight and becoming stronger than I’ve ever been in my life (6’2 from 150 to 170). My plan to not go through life skinny is becoming a reality and I owe a great debt to you for the guidance.

The reason I bought your program is mainly because of the nutritional guideline. It’s fundamentally healthy and adaptable to the ’SCD’ diet I’d been on before getting the program (Specific Carbohydrate Diet), which is very effective. As you probably know, weight loss is a major symptom of colitis. The SCD diet is effective but it has no nutritional guidelines, just recipes and explanations - you’re expected to just eat whatever. It’s your program that mapped it all out for me. It’s exactly what I need to make effective improvements to my health." Stephen B., Philadelphia


’I can honestly say that I’ve completed the first 12 weeks of your program with flying colors. With the effort I put into, and the results I’ve accomplished, I’m happy to say I’ve gained 30 pounds over the past 12 weeks. Everything has bench, squats, you name it, I’ve put on more pounds. All my clothes are uncomfortably tight. Looks like I’ll have to go out and get a whole new wardrobe pretty soon. I get numerous compliments on what I’ve done. And for everyone who didn’t think I could do it, I proved them wrong. They all thought I was wasting my time and money. Now the one’s who doubted me, are coming to me for advice! And I just respond with 2 words...."Anthony Ellis." ...Sorry for the crap I gave you before. " [This customer refused to believe that this program could help him, and continually argued with me before even beginning it.] Kenny W., Illinois


"...Well - My final stats on week 12 were 194lbs overall weight- from 166lbs...which meant that i gained 31lbs of muscle in 12 weeks!!" Sam S., United Kingdom


"Bought your program at the first of the year and I am hooked! I have implemented your workout / nutrition / supplement routine to the letter. Currently, I have gained 11 pounds - in the 17th week. I will do a formal posting after I complete the 24 weeks. I find your website to be very helpful. I have joined the forum several times and asked a question or two. Don’t really have lots of questions - all of the answers are in the book... I am very pleased with your program. I was always intimidate by the "big guy" half of the gym, therefore, I used to always work out on the machines - not knowing what I was doing - just wasting my time. Now, I am clearly progressing (building lots of muscle) and the results are showing! My goal is to move from 144 to 170 - currently at 155. "The cost of purchasing your program is the most cost efficient weight gainer available." Scott H., Texas


"I just wanted to inform you that I gained 12 pounds of lean mass and am currently on my two week break. I can not wait to start up again, this time loading on creatine." John O., Canada


"In the last year on your program I have gained and seen some very good results. Started at 145lbs and I am now at a solid 185lbs." Marco B., Texas

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"Hey Anthony. This is Alex P., I haven’t checked in in a loooong time, actually its been about a year and a half, but i just wanted to say thanks for all the help that you and your guide has given me. I started out at around 150 pds, and now i am 208 pounds of muscle and benching 325, and I play LB/OL for my varsity football team! Thanks for everything!" Alex P., Tennessee


"I’ve already seen an improvement. It’s been two weeks and I’ve gained 5 pounds of lean muscle and my body fat % went down 2 points." Cory H., California


"In my last email, i told u that i weighed 163lbs. Since that last email, i have gained another 12 lbs making me 175lbs. I’m very happy with the result and will keep on striving till i reach my new goal of 185-190lbs." Vincent L., United Kingdom


"I would first like to thank you for all your help over the last year. I have managed to with your program drop from 20% bodyfat down to 11.8% still there currently. My girlfriend is so complimentary now and when going to the gym I never thought dropping that much bodyfat would make a difference on overall arm appearance but it does. Now I can wear those tighter fitting shirts and look pretty decent if I don’t say so myself." Tim W., Pennsylvania


"I ordered your program a few months ago and just wanted to shoot you off a quick email thanking you. I was not entirely new to weightlifting, my main problem was my diet. When I received the package I had to start of on the weight loss program (almost 6’ tall 172 pds. 120LBM 25% bf) You have quite a program here. Since I started I have gone down to 15% bf and gained 11 pds lbm!!!" Slavik P., Washington


"I am on week 26 of the Mass Program and have gained 18 pounds (17 pounds of muscle)..." Matthew F., Massachusetts 


"I began your program at the end of the summer weighing 160 lbs, not very muscular and without abs. In the first two and a half months of school I gained 30lbs, reaching my all time record weight of 190. I have since trimmed down to a ripped 180. The trainer at my gym measured my body fat at 8 - 10%. I am continuing dieting until I reach 5 or 6%. 

