Presentation of dolo


Transcript of Presentation of dolo

Page 1: Presentation of dolo
Page 2: Presentation of dolo

…WHERE IS ?? Dolo extends in the

north-west of the Province of Venice, along the axis determined by the course of the waterway Brenta.Il city center is situated on both banks of the River Brenta. The two separate villages you can find the one north and one south of its course.

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ORIGIN OF DOLO?? On the origin of the name 'Dolo' have advanced many

hypotheses. Some say that it appears in a parchment of 1241. Others connect it the fact that here, in the second half of '400, Venezia send people stained with guilt, unwanted. Others refer to the names of influential and wealthy families like the Dauli or Dotto.

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The people of Dolo, is linked to the saying: 'The Storti of Dolo'. If you want to be taken literally, the word 'twisted'does not refer to the fact that dolesi are poorly trained in person, but with the ‘storti' real: the famous wheat bread cones used for whipped cream.

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