Presentation of WHO: OIE Global Conference on Veterinary Legislation | February 21, 2014 1 |1 | OIE...

Presentation of WHO: OIE Global Conference on Veterinary Legislation | June 26, 2022 1 | OIE Global Conference on Veterinary Legislation Djerba, Tunisia 7-9 December 2010 Departments of Food Safety and Zoonoses and International Health Regulations Coordination Health Security and Environment Cluster Bruce Plotkin Department of International Health Regulations Coordination

Transcript of Presentation of WHO: OIE Global Conference on Veterinary Legislation | February 21, 2014 1 |1 | OIE...

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Presentation of WHO: OIE Global Conference on Veterinary Legislation | April 10, 20231 |

OIE Global Conference on Veterinary

Legislation Djerba, Tunisia

7-9 December 2010

OIE Global Conference on Veterinary

Legislation Djerba, Tunisia

7-9 December 2010

Departments of Food Safety and Zoonosesand International Health Regulations CoordinationHealth Security and Environment ClusterWHO HQ, Geneva, Switzerland

Departments of Food Safety and Zoonosesand International Health Regulations CoordinationHealth Security and Environment ClusterWHO HQ, Geneva, Switzerland

Bruce PlotkinDepartment of International Health Regulations Coordination

Bruce PlotkinDepartment of International Health Regulations Coordination

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Presentation of WHO: OIE Global Conference on Veterinary Legislation | April 10, 20232 |

Outline of PresentationOutline of Presentation

Codex Alimentarius: – What is it? What does it do? – Importance for national legislation

International Health Regulations (2005): – Background, overview, scope– Key elements– Importance of intersectoral collaboration

Legislative assessment and revision: – Lessons learned and practical suggestions

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Codex Alimentarius Commission - what is it? -

Codex Alimentarius Commission - what is it? -

Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC) is an intergovernmental body operating within the United Nations

Joint initiative of FAO and WHO (since 1963)– FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme

180 member governments, including the European Community as a member organization

Approximately 20 technical committees

Product is Codex Alimentarius (Latin for "food code")

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Codex Alimentarius Commission - what does it do? -

Codex Alimentarius Commission - what does it do? -

Creates harmonized international food standards with a dual purpose:– “to protect the health of consumers”– “to ensure fair practices in the food trade”

Also promotes coordination of all food standards work undertaken by international governmental and non-governmental organizations

Standards, when introduced into national legislation, contribute to ensure safety of foods

Commission meets annually - discuss and adopt international food standards, guidelines

For examples, at its recent 33rd session, the commission considered:– guidelines on controlling bacteria in seafood throughout the food-chain;

and – setting maximum residues level for ractopamine in meat

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Codex standardsCodex standards

Voluntary / Non-mandatory

Reference for policy & decision-makers

Since 1995, international standards references under the SPS and TBT Agreements of the World Trade Organization (WTO)

International standards in SPS

a.for food safety → Codex standards

b.for animal health → OIE (World Organisation for Animal Health)

c. for plant health → IPPC (Int'l Plant Protection Convention)

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FAO/WHO Guidelines for strengthening national food control systems (2003)

FAO/WHO Guidelines for strengthening national food control systems (2003)

ANNEX 6 – Guidelines for Developing a National Food Law

A set of guiding principles as a general approach to the drafting of food legislation

Applicable to different legal systems

Complement an in-depth analysis of the legal and institutional framework that govern food production, import, export, distribution, handling and sale in a particular country

Prompt countries to take full advantage of Codex standards and food safety & quality lessons learned in other countries

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International Health Regulations (2005)

A (very) short history

International Health Regulations (2005)

A (very) short history 1969 IHR covered 3 diseases: YF, cholera, plague

Revision started 1995 –adopted by all States in 2005

IHR in force, and implemented, globally since 2007 Legally binding on 194 States Parties

Concerns during revision included - EIDs, Zoonoses e.g. Ebola/VHFs, BSE, Nipah, SARS, avian influenza, future serious potentially unknown international risks