I wanted to say thanks for the inspiration and for always answering my questions in a timely fashion. I recommend your program to all my friends." Joe C., Massachusetts


"Your program is awesome, I’ve learn a lot from you. I would like to thank you. Your book inspired me to learn more. I have become a moderator at

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Learn How I Gained 32lbs of Muscle Mass

in Just 12 Weeks, without Steroids!

click here for more info…

Page 32: Presents Muscle Gain Testimonials - Iron Magazine · 2004-11-04 · ago I reached my goal, and right now I’m at 195 lbs. That is a 45 lb. gain from my post-sickness weight. I tell thanks to you. Since I started the program I’ve put on 20 pounds." Nicholas I., Wisconsin


"I am pleased to inform you that after 12 weeks of training I gained some mass and went from 156 lbs to 162 lbs. My body fat as measured went from 14% to 12,5% and I am now aiming for 200 lbs and 7% body fat although it may take time." Samuel A., Malta


"Hello my friend. Anthony it’s been 16 weeks now...and i am speechless!! From the very bottom of my heart i thank you for your GREAT GREAT book and advices. Without you my entire life could have been very empty, but now my muscle weight is 150lbs,..compared to 126lbs. i am 21 male and happy  to be who i am now. THANK YOU ANTHONY AND GOD BLESS YOU!!!" Oleg B., Canada


"Hi Anthony, it’s been awhile since I have emailed you, I’ve been busy, working and training! My dieting and training has been going pretty well. I guess this email is just to keep in touch and show you my latest progress and take in any suggestions you may offer. Here are my stats so far:

Evan S., Australia

Date 25/11/2001 19/05/2002 27/11/2002 13/01/2003 Current Weight 137 186 176 173 Age 23 23 24 24 Tape Measurements         Chest 33 38.5 38 38 Wasit 30.5 34 34.5 33.75 Hips 37 36 36.5 35 Shoulders 19 20.5 20 20 Right Micep 10.5 13 13.5 13.5 Neck 15 16.75 16.5 16.25 Right Calve 14.5 16 16.75 16.25 Upper Thigh 19.5 22.5 24.25 24 Skin Fold Measurements


Right Pectoral 9 12 12 11 Right Tricep 7 14 13 12 Right Bicep 2 4 2 2 Suprailiac 10 25 22 21 Lower Back 8 13 11 8 Subscapular 10 15 14 13 Abdomen 19 42 33 32 Right Calf 2 3 2 2 Thigh 8 8 2 2 Percent of Fat 14.78 20.47 17.03 16.08 Pounds of Fat 20.25 38.07 29.97 27.82 LBM 116.75 147.93 146.03 145.18 Total Muscle Gained 0.00 31.18 29.28      28.38 "

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Last updated February 10, 2003. As always, individual results will vary, but if you are dedicated, you will see results. All you have to do is make the commitment to do whatever it takes, just like the people on this page. It’s hard work, but it can be done. Just follow the program!


Kevin Wellen Age 32 Gained 53 lbs in 8 months

Body Composition Changes July 1999 November 2000 Weight 124 lbs 167 lbs Bicep 9.5" 12.75" Forearm 8.25" 10.25" Upper Thigh 18.25" 23" Calf 13" 14.5"


"It was 1 year and three months ago that I bought Anthony’s book. My job requires me to travel quite frequently thus it took me longer than I desired but I stuck with it and managed to meet my goal of 165lbs.

When I started, I weighed 124lbs at 5’11’’ now I weigh 167lbs and look more "normal" and feel much better. I also learned a lot more about myself in the process. When I traveled, my goal was to maintain my weight and I sought out places to work out. When in town for periods I concentrated on gaining weight. I did and continue to use a trainer. I understand that I don’t need one per se, but with my hectic schedule I have found the trainer easier to help me with spotting etc. I especially need the spotting when doing arms for my left side.

My upper body and arms have been a little more difficult to train due to my hand injury (gripping is the major concern) but they have showed considerable improvement as well. You might not be interested in the detail measurements but I am ECSTATIC with the arms and chest this is the biggest they have ever been in 33 years.

When I started I couldn’t curl more than thirty pounds due to my left side, now I can curl easily 3 times that for my heavy sets. By no means impressive but I have no illusions of being Arnold or Jean-Claude, just better than I was! I am now shooting for 175lbs as my new goal. Friends and family have been quite surprised at my gain in weight and muscularity."


Justin Dawson Student, age 24 Gained 48 lbs

Body Composition Changes July 1999 December 2000 Weight 145 lbs 193 lbs Bicep 9.5" 12.75"

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Forearm 8.25" 10.25" Upper Thigh 18.25" 23" Calf 13" 14.5"


Overview of Justin’s Progress (from his emails)

"I just wanted to tell you that my gains are starting to sky rocket, once again. The other night, I woke up and looked in the mirror. I was astonished with how pumped up I looked."

