Presentation of eaff pafo on fara ga accra 2013

Stephen Muchiri Eastern Africa Farmers Federation



Transcript of Presentation of eaff pafo on fara ga accra 2013

Page 1: Presentation of eaff pafo on fara ga accra 2013

Stephen MuchiriEastern Africa

Farmers Federation

Page 2: Presentation of eaff pafo on fara ga accra 2013

The specific objective is “Enhanced, more equitable, more demand-driven and mutually beneficial collaboration of Africa and Europe on agricultural research for development with the aim of attaining the MDGs”. ....aims to move from the currently largely supply-driven approach in ARD towards a demand-driven approach.

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Mobilization of African stakeholders ID of federating themes – food security &

market access – Livestock value chain Undertook case studies – livestock(one

cow project in Rwanda) and rice (in Burundi)

Formation of consortia Multi-stakeholder consultations Formulation of research questions

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Development of EAFF LIVESTOCK STRATEGY Resilience Competitiveness

Advocacy conducted to devpt partners - EC Developed two proposals with livestock

consortia focusing on the two approaches ALICE conference – explain Formation of PACA (Partnership on Aflatoxin

control in Africa under AUC auspices) explain..

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Maintaining momentum/ interest & commitment within the consortia...

ULP ‘new’ to many researchers...general acceptability??

Fund raising challenge to support the proposals

Capacity constrains (heterogeneity) among actors; limited soft skills

Access to current information/ dynamism of info/ information flow

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Demand driven approach – response driven

Ownership by users & researchers More opportunities of support due to

size & dynamism of consortia Synergy among actors; ...entire VC

approach/ back & forth communication flow – rich info & experience by actors

Need to develop a Knowledge sharing platform

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Continuous Capacity strengthening –process

facilitation; proposal dev & project mgt;

Full project proposal development

Advocacy for funding support – dutch

support/ asareca co-funding; others

Lessons/ experience sharing documentation

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