Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Findings...

Qiapter A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF HRD POLICIES In State Bank of India & Punjab National Bank Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Findings Regarding Performance Appraisal in SBI and PNB

Transcript of Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Findings...

Page 1: Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Findings 4.pdf · Interpretation of Findings Regarding Performance



In State Bank of India & Punjab National Bank

Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Findings Regarding Performance

Appraisal in SBI and PNB

Page 2: Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Findings 4.pdf · Interpretation of Findings Regarding Performance


Appraisal System consists of reviewing an individual's performance

and progress in a job and assessing his potential for future improvement

through a systematic method of obtaining and analyzing information about a

person. It is a personnel function and is justified on the ground that it helps in

making certain administrative decisions. Unfortunately, methods of evaluation

are not based on performance standards and system of multiple assessments is

avoided. In the organizational context, the system results in evaluation of an

employee over a period of time that is documented on a form. The process of

approval ends with recommendations from the rates to the higher management

for one or more administrative decisions regarding employee, such as his

promotion, a salary increase, training etc.


Appraisal in banks still seems to follow the traditional system of trait

rating and confidential reports. Those banks that have changed their appraisal

system have normally performance related as well as trait based appraisal.

Several of the banks also have self-appraisal as a part of performance


In a traditional system of trait rating, their employees are assessed on

the characteristics like general intelligence, job knowledge, initiative,

dependability, sociability conduct, manner, special aptitudes, relationship with

public and colleagues, achievements and failures that attracted penalty etc. are

assessed. As far as performance rating is concerned, indicators like deposits,

advances, balancing of books, submission of returns, rectification of

irregularities, potential ability and other aspects of job performance are


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assessed. As far as self appraisal is concerned, it is more of a communication

of achievement. Here appraisal gives details like the training courses attended,

job performance, contribution made i.e. the job, achievements, area of

aptitude, efforts made for self development etc. are stated.

In India there is not much of difference in the practice followed by

major banks for appraising individual performance of employees, though

variation exist in regard to specifics. In bank, once a year the supervisor writes

a report about each of the employees under him. These reports usually are

based on experience, personal knowledge and impressions of the supervisory

officers at the branches/ offices. However, the reviewing authority can

moderate the assessment made by the reporting officer. Besides being highly

subjective, this system leaves much scope for pulls and presence on the

supervisory officers. Some banks have realized the need for a more objective

appraisal and have made attempts to evolve formal appraisal system.

However, banking sector, where a great degree of attention is necessary

in respect of the performance appraisal system, is making serious efforts to

have systems of appraisal that improve their efficiency, effectiveness and

image through development of their employees. In the coming years banks are

likely to progress further in the direction of multi-objective and multi-

competent based on open systems of appraisal.


Of all the performance appraisal systems in use in banks, the State Bank

of India has well designed and carefully implemented system. In 1979, SBI

started designing and experiment of the system. After six years of


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experimentation and trying out finally had a system in 1986. Some of the

silent features of this include;

(a) Performance planning jointly by the appraiser and the appraisee

at the beginning of the appraisal period through identification of

Key Performance Areas (KPA).

(b) Self appraisal by appraisee.

(c) Performance analysis to identity factors facilitating and hindering


(d) Open performance assessment by appraiser on (KPA).

(e) Identification of training needs.

(f) Performance counseling.

(g) Performance assessment on behavioral and managerial

dimensions by the appraiser.


The revised system was introduced all over the banks from the year

1992-93. The new performance appraisal systems called Assignment

Appraisal Report (AAR) have following silent features;

(a) There is only one reporting system covering all officers. The

Assignment Appraisal which is now compiled separately forms

part of format.

(b) The format Annual Assignment Report form (AARF) is data

based and comprehensive.

(c) The assignment appraisal is an annual exercise-thereby obviating

the need for compilation of reports years later by officials not

knowing the appraisee.

(d) The rating is by making system.


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(e) There is a provision for self appraisal.

(f) The format has been devised in such a way that the reviewing

authority will have to specifically record agreements/ dis­

agreements and also potentialities and accord final judgment


(g) There is also provision for Standing Review Committee at

various levels so as to have a second review which should help

to place all assignments for comparison under one single

umbrella. This will also help to apply uniform norms to ensure

fairness and remove observations/arbitrariness/inconsistencies if

any in reporting and reviewing style.

The system covers and is applicable to all kinds of employees in all



In this system, the reporting authority, in the beginning of the year set

quantitative financial targets in consultation with each of the officers with

respect to whom he is required to report. In the case of those officers who

have responsibility for achieving the budgeted growth of business, the settled

budget for the year will be the target. As regard to other officers, qualification

of the responsibility in terms of identified Key Responsibility Areas (KRAs)

are done by appraiser in consultation with the appraisee.

Although performance appraisal is a year end exercise, in order that it

may be a tool for human resource development, the reporting authority and

the officer reported upon meet during the course of the year at regular

intervals to review the performance and to take necessary corrective steps.


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The report will be completed on all officers as on the 3P' March every

year. This report embodies complete history of the appraisee in terms of

assignments held and other information.


The report form has been designed to enable the appraisee to openly

express himself to the Reporting Authority under 7 critical items on which he

should have freedom to write every year before the AAR is written. The forms

are provided to all officers well in time to enable them to compile the report as

on 31^' March every year. Though the reporting authority can proceed to

record the report without waiting for self appraisal if it is not received within a

month from the due date i.e. before 30 April. This report affords the

openness which was envisaged under Key Performance Appraisal (KPA)

based system.


The appraisal of attributes is in respect of critical personal traits. This is

applicable to all officers as JMG I, MMG II MMG III and above. The

reporting authority gives narrative comments against each item mentioned in

the Attribute Based Appraisal after giving proper weightage to the relevant

factors mentioned in the grade lines. It is necessary to ensure that the appraisal

is done objectively based on the data accumulated through interaction/

discussion/or going correspondence between the appraise and the Reporting



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A statement regarding the submission/on-submission of the self

appraisal by the officer is furnished indicating that the facts in the self

appraisal are considered and taken note while assessing the officer.


The Reviewing Authority is required to furnish a report in AARF VI in

a format. The authority records on his own the rating against each part. In case

of disagreement with the appraisal already done, the authority is to record

reasons with the Reporting Authority. Reviewing Authority is also to give the

comments on potential and training about any meritorious work done by

appraisee and about the appraisee's potential for advancement.

A second review is provided by the Standing Review Committee for the

reports written on all officers so that it would help to place all assignments for

comparison under one umbrella and uniform norms are applied to ensure fair

play and removal of arbitrariness, inconsistencies and aberration in reporting

and reporting styles.


In order to develop human resources and to meet constantly changing

environmental condition, careers of individual employees have to be taken

care of. Career planning covers career movements and growth opportunities

from the point of entry of an individual in employment to the point of his

retirement. It is a process of development of human resources. Manpower


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planning function is to report on the inventory of skills and potentials

available in the organization. Career planning function is concerned with

identifying who, when, where and how one can be groomed for or fitted in

higher level assignments on the basis of performance and potential.

In SBI, a career ladder or path is clear. There are eleven steps in the

ladder starting from manager in the branch to chairman at the central office.

Advancement on the career path are time bound as and when vacancy arises,

based on seniority-cum-merits. The path is long enough to cover in a short

span of work life. This disappoints the employees.


In SBI, the Employee Development Plan ( EDP ) was introduced for

officers in the JMGS-I working in branches w.e.f. July 1, 1990. Cash officers

and officers working in administration departments are not covered as the job

knowledge requirements of each official mostly cover a single desk and are

specific in nature.

The branch manager is to prepare employee development plan.

Development of employee can be brought by assisting people to acquire

various skills through a systematic rotation of job and by providing

institutional training. So Employee Development has two dimensions viz;

development on the job and development through institutional training. Every

branch manager is to fill the information in respect of job performed and

training courses attended in a prescribed from. The information contained in

the form is helpful to plan the development of officers by periodic job rotation

and nomination to appropriate training programmes.


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The information recorded also serve as a data bank for the branch and

makes available a complete record of job movement and training undergone

by the officers.