[ 5 months later] "I can’t believe it, my weight is going up every 3-4 days. Last night, I went to go do chest, shoulders, and triceps. The first thing I did was, jump on the scale. I have gained 3 more pounds since Saturday. I now weight 169 pounds. And I know that is muscle and not fat. When I look in the mirror, I can see a difference. Also my strength is going up. Originally, my goal was to weigh 170 pounds. I’m at 169, but not satisfied. Now I’m planning on gaining another 10 pounds. When I first started your program a year ago, I weighed 145."

[4 weeks later] "I just wanted to give you an update, since I have not contacted you for a while. I’m now bench pressing 255 lbs. That may not sound great, but last year I was only pressing 135 lbs."

"I’m currently at 179 lbs. That is a total of 25 lbs gained. I’m very pleased with the results. When I started this program, my initial goal was 170. So you can see why I’m astonished at the current result." [Note: It took Justin over a year to get to his goal, but he was persistent. No magic, just hard work using the right information.]

[update] I now weigh 185lbs.!!!!!!!!

Justin’s Story (in his own words)

Unlike other people who were on the program, I had to work a little harder to achieve what others had in a shorter amount of time. However, I did not give up. My failure was like fuel. It kept me going, because I refused to give up. I’m hoping that my story will encourage others who have trouble getting into shape, not to give up.

One summer, I was at the beach with a bunch of friends. Someone suggested that we all go swimming, however I declined to go. I was so ashamed of my body that I made up some stupid excuse and ended up watching everyone go swimming and having fun. It was then that I decided that I had to change my diet and routine. Unlike most people that were out of shape, I did not need to lose weight, but needed to put on weight.

I tried everything; from mass gainers to every piece of exercise equipment in the gym. Nothing worked!!! Then one afternoon, I went over to my mother’s house and picked up a copy of "Muscle Media." The first page I flipped to was the body transformation contest. I looked over at the pictures in the magazine. With amazement, my mouth dropped to the ground. The one picture that really stood out, was the transformation that Anthony Ellis did to his body. For those of you who had seen his before and after pictures, you know what I mean. I related with Anthony because his before picture looked exactly the same way I did. It gave me hope.

After looking at the magazine, I decided to purchase a box of Myoplex, a container of Phosphagen HP and some vitamin C. I mixed all of these products together and headed towards the gym. After a few weeks of taking these products, as well as going to the gym, I did not gain anything. My weight was exactly the same and my strength did not go up as well. I knew something was not right. At first, I was angry. I thought the whole body transformation was a bunch of crap and thought those people must have taken steroids. At the same time, I decided not go give up. I figured, even if I had not changed my body, at least I had taken an initiative to change my body.

I contacted EAS and asked for the interviews of the "Body of Life" winners with Bill Phillips. I

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asked if I could get the tape interview of, Anthony Ellis. I was amazed with the interview with Anthony and Bill. I had received more information in that tape, than any other magazine in the stores. Some of the key information that I got was: 1) make sure to eat protein in every meal. 2) eat 6 meals everyday. 3) work on the negative aspect of weight training.

At first, the information helped. Then I started to get discouraged when my gains were not good enough. I was still missing something. In the magazine "Muscle Media," they had Anthony’s address on the back of the magazine. I figured that I would write him a letter, not expecting but hoping to get a return. Much to my surprise, I got a letter back from Anthony back. He suggested that I take flax seed oil. Although I knew what supplements to take, I had no idea what exercises to do. The exercises in the magazines helped, but I wanted to do exactly what Anthony did. I figured, if he could do it, I could do it. I wrote him another letter, asking him to give me a few exercises to do. He gave a me a few that I could do, but I was still not satisfied. Then I noticed on the envelope that he sent to me, there was a web address, I found that you could purchase a manual for $100.

In the manual, Anthony would give you a complete description of supplements, exercises and diet. You could alter the program to fit your weight. I was hesitant at first to purchase the manual, but then I noticed that there was a lifetime money back guarantee. With the purchase of the manual, I also received a private email to Anthony, if I had any questions. Believe me, I asked a lot of questions [yes he did!! -- Anthony].

Anthony, always responded to my emails in a short amount of time. In some cases, I would get responded in a couple of hours. My friends don’t even respond that quick. The manual was great, I learned so much that I got excited about working out again. However, just because I have all of this information, it does not mean that I will automatically achieve all my goals. It’s my responsibility to do the diet and exercises that Anthony told me to do. I followed Anthony’s manual to the "t." If I was going to fail, it was going to be the manual and not my lack of effort.

