Presentation on; Elimination of Violence against Women Alliance By Arifa Mazhar Aurat Foundation...

Presentation on; Elimination of Violence against Women Alliance By Arifa Mazhar Aurat Foundation March 19 , 2013

Transcript of Presentation on; Elimination of Violence against Women Alliance By Arifa Mazhar Aurat Foundation...

Page 1: Presentation on; Elimination of Violence against Women Alliance By Arifa Mazhar Aurat Foundation March 19, 2013.

Presentation on;

Elimination of Violence againstWomen Alliance

ByArifa Mazhar

Aurat FoundationMarch 19 , 2013

Page 2: Presentation on; Elimination of Violence against Women Alliance By Arifa Mazhar Aurat Foundation March 19, 2013.


UN Women Pakistan launched EVAW alliance to mark 16 Days of Activism against gender based violence, 2007, with the aim to end all forms of violence against women by:

i) strengthening coordination between stakeholders working on VAW and;

ii) identification of common areas of intervention

iii) Involving/ensuring men’s participation in the campaign and activities undertaken by the Alliance


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Overall objectives

The alliance is envisaged to function as a coordination platform on ending VAW

through: Making EVAW a priority at national

level Monitoring state commitments on

EVAW at all levels Lobbying for policy and legislative

reforms on EVAW

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Focused Groups

Includes but not limited to; women and girls in general and women facing multiple discrimination (e.g. refugees, sex workers, minority women, differently-able women, women with HIV & Aids, widows, single women, women in conflict situations, migrant and internally displaced women etc in particular


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  The membership is open to all partners working on VAW

Membership requests are reviewed and approved by the coordination group 

Each member organization, of alliance , is required to provide two nominations, one lead and second back-up.


The Alliance is currently comprised of women’s organizations, NGOs, networks, donors, UN agencies, international NGOs, government, media and academia.


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Coordination Structure:  

Secretariat & its perceived role:

One of the Co- Chairs, has the Secretariat for 6 months each , responsible for coordination including logistics, preparing meetings minutes, updating information matrix and management of e-group.

The secretariat rotates on yearly basis as per Co- Chairs’ selection


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Working committees

Committees are formed temporarily to organize different events and are selected on expertise and relevance basis

The major task is to ensures stronger representation of local & National organizations. Set the agenda, venue and date of the meetings.

Either one of the co-chairs or any of the members chair the meetings on rotation basis.

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Ownership, recognition & support of stakeholders Synergy and mutual respect within

the National and provincial chapters and with other relevant and likeminded Networks, organizations and individuals

Participatory decision making process Relevant effective and focused

advocacy on VAW/G issues Focus on cause ignore non-issues

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Synergy at National and provincial level


National tier of EVAW alliance conduct by-monthly meetings in Islamabad. Most of the meetings are followed by presentations or focused group discussions by interested organizations/networks.

  Provincial and district level meetings of Alliance are

also held on by the lead provincial organizations and their outcome is fed into national tier.

  Cost of travel and accommodation of participants from

outside Islamabad for the National tier of Alliance in the initial phase, had been supported by UN Women. Now it is supported by the member organizations itself



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Prospects of sustainability Common goal from National to local and vice

versa The members pool organizational resources

(technical, human, material, financial) to organize joint events, as and when needed.

Clearly defined, roles of C0- Chairs, members and committees

Annual Review of the strategic documents Analysis to identify gaps and new areas of

intervention Development of EVAW Alliance three years National Action Plan , in collaboration with Ministries women development of Labor & Justice

continuity and consistence in efforts

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Major activities

Organized joint events to commemorate 16 Days of activism against GBV, and national & international women’s day.

Done a detailed mapping exercise on who is doing what, where and future plans

Identified gathered & shared information on existing EVAW related mechanisms/initiatives to track action and resource allocation

Lobbied for Anti Domestic Violence Bill, Anti sexual harassment Law, anti sexual harassment Law, anti women practices Law etc

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Major achievements

Advocacy and lobbying leadi to Passage of Anti Women Practices Bill, Criminal Law Amendment Act XXV, NCSW Bill.

Support network for pro women and girls legislation at national and provincial level.

Synergy established among various civil society networks to promote and protect women and girls’ rights

Awareness through member organizations lead to increased reporting of VAWG and acid crime convictions.

Joint statement from GOP and civil society for 57th CSW session in New York this year.

Establishment of SANEVAWG

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Lessons learnt and enabling factors of functioning Concrete and focused agenda kept

momentum on issues and helped to retain interest of members.

Neutrality and equal respect to all members brought sharing and diversity in ideas

linkage with Networks brought strength and mutual trust and respect

Consistence and continuity “LAGAY ROHO LAGAY ROHO don’t stop”

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Future strategy

Advocacy from recent joint country statement submitted at CSW

Build pressure through Lobbying by involving other like minded Networks

Keep momentum on acid violence and domestic violence bills not just at ICT level but at all levels

Work with all political parties. 

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Future outlook/plans

Lobby and policy advocacy with policy makers to ;

Develop and implement integrated and holistic measures to prevent, respond and eliminate VAWG with special focus on prevention as well as protection and on addressing the root causes of VAWG

repeal discriminatory laws and develop new pro- women and girls legislation

implement human rights standards, international, regional and national laws related to VAWG

improve participatory systems of accountability between civil society and government institutions responsible for tackling VAWG

reinforce existing provisions of VAWG in conflicts and post disasters/conflicts settings and other humanitarian crisis

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Future outlook/plans

foster the active engagement of men and boys in addressing VAWG

improve comprehensive and support services for VAWG victims to increase empowerment of women and girls in particular single, disabled, minority, displaced, indigent and migrant women and VAWG victims including women human rights defenders and women health workers.

adopt holistic, comprehensive, strategic and well-resourced action to ensure the safety and protection of women human rights defenders.

Enact domestic violence legislation for all administrative units

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