As 'in any other organization, employees of the banks differ in their

physical appearance; likewise they differ in their abilities, caliber, potentials

and aptitude. These differences are but natural to a greater extent and can not

be eliminated completely. There are also bound to be some differences in the

quality and quantity of work done by different employees. As all the

employees belong to different family environment, mental make up and work,

approach. Their efficiencies, sincerity is bound to be different which must be

known to the management and must be appreciated and rewarded.

Even it is seen that the individual employee of the bank also likes to

know his capability in terms of his performance on job qualitatively and

quantitatively in comparison to his fellow employee, so that he may improve

upon it. So management of Punjab National Bank has selected a suitable

performance appraisal system to measure the relative merit of each employee.


In Punjab National Bank, performance appraisal system has been

adopted for officers. Assistant Manager and Sub Manager. Aims of this

system of performance appraisal are to help employee to develop himself by

making the bank to know his needs for development as he thinks and

perceives. The information will enable the bank to take suitable steps for


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meeting their needs in consonance with requirements of the bank.

Management thinks that employee should be frank and free while giving the



Every year a form is circulated to employees and they have to submit

the form within 30 days from the last date of review period. If employees have

nothing to report against any item/column, he has to mention "NA"

(Not Applicable).

Every year appraisee has to give information about educational

qualification, Grade and Scale, Position, current assignment, detail of

disciplinary action if any. He has also to inform about assignment completed

during last five years, training programmes attended and major health

problem. After filling these above information further he has to fill the column

relating to highlights of his performance during the year, area in which he

feels work has not been done well, constraints faced, what according to him

would enable him to perform better and any other outstanding performance

outside the banks. Further if any important tasks done which were assigned to

him to be performed during the year.


The form which has been assessed by appraisee for his different

achievement and work culture will be evaluated by the appraiser. Appraiser

has to give comments on different 'Key Responsibility Areas' selected to

support the Branch Manager and other staff working under him for smooth

ftinctioning of the branch. Further he has to see his performance about

balancing of Books (clearing back log) maintaining House Keeping up to date.


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He has also to give comment on his administration quality. For every quality

he has to give some points out of 50. If appraise is getting marks 41-50 will be

considered outstanding, 31-40 marks good, 20-30 average and below 20

below average.

Further appraiser has to give marks about job knowledge, leadership,

decision making, administrative skill, public relation skill and integrity and

honesty. For this purpose total marks kept are 40. A person is called

outstanding if he gets 32 to 40 marks, Good (24 -31), Average (15-23) and

below average (below 15).


Finally overall assessment of performance has to be completed by

reviewing authority as per Performa and he has to give marks out of hundred.

50 Marks are for Key Responsibility Areas, 40 more are for managerial

dimensions and 10 marks to be allotted for outstanding performance. After

giving the marks according to total marks employee will be considered

outstanding if he scores 80 to 100 marks, Good 60 to 79 marks, average 40 to

59 marks, and below average if he is getting less than 40 marks. If reviewing

authority disagrees on any area then he has to give comment on disagreement.


On the basis of data collected from respondents, following results were

arrived at by researcher. A set of 9 questions were given to the respondents to

find out level of satisfaction with the appraisal system and basis of evaluation

of performance. Respondents were also requested to give suggestions for

improvement of present system in the bank.


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In the course of survey, a question was asked to the respondents of SBI

and PNB whether they are satisfied with appraisal system in their

organization. Further data was analyzed on the basis of age, qualification and


Table No. 4.1

Satisfaction of Appraisal System in SBI and PNB classified on the basis of age.

SBI Group Total

PNB Group Total

Table Total

Below 45 Above 45

Group Total

Below 45 Above 45

Group Total

Table Total

YES 54



• (78.2)











NO 13














Total 67














Note: Figures in parenthesis depict percentage. Source: Data collected through questionnaire.

The Table 4.1 shows the satisfaction of appraisal system in SBI and PNB

on the basis of age.

The Table 4.1 depicts that respondents 54 (80.6%) below the age of 45

and 104 (78.2%) above the age of 45 are satisfied from appraisal system in


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SBI, on the other hand 58 (85.3%) respondents and 107 (81.1%) respondents

have the satisfaction from appraisal system in PNB. So it can be concluded

that there is no difference in perception of respondents about satisfaction of

appraisal system in SBI and PNB.

Table No. 4.2

Satisfaction of appraisal system in SBI and PNB classified on the basis of qualification.

SI BI Group total

PNB Group Total

Table Total Graduate Post


Group total Graduate

Post Graduate

Group Total

Table Total

YES 89














NO 16














Total 105



. (100)











Note: Figures in parenthesis depict percentage. Source: Data collected through questionnaire.

The Table 4.2 shows the satisfaction of appraisal system of SBI and

PNB on the basis of qualifications.

It is apparent from the Table 4.2 that out of 105 respondents who have

graduate qualification, 89 (84.8%) are satisfied with the appraisal system in

SBI. On the other hand out of 57 respondents in PNB, 48 (84.2%) are satisfied

with the performance appraisal. The respondents 69 (72.6%) in SBI and 117

(81.8%) are satisfied with the appraisal system of those who are post graduate.


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While comparing both the banks as per percentage, there is no difference of

opinion about satisfaction with performance appraisal.

Table No. 4.3

Satisfaction of appraisal system in SBI and PNB classified on the basis of work experience.

S] BI Group Total

PNB Group Total

Table Total

Less than 10 years

More than 10 years

Group Total Less than

10 years

More than 10 years

Group Total

Table Total

YES 42














NO 12














Total 54














Note: Figures in parenthesis depict percentage. Source: Data collected through questionnaire.

The Table 4.3 shows the level of satisfaction with performance

appraisal system on the basis of work experience in SBI and PNB.

The Table 4.3 manifests that out of 54 respondents of SBI 42 (77.8%)

respondents who are having less than 10 years experience are satisfied with

the appraisal system, and 25 (80.6%) respondents out of 31 respondents in

PNB are satisfied. On the other hand 116 (79.5%) respondents in SBI with the

experience of more than 10 years and 140 (82.8%)) respondents out of 169

respondents of PNB have shown the satisfaction. While comparing the


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respondents less than 10 years experience and more than 10 years experience

in SBI and PNB, there is no difference of opinion about satisfaction with the

appraisal system.

While comparing the group total of both the banks i.e. 158 (79%) in

SBI and 165 (82.5%) in PNB, this does not makes much difference about the

satisfaction of performance appraisal system of the bank on the basis of age,

experience and qualification.

4.7.2 Identification of Training Needs

Table No. 4.4 is a summary of data regarding how far appraisal system

helps in identifying training needs. The respondents were asked to give the

extent in SBI and PNB. Further comparison was done after analyzing the data

on the basis of age, qualification and experience of the respondents of SBI and



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Table No. 4.4

Appraisal System and Training Needs classified on the basis of age below 45 in SBI and PNB.

Extent SBI PNB Total

To large extent 25






To some extent 41






To little extent 1






Total 67






x^= 13.945 P<.01

Note : Figures in parenthesis depict percentage. Source: Data collected through questionnaire.

Table No. 4.4 shows the perceptions of respondents of below the age of

45, in SBI and PNB about help of appraisal system in identifying training


The Table No. 4.4 manifests that 41 (61.19%) respondents of SBI are of

the opinion that appraisal system helps in identifying training needs to some

extent and in PNB 20 (29.41%) respondents are of the view that appraisal

system helps in identifying training needs to some extent. While discussing

about, 'to large extent' in SBI 25 (37.31%) agree and in PNB 47 (69.12) agree

about it. About the little extent answer is same in SBI and PNB. From the


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above discussion it can be concluded that there is difference of opinion in SBI

and PNB among the respondents below the age of 45 about appraisal system

helps in identifying training needs, because in SBI maximum respondents

agree up to some extent and in PNB maximum respondent agree to large


While applying x^ test, its value (13.945) is higher than table value at

5% level of significance. So null hypothesis is rejected. So it can be said that

there is significant difference in the opinion of respondents of SBI and PNB as

shown as per percentage also.

Table No. 4.5

Appraisal System and Training Needs classified on the basis of age above 45 in SBI and PNB.

Extent SBI PNB Total

To large extent 61






To some extent 63






To little extent 9






Total 67






jc^= 12.792 P<.05

Note : Figures in parenthesis depict percentage. Source: Data collected through questionnaire.