Although, I was gaining more weight than ever in my life, I was not gaining the amount of weight that I wanted to gain in 12 weeks. I only gained a total of 15 lbs in 12 weeks. A far cry from Anthony’s accomplishment. I could of easily given up, but I was too determined to give up. I knew that I just had to try harder. I emailed Anthony every other day with a new question. You can ask Anthony, I must have asked him more questions than any of his clients. He kept on giving me little tips on how to improve. One thing that I learned from the manual is, you have to do what works for you. If you need to alter the routines, then do so. What worked for the guy next to you, is not always to work for you.

6 months passed and I still had not gained the amount of weight that I wanted to. My body was not at the stage that I hoped that it would be. But, I would not give up. I was persistent with my questions to Anthony and he helped me by giving me more tips.

It has been nearly 1 1/2 years and I did not achieve my goal. I weighed 145 lbs and I wanted to be 170 lbs. Today, I’m sorry to say, but I still did not hit 170 lbs. Instead I now weigh 193 lbs. That is a total of 48 lbs gained. I did not hit my goal in the estimated time and I could of easily of given up, but I was persistent and believed in the system and myself. I know that the first step is the hardest step to take.

When I first started lifting weights, I could only press 65 lbs. Girls in the gym was lifting more than I was. Today, I bench press 250 lbs. I admired all of those big guys in the gym, when I first started to work out. They thought that they were so cool, because they could lift a lot of weight, and I would often get teased. You know what? Those same guys are lifting the same weight, and I have increased my bench press 185 lbs. The best part, I’M STILL GROWING!!!!!!!!! People who had not seen me in years are amazed when they see my change. I have even been accused of using steroids. To tell you the truth, I take that as a compliment. It shows that I had really changed my body, to make a person say that.

I hope that my story encourages others who do not get immediate results. Like I said, it took me 1 1/2 years to achieve my goal. But my main ingredient to success; I did not give up. If you follow the manual, I guarantee that you will make a change, not only in your body, but

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your life. I’m now more confident in life.

Justin Dawson, Arizona


"Its working. Thanks a lot. I have not been as strict as I should be on the diet and work -out but I am still seeing results. I work construction and being strict on this diet and work -out can be difficult, epically after getting home from a hard day at work. But I am still seeing results. Great information and I am glad I got the manual because it filled in the gaps and answered a lot of questions." Larry F., Utah


"I’m done with my bulking up phase, and I’m ready to cut down, I’m up to 170 pounds, that means that I gained about 35 pounds." Nasser K., Illinois


"Wednesday I worked the legs ( that was the hardest workout I have ever had). Well, I measured myself today, I gained an inch in my chest and a 1/2 inch in my thigh. YOU KICK ASS!!! THANK YOU!!!" James H., Texas


"Your program seems to be working. In two weeks I’ve went from 174lbs. to 179lbs. I’ve gained two inches on my chest and 1 inch on my arms to give you a couple of examples...just looking at my old picture which hangs on my mirror I can definitely tell I have gained more muscle than fat. Its really tough to stick with the diet but now that I am finally seeing results after years of frustrating exercise and diet programs, I have even more motivation to keep with it." Justin H., Colorado


"I just want to thank you for my 8 lbs that I put on this week. Your advice really helped me out and I look and feel much better. Give yourself a pat on your back I’m sure though you receive thank yous all the time and mine is just another but anyways thanks again." Joe S., Pennsylvania


"I have now trained for about 6 weeks and gained almost 6 kg (about 14 lbs) , and doing great so far I think. It seems like you program is working GREAT." Oeyvind M., Norway


"It’s been almost a year now and I have gained 25 lbs (130 to 155)!" Sherman L., California

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"At [the] 6th week of the mass diet, I went from 170lbs to 200lbs!I was bigger and stronger than I have been in my life..." [Note: He also gained too much bodyfat bodyfat, and is now trimming down.]

"My girlfriend got great results doing the fat loss of course. She went from115 to 107 in 2 weeks while gaining some muscle along the way." Frank O., California


"I just finished [week 9] and I have decided to continue bulking up. Currently I’m 140 lbs and 9.5% bf." [Started nine weeks ago at 130lbs and 10.5% bodyfat] John D., Florida


"About a year ago I purchased your manual. I was able to use it gain almost 30 lbs in 4 months." Louis F., Florida


".. I ordered a while ago (1/10/2000) and put on 20 pounds." Donnie C., Tennessee


"(after 12 weeks) I gained 9.6 pounds of muscle and maintained my bodyfat ratio around 7% average." [Jose was not happy with his progress, so he continue training for another 12 weeks.]

