Presentation to EDU 132: The Chamber & Networking

Presentation to EDU 132 January 22, 2015

Transcript of Presentation to EDU 132: The Chamber & Networking

Presentation to EDU 132January 22, 2015

Kristen Smith, vice president for

advocacy and engagement

• Government Relations

• Communications

• Community Development

UNC Class of 2002

What did I study at UNC?Elementary education and sociology

What does that mean?• I go to a lot of boring meetings.

• I’m trying to make this an easier place to do business.

• I am always trying to communicate to members and community.

• I try to make this community a better place.

Our MissionThe Chapel Hill-Carrboro Chamber of Commerce is

a membership organization that serves

and advances the business interests of our community and builds a sustainable community where business thrives.

What does that mean?

We are trying to help businesses get the resources they need and help make this community a better place to do business.

• The Chamber advocates for your organization’s interests and the interests

of our local business community,

• The Chamber connects you with the people and information you need to

thrive; and

• The Chamber helps you save money.

Which means that…

Things for UNC Students to Know about the Chamber

Over 1,200 members strong & cover the entire region

• We have over 1,200 members, most of them with 10 employees or fewer, including 100 nonprofits.

• Most of our members are in Chapel Hill and Carrboro, but we have members located all over the Triangle.

• Did you know that the University of North Carolina has been a Chamber member for more than 40 years?

Find Businesses at our Online Business Directory

• We formally disassociated with the U.S. Chamber in 2009 over their position on health care and climate change.

• We are members of the N.C. Chamber, N.C. Retail Merchants Association, the Carolinas Association of Chamber of Commerce Executives and the Association of Chamber of Commerce Executives.

We have the “same last name” as other Chambers of Commerce

We advocate for projects that benefit UNC & its students

We’re Helping Attract Talent

Find jobs and industries at

We have a young professionals network, called Chapel Hill Young Professionals or CHYP!

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Know your audience and

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Special Offer! First ten students to give me their elevator pitch,

will get FREE admission to our Monday CHYP event!