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Table 4.5 shows perception of respondents above the age of 45 about

the help of appraisal system in identifying training needs in SBI and PNB.

It is obvious from the Table 4.5 that maximum respondents above the

age of 45 i.e. 63 (47.37%) have the opinion that appraisal helps in identifying

training needs to some extent, but in case of PNB there are 43 (32.57%) who

are of the same opinion. In the case of SBI, 61 respondents i.e. (45.86%) are

of the view that it helps to large extent, but in the PNB bank, most of the

respondents 87 (65.91%) are of the opinion that appraisal helps in identifying

training needs to large extent

While comparing the respondents of the age of above 45 in SBI and

PNB, there is difference of opinion. 61 (45.86%)) respondents in SBI and 87

(65.91%) in PNB agrees that it helps in identifying training needs to large

extent. On the other hand 63 (47.37%)) respondents in SBI are of the opinion

that it helps to some extent, whereas in PNB 43 (32.57%) respondents have

the same view. So it can be concluded that there is difference of opinion

between the respondents of two banks who are above the age of 45.

While applying x^ test, it is found that calculated value of x^ test

(12.792) is greater than the table value at 5%) level of significance. So null

hypothesis is rejected. Thus it can be concluded that there is a statistically

significant difference between the opinion of the respondents of SBI and PNB,

above the age of 45, about identifying training needs by appraisal system.


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Table No. 4.6

Appraisal System and Training Needs classified on the basis of qualification as Graduate of SBI and PNB.

Extent SBI PNB Total

To large extent 50






To some extent 49






To little extent 6






Total 105






Ar = 4.455 P>.05

Note : Figures in parenthesis depict percentage. Source: Data collected through questionnaire.

The Table 4.6 shows the perception of graduate respondents about the

help of appraisal system in identifying training needs in SBI and PNB.

The Table 4.6 manifests that respondent 50 (47.61%) who are having

the qualification as graduate agrees that appraisal system helps to identify

training needs to large extent, 49 (46.67%) says it is helpful to some extent

and 6 (5.72%) respondents say that it helps to little extent. On the other hand

in PNB, the respondents i.e. 37 (64.91%)) are of the opinion that appraisal

system helps in identifying training needs to large extent, 18 (31.58%)

respondents says it helps to some extent and 2 (3.51%)) are of the view that it

helps to little extent.


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While comparing the both the banks there is a difference of opinion of

the respondents who are graduate. In the SBI about to large extent 47.61%

agree that it helps in identifying training needs in comparison to PNB i.e.

64.91%. On the other hand 46.67% respondents of SBI agree about to some

extent in comparison to 31.58% in PNB. So it can be concluded that there is

difference of opinion about appraisal system helps in identifying training

needs of the graduate respondents of SBI and PNB.

While applying x^ test, its value (4. 455) is less than table value at 5%

level of significance. So null hypothesis is accepted. So there is no significant

difference in the opinion of respondents of SBI and PNB about help of

appraisal system in identifying training needs. So the difference shown on the

basis of percentage on the table is not statistically significant, it may be due to

sampling fluctuations.


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Table No. 4.7

Appraisal System and Training Needs classifled on the basis of qualification as Post-Graduate in SBI and PNB.

Extent SBI PNB Total

To large extent 36






To some extent 55






To little extent 4






Total 95






x^ = 21.991 P<.01

Note : Figures in parenthesis depict percentage. Source: Data collected through questionnaire.

The Table 4.7 shows the perception of post graduate respondents about

help of appraisal system in identifying training needs in SBI and PNB.

The Table 4.7 depicts that 55 (57.89%) respondents who are post

graduate are of the opinion that appraisal system helps in identifying training

needs to some extent, 36 (37.89%) respondents say it helps to large extent

and 4 (4.22%) accept that it helps to little extent. On the other hand in PNB

the respondents 97 (67.83%) who are post graduate are of the view that

appraisal system helps in identifying training needs to large extent, and 45

( 31.47%)) say it helps to some extent.


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While comparing both the banks it is clear that 67.83% respondents

agree that it helps to large extent in PNB in comparison to 37.89% in SBI. It

shows that in PNB maximum help for identification of training needs is taken

from appraisal system.

While applying x^ test, its value (21.991) is higher than the table value

at 1% level of significance. So our null hypothesis is rejected. So it can be

said that there is a significant difference of opinion of respondents of SBI and

PNB who are post graduate.

Table No. 4.8

Appraisal System and Training Needs classified on the basis of worii experience less than 10 years in SBI and PNB.

Extent SBI PNB Total

To large extent 24






To some extent 29






To little extent 1




Total 54






jc^= 10.694 P<.05

Note : Figures in parenthesis depict percentage. Source: Data collected through questionnaire.


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The Table 4.8 shows the perception of respondents of SBI and PNB,

who have the work experience of less than 10 years, about the help of

appraisal system in identifying training needs.

The Table 4.8 indicates that 29 (53.70%) respondents who are having

less than 10 years experience in SBI are of the opinion that appraisal system

helps in identifying training needs to some extent, 24 (44.44%) respondents

agree that it helps to large extent. On the other hand in PNB 25 (80.64%)

respondents are of the view that appraisal system helps in identifying training

needs to large extent and 6 (11.36%) respondents says it helps to some extent.

While comparing the respondents of SBI and PNB, 80.64% respondents

who are having less than 10 years experience in PNB says that appraisal

system helps in identifying training needs to large extent in comparison to

44.44% respondents of SBI. So it can be concluded that in PNB for training to

employees appraisal system is considered to large extent. In the case of, to

some extent 53.70% of SBI favours this in comparison to 19.36% of PNB. So

from the above discussion it can be concluded that there is a difference of

opinion of respondents of SBI and PNB, having the experience less than 10

years that appraisal system helps in identifying training needs.

On application of x test, its value 10.694 is higher than table value at

5% level of significance, it rejects the null hypothesis. So it can be concluded

that there is significant difference in the opinion of the respondents of SBI and



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Table No. 4.9

Appraisal System and Training needs classified on the basis of work experience more than 10 years in SBI and PNB.

Extent SBI PNB Total

To large extent 62






To some extent 75






To little extent 9






Total 146






A^= 16.783 P<.01

Note : Figures in parenthesis depict percentage. Source: Data collected through questionnaire.

The Table 4.9 shows the perception of respondents with the experience

of more than 10 years in SBI and PNB about the help of appraisal system in

identifying training needs.

The Table 4.9 depicts that 62 (42.46%) respondents of SBI, who are

having more than 10 years experience, and 109 (64.50%) respondents of PNB

are of the opinion that appraisal system helps in identifying training needs to

large extent. 75 (51.37%) respondents of SBI and 57 (33.73%) respondents of

PNB are of the view that it helps to some extent. Only 9 (6.17%) respondents

of SBI and 3 (1.67%) respondents say it helps to little extent.


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From the above discussion it is clear that more respondents of PNB are

of the view that training is based on appraisal system in PNB to large extent.

On the other hand maximum respondents in SBI say that it helps to some

extent which means some other procedure is adopted to find out training

needs. So it shows that there is a difference of opinion of the respondents of

SBI and PNB.

While applying x test, its value (16.783) is higher than table value at

1% level of significance. So null hypothesis is rejected. This indicates that

there is significant difference in the opinion of respondents of SBI and PNB

that appraisal system helps in identifying training needs.

4.7.3 Self Appraisal System

In another set of question, respondents of SBI and PNB were asked to

show their satisfaction in respect of self appraisal system. Further data was

analyzed to compare the responses of respondents of SBI and PNB on the

basis of age, qualification and work experience.


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Table No. 4.10

Satisfaction with Self Appraisal on the basis of age below 45 in SBI and PNB.

Response SBI PNB Total

Yes 59






No 8






Total 67






A = 3.101 P>.05

Note : Figures in parenthesis depict percentage. Source: Data collected through questionnaire.

The Table 4.10 shows the level of satisfaction of respondents of below

the age of 45 with the self appraisal system in SBI and PNB.

The Table 4.10 depicts that in SBI 59 (88.05%) respondents are

satisfied with the self appraisal system and 8 (11.95%) respondents are not

satisfied with the self appraisal system. On the other hand 52 (76.47%)

respondents of PNB below the age of 45 are satisfied with self appraisal

system of the bank.