[update] "I have done already 2 cycles of mass gain. I gained 24 pounds of muscle in 24 weeks". [Note: Jose also gained more fat than he would have liked (which happens when gaining muscle), so he is currently concentrating on lowering his bodyfat] Jose E., Guatemala


"Thanks for the great program. I took a three week rest after completing 10 weeks of your original program with which I managed to gain 12 pounds of body mass." Chris P., New Zealand


"After 2 weeks in the program... My body fat went down from 14.52% to 10.97% (23.23 - 17.62 pounds) and my muscle mass weight went up from 136.76 to 143.07 pounds."

[update 10/7/00] "Just wanted to let you know about results after week five. I have increased my weight up to 166 pounds and gained 2 and 1 inches in my chest and arm measures compared to those in the my fat level is 8% (so I look more ripped)." Vladimir H., Mexico


"I just wanted to let you know that after 13 weeks on your program I have been able to go from mere 121 pounds to 160 pounds. I really don’t know how to thank you for you most valuable information. Today my self-esteem is on a high and it is all due to you. Thank you

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very much and just wanted to let you know that to me you are a pioneer of this field." Dinesh P., Oregon


"Alright...its been 3 weeks...I cant say that i haven’t gotten any results from the gym and the diet, because I have...just not as much gains in some areas as i would like...I actually have noticed a difference are my stats so far:"

"I’m pleased about the body fat dropping, and for the most part, the gains are looking good..." Bryan P., Florida


"Thanks again Anthony. I really mean it. A girlfriend from home said, "Bryan, you got jacked. #@!!." Those were her exact words. Felt good..." Bryan B., Massachusetts


"...I put on 20 lbs in 2.5 months." Lee W., Texas


"First, let me say that your program is working for me. I started at 130 lbs. and am at 144 in my fourth week and climbing. I gained 10 lbs. in the first two weeks and put an inch on my arms." Josh D., Oregon


"Hi again Anthony, I wanted to let you know I am progressing well and that I have gained weight!!!! WOW. This program sure does work, I am now up to 84 kg, approx 184.8 lbs. On your diet I have gained approx 7.4-7.8lbs of muscle in under 6 weeks!!! THANK YOU for this, finally I am gaining. Australian’s love your program!!"

[3 weeks later] "...just wanted to give you an update, So far I have lost 6.4 lbs of fat and have gained at the same time 9.1 lbs of muscle, Thank you ever so much!"

[2 weeks later] "Hi again mate, wanted to let you know my latest results, I have currently lost 10.1 lbs of bodyfat and at the very same time have gained 10.1 lbs of muscle!! So my weight was at 176 lbs and now 11 weeks later it is the same, yet I look a whole lot better, so thank-you again." Kevin F., Australia


Start Current Weight 137 147 Chest 34.5 35.5 Right Bicep 12 12.75 Neck 14.5 14.75 Right Calve 14.5 14.75 Upper Thigh 20 20.5 Bodyfat 13.1% 11.8%

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"...I wanted to say thank you for being the first person, that I know of, to have a program dedicated to skinny men. I read your whole book the first day and found it to be very informative and full of substance. As you know, a lot of books advertise to be "The Guide" but never live up to the hype. Not so with your book, it cuts threw the fat in gets right in to the heart, which is gaining weight and muscle mass. I have also found your book to be the best guide on the market when it comes to the specifics of weight training and gaining weight." Toriano H., Texas


"To update you, things are going pretty well at this point. I’m getting a lot of great comments from everyone that knows me about how different I look already...A couple of folks in the office said my arms got significantly bigger in just the last week (measurements say ½" on the biceps in that time, yes!). My weight bounced back on Wednesday and should be over 230 tonight, making a 32 to 34 lbs. increase in 6 weeks."

[4 weeks later] "Just thought I'd give you a 10 week update on my progress on your program. I maxed out last week at a weight of 250. That's a 52 lbs. gain from starting the program." Glenn S., California


"I have just completed my first 12 weeks of the lifting program, and I am, so far, pleasantly surprised at the results. I’ve put on exactly 30 lbs., and my body fat was at a shade over 10% about 1 month ago. My personal goal is to get to 200 lbs., and between 3% and 6% body fat; right now I’m at 175 lbs."

[update] "your advice has been 110% effective. I’ve put on just under 60 lbs of mass since 4/1/99." Derrick W., Georgia


"In the last three weeks I’ve gained 10 pounds and bodyfat has remained constant at around 12.5%." Michael L., Florida


"I’m on the program week 8. My results are not as great as yours were initially but I’m ecstatic about them. I have gained 15 pounds so far." Mark P., Canada


"I purchased the electronic version of your manual and started the program about 9 days ago. Let me tell you, I can’t believe it’s only been a little over a week and I’m already noticing changes! My body feels stronger, I’ve gained 5 pounds (and NOT in my waist!), I’m never hungry, etc. I’m not new to working out.

