

Transcript of Presentation1

In this video named ‘How important a music video is to an artist?’ experts discuss on how and why music videos are needed for a song. One expert ‘William Shaw’ the director of a company called band access TV mentions that ‘Music video’s can show where you’re trying to go with your song and the storyboard of your song’ this is a very good point as an artist you try and make an image for yourself as it makes you more recognisable as a person. When an

Artist first releases there first music video they want it to show the audience who/what they are like i.e lady gaga first video she was dressed very unusual and weird and is also very unique in what she is doing in the video this made her known world wide in a couple of days with everyone discussing who this lady was and why she was so different and mysterious which she still is from this day. Music videos like Mr shaw mentioned show you the story board to a song instead of it just being a bunch of lyrics it gives the listeners a perfect picture of how the artist sees the song. An artist that does this a lot is Taylor Swift , her song ‘ You belong with me ‘ music videos tells a romantic story about a geeky girl and popular boy. These are basically mini movies and people enjoy watching them.


View count on YouTube music videos

Justin Bieber - Baby ft. Ludacris

Carly Rae Jepsen - Call Me Maybe

Another point made in this video by Lee Ray the owner of epic music videos tells us ‘ Music videos help an artist gain fans and exposure’. Music videos are mainly there to promote an artist and there song as a music video can be shown on phones , internet and mainly YouTube , music videos on YouTube seen to get over a billion views with the song gangnam style. The video became viral through the internet with it being shared over social networking sites like twitter and Facebook. This got noticed by the press which then wrote articles on the peculiar song and strange music video. The song then got played on the radio and also TV channels like MTV. Artists can make a lot of money from fans buying the music video along with the actual song. An average music video to buy on iTunes is £1.29 where as the song average is 99p. Artists can also make money from showing there music video on TV channels as in MTV , 4music and Channel AKA , also now on SKY there is a whole section on the guide specifically for music channels only

The music video for "Gangnam Style" was chosen as the best music video of 2012 by TIME. Melissa Locker of the magazine wrote "The catchy song paired with social satire and tongue-in-cheek vibe has spread so quickly it reminds us why videos are called viral. The video has sparked an dance craze and catapulted PSY to international super stardom. video took No. 4 position on the Digital Spy's list of 10 top pop music videos of the year.

After searching ‘Gangnam Style’ on YouTube over 500,00 video suggestions came up.Here are some of the ;

Papa Roach – Take me(without music video)

Papa Roach – Scars(with music video)

CHART HISTORY Never placed Peak position – 15Last weeks position – 39Weeks on chart - 38

YOUTUBE VIEWS (lyric video)358,234

(music video)18,536,052(lyric video)3,869,054

Most songs these days have music videos , with YouTube already showing 6.8 billion music videos. So it is very rare to not find a music video to go with a song. I have found a popular punk artist who does use music videos to promote his songs. He has a few songs without though and with many of hours looking for facts an figures of those songs with music videos and those without it is very clear his songs without music videos are not as well known and haven't got much publicity. As there is no way he could promote his song on the TV on music channels. I realised that the only videos there where for the songs without music videos were lyrics videos made by fans which has under 500,000 views yet the lyric videos the song originally had a music video has over 3million views. You can tell there is a huge gap between these to figures.

A lot of films use popular artists to base a song around the film that they then use to promote this film. Also in the music video for the song they will have snippets of the film in the music video. As you can see in thisMusic video of Adele's songSkyfall that is the theme tune of the very popular filmJames bond. The trailer is

pretty much a mini trailer for the film. This song sold 84,000 copies in the UK during its first two days of release. On 14 October, "Skyfall" rose to number 2 on the UK Singles Chart with sales of 92,000 copies. This tied "Skyfall" with Duran Duran's "A View to a Kill" as the highest-charting James Bond theme song on the UK Singles Chart. The song was the 20th best-selling song of 2012 in the UK with 547,000 sold. "Skyfall" debuted at number one in Ireland.

As you can tell having a music video increases profits by the ability to have a wider range of places to show it and play it. It also helps artists increase there publicity as having the advantage of being able to play it on other sources it gains a wider range of audience and when one person watches something it becomes a chain , they may share it via internet or mouth and then there friend will and so on. Music videos also help the artist entertain there fan base and helps the fans get to know them a little bit more by being able to show personality and style in the music video.