While applying x^ test, its value (3.101) is less than table value at 5%

level of significance. So null hypothesis is accepted. Thus, it can be said that

there is no significant difference between the respondents below the age of 45,

of SBI and PNB about satisfaction level with self appraisal system.


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Table No. 4.11

Satisfaction with Self Appraisal on the basis of age above 45 in SBI and PNB.

Response SBI PNB Total

Yes 112






No 21






Total 133






x'^.OOl P> .05

Note : Figures in parenthesis depict percentage. Source: Data collected through questionnaire.

The Table 4.11 shows the level of satisfaction of respondent of SBI and

PNB above the age of 45 with self appraisal system.

The Table 4.11 manifests that 112 (84.21%) respondents of SBI are of

the opinion that they are satisfied with the self appraisal system and 21

(15.79%) respondents are not satisfied with the self appraisal system of the

bank in SBI. On the other hand 111 (84.09%) respondents say that they are

satisfied with the self appraisal system of PNB and 21 (15.91%) respondents

are not satisfied with the system. While comparing both the banks, no

difference exists about satisfaction level with self appraisal system of the

respondents above the age of 45 which can be verified from percentage also

i.e. 84.21% in SBI and 84.09 in PNB.


Page 28: Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Findings 4.pdf · Interpretation of Findings Regarding Performance

On the application of x test, its value (.001) is less than table value at

5% level of significance. So our null hypothesis is accepted. It shows that

there is no significant difference of opinion of the respondents of SBI and

PNB, above the age of 45, about satisfaction with self appraisal system.

Table No. 4.12

Satisfaction with Self Appraisal System on the basis of Graduate qualification in SBI and PNB.

Response SBI PNB Total

Yes 91






No 14






Total 105






^ = .269 P> .05

Note : Figures in parenthesis depict percentage. Source: Data collected through questionnaire.

The Table 4.12 shows the level of satisfaction of the respondents, who

are graduate about self appraisal system in SBI and PNB.

The Table 4.12 depicts that in SBI, 91 (86.67%) respondents are

satisfied with the self appraisal system and 14 (13.33%) respondents are not

satisfied with the system. On the other hand in PNB, 51 (89.47%) respondents

are satisfied with the self appraisal system and 6 (10.53%) are not satisfied

with the system.


Page 29: Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Findings 4.pdf · Interpretation of Findings Regarding Performance

While comparing both the banks, it is clear that there is no difference

about the satisfaction level with the self appraisal system of the respondents in

SBI and PNB because it is 86.67% in SBI and 89.47% in PNB.

While applying y^ test, its value (.269) is less than table value at 5%

level of significant. It accepts the null hypothesis which leads us to conclude

that there is no difference of satisfaction level with self appraisal system

among the respondents who are graduate in SBI and PNB.


Page 30: Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Findings 4.pdf · Interpretation of Findings Regarding Performance

Table No. 4.13

Satisfaction with Self Appraisal System on the basis of Post Graduate qualification in SBI and PNB.

Response SBI PNB Total

Yes 80






No 15






Total 95






A = 1.270 P>.05

Note : Figures in parenthesis depict percentage. Source: Data collected through questionnaire.

The Table 4.13 shows the level of satisfaction of the respondents, who

are Post Graduate with self appraisal system in SBI and PNB.

The Table 4.13 depicts that 80 (84.21%) respondents in SBI, who are

Post Graduate and 112 (78.32%) respondents in PNB who are post graduate

are satisfied with the self appraisal system of their banks. On the other hand

15 (15.79%) respondents of SBI and 31 (21.68%) respondents of PNB say that

they are not satisfied with self appraisal system.


Page 31: Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Findings 4.pdf · Interpretation of Findings Regarding Performance

While applying y^ test, its value (1.270) is less than table value at 5%

level of significance. So null hypothesis is accepted. Thus it can be concluded

that there is no statistical significant difference of the opinion of SBI and

PNB. Difference as per percentage can be due to sample fluctuation.

Table No. 4.14

Satisfaction with Self Appraisal System on the basis of work experience less than 10 years in SBI and PNB.

Response SBI PNB Total

Yes 47






No 7






Total 54






x^= 2.235 P>.05

Note : Figures in parenthesis depict percentage. Source: Data collected through questionnaire.

The Table 4.14 shows about the level of satisfaction with self appraisal

system of the respondents who have work experience of less than 10 years in

SBI and PNB.

The Table 4.14 depicts that in SBI, respondents i.e. 47 (87.03%) are of

the opinion that they are satisfied with self appraisal system of their bank and

7 (12.97%) respondents are of the view that they are not satisfied with the

system. On the other hand in PNB 23 (74.19%)) respondents are satisfied with

self appraisal system and 8 (25.81%) are not satisfied.


Page 32: Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Findings 4.pdf · Interpretation of Findings Regarding Performance

On the application of x' test, its value (2.235) is less than table value at

5% level of significance. Thus null hypothesis is accepted. This means that

there is no difference of the opinion of respondents of SBI and PNB, who are

having experience of less than 10 years, about level of satisfaction with self

appraisal system, in their banks.

Table No. 4.15

Satisfaction with Self Appraisal System on the Basis of work experience more than 10 years in SBI and PNB

Response SBI PNB Total

Yes 124






No 22






Total 146






x^ = .252 P> .05

Note : Figures in parenthesis depict percentage. Source: Data collected through questionnaire.

The Table 4.15 shows the satisfaction with self appraisal system on the

basis of experience of respondents having experience of less than 10 year in

SBI and PNB.


Page 33: Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Findings 4.pdf · Interpretation of Findings Regarding Performance

The Table 4.15 depicts that 124 (84.93%) respondents who are having

experience of more than 10 years in SBI are satisfied with the self appraisal

system of their bank and 22 (15.07%) respondents are not satisfied with the

system. On the other hand 140 (82.84%) respondents of PNB are of the

opinion that they are satisfied with the self appraisal system of the bank and

29 (17.16%) are not satisfied with the self appraisal system. If we compare the

system of self appraisal of both the banks, it is clear that there is no difference

of opinion of respondents who are having more than 10 years experience in

SBI and PNB, about satisfaction.

On the application of x test, its value (.252) is less than table value at

5% level of significance. Thus null hypothesis is accepted. So it can be

concluded that there is no significance difference of the satisfaction level of

respondents about self appraisal system in SBI and PNB.

4.7.4 Motivation for Self Development

Another question was asked to respondents of SBI and PNB to know

whether self appraisal motivates to self development or not. This data was

further analyzed on the basis of age, qualification and experience to compare

the motivation and self development of SBI and PNB respondents.


Page 34: Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Findings 4.pdf · Interpretation of Findings Regarding Performance

Table No. 4.16

Self Appraisal and motivation of self development on the basis of age below 45 in SBI and PNB

Response SBI PNB Total

Yes 56






No 11






Total 68






A^=l .768 P>.01

Note : Figures in parenthesis depict percentage. Source: Data collected through questionnaire.

The Table 4.16 shows about, 'the self appraisal motivates, self

development,' in SBI and PNB, among respondents on the basis of age

below 45.

The Table 4.16 depicts that 56 (82.38%) respondents of SBI are of the

opinion that self appraisal motivates self development and 11 (17.65%)

respondents do not agree with this concept. On the other hand 62 (92.53%)

respondents of PNB are of the opinion that self appraisal motivates self

development and 6 (7.47%) respondents do not agree with this concept.

On application of x, its value (1.768) is less than table value at 1% level

of significance. So null hypothesis is accepted. Thus it can be said that there is


Page 35: Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Findings 4.pdf · Interpretation of Findings Regarding Performance

no significant difference in both the banks about the perception that self

appraisal motivates self development, on the basis of age below 45.

Table No. 4.17

Self Appraisal and motivation of self development on the basis of age above 45 in SBI and PNB.

Response SBI PNB Total

Yes 111






No 22






Total 133






A^=.708 P>.05

Note : Figures in parenthesis depict percentage. Source: Data collected through questionnaire.

The Table 4.17 shows the role of self appraisal for motivation of self

development among the respondents above the age of 45 in SBI and PNB.

