Presentation on China


Transcript of Presentation on China

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Communism and China

• China is known as a Communist Country• In 1978, a Economic Reform led by Deng

Xiaoping began.• Then China turned into a country which is

similar to the United States and began developing rapidly

• Simply it means that China allows Capitalism to exist in Communism.

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Communism and China cont.

• More and more Chinese started believing in Capitalism instead of Communism.

• Under the Economic Reform started in 1987, China developed rapidly and is still growing now.

• There are McDonalds, Pizza Huts, KFCs, etc in China.

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Shenzhen City

• The major effect of the Economic Reform is shown in a new, fast and still-developing city, Shenzhen.

• Shenzhen is a Special Economic Zone developed under Deng Xiaoping’s command.

• There was a slogan in Shenzhen• “Time is life; Efficiency is money.”

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Shenzhen, 1987

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Shenzhen, 1987

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After 14 Years…

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Shenzhen, 2001

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After 18 Years…

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Shenzhen, 2000

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Shenzhen, 1983

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After 17 Years…

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Shenzhen, 1983

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After 17 Years…

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Shenzhen, 2000

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Shenzhen, 1980s

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After about 20 Years…

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Shenzhen, 2000s

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• There are more than 100 dialects in China.

• The official dialect is Mandarin.• The second most popular dialect is

Cantonese.• Most people speak their local dialects and

Mandarin. Therefore Chinese can communicate with each other even if they are from different cities.

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• After the Communists took over China, most Chinese turned into atheists.

• Most people now in China believe that there is no god.

• The government and schools use evolution and Darwinism to oppose theism and creationism.

• There are less than ten churches for each city.• Some old people, who were born before the

Communists took over China, still believe in Buddhism.

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• There are no dioceses or Catholic schools in China.

• Most good schools are public.• Chinese students spend six years in

elementary schools, three years in middle schools, and three years in high schools.

• Students are required to attend elementary schools and middle schools.

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Education cont.

• When the students finish middle schools, the students must take a exam called “middle exam” in order to get into high schools.

• Government arranges which high school you will be going to according to your exam grades.

• There are more students than spots.• The students who get lower grades cannot get

into public schools.

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Education cont.

• Therefore they will go to private schools.• Chinese students have 7 classes each day.• Students are required to learn Chinese, English,

Math, Science, History, Politics, Art, Music, Health, and Technology. (No Theology)

• They get homework everyday for each class.• The middle schools students and high schools

students sometimes cannot finish their homework until 12 o’clock at night.

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Education cont.

• Chinese school rules are very strict. Teachers check and read homework everyday, and they give you grades according the quality.

• Teachers are required to use PowerPoint to teach. They are very solemn in classes and never joke.

• Students are not allowed to talk, and teachers are not allowed to sit or put their legs on desks.

• Teachers are required to speak Mandarin.

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Education cont.

• Students can keep the textbooks and do not have to return them back.

• In high schools, schools distribute 55 books for each student for each semester.

• Most high schools are boarding schools.• Students live in school for weekdays, and

on Saturday they go back home.

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Matteo Ricci

• Matteo was a Italian Jesuit who was born in Italy.

• He went to China during Ming dynasty in 1582 A.D. After that, he had never went back to Italy.

• At first he arrived in Macau, a province of China.• His goal was to spread Catholicism in China.

Therefore He started learning Chinese.

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Entering into the Mainland

• The first stop is Zhaoqing, Guangdong, in 1583 A.D.• Matteo brought maps, the picture of Hail Mary, Euclid's

Elements (A book written by a Greek mathematician in 300 B.C.),and other things from the west.

• He was surprised that China was so prosperous and the Chinese were good at medicine, math, science, etc.

• He said, “China is not only a kingdom, but also the world.” “The ideas Plato described and purposed were already carried out in China.”

• He translated Euclid’s Elements, Ten Commandments, Catholic Catechism, and Lord’s prayer into Chinese.

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Entering into the Mainland cont.

• What Matteo translated and brought interested many Chinese.

• Therefore He convinced many Chinese into Catholics.

• He translated Four Books, a Chinese book about Confucianism, into Latin.

• He moved to Beijing, the capital of China, in 1600 A.D.

• The emperor fully trusted him and allowed him live in Beijing whenever he wanted.

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Died in Beijing

• Matteo talked to the Chinese scholars about Catholicism and science very often.

• He always wore Chinese costumes.• In 1610 A.D., he died in Beijing.

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Roman Descendents?

• Some historical professors claim that there are some Roman descendents in Liqian, China.

• Liqian is a city in north-west China.• The residents have some western

characteristics, such as green eyes, ruddy skins, big noses, and even blonde hair.

• Some historians believe that Liqian was founded by some Roman soldiers.

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• The Romans fought with the Parthians in 53 B.C. After the Romans lost, Parthians captured some of the Roman soldiers.

• And then the Parthians and those captured Roman soldiers fought with the Huns, and they were defeated. Therefore those Romans were in the hands of the Huns.

• In 36 B.C., the Huns fought with the Chinese, and some Romans were then “transferred” to China.

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