Presentation 4 (social control)




Transcript of Presentation 4 (social control)

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Timeline: How Norway's terror attacks unfolded.

Seventy-six people have died in twin terror attacks on Norway.

The worst peacetime massacre in the country's modern history.

A massive bomb blast shattered buildings in the capital Oslo, killing at least eight people. Then a gunman rampaged through an island youth camp run by the ruling Labour Party, killing at least 68 people.

Suspect Anders Behring Breivik, 32, has admitted carrying out both attacks.

Source: BBC News (

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What happened in Norway?

What was his motive?

What was his belief?

What should be done with his actions?

What do you think about this?

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His motiveMuslims and their growing presence in Europe, and

calls for a European civil war to overthrow governments, end multiculturalism and execute "cultural Marxists.”

Breivik blames multicultural policies and "Marxists," as well as feminism and women in general for this coming catastrophe. The suggestion is that the targets were selected because of Breivik's idea that the current left-center coalition government of the Labor Party (of Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg), the Socialist Left Party and the Center Party has opened Norway's gates to massive Muslim and other foreign immigration.

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What sociologist saysThe attack was squarely aimed at the values

Norwegians treasure most. Their openness, freedom of expression and feeling of safety have all been shaken to the core.

Norway might now be forced to deal head-on with this undercurrent of nationalism and anti-immigration sentiments

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TerrorismAct of terror can be a powerful political force

Is the use or threat of violence against random random or symbolic targets in pursuit of political aims.

They hope to intimidate society and thereby bring about a new political order.

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Since Sept 11Government worldwide have renewed their

efforts to fight terrorism.

But the public generally regards increased surveillance and social control as necessary evil.

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Social control Social control refers to techniques and strategies for

preventing deviant human behavior.

Social control occurs in families, peer groups, and bureaucratic organizations. Members of society are expected to act properly.

Family and peers socialize individuals to social norms. Example: dress codes.

Government legislates and enforces social norms.

Sanctions are penalties and rewards for conduct concerning a social norm.

Functionalists contend that people must respect social norms for society to function. By contrast, conflict theorists maintain that the functioning of society benefits the powerful.

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Law and Society Law is defined as governmental social control.

Some laws (e.g.,) are directed at all members of society. Example: laws prohibiting murder. Some laws affect particular categories of people.

Creation of law is a social process in response to perceived needs for formal social control. Example: alcohol prohibition laws.

Hirschi’s control theory suggests that our connection to members of society leads us to systematically conform to society’s norms.

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Deviance Sociologists define deviance as behavior that violates

the standards of conduct or expectations of a group or society. Examples: criminals, alcoholics, compulsive gamblers, and the mentally ill.

Deviance is defined as behavior that violates the standards of conduct or expectations of a group or society.

Deviance involves violation of group norms.

Deviance is not always negative. Example: whistle blowers.

Deviance is subject to social definition within a particular society and at a particular time

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Theory Functionalist Perspective

Deviance is a common part of human existence.

Interactionist Perspective Emphasis on everyday behavior that is the focus of the interactionist

perspective. Contends that deviance and crime increase due to a breakdown in or

absence of communal relationships and other social institutions such as the family, school, church, and local government.

Conflict Theory People with power protect their own interests and define deviance to suit

their own needs. Differential justice: Conflict theory suggests criminal suspects are treated

differently on the basis of race, ethnicity, or social class

Feminist Perspective Some suggest that existing approaches to deviance and crime developed

with only men in mind. Example: earlier legal views on spousal rape, reflecting overwhelming male composition of state legislatures at the time.

Society tends to treat women in a stereotypical fashion. Cultural views and attitudes toward women influence how they are perceived and labeled.

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Deviance ExerciseThe point of this exercise is to examine other

people's reactions and attitudes toward what you have done.

This will prepare you for a big project

Here are a few simple: You can stand facing the opposite direction in a

public elevator (and record the reactions of others). You can openly pick your nose or exhibit 'gross'

behavior in public. You could always NOT do the assignment. You will be

in essentially be 'doing' the assignment because by NOT completing the assignment you are violating the class norms, therefore being deviant.

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Your big project Next week, you need to come and talk to me about your

ideas on your project.

You will be required to submit a 4-page typed, double-spaced report of your project. This is the individual part of the project.

It will include: A detailed account of what you did. A thorough description and discussion of the typical

norms/behaviors that govern the setting that you are describing.

An explanation of why your actions could be considered to be deviant. Relate this explanation to the relevant theories and ideas discussed in lecture and the course readings.

A discussion of your own feelings and observations while you were performing the act(s).

A detailed description of the reactions of others. What you learned from doing a systematic observation, as

opposed to just an informal action.