The Table 4.17 depicts that 111 (83.46%) respondents in SBI are of the

view that self appraisal motivates the self development and 22 (16.54%)

respondents do not agree about the motivation of self development. On the

other hand 115 (87.12%) respondents of PNB above the age of 45 are of the

opinion that self appraisal motivates self development and 17 (12.88%) say

that it does not helps to motivate self development.


Page 36: Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Findings 4.pdf · Interpretation of Findings Regarding Performance

While comparing both the banks, it can be concluded that there is no

difference of opinion about self appraisal motivates self development because

83.46% respondents in SBI and 87.12% respondents of PNB agree that self

appraisal motivates self development.

While applying x^ test, its value (.708) is less than table value at 5%

level of significance. So null hypothesis is accepted. Thus it can be concluded

there is no significant difference between the respondents of SBI and PNB

that the self appraisal motivates self development, on the basis of age

above 45.


Page 37: Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Findings 4.pdf · Interpretation of Findings Regarding Performance

Table No. 4.18

Self Appraisal and motivation of self development on the basis of Graduate qualification in SBI and PNB.

Response SBI PNB Total

Yes 91






No 14






Total 105






y = .742 P> .05

Note : Figures in parenthesis depict percentage. Source: Data collected through questionnaire.

The Table 4.18 shows about the self appraisal and motivation of self

development among the respondents on the basis of graduation qualification

in SBI and PNB.

The Table 4.18 manifests that in SBI, 91 (86.66%) respondents, who

are having graduate qualification are of the opinion that self appraisal

motivates self development and 14 (13.34%) respondents do not agree that it

motivates self development. On the other hand in PNB, 52 (91.22%)

respondents who are graduate are of the view that self appraisal motivates self

development and 5 (8.78%) respondents do not agree with the statement. Thus

it can be concluded that there is no difference of opinion between respondents


Page 38: Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Findings 4.pdf · Interpretation of Findings Regarding Performance

of SBI and PNB who are graduate with the view that self appraisal motivates

self development.

On the application of x^ test, its value (.742) is less than table value at

5% level of significance. Thus null hypothesis is accepted. So it can be said

that respondents of both the banks have the same opinion about statement 'self

appraisal motivates the self development'.

Table No. 4.19

Self Appraisal and motivation of self development on the basis of Post Graduate qualification in SBI and PNB.

Response SBI PNB Total

Yes 76






No 19






Total 95






jt = 2.389 P> .05

Note : Figures in parenthesis depict percentage. Source: Data collected through questionnaire.

The Table 4.19 shows the perception of respondents, who are post

graduate about the concept of self appraisal, motivates self development in

SBI and PNB.


Page 39: Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Findings 4.pdf · Interpretation of Findings Regarding Performance

The Table 4.19 depicts that 76 (80%) respondents of SBI are of the

opinion that self appraisal motivates self development in SBI and 19 (20%)

respondent do not agree about the motivation by self appraisal. On the other

hand 125 (96.15%) respondents of PNB, who are post graduate agree that self

appraisal motivates self development and 18 (3.85%) respondents do not

agree with this.

On the application x test, its value (2.389) is less than table value at 5%

level of significance. So null hypothesis is accepted. Thus there is no

significant difference in the opinion of respondents of SBI and PNB.


Page 40: Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Findings 4.pdf · Interpretation of Findings Regarding Performance

Table No. 4.20

Self Appraisal and motivation of self development on the basis of work experience less than 10 years in SBI and PNB

Response SBI PNB Total

Yes 45






No 9






Total 54






^ = .004 P> .05

Note : Figures in parenthesis depict percentage. Source: Data collected through questionnaire.

The Table 4.20 shows perception of respondents of SBI and PNB on the

basis of experience less than 10 years, about motivation of self development

by self appraisal.

The Table 4.20 depicts that 45 (83.33%) respondents of SBI and 26

(83.87%) respondents of PNB are of the view that self appraisal motivates self

development. On the other hand 9 (16.67%) respondents of SBI and 5

(16.13%) respondents of PNB agree that self appraisal does not motivate self

development. Thus it can be concluded from above discussion that there is not

difference of opinion of respondents of SBI and PNB.

While applying x test, its value (.004) is less than table value at 5%

level of significance. It accepts the null hypothesis. Thus it can be concluded


Page 41: Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Findings 4.pdf · Interpretation of Findings Regarding Performance

that there is no significant difference between the perception of respondents of

SBI and PNB about self appraisal and motivation of self development.

Table No. 4.21

Self Appraisal and motivation of self development on the basis of work experience more than 10 years in SBI and PNB.

Response SBI PNB Total

Yes 122






No 24






Total 146






A = 2.270 P> .05

Note : Figures in parenthesis depict percentage. Source: Data collected through questionnaire.

The Table 4.21 shows the perception of respondents of SBI and PNB,

who have more than 10 years experience, about self appraisal and motivation

of self development.

From the above Table 4.21 it has been observed that 122 (83.56%)

respondents with the experience of more than 10 years in SBI and 151

(89.35%) respondents with same experience in PNB are of the opinion that

self appraisal motivates self development. On the other hand 24 (16.44%)

respondents of SBI and 18 (10.65%) respondents of PNB do not agree with


Page 42: Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Findings 4.pdf · Interpretation of Findings Regarding Performance

the above concept. So from the above discussion it can be observed that there

is no difference of opinion of respondents of both the banic.

While applying x test, its value (2.270) is less than table value at 5%

level of significance. This leads us to conclude that there is no significant

difference between the respondents of SB! and PNB, who have more than 10

years experience, about self appraisal and motivation of self development.


A set of questions was asked from respondents of SBI and PNB to show

kind of appraisal preferred by manager. It should be on trait based or

performance based. For comparison of respondents of SBI and PNB data was

analyzed on the basis of age, qualification and experience.


Page 43: Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Findings 4.pdf · Interpretation of Findings Regarding Performance

Table No. 4.22

Preference of appraisal on the basis of age below 45 in SBI and PNB.

Response SBI PNB Total

Trait Based 13














Total 67






A^=.953 P>.05

Note : Figures in parenthesis depict percentage. Source: Data collected through questionnaire.

The Table 4.22 shows the preference of appraisal on the basis of age

below 45 in SBI and PNB.

From the above Table, it can be observed that 80.60% respondents of

SBI and 73.53 % of PNB are of the view that appraisal should be performance

based. Very few i.e. 19.40 % respondents of SBI and 26.47% respondents of

PNB are of the view that it should be trait based.

While applying x^ test, its value (.953) is less than table value at 5%

level of significance. So null hypothesis is accepted. Thus it can be conclude

that there is no difference of opinion between respondents of SBI and PNB on

the basis of age below 45 about the preference of appraisal.


Page 44: Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Findings 4.pdf · Interpretation of Findings Regarding Performance

Table No.4.23

Preference of Appraisal on the basis of age above 45 inSBIand PNB.

Response SBI PNB Total

Trait Based 25














, Total 133






j« = .622 P > .05

Note : Figures in parenthesis depict percentage. Source: Data collected through questionnaire.

The Table 4,23 shows the kind of appraisal preferred by respondents of

SBI and PNB on the basis of age.

The Table 4.23 depicts that 108 (81.20%) respondents of SBI are of the

opinion that their should be performance based appraisal and 25 (18.20%)

respondents are of the view that trait based system should be adopted. On the

other hand in PNB 102 (77.27%) respondents agree on performance based

appraisal and 30 (22.73%) respondents are of the opinion that it should be

based on trait based.

While comparing the respondents of SBI and PNB above the age of 45

it seems, that there is no difference of opinion about kind of appraisal


Page 45: Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Findings 4.pdf · Interpretation of Findings Regarding Performance

preferred because table clearly indicated that 108 respondent of SBI and 102

of PNB are favoring performance based appraisal.

While applying the x^ test, its value (.622) is less than table value at 5%

level of significance. Thus null hypothesis is accepted. So it can be said that

there is no difference in the opinion of the respondents above 45 years of age

of SBI and PNB about the kind of appraisal preferred.

Table 4.24

Preference of Appraisal on the basis of qualification of Graduate respondents of SBI and PNB.

Response SBI PNB Total

Trait Based 18














Total 105






x^ = .669 P> .05

Note : Figures in parenthesis depict percentage. Source: Data collected through questionnaire.

Table shows the kind of appraisal preferred by respondents of SBI and

PNB, who are graduate.