Global legal framework against international spread of serious disease– Apply to government as a whole, not just particular ministry, department or

agencies– Broad / open disease scope for early warning/response & to catch emerging risks– Overall framework: surveillance, response, support ,information sharing,

capacities – Does not replace existing regulatory regimes – Does mandate collaboration

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Major innovations

From control at borders to containment at source and development

of core public health capacities in all countries

From disease list to broad range of serious int'l public health risks From preset health measures to generalized rules and risk

assessment in particular context

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Purpose and Scope of IHRPurpose and Scope of IHR

"to prevent, protect against, control and respond to the international spread of disease…

"in ways that are commensurate with and restricted to public health risks

"and which avoid unnecessary interference with international traffic and trade" (Article 2)

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Broad scope and coverage of IHR (2005)

Broad scope and coverage of IHR (2005)

“Disease”: “an Illness or medical condition, irrespective of origin or source, that presents or could present significant harm to humans”

“Event”: “a manifestation of disease or an occurrence that creates the potential for disease”

"Public health risk": "the likelihood of an event that may adversely affect the health of human populations, …"

Events/risks may be:

– Biological/infectious, chemical, radionuclear– Known or unknown, emerging or re-emerging– Transmissible by persons, transport conveyances,

cargo/goods food/animals/products), vectors, environment, etc.

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Government areas and functions affected by International Health


Government areas and functions affected by International Health

Regulations Public health


Radio-nuclear and chemical activities / safety


Food safety

Borders / immigration

Agriculture (and animal health)

International ports, airports, ground crossings

Transportation (including dangerous goods)

Collection, use and disclosure of public health information

Activities of authorities at national, state/provincial/district, local levels.

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Animals / productsAnimals / productsAnimals / productsAnimals / products

References to animals in the IHR arise in mainly 2 contexts:

"Goods" – part of provisions throughout the IHR Defined as: "tangible products, including animals and plants,

transported on an international journey, including for utilization aboard a conveyance"

"Animals" – additionally referenced separately (examples): Definitions: infection/disinfection, contamination/decontamination,

reservoir/vector Port/airport authorities responsible for removal and safe disposal of

animal dejecta and other contaminated items on conveyances Designated ports/airports must have capacities to assess and care for

affected animals by arrangements with local veterinary facilities for isolation, treatment

Ship Sanitation Inspections / certificates include animal reservoirs Maritime Declaration of Health includes disclosure of sick animals

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Key structures & mechanismKey structures & mechanism

National IHR Focal Point

In all countries available 24/7 for urgent communications with WHO IHR Contact Point on urgent events under the IHR (for e.g. notification/verification/follow-up) involving any covered risks

Responsible for obtaining information from all government sectors on IHR-covered events (should include animal health), and for disseminating information to them.

Potential focus for intersectoral collaboration

Has access to restricted IHR Event Information Site – information on selected (also OIE/FAO)


Radio-nuclear and chemical activities / safety


Food safety

Borders / immigration

WHO IHR Contact Point

Located in each of WHO’s 6 regional offices – for communications with the National IHR Focal Points

Works with WHO HQ, Country office and National government – on IHR events, technical support, capacity building

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Key IHR Key IHR elementselements for veterinary health sector & for veterinary health sector & legislation: legislation: Public Health Operations Public Health Operations (potentially (potentially

zoonoses, animals)zoonoses, animals) WHO: Global surveillance, assessment, support / response

States: Notification/reporting/verification of urgent health events to WHO

States: Collaboration with National IHR Focal Points

WHO: Information sharing with States on selected urgent events with potential international implications

States: Regulation of application of health measures to int'l trade, transport and travelers and sanitary requirements at international ports/airports, crossings

Keys for implementation by veterinary health sector: Awareness of IHR requirements, andTimely collaboration with IHR unit, including information sharing, through NFP or other mechanism

