Prepared by IR HY912754. The Concept Urban Legend The Concept The Company The Product The Business...

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Transcript of Prepared by IR HY912754. The Concept Urban Legend The Concept The Company The Product The Business...

Prepared by IR HY912754

Prepared by IR HY912754

The Concept

Urban Legend

The Concept

The Company

The Product

The Business Opportunity

Urban Legend

The Company

The Product

The Business Opportunity

Prepared by IR HY912754

The ConceptThe Concept

Traditional Business

ProductionProduction Distribution ChannelDistribution Channel


That is, you pay for this!That is, you pay for this!

You pay this!You pay this!

At the Factory Distribution Channel Retail Shop

Product cost

Distribution Cost

Advertisement Expenses

Retail Cost100





80You pay You pay 80% extra80% extra

In reality…In reality…

400% of 400% of Cost Cost Price!!!Price!!!

Prepared by IR HY912754

The Concept is very simple…

“Money Saved is Money Earned”

The Company implements an age-old distribution process of product/service direct from the source (producer/manufacturer) to you, the


This is now seamlessly possible with the power of Internet and e-Commerce.

This cuts down the cost of distribution of a traditional business tremendously.

“Money Saved is Money Earned”

And The Company pays you with this money saved….

Why does the Company pays you?

Prepared by IR HY912754

The Company pays you…

Only if you want to be part of this fantastic business

The Company already saves a lot of money from the change “distribution process”.

But the biggest “expense” that escalate the cost of a product is inMarketing & Advertisement!

Every company knows that it is marketing & advertisement that brings in the sales and ultimately profit for the business.

That is why a large amount of budget is allocated for this purpose.

The Company decided to share the money saved with you, and you need only to be the advertisers for the company.

Why the Company chooses you?

The ConceptThe Concept

Prepared by IR HY912754

The Company chooses you because…

Who can give a better testimonial than a satisfied customer?

Moreover, the company knows that each and everyone of us are expert in this!

We do Free advertisement since the day we learned to talk and form our own opinion.

You watched a good movie, you tell your friends/family/colleagues.You found a good restaurant, you do the same.

You bought a new mobile, TV, washing machine, car, etc., you do the same.It is human nature to share, that is why you willingly give FREE

advertisement to the company who don’t even know you!

How would you like it, if these companies were to recognize your effort and paid you for your referrals?

Now here is a Company that offers you exactly that!

The ConceptThe Concept

Prepared by IR HY912754

The ConceptThe Concept

Traditional Business

ProductionProductionDistribution ChannelDistribution Channel


That is, you pay for this!That is, you pay for this!QuestNet Business Concept

QuestNet is E-CommerceQuestNet is E-Commerce

Replacing traditional distribution channels saves $


Replacing traditional distribution channels saves $


YOU do Word-of-Mouth marketing for the company

YOU do Word-of-Mouth marketing for the company

You pay this!You pay this!

At the Factory Distribution Channel Retail Shop

Product cost

Distribution Cost

Advertisement Expenses

Retail Cost100





80You pay You pay 80% extra80% extra

In reality…In reality…

400% of 400% of Cost Cost Price!!!Price!!!

The The Company Company shares the shares the money money savedsaved

In reality…In reality…

You earn You earn extra extra income income from your from your own own business!business!

And the company pays

you this!

And the company pays

you this!

Prepared by IR HY912754

You have been doing for FREE.

Are you ready for the change?

Do you want to be paid for doing the same thing!

The opportunity is here.

The choice is Yours.

The ConceptThe Concept