Presentation An Exploration of the Effectiveness of the use of communication apps through mobile...

“An Exploration of the Effectiveness of the use of Communication Apps through Mobile Devices on children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)” Ms. Miriam O’ Sullivan Institute of Technology Tralee Principal Supervisor: Dr. Tom Farrelly (Institute of Technology Tralee) Co-Supervisor: Mr. Peter Given (Institute of Technology Tralee) NANO NAGLE SCHOOL LISTOWEL

Transcript of Presentation An Exploration of the Effectiveness of the use of communication apps through mobile...

An Exploration of the Effectiveness of the use of Communication Apps through Mobile Devices on children with Austim Spectrum Disorders (ASD)

An Exploration of the Effectiveness of the use of Communication Apps through Mobile Devices on children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)Ms. Miriam O Sullivan Institute of Technology TraleePrincipal Supervisor: Dr. Tom Farrelly (Institute of Technology Tralee)Co-Supervisor: Mr. Peter Given (Institute of Technology Tralee)



Context- Glossary of terms: Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): Complex neurological disorder (Bluestone, 2005).Effects social, communication and behaviour skills.Heterogeneous condition.Picture Exchange Communication System (P.E.C.S.) (Frost and Bondy, 2012).

Mobile devices: Smartphones, Tablets, iPad, iPod, iPhone.

Communication Apps: Seven categoriesExamples include: Proloquo2go, Grace, LetMeTalk, Voice4u, etc.


Whats it Like? 3

Research Questions


Theres already an App for that- Reinventing the wheel!


The Literature Review: When and How?Current research: Availability (Stokes, 2011; De Leo et al., 2010; Winograd, 2010). Sources. Design methodology.

Development of Communication Apps that are currently available:Software developers (McEwen, 2014).Parents of children with ASD.

Onei was developed by a Social Care Professional in partnership with a school for children with Special Needs (Nano Nagle School Listowel) an emphasis on empirical evidence.

Availability: small scale research (6 participants is the largest study I have found). Sources: America and Australia.Design Methodology: advertises participatory research; however, participants are not the instigators of the research and parents and professionals are used as proxys to represent participants.6

Research Methodology

Different disciplines hold different preference for methodologies. Cohen states not method bound- this research is open and considers methods from different disciplines.7

Designing for the user: User-Centered Design

Magain (2013) states that experimenting with new techniques and tweaking old favourites is part of the fun of being a UX Designer8

Technical and Procedural Aspects of Data Collection & AnalysisParticipant ProfileInterviews Staff (Classroom teachers and Speech and Language Therapists)ParentsObservations Informal Formal- Autism Treatment Evaluation Checklist (Autism Research Institute)Focus GroupQuestionnairesStaff Parents

Focus on observations and focus groups.9

Results/Findings to date:User requirements:Sensory processing (Hatch-Rasmussen, 2015; Sensory Processing Disorder Foundation, 2015).Motor skills (Hayes et al., 2010). App features.Current use of mobile devices: Availability of mobile devices in Ireland (Eircom Household Sentiment Survey, 2013). Effects of using Apps and mobile devices on children with ASD (Quillen, 2011; Bradshaw, 2013; De Leo et al., 2010; McEwen, 2014). Initial findings from field research are encouraging.Development of frameworks for building with children with ASD as opposed to for children with ASD.



Next StepsPresentation of findings to stakeholders (Thursday 17th December 2015).Completion of data analysis (January 2016). Collaborations with the Department of Educational Technology in Trinity College Dublin Completion and submitting of dissertation (May 2016). Potential collaboration with Fanshawe College, Ontario, Canada- International dimension to the research. Possible implementation with adults with ASD. Presentation at Social Care Ireland Conference.Journal article for the Irish Journal of Social Care.

Project Management- Progress to date

Time PeriodAction/sMethodsCommentsJan/Feb 2015 Field ResearchObservations of how children currently use standard PECS in a school setting.Interviews with staff and parentsThe aim is to establish what elements of PECS are best suited to or could be substantively improved upon though the use of an App.March/April/May 2015 Prototype Design for AppParticipant profile, observations, focus group, usability testingJune 2015 Initial usability testing of Prototype AppField Research in school settingOnline usability testing in JulyThe school setting test is simply a set of initial field trials concentrating on the general look and feel of the App.

Project Management- Progress to date contd.Time PeriodAction/sMethodsCommentsSeptember- Early October 2015 (Phase 1) Action Research PhaseMid-October- December 2015 (Phase 2) Implementation and Modification of Prototype AppEvaluation of implementation of the app.

Presentation of findings to stakeholdersStructured observations (utilising ATEC) of the children using App Questionnaire with Parents and Speech & Language Therapist & Classroom TeachersFeedback from staff and children- structured observations and informal interviews Questionnaires to be completed by staff and parentsThese observations will take place in the presence of school staff i.e. classroom teacher/SNA

These questionnaires will act as the final piece to evidencing the effects and impact of the app on the children.Jan 2016Final analysis of data

Societal Impact of the Research

Brd-Ann O Connor, Reflexologist, 086-1018513Mr. Ted Kenny, ScartaglenMillstreet Motor Factors Vincent Murphy Sports, Castleisland