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Development of core public health capacities for surveillance and


Development of core public health capacities for surveillance and

response All States Parties must develop/maintain national minimum public health capacities, including surveillance, assessment & response

Required capacities: Detect, assess, control and report internally on public health events – according to specified criteria– At all levels and throughout national territory– Deadline for development: 2012/2014

Efforts to achieve these capacities ongoing worldwide– Development monitored with States and WHO support– Report on progress to the WHO World Health Assembly

Includes your areas: Zoonoses and food-related risks– Critical area for intersectoral collaboration

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National IHR Core Public Health Capacities: Monitoring and reporting

National IHR Core Public Health Capacities: Monitoring and reporting

8 Core capacities

– Legislation and Policy – Coordination– Surveillance– Response– Preparedness– Risk Communications– Human Resources– Laboratory

3 levels – National – Intermediate– Peripheral/Community

Potential Hazards– Biological

• Infectious• Zoonosis• Food safety

– Chemical– Radio nuclear

Events at Points of Entry

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The requirements for intersectoral The requirements for intersectoral collaborationcollaboration

The requirements for intersectoral The requirements for intersectoral collaborationcollaboration

Required directly, and effectively indirectly under IHR (2005)

Relevant mechanisms and provisions under the IHR (2005):– National IHR Focal Point in all countries:

• Veterinary health sector a key authority with relevant public health information

• May also be other IHR coordinating authority– National programme for meeting IHR Core capacity requirements –

including zoonoses and food safety– These are subjects of national/WHO monitoring & reporting to World

Health Assembly

Coordination with National IHR authorities:– National veterinary legislation should be consistent with national

organization for IHR implementation– Ongoing legislative assessment and revision process regarding IHR

(2005) rights and obligations – presents an opportunity for synergies and efficiencies

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Assessment and revision of legislationAssessment and revision of legislation

Potential benefits:– Enable veterinary health sector to carry out its necessary specific tasks – Facilitate more efficient and effective functioning to achieve objectives– Enable or facilitate implementation of country’s rights and obligations

under the range of relevant international laws– Empower the veterinary health sector– Institutionalize the role and activities of the sector within the

government– Facilitate important inter-sectoral collaboration within government in

activities relevant to veterinary health sector’s – Good governance

Potential challenges include: institutional, technical, informational, resource

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Lessons learned in context of public health legislative assessment and revision

Lessons learned in context of public health legislative assessment and revision

Others in your government are probably also doing assessments / revision of legislation, some of which may relate to your intended legislation

Legislation must be specific to domestic legal and governance systems, socio-political context

Prioritize:– What may need to be done most urgently – What are most important elements for each State– Consider options to expedite the legislative process if urgently needed

Process needs to involve all relevant sectors, offices, levels– May well save time / avoid obstacles later

Process needs to involve not only options for high level legislation, but also regulations, rules, procedures that implement legislation operationally

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Practical suggestions – PreparationsPractical suggestions – Preparations

Contact relevant government legal advisors for appropriate procedures – if needed

Consider developing awareness materials such as cabinet papers to facilitate support

Start early to identify / mobilize governmental, technical, financial, other resources

Contact other States (particularly those with similar national contexts) who are doing, or have done, similar assessments and revisions for their lessons learned, collaboration

Contact your country's national authorities concerned with implementing the IHR (2005) rights and obligations and other relevant national/international obligations (e.g. WTO/Trade):

Facilitates awareness of full legislative landscape relevant to veterinary legislation

Can ensure consistency and effective implementation in areas of mutual concern

Start early to identify existing legislation, regulations, rules relating to your proposed legislation - can take surprising time, and if are problems better to know early

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Resources: Guidance for full assessmentResources: Guidance for full assessment

Detailed, step by step guidance materials on WHO Website (IHR context)

Most relevant: Brief Introduction: Considerations of Why, What, Who and How of legislative assessment and revision – as applied to IHR (2005) but much of it is generally applicable (and brief!)

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