Presenters Checklist for Success

SUCCESS For Presenter’s Checklist

Transcript of Presenters Checklist for Success

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Presenter’s Checklist

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presentationyou experienced.

Think of the last


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What made it so


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If you want to create a

powerful, persuasivepresentation,

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every skilled presenter uses.

Take a look at this list of

tried & true tips

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Think in 3’s

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At the 2012 United States

Democratic National Convention,

First Lady

told a story-

Michelle Obama

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with a great beginning,


and end.

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In her tale of personal struggle, she infused little

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and minor details that many

Americans could

relate to.

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Know your

content well

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Frederick Douglass

was an influential author and orator in the Abolitionist Movement in the United States.

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He constantly read, wrote and

learned, immersing himself in

thriving black religious and

activist communities.

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your material,

researchingBy thoroughly

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you will feel more

presenting it.

comfortable & confident

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Teach, rather

than sell

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Mahatma Gandhi,

Leader of the Indian

Independence Movement,

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was a humble and authentic orator,

who spokefrom

the heart.

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He proved that you don’t have

to be loud to be heard-

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find a message

you just have to

that is meaningful to youand stick to it.

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Open with creativity

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Tilda Swinton


delivered a unique speech at the

opening of an art exhibit dedicated

to her friend, David Bowie.

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engagingHer speech was framed as

a personal letter to him,

like-minded fans in the

audience in a intimate manner.

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Thefirst 60-90

seconds are critical-

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audience attention.




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grabs them?So how do you know what really

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your audience

needs & wants

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Nelson Mandela

The late great South African revolutionary

spoke to many different audiences.

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He was able to make his message connect to each audience by his words,

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matchTo what was

important to them.

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never about you.


It is always about the audience,

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Read your audience

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Oprah Winfrey

Media personality and philanthropist,

is known for inspiring people

through her words.

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valuesher audience,

You can tell she

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expressesherself honestly

as she

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straightforwardsentences and clear words

that everyone can understand.

and uses

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Speak Clearly

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Martin Luther King JR.In 1963, African-American Civil Rights Leader,

gave the monumental speech:

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“I Have A Dream”

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He delivered a moving message and

call to action,

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confidence and conviction.


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Mind your body


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Anna Maria Chavez

Girl Scouts of the USA CEO,

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led an innovative campaign that revitalized the century old institution.

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She used

open gesturesto convey her enthusiasm

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and brought lots ofenergy!

which in turn energized her audience.

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Pace yourself

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Evita PeronFormer First Lady of Argentina

of adoring people calling out her name.

spoke to crowds

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pausesShe incorporated climactic

to lend drama to her final points,

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also giving her and her

audience time to

think and reflect.

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Visuals are an


not a crutch

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Sally Ridewas the first American

woman to go into space.

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When she started teaching, one of her most requested speeches was her “Shoot for the Stars” lecture.

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She included photos from

her space travels that were

gorgeous and unique-

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make a point.And made sure each visual would

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was the longest serving First Lady of

the United States.

Eleanor Roosevelt

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As the first presidential spouse to hold press conferences and speak at a national political convention, she was very nervous at first!

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But intense bouts of writing and

practice turned her into an

eloquent and respectedspeaker.

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Try to arrive early

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That way you can get a feel for the size of the room,

and run a sound/visuals check.

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Know your content wellThink in 3’s

Teach, rather than sell

Open with creativity

Understand your audience

needs & wants

Read your audience

Speak Clearly

Mind your body language

Pace yourself

Visuals are an enhancement, not a crutch


Try to arrive early

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Have FUN!

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You are introducing an

idea intothe world!

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Need help? Let usidea for you!that


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Created by: Camille

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