Presentación proyecto enuy ingles




Transcript of Presentación proyecto enuy ingles

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Ángel Núñez Fernández

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According to the revised Lisbon strategy which emphasises the need to strengthen ownership of the reform agenda at national, regional and local level, under the financing period 2007-2013, the ESF through their Operational Programmes constitutes an instrument to support the promotion of interregional and transnational cooperation among member States and regions. In this context, based on the experience acquired through the Community Initiative EQUAL, this principle of transnational cooperation can be boosted in the ESF programming through a range of approaches, such as a cross-cutting approach, a priority axis or a comprehensive approach (a combination of both). In line with this, under the umbrella of the Andalusian ESF OP 2007-2013, the Regional Government of Andalusia decided to encourage interregional and transnational cooperation through a priority axis. In concrete, it corresponds to axis IV of the OP referred.

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To implement a network of exchanges of experiences, activities, methodologies, procedures and products that provide effective and innovative measures in employment, particularly with young people aged 16 to 24 years, who have not completed your studies, come from a failure at school, are without work and show a total lack of motivation.

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DEFINITIONS NEET’s: Not Employment, Education or Training.

NEET is a government concept for people currently "Not in education, employment, or training”. It was first used in the United Kingdom but its use has spread to other countries, including Japan, China, and South Korea.In the United Kingdom, the classification comprises people aged between 16 and 24 (some 16 year olds are still of compulsory school age). In Japan, the classification comprises people aged between 15 and 34 who are unemployed, not engaged in housework, not enrolled in school or work-related training, and not seeking work. The "NEET group" is not a uniform set of individuals. It includes those people who will be NEET for a short time while testing out a variety of opportunities, and those who have major and often multiple mental disorders and are likely to be NEET for most of their lives.

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People who describe their joblessness as funemployment are typically younger individuals with fewer fiscal responsibilities or people who have accumulated enough savings to enjoy the extra time their unemployment has afforded them. People who describe themselves as funemployed often point out that during times of recession, finding a new job can be a long and stressful process, so rather than spending their days worrying about their future, they take advantage of the chance to do things they would be unable to do if they were working.

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FIGURES According to the EPA 2009 (labour

force survey) there was more than 700.000 young minor than 34 years old who are neither employed nor formed.

European Union’s studies show that youth unemployment rate in Spain is 40.9%.

Temporary contract rate for young in Spain is 55.9%.

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FIGURES According to the Metroscopia’s study for “El

Pais”, 54% of Spanish Young people between 18 and 24 years respondents answered don´t have a project for future.

The youth emancipation average in Spain is over 30 years.

According OCDE’s studies, inactive Young rate for 2010 in Spain was 15.3% only in Italy is higher, 15.9%.

School drop-out’s rate in 2009 was 35.6% in Spain.

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Preparatory Exchange of information and

experience Analysis and dissemination of

results Evaluation and audit.

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Access and use of information. Meeting with experts. Direct observation of

phenomenon. Actual options for neet in

Fuengirola. Production of document.

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Coordination with partners to study same variables in different towns.

Analysis of data received from partners.

Visits to partners in Slovakia, Sweden and Italy.

Consideration of foreign action should be implanted in our territory.

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Baggium Vocational Schools are located in 52 cities in Sweden and have approximately 5800 secondary-level students at, as well as adult-education students. Baggium Vocational Schools are independent secondary schools with Baggium AB (Ltd) as the organization responsible for the education. Student fees are not required but students have the right to the usual educational subsidy from The National Board of Student Aid (CSN). The training is a 3-year education finalizing in a diploma giving the essential qualifications for college or university.

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First contact point for entrepreneurs in Poltár (Slovakia) has been established by decision of County Office in Banská Bystrica in June 2001. The main activity is to support SME, to support of employment, and regional development of the Polstár’s district. They provide consulting and information services for starting businessmen in the sphere of business law, working law, possibilities of obtaining external financial sources, marketing. They prepare business plans and projects.

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Municipality of Ascoli Piceno is a local public administration. They have a project which aims to develop new ideas in the young people and transform them into concrete enterprise project with help of public bodies and private entities. It involves all the municipalities of the local province of Ascoli Piceno and is supported by the local industrial association.

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Comune San Giorgio a Cremano is a local public administration. San Giorgio a Cremano is a primarily residential town and  comune in the province of Naples, in the Campania region of southern Italy. It is located on the foothills of Mount Vesuvius to the west of the volcano, and is six kilometers to the south east of the centre of Naples. Most parts of the commune command excellent views of Mount Vesuvius, Mount Somma and the Bay of Naples.

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Diagnosis: Comparison and analysis of good practices of social integration of young people drop in their community.

Itinerary of visits by the sponsoring entity known to the country to spot the stocks that are running, and establishing lines of works.

Workgroups between entities, to propose solutions that can be transferred successfully in different territories, using telematic media work.

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Work sessions with the various stakeholders in the facilities of the entity managing the project ENUY for the launch of a pilot project in our territory.

To lend specific services to get the best results throughout the project (in case of requests for that service, the expenses will charge to the management entity)

Dissemination of results and final product design.

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