The Table manifests that 87 (82.86%) respondents of SBI are in the

favour of performance based appraisal in comparison to 50 (36.51%)

respondents in PNB. On the other hand, in SBI 18 (17.14%) agree about trait


Page 46: Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Findings 4.pdf · Interpretation of Findings Regarding Performance

based appraisal, where as in PNB 7 (12.28%) respondents have the same


So from the above discussion it can be concluded that there is a

difference of opinion about kind of appraisal preferred by the respondents

who are graduate in SBI and PNB.

On the application of jc test, its value (.699) is less than table value at

5% level of significance. Thus null hypothesis is accepted. So there is no

significant difference in the opinion of respondents of SBI and PNB.

Difference which is shown on the basis of percentage in the table can not be

treated as statistically significant. It may be due to sampling fluctuation.


Page 47: Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Findings 4.pdf · Interpretation of Findings Regarding Performance

Table No. 4.25

Preference of Appraisal on the basis of Qualification of Post Graduate, respondents of SBI and PNB.

Response SBI PNB Total

Trait Based 20






Performance Based







Total 95






x^= 1.738 P>.05

Note : Figures in parenthesis depict percentage. Source: Data collected through questionnaire.

The Table 4.25 shows the kind of appraisal preferred by respondents

who are Post graduate in SBI and PNB.

The Table 4.25 depicts that 75 (78.95%) respondents are in the favour

of performance based appraisal, while 20 (21.05%) respondents are in the

favour of trait based appraisal in SBI. On the other hand in PNB 102 (71.33%)

respondents are of the opinion that performance based appraisal system should

be adopted while 41 (28.67%) are in the favour of trait based system. While

comparing the perception of preference of appraisal system of the respondents

in SBI and PNB, who are Post Graduate, are in the favour of performance

based appraisal system. A few respondents want trait based appraisal system.


Page 48: Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Findings 4.pdf · Interpretation of Findings Regarding Performance

While applying the x test, its value (1.738) is less than table value at

5% level of significance. So null hypothesis is accepted. There is no

significant difference in the perception of the respondents of SBI and PNB

about kind of appraisal preferred.

Table No. 4.26

Preference of Appraisal on the basis of work experience Less than 10 years.

Response SBI PNB Total

Trait Based 12






Performance Based







Total 54






x^ = 2.642 P > .05

Note : Figures in parenthesis depict percentage. Source: Data collected through questionnaire.

The Table 4.26 shows the kind of appraisal preferred by the

respondents, who are having less than 10 years work experience in SBI and


The Table 4.26 depicts that 42 (77.78%) respondents want performance

based appraisal in SBI and 12 (22.22%) respondents agrees that trait based


Page 49: Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Findings 4.pdf · Interpretation of Findings Regarding Performance

appraisal should be preferred. On the other hand in PNB 19 (61.29%)

respondents are in the opinion of performance based appraisal, where as only

12 (38.71%) respondents are in the favour of trait based appraisal.

While comparison is made between the respondents of both banks, it

seems that respondents of SBI 77.78% are favouring performance based

system in comparison to 61.29% in PNB and 22.22% respondents agrees

about trait based in SBI in comparison to 38.71% in PNB. So it can be

predicted that there is a difference of opinion between the respondents of SBI

and PNB.

On the application of x test, its value (2.642) which is less than table

value at 5% level of significance. So null hypothesis is accepted. This shows

there is no significant difference about the perception of kind of appraisal

preferred by the respondents of SBI and PNB. The difference which is shown

as per the percentage of the table can not be called statically significant. It can

be due to sample fluctuation.


Page 50: Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Findings 4.pdf · Interpretation of Findings Regarding Performance

Table No. 4.27

Preference of Appraisal on the basis of work experience more than 10 years.

Response SBI PNB Total

Trait Based 26






Performance Based







Total 146






x^ = .605 P > .05

Note : Figures in parenthesis depict percentage. Source: Data collected through questionnaire.

The Table 4.27 shows the kind of appraisal preferred by the

respondents, who are having more than 10 years experience in SBI and PNB.

The Table 4.27 depicts that 120 (82.19%) respondents are of the view

that kind of appraisal should be based on performance and 26 (17.81%) are of

the opinion that for kind of appraisal, trait based system should be adopted.

On the other hand in PNB, 133 (78.70%) respondents are favouring

performance based system and 26 (21.30%) agree about trait based system.

From the above discussion it can be said that there is basically no difference in

the opinion of respondents who are having more than 10 years experience in

SBI and PNB.


Page 51: Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Findings 4.pdf · Interpretation of Findings Regarding Performance

While applying x^ test, its value (.605) is less than table value at 5%

level of significance. Thus null hypothesis is accepted, which shows that there

is no significant difference between the respondents of SBI and PNB. Most of

the respondents prefer performance based system in both the banks.

4.7.6 Basis of Appraisal

Basis of evaluation of performance is very interesting question and

respondents were asked to rank in terms of their preference out of some

parameters given in question as job knowledge, initiative, contribution to

business development performance, general intelligence, house keeping, good

relation with bosses, or customer service. The data was analyzed further to

compare the perception of respondents of SBI and PNB.


Page 52: Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Findings 4.pdf · Interpretation of Findings Regarding Performance

Table No. 4.28

Basis of evaluation of performance in SBI.

Code Criterion for evaluation

Rank-1 Rank-II Rank-Ill Weighted

Total Rank.

1 Job knowledge 62(186)' 55(110)' 35(35)' 331

2 Initiative 13(39) 16(32) 18(18) 89

3 Business performance

34(102) 38(76) 40(40) 218

4 General Intelligence

5(15) 11(22) ^ 5(5) 42

5 House Keeping 22(66) 26(52) 32(32) 150

6 Good relation with boss

38(114) 25(50) 40(40) 204

7 Customer Service 26(78) 29(58) 30(30) 166

Total 200 200 200 -

Note: Figures in brackets represents weighted rank 1st Rank is given 3 weightage, 2"* Rank is given 2 weightage and 3''' Rank is given 1 weightage.

Source: Data collected through questionnaire.


Page 53: Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Findings 4.pdf · Interpretation of Findings Regarding Performance

Table No. 4.29

Basis of evaluation of performance in PNB.

Code Criterion for evaluation

Rank-1 Rank-II Rank-Ill Weighted

Total Rank.

1 Job knowledge 55(165) 62(124) 50(50) 339

2 Initiative 15(45) 13(26) 18(18) 89

3 Business performance

40(120) 42(84) 35(35) 239

4 General Intelligence

36(108) 31(62) 34(34) 204

5 House Keeping 10(30) 12(24) 15(15) 69

6 Good relation with boss

34(102) 32(64) 34(34) 200

7 Customer Service

10(30) 8(16) 14(14) 60

Total 200 200 200 -

Note: Figures in brackets represents weighted rank 1st Rank is given 3

weightage, 2"* Rank is given 2 weightage and 3' '* Rank is given

1 weightage.

Source: Data collected through questionnaire.


Page 54: Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Findings 4.pdf · Interpretation of Findings Regarding Performance

Table No. 4.30

Comparison of the basis of evaluation of performance in SBI and PNB.


S.No. Criterion Weighted

Rank S.No. Criterion Weighted


1 Job knowledge 331 1 Job Knowledge 339

2 Business Performance

218 2 Business performance


3 Good relation with boss

204 3 General Intelligence


4 Customer Service

166 4 Good Relation with boss


5 House Keeping 150 5 Initiative 89

6 Initiative 89 6 House Keeping 69

7 General Intelligence

42 7 Customer Service 60

The Table 4.28 summarizes the response in terms of weighted total

ranks in SBI, and Table 4.29 summarized in terms of weighted total ranks in

PNB. Table 4.30 is prepared in rank order to see top rank criterion in SBI and


More glances at the tables makes it clear that most of the respondents in

SBI stated job knowledge (331) and business performance (218) as the basic

criterion used for appraisal. Good relation with boss ranked at third place and

general intelligence is rated in the last. It shows that general intelligence,

initiative etc. have no place in evaluation as per respondents of SBI.


Page 55: Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Findings 4.pdf · Interpretation of Findings Regarding Performance

On the other hand, it can be produced from the table that most of the

respondents in PNB stated that job knowledge (339) and business

performance (239) is the basic criterion used for appraisal. General

intelligence ranked at third place and customer service rated in the last. It

shows that customer service, house keeping etc. have no place in evaluation.