I’ve been weight training for a few years, but I’ve never trained correctly OR consistently. And...when I DID train hard, I never took in enough protein to allow my muscles to grow. By not eating correctly nor resting enough, I was doing exactly what weight training attempts to do...’break down muscle tissue’.

Your manual is EXACTLY what I needed. I got more from your manual than from any personal trainer. The most valuable part to me is the diet/nutrition information and the excel templates. Just seeing the graphs which tracks my improvement is incentive enough to stay consistent and work hard. Thank you again..." Emil C., California

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"Well I started my muscle/weight gain program according to your plan 3 weeks ago, and happily have gained 10 lbs to top 160lbs. for the first time in my life. I hope to get to 175lbs." Will M., California


"It has been just about 4 weeks into my training and I have been told that I look bigger and have gained weight. It seems like the hard work is paying off, but believe me, I am eager to continue. The compliments have given me the desire to keep moving forward and to work even harder."

[update 3 weeks later] "I have completed 7 weeks of the program thus far. I have gained about 10-15 pounds. I feel that I will gain more..." Peter A., New Jersey


"I’ve just finished my 4th week and the training is going fine. Vie managed to put 3 inch’s onto my chest which i am very happy with... Vie also put on 1 stone in weight, which i am very happy with. I now weigh 11 stone. Vie put 1 inch onto my waist, 4/8" onto my hips." Michael H., UK


"Hey Anthony.. I started the mass diet at 19% bodyfat. Well did the fatloss diet and got it down to 9% while retaining 158 pounds of muscle...I just wanted to thank you for this program. I still have not seen anything as spelled out and as simple as your program. Without you my goal would not be attainable. I found your sight by accident. I was looking for some supplement or something in the act of desperation and then I found your sight. The thing that got me was seeing your pictures that was the first time I saw a thin man gain mass...You are the man." Frank O., California


"Thanks for your info. I have gained 10 lbs so far..." Daniel S., Washington DC


"I would just like to say that I think your package is great. I have bought and read many manuals that claim to have all of these secrets to gaining mass muscle, but none of them worked, until I stumbled upon your web site. I have always been skinny, and felt really bad with shorts on or my shirt off, but now I seem to be gaining muscle and weight faster than what I thought was possible. Thank you for helping me achieve a body that I’ve always wanted." Matthew W., Georgia


"I have just finished reading the entire manual and I must say that it is very impressive. The detail you have provided is amazing! Thank you so much for writing this and providing it at such a low price. To me it is worth 10 times what I paid." David S., Alabama


"I have been on your program for six weeks and have made considerable improvements thus far...Thanks again for all the help I would never have come this far without your advise and I’m

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not even finished!" John W., Missouri


" the way the program is working really well, I originally went on the fat loss diet ( I was 150lbs, 18.3% bodyfat ), I dropped to 145lbs 9.8% bodyfat ), I’ve been on the mass diet for a week and I am now 151lbs, 10.1% bodyfat I’m still well away from my goal of 180lbs, 8% bodyfat, but I’m really motivated and happy with my progress, I’ll keep you posted , thanks for all the good advice..."

[update] "I have completed 10 weeks of the mass diet, in a total of 14 weeks i have gone from 150 lbs 18% bodyfat to 193lbs 11.3%." Danny C., England


"’s been two weeks and I’ve gained 9 pounds, that’s pretty good compared to my prior attempts..." Matthew V., Pennsylvania


"Excellent!!! Manual by the way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. You really have covered every aspect I never thought of since I had been training about two years ago and never put on any weight at all!!!. I love reading the manual over and over again because it is full of details which are made simple and clear." Neil R., England


"I’m really pleased with the program. I’ve been on the program since April. I’ve gained 20 pounds of muscle while keeping my bodyfat under 10%. Gains have been slow at times, but steadily climbing on the scale and on the tape measure." Scott J., Michigan


"Thank You Anthony!!! 6 Weeks ago I started on your program and these were my stats.. 14.7% Body Fat 20.44 Lbs. of Fat 118.56 Lbs. of Muscle 139 Lbs. Weight

After 6 hard weeks of following your program this is what my stats were today... 11.9% Body Fat 17 Lbs. Fat 132.5 Lbs. of Muscle 150.5 Lbs. Weight