While comparing both the banks most of the respondents in SBI and

PNB stated that job knowledge and business performance is basic criterion

used for appraisal. On the third place there is difference of opinion, in SBI

respondents have ranked good relation with boss to third place and in PNB

respondents have ranked general intelligence to third place with weighted rank

204 in each bank. In SBI, general intelligence has been ranked last and in

PNB customer service has been ranked last.

4.7.7 Awareness of Career Path

A question was asked from respondents of SBI and PNB about the

awareness of career path in their organization and procedure of advancement

in career. They were asked to reply in Yes/No. This data was analyzed further

to compare, the responses of respondents of SBI and PNB in the basis of age,

qualification and experience.


Page 56: Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Findings 4.pdf · Interpretation of Findings Regarding Performance

Table No. 4.31

Career Path and Procedure of advancement on the basis of age below 45 in SBI and PNB.

Response SBI PNB Total

Yes 56






No 11






Total 67






jt^= 15.408 P<.01

Note : Figures in parenthesis depict percentage. Source: Data collected through questionnaire.

The Table 4.31 shows the perception of respondents about the

awareness of career path in SBI and PNB and the procedure of advancement

in career.

The Table 4.31 depicts that 56 (83.58%) respondents of SBI agree that

they are aware of career path and procedure of advancement in career in

comparison to 52 (76.47%) respondents of PNB. On the other hand 11

(16.42%) respondents of SBI are of the opinion that they are not aware of

career path in comparison to 16 (23.53%) respondents in PNB.

While applying x^ test, its value (15.408) is higher than table value at

1% level of significance. So null hypothesis is rejected. So there is significant


Page 57: Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Findings 4.pdf · Interpretation of Findings Regarding Performance

difference in the awareness of respondents of SBI and PNB, below the age of

45, about career path in their banks and the procedure of advancement in


Table No. 4.32

Career Path and Procedure of advancement on the basis of age above 45 in SBI and PNB.

Response SBI PNB Total

Yes 118






No 15






Total 133






A = 7.681 P<.01

Note : Figures in parenthesis depict percentage. Source: Data collected through questionnaire.

The Table 4.32 shows about the awareness of respondents of career

path in their banks and the procedure of advancement in career.

The Table 4.32 depicts that 118 (88.72%) respondents agree that they

are aware of career path in SBI and procedure of advancement in career in

comparison to 114 (86.36%) respondent in PNB. On the other hand 15

(11.28%) respondents in SBI agree that they are not aware about the above

statement in comparison to 18 (13.64%) in PNB.

While applying x^ test, its value (7.681) is higher than table value. Thus

null hypothesis is rejected. Thus it can be concluded that there is significant


Page 58: Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Findings 4.pdf · Interpretation of Findings Regarding Performance

difference about the awareness of respondents who are above the age of 45,

for career path and procedure of advancement in career in both the banks.

Table No. 4.33

Career Path and Procedure of advancement on the basis of graduate qualification of SBI and PNB.

Response SBI PNB Total

Yes 97






No 8






Total 105






A = 2.146 P>.05

Note : Figures in parenthesis depict percentage. Source: Data collected through questionnaire.

The Table 4.33 shows the awareness of respondents who are graduate,

about the career path in the Banks and procedure of advancement in career.

The Table 4.33 depicts that in SBI 87 (42.38) respondents are aware

about the career path in the bank and procedure of advancement in career and

8 (7.62%) respondent are not aware about the perception of career path and

advancement in career. Whereas in PNB 53 (92.98%) respondents are aware

or 4 (7.02) are not aware. While comparing the respondents of both the banks,

it seems that there is no difference of opinion of respondents in SBI and PNB.


Page 59: Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Findings 4.pdf · Interpretation of Findings Regarding Performance

On the application of x test, its value (2.146) is less than table value at

5% level of significance. So null hypothesis is accepted. There is no

significant difference about the perception of career path and advancement in

career in SBI and PNB.

Table No. 4.34

Career Path and Procedure of advancement on the basis of post graduate qualification respondents of SBI and PNB.

Response SBI PNB Total

Yes 77






No 18






Total 95






A^= 17.033 P<.0 1

Note : Figures in parenthesis depict percentage. Source: Data collected through questionnaire.

Table 4.34 shows about the awareness of respondents who are Post

Graduate about the career path in the banks and procedure of advancement in


Table 4.34 manifests that respondents who are Post graduate i.e. 77

(81.05%) are aware about the career path and procedure of advancement in

career and only 18 (18.85%) respondents are not aware about this in SBI. On

the other hand in PNB 113 (79.02%) respondents are aware about the career


Page 60: Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Findings 4.pdf · Interpretation of Findings Regarding Performance

path and procedure of advancement in career and 30 (20.98%) respondents are

not aware about this.

While comparing the respondents of both the banks, it is very clear

from the table that there is no difference about the perception of awareness

about career path and procedure of advancement in career, because awareness

of respondents is 81.05% in SBI and 79.02% in PNB.

While applying x test, its value is (17.033) is higher than table value at

1% level of significance. So null hypothesis is rejected. It shows that there is a

significant difference about the perception of awareness of respondents about

career path and procedure of advancement in career in SBI and PNB among

the respondents, who are having the qualification of Post Graduation.

Table No. 4.35

Career Path and Procedure of advancement in career on the basis of work experience less than 10 years in SBI and PNB.

Response SBI PNB Total

Yes 43






No 11






Total 54






AT = 3.723 P > .05

Note : Figures in parenthesis depict percentage. Source: Data collected through questionnaire.


Page 61: Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Findings 4.pdf · Interpretation of Findings Regarding Performance

The Table 4.35 shows about the awareness of career path and the

procedure of advancement in career by the respondents on the basis of work

experience less than 10 years.

The Table 4.35 shows that 43 (79.63%) respondents in SBI say that

they are aware of career path and. 11 (20.37%) say that they are not aware of

career path in the bank. On the other hand 22 (70.97%) respondents are of the

opinion that they are aware of career path and the procedure of advancement

in career and 9 (29.03%) are not aware in PNB. While comparing the response

of respondents of both the banks it can be said that there is no difference of

opinion about the awareness of career path.

On the application of x test, its value (3.723) is less than table value at

5% level of significance. So null hypothesis is accepted which means there is

no significant difference of opinion about the awareness of career path in their

banks among the respondents who are having experience of less than 10 years.

Table No. 4.36

Career Path and Procedure of advancement in career on the basis of work experience more than 10 years in SBI and PNB.

Response SBI PNB Total

Yes 131






No 15






Total 146






A^= 18.162 P < . 0

Note : Figures in parenthesis depict percentage. Source: Data collected through questionnaire.


Page 62: Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Findings 4.pdf · Interpretation of Findings Regarding Performance

The Table 4.36 shows the perception about the awareness of career path

and procedure of advancement in career by respondents, on the basis of work

experience of more than 10 years.

The Table 4.36 shows that 131 (89.73%) respondents in SBI say that

they are aware of career path and 15 (10.27%) say that they are not aware of

career path in the bank. Whereas 144 (82.21%) respondents are aware of

career path in the bank and 25 (17.79%) respondents are not aware about the

career path in PNB. While comparing the respondents of both the banks it

seems that there is no difference in the opinion about awareness of career path

and procedure of advancement in career in SBI and PNB.

On the application of x test, its value is (18.162), which is higher than

the table value at 1% level of significance. This shows that null hypothesis is

rejected. There is a difference about the perception of awareness of career

path and procedure of advancement in career.

4.7.8 Placement Decision

Further a question was asked to the respondents to know how the

placement decisions are taken. They were asked to reply was it taken on the

basis of career growth or on the basis of performance appraisal or none of the

above. The data was analyzed to compare the perception of SBI and PNB

respondents on the basis of age, qualification and experience.


Page 63: Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Findings 4.pdf · Interpretation of Findings Regarding Performance

Table No. 4.37

Perception about placement decisions on the basis of age below 45 in SBI and PNB.

Response SBI PNB Total

On the basis of Career Growth







On the basis of Performance








None of the above 15






Total 67






^ - 7.496 P < .05

Note : Figures in parenthesis depict percentage. Source: Data collected through questionnaire.

The Table 4.37 shows the perception of respondents about the

placement decision in SBI and PNB.

The Table 4.37 manifests that 59.70% respondents of SBI, below the

age of 45, are of the view that placement decisions are taken on the basis of

performance appraisal in comparison to 60.74 % of PNB. On the other hand

17.90% in SBI say that decisions are taken on the basis of career growth in

comparison to 30.88% of PNB. The respondents i.e. 22.40% of SBI and

7.36% of PNB are of the opinion that none of the above method is adopted. So

from the above discussion it is very clear that there is difference of opinion

about placement decisions.


Page 64: Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Findings 4.pdf · Interpretation of Findings Regarding Performance

While applying x^ test, its value (7.496) is higher than table value at 5%

level of significance. So our null hypothesis is rejected. This shows that there

is a significant difference of opinion of the respondents about placement


Table No. 4.38

Perception about placement decisions on the basis of age above 45 in SBI and PNB.

Response SBI PNB Total

On the basis of Career Growth







On the basis of Performance








None of the above 48






Total 133






x^ = 40.556 P < .01

Note : Figures in parenthesis depict percentage. Source: Data collected through questionnaire.

The Table 4.38 shows about placement decisions of the respondents

above the age of 45 in SBI and PNB.

The Table 4.38 depicts that in SBI, 36.09% respondents say that

placement decision are taken neither on the basis of career growth nor on the

basis of performance appraisal. In PNB only 5.3% agree to this view. In SBI,

48.88% are of the opinion that placement decisions are taken on the basis of


Page 65: Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Findings 4.pdf · Interpretation of Findings Regarding Performance

performance appraisal in comparison to 62.8 % respondents of PNB. There

are 15.03% respondents of SBI in comparison to 31.9% of PNB, who agree

that placement decisions are taken on the basis of career growth. From the

above discussion it can be concluded that there is a difference of opinion

about the placement decisions in SBI and PNB.

While applying x test, its value (40.556) is higher than the table value

at 1% level of significance. So our null hypothesis is rejected, which indicates

that there is highly significant difference of opinion about placement decision

of the respondents above the age of 45 in SBI and PNB, which is also shown

on the basis of percentage.


Page 66: Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Findings 4.pdf · Interpretation of Findings Regarding Performance

Table No. 4.39

Perception about placement decisions of Graduate respondents of SBI and PNB.

Response SBI PNB Total

On the basis of Career Growth







On the basis of Performance








None of the above 35






Total 105






j«^= 19.524 P<.01

Note : Figures in parenthesis depict percentage. Source: Data collected through questionnaire.

The Table 4.39 shows about the perception of basis of placement

decisions among the Graduate respondents of SBI and PNB.

The Table 4.39 depicts that in SBI 54 (51.43%) and 46 (80.70%) in

PNB, respondents say that placement decisions are taken on the basis of

performance appraisal. On the other hand 16(15.24%) respondents in SBI and

9 (15.80%) respondents in PNB agree that placement decision is based on

career growth. While 35(33.33%) of SBI respondents say that no method is

adopted for placement decision and only 2(3.50%) respondents of PNB are

agree about this statement. This shows that no method is adopted in SBI for

placement decision as indicated by the percentage also.


Page 67: Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Findings 4.pdf · Interpretation of Findings Regarding Performance

While applying x^ test, its value (19.524) is higher than table value at

1% level of significance. So null hypothesis is rejected. So, there is significant

difference of opinion about placement decisions to be taken by SBI and PNB,

which is also indicated by the percentage.

Table No. 4.40

Perception about placement decisions of Post Graduate Respondents of SBI and PNB.

Response SBI PNB Total

On the basis of Career Growth







On the basis of Performance








None of the above 28






Total 95






A = 26.586 P<.01

Note : Figures in parenthesis depict percentage. Source: Data collected through questionnaire.

The Table 4.40 shows about the perception of respondents who are Post

graduate about the placement decision taken in SBI and PNB.

On the basis of Table 4.40 it can be concluded that respondents i.e.

(16.84%) are of the opinion that placement decision are taken on the basis of

career growth in comparison to respondents i.e. (37.77%) of PNB. It seems

from the table that there is no difference of opinion about placement decisions


Page 68: Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Findings 4.pdf · Interpretation of Findings Regarding Performance

on the basis of performance appraisal i.e. 53.69% in SBI and 55.24% in PNB.

On the other hand 29.47% respondents of SBI say that none of the above

concepts is considered while taking placement decision and 6.99% respondent

of PNB also agrees with the above view. From the above discussion it can be

said that there is a difference of opinion as a whole between the respondents

of SBI and PNB about placement decisions taken.

While applying x^ test, its value (26.586) is much higher than table

value at 1% level of significance. So, null hypothesis is rejected. This

indicates that there is a significant difference of opinion about placement

decisions in both the banks.

Table No. 4.41

Perception about placement decisions on the basis of work experience less than 10 years in SBI and PNB.

Response SBI PNB Total

On the basis of Career Growth







On the basis of Performance








None of the above 12






Total 54






x^ = 3.560 P>.05

Note : Figures in parenthesis depict percentage. Source: Data collected through questionnaire.


Page 69: Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Findings 4.pdf · Interpretation of Findings Regarding Performance

The Table 4.41 shows about the perception of respondents having

experience less than 10 years about placement decisions in SBI and PNB.

The Table 4.41 manifests that 24.07% respondents of SBI and 29.03%

respondents of PNB are of the view that placement decisions are taken on the

basis of career growth and 53.70% respondents of SBI and 64.52%

respondents of PNB are of the opinion that placement decisions are taken on

the basis of performance appraisal. 22.23% respondents of SBI and 6.45%

respondents of PNB say none of above method is adopted for placement

decisions. So it can be predicted from above discussion that there is no

difference of opinion of the respondents of SBI and PNB.

While applying x^ test, its value (3.560) is less than table value at 5%

level of significance. So our null hypothesis accepted. This shows that there is

no significant difference of the opinion of respondents, having less than 10

years of experience in SBI and PNB.


Page 70: Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Findings 4.pdf · Interpretation of Findings Regarding Performance

Table No. 4.42

Perception about placement decisions on the basis of work experience more than 10 years in SBI and PNB

Response SBI PNB Total

On the basis of Career Growth







On the basis of Performance








None of the above 51






Total 146






x^ = 47.559 P <.05

Note : Figures in parenthesis depict percentage. Source: Data collected through questionnaire.

The Table 4.42 shows about the perception of respondents who have

more than 10 years of experience about placement decisions in SBI and PNB.

On the basis of Table 4.42 it was found out that 19 (13.01%)

respondents of SBI and 54 (31.95%) respondents of PNB agree that placement

decisions are taken on the basis of career growth. While 52.05% respondents

of SBI and 62.13% respondents of PNB agree that it is taken on the basis of

performance appraisal. Further in SBI, 51 (34.94%) respondents are of the

opinion that placement decision are not taken by considering career growth or

performance appraisal, in comparison to 10 (5.92%o) respondents of PNB.


Page 71: Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Findings 4.pdf · Interpretation of Findings Regarding Performance

From the above discussion it can be concluded that there is a difference of

opinion of the respondents of SBI and PNB about placement decisions.

While applying x^ test, its value (47.559) is higher than table value at

1% level of significance. So our null hypothesis is rejected. So it can be said

that there is a significant difference in the opinion of respondents, who have

more than 10 years of experience, about placement decision in SBI and PNB



To sum up, in the opinion survey conducted by researcher, it was found

that majority of the respondents were satisfied with the appraisal system in

both the banks but the difference was not statistically significant, on the basis

of X square test. As for the identification of training needs are concerned, it

was found that appraisal system has some impact in SBI and to large extent in

PNB. People prefer self appraisal in both the banks as it helps in motivating

self development. On the basis of method of appraisal preferred i.e. trait based

and performance based, respondents were of the view that performance based

appraisal is preferred. As far as the basis of evaluation was concerned, the

survey shows that general intelligence, initiative etc. have no place in

evaluation. Most of the respondents in both the banks stated that job

knowledge and performance are the basis used for appraisal in both the banks.

Lastly people are aware of their career path but the path is too long to cover in

one's normal work life span. Placement decisions were claimed to be taken on

the basis of appraisal.