This is only the beginning! For years I’ve been searching for ways to gain weight and was unable to. I’m not a short guy either I’m 6’3" so you can imagine at 139 Lbs. how scrawny I was, and still are. There’s finally a light at the end of the tunnel now, my self confidence is up and I’m charging forward to reach my goal of 185 lbs! Thanks again for you program!!!! Until now I had no IDEA how important your diet is...I now see it as the most important thing in my training. Just as important if not more than my workout program." Brian P., North Carolina


Muscle Gain Testimonials

Page 42: Presents Muscle Gain Testimonials - Iron Magazine · 2004-11-04 · ago I reached my goal, and right now I’m at 195 lbs. That is a 45 lb. gain from my post-sickness weight. I tell

"Hi as far as the routine goes .I have gained 19 pds in 5 weeks. Going strong too." Alok M., Texas


"...just completed the fat loss program - I went from 17% to 10% body fat and only had to lose about 7 lbs (of fat) - i lost inches in my waist and gained some size - especially in my arms - i love your workouts its not too long and keeps me interested..." Bruce B., New York


"Hey, I just wanted to let you know how i am doing so far. I started your program 29 days ago and I started at 5’9 127. Now I am at 143. That is 16 pounds. This is such a good feeling weighing 16 more pounds. I want to thank you so much Anthony. I hope to reach around 153-158..." Sean L., Utah


"Hey, I’m just writing to express first of all my gratitude for your Fat Loss Program. I have been on it for almost 12 weeks and have went from around 15% body fat to 6-7% body fat! I’m very happy, being I can see my six pack for the first time in my life. Your program works!" Micah B., Oregon


"Anthony, I finished my eleventh week, I’m still in the mass phase, next week I’m going to start the fat loss phase, I’ve gained 27 pounds , my body fat level is around 14%." Jose M., Mexico


"I am just about finished the program and i have used it to put on about 30 pounds...I gained about 30 lean pounds using your program and that I think that it is great and I will continue to use it to bulk up... Thanks for your quick responses and for the awesome program. It was money well spent and it is not filled with bullshit. " Chris D., Ontario


"I’m very happy with the program, I’ve put on 11 lbs in the last 6 weeks, and I’m still learning proper form and intensity so I’m expecting even better results when I get those under control." Lucas M., Australia


"I have snapped off a few shots of myself w/o a shirt and I have to say I gotta look twice...I’m not huge but I’m defiantly changing!!"

  Fat Loss Program Start

Fat Loss Program End

6 weeks into mass program

Weight: 172 lbs 165.5 173.5 lbs

Body fat: 22.54% (42 lbs of fat) 10.27% (16.9 lbs of fat)

10.47% (18.17 lbs of fat)

Amount of muscle: 145.6 lbs 148.6 lbs 155.33 lbs

Muscle Gain Testimonials

Page 43: Presents Muscle Gain Testimonials - Iron Magazine · 2004-11-04 · ago I reached my goal, and right now I’m at 195 lbs. That is a 45 lb. gain from my post-sickness weight. I tell

Bruce F., Tennessee


"Hi Anthony! Just wanted to let you know that I am starting the modified mass program today after being on the fatloss program for the past 9 weeks. I went from 11.5% bodyfat to about 7% bodyfat and still have the same Lean Body Mass (127 pounds) that I did before I started!" Chad W., Georgia


"I am amazed at how the fat loss program has worked for me. I was like 22% body fat when i started it and now i am 10% body fat." Brian M., New York


"I just wanted to thank you and say how amazed I am at the truth in your program. I have never weighed much and this had been a burden upon my life. When I heard about your program, I decided to give it a try, and for once be consistent with it. It has now been a month and a half and I have gained 9 lbs, after being at the same weight for nearly 3 years. Thank you for creating this program for us wonderful minority of skinny guys." Robert W., California


Trent T., Australia


"I started your program on Feb 4, 2002 and exactly one month later I have gained over 18 lbs...from being 6’1’’ and weighing a skinny 163. Wow, this is the best program that I have ever used. I am so glad that I was able to find your website. But now that I have gained this weight and soon will reach my mass goal of 200-205lbs, I am wondering when I will need to switch to the fat loss program...Damn, this program works!!!!! I now have other people asking me how I did it. IT FEELS GOOD!!!! I have a cruise coming up in September and I am more than on track to looking good by that time. Thanks. "

[update] "Last time I wrote you I was about 181 lbs from starting off at 163. Well, I have continued my weight gaining plan and I now weigh 197 as of last Friday. This means that I have gained about 32 lbs since I started my plan on Feb 4. After only 7 full weeks!!!!!!!! I think that sometimes my mouth drops when I think about it. It’s funny because people even ask me if I am "juicing up." I actually take it as a compliment because I don’t use drugs and all that weight gain reflects on my hard work ethic. However, my family is well aware of your program and they are now wanting to hit the bandwagon. But instead of being skinny guys they are FAT guys. Can’t thank you enough!!!!!" Rogelio M., California

Here’s what I have achieved so far. 24 Weeks Weight 185.22 209.5 Chest 40 43 Right Bicep 13.25 14.25 Neck 14.5 14.75 Right Calve 14.5 14.75 Upper Thigh 24.25 25.5 Bodyfat 11.37% 11.47% Squat 243.5 331.65 Bodyfat 150 183

Muscle Gain Testimonials

Page 44: Presents Muscle Gain Testimonials - Iron Magazine · 2004-11-04 · ago I reached my goal, and right now I’m at 195 lbs. That is a 45 lb. gain from my post-sickness weight. I tell


"Hi, i just want to let you know that thanks to your routine and diet i have gained 9 pounds in 5 weeks plus I’ve also lost fat..." Juan C., Texas


"I must say that this is the most organised weight training system I have ever seen." Paul Z., Australia


"Anthony, I started your program and I immediately gained about 35lbs. in about 2 1/2 months. I was so excited about this." Rogelio M., California


"Just wanted to catch up with you about the program. I have learned a great deal since the time i have become a member. I have been consistent for the past 4 weeks and have dropped my body fat % from 15.70 to 13.01 and my muscle gain is at 16.24 (went from 184pounds to 192)." Gregory P., Connecticut


"Thought I would let you know how things are going. I started the program around January and since I’ve gained about 20 pounds and still working hard to put on some more. When I see people that I haven’t seen since I started college this year one of the first things they notice is that I have put on weight. You have helped me do what I thought was the impossible. Thanks Anthony!!!" John D., California


"...By the way, I have been working out for 3 months and have gained 20lb.s so far. Started at about 174, and am now 195. " Kevin B., California


"I’m a hard gainer myself and I started with your program last August 2001 but inadvertently stopped November. During that time i gained 22 lbs. And to think i wasn’t even a serious body builder... but thanks to your program I’ve learnt a lot of stuff about my body and what most people don’t know about. Now I’ve started again but doing serious body building and living a healthier lifestyle. I’m glad i found your site, I’m also sure i have gained more self esteem." Andrew P., United Arab Emirates


 "My total progress for the 24 week period is as follows:

Week 1 Week 24 Current Weight 137 169 Tape Measurements- Chest 33 38.5 Waist 30.5 34 Hips 37 35

Muscle Gain Testimonials

Page 45: Presents Muscle Gain Testimonials - Iron Magazine · 2004-11-04 · ago I reached my goal, and right now I’m at 195 lbs. That is a 45 lb. gain from my post-sickness weight. I tell

As you can see, I’ve gained over 30lbs and over 20lbs in muscle" Evan S., Australia


"I can’t thank you enough for this program because it actually works. I am proof of that. At 5’10" and starting out at 143 lbs two years ago I am now 173 that’s 30 lbs of muscle and strength." Vorris W., Washington


"I’ve gained 30 pounds on the program so far. I went from 132 to 162." Thomas C., Mississippi


"...i have put on about 20 lbs of mass since my before picture..." Joe C., Massachusetts


"By the way Vie been on the program since April. In my first 12 weeks I went from 73kg up to 78kg... Craig I., Australia


"First i would like to thank you for your wonderful book and program. It has done wonders for me. I started the program 8 months ago weighing 140 pounds and i am 6ft tall. With your help i know weigh 168 pounds and the ladies love to feel on my muscles. I am doing things i have never done before like wearing tank tops and shorts. Everyone is telling me i look great. Thanks Ellis for a wonderful program." Oscar M., Texas


"I’ve used your program for last 5 months and have gained 30 pounds from 150-180.(6 ft. tall) Thank You."

Shoulders 19 20.5 Right Bicep 10.5 13 Neck 15 16.75 Right Calve 14.5 16 Upper Thigh 19.5 22.5 Skin Fold Measurements- Right Pectoral 9 10 Right Tricep 7 14 Right Bicep 2 4 Suprailiac 10 12 Lower Back 8 7 Subscapular 10 12 Abdomen 18 26 Right Calf 2 2 Thigh 8 8 Percent Fat 14.78 15.18 Pounds of Muscle 116.75 143.35 Total Muscle Gained 0 26.60

Muscle Gain Testimonials

Page 46: Presents Muscle Gain Testimonials - Iron Magazine · 2004-11-04 · ago I reached my goal, and right now I’m at 195 lbs. That is a 45 lb. gain from my post-sickness weight. I tell

Learn How I Gained 32lbs of Muscle Mass

in Just 12 Weeks, without Steroids!